English Speaking Basics
English Speaking Basics
English Speaking Basics
English Speaking Basics is for English speaking beginners who need help to understand
the basics of speaking English. We will use very simple phrases and expressions to help
you with your English speaking.
This first section contains the first 30 lessons. Go through them 1 by 1 until you are
familiar with each sentence.
"I'm so tired."
"I'm confused."
"I'm happy."
"I'm twenty three years old."
"I'm hungry."
"I'm nervous."
"I'm excited."
"I'm leaving work."
"I'm thirsty."
"I'm from Seattle."
You can also add descriptive words with 'I'm' such as:
I'm in/at/on
Describes an action you are doing.
Most commonly, you would use the word 'in' when entering a physical location such as a
room or a building.
Using the word 'at' helps tell someone where you currently are. The difference between
'at' and 'in' is that the physical location is general.
Here are some examples:
However, in some cases you can use 'at' and 'in' interchangeably.
Using the word 'on' is referring to a non physical location such as your time being
utilized by something else.
I'm good at
Again, 'I'm' is used here as 'I am.' 'Good at' informs someone what you excel at and
are comfortable doing.
I'm + (verb)
I'm' is a contraction of the words 'I am.' By adding a verb to 'I'm' this lets you express
an action or occurrence about yourself.
I'm getting
When combining the words 'I am' and 'getting' you are telling someone 'you' are
gaining possession, being affected by or have plans to seek out and obtain a particular
You may also hear the word 'trying' used to express a way someone is feeling. In this
manner, it expresses strain or distress.
I have + (noun)
By using the words 'I have' you are informing someone of something you have
possession of or have acquired.
You may hear the words 'cannot' and 'won't' used with 'I have.' By adding these you
can express what you will not put up with or allow.
I used to + (verb)
Used to' expresses something that was done in the past, and is not usually done now.
I have to + (verb)
The words 'have to' describe something that needs to take place soon. It expresses
certainty, necessity, or obligation.
You can also add the word 'don't' to suggest that someone is not required to do
By adding the word 'don't' you can change the meaning of what you are saying to
something you 'want' to do to something you 'do not' want to do.
I gotta + (verb)
I gotta' is grammatically incorrect. It is more of a spoken form. If you want to say this
with proper grammar, the equivalent would be, 'I have got to' or 'I've got to'. In the
spoken form, 'got to' is shortened to 'gotta' and the word 'have' is dropped.
By adding the word 'have' you can change what you are saying to express something
that needs to be done in the near future.
I plan to + (verb)
Plan to' describes something that you would like to do in the near future.
In this case, he cannot say, "I am about to watch a movie" because he will not be
watching it because he has to drive his friend. You use "I was about to" when you will
not be doing something immediately because of some other event.
You can also use the phrase 'I don't' to express things you do not like, things you do
not understand, or things you do not do.
When using 'promise not to' you are stating you will not do a particular thing.
You can also just use the word 'promise' to assure someone of your intentions.
When using it with the word 'rather' you are suggesting you would like to do or prefer
one thing more than another.
By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express something
you would not enjoy or express a concern about something.
By changing 'was' to 'am' you change your message from past tense to present tense
and refer to something you are doing 'now.'
By using the word 'need' instead of 'want' you are expressing something that is
required or wanted.
This second section contains the next 30 lessons. If any lessons are too easy, please
move forward to other lessons.
With the addition of an adverb you can express in more detail just how difficult
something is for you.
Using the word 'had' or 'has' can change what you are saying to represent something
remembered in a past time.
Let me + (verb)
Let me' is suggesting that you are asking for permission or an opportunity to do
Can I + (verb)
When ending a sentence with a question mark (?) you are asking the person or people
you are talking to a question for which you would like an answer. Here you are asking
permission to do a particular action.
You can also use it when offering to help someone or do something for them.
The word 'please' can also mean to give enjoyment or satisfaction to.
Don't + (verb)
The word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' It is said to convey a message of
what NOT should be done.
This third section contains the next 30 lessons. Please continue studying until you
master each lesson.
