CLEO 2013 Advance Programme Web

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2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe

and International Quantum Electronics Conference

Advance Programme
Munich ICM
International Congress
Centre Munich, Germany

12 - 16 May 2013
Sponsored by
• European Physical Society / Quantum Electronics and Optics Division
• The Optical Society

21st International Congress on Photonics in Europe

colocated with LASER World of PHOTONICS 2013
Messe München GmbH, Messegelände, 81823 München, Tel. (+49 89) 949-114 68, [email protected]
sponsored by

co-sponsored by

coming soon
Table of contents


Welcome to CLEO®/Europe-IQEC at Laser 2013 02 Short Courses 39
Conference Structure and Technical Sessions 02 Tech-Focus sessions 47
Short Courses at a Glance 04 Plenary sessions 47
Conference at a Glance 05 Tutorial Talks 48
Sessions at a Glance 10 Keynote Talks 49
How to Find the Room? 10 Sunday
How to Read the Session Codes? 11 Oral Sessions 50
Topics 20 Poster Sessions 68
Committees 24 Monday
Official Congress Opening 30 Oral Sessions 76
Prizes and Awards 30 Poster Sessions 92
Poster Sessions 30 Tuesday
Speakers' Information 30 Oral Sessions 100
Tech-Focus Sessions 31 Poster Sessions 116
Short Courses 31 Wednesday
Laboratory Tours 31 Oral Sessions including Postdeadlines 124
Reception and Social Events 31 Poster Sessions 144
Exhibition Information 32 Thursday
Application Panels 32 Oral Sessions 152
On site Facilities for Attendees 32 Poster Sessions 172
Conference Venue 33 Authors’ Index 180
How to reach the ICM Centre 33
Conference Registration 34
Cancellation 35
Note to Exhibitors 35
Registration Hours 35
Hotel Information 35
Transportation in Munich 35
Munich, Germany 36
Conference Management 38
Language 38


(2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011), the General and roof. As in former years, the meeting will be com- Technical Physics, Stuttgart, Germany) who will
CLEO®/Europe 2013 Programme Chairs warmly welcome you to plemented by LASER 2013 World of Photonics, discuss recent advances and future prospects for
2013 Conference on Lasers CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 conference, which the world’s largest tradeshow of laser and optical “Thin Disk Lasers”, Alain Aspect (Institut d’Op-
and Electro-Optics Europe is being held in Munich from May 12 - 16, 2013. technology, which will provide researchers with tique, Palaiseau, France) who will discuss “Coher-
We extend a special welcome to postgraduate and the opportunity to see the latest developments ent Back Scattering and Anderson Localization
PhD students attending, and we wish them every in a very wide range of laser sources, optical and of Ultra Cold Atoms” and Stefan W. Hell (Max
IQEC 2013

success, especially if this is their first participation photonics products, and components. Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göt-
International Quantum in a major scientific conference. tingen, Germany) who will discuss the topic of
Electronics Conference CLEO®/Europe-IQEC is co-located with a num- “Nanoscopy with Focused Light”.
The CLEO®/Europe-IQEC conference series has ber of smaller specialist conferences and topical
Munich, ICM Congress Centre, established a strong tradition as the largest, most meetings, including: Keynote Presentations (45 minute talk) and
Germany, 12 - 16 May 2013 comprehensive and prestigious gathering of op- • ECBO - European Conferences on Biomedical Tutorials (60 minute talk) are also given by the
tics and photonics researchers and engineers in Optics organised by The Optical Society (OSA) world leaders in particular technical areas, but are
Sponsored by Europe. With technical co-sponsorship provid- and SPIE, generally directed at a more specific audience, and
• European Physical Society ed by the European Physical Society (EPS), the • LIM 2013 - Lasers in Manufacturing organised are given in parallel with other sessions. Keynotes
Quantum Electronics and Optics Division Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers by WLT-German Scientific Laser Society, provide a survey of exciting recent developments,
• IEEE (IEEE) and the Optical Society (OSA), CLEO®/ • Optical Metrology organised by SPIE Europe, and Tutorials are particularly valuable for those
• The Optical Society
Europe and IQEC has a strong international pres- • together with a series of specialist conferences unfamiliar with a field, allowing them to rapidly
ence in the complementary research areas of laser organised by the the European Optical Socie- come up to speed.
science, photonics and quantum electronics. More ty (EOS).
specifically, CLEO®/Europe emphasizes applied All of the co-located conferences will share reg- An attractive feature of the CLEO®/Europe tech-
physics, optical engineering and applications of istration, allowing delegates to attend sessions of nical programme has been the Tech-Focus for-
photonics and laser technology, whereas IQEC all the conferences. mat. Tech-Focus sessions concentrate on selected
emphasizes basic research in laser physics, non- photonics applications of industrial importance.
linear optics and quantum optics. CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 features two Tech-Fo-
Conference Structure cus sessions on Fibre and Solid State Lasers: A
This combination provides a unique forum to and Technical Sessions Comparison from an Industrial Point of View
benefit from informative overviews and discuss jointly held with LIM 2013, which showcase this
recent advances in a wide spectrum of topics, CLEO®/Europe-IQEC consists of a large number exciting field through presentations from leading
from fundamental light-matter interactions and of technical presentations in a number of differ- academic and industrial researchers. Both ses-
new sources of coherent light to technology de- ent formats: sions take place on Tuesday afternoon.
Welcome to the 2013 Conference velopment, system engineering and applications
on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe in industry, science and medicine. Over five days A Plenary Talk is a broad-scope, 45 or 60-min- Additionally three other sessions are jointly held
and the International Quantum CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 will showcase over ute long talk given by a world-leading scientist with other co-located conferences:
Electronics Conference (hereafter 1400 technical contributions in the form of oral and accessible to a general technical audience
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013) at the presentations (in parallel sessions) and posters including conference attendees, exhibitors, and Two sessions on “Biophotonics and Applica-
World of Photonics Congress 2013 from industry, university and research organi- exhibit visitors. Plenary talks are not held in tions” jointly held with ECBO take place on
zations drawn from countries around the world parallel with other sessions, allowing maximum Sunday afternoon.
Following on from the very successful previous and will provide an unparalleled opportunity to possible attendance. In 2013, it is our pleasure A session on “Precision Processing in Micro to
conferences held in Amsterdam (1994), Hamburg bring together scientists, engineers and end-users to feature three plenary talks by Adolf Giesen Nano Scale by Ultrafast Lasers” jointly held with
(1996), Glasgow (1998), Nice (2000) and Munich of laser and photonics technology under the same (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of LIM 2013 takes place on Tuesday morning.


Another much appreciated feature of the CLEO®/ • The course on Optical Parametric Oscillators The conference programme could not have European Physical Society and the local confer-
Europe-IQEC meetings has been the special Sym- will be presented by Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh been organized without the vital support and ence chair in Munich for invaluable professional
posia organized to anticipate and capture emerg- (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain). effort of 251 scientists, forming 28 technical assistance during this period. We would also like
ing fields by placing emphasis on fast developing, • The course on Optical Coherence Tomography: programme sub-committees, who have assem- to thank all the Sponsoring Societies for guid-
well defined topics. Five such symposia have been Technology and Applications will be presented bled an excellent series of talks and posters ance and support, and for their invaluable advice,
identified for CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013: by Wolfgang Drexler (Medical University Vien- covering a wide range of fields in optics and which ensures that this conference remains at the

na, Vienna, Austria). quantum electronics. The technical programme core of optics and photonics research in Europe.
• JSI: Nuclear Photonics • The course on Laser Tweezers and Applications consists of 3 plenary sessions, 5 tutorial, 8 key-
• JSII: Photonics for Defence and Security will be presented by Miles Padgett (University note, and 84 invited talks, and 1323 contributed Organisers, societies and committees, however,
• JSIII: Dynamics of Random Waves and Ex- of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom). oral presentations and posters. The Conference can only do so much. The real success of CLEO®/
treme Events • The course on Laser Beam Analysis, Propa- Chairs would like to extend sincere thanks to Europe-IQEC 2013 rests on the efforts and com-
• JSIV: Quantum Coherent Effects in Biology gation and Spatial Shaping Techniques will the technical programme committee members mitment of researchers and students, who all
• JSV: Superconducting Optics be presented by James R. Leger (University of for all their hard work. contribute to the tremendous evolution of our
Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States). research field and the high quality of the papers
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 will also present The courses will take place in parallel from Sun- A conference as large as CLEO®/Europe-IQEC that will be presented.
twelve Short Courses: day morning, 12 May 2013 to Thursday morning, requires two years of planning and organisa-
• The course on Frequency Combs and Appli- 16 May 2013 at the ICM Congress Centre or in tion, and we would like to thank the staff of the We thank you all!
cations will be presented by Thomas Udem the Exhibition Hall (A2).
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Gar- Member Societies of the European Physical Society
ching, Germany). The conference will also have two postdeadline Albanian Physical Society Lithuanian Physical Society
• The course on Fibre Amplifiers will be presented sessions scheduled for Wednesday evening, 15 Armenian Physical Society Association Luxembourgeoise des Physiciens
by Rüdiger Paschotta (RP Photonics Consult- May 2013 (18:45 to 20:15). The purpose of the Austrian Physical Society Moldovan Physical Society
ing GmbH, Bad Dürrheim, Germany). postdeadline sessions is to give the audience the Belarusian Physical Society Physical Society of Montenegro
• The course on Applications of Photonic Crystals chance to listen to the latest breaking news at Belgian Physical Society Netherlands Physical Society
will be presented by Thomas Krauss (University the conference, and is usually one of the most Union of Physicists in Bulgaria Norwegian Physical Society
of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, United Kingdom). interesting events that certainly contributes to Croatian Physical Society Polish Physical Society
• The course on High Harmonic Generation and At- the great atmosphere that makes the CLEO®/Eu- Czech Physical Society Portuguese Physical Society
tosecond Science will be presented by John Tisch rope-IQEC conference a unique event. Danish Physical Society Society of Physicists of Macedonia
(Imperial College, London, United Kingdom). Estonian Physical Society Romanian Physical Society
• The course on Practical Quantum Optics will In addition to the technical sessions involving oral Finnish Physical Society United Physical Society of the Russian Federation
be presented by Gerd Leuchs (University of Er- presentations, all scientific areas of both CLEO®/ French Physical Society Serbian Physical Society
langen, Erlangen, Germany). Europe and IQEC will be covered in Poster Ses- Georgian Physical Society Slovak Physical Society
• The course on Ultrafast Lasers and Applica- sions, which will provide an interactive and less German Physical Society Society of Mathematicians Physicists
tions will be presented by Frank Wise (Cornell formal way for researchers to discuss their work, Hellenic Physical Society and Astronomers of Slovenia
University, Ithaca, United States). to interact, and to exchange ideas. Eötvös Loránd Physical Society Royal Spanish Physical Society
• The course on Silicon Photonics will be present- Icelandic Physical Society Swedish Physical Society
ed by Dries Van Thourhout (Ghent University, CLEO®/Europe-IQEC is now established as the Israel Physical Society Swiss Physical Society
Ghent, Belgium). largest and most comprehensive gathering of optics Italian Physical Society Turkish Physical Society
• The course on Ultrashort Pulse Characteriza- and photonics researchers and engineers in Europe, Latvian Physical Society Ukrainian Physical Society
tion will be presented by Selçuk Aktürk (Istan- spanning classical and quantum optical science, la- Liechtenstein Scientific Society (Physical Section) The Institute of Physics (IOP)
bul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey). ser technology and photonics applications.

Short courses at a glance (at additional cost)




Short Course 1: Short Course 3: Short Course 5: Laser

SH-10A SH-8A Ultrashort Pulse Optical Parametric Beam Analysis, Pro-
09:30 Short Course 10: Short Course 8: Characterization 1 Oscillators 1 pagation and Spatial
Frequency Combs Fibre Amplifiers 1 Shaping Techniques 1
10:00 and Applications 1
11:00 Short Course 1: Short Course 3: Short Course 5: Laser
SH-10B SH-8B Ultrashort Pulse Optical Parametric Beam Analysis, Pro-
11:30 Short Course 10: Short Course 8: Characterization 2 Oscillators 2 pagation and Spatial
Frequency Combs Fibre Amplifiers 2 Shaping Techniques 2
12:00 and Applications 2



SH-12A SH-11A SH-2A SH-7A
14:30 Short Course 12: Short Course 11: Short Course 2: Opti- Short Course 7:
SH-4A SH-9A SH-6A Ultrafast Lasers and Silicon Photonics 1 cal Coherence Tomo- Laser Tweezers and
15:00 Short Course 4: Short Course 9: High Short Course 6: Applications 1 graphy: Technology Applications 1
Applications of Harmonic Generation Practical Quantum and Applications 1
15:30 Photonic Crystals 1 and Attosecond Optics 1
16:30 Short Course 12: Short Course 11: Short Course 2: Opti- Short Course 7:
SH-4B SH-9B SH-6B Ultrafast Lasers and Silicon Photonics 2 cal Coherence Tomo- Laser Tweezers and
17:00 Short Course 4: Short Course 9: High Short Course 6: Applications 2 graphy: Technology Applications 2
Applications of Harmonic Generation Practical Quantum and Applications 2
17:30 Photonic Crystals 2 and Attosecond Optics 2
Science 2



Sunday at a glance



CF/IE-1 IF-1 CC-1 CA-1 CB-1 CM-1 CD-1 CK-1

Ultrafast Electron Pulse Manipulation Ultra Broadband and Nonlinear Frequency Quantum Cascade Laser Ablation Pulsed mid-IR Photonic Crystals
Dynamics with Nonlinear High Terahertz Fields Conversion Lasers and Long Sources
10:00 Optics Wavelength
Emitters I
CF/IE-2 IF-2 CC-2 CA-2 CB-2 CM-2 CD-2 CK-2
11:30 CEP Control New Approaches Terahertz Imaging Visible Lasers Quantum Cascade Future Applications Nonlinear Wave Silicon Photonics
and Attosecond in Nonlinear Light and Sensing Lasers and Long of Laser Mixing Phenomena
12:00 Phenomena Propagation Wavelength
Emitters II




CF/IE-3 IF-3 CC-3 CA-3 CL-1 / ECBO CJ-1 CD-3 CK-3 IH-1
15:00 Pulse Shaping and Nonlinear Light Inte- Terahertz Sources Mid-IR-Lasers Biophotonics Fibres and Nonlinear Optics Novel Materials and Mapping Near Fields
Characterization ractions in Quantum and Applications I Components in Photonic Crystal Structures
15:30 Systems Fibers

CF/IE-4 IF-4 CC-4 CA-4 CL-2 / ECBO CJ-2 CD-4 CK-4
17:00 High-energy Nonlinear Optical Terahertz Field Yb-Doped Lasers Biophotonics Mode-locked Nonlinear Imaging Micro-nanostructured
Ultrafast Sources Interactions in Struc- Manipulation and Applications II Fiber Lasers and Spectroscopy Optical Fibers
17:30 tured Materials





Monday at a glance


08:30 PL-1
CLEO/Europe 2013
09:00 Plenary Talk

10:00 World of Photonics
Opening with
10:30 Plenary Talk

CF/IE-5 JSI-2 CH-1 ID-1 CI-1 IA-1 IB-1 CD-5 CK-5 CE-1
11:30 Novel Methods Nuclear Advances in Frequency Next Generation Strong Coupling Photon Pair Optical Microstructures Semiconductor
in Ultrafast Photonics Spectroscopy I Standards and Transmission Sources and Parametric for Energy and Materials and
12:00 Optics Spectroscopy Detectors Oscillators Sensing Devices





CF/IE-6 ID-2 CL-3 IA-2 CB/CC-1 CJ-3 CD-6 JSIV-1 CE-2
15:00 Supercontinuum Frequency Applied Biopho- Quantum Terahertz Modal Frequency Quantum Thin Films and
Generation and Combs tonics Photonics Quantum Instabilities Conversion bas- Coherent Effects Nanostructures
15:30 Filamentation Cascade Semi- in Fibres ed on Quadratic in Biology I
conductor Lasers Nonlinearities
CF/IE-7 ID-3 CL-4 IA-3 CB-3 CJ-4 CD-7 JSIV-2 CE-3
17:00 High Harmonic Precision Structural Quantum Ultrafast Coherent New Devices for Quantum Photonic
Generation Measurements Imaging Effects Semiconductor Combining Frequency Con- Coherent Effects Nanowires -
version based
17:30 Lasers I on Quadratic in Biology II Materials and
Nonlinearities Applications

END 22:00

Tuesday at a glance


CD-8 JSV-1 CI-2 CM-3 / LIM CB-4 IB-2 CA-5 IG-1 CE-4
09:00 New Guiding Superconducting Integrated Circuits Precision Proces- Ultrafast Integrated Yb-Doped Thin Synchronization Optical Fibres
Phenomena Optics sing in Micro to Semiconductor Quantum Disk Lasers Dynamics and and Waveguides
09:30 Nano Scale by Lasers II Photonics and Opto-mechanical

Ultrafast Lasers Simulation Self-organization
11:00 IQEC 2013 Plenary
Talk and Awards
11:30 Ceremony




CD-9 IC-1 CL-5 CH-2 TF-1 / LIM CB-5 IB-3 CA-6 CG-1 CE-5
14:30 UV – Sources Atomic Quantum Microscopic Novel Optical Fibre and Solid State Dynamics QIP with Light Ultrafast Ionization Optical
Simulators and Sensing Sensing Systems Lasers: a Comparison and Chaos in and Matter Solid-State Lasers Dynamics Metamaterials
15:00 Technologies from an Industrial Semiconductor and Plasmonics
Point of View I
CD-10 IC-2 CL-6 TF-2 / LIM CB-6 IB-4 CA-7 CG-2 CE-6
16:30 Optical Devices Ultracold Atoms: Mesoscopic Fibre and Solid State Advanced Quantum High Energy Ultrafast Laser Materials
for Data Clocks, Spins Devices Lasers: a Comparison Structures Networking Scaling Concepts Dynamics in
17:00 Processing and Lattices from an Industrial Attosecond
Point of View II Time Scale



END 23:00
Wednesday at a glance


II-1 CI-3 CA-8 JSII-1 CJ-5 CM-4 IA-4 CE-7
09:00 Quantum Optical Signal High Inversion Photonics for Defence High Peak Power Ultrafast Phenomena Quantum State Nonlinear Materials
and Graphene Processing Laser System and Security: Fibre Sources and Nanostructuring Control
09:30 Plasmonics Spectroscopy Imaging

and Detection
II-2 CI-4 CA-9 JSII – 2 CJ-6 CM-5 IA-5 CE-8
11:00 Plasmonics Opto-Electronic Novel Solid-State Photonics for Defence Ultrafast Fibre Material Processing Non-Classical Light Lithium Niobate
Antennas Devices Laser Concepts and Security: Sources with Shaped Laser - Fabrication and
11:30 and Waveguides Coherent Sources Beams Characterization





CD-11 IG-2 CI-5 CA-10 JSIII-1 CJ-7 CF/IE-8 IA-6 CE-9
14:30 Application of Light Beam Advanced Concepts Beam Control Light Emission Wavelength-Tuning Ultrafast Fibre and Coherent Effects Functional Optical
Solitons Propagation in for Communications and Propagation and Conversion Waveguide Lasers Materials
15:00 Disordered and in Random Media
Periodic Systems
CD-12 IG-3 CH-3 CK-6 JSIII-2 CJ-8 CF/IE-9 IH-2 CG-3
16:30 Solitons and Polaritons and Advances in Optical Plasmonic Nanos- Rogue Waves and Fibre Laser Sources Ultrafast Optical Pa- Heat and Energy Plasma Based
Nonlinearly Driven Quantum Fluids Sensor Devices tructures and Soliton Dynamics rametric Amplifiers Control Sources
17:00 Self-organization Applications


19:00 PD-A PD-B

Postdeadline Postdeadline
19:30 Session A Session B
(end 20:15) (end 20:15)
Thursday at a glance


CJ-9 II-3 CH-4 CK-7 CB-7 IB-5 CF/IE-10 IA-7 CG-4 IH-3
09:00 Raman Effects Controlling and Metrology of Advanced Semiconductor Quantum Ultrafast Cavity-Opto Ultrafast High Controlling Light
in Fibre Sources Harvesting Light Materials and Structures for Lasers for Optical Communication Spectroscopy Mechanics Power Lasers Emission at the
09:30 with Plasmons Structures Light Sources Communications Nanoscale

CJ-10 II-4 CH-5 CK-8 CB-8 IB-6 CF/IE-11 CM-6 CG-5 IH-4
11:00 Two Micron Transformation Advances in Light Management Semiconductor Photonic Quantum Ultrafast Transparent Waveform Quantum
Fibre Cases Optics and Spectroscopy II in Structures Vertical Cavity Computing Microphotonics Material Synthesis Nanophotonics
11:30 Metamaterials Surface Emitting and Plasmonics Processing and Control




CJ-11 IG-4 CH-6 CK-9 CB-9 IB-7 CF/IE-12 CM-7 CG-6 IH-5
14:30 Special Fibres Solitons and Optical Sensor Integrated High Efficiency/ Fundamentals Mid Infrared Femtosecond FEL and High Ultrafast
Dynamics in Applications Photonic Devices High Brightness of Quantum and Terahertz Laser Writing Photon Energy Nanophotonics
15:00 Cavities Semiconductor Information Phenomena Science
CJ-12 IG-5 CH-7 CK-10 CB-10 IB-8 CF/IE-13 CM-8 CG-7 IH-6
16:30 Novel Waveguide Rogue Waves, Ex- Frontiers of Micro-optics Disk and Quantum State Charge Dynamics Laser Processing Field Driven Quantum Dots.
Materials treme Events and Optical Sensing and Integrated Mid-Infrared Characterization in Solids from Polymers Interactions Optical Forces
17:00 Nonlinear Wave Sensors Semiconductor to Fibres
Dynamics Lasers




Sessions at a Glance

SH-1 Short Course 1: PL-2 World of Photonics Opening

How to find the room? SHORT COURSES
Ultrashort Pulse Characterization with Plenary Talk
A map locating the rooms can be found in the SH-10 Short Course 10: Selçuk Aktürk, Istanbul Technical Nanoscopy with Focused Light
inner cover of the advance programme. Frequency Combs and Applications University, Istanbul, Turkey Stefan W. Hell, Max Planck
Thomas Udem, Max-Planck-Institut für Wednesday, 08:30 – 12:00 • Room A218 Institute for Biophysical Chemistry,
Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany Göttingen, Germany

All talks take place in the congress centre (so called

ICM) with the exception of the Einstein room Sunday, 09:00 – 12:30 • Room 12 SH-3 Short Course 3: Monday, 09:30 – 10:45 • Room 1
(formerly B11) located in the exhibition Optical Parametric Oscillators
hall B1. SH-8 Short Course 8: Fibre Amplifiers Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh, ICFO, (Together with words of welcome)
To save space in the layout of the parallel ses- Rüdiger Paschotta, RP Photonics Consulting Barcelona, Spain
sions, all locations were abbreviated to the GmbH, Bad Dürrheim, Germany Wednesday, 08:30 – 12:00 • Room A221 PL-3 IQEC 2013 Plenary Talk and
strict minimum such as "Room 1" instead of Sunday, 09:00 – 12:30 • Room 22 Awards Ceremony
"Room 1, Ground Floor / 1st Floor, Congress SH-2 Short Course 2: Coherent Back Scattering
Centre". Below you will find the detailed loca- SH-4 Short Course 4: Optical Coherence Tomography: and Anderson Localization
tions of all the rooms: Applications of Photonic Crystals Technology and Applications of Ultra Cold Atoms
Room 1, Ground Floor / 1st Floor, Thomas Krauss, University of St. Andrews, Wolfgang Drexler, Medical University Alain Aspect, Laboratoire Charles Fabry,
Congress Centre St. Andrews, United Kingdom Vienna, Vienna, Austria Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France
Room 2, Ground Floor, Congress Centre Sunday, 14:30 – 18:00 • Room 12 Wednesday, 14:00 – 17:30 • Room A218 Tuesday, 10:30 – 12:30 • Room 1
Room 3, Ground Floor, Congress Centre
Room 4a, Ground Floor, Congress Centre
SH-9 Short Course 9: SH-7 Short Course 7: (Together with award ceremonies)
Room 4b, Ground Floor, Congress Centre
High Harmonic Generation Laser Tweezers and Applications
Room 11, 1st Floor, Congress Centre
Room 13a, 1st Floor, Congress Centre and Attosecond Science Miles Padgett, University of Glasgow,
John Tisch, Imperial College, London, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Room 13b, 1st Floor, Congress Centre TUTORIAL TALKS
Room 14a, 1st Floor, Congress Centre United Kingdom Wednesday, 14:00 – 17:30 • Room A221
Room 14b, 1st Floor, Congress Centre Monday, 14:30 – 18:00 • Room A218 CM-2 Future Applications of Laser
Room 21, 2nd Floor, Congress Centre SH-5 Short Course 5: Resource Efficiency Improvements
Room 22, 2nd Floor, Congress Centre SH-6 Short Course 6: Laser Beam Analysis, through Laser Processing
Foyer ICM, Ground Floor, Congress Centre Practical Quantum Optics Propagation and Spatial of Designer Materials
Foyer ICM, 1st Floor, Congress Centre Gerd Leuchs, University of Erlangen, Shaping Techniques Bill O’Neil, University of Cambridge,
Room Einstein (formerly B11), 1st Floor, Erlangen, Germany James R. Leger, University of Minnesota, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Exhibition Hall B1* Monday, 14:30 – 18:00 • Room A221 Minneapolis, United States Sunday, 11:00 – 12:00 • Room 14a
S : Thursday, 08:30 – 12:00 • Room A218
Room 12, 1st Floor, Congress Centre SH-12 Short Course 12: CL-1/ECBO Biophotonics and Applications I
Room 22, 2nd Floor, Congress Centre Ultrafast Lasers and Applications (Session jointly held with ECBO)
Room A218 & Room A221, 1st Floor, Frank Wise, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA Photoacoustic Tomography:
Exhibition Hall A2/A3 * Tuesday, 14:00 – 17:30 • Room A218 Ultrasonically Breaking
(*Access via west entrance) PL-1: CLEO/Europe 2013 Plenary Talk through the Optical Diffusion
P: SH-11 Short Course 11: Silicon Photonics Thin Disk Lasers and Diffraction Limits
All CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 Posters take place Dries Van Thourhout, Ghent University, Adolf Giesen, Institute of Technical Physics, Lihong Wang, Washington University,
in the Hall B0, Ground Floor, Congress Centre. Ghent, Belgium DLR, Stuttgart, Germany St. Louis, MO, United States
Tuesday, 14:00 – 17:30 • Room A221 Monday, 08:30 – 09:15 • Room 1 Sunday, 14:30 – 15:30 • Room 13b

Sessions at a Glance

CG-2 Ultrafast Dynamics in Attosecond Klaus Mølmer, Aarhus University, Optical Data Storage with of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States
Time Scale Aarhus, Denmark Diffraction-Unlimited Resolution Monday, 16:30 – 17:15 • Room 1
Attosecond Science and Technology Thursday, 14:00 – 15:00 • Room 14a Min Gu, Swinburne University of
Paul Corkum, University of Ottawa, Technology, Hawthorn, Australia CJ-4 Coherent Combining
Ontario, Canada Sunday, 16:30 – 17:15 • Room 4a Coherent Combining of Fiber
Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:00 • Room 21 and Solid-State Lasers

CK-5 Microstructures for Energy Gregory D. Goodno, Northrop Grumman
II-4 Transformation Optics CC-1 Ultra Broadband and High and Sensing Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, CA,
and Metamaterials Terahertz Fields Optofluidic for Energy Applications United States
Geometry and Light: Ultrabroadband THz Pulses - From Demetri Psaltis, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Monday, 16:30 – 17:15 • Room 14a
The Science of Invisibility Millimeter Waves to the Infrared de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute Hartmut Roskos, Johann Wolfgang Monday, 11:00 – 11:45 • Room 21 IC-1 Atomic Quantum Simulators
of Science, Rehovot, Israel Göthe-Universität, Frankfurt am Quantum Simulations
Thursday, 10:30 – 11:30 • Room 4a Main, Germany CF/IE-7 High Harmonic Generation using Ultracold Atoms
Sunday, 09:00 – 09:45 • Room 4b Frontiers in Extreme Nonlinear Optics: Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck
IB-7 Fundamentals of Attosecond-to-Zeptosecond Coherent Institute of Quantum Optics,
Quantum Information IF-4 Nonlinear Optical Interactions in Kiloelectronvolt X-rays on a Tabletop Garching, Germany
Quantum Information Tools Structured Materials Tenio Popmintchev, JILA, and University Tuesday, 14:00 – 14:45 • Room 4a

How to read the Session Codes?

The following pages are the abstracts of the papers which will be O P P
presented at CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013. Oral presentations have a code made up of three parts, e.g. Poster presentations have a code made up of two parts, e.g.
All CLEO®/Europe sessions are on a white background and have a CD-1.1 TUE (Invited) 09:00 ID-P.1 MON 13:30
code which begins with a C.
The first part indicates the Conference, the topic title, the session The first part indicates the Conference, the topic title, the poster
All IQEC sessions are on a shaded background and have a code that title and the placement of the presentation within the session, e.g. destination, and the order of the presentation within the topic, e.g.
begins with an I.
CD-1.1 = CLEO®/Europe ID-P.1 = IQEC
CD-1.1 = Applications of Nonlinear Optics ID-P.1 = Precision Metrology and Frequency Combs
E    
CD-1.1 = Pulsed mid-IR Sources ID-P.1 = Poster
   :
CD-1.1 = First paper presented in the "Pulsed mid-IR Sources" ID-P.1 = First poster in the "Precision Metrology and Frequency
• Short courses referenced with a SH
session of the CD topic Combs" topic of the IQEC conference.
• Plenary talks referenced with a PL
• Tech-focus sessions (jointly held with the LIM conferences) ref- The second part indicates the day on which the presentation The second part indicates the day on which the poster presenta-
erenced with a TF takes place. tion takes place (same abbreviations as for the orals). All posters
• CLEO®/Europe-IQEC joint symposia referenced with a JS. are displayed per topic according their reference numbers over the
SUN = Sunday TUE = Tuesday THU = Thursday
• The ECBO-CLEO/Europe joint sessions referenced with CL-1/ conference days (see days at a glance).
MON = Monday WED = Wednesday
• CF/IE sessions as being joint sessions of CLEO®/Europe-IQEC The figures on the right indicate at what time the talk begins (9:00 am).
• CLEO-LIM joint session on Precision Processing in Micro to Nano Plenary, Tutorial, Keynote and Invited Talks are recognised as being
Scale by Ultrafast Lasers referenced with CM-3/LIM marked in brackets.

Sessions at a Glance

IG-2 Light Beam Propagation in Zürich, Switzerland CA-3 Mid-IR-Lasers Mansoor Sheik-Bahae, University of New
Disordered and Periodic Systems Sunday, 09:30 – 10:00 • Room 13b Mid-IR Solid-State Lasers for Spectroscopy Mexico, Albuquerque, United States
High-Resolution Imaging and Metrology Applications Sunday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 13a
with Scattered Light CM-1 Laser Ablation Gianluca Galzerano, Istituto di Fotonica e
Allard Mosk, University of Twente, Film-Free Laser Microprinting Nanotecnologie - CNR, Milano, Italy CL-2 / ECBO Biophotonics and Applications II
Enschede, The Netherlands of Complex Materials Sunday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 13a (Session jointly held with ECBO)

Wednesday, 14:00 – 14:45 • Room 4a Pere Serra, Universitat de Barcelona, Noninvasive Fluorescence Imaging
Applied Physics and Optics, IF-3 Nonlinear Light Interactions through Strongly Scattering
IH-2 Heat and Energy Control Barcelona, Spain in Quantum Systems Jacopo Bertolotti, University of Twente,
Broadband Management of Light Sunday, 09:30 – 10:00 • Room 14a Optical Parametric Oscillation with Enschede, The Netherlands & University of
Using Nanophotonics for Solar Distributed Feedback in Cold Atoms Florence, Florence, Italy
and Thermal Applications CF/IE-1 Ultrafast Electron Dynamics Willian Guerin, University of Tübingen, Sunday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 13b
Shanhui Fan, University of Stanford, Strong-field Photoemission of Electron Tübingen, Germany
Stanford, CA, United States Pulses from Sharp Metallic Tips Sunday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 4a CJ-2 Mode-locked Fiber Lasers
Wednesday, 16:00 – 16:45 • Room 21 Claus Ropers, Göttingen University, Investigations on Positively Chirped
Göttingen, Germany CK-3 Novel Materials and Structures Pulses in a Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser
Sunday, 10:00 – 10:30 • Room 1 Graphene, Plasmonic and Frithjof Haxsen, Laser Zentrum Hannover,
Silicon Optical Modulators Hannover, Germany
CK-1 Photonic Crystals Volker Sorger, George Washington Sunday, 17:00 – 17:30 • Room 14a
IF-1 Pulse Manipulation with Ultra-Narrowband Nonlinear University, Washington, United States
Nonlinear Optics Wavelength Conversion Using Coupled Sunday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 21 CL-2 / ECBO Biophotonics and Applications II
Broadband Deep-Ultraviolet Photonic Crystal Nanocavities (Session jointly held with ECBO)
Femtosecond Pulse Generation Nobuyuki Matsuda, NTT Basic Research CC-3 Terahertz Sources Combination of Optical Micromanipulation
by Third-order Nonlinear Optical Laboratories & Nanophotonics Center, THz Emission from Intrinsic Josephson with Raman Spectroscopy for Cell Sorting
Processes in Thin Media Atsugi, Japan Junctions in High Tc Superconductors Christoph Kraft, Institute of Photonic
Helder Crespo, University of Porto, Sunday, 10:00 – 10:30 • Room 21 for Imaging Applications Technology, Jena, Germany
Porto, Portugal Kazuo Kadowaki, University of Tsukuba, Sunday, 17:30 – 18:00 • Room 13b
Sunday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room 4a CF/IE-2 CEP Control and Tsukuba, Japan
Attosecond Phenomena Sunday, 15:30 – 16:00 • Room 4b CD-4 Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy
CD-1 Pulsed mid-IR Sources Generation of Gigawatt-scale Label Free Nonlinear Imaging in
Nonlinear Optics with Isolated Attosecond Pulses CL-1 / ECBO Biophotonics and Applications I Microscopy and Endoscopy
High Power Femtosecond Eiji Takahashi, RIKEN, Wako, Japan (Session jointly held with ECBO) Hervé Rigneault, Université Aix-Marseille,
Mid-infrared Pulses Sunday, 12:00 – 12:30 • Room 1 Improved Precision in Optical Marseille, France
Daniil Kartashov, Technical University, Tweezers via Squeezed Light Sunday, 17:30 – 18:00 • Room 14b
Vienna, Austria CC-3 Terahertz Sources Warwick Bowen, The University of
Sunday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room 14b Room-Temperature Terahertz Queensland, Brisbane, Australia JSI-1 Nuclear Photonics
Generation Using Vertical-External- Sunday, 15:30 – 16:00 • Room 13b Nuclear Photonics with Extreme
CB-1 Quantum Cascade Lasers I Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Gamma-ray Sources
Recent Progress on Single-mode Martin Koch, Philipps-Universität Marburg, CA-4 Yb-Doped Lasers Chris P.J. Barty, Lawrence Livermore
Quantum Cascade Lasers Marburg, Germany Solid State Crycoolers: National Laboratory, CA, United States
Borislav Hinkov, ETH Zürich, Sunday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 4b Developments and Prospective Monday, 11:00 – 11:30 • Room 2

Sessions at a Glance

CI-1 Next Generation Transmission Mode Area Fiber Amplifiers CE-3 Photonic Nanowires - Materials CM-3 / LIM Precision Processing in Micro to Nano
400G/1T Superchannels Enabling Next Tino Eidam, Friedrich Schiller University, and Applications Scale by Ultrafast Lasers (Session
Generation Optical Communications Jena, Germany III-V and III-Nitride Nanowires jointly held with LIM)
Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar and Monday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 14a for LED Applications Welding of Glass/Glass and Si/Glass
Xiang Liu, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Lars Samuelson, Nanometer Structure Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Holmdel, United States CL-3 Applied Biophotonics Consortium at Lund University, Isamu Miyamoto, Osaka University,

