Module 2 Week 2

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Quarter 1 – Module 2
Online Safety, Security Ethics,
and Etiquette

Compiled and Repackaged by:

Teacher II i
Schools Division of the City of Batac
Empowerment Technologies– Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Online Safety, Security Ethics, and Etiquette
First Edition, 2020

Development Team of the Module

Compiler and Layout Artist: Mark Janree L. Valencia
Editor: Guillan Maye L. Sudsudan
Reviewer: Marlene C. Castillo Blesilda B. Antiporda
Cover Artist: Clarence C. Manarpaac
Management Team: Joel B. Lopez, EdD, CESO V Marilou B. Sales, EdD
Annie D. Pagdilao, EdD Aubrhey Marie R. Oasay, PhD
Jhon Rey D. Ortal, EdD
Marlene C. Castillo

Printed in the Philippines by the Schools Division of the City of Batac

Department of Education – Region I

Office Address: 16 S Quiling Sur, City of Batac, 2906, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Telefax: (77) 677-1993


E-mail Address: [email protected]

Introductory Message

Welcome to the Empowerment Technologies Compiled and Repackaged Module on

Online Safety, Security Ethics, and Etiquette!

This module was collaboratively compiled, repackaged, and reviewed by educators of

the Department of Education Schools Division of the City of Batac to assist learners and
teachers or facilitators meet the standards of the K to 12 Curriculum amidst this difficult

Particularly, this module hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
fun-filled learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills and the four livelihood skills for survival – the 4As
(agtagibalay, agtaraken, agmula, agliwliwa), which are considered very vital in surviving any

To achieve the above objectives, the facilitators and learners need to be guided by the
following reminders:

For the facilitator:

As a facilitator, you are expected to:

1. orient the learners on how to use this module;
2. keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own learning;
3. encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in this module.

For the learner:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in this module.
3. Read the direction/s carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher or facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will become an active learner and you will
experience meaningful learning and gain deeper understanding of the relevant
competencies. You can do it!

What I Need To Know
People are becoming dependent on the Internet in which sometimes we do not pay attention
to how much information we share online. Being on different platforms, we should be aware
of our actions and protect ourselves at the same time. Remember that once something has
been shared online, it cannot be deleted. Thus, internet safety is always our primary concern.
This module allows you to explore your digital life and learn the importance of acting
responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquette
• Lesson 2 – Contextualized Online Search and Research Skills

Most Essential Learning Competency

• Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of
ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-

• Use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges (CS_ICT11/12-

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify one’s and other’s safety when sharing information using the internet;
2. identify one’s and other’s reputation when using the internet;
3. identify the different threats using the Internet;
4. explain how to prevent different Internet threats;
5. demonstrate responsible use of social networking sites;
6. demonstrate resourcefulness and creativity in generating search terms using a
search engine; and
7. demonstrate discernment in judging the credibility, value, and usefulness of
researched materials.

What I Know
Direction. Read the following questions carefully. On the space provided in each item, write
the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. If there is no answer in an item, write E.

_________ 1 Copyright infringement does not occur when a person __________________.

A. Alters the author’s name attached to a piece of work electronically
B. Offers for sale and exhibits in public of any article where the infringer knows
that the article was made without the copyright owner’s consent
C. Falsely attributes the authorship of a work
D. Showcase a film in public after obtaining permission from the copyright owner

_________ 2. When responding to my classmate's wiki posts, I should only say things that I
would be willing to say when I meet with them face to face. What specific rule in
the netiquette was followed?
A. Share expert knowledge.
B. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
C. Help keep flame wars under control.
D. Adhere to the same standard that you follow in real life.

_________ 3. The web is a maze of connected data and information. Which of the following
is NOT TRUE on online searching?
A. Choose your web browser based on the best search engine.
B. Do not use punctuation and Boolean operators like AND, OR, NOT.
C. Limit your search to specifics.
D. Use quotation marks for specific phrases.

_________ 4. Jack Cyber received an email stating that her mother’s bank account is going
to be forfeited if he will not respond to the email immediately. What type of
internet threat is encountered by Jack Cyber?
A. Adware B. Scam C. Phishing D. Malware

_________ 5. Jimuel created a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website to
trick his users into entering their login information. What type of internet threat is
A. Adware B. Scam C. Phishing D. Malware

_________ 6. What type of information should you avoid giving when using the internet?
A. Phone number B. Profile Picture C. Shirt Size D. Religion

_________ 7. What is considered shouting over the Internet?

A. Screaming at your computer.

B. Writing in all CAPS.
C. Putting a lot of exclamation marks at the end of a sentence.
D. Not answering a friend request on Facebook

_________ 8. Criminals access someone’s computer and encrypt the user’s files and data. The
user is unable to access this data unless they pay the criminals to decrypt the
files. This practice is called ___________.
A. Adware B. Scam C. Phishing D. Malware

_________ 9. Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?

A. Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to
look like an email from someone reliable.
B. Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order
to trick users into entering their login information.
C. Sending someone a text message looks like a notification that the person has
won a contest.
D. Sending someone an email that records their keystroke activities while using
their computers.