The word 'want' can also be used to express something YOU would like someone else to
do or that something you personally would enjoy.
By adding 'have' after the word 'would' you are talking about something in the past
You can also add 'he or she' or a person's name to describe how they might react to
When replacing the word 'the' with 'your' or 'our' you can ask what the chances
'personally' that the topic will happen.
Here's to + (noun)
Here's to' is used in a way of celebrating or identifying a person, place, or thing of
significance. It is usually said while toasting someone at dinner, or signaling to
someone or something after an event.
By using the word 'cannot' or 'can't' you change the expression to mean that all is
You don't have to worry about studying English sentences that are not used in everyday
Greeting - Basic
There are many ways to greet someone. We'll learn about the most common way to
greet someone in this lesson. I'll give a variety of example sentences.
Usually, you will not need to ask for a name. It is implied that each person should say
their name. But in case they don't, you can ask,
If you see the person at a restaurant, you can say, "Do you come to this restaurant
Or at the movie theatre, "What movie did you come to see?"
Appropriate responses:
"I heard a lot about you from John. He had a lot of good things to say."
"Wow. How long has it been? It seems like more than a year. I'm doing pretty well.
How about you?"
If asked what you have been up to, you can respond with, "Same ole same ole." Or,
"The same as usual."
"I'm pretty busy at work these days, but otherwise, everything is great."
"I'm doing very well."
"I finally have some free time. I just finished taking a big examination, and I'm so
relieved that I'm done with it."
Restaurant Responses
"I've been here a couple of times, but I don't come on a regular basis."
"I come pretty often. This is my favorite restaurant."
"I can't believe we haven't seen each other before. I come here at least twice a
Movie Response
Person A: "Andy, it's been a long time, how are you man?"
Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?"
Person A: "Do you come to this restaurant often?"
Person B: "I've been here a couple of times, but I don't come on a regular basis."
The next lesson is the interactive practice section. If you would like to repeat this
lesson or previous lessons, feel free to go back and study as many times as you need.
When you are ready, go to the practice section.
There are a couple of situations you can express to someone that you are bored. Most
commonly, you will call a friend and tell them that you are bored or ask them to do
something together. The other time is when someone asks you how you are doing. We
will cover both situations in this session.
General Phrases
A common place to get bored is when you have to visit family members.
"It's always boring whenever we go to our relatives."
"It's nice to visit my grandmother, but it gets boring after a couple of hours."
"My cousins are so boring. All they do is watch tv."
If you think you are a boring person, here is a way to say that you are boring.
Using bored to answer a question is very common. Here are some general questions
that someone might ask.
"Hi Jane, this is Jill. Do you have time to talk?"
"Hi Jill, sure, I was just watching TV."
"What are you watching?"
"I was just watching a re-run of friends. How about you? What are you doing?"
"Nothing much. I really wanted to start studying for the Psychology test coming up,
but I can't seem to motivate myself."
As you can see, Even though Jill is very bored, she didn't say that she was bored. To
sensitive people, they can misinterpret the situation. If I am bored and I call you, then
that could mean that I am only calling you because I have nothing better to do. So if
you are not very close friends, it is better to say something like, 'nothing much' instead
of 'I am bored.'
If you are very close friends with someone, then the conversation can be more direct
and honest.
Similar type of boring work is when doing something that is routine. Some sentences
expressing boring work are:
Because some people are so busy, they envy people who have nothing to do at work.
"I'm so bored. I have nothing to do at work. I just surf the Internet all day long."
"Dang! I'm so busy at work, it's driving me crazy. I really wish I had your job."
A: "Hello"
B: "Hi Jane"
A: "Oh, hi Jill."
B: "What are you doing?"
A: "I'm doing the laundry."
B: "I'm so bored. I have nothing to do."
A: "Why don't you come over and help me with the laundry?"
B: "I'd rather do my own house chores. Hey, you wanna take a break from your house
work and have coffee at Starbucks with me?"
A: "Sure, that sounds great. I'll meet you there in thirty minutes."