Monday, 11:00 – 11:30 • Room 4b Super Resolution Imaging of Lund, Sweden Osaka, Japan
Single DNA-Protein Interactions Monday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room Einstein Tuesday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 13a
JS1-2 Nuclear Photonics Erwin Peterman, Vrije University,
Nuclear Processes and Nuclear Amsterdam, The Netherlands CL-4 Structural Imaging IB-2 Integrated Quantum Photonics
Decay Modifications in Plasmas Monday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 4b Imaging Molecular Organization and Simulation
Vincent Méot, CEA/DAM Ile de France, of Cell Membranes and Proteins Quantum Simulation with
Arpajon, France ID-2 Frequency Combs Assemblies using Polarimetric Integrated Photonics
Monday, 11:30 – 12:00 • Room 2 Microresonator Frequency Combs Fluorescence Microscopy Fabio Sciarrino, Sapienza Università di
Scott Papp, NIST, Boulder, United States Sophie Brasselet, Fresnel Institute, Roma, Rome, Italy
IA-1 Strong Coupling Monday, 15:30 – 16:00 • Room 4a Marseille, France Tuesday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 14a
Quantum Networks based on Monday, 17:00 – 17:30 • Room 4b
Single Atoms in Optical Cavities JSIV-1 Quantum Coherent Effects in IG-1 Synchronization Dynamics and Opto-
Stephan Ritter, Max-Planck-Institut für Biology I CB-3 Ultrafast Semiconductor Lasers I mechanical Self-organization
Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany Quantum Coherence Explored Optical Frequency Combs Synchronization of N Coupled
Monday, 12:00 – 12:30 • Room 13a at the Level of Individual Light- using Ultrafast Diode Lasers: Dipoles: from Anderson to Dicke
Harvesting Complexes Techniques and Applications Robin Kaiser, INLN, Valbonne, France
CE-1 Semiconductor Materials Niek Van Hulst, ICFO, Peter J. Delfyett, CREOL, The College Tuesday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 21
and Devices Castelldefels, Spain of Optics and Photonics, Orlando, FL,
Nano-scale Characterization Monday, 15:30 – 16:00 • Room 21 United States CI-2 Integrated Circuits
of Semiconductors Using Monday, 17:30 – 18:00 • Room 13b Low Energy Consumption and
Helium Temperature Scanning ID-3 Precision Measurements High Speed Germanium-Based
Transmission Electron Is the Electron Round? Particle CD-8 New Guiding Phenomena Optoelectronic Devices
Microscopy Cathodoluminescence Physics with Cold and Ultracold Electro-optic Routing Laurent Vivien, Université Paris Sud,
Jürgen Christen, Otto-von-Guericke- Molecular Beams of Spatial Solitons in Orsay, France
University, Magdeburg, Germany Edward Hinds, Imperial College, London, Nematic Liquid Crystals Tuesday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room 4b
Monday, 12:00 – 12:30 • Room Einstein United Kingdom Armando Piccardi, University Roma Tre,
Monday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 4a Rome, Italy CM-3 / LIM Precision Processing in Micro to Nano
IA-2 Quantum Photonics Tuesday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 1 Scale by Ultrafast Lasers (Session
Photonic Quantum Technologies JSIV-2 Quantum Coherent Effects in jointly held with LIM)
Jeremy O’Brien, University of Bristol, Bristol, Biology II JSV-1 Superconducting Optics Delocalization of Focused Intense
United Kingdom Robust Design Principles for Quantum Superconducting Single Ultra-short Laser Pulses in Air
Monday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 13a Enhanced Excitation Transport Photon Detectors and Transparent Solids
Andreas Buchleitner, Albert-Ludwigs- Sae Woo Nam, NIST, Boulder, Vitaly Konov, General Physics Institute,
CJ-3 Modal Instabilities in Fibres University, Freiburg in Brisgau, Germany United States Moscow, Russia
Mode Instabilities in Large Monday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 21 Tuesday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 4a Tuesday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room 13a

Sessions at a Glance

JSV-1 Superconducting Optics TF-1 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a TF-1 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a Daniel Brunner, Instituto de Física
Producing Correlated Photons Comparison from an Industrial Comparison from an Industrial Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos
Using Superconducting Circuits Point of View I Point of View I (IFISC), UIB, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Göran Johansson, Chalmers University of (Session jointly held with LIM) (Session jointly held with LIM) Tuesday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 1
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden Applications and Market The Power of Choice of Solid
Tuesday, 09:15 – 09:45 • Room 4a Segments for Ultra-High State Lasers for Successful TF-2 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a

Brightness Direct Diode Lasers Industrial Laser Applications Comparison from an Industrial
CM-3 / LIM Precision Processing in Micro to Nano Wolfgang Gries, Directphotonics Industries Klaus Loeffler, Trumpf Laser- und Point of View II
Scale by Ultrafast Lasers (Session GmbH, Berlin, Germany Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany (Session jointly held with LIM)
jointly held with LIM) Tuesday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 13a Tuesday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 13a Ultrafast Solid State Laser with High
Three-Dimensional Laser Pulse Energy - New Applications
Lithography: Finer Features Faster IB-3 QIP with Light and Matter TF-2 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a Hans Amler, Photon Energy GmbH,
Georg von Freymann, University of Trapped Ions for Simulating Compraison from an Industrial Ottensoos, Germany
Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany Interacting Spins Point of View II Tuesday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 13a
Tuesday, 09:30 – 10:00 • Room 13a Christian Roos, University of Innsbruck, (Session jointly held with LIM)
Innsbruck, Austria Recent Developments in Fiber CA-7 High Energy Scaling Concepts
IG-1 Synchronization Dynamics and Opto- Tuesday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 14a Lasers and their Applications The Opportunity of High Average
mechanical Self-organization Michael Grupp, IPG Laser GmbH, and High Peak Power Lasers
Collective Dynamics in CG-1 Ionization Dynamics Burbach, Germany John Collier, Rutherford Appleton
Optomechanical Arrays Looking Inside the Recollision Process Tuesday, 16:00 – 16:30 • Room 13a Laboratory, Chilton, United Kingdom
Florian Marquardt, University of Erlangen- Nirit Dudovich, Weizmann Institute, Tuesday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 14b
Nüremberg, Erlangen, Germany Rehovot, Israel IB-4 Quantum Networking
Tuesday, 09:30 – 10:00 • Room 21 Tuesday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 21 Quantum Networks Enabled IC-2 Ultracold Atoms: Clocks, Spins
by Quantum Optics and Lattices
TF-1 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a CE-5 Optical Metamaterials Jeff H. Kimble, California Institute of Matter-wave Clocks: Measuring
Comparison from an Industrial and Plasmonics Technology, Pasadena, United States Time and Mass, and Testing
Point of View I Optical Gain in Metamaterials Tuesday, 16:00 – 16:30 • Room 14a General Relativity
(Session jointly held with LIM) and Plasmonic Systems: Holger Mueller, University of California,
Next Generation of Ultra-High from Loss Compensation to CE-6 Laser Materials Berkeley, United States
Brightness Direct Diode Lasers Stimulated Emission Engineering of Refractive Index and Tuesday, 17:00 – 17:30 • Room 4a
Jay Liebowitz, TeraDiode Inc., Wilmington, M.A. Noginov, Norfolk State University, Doping Level of KY1-x-y z Gdx Luy Ybz
United States Norfolk, VA, United States (WO4 )2 Layers for a Cladding-side- TF-2 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a
Tuesday, 14:00 – 14:30 • Room 13a Tuesday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room Einstein pumped Channel Waveguide Laser Comparison from an Industrial
Markus Pollnau, University of Twente, Point of View II
CA-6 Ultrafast Solid-State Lasers IC-1 Atomic Quantum Simulators Enschede, The Netherlands (Session jointly held with LIM)
Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Exploring Cavity-Mediated Tuesday, 16:00 – 16:30 • Room Einstein Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and
Saturable Absorbers: a New Generic Long-Range Interactions Bulk Lasers for Material
Mode-Locking Technology? in a Quantum Gas CD-10 Optical Devices for Data Processing Processing - A Comparison
Fabian Rotermund, Ajou University, Tobias Donner, ETH Zurich, High Speed, High Performance Norman Hodgson, Coherent Inc., Santa
Suwon, South Korea Zurich, Switzerland All-optical Information Processing Clara, CA, United States
Tuesday, 14:00 – 14:30 • Room 14b Tuesday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 4a Utilizing Nonlinear Optical Transients Tuesday, 17:00 – 17:30 • Room 13a

Sessions at a Glance

JSII-1 Photonics for Defence and Security: of Random Laser Polytechnique, CNRS UMR 7639, IH-4 Quantum Nanophotonics
Spectroscopy Imaging and Detection Hui Cao, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Palaiseau, France Controlling Stationary and
QCL Based Detection of United States Wednesday, 17:00 – 17:30 • Room Einstein Flying Qubits for Solid-state
Hazardous Substances Wednesday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 13b Quantum Networks
Kumar Patel, Pranalytica Inc., Santa II-3 Controlling and Harvesting Light Mete Atature, University of Cambridge,
Monica, CA, United States CF/IE-8 Ultrafast Fibre and Waveguide Lasers with Plasmons Cambridge, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 13b High-Performance Femtosecond Plasmon Induced Light Harvesting Thursday, 10:30 – 11:00 • Room Einstein
Fiber Lasers Based on Self- Peter Nordlander, Rice University, Houston,
II-1 Quantum and Graphene Plasmonics Similar Pulse Propagation United States IH-4 Quantum Nanophotonics
Quantum Effects in Tunnelling Plasmonics William Renninger, Cornell University, Thursday, 08:30 – 09:00 • Room 4a Optical Nonlinearity With Few-
Javier Aizpurua, Materials Physics Center Ithaca, United States Photon Pulses Using A Quantum
(CSIC-UPV/EHU) and DIPC, Donostia-San Wednesday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 14b IH-3 Controlling Light Emission at Dot-Pillar Cavity Device
Sebastián, Spain the Nanoscale Loïc Lanco, Laboratoire de Photonique et de
Wednesday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room 4a CD-12 Solitons and Nonlinearly Driven Self- Accessing Forbidden Transitions: Nanostructures, Marcoussis and Université
organization Magnetic Dipoles and Electric Paris Diderot - Paris 7, Paris, France
IA-5 Non-Classical Light Enlightening the Rules of Disorder: Quadrupoles for Nano-optics Thursday, 11:30 – 12:00 • Room Einstein
Biological Measurement from Broadband Energy Harvesting Rashid Zia, Brown University, Providence,
beyond the Quantum Limit to Many Body Solitons and Light United States CJ-11 Special Fibres
Michael Taylor, University of Queensland, Condensation Dynamics Thursday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room Einstein Inhibited-coupling Guiding Hollow
Brisbane, Australia Andrea Fratalocchi, King Abdullah Core Photonic Crystal Fibers
Wednesday, 10:30 – 11:00 • Room 21 University of Science and Technology, CB-7 Semiconductor Lasers for Fetah Benabid, Université de Limoges, Limoges,
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia Optical Communications France and University of Bath, Bath, UK
JSII-2 Photonics for Defence and Security: Wednesday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 1 Multi-wavelength Hybrid Silicon Thursday, 14:00 – 14:30 • Room 1
Coherent Sources Lasers for Optical Interconnects
CW mid-IR OPO Based on OP-GaAs CK-6 Plasmonic Nanostructures Martijn Heck, University of California, CG-6 FEL and High Photon Energy Science
Peter Schunemann, BAE Systems Inc., and Applications Santa Barbara, United States Non-linear FEL Science
Nashua, NH, United States Integrated Plasmonic NanoBiosensors Thursday, 09:00 – 09:30 • Room 13b Robin Santra, Center for Free-Electron
Wednesday, 11:00 – 11:30 • Room 13b Hatice Altug, Boston University, Boston, USA Science, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Wednesday, 16:30 – 17:00 • Room 13a CH-4 Metrology of Materials Thursday, 14:00 – 14:30 • Room 22
CM-5 Material Processing with Shaped and Structures
Laser Beams JSIII-2 Rogue Waves and Soliton Dynamics Phase-Space Measurement and CH-6 Optical Sensor Applications
Femtosecond laser micro and nano Solitonization of the Coherence Synthesis of Optical Beams Optical Readout of Coupling
processing with nondiffracting Anderson Localization Jason W. Fleischer, Princeton University, between a Nanomembrane and an
Bessel and accelerating Airy beams Claudio Conti, Università Sapienza, Rome, Italy Princeton, United States LC Circuit at Room Temperature
François Courvoisier, Université de Wednesday, 17:00 – 17:30 • Room 13b Thursday, 09:30 – 10:00 • Room 4b Tolga Bagci, QUANTOP, Niels Bohr Institute,
Franche-Comté, Besançon, France Copenhaguen, Denmark
Wednesday, 11:30 – 12:00 • Room 14b CG-3 Plasma Based Sources CH-5 Advances in Spectroscopy II Thursday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 4b
Single Attosecond Pulses Precision Metrology with Coherent
JSIII-1 Light Emission and Propagation in from Plasma Mirrors Dual Frequency Combs CB-9 High Efficiency/High Brightness
Random Media Antonin Borot, Laboratoire d’Optique Nathan R. Newbury, NIST, Boulder, CO, USA Semiconductor Lasers
Tailoring the Spatial Coherence Appliquée, ENSTA Paristech, Ecole Thursday, 10:30 – 11:00 • Room 4b Efficiency droop of GaN Lasers and LEDs

Sessions at a Glance

Jörg Hader, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA CB-2 Quantum Cascade Lasers and CC-2 Terahertz Imaging and Sensing
CLEO®/Europe 2013 SESSIONS
Thursday, 14:30 – 15:00 • Room 13b Long Wavelength Emitters II Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 4b
CA SOLIDSTATE LASERS Sunday, 11:00 – 12:45 • Room 13b
CK-9 Integrated Photonic Devices CC-3 Terahertz Sources
Integrated Photonic Devices CA-1 Nonlinear Frequency Conversion CB/CC – 1 Terahertz Quantum Cascade Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 4b
in III-V Semiconductors for Sunday, 09:00 – 10:30 • Room 13a Semiconductor Lasers

Optical Communications Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 13b CC-4 Terahertz Field Manipulation
Mike J. Wale, Oclaro Technology Ltd., CA-2 Visible Lasers Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 4b
Towcester, United Kingdom Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 13a CB-3 Ultrafast Semiconductor Lasers I
Thursday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 13a Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 13b CD APPLICATIONS OF
CF/IE-12 Mid Infrared and Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 13a CB-4 Ultrafast Semiconductor Lasers II
Terahertz Phenomena Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 13b CD-1 Pulsed mid-IR Sources
Imaging ultrafast nanoscale dynamics CA-4 Yb-Doped Lasers Sunday, 09:00 – 10:15 • Room 14b
with a THz-pulse-coupled STM Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 13a CB-5 Dynamics and Chaos in Semiconductor
Tyler Cocker, University of Alberta, Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 13b CD-2 Nonlinear Wave Mixing Phenomena
Edmonton, Canada CA-5 Yb-Doped Thin Disk Lasers Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 14b
Thursday, 15:00 – 15:30 • Room 14b Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 14b CB-6 Advanced Structures
Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 13b CD-3 Nonlinear Optics in Photonic
CF/IE-13 Charge Dynamics in Solids CA-6 Ultrafast Solid-State Lasers Crystal Fibers
Ultrafast Electronic Charge Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 14b CB-7 Semiconductor Lasers for Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 14b
Dynamics in Solids Mapped by Optical Communications
Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction CA-7 High Energy Scaling Concepts Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 13b CD-4 Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy
Thomas Elsaesser, Max-Born-Institute, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 14b Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 14b
Berlin, Germany CB-8 Semiconductor Vertical Cavity
Thursday, 16:00 – 16:30 • Room 14b CA-8 High Inversion Laser System Surface Emitting Lasers CD-5 Optical Parametric Oscillators
Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 13a Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 13b Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 14b

CA-9 Novel Solid-State CB-9 High Efficiency/High Brightness CD-6 Frequency Conversion based
Laser Concepts Semiconductor Lasers on Quadratic Nonlinearities
TF-1 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 13a Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 13b Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 14b
Comparison from an Industrial Point
of View I CA-10 Beam Control CB-10 DiskandMid-InfraredSemiconductorLasers CD-7 New Devices for Frequency Conversion
(Session jointly held with LIM) Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 13a Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 13b based on Quadratic Nonlinearities
Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 13a Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 14b
TF-2 Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a AND APPLICATIONS CD-8 New Guiding Phenomena
Comparison from an Industrial CB-1 Quantum Cascade Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 1
Point of View II Lasers and Long CC-1 Ultra Broadband and
(Session jointly held with LIM) Wavelength Emitters I High Terahertz Fields CD-9 UV - Sources
Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 13a Sunday, 09:00 – 10:30 • Room 13b Sunday, 09:00 – 10:30 • Room 4b Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 1

Sessions at a Glance

CD-10 Optical Devices for Data Processing CF/IE ULTRAFAST SCIENCE AND CH-3 Advances in Optical Sensor Devices
Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 1 TECHNOLOGY JOINT TOPIC CF/IE-12 Mid Infrared and Terahertz Phenomena Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:15 • Room 4b
AREA WITH IQEC 2013 Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 14b
CD-11 Application of Solitons CH-4 Metrology of Materials
Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 1 CF/IE-1 Ultrafast Electron Dynamics CF/IE-13 Charge Dynamics in Solids and Structures
Sunday, 09:00 - 10:30 • Room 1 Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 14b Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 4b

CD-12 Solitons and Nonlinearly
Driven Self-organization CF/IE-2 CEP Control and CH-5 Advances in Spectroscopy II
Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 1 Attosecond Phenomena CG HIGHFIELD LASER PHYSICS AND Thursday, 10:30 – 11:45 • Room 4b
Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 1 ATTOSECOND TECHNOLOGIES
AND CHARACTERIZATION CF/IE-3 Pulse Shaping and Characterization CG-1 Ionization Dynamics Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 4b
Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 1 Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 21
CE-1 Semiconductor Materials and Devices CH-7 Frontiers of Optical Sensing
Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room Einstein CF/IE-4 High-energy Ultrafast Sources CG-2 Ultrafast Dynamics in Attosecond Thursday, 16:00 – 17:15 • Room 4b
Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 1 Time Scale
CE-2 Thin Films and Nanostructures Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 21 CI OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES
Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room Einstein CF/IE-5 Novel Methods in Ultrafast Optics FOR COMMUNICATIONS
Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 1 CG-3 Plasma Based Sources AND DATA STORAGE
CE-3 Photonic Nanowires Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room Einstein
- Materials and Applications CF/IE-6 Supercontinuum Generation CI-1 Next Generation Transmission
Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room Einstein and Filamentation CG-4 Ultrafast High Power Lasers Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 4b
Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 1 Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 22
CE-4 Optical Fibres and Waveguides CI-2 Integrated Circuits
Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room Einstein CF/IE-7 High Harmonic Generation CG-5 Waveform Synthesis and Control Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 4b
Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 1 Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 22
CE-5 Optical Metamaterials and Plasmonics CI-3 Optical Signal Processing
Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room Einstein CF/IE-8 Ultrafast Fibre and CG-6 FEL and High PhotonEnergy Science Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 4b
Waveguide Lasers Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 22
CE-6 Laser Materials Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 14b CI-4 Opto-Electronic Devices
Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room Einstein CG-7 Field Driven Interactions Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 4b
CF/IE-9 Ultrafast Optical Parametric Amplifiers Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 22
CE-7 Nonlinear Materials Wednesday, 16:00 - 17:30 • Room 14b CI-5 Advanced Concepts
Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room Einstein CH OPTICAL SENSING for Communications
CF/IE-10 Ultrafast Spectroscopy AND METROLOGY Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 4b
CE-8 Lithium Niobate - Fabrication Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 14b
and Characterization CH-1 Advances in Spectroscopy I CJ FIBRE AND GUIDED WAVE
Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room Einstein CF/IE-11 Ultrafast Microphotonics Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 3 LASERS AND AMPLIFIERS
and Plasmonics
CE-9 Functional Optical Materials Thursday, 10:30 – 11:45 • Room 14b CH-2 Novel Optical Sensing Systems CJ-1 Fibres and Components
Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room Einstein Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:45 • Room 11 Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 14a

Sessions at a Glance

CJ-2 Mode-locked Fiber Lasers CK-3 Novel Materials and Structures CL-3 Applied Biophotonics
Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 14a Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 21 Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 4b
CJ-3 Modal Instabilities in Fibres CK-4 Micro-nanostructured CL-4 Structural Imaging JSI NUCLEAR PHOTONICS
Monday, 14:30 - 16:00 • Room 14a Optical Fibers Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 4b
Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 21 JSI-1 Nuclear Photonics

CJ-4 Coherent Combining CL-5 Microscopic and Sensing Technologies Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 2
Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 14a CK-5 Microstructures for Energy Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 4b
CJ-5 High Peak Power Fibre Sources Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 21 CL-6 Mesoscopic Devices AND SECURITY
Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 14a Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 4b
CK-6 Plasmonic Nanostructures JSII-1 Photonics for Defence
CJ-6 Ultrafast Fibre Sources and Applications CM MATERIALS PROCESSING and Security: Spectroscopy
Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 14a Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 13a WITH LASERS Imaging and Detection
Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 13b
CJ-7 Wavelength-Tuning and Conversion CK-7 Advanced Structures for CM-1 Laser Ablation JSII-2 Photonics for Defence and Security:
Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 14a Light Sources Sunday, 09:00 – 10:30 • Room 14a Coherent Sources
Thursday, 08:30 - 10:00 • Room 13a Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 13b
CJ-8 Fibre Laser Sources CM-2 Future Applications of Laser
Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 14a CK-8 Light Management Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 14a JSIII DYNAMICS OF RANDOM
CJ-9 Raman Effects in Fibre Sources Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 13a CM-3 / LIM Precision Processing in Micro to
Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 1 Nano Scale by Ultrafast Lasers JSIII-1 Light Emission and Propagation
CK-9 Integrated Photonic Devices (Session jointly held with LIM) in Random Media
CJ-10 Two Micron Fibre Cases Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 13a Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 13a Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 13b
Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 1 JSIII-2 Rogue Waves and Soliton Dynamics
CK-10 Micro-optics and CM-4 Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanostructuring Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 13b
CJ-11 Special Fibres Integrated Sensors Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 14b
Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 1 Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 13a JSIV QUANTUM COHERENT
CM-5 Material Processing with EFFECTS IN BIOLOGY
CJ-12 Novel Waveguide Materials CL BIOPHOTONICS Shaped Laser Beams
Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 1 AND APPLICATIONS Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 14b JSIV-1 Quantum Coherent Effects in Biology I
Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 21
CK MICRO AND CL-1 / ECBO Biophotonics and Applications I CM-6 Transparent Material Processing JSIV-2 Quantum Coherent Effects in Biology II
NANOPHOTONICS (Session jointly held with ECBO) Thursday, 10:30 – 12:15 • Room 21 Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 21
Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 13b
CK-1 Photonic Crystals CM-7 Femtosecond Laser Writing JSV SUPERCONDUCTING OPTICS
Sunday, 09:00 – 10:30 • Room 21 CL-2 / ECBO Biophotonics and Applications II Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 21
(Session jointly held with ECBO) JSV-1 Superconducting Optics
CK-2 Silicon Photonics Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 13b CM-8 Laser Processing from Polymers to Fibres Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 4a
Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 21 Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 21

Sessions at a Glance


IA-1 Strong Coupling IB-6 Photonic Quantum Computing IF-1 Pulse Manipulation
Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 13a Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 14a with Nonlinear Optics IH-1 Mapping Near Fields

Sunday, 09:00 – 10:30 • Room 4a Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 22
IA-2 Quantum Photonics IB-7 Fundamentals of
Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 13a Quantum Information IF-2 New Approaches in Nonlinear IH-2 Heat and Energy Control
Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 14a Light Propagation Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 21
IA-3 Quantum Effects Sunday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 4a
Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 13a IB-8 Quantum State Characterization IH-3 Controlling Light Emission at
Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 14a IF-3 Nonlinear Light Interactions in the Nanoscale
IA-4 Quantum State Control Quantum Systems Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room Einstein
Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 21 IC ULTRACOLD Sunday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 4a
QUANTUM MATTER IH-4 Quantum Nanophotonics
IA-5 Non-Classical Light IF-4 Nonlinear Optical Interactions in Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room Einstein
Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 21 IC-1 Atomic Quantum Simulators Structured Materials
Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 4a Sunday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 4a IH-5 Ultrafast Nanophotonics
IA-6 Coherent Effects Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room Einstein
Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 21 IC-2 Ultracold Atoms: Clocks, IG DYNAMICS, SOLITONS
Spins and Lattices AND SELFORGANIZATION IH-6 Quantum Dots. Optical Forces
IA-7 Cavity-Opto Mechanics Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 4a Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room Einstein
Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 21 IG-1 Synchronization Dynamics and Opto-
ID-1 Frequency Standards and Spectroscopy IG-2 Light Beam Propagation in II-1 Quantum and Graphene Plasmonics
IB-1 Photon Pair Sources and Detectors Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 4a Disordered and Periodic Systems Wednesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 4a
Monday, 11:00 – 12:30 • Room 14a Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 4a
ID-2 Frequency Combs II-2 Plasmonics Antennas and Waveguides
IB-2 Integrated Quantum Photonics Monday, 14:30 – 16:00 • Room 4a IG-3 Polaritons and Quantum Fluids Wednesday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 4a
and Simulation Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 4a
Tuesday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 14a ID-3 Precision Measurements II-3 Controlling and Harvesting
Monday, 16:30 – 18:00 • Room 4a IG-4 Solitons and Dynamics in Cavities Light with Plasmons
IB-3 QIP with Light and Matter Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 4a Thursday, 08:30 – 10:00 • Room 4a
Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30 • Room 14a IE/CF ULTRAFAST SCIENCE AND
TECHNOLOGY JOINT TOPIC IG-5 Rogue Waves, Extreme Events II-4 Transformation Optics
IB-4 Quantum Networking AREA WITH CLEO®/EUROPE and Nonlinear Wave Dynamics and Metamaterials
Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 14a 2013 ALSO LISTED AS CF/IE Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30 • Room 4a Thursday, 10:30 – 12:00 • Room 4a


CLEO®/Europe 2013 Topics instabilities, synchronization, multimode dynam- filamentation; electro-optic and Kerr devices in physics, chemistry, and biology; coherent control
ics, chaos. crystals and semiconductors; Raman based de- using femtosecond pulses; ultrafast microscopic
CA - SOLID-STATE LASERS CHAIR: Guido Giuliani, Università di Pavia, vices including amplifiers and lasers; nonlinear techniques; electro-optic sampling; femtochem-
Advances in solid-state lasers: novel solid-state Pavia, Italy probing of surfaces; multi-photon imaging and istry; ultrafast x-ray experiments and attosec-
lasers and amplifiers; high-power and high-en- coherent Raman microscopy. ond phenomena.
ergy lasers; power-scalable laser architectures, CC - TERAHERTZ SOURCES AND APPLICATIONS CHAIR: Ulf Peschel, University of Erlangen- CHAIR: Giulio Cerullo, Politecnico di Milano,

solid-state micro-chip and nanolasers; random Sources for generating terahertz (far- infrared) Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany Milano, Italy
lasers; pulse generation; short wavelength lasers; radiation in the approximate range from 200 GHz
mid-infrared lasers; tunable lasers; intracavity to 10 THz. These sources can be based on various CE - OPTICAL MATERIALS, FABRICATION CG - HIGH-FIELD LASER PHYSICS AND
wavelength conversion; upconversion lasers; physical principles, including ultrafast time-do- AND CHARACTERIZATION ATTOSECOND TECHNOLOGIES
thermal effects and their mitigation, beam qual- main systems, direct generation using terahertz Fabrication of optical materials; new crystalline Laser and parametric chirped-pulse amplifica-
ity characterisation; linewidth reduction and lasers, and sources based on nonlinear optical and glass laser materials in bulk, fiber and wave- tion; generation, compression, carrier-envelope
wavelength tuning techniques; amplitude and mixing; applications using terahertz radiation guide geometry; micro- and nano-fabrication and phase (CEP) stabilization and characterization
frequency stability; novel pump sources and for sensing, spectroscopy and imaging; advanc- -engineering techniques; optical characterisation of Petawatt pulses; CEP and light waveform syn-
pumping configurations; laser resonator design; es in terahertz communications; new terahertz of laser and nonlinear materials, micro-structured thesis metrology; strong field ionization and atto-
spectroscopic characterisation of solid-state gain measurement techniques and instrumentation, fiber and photonic crystal waveguides, micro- and second XUV/x-ray pulse generation; generation
media; advanced laser crystals and glasses; laser including advances in imaging configurations, nano-crystalline materials, single defect centres, of high brightness attosecond pulses; probing
characterisation and modelling, novel solid-state detector technologies, and terahertz optical com- quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum of non-linear and ultrafast dynamics by intense
lasers for system applications. ponents and waveguides; and terahertz optical dots, nano-tubes and nano-needles, innovative free-electron laser pulses; optimal control of ul-
CHAIR: David Burns, University of Strathclyde, measurements using surface plasmons, near-field organic materials. trafast non-linear processes; time-resolved Au-
Glasgow, United Kingdom effects, photonic crystals and metamaterials, and CHAIR: Stefan Kück, Physikalisch- Technische ger spectroscopy, XUV/soft x-ray spectroscopy,
nonlinear optics; and terahertz imaging and mod- Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany interferometry and microscopy; time-resolved
CB – SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS eling of plumes, turbulent air, or gaseous flows. Coulomb explosion imaging; strongly coupled
New technology, devices and applications; semi- CHAIR: Jérôme Faist, ETH - Institute for CF/IE - ULTRAFAST SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY electron-nuclear dynamics in molecules; atto-
conductor optical amplifiers; modelling of sem- Quantum Electronics, Zürich, Switzerland (JOINT TOPIC AREA WITH IQEC 2013) second and femtosecond electron diffraction
iconductor lasers and optical amplifiers; novel Femtosecond and picosecond pulse generation imaging of molecular structures; dynamics in
characterization techniques; vertical (extended) CD - APPLICATIONS OF NONLINEAR OPTICS from solid state, fiber and waveguide sources; fixed-in-space molecules; ultrafast electron
cavity surface emitting lasers; optically-pumped Novel applications of nonlinear optical phe- mode-locked and Q-switched lasers; few-cycle dynamics in bulk media, nanostructures and
semiconductor lasers, photonic crystal semi- nomena and new devices; nonlinear frequency optical pulses; ultrashort-pulse semiconduc- quantum-confined structures; probing of surface
conductor lasers, micro-cavity lasers; quantum conversion for the UV, visible and IR; telecom- tor lasers and devices; ultrafast parametric and electron dynamics and physiochemical processes
dot/dash lasers; semiconductor ring lasers; short munications applications and all-optical switch- nonlinear optical conversion; ultrashort-pulse via time-resolved UPS/soft XPS; time-resolved
wavelength lasers: blue and green; near-infrared ing; all-optical delay lines and slow light; optical mid-IR and THz radiation; pulse compression; XAS, XANES & EXAFS; femtosecond-laser-pro-
long wavelength lasers; mid-infrared and far-in- parametric devices such as optical parametric super-continuum generation; dispersion com- duced plasmas; relativistic nonlinear optics; la-
frared semiconductor lasers: quantum cascade amplifiers and oscillators; nonlinear optics in pensation; ultrafast electro-optics; pulse-shaping; ser-driven particle acceleration.
lasers and THz lasers; high power and high waveguides and fibres, including photonic crys- carrier-envelope effects; ultrafast characterization CHAIR: Matthias Kling, Max Planck Institute,
brightness lasers; short-pulse generation, mode tal structures and microstructured optical fibres; methods and measurement techniques, ultrafast Garching, Germany
locking; functional applications: switching, clock quasi-phasematched materials and devices; novel optoelectronic systems and devices; applications
recovery, signal processing; semiconductor lasers nonlinear materials and structures; stimulated of ultrafast technology, femtosecond pulse fila- CH - OPTICAL SENSING AND METROLOGY
in integrated photonic circuits; nonlinear dynam- scattering processes and devices; optical solitons mentation and applications. This topical area will Optical sensing and metrology allow for inspec-
ics of semiconductor lasers: optical feedback, cou- and their applications; optical limiting; spatial and also feature papers on fundamentals of ultrafast tion of a wide range of objects, from the macro-
pled lasers, optical injection, spatial and temporal spatio-temporal nonlinear processes including nonlinear processes and ultrafast spectroscopy in scopic to the nanometric scale. This topic area


focuses on recent progress in all aspects of op- optics in storage area networks, optical delays (photonic crystals), plasmonic and metamaterial PLD, LCVD; direct write techniques: MAPLE,
tical sensing and metrology, particularly in new and buffering, holographic and 3D optical data devices; integrated optics; optical MEMS; materi- LIFT, near-field techniques; 2D and 3D micro/
photonic sensor technologies and applications. storage, near-field recording and super-resolu- als aspects and fabrication techniques, including nano structuring; plasma related processes; laser
Papers are solicited on the following and related tion, photorefractives. inorganic/organic nano-layers/wires, nanocrys- assisted nanosynthesis; fundamentals and appli-
topics: new trends in optical remote sensing; fiber CHAIR: Stefan Wabnitz, Università di Brescia, tals in periodic structures and single molecules; cations of femtosecond micromaching; ultrafast
sensors using conventional and photonic crystal Brescia, Italy issues related to order/disorder in nanostructured laser processing: volume modification, index en-

fibers; active multispectral and hyperspectral im- materials; and applications tending to the integra- gineering; laser-assisted manufacturing.
aging; sensor multiplexing; novel spectroscopic CJ - FIBRE AND GUIDED WAVE LASERS tion into photonic devices for biology, lighting, CHAIR: Boris Chichkov, Laser Zentrum
techniques, applications and systems; optical pre- AND AMPLIFIERS communication, sensing and energy efficiency. Hannover, Hannover, Germany
cision metrology; novel measurement methods Waveguide and fibre laser oscillator and amplifi- CHAIR: Valerio Pruneri, ICFO-The Institute
and devices based on interferometry; hologra- ers including novel waveguide and fibre geome- of Photonic Sciences and ICREA, Castelldefels,
phy; diffractometry or scatterometry; critical tries; power scaling of waveguide and fibre lasers Barcelona, Spain IQEC 2013 Topics
dimension metrology; virtual metrology; multi- - including beam combination techniques (for
scale surface metrology; UV and DUV micros- both pump and signal beams) and new waveguide CL - BIOPHOTONICS AND APPLICATIONS IA - QUANTUM OPTICS
copy; resolution enhancement technologies in coupling approaches; upconversion lasers; non- This topic area addresses emerging concepts in This topical area will feature papers on multimode
microscopy; inverse problems; adaptive optics; linear effects in waveguides and fibres - includ- biophotonics: single particle/molecule detection and mesoscopic quantum optics; single photon
phase retrieval. ing nonlinear frequency conversion and pulse and tracking; spatio-temporal manipulation of emission and absorption; quantum light sources
CHAIR: Tomas Nasilowski, Military University of generation and compression; advances in fibre light fields for biomedicine; enhanced linear and and applications; nonlocality and quantum inter-
Technology (MUT), Warsaw, Poland waveguide materials; fabrication techniques for non linear excitation and detection; micro-flu- ference; squeezing and entanglement; quantum
doped waveguide and fibre devices; active mi- idics, optofluidics and micro-optics; new optical correlations and measurement; quantum optics
CI - OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONS crostructured fibre and waveguide laser devices; probes for local measurements – including or- in circuits and cavities; quantum coherence; slow
AND DATA STORAGE novel waveguide and fibre sources for industri- ganic and inorganic nanoparticles, electric fields light and quantum memories; quantum imaging
Fibre devices including dispersion compensating al applications. and temperature measurements; New routes and and quantum lithography.
and nonlinear fibres, fibre propagation and po- CHAIR: Thomas Schreiber, Fraunhofer Institute modalities for optical detection in biophotonics: CHAIR: Axel Kuhn, Oxford University, Oxford,
larization effects, fibre amplifiers and fibre lasers, for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, non linear processes; spectroscopy; holography, United Kingdom
fibre gratings and fibre grating-based devices; Jena, Germany adaptive optics, phase conjugation time reversal
semiconductor devices for generation, processing etc; physics of optical phenomena in biological IB - QUANTUM INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION,
and detection of optical signals including laser CK - MICRO- AND NANO-PHOTONICS media: scattering; coherence; polarization; sym- AND SIMULATION
sources, detectors and modulators, performance The intensive research nowadays being carried metry and invariance. Advanced light sources and This topical area will highlight recent innovations
monitoring devices, switches, picosecond and out in the area of nanostructured materials for geometries for microscopy, phototherapy, surgery, in all areas of the field, from algorithm and pro-
femtosecond pulse sources; optical components photonic applications has branched in many di- biomedicine etc. tocol development to experimental implemen-
for enabling WDM and OTDM systems includ- rections but keeps a common goal. This is learn- CHAIR: Kishan Dholakia, University of St. tations of quantum computers and quantum
ing filtering and switching devices; digital signal ing and profiting from the novel phenomena Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom communication systems. Of especial interest are
processing and coding techniques; communica- occurring when light is created, transported and results in quantum simulations, quantum key
tion and access networks; optical sub-systems detected in environments where either dimen- CM - MATERIALS PROCESSING WITH LASERS distribution, quantum logic gates, entanglement
including clock recovery techniques, packet/ sionality or size are reduced and, in particular, Fundamentals of laser-materials interactions: distribution and distillation, conversion of in-
burst switching subsystems, advanced modula- when light-matter interaction occurs in regions phase transformation, chemical reactions, dif- formation between static and flying qubits, and
tion formats, subcarrier-multiplexing, receivers smaller than or similar to the wavelength of light. fusion processes, ablation; analytical and nu- quantum memories. In addition, novel platforms,
for coherent detection, radio-over-fiber and mi- This trend has earned the term nanophotonics. merical mathematical modelling; high-power devices and materials for quantum informa-
crowave photonic technologies, optical regen- Such a vast field includes but is not restricted laser-materials processing: welding, cutting, sur- tion processing, such as integrated devices, na-
eration, switching and frequency conversion; to periodic or quasi-periodic nanostructures face treatment; laser ablation; thin-film growth: no-mechanics, ion-trap arrays, superconducting


structures, quantum dots and cavity QED based lasers and devices; ultrafast parametric and complex behaviour, and extreme events. Appli- Joint CLEO®/EUROPE-
quantum gates will be covered. nonlinear optical conversion; ultrashort-pulse cations of these phenomena in, for example, in- IQEC 2013 TOPICS
CHAIR: Christine Silberhorn, Universität mid-IR and THz radiation; pulse compression; formation processing, chaos control and optical
Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany super-continuum generation; dispersion com- communication are also considered. Systems JSI - JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHOTONICS
pensation; ultrafast electro-optics; pulse-shaping; of interest encompass single active or passive The recent development of high intensity la-
IC - ULTRACOLD QUANTUM MATTER carrier-envelope effects; ultrafast characterization photonic devices as well as coupled systems and sers, very brilliant γ or ion beams and coher-

