Realist Analysis

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Physics: Concepts and Connections

Article  in  Physics Today · August 1995

DOI: 10.1063/1.2808131

42 4,619

2 authors, including:

Art Hobson
University of Arkansas


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A philosophically realistic analysis 1

Realist Analysis of Six Controversial Quantum Issues

Art Hobson1

For Mario Bunge's Festschrift in honor of his 100th birthday, to be published by Springer Verlag.

Abstract. This paper presents a philosophically realistic analysis of quantization, field-particle

duality, superposition, entanglement, nonlocality, and measurement. These are logically related:
Realistically understanding measurement depends on realistically understanding superposition,
entanglement, and nonlocality; understanding these three depends on understanding field-particle
duality and quantization. We resolve all six, based on a realistic view of standard quantum physics.
We conclude that, for these issues, quantum physics is consistent with scientific practice since
Copernicus: Nature exists on its own and science's goal is to understand its operating principles,
which are independent of humans. We need not regard quantum theory as merely the study of
what humans can know about the microscopic world, but can instead view it as the study of real
quanta such as electrons, photons, and atoms. This position has long been argued by Mario Bunge.


Quantum physics (QP) is in a scandalous state (van Kampen 2008). Although founded at the dawn
of the preceding century, and although arguably the most wide-ranging, highly accurate, and
economically rewarding scientific theory of all time (Hobson 2017, pp.7-10), its fundamentals
remain in disarray. In particular, there is little consensus about wave-particle duality,
superposition, entanglement, nonlocality, and measurement.
This disarray has spawned an astonishing assortment of interpretations and alterations of
the theory. A quantum foundations conference polled its 33 expert attendees about their favorite
interpretation (Schlosshauer 2013). Nonrealistic interpretations, which claim that QP describes
only our knowledge of the microworld rather than the microworld itself, gathered 24 votes. These
sub-divided as 14 for the Copenhagen interpretation, 8 for the view that QP is about "information,"
and 2 for "Bayesianism" according to which quantum states represent personal degrees of belief.
Six chose the many worlds interpretation, which is realistic in the sense that the trillions of
universes supposedly created every time one photon strikes a light-sensitive surface are presumed
to be real. The remainder chose "other" or "none." Remarkably missing from the listed options
was "standard quantum physics realistically interpreted."
It's not sufficiently recognized that this quantum confusion has spawned a serious social
threat. Pseudoscience and related fantasies are rampant, especially in my country (Andersen 2017).
Earth cries out for rationality and scientific literacy (Sagan 1995), yet quantum-inspired
pseudoscience has become a threat to both. A pseudoscientific movie, What the bleep do we know,
won several film awards and grossed $10 million in 2004; it argues that we create our own reality
through consciousness and QP, and features physicists saying things like "The material world
around us is nothing but possible movements of consciousness" (Shermer 2005). A non-technical
physics literacy textbook being taught in high schools and universities bears the title Quantum
Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness (Rosenblum 2006). According to the book's dust

Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA. Email: [email protected]
A philosophically realistic analysis 2

cover, "Every interpretation of QP encounters consciousness." It's striking that Stenger (1997) and
Shermer (2005) have, by coincidence, the same title: Quantum Quackery.2
This essay provides a philosophically realistic analysis of six phenomena central to our
current confusion: quantization, field-particle duality, superposition, entanglement, nonlocality,
and measurement. As we will see, these are logically related: Understanding measurement
depends on properly understanding nonlocality, entanglement, and superposition; understanding
these three depends on properly understanding field-particle duality and quantization. We will
resolve all six, based on a realistic interpretation of standard quantum physics. The analysis is
internally consistent as well as consistent with the relevant experimental facts. Thus, at least for
these issues, QP concurs with the scientific paradigm as it has been known since Copernicus:
nature exists on its own and science's goal is to understand nature's operating principles, which are
independent of humans.
Non-realistic interpretations generally regard QP to be merely the study of "what we can
say" about the microworld rather than the study of the actual microworld. As Niels Bohr puts it:

There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong
to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say
about nature (French 1985, p.305).

At least with regard to the analyzed issues, we need not accept this non-realistic view. We can,
instead, regard QP as the study of the general principles of the microworld itself, just as fluid
dynamics is the study of fluids and geology is the study of Earth's structure. This conclusion
concurs with Mario Bunge's lifetime work and further verifies his conclusions (Bunge 1967, 2003a,
2003b, 2012, Mahner 2001).