This lesson is a little shorter than others because speaking in the present tense is not
as common as speaking in the future or past tense. Although speaking in the future
tense or the past tense is more common, it is still important to know how to
communicate in the present tense. Here are some example sentences:
To answer these types of question, you must remember that you are talking about
what is currently going on now, so you must use the present tense.
"I'm enjoying the beautiful weather without any worries in the world."
"I'm playing a video game on my computer because I have nothing to do."
"I'm at the grocery store buying ingredients for tonight's dinner."
"I'm at the gym working out."
As you can see, each sentence is starting with, 'I am' instead of 'I will be' or 'I was.'
We will discuss past tense and future tense in the next sessions.
"I'm pretty busy right now. I'm doing my homework because I have an exam
"My project deadline is coming up, so I'm currently in the process of finishing my
"I'm taking the day off from work today because I have so many errands. I'm going to
the post office to send some packages to my friends."
"I'm looking for a job. The job market does not look that great, but I can't give up."
"I'm applying for a job at a consulting firm in Taiwan."
"I'm listening to music while thinking about my situation."
The reason past and future tense is used more commonly than present tense when
speaking is because usually you are telling someone what you have done or what you
plan on doing. Speaking in the present tense is used primarily to tell someone what
you are currently doing.
Let's use this time now to incorporate what we have learned so far.
When we speak in the future tense, we can still use 'I am' but it is important what
follows the two words that will make it future tense. Here are a couple of examples.
When using 'going to' after 'I am' it is important that a future indicator is present. For
example, if I say, 'I am going to meet John', this can also be present tense that we
practiced previously. But if you add a future indicator like 'at 6 O'clock tonight' then it
becomes future tense.
'going to go'
'going to be'
'I will'
'I have to'
When you are answering questions that relate to the future, remember to use the
future tense. Here are some ways to answer the questions directly above:
"I plan on meeting John after dinner. We're going to go to a night club."
"I'm going to go to take my girlfriend out to dinner. And if we have time, we might try
to see a movie."
"Since I'm on vacation next week, I plan on going to Pusan to visit some friends down
"Next week I have to go shopping for all the Christmas presents. I have to buy a
present for my dad, mom, and my two sisters."
"I think I'm going to do my homework after I watch the world cup. I don't think I'll be
able to concentrate until after the game is over."
"I'm so unmotivated to do my homework. But I'll eventually have to do it, so I'll get
around to them probably after dinner."
"After dinner, let's go grab a couple of beers. Then we can go shopping for a couple of
hours, and afterwards, we can rent a video and watch it at my place."
"I'm pretty busy tonight. I have to do the laundry, vacuum, and then make dinner, so
I won't be able to meet you tonight."
Person A: "Bob is in the hospital, did you get a chance to visit him?"
Person B: "I'm going to see Bob tomorrow"
Person A: "I thought you had to meet John tomorrow?"
Person B: "I'm going to meet John at the airport at 6 O'clock tonight"
Person A: "I'm going home now, do you want to head out together?"
Person B: "No Thanks. I'm going to go home in about an hour"
Person A: "Didn't you need to buy a present for you brother's birthday?"
Person B: "I'm going to do that tomorrow"
Person A: "I'm going to go to the bus stop right after class, so I won't have time to
meet you"
Person B: "That's OK. We can always get together tomorrow."
Person A: "Since we are done with school, when are you going back home?"
Person B: "I'm going to go home next week"
Person A: "Me too. Do you want to meet at the train station on Sunday?"
Person B: "Sure. I'll meet you there at five"
Today's lesson is going to target past tense communication. This goes hand in hand
with the last two lessons and changing a few words around can make a future or
present tense sentence into a past tense sentence.
Speaking in the past requires past tense words. Let's take a closer examination for the
sentences above.
Went Go Going to go
Was Am Going to be
Completed Complete Will complete
As you can see by some of the examples in the chart, some words change when
speaking in the past tense.
Besides some words that change, many times a word with the letter 'd' or 'ed' at the
end changes the word to past tense. Here are some examples:
The tricky part is to know when to add a 'd' to the end of a word to make it past tense.