_________ 10. Which of the following must NOT be done if you received an embarrassing
picture from your friend?
A. Tell your parents or teachers
B. Send the picture on to other friends
C. Talk to your friend about its negative outcomes.
D. Discourage your friend from sending pictures like that.

_________ 11. Your family is going out on a vacation. What should you do?
A. Post pictures when you return home.
B. Post the dates you will be gone online.
C. Post updates of where you are currently checking in hotels or places.
D. Tell no one. Vacations are for getting away.

_________ 12. When I encounter wrong grammar and wrong spelling of posts of my friends
on Facebook, I message them privately to inform his/her mistakes. What
specific rule in the netiquette was followed?
A. Don’t abuse your power.
B. Make yourself look good online.
C. Remember the human.
D. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.

_________ 13. What should you do if you feel you are being cyber-bullied?
A. Call the police
B. Tell no one, it's embarrassing
C. Tell a trusted adult like a parent or teacher
D. Just delete anything referring to you on the Internet

For #’s 14-15, use the choices below.
A. If only the FIRST statement is TRUE. C. If BOTH statements are TRUE.
B. If only the SECOND statement is TRUE. D. If BOTH statements are FALSE.

_________ 14. Add friends you know in real life.

Share your password with anyone.

_________ 15. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.

Use at least two antivirus software to avoid conflicts.

Let’s Check!
Turn to page 32 to check your answer.
If you got 100% you may skip the module.
If you got 99%-50% you may proceed with the module.

Online Safety, Security Ethics
1 and Etiquette

What’s In
You have learned from your previous module that the
introduction of the World Wide Web and the internet has made
great breakthroughs in the field of information sharing and
communication. It helped connect people miles away from each
other However, these advances carried drawbacks wherein the
issue of safety, security, and ethics of the consumers is
compromised. Thus, how you are going to keep yourself safe
while surfing the web?
Photo Credit:
Let’s find out!

Think about your life with the media.

Key Questions:
1. What is social media’s role in your life?

2. What are your favorite and least favorite things to do with social media?

4. Do you connect with others or create things using social media? Finish this statement:

My Media life is like


For example, My media life is like a track meet because it is so exhausting at the end of the

What’s New
The next activity aims to assess how safe are you in using the Internet by tracking what have
you shared and not shared over the internet.

Quick Check 1. How Safe Are You!

Direction: Below is a questionnaire about how much information you have shared so far. Put
a check under Shared or Not shared.

Type of Information Shared Not Shared

First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Current and Previous School (s)
Your Cellphone Number
The Name of Your Mother and Father
The Name of Your Siblings
Your Address
Your Home Phone Number
Your Birthday

Key Questions

• How many of this information have you SHARED?

• How many of this information have you NOT SHARED?

Try using a search engine like Google then type your First and Last Name
• Did you get links to your profile page? _____

Try switching to image search.

• Did your pictures appear? _____

• Based from your answers above, do you think you are safe when using the Internet?

So how did these things happen? Is there any danger of being found by search engines?
Let us find out!

What Is It
Online Safety and Security

The internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote your business, gain new
friends, and stay in touch with the old ones. It is also a source of entertainment through games,
online communities, and everything in between. But like most things in this world, there is
always the “other side of the coin”. The internet is one of the most dangerous places, especially
if you do not know what you are doing with it. But here is no need to worry; it is never that late.
Hopefully, by the end of this lesson, you can consider how you go about your use of the

Let us go back to the “How Safe are You?” activity. Let us visit each item and see how risky it
is to share them.

Tips to Stay Safe Online

Any information, even things that you have set privately, can be accessed one way or another.
Here are some tips to help you stay safe when using the internet.

• Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to.
• Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.

• Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website handles the
information you share.
• Know the security features of the social networking site you use.
• Do not share your password with anyone.
• Avoid logging into public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in incognito (or private) mode, a
feature of the browser, will not protect you from hackers.
• Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
• Never post anything about a future vacation. It is similar to posting, “Rob my house at
this date”.
• Add friends you know in real life.
• Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
• Install and update antivirus software on your computer. Use only one anti-virus
software to avoid conflicts.
• If you have Wi-Fi at home, make it a private network by adding a password.
• Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.
• Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
• Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.

Think Before you Click

o Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself: Would
you want your parents or grandparents to see it? Would you want your future
boss to see it?
o Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online.
o Set your post to private. In this way, search engines will not be able to scan
that post.
o Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan.
o If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the one posted it
to pull it down or report it as inappropriate.