This topical area will feature papers on recent methods and measurement techniques, ultrafast networks, including novel optical systems such ent x-ray sources opens new perspectives for
developments in few- and many-body phenom- optoelectronic systems and devices; applications as polariton condensates, quantum dot lasers, nuclear physics studies in extreme conditions.
ena with ultracold quantum gases of atoms and of ultrafast technology, femtosecond pulse fila- microlasers, photonic crystal microcavities, op- Nuclear properties in presence of a very high
molecules. These will include: quantum simula- mentation and applications. This topical area will tomechanical systems. electromagnetic field or the study of nuclear
tion of strongly correlated systems with artificial also feature papers on fundamentals of ultrafast CHAIR: Thorsten Ackemann, University of reaction, excitation, deexcitation rates in hot
gauge fields, frustration, disorder and impurities; nonlinear processes and ultrafast spectroscopy in Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom and dense plasmas are new domains of in-
out-of-equilibrium many-body phenomena; su- physics, chemistry, and biology; coherent control vestigation. They are of prime importance in
perfluidity and thermodynamics in Bose and using femtosecond pulses; ultrafast microscopic IH – LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTIONS AT particular for the population of isomeric states
Fermi systems; dipolar physics with atoms and techniques; electro-optic sampling; femtochem- THE NANO-SCALE and element synthesis in astrophysics, and
molecules; Efimov physics; quantum atom inter- istry; ultrafast x-ray experiments and attosec- This topical area will feature papers on all the as- for the issue of energy storage in nuclei. The
ferometry; controllable multiparticle entangle- ond phenomena. pects of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale aim of this symposium is to bring together
ment; hybrid systems. CHAIR: Giulio Cerullo, Politecnico di Milano, including single photon emitters (quantum dots, theorists and experimentalists from different
CHAIR: Giovanni Modugno, LENS / Milan, Italy NV centers) and related physics (nanoantennas, related areas such as direct laser-driven in-
Department of Physics, University of Florence, microcavities), strong coupling, non-linear optics teractions, half-life modifications in plasmas,
Florence, Italy IF - FUNDAMENTALS OF NONLINEAR OPTICS at the nanoscale, photovoltaics, sources and detec- atomic effects in nuclear excitation and de-
This topical area will feature papers on nonlinear tors at the nanoscale, optical forces (optical twee- cay, UHI-driven particle sources and coherent
ID - PRECISION METROLOGY AND optical phenomena including frequency conver- zers at nanoscale, Casimir and Casimir-Polder X-ray sources.
FREQUENCY COMBS sion, wave mixing, parametric processes, electro- forces) and radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale.
This topical area will deal with the ultimate lim- magnetic induced transparency, lasing without CHAIR: Jean-Jacques Greffet, Institut d’Op- Topics include:
itations of measurement precision as imposed inversion, slow light and dark states, temporal and tique, Palaiseau, France • Nuclear physics in laser induced plasma (excita-
by the nature of quanta. It will feature papers on spatial solitons, novel nonlinear optical materials tion processes in plasma, effect of high tempera-
precision interferometry and spectroscopy, novel and nano-structures, nonlinear optical fibers, me- II – PLASMONICS AND METAMATERIALS tures on astrophysics, effect of high temperatures
methods of laser spectroscopy, tests of fundamen- dia with extreme nonlinear properties, nonlinear This topical area will feature papers on metal on transmutation)
tal symmetries, quantum metrology, definition imaging, nonlinear manipulation and character- nanophotonics, including nanoantennas, plas- • Nuclear physics in laser fields (laser-driven
of basic units, and the constancy of fundamen- ization of short pulses. monic cavities and waveguides, ranging from fun- excitations and review of nuclear experiments
tal constants. CHAIR: Sophie Brasselet, Fresnel Institute, damental designs and proof-of-concept studies which can be carried out at XFEL)
CHAIR: Ekkehard Peik, Physikalisch-Technische Marseille, France to application-oriented work. Another thrust are • Nuclear physics with monoenergetic g-beams
Bundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Germany metamaterials, ranging from implementations at (review of experiments which can be carried out
IG – DYNAMICS, SOLITONS AND SELF-ORGANIZATION optical frequencies to work in the THz and RF re- at Compton backscattering facilities)
IE/CF - ULTRAFAST SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY This topical area features papers on the formation gimes. We particularly welcome papers on active • Techniques and facilities of UHI-driven par-
(JOINT TOPIC AREA WITH CLEO®/EUROPE 2013) of self-organized spatio-temporal structures in plasmonics and metamaterials, systems with gain, ticle beams, brilliant monoenergetic g-beams,
Femtosecond and picosecond pulse generation optical systems. Topics include a large variety hybrid materials assemblies, nonlinear metama- coherent X-ray sources for nuclear physics.
from solid state, fiber and waveguide sources; of phenomena such as nonlinear dynamics, pat- terials, and three-dimensional structures. • NEET and NEEC and the inverse process-
mode-locked and Q-switched lasers; few-cycle tern formation and dissipative solitons, beam CHAIR: Stefan Maier, Imperial College, London, es with possible applications to gamma
optical pulses; ultrashort-pulse semiconductor filamentation, instabilities, synchronization, United Kingdom ray lasers.


COCHAIRS: and profilometry. Obstacle detection and landing bringing together experts from different areas computing. The symposium will also explore
Franck Gobet, Centre Etudes Nucléaires, aid applications. 3D scanning. LIDAR-RADAR such as dynamics of linear and nonlinear random the wide ranging applications of superconduct-
Bordeaux, France concepts, i.e., RF modulated waveforms. Enabling waves, random surface waves, optical turbulences, ing detectors in quantum optics and quantum
Ken Ledingham, University of Strathclyde, technologies, such as eye-safe fiber laser with arbi- instabilities in lasers cavities, pattern formation in information, highlighting high performance
Glasgow, United Kingdom trary waveforms capability, novel semiconductor liquid crystals, temporal extreme events in optical superconducting technologies for infrared sin-
lasers, advanced detectors, and non-mechanical fibers and waveguides, as well as spatial extreme gle photon detection, and implementations in

JSII - JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTONICS FOR beam steering. events in bulk media or rogue waves in Bose-Ein- applications such as quantum key distribution,
DEFENCE AND SECURITY Spectroscopic techniques for sensing biological stein condensates. quantum metrology and quantum informa-
Today, worldwide security is significantly affected and chemical species, including time resolved flu- COCHAIRS: tion processing.
by the increasing globalization and the emergence orescence, absorption, Raman, and LIBS spectros- Goëry Genty, Tampere University of Technology, Co-Chairs:
of new military and non-military threats. Low-in- copy. Detection and imaging of illegal substances, Tampere, Finland Franco Nori, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute,
tensity conflicts, asymmetric warfare, peace keep- and in vapor phase, in liquids, and as solid traces. Stefan Skupin, Max Planck Institute, Saitama, Japan
ing missions in urban theaters, border security, Hidden objects detection. Stand-off detection of Dresden, Germany Robert Hadfield, Heriot-Watt University,
and the continued rise in terrorism. All this has improvised explosive devices and antipersonnel Edinburgh, United Kingdom
created a need for new and innovative technical mines. Dedicated laser and detector technologies JSIV - JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON QUANTUM COHERENT
solutions where photonics are playing, and will from the UV to the THz range. EFFECTS IN BIOLOGY
continue to play, a key role. Optical sensing is now Directed energy applications such as infrared This topical area will deal with the existence and JOINT SESSIONS
extending from the UV, through the visible and countermeasures and laser weapon concepts. potential importance of quantum coherence in CLEO®/Europe and LIM:
the infrared, into the terahertz frequency range, Infrared laser sources incl. high power solid-state biological processes. It will include: vibrational
offering novel imaging systems with increased and fiber lasers developments. Incoherent and and electronic coherence in ultrafast light-activat- One session on Precision Processing in Micro
discrimination capabilities, and spectroscopic coherent beam combining concepts. Propagation ed processes; spin effects on magnetosensitivity; to Nano Scale by Ultrafast Lasers (CM-3/LIM)
techniques that can help characterize suspicious and turbulences effects mitigation. Beam direc- ultra-high time-resolution transient absorption to take place on Tuesday morning is jointly or-
materials. Laser systems have evolved which ena- tors and adaptive optics. Femtosecond lasers and and ultrafast multidimensional spectroscopy; ganised by CLEO®/Europe (CM committee) and
ble three-dimensional imaging, directed infrared associated effects, e.g., filamentation and remote theoretical predictions on the importance of LIM, and will comprise three invited papers.
countermeasures, and other new defense con- plasma generation. quantum coherence in biology. COCHAIRS:
cepts. This symposium will focus on novel and COCHAIRS: COCHAIRS: Michael Schmidt, Universität Erlangen-
improved techniques and applications of photon- Eric Lallier, Thales Research and Technology, Philipp Kukura, University of Oxford, Oxford, Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany (LIM)
ics for security and defence. It aims at bringing Palaiseau, France United Kingdom Boris Chichkov, Laser Zentrum Hannover,
together engineers and scientists from academia, Jerry Meyer, Naval Research Labs, USA Marcus Motzkus, University of Heidelberg, Hannover, Germany (CLEO)
industry and government from around the world Joachim Wagner, Fraunhofer IAF, Heidelberg, Germany
to exchange results and ideas in this field. Freiburg, Germany
JSV - JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON Two Tech Focus sessions on Fibre and Solid-State
Topics include: JSIII - JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON DYNAMICS OF SUPERCONDUCTING OPTICS Lasers - A Comparison from an Industrial Point
Active imaging, range gated flash imaging systems RANDOM WAVES AND EXTREME EVENTS This joint symposium highlights the growing of View (TF-1/LIM and TF-2/LIM) to take place
and applications, three dimensional imaging, There has been significant recent development in role of superconducting materials and circuits on Tuesday afternoon are jointly organised by
hyper spectral, multispectral and polarimet- the observation and understanding of random in quantum optics. It will focus on the devel- CLEO®/Europe and LIM.
ric imaging. Automated target detection and waves and extreme event dynamics. However, opment of quantum circuits based on super- COCHAIRS:
identification. Enabling laser and focal plane the range of topical areas covering this field is conducting materials. These circuits provide an Michael Schmidt, Universität Erlangen-
arrays technologies. extremely broad, from meteorology over optics ideal playground for exploring atomic physics Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany (LIM)
Light detection and ranging, incoherent and to ultracold matter. The aim of this symposium and quantum optics with microwave photons Clemens Hönninger, Amplitude Systèmes,
coherent LIDAR, laser velocimetry, vibrometry is to present the recent progress in this field by as well as a scalable blueprint for quantum Pessac, France (CLEO)


Martti Kauranen, Elizabeth Rogan, Uwe Griebner,

Tampere University of Technology, The Optical Society, Washington DC, USA Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany
CLEO®/Europe and ECBO:
Tampere, Finland
Luis Roso, Christian Kraenkel,
Two sessions on Biophotonics and Applica-
Reinhard Kienberger, Salamanca Laser Center, Salamanca, Spain University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
tions (CL-1/ECBO and CL-2/ECBO) to be
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics,
presented on Sunday afternoon are jointly Nikolay Kuleshov,

Garching, Germany
organised by CLEO®/Europe (CL committee) Organising Committees Belarussian National Technical University,
and ECBO. David Lee, Research Center for Optical Materials and
COCHAIRS: European Physical Society, Mulhouse, France GENERAL CHAIRS: Technologies, Minsk, Belarus
Kishan Dholakia, University of St. Andrews, W. Andrew Clarkson,
Mauro Nisoli, Jacob Mackenzie,
St. Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom (CLEO) University of Southampton, Southampton,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy University of Southampton, Southampton,
Andreas H. Hielscher, Columbia University, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
New York, USA / Jürgen Popp, Friedrich-Schiller Markus Pollnau,
Mauro Nisoli,
University of Jena, Jena, Germany (ECBO) University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands Valdas Pasiskevicius,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology,
Vahid Sandoghdar,
PROGRAMME CHAIRS: Stockholm, Sweden
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light and
CLEO®/Europe 2013 Committees Luc Bergé,
Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany Akira Shirakawa,
CEA-DAM, Arpajon, France
University of Electro-Communications,
Steering Committee Günter Steinmeyer,
Patrick Georges, Tokyo, Japan
Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany
Institut d'Optique Graduate School,
Hailin Wang, Palaiseau, France
CHAIR: John Dudley, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA
Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France LOCAL CHAIR:
Mauro Tonelli,
IEEE: Reinhard Kienberger,
Luc Bergé, Universita' di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Roel Baets, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics,
CEA - DAM, Arpajon, France
Ghent University - IMEC, Ghent, Belgium Garching, Germany CB - SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS
W. Andrew Clarkson, CHAIR: Guido Giuliani,
Richard Linke,
University of Southampton, Southampton, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA Programme Committee:
United Kingdom
Erwin Bente,
John Gerard McInerney,
Jürgen Eschner, Technical University Eindhoven, COBRA Research
National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland CA - SOLID-STATE LASERS
Universität des Saarlandes, Institute, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
CHAIR: David Burns,
Saarbrücken, Germany
THE OPTICAL SOCIETY (OSA): University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Dan Botez,
Martijn de Sterke, Peter E. Andersen, United Kingdom University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia DTU Fotonik - Technical University of Denmark,
Andy Bayramian, Stefan Breuer,
Roskilde, Denmark
Patrick Georges, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Technical University of Darmstadt,
Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Kari Apter, Livermore, USA Darmstadt, Germany
Palaiseau, France The Optical Society, Los Altos, CA, USA
Frédéric Druon, Maria Ana Cataluna,
Patricia Helfenstein, Colin J. McKinstrie, Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, University of Dundee Nethergate, Dundee,
European Physical Society, Mulhouse, France Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ, USA Palaiseau, France United Kingdom


Thomasz Czyszanowski, Alessandro Tredicucci, Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt,

Christophe Dorrer,
Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland Scuola Normale di Pisa, Pisa, Italy Braunschweig, Germany
University of Rochester, Rochester, USA
Mariangela Gioannini, Peter Uhd Jepsen, Feridun Ay,
Takao Fuji,
Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy Technical University of Denmark - DTU Fotonik, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan
Lyngby, Denmark
Michel Krakowski, Martin Dawson,

Stefan Haacke,
Thales Research & Technology, Palaiseau, France CD - APPLICATIONS OF NONLINEAR OPTICS University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
University of Strasbourg, CNRS, IPCMS,
CHAIR: Ulf Peschel, United Kingdom
Jesper Moerk, Strasbourg, France
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Technical University of Denmark, Volkmar Dierolf,
Erlangen, Germany Jennifer Herek,
Lyngby, Denmark Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Gaetano Assanto,
Marc Sorel, Venkatraman Gopalan,
University degli Studi di Roma Tre, Roma, Italy Rupert Huber,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
United Kingdom Tom Brown, PA, USA
University of St. Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, F. Ömer Ilday,
Gottfried Strasser, Michael Jetter,
United Kingdom Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Eleftherios Goulielmakis, Olga Kosareva,
Pavlos Lagoudakis,
Max Planck Institute, Garching, Germany Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
University of Southampton, Southampton,
Miroslaw A. Karpierz, United Kingdom Christoph Lienau,
CHAIR: Jérôme Faist,
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
ETH - Institute for Quantum Electronics, Witold Ryba-Romanowski,
Zürich, Switzerland Gregor Knopp, Polish Academy of Science, Wroclaw, Poland Roberto Osellame,
Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy
Juraj Darmo, Bruno Viana, Chimie Paristech,
Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Guy Millot, Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée Luca Perfetti,
CNRS, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France de Paris, Paris, France Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Thomas Dekorsy,
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany Roberto Morandotti, Val Zwiller, Taro Sekikawa,
Université Laval, Varennes (Québec), Canada Delft University of Technology, Delft, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
K. Hirakawa,
The Netherlands
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Marcus Motzkus, Thomas Südmeyer,
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom Kazuaki Sakoda, (JOINT TOPIC AREA WITH IQEC 2013)
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan CHAIR: Giulio Cerullo,
James Lloyd-Hughes,
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy CG - HIGH-FIELD LASER PHYSICS AND
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Concita Sibilia,
Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy Halina Abramczyk,
Paul Planken, CHAIR: Matthias Kling,
Politechnika Lodzka Wydzial Chemiczny,
Technical University of Delft, Delft, Max Planck Institute, Garching, Germany
Lódz, Poland
The Netherlands
Andrius Baltuska,
Jérôme Tignon, AND CHARACTERIZATION Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France CHAIR: Stefan Kück, Budapest, Hungary


Lukas Gallmann, Kiriacos Kalli, Marco Romagnoli, CK - MICRO- AND NANO-PHOTONICS

ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland Cyprus University of Technology, Lemessos, Cyprus Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, CNIT - CHAIR: Valerio Pruneri,
National Interuniversity Consortium for ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences and ICREA,
Markus Gühr, Henrik Krisch,
Telecommunications, Pisa, Italy Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain
Stanford University, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA, USA Krohne Messtechnik GmbH, Duisburg, Germany
Yonglin Yu, Maria-Pilar Bernal,
Eva Lindroth, Hanne Ludvigsen,

Wuhan National Laboratory, Wuhan, China FEMTO-ST, Institut d’Optique P.M. Duffieux,
Stockholm University, AlbaNova University Center, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Besançon, France
Stockholm, Sweden
Stefano Selleri,
Yann Mairesse, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
AND AMPLIFIERS Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
University of Bordeaux, CELIA, Bordeaux, France
Kate Sugden, CHAIR: Thomas Schreiber,
Yifang Chen,
Giuseppe Sansone, University of Aston, Birmingham, United Kingdom Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot,
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Precision Engineering IOF, Jena, Germany
Luc Thévenaz, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Paris Tzallas, EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Claude Aguergaray,
Raffaele Colombelli,
University of Crete – FORTH, Heraklion, Lausanne, Switzerland Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand
Université Paris Sud, Institut d'Electronique
Crete, Greece
Thomas Vestergaard Andersen, Fondamentale, Orsay, France
Marc Vrakking, CI - OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONS NKT Photonics A/S, Birkerod, Denmark
Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal,
Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany AND DATA STORAGE
Ryszard Buczynski, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
CHAIR: Stefan Wabnitz,
Amelle Zaïr, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland
Università di Brescia, Brescia, Italy Uli Lemmer,
Imperial College London, London,
Annamaria Cucinotta, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
United Kingdom Liam Barry,
University of Parma, Parma, Italy Karlsruhe, Germany
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Matthew Zepf,
Ammar Hideur, Michal Lipson,
Queens University Belfast, Belfast, Jens Hofrichter,
Université de Rouen, UMR 6614 CORIA, Saint- Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
United Kingdom IBM Research, Zürich, Switzerland
Etienne du Rouvray, France
Tapio Niemi,
Sander Jansen,
Matthias Jäger, Tampere University of Technology,
CH - OPTICAL SENSING AND METROLOGY Nokia Siemens Networks, Munich, Germany
Institute of Photonic Technologies (IPHT), Tampere, Finland
CHAIR: Tomas Nasilowski,
Franko Kueppers, Jena, Germany
Military University of Technology (MUT), Stefano Pelli,
University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Warsaw, Poland Paolo Laporta, IFAC, National Research Council, Sesto
Bob Manning, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Fiorentino, Italy
Trevor Benson,
Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Kent Erik Mattsson, Jos van der Tol,
United Kingdom Yoshiaki Miyajima, DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Yokohama, Japan Lyngby, Denmark The Netherlands
Francis Berghmans,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium Erwan Pincemin, Jayanta Sahu,
France Telecom, Lannion, France University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Wojtek Bock, CHAIR: Kishan Dholakia,
Université du Québec en Outaouais, David Richardson, Sergei K. Turitsyn, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife,
Gatineau, Canada University of Southampton, Southampton, UK Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom United Kingdom


Robert Huber, Bela Hopp,

Programme Committees: Jens Eisert,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Munich, Germany
Alessandro Fedrizzi,
Thomas Huser, Nagaoka, University of Technology, CHAIR: Axel Kuhn,
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, St
University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany & Niigata, Japan Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Lucia, Australia

University of California, Davis, Sacramento,
Peter Kazansky, Charles S. Adams,
CA, USA Harmut Haeffner,
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
Francesco Pavone,
Marc Sentis, Michael Chapman,
University of Florence, Sesto-Fiorentino Alan Migdall,
Université de Marseille, Laboratoire LP3, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
(Firenze), Italy NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Marseille, France
Stephan Götzinger,
Jürgen Popp, Yasser Omar,
Javier Solis, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light,
Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Jena, Germany Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain Erlangen, Germany
Monika Ritsch-Marte, Andreas Poppe,
Markus Hennrich,
Medizinische Universität, Innsbruck, Austria AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH,
IQEC 2013 Organising Committee University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Vienna, Austria
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop,
Mikhail Kolobov,
University of Queensland, Kenmore, GENERAL CHAIRS: Andrew Shields,
Université de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Brisbane, Australia Vahid Sandoghdar, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge,
M.P.I for the Science of Light & Friedrich Alexander Ping Koy Lam, United Kingdom
Brian Wilson,
Univ, Erlangen The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Nicolas Treps,
Günter Steinmeyer, Julien Laurat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire
CM - MATERIALS PROCESSING WITH LASERS Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Université P. et Kastler Brossel, Paris, France
CHAIR: Boris Chichkov, M.Curie, ENS, CNRS, Paris, France
Laser Zentrum Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Martijn de Sterke, Juan Pérez Torres, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Marta Castillejo, University of Sydney, Australia ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain
Instituto de Quimica Fisica Rocasolano, Spanish
Jürgen Eschner, Paolo Tombesi, IC - ULTRACOLD QUANTUM MATTER
National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Universität des Saarlandes, Università di Camerino, Camerino, Italy CHAIR: Giovanni Modugno,
Maria Dinescu, Saarbrücken, Germany LENS / Department of Physics, University of
Nikolay Vitanov,
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Florence, Italy
Martti Martti Kauranen, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Radiation Physics, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania
Tampere University of Technology, Finland Philippe Bouyer,
Jan Dubowski, Université Bordeaux 1, Talence, France
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA AND SIMULATION John Close,
Québec, Canada
CHAIR: Christine Silberhorn, The Australian National University,
Costas Fotakis, Universität Paderborn, Germany Canberra, Australia
Reinhard Kienberger,
Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL),
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Miloslav Dusek, Olivier Dulieu,
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Garching, Germany Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay, France
(FORTH), Heraklion, Greece


Gupta Subhadeep, Nikolai N. Kolachevsky, Takao Fuji, Christophe Finot,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Russian Accademy of Sciences, P.N. Lebedev RIKEN, Saitama, Japan Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
Zoran Hadzibabic, Stefan Haacke, Rachel Grange,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Yann Le Coq, University of Strasbourg, CNRS, IPCMS, Strasbourg, France Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
United Kingdom LNE SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France

Jennifer Herek, Kodo Kawase,

Corinna Kollath, Helen Margolis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland National Physical Laboratory, Teddington,
Rupert Huber, Andrei Kirilyuk,
United Kingdom
Gerard Meijer, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, François Nez,
F. Ömer Ilday, Mikael Lindgren,
Berlin, Germany Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey NTNU - Norvegian University of Science of
Kastler Brossel, Paris, France
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Olga Kosareva,
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Chris W. Oates,
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Andrzej Miniewicz,
NIST Boulder, CO, USA
Herwig Ott, Wroclaw University of Technology,
Christoph Lienau,
University of Kaiserslautern, Vitaly D. Ovsiannikov, Wroclaw, Poland
University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
Kaiserslautern, Germany Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia
Jennifer Ogilvie,
Roberto Osellame,
Philipp Treutlein, Stephan Schiller, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany
Chris Vale, Guglielmo Tino,
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France CHAIR: Thorsten Ackemann,
Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Strathclyde University, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Victoria, Australia Taro Sekikawa,
Thomas Udem,
Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan Salvador Balle,
Matthias Weidemüller, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik,
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Garching, Germany Thomas Südmeyer,
Mallorca, Spain
University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Yung-Fu Chen,
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
CHAIR: Ekkehard Peik, CHAIR: Giulio Cerullo, CHAIR: Sophie Brasselet, Anton S. Desyatnikov,
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Fresnel Institute, Marseille, France The Australian National Laboratory,
Braunschweig, Germany Canberra, Australia
Halina Abramczyk, Randy Bartels,
Markus Arndt, Politechnika Lodzka Wydzial Chemiczny, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA Dan Gauthier,
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Lódz, Poland Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Jens Biegert,
Livio Gianfrani, Andrius Baltuska, ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain Massimo Giudici,
University of Napoli, Napoli, Italy Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Institut Non Linéaire de Nice, Valbonne, France
Carlota Canalias,
Hidetoshi Katori, Christophe Dorrer, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Philippe Grelu,
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan University of Rochester, Rochester, USA Stockholm, Sweden Université de Bourgogne (I.C.B.), Dijon, France


CNRS, Laboratoire de Photonique et de King’s College, London, United Kingdom DEFENCE AND SECURITY
Nanostructures, Marcoussis, France COCHAIRS:
Dmitry Skryabin,
CHAIR: Stefan Maier, Thales Research and Technology,
University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

Imperial College, London, United Kingdom Palaiseau, France
Andrei Vladimirov,
Tahsin Akalin, Jerry Meyer,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and
Université de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France Naval Research Labs, USA
Stochastics, Berlin, Germany
Sol Carretero Palacios, Joachim Wagner,
Jean-Pierre Wolf,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Munich, Germany
CIC nanoGUNE Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain COCHAIRS:
Goëry Genty,
CHAIR: Jean-Jacques Greffet, Jiri Homola,
Tampere University of Technology,
Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,
Tampere, Finland
Palaiseau, France Czech Republic
Stefan Skupin,
Mario Agio, Satoshi Kawata,
Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany
CNR – INO, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy RIKEN, Osaka, Japan

Mark Brongersma, Wolfgang Parak,

Stanford University, Stanford, USA Philipps University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
Astrid Lambrecht, Din Ping Tsai, COCHAIRS:
Université Paris 6, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Philipp Kukura,
Paris, France University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Pol Van Dorpe,
Brahim Lounis, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Marcus Motzkus,
Institut d'Optique Graduate School, CNRS & University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Université Bordeaux, Talence, France
CLEO®/Europe - IQEC 2013
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA SUPERCONDUCTING OPTICS
Albert Polman,
COCHAIRS: Franco Nori,
AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Franck Gobet, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute,
Romain Quidant, Centre Etudes Nucléaires, Bordeaux, France Saitama, Japan
ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain
Ken Ledingham, Robert Hadfield,
Prabhat Verma, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan United Kingdom United Kingdom

General Information

GENERAL INFORMATION T : Poster Sessions Speakers’ Information

09:30 – 10:00 ! Welcoming by Norbert Barg-
Abstracts of the papers to be presented at CLEO®/ mann, Deputy CEO of Messe Posters are a major attraction and provide an Duration of the talks:
Europe-IQEC 2013 appear in this advance pro- München International. intimate interaction between the presenter and ! Contributed presentations are 15 minutes in-

gramme. The presentation of the large number ! Welcoming by Peter Loosen, the viewer. To allow participants to see as many cluding discussion
of contributed papers requires that there be up President of the Steering Com- posters as possible, all CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ! Invited presentations are 30 minutes includ-

to ten parallel sessions during the conference. mittee World of Photonics posters will be displayed in the Hall B0 (ground ing discussion
The programme includes twelve short courses, Congress, Fraunhofer Institute floor) next to the ICM centre. The conference will ! Tutorial presentations are 60 minutes includ-

two tech-focus sessions, twelve CLEO®/Europe for Laser Technology (ILT), feature 5 poster sessions taking place from Sunday ing discussion
topics, eight IQEC topics, one joint CLEO®/ Aachen, Germany. to Thursday after lunchtime. There will be no oral ! Keynote presentations are 45 minutes includ-

Europe-IQEC topic and five joint CLEO®/Eu- 10:00 – 10:45 ! Plenary Talk on “Nanoscopy presentations during this time. ing discussion
rope-IQEC symposia. The short courses and all with Focused Light” by Stefan ! Plenary presentations are 45 or 60 minutes in-

the sessions will be held at the International Con- W. Hell, Max Planck Institute Poster time schedules: cluding discussion
gress Centre in Munich. for Biophysical Chemistry, ! Sunday: 13:30 - 14:30 (topics CA, CC, CL, CM

Göttingen, Germany. and IF) Speakers are asked to check-in with the session
The CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 technical pro- ! Monday: 13:30 - 14:30 (topics CB, CK, IB, ID chair in the room of their relevant session ten
gramme features 1423 presentations. These Prizes and Awards and JSIV) minutes before the beginning of the session.
include 3 plenary, 5 tutorial, 8 keynote, 78 invit- ! Tuesday: 13:00 - 14:00 (topics CD, CE, CI, IC

ed and 6 tech-focus talks. The conference also A series of Prize and Award ceremonies will and JSV) During the World of Photonics Congress a net-
features 764 oral contributions and 559 poster take place during the Plenary session scheduled ! Wednesday: 13:00 - 14:00 (topics CF/IE, CJ, II, work-based presentation system will be used
presentations. Two postdeadline sessions (18 oral Tuesday 14 May from 10:30 to 12:30, Room 1. JSII and JSIII) along with a congress specific interface to ensure
talks) are also added. ! Thursday: 13:00 - 14:00 (topics CG, CH, IA, a high quality of all presentations.
During this session Alain Aspect, Institut d’Op- IG and IH)
Conference Dates tique, Palaiseau, France will present a plenary talk Speakers were requested to upload their
on “Coherent Back Scattering and Anderson Lo- All authors are requested to display posters on presentations prior to the conference, to a pro-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 will be running from calization of Ultra Cold Atoms”. their allocated boards on the morning of their tected server of M Events Cross Media GmbH
Sunday 12 May, 9:00 to Thursday 16 May, 17:30. assigned poster day. In order to present their work ( until May 11, 2013.
The following Prizes and Awards will be presented: and answer questions, they are requested to be Those who did not do it are kindly requested to
2013 LASER World of PHOTONICS ! 2013 Awards of the European Physical Society present in the vicinity of their poster during that do it on-site in the Speakers’ Check-IN (Hall B0,
Opening with Plenary Talk – Quantum Electronics and Optics Division: day between the assigned time schedules. The ground floor, congress centre).
! (2) Quantum Electronics Prizes. schedule of the poster sessions is presented on
The official LASER World of PHOTONICS open- ! (2) Fresnel Prizes. the respective pages of the advance programme. I:
ing will take place right after the CLEO®/Europe ! (4) PhD Thesis Prizes. In any case all speakers need to check their pres-
plenary talk on Monday 13 May, beginning from See EPS-QEOD Prize Ceremony brochure. Each author is provided with a bulletin board entations at the Speakers’ Check-IN when they
9:30, Room 1. measuring 950 mm wide × 1755 mm high on arrive to the ICM!
! EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women which to display a summary of the paper. Tape
The ceremony will start with a couple of welcome in Physics to fix the posters will be provided (pins cannot Please be assured that the presentations are se-
addresses and will be followed by a Plenary Talk. ! OSA Fellow Awards be applied). curely protected against any external access. This
2013 will mark the 40th anniversary of the LASER ! DPG/OSA Herbert Walther Award. applies for both the on line upload as well as the
World of PHOTONICS. Messe Munich will hon- N: A catering counter with drinks and snacks upload on-site. After the conference all submitted
our the exhibitors of the first event. See programme in the parallel sessions. will be built up in the middle of the hall. files will be deleted from all storage media.

General Information

or wireless lavalieres. A network-based presenta- of Photonics Exhibition subject to payment of

Upload on-site at the Speakers’ Check-IN: tion system will be used along with a conference the course fee. TRIP_REQUEST2?language=en
Your final and complete presentations must be specific interface to ensure the perfect quali- Advance registration is required in order to You can enter either the street or subway station
submitted to the Speakers’ Check-IN at least three ty of all presentations. Therefore, own laptops obtain the short course material. This mate- near your hotel as a starting point and, respective-
hours prior to the scheduled session. cannot be connected in the lecture room. All rial will not be available for purchase during ly, the same choice, for your intended destination.
presentations must be uploaded in advance to the conference. Please type in the field “arrival”: 9:35. You head for

This regulation does not apply for sessions that the server. Garching? Please specify by typing: "Garching
start before 10 a.m. - in this case we recommend Laboratory Tours b München".
uploading your final presentation one day prior Laser pointers are not provided.
to your lecture. Guided laboratory tours through selected Munich Reception and Social Events
Internet access will not be available during (Garching) Laser Laboratories will take place on
The Speakers’ Check-IN is located in the hall B0, the presentation. Friday, 17 May 2013. O R   
ground floor, congress centre and will be open   LASER W  PHOTONICS.
during the following hours, with technicians Tech-Focus Sessions The programme will be published beginning Monday 13 May 2013, from 17:30 to 22:00,
available to assist you: of May. ICM Foyer, Ground Floor, Congress Centre
! Sunday, 12 May 2013: 07:00 - 18:30 A feature of CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 will be See All exhibitors and attendees of the World of Pho-
! Monday, 13 May 2013: 07:00 - 18:30 the Tech-Focus sessions which will concentrate tonics Congress are cordially invited to attend
! Tuesday, 14 May 2013: 07:00 - 18:30 on a selected Fibre and Solid-State Lasers top- CLEO®/Europe-IQEC participants can sign up for the opening reception "Bavarian evening". Enjoy
! Wednesday, 15 May 2013: 07:00 - 18:30 ic. It will consist of a combination of extended the laboratory visits during the conference: They music, food and cold drinks and use the atmos-
! Thursday, 16 May 2013: 07:00 - 12:00 tutorial introductory material and authoritative will be invited to sign up on lists hanging on the phere to network.
technical reviews. CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 message board located in the corridor between
N: Even though there are more than 20 up- will feature two Tech-Focus sessions on Fibre Entrance West and ICM. CLEO®/E-IQEC C D
loading stations available at the Speakers’ Check- and Solid-State Lasers: a Comparison from an Tuesday 14 May 2013, beginning from 19:00,
IN, there might be waiting periods at peak times. Industrial Point of View, jointly held with the If possible, Laboratory tour attendants should Löwenbräukeller, Munich
LIM conferences and taking place on Tuesday book their return flights in the evening, to be The delegates registered with the CLEO®/Eu-
Guidelines for presentation formats: afternoon, Room 13a. sure, that there is enough time. rope-IQEC 2013 are invited to the conference
Only presentation material in the form of All paid registrants are invited to attend the reception at a special cost of € 10,- per participant
MS-PowerPoint 2010 or earlier versions (*.ppt Tech-Focus sessions at no additional charge. Important: Transport! and € 35,- per additional guest. The dinner will
and *.pptx) with a screen ratio of 4:3 and a min- Those wishing to attend the Tech-Focus who are Munich suburban map and respective infor- take place at the famous Löwenbräukeller (http://
imum resolution of 1024×768 will be accepted. NOT FULL FEE registrants must pay the one- mation on "Tickets for public transport"; please in downtown
If you are using PowerPoint 2007 or older please day fee. glance the bottom of this site: Munich. A rich selection of fine Bavarian food
do not forget to submit any videos as separate will be provided.
files as PowerPoint will not include them into the Short Courses igation/contact/directions/index.html
presentation. Only MS Office standard fonts are H H
supported. Custom fonts cannot be embedded. Twelve short courses at an extra cost will be Transportation will need to be arranged by Wednesday 15 May 2013, from 17:30 to 18:30,
No provisions are being made for overhead or presented in parallel from Sunday 12 May to the visitor! ICM Foyer, Ground Floor, Congress Centre
traditional slide presentations. Thursday 16 May 2013 (half days each). Each The event is sponsored by the Quantum Elec-
course is scheduled in two parts: Course Part I To find connections from your hotel to the lab- tronics and Optics Division of the European
Presentation Technology: (1 hour ½), coffee break, Course Part II (1 hour oratory of your choice, please go to the Munich Physical Society. Beer and pretzels will be served.
Each meeting room is equipped with a laptop, ½). The courses are open to attendees of the Public Transport Internet site (MVV) with a Depending on the weather the event may also
a data-projector and podium microphone and/ World of Photonics Congress and Laser World screen for English speakers: take place outside.