There are exceptions that can cause confusion, for example,
So remember to use past tense words correctly or the other person might not
understand what you are saying.
Here are some ways you can answer these types of questions. Remember to use past
tense because these actions already occurred.
"How did you enjoy the movie?"
"It was a long movie, but overall, the movie was great."
"I really didn't like the movie. It was slow and boring."
"I enjoyed the movie so much that I saw it again."
Person A: "Did you get a chance to go to that new restaurant down the street?"
Person B: "Yeah. I ordered the special, but the server screwed up my order."
Person A: "That sucks. So what ended up happening?"
Person B: "They finally got my steak out, but it was overcooked. It was a terrible
Depending on the location, summer can be warm and pleasant or unbearably hot and
humid. Although you will describe summer in one particular way, you should be aware
of how other people describe summer in different parts of the world.
In Nevada, Arizona, Egypt, or other places that are like deserts, people might say,
"Summer is very hot and dry. It's not so bad when we are in the shade."
"Summer is extremely hot. The sun will burn you if you don't wear sunscreen."
"Because it's not humid, it is easy to get used to."
In New York, Korea, or other hot and humid places, people can say,
"Summer is both hot and humid here."
"I am always sticky because I sweat so much during the summer."
"Without air conditioning, I don't know how I would survive."
From my perception, I noticed that spring and autumn are generally pleasant seasons
for many areas of the world. I haven't heard enough to say one way or another, so I
can only write down what I know.
Weather - Winter
Winter has many differences between locations. Some places might be extremely cold
like Korea, New York, Alaska, Greenland, etc, and some places might be perfect like
Hawaii, Los Angeles, Mexico and other hot places.
Cold places:
Usually, it takes some time to convert degrees using the conversion method. So it's
easier to have general temperatures already memorized. Here is a small table so you
can quickly respond when talking with a foreigner about the temperature.
Fahrenheit Celsius
100 37.8
90 32.2
85 28.4
80 26.7
75 23.9
70 21.1
65 18.3
60 15.6
50 10
40 4.4
32 0
20 -6.7
10 -12.2
0 -17.8
You don't need to remember everything. But if you know a couple of numbers you can
just change the other number slightly. For example, if you know that 80 degrees is
about 27 degrees Celsius, then if the temperature is 77 degrees, you can figure that it
will be about 25 degrees Celsius. Also, you don't have to be very accurate. In
conversation, many people just want general numbers and being off by a half a degree
will not do any harm.
Finally, during the winter months, it gets so cold that the temperature goes below 0
degrees Celsius. Let's practice a few sentences using negative numbers.
Remember, although numbers below zero are negative numbers, it's not common to
say, 'Negative 2 degrees.' It's not wrong to say it and everyone will understand,
however, when speaking to many people, almost everyone says 'minus 2 degrees.'
Another common way to say it is below zero is to say, '2 below' as in the example
We will learn how to speak longer in a future lesson, but if you want to give it a try
now, here are two examples.
Listen All | Person A | Person B
Small Talk
Many people believe small talk is very boring and not personable. Although that is true,
there are many places where small talk is very important. In the western culture,
strangers talk to other strangers frequently. On the other hand, small talk is not so
common in the eastern culture. Because strangers are friendly to one another in the
western culture, small talk is very important to master in regards to learning English.
One other place small talk is important is in an interview. That is why this session will
be important to learn.
The best way to learn small talk is to provide many examples. So this lesson will be
taught using an example format.
Small talk involves many different topics. We will have several sessions on small talk
once we have covered other subjects such as sports, jobs, school, etc. But for now, we
will go through the basics of small talk conversation. To initiate small talk, we can use
what we have learned from our previous several sessions:
Wasn't that simple? If you studied the material in prior sessions, this should be real
easy for you. Now that we have initiated the small talk, it's your responsibility to keep
the conversation going. In order to do so, you can talk about anything that is not too
personal. Let's first ask what the other person has been doing lately.
You can elaborate on what you have learned to keep the conversation alive. In this
example, you are going to ask more questions about school and work.
