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San Juan National High School S/Y 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in Practical Research 2 TVL- Electrical Installation

Maintenance Strand

Group 2

Flor, Mark Andrew P.

Francisco, Welson C.

Mostierra, Rica S.


The presence of electrical dangers can be dangerous at all point. The

majority of tasks performed in a wide range of workplaces can benefit greatly

from electricity. However, being negligent and failing to check such

equipment regularly can be extremely hazardous and dangerous. Electrical

risks in the workplace could have devastating consequences. Property

damage is another result of electrical risks present in a workplace. In the

event of fires in the workplace brought on by improper wiring, numerous

assets may be damaged. Additionally, these fires may hurt or injure anyone

who work in these locations, as well as any visitors to the specific workplace.

To guarantee that risks of the occurrence of negative effects are known to all

and that the required safeguards are put in place in case any of these

dangerous situations arise from electrical appliances, the practice of

completing risk assessment should be repeated periodically in the workplace.

According to the analysis of the Philippine Electric Power Industry

(2013), long- run average cost declines continuously by increasing the supply

of electricity. Any electrical installation needs circuit protection because it

reduces the risk of fire. In the event of an overload, ground fault, or short

circuit in the wire system, circuit protection will automatically reduce or stop

the flow of electricity. To purposely create a low-resistance channel that

connects to the earth is to ground an electrical system. This avoids voltage

buildup that can result in an electrical accident in an installation. The person

is not totally protected against an electric shock, injury, or death from an

electrical current by grounding, which is typically a supplementary

preventative strategy (Santos, 2000).

The fact that electricity cannot be tasted, seen, heard, or scented

makes it a "silent killer," despite the fact that it is essential to daily living. In

essence, it is invisible. If not handled respectfully, it can destroy property.

Since electricity is invisible in nature, it has long been known to pose a major

risk in homes, businesses, educational facilities, and other locations.

According to Cadick (2006), hotels were required to post signs in the late

1800s telling visitors that electricity is safe, but by the late 1900s, signs were

needed to remind people that electricity is dangerous. According to

MacKinnon (2010), the use of electricity is growing in our modern lives, and

we should be aware that this increases the risk of electrical risks. Power

users need to be aware of the importance of electrical safety as long as

people continue to trust electricity. It is never too early to begin teaching

someone how to use electricity properly. He uses the assumption that there

are 53,000 household electrical fires each year.

By adopting a few easy safety procedures and recognizing the Basic

Electrical theory, the majority of incidents can be avoided. According to (2017), the Basic electrical theory tackles the basic

foundation of electricity that needs to be understood by a workplace to any

occurrences of electricity malfunctions. Electricity is a strong and useful

energy, but if utilized improperly, it may be harmful. The majority of mishaps

are either the result of negligence or a failure to understand the fundamental

guidelines that must be followed when utilizing electricity. Although it is

commonplace to utilize electricity, it is crucial to do so securely. No matter

where we are, we can all help prevent electrical hazards by being aware of

how electricity functions and where it is found (MacKinnon, 2010). Any threat

to the safety of people, objects, machinery, or the environment is considered

a hazard. A potential source of risk that can be measured as a hazard

includes things like exposed electrical cables, electrical devices that are not

turned off, unsafe acts, unsecured installations, overloaded socket outlets,

and many others (Cadick et al, 2006).

This study will mainly focus on identifying the electrical hazards of San

Juan National High School as well as on the safety measurements being

observed by the school in order to prevent any damages that can be brought

by the electrical hazards. As what the aforementioned theory defines, there is

an inevitable danger that can be brought by the electricity when neglected.

Thus, being able to discuss a variety of safety measurements addressing it is

a good way in preventing any hazards, thus this is the concept that will be

bridged in this present study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following question.

1. What are the hazards that the school experienced when it comes to

electricity of Grade 12 Building in San juan National High School?

2. What is the safety measure being observed by the school to prevent the

hazards that can be brought by the electricity of Grade 12 Building in San

juan National High School?

3. What is the importance of knowing the Electrical Safety Hazard of Grade

12 Building in San juan National High Scchool?

4. What are the interventions that can be made to improve the safety

measures being implemented in the School?