The Quantum

The quantum entered history on 14 December 1900 at a meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische
Gesellschaft in Berlin when Max Planck first publicly wrote his famous E = hf. We view this
today as the equation for the energy (in joules) of a photon having frequency f (in Hertz) where h
= 6.6 x 10-34 joule-seconds is Planck's constant to two figures.
It wasn't always thought of that way, certainly not by Planck in 1900. For Planck, E = hf
represented the best possible fudge factor. He, like other physicists, had been searching for a
theoretical explanation of the electromagnetic (EM) energy radiated at each frequency by a "black
body" such as a small opening in an oven. Previous explanations predicted that the energy radiated
at short wavelengths (high frequencies) was so enormous it should blind us whenever we look at
a fire (Tegmark & Wheeler 2001)! Planck assumed correctly that radiation comes from vibrations
of atoms such as those on the inner walls of the oven. Unable to solve the ensuing mathematics,
he resorted to the numerical trick of assuming the amount of energy emitted by an atom could not
range over a continuum of values but was instead restricted to a discrete set of values 0,
e, 2e, 3e, etc., where the increment e is a small number. Today, we would say he assumed the
amount of energy emitted to be "quantized." His plan was to calculate the radiation formula in
this simpler approximation, and then find the real result by allowing e to approach 0 since, as
everybody knew, energies can always vary continuously. But, as happens frequently in quantum
history, what "everybody knew" turned out to be wrong. When Planck allowed e to approach 0,
For further discussion, see Hobson 2013 and 2017, pp.12-13.
A philosophically realistic analysis 3

he recovered the bizarre result that others had found. It turned out the only way to get agreement
with experiment was to allow e to be the non-zero frequency-dependent number hf.
Planck had happened upon a principle deeper and stranger than he could have known:
microscopic energies range over a discrete, rather than continuous, set of possible values.
This is the source of quantum jumps. Here's why. If the energy emitted by an atom must
be an integral multiple of a positive number e, then an atom must emit energy in instantaneous
bursts, rather than continuously over time. That is, the least energy an atom can radiate is e joules,
and this energy must be emitted at a single instant. This is because, if e joules are emitted
continuously over some positive time t > 0, then some fraction of e joules must be emitted in any
shorter time, but Planck's rule does not allow this. Thus, there are physical "processes" or, better,
"events," involving positive amounts of energy, that happen in "zero"3 time. Today we call them
quantum jumps. Discontinuity and quantum jumps were baked into QP from the beginning, and
we should not be disconcerted when they re-appear in atoms, nonlocal phenomena, measurement,
The greatest works of art are surprising. A Beethoven symphony's change of key, a Picasso
painting's fractured face, are entirely unexpected yet, once we experience them, we realize they
are perfect. The quantum is perhaps nature's ultimate stroke of genius. Quantum physics is the
study of these quanta.
Little attention was paid to Planck's idea until 1905, when Albert Einstein reasoned that, if
EM energy is emitted in small (in energy but not necessarily in spatial extent) lumps, then it
probably travels through space in small lumps; he employed this notion to explain the emission of
electrons from metal surfaces struck by radiation of sufficiently high frequency. Classical EM
theory was unable to explain this in terms of smoothly extended EM fields, but Planck's energy
lumps did the trick. Later, the lumps came to be called "photons." Einstein's contribution was
crucial, for it extended the notion of the quantum as a finite small increment of energy to the notion
of the quantum as a physical object: an energetically small and highly unified lump of energy.
Photons, electrons, and quarks are examples of simple, or fundamental, quanta. Atoms and
molecules are also quanta, but they are made of simpler quanta "entangled" into a highly unified
"compound" quantum. All quanta are made of "quantized" (i.e. obeying the principles of QP)
amounts of various sorts of energy. For photons, electrons, and quarks, the energies arise,
respectively, from the EM field, electron-positron field, and strong field, three "quantum fields"
that pervade the universe.
Einstein was the first to notice that quantum discontinuity has nonlocal implications. At
the Firth Solvay Conference in Brussels in 1927, shortly after Heisenberg and Schrodinger
invented quantum theory, Einstein asked the gathering to consider a single electron passing
through a small hole in a partition. Schrodinger's equation predicts that its wave function Y, after
passing through the hole, spreads out broadly over a distant viewing screen which Einstein
assumed was spherical so Y would reach all of it simultaneously. Yet the electron impacts at only
a small place on the screen. Einstein's written version states:

The scattered wave moving towards [the viewing screen] does not present any preferred
direction. If psi-squared were simply considered as the probability that a definite particle is
situated at a certain place at a definite instant, it might happen that one and the same elementary
process would act at two or more places of the screen. But the interpretation, according to

But taking into consideration possible fundamental limitations such as the Planck time.
A philosophically realistic analysis 4

which psi-squared expresses the probability that this particle is situated at a certain place,
presupposes a very particular mechanism of action at a distance (Gilder 2008, p.374).

Einstein's concern was that, if the impact appears at some point x, then the impact must
also not appear at other points y, so the status of such other points must instantly switch from
"possible impact point" to "impossible impact point." Instantaneous correlations must therefore
exist between x and y, and special relativity does not seem to allow this. This was five years prior
to the first broad analysis of measurement (von Neumann 1932) and thirty-seven years prior to the
earliest real understanding of nonlocality (Bell 1964).
Planck had practical reasons for inventing his fudge factor, but for nature it's not a fudge
factor. Why the quantum? It's a question famously asked by John Wheeler (Barrow et al. 2004).
My suggestion would be that nature prefers countable sets, or perhaps even finite sets, over
continuous and therefore uncountable sets. There are many more numbers along any single
interval of the continuous real line than there are integers. If you construct the universe out of
countable quanta, reality becomes much simpler. This suggests that the universe may even be
constructed from a finite number of quanta, which would be far simpler still.
The countability of quanta might suggest that they are particles. But as I hope to
demonstrate, quanta are not particles and are not necessarily even tiny.