One: "Does that mean you already finished school? I thought you had 1 more
semester left."
Two: "I took summer courses, so I finished one semester early."
One: "It's great that you got a job. I'm really happy for you."
Two: "Thanks."
As you can now tell, the conversation is getting old. You have a choice of ending the
conversation, or changing the topic. Let's practice ending the conversation.
This example is when you run into someone. This is an easy type of small talk because
when you run out of things to say, you can always say bye. There are times when you
don't have that option. Let's practice a situation where you cannot leave, such as an
interview. I go into depth about interview communication in a different section. For
now, I am going to emphasize the small talk portion of an interview. There are times
when you will not have an opportunity for small talk, but in other cases, you might have
to talk about general things.
This is a good example of small talk. It shows that you are easy to speak with, and
most importantly, you found a small connection even though it was about a small topic
such as the traffic problem. In this type of situation, don't feel that you have to
constantly talk. If it is not relevant to the topic, it might be better not to say anything.
But if you can add on to the topic, it's a good thing. The person who is giving the
interview has the control, and that person will direct the small talk to the interview
when the time is right. In my example above, I made a small transition from the traffic
and started the interview process. If you are interested about interview, please go to
the Interview Section. You may now move on to the practice session.
Since this is the first Movie section, let me take a quick minute to explain how to find
out movie times and how to pay for tickets in America. It's very similar and simple.
First, you need to find out what time a show is playing. In most cases, this is done by
checking the internet. Usually, you type in the zip code and all the theatres in that area
will display all the movies and movie times for that week. After you have chosen the
movie to see, you need to buy the ticket. There are some places you can buy on-line,
but it isn't that popular yet. You can go to the theatre before the movie starts and buy
it at the theatre. The only thing you need to know how to say is the movie name and
the movie time. Here is a quick example. Let's say you are watching the Titanic at
3:00. You walk up to the counter and say, 'Titanic. Three o'clock.' Wasn't that easy?
Finally, big block buster movies usually sell out of tickets very quickly. So if you want
to see it on opening day, it is wise to go to the theatre right when it opens and buy the
tickets in advance.
Before you watch a movie, you need to plan ahead with friends. Either you are asking
a friend to watch a movie, or you are answering. In either case, we will cover it here.
The following questions and statements are used when asking a friend to watch a
If there are not enough details, a response can be in a question form. Here are a
couple of examples.
Normal answers:
Person A: "Hey John, I'm going to see The Matrix with Peter and Brad. Do you wanna
Person B: "When are you guys going?"
Person A: "We're going to see the eight O'clock showing."
Person B: "That would be great. Where are you guys meeting?"
Person A: "We're meeting at the theatre at seven thirty."
Person B: "Great. I'll meet you guys there."
There are many different types of movies. You probably know them all in your
language, but let's learn what they are in English. Also, we will learn how to say a
couple of sentences related to a movie type. If you disagree with a sentence, feel free
to change some words around so they fit what you want to say.
Although there are many categories, we will learn the most basic 10 types of movies.
Romantic comedy
Science fiction
Suspense (Thriller)
Commentary / Non-Fiction
Romantic Comedy: Funny movies with a strong romantic theme. Opposite to action
because usually guys like action and the ladies like Romantic comedies.
Chick = girl
Flick = movie
Chick-Flick = a girly type of movie; a movie a girl will like; 'take your girlfriend to' type
of movie... or something like that.
Horror: Scary movies that will give you nightmares for 3 months.
Every time I finish watching a movie, I either ask someone, or someone asks me,
"What did you think about the movie?" For the most part, the answer is a simple one
line sentence:
I can go on for a long time describing movies. I have listed a few so you get an idea
how to answer simple movie questions.
Besides simple one line answers, there are a few reasons we need to say other things.
It is because either we didn't understand something, want to describe a scene we
liked, want to describe a scene that was stupid, or simply go on and on about how great
the movie was.
"Do you remember the scene when Mary walked into the dining room? Why was she
carrying a knife? She didn't use it and the cameras focused on it."