Internet Threats

Here are some of the threats you should be aware of when using the Internet:

1. Malicious Software (Malware)

• A program that is designed to damage, disrupt, or perform unauthorized actions
in the system.
• It invades privacy as it intrudes on your system and most of them try to harvest
personal information from the computers they infect.

a. Virus
o It is a malicious computer program that infects other programs by
attaching a copy of itself to executable files such as those having the
extensions of .exe and .com.
o It infects other computers when the infected file is run.
o The effects of having a virus in your system vary depending on what it

e.g. You might experience system slowdown or failure in some
applications even in the hardware; lost or damaged files.

b. Worm
o It is a sub-class of a computer virus.
o Instead of attaching to executable files, it sends hundreds or even
thousands of copies of itself through email from an infected computer.
o It scans the computer for email addresses and sends itself. So, when
the other person opens the email, the infection starts again and
hundreds of thousands of copies of the worm are sent again.
o The biggest danger to worms is its capability to travel through the
e.g. The very large amount of internet traffic caused by worms can lead
to a system choke where little bandwidth is left for legitimate
communication purposes. Thus, usually causes the computer, network,
and servers to stop responding.

c. Trojan Horse
o It is not a virus nor a worm because it does not create copies of
o It is a program that disguises itself as a normal or useful application.
o Users are usually tricked into running them due to disguise that they are
e.g. one might run an application named calculator.exe thinking that it
is a calculator program but is a Trojan horse.
o It can also be used to install programs that create a backdoor in the
system where it can allow another person to remotely access and
control the computer.
o Rogue security software- - is a form of malicious software and internet
fraud that misleads users into believing there is a virus on their
computer and manipulates them into paying money for a fake malware
removal tool.

d. Adware
o It is a program designed to display advertisements in pop windows and
redirect the browsers to load promotional websites.
o It is usually secretly bundled with free applications that can download
from the internet.
o A Trojan Horse may also install adware the moment you run them.

e. Spyware
o It is installed without you knowing them either by running a Trojan Horse
or by visiting a website that secretly installs spyware.
o It is a program that may perform any or a combination of the following:
• Track surfing habits
• Harvest email addresses
• Keylogging

• Gathering information such as passwords, credit card numbers,
o The computer will experience system and connection slowdowns. It can
also send spam using your email client and email account directly from
your computer.
o It can be detected with the help of anti-spyware programs such as:
• Free Microsoft Windows Defender for older systems
• Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection for users that own a
genuine Microsoft Windows OS
• Spybot Search & Destroy and Malwarebytes

2. Email Spam

• It is done by sending bulk emails containing commercial offerings or

• The email addresses are gathered from different sources such as websites
containing email addresses. Harvesting of addresses is one without the
consent of the owner, thus, there is no verification done to check if the address
is legitimate or working.
• Spammers perform harvesting using spambots.
o Spambots are programs that check the websites for email addresses
especially corporate sites that contain email listing of their officers and
• Spam may contain viruses instead of commercial advertisements. These
viruses when opened, scan the computer for email addresses that have not
been exposed on the web and are sent to an email database that stores the
harvested addresses.
• Spammers can perform identity theft as they use your email address to send
messages to your friends and relatives.
• Fortunately, email servers have a way to intercept mail and classify them as
spam. In Yahoo, email that is identified as spam is placed in the Bulk folder.

Tips to fight spam:

o Unknown email-sender- Assume that the email you received from an
unknown sender is spam.
o Ignore Spam
o Use a secondary email- Do not use your primary email to sign up for
online subscriptions. Use a secondary email address that you can
dispose of later if it has become a target of spam.
o Email privacy- Do not post your email address in guest books, blogs,
and forums.
o Do not Click the Link- do not click the links or buttons that come with
the spam. It will only confirm that your email address works.

3. Identity Theft

a. Information that can lead someone to locate or contact a person is called

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) [e.g. full name, residential address,
email address, contact number, birthday, and other similar information that is
considered personal.)

The following are some ways criminals get your data

• Record Theft or Data Breaches- Information is obtained by stealing paper or
computer records from offices.
• Shoulder Surfing- Information is obtained by looking over someone’s shoulder
when writing checks, performing bank, or credit card transactions. The name
and account number on the check or card can be memorized by the person
looking over your shoulder.
• Deception- Information is given out to a person posing as a friend, colleague,
or employer over the phone or in a person.
• Dumpster Diving- Information is found by checking the garbage of offices for
credit cards, bank statements, or utility bills.
• Stealing Mail- Stealing of mail that contains credit cards, bank statements, or
utility bills.
• Stealing Wallets- Stealing of wallet that contains credit card, bank statements,
identification cards, and other documents containing personal data.
• Internet- Readily available information on the internet makes it easy for
criminals to obtained personal data.

b. Skimming
• Credit cards are swiped in a device that copies the data stored in it such
as name and card number.
• It is usually done in restaurants and bars.

c. Phishing
• An email scam where recipients are made to believe that the email is
from a legitimate business such as a bank.