Is Reality Made of Fields, Particles, or Both?

The notion that everything is made of tiny particles runs through scientific history. Early Greeks
such as Democritus of Abdera perceived reality to be made of small material particles moving in
empty space. Newton's physics begins from particles obeying Newton's laws, so the motion of
complex objects follows from that of their particles. Indeed, Newton writes:

All these things being considered, it seems probable to me that God in the beginning formed
matter in solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles, of such sizes and figures, and
with such other properties, and in such proportion to space, as most conduced to the end for
which he formed them (Newton 1998/1704).

The particle notion runs deep. Schrodinger's equation for, say, a moving electron is clearly
a "field equation" for a scalar (i.e. number-valued rather than vector-valued) field Y(x, y, z, t)
entirely analogous to Maxwell's equations for the vector EM field E(x, y, z, t), B(x, y, z, t).
Nevertheless, the QP founders retained the Newtonian language, speaking consistently of quantum
"mechanics" and quantum "particles." Physicists continue to apply the term "particle" to
essentially every quantum object, including even the Higgs field which is clearly a universe-filling
quantized field. Because language so shapes our perception of reality, I doubt we will transcend
our quantum confusion until we adopt more appropriate words. Electrons, photons, and other
quanta are not "particles."
The question of fields versus particles is crucial because, once one adopts the particle
misconception, most other issues become unfathomable. For example, if quanta are particles
separated by empty space, distant nonlocal connections become incomprehensible.
A philosophically realistic analysis 5

The best example is still the double-slit experiment. 4 The set-up is a beam of
monochromatic light or mono-energetic electrons passing through a pair of parallel narrow vertical
slits cut into an opaque partition, with a viewing screen beyond the slits. This experiment with
light was performed in 1801 by Thomas Young, who found that the viewing screen displayed an
interference pattern: many vertical bands of light separated by dark bands. Physicists correctly
inferred that light is a wave in a field later identified as the universal EM field. The interference
arises from the intersection of two light waves, one from each slit, with "constructive interference"
(the light bands) arising where crests meet crests and "destructive interference" (the dark bands)
arising where crests meet valleys. Such waves indicate an underlying field that "carries" the waves.
Thus, light is a wave in the universal EM field, much as ocean waves are waves in the water. This
was the consensus among 19th-century physicists, and it's correct today.
The analogous experiment with an electron beam was performed for the first time by Claus
Jonsson in 1961. The long-predicted result was an interference pattern just like Young's result!
The only significant difference: Jonsson's interference bands were much smaller because typical
electron wavelengths are smaller than photon wavelengths.
But most of us were taught that light is a spatially extended nonmaterial wave while
electrons are tiny material particles orbiting within atoms. How can electrons be similar to light?
Here's how. In either Young's or Jonsson's experiment, one can dim the beam so extremely
that only a single quantum (photon or electron) comes through at a time. Each quantum makes a
tiny flash somewhere on the viewing screen. After 10 to 100 quanta have impacted, and assuming
each flash persists indefinitely, we see 10 to 100 flashes distributed apparently randomly over the
entire screen. But by the time 1,000 quanta have impacted the screen, we begin to see an
interference pattern forming from the distribution of flashes, the way a pointillist painting forms
from tiny dots. With more impacts, it becomes clear that both interference patterns result from
large numbers of small impacts. The similarity of the two experiments defies the notion that the
first arises from waves and the second from particles.
Either experiment can be performed using large numbers of identically-prepared photons
or electrons. The interference pattern that spreads over the entire screen then demonstrates
quantum randomness: Identical preparations but a variety of outcomes. However, impacts are not
entirely random but tend to cluster in regions of constructive interference. Since preparations are
identical, the entire pattern must be carried, i.e. "known," by each quantum.
This suggests trying the experiment with only one slit open. The interference bands then
vanish, replaced by a broad swath of tiny impacts distributed randomly all over the screen. This
is perplexing if quanta are particles. If a quantum is a small particle, then by definition it can come
through only one slit regardless of whether the other slit is open. How does it "know" whether the
other, relatively distant, slit is open? The experiment has been done not only with photons and
electrons, but also with neutrons, atoms and molecules of all sorts, and there are even plans to use
viruses. It's hard to imagine any long-range force that could inform these quanta as to whether the
other slit is open or closed. In fact the forthright particles advocate Richard Feynman said "you
will get down the drain into a blind alley" if you think too hard about this (Feynman 1965).
According to the field view, every photon or electron is a wave rippling through a universe-
filling field, namely the "quantized" (i.e. obeying quantum rather than classical rules) EM field or
positron-electron field. Fields, because they naturally spread, resolve the question that got
Feynman down the drain: Each photon or electron has sufficient spatial extension to come through
The remainder of this section is based on (Hobson 2013), which should be consulted for references and
A philosophically realistic analysis 6