General Information

Exhibition Information • Optronical Systems in Security Applications time, personnel consultants offer career coachings
Further information on the exhibition is available • High-power diode lasers and VCSELs: most free of charge for Young Professionals and pro-
From 13 to 16 May, a major exhibition of laser at efficient and flexible beam sources fessionally experienced engineers and physicists
and electro-optic equipment and services, LA- on every trade fair day between 10 am and 5 pm.
SER World of PHOTONICS 2013 will be held in O     The admission is free for the Laser World of PHO- You can register for the career coaching either
conjunction with the congress. The exhibition will be opened from Monday TONICS participants. Some panels are held in on site at the trade fair or in advance at info@

through Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00 and on Thurs- German and some in English. For further infor- or +49 (0)89 / 4599580.
The latest technology first hand will be exhibited. day 09:00 - 16:00. mation, see the separate brochure.
The range of products exhibited will cover inno- Find out about the job openings already now
vative optical technologies: Application Panels On-Site Facilities for Attendees in our on line career centre at http://www.
• Laser and Optoelectronics;
• Optics; The application panels organized by Messe O  Jobboerse2013
• Manufacturing Technology for Optics; München International are now a permanent The entire program of events at the World of
• Sensors, Test and Measurement; part of the World of Photonics Congress. The Photonics Congress is available online at http:// C
• Laser and Laser Systems for Production Engineering; series of lectures that are held in the forums of All conference attendees are invited to attend
• Optical Information and Communication; the LASER World of PHOTONICS 2013 exhi- structure/conference-program-2013. The data- the free coffee breaks as marked in the tables of
• Biophotonics and Medical Engineering; bition halls bridge the gap between science and base features versatile search functions and can the days at a glance (first pages of the advance
• Imaging; practical application. help you to compile a personal congress schedule programme). Lunches are not included in the
• Illumination and Energy; Well-known speakers from industry and research that you can transfer to your PDA. It also features conference fee.
• Security. institutes report on the latest research and devel- information about all lectures and poster shows A number of gastronomy facilities are available
opment findings in the sector of optical technol- on specific topics and about the companies with on site.
All conference registrants will have free entrance ogies and discuss the latest challenges with you. exhibits at the fair. Depending on the weather the beer garden out-
to the technical exhibition. Longer lunch breaks The Applications Panels at the 2013 fair will fea- side will be open.
are organised to allow visits to the exhibition. ture a number of new sectors for photonics ap- W-LAN L Besides three permanent food-service operations
plications. A series of 16 panels will be held on All congress participants using their own laptops/ in the foyer – the ICM Bistro, ICM Bar and ICM
This combination of theory and practice, an the four days of LASER World of PHOTONICS netbooks/pads have free access to the Internet in Café – you can also visit the restaurant "Am See",
extensive program of conferences and related at the trade-fair centre in Munich from May 13 – the W-LAN Lounge at the Congress Centre (ICM, which can be reached directly via the 1st floor.
events and the presence of all market leaders, 16, 2013. Broken down into three main categories ground floor, foyer). Snack bars with large assortments of snacks and
decision-makers and users make LASER World – i.e. Biophotonics and Medical Engineering (4 beverages are located on the ground floor in each
of PHOTONICS unique and, at the same time, the topics - Hall B1), Lasers and Laser Systems for C C (M E W, hall. The snack bars in the ICM are located on the
most important international information and Production Engineering (7 topics - Hall C2) and B ) ground floor and the first floor.
networking platform for the industrial, research Optical Technologies (7 topics - Hall B2) – they Societies can publish job advertisements on a job Full-service restaurants are located on the first
and development sectors. will give attendees a comprehensive look at the board and congress attendees like students can floors of the East and West Entrances and above
latest trends and developments. use the career coaching. Stock position on job the halls.
LASER World of PHOTONICS features more board is charged. Messe München and wirth + Other self-service restaurants located on the
than 1,000 exhibitors from more than 30 coun- N  : partner Consulting Group manage the LASER first floor can also be found in the exhibition
tries and gives you a complete overview of all the • Laser applications and optical diagnostics World of PHOTONICS Career Center. halls offering international cuisine:
latest trends and applications. The international in ophthalmology • Food Galery, between Halls A1 and A2 (at the
research community meets the industry at the • Unmet Needs in Photonics and Medicine At the Career Center, job applicants can find job, south end).
World of Photonics Congress that is held in con- • Laser–Additive Manufacturing training and apprenticeship openings of LASER When the weather is nice, the terrace is open. The
junction with LASER World of PHOTONICS. • Organic and Printed Electronics, Partner: OE-A World of PHOTONICS exhibitors. At the same restaurant has a seating capacity of 350.

General Information

• Valentin’s (Bavarian cuisine), between Halls B2 It also offers additional services: Airport -Trade-fair centre: 8 am - 6 pm M B
and B3 (along the Expressway). Almost all of its • Information about cultural attractions in Munich Trade-fair centre - Airport: 9:30 am - 7 pm A message board will be installed. Participants
international dishes are prepared in front of the pa- • Hotel information The trip takes approximately 45 minutes. Infor- should consult it daily for internal messages. It
trons. The restaurant has a seating capacity of 370. • Flight/train information mation regarding departure locations and special will be placed in the corridor between Entrance
• Asia Garden (Asian cuisine), between Halls B4 • Information about Munich International fares is available at all information counters at the West and ICM.
and B5 (along the Expressway). The restaurant Trade Fairs trade-fair centre.

features Asian-style décor and serves wok dishes • Taxi service (directly in front of ICM main P S
and Asian specialties. The restaurant has a seat- entrance) F- All members of the Press are requested to register
ing capacity of 300. First-aid stations are located in the East and by Messe Munich. They will receive the confer-
• Paganini (Italian cuisine), between Halls A5 and B West Entrances. ence material and badges that will admit them to
A6 (at the south end). When the weather is nice, No bank-counter but ATM-machines to with- As a service partner of Munich International all technical sessions and the exhibition.
the terrace is open. The restaurant has a seating draw money (one is located between the “Messe- Trade Fairs, Aicher Ambulanz Union is respon-
capacity of 300. haus” and hall A1, another is located between halls sible for the medical needs of guests and visitors Conference Venue
A4 and B4); at the trade-fair center and the ICM. Phone: +49
Many snack bars located in the exhibition halls At the “Riem Arcaden” (three-minute walk from 89 742200, +49 89 949-28103 (for first-aid emer- CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 will take place at
offer Alpine, American, Asian, and Italian cuisine. West Entrance) you will find: gency call), mobile: +49 171 5663514. the New Munich Trade Fair Centre at the ICM -
A catering counter with drinks and snacks will • An ATM self-service machine (Münchner Bank). International Congress Centre, Am Messesee 6,
be built up in the middle of the hall B0 during • A branch office of the Sparda-Bank for custom- P 81829 Munich, Germany.
the poster sessions. ers to make deposits and withdraw funds. No The nearest pharmacy is “SaniPlus” in the Riem Please visit
currency exchange. Arcaden shopping centre. It is located on the or
Other catering places can be found at the “Riem ground floor in the right portion of the building.
Arcaden” shopping centre located at the exit of A ReiseBank branch is located at the Munich East Opening hours: Monday through Saturday 09:00 How to reach the ICM Centre
the “Messestadt West” subway station. train station (Ostbahnhof, Orleansplatz 11). - 20:00.
Other banks are also to be found in the centre of B :
B C Munich or at the main railway station. O simply follow the trade fair signs from the out-
The ICM centre offers a first-class International The Optician “Fielmann” has a retail outlet in the skirts and throughout the city to the ICM. There
Business-Centre (open from Sunday to Thursday T  Riem Arcaden shopping centre. you will find parking space.
from 08:00 to 19:00 hour, closed Saturday). The taxi service is located in front of the ICM
main entrance. G  , ,  B :
Office services are currently proposed at cost: I/ … are located The ICM is about 20 minutes from Munich cen-
• PC workstation with printers (applications from A  in the Main Hall of the Entrance West leading to tral station (Hauptbahnhof) by underground U2,
all MS Office packages) An airport shuttle is organised in connection with Halls A1 and B1. exit ‘’Messestadt West’’. The U2 subway runs from
• Internet access the trade fair from 12 to 16 May 2013. Cost € 8 4:12 in the morning to about 1:00 after midnight.
• Laptop connections one-way, € 13,50 round trip. P  Further information on the underground is avail-
• Prepaid wireless-LAN connect card including Shuttle buses directly stop in front of the West, Deutsche Post has a small branch office in the able at or at the
support (requested in case you are not in the East and North Entrances and in front of the en- Riem Arcaden shopping centre (lower level next information counters on the trade fair grounds.
W-LAN Lounge at the congress centre) trance of the ICM Congress Centre. to the “Edeka” supermarket).
• E-mail (receive/send) Shuttle buses provide service between the Munich F  :
• Colour/black-and-white copies Airport and the trade-fair centre during the fol- D  At Munich airport, the station for urban railway
• Fax (receive/send) lowing schedule (every 30 minutes, on the hour “Pan-o-tex” dry cleaning is located in the Riem lines S1 and S8 is directly below the central area.
• Stamps and half-hour): Arcaden shopping centre. Trains in the direction of the city centre run at

General Information

10-minute intervals. There are two routes from the trade fair from 12 to 16 May 2013. Cost € 8
the airport to the ICM: one-way, € 13,50 round trip.
• Route S1 / U2: S1 from the airport to Feldmoch- Shuttle buses directly stop in front of the West,
ing station or Munich Central Station (Haupt- East and North Entrances and in front of the en-
bahnhof). Change to underground U2 that takes trance of the ICM Congress Centre.
you directly to the ICM - Messestadt West. Shuttle buses provide service between the Munich

• Route S8 / U2: S8 from the airport to Munich Airport and the trade-fair centre during the fol-
central station (Hauptbahnhof). Change to lowing schedule (every 30 minutes, on the hour
underground U2 that takes you directly to the and half-hour):
ICM - Messestadt West. Airport -Trade-fair centre: 8 am - 6 pm
Trade-fair centre - Airport: 9:30 am - 7 pm
B    : The trip takes approximately 45 minutes. Infor-
Taxis are available in front of the terminals. The mation regarding departure locations and special
journey takes about 35 minutes, depending on the fares is available at all information counters at the
volume of traffic (cost around 60 EUR). trade-fair centre.

B     : Conference Registration

All the major car rental firms are represented at
Munich airport. The car rental centre with its own
parking facilities is in front of module A, to the CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES
north of car park P6. EPS/OSA/IEEE Member
Please take the following route: From Munich Air- with the online digest € 590
port follow the signs "Messe/ICM" on the A92 in the Non-Member
direction of Munich to the motorway intersection with the on line digest € 710
Eching/Neufahrn. Then take the A9 in the direction EPS/OSA/IEEE Student Member (*)
of Munich to the motorway intersection München- with the online digest € 195
Nord. Continue on the motorway ring road A99
Student Non-Member (*)
in the direction of Salzburg to the motorway in-
with the online digest € 230
tersection München-Ost. Then take the A94 in the
direction of Munich to the exit Feldkirchen-West or One Day without the online digest € 290
München-Riem. The journey takes about 35 min- Student (*) extra fee for Short Course € 220
utes, depending on the volume of traffic. Regular extra fee for Short Course € 350
Reception ticket per participant € 10
H       ICM C
   Additional reception ticket per guest € 35
You will find taxi ranks at all trade fair entranc- (All registration fees are exempt from Value
es and in front of the ICM going to the airport Added Tax).
(Central Building). (*) Applications for the student rates must in-
clude a photocopy of an official student iden-
A  tity card, which must also be presented on-site
An airport shuttle is organised in connection with when collecting registration materials.

General Information

The full week registration fee for the meeting All tickets are personalized, i.e. they are valid only R H CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 participants at:
includes admission to all CLEO®/Europe-IQEC for the person whose name appears on the ticket, Saturday 11 May 16:00-18:00
2013 technical sessions, as well as to those of and they are not transferrable. Sunday 12 May 08:00-17:00
all conferences collocated with Laser 2013. It Monday 13 May 08:00-17:00 The Hotel Guide of the Munich Trade Fairs offers
includes admission to the technical exhibition. Special tickets to the World of Photonics Con- Tuesday 14 May 08:00-17:00 you a large variety of accommodation possibili-
Digest will be online. A login and password will be gress may only be ordered and used by exhibit- Wednesday 15 May 08:00-17:00 ties for a pleasant stay. Whether near the ICM or

given. Coffee Breaks are included (as mentioned ing companies. Thursday 16 May 08:00-15:00 centrally located and in the middle of the nightlife
in the days at a glance). Tickets for public trans- of Munich's trendy neighbourhoods or close to
portation are not included in the fees. The official Congress Proceedings are not in- C H the mountains with a high recreation value - here
cluded in the discount price for special tickets Sunday 12 May 09:00-12:30 / 13:30-18:00 you will find a comprehensive offer of accommo-
One-day registration fees are available for those for exhibitors. (CB-2 until 12:45) dation in and around Munich as well as in the
wishing to attend one particular session rather Monday 13 May 08:30-12:30 / 13:30-18:00 alpine upland - meeting your personal criteria.
than the whole conference. Please note that the Tickets will be pre-produced and will be Tuesday 14 May 08:30-12:30 / 13:00-17:30
online digest will not be included. Coffee Breaks available for pick-up at the World of Pho- Wednesday 15 May 08:30-12:00 / 13:00-17:30 Hotels can be directly searched and booked via
are included. Tickets for public transportation are tonics Registration Desk in the West En- and 18:45-20:15 the Hotel Directory.
not included in the fees. trance. Messe Munich manages the order of Thursday 16 May 08:30-12:15 / 13:00-17:30
these tickets. (CM-6 until 12:15) Hotels, pensions, apartments or youth hostels in
N: One-day registration tickets are activat- Munich can also be found at:
ed on the day the participant goes through the Beyond that, exhibitors must purchase any addi- S C H h t t p : / / w w w. m u n i c h - i n f o . d e / h o t e l s /
gates of the congress or the fair and will only tional tickets to the World of Photonics Congress Sunday 12 May 09:00-12:30 / 14:30-18:00 welcome_en.html
be valid for that day. from one of the organizing scientific associations Monday 13 May 14:30-18:00
at the regular price. Tuesday 14 May 14:00-17:30 A larger variety of rooms can be found using
Registration forms are available on site. Wednesday 15 May 08:30-12:00 / 14:00-17:30 the links:
P : Thursday 16 May 08:30-12:00
Cancellation Policy Neither the free special tickets nor the discount tel/511/index.html
special tickets are available to speakers or poster S
An administration charge of € 50 will be made presenters appearing at the World of Photonics All supports were distributed. No additional re- tion-hotels.html
for processing refunds. A request for cancellation Congress 2013. Speakers and poster present- quests can be received.
must be made in writing. In the case of cancella- ers must register with the respective organiz- Rooms, apartments and holidays homes can be
tion, requests received on or before Wednesday, ing association. Hotel Information found using the following link:
1 May 2013 will be refunded (less the adminis-
tration charge). No refunds will be available if Registration Hours and Location The ICM is located about 20 minutes from the php?mms=1
notice of cancellation is received after 2 May 2013. Munich Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) by un-
Registration for technical sessions will take place derground U2, exit "Messestadt West". Whether Transportation in Munich
Note to Exhibitors at the ICM centre. To enter the ICM centre please you are looking for a hotel, a guesthouse, a private
take the main Entrance West (named “Hauptein- accommodation, or a boarding house you should Munich offers very good transportation means
Each exhibitor at LASER World of PHOTONICS gang WEST”). be able to find your accommodation downtown (hire cars, trams, metro and buses).
2013 is entitled to one free ticket to the World CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2013 registration coun- or in the surrounding area of Munich. Participants of the World of PHOTONICS con-
of Photonics Congress 2013. Each exhibitor may ters are located on the left side at the end of the gress who use local public transportation to get
also purchase up to five congress tickets for a spe- main corridor just prior you enter the exhibi- Messe Munich has arranged for an on-line ho- to Neue Messe Munich must buy a travel ticket,
cial price. tion halls. tel reservation which can also be used for the at their own expense.

General Information

Tickets can be purchased from all bus drivers, For your trip Munich city / Munich airport you In May the weather is likely to be warm and the sun Tal 77, 80331 Munich,
tram drivers, automatic ticket-dispensing ma- will need a stripe ticket (8 stamps) or an entire is likely to shine, although rain is not impossible. Tel. 089/22 44 02
chines at stations (S and U-Bahn stops) and from network ticket. Inner District includes the city Munich enjoys an outstanding public transpor- Opening hours: 7.00-18.00 (Midday from 12.00-
kiosks displaying the MVV logo. Some ticket ma- centre (Marienplatz, Hauptbahnhof, ...) and Neue tation system, and the modern Münchner Messe 15.00 and no visits during the church services)
chines accept 10 € and 20 € banknotes and most Messe Munich. complex where CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 and all Getting there: U-Bahn lines 3/6 to Marienplatz
will give change. Please have some small coins Laser 2013 events will be held is easy to reach from

ready! You can select your respective language Once you have purchased your ticket, be sure to the airport, from the city centre and from most M’ M:
on the ticket machines. validate it by stamping it in the blue boxes you parts of the city by U-Bahn and S-Bahn lines. Shut- ! Glyptothek

will see. This should be done prior to entering tle bus service to the Munich airport will be avail- Königsplatz 3, 80333 München,
Buy your ticket depending on the zones you will the station or immediately after boarding a bus able as well during most of the Laser 2013 week. Tel. 089/28 61 00
cross and the time length you will need to travel: or tram. To validate a stripe ticket (Streifenkarte) Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fr-Su 10:00-17:00,
you must fold back the sections not required and M’ C: Thu 10.00-20.00, Mo closed
• Stripe ticket (Streifenkarte): Stamp two stripes insert the ticket into the validating machine (see Munich is well-known for its many churches, Cost: Adult 3,50 €, Reduced 2,50 €, Sun 1,00 €
per zone. You are allowed to change and inter- below for number of required sections). Once you among them: Getting there: U-Bahn line 2 to Königsplatz
rupt your journey. Return and round trips are have validated your ticket, you can travel with any ! Frauenkirche (Church Of Our Lady), The Glyptothek was commissioned by the
not permitted. form of transport as long as you continue to travel 1 Frauenplatz,Munich Crown Prince (later King) Ludwig I of Bavaria
• Single trip ticket: Valid for one person for one in the same direction. alongside other projects as a monument to an-
trip. You are allowed to change and interrupt cient Greece. It contains sculptures dating from
your journey. Return and round trips are not More information on the MVV, see: the archaic age (around 650 BC) to the Roman
permitted. The fare depends on the number of era (around 550 AD).
zones passed through. index.html
• Single day ticket (Tageskarte): The most pop- ! Deutsches Museum
ular day tickets are also available as excellent A subway map can be downloaded from: Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München, Tel: 089 /
value-for-money 3-day tickets. If you want to 2179-0 oder 2179 433 (recorded information)
stay for 2 days, 4 days or even longer, simply site2/munichsubway.htm
combine the 1-day ticket and 3-day tickets. Opening hours: 07:00-19:00,Thu 07:00-
• Partner day ticket: Available for as many trips MUNICH, GERMANY 20:30, Fri 07:00-18:00 (no visits during the
as you like for up to five adults together. church services).
The celebrated capital of Bavaria, located in the Getting there: all S-Bahn train, U-Bahn lines
F     foothills of the Alps, is one of the major cities 3/6 to Marienplatz
1. Inner District (Innenraum) in Europe. The 1,3 million inhabitants city is
white zone € 5,80 famous for its science and industry environ- ! Alter Peter (Church Of St. Peter),
2. Munich XXL (München XXL) ment. Munich offers fantastic opportunities for 1 Rindermarkt,Munich
white and green zones € 7,80 shopping, museums, theatres, art galleries and Opening hours: daily 07:30-19:00, Wed
3. Outer District (Außenraum) sightseeing. Its October beer festival is world fa- afternoon closed (no visits during the
green, yellow, red zones € 5,80 mous. Tourist attractions include the Bavarian church services). Opening hours: daily 9:00-17:00
4. Entire Network (Gesamtnetz) beer and South German cuisine tradition, and Opening hours of the tower: Mon-Sat 09:00- Getting there: all S-Bahn trains, to Isartor;
all zones € 11,20 many half-day or one-day excursion opportuni- 19:00, Sun and holidays 10:00-19:00 Tram 18, to Museumsinsel
ties to the nearby Bavarian Alps or places such Getting there: all S-Bahn trains,U-bahn lines The Deutsches Museum is the world’s largest
Fare for 3-day Inner District as the fairy-tale castle of Neuschwanstein or the 3/6, Bus 52 to Marienplatz Museum of science and technology.
white zone € 14,30 beautiful Tegernsee. ! Heiliggeistkirche, The laws of nature, instruments and technological

General Information

methods are presented on a scientifically high ! Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung M’     : ! Isartor (Isar Gate)
level using an entertaining way. Theatinerstr. 15, 80333 München, !Marienplatz Most easterly of Munich's three remaining town
Tel. 089/22 44 12 gates, dating from the 14th century. Careful res-
Also part of the Deutsches Museum: the Ver- Opening hours: daily 10:00-18:00, Thu toration has recreated the dimensions and ap-
kehrszentrum (featuring all kinds of vehicles - till 21:00 pearance of the original structure. The Isar Gate
from formula 1 car to bicycle) and the Flugwerft Getting there: U-Bahn lines 3/4/5/6 to Ode- accommodates the Valentin Museum.

(focussing on airplanes) onsplatz or Tram 19 ! Karlstor (Charles' Gate)
! Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum Westerly town gate from 14th century. Incor-
Theresienhöhe 14a, 80339 München, ! Villa Stuck porated at the end of the 18th century into the
Tel. 89/21 79 529 Prinzregentenstr. 60, 81675 München, square known as "Stachus" (officially Karl-
Opening hours: daily 9:00-17:00, Thu 9.00-20.00 Tel. 089/45 55 51 25 The Marienplatz is named according to the splatz). Today it marks one end of Munich's
Opening hours: Tue-Su 10:00-17:00, Tue till column of the Virgin Mary at its centre. The primary pedestrian zone.
! Deutsches Museum Flugwerft Schleißheim 21:00, Mo closed statue, erected in 1638 to celebrate the end of the
Effnerstr. 18, 85764 Oberschleißheim, Getting there: U-Bahn line 4 to Prinzregenten- Swedish invasion, is topped by a gilded statue ! Sendlinger Tor (Sendlinger Gate)
Tel. 089/315 71 40 platz or U-Bahn line 5 to Max-Weber-Platz or of Virgin Mary which was sculpted earlier, in Remaining towers of southerly fortifications
Opening hours: daily 9:00-17:00 Bus 53 or Tram 18 to Friedensengel 1590 by Hubert Gerhard. At each corner of the from the 14th century.
Getting there: S-Bahn line 1 to Ober- column's pedestal is a statue of a putti, created
schleißheim, Bus 292 by Ferdinand Murmann. The four putti's sym- B G
! Bayerisches Nationalmuseum bolize the city's overcoming of war, pestilence,
! Neue Pinakothek Prinzregentenstr. 3, 80538 München, hunger and heresy.
Barer Str. 29, Entrance at Theresienstraße, Tel. 089/211 24-1 The place is famous for its carillon in the
80799 München, Opening hours: Tue-Su 10:00-17:00, Mo New Town Hall Tower (Glockenspiel im
Tel. 089/238 05-195 closed, Thu 10:00-20:00 Rathausturm). This is the largest carillon in
Getting there: Bus 53, Tram 17 to Haus der Germany, with near-lifesize figures perform-
Kunst/Nationalmuseum, U-Bahn lines 4/5 ing the traditional Coopers' Dance and a joust-
to Lehel ing match. Three times a day at 11:00, 12:00 and 17:00.
Engl/b.htm The Marienplatz is a central place for the city’s
Founding Festival as well as for Fasching (car- Nothing defines Munich more than its beer. You
! Münchner Stadtmuseum nival) celebrations and the popular Christmas cannot talk about one without the other and
Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 1, 80331 München, market. The major restaurants, coffees and you could never fully discover Munich without
Tel. 089/233-223 70 and 233-255 86 shops are located in this area. Shops are com- at least sampling its brews. Today the Munich
Opening hours: Tue- Su 10:00-18:00 (Mon- pletely closed on Sunday. breweries dispense 123 million gallons of beer
days closed) annually. That is why many beer gardens are
Opening hours: daily (except Mo) 10:00-17:00, Getting there: all S-Bahn trains to Marienplatz, ! Königsplatz located in Munich:
Tue and Thu 10:00-20:00 U-Bahn line 3/6 to Marienplatz, U-Bahn lines Commissioned by Ludwig I, this neo-Classical
Getting there: Tram 27 to Pinakothek 1/2 to Sendlinger Tor, Bus 52 to Viktualien- square boasts the Propyläen gateway and the ! Augustiner-Großgaststätte
The museum contains outstanding works of markt, Bus 56 to Blumenstraße Glyptothek, a small but enchanting collection Pedestrian Zone, Neuhauser Straße 16, 80331
European art and sculpture from the late 18th of Greek and Roman sculpture. Also the sight Munich, Tel. 089/2 60 41 06.
to the beginning of the 20th century. en.html of an annual summer outdoor concert series. The Augustiner Großgaststätte is one of the

General Information

more traditional Munich establishments, with a in the middle of Englischer Garten (900-acre NOTES
history that reaches back to 1328. The Augustin park with shaded paths, brooks, ponds and
Brothers began brewing something heavenly in swans), this place could hardly be overlooked.
Augustiner's back rooms up until 1855 when Location: Englischer Garten 3, open from 11:00
the actual brewing plant was moved to Lands- to midnight.
berger Straße. Today Augustiner Großgaststätte The park stretches from the centre of the city

is a traditional beer hall with a small courtyard (near Odeonsplatz) to the northern city border.
beer garden, smack dab in the middle of Mu- Access: The best way to reach it is the bus No.
nich's Marienplatz pedestrian zone. The food 54 from "Muenchner Freiheit" underground
is great and the beer is the best. station (exit at stop "Chinesischer Turm")

! Altes Hackerhaus Munich is very famous for its theatres but also for
Sendlinger Str. 14, Munich, its Olympic Park (see http://www.olympiapark.
Tel. 089/2605026, de/index.html) located Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21,
Opening hours: 9 am to midnight daily. 80809 Munich, Tel.: 089/30 67 - 0, Fax: 089/30
Located in Munich's newspaper publishing dis- 67 - 22 22
trict and near Sendlinger Tor, Altes Hackerhaus Getting there: U-Bahn line 3 to Olympiazentrum
has a long history involving two of the City's
most renowned beer producing families, the
Hackers and the Pschorrs. An entire wall in the
restaurant is dedicated to the family tree, dating
back to 1738 when the first Hackerhaus was
founded. Highlights include a small but com-
fortable interior courtyard beer garden, and an
outstanding restaurant serving excellent Ba-
varian fare. Although average by Munich high
standards, Altes Hackerhaus benefits from its
proximity to the Marienplatz (just a few blocks Further information on Munich is available at
away) and easy access from the nearby U-Bahn (8 languages available).
stop at Sendlinger Tor.
Conference Management
! Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Tower)
European Physical Society
6 rue des Frères Lumière • 68200 Mulhouse, France

This programme is edited by P. Helfenstein and

A. Wobst.

One of Munich's largest beer gardens, and per- Language

haps its most famous. With more than 7,000
seats around the famous erzat Chinese pagoda English is the official language of the conferences.

Technical Programme

SHORT COURSES the most precise laser spectroscopy experiments yet, Biography: Course description:
that allowed testing quantum electrodynamics, to Thomas Udem studied physics at the University of This course begins with a general introduction
CLEO®/Europe IQEC 2013 will present twelve determine fundamental constants and to search for Giessen/Germany and at the University of Washing- to laser amplifiers, explaining the basic physical
Short Courses held in parallel. These courses will possible slow changes of these constants. ton in Seattle/USA. In 1993 he received his diploma principles and properties of amplifiers, including
take place from Sunday 12 May 2013 to Thurs- Using an optical frequency reference in combination from the University of Giessen. After that he was e.g. four-level vs. quasi-three-level gain media,
day 16 May 2013 at the ICM (Rooms 12 and 22) with a laser frequency comb has made it possible working towards the PhD at the Max-Planck In- gain saturation in steady state and in pulse am-
or the Exhibition Halls (Rooms A218 and A221). to construct all optical atomic clocks that are now stitute of Quantum Optics in Garching/Germany, plification, and amplified spontaneous emission
The courses are at extra cost. outperforming even the best cesium atomic clocks. which he received from the Ludwigs Maximilians (ASE). It then continues with more specific de-
Advance registration is recommended in order Direct frequency comb spectroscopy by employing Universität Munich/Germany in 1997. Since then tails for fibre amplifiers, including an overview
to obtain the short course material. This ma- individual modes of the comb may be used for re- he has been working at the Max-Planck Institut of on different amplifying ions and host media,
terial will not be available for purchase during cording broadband molecular absorption.While this Quantum Optics and at the National Institute for double-clad fibres, mode areas, effective transi-
the conference. has practical relevance for sensitive trace gas analysis, Standards and Technology in Boulder/USA. In 2004 tion cross sections, influence of the pump wave-
The courses are intended for engineers, scien- frequency combs may be converted to the extreme he received his habilitation from the Ludwigs Max- length, and ASE limitations. After a discussion of
tists and graduate students with some general ultra violet where no single mode laser exists. imilians Universität Munich/Germany and became continuous-wave amplification, specific issues of
knowledge of optics and photonics who wish to Therefore this method might allow high-resolution a fellow of the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum pulse amplification will be discussed for the pulse
improve their detailed understanding of the par- laser spectroscopy in this unexplored region for Optics. His scientific work includes precision optical duration regimes of nanoseconds, picosecond
ticular technical domains covered. Each course the first time. Frequency combs are also used to metrology that involves simple atomic systems such and femtoseconds. Finally, a brief overview on
is scheduled in two parts: Course Part I (90 min- calibrate astronomical spectrographs and might as hydrogen, opto-mechanics and precision spec- the physical modeling of amplifiers will be given.
utes), coffee break, Course Part II (90 minutes). reach an accuracy that is sufficient to observe the troscopy with ion traps and precision astronomy. In order to obtain an improved qualitative and
change of the expansion rate of the universe in real In addition he is conducting research that aims at quantitative understanding of various effects, var-
time and to find Earth-like extra solar planets. I will making XUV radiation from high harmonic genera- ious case studies supported by numerical simu-
Detailed Programme: discuss the frequency comb principles in detail and tion useful for high-resolution spectroscopy. In 2006 lations with the software RP Fiber Power will be
present the various applications. he received the Röntgen Award of the University presented. These demonstrate, for example, the
! SUNDAY, :–:, R  of Giessen. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of typical strong saturation effects, characteristics
Benefits and Learning Objectives: America and the American Physical Society as well of ASE, differences between forward and back-
Short Course 10:
• A short history of the frequency comb. as a member of the German Physical Society. ward pumping, issues of cladding pumping, and

Frequency Combs and Applications • Basic properties both, in the time domain and challenges for emission of Yb-doped amplifiers
frequency domain. at short wavelengths.
• Frequency metrology. ! SUNDAY, : – :, R 
• Time domain applications. Benefits and Learning Objectives:
Short Course 8:
• Practical issues for setting up and running a • Understand the basic principles of la-
frequency comb. Fibre Amplifiers ser amplifiers.
Thomas Udem, • Variousmethodsof directfrequencycombspectroscopy. • Know the key properties of rare-earth-doped
Max-Planck-Institut • XUV frequency combs. fibres, such as different dopant ions, effective
für Quantenoptik, • Applications such as all optical clocks and transition cross sections, effective mode area,
Garching, Germany in astronomy. gain saturation characteristics, etc.
Course description: • Understand various techniques for alleviating
A laser frequency comb allows the conversion of the Intended Audience: Rüdiger Paschotta, various detrimental effects.
very rapid oscillations of visible light of some 100s of This course is intended to be beneficial for graduate RP Photonics • Identify the key limitations for the performance of
THz down to frequencies that can be handled with students and industrial and academic researchers Consulting GmbH, continuous-wave and pulsed amplifiers,and roughly
conventional electronics. This capability has enabled who plan to work with frequency combs. Bad Dürrheim, Germany quantify the typically possible performance figures.

Technical Programme

Intended Audience: Course description: • Appreciate the concept of slow light waveguides ! MONDAY, : – :, R A
This course is intended for researchers and Photonic crystals came to the fore in the early 90’s and its applications.
Short Course 9:
industry people with a basic background in due to their ability to confine light and control • Be able to design grating couplers and relate
laser technology, but not necessarily with a its flow to an unprecedented degree. The field their properties to LEDs for light extraction and High Harmonic Generation
detailed expertise on optical amplifiers or fi- has since made major technological advances to solar cells for light trapping. and Attosecond Science
bre technology. and has evolved from a scientific curiosity to the • For each application, appreciate the unique ad-
stage where many interesting applications can be vantages that photonic crystals may offer.
Biography: considered. The presence of photonic crystals is
Rüdiger Paschotta is an expert in laser physics, now felt across the entire photonics spectrum and Intended Audience:
nonlinear optics and fiber technology. He origi- any major photonics conference will feature them The course is appropriate for researchers and
nally had a career as a researcher, working at the in a variety of sessions, ranging from LEDs for applications engineers who have heard about
University of Konstanz (Germany), the Opto- light extraction to solar cells for light trapping, to photonic crystals and are considering them for John Tisch,
electronics Research Center (UK), the Univer- photonic circuits for low power optical switching specific applications, but need to understand bet- Imperial College, London,
sity of Paderborn (Germany) and ETH Zurich and modulation, to enhanced nonlinear effects, ter how they work and what functionalities they United Kingdom
(Switzerland). Since mid 2005, he is working full and to strong confinement effects for optical bi- might be able to offer. The course is conceptual Course description:
time in his company RP Photonics Consulting osensing and for quantum optics. I will provide and intuitive and only uses mathematical tools The course aims to provide an overview of the
GmbH, which moved to Bad Dürrheim, Ger- the conceptual background for these applications. where absolutely necessary. It only assumes an exciting topic of High Harmonic Generation
many, in 2010. He is providing technical con- After establishing their band structure as the appreciation for the major concepts in photonics, (HHG) and Attosecond Science from the per-
sultancy primarily for companies being active main framework for describing the properties such as optical modes, phase and interference ef- spective of a leading experimentalist working in
in laser technology and related fields. Also, RP of photonic crystals, I will explore the key prop- fects, as well as solid-state concepts such as crystal the field. Specifically, the course participants will
Photonics offers simulation software for fiber erties that make them unique and that allow us lattices, dispersion curves and band structures. learn about the relation of HHG to other “strong-
amplifiers and lasers as well as for various other to tailor their properties for specific applications, field” processes; enabling ultrafast laser technolo-
fields in photonics. addressing questions such as, “What determines Biography: gy for HHG; introduction to the theory of HHG
Rüdiger Paschotta became well known also as the the wavelength response and bandwidth?”; “Why Thomas F. Krauss has moved from St Andrews to in terms of both the single-atom response and
author of the open-access Encyclopedia of Laser do photonic crystal cavities exhibit such a high York University where he has started a full-time phase-matching; details on experimental im-
Physics and Technology. Q-factor?”; “What is slow light and why is it in- position in Jan 2013. He is in the process of setting plementations of HHG; HHG dependencies on

teresting?”; “How can we use photonic crystals to up a State-of-the-Art nanofabrication laboratory key experimental parameters; key properties of
couple light in and out of high index materials?” in the York Nanocentre that is due to be com- HHG radiation and comparison to other short
! SUNDAY, : – :, R  pleted April 2013. Krauss pioneered the develop- wavelength sources; the central role of HHG in
Benefits and Learning Objectives: ment of planar photonic crystals worldwide in the Attosecond Science, including generation and
Short Course 4:
• Understand the photonic band structure and 1990s and he is one of the leading researchers in characterisation of attosecond pulse trains and
Applications of Photonic Crystals how it relates to the physical lattice. the field, with 240 refereed journal publications, isolated attosecond pulses; scientific applications
• Appreciate how the band structure relates to >900 annual citations and an “h”-factor of 50. of HHG, including diffraction imaging, ultrafast
photonic functionalities and applications. He gives 10-15 invited presentations and chairs spectroscopy, seeding of free-electron lasers, at-
• Determine the wavelength response and band- 2-3 conferences per year. He has led industrial tosecond-resolution measurements; current chal-
width of a photonic crystal structure. projects (sponsored e.g. by Intel and Osram) lenges and future perspectives for HHG.
• Appreciate the origin of the strong confinement and has coordinated a number of EU projects,
Thomas Krauss, offered by photonic crystals and how extremely e.g. FP5-PICCO (2000-2003) and FP6-SPLASH Benefits and Learning Objectives:
University of St. high Q-factors can be created in very small vol- (2007-2010). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society • Recognise that HHG is an important short-wave-
Andrews, St. Andrews, umes, e.g. for strong light-matter interaction and of Edinburgh, the Optical Society (OSA) and the length light generation phenomenon that can
United Kingdom for quantum optics. Institute of Physics. arise in a strong-field laser matter interaction.