The following are the uses for stolen personal data.

o Online Transactions- Logging into someone else’s online account using
the stolen username and password to perform financial transactions.
o Bank or credit card accounts- A person may open a bank or credit card
account for issuing checks or shopping under a different name.
o Services- Contracting services such as mobile phone service,
construction, and others.
o Loans- A person may apply for loans under a different name.
o Deception- The stolen name may be given to the police instead of the real

Tips to prevent identity theft.
o Secure your paper and computer records.
o Always be aware of people looking at your financial records especially
your bank, credit, and identification card.
o Do not give your personal information to people especially when it is not
o Shred your financial statements such as banks, credit card, and utility
o Do not post personally identifiable information on the internet.

Online Ethics and Netiquette

Online ethics- focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online environment.
Netiquette- focuses on the acceptable behavior of the person while using internet resource.

The Core Rules of Netiquette

Rule No. 1: Remember the human

o You need to remember that you are talking to a real person when you are online.
o The internet brings people together who would otherwise never meet.
o Remember this saying when sending an email: Would I say this to the person’s face.
Rule No. 2: Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life.

o You need to behave the same way online that you do in real life.
o You need to remember that you can get caught doing things you should not be doing
online just like you can in real life.
o You are still talking to a real person with feelings even though you can’t see them.
Rule no. 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.

o Always take a look around when you enter a new domain when surfing the web.
o Get a sense of what the discussion group is about before you join it.
Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.

o Remember people have other things to do besides read your email. You are not the
center of their world.
o Keep your post and emails to a minimum by saying what you want to say.
Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good online.

o Be polite and pleasant to everyone.

o Always check your spelling and grammar before posting.
o Know what you are talking about and make sense of saying it.
Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge

o Ask questions online

o Share what you know online.

o Post the answers to your questions online because someone may have the same
question you do.
Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under control

o Netiquette does not forgive flaming.

o Netiquette does however forbid people who are flaming to hurt discussion groups by
putting the group down.
Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy.

o Do not read other people’s mail without their permission.

o Going through other people’s things could cost you, your job or you could even go to
o Not respecting other people’s privacy is bad netiquette.
Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power.

o Do not take advantage of other people just because you have more knowledge or
power than them.
o Treat others as you would want them to treat you if the roles were reversed.
Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.

o Do not point out mistakes to people online.

o Remember that you were once the new kid on the block.
o You still need to have a good manner even though you are online and cannot see the
person face to face.

What’s More
Activity1. Cartoon Analysis

Direction: Study the images below and briefly answer the questions.

What is the message of this cartoon? Do you agree?

Why or why not?


What is the message of this cartoon? Do you agree
with the message? Why or why not?


Activity 2.

Direction: Reflect on the question. Write your answer in your notebook.

How do you think people will see you when they see your social
media accounts, your pictures or videos, post, or comments on
the internet?


What I Have Learned

3-2-1 Exit Card

What are the three ideas that you have learned from this module?

What are the two things that reinforce (coincides with) you to know about the topic?

Do you still have questions about the topic?

What I Can Do
Exploration1: ICT in Action

Direction: Watch the video and briefly answer the following key questions.

Call center agent charged under cybercrime law. (2014) ABS-CBN News. YouTube. Retrieved
July 23, 2020, from

Key Questions

1. What cybercrime was mentioned in the given news? Give a brief explanation of the

2. What pieces of advice were given by the authorities on how people can be protected
against cybercrime?

Exploration 2: ICT in Action

Direction: Read the headlines found below and try to reflect on the questions that follow.

Reflect on the following questions:

Key Questions:

1. What is common among the headlines above?

2. Are your social media accounts secured enough that you may not be a victim of these
3. What type of information do you share in your social media accounts?


Direction. Read the following questions carefully. On the space provided in each item, write
the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. If there is no answer in an item, write E.

_________ 1. Criminals access someone’s computer and encrypt the user’s files and data.
The user is unable to access this data unless they pay the criminals to decrypt
the files. This practice is called ___________.
A. Adware B. Scam C. Phishing D. Malware

_________ 2. Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?

A. Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to
look like an email from someone reliable.
B. Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order
to trick users into entering their login information.
C. Sending someone a text message looks like a notification that the person has
won a contest.
D. Sending someone an email that records their keystroke activities while using
their computers.

_________ 3. Which of the following must NOT be done if you received an embarrassing
picture from your friend?
A. Tell your parents or teachers
B. Send the picture on to other friends
C. Talk to your friend about its negative outcomes.
D. Discourage your friend from sending pictures like that.

_________ 4. Your family is going out on a vacation. What should you do?
A. Post pictures when you return home.
B. Post the dates you will be gone online.
C. Post updates of where you are currently checking in hotels or places.
D. Tell no one. Vacations are for getting away.

_________ 5. When I encounter wrong grammar and wrong spelling of posts of my friends on
Facebook, I message them privately to inform his/her mistakes. What specific
rule in the netiquette was followed?
A. Don’t abuse your power.
B. Make yourself look good online.
C. Remember the human.
D. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.