both slits, encoding the double-slit or single-slit pattern. As Paul Dirac put it, "Each
photon ...interferes only with itself" (Dirac 1958).
So fields explain the interference, but what about the particle-like impact points? This is
the "measurement problem," explained more fully below. Briefly, the quantum approaching the
screen extends over the entire interference pattern, and instantaneously "collapses" to microscopic
size upon impact. This happens because the quantum "entangles" with the screen's atoms,
instantaneously "localizing" the quantum. Most physicists would not phrase it this way. The
standard words are that the quantum's "wave function" describes the entire pattern, and the "wave
function" then collapses upon impact. But this is mincing words. Why would one invent a new
object, the "wavefunction," to explain measurements? The quantum and its wavefunction are not
separate objects. The quantum is its wavefunction. Fields are all there is.
This is a good place to clarify a confusion that annoyed John Bell and many others. Bell
complained that QP seems "exclusively concerned about 'results of measurement,' and has nothing
to say about anything else." Who. he asked, qualifies as the measurer? Is it every living creature?
Or must it be a physicist? "The aim remains to understand the world. To restrict quantum
mechanics to be exclusively about piddling laboratory operations is to betray the great enterprise.
A serious formulation will not exclude the big world outside the laboratory" (Bell 1990).
It's hard to understand why this point wasn't forcefully stated long before 1990. The answer
is not difficult. Every quantum measurement involves a measuring device that detects a quantum
object and records a macroscopic mark. This happens not only in laboratories, it happens all the
time in nature as for example when a cosmic ray strikes and moves a sand grain on Mars. A
"quantum measurement" is simply any process by which a quantum phenomenon causes a
macroscopic change. It has nothing necessarily to do with humans.
On a similar note, the "Born rule" connecting a quantum's state (or wavefunction) Y with
the macroscopic world is usually stated this way: "The probability density for finding the quantum
at some point x upon measurement is Y-mod-squared evaluated at x." The word "finding" is
inappropriate because it suggests a human who does the finding, and it suggests the measured
quantum is "at" some single point x and is therefore a particle. The quoted statement should be
replaced by: "If a quantum interacts with another object, the probability density for the interaction
to occur at x is Y-mod-squared evaluated at x."
Further linguistic points: Planck's energy lumps are "quanta of the EM field." There are
other kinds of quanta: Electrons are quanta of the electron-positron field, quarks are quanta of the
strong field, etc. "Quantum physics" is the study of fields that are bundled into highly unified
lumps called "quanta."
Standard non-relativistic QP based on Schrodinger's equation is not the best basis for
analyzing field-particle duality, because spontaneous quantum energy fluctuations plus relativity's
principle of mass-energy equivalence entail that quanta can be created or destroyed. Relativistic
QP was invented to deal with such possibilities. But it isn't easy to fit QP into a relativistic
framework. In fact, rigorous theorems show that particles cannot exist in a universe that obeys
both QP's so-called "unitary" time development and special relativity. The reason is that, even if
we generously define a particle as any entity that is "localized" in the sense that it is contained,
with 100% probability, within some region of finite volume, particles are impossible.
Here's why. If such a particle exists at some specific time such as t=0, then unitary
evolution implies it must instantly expand and have a positive probability of interacting an
arbitrarily large distance away from its initial localization region at any positive time t > 0. But
A philosophically realistic analysis 7

such instantaneous expansion implies that a particle on Earth at t=0 could be detected on the moon
an arbitrarily short time later, and this violates special relativity's ban on superluminal transport.
Thus, even under a broadly inclusive definition of "particle," quantum particles contradict
special relativity. Fields, which fill all space, do not. Louis de Broglie put it bluntly in his 1924
PhD dissertation (a dissertation that delighted Einstein):

The energy of an electron is spread over all space with a strong concentration in a very small
region. That which makes an electron an atom of energy is not its small volume that it occupies
in space, I repeat it occupies all space, but the fact that it is undividable, that it constitutes a
unit (Baggott 2011,p.38).

Quantum particles have many other conflicts with relativity. In fact, the only known
version of relativistic quantum theory is quantum field theory which is, as its name implies, a
theory of fields, not particles (Eberhard & Ross 1989). The Standard Model of high-energy
physics, for example, is two quantum field theories known as the electroweak theory and quantum
chromodynamics. Non-relativistic quantum theory based on Schrodinger's equation can also be
cast as a quantum field theory.
It's well known that quantum field theories predict "vacuum states" having energy but no
quanta. This is for the same reason (namely the uncertainty principle) that a mechanical oscillator
obeying QP cannot be at rest but must instead have a ground state energy of hf/2. The quantum
vacuum is quite real: It's the source of exquisitely predicted and verified phenomena such as the
Lamb shift, the Casimir effect, and the electron's anomalous magnetic moment. Furthermore,
excited states of atoms and other systems could not spontaneously transition to ground states
without the quantum vacuum. This quantum vacuum is embarrassing for particle theories. If the
universe is made of particles, then what is it that has this energy in the state that has no particles?
Another example of this embarrassment is the Unruh effect. Quantum field theory predicts
an accelerating observer in vacuum observes quanta while a non-accelerating observer of the same
vacuum observes no quanta. If particles form the basic reality, how can they be present for the
first observer and absent for a second observer of the same region? If fields are basic, this
conundrum resolves itself: The first observer's acceleration promotes the second observer's
vacuum fluctuations into higher-energy excitations.
Single-quantum nonlocality provides further evidence that the vacuum has properties
arising from real fields. In fact, Einstein 1927 remark suggests individual quanta have nonlocal
properties, and experiments beginning with (Tan 1991) have shown that such properties arise from
a single quantum's entanglement with the quantum vacuum.
In summary, the particle view encounters contradictions at every turn, but everything is
consistent under an all-fields view. Particle-like phenomena arise from the discrete, countable
nature of quanta, and from a quantum's partial localization upon detection. Picture a single photon,
for example, as a spatially-extended cloud big enough to pass through both slits and then to extend
over its entire interference region, which collapses into an atom-sized region upon impact.


