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Act of Kindness


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. identify the value of kindness
2. categorize the random act of kindness, and
3. collaborate with classmates in showing the different acts of kindness.


Topic: Act of Kindness

References: Kindness 101 Inspire kindness
Materials: Videos, Flashcard and Power point presentation


1. Preparatory
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

a. Greetings
Good Morning Class
Good Morning Teacher
b. Prayer
Let us pray first
Everybody stand up, close our eyes and
bow our heads (The students will pray)

You may now take your seat

(The students will take their seat)
c. Checking of Attendance
May I know who are the absent for today?
None, Teacher
Very good!

d. Energizer
Before we start our class, let's stand up 
(The teacher plays a video of The Hokey Pokey
(action song with lyrics) (The students will stand up)
(The students are now dancing hokey pokey)
Are you guys enjoy The Hokey Pokey
(Yes, teacher!)
Before you sit, kindly pick up the pieces of
paper and arrange your chairs.

(The students will pick up the pieces of paper

and arrange their chairs)
e. Review
What is our topic last meeting class?

About knowing oneself, teacher.

Yes, very good that’s right. What is it
One of the things in knowing yourself is
being aware of who you are and what you are
Very good. to your community.

f. Motivation
Before we proceed to the topic for today. I
will play a short video about an act of
kindness and I’ll be asking a question after.
(The teacher plays the video)

Okay class. What you have observe in the (The students are watching the video)
video? Anyone?

The kangaroo helps the koala to find its

Yes. very good. So, why does the kangaroo parents.
help the koala?

Because the kangaroo feels pitied by the

Then what is the quality the kangaroo has? koala.

Very good. Kindness

Kindness is when you are nice to others,

even before they’re nice to you. Kindness is
a great quality to have. It means to be nice
to others and care and we all need to be
kind to other.

2. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

The reason why we watched that video is

because it has something to do with the lesson
for today.

Do you have any idea what is our lesson for

Yes, teacher.
What is our lesson for today?
Our lesson for today is all about kindness
Yes. Our lesson for today is all about Act of

What is kindness?
Kindness means doing nice things for other
Very good. Kindness means so much more, to
various people, kindness might mean different
things. The significance is in how YOU decide
to express it. The options are fully up to you,
whether it’s through empathy, acceptance, or
good deeds.

Being helpful or empathetic are just a few

examples of how to be kind. It could mean
doing kindness without anticipating receiving
kindness in return.

I prepared a power point presentation about

random acts of kindness. I want you to tell me
if you have already done this in a real-life
situation. Are you ready class?
Yes, teacher.
Okay, let’s start.

“Compliment someone”
Raise your hand if you’ve already done this in
a real-life situation.
(All students raise their hands)
Very good. Next

“Donate used toys” (All students raise their hands)

Nice. Next

“Saying Thank You” (All students raise their hands)

Very good. Next

“Helping someone”
(All students raise their hands)
Very good.
Those are the random acts of kindness. I am
glad that you are doing kindness to other
Now, based on the random acts of kindness we
saw earlier, why is kindness an important
It encourages us to repeat the good deeds
we’ve experienced.
Exactly. Acts of kindness have the potential to
make the world a happier place by doing good
Kindness is a moral virtue, manifesting itself in
situations that require an ethical response, often
ones in which the individual feels
compassionate or empathetic to another person.

Since you understand the act of kindness and

its value, I have here a set of flashcards. Each
flashcard contains a different scenario. Place
each flashcard according to its respective place,
if it shows kindness or not.

(The students categorize it as showing


Yes. It’s an act of kindness because it helps the

kid carry the box.
(The students categorize it as not an act of
Yes, very good. It’s not an act of kindness kindness.)
because the kid is bullying the other kid.

(The students categorize it as not an act of

Yes, very good. It’s not an act of kindness kindness.)
because the kid is not listening to her father.

(The students categorize it as an act of

Very good. It’s an act of kindness because the
kids are showing respect to their grandfather by
doing “mano po”.
Since you are now familiar with random acts of
kindness, I will group you into two, and I want
you to do a role-play showing three random
acts of kindness.
The duration of your role-play is two minutes.
Row 1 will be group 1 and row 2 will be group
2. Are we clear class?
Okay, you may start planning your role play. I
will give you five minutes to prepare. Yes, teacher.

(After five minutes) (The students are preparing for their role-
Are you ready class?

Yes, teacher.
Good, let’s start with group 1.

(The group 1 are showing 3 random acts of

kindness, which are helping people, saying
Very good, group 1. Let’s give them applause. thank you, and being respectful.)

Next, group 2.
(The students are clapping.)

(The group 2 are presenting hugging a friend,

helping with house chores, and listening to
Very good, group 2. Let’s give them applause.
their parents.)
Do you have any questions regarding our
lesson for today? (The students are clapping.)
Are you sure?
None, teacher.

Yes, teacher.
4. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
What is kindness?
Kindness means so much more, to various
people, kindness might mean different things.
The significance is in how YOU decide to
express it. The options are fully up to you,
whether it’s through empathy, acceptance, or
good deeds.

Being helpful or empathetic are just a few

examples of how to be kind. It could mean
doing kindness without anticipating receiving
kindness in return.
Why is kindness an important value? Acts of kindness have the potential to make
the world a happier place by doing good
Kindness is a moral virtue, manifesting itself
in situations that require an ethical response,
often ones in which the individual feels
compassionate or empathetic to another

None, teacher.
Very good! Do you have any questions?

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

Act of Kindness





Choose one or two acts of kindness to do each day this week. Record your acts of
kindness in the log below.

Parent Signature:
Prepared by:
Shama Joyse Allizon J. Bausing
EDU 550

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