Silao - Maderazo - Alojado - Tracer Study of Senior High School Graduates Batch 2016-2020 of Rizal National High School

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Master Teacher II


Teacher II


Teacher I
Background and Rationale

Every academic institutional goal is to produce graduates that can eventually be

competitive in a local and global arena. A graduate tracer study is a very powerful tool that can

provide valuable information for evaluating the whereabouts and performance of the graduates in

the workplace.

Tracer studies are common research methods for educational institutions to check on the

employability of their graduates. Likewise, Rogan and Reynolds (2016) asserted that a Graduate

Tracer Study (GTS) is useful for policy and equity implication in higher education. They have

suggested that policies should not just focus on providing interventions for the school but also by

concentrating closely on university students from the poorly resourced schools and at the earliest

stage of their studies. They also argued that instead of confronting study choices to address

graduate unemployment, it is better to focus more on improving the match between these

graduates and labor market by dealing with the oversupply-side issues, as well as taking into

account the shaping of labor demand by employer preferences and employment practices.

Rizal National High School (RNHS) offered two strands under the Academic Track:

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) and General Academic Strand (GAS); and two

strands under the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track: Home Economics and

Industrial Arts.

Upon enrollment in senior high school, students are going to pick among four senior high

strands or tracks. Selecting a right strand is one of the important assertions a student must have in

order to acquire basic skills and knowledge needed for their college course (Enderun Colleges,

2019). Students will undergo assessment to determine their strengths and interests to guarantee a

good decision for their Senior High School strand preference. These will include an aptitude test,
a career assessment exam, and an occupational interest inventory for high schools. Career

advocacy activities will also be conducted to help guide students in choosing their specialization

or track (What is K-12 Program).

The purpose of this study therefore is to trace the status of senior high school graduates of

2016-2020 with respect to the curriculum exit. The findings of the study will serve as initial data

for future research relative to SHS programs and basis for its adjustment and enhancement to the

program offered to senior high school students of Rizal National High School. This study could

be a starting point in providing data as to how many K to 12 graduates were able to find work or

start a business related to the Strand they had completed (Chi, 2018).

This study will be beneficial to the school administrators and teachers, as they will learn

about recent graduates' achievements in terms of K to 12 programs or how well school

administrators and teachers sustained their promise to parents and learners in implementing

changes to school-level guidelines, practices, and teaching education to improve outcomes for

subsequent graduates. Education administrators and policymakers also need to be aware of how

K to 12 program are being implemented at the school level and make any necessary adjustments

regarding its implementation. In the end, parents and learners are the primary recipients of this

research, as better implementation of the K to 12 program results in better outcomes for our

graduates, especially in embracing the benefits of K to 12 program.


This basic research aims to answer the following questions;

This study aimed to trace the Senior High School graduates of Rizal National High

School. Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3 Year graduated;

1.4 Career Guidance preferred job;

2. What is the respondents’ track taken:

2.3.1 Accountancy Business and Management;

2.3.2 General Academic Strand;

2.3.3 Technical-Vocational livelihood – Cookery

2.3.4 Technical-Vocational livelihood – Electronics

3. What is the curriculum exit status of the respondents:

3.1 Higher Education;

3.2 Employment;

3.3 Middle Skills Development;

3.4 Entrepreneurship;

4. Are the strands, tracks, and National Certificate trainings aligned to the SHS graduates’ exits

path in terms of:

4.1 Higher Education;

4.2 Employment;

4.3 Middle Skills Development;

4.4 Entrepreneurship;
5. What are the causes of those who were not able to pursue the curriculum exit of K to 12?

6. What are their reasons of pursuing their recent career path, which is not related to their SHS

track taken?


This study will be conducted only for the Senior High School graduates (respondents)

batch 2016 – 2020 of Rizal National High School. Thus, the study focuses in the SHS curriculum

exits. Self-made survey questionnaire will be used to gather the data.


Two years after the start of K to 12 implementation and producing the first graduate of

the curriculum Sec. Briones said that DepEd will have a thorough review of the curriculum as

they have made enough experience (Parrocha, 2018). Usec. Dig-Dino said that among the goals

of the review is to make sure that all the learners will have “21st century skills” (Tomacruz,


Likewise, this study relies on the theories and methods of program evaluation to review

whether the K to 12 program attained its intended outcomes. Program evaluation is a systematic

method for collecting, analyzing and using information to answer questions about projects,

policies and programs, particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency (Administration for

Children and Families, 2010). A program evaluation measures the outcome of a program based

on its student-attainment goals, among others (Beswick, n.d.). Particularly, we will use

summative evaluation which refers to the assessment to participants where the focus is on the
outcome of a program, (“Summative assessment,” 2019). The purpose of the evaluation is to

provide findings of a program, to update programming result and/or to improve its efficiency.

Furthermore, Holland’s theory guided this research in an attempt to more fully integrate

theory and research into the study of interest profiles. This is particularly important as recent

research related to profiles of interest has limited evidence of being fully grounded in theory.

