Spoken English Real Life Phrases and Sentences To Speak English Fluently
Spoken English Real Life Phrases and Sentences To Speak English Fluently
Spoken English Real Life Phrases and Sentences To Speak English Fluently
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Please keep practicing every day by reading the sentences aloud
and spontaneous speaking. Slow and deep learning is better.
The author
Imperatives 1000
Imperative Sentences (Imperatives)
The sentence which expresses order, command, request, advice or
suggestion is called Imperative Sentence
1 Accompany me to the store.
2 Always accept your mistakes.
3 Always believe in yourself.
4 Always get a second opinion.
5 Always obey your parents.
6 Appreciate others genuinely.
7 Approach the boss directly.
8 Ask her to come on Monday.
9 Ask him to bring me my laptop.
10 Ask him where the library is.
11 Avoid eating out at restaurants.
12 Balance both work and family.
13 Be brave, strong and fearless.
14 Be careful not to fall down.
15 Be careful of that person.
16 Be careful when you ride bike.
17 Be careful with the mobile.
18 Be careful with your words.
19 Be confident in yourself.
20 Be courteous (polite) to all.
21 Be friendly with everyone.
22 Be honest with yourself.
23 Be punctual and responsible.
24 Be thankful for what you have.
25 Be there by 10 AM tomorrow.
26 Believe in hard work not in luck.
27 Beware of fake products.
28 Beware of your belongings.
29 Blow up the balloons, please.
30 Bring your parents to school.
31 Brush your teeth twice a day.
32 Burst the crackers carefully.
33 Buy me at least one chocolate.
34 Buy something for yourself.
35 Call me once you get home.
36 Call me when you are free.
37 Call me when you arrive in Delhi.
38 Change your attitude first.
39 Check the engine oil level.
40 Check the weight of this box.
41 Cheer up, it’s not that bad.
42 Chide him for his bad manners.
43 Children, come and have lunch.
44 Choose the one you like.
45 Clean up after yourself.
46 Come as soon as possible.
47 Come back / return soon.
48 Come back with good news.
49 Come down from the tree.
50 Come for dinner tonight.
51 Come home early today.
52 Come inside when I call you.
53 Come over to my place.
54 Complete it by tomorrow.
55 Concentrate on studies.
56 Congratulate him on my behalf.
57 Convey my apologies to him.
58 Convey my birthday wishes to Raju.
59 Convey my regards to your parents.
60 Correct the underlined words.
61 Cover your mouth when you cough.
62 Crush the bottle after use.
63 Cut the cake into small pieces.
64 Discipline your child at home.
65 Dissolve it in your mouth.
66 Distribute the sweets to students.
67 Divide it into 6 equal pieces.
Level 1 Phrases & Sentences
5 Am I pronouncing it correctly?
29 By the time I got home last night, the dinner was ready.
30 By the time I left home today, I had eaten breakfast.
31 By the time you wake up, I will have gone to the office.
68 Could you please tell me the date on which tickets are available?
90 Do you brush your teeth before going to bed at night every day?
104 Do you know how many eggs Suresh ate this morning?
144 Does your father get angry when someone disturbs him?
158 Don’t forget to carry your hall ticket and photo ID.
160 Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
166 Don’t worry. I will buy you a big house in the future.
167 Don’t you eat anything if you are not hungry at night?
168 Don’t you get a cold when you get wet in the rain?
179 Even though there were many bananas, I only ate one.
182 Excuse me, where can I take the bus to the airport?
184 Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?
194 Had you been waiting for a long time by the time John arrived?
196 Has she been talking for the last one hour?
217 He has been absent from school for three days now.
244 Hey John, Chin up, things will get better soon.
254 How early should I get to the airport for a domestic flight?
268 How long had you been waiting here for me?
279 How many eggs do you think Suresh ate this morning?
287 How many students are selected for IIT every year?
295 How many times has India won the world cup in cricket?
299 How much did they give you for your old mobile?
300 How much do they charge for ambulance?
301 How much do you have to pay for college?
308 How much does it cost to stay at this hotel per day?
312 How much money can I withdraw from bank per day?
316 How much money do your parents send you every month?
375 I bought him a smart phone, but he wasn’t happy with it.
395 I don’t know how long it will take to clear the cheque.
412 I forgot to turn off the light and fans before going out.
414 I got home very late last night from the office.
419 I had been waiting for over an hour when Peter arrived.
420 I had been working for 10 years in Chennai by the time I retired.
423 I had never seen a picture like this before I came here.
432 I have been waiting here for you for over two hours.
I have been walking for 40 minutes every day for the last two
434 I have called him several times since morning.
486 I think you might have left your keys in the restaurant.
491 I tried to call you, but your mobile was switched off.
492 I tried to reach you on the phone, but I was unable to get through.
544 I will not force you to do anything that you don’t want.
548 I wish you and your family a very happy new year.
565 I would like to request leave for two days for my personal reason.
569 I would prefer to stay at home rather than going to the cinema.
570 I would rather stay at home than go out.
571 If anyone calls, tell them I will call when I come back.
589 If you don’t mind, can you please close the door?
593 If you mix red and blue, you get purple color.
599 If you win you can lead if you lose you can guide.
630 John can speak not only English but also Hindi.
631 John was tired because he had been working for a long time.
640 Mary was very happy when she passed the exam.
668 Once my business takes off I will buy you whatever you want.
684 She has been absent from college since last Monday.
685 She has driving license, but she can’t drive a car.
690 She pouts whenever she doesn't get what she wants.
694 Sorry, you have not been selected for this job.
710 That is too bad that your friend lost her job.
728 The sooner you start the sooner you will finish.
729 The sun is 150 million kilometers away from the earth.
753 This would not have been possible without your support.
757 Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam.
771 We regret to inform you that the meeting has been cancelled.
817 What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
820 What is the easiest way to get to the airport from here?
821 What is the first thing you do in the morning?
822 What is the largest country in the world by area?
853 What would you do if you are not selected for this job?
874 When was the last time you saw your brother?
875 When was the last time you went to Chennai?
876 When will you teach me how to cook biryani?
877 When you make a vow to God, don't delay fulfilling it.
887 Where has he been working for the last four years?
889 Where have you been living since you left home?
891 Which actor has won the most national awards in India?
899 Which human body part does not grow from birth to death?
904 Who did you come to the hotel with this morning?
913 Who looks after your children while you are at work?
914 Who looks after your shop when you are away?
932 Why didn’t you tell your father earlier about this?
942 Why does the earth rotate around the Sun in an ellipse?
961 Will you have bought a new phone by end of this week?
964 Will you please wait here for another five minutes?
965 Will your parents let you go out tonight?
966 Wishing you and your family a happy and safe Diwali.
968 Work when you have to work, play when you have to play.
986 You forgot to turn off the fan when you went out.
987 You had better take your laptop with you today.
989 You must not eat meat with its lifeblood in it.