Ext 5
Ext 5
Ext 5
The regulation of a transformer can be predetermined by the open circuit (OC) and short
circuit (SC) tests.
Open Circuit (OC) Test : A voltmeter, ammeter and a wattmeter are connected in the
low voltage side which is supplied at rated voltage and frequency. Since the
secondary is open- circuited, a very small current Io (no load current) flows in the
primary. The power loss is due to core loss and a very small I2R loss in the primary.
There is no I2R loss in the secondary since it is open and I2 = 0. Since the no-load
current is very small (usually 2 to 5% of the full load current), the I2R loss in the
primary winding can be neglected. The core loss depends upon the flux. Since the rated
voltage is applied, the flux set up by it will have a normal value so that normal core
losses will occur. This core loss is same at all loads. Hence, the wattmeter reads the
core loss only.
Wo Vo Io coso
R0=V0/Ic; X0 = V
Short Circuit (SC) Test: In short circuit test, usually the low-voltage side is short-
circuited by a thick conductor. An ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter are connected
on the high- voltage side. The reasons for short-circuiting the LV side and taking
measurements on the HV side are as follows: The rated current on HV side is lower
than that on LV side. This current can be easily measured with the available laboratory
Since the applied voltage is less than 5% of the rated voltage of the winding, greater
accuracy in the reading of the voltmeter is possible when the HV side is used as the
The HV winding is supplied with a reduced voltage so that full-load current (not
compulsory) flows in that winding.
Since the applied voltage is low (5 to 10% of rated voltage), flux is low and hence
core loss (proportional to flux2) is small and can be neglected. Since full-load current
flows in HV winding, the wattmeter reads full-load copper loss. Secondary voltage V2
is zero because of short circuit. Whole of the primary voltage is used in supplying the
voltage drop in the total impedance Zo1 referred to the primary.
𝑍2 − 𝑅2
Switch on the supply by closing DPST switch. Adjust the autotransformer and make
the voltmeter reading equal to rated voltage. Note down the voltmeter, ammeter and
wattmeter readings. Switch off the supply by bringing the autotransformer to
minimum voltage position.
Make the connections as shown in diagram
Switch on the supply by closing DPST switch. Adjust the autotransformer and make
the ammeter reading equal to rated current. Note down the voltmeter, ammeter and
wattmeter readings. Switch off the supply by bringing the autotransformer to
minimum voltage position.
Sample calculation
OC Test :
Wo = core loss = watts Vo = V Io = A
sino 1 cos 2 =
𝑍2 − 𝑅2
Rc = Ω Xm = Ω
To find Equivalent Circuit referred to HV side,
Ro2 = Ω Xo2 = Ω
Rc’=Rc * K2=
Xm’=Xc * K2=