Technical Programme

• Appreciate the enabling laser technology and Harmonic Generation (HHG) and Attosecond introduction to quantum aspects in optics will well as to researchers who want to refresh and
understand the pivotal role that HHG plays in Science and Technology and joint founder of the be given and experimental demonstrations will be updated with current trends. This course is
Attosecond Science as a proven route to gener- UK Attosecond Programme. Tisch has been an underline some of the counter intuitive quan- intended to be beneficial for graduate students
ating attosecond duration light pulses. elected member of the Commission on Atomic, tum phenomena. The generation, propagation and industrial and academic researchers alike
• Comprehend the basic physical principles of Molecular, and Optical Physics of the Interna- and detection of quantum light are central topics. having a general interest in quantum optics and
HHG in terms of both the single emitter and tional Union of Pure and Applied Physics, and Practical quantum optics is all about noise, noise its practical application.
macroscopic (phase-matching) responses. has also served on a number of international con- reduction and over coming established sensitivity
• Understand the semi-classical 3-step recollision ference committees, including High Field Short limits in interferometry, imaging, communica- Biography:
model of HHG. Wavelength and CLEO. He was one of the Found- tion and sensing. Such applications of modern Gerd Leuchs studied Physics and Mathematics at
• Be familiar with the various experimental ing Chairs of the international conference series quantum optical technologies will be addressed the University of Cologne until 1975 and finished
implementations of HHG and gain an appre- “Ultrafast Dynamical Imaging of Matter” and is in detail. Mathematical descriptions of the light with the diploma degree. In 1975 he moved to
ciation of the dependencies on key experimen- Joint General Chair for the conference Ultrafast field and its interaction with matter will be given the University of Munich as research associate in
tal parameters. Optics IX. He is a member of the international whenever necessary but emphasis is put on prac- the group of Prof. Dr. H. Walther. His PhD-the-
• Learn about the key properties of HHG radi- Scientific Advisory Committee for the Extreme tical considerations. Possible limits that quantum sis in 1978 deals with the fine structure splitting
ation and how it relates to other short-wave- Light Infrastructure (ELI) European project and effects may impose on or opportunities that they of sodium Rydberg atoms. From 1979 to 1980
length sources. a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. He has dual may offer for applications in industry in the fore- he was visiting fellow at the University of Col-
• Gain an appreciation of the scientific applica- Swiss and Australian nationality and is married seeable future will be discussed. orado in Boulder, USA. In 1982 he received the
tions of HHG, especially in attosecond science. with two children. In his spare time he enjoys Experimental demonstrations at the course: Habilitation degree at the University of Munich
• Obtain a perspective of the current state of the competitive running, cycling, tennis, carpentry Demonstration of the different properties of clas- on multiphoton processes in atoms. 1980 he ob-
art of HHG and an appreciation of important and playing trumpet and piano. sical and quantum noise. tained a Feodor-Lynen Stipend of the Alexan-
recent developments as well as trends for fu- Demonstration of the strong correlations der-von-Humboldt Foundation and, from 1983
ture research. of photon pairs generated in parametric to 1985, a Heisenberg-Fellowship of the Deutsche
! MONDAY, : – :, R A down conversion. Forschungsgemeinschaft, which he used to work
Intended Audience: at JILA and NIST in Boulder. From 1985 to 1989
Short Course 6:
This course is aimed at researchers with little or Benefits and Learning Objectives: he led the gravitational wave detection group
no background in high harmonic generation or Practical Quantum Optics • Understanding the quantum limitations in of the Max-Planck-Society in Garching. There

attosecond science, as well as those more familiar optics – such as in sensing, amplification one focus of his research was the generation of
with the topic, who wish to improve their under- and phase conjugation – and appreciating quantum noise reduced light beams and their
standing and keep abreast of recent developments the opportunities. application towards the improvement of the
in the field and learn about some of the experi- • Learn the basic tools for describing quan- sensitivity of laser interferometers. From 1990
mental details that don’t appear in journal articles! tum noise. to 1994 he served as Technical Director of Nano-
• Acquire the practical skills for experimenting mach AG at Buchs in Switzerland. After having
Biography: Gerd Leuchs, with non classical light – generation, character- spent 5 years in industry he took over the chair
John W.G. Tisch is a Professor of Laser Phys- University of Erlangen, ization and control. of optics at the University of Erlangen-Nurem-
ics at the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College Erlangen, Germany • Learn to assess the potential benefit when at- berg and continued to do research on quan-
London. His research interests are ultrafast laser Course description: tempting to exploit quantum aspects in standard tum noise reduced light, this time focussing on
physics and high-intensity laser-matter interac- What does it mean if optics is quantum? Is hard- optical scenarios including telecom applications. soliton pulses in optical fibers including world
tions, especially the generation and application core quantum optics solely concerned with the first demonstrations. This led to the generation
of high-power femtosecond laser pulses to gen- study of fundamental physics questions or is Intended Audience: of entangled intense beams with applications in
erate coherent x-ray pulses of attosecond dura- it also useful for practical applications? The The course is designed to appeal to an audience quantum information and quantum key distribu-
tion. He is a recognised world-authority on High course will give answers to these questions. An without prior experience in quantum optics as tion. He discovered, that quantum cryptography

Technical Programme

with intense coherent beams has no in principle Course description: of ultrashort pulses and using them to measure highest performance supercomputers and sev-
distance limitation that came as a surprise. Since The course will provide a self-contained over- ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors, mole- eral major semiconductor companies have an-
1994 he is Professor of Physics at the Universi- view of ultrafast optical techniques. After a brief cules, nanostructures, and glasses. He is an au- nounced activities in this domain.
ty Erlangen-Nuremberg. In 2000 he started the review of the fundamental linear and nonlinear thor or co-author on about 200 papers in refereed The course will start with explaining the reasons
Center of Modern Optics at Erlangen. In 2004 processes, the propagation and generation of journals and holds 10 patents. Highlights of his for this sudden interest and the possible advantag-
he was appointed Fellow of the Optical Society ultrashort light pulses will be covered. Pulse for- research include the first time-domain observa- es of the platform. Next the fundamentals of the
of America and Fellow of the Institute of Physics, mation in important solid-state and fiber lasers tion of intramolecular vibration. In recent years waveguide platform and its performance will be
UK. In 2005 he won the Quantum Electronics and amplifiers will be described. The achievable his group has developed new pulse-shaping tech- discussed (straight and bend waveguides, filters,
Prize of the European Physical Society and was performance of each device will be discussed niques for femtosecond fiber lasers, which have fiber-chip coupling …). Subsequently we will also
appointed member of the German Academy of along with the factors that limit the performance. led to order-of-magnitude increases in the pulse discuss more advanced devices such as detectors,
Science Leopoldina. From 2004 to 2008 he served Applications to the generation of electromagnetic energy over prior designs. This work includes la- high-speed modulators and lasers. In each case we
as director of the 'Max Planck Research Group pulses in new frequency regimes (terahertz and sers that support self-similar evolution or recent- will also touch upon the problems that still need
of Optics, Information and Photonics'. After two ultrafast x-rays pulses, e.g.) will be touched on ly-identified dissipative solitons. Wise developed to be resolved and give a comprehensive overview
successful scientific evaluations the Max Planck briefly. Techniques for the measurement of short the first commercial femtosecond laser, in 1986, of the current state-of-the-art.
Society decided to establish the new Max Planck pulses will be described. Example applications and this led to the creation of Clark Instrumen- In a second part we will discuss on the integration
Institute for the Science of Light at Erlangen and will include studies of ultrafast phenomena in tation, Inc. (now Clark-MXR, Inc.) to market in a standard CMOS processing environment and
since January 2009 Gerd Leuchs is one of the solids and molecules, nonlinear microscopies for femtosecond lasers and associated instruments. on different approaches to integrate silicon pho-
directors of the Max-Planck Institute for the biological imaging, and generation of frequency His group is now transferring ultrafast fiber-laser tonics circuits with optical circuits.
Science of Light (MPL). combs. technology to industry. Finally we give a review of current and future
Gerd Leuchs published more than 250 publi- applications, in optical communications, optical
cations in peer reviewed scientific journals and Benefits and Learning Objectives: interconnect and optical sensing.
numerous invited papers; he is editor of 3 books Students will ! TUESDAY, : – :, R A The course will contain extensive references for
and inventor of 10 patents. In 2012 he received • Learn how linear and nonlinear wave processes further study.
Short Course 11:
the cross of merit of the Federal republic of Ger- govern the formation and propagation of ultra-
many. Since 2012 he is Adjunct Professor at the short pulses. Silicon Photonics Benefits and Learning Objectives:
University of Ottawa in Canada. • Understand techniques for measuring ultra- • Understand why silicon photonics forms a

short pulses. promising platform for realizing densely inte-

• Become familiar with the key parameters of grated photonic integrated circuits.
! TUESDAY, : – :, R A practical short-pulse sources. • Understand the operation of basic (splitters, fil-
• Learn the basic features of ultrafast-opti- ters, couplers) and more advanced (detectors,
Short Course 12:
cal measurements. modulators, lasers) silicon photonics devices.
Ultrafast Lasers and Applications • Gain an overview of the field of ultrafast science, Dries Van Thourhout, • Understand the main challenges still to
including recent developments. Ghent University, be resolved.
Ghent, Belgium • Get insight in the different approaches to com-
Biography: Course description: bine silicon photonics with electronics.
Frank Wise received a BS degree from Prince- The course will discuss both fundamentals and • Get insight in the fabrication technology and in
ton University, an MS degree from the University applications of silicon photonics. Silicon photon- possibilities for getting processed devices in a
of California-Berkeley, and a PhD degree from ics is rapidly emerging as an attractive platform cost-effective way, e.g. though the epixfab mul-
Frank Wise, Cornell University. Since 1989 he has been on for realizing cheaper photonic integrated circuits. tiproject wafer service.
Cornell University, Ithaca, the faculty in Applied Physics at Cornell. He Active optical cables based on silicon photonics • Understand for what type of applications silicon
United States has 25 years of experience developing sources are now already being employed in some of the photonics may form a suitable technology platform.

Technical Programme

Intended audience: ! WEDNESDAY, : – :, R A • Learn the basics of autocorrelation and Inter- of interactions of high intensity laser pulses with
The course targets members from academia and ferometric autocorrelation. matter, and laser material processing. He co-au-
Short Course 1:
industry who want to get a comprehensive review • Learn the basics of intensity and phase measure- thored about 40 peer-reviewed journal articles
of current state of the art in silicon photonics and Ultrashort Pulse Characterization ments with more advanced techniques. and numerous conference proceedings. His
get insight in its advantages and challenges. It is • Obtain a detailed understanding, applicability achievements were recognized by several awards
intended for researchers with little or no back- and limitations of commonly used methods. from institutions including Georgia Institute of
ground in silicon photonics as well as those with • Identify the critical issues, relevant to measure- Technology, Turkish Academy of Sciences, The
a more specialist view who want to get a broader ments of pulses in the single-cycle regime. Abdus-Salam International Centre for Theoret-
understanding of the emerging developments in • Obtain an understanding of spatio-temporal ical Physics and International Commission for
the field. The course in particular could benefit Selçuk Aktürk, dynamics of femtosecond pulses. Optics. He is a member of Optical Society of
those wanting to get insight in the question “is Istanbul Technical • Learn the necessary techniques for spatio-tem- America and SPIE.
silicon photonics the solution for my problem?” University, poral pulse measurements.
Istanbul, Turkey • Obtain the relevant practical skills for building
Biography: Course description: of pulse characterization devices. ! WEDNESDAY, : – :, R A
Dries Van Thourhout got his PhD in applied The course will start with a quick introduction to Ul- • Obtain an appreciation for recent trends and
Short Course 3:
physics from Ghent University in 2000 and trafast Optics, Nonlinear Optics and fundamentals advances in the area of pulse characterization.
subsequently spent 2 years at Bell Laboratories, of pulse characterization. Then, characterizations Optical Parametric Oscillators
Crawford Hill, NJ US. Currently he is a professor methods from the most basic (i.e. autocorrelations) Intended audience:
at Ghent University and associated with imec, to recent and advanced ones will be covered in de- This course is intended for researchers working
Europe’s largest nano-electronics research cen- tailed. Applicability, advantages and limitations of with fundamental or applied aspects of Ultrafast
tre. He has extensive experience in integrated various approaches will be reviewed. Optics, in both academic and industrial institu-
optics, silicon photonics and heterogeneous in- Specifically, the course participants will learn tions. Basic background and familiarity in Ul-
tegration on silicon photonics. He has worked about the basic principles and limitations of trafast Optics will be sufficient. Ultrashort pulse Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh,
on fundamental research topics (such as optom- autocorrelation and interferometric approach- characterization methods will be covered from The Institute of Photonic
echanics and nanocrystals) but has also been es; complete intensity and phase measurement basic concepts to advanced techniques. Sciences (ICFO),
involved in more application-oriented projects using more advanced techniques such as Fre- Barcelona, Spain

such as the EU projects WADIMOS (optical in- quency Resolved Optical Gating (FROG), Spec- Biography: Course description:
terconnect) and SMARTFIBER (silicon photon- tral phase interferometry for direct electric-field Selçuk Aktürk received his BS degree in Physics This course provides an overview of optical par-
ics read out chip for fibre bragg sensing), which reconstruction (SPIDER) and related methods. from Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey (2001), ametric oscillators (OPOs), from basic operation
he is coordinating. He is also strongly involved Particular considerations for measurements in and PhD degree in Physics from Georgia Institute principles to advanced devices. The course will
in the EU funded integrated project HELIOS, extreme cases such as near-single-cycle regime of Technology in Atlanta, Ga, USA (2005). He begin with a description of the fundamental con-
which covers the whole value chain of silicon and very complicated temporal structures will worked as a post-doc researcher at GaTech and cepts in nonlinear optics and frequency conver-
photonics. He has authored or coauthored over be reviewed. Finally, extensions of the methods Research Scientist at Swamp Optics LLC until sion, followed by a discussion of OPO devices, an
150 journal publications, over 300 conference to include spatial evolutions and complete spa- 2006. He continued his post-doctoral research overview of the latest advances in OPO technol-
contributions and over 10 patents. He has given tio-temporal pictures will be covered. at Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, Ecole Pol- ogy, and applications. The discussion will cover
tutorials on silicon photonics at major confer- ytechnique – ENSTA in Palaiseau, France from OPOs operating in all temporal regimes, from
ences such as OFC, ACP and CLEO. He is as- Benefits and Learning Objectives: 2006 to 2009. Since April 2009, he is at the Istan- the continuous-wave (cw) to the ultrafast fem-
sociated reviewer for IEEE PTL and holder of • Understand the basic principles of Ultrafast Op- bul technical University, Department of Physics, tosecond time-scales.
an ERC starting grant. In 2012 he was awarded tics and Nonlinear Optics. currently at Associate Professor level. Specifically, the course participants will gain
with the “Laureate of the Academy” prize of the • Understand the basics of ultrashort pulse Selçuk Akturk’s research activities involve ultra- knowledge of the basic principles of nonlinear
Belgian Academy of Sciences. characterization. short pulse characterization in time and space, frequency conversion and optical parametric

Technical Programme

generation; phase-matching, amplification and pump laser selection. volumes such as Science, OSA Handbook of Course description:
tuning; OPO design issues, including nonlinear • Acquire the required skills and apply the neces- Optics, Springer, Handbook of Laser Technology This course aims to provide a comprehensive,
material and pump laser selection criteria; OPO sary procedures in the practical implementation and Applications, Laser and Photonics Review, focused overview of optical coherence tomog-
operation in different time-scales, generic device of OPO devices in cw, pulsed, picosecond and and Phil. Tans. Roy. Soc. A (2003). He has been a raphy (OCT) from basic operation principles to
architectures, pumping and resonance configu- femtosecond operation. regular instructor of the short course on OPOs advanced state-of-the-art technology. The course
rations; cw OPOs: singly-resonant, pump-en- • Learn the necessary techniques for spatial, spec- at CLEO/USA since 1997 and at CLEO/Europe introduces OCT technology and applications not
hanced, doubly- and triply-resonant oscillators, tral, and temporal control of OPO devices in since 2007. only from an optical and technological viewpoint,
pump power threshold and frequency behaviour, differerent operating regimes. Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh has served more than but also from biomedical and clinical perspec-
frequency tuning and control, solid-state, fiber, • Gain a perspective of current OPO technology, 40 times on the technical, organizing, advisory, tives. The different parts of the course are present-
and semiconductor disk laser pumping, visible the important recent developments in the field, and steering committees of major internation- ed in a style comprehensible to a broad audience.
to mid-IR generation, novel device architectures; as well as novel and emerging applications of al conferences and has chaired 3 international The course will begin with a discussion of funda-
pulsed OPOs: operating principle, threshold con- OPO sources. conferences. He has served as advisory editor of mental OCT concepts, key technological compo-
dition, compact all-solid-state oscillators, high- Optics Letters, guest editor of J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, nents (broad bandwidth and swept source laser
and low-energy devices, single-mode operation, Intended Audience: topical editor of Optics Letters, associate editor technology, high speed detection technologies)
UV to mid-IR and THz generation; synchronous- This course is intended for researchers with lit- of Advances in Nonlinear Optics, and associate parameters (imaging resolution, imaging speed,
ly-pumped OPOs: picosecond OPOs: high-repe- tle or no background in OPOs, as well as those editor of IEEE Photonics Journal, and serves as penetration depth, imaging sensitivity), critical
tition-rate cw and pulsed oscillators, solid-state, more familiar with the subject area, who wish to the current Chair of Nonlinear Optics Techni- design issues and data analysis and signal post
Ti:sapphire and fiber laser pumping, birefringent enhance their understanding and update their cal Group at OSA. Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh is the processing in OCT leading to a review of the cur-
and quasi-phase-matched devices, UV to mid- knowledge of the latest developments in OPO co-founder, president and chief scientist of Ra- rent state-of-the-art OCT technologies (commer-
IR generation; femtosecond OPOs: Ti:sapphire, device technology. The course will benefit grad- diant Light (, a company he cial and scientific).
solid-state, and fiber-pumped devices, colline- uate students and other industrial and academic created from his research laboratory in Barcelona Multispectral functional extensions of OCT
ar and noncollinear pumping, birefringent and researchers already involved or in early stages in in 2005. He is a recipient of Innova Prize for tech- (Doppler OCT, Doppler angiography, spec-
quasi-phase-matched oscillators, spectral and OPO development. nology innovation and enterprise (Spain: 2004), troscopic OCT, OCT elastography, optophys-
temporal control, UV to mid-IR generation; ap- Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis (Germany: iology) as well as contrast enhanced OCT
plications of OPO devices in spectroscopy, trace Biography: 2010), and a fellow of OSA and SPIE. (polarization sensitive OCT, contrast agents
gas sensing, imaging, frequency synthesis and Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh is an ICREA (Institucio in OCT), hybrid multimodal OCT imaging

comb generation; commercial developments in Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats) Profes- approaches (adaptive optics OCT; OCT/mul-
OPO technology. sor at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences, ! WEDNESDAY, : – :, R A tiphoton microscopy; OCT/photoacoustic to-
Barcelona, Spain. He has been active in the ad- mography; OCT/fluorescence imaging; OCT/
Short Course 2:
Benefits and Learning Objectives: vancement of nonlinear frequency conversion Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering) and
• Understand the basic principles of optical par- technology and parametric sources for over 20 Optical Coherence Tomography their (bio)medical and nonmedical applications
ametric generation and amplification of light. years. His contributions to the field have led the and Applications will also be presented. Finally OCT technology
• Learn the operating principles of optical para- realization of new generations of innovative light transfer, OCT market and the economic impact
metric devices, in particular optical parametric sources from the UV to mid-IR and in all time- of OCT as well as possible future directions of
oscillators (OPOs). scales, from continuous-wave to ultrafast picosec- OCT will be discussed.
• Obtain an understanding of nonlinear gain, ond and femtosecond regime. He has published
phase-matching, operation threshold, device over 450 journal papers and peer-reviewed com- Benefits and Learning Objectives:
architectures, resonator configurations, tuning, munications, including 70 invited papers and 11 • Understand the basic principles of OCT
spectral and temporal behaviour. post-deadline papers at major international con- Wolfgang Drexler, (time domain OCT, spectral/Fourier domain
• Identify the critical issues in the design of opti- ferences. He has edited 2 books and has authored Medical University OCT, swept source OCT, full-field OCT, digi-
cal parametric devices, including material and 11 major invited book chapters and reviews in Vienna, Vienna, Austria tal holoscopy)

Technical Programme

• Obtain an appreciation for limitations of differ- He spent 2 years at the Massachusetts Institute Course description: • Consider various example applications and what
ent OCT technologies of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, received This course is intended for researchers with little tweezers can do that other technologies cannot.
• Gain a perspective of current light source tech- the Austrian START Award from the Austrian or no background in Laser Tweezers as well as
nologies in OCT Science Fund in 2001, the COGAN Award from for those familiar with the subject area wishing Biography:
• Obtain an overview of state-of-the-art OCT ARVO in 2007, the Fear Memorial Award in 2008, to enhance their understanding and update their Miles Padgett is Professor of Optics in the School
developments including ultrahigh speed and the Gabriel Coscas Medal in 2009, the EVER knowledge of the field. The course will benefit of Physics and Astronomy at the University of
resolution, functional, contrast enhanced, hy- Acta Silver Medal in 2010, the DOG’s Innova- researchers in both industry and academia. Glasgow. He heads a 15-person team covering a
brid multi-modal OCT tor’s Award in 2011 as well as the Edridge Green The course will provide an overview of Laser wide spectrum from blue-sky research to applied
• Presentation of biologic, clinical and nonmedi- Medal from The Royal College of Ophthalmol- Tweezers starting from their basic operational commercial development, funded by a combi-
cal applications of OCT ogists in 2012. principles to advanced systems that use spatial nation of Miles Padgett is Professor of Optics
• Get insight into the OCT market and technology He is a member of the Austrian Academy of light modulators to trap and move many objects in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the
transfer as well as possible future directions Science and has published more than 155 pub- simultaneously. The course will cover the fun- University of Glasgow. He heads a 15-person team
lications (including Nature Medicine and PNAS) damental concepts and the critical design issues covering a wide spectrum from blue-sky research
Intended Audience: in peer reviewed journals and is first, co-author for anyone wishing to build or modify a twee- to applied commercial development, funded by a
This course is intended for researchers with back- or corresponding author of more than 400 con- zers system. combination of government charity and indus-
ground in optics, biophotonics and optical im- ference proceedings or abstracts resulting in a Specifically, the course participants will learn try. In 2001 he was elected to Fellowship of the
aging (especially optical coherence tomography h-index of 49. His group’s publications have about the pros and cons of various optical con- Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 2007/8 he was a
- OCT) as well as for those familiar with the sub- been cited more than 7700 times in the last 10 figurations; strategies for multi-trap control; al- Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society Senior Research
ject area who wish to enhance their understand- years with more than 900 citations in years 2008, gorithms for holographic beam formation; user Fellow. From 2009 he holds a Royal Society/Wolf-
ing and update their knowledge of the emerging 2010 and 2011. He is (Co)Editor of 11 books, interfaces and options for high-speed position son Merit Award. In 2011 he was appointed to the
developments in this field. The course will benefit including “Optical Coherence Tomography: and force measurements. A guide will be given to Kelvin Chair of Natural Philosophy and became
researchers in both industry and academia and Technology and Applications” (2008). Wolfgang free to down-load software for hologram design a Fellow of the Optical Society. In 2008 Padgett
will be of interest not only to physicists, scientists Drexler gave more than 160 invited or keynote and spatial light modulator control. was awarded the UK Institute of Physics, Optics
and engineers, but also to biomedical and clinical talks since 2000 and has accomplished more We hope also to exhibit a commercial system with and Photonics Division Prize for a "distinguished
researchers from different medical specialties. than € 8.7 million research grant income in the input from the suppliers to answer questions re- record of achievement in research that spans fun-
last decade. garding possible customisation. damental aspects of optical angular momentum

Biography: and applied optical sensors". In 2009 Padgett was
Wolfgang Drexler received his MS and PhD in Benefits and Learning Objectives: awarded the Institute of Physics, Young Medal
Electrical Engineering in 1991 and 1995, respec- ! WEDNESDAY, : – :, R A • Understand the basic principles of La- "for pioneering work on optical angular momen-
tively, at the Technical University of Vienna, Aus- ser Tweezers. tum". Padgett is recognised for his studies in the
Short Course 7:
tria. From 2006 to 2009 he was a Full Professor of • Compare and contrast the various configura- field of optics and in particular of optical angular
Biomedical Imaging at the School of Optometry Laser Tweezers and Applications tions for optical manipulation. momentum. His contributions include an optical
and Vision Sciences at Cardiff University, Wales, • Understand the benefits and restrictions of dif- spanner for spinning micron-sized cells, use of
UK. Since 2010 he is an Honorary Distinguished ferent trap steering approaches. orbital angular momentum to increase the data
Professor at Cardiff University, UK. Since October • Consider the pros and cons of various algo- capacity of communication systems and an angu-
2009 he is a Full Professor of Medical Physics and rithms for hologram calculation and control of lar form of the quantum Einstein-PodolskyRosen
the Head of the Center for Medical Physics and spatial light modulators. (EPR) paradox. With respect to Optical Tweezers,
Biomedical Engineering at the Medical University • Review the various options for tweezers-hu- Padgett’s Group and their collaborators have fo-
of Vienna,Austria and is also Director of the Chris- Miles Padgett, man interface. cused on the use of spatial light modulators for
tian Doppler Laboratory for Laser Development University of Glasgow, • Examine how high-speed video can be employed forming multiple traps coupled to various user
and their Application in Medicine since 2011. Glasgow, United Kingdom to give both force and position measurement. interfaces for high-speed interactive use.

Technical Programme

! THURSDAY, : – :, R A of light into single and multi-mode fibres, as Biography: NOTES
well as far-field light concentration limits are James Leger received his BS degree in Applied
Short Course 5:
explored as real-world examples. The constant Physics from the California Institute of Technol-
Laser Beam Analysis, Propagation and radiance theorem and étendue are employed as ogy (1974) and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engi-
Spatial Shaping engineering tools to optimize optical design, neering from the University of California, San
and simple analytical tools are presented to es- Diego (1980). He has held previous positions at
timate the effects of spatial beam shape, phase the 3M Company, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
aberrations, and coherence on beam concen- He is currently professor of Electrical Engineer-
tration. The course ends with a description of ing at the University of Minnesota, where he holds
internal and external cavity beam shaping tech- both the Cymer Professorship of Electrical Engi-
James R. Leger, niques using phase modulation (e.g. diffractive neering and the Mr. and Mrs. George W. Taylor
University of Minnesota, optical methods) and polarization modulation distinguished professorship. His research group
Minneapolis, (e.g. cylindrical vector beams). is studying a wide variety of optical techniques,
United States including laser mode control and beam shaping
Course description: Benefits and Learning Objectives: techniques, spectral and coherent laser beam
The propagation and focusing properties of This course will enable participants to: combining, optical metrology, solar energy optics,
real laser beams are greatly influenced by • Measure the quality of a laser beam using sev- design of nonclassical imaging systems, and mi-
beam shape, phase distortions, degree of co- eral methods. crooptical engineering. James Leger is currently
herence, and aperture truncation effects. The • Interpret the meaning of various la- serving as deputy editor of Optics Express, and
ability to understand, predict, and correct ser specifications. has recently served as a member of the CLEO
these real-world effects is essential to modern • Understand Gaussian laser beam properties (US) steering committee and the Board of Direc-
optical engineering. Attendees of this course from an intuitive standpoint. tors of the Optical Society of America.
will learn a variety of techniques for measur- • Predict the propagation and focusing properties James Leger has been awarded the 1998 Joseph
ing and quantifying the important character- of non-ideal and aberrated laser beams. Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize by the
istics of real laser beams, be able to calculate • Determine the concentration limits of a Optical Society of America, the 1998 Eta Kap-
the effects of these characteristics on optical light field. pa Nu outstanding teaching professor award,

system performance, and explore a variety of • Design optimal beam concentration optics. the 2000 George Taylor Award for Outstand-
beam shaping techniques to optimize specific • Compare different beam profiles for specific ing Research at the University of Minnesota,
optical systems. applications and calculate ideal performance. the 2006 Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding teaching
The course starts with a basic and intuitive • Design beam shaping optics using polarization Professor award, the ITSB professor of the year
description of Gaussian beam characteristics and phase manipulation. award (2006), the Morse Award for Outstand-
from an ideal laser. These concepts are ex- ing Undergraduate Teaching (2006), the George
tended to non-Gaussian beams (e.g. high-or- Intended Audience: Taylor Distinguished Teaching Award (2007),
der Hermite Gaussian beams, top-hat shapes, This course is designed to provide laser engi- and the George Taylor Service Award (2008).
laser arrays, and non-diffracting beams) and neers, optical system designers, and technical He has recently been inducted into the acad-
the relative merits of various beam shapes are management professionals with a working emy of distinguished teachers at the Universi-
discussed. Beam characterization methods knowledge of laser beam characterization, ty of Minnesota. He is a Fellow of the Optical
such as M2, Strehl ratio, and TDL are reviewed. analysis, and modification. Physical and intu- Society of America, Fellow of the Institute of
Simple expressions for estimating the effects of itive explanations of most topics are designed Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and
laser aberrations and coherence on beam fo- to make the concepts accessible to a wide range Fellow of the International Society of Optical
cusing and propagation are reviewed. Coupling of participants. Engineers (SPIE).

Technical Programme

TECH-FOCUS SESSIONS TF-1/LIM.2 TUE 14:30 TF-2/LIM.2 TUE 16:30 Biography

Applications and Market Segments for Ultrafast Solid State Laser with High Pulse Dr. Adolf Giesen received his Ph.D. in 1982
An attractive feature of the CLEO®/Europe tech- Ultra-High Brightness Direct Diode Lasers Energy – New Applications at the University of Bonn, Germany. Then, he
nical programme has been the Tech Focus for- •W. Gries, S. Heinemann, H. Fritsche, and •H. Amler, S. Sobolewski, and J. Thumbs, joined DLR (the German Aerospace Center),
mat. Tech-Focus sessions concentrate on selected W. Süptitz, Directphotonics Industries GmbH, Photon Energy GmbH, Ottensoos, Germany institute of Technical Physics at Stuttgart
photonics applications of industrial importance. Berlin, Germany Usually for marking applications ns-lasers are used. working on rf-excited CO2-lasers. In 1986 he
The 2013 programme features two Tech-Focus Ultra-highbrightness (UHB) direct diode laser Since a new ps-laser source is available with lower moved to the University of Stuttgart, Institut
sessions entitled “Fibre and Solid-State Lasers systems with kW output power are on the verge of costs,new possibilities are opened up to use the advan- für Strahlwerkzeuge as head of the laser de-
- A Comparison from an Industrial Point of market introduction. This talk discusses applications tages of this laser type also for marking applications. velopment department. At the University he
View - High Power” jointly held with the LIM and market dynamics of UHB direct diode lasers. continued working on CO2-lasers as well as
2013 conference, which showcase this exciting on optical components for high power lasers.
TF-2/LIM.3 TUE 17:00
field through presentations from leading aca- In 1992 he started working on thin disk la-
TF-1/LIM.3 TUE 15:00 Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and Bulk Lasers for
demic and industrial researchers. Both sessions sers (in collaboration between the University
consisting of a total of 6 invited presentations take The Power of Choice of Solid State Lasers Material Processing - A Comparison of Stuttgart and DLR). 2002 he received the
place on Tuesday afternoon. for Successful Industrial Laser Applications •N. Hodgson, R. Knappe, and M. Bengtsson, “Berthold Leibinger Preis” for the invention
•K. Loefffler, TRUMPF Laser und Systemtech- Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, United States and the work on thin disk lasers and in 2004
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 paid registrants are nik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany The technology and performance of high energy he received the “Rank Prize” also for the in-
invited to attend the Tech-Focus sessions at no The presentation will show on examples from picosecond and femtosecond lasers in fiber and vention and the work on thin disk lasers. Since
additional charge. Those wishing to attend the successful laser applications the use and need for bulk solid state geometry are reviewed. Ultrafast 2007 he is director of the Institute of Technical
Tech-Focus who are NOT FULL FEE registrants the different solid-state laser resonator concepts. laser systems providing pulse energies of up to Physics of DLR and he is continuing the work
of the conferences must pay the one-day fee. It will describe CW-high power as well as short 100s of microJoules are compared with respect to on high power lasers, especially for aerospace
pulse lasers in the ps / and ns range. their applicability in material processing. applications as well as for security and de-
fence applications.
! T, : – : PLENARY SESSIONS
Location: Room 13a ! T : – : Abstract
Location: Room 13a PL-1: CLEO®/Europe 2013 Plenary Talk The design ideas of thin disk lasers will be

TF-1: Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a explained. Results for continuous wave op-
Comparison from an Industrial Point of TF-2: Fibre and Solid State Lasers: a ! M, : – : eration and for pulsed operation show the
View I (Session jointly held with LIM) Comparison from an Industrial Point of Location: Room 1 capability for building high power lasers
View II (Session jointly held with LIM) with high efficiency and good beam quali-
TF-1/LIM.1 TUE 14:00 PL-1.1 MON
ty, simultaneously.
Next Generation of Ultra-High Brightness Thin Disk Lasers
Direct Diode Lasers TF-2/LIM.1 TUE 16:00
•J. Liebowitz, R. Huang, B. Chann, J. Burgess, Recent Developments in Fiber Lasers PL- 2: World of Photonics
M. Kaiman, R. Overman, and P. Tayebati, and their Applications Opening with Plenary Talk
TeraDiode, Wilmington, United States •M. Grupp, IPG Laser GmbH, Burbach, Germany
Wavelength beam combining allows use of direct Over the past few years fiber lasers gained a huge ! M, : – :
diode lasers for steel cutting and keyhole welding, market share in all kind of industrial applications. Adolf Giesen, Location: Room 1
traditionally performed by multi-kilowatt CO2, Reason for this wide acceptance is the continuous DLR, German
fiber, and disk lasers. This innovation lowers laser development of specialized and adapted lasers Aerospace Center, Words of Welcome will also be addressed during
cost in these applications. suited for the requirements of the applications. Stuttgart, Germany the session.

