Camba-Course Task 4

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BSN 2-A-21

Make a Nursing Care Plan using the nursing process applied in pharmacology learned in this course:

Chief Complaint: Fever

History of Present Illness:
3 days PTA, patient experienced low grade fever (undocumented) associated with cough and colds. He self
medicated with lagundi herbal capsule w/c afforded temporary relief.
2 days PTA, patient still with cough, colds and low grade fever (undocumented) hence consulted a private
physician and was given Paracetamol 500mg q4h for the fever and Ambroxol 30mg TID for 5 days w/c afforded
temporary relief of the symptoms.
Few hours PTA, symptoms persisted accompanied with body malaise and an episode of minimal gum
bleeding w/c prompted the patient to consult a private physician. He was advised for admission hence transferred in
our institute.
Physical Examination: Patient conscious, coherent, febrile, NICRD with the ff:
BP: 100/70 mmHg RR: 22 cpm
CR: 82 bpm T: 38.5˚C
HE-ENT/SKIN: Pink palpebral conjuctiva, anicteric sclera, dry lips, (+) nasal discharge, (-) tonsillopharyngeal
congestion, (-) cervicolymphadenopathy
CHEST: Symmetrical chest expansion, clear breath sounds, (-) retraction, (-) crackles
Adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmur, grossly normal extremities, (-) cyanosis, (-) edema
ABDOMEN/ RECTUM: flat abdomen, soft, tender, normoactive bowel sound
LABORATORY TESTS: Hemoglobin 198g/dl, Hematocrit 40%, WBC 4.5/mcl. Chest X-ray- normal. Urinalysis is

✓ Diagnosis
✓ Background Knowledge
✓ Planning
✓ Intervention
✓ Rationale
✓ Evaluation
Subjective: Hyperthermia Patient • Assess the body • Assessed the • To assess the Patient maintained
related to maintains temperature of body patients a normal body
Patient says that " I was infectious normal the patient. temeperature condition. temperature range
having low grade fever process as body • Identify the of the patient, • Identifying the below 37.5 c as
associated with cough and evidenced by temperatur triggering T=38.5˚C triggering evidenced by
increased body e range factors. • Identified the factors will helps hourly
colds. I self medicated with
temperature of below 37.5 • Monitor the triggering to manage the temperature
lagundi herbal capsule , which
38.5˚C C Heart rate, BP factors. situation monitoring
gave me temporary relief. But and SPO2 Patient had effectively.
now i have fever, accompanied • Monitor fluid elevated body • Vitals
with body malaise and an intake and temperature MONITORING
episode of minimal gum output and nasal WILL PROVIDE A
bleeding. am feeling pain over • Eliminate discharge. clear picture
my throat also." excess clothings • Monitored the about the
and coverings Heart rate, patients
Objective: • Encourage BP and SPO2. condition.
• On P/E the patient is very ample fluid ➢ BP:100 • Monitoring th
week. Pink palpebral intake by mouth. /70m fluid intake will
conjuctiva, anicteric • Raise the side mHg give information
sclera, dry lips, (+) nasal rails of the bed. ➢ RR: 22 regarding the
discharge, (-) • Administer cpm fluid status of
tonsillopharyngeal antipyretics and ➢ CR:82 the client.he
congestion, (-) other bpm patient who is
cervicolymphadenopathy medications ➢ T: significantly
• Vitals are not stable. prescribed by 38.5˚C dehydrated is no
patient had elevated body the physician • Monitored longer able to
temperature. fluid intake sweat, which is
• BP:100/70mmHg and output. necessary for
• RR: 22 cpm Drinking evaporative
• CR:82bpm adequately cooling and to
• T: 38.5˚C • Eliminated reduce the body
excess temperature.
• Chest is clear and no clothings and • Raising the side
abnormalities found. coverings rails will provide
• Encouraged comfort and
ample fluid prevents falls.
intake by • Administering
mouth. the antipyretics
• Raised the and other
side rails of prescribed
the bed. medications
• Administered helps to reduce
antipyretics temperature and
and other bleeding.
prescribed by
the physician

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