_________ 6. What should you do if you feel you are being cyber-bullied?
A. Call the police
B. Tell no one, it's embarrassing
C. Tell a trusted adult like a parent or teacher
D. Just delete anything referring to you on the Internet

_________ 7. Copyright infringement does not occur when a person __________________.
A. Alters the author’s name attached to a piece of work electronically
B. Offers for sale and exhibits in public of any article where the infringer knows
that the article was made without the copyright owner’s consent
C. Falsely attributes the authorship of a work
D. Showcase a film in public after obtaining permission from the copyright owner

_________ 8. When responding to my classmate's wiki posts, I should only say things that I
would be willing to say when I meet with them face to face. What specific rule in
the netiquette was followed?
A. Share expert knowledge.
B. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
C. Help keep flame wars under control.
D. Adhere to the same standard that you follow in real life.

_________ 9. The web is a maze of connected data and information. Which of the following
is NOT TRUE on online searching?
A. Choose your web browser based on the best search engine.
B. Do not use punctuation and Boolean operators like AND, OR, NOT.
C. Limit your search to specifics.
D. Use quotation marks for specific phrases.

_________ 10. Jack Cyber received an email stating that her mother’s bank account is going
to be forfeited if he will not respond to the email immediately. What type of
internet threat is encountered by Jack Cyber?
A. Adware B. Scam C. Phishing D. Malware

_________ 11. Jimuel created a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website to
trick his users into entering their login information. What type of internet threat is
A. Adware B. Scam C. Phishing D. Malware

_________ 12. What type of information should you avoid giving when using the internet?
A. Phone number B. Profile Picture C. Shirt Size D. Religion

_________ 13. What is considered shouting over the Internet?

A. Screaming at your computer.

B. Writing in all CAPS.
C. Putting a lot of exclamation marks at the end of a sentence.
D. Not answering a friend request on Facebook

For #’s 14-15, use the choices below.

A. If only the FIRST statement is TRUE. C. If BOTH statements are TRUE.
B. If only the SECOND statement is TRUE. D. If BOTH statements are FALSE.

_________ 14. Share your password with anyone.

Add friends you know in real life.

_________ 15. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.
Use at least two antivirus software to avoid conflicts.

Additional Activities

Take the Challenge!

Goal Your goal is to improve student’s awareness of how to protect
themselves and others while using the Internet.
Audience High School Students
Situation The country has recorded an increasing number of cybercrime
victims, particularly among the students. These alarming situations
have signaled the different concern agencies to do a campaign.
As a social media influencer, you are asked by the leading
agencies to create a campaign material promoting “Think before
you Click”.
Product You will create one of the following products:

Product 1: An essay about the effects of social media on the

Filipino Youth: Negative or Positive?
Note: Your essay must have a title, an introduction, a body
paragraph (2 supporting arguments with examples), and a
conclusion. Not less than 12 sentences.

Product 2: Compose a song whose lyrics promote awareness

on how to protect reputations online.

Product 3: An infographic that contains Online safety, Security,

Ethics, and Etiquette.
Note: In making an infographic you may use or

Product 4: A typography poster on how to become a responsible

user of the Internet.
Note: You may use the or any Photo editing
software or applications.

Samples of Typography Posters:

Product 5: An eye-catching poster with a slogan on a medium

bond paper that promotes awareness on how to become a
responsible user of the Internet.
Note: You may use any type of medium (watercolor, pastel, color
pencil, etc.)

Standards You will be assessed based on the following criteria:

1. Accuracy of the content- Shows a deep understanding of the

concept presented.
2. Organization of ideas- All elements in the product are consistent
and logically presented. A very clear message is conveyed to the
3. Creativity- The product is very creative; a lot of effort and detail
went into the work.

Contextualized Online Search
2 and Research

What’s In
You have learned that the Internet is defined as the Information Superhighway. This means
that anyone has access to this highway, can place information, and can grab that information.
This lesson will help you to make the most out of the Internet when you research any topic.
Thus, are you a smarter user of search engines?

Let’s find out!

Try to Google Yourself!

Direction: Open the Google application and type your Name in the search engine.

1. Are you happy with the results? Why or Why not?

2. Is the search result affronted your privacy? Why or Why not?

3. Should these bits of information need to be posted or shown in public? Why or Why not?

What’s New

The next activity aims to assess your familiarity with the different search engines.

Quick Check

Direction. List five different search engines that you know.

Search Engines Which one works the best for you and
1. why?


What Is It
To stay meaningfully informed, you should be aware of search techniques that will give results
that are useful for your academic and chosen career.

Information on the Internet

• Maybe quite varied in form and content.

• It is more difficult to determine its reliability and accuracy.
• Accessing information on the Internet is easy, but requires more discipline to check
and validate.
• Factual & fictitious data are often merged.
• Information should be always validated.


• Also known as Internet Research.

• More than just googling (typing a word in Google and then clicking the search
• The skill needed to be improved to get factual information.