Technical Programme

PL-2.1 MON Abstract Graduat School (Augustin Fresnel chair), and at ! S, : – :
Nanoscopy with Focused Light Throughout the 20th century the resolution of op- Ecole Polytechnique, in Palaiseau. Location: Room 13b
tical microscopy relying on conventional lenses He is a member of the Académie des Scienc-
was limited by diffraction. We show how this limit es (France), Académie des Technologies
can be radically overcome and how this change (France), National Academy of Sciences (USA), Photoacoustic Tomography: Ultrasonically
impacts various fields of science. OAW (Austria). Breaking through the Optical Diffusion and
Diffraction Limits
Stefan Hell, Research •Lihong V. Wang, Washington University, St.
Max Planck Institute for PL-3: IQEC 2013 Plenary Talk Alain Aspect first research bore upon tests of Louis, MO, United States
Biophysical Chemistry, and Awards Ceremony Bell's inequalities with entangled photon pairs Photoacoustic tomography provides in vivo multi-
Göttingen, Germany (PhD 1983), then wave-particle duality for single scale functional, metabolic, molecular, and histologic
Biography ! T, : – : photons. imaging across the scales of organelles, cells, tissues,
Stefan W. Hell is a director at the Max Planck Location: Room 1 With Claude Cohen-Tannoudji he developed new and organs with consistent contrast. Penetration and
Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttin- methods for cooling atoms with lasers. resolution have reached 7 cm and 90 nm, respectively.
gen, where he leads the Department of Nano- A series of Prizes and Award Ceremonies will also Since 1992, he is in the Atom Optics group that
Biophotonics. He also leads a research group at be presented during the session. he has established at Institut d'Optique, where
the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) research bears upon quantum atom optics, quan- ! T, : – :
in Heidelberg. tum degenerate gases and atom lasers, quantum Location: Room 21
PL-3.1 MON
Stefan W. Hell received his diploma (1987) and simulators of disordered materials.
Coherent Back Scattering and Anderson CG-2.1 TUE
doctorate (1990) in physics from the Universi-
ty of Heidelberg. From 1991 to 1993 he worked Localization of Ultra Cold Atoms Abstract Attosecond Science and Technology
at the European Molecular Biology Laborato- Ultra cold atoms in a disordered potential created •Paul Corkum, University of Ottawa and Na-
ry, followed with stays as a senior researcher with a laser speckle are used to study Anderson tional Research Council, Ontario, Canada
at the University of Turku, Finland, between Localization and Coherent Back Scattering. Describes the physics and technology of attosecond
1993 and 1996, and as a visiting scientist at pulse generation and characterization, both in space
the University of Oxford, England, in 1994. In and in time. It then generalizes from characterizing

1997 he joined the Max Planck Institute for Alain Aspect, TUTORIAL TALKS attosecond pulses to imaging valence electrons and
Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, where Laboratoire Charles their changes during a photochemical reaction.
he has built up his current group dedicated Fabry, Institut d'Optique, ! S, : – :
to subdiffraction-resolution microscopy. In Palaiseau, France Location: Room 14a
2003, following his appointment as a direc- Biography ! T, : – :
CM-2.1 SUN
tor, he established the Department of Nano- Born in 1947, Alain Aspect is an alumni of ENS Location: Room 4a
Biophotonics. Stefan W. Hell is credited with Cachan and Université d'Orsay. After three Resource Efficiency Improvements through
Laser Processing of Designer Materials II-4.1 THU
having developed the first viable approach for years teaching in Cameroon, he became a lec-
overcoming Abbe’s diffraction barrier in a far- turer at ENS Cachan, with his research at Insti- •William O’Neill, University of Cambridge, Geometry and Light: The Science of Invisibility
field light microscope. For his work he has tut d'Optique. Cambridge, United Kingdom •Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science,
received several awards, including the Prize In 1985 he took a research position at ENS/Col- This tutorial explores the laser technologies and Rehovot, Israel
of the International Commission in Optics lège de France, with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. processes that can effect change in the resource Science Magazine listed transformation optics
(2000), the Otto-Hahn-Prize (2009), the Since 1992 he has been a CNRS senior researcher efficiencies of production operations. Three basic among the top 10 science insights of the decade
Gothenburg Lise-Meitner Prize (2011), and (emeritus since 2012), at Institut d'Optique. visions are presented along with case studies to 2000-2010. The tutorial gives an introduction into
the Körber European Science Award (2011). He is also a professor at Institut d'Optique demonstrate their implementation. this subject that may, literally, transform optics.

Technical Programme

! T, : – : photopolymerisation and photoreduction ma- We review recent advances in coherent laser IH-2.1 WED
Location: Room 14a terials, respectively. combining, including active laser control meth- Broadband Management of Light
ods, diffractive optics beam combining, and high Using Nanophotonics for Solar and
IB-7.1 THU
coherence fiber and SSL amplifiers that have Thermal Applications
Quantum Information Tools ! M, : – : enabled unprecedented brightness scaling of •Shanhui Fan, University of Stanford, Stanford,
•Klaus Mølmer, Aarhus University, Aar- Location: Room 21 cw sources. CA, United States
hus, Denmark There is enormous potential for the use of na-
CK-5.1 MON
This tutorial will present an introduction to the ba- nophotonics in solar and thermal applications.
sic ideas of quantum information processing and an Optofluidic for Energy Applications ! T, : – : In this talk, we show that one can use nanopho-
overview of candidate physical implementations,tools •Demetri Psaltis, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Location: Room 4a tonic approach to enhance both the voltage and
and ideas pursued in quantum computing research. de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland the current of the solar cells. We also show one
IC-1.1 TUE
We will discuss optofluidic solar fuel systems that can use nanophotonics effectively for a number
rely on microstructured components with com- Quantum Simulations using of emerging thermal applications, including
bined optical and fluidic functionality to improve Ultracold Atoms both novel approach for radiative cooling in the
the efficiency of solar energy harvesting. •Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck Institute of far field, and active control of heat flow in the
! S, : – : Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany near field.
Location: Room 4b Ultracold quantum gases offer remarkable op-
! M, : – : portunities for probing and controlling quantum
CC-1.1 SUN
Location: Room 1 matter. In my talk I will discuss highlights and NOTES
Ultrabroadband THz Pulses - From future perspectives of this interdisciplinary re-
Millimeter Waves to the Infrared CF/IE-7.1 MON
search field.
•Hartmut Roskos, Mark Thomson, Johann Frontiers in Extreme Nonlinear Optics:
Wolfgang Göthe-Universität, Frankfurt am Attosecond-to-Zeptosecond Coherent
Main, Germany Kiloelectronvolt X-rays on a Tabletop ! W, : – :
An overview is given of the generation, coherent •Tenio Popmintchev, JILA, and University of Location: Room 4a
detection and application of ultra-broadband ter- Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States

IG-2.1 WED
ahertz pulses which cover substantial parts - or all We present experimentally and theoretically a unified
- of the far-infrared and infrared spectral regimes. picture of phase matching of high harmonic gener- High-Resolution Imaging with
ation spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from Scattered Light
the vacuum ultraviolet to the keV X-ray region, com- •Allard Mosk, University of Twente, Enschede,
! S, : – : bining both microscopic and macroscopic physics. The Netherlands
Location: Room 4a Wavefront shaping allows unprecedented control
of scattered laser light. This discovery has spurred
IF-4.1 SUN
! M, : – : recent advances in focusing and imaging with
Optical Data Storage with Diffraction- Location: Room 14a scattered light, ranging from high-resolution mi-
Unlimited Resolution croscopy to noninvasive optical imaging through
CJ-4.1 MON
•Min Gu, Swinburne University of Technology, scattering layers.
Hawthorn, Australia Coherent Combining of Fiber and Solid-
We show our recent progress on optical State Lasers
data storage with superresolution optics of •Gregory D. Goodno, Northrop Grumman Aero- ! W, : – :
lamda/24 and lamda/26 in newly designed space Systems, Redondo Beach, CA, United States Location: Room 21

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
9:00 – 10:30 9:00 – 10:30 9:00 – 10:30 9:00 – 10:30
CF/IE-1: Ultrafast Electron Dynamics IF-1: Pulse Manipulation with Nonlinear CC-1: Ultra Broadband and High Terahertz CA-1: Nonlinear Frequency Conversion
Chair: Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Optics Fields Chair: Valdas Pasiskevicius, KTH Stockholm, Stockholm,
Chair: Rachel Grange, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Chair: Martin Koch, Phillips-University Marburg, Mar- Sweden
Germany burg, Germany
CF/IE-1.1 SUN 9:00 IF-1.1 SUN (Invited) 9:00 CC-1.1 SUN (Keynote) 9:00 CA-1.1 SUN 9:00
�e in�uence of nuclear motion on the electron Broadband deep-ultraviolet femtosecond pulse Ultra-broadband THz Pulses - From Millimeter 118 nm VUV Generation Using Microchip Laser
dynamics in an e�cient sub-cycle control of the generation by third-order nonlinear optical processes Waves to the Infrared �R. Bhandari1 , N. Tsuji2 , T. Suzuki3 , M. Nishifuji2 , and T.
molecule K2 in thin media �H. Roskos and M. �omson; Goethe University, Frank- Taira1 ; 1 Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan;
�R. Siemering1 , P. von den Ho�1 , T. Bayer2 , H. Braun2 , �H. Crespo1 , F. Silva1 , and R. Weigand2 ; 1 IFIMUP-IN furt, Germany 2
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, Futtsu, Japan; 3 Nippon
T. Baumert2 , M. Wollenhaupt2 , and R. de Vivie- and Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade An overview is given of the generation, coherent detec- Steel Technoresearch Corporation, Futtsu, Japan
Riedle1 ; 1 Department für Chemie, Ludwig-Maximilians- de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, R. do Campo Alegre tion and application of ultra-broadband terahertz pulses We report the �rst demonstration of ninth harmonic
Universität, München, Germany; 2 Institut für Physik und 687, 4169-007, Porto, Portugal; 2 Departamento de Óptica, which cover substantial parts - or all - of the far-infrared generation of a Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG passively Q-switched
CINSaT, Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Complutense de and infrared spectral regimes. microchip laser output, generating 118 nm VUV. �is
Selective population of dressed states (SPODS) is a con- Madrid, Avda. Complutense s/n, 28040, Madrid, Spain output was used for single-photon ionization of benzene
trol pathway in atoms and molecules including explicitly We demonstrate the generation and measurement of in a time-of-�ight mass-spectroscope.
the electron dynamics. We highlight the in�uence of the broadband deep-ultraviolet pulses using third-order
nuclear motion on the electron dynamics in the potas- nonlinear optical processes in thin media. �ese results
sium dimer. are well described by simulations. �e new pulse mea-
suring technique of dispersion-scan is also discussed.

CF/IE-1.2 SUN 9:15 CA-1.2 SUN 9:15

Direct laser acceleration of non-relativistic electrons Absorption Coe�cient and Raman Gain in CVD
at a photonic structure Diamond as Functions of Pump Wavelength: Towards
�J. Breuer1 and P. Hommelho�2,1 ; 1 Max Planck Institute E�cient Diamond Raman Lasers
of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany; 2 Department of �V. Savitski1 , S. Reilly1 , W. Lubeigt2 , and A. Kemp1 ;
Physics, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen Nurem- Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde, Glas-
berg, Erlangen, Germany gow, United Kingdom; 2 Department of Electronic and
We report direct laser acceleration of non-relativistic Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
28keV-electrons at a dielectric grating with the inverse United Kingdom
Smith-Purcell e�ect. We observe an acceleration gradi- Raman gain in synthetic diamond is measured at di�er-
ent of 25MeV/m, already comparable to state-of-the-art ent wavelengths taking into account absorption losses. It
RF-linacs and expect 1.5GeV/m for relativistic electrons. is found to scale linearly with the pump wavenumber. A
6W intracavity diamond Raman laser will be discussed.
CF/IE-1.3 SUN 9:30 IF-1.2 SUN 9:30 CA-1.3 SUN 9:30
Ultrafast restoration of valence electrons in Self-Compression to Sub-3-Cycle Duration of Mid-IR Narrow-linewidth UV laser source at 257 nm
1,3-butadiene probed by time-resolved photoelectron Optical Pulses via Nonlinear Propagation in Bulk �X. Délen1 , L. Deyra1 , A. Benoit2,3 , M. Hanna1 , F.
spectroscopy with high harmonic pulses �M. Hemmer1 , M. Baudisch1 , A. �ai1 , and J. Biegert1,2 ; Balembois1 , B. Coquelin2 , D. Sangla2 , F. Salin2 , J.
A. Makida, H. Igarashi, T. Fujiwara, and �T. Sekikawa; ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain; Didierjean4 , and P. Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan ICREA - Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avan- Fabry, Palaiseau, France; 2 Eolite systems, Pessac, France;
Ultrafast recovery of the valence electrons to the ground cats, Barcelona, Spain Institut de recherche XLIM, Limoges, France; 4 Fibercryst,
state in 1,3-butadiene with a time constant of 53 fs af- Mid-IR pulses with 3-cycle duration (32 fs) and 2 uJ en- Vileurbanne, France
ter photoexcitation was observed by time-resolved pho- ergy at 3.2 um wavelength and 160 kHz repetition rate We report on a narrow-linewidth pulsed laser source
toelectron spectroscopy using high harmonic pulses. were generated via nonlinear propagation of 7-cycle du- emitting over 3 W at 257 nm. An Yb:YAG single crystal
ration mid-IR pulses through Yttrium Aluminum garnet �ber power ampli�er is used to overcome the Brillouin
(YAG). limitation in glass �bers.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
9:00 – 10:30 9:00 – 10:30 9:00 – 10:15 9:00 – 10:30
CB-1: Quantum Cascade Lasers and Long CM-1: Laser Ablation CD-1: Pulsed mid-IR Sources CK-1: Photonic Crystals
Wavelength Emitters I Chair: Peter Kozansky, University of Southampton, Chair: �omas Schreiber, Frauhnhofer IOF, Jena, Ger- Chair: Kestutis Staliunas, Universitat Politecnica de
Chair: Martijn Heck, University of California, Santa Bar- Southampton, United Kingdom many Catalunya and ICRES, Terrassa, Spain
bara, CA, United States
CB-1.1 SUN 9:00 CM-1.1 SUN 9:00 CD-1.1 SUN (Invited) 9:00 CK-1.1 SUN 9:00
EC tuning of a two color QCL active region design in Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Nonlinear Optics with High Power Femtosecond Multifunctionnal self-collimating mesoscopic
the 3 to 4 �m region Copper-Chitosan Nanoantimicrobials by Mid-Infrared Laser Pulses photonic crystals
�S. Riedi, A. Bismuto, A. Hugi, M. Beck, and J. Faist; Femtosecond Laser-Ablation in Liquids �D. Kartashov1 , S. Ališauskas1 , A. Pugžlys1 , A. �A. Monmayrant1 , F. Lozes-Dupuy1 , O. Gauthier-Lafaye1 ,
Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, �A. Ancona1 , C. Palazzo3 , A. Trapani3 , T. Sibillano1 , F.P. Zheltikov2,3 , J. Kasparian4 , J.-P. Wolf4 , D. Faccio5 , and G. Magno2 , M. Grande2 , G. Calò2 , and V. Petrucelli2 ;
Switzerland Mezzapesa1 , R.A. Picca2 , M.C. Sportelli2 , E. Bonerba4 , A. Baltuška1 ; 1 Photonics Institute, Vienna University of 1
LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France; 2 Politecnico di Bari,
A broadband Quantum-Cascade-Laser in the 3 to 4 �m G. Tantillo4 , G. Trapani3 , and N. Cio�2 ; 1 CNR-Istituto Technology, Vienna, Austria; 2 Russian Quantum Center, Bari, Italy
region was tuned over 549 cm-1 using a grating-tuned di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie U.O.S. Bari, Bari, Italy; International Laser Center, Physics Department of M.V. �e new concept of curvature index is exploited to de-
external cavity set-up. �e junction-up mounted device Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Chimica, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; sign multifunctional self-collimating mesoscopic pho-
was HR and AR coated and operated in pulsed mode. Bari, Italy; 3 Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento 3
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M tonic crystals in all-positive index materials. High re�ec-
di Farmacia-Scienze del Farmaco, Bari, Italy; 4 Università University, College Station, United States; 4 Université de tivity and antire�ection are achieved by suitably tailoring
degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Genève, Genève, Switzerland; 5 Institute of Photonics and the structure parameters through simple design criteria.
Bari, Italy Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,
We report on the synthesis by fs-laser ablation in liq- United Kingdom
uids of novel copper-chitosan composite biodegradable We present review of experimental and numerical inves-
nano-antimicrobial material. �e hybrid nanocolloids tigations of interaction of high power mid-infrared fem-
were characterized by several techniques. Bioactivity tosecond laser radiation with gases and solids. High-
tests demonstrated their e�cacy against Gram-negative order nonlinear processes and new regimes of �lamen-
bacteria proliferation. tation in gases and solids are discussed.
CB-1.2 SUN 9:15 CM-1.2 SUN 9:15 CK-1.2 SUN 9:15
Mid-wave infrared (3-5um) AlInSb resonant-cavity Uni-directional liquid spreading realized by Silica Microbeams for Tunable Bragg Gratings
LEDs laser-based surface structuring �P. Cooper, C. Holmes, L. Carpenter, C. Sima, P. Mennea,
�L. Meriggi1 , M.J. Steer1,2 , M. Sorel1 , C.N. Ironside1 , I.G. �E. Fadeeva, J. Koch, and B.N. Chichkov; Laser Zentrum J. Gates, and P. Smith; Optoelectronics Research Centre,
�ayne1 , and C. MacGregor2 ; 1 University of Glasgow, Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany Southampton, United Kingdom
Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2 Quantum Device Solutions, Slanted microspikes have been fabricated by ultra-short A silica microbeam has been fabricated on a silicon sub-
Glasgow, United Kingdom pulse laser irradiation of solid targets, placed at di�er- strate. �e microbeam contains an integrated single-
We present a mid-wave infrared AlInSb resonant cavity ent angles to the incident laser beam. On the structured mode optical waveguide and Gaussian apodized Bragg
LED with a 5-pairs bottom Distributed Bragg Re�ector. surfaces liquid guidance in a one preferred direction is grating. �e Bragg grating is thermally tuned and dis-
Measured photoluminescence shows 2.5-fold emission demonstrated. plays a tuning of 45pm/mW.
enhancement at 4-4.5um and clear Fabry-Pérot modes,
validating the modelled cavity re�ectivity and dimen-
CB-1.3 SUN (Invited) 9:30 CM-1.3 SUN (Invited) 9:30 CD-1.2 SUN 9:30 CK-1.3 SUN 9:30
Recent progress on single-mode quantum cascade Film-free laser microprinting of complex materials Enhancement and shape control of weak molecular Fano interference between resonant and leaky waves
lasers A. Patrascioiu, J.M. Fernández-Pradas, J.L. Morenza, and absorption signal with chirped-pulse mid-IR lasers in 1D silicon photonic crystal microcavities
�B. Hinkov1 , P. Jouy1 , A. Hugi1 , A. Bismuto1,2 , M. �P. Serra; Departament de Física Aplicada i Òptica, Uni- �E. Sorokin1 , N. Tolstik2 , and I.T. Sorokina2 ; 1 TU, Wien, �K. Mehta, J. Orcutt, and R. Ram; Massachusetts Institute
Beck1 , S. Blaser2 , and J. Faist1 ; 1 Institute for Quantum versitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Austria; 2 NTNU, Trondheim, Austria of Technology, Cambridge, United States
Electronics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) �e mechanisms of ejection taking place during the �lm- �e weak molecular absorption signal is enhanced by 140 Interference between resonant and leaky second-order
Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland; 2 Alpes Lasers SA, Neuchâtel, free laser printing of liquids are investigated through times by power-tuning of a chirped-pulse mid-IR oscil- mode transmission through a high Q 1D silicon photonic
Switzerland time-resolved imaging; the acquired images reveal a lator spectrum edge. �e signal shape is continuously crystal microresonator, fabricated photolithographically
Recent progress on single-mode quantum cascade lasers complex jetting dynamics driven by a laser-generated tuned between dispersion-like and peak-like by propa- within a CMOS process, gives rise to strongly tunable lin-
is reviewed. Special emphasis is put on below-1W dis- cavitation bubble. gating in ZBLAN �ber. ear and nonlinear Fano interference.
sipation devices, monolithic master-oscillator power-
ampli�er geometries with peak power above 1W and
switchable twin distributed feedback grating sources.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
CF/IE-1.4 SUN 9:45 IF-1.3 SUN 9:45 CC-1.2 SUN 9:45 CA-1.4 SUN 9:45
Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in an Amino Acid Soliton Molecules: 4 Symbols for Quaternary Data Ultra-energetic THz pulses from a laser-driven Power Scaling of E�cient Diamond Raman Lasers
Measured by Attosecond Pulses Transmission particle accelerator with 1240 nm and 1485 nm Output
L. Belshaw1 , �F. Calegari2 , M. Du�y1 , A. Trabattoni2 , F. �P. Rohrmann, A. Hause, and F. Mitschke; Universität Ro- �A. Gopal1,2 , P. Singh1 , S. Herzer1 , A. Schmidt1 , A. �A. McKay, O. Kitzler, and R. Mildren; Macquarie Uni-
Frassetto3 , L. Poletto3 , M. Nisoli2 , and J. Greenwood1 ; stock, Institut für Physik, Rostock, Germany Reinhard1 , W. Ziegler1 , G. Paulus1,2 , U. Dillner3 , T. May3 , versity, Sydney, Australia
Centre for Plasma Physics, School of Maths and Physics, Fiber-optic solitons can form stable molecules in H.-G. Meyer3 , D. Broemmel4 , A. Karmakar4 , and P. We report an external cavity diamond Raman laser with
Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom; dispersion-managed �bers. First experimental observa- Gibbon4 ; 1 Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Jena, Ger- quantum conversion e�ciency approaching 65% and
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Physics, CNR-IFN, tions of a three-soliton molecule are reported. Using a many; 2 2 Helmholtz Institute Jena, Förbelsteig, Jena, Ger- output powers of 14.5 W. �is represents a substantial im-
Milano, Italy; 3 Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnolo- �exible pulse shaper existence regimes of these bound many; 3 3 Institute of Photonic Technologies,, Jena, Ger- provement in e�ciency compared to other high-average-
gies, CNR-IFN, Padova, Italy states are mapped out. many; 4 Institute of Advanced Simulation, Forschungszen- power crystalline Raman lasers.
We investigated the ultrafast charge-migration in the trum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
amino-acid phenylalanine. By measuring the yield of a We report the experimental realization of a GW class
doubly-charged ion vs. delay between a 1.5-fs XUV pulse T-ray source based on laser-driven particle accelerators.
and a 6-fs pulse, a 30-fs charge migration process was �e source has been characterized in detail. PIC sim-
measured. ulations have been carried out to identify the source of
CF/IE-1.5 SUN (Invited) 10:00 IF-1.4 SUN 10:00 CC-1.3 SUN 10:00 CA-1.5 SUN 10:00
Strong-�eld Photoemission of Electron Pulses from Unifying the Description of Fiber-Optic Frequency Multi-octave MV/cm pulses �lling the THz gap Megawatt peak power, 1 kHz, 266 nm sub nanosecond
Sharp Metallic Tips Conversion: From Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing to �C. Vicario1 , C. Ruchert1 , and C.P. Hauri1,2 ; 1 Paul Scher- laser source based on single-crystal �ber ampli�er
�C. Ropers; University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany Cherenkov Radiation rer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland; 2 Ecole Poly- �L. Deyra1 , I. Martial2 , F. Balembois1 , J. Diderjean2 , and
Localized photoemission from single metallic nanotips is �M. Erkintalo1 , Y. Xu1 , S.G. Murdoch1 , J.M. Dudley2 , technique Federale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzer- P. Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut Optique,
investigated with ultrashort pulses in a wavelength range and G. Genty3 ; 1 Department of Physics, University of land CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Palaiseau, France; 2 Fibercryst
between 0.8 and 8 micrometers. Kinetic energies of hun- Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 2 Institut FEMTO-ST, 1.5 MV/cm THz electric �elds are e�ciently generated SAS, Villeurbanne, France
dreds of eV and strong-�eld dynamics characteristic of CNRS UMR 6174, Universite de Franche-Comte, Besan- in organic crystals. �e multi-octave spectrum extends We report the realization of a MW peak power UV source
spatial localization are observed. con, France; 3 Optics Laboratory, Tampere University of over the full THz gap (0.1-10 THz). �e source initi- at 266 nmbased on the fourth harmonic generation with
Technology, Tampere, Finland ates coherent magnetization dynamics in thin ferroelec- LBO/BBO of a Nd:YAG passively Q:switched oscillator
We show theoretically and experimentally that cas- tric �lm. ampli�ed in a single-crystal �ber.
caded �ber-optic four-wave mixing can mimic a higher-
order nonlinear process and drive the ampli�cation of
a selected sideband. �is process provides a physi-
cal frequency-domain interpretation of soliton-induced
Cherenkov radiation.
IF-1.5 SUN 10:15 CC-1.4 SUN 10:15 CA-1.6 SUN 10:15
Optical signal enhancement in supercontinuum Ultrabroadband Infrared Pulse Ranging from Continuous-wave emission from a self-Raman vortex
generation Terahertz Region to Near Infrared Using Air for both laser
�L. Orsila1 , J. Sand2 , G. Genty2 , and G. Steinmeyer1,3 ; Generation and Detection �A. Lee1 , T. Omatsu2 , and H. Pask1 ; 1 Macquarie Univer-
Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of �E. Matsubara, M. Nagai, and M. Ashida; Osaka Univer- sity, Sydney, Australia; 2 Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Technology, Tampere, Finland; 2 Department of Physics, sity, Osaka, Japan We report the �rst demonstration of a diode end-
Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland; We generated ultrabroadband coherent infrared pulses pumped Nd:GdVO4 self-Raman laser which generates
Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeit- with 1-200 THz spectral range and detected their a �rst-order vortex mode at the �rst-Stokes wavelength
spektroskopie (MBI), Berlin, Germany electric-�eld pro�le in a range up to 150 THz using air (1173 nm).
�e noise ampli�cation capabilities of supercontinuum as media and sub-mJ 10-fs pulses as a light source.
generation are exploited to enhance a weak optical in-
tensity modulation by a factor of 30. �is mechanism
may enable retrieval of faint and otherwise undetectable
signals in ultrafast optics.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
CD-1.3 SUN 9:45 CK-1.4 SUN 9:45
Mid infrared supercontinuum generation in Experimental characterization of hydrogenated
nanotapered chalcogenide-silica step-index amorphous silicon photonic crystal waveguides
waveguides �L. Carletti1 , C. Grillet1 , R. Orobtchouk1 , T. Benyattou1 ,
�N. Granzow1 , M. Schmidt1,6 , W. Chang1 , L. Wang1 , Q. P. Rojo-Romeo1 , X. Letartre1 , J.-M. Fedeli2 , and C.
Coulombier2 , J. Troles3 , P. Toupin3 , I. Hartl4 , K. Lee4 , Monat1 ; 1 Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL),
M. Fermann4 , L. Wondraczek5 , and P. Russell1 ; 1 Max Lyon, France; 2 CEA-Leti, Grenoble, France
Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Ger- We report the linear characterization of photonic crys-
many; 2 University of Lille1, Lille, France; 3 University of tal waveguides realized in a CMOS compatible platform
Rennes I, Rennes, France; 4 IMRA America, Inc., Ann Ar- based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon. �is plat-
bor, United States; 5 Otto Schott Institute, Jena, Germany; form is highly promising for compact and low power all-
Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany optical signal processing on-chip.
We explore the use of a silica �ber with a sub-wavelength
chalcogenide glass core and an inversely tapered launch
”spike” for e�cient supercontinuum generation out to
the mid infrared.
CB-1.4 SUN 10:00 CM-1.4 SUN 10:00 CD-1.4 SUN 10:00 CK-1.5 SUN (Invited) 10:00
Towards Mid-Infrared On-Chip Sensing utilizing a Electrochemistry Assisted Laser Ablation in Liquid : Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in Ultra-Narrowband Nonlinear Wavelength Conversion
bi-functional Quantum Cascade Laser/Detector A General Strategy for Fabricating Polyoxometalate suspended-core Chalcogenide and Tellurite optical Using Coupled Photonic Crystal Nanocavities
�B. Schwarz1 , P. Reininger1 , O. Baumgartner2 , T. Nanostructures �bers �N. Matsuda1,2 , E. Kuramochi1,2 , H. Takesue1 , K.
Zederbauer1 , H. Detz1 , A.M. Andrews1 , W. Schrenk1 , �G.W. Yang, P. Liu, Y. Liang, H.B. Li, and J. Xiao; Sun I. Savelli1 , O. Mouawad1 , J. Fatome1 , �B. Kibler1 , C. Shimizu1 , Y. Tokura1 , and M. Notomi1,2 ; 1 NTT Basic Re-
H. Kosina2 , and G. Strasser1 ; 1 Institute for Solid State Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, People’s Republic Finot1 , F. Désévédavy1 , G. Gadret1 , J.-C. Jules1 , P.- search Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan; 2 NTT Nanophotonics
Electronics and Center for Micro- and Nanostructures, of (PRC) Y. Bony1 , H. Kawashima2 , W. Gao2 , T. Kohoutek2 , T. Center, Atsugi, Japan
Vienna, Austria; 2 Institute for Microelectronics, Vienna, We propose a general strategy for fabricating poly- Suzuki2 , Y. Ohishi2 , and F. Smektala1 ; 1 Laboratoire Inter- We demonstrate four-wave-mixing nonlinear wave-
Austria oxometalate nanostructures: electrochemistry assisted disciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon, France; 2 Toyota length conversion using multiple resonances of
We demonstrate the monolithic integration of a quantum laser ablation in liquid (ECLAL). �is is a green, simple, Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan resonantly-coupled 10 high-Q silicon photonic crystal
cascade laser and detector based on a bi-functional ac- and catalyst-free approach under the ambient environ- We report the experimental generation of mid- nanocavities. An idler optical �eld was successfully
tive region. With a detector signal of 191.5mV at room- ment. infrared supercontinuum in tellurite and chalcogenide generated with a conversion bandwidth as small as 500
temperature, we move a signi�cant step towards mid- suspended-core �bers pumped close to their zero- MHz.
infrared on-chip sensing. dispersion in femtosecond regime. �e resulting
supercontinua extend until 2.8�m in tellurite and 3.2�m
in chalcogenide �bers.
CB-1.5 SUN 10:15 CM-1.5 SUN 10:15
Wavelength Tuning and Polarisation Control with an Femtosecond Laser Pulse Absorption at the Surface of
Integrated Tunable Birefringent Filter for Quantum Dielectrics
Cascade Lasers �M. Lebugle, N. Sanner, R. Clady, D. Grojo, O. Utéza,
D. Dhirhe1 , T.J. Slight2 , B.M. Holmes1 , D.C. Hutchings1 , and M. Sentis; Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, LP3 UMR
and �C.N. Ironside1 ; 1 School of Engineering, University 7341, MARSEILLE, France
of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2 CST Global Ltd, We present experimental results concerning the energy
4 Stanley Boulevard, Hamilton International Technology balance of a 30 fs pulse of moderate intensity (10
Park, Blantyre, Glasgow, United Kingdom 2 to 1 focused on dielectrics. Absorption is
We discuss the design, modelling, fabrication and char- retrieved and linked with damage and ablation phenom-
acterization of integrated tunable birefringent for quan- ena.
tum cascade lasers. We describe how it can be employed
to tune the wavelength and polarisation state of a quan-
tum cascade laser.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30
CF/IE-2: CEP Control and Attosecond IF-2: New Approaches in Nonlinear Light CC-2: Terahertz Imaging and Sensing CA-2: Visible Lasers
Phenomena Propagation Chair: Kazuo Kadowaki, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Chair: Mauro Tonelli, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Chair: Günter Steinmeyer, MBI Berlin, Berlin Germany Chair: Christope Finot, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, Japan
CF/IE-2.1 SUN 11:00 IF-2.1 SUN 11:00 CC-2.1 SUN 11:00 CA-2.1 SUN 11:00
High spatio temporal quality, CEP controlled, Vortex Light Bullets in Fibre Arrays - Properties, Photoconductive terahertz microprobes for Tunable Intracavity Blue/Violet Light Generation in a
sub10fs frontend light source based on XPW Decay and Experimental Schemes high-resolution contact-free imaging of large-scale Cr:LiCAF+BiBO Solid-state External-cavity Laser
A. Ricci1,2 , �A. Jullien1 , J.-P. Rousseau1 , and R. Lopez- K. Prater1 , �F. Eilenberger1 , S. Minardi1 , U. Röpke2 , sheet conductivity distributions �H. Maestre, A.J. Torregrosa, and J. Capmany; Commu-
Martens1 ; 1 Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, Palaiseau, J. Kobelke2 , K. Schuster2 , H. Bartelt2 , S. Nolte1 , A. �M. Nagel1 , A. Sa�ei2 , C. Matheisen1 , S. Sawallich1 , T.M. nications Engineering Dept. Universidad Miguel Hernán-
France; 2 �ales Optronique SA, Elancourt, France Tünnermann1 , and T. Pertsch1 ; 1 Institute of Applied Pletzer2 , and H. Kurz1,2 ; 1 AMO GmbH, Aachen, Ger- dez, Elche, Alicante, Spain
300uJ, sub-10fs pulses with excellent spectro-temporal Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller- many; 2 Institute of Semiconductor Electronics, Aachen, In this communication we present a tunable source of
quality are produced by XPW �ltering. High-�delity Universität, Jena, Germany; 2 Institute of Photonic Tech- Germany blue/violet light based on intracavity second harmonic
of this injector is highlighted. Measured CEP dri� is nology, Jena, Germany A novel non-destructive contact-free measurement tool generation in a BiBO crystal inside a Cr:LiCAF laser
170mrad rms. Complex spatio-temporal dynamics of We present �rst results on the observation of discrete for sheet-conductivity imaging with up to 3 micrometre obtaining second harmonic tunability between 390-415
XPW pulse shortening XPW is investigated. Vortex Light Bullets, spatiotemporal, solitary waves with resolution is presented. Based on photoconductive THz nm.
stabilizing angular momentum. We present simulations near-�eld transmission probing it is especially attrac-
of their evolution behavior, discuss excitation and display tive for large-scale samples with inhomogeneous carrier-
�rst experimental �ndings. lifetime distributions.
CF/IE-2.2 SUN 11:15 IF-2.2 SUN 11:15 CC-2.2 SUN 11:15 CA-2.2 SUN 11:15
Towards CEP stabilized pulses from a KLM Yb:YAG Generalized Dispersive Wave Emission in Fiber Development and evaluation of high-sensitivity High power single-crystal �ber CW 946 nm laser and
thin-disk oscillator Optics terahertz camera blue generation based on Rubidium-doped PPKTP
�O. Pronin1 , M. Seidel2 , J. Brons2 , F. Lücking1 , I. Angelov2 , K. Webb, Y. Xu, M. Erkintalo, and �S. Murdoch; University �N. Nemoto1 , N. Kanda2,3 , K. Konishi3 , S. Kurashina4 , �L. Deyra1 , C. Liljestrand2 , J. Diderjean3 , C. Canalias2 ,
V. Kalashnikov3 , V. Pervak1 , A. Apolonski1,2 , T. Udem2 , of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand T. Sasaki4 , N. Oda4 , and M. Kuwata-Gonokami1,3 ; F. Laurell2 , F. Balembois1 , and P. Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire
and F. Krausz1,2 ; 1 Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Mu- We demonstrate, both numerically and experimentally, 1
Development of Physics, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Charles Fabry, Institut Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris-
nich, Garching, Germany; 2 Max-Planck-Institute of how a pump in the normal dispersion regime can emit Japan; 2 RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, Japan; Sud, Palaiseau, France; 2 Royal Institute of Technology,
Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany; 3 Vienna University a dispersive wave via the same mechanism that allows 3
Photon Science Center, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Roslagstullsbacken, Stockholm, Sweden; 3 Fibercryst SAS,
of Technology, Vienna, Austria standard dispersive wave emission from an anomalous Japan; 4 Guidance and Electro-Optics Division, Tokyo, Villerbanne, France
�e 45 W output from a KLM thin-disk laser is spectrally pump. Japan We present a 11.5W, CW and polarized 946 nm laser
broadened and compressed below 30 fs. �e �rst exper- We have developed THz camera consisting of uncooled based on Nd:YAG single-crystal �ber and its extracav-
iment on carrier-envelope phase stabilization of a thin- microbolometer focal plane arrays and evaluated sensi- ity second harmonic generation in periodically-poled,
disk laser is performed via control of the pump-diode- tivity of the new THz camera. Its sensitivity is three times rubidium-doped KTP (PPRKTP.We obtain 800mW of
current. larger than that of commercially available THz camera 473nm blue power.
called IRV-T0830.
CF/IE-2.3 SUN 11:30 IF-2.3 SUN 11:30 CC-2.3 SUN 11:30 CA-2.3 SUN 11:30
Broadband phase coherence between an ultrafast Nonparaxial Soliton Refraction at Optical Interfaces Detection of a 2.8 THz quantum cascade laser with a Anisotropic Absorption and Luminescence and
laser and an OPO using lock-to-zero CEO with χ (3) and χ (5) Susceptibilities semiconductor nanowire FET Quasi-CW Laser Operation of Eu3+:KGd(WO4)2
stabilization �J. Christian1 , E. McCoy1 , G. McDonald1 , J. Sanchez- �M. Ravaro1,2 , M. Locatelli1,2 , L. Viti3 , M.L. Pea3 , D. Monoclinic Crystal
�R. McCracken1 , J. Sun2 , C. Leburn1 , and D. Reid1 ; Curto2 , and P. Chamorro-Posada2 ; 1 University of Salford, Ercolani3 , L. Consolino1,2 , S. Bartalini1,2 , A. Tredicucci3 , �P. Loiko1 , V. Dashkevich2 , S. Bagaev3 , V. Orlovich2 , A.
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Manchester, United Kingdom; 2 Universidad de Valladolid, L. Sorba3 , M.S. Vitiello3 , and P. De Natale1,2 ; 1 INO, Isti- Yasukevich1 , K. Yumashev1 , N. Kuleshov1 , S. Vatnik3 , and
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, Valladolid, Spain tuto Nazionale di Ottica - CNR, Florence, Italy; 2 LENS, A. Pavlyuk4 ; 1 Center for Optical Materials and Technolo-
China, People’s Republic of (PRC) We give an overview of recent research results for the European Laboratory for NonLinear Spectroscopy, Sesto gies, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk,
�e carrier-envelope-o�set frequencies of the pump, sig- arbitrary-angle refraction of bright solitons. A new Fiorentino, Italy; 3 NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR and Belarus; 2 B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National
nal, idler and related sum-frequency mixing pulses have Snell’s law for cubic-quintic nonlinearity will be derived Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus; 3 Institute
been locked to 0 Hz in a 20-fs-Ti:sapphire-pumped opti- and tested, and predictions of giant Goos-Hänchen shi�s We report a THz system composed by an InAs nanowire of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk,
cal parametric oscillator, satisfying a critical prerequisite also presented. FET detector and a 2.8 THz bound-to continuum QCL. Russia; 4 A.V. Nikolaev Institute for Inorganic Chemistry,
for optical attosecond pulse synthesis. We demonstrate transmission imaging with high resolu- Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
tion and signal-to-noise ratio. Anisotropic absorption and luminescence of Eu3+-
doped potassium gadolinium tungstate crystal was in-
vestigated. Quasi-cw Eu:KGd(WO4)2 laser operating at
room temperature at the wavelength of 703nm (5D0-7F4
transition) was demonstrated for the �rst time.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
11:00 – 12:45 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30
CB-2: Quantum Cascade Lasers and Long CM-2: Future Applications of Laser CD-2: Nonlinear Wave Mixing Phenomena CK-2: Silicon Photonics
Wavelength Emitters II Chair: Boris Chichkov, Laser Zentrum, Hannover, Ger- Chair: Tamas Nagy, Leibniz University, Hannover and Chair: Peter Smith, University of Southampton,
Chair: Guido Giuliani, University di Pavia, Pavia, Italy many Laser-Laboratorium, Göttingen, Germany Southampton, United Kingdom

CB-2.1 SUN 11:00 CM-2.1 SUN (Tutorial) 11:00 CD-2.1 SUN 11:00 CK-2.1 SUN 11:00
Broadband tunable quantum cascade lasers for Resource E�ciency Improvements through Laser Four Wave Mixing e�ciency in hydrogenated Silicon micro-ring resonators with tunable Q-factor
external cavity Processing of Designer Materials amorphous silicon waveguides for ultra-low power parametric signal generation
�N. Akikusa1 , K. Fujita2 , T. Dougakiuchi2 , A. Ito1 , and T. �W. O’Neill; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United �C. Lacava1 , P. Minzioni1 , E. Baldini1 , J.M. Fedeli2 , �M.J. Strain1 , P. Orlandi2 , C. Lacava3 , F. Morichetti4 ,
Edamura2 ; 1 Hamamatsu Photonics Development Bureau, Kingdom and I. Cristiani1 ; 1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industri- A. Melloni4 , P. Bassi2 , I. Cristiani3 , and M. Sorel1 ;
Hamamatsu, Japan; 2 Hamamatsu Photoniocs Central Re- �is tutorial explores the laser technologies and pro- ale e dell’Informazione, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 1
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom;
2 2
search Labs, Hamamatsu, Japan cesses that can e�ect change in the resource e�ciencies of CEA-Leti Minatec Campus, Grenoble, France Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy; 3 Università di
A homogeneous broad gain bandwidth quantum cascade production operations. �ree basic visions are presented Four-Wave-Mixing e�ciency and conversion bandwidth Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4 Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
laser for external cavity is demonstrated. Spectrally ho- along with case studies to demonstrate their implemen- in hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides fabri- A compact micro-ring resonator incorporating a tun-
mogeneous gain of anticrossed dual-upper state (DAU) tation. cated by PECVD is reported. Measuring a large number able coupler section is presented for active control of the
design provide wide and stable wavelength tunability of samples, a reliable value of the nonlinear parameter device Q-factor. Four wave mixing signal generation is
with external cavity con�guration. γ=790 W-1m-1 was obtained demonstrated with sub-mW input powers.