Since quanta are waves in fields, it's not surprising that they obey a "superposition principle": If
a quantum can be in any one of several different states, then it can be in all of them simultaneously.
Similarly, two water waves can exist simultaneously in the same pond and can even pass through
each other. This doesn't seem odd for water waves, which are just shapes of the pond's surface,
A philosophically realistic analysis 8

but it seems odd for, say, electrons and atoms. It entails that quanta can be in two places
The experiment diagramed in Figure 1 furnishes a perfect example. The figure shows an
interference measuring device or "interferometer." Imagine a monochromatic light beam entering
at the lower left. The interferometer comprises two "optical paths" along which the beam can
travel. BS1 is a "beam splitter," a device that reflects half the beam upward into path 1 and
transmits the other half rightward into path 2. M1 and M2 are mirrors that bring the two beams
back together so they cross at a second removable beam splitter BS2. D1 and D2 are light detectors,
and f1 and f2 are "phase shifters" that can lengthen path 1 and path 2, respectively, by any amount
up to one wavelength of the light.

Figure 1. A Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

If we remove BS2 and send a light beam through, half the light goes to D1 and half to D2
independently of how we set the phase shifters: evidence that the two half-beams simply pass
through each other at the crossing point.
With BS2 inserted, half the light in each path goes to each detector, so the two paths mix
together. We find that the amount of light going to each detector varies as the path lengths change.
At some phase settings, all the light goes to D1. This demonstrates interference: constructive at
D1 and destructive at D2. If we then lengthen, say, path 1 slightly, a fraction of the light goes to
D2. Lengthening path 1 by a quarter wavelength results in half the light going to each detector.
Lengthening by a half wavelength results in all the light going to D2. The two paths are clearly
interfering at the detectors, verifying that light is a wave.
If we dim the beam sufficiently, quantum effects must show up at some point. What
happens when a single photon encounters BS1? Planck's rule entails that the photon cannot split,
with half of it following each path. We discover, experimentally, that the entire photon instead
reflects and transmits. It follows both paths! This sounds crazy. How do we know this?
Here's how. When a single photon passes through the interferometer with BS2 absent we
find after many "trials" that the entire photon always impacts either D1 or D2, never both, verifying
the photon to be a single unified object that doesn't split. The impacts occur with 50-50 random
statistics at D1 and D2. It's interesting and significant that the randomness is perfect. For example,
with a long enough series of trials we find the perfect fraction (1 part in 210) of ten D1s in a row.
Quantum indeterminacy is more perfectly random than any classical device such as a roulette
wheel or coin flips (Hobson 2017).
A philosophically realistic analysis 9

Continuing the explanation: Inserting BS2 and varying the path lengths reveals a surprising
result: The statistics at D1/D2 vary depending on the difference between the two path lengths, as
shown in Figure 2, so the measured outcome responds equally to phase alterations of either path.
The simplest conclusion is that each photon goes both ways; it is "superposed" along both paths.
When the two "copies" of the photon pass through BS2, each copy again goes both ways so the
two paths mix and interfere at either detector: If crest meets crest at D1, interference is constructive
and we detect a wave (a photon). If crest meets valley, we detect no photon at D1. Figure 2 shows
how the probabilities of detecting the photon at D1 vary with the difference between the two path

Figure 2. Outcome of the experiment of Figure 1, evidence that each photon travels both paths.

If photons are particles, similar to peas only smaller, superposition is remarkable. But if a
photon is an extended real lump of field, it's expected: The field simply spreads along both paths.
Interferometer experiments have also been performed with material quanta such as atoms,
with the same result. Atoms, too, are fields.
Gui-Lu Long and colleagues recently performed an interferometer experiment that
amounts to a direct demonstration of quantum realism (Long et al. 2018). The experiment is an
extreme version of a "delayed-choice" experiment (Jacques et al. 2007). In Jacques' experiment,
a single photon passes through BS1 and then a random choice is made to either insert or not insert
BS2. Bohr's notions about the complementary dual wave-particle nature of quanta had misled
some physicists into thinking a photon might mysteriously retain whichever aspect, wave or
particle, it had acquired before entering the interferometer, regardless of the last-minute switching
of BS2. As one might expect, this proved false. The photon interfered with itself if and only if
BS2 was inserted, regardless of its history. A photon is not sometimes a wave and sometimes a
particle; it is always a bundled lump of field that spreads whenever it can.
Realistically, a single photon is an EM wave packet stretched out in space. Accordingly,
Long proposed to quickly insert (or remove) BS2 while the photon is passing through the crossing.
Long's ingenious implementation allows him to insert BS2 at any time during the photon's passage
through the crossing; his results show 16 data points corresponding to trials made at 16 "delay
times" between 0 (when the photon's front end arrives at the crossing) and T (when its back end
A philosophically realistic analysis 10