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the Electrical Safety Hazards of Grade

12 Building. This study is conducted in San juan National High School.

Significance of Study

This study focuses on the Electrical Safety Hazards of Grade 12

Building in San juan National High School. Furthermore, the results of this

study can be significant to the following entities:

Student. This study may help the students to appreciate and understand the

importance and benefits of the Electrical Safety Hazards of Grade 12 Building

in San juan National High School.

Teacher. This study will help them to identify the Electrical Safety Hazards of

Grade 12 Building in San juan National High School

Other Researcher. This study may serve as a bases for future studies on the

same subject matter to identify the Electrical Safety Hazards of Grade 12

Building in San juan National High School.


Related Literature

This chapter conveys perspectives of related literature and studies

having relevant bearing to the study and the synthesis of the art.

To develop, implement, and maintain comprehensive school emergency

operations plans, K-12 administrators such as district superintendents, school

principals, and assistant principals must support and participate in emergency

management planning (EMPs). Engaging school administrators is critical

because their participation is required to elevate emergency management to a

high priority at every level of the school system, the administrative

department, and the school building. Engagement by the administrator also

will lead to greater involvement of teachers and other school-based staff

members. This fact sheet is intended to provide information and strategies to

school and school district staff, teachers, and school safety leaders in order to

engage administrators in this important work.

Theoretical Framework

The theory anchored in this study are the Electrical Safety Theory and the

Collision Theory.
The theory will support the main claim of the study pertaining to the

importance of safety measurements in considering the electrical hazards.

According to Drobyazko O. (2019), Electrical Safety Theory is of utmost

important. The concept of electrical safety is refined. It is found out that,

according to the system of labor safety standards, it coincides in content with

the concept of an electrical safety assurance system. It is noted that this

concept can be defined in various ways that describe electrical safety as a

certain state in which human beings interact with areas of their life and

activities. The list of fundamental tasks solved in the theory that has been laid

out is formulated. Ten tasks are distinguished, and subtasks are distinguished

in some of them. The attained solution level for each task is indicated. The

current state of electrical safety theory allows setting up optimal engineering

electrical safety assurance systems on particular sites and ensure the highest

level of electrical safety at given costs.

On the other hand, Collision Theory in electric shock assessment according

to Lombardi (2014), it makes safety measurements always feasible towards

installations and electricity use. The main protection against electric shock is

the active measure based on preventing the persistence of the electrical

hazards limiting the time duration of the risk exposure to the electric contact.

For the electrical risk assessment, the analysis of the risk exposure is treated

by an innovative approach in analogy with collisions problems. Therefore, in

practice the protection against the indirect contact in LV systems can be

characterized as conventionally safe or probable and the same contact during

the fault event can result prospected safe or fatal.


Drobyazko Lombardi

O. (2019), (2014),

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

This study follows the three aspect of system approach, the input, process,

and the output of the study.

The Input includes the Electrical Safety Hazard of San juan National High

School, the hazard that the school experienced, the safety measure being

observed by the school to prevent the hazards that can be brought by


The Process includes the researcher formulate a question and will make use

of the data gathering procedure through survey questionnaire and interview.

The Output of this study will be the Electrical Safety Hazard of Grade 12

Building in San juan National High School.




Electric Safety The researcher

Hazards of Grade 12 formulates a
Building in San juan question and will
National High School make use of the

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms

The terms to be defined are the following:

Hazard – According to org. terminology Dictionary a process, phenomenon or

human activity that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impact,
property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental


Electrical- According to Cambridge Dictionary using electricity for power,

involved in the production or movement of electricity, or related in some way

to electricity

Safety– According to Meriam Webster Dictionary the state of being safe;

freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss.


1. The hazards that the school experienced when it comes to electricity.

2. The safety measure being observed by the school to prevent the hazards

that can be brought by the electricity.

3. The importance of knowing the Electrical Safety Hazard.

4. The interventions that can be made to improve the safety measures being

implemented in the School.


The study is guided by the hypothesis that is there no significant differences

between the hazard and safety being observed and implement in school.

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