TTPJ Activity 1 4.assignment

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Activity 1
Analyze the given example in your small groups, then answer the following

1. Which of the philosophies studied in Lesson 1 are reflected in the given


2. What are the teacher’s concept/s of the learner?

The teachers concepts of the learner are:
•every learner has a natural interest in learning and is capable of learning
•every learner can be influenced but not totally his/her environment
•every learner is an embodied spirit
•every learner does not have an empathy mind, rather is full of ideas
•every learner is unique and so comparing a child to other children is no basis

3. Who, according to the Grade school teacher’s philosophy is the good and
educated person?
A good and educated person consistently practicing good values to serve as a
model to every child. He/she strengthen the value formation of every child
through "hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on" experiences inside or outside the

4. What is the teacher’ concept on values?

There are unchanging values in changing times and these must be passed on
every child by modeling, value inculcation and value integration in their
5. What does the teacher believe to be her primary task?
To facilitate the development of every child to the optimum and to the

6. Do her concepts of the learner and the educated person match with how she will
go about her task to facilitating every child’s development?
Yes, because he/she is consistent on how he/she will go about her/his task of
facilitating of every child's full development in accordance to his/her belief or
concepts about learner.

7. You notice that the teacher’s thought on the learner, values and method of
teaching begin with the phare “I believe”. Will it make a difference if the Grade school
teacher wrote her philosophy of education in paragraph from using the third person
When writing your teaching philosophy statements never use the word "you"
or "we". Teaching is an art and different individuals have various artistic style
of teaching and learning. So when writing your philosophy statements, always
use the pronouns "I" or "my". Every teacher has his/her own creative and
artistic way of teaching. Hence, teaching philosophy statements are unique to
the individuals

8. Why is one’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the world or

“compass” in life?

A window allows you to see through the walls that confine you. It allows you
to understand what is outside your immediate area.
A compass tells you which way leads in which direction. It doesn't tell you
which way to go, but it gives you some orientation, some sense of what will
happen when you choose a certain course of action. Your philosophy gives
you analogous guides in your life. When you say philosophy or education "I
assume you mean your own education or your own understanding of how you
learn things. Ofcourse, this guides your approach to learning.
Activity 2
Formulate your personal philosophy of education. Do it well for this will form
part of your teaching portfolio which you will bring along with you when you apply for
a teaching job.

“Teaching is a privilege, and learning has no ending” by this, the position that
I take to impart knowledge to my students is a great privilege. I do believe that
teachers wants only the best for their students. I choose this field with my
dedication and passionate to experience and to share the quality of education
to my students. I also believe that a teacher should communicate to their
students, co-teachers, to staffs , and to the directors so that, he/she has a
good rapport with them. So with this personal philosophies I will ensure that I
am a role model as a teacher for my students.

Share you philosophy of education with the class.

Activity 3
A. Reflect on your own philosophy using the following questions as guide:

1. With that educational philosophy:

 how will you treat your student?
As a facilitator, I will treat them as my own child. Because, as a
teacher I am their second mother inside a classroom. I will guide
them and teach them not only in subject-matter but also, to
develop their moral values.
 What will you teach?
I will teach them the essentials and to help them understand and
develop their behaviors.
 How will you teach?
First and foremost, I will make them clearly understand and gently
explaining to them the lessons, and also they freely to ask me
questions and suggestions about the topic. Then, I will also
discipline them and make them knowledgeable about respecting
each other. Lastly, I will ask them if they understand nor not or
what they have learned about what I teach.
2. From which philosophies that you have studied and researched did you draw
inspiration as you formulated your own philosophy of education?

I inspired with the philosophies of education in behaviorism and essentialism.

In the reason of, even if it is the basic skills to teach for the students it is also
have an important role for the students in shaping their behaviors inside and
outside the school. In these philosophies, it reflected to the students learnings
if I transmit or successfully teach them well about how to develop their
behaviors, their values, and their intellectual knowledge to become a model

3. Does this education philosophy of yours make a difference in your life?

Yes, it will reflect to myself on how I will be a better facilitator in the future.

What if you do not have a formulated philosophy of education at all?

If I do not have formulated my philosophy maybe my teaching techniques
are not good at all because, I do not stick with my own philosophy while I’m
teaching, and also my way of teaching for the students has no direction and
successful outcomes.

4. Is your educational philosophy more of an abstract theory than a blueprint of daily

No, because this seven philosophy are very practical and applied to all who
will become a teacher.

5. Do you think your philosophy will change as you grow in knowledge?

Yes, it will based on how things are going and how I will be able to educate my
B. Print your philosophy of education and include it in your teaching portfolio.

Activity 4
Share you philosophy of education with the class.

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