Pred 125

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Lidot, Junieva M.

PRED 125 – The Teaching Profession

BSED English 1A 21-1-00034

My Philosophy in Teaching

Becoming a teacher at some time in the future has to do something of what kind

of teacher I am. What will be my behavior as an educator? How do I treat students? What will be

my own strategies I could I implement in enlightening my learner?

There were so many conceptions of a possible teaching in order to become a

professionally educator I have to ascertain my own kind of teaching. Starting with the basis of

education, according to sociological basis of education by Dr. Itoo, Education takes place in a

(any) society constituted of individuals. It is a social process and has a social function as well as

relevance. A school is created by the society and the society is shaped and molded by the school.

Education is harmonious development of all the powers of the human being physical, social,

intellectual, aesthetic, and spiritual. Hence education, life and philosophy are closely interrelated.

And with that case, we can only see the opinion of what the basis of education really is. By the

reason of my own perspective in learning, we can’t teach if we don’t know what the basis of being

and educator. And when we have the knowledge of it, we can simplify our own strategies and

ways in teaching.

Before I move along with my own strategies, abilities, skills, behavior and etc.,

I will first illustrate of what is my thoughts about philosophy in teaching. So, starting with

philosophy in teaching as a learner, it focuses on how teachers manage to enlighten their learners.

As for me being a student, I have observed teachers in High School and the instructor in College

or in the university. Teachers in High School has so many differences with the Instructor in

College. Observing High School teachers when I was in High School, they teach with so many
visual aids, they were somehow very approachable and they are not secretive, they can also wait

for the students to submit their assignment, they allows deadline four weeks after the submission,

they are the ones who force students to submit their tasks, they are afraid that the student may

fail and couldn’t graduate high school. And that was my observation in the high school teachers.

On the other hand, professors in college are very strict as what I have observed in some instructor.

They are approachable but they are secretive at the same time, they give deadlines so short of

time, but we students can still manage it and, they immediately fail students if they don’t submit

their outputs and we are very careful.

Moving along with my strategies and ways, I have the thoughts of organizing and

managing my rules of educating my students. Soon, I can see myself become a high school

teacher so with the help of being an observant student, I know how to be a professional educator

to my learners, and I will manage by assuring that my learners will perfectly understand my

teaching ability. I have to be very careful of my words and sentences, I will use simple sentences

and simple wordings for my students to understand more and being so comfortable when they

are given the tasks, I am asking them to do. Also, successful strategies leads the students to

motivate them in learning in every kind of subject if the teacher is very good in teaching. The

ability of a good teacher and a good strategy helps students to reach their dreams by giving them

inspiration from the teacher, not only the teacher benefit but also the environment of the learners

that give them knowledge about their lives and will get a good mindset to their surroundings.

In conclusion to what kind of strategy I will implement soon, I can see myself my

ways of the philosophy I will have soon. The philosophy in the way I teach, the way of treating

students in not pressuring them but motivates them. Because in my opinion, you don’t blame

students if they don’t understand immediately, try to make a way on how you could manage it as

a professional educator. Be a responsible teacher, be kind and be approachable.

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