DLL English q1 Week 7

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ALEXANDRA H. DE VEGA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates: OCTOBER 03-07, 2022 Quarter: FIRST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce
1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio
1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be meet over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies.
These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to
find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types of materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.

B. Performance Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types of materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
C. Most Essential Learning Interpret the meaning suggested in Make connections Make connections Make connections
Competencies/Objectives: visual media through a focus on
visual elements, for
between information between information between information
Write the LC Code for each viewed and personal viewed and personal viewed and personal
example, line, symbols, colour,
gaze, framing and social distance experiences; likewise, the experiences; likewise, the experiences; likewise,
EN5VC-IIIf-3.8 following sub and following sub and the following sub and
support learning support learning support learning
competencies: competencies: competencies:

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Visual Elements: Line
Noting Details Noting Details Noting Details
Self Text Text by Text Text by world
III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that
RESOURCES there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/a
2. Learner’s Materials
Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6
3. Textbook Pages Joy in English Joy in English Joy in English Joy in English
4. Additional Materials N/A N/A N/A N/A
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, Laptop PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk,
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop
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These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
IV. PROCEDURES learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will ask
Lesson or Presenting the spelling drill. Afterwards the spelling drill. Afterwards the spelling drill. Afterwards the her students about
New Lesson teacher will review the lesson they teacher will review the lesson teacher will review the lesson the lesson yesterday.
had tackled last week. they had yesterday they had yesterday
1. happiness
1. encyclopedia 1. fireproof 1. gesture
2. equator 2. fossil 2. governor
2. honorable
3. excitement 3. further 3. grief 3. hamburger
4. familiar 4. fuel 4. grateful 4. headache
5. exterior 5. forgiveness 5. gaze 5. horizon

Complete each
prompt by supplying
the needed
information. Use the
picture and the text
below as your
reference. Write your
answers in your

The Earth’s
condition is
worsening due to
activities of humans.
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Their overt attitudes
towards the
improper utilization
of the natural
resources truly harm
the environment;
thus, creating
ecological imbalance
and global chaos.

1. This picture is like

_________ because

B. Establishing a Purpose for Identify the type of lines incorporated in Learning Task 1: Copy the table Read and analyze the texts Read and draw a line to
the Lesson the images below. Choose your answers below in your notebook and group the below. In your notebook, connect the information
from the box. Write your answers in your words that shall go together. Then, write its connection to your in the small circles to the
notebook. write proper heading for them based big circle.
personal experiences, to
on their existing relationships or
connections. your community, or to the
world by completing the
table below.

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C. Presenting Visual elements are any characteristics that Direction: Read the information, then Text-to-Self Miss Reyes teaches
Examples/Instances of we can see including line, shape, direction, put a check (√) in the Yes column if English, Mr. Cruz teaches
Here are some of the Math, Mr. Pedro
the Lesson size, texture, color and value. Visual media you experienced it and in the No
as a source of data or information in the column if you have not experienced common questions that teaches Araling
form of visual representation may include it. you can ask in Panlipunan, and Mrs.
abstractions, analogues, rough illustrations connecting personal Santos teaches Science.
or digital reproductions of objects. It They are friends since
experience to what you college and are working in
requires the interpretation of the data. It
helps readers clarify and comprehend
read or viewed. the same school- Rizal
information because they are able to  What does this remind Elementary School. They
me of something in my life? are teaching Grade 6
develop their own perception of the
 What is this similar to in pupils. The teachers have
content and avoid misinterpretation.
their individual skills and
my life?
talents. Miss Reyes is
 How is this different from good in dancing, Mr. Cruz
my life? is good in singing, Mr.
 Has something like this Pedro is good in painting,
ever happened to me? while Mrs. Santos is good
in cooking. The Grade 6
 How does this relate to
pupils love their teachers
my life? dearly.
 What were my feelings
when I read this? Noting Details is a
 Have I changed my reading comprehension
thinking as a result of skill that involves picking
reading this? out, from a text, a
 What have I learned? particular piece or pieces
of information to achieve
a given purpose such as
answering a question in a
test. When one notes
details, he keeps a brief
record of something on a
piece of paper.
D. Discussing New Concepts There are three ways on how a Are there Read the short
and Practicing New Skills Using the image below, answer the learner can make connections: story and note
questions that follow in your
similarities /
#1 important details
notebook. differences in ...
Text-to-self connections are highly
My life My family My Pedro went for a bike
personal connections that a reader
1. What are the colors used in the
makes between a piece of reading friends ride. He rode around
material and the reader’s own Holidays I have been on the barangay. He met
experiences or life. Things I have seen some girls he knew
Experiences from school. They all
Feelings I have had A headed to the farm to
play. Pedro had a
place I have been
great time playing
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image or picture? Here are some of the games with his
2. What does the picture friends.
common questions that
3. Framing was used in the picture. you can ask in
What do you think is the subject connecting
being emphasized in the visual? text/picture/video you
4. What is the positive space in the
image? read or viewed to
5. What values are shown by the another text.
image?  What does this
Example: remind me of in another
This story reminds me of a vacation
we took to my grandfather’s farm.
book/picture/video I’ve
Text-to-text connections occur when  How is this
readers are reminded of what they text/picture/video similar
have read/viewed with the other to other things I’ve
books by the same author, stories read/viewed?
from a similar text type, or perhaps  How is this different
on the same topic. Readers gain
insight during reading by thinking
from other
about how the information they are books/texts/picture/vid
reading connects to other familiar eos I’ve read/viewed?
text.  Have I read about
something like this before?