"I can't understand why she betrayed him. The whole movie concentrated on her trust
and loyalty. It just doesn't make sense."
Good Scene:
"I love the scene when Russell Crowe showed his face to the emperor after the first
gladiator fight."
"What did you think about the last fight scene between Neo and Agent Smith in the
"The courtroom scene between Jodie Foster and Richard Gere was absolutely
Great Movie:
"That was such a cool movie. It was the best movie I've seen in a long time."
"Anytime I see a great movie I tend to look at my watch often. That's because I don't
want the movie to end."
"The movie was great. I liked everything about it. I'm definitely going to buy the
Situational questions:
"What would you have done? Would you have taken the million dollars and give up
your wife for a night?"
"Would you choose money and fame, or family and stability?"
Some movies are known to be 'based on a true story.' These types of movies are very
interesting because they actually happened. The only reason they are not considered
to be a non-fiction movie is because the director or writer will add some scenes that
didn't happen, or change some facts around so the movie is more appealing to the
A conversation can start from movies such as Schindler's List. When coming out of a
theatre, I heard a couple talk briefly about this.
Asking questions is the most common way to use the word favorite:
Are you following me? It's very easy. Just change the word at the end and you can
make dozens of sentences.
We used 'who' and 'what' in our sentences. It's possible to use 'where', 'how', and
'when', but the most common is 'what' and 'who'.
It's not common, because even though it is grammatically incorrect, you can ask the
same question with 'what'
Nobody is really going to notice and it's not a big deal. After this lesson is over, I
suggest practicing with 'what' and 'who', but don't bother with the others. It's not as
You don't necessarily have to use the word favorite. Favorite basically means what you
like the most. So, you can ask favorite questions without the word favorite.
Likewise, you can answer questions without using the word favorite.
There is not much else you can say. Remember that we can create many different
sentences, but we want to use what is most common in spoken English. So we need to
stay with the most common words.
Answering questions:
Making statements:
"You just stay home most of the week. Don't you ever get bored?"
"A lot of my hobbies are things I do by myself such as oil painting, sculpting, and
drawing. So actually, I have a lot to do with not enough time."
Like many topics in English, a conversation will go towards the content of the
conversation. So let's review with longer dialogs in practice.
Exercise - Questions
There are various types of exercise. Some people might think walking is exercise, and
some other people will think weight lifting is exercise. In the next couple of lessons, we
will take a closer look at various types of exercise.
Exercising can be done in many different ways. Here is a small list to get us started:
Rowing (boat)
Commuting to work
"Every night, I go to an elementary school across from my house and jog a few laps
around the playground."
"I go jogging in the morning when the air is still fresh."
"Some people find jogging stressful, but I find it as a way to relieve some of my
"It feels so good after jogging for half an hour."
"I usually jog on a treadmill because it's convenient."
"Aerobics is an excellent form of exercise."
"I use a video at home to do my aerobic sessions."
"I like to do aerobics because it targets specific areas."
"I get my exercise from rowing. I'm on the junior varsity crew team."
"I ride my bicycle to work every day."
"I take the stairs because it gives me a little bit of a work out."
"I go to the local park and ride my rollerblades."
Exercise - US Culture
Having lived in the United States and Korea, I realized one big thing immediately.
In America, everyone has a car. While going to work here, I literally walk about 7
minutes a day. That's a total distance of 300 meters. The reason is because I only
have to walk to my car. I drive to work, and then I walk from the parking lot to my
office. So, I realized I was gaining weight without having changed anything except the
walking I wasn't doing.
I suppose that is why in America there is a big hype about exercising and losing
weight. If you don't want to, you don't have to walk anywhere or exercise at all. In
Korea, walking is part of the daily routine. So although you don't need to know this
lesson as much as other lessons, it will still help when talking to foreigners about this
subject. Let's continue with the lesson by doing the practice.
In the next exercise lesson, we will learn about speaking English in relation to working
out in the gym
A: "All I do all day is work and watch TV. I really should start thinking about my
B: "I never thought about that, but you're right. What do you think we should do?"