arrives). If Long had considered only delays of either 0 or T, the experiment would mimic Jacques'
experiment, and indeed Long's results recapitulate Jacques' in these cases: phase-dependent
interference with BS2 present (delay time of 0), phase-independent random 50-50 outcomes with
BS2 absent (delay time of T).
For intermediate delay times, Long et al. analyze the four "sub-waves" (the two branches
of the superposition, both before and after insertion of BS2) in detail to predict the probability of
"particle-like" behavior (phase-independent random outcomes) and "wave-like" behavior (phase
dependent interference) at the detectors, as a function of both the delay time and phase difference.
The experiment slices and dices each photon. The results for all four sub-waves are as
expected from realistic standard QP, over all insertion times from 0 to T and all choices of phase
between the two branches. It's hard to believe that a photon (and all other quanta) isn't just what a
realist would have guessed decades ago: A real spatially-extended wave packet that spreads along
all available paths.

Nonlocality and Entanglement

Locality--the notion that objects are directly influenced only by their immediate surroundings--is
intuitively plausible and is valid outside of QP. Long-distance forces such as classical gravity and
electromagnetism act only "locally" because they travel as waves propagating from point to point,
the changing gravitational or EM field at one point causing the field at the next point to change.
But as we've seen, Planck's hypothesis implies that, if a single quantum has any spatial extension
at all, then it must be instantaneously coordinated over its entire extent. Einstein noted this
quantum wholeness in his 1927 remarks, as have others (Bohm 1980). Such wholeness is absent
from classical physics but pervasive in QP and the source of quantum nonlocality.
Nonlocality is most obvious when two or more quanta are involved. When two quanta
interact, their spatially extended states can become "entangled." Theory and experiment show
entangled quanta can influence each other instantaneously regardless of their separation distance.
Figure 3 indicates this conceptually. Assume the black quantum and gray quantum, initially
moving rightward and upward respectively, are independent, i.e. alterations in one don't affect the
other. They then come together and overlap their spatially extended states. This can "entangle"
them so that, as they separate, each retains some portion of the other's state. The unity of each pre-
entanglement quantum, implied by Planck's hypothesis, then suggests the entangled quanta form
a single unified object.
Both the black and gray quanta now move in two ways simultaneously, in the following

"Black quantum moves rightward and gray quantum moves upward," superposed with "black
quantum moves upward and gray quantum moves rightward."

This two-quantum superposition turns out to be remarkable. As suggested by Figure 3, any

alteration of one of the two final objects entails simultaneous changes in the other object,
regardless of their separation. Such instantaneous coordination at a distance is perhaps not
surprising when we recall the nonlocal implications of Planck's quantum hypothesis, and that
quanta are simply ripples in a field: Two ripples have met and separated so that part of each
incoming ripple now appears in both outgoing ripples.
A philosophically realistic analysis 11

Figure 3. Two quanta can entangle when they meet, a condition that persists even after separation.

Nonlocality is massively documented. Einstein suggested nonlocal consequences of

entanglement (Einstein, Podolsky & Rosen 1935); Bell found a mathematical criterion for whether
entangled systems really behave nonlocally (Bell 1964); Clauser demonstrated nonlocality in
entangled systems (Clauser & Freeman 1972); Aspect demonstrated nonlocal coordination occurs
faster than lightspeed (Aspect, Dalibard & Roger 1982); and many experiments demonstrate
nonlocality across great distances (Pan et al. 2017). Nonlocality raised enormous skepticism, but
experiments managed to close all loopholes simultaneously.5
The result is that it's now known beyond any reasonable doubt that "local realism" fails,
meaning outcomes of measurements on entangled pairs of quanta are not fully determined by real
properties (such as quantum states) carried along "locally" by either quantum. Either individual
("local") systems are instantaneously influenced by distant events, or the properties (such as
quantum states) of entangled systems don't objectively exist. It's to quantum theory's great credit
that it correctly predicts the failure of local realism. But which one fails, locality or realism? The
Copenhagen camp claims realism fails, but others (Aspect 2007) argue locality fails.
Let's turn to experiment. Of the plethora of nonlocality experiments since 1972, the most
pedagogically useful are the experimental investigations of pairs of momentum-entangled photons
performed nearly simultaneously by two independent groups (Rarity & Tapster 1990; Ou, Zou,
Wang & Mandel 1990). The results entirely agree with standard quantum theory (Horne, Shimony
& Zeilinger 1990). I'll call them the "RTO experiments," for Rarity, Tapster, and Ou.
Figure 4 shows the layout. The source creates entangled photons A and B by a process that
need not concern us. Note that A and B are the post-entanglement photons. Their entangled state
can be described as follows:

See Giustina et al. (2015), Hensen et al. (2015), Shalm et al. (2015).
A philosophically realistic analysis 12

"A moves leftward along the solid path and B moves rightward along the solid path,"
superposed with "A moves leftward along the dashed path and B moves rightward along the
dashed path."

More briefly, A and B move away from each other along the solid path and also along the
dashed path. A phase shifter is situated on each path.

Figure 4. The RTO experiments.