CB-2.2 SUN 11:15 CD-2.2 SUN 11:15 CK-2.2 SUN 11:15

Distributed-Feedback Quantum Cascade Laser at 3.2 Phase-matched Cascaded of Nonlinear Bragg Mid-Infrared Di�erence-Frequency Generation in
�m Scattering Silicon Waveguides Strained by Silicon Nitride
�J.M. Wolf1 , A. Bismuto2 , M. Beck1 , and J. Faist1 ; Y. Xu1 , M. Erkintalo1 , G. Genty2 , and �S. Murdoch1 ; �F. Bianco1 , M. Cazzanelli1 , A. Yeremyan1 , M.
1 1
Institute for Quantum Electronics, Zurich, Switzerland; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Ghulinyan2 , G. Pucker2 , D. Modotto3 , S. Wabnitz3 , and
2 2
Alpes Lasers SA, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland L. Pavesi1 ; 1 University of Trento, Trento, Italy; 2 Bruno
We present single mode emission from Distributed- We demonstrate, both numerically and experimentally, Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy; 3 Università di Brescia,
Feedback QCL done via optical lithography ranging from how a nonlinear Bragg scattering cascade can mimic the Brescia, Italy
3.19 to 3.3�m with peak power of up to 120mW at -20 direct phasematching of a higher-order nonlinearity. �e We experimentally demonstrate and theoretically model

C. �reshold current densities of 4.8kA/cm2 were mea- cascade is shown to signi�cantly relax the phasematching mid-infrared di�erence-frequency generation in silicon
sured. requirements for nonlinear Bragg scattering. waveguides where a quadratic nonlinear response is in-
troduced through straining by a silicon nitride overlayer.

CB-2.3 SUN 11:30 CD-2.3 SUN 11:30 CK-2.3 SUN 11:30

Polarization Versatility of Surface Emitting Ring Continuous-wave optical modulation at the Ultrafast optical modulation using slow light
Cavity Quantum Cascade Lasers frequency of molecular motion photonic crystal waveguides
�C. Schwarzer, R. Szedlak, L. Burgstaller, A. Genner, T. �S.-i. Zaitsu1,2,3 and T. Imasaka1,3 ; 1 Department of Ap- �A. Opheij1 , N. Rotenberg1 , D.M. Beggs1 , I.H. Rey2 , T.F.
Zederbauer, H. Detz, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, and G. plied Chemistry, Graduated School of Engineering, Kyushu Krauss2 , and K. Kuipers1 ; 1 FOM Institute AMOLF, Am-
Strasser; Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Aus- University, Fukuoka, Japan; 2 PRESTO, Japan Science and sterdam, �e Netherlands; 2 University of St Andrews, St
tria Technology Agency, Saitama, Japan; 3 Division of Opto- Andrews, United Kingdom
We present our resent investigations on far �eld charac- electronics and Photonics, Center for Future Chemistry, By optically pumping a silicon photonic crystal waveg-
teristics of ring cavity quantum cascade lasers. Depend- Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan uide the bandstructure can be shi�ed in an ultrafast man-
ing on the device design, an azimuthally, radially or lin- We demonstrate highly e�cient generation of a ner. Using this phenomenon we demonstrate how a slow-
early polarized far �eld can be realized. continuous-wave sideband with a frequency spacing light photonic crystal waveguide can function as an ultra-
of over 10 THz. �is scheme is based on the phase- fast modulator.
matched interaction with gaseous molecules in a
dispersion-compensated high-�nesse optical cavity.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
CF/IE-2.4 SUN 11:45 IF-2.4 SUN 11:45 CC-2.4 SUN 11:45 CA-2.4 SUN 11:45
Optimizing phase matching of high-order harmonic Trapping of dispersive waves in solitonic resonators Radiation-Harvesting Resonant Superconducting Q-Switched and Mode-Locked 639-nm Pr:YLF Laser
radiation in the range up to 1 keV and its role in supercontinuum generation sub-THz Metamaterial Bolometer with Cr :YAG Saturable Absorber
�J. Seres1 , E. Seres1,2 , B. Landgraf1,2 , B. Ecker2,3 , B. �A. Yulin1 , R. Driben2,3 , B. Malomed2 , and D. Skryabin4 ; �V. Savinov1 , V.A. Fedotov1 , P.A.J. de Groot2 , and N.I. �R. Abe, J. Kojou, K. Masuda, K. Hirosawa, and F. Kan-
Aurand2,3 , T. Kühl2,3 , and C. Spielmann1,2 ; 1 Friedrich 1
Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional, Faculdade Zheludev1,3 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research Centre & Centre nari; Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineer-
Schiller University, Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtz Institute de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal; for Photonic Metamaterials, University of Southampton, ing, Keio University, 3-14-1, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yoko-
Jena, Jena, Germany; 3 GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy 2
Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineer- Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 School of Physics and hama, Japan
Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany ing, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 3 Department of Astronomy & Centre for Photonic Metamaterials, Uni- We demonstrated the �rst Q-switched mode-locking of
We present a detailed experimental study to predict Physics & CeOPP, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, versity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; Pr3+:YLF laser using a Cr4+:YAG saturable absorber at
guidelines for maximizing the short wavelength high- Germany; 4 Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials, 3
Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies, Nanyang 639 nm. �e highest Q-switched mode-lock laser power
order harmonic generation signal without perfect phase Department of Physics, University of Bath, Bath, United Technological University, Singapore, Singapore was 475 mW at an absorbed pump power of 4 W.
matching in helium in the 0.2-1 keV spectral range using Kingdom We demonstrate a sub-THz superconducting metamate-
800 nm light pulses. It is shown that dispersive waves can be trapped between rial bolometer with selective response that exploits inter-
optical solitons during supercontinuum generation. �e molecular electromagnetic interactions in the electrically
dispersive waves mediated inter-soliton interactions and interconnected network of superconducting resonators,
the modi�cation of the spectrum of the trapped waves and superconducting phase-transition edge sensitivity of
are studied in detail. the electrical interconnect.
CF/IE-2.5 SUN (Invited) 12:00 IF-2.5 SUN 12:00 CC-2.5 SUN 12:00 CA-2.5 SUN 12:00
Generation of Gigawatt-scale Isolated Attosecond Understanding the �ssion of higher-order solitons Super thin planar lens for terahertz beam control Novel Rare Earth Solid State Lasers with Emission
Pulses under the action of the higher-order dispersion. �Y. Zhang, J. Ye, D. Hu, X. Wang, S. Feng, and W. Sun; De- Wavelengths in the Visible Spectral Range
�E. Takahashi; RIKEN, Wako, Japan �R. Driben1,2 , B. Malomed1 , D. Skryabin3 , and A. Yulin4 ; partment of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing, �P.W. Metz1 , F. Moglia1 , F. Reichert1 , S. Müller1 , D.-T.
We successfully generated a microjoule isolated attosec- Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineer- China, People’s Republic of (PRC) Marzahl1 , N.-O. Hansen1 , C. Kränkel1,2 , and G. Huber1,2 ;
ond pulse (IAP) for investigating attosecond nonlinear ing, Tel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel; 2 Department of A new approach is proposed to fabricate terahertz ele- 1
Institute of Laser-Physics, Hamburg, Germany; 2 �e
phenomena in atoms and molecules. Our generation Physics & CeOPP, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, ments. A lens with 4mm focus length for 0.75THz is de- Hamburg Center For Ultrafast Imaging, Hamburg, Ger-
method paves the way of the applications of IAP for the Germany; 3 Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials, sign, fabricated, and experimentally demonstrated. �e many
next attosecond frontier. Department of Physics, University of Bath, Bath, United thickness of the lens is only 1/4000 of the illuminating We present a 2.9-W Pr3+ :LiYF4 cw-laser with a record
Kingdom; 4 4Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional, wavelength. optical-to-optical e�ciency of 71% and the �rst laser op-
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, eration of Sm3+ :LiLuF4 (606 nm, 649 nm), Dy3+ :LiLuF4
Portugal (578 nm, 661 nm), and Tb3+ :LaF3 (543 nm).
A mechanism of creating an optical Newton’s cradle in
the form of a chain of solitons is proposed for under-
standing �ssion of higher-order soliton in optical �bers
caused by higher-order dispersion.
IF-2.6 SUN 12:15 CC-2.6 SUN 12:15 CA-2.6 SUN 12:15
Long-range incoherent solitons THz-Comb-Assisted Molecular Spectroscopy Multi-Watt Diode-Pumped Alexandrite Laser
C. Michel1 , B. Kibler2 , �G. Xu2 , J. Garnier3 , and L. Consolino1 , �S. Bartalini1 , A. Taschin2 , P. Bartolini2 , Operation
A. Picozzi2 ; 1 Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere M.S. Vitiello1,3 , H. Beere4 , D. Ritchie4 , A. Tredicucci3 , P. �M. Damzen, G. �omas, and A. Minassian; Imperial Col-
Condensee, Nice, France; 2 Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Cancio Pastor1 , R. Torre2 , and P. De Natale1 ; 1 Istituto lege London, London, United Kingdom
Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon, France; 3 Laboratoire de Nazionale di Ottica - CNR, Firenze, Italy; 2 European We demonstrate the world’s �rst multi-Watt (6.4W)
Probabilites et Modeles Aleatoires, Paris, France Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, Sesto Fiorentino, diode-pumped Alexandrite laser operating with high
We show that a highly nonlocal or noninstantaneous Italy; 3 NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR, Pisa, Italy; pulse energy (23.4mJ) and high e�ciency, o�ering break-
nonlinear response prevents the natural process of ther- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J J through potential as a future remote sensing source or
malization of incoherent optical waves: �e �eld self- �omson Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom compact ultrafast ampli�er.
organizes into long-range incoherent solitons, which We report on the �rst measurements of the absolute fre-
constitute nonequilibrium stable states of the system. quency of a molecular transition in the THz domain, per-
formed by a CW THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) and
assisted by a THz Frequency Comb Synthetizer.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
CB-2.4 SUN 11:45 CD-2.4 SUN 11:45 CK-2.4 SUN 11:45
Quantum cascade laser spectrometer for frequency Filter-driven four wave mixing dual-mode Small-footprint Integrated Bragg Gratings in SOI
metrology and high accuracy molecular spectroscopy mode-locked laser based on an integrated nonlinear Spiral Waveguides
around 10 �m microring resonator �A.D. Simard1 , Y. Painchaud2 , and S. LaRochelle1 ;
S. Mejri, P.L.T. Sow, O. Lopez, S.K. Tokunaga, A. Gon- �M. Peccianti1 , A. Pasquazi2 , B.E. Little3 , S.T. Chu4 , 1
Centre d’optique, photonique et laser (COPL), Université
charov, B. Argence, B. Chanteau, C. Chardonnet, A. D.J. Moss5 , and R. Morandotti2 ; 1 Institute for Complex Laval, Québec, Canada; 2 TeraXion, Québec, Canada
Amy-Klein, �B. Darquié, and C. Daussy; Laboratoire de Systems-CNR, Rome, Italy; 2 INRS-EMT, Varennes, We fabricated 2-mm long Bragg gratings in SOI spiral
Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Canada; 3 In�nera Ltd, Sunnyvale, United States; waveguides without any spectral degradation by com-
Cité, CNRS, Villetaneuse, France Department of Physics and Materials Science, City pensating in the design the e�ective index variations
We are developing a ~10 �m quantum cascade laser University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; caused by the curvature. Devices had a small footprint
(QCL) based spectrometer suitable for precision molec- CUDOS and IPOS, School of Physics, University of of 200x190 um2.
ular spectroscopy. We have measured a record ~200-kHz Sydney, Sydney, Canada
free-running linewidth and phase-locked a QCL to an We demonstrate a mode-locked laser based on a nonlin-
ultra-narrow stabilized CO2 laser. ear microring resonator embedded in a �lter-driven four
wave mixing design capable of generating a 200GHz train
CB-2.5 SUN 12:00
of short pulses, auto-modulated with a monochromatic
Nonlinear dynamics and Modulation Properties of radiofrequency sub-carrier.
Optically Injected Quantum Cascade Lasers
�C. Wang1 , F. Grillot2 , V. Kovanis3 , and J. Even1 ; CM-2.2 SUN 12:00 CD-2.5 SUN 12:00 CK-2.5 SUN 12:00
Université Européenne de Bretagne, INSA, CNRS FO- Direct Laser Texturing of Biomimetic Surfaces for Modulational Instability Phase-matched by Integrated Four-Wave Mixing Source for Coherent
TON, Rennes, France; 2 Telecom Paristech, Ecole Na- Neural Tissue Engineering Higher-order Dispersion Terms in anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Based on Silicon
tionale Supérieure des Télécommunications, CNRS LTCI, �E. Stratakis1,2 , C. Simitzi1,2 , A. Ranella1 , P. Dispersion-oscillating Optical Fibers Nitride
Paris, France; 3 3ElectroScience Laboratory, Ohio State Eustathopoulos2 , I. Pediaditakis2 , I. Charalampopoulos2 , M. Droques1 , �A. Kudlinski1 , G. Bouwmans1 , G. �J. Epping1 , M. Kues2 , P. van der Slot1 , C. Lee1,3 , C.
University, Columbus, United States I. Athanasakis2 , A. Gravanis1,2 , and C. Fotakis1,2 ; Martinelli1 , A. Mussot1 , A. Armaroli2 , and F. Fallnich2 , and K. Boller1 ; 1 University of Twente, Enschede,
�e bifurcation scenarios and modulation properties of 1
Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation Biancalana2 ; 1
Laboratoire PhLAM UMR CNRS �e Netherlands; 2 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität,
injection-locked quantum cascade lasers are theoretically for Research & Technology Hellas (IESL-FORTH), 8523, IRCICA, Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Münster, Germany; 3 FOM Institute DIFFER, Niuwegein,
investigated. No frequency dip occurs in the modulation Heraklion, Greece; 2 University of Crete, Heraklion 714 France; 2 Max Planck Research Group ’Nonlinear Pho- �e Netherlands
response while both positive and negative detunings en- 09, Greece., Heraklion, Greece tonic Nanostructures’ Max Planck Institute for the Science We propose and theoretical investigate a light source for
hance the modulation bandwidth. We present the di�erential response of primary neuronal of Light, Erlangen, Germany CARS based on seeded four-wave mixing in silicon ni-
CB-2.6 SUN 12:15 cells on direct laser textured biomimetic micro/nano We experimentally demonstrate that higher-order dis- tride waveguides. A wide tuning range (1290-2750cm−1 )
Transverse-electric polarized intersubband structured surfaces for neural tissue engineering appli- persion phase-matching process also occurs in optical is expected via pumping at a wavelength of 1058nm.
electroluminescence from quantum cascade cations. �e role of surface energy to tune neuron cells �ber with oscillating dispersion and that it leads to the
structures based on InAs/AlInAs quantum dashes behaviour is emphasized. generation of new modulation instability frequencies.
�V. Liverini1 , L. Nevou1 , F. Castellano1,2 , A. Bismuto1 , M.
Beck1 , F. Gramm3 , and J. Faist1 ; 1 Institute for Quantum CM-2.3 SUN 12:15 CD-2.6 SUN 12:15 CK-2.6 SUN 12:15
Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2 CNR, Isti- Femtosecond laser structuring and plasma polishing Nonlinear beam shaping by non-collinear Low loss SiGe waveguides in the MID-IR
tuto Nanoscienze, Pisa, Italy; 3 Electron Microscopy ETH of AlN ceramics interactions �C. Grillet1,2 , P. Ma3 , B. Luther-Davies3 , D. Hudson2 , C.
Zurich (EMEZ), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland �K. Kurselis1 , T. Burgermeister2 , K. Pyka2 , J. Keller2 , H. �A. Shapira1 , I. Juwiler2 , and A. Arie1 ; 1 Tel Aviv Univer- Monat1 , S. Madden3 , D. Moss2 , M. Brun4 , P. Labeye4 , S.
We demonstrate room-temperature transverse-electric Partner2 , T. Mehlstäubler2 , R. Kiyan1 , C. Reinhardt1 , sity, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2 Sami Shamoon College of Engineer- Ortiz4 , and S. Nicoletti4 ; 1 Institut des Nanotechnolgies de
electroluminescence from a quantum cascade structure and B. Chichkov1 ; 1 Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Han- ing, Ashdod, Israel Lyon, Ecully, France; 2 Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth De-
based on InAs/AlInAs quantum dashes. �e 110meV nover, Germany; 2 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, A new method for one and two dimensional e�cient vices for Optical Systems, Sydney, Australia; 3 Centre for
electroluminescence originates from a laterally-con�ned Braunschweig, Germany beam shaping is presented, employing a non-collinear Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems, Can-
dash state, con�rmed by its dependence on crystallo- Novel two-stage technique to micromachine AlN ceram- quasi phase-matched interaction in a crystal whose berra, Australia; 4 CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France
graphic orientation and intersubband absorption mea- ics by femtosecond laser is demonstrated. Based on ab- quadratic nonlinear coe�cient is encoded by a computer We report low propagation loss in Si/SiGe waveguides
surements. lation and plasma polishing, it enables up to 400 cubic generated hologram pattern. in the mid-infrared with losses as low as 0.5 dB/cm at
micrometers per pulse removal rate and 350 nm Ra sur- wavelength 4.75 �m. SiGe represents a truly promising
CB-2.7 SUN 12:30
face roughness. CMOS-compatible integrated photonic platform for the
Robust, frequency-stable and accurate mid-IR laser mid-IR.
spectrometer based on frequency comb metrology of
quantum cascade lasers up-converted in
orientation-patterned GaAs
�S. Schiller1 , M. Hansen1 , I. Ernsting1 , S. Vasilyev1 , A.
Grisard2 , E. Lallier2 , and B. Gerard3 ; 1 Heinrich-Heine-
Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany; 2 �ales Research and

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013

ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b

14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00
CF/IE-3: Pulse Shaping and IF-3: Nonlinear Light Interactions CC-3: Terahertz Sources CA-3: Mid-IR-Lasers CL-1/ECBO: Biophotonics and
Characterization in Quantum Systems Chair: �omas Dekorsy, Konstanz University, Chair: Christian Kränkel, University of Ham- Applications I (Session jointly held
Chair: Eberhard Riedle, Ludwig-Maximili- Chair: Jens Biegert, ICFO, Castelldefels, Bar- Konstanz, Germany burg, Hamburg, Germany with ECBO)
ans Universität, Munich, Germany celona, Spain Chair: Kishan Dholakia, University of St. An-
drews, Fife, U.K. & Andreas H. Hielscher,
CF/IE-3.1 SUN 14:30 IF-3.1 SUN 14:30 CC-3.1 SUN (Invited) 14:30 CA-3.1 SUN (Invited) 14:30 Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Pulse Shaping in the Mid-Infrared by a Nonlinear magneto-optical e�ects and Room-temperature terahertz generation Mid-IR Solid-State Lasers for
Deformable Mirror quantum coherences in cold rubidium using vertical-external-cavity Spectroscopy and Metrology Applications CL-1/ECBO.1 SUN (Tutorial) 14:30
A. Cartella1 , �C. Manzoni2 , S. Bonora3 , M. atoms in an optical dipole trap surface-emitting lasers �G. Galzerano, N. Coluccelli, A. Gambetta, Photoacoustic Tomography:
Först1 , G. Cerullo2 , and A. Cavalleri1 ; 1 Max- �A. Wojciechowski, K. Sycz, A. Stabrawa, M. M. Wichmann1 , A. Chernikov1 , M.K. M. Cassinerio, and P. Laporta; Istituto di Fo- Ultrasonically Breaking through the
Planck Institute for the Structure and Dy- Piotrowski, J. Zachorowski, and W. Gawlik; Shakfa1 , M. Scheller2 , J.V. Moloney2 , S.W. tonica e Nanotecnologie - CNR and Diparti- Optical Di�usion and Di�raction Limits
namics of Matter, CFEL, University of Ham- Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Koch1 , and �M. Koch1 ; 1 Faculty of Physics mento di Fisica del Politecnico di Milano, Mi- �L.V. Wang; Washington University, Depart-
burg, Hamburg, Germany; 2 IFN-CNR, Di- Krakow, Poland and Material Sciences Center, Philipps- lan, Italy ment of Biomedical Engineering, St. Louis,
partimento di Fisica - Politecnico di Milano, We investigate nonlinear magneto-optical Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany; We report on the generation of wide band- MO, United States
Milan, Italy; 3 IFN-CNR, LUXOR, Padova, e�ects in cold atoms. Nonlinearity results 2
College of Optical Sciences, �e University width coherent radiation in the mid-infrared Photoacoustic tomography provides in vivo
Italy from creation of Zeeman coherences and of Arizona, Tucson, United States spectral region from 2.1 to 2.6 um based on multiscale functional, metabolic, molecular,
We present a pulse shaping scheme operat- thus can be controlled by magnetic �elds or, We present a terahertz source based on room-temperature Cr2+:ZnSe laser crystals. and histologic imaging across the scales of
ing in the mid-infrared range at wavelengths alternatively, used for high-precision mag- intracavity di�erence frequency generation organelles, cells, tissues, and organs with
up to 20 microns. �e spectral phase is netometry. within a dual color vertical-external-cavity consistent contrast. Penetration and resolu-
controlled by a suitably designed deformable surface-emitting laser. In addition, we study tion have reached 7 cm and 90 nm, respec-
mirror in a grating-based 4f-con�guration. the temporal stability of this source via tively.
streak-camera measurements.
CF/IE-3.2 SUN 14:45 IF-3.2 SUN 14:45
Characterization of sub-two-cycle pulses Transverse self-organization in cold
from a hollow-core �ber compressor in atoms due to opto-mechanical coupling
the spatiotemporal and spatio-spectral �G. Labeyrie1 , P. Gomes2 , E. Tesio2 , R.
domains Kaiser1 , W. Firth2 , G. Robb2 , G.-L. Oppo2 ,
B. Alonso1,2 , M. Miranda2 , F. Silva2 , and T. Ackemann2 ; 1 Institut Non Linéaire de
V. Pervak3,4 , J. Rauschenberger3 , J. San Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2 University of
Román1 , �Í. Sola1 , and H. Crespo2 ; 1 Grupo Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
de Investigación en Óptica Extrema (GIOE), We report the observation of transverse self-
Universidad de Salamanca, E-37008, organization in cold atoms under the ac-
Salamanca, Spain; IFIMUP-IN and tion of a single, retro-re�ected pump laser
Departamento de Física e Astronomia, beam. �e instability, resulting in hexagonal
Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo light and density patterns, is driven by opto-
Alegre 687, 4169-007, Porto, Portu- mechanical coupling.
gal; 3 UltraFast Innovations GmbH, Am
Coulombwall 1, 85748, Garching, Germany;
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Department für Physik, Am Coulombwall 1,
85748, Garching, Germany
We characterized the full spatiotemporal
and spatio-spectral amplitude and phase of

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
Technology, Palaiseau, France; 3 III-V Labs, Campus Poly-
technique, Palaiseau, France
We demonstrate a robust and simple method for mea-
surement, stabilization and tuning of the frequency of cw
mid-infrared lasers. We demonstrate 100kHz-level fre-
quency inaccuracy, frequency instability <10 kHz, con-
trolled frequency tuning and long-term stability


14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00
CJ-1: Fibres and Components CD-3: Nonlinear Optics in Photonic CK-3: Novel Materials and IH-1: Mapping Near Fields
Chair: Mathias Jäger, Institute of Photonic Crystal Fibers Structures Chair: Fritz Keilmann, Ludwig-
Technology, Jena, Germany Chair: Daniil Kartashov, Photonics Institute Chair: Tapio Niemi, Tampere University of Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Vienna, Vienna, Austria Technology, Tampere, Finland
CJ-1.1 SUN 14:30 CD-3.1 SUN 14:30 CK-3.1 SUN 14:30 IH-1.1 SUN 14:30
All-�ber Kilowatt Signal Combiners for E�cient spectral broadening of multi-mJ Experimental Demonstration of Photonic Mapping Nanoscale Optical Fields: a
High Power Fiber Lasers pulses in long hollow �bers Floquet Topological Insulators Magnetic Surprise
�A. Braglia, A. Califano, M. Olivero, A. T. Rohrlapper1 , P. Simon2 , U. Morgner1 , and �J.M. Zeuner1 , Y. Plotnik2 , M.C. Rechtsman2 , �B. le Feber1 , N. Rotenberg1 , D. Beggs1,2 , and
Penna, and G. Perrone; Politecnico di Torino, �T. Nagy1,2 ; 1 Institut für Quantenoptik, Leib- Y. Lumer2 , M. Segev2 , and A. Szameit1 ; K. Kuipers1 ; 1 FOM Institute AMOLF, Ams-
Department of Electronics and Telecommuni- niz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Ger- Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich- terdam, �e Netherlands; 2 Bristol University,
cations, Torino, Italy many; 2 Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen e.V., Schillier-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany; Bristol, United Kingdom
�e fabrication of multi-kilowatt �ber-fused Göttingen, Germany Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, We �nd that an aperture probe collects sig-
signal combiners for �ber laser power scal- Long stretched �exible hollow �bers were Haifa, Israel nal not only from the electric near-�eld, but
ing is presented. Characterization results up used for spectral broadening of multi-mJ We experimentally demonstrate the �rst also from the magnetic near-�eld. We show
to 2kW have validated the manufacturing femtosecond pulses. Spectra supporting photonic Floquet topological insulator, how we can identify both electric and mag-
procedure and highlight the suitability for 3.4fs pulses with excellent beam quality were which brings the striking concept of a netic contributions in our measurements.
further power increases. achieved at 65% transmission. �e scalabil- completely new phase of matter with an
ity of the approach will be discussed. insulating bulk and a conducting edge from
electronics to optics.

CJ-1.2 SUN 14:45 CD-3.2 SUN 14:45 CK-3.2 SUN 14:45 IH-1.2 SUN 14:45
Side Pumping Scheme for All-Fiber Broadband Cherenkov Radiation by Recon�gurable Metamaterials Controlled Near-�eld characterization of a plasmonic
Counter-Pumping of High Power Using Group-velocity-matching in by Lorentz, Ampere and Coulomb forces: antenna based on �uorescence
Single-Frequency Fiber Ampli�ers Index-guiding Photonic Crystal Fiber Towards GHz Bandwidth photocounts and decay rate
�T. �eeg1,2 , H. Sayinc1,2 , J. Neumann1,2 , L. �X. Zeng1,2 , S. Wang2 , H. Guo1 , and M. �J. Valente1 , E. Plum1 , J.-Y. Ou1 , and N. measurements
Overmeyer1,3 , and D. Kracht1,2 ; 1 Laser Zen- Bache1 ; 1 Technical University of Denmark, Zheludev1,2 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research Cen- �V. Krachmalnico�1 , D. Cao1 , A. Cazé1 , E.
trum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Shanghai Univer- tre, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 Centre Castanié1 , R. Pierrat1 , N. Bardou2 , S. Collin2 ,
Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space- sity, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of for Disruptive Photonic Technologies, Singa- R. Carminati1 , and Y. De Wilde1 ; 1 Institut
Time Research - QUEST, Hannover, Ger- (PRC) pore, Singapore Langevin, ESPCI ParisTech, CNRS, Paris,
many; 3 Institut für Transport- und Automa- We numerically investigate broadband opti- We demonstrate a family of nanostructured France; 2 Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanos-
tisierungstechnik, Hannover, Germany cal Cherenkov radiation in small-core solid recon�gurable metamaterials, optical prop- tructures (LPN-CNRS), Marcoussis, France
We focus on the impact of an all-�ber pump index-guiding photonic crystal �bers with erties of which can be modulated in the We report on the experimental and theoreti-
combiner on a counter-pumped single- three zero dispersion wavelengths. Group visible and near-IR parts of the spectrum cal study of the local density of states and in-
frequency Ytterbium �ber ampli�er with an velocity matching between the soliton and with external stimuli such as magnetic �elds, tensity �uctuations of the electro-magnetic
output power of 300 W. �e all-�ber system radiation enables broad conversion band- electric currents and voltages. �eld at the surface of a plasmonic nanoan-
is designed for very narrow linewidth ampli- width and enhances the e�ciency. tenna. �eory and experiments are in good
�cation. agreement.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
4.5-fs post-compressed pulses by combining
d-scan and STARFISH techniques, which
enabled studying the spatial chirp of the
post-compression in the temporal and spec-
tral domains.
CF/IE-3.3 SUN 15:00 IF-3.3 SUN (Invited) 15:00 CC-3.2 SUN 15:00 CA-3.2 SUN 15:00
Spatio-temporal metrology of high power Optical parametric oscillation with A continuous-wave, solid-state Stimulated High-Pulse-Energy Cryogenic Ho:YLF
femtosecond lasers distributed feedback in cold atoms Polariton THz Source Laser Pumped by a Tm:�ber Laser
�V. Gallet; Commissariat à l’énergie atomique �W. Guerin1,2 , A. Schilke1 , P. Courteille3 , �A. Lee and H. Pask; Macquarie University, �H. Fonnum, E. Lippert, and M. Haakestad;
et aux énergies alternatives, Saclay, France and C. Zimmermann1 ; 1 Physikalisches In- Sydney, Australia Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
We demonstrate three approaches for stitut, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, We present a diode end-pumped solid-state (FFI), Kjeller, Norway
the spatiotemporal characterization of Tübingen, Germany; 2 Institut Non Linéaire source which generates frequency-tunable A cryogenically cooled Ho:YLF oscillator
femtosecond lasers. Partial information de Nice, CNRS, Université de Nice Sophia- continuous-wave (CW) terahertz (THz) ra- delivering Q-switched pulses of 550 mJ and
is obtained through the spatially-resolved Antipolis, Valbonne, France; 3 Instituto de diation through stimulated polariton scat- beam quality M2 = 1.5 is demonstrated. �e
spectrum. We use interferometers based Fisica de São Carlos, Universidade de São tering (SPS) in a Mg-doped LiNbO3 crys- pump is a 100-W-Tm-�ber laser, giving a
on optical �bers, in scanning or single shot Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil tal with low pump power requirements (3.76 pulse energy to power e�ciency of 5.5 J/kW.
mode, for complete reconstruction. We report the observation of distributed W).
feedback lasing in an ordered cold atom
CC-3.3 SUN 15:15
sample. �e atoms simultaneously provides
gain via four-wave mixing and feedback via Counter-Propagating
Bragg re�ection. We discuss the properties Di�erence-Frequency Generation in
of this system. Diamond with Terahertz Fields
CF/IE-3.4 SUN 15:15 M. Clerici1,2 , L. Caspani1 , E. Rubino1,3 , M. CA-3.3 SUN 15:15
Complete Spatial Characterization of an Peccianti4 , M. Cassataro1,5 , A. Busacca5 , T. In-band Pumped Ho3+:KY3F10 2 �m
Optical Wavefront Using a Ozaki1 , D. Faccio2 , and �R. Morandotti1 ; Laser
Variable-Separation Pinhole Pair INRS-EMT, Varennes, Canada; 2 School of �M. Schellhorn1 , D. Parisi2 , S. Veronesi2 ,
�D. Lloyd, K. O’Kee�e, and S. Hooker; De- Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot- G. Bolognesi2 , M. Eichhorn1 , and M.
partment of Physics, University of Oxford, Watt University, Edinburgh, United King- Tonelli2 ; 1 French-German Research Institute,
Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, United King- dom; 3 Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tec- ISL, Saint-Louis, France; 2 NEST-Istituto
dom nologia, Università degli Studi dell’ Insubria, Nanoscienze-CNR, and Dipartimento di
We present a technique for the complete Como, Italy; 4 Institute for complex Systems- Fisica Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
characterization of the transverse spatial CNR, Roma, Italy; 5 DIEET, Università di A maximum laser power of 2.4 W was ob-
properties of an optical wavefront. Recovery Palermo, Palermo, Canada tained at a wavelength of ~ 2040 nm for 23
of the spectrally-resolved pro�les of phase, We show that both sum- and di�erence- W of absorbed pump power with a slope ef-
intensity, and spatial coherence is achieved frequency generation occur when overlap- �ciency of 21.6 % with respect to absorbed
in a single scan. ping an intense terahertz �eld with op- power.
tical pulses in diamond. Remarkably,
the di�erence-frequency generation pro-
cess is naturally phase-matched for counter-
propagating waves.
CF/IE-3.5 SUN 15:30 IF-3.4 SUN 15:30 CC-3.4 SUN (Invited) 15:30 CA-3.4 SUN 15:30 CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN (Invited) 15:30
Pulse measurement from near to mid-IR Demonstration of recon�gurable optical THz Emission from Intrinsic Josephson In-band diode pumped high power Improved Precision in Optical Tweezers
using third harmonic generation functions inspired by quantum e�ects Junctions in High-Tc Superconductors for Ho:YLF laser via Squeezed Light
dispersion scan in multilayer graphene �C. Ciret1,2 , V. Coda1,2 , A.A. Rangelov3 , and Imaging Applications �K. Scholle1 , S. Lamrini1 , F. Gatzemeier1 , �W. Bowen, M.A. Taylor, J. Janousek, V.R.
�F. Silva1,2 , M. Miranda1,3 , S. Teichmann2 , G. Montemezzani1,2 ; 1 Université de Lorraine, �K. Kadowaki1,2,3,4 , M. Tsujimoto2,3,4 , P. Koopmann2 , and P. Fuhrberg1 ; 1 LISA Daria, J. Knittel, B. Hage, and H. Bachor; �e
M. Baudisch2 , M. Massicotte2 , F. Koppens2 , LMOPS, Metz, France; 2 Supélec, LMOPS, K. Delfanazari2,3,4 , T. Kitamura2,3,4 , laser products OHG, Katlenburg, Germany; University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD,
J. Biegert2,4 , and H. Crespo1 ; 1 IFIMUP-IN Metz, France; 3 Department of physics, So�a K. Ishida2,3,4 , C. Watanabe2,3,4 , S.
Institute of Laser-Physics, University of Australia
and Departamento de Física e Astronomia, University, So�a, Bulgaria Sekimoto2,3,4 , H. Minami1,2,3,4 , and T. Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Squeezed light is used to improve the preci-
Porto, Portugal; 2 ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Properly designed photoinduced waveguide Kashiwagi1,2,3,4 ; 1 Faculty of Pure & Applied We present the �rst directly in-band pumped sion of particle tracking in living yeast cells.
Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain; 3 Department structures possess direct analogies with Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ho:YLF laser using a GaSb diode stack with �is �rst biological application of squeezed
of Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; quantum e�ects, which are useful for novel Japan; 2 Graduate School of Pure & Applied a center wavelength of 1930 nm as pump light allows the cytoplasm viscoelasticity to
ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Es- optical functions. �e analogy of three- Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, source. 8.7 W cw output power at room tem- be determined 64% faster than equivalent
tudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain waveguide systems with Electromagneti- Japan; 3 CREST-JST, Tokyo, Japan; 4 National perature were achieved. classical experiments.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013