• ACCURACY- Content is grammatically correct, verifiable and cited when necessary

• AUTHOR- Defines who created the content, the individual or group’s

credential/expertise, and provides contact information

o com (commercial)
o .org (organization)
o .edu (education)
o .gov (government)
o .net (network)
o .mil (military)
o .ph (country domain)

• CURRENCY- Information is current & updated frequently.

• FAIRNESS- Content is balanced, presenting all sides of an issue and multiple points
of view.

• USE OF SEVERAL SEARCH ENGINES- Search Engines are programs that look for
documents based on specified keywords and return these documents where the
keyword was found.
E.g. Google, Yahoo (uses google), AltaVista, Bing, Lycos

• RELEVANCE- Content is relevant to your topic or research.

How to Spot Fake News from the Internet

• Consider the Source- Click away from the story to investigate the site, its mission,
and its contact information.
• Read Beyond- Headlines can be outrageous to get clicks. What’s the whole story?
• Check the Author- Do a quick search on the author. Are they credible? Are they
• Supporting Sources? - Click on those links. Determine if the information given
supports the story.
• Check the date- Reposting old news doesn’t mean they’re relevant to current
• Check your Biases- Consider if your own beliefs could affect your judgments.
• Is it a joke? - If it is too much outlandish, it might be satire. Research the site and
author to be sure.
• Ask the Experts- Ask a librarian or consult a fact-checking site.


o Helps you block inappropriate or explicit images from your Google Search
o Its filter isn’t 100% accurate, but it helps you avoid most adult content.

o an opt-in setting available on the computer and mobile site that helps screen
out potentially objectionable content that you may prefer not to see or don't
want others in your family to stumble across while enjoying YouTube.
o A parental control setting for YouTube.

o Provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
o From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles,
theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers,
professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.


o use a picture as your search to find related images from around the web.


• use search operators and other punctuation to get optimize search.

• AND & OR operator
o For conditional searching
o Search result must agree on the given condition
o The operator AND narrows the search by retrieving only records contain both
o The operator OR broadens the search to include records containing either
keyword or both.
• Plus (+)
o To indicate that the word after the sign is a required word must be found in the
o Ex. +preventive
• Minus (-)
o To exclude a word from your search that is not required on the result.
o Ex: -personal
• Wildcard (*)
o To find variations of a word, for instance, measure* it will find entries such as
measures and measurement.
• Quotation Mark (“”)
o Names or phrases should be enclosed with quotation marks better results.
o “precautionary measures”

The following is a set of tips to help you build smart search skills, as adapted from Common
Sense Media.

1. Find the Hidden Calculator

If number crunching just isn't your thing—and you need an answer fast— Google's hidden
calculator is a lifesaver. Head straight to the search bar and type in the problem or equation

you're looking to solve. You'll know you've gotten to the right place when a gray, calculator-
like tool pops up as the search result.

Bonus tip: How many teaspoons equal a tablespoon? When the homework is put away and
you need an extra hand at the Chemistry lab, this tool converts measurements, too.

2. Definitions and More

Browsing the Merriam-Webster dictionary for hours might be a lost art, but broadening kids'
vocabulary doesn't have to be. Simply add the word "define" before a search term (for
example, “define onomatopoeia”) to bring up the proper spelling, definition, origin, and even
fun tools like voice and translation options.

Bonus tip: If you struggle with spelling, don't worry. Google will suggest and search based on
the appropriate spelling of most words, just as it does for regular searches.

3. Age-Appropriate Results

Tools like Google SafeSearch and YouTube's Safety Mode can help filter out mature content
that's beyond what those below 18 are ready to see or read. This can also be taken a step
further with search results filter by reading level so you or your younger siblings or friends feel
comfortable with what's in front of them. Let Google annotate the results with reading levels
labeled, or choose to only show basic, intermediate, or advanced level content.

If you are looking for credible information—or your first taste of scholarly research—you can
check out Google's academic offshoot, Google Scholar. Bonus tip: Explore with confidence by
viewing content critically. Just because you see it online doesn't mean it's true.

4. Time-Zone Challenged

If you have a far-flung family and don’t want to wake them up in the middle of the night, you
can find the local time anywhere in the world by typing "time" and a city's name into the search

5. The Perfect Search

Let’s say the homework assignment requires you to use only one source of information. Enter
your query, followed by the URL for the website (i.e., weaving site: and hit enter.
You'll see only results from that website.

Need help with weaving homework but getting search results for weaving for sale? Add a
minus sign before "sale" to eliminate sale-related results.

6. Photo Magic

Learning how to attribute photos is a critical research skill. With Google Reverse Image
Search, you can upload any photo to Google Images and hit "search" to find the name of it,
and a whole lot more.

Bonus tip: In Google's Chrome browser, you can just right-click on any image and select
"search Google for this image." There's a Firefox addon, too.

7. Just for Fun

If all you need is a little distraction, go to Google and type in "tilt," browse the Google Doodle
archives, or just tell Google to do a barrel roll. You won't be disappointed.”


