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E sports
Esports or electronic sports is a form of competitive video gaming. Esports take place in form of organized
multiplayer competitions between professional players, individually or as teams. In the recent years, video
games has evolved from Arcade games with 16-bit graphics to the recent ones using Augmented reality to
provide an immersive experience. During the 2010s, participation by professional gamers and
spectatorship in these events through live streaming saw a large surge in popularity. The increasing
availability of online streaming media platforms, particularly YouTube and Twitch, were central to the
growth and promotion of esports competitions. Esports became a significant factor in the video game
industry, with many game developers actively designing and funding for tournaments and other events.
The most common video game genres associated with esports are multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA),
first-person shooter (FPS), card, battle royale and real-time strategy (RTS) games. Popular games include
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty, League of Legends, Dota 2, Fortnite, Rocket League,
Valorant, Hearthstone, and Overwatch. Various tournaments such as the League of Legends World
Championship, and Evolution Championship Series (EVO) are also popular. Although the legitimacy of
esports as a true sporting competition remains in question, they have been featured alongside traditional
sports in some multinational events in Asia, with the International Olympic Committee also having
discussed their inclusion into future Olympic events.

2. Open book exam

An "open book examination" is that in which students are allowed to refer to either notes, textbooks,
resource materials, or other approved documents while answering questions. Open-book exams are of two
types, Traditional ones in which the candidates have to attempt the exam in an examination centre in a
limited time frame and the take home open book exams where the candidates can attempt the paper right
from their homes.
Open-book exams test for more than just the ability to memorise and regurgitate stuff. Simply memorising
and repeating information is not good enough. Higher education is supposed to equip one with intellectual
abilities and skills. Open-book exams are designed to test one’s ability to quickly find relevant information
and then to understand, analyse, apply knowledge, and think critically.
There are many misconceptions about this topic among the general public. Some consider them to be a
breeze, that one can just copy entire chunks from textbooks, and that students do not need to study for
the test since they have all the materials available with them. The reality however, it extremely different.
The questions often require critical analysis and hence copy-pasting information from the source becomes
futile. If one does not study properly, they would not be able to locate the information required in the time
frame. The abundancy of information often takes a toll on the underprepared.
Open book examination can modify the style of teaching and improve the learning and understanding of
students. It would aid students in developing critical thinking and analytical skills which are of utmost
3. Social media ethics
The internet is a wonderful tool that provides access to information, and has made our lives simpler. The
emergence of social networks has provided a great way to interact with people over a wide variety of
purposes, whether its between family members or among completely unknown strangers. It has given
ordinary people a voice and the ability to express themselves freely and if necessary, anonymously.
Ethics, by definition, is the concept of what is good or bad. There definitely is a right way and a wrong way
to use social media. The right ethic equals the right perspective on how to leverage social media
appropriately and how to engage people in the right manner. Etiquette is a code of behaviour within the
context of our society. It is a flexible and ever evolving set of rules governing online communication and
behaviour. It addresses maintaining one’s own and others’ dignity, respect, and privacy.
Every community has a set of rules; everyone is expected to follow the same. Aggressive behaviour has no
place in social media. Since in most communities the people do not actually know each other, they won’t
hesitate for a single time before booting someone showing toxicity. Common netiquettes include avoiding
using all caps as it makes an impression of rudeness; respecting privacy by using BCC instead of a CC; not
discussing potentially polarizing topics in spaces not meant for them; avoiding spread of misinformation
and so on. Abiding by social media ethics makes the experience pleasant and safe for everyone.

4. Are PTM important?

A parent–teacher meeting or conference is a short meeting between the parents and teachers of students
to discuss a child's overall progress at school, address academic or behavioural problems, if any and find
ways to solve the same. 
Parent–teacher meetings supplement the information conveyed by report cards by focusing on students'
specific strengths and weaknesses in individual subjects as well as giving a more generalized evaluation of
students’ performance, taking into account factors like co-curricular activities, discipline in classes,
communication and other social skills. Not being sugar coated, it provides great opportunity for both the
teacher and parents to work for the betterment of the child.
It helps to develop parent teacher bonding, which ensures transparency from the teachers and the parents
about their child. These meetings often reveal certain characters of the student to the parents; for
instance, the child may behave in a well-mannered way in home but start bullying other students the
moment they reach school. These revelations can give the parents a peak into other aspects of their child’s
personality, otherwise hidden from them. This also acts as a deterrent in the minds of a student, making
them think twice before doing any unethical things.
Hence, it can be said with certainty that a face-to-face communication between parents and teachers plays
a vital role in their child’s all-around development.

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