If A and B were not entangled, the experiment would be simply two back-to-back
interferometer experiments, each one like Figure 1 but with BS1 lying inside the source. However,
the entanglement changes everything. The single photon of Figure 1 interferes only with itself,
but neither photon in Figure 4 interferes with itself! This is a key result and as we'll see below it
resolves the measurement problem. Regardless of either phase setting, both detectors (A1/A2 and
B1/B2) register perfectly random 50-50 mixtures of outcomes. This means that neither photon has
a phase of its own, even though non-entangled photons have phases of their own and can interfere
with themselves.
However, the entangled pair does have a phase, and a state, of its own. Upon varying the
phases we find the highly organized two-photon correlations graphed in Figure 5, showing both
photons "know" the phase difference. The graph shows the photons' "degree of correlation" for
various phase differences, where 360 degrees represents one wavelength difference between the
solid and dashed path lengths. A "degree of correlation" of +1 means that, in a long series of trials,
the two outcomes are always the same (either both are 1 or both are 2); a correlation of -1 means
they are always different; zero correlation means the outcomes are the same on 50%, and different
on 50%, of the trials; values between 0 and +1 indicate "same" is more likely than "different." For
example, at a 45-degree phase difference the outcomes are the same in 71% of trials. For
mathematical definitions, see (Hobson 2018).
The perfect correlation at phase zero is manifestly nonlocal because of the presence of the
beam splitters: A's beam splitter sends photon A randomly to A1 or A2, and similarly for B's beam
splitter. Nevertheless, each photon "knows" the "choice" of the other photon and correlates its
path accordingly. How can A know B's choice? The answer: Entanglement. At zero phase, the
two photons form a single object. In fact, it's enlightening to consider the pair of photons as a
single "bi-photon," an "atom of light" (atoms are also internally entangled) superposed along two
bi-photon paths, solid and dashed.
A philosophically realistic analysis 13

Figure 5. The degree of correlation between RTO's two entangled photons varies with the non-
local phase difference fB - fA between the photons.

Just as we can obtain Figure 2 by varying either phase shifter in Figure 1, we can obtain
the correlations of Figure 5 by varying either phase shifter in Figure 4. Thus, just as Figure 2
entails that the single photon really is superposed along both paths, Figure 5 entails that the bi-
photon really is superposed along both the solid path and the dashed path of Figure 4. The bi-
photon simply spreads along both available paths, because it's a single unified field.
Table 1 compares outcomes for the simple superposition of Figure 1 and the entangled
superposition of Figure 4, at five values of the phase difference from 0 to 180 degrees. The contrast
is striking: In the simple superposition, the state of the single photon varies with phase, but the bi-
photon's single-photon states show no such sign of either photon interfering with itself. Thus the
individual photons are no longer superposed, and only the correlations between the two photons
vary with phase. It's worth emphasizing that Figure 5 and Table 1 follow from standard QP (Horne,
Shimony & Zeilinger 1990) and are verified by the RTO experiments.

Table I. Comparison of the simple superposition of Figure 1 with the entangled superposition of
Figure 4.
Simple superposition Entangled superposition
f State of photon fB - fA State of each photon Correlation between photons
0 degrees 100% 1, 0% 2 0 degrees 50-50 1 or 2 100% corr, 0% anti
45 71% 1, 29% 2 45 50-50 1 or 2 71% corr, 29% anti
90 50% 1, 50% 2 90 50-50 1 or 2 50% corr, 50% anti
135 29% 1, 71% 2 135 50-50 1 or 2 29% corr, 71% anti
180 0% 1, 100% 2 180 50-50 1 or 2 0% corr, 100% anti

It's been amply demonstrated that nonlocal correlations are established faster than light can
connect the two measurements. This might seem to violate special relativity. But special relativity
prohibits superluminal transfer only for causal signals. Nonlocality is implemented entirely with
A philosophically realistic analysis 14

correlations, and correlations alone cannot transfer any causal effect. In the RTO experiment, for
example, A cannot send an instantaneous signal to B by changing A's phase shifter, because
nothing changes at B. The only way B can know something changed is by obtaining information
about A's outcomes and noting the change of correlations. Thus, the bi-photon is instantaneously
coordinated across its entire extent without violating special relativity.
We've seen that the RTO experiment is manifestly nonlocal. Nonlocality is also manifest
in Planck's hypothesis, and in Einstein's comment at Solvay. Experiments such as RTO only
reinforce the centrality of nonlocality to the quantum world. The consensus today is that either
locality or realism fails, but there is no reason to abandon five centuries of scientific history by
renouncing realism because nonlocality is clearly written all over QP.
A realistic picture of superposition and entanglement emerges. A fundamental quantum
such as a photon is a highly unified bundle of field energy carrying one "excitation" (hf joules).
In Figure 1, a photon spreads along paths 1 and 2. Upon measurement at D1/D2, the photon's
reality emerges in its unified nature, its amplitudes (which needn't be 50-50), and its phase. Two
entangled photons also form a single highly unified bundle of field energy but carrying two
excitations. In Figure 4, a bi-photon spreads out along the solid and dashed paths and is detected
at A1/A2 and B1/B2. Although the bi-photon is superposed, neither single photon is superposed.
Neither photon has a phase (Hobson 2018), but the bi-photon has a phase and a quantum state as
revealed by nonlocal correlations. Upon interaction, the bi-photon behaves as a single unified
quantum regardless of its extension. A similar realistic view of superposition and entanglement
has been expressed in (Perez-Bergliaffa 1996).