• This refers to the creation of the human mind such as literary, scholarly, scientific,
and artistic works which include web pages.
• Protect individuals by giving the creators property rights over their creations.
• Protects the form through which ideas are expressed (e.g. books, pamphlets, letters,
musical compositions, drawings, paintings, and other similar original creations)
• It does not protect the idea but instead how the ideas expressed such as those
expressed in a book. The author is given the right to control his original work such as
preventing copying and use by others.
• Copyright infringement is the use or production of copyright-protected material
without the permission of the copyright holder.
• Refers to the lawful and noncommercial reproduction or use of protected work.
• It does not require permission as long as it does not harm the author or copyright
owner. For example, the reproduction or use for educational purposes, criticism,
research, and news reporting.

Factors to be Considered for Fair Use

o How the material was used- it should be used appropriately to teach or
improve knowledge or for nonprofit and noncommercial use especially when
used for criticism, commentary, news, reporting, and other transformative use.
o The nature of the copyrighted material- Factual and published materials
such as biographies may be used. It is not a good idea to use unpublished or
fictional works.
o The amount or importance of the part about the whole copyrighted
material- A sample or part of the material may be used as long as it is not the
heart or most important aspect of the material. For example, viewing a film
inside a classroom for critiquing is fair use. To be safe, use only what is needed.
o The effect on the potential value of the copyrighted material- the use of the
material to create a new work should not compete with the original.

• an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another
author without authorization; the representation of that author's work as one's own,
as by not crediting the original.
• Using other people’s words and ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of
the information

How to Avoid Plagiarism
• You need to cite the things you copy on the internet.
• Put quotation marks around everything that comes directly from the text and cite the
• Paraphrase, but be sure that you are not simply rearranging or replacing a few words
and cite the source.
• Use the style manual in properly citing sources.

What’s More
Activity 1. Explore the Search Engines

Direction. Using the major search engines on the Web, find the best way to look for the given
words. Fill out the following chart, noting the number of hits you receive in each of the
search engines. Then, answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Search for: Search Engines


How to cook Adobo?

Sky blue

Blue Sky

Rodrigo Duterte

rodrigo Duterte

+Rodrigo Duterte

-Rodrigo Duterte


Search Engines How to Bake Cookies

Google About 312,000,000 results
Yahoo! 24,700,000 results
Bing 13,100,000 results

Key Questions
1. Which search engine would be the best if you were looking for something not clear?

2.1. Did searching for "How to cook adobo?" always result in more hits or fewer hits
than searching for Adobo? Why?

2.2. Did searching for "Sky blue?" always result in more hits or fewer hits than searching
for Blue Sky? Why?

2.3. Did searching for "Rodrigo Duterte?" always result in more hits or fewer hits than
searching for rodrigo duterte? Why?

2.4. Did searching for "+Rodrigo Duterte?" always result in more hits or fewer hits than
searching for Rodrigo Duterte? Why?

2.5. Did searching for "-Rodrigo Duterte?" always result in more hits or fewer hits than
searching for Rodrigo Duterte? Why?

3. Which search engine seemed to display the result fastest? Why?

4. What can you generalized from the activity?

What I Have Learned

3-2-1 Exit Card

What are the three ideas that you have learned from this module?

What are the two things that reinforce (coincides with) you to know about the topic?

Do you still have questions about the topic?

What I Can Do

Exploration1: ICT in Action

This activity aims to develop your skills in evaluating the credibility, value, and usefulness of
researched materials from the Internet.

Direction. Research and read the latest news article in the Philippines. Then, fill out the
table following the guide questions as you evaluate the article.

Title of the News Article you have read: ________________________________________

Selection Criteria Questions Answer

Reliability What are the details of this piece of news?

Which of these details can be verified in other


Accuracy Was the article written objectively?

Is the article written with care?

Value Who would find this article valuable?

Authority Who wrote the article? What is the reputation

of the author?

What was his source?

Are the sources properly cited?

Timeliness When was the article written?

Is it possible that some of the information in

the article has changed in time? If yes, would
the change have any effect on the conclusion
of the article?

Exploration2: ICT in Action

Direction. Reflect on the following question. Write your answers in your notebook.

The internet offers a great source of information; however, how are you going to make sure
this information is reliable

Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the Boolean logic technique used for?

A. Narrowing, broadening or eliminating a search term.
B. Using a robot to do instant research.
C. Searching several search engines at the same time.
D. Searching the infinite information from the internet.

2. is an example of?

A. Access code B. Directory C. Server D. URL

3. Which of the following is a search engine?

A. Netscape C. Elsevier
B. Yahoo D. Macromedia Flash
4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a domain?
A. .gov B. .com C. .npr D. .edu

5. What are the three Boolean logic search operators?


6. Which of the following can be considered as fake, untrue, and merely opinion-based?
A. Dr. Jose Rizal was the Philippines’ National Hero.
B. Dr. Jose Rizal studied at Ateneo De Manila and University of the Philippines.
C. Dr. Jose Rizal wrote a third book after Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
D. Dr. Jose Rizal was born on the 19th day of June, not on 30th day of December.