While it is promising that the field of vocational psychology has begun to utilize person-centered

approaches to studying interest (e.g., examining interest profiles), the research and its applied

implications would be more compelling if studies were well integrated with theory. Moreover,

Holland’s theory is likely the most influential theory of career development and has been applied

to career counseling, industry, personal concerns, and labor market information around the world

(Wille, De Fruyt, Dingemanse, & Vergauwe, 2015).

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study will use IPO Model.

The IPO model represents a system in three stages: input, process and output. The first

box, which is input, contains the SHS graduates’ profile (age, sex and year graduated and their

preferred job during Career Guidance Orientation), their educational tracks/strands (Academic

Track and Technical-Vocational livelihood Track) taken during their senior high school years

and the curriculum exit status (Higher Education, Employment, Middle Skills Development,

Entrepreneurship) of the K to 12 graduates of Rizal National High School in terms of the

aforementioned data and find out if the success of the SHS graduates is related to their profile,

educational track and curriculum exit. An arrow directed toward the second box entails the

process. In the process, the researchers used survey questionnaire that can be done through

google form or hard copy, informal interviews, formal group discussion and the statistical
treatment. Hence, it can only be done through the conduct of this graduate tracer research study

that will provide the enhancement of school policy of Senior High School Program of Rizal

National High School.

➢ Senior High School
graduates’ profile
✓ Age
✓ Sex
✓ Last School
✓ Career Guidance PROCESS
Analysis of data OUTPUT
preferred job
➢ Curriculum Tracks through the
questionnaires, Enhancement of
✓ Academic Track
informal interviews, School Policy
✓ Technical-
formal group Guidelines in SHS
discussion and Program
livelihood Track
➢ Curriculum Exits statistical treatment.
✓ Higher
✓ Employment
✓ Middle Skills
✓ Entrepreneurship


Philippine Education in its response to the Asian regionalism and globalization fully

implemented the K-12 program in 2016 introducing 2 years of senior high school after the

existing 4 years of junior high school. The Philippine Senior High School Program consists of

the following: 1) Academic Track which has different tracks namely Business- Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM), Science & Engineering- Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities & Social Science (HUMSS), and General Academic
strand (GAS); 2) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track also known as TVL composed of the

following strands: Agri-Fishery Art, Home Economics, Information and Communication

Technology (ICT), Industrial Arts, and TVL Maritime (all with highly specialized subjects with

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) qualifications); 3) Sports

Track, and 4) The Arts and Design Track. The Department of Education (DepEd) of the

Philippines emphasizes that the Senior High School Program offers a lot of benefits to Philippine

education. One of which is that graduates of the Senior High School Program especially the

Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) track will be readily employable (Del Mundo, 2013)

and (Bacarra, 2016). It will equip the graduates with the skills that will make them more

productive members of society (Patrinos & Samer, 2016).

Senior high school implementation aimed to equip the students with essential knowledge

and skills that will help them prepare better for their chosen path in the higher education,

employment, or entrepreneurship. The addition of two more years or two more grade levels,

Grades 11 and 12, will better equip the students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values

needed for successful future in their fields or course.

Philippines has now graduated a couple of Senior High School (SHS) batches since its

curriculum reformed but not much was studied yet regarding its graduates. In view of tracing and

learning of their status relative to the curriculum exits, this study is conceptualized.

Republic Act 10533, the K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic

education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of

Senior High School (SHS)) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop

lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,

employment, and entrepreneurship. ( Also, it declares that the State

shall ensure that every graduate of basic education shall be empowered individual who has

learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational principals and geared towards

excellence, the foundations for learning thought life, the competence to engage in work and be

productive. And further explained in Section 14. Mandatory Evaluation and Review that DepEd

shall conduct a mandatory review and submit midterm report to Congress as to the

implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

Furthermore, the Comprehensive Tracer Study of the 2017-2018 Senior High School

Graduates is an initiative of the Department of Education of Education -Bureau of Curriculum

Development to trace the status of the first cohort of SHS graduates with respect to curriculum

exists: higher education, employment, middle skills development, and entrepreneurship.

More relatedly, DepEd Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) issued Regional

Memorandum No. 235, s. 2018 entitled “Tracer Study for Senior High School Graduate, SY

2017-2018 Phase II” in response to the Section 14 of RA 10533 that mandates evaluation and

review of the K to 12 program. DepEd CAR provided several templates in the study for easy data

gathering and reporting.

Even though the study provided templates, it was silent with regards to the methodology,

Therefore, it is hard to verify the template’s validity and reliability. There were no details

provided whether those who enrolled in college are pursuing courses aligned to their Strand.

Further, employment and self-employment were not qualified with regards to employment status,

salary and benefits. On the other hand, it added the causes for not enrolling in college which we

will adopt in this study.

Meanwhile, DepEd Region X issued Regional Memorandum No. 287, s. 2018 entitled

“Senior High School Graduates Tracer Study and Basic Research on Senior High School
Program Implementation” to strengthen the culture of research in basic education. The study’s

respondents were the graduates from 2016-2020. The basic research template (format and

outline) and questionnaires were provided in the Regional Memorandum in which the

researchers will use as reference.