A: "For starters, we should start doing more outdoor activities. That way we'll get some
B: "I was thinking about taking tennis lessons. I always have an hour to spare in the
afternoon. What do you think about that?"
A: "That's not a bad idea. How much is it?"
B: "I heard it is only about one hundred twenty dollars a month for 8 lessons."
A: "Playing tennis twice a week will be a good start. Count me in."
Lifting weights
Professional weight lifters are called body builders. But since the number of body
builders are not significant, we are going to concentrate more on regular weight lifting.
I don't lift weights, but when I see a friend who is noticeably bigger due to lifting
weights, these are the types of things I say.
You do not need to say lifting weights. When you say lifting, it's understood that you
are talking about weights.
Pumping Iron
Pressing Iron
Pressing Weights
Working Out
Weight Training
Hitting the Gym
To ask how they work out or what their routine is, you can ask:
"When you bench, how many reps and sets do you do?"
Reps are repetition. In weight lifting terminology, this means how many times they lift
in one set.
"Do you do low reps with heavy weights, or many reps with light weight."
"How many sets do you do when you work out your arms?"
If you are the person being asked these questions, here are ways you can answer:
"I'm trying to gain bulk so I'm doing low reps with heavy weights."
"I'm trying to get ripped, so I'm doing a lot of repetitions."
Ripped means to get lines to show up in the muscles. It's called ripped because when
you rip a piece of paper, you see a line in the paper where the tear is. So a person is
ripped when you can see lines on his body due to muscles.
Many people lift weights in the health club, but many people also go to lose weight
using machines such as the treadmill and bicycle machines.
Here are some things you can say in a conversation if you fall into this category.
"When I go to the health club, I usually spend 30 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes
on the bicycle, and finally 10 minutes on the step master."
We are not learning anything new here, but the sentences and topics will be selected
randomly from previous lessons. If you feel you have done poorly after the first
grouping of questions, please stop and go through the lessons you failed to answer.
The only way you will completely master English is through persistence, hard work,
and repetition. You are judging yourself, so be honest. The rule of thumb is that if you
cannot answer a question relatively quickly, you need more practice.
Listen All | Person A | Person B
A: "Hello?"
B: "Hi Steve. This is Mike. What are you doing?"
A: "Oh, hi. I was just watching TV."
B: "There's nothing to watch right now."
A: "I know. I was watching a re-run. I have nothing to do and I was bored."
B: "Me too. Let's get together and do something."
A: "I'd like to, but I have to meet my parents in an hour for dinner. How about
B: "Yeah. Let's plan something tomorrow."
A: "Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow?"
B: "I think it is going to be the same as today. Clear and sunny."
A: "That's great. We can do something outdoors then."
B: "Are there any special events going on tomorrow?"
A: "Yeah. I think there's a live outdoor concert by the river tomorrow."
B: "Oh yeah. I heard about that too. Let's go check it out."
A: "Do you know what time it starts?"
B: "It starts at one PM."
A: "Let's meet for lunch at eleven thirty and afterwards, we can head over there."
B: "Perfect. I'll see you in front of the apartment at eleven thirty."
The first type of speaking you will have to do is when you meet new people. During
this time, you can engage in idle small talk. Since you have learned small talk, feel free
to use your new skills. On top of that, let's learn some new phrases that will help you.
Many of the answer to these questions are general things you should already know.
But it never hurts to review again, so let's go over how we can answer some of these
Universities in the States are a little different than others. You don't choose your
major until you are in your 3rd year. Basically, you apply to get into a major your
junior year and if accepted, you have a major. If you get turned down, you have to find
a different major, or spend another semester or year trying to get in. That's why you
see so many people not graduate after 4 years. The problem is that they do not know
what to major in.
If you wonder how you can be a fourth year junior or a fifth year senior, you must
understand that the number of credits you have completed represents what level you
are. So a fourth year junior is someone who has been in school for four years, but has
the same credits as a junior.
Remember that when you are talking to somebody, an answer to a question is another
potential topic to talk about. I'll show you an example of a conversation. Please take
note that I ask questions about the answer. Look for it in the practice session.