7. As a student, you are responsible when a specific information was presented to you. Which
of these cannot be done upon searching?
A. Ask someone knowledgeable and get to know the site.
B. Always be cautious and read the contents of the source
C. Click any sites that appeared as a source of information
D. Navigate around the internet, and check if the site is alleged as satirical

8. What do you think is the main reason why we navigate online?

A. To be more technology-based.
B. To be more comfortable searching.
C. To be more precise on the information.
D. To be more dependent on the internet.

9. What happens when a phrase or sentence is placed inside quotation marks when doing
A. Will only return items that have both terms.
B. Will search for words that are together and in order
C. Will return items that exclude a term
D. Will return items that have either of the terms

10. What are the three main search expressions, or operators, recognized by Boolean logic?
A. and, or, not C. and, or, but
B. from, to, whom D. search, keyword, text

11. How do you evaluate a web page?

A. You confirm that the author or site an authority on the subject.
B. You check to see if the author has been objective.
C. You check to see if the information is current.
D. You do as many of the above as possible

12. Arrange the commands in the correct order when doing a contextualized online navigation:
I. Open the Google site, on the upper right side of the window, click the Google Apps icon
and click search.
II. On the lower right part of the window, click Settings and the Google Search Settings
pop-up list will appear.
III. Click Advanced search and the Advanced Search window will appear.
IV. Type the keywords that you would like to search and click the Advanced Search button

13. Which of the following cannot be considered as a guide in identifying the good source from
the satirical source of information?
A. Check if the site is alleged as satirical.
B. Ask someone knowledgeable and get to know the site.
C. Always be cautious and read the contents of the source.
D. Click any sites that appeared as a source of information.

14. The skill refers to the ability to produce good and continuous searches.
A. Thinking Skill B. Learning Skill C. Research Skill D. Production Skill

15. Which of the following information can be considered as a true one?

A. The 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines was Fidel Ramos.
B. The 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines was Gloria Arroyo.
C. The 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines was Joseph Estrada.
D. The 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines was Benigno Aquino III.

Additional Activities

Take the Challenge!

Direction: Watch the videos and briefly answer the following key questions.

Video 1: MVP in Hot Water Over ‘Plagiarized' Speech ABS-CBN News

YouTube Channel: ABS-CBN News, Uploaded April 4, 2010, Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Video 2: 24Oras: Tito Sotto, Nanindigang Hindi Siya Nag-plagiarize

YouTube Channel: GMA News and Public Affairs, Uploaded Nov. 13, 2012, Retrieved July
23, 2020, from

Key Questions

1. How was plagiarism committed in these events?

2. How could have those personalities avoid plagiarism?
3. Why does plagiarism matter?

L1-What I
Know L1- L2-
1. D Assessment Assessment
2. D
3. B 1. C 1. B
4. C 2. A 2. C
5. C 3. B 3. A
6. A 4. A 4. D
5. D
7. B 5. A
6. C
8. C 6. C
7. D
9. A 8. D 7. C
10. B 9. B 8. B
11. A 10. C 9. A
12. D 11. C 10. B
13. C 12. A 11. C
14. A 13. B 12. A
15. A 14. B 13. D
15. A 14. D
15. C
Answer Key
Dennis Cesar R. Patiño and Miguel Q. Rapatan, Developing Useful Computer Applications for
Today’s World Series: Fundamentals of Web Design and Development, Quezon City:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2019.
Department of Education, Empowerment Technologies Student Reader, Pasig City: DepEd,
Erwin R. Callo and Rosario Laurel-Sotto, Science in Today’s World for Senior High School
Empowerment Technologies, Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House Inc., 2018, 2-10.
Innovative Training Works Inc., Empowerment Technologies, Manila: Rex Book Store Inc.,
Online References
Angelito Quiambao, Contextualized Online Search and Research, accessed July 28, 2020
Evaluating Internet Sources: Tips and Tricks for Evaluating Web Sites, accessed July 28, 2020
GMA News Online, Public school teacher in debt because of identity theft, accessed July 28,
2020 from
GMA News Online, Thief uses student’s ID posted on Facebook to pull off online scam,
accessed July 28, 2020 from
Lyle Kenneth Maclang, Contextualized Online Search and Research, accessed July 28, 2020
Tutorials: How can I tell if a website is credible?, accessed July 28, 2020 from
Amanda Jensen, accessed July 28, 2020 from
Emergent Digital, accessed July 28, 2020 from
Lived Enhanced, accessed July 28, 2020 from
Peter Steiner, On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog, July 5, 1993, The New Yorker,
accessed July 28, 2020 from

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of the City of Batac

Learning Resource Management Section

16 S Quiling Sur, City of Batac, 2906, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Telefax: (77) 677-1993
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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