Likewise, Homeroom guidance which is a comprehensive, developmental and proactive

program design to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: Academic

Development, Personal and Social Development and Career Development. This career

Development domain is influenced by the career development theories of John Krumboltz,

Donald Super and Eli Ginzberg. Krumboltz’s theory of career development claims that genetic

endowment that includes sex, race, developmental disabilities, innate talents affect the career

choice of a person. Furthermore, the environment, life events and learning experiences also

shape one’s career decisions. People’s changing roles and priorities create great impact to their

career direction. Thus, Career Guidance offers an important connection between education and

the labour market. Career Guidance is defined as, “services and activities proposed to assist

individuals, of any age and at any point through their lives, to make educational, training and

occupational choices, and also to manage their careers”, (Mariam & Tinatin, 2017). This

definition comprises making information about the labour market available and about

educational and employment openings more available by organizing it, systematizing it and

having it accessible when and where people need it. It also comprises supporting people to

reflect on their objectives, interests, competencies, personal attributes, qualifications and

capabilities and to match these with available training and employment opportunities. It appears

Career Guidance within senior high schools has historically been given low priority and funding

when compared to other curriculum areas (Mariam & Tinatin, 2017). Often, there is only one
Counsellor in a senior high school who is tasked with delivering school-wide and timely career

guidance to all levels. Traditionally, the school counsellor has moved from a classroom teaching

role into careers education with no specific training or background.


Research Design

The researchers shall employ descriptive design to validate whether the K to 12 graduates

of Rizal National High School acquire the curriculum exits of K to 12 program: Higher

Education, Employment, Middle Skills Development and Entrepreneurship. Descriptive research

methods merely present and describe responses and do not make accurate predictions or

determine cause and effect (Hale, 2018).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Senior High School graduates batch 2016-2020 of

Rizal National High School.

Sampling Technique

To determine the samples of the study, stratified random sampling technique will be


Research Instrument

The researchers shall survey the respondents using a Self-administered/Adapted Survey

questionnaire patterned from previous researchers. The questionnaire is composed of five parts

that will answer the research questions. General Information, Senior High School (SHS)

Background, College Background, Employment Background and Entrepreneurship Background.

Ethical Issues

For ethical purpose of research, the researchers will explain to respondents the purpose

and objectives of the study. Anonymity of the respondents will be ensured as contained in the

opening part of the survey questionnaire.

Validity of Research Instrument

With regards with external validity, the researchers will administer the instrument

directly to the target population of this research to eliminate any potential bias occurring through

sampling technique. With regards to content validity, the researchers shall pilot test the

instrument to a number of target respondents to thresh out and correct any issues with the


Reliability of Research Instrument

Respondents will directly answer the questionnaire either in paper form or online to

ensure reliability of data. The first draft of the questionnaire will be distributed to the experts.

Comments and suggestions provided by the experts will be considered in the final draft of the

questionnaire. The final draft will be conducted to 20 SHS graduates who are not included as the

respondents of the study to test the reliability.

Data Gathering Procedure

The respondents may fill out the questionnaire through hard copy or online through

Google Forms. In cases where the respondents cannot be found or unable to answer directly the

questionnaire, the researchers shall administer the questionnaire by interviewing the respondents

or basing on available information from the respondents’ former classmates, friends or relatives.
Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers shall present the findings per School Year and Strand by using

frequencies and percentages. Ideally, 100% of graduates are attending in college, working or

managing a business. If not, then there is a gap that would be a basis for action research to lessen

or prevent the same from recurring which is the succeeding goal of this research.


Month 1 Month 2 Month 3

Tasks Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week

1 2 Week Week 1 2 Week Week
3 4 3 4 1 2 3 4

a. Preparation
of the Research
b. Preparation
and conduct of
Instrument for
reliability test


a. Data


a. Data

b. Preparation
of Research

of Findings


Item of Expenditure Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total

Printing, Reproduction and Binding of

Final Output ( 7 copies – 2 for Region,
7 set 250 1,750
2 for SDO, 1 for School, 1 for District,
1 Personal Copy) (P2.00/page x
50pages + P150 soft binding)
Printing of Questionnaires 3,000

Brochures (two-sided print, long-sized

150 piece 10 1,500
bond paper, colored, P5.00/page x 100
Division Research Summit (2 days)

Registration 3 pax 1,800 5400

Regional Research Summit (2 days)

Registration 3 pax 4,000 12,000

Tarpaulin (2x5 ft") Regional Summit 1 pc 250 250

Supplies 5,000

TOTAL 28,900


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Research methods in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Pp. 159-185.

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International EJournal of Advances in Education.
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by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic
Education, Appropriating Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes (2013) as cited in

Uy, Jocelyn R. (2016, May 7). 1.2M grads may 
not find jobs due to mismatch
between skills needed, training-TUCP. Philippine daily inquirer. 

Zook, Chris. (2018). What are 21st century skills?. As cited in Applied educational

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