EE-161 Paper

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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology

Andres Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City 9200



Presented to
The Faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Technology
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Submitted to:

Engr. Rovick P. Tarife

EE 161 Electrical Equipment Operation & Maintenance

Submitted by:

Jared Jan Abayan

Arazel Frey C. Bughaw
Mark Loyd M. Colonia
Neco Conniell Lagus

October 2018
Electrical Safety and Understanding
Electrical Drawing
a b c d
Jared Jan Abayan , Arazel Frey C. Bughaw , Mark Loyd M. Colonia , Neco Conniell Lagus
a b
, Electrical Engineering Department of the College of Engineering and Technology
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
Andres Bonifacio Ave, Iligan City, 9200 Lanao Del Norte
a b
[email protected], [email protected],
c d
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - In dealing with electrical systems, one should 4th most common cause of burn which continues to be one of
know that the voltage and the available electrical current in such the most distressing trauma injuries in developing countries
networks have the potential to cause harm, and may even cause like the Philippines [4]. The figure below shows the number
fire hazard, electrocution or even death. Compliance therewith of of patients with electrical injuries from 2004 to 2012.
the proper procedures must be observed to maintain a safety
environment (at home, workplace, etc.) that is free from dangers
caused by threats coming from the use of electricity. Moreover,
having the knowledge to comprehend electrical diagrams of a
building will also provide better understanding of the situations
that might happen when an electrical hazard occurs and thus
may create possible solutions that would eliminate the risk
brought to the people. That’s why, in this paper, the dangers
brought by electricity, and the standard methods to mitigate
these problems if not eradicated were discussed based on the
main purpose of the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) which
states, “The purpose of this code is the practical safeguarding of
person and property from hazards arising from the use of
electricity”. Furthermore, a portion of this paper also dwells with
the proper understanding of an electrical drawing, which is also
vital in a building’s structure. In the completion of this paper,
one should know how to distinguish electrical hazards and how
to apply proper safety procedures as well as understand some
basic knowledge about electrical drawings.
Fig. 1. Annual distribution of patients
Keywords – electrical safety; electrical hazards; electrical
drawing; PEC; with electrical injury from 2004-2012[4]