Are there
similarities /
differences in ...
Topic Theme Message
Character Fact Opinion Circle the correct
Information word in each
Vocabulary sentence.
Text-to-World 1. Pedro went for a
Connecting real world (bike, car) ride.
Example: happenings to texts. 2. He rode around
This character has the same problem  What does this remind the (block, barangay).
that I read about in a story last year. me of in the real world? 3. Then he met some
 How is this text (boys, girls) he knew
Text-to-world connections are the
larger connections that a reader similar to things that from school.
brings to a reading situation. This happen in the real Answer: 1. bike
allows the reader’s ideas about how
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the world works that goes far beyond world. 2. barangay
own personal experiences. We learn 3. girls
about things through television,
 How is this different from These are the details
movies, magazines, and newspapers.
things that happen in the real given in the story.
Often, it is the text-to-world
connections that teachers are trying world?
to enhance when they teach lessons  How did that part relate to the
in science, social studies, and world around me?
Are there similarities /
Example: differences in ...
I saw a program on television that
talked about things described in this Current events, local
article. situation, news story, daily
conversation etc.
Point of View
In establishing
understanding point of
view is also important.
Remember that point of
view can be in the first
person, second person
or third person.
1. First Person – is
used when “I or we” are
Making connections is truly vital as a used in persuading
comprehension skill since it helps you
relate and connect what you
heard/read and viewed. Moreover, it Example:
enhances your understanding of the When I use this
text/passages or videos you read or shampoo, it made my
viewed. Lets take this picture as
another example for you to
hair the softest and the
understand the competency at hand shiniest of all.
clearly. 2. Second Person – the
story or advertisement
is told by “you”
You can have a long,
shiny black hair, once
you use his shampoo
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3. Third Person – the
story/advertisement is
told about (he” or “she”.
She has the shiniest
and the longest hair
ever with this shampoo.

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
IV. PROCEDURES learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences
and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
E. Discussing New Concepts Visual elements are any Examine the picture Air Pollution What is the importance
and Practicing New Skills characteristic that we can see of Noting Details?
including line, shape, direction,
below, then answer the
#2 questions that follow. Whenever you are reading,
size, texture, color and value. Mother Earth is continuously
Most Common Visual Write your answers in you should be constantly
dying due to so much pollution
Elements your notebook. noting the important
LINE caused by humans. details. When discussing
 What does this remind
A line is a set of points
me of in my life? Global temperature rises due to reading comprehension,
extending in both directions. It
is used to create shapes, forms  How will you relate or much chlorofluorocarbons (CFs) think of details as the
and textures. Lines can vary in connect the picture to that are emitted to the atmosphere individual features, facts
direction, length, and width. by varied human activities like the or particulars in text.
They maybe horizontal, vertical,
your growth and
development? release of toxic wastes coming These details are essential
diagonal, straight or curved.
They can also be thick or thin.  How is it also from factories and vehicles, use of to develop reading
connected to what is aerosol materials coming from
SPACE What is noting details?
A line divides a space. This
happening in the world varied sprays and others harmful (Noting details is a brief
space is the area covered by the today? activities. record of something that
entire artwork. Space can be
positive or negative.
one has written down on
Understanding positive and 1. What does this phenomenon paper)
negative space plays an remind you in your life? What is the importance of
important role in the composite Noting Details?
of artwork. Positive space is the 2. What experience is similar to
(Noting details will lead to
area of interest or the subject of your life experiences?
the artwork. easy understanding of the
3. How is this different from your text or story read)
A symbol instantly makes 4. Has something like this ever
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The picture shows how a happened to you?
chicken grows from eggs to 5. How does this relate to your life?
adult chicken. 6. What were your feelings when
 Making connections with
self. Like the chicken, I also you see and read this text?
grew from a baby to a 7. Have you changed your thinking
healthy big boy now and as as a result of seeing and reading
time goes by I will continue this?
to grow until I reach the
peak of my growth.
 Making connections to
the world. Like the chicken,
I learned that the earth
continues to grow older and
time will come, it will be
weakened by what we are
doing, so we need to take
good care of it.
 Making connections to
the text. I also learned from
one of our lessons in
Science that even plants
people think of traits or message
that they want to associate with
grow from young to old.
a company, group, product or
service. Through them, people
find it easier to recognize,
identify, or recall images than
texts. The symbol represents the
picture. It can be remembered
and identified with greater ease
than a thousand words
describing a company.