Measurement and Entanglement

Measurements--processes in which a quantum event leads to an irreversible macroscopic change-

-have long presented difficulties for physicists. As we'll see, the main stumbling block has been
entanglement. Entanglement is subtle. It is "the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics"
(Schrodinger 1935, his emphasis). Today we still have no clear consensus about its nonlocal
implications, although recent experiments might be changing this. Thus the continuing conundrum,
and the variety of proposed solutions, are not surprising.
As a simple example, consider the single photon of Figure 1, without BS2, as the
superposed photon moves along both paths toward D1/D2. As the photon nears the detector, the
photon and detector interact to form the following entangled "measurement state":

"Photon on path 1 and D1 registers," superposed with "photon on path 2 and D2 registers."

Most physicists agree with the analysis up to this point, a point reached long ago in the first detailed
analysis of measurement (von Neumann 1932).
The conundrum is that this state appears to entail that the macroscopic detector is
superposed, and registers both D1 and D2. This would present two problems: (1) there is no
definite outcome, so the measurement is useless; (2) such a macroscopic superposition, while
physically possible, would be excruciatingly difficult to create and certainly could not be created
as easily as this. Schrodinger dramatized the paradox in his famous example involving a
A philosophically realistic analysis 15

radioactive nucleus, with a cat playing the role of detector by dying or living according to whether
or not the nucleus decayed. The superposition seems to imply a dead and alive cat.
But we understand entanglement better today than in Schrodinger's day or indeed any other
day, and this understanding resolves the supposed paradox (Hobson 2018). The above
measurement state is simply a version of RTO's entangled state at zero phase (correlation of +1),
with one of the quanta being (or triggering) a macroscopic detector. From Table 1, then, we see
there is no paradoxical macroscopic superposition: the state of the photon is a random 50-50
probability of either path 1 or path 2, the state of the detectors is a random 50-50 probability of
either D1 or D2, and the two outcomes are perfectly correlated. There is no macroscopic
superposition because neither subsystem is superposed. In fact, we've seen that neither subsystem
has a phase of its own, implying it cannot interfere with itself. Neither subsystem is a "coherent"
quantum. Only correlations between subsystems are superposed, not states of subsystems, and
thus there is no paradox. Even if one subsystem is macroscopic, there is no paradox. All this
agrees with standard quantum theory (Horne, Shimony & Zeilinger 1990).
This solves the problem of "definite outcomes" also known as "Schrodinger's cat."
But it doesn't entirely solve the measurement problem, because a completed measurement
must irreversibly record a single outcome. In fact, the mathematical formulation of the
measurement process shows that the measurement state is in principle reversible, so it cannot yet
be a permanent indicator such as a macroscopic sound wave or visible mark (Hobson 2018).
When the photon entangles with D1/D2 it transfers its energy to a single electron in either
D1 or D2. This electron triggers a many-electron "avalanche," creating a detectable electric current
in either D1 or D2. Experiments show the photon actually interacts with both detectors, but the
triggering happens within just one of them while the other detector experiences only the quantum
vacuum (Fuwa et al 2015). In other words, entanglement with both detectors ensures that one
detector is triggered while the other is not triggered, resolving Einstein's question at the 1927
Solvay Conference. The process is necessarily non-local due to the separation between D1 and
D2 and the requirement of instantaneous correlation. The indeterminism between D1 and D2 is a
fundamental quantum property, just as it is throughout quantum physics.
Concerning irreversibility: the electron avalanche involves a large number of microscopic
processes, each of them reversible or "unitary" in principle but collectively so numerous and
diverse that the probability of reversal is essentially zero. Such processes are what the second law
of thermodynamics is all about. The question of whether such a process is "really" irreversible or
simply irreversible "for all practical purposes" has been argued since Ludwig Boltzmann's day
(Hobson 1971), and arises in identical fashion even for classical systems. In other words, at this
point our task of explaining quantum measurements is finished.
To summarize: Quantum measurement occurs when a superposed microscopic quantum
entangles with a macroscopic object. The entanglement is not a paradoxical macroscopic
superposition because (1) it is not a superposition of states of any single subsystem but merely a
superposition of correlations between states of different subsystems; and (2) each subsystem has
no phase and so cannot interfere with itself. The entanglement entails an indeterminate but definite
quantum choice of macroscopic outcomes. The macroscopic object can be a laboratory detector
or it can be natural, i.e. measurement has nothing necessarily to do with humans. Thus, when put
into the proper realistic physical context, the measurement problem is not difficult.
A philosophically realistic analysis 16


Properly understood, and as has also been argued by Mario Bunge, the issues of quantization, field-
particle duality, superposition, entanglement, nonlocality, and measurement present no barrier to
a consistent and realistic interpretation based on standard quantum physics. At least to this extent,
quantum physics is consistent with the scientific view as it has been known since Copernicus:
nature exists on its own and science's goal is to understand its operating principles, which are
independent of humans.


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