Ejercicios Cap 10 Cinetica Lineal Hamill
Ejercicios Cap 10 Cinetica Lineal Hamill
Ejercicios Cap 10 Cinetica Lineal Hamill
Multiple Choice
True or False 1. What are the horizontal and vertical components of a force
1. ____ Body weight is a good measure of inertia. with a magnitude of 72 N acting at 16° to the horizontal?
a. Fy ⫽ 15.22 N; Fx ⫽ 4.94 N
2. ____ Muscle forces are always applied via either a pull or a b. Fx ⫽ 19.85 N; Fy ⫽ 69.21 N
push. c. Fy ⫽ 19.85 N; Fx ⫽ 69.21 N
3. ____ When a force vector is resolved into horizontal and d. Fx ⫽ 15.22 N; Fy ⫽ 4.94 N
vertical components, the orthogonal components are always 2. The horizontal and vertical components of a force are 32.52
greater than the magnitude of the resultant N and 12.23 N, respectively. What is the magnitude of the
vector. resultant vector?
4. ____ The force of gravity is the same no matter where in the a. 1207.12 N
world a person is. b. 30.13 N
c. 907.98 N
5. ___ The force applied to a javelin by air resistance can both
d. 34.74 N
assist and retard its flight.
3. How much force must be exerted to accelerate a 240-N
6. ____The anteroposterior GRF in walking is much greater than
weight to 5.7 m/s2?
the mediolateral GRF.
a. 139.45 N
7. ____ An object cannot move unless a force is applied to it. b. 1368 N
8. ____ The rate at which work is performed is termed potential c. 42.1 N
energy. d. 413.1 N
9. ____ Force is a scalar quantity. 4. What is the coefficient of friction if the friction force is 77.4
N the normal force is 120 N?
10. ____ Concurrent forces acting in the same plane can be com-
a. 1.37
bined using composition.
b. 1.55
11. ____A spinning ball curves in the direction of the spin c. 0.65
because of the Magnus effect. d. 0.74
12. ____ An efficient force application to the rim in wheelchair 5. If an individual’s thigh exerts a force of 9.1 N at a velocity of
propulsion is not always directed tangentially along the rim. 1.4 m/s, what is the power generated by the thigh?
13. ____ Impulse can be measured directly by calculating the area a. 1.30 W
under a force-time curve. b. 7.70 W
c. 6.50 W
14. ____ All segmental movements in the body occur as a result
d. 12.74 W
of a contact force generated by muscles.
6. If the static coefficient of friction of a basketball shoe on a par-
15. ____ An object with a mass of 100 kg cannot be lifted unless ticular playing surface is 0.51 and the normal force is 820 N,
the force applied is greater than 981 N. what horizontal force is necessary to cause the shoe to slide?
16. ____ Two individuals are being measured on the force plat- a. 1607.8 N
form as they perform vertical jumps. The lighter of the b. 42.6 N
two individuals always generates a lower vertical impulse c. 418.2 N
value. d. 163.89
406 SECTION III Mechanical Analysis of Human Motion
a. 1559.73 N
b. 459.73 N
2 c. 4510 N
d. 268.29 N
14. A 7000-kg truck starts to roll down a road with a 30° incline.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 People rush to stop it. How much force must they apply to
Time (s)
stop it?
a. 32.0 Ns a. 68670 N
b. 25.5 Ns b. 3500 N
c. 29.0 Ns c. 34335 N
d. 28.5 Ns d. 59468 N
9. Consider the following free body diagram. Using static analysis, 15. A 115-kg football player is running toward you at 12 m/s.
solve for the horizontal and vertical forces of C that will maintain What impulse will you have to generate to stop him?
this system in equilibrium if A 110 N, B ⫽ 85 N, and W ⫽ 45 N. a. 9.6 N
b. 94 N
c. 13538 N
30° d. 1380 N
45° 16. A basketball player massing 105 kg applied a vertical force of
2980 N against the ground for 0.11 s. How high did his cen-
ter of mass rise during his rebound?
a. 0.46 m
b. 0.21 m
c. 0.50 m
a. Fy ⫽ 50.1 N; Fx ⫽ 155.4 N d. 0.34 m
b. Fy ⫽ 160.1 N; Fx ⫽ 155.4 N
17. What is the momentum of a 70-kg runner sprinting at 6.3 m/s?
c. Fy ⫽ 50.1 N; Fx ⫽ 35.2 N
a. 44.1 kgm/s
d. Fy ⫽ 160.1 N; Fx ⫽ 35.2 N
b. 441 kgm/s
10. Calculate the height of the center of mass above its starting c. 4326.21 Nm/s
height during a squat jump based on the following informa- d. 432.6 Nm/s
tion: BW ⫽ 670 N, total vertical force ⫽ 788 N, and time of
18. A woman with a mass of 60 kg dives from a 10-m platform.
force application ⫽ 0.9 s.
What is her potential and kinetic energy 7 m into the dive?
a. 0.78 m
a. KE ⫽ 420 J; PE ⫽ 420 J
b. 5.50 m
b. KE ⫽ 0 J; PE ⫽ 420 J
c. 0.12 m
c. KE ⫽ 0; PE ⫽ 4120.2 J
d. 1.45 m
d. KE ⫽ 4120.2 J; PE ⫽ 4120.2 J
11. Calculate the height of the center of mass above its starting
19. A 75-kg high jumper raises his center of mass 2.5 m. What is his
height during a jump based on the following hypothetical
potential energy and kinetic energy 0.1 s after he clears the bar?
graph (jumper’s weight ⫽ 700 N).
a. PE0.1 s ⫽ 1839.38 J; KE0.1 s ⫽ 36.1 J
1500 b. PE0.1 s ⫽ 1803.28 J; KE0.1 s ⫽ 36.1 J
c. PE0.1 s ⫽ 1839.38 J; KE0.1 s ⫽ 0 J
d. PE0.1 s ⫽ 1803.28 J; KE0.1 s ⫽ 0 J
Force (N)
21. A 15,000-kg truck is traveling at 25 m/s. What would be the meeting of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Quebec City:
velocity of a 6500-kg truck with the same momentum? 109–110.
a. 32.69 kgm/s 10. Boniger, M. L., et al. (1997). Wrist biomechanics during two
b. 56.59 kgm/s speeds of wheelchair propulsion: An analysis using a local
c. 57.69 kgm/s coordinate system. Archives Physical Medicine Rehabilitation,
d. 35.67 kgm/s 78:364–371.
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22. A running back is tackled with a force of 3800 N by a line-
backer weighing 1000 N. What was the acceleration of the
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a. 37.3 m/s2
13. Caldwell, G. E., Forrester, L. W. (1992). Estimates of
b. 3.8 m/s2
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c. 26.2 m/s2
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d. 4.1 m/s2
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a. 8.183 W forces in distance running. Journal of Biomechanics, 15:397–406.
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22. Detrembleur, C., et al. (2000). Motion of the body center of
d. 3081.5 W
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