A color is very powerful.

Looking at the colors can make
us feel happy, calm excited.
Every color has a psychological
effect that a logo designer or
photographer can use to his or
her advantage. Color can create
varied emotions. It is important
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to choose colors that best
represent the character or
identity of a company,
organization or service.

F. Developing Mastery Learning Task 5: Choose the letter A Tribute to Frontliners

(Leads to Formative of the picture in the columns that
Assessment 3) correspond to the suggested Most of the countries were shocked
meaning of visual media below. by the spread of a new contagion
Write your answers in you that has affected millions of
notebook. people. This is the COVID-19 that
has posed serious threats to
human health across the globe.
Consequently, our doctors, nurses,
uniformed personnel, volunteers
________1. This image suggests and concerned individuals have
value of distancing. courageously fought to prevent the
________2. This image symbolizes spread of this pandemic even
the value of obedience. risking their lives for the sake of
________3. Value of creativeness is mankind. They are called
being emphasized in this picture. frontliners, our modern day
________4. This picture suggests heroes. They have responded to the
the value of faithfulness. call of their duties even with lack
________5. Value of discipline is of personal protective equipment.
suggested in this image. Finally, their bravery deserved to
be applauded and recognized.
Salute to you, dearest frontliners!

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A. Finding Practical 1. What does this phenomenon remind 1. When does Blacky see and
Applications of Concepts you in your life? hear many things?
and Skills in Daily Living 2. What experience is similar to your 2. What does Blacky see in the
life experiences? sky?
3. How is this different from your life? 3. What makes noise in the
4. Has something like this ever wind?
happened to you? 4. What color is the cricket?
5. How does this relate to your life? 5. What howls at the moon?
6. What were your feelings when you
saw and read this text?
Look at the image. What do 7. Have you changed your thinking as
you think its suggested a result of seeing and reading this?
values or feelings

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
V. PROCEDURES the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
B. Making What have you leaned in our new lesson What have you leaned in our new lesson for What have you leaned in our new lesson for ______________is vital to
Generalizations and for today? today? today? reading comprehension.
Abstractions about In fact, it can be said that
the Lesson the foundation of literal
comprehension and
comprehension as a whole
is noting details.
The meaning of noting
details is a
something that one has
written down on paper.
This may be a statement,
a quote, a definition or a
phrase one may have
written down in order to
Noting Details in the story
or selection read is
 Who
 What

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 Where
 When
 Why

C. Evaluating Learning I View and I Read

Ambo, the We, the Grade 6 class went to
first see the movie last Saturday. We
typhoon in 2020 has brought heavy rains and got permission slips signed
before we go. We watched a
strong winds that made the denuded and low movie that told the story from a
lying areas covered with floods. book we read. We love it when
Some properties were destroyed leaving movies were made from books.
people with nothing but hunger. Most of We got to the movie early so we
Copy the word puzzle below in can buy popcorn. Some of us
them were from especially those from the
your notebook. Then, locate the bought curls and fries, too. We
southern part of Quezon who were hit by this
tools on how to get the variations all enjoyed watching the movie.
typhoon with the classification of TSWS No.
of lines in the puzzle. Encircle When we returned to school, we
the correct answers. 3. talked about things that were in
This typhoon damaged not only their the movie and the book. We all
properties but even their sources of living. agreed that we like the book
Their crops were washed-out. Houses and better. Books let you picture out
even livestock were greatly affected. Yet, the characters in any way you
want to picture them. It was fun
they were strong and pliant people who
to compare the movie to the
remained positive amidst this catastrophic book.
event brought by this natural calamity.
Consequently, their faith in the Most
Powerful Creator remained supreme Answer the Questions:
believing that they could recover in the 1. Who watched the movie?
soonest possible time in this true test of their 2. Where did the students go?
well-being. 3. What did the students need
Finally, they repaired their houses and other to do before going to the movie?
properties and regained control of their 4. When did the students watch
livestock and crops. 5. Why are books better than

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In your notebook, complete the
activity sheet below by showing
connections between your personal
experiences and the context of the
story read.

D. Additional Activities
for Application or


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to
VII. REFLECTION help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
M. Ponce- M. Ponce- M. Ponce- M. Ponce- M. Ponce-
A. No. of learners who earned A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio-
80% in the evaluation J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

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C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal III

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