The study above also reveals that most of the electrical burn
I. INTRODUCTION patients admitted was adult employed males particularly
construction workers injured at work. Consequently, it is
Electricity can be felt everywhere in our lives. It lights up
significant to note that there are more injured construction
our homes, turns-on our air conditioners and electric fans,
workers than electricians [4]. With the data presented, it can
powers our computers, television sets and other electronic
be formulated that utmost awareness, training and appropriate
devices. It can be simply defined as the flow of electrons
safety practices must be addressed by the institutions or
through a conductor coming from the Latin word, ‘electricus’,
organizations not only to those electrical practitioners
which means, “to produce from amber by friction” [1].
(licensed or non-licensed) but also to other people. Inculcating
Actually, electricity is great when it is doing what it is
them on basic hazards and safety procedures will lower their
intended to do, and that is to stay in its intended path doing its
probabilities of unknowingly encountering a possible
work. But if it’s out of its intended path, it can be dangerous
electrical hazard. This will eventually lead them to become
which often results in fire, serious injury or death [2].
decisive so that they offer a smart solution whenever an
Electricity is widely recognized as a serious workplace
electrical crisis is happening.
hazard, exposing employees to electric shock, burns, fires, and
explosions. Apart from that, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
An electrical diagram or drawing is basically a type of
said that on the year 2006, 250 employees were killed by
technical drawing that shows information about the power,
contact with electric current [3]. Meanwhile, a study on
lighting, one-line diagram, and the schedule-of-loads of a
electrical burns admitted in the Philippine Tertiary Hospital
given network [5]. Anticipating the possible problems from
Burn Center from 2004-2012 cited that electrical injury is the
this diagram may help provide alternative and ideal solutions If the current involved is great enough, electrical arcs can start
in times of hazards that might happen due to the possible a fire. Fires can also be created by overheating equipment or
effects of electricity. by conductors carrying too much current. Extremely high-
energy arcs can damage equipment, causing fragmented metal
II. ELECTRICAL SAFETY to fly in all directions. A picture below shows what an
electrical arc is.
Electrical powered equipment can pose a significant
hazard to workers, particularly when mishandled or not
maintained. Many electrical devices have high voltage or high
power requirements carrying even more risk resulting to
injuries or worse, death [6]. Thus, having the knowledge about
electrical hazards gives people the ability to perceive and
apply safety practices necessary when these threats are
A. Electrical Hazards
Basically, major hazards associated with electricity can
be categorized into three types. The first and most common
recognized hazard is electrical shock which may cause death
if the person is fatally exposed to energized circuit
(electrocution). The second type of hazard is electrical burns
and the third is the effects of blast which include pressure
impact, flying particles from vaporized conductors and
breathing considerations [7]. Aside from these direct hazards, Fig. 3 An Electrical Arc [1]
indirect injuries such as falling from ladders can also be a
Electrical accidents, when initially studied, often appear to be
threat cause by unsafe electricity. These injuries can happen in
caused by circumstances that are varied and peculiar to the
various ways [8]:
particular incidents involved. However, further considerations
 Direct contact with exposed energized conductors or usually reveal the underlying cause to be a combination of
circuit parts three possible factors: work involving unsafe equipment and
installations; workplaces made unsafe by environment; and
 In close proximity with energized parts where power
unsafe work practice [1].
arcs occur
B. Safety Practices
 Thermal burns from heat radiated by an electrical arc
Safety is not a joke! Electricians working on new
 Pressure wave from arc flash that can cause physical construction, remodeling, maintaining and repairing a work
injuries find electricity as part of their daily lives. Electricity is all
 Muscle contractions, or a startle reaction, can cause a around us, just waiting for the opportunity to get out of
person to fall from a ladder, aerial bucket, etc. control. Thus one should always remember these words [1]:
Electricity indeed can pose a major threat in human life and in
order to understand its effects thoroughly, a figure below will One main rule in dealing with electrical circuits is to
be shown to know the effects of a certain level of current. always assume the equipment is energized and needs to be de-
energized before working on it. Many injuries and deaths have
mA Effects on Person occurred when individuals worked on an on-line circuit.
Apart from that, all portable electrical appliances must be
unplugged before disassembling, cleaning or reassembling.
Electrical devices must also be safely guarded by protective
devices. Furthermore, working with electrical devices and/or
networks must always comply with the Philippine Electrical
Code (PEC). Some safe work practices are listed below [9]:
 Use of non-conductive ladders around electrical
equipment installation, repair and maintenance.
 Never exceed the capacity by overloading circuits
 Secure doors or openings that could bump you into
Fig. 2. Levels of Electric Shock effects on the person [1] an energized part
 Never pull on the cord of an appliance to unplug an  Other details include the type of conductors and their
electrical device ratings
 Lockout/Tag-out (sometimes called LOTO) IV. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS
technique must always be use
This paper summarizes the hazards possess by electricity
 Proper used of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and some of the common safety practices to avoid the risk that
 Electrical Hazards must be dealt by authorized may be brought by unsafe procedures. Moreover, a review on
personnel only who have been trained properly understanding an electrical drawing was also tackled. From
the various articles that the researchers have read, they can
 Shuffle or hop with feet kept together if moving on conclude that, using the proper safety measures to avoid and
an energized ground. DO NOT TAKE STEPS! deal (when threat is already there) with electrical hazards is a
III. ELECTRICAL DRAWING good idea, and it is also required by the law. Furthermore,
electrical practitioners or not, the sense of awareness of these
On building projects, it is common for changes to be made regulations must be spread as to avoid any injury or fatality.
on the electrical drawing during construction because of As what it says, “Practicing safety is a habit – like putting on
circumstances that emerge on site. As a result, this drawing your seat belt as soon as you get into your car.”
may not be followed exactly, but then it still serves as basis
for rough estimates and guide for the success of the project. We would also want to advise to future researchers taking
This drawing also provides an electrical practitioner a road the same study with us to explore on other possible hazards
map in his job for inspection and maintenance to avoid that requires good safety practices. Apart from that, they
electrical hazards. should also try to understand further on how electrical
drawings can be a stepping stone in providing a safety
A. Drawing Sheet Sizes environment that is free from the hazards arising from the use
of electricity.
Electrical plans and drawings shall be drawn on drawing
sheets of the following standard sizes [10]: V. REFERENCES
 760 mm x 1000 mm [1] Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US
 600 mm x 1000 mm Department of Labor, “Electrical Safety in the Workplace,”
 500 mm x 760 mm p. 10-15, Septemeber 2008.
 297 mm x 420 mm for dwelling units not more than [2] R.C.Mullin,P.Simmons,“Electrical wiring:Residential,” 17th
50 square meters (floor area) with a total load not edition, pp. 2–20. Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2012.
exceeding 3680 VA
[3] Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US
B. Plans & Specifications Department of Labor, “Electrical Safety in the Workplace,”
p. 13, Septemeber 2008.
The electrical drawings or diagram should include this
following information on the plan [10]: [4] M.S. Elloso, J.J.V. Cruz, “A Reviw of the electical burns
admitted in a Philippine Tertiary Hospital Burn
 Location and Site Plans Center,”Burns Open (2017), April 24, 2017.
 Legend or Symbols
 General Notes and/or specifications [5] n.a.,“Designing Buildings Wiki(September
 Electrical Layout (Light and Power)
Retrieve on September 29, 2018.
 Schedule of Loads
 Design Analysis [6] n.a. ,“All About Electrical Hazards and Safety (n.d.),”
 Equivalent Single Line Diagram Retrieved from: Retrieve on September
30, 2018.
Furthermore, the title block or nameplate of plans and
[7] EFCOG Electrical Safety Improvement Project, “Electrical
drawings shall be a standard strip of 40mm high at the bottom Hazards Awareness,”, pp. 7-10, n.d.
of the sheet. It shall contain the following [10]:
[8] Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety, “OSH
 Name and installation of installation or project Answers Fact Sheets: Electrical Safety Basic Information
 Name, signature, and address of (2018)”. Retrieved from Retrieve on
owner/manager/operator September 30, 2018.
 Title sheet [9] n.a., “A Review on Electrical Safety & LO/TO,” Rev:
 Name and signature of PEE with PRC licensed no. 022704. September 2018
and validity
 Scale used, date drawn and sheet number [10] Philippine Institute of Electrical Engineering, “Philippine
Electrical Code (PEC): Electrical Drawing” in Chapter
1,section 1.3.1 to pp. 15–19.

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