CJ-1.3 SUN 15:00 CD-3.3 SUN 15:00 CK-3.3 SUN (Invited) 15:00 IH-1.3 SUN 15:00
514 W monolithic �ber laser with a Frequency-dissymmetric nonlinear Graphene, Plasmonic and Silicon Optical Single NV Centers in Nanodiamond as
femtosecond inscribed �ber Bragg grating sideband generation in a photonic crystal Modulators �ree Dimensional Scanning Lifetime
�R.G. Krämer1 , A. Liem2 , C. Voigtländer1 , �bre �V. Sorger; George Washington University, Probe
J.U. �omas1 , D. Richter1 , T. Schreiber2 , A. �M. Barbier1 , P. Leproux2 , P. Roy2 , and P. Washington, United States �A.W. Schell, P. Engel, and O. Benson;
Tünnermann1,2 , and S. Nolte1,2 ; 1 Institute of Delaye1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Insti- Here we present two demonstrations of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - AG
Applied Physics, Jena, Germany; 2 Fraunhofer tut d’Optique, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, electro-optic modulators (EOM)based on Nanooptik, Berlin, Germany
Institute of Applied Optics and Precision En- Palaiseau, France; 2 XLIM, Université de emerging materials, namely Graphene and A single NV center in nanodiamond as scan-
gineering, Jena, Germany Limoges, CNRS, Limoges, France Indium-Tin-Oxide(ITO). �ese devices fea- ning probe is used for 3D single photon life-
We report on a monolithic cw �ber laser We observe an unexpected frequency- ture high performance (ER=1dB/mm), low time microscopy. �e change in the LDOS in
realized via �ber Bragg grating inscribed dissymmetric sideband generation insertion loss (<1dB/mm) and broadband the vicinity of silver nanowires is measured
directly into the active core by ultrashort due to the combination of self-phase- operation (>300nm). with high resolution.
pulses with an output power of 514W in an modulation-induced spectral broadening
Yb-doped large mode area �ber. and spontaneous four-wave mixing in the
normal dispersion regime of a photonic
crystal �bre.
CJ-1.4 SUN 15:15 CD-3.4 SUN 15:15 IH-1.4 SUN 15:15
Evolution of lasing during Photoionization-induced Nonlinear Plasmonic scattering from single
FBG-inscription in a Yb-Al-doped laser Phenomena in Gas-�lled Photonic subwavelength holes: separating the
�ber Crystal Fibers electric and magnetic contributions
�J. Fiebrandt, M. Leich, S. Jetschke, M. Roth- �M. Saleh1 and F. Biancalana1,2 ; 1 Max �N. Rotenberg1 , B. le Feber1 , M. Spasenovic1 ,
hardt, M. Jäger, and H. Bartelt; Insitute of Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Er- T.L. Krijger1 , J.F. Garcia de Abajo2 , and K.
Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany langen, Germany; 2 School of Engineering Kuipers1 ; 1 FOM Institute AMOLF, Amster-
We report on the inscription of a �ber Bragg and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt Univer- dam, �e Netherlands; 2 IQFR-CSIC, Madrid,
grating in a Yb-Al-doped �ber under pump- sity, Edinburgh, United Kingdom Spain
ing conditions and on the spectral properties We have developed a model to describe pulse A series of near-�eld measurements are used
of a laser operating with such a grating. propagation in gas-�lled photonic crystal in conjunction with theoretical calculations
�bers. We have shown that the pho- to determine the electric and magnetic po-
toionization process can induce soliton self- larizabilities of single subwavelength holes in
frequency blue-shi�, asymmetric self-phase metal �lms. �e results explain plasmonic
modulation, and universal modulational in- scattering from these nanoscopic objects.

CJ-1.5 SUN 15:30 CD-3.5 SUN 15:30 CK-3.4 SUN 15:30 IH-1.5 SUN 15:30
Inverse laser drilling of transparent Impulsive Raman-induced spectral Dielectric particles can behave as dual A gold nanotip enhanced optical �bre
materials for the production of optical broadening in hydrogen-�lled HC-PCF metamaterials device for plasmonic near-�eld
components �F. Belli1 , A. Abdolvand1 , J.C. Travers1 , W. �X. Zambrana-Puyalto1,2 , X. Vidal1 , microscopy
�M. Werner, D. Esser, and H.-D. Ho�mann; Chang1 , A.M. Walser1 , and P.S.J. Russell1,2 ; M.L. Juan , and G. Molina-Terriza1,2 ;
�P. Uebel1 , S. Bauerschmidt1 , M. Schmidt3,1 ,
1 1
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Department of Physics&Astronomy, Mac- and P. Russell1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Institute
Aachen, Germany Erlangen, Germany; 2 Department of Physics, quarie University, 2109 NSW, Australia; for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Ger-
Investigations of laser driven 3D volume University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, ARC Center of Excellence for Engineered many; 2 Department of Physics, University
glass processing are presented. �e process Germany Quantum Systems, Macquarie University, of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany;
allows for high �exibility in geometry com- Strong and asymmetrical spectral broaden- 2109 NSW, Australia Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Ger-
pared to conventional Stack and Draw tech- ing is reported in hydrogen-�lled HC-PCF We unveil the role of cylindrical and dual- many
nique. A Photonic �ber preform has been excited impulsively with 40 fs pulses. Exper- ity symmetry to obtain metamaterials that We developed a device for detecting near-
manufactured. imental and numerical results con�rm that can ful�ll the zero forward or backscattering �elds using a plasmonic nanotip-enhanced

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
Graphene is highly attractive for nonlin- cally Induced Transparency and the Autler- Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba,
ear optics and laser applications due to its townes e�ect is demonstrated. Japan
strong, broadband nonlinearity. We employ A recent development of THz radiation
THG in graphene for few-cycle pulse char- from high temperature superconductor
acterisation using d-scan from the near- to Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d not only from the fun-
mid-IR. damental aspect of the radiation mechanism
but also from the aspects on the various
imaging applications will be shown.
CF/IE-3.6 SUN 15:45 IF-3.5 SUN 15:45 CA-3.5 SUN 15:45
�e coherent artifact in modern pulse Laser Light Condensation Phenomenon Power Scaling of �in-Disk Tm-Lasers
measurements G. Oren, A. Bekker, and �B. Fischer; Based on Tm:KLu(WO4)2/KLu(WO4)2
M. Rhodes1 , �G. Steinmeyer2 , J. Ratner1 , and Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Epitaxy
R. Trebino1 ; 1 Georgia Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel S. Vatnik1 , I. Vedin1 , M. Segura2 , �X.
Atlanta, United States; 2 Max-Born-Institut, We present a classical laser light condensa- Mateos2 , M.C. Pujol2 , M. Aguiló2 , F. Díaz2 ,
Berlin, Germany tion phenomenon based on weighting the V. Petrov3 , and U. Griebner3 ; 1 Institute of
Dynamically unstable pulse trains may give modes in a loss-gain scale rather than in Laser Physics, av Lavrentjeva 13/3,, Novosi-
rise to artifacts in modern pulse character- photon-energy, and discuss the problems to birsk, Russia; 2 Física i Cristallogra�a de
ization techniques similar to the coherence observe regular photon Bose-Einstein con- Materials i Nanomaterials (FiCMA-FiCNA),
spike in autocorrelation. �ese artifacts may densation in laser cavities. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV),, Tarrag-
lead to severe misinterpretation of FROG ona, Spain; 3 -Born-Institute for Nonlinear
and SPIDER measurements. Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, 2A
Max-Born-Street, D-12489, Berlin, Germany
We study the power scaling potential of
5% Tm-doped KLu(WO4)2 epitaxy in quasi-
CW regime for use in thin-disk lasers to sim-
plify drastically the pump geometry to a sim-
ple re�ection at the highly re�ecting epitax-
ial side.


16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00
CF/IE-4: High-energy Ultrafast Sources IF-4: Nonlinear Optical Interactions in CC-4: Terahertz Field Manipulation CA-4: Yb-Doped Lasers
Chair: Claus Ropers, Georg-August Universität, Göttin- Structured Materials Chair: Jérôme Faist, ETH - Institute for Quantum Elec- Chair: Andreas Voss, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Ger-
gen, Germany Chair: Andrzej Miniewicz, Wroclaw University of Tech- tronics, Zurich, Switzerland many
nology, Wroclaw, Poland
CF/IE-4.1 SUN 16:30 IF-4.1 SUN (Keynote) 16:30 CC-4.1 SUN 16:30 CA-4.1 SUN (Invited) 16:30
Compact gigawatt-class sub-picosecond Yb:YAG Optical data storage with di�raction-unlimited Nonlinear Intersubband Dynamics in Quantum Wells Solid State Optical Crycoolers: Developments and
thin-disk regenerative chirped-pulse ampli�er with resolution Driven by Intense Few-Cycle Terahertz Pulses Prospective
high average power at up to 800 kHz �M. Gu; Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, �D. Dietze, J. Darmo, and K. Unterrainer; Photonics Insti- �M. Sheik-Bahae1 , S. Melgaard1 , M. Ghasemkhani1 , A.
�R. Fleischhaker, R. Gebs, A. Budnicki, M. Wolf, J. Klein- Australia tute, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Albrecht1 , R. Epstein1 , and D. Seletskiy1,2 ; 1 University of
bauer, and D. Sutter; TRUMPF Laser GmbH + Co. KG, We show our recent progress on optical data storage We demonstrate the direct observation of non- New Mexico, Albuquerque, United States; 2 University of
Schramberg, Germany with superresolution optics of lamda/24 and lamda/26 equilibrium intersubband dynamics in quantum wells Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
We present sub-picosecond pulses obtained from a in newly designed photopolymerisation and photoreduc- induced by intense terahertz pulses and further discuss Recent progress in laser cooling of solids has led to
single-disk regenerative ampli�er based on an industrial tion materials, respectively. coherent electron population transfer, THz induced the �rst demonstration of an all-solid-state cryocooler.
laser system (0.6 m2 footprint). We use chirped-pulse undressing of intersubband plasmons, and the THz Cooling to 115K from room temperature and heat li�s of
ampli�cation with a very compact single-pass grating Stark e�ect. 100 mW has been achieved in high purity 10% Yb:YLF
compressor at up to 160 W average power. crystals.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
the non-instantaneous Raman response of condition. Excitation with vortex beams is �bre. �e device is fabricated without using
the gas plays a key role. essential to achieve it. any sophisticated nanostructuring equip-
ment and can be connected to standard opti-
cal devices such as spectrometers or analyz-

CJ-1.6 SUN 15:45 CD-3.6 SUN 15:45 CK-3.5 SUN 15:45 IH-1.6 SUN 15:45
Fundamental Gaussian mode content Nonlinear optics in hollow core PCF �lled Mode Symmetries Required for Creating Biomedical imaging by infrared
measurements on active large core CCC with gaseous and supercritical xenon Photonic Dirac Cones in the nanoscopy (nano-FTIR)
�bers �M. Azhar1 , N. Joly2,1 , J. Travers1 , F. Tani1 , Brillouin-Zone Center �S. Amarie1 , A. Cernescu2 , T. Geith3 , S.
�M. Karow1,2 , C. Zhu3 , D. Kracht1,2 , J. and P. Russell1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for �K. Sakoda; National Institute for Materials Milz4 , F. Bamberg4 , and F. Keilmann2 ;
Neumann1,2 , A. Galvanauskas3 , and P. the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany; Science, Tsukuba, Japan 1
Neaspec GmbH, Martinsried, Germany;
Weßels1,2 ; 1 Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., 2
Dept. of Physics, Friedrich-Alexander Uni- �e mode-symmetry requirement for creat- 2
Ludwig-Maximilians-University München
Hannover, Germany; 2 Centre for Quantum- versitat, Erlangen, Germany ing photonic Dirac cones in the Brillouin- and Center for NanoScience, Munich,
Engineering and Space-Time Research - Kagomé-style hollow-core photonic crystal zone center by accidental degeneracy is ex- Germany; 3 Department of Clinical Ra-
QUEST, Hannover, Germany; 3 Department �ber �lled with high pressure gaseous or su- amined by a degenerate perturbation theory diology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University,
of Electrical Engineering and Computer percritical Xe o�ers a nonlinearity compa- newly developed for the vector electromag- Großhadern Campus, Munich, Germany;
Science, Ann Arbor, United States rable to that of fused silica, together with netic �eld of periodic structures. Anatomische Anstalt, Ludwig-Maximilians-
�e overlap of single-frequency laser beams, pressure-tunable dispersion. Spectral broad- University, Munich, Germany
ampli�ed in active chirally coupled core ening and intermodal four-wave mixing are We recently applied the principles of FTIR
�bers, with the TEM00-mode is investigated reported. to scattering-type Scanning Near-�eld Op-
using a non-confocal scanning ring cavity. tical Microscopy (s-SNOM). Results on hu-
Up to 186W TEM00-mode power were ex- man bone sections show detail at a resolu-
tracted. tion of 20 nm (i.e. two orders of magnitude
improved resolution).

ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21

16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00
CL-2/ECBO: Biophotonics and Applications II CJ-2: Mode-locked Fiber Lasers CD-4: Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy CK-4: Micro-nanostructured Optical Fibers
(Session jointly held with ECBO) Chair: Ammar Hideur, CNRS-UMR, Rouen, France Chair: Gregor Knopp, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Chair: Stefano Pelli, CNR-IFAC "Nello Carrara”, Sesto
Chair: Kishan Dholakia, University of St. Andrews, Fife, Switzerland Fiorentino, Italy
U.K. & Jürgen Popp, University of Jena, Germany
CK-4.1 SUN 16:30
CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN (Invited) 16:30 CJ-2.1 SUN 16:30 CD-4.1 SUN 16:30 �eory of optical activity in twisted photonic crystal
Noninvasive Fluorescence Imaging through Strongly Passively mode-locked laser based on an ultra-large Using a single-beam-CARS setup for the full �bers
Scattering Layers dispersion Yb-doped �ber characterization of the third-order susceptibility and �T. Weiss1 , X. Xi1 , G. Wong1 , F. Biancalana1,2 , S. Barnett3 ,
�J. Bertolotti1,2 , E. van Putten1 , C. Blum3 , A. Lagendijk1,4 , �A. Hideur1 , C. Lecaplain1 , H. Wang1 , S. Février2 , and K. elimination of strong two-photon excited �uorescence M. Padgett4 , and P. Russell1,5 ; 1 Max Planck Institute
W. Vos1 , and A. Mosk1 ; 1 Complex Photonic Systems Qian1 ; 1 CORIA UMR CNRS 6614, Rouen, France; 2 Xlim �A. Wip�er, J. Rehbinder, T. Buckup, and M. Motzkus; for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 School
(COPS), MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Univer- UMR 6172 CNRS, Limoges, France Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls- of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt Uni-
sity of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; 2 University We report on the �rst realization of a passively mode- Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany versity, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 3 Department of
of Florence, Dipartimento di Fisica, Florence, Italy; locked oscillator featuring a resonant dispersion Yb- We present an approach to characterize the third-order Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United King-
Nanobiophysics, MESA + Institute for Nanotechnology, doped Bragg �ber. �e laser delivers 950 mW average susceptibility of molecules using shaped femtosecond dom; 4 Department of Physics, University of Glasgow, Glas-
University of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; 4 FOM power at a repetition rate of 34 MHz which corresponds laser pulses. Beyond that a slight modi�cation of our gow, United Kingdom; 5 Department of Physics, University
Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF), to more than 27 nJ energy. scheme allows for the elimination of strong two-photon of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Amsterdam, �e Netherlands excited �uorescence in CARS measurements. Using a perturbative approach and symmetry, a theoret-
We retrieve the image of a small �uorescent object hid- ical model is developed to model optical activity in con-
den behind an opaque screen without any need to access tinuously twisted photonic crystal �bers. �e results are
the back nor any a-priori knowledge about either the ob- in excellent agreement with both numerical calculations
ject or the screen itself. and experimental measurements.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
CF/IE-4.2 SUN 16:45 CC-4.2 SUN 16:45
1 mJ, 380 fs ultrashort pulses from an Yb:YAG single �e Terahertz Polarization Pulse Shaping
crystal �ber power ampli�er M. Sato1,2 , �T. Higuchi2,3,4 , N. Kanda2,3,5,6 , K. Konishi2,6 ,
�X. Délen1 , Y. Zaouter2 , I. Martial3 , N. Aubry3 , J. K. Yoshioka2,4 , T. Suzuki1,2,7 , K. Misawa1,2,7 , and
Didierjean3 , C. Hönninger2 , E. Mottay2 , F. Balembois1 , M. Kuwata-Gonokami2,3,4,6 ; 1 Department of Applied
and P. Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Palaiseau, Physics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
France; 2 Amplitude Systemes, Pessac, France; 3 Fibercryst, Tokyo, Japan; 2 CREST, Japan Science and Technology
Villeurbanne, France Agency, Tokyo, Japan; 3 Department of Applied Physics,
We demonstrate the ampli�cation of femtosecond pulses �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 4 Department of
in Yb:YAG single crystal �ber pumped by a 75 W high Physics, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 5 Extreme
brightness diode. 1 mJ, 380 fs pulses were obtained at 10 Photonics Research Group, RIKEN Advanced Science In-
kHz with an excellent beam quality. stitute, Tokyo, Japan; 6 Photon Science Center, �e Uni-
versity of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 7 Interdisciplinary Reserch
Unit in Photon-nano Science, Tokyo University of Agricul-
CF/IE-4.3 SUN 17:00 ture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan CA-4.2 SUN 17:00
Flexible 500W Innoslab laser system with pulse We proposed and demonstrated terahertz polarization First laser operation from diode-pumped highly
durations from 0.5ps to 7.5ps and 300�J pulse energy pulse shaping by tailoring the incident laser pulse for the doped Yb:Gd2O3 and Yb:Y2O3 crystals grown by
�T. Mans, J. Dolkemeyer, and C. Schnitzler; Amphos desired terahertz waveform through optical recti�cation �ux method
GmbH, Aachen, Germany in a nonlinear optical crystal along its threefold axis. �F. Druon1 , M. Velazquez2 , P. Veber2 , S. Janicot1 , O.
We present a 500W average power ultrafast laser system Viraphong2 , G. Buse2 , M. Abdou Ahmed3 , T. Graf3 , D.
with fs and ps pulse durations with full integration of all CC-4.3 SUN 17:00 Rytz4 , and P. Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Insti-
components necessary for remote operation integrated in E�ective Surface Conductivity Approach for tut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France; 2 Institut de Chimie de la
a sealed-o� housing. Graphene Metamaterials Based Terahertz Devices Matière Condensée de Bordeaux, Pessac, France; 3 Institut
�A. Andryieuski1 , F. Pizzocchero2 , T. Booth2 , P. Bøggild2 , für Strahlwerkzeuge, Stuttgart, Germany; 4 gmbh, Idar-
and A. Lavrinenko1 ; 1 DTU Fotonik, Technical University Oberstein, Germany
of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; 2 DTU Nanotech, We present, the �rst laser experiments ever demonstrated
Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Den- with Yb:Gd2O3 and with Yb:Y2O3 crystals grown by
mark new �ux method. �ese highly doped crystals are diode
We propose a description of graphene metamaterials pumped in the watt range with very good e�ciency.
properties through the e�ective surface conductivity. On
the example of tunable absorber we demonstrate that this
CF/IE-4.4 SUN 17:15 IF-4.2 SUN 17:15 CA-4.3 SUN 17:15
approach allows for fast and e�cient design of functional
High-energy Mid-infrared Cr:ZnS Chirped-pulse Nonlinear Cerenkov radiation from a single terahertz devices. High power Yb:CALGO multi-crystal oscillator
Oscillator ferroelectric domain wall �A.-L. Calendron1 , M. Lederer2 , H. Cankaya1 , and F.X.
�N. Tolstik1 , E. Sorokin2 , and I. Sorokina1 ; 1 Department �Y. Sheng1 , V. Roppo2 , K. Kalinowski1 , and W. CC-4.4 SUN 17:15 Kaertner1,3,4 ; 1 Center for Free-Electron Laser Science,
of Physics, �e Norwegian University of Science and Tech- Krolikowski1 ; 1 Australian National University, Can- Terahertz antire�ection properties of sub-wavelength Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Ger-
nology, Trondheim, Norway; 2 Photonics institute, TU berra, Australia; 2 Laboratoire de Photonique et de metallic double wire grid structures many; 2 European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany; 3 Physics
Wien - Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Nanostructures CNRS UPR 20, Marcoussis, France �V. Paeder, J. Darmo, and K. Unterrainer; Vienna Univer- Department and Hamburg Center of Ultrafast Imaging,
Mid-IR Cr:ZnS chirped-pulse oscillator with 8.5 nJ pulse We report on the observation of Cerenkov-type second- sity of Technology, Vienna, Austria University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 4 Dept. of
energy was demonstrated. �e laser output power harmonic generation in the vicinity of the ferroelectric �e potential of metallic double wire grid structures as EECS and Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, Cam-
reached 0.88 W at 2.35 um wavelength. �is is the high- domain wall. We discuss the physics origin of this e�ect anti-re�ection coatings for the terahertz frequency range bridge, United States
est chirped pulse energy directly from the oscillator in and demonstrate its application in three-dimensional vi- is theoretically and experimentally demonstrated. Us- We report on nearly 23W continuous wave output power
mid-IR sualization of ferroelectric-domain structures. ing a semi-analytical model, structures with nearly 100% out of 88W absorbed pump power from a dual-crystal
transmission for GaAs and cyclo-ole�n copolymer sub- Yb:CaAlGdO4 laser resonator, with a good beam quality.
strates are reached.
CF/IE-4.5 SUN 17:30 IF-4.3 SUN 17:30 CC-4.5 SUN 17:30 CA-4.4 SUN 17:30
Dual-Beam Ultra High Temporal Contrast Ti:Sa Discharge Mechanism and �reshold in Second Directionality Control of the THz Radiation from High power ampli�cation in Yb:YAG single crystal
Laser System Based on a Double CPA Technique Harmonic Generation by Periodically Poled LiTaO3 Two Filaments �bers
�M. Kalashnikov, L. Ehrentraut, G. Priebe, M. Schnürer, �O. Louchev1 , H. Hatano2 , S. Wada1 , and K. Kitamura2 ; �S. Mitryukovskiy, Y. Liu, A. Houard, B. Prade, and �S. Piehler1 , X. Delen2 , N. Aubry3 , J. Didierjean3 , T.
H. Schönnagel, S. Steinke, and W. Sandner; Max-Born- RIKEN, Wako, Japan; 2 NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan A. Mysyrowicz; Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, EN- Graf1 , M. Abdou Ahmed1 , F. Balembois2 , and P. Georges2 ;
Institut, Berlin, Germany Combined theoretical and experimental study of the STA/CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Institute für Strahlwerkzeuge, University of Stuttgart,
A dual-beam Ti:sapphire laser system with a front end damage threshold for high-repetition pulsed second har- We demonstrate that it is possible to control the direc- Stuttgart, Germany; 2 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut
that implements XPW temporal �ltering runs at 10Hz monic generation by periodically poled LiTaO3 is done tionality of the Terahertz radiation emitted by two adja- d’Optique, Paris, France; 3 Fibercryst SAS, Lyon, France

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
CJ-2.2 SUN 16:45 CD-4.2 SUN 16:45 CK-4.2 SUN 16:45
Ultra-high repetition-rate-selectable passive Cross-polarized Femtosecond Stimulated Raman An azimuthally polarized light source for the optical
harmonic mode locking of a �ber laser Scattering Spectroscopy near �eld
�C. Lecaplain and P. Grelu; Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire �S. Dobner1 , P. Groß2 , and C. Fallnich1 ; 1 Institut für Ange- �D. Ploss1 , A. Kriesch1 , H. Pfeifer1 , P. Banzer2 , and U.
Carnot de Bourgogne, U.M.R. 6303 C.N.R.S., Dijon wandte Physik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Mün- Peschel1 ; 1 Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics,
Cedex, France ster, Germany; 2 Institut für Physik, Carl von Ossietzky University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany;
We demonstrate a passive harmonically mode-locked Universität, Oldenburg, Germany Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen,
erbium-doped �ber laser that operates stably at selectable We present cross-polarized femtosecond stimulated Ra- Germany
harmonics spanning from the 209th to the 920th, which man scattering (xFSRS), a method to measure the spec- We introduce a novel method to create a predominantly
corresponds to repetition rates ranging from 5 to 22 GHz. tral Raman intensity and phase over a broad spectral azimuthally polarized mode for nanoscale probing in the
range, potentially in a single shot. near �eld. �e polarization is generated inside a modi�ed
NSOM tip, whose aperture acts as e�cient modal �lter.

CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN 17:00 CJ-2.3 SUN (Invited) 17:00 CD-4.3 SUN 17:00 CK-4.3 SUN 17:00
Holographic approach for optical poration and Investigations on Positively Chirped Pulses in a Balanced-detection Raman Induced Kerr E�ect Transverse Excitation of Plasmonic Slot
trapping of developing embryos �ulium-doped Fiber Laser Microscopy Nano-Resonators Embedded in Gold-Coated
�M.L. Torres-Mapa1 , M. Antkowiak2,3 , H. Cizmarova1 , �F. Haxsen1,2 , D. Wandt1,2 , U. Morgner1,2,3 , J. V. Kumar, E. Molotokaite, C. Manzoni, �D. Polli, G. Micro�ber Tips
D. Ferrier2 , K. Dholakia1 , and F. Gunn-Moore2,3 ; 1 SUPA, Neumann1,2 , and D. Kracht1,2 ; 1 Laser Zentrum Han- Cerullo, and M. Marangoni; Politecnico di Milano, Milan, �M. Ding, M. Zervas, and G. Brambilla; Optoelectronics
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St An- nover e.V., Hannover, Germany; 2 Centre for Quantum Italy Research Centre, University of Southampton, Southamp-
drews, Fife, United Kingdom; 2 School of Biology, Univer- Engineering and Space-Time Research - QUEST, Han- We demonstrate a novel coherent Raman imaging tech- ton, United Kingdom
sity of St Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom; 3 SULSA, Fife, nover, Germany; 3 Institut für Quantenoptik, Leibniz nique which is background-free, scales linearly with con- A plasmonic slot rectangular nano-resonator embedded
United Kingdom Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany centration, is absent of non-resonant background and ac- in metal-coated optical micro�ber tip is theoretically and
We demonstrate a holographic approach using a We present investigations on positively chirped pulse op- cesses both real and imaginary parts of the non-linear re- experimentally demonstrated for the �rst time, which
Ti:Sapphire laser and spatial light modulator for optical eration of a hybridly mode-locked thulium-doped �ber sponse, enabling vibrational phase imaging. shows strong localization in three dimensions and strong
injection and trapping of developing embryos. Our laser. �e experimentally observed results could be re- enhancement factor (7.24x103)
results show that optical tools maybe useful for embryo produced well and provided deeper insight into the pulse
manipulation. evolution.

CL-2/ECBO.3 SUN 17:15 CD-4.4 SUN 17:15 CK-4.4 SUN 17:15

Microparticle manipulation using modal Scanless two-photon microscopy with a 30 fs laser by Microsphere resonator integrated inside a
superpositions in air-�lled hollow-core photonic means of a di�ractive dispersion compensation microstructured optical �ber
crystal �ber module �K. Kosma1 , G. Zito1 , K. Schuster2 , and S. Pissadakis1 ;
�O.A. Schmidt, X. Jiang, F. Babic, T.G. Euser, and P.S.J. J. Pérez-Vizcaíno1 , O. Mendoza-Yero1 , G. Mínguez- 1
Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas
Russell; Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Er- Vega1 , R. Martínez-Cuenca1 , �P. Andrés2 , and J. Lancis1 ; (FORTH), Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser
langen, Germany GROC-UJI, Institut de Noves Tecnologies de la Imatge, (IESL), Heraklion, Greece; 2 Institute of Photonic
Coherent superpositions of the two lowest order modes Castellón de la Plana, Spain; 2 Universitat de València, Va- Technology Jena, Jena, Germany
of a so� glass photonic crystal �ber are used to control the lencia, Spain An integrated in-�ber microresonator coupler is pre-
axial and radial position of dielectric particles optically We demonstrate real-time e�cient generation of wide- sented, consisting of a dielectric microsphere encapsu-
trapped inside the air-�lled hollow core. �eld �uorescence signals in scanless two-photon mi- lated inside the capillary of a Microstructured Optical
croscopy with a 30 fs laser pulse by exploiting di�ractive Fiber. Whispering-Gallery Modes of this microcavity
optical elements encoded into a spatial light modulator are demonstrated and studied for di�erent excitation
and a three-lens dispersion-compensated module. schemes.
CL-2/ECBO.4 SUN (Invited) 17:30 CJ-2.4 SUN 17:30 CD-4.5 SUN (Invited) 17:30 CK-4.5 SUN 17:30
Combination of Optical Micromanipulation with Study of a high power self mode locked ytterbium Label free nonlinear imaging in microscopy and SUSY �bers for integrated optical angular
Raman Spectroscopy for Cell Sorting rod-type �ber laser with tunable pulse duration endoscopy momentum multiplexing
�C. Kra�1 , S. Dochow1 , and J. Popp1,2 ; 1 Institute of Pho- P. Deslandes1,2 , �M. Perrin2 , J. Saby1 , D. Sangla1 , F. �H. Rigneault; Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Uni- �M.-A. Miri1 , M. Heinrich1 , R. El-Ganainy2 , and D.N.
tonic Technology, Jena, Germany; 2 Institute of Physical Salin1 , and E. Freysz2 ; 1 Eolite Systems, Pessac, France; versity, Ecole Centrale Marseille, Marseille, France Christodoulides1 ; 1 CREOL, �e College of Optics and
Chemistry and Abbe Center of Photonics, Jena, Germany University of Bordeaux I, Talence, France We review the assets and constrains of coherent Raman Photonics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United
Raman activated cell sorting (RACS) o�ers prospects to We have designed and modeled a new ytterbium rod- scattering imaging (CARS and SRS) and the reduction of States; 2 Department of Physics, University of Toronto,
complement the widely applied �uorescence activated type �ber laser. �e pulse duration is adjusted with a their associated artifacts in microscopy and endoscopy. Toronto, Canada

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
and generates optical pulses with temporal contrast in ex- revealing the mechanism of generation and heating of the cent femtosecond laser �laments formed in air. In this paper, we present a power scaling experiment
cess of 10^11 at the power level of 100 TW. conductive band electrons and discharge. of Yb:YAG Single crystal �ber ampli�ers. A maximum
power of 140 W is obtained for a seed and pump powers
of 40 W and 515W respectively.

CF/IE-4.6 SUN 17:45 IF-4.4 SUN 17:45 CC-4.6 SUN 17:45 CA-4.5 SUN 17:45
High Power Top-Hat Pulses for E�cient OPA High symmetry orders probed by polarized Coherent Evanescent-Wave Proton Post-accelerator Driven by 12W e�cient air cooled diode-pumped actively
Pumping Anti Stokes Raman Scattering and Four Wave Mixing Intense THz Pulses Q-switched Yb:KGd(WO4)2 laser
�G. Fan, T. Balciunas, G. Andriukaitis, A. Pugzlys, and A. �J. Duboisset, F.-Z. Bioud, P. Gasecka, P. Ferrand, H. �L. Pálfalvi1 , J. Fülöp2,3 , G. Tóth1 , and J. Hebling1,2 ; V.E. Kisel1 , �A.S. Rudenkov1 , A.E. Gulevich1 , N.V.
Baltuska; Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Aus- Rigneault, and S. Brasselet; Institut Fresnel, Marseille, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Pécs, Kondrtyuk1 , A.S. Yasukevich1 , N.V. Kuleshov1 , and A.A.
tria France Pécs, Hungary; 2 MTA-PTE High-Field Terahertz Research Pavlyuk2 ; 1 Center for Optical Materials and Technologies,
We demonstrate phase-only shaping of high-energy We implement incident polarizations tuning in FWM Group, Pécs, Hungary; 3 ELI-HU Mk�, Szeged, Hungary Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus;
broadband Yb ampli�er pulses using acousto-optic pro- and CARS to probe molecular order, using a generic A compact, cost e�ective solution is proposed for post- Nikolaev Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian
grammable dispersion �lter (AOPDF) for the genera- method to read-out symmetry information in crystalline acceleration and monochromatization of protons leaving Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Rus-
tion of a top-hat temporal pro�le that provides e�cient and less organized samples. a laser driven accelerator. �e evanescent �eld of intense sia
pumping of an optical parametric ampli�er. THz pulses is used for acceleration and monochromati- Compact diode-pumped actively Q-switched Yb:KGW
zation. laser is demonstrated with optical-to-optical e�ciency of
50%. Output power of 12.2 W with repetition rate up to
50 kHz and pulse duration of 10-24 ns was obtained.


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
ROOM 13b ROOM 14a ROOM 14b ROOM 21
cell sorting. Raman spectra of optically trapped cells spectral �lter from picoseconds to femtoseconds, with Supersymmetry provides a versatile platform in synthe-
are collected in micro�uidic chips and are used for their 10W average power, at 104 MHz. sizing a new class of optical structures with desired func-
identi�cation. tionalities. Here we extend SUSY to two-dimensional
�ber geometries that could facilitate integrated optical
angular momentum multiplexing schemes.
CJ-2.5 SUN 17:45 CK-4.6 SUN 17:45
7 nJ High-Fidelity 60 fs Pulses at 1035 nm from an Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation in
Integrated Ytterbium Fiber Oscillator with a Micro�ber Loop Resonators
Higher-Order-Mode Fiber �R. Ismaeel, T. Lee, M. Gouveia, and G. Brambilla; Opto-
�A. Fernandez1 , L. Zhu1 , V. Kalashnikov1 , A. Verhoef1 , electronics research centre, Southampton, United Kingdom
K. Jespersen2 , D. Lorenc1 , L. Grüner-Nielsen2 , and A. Resonantly enhanced surface second harmonic genera-
Baltuska1 ; 1 Institut für Photonik, Technische Universtität tion was experimentally demonstrated by fabricating a
Wien, Wien, Austria; 2 OFS Denmark, Brøndby, Denmark loop resonator from a 770nm diameter silica micro�ber.
We present a mode-locked Ytterbium-doped �ber oscil- �e conversion e�ciency was enhanced by a factor of 5.7
lator operating in the net normal-dispersion regime, de- compared to the straight micro�ber.
livering 7 nJ pulses that can be dechirped down to 62 fs.
A higher-order mode �ber is used for intracavity disper-
sion compensation.


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
13:30 – 14:30 We show that the extremely blue-shi�ed dispersive wave Light-induced refractive index changes in nematic LC conversion in a PPKTP crystal. We demonstrate the
IF-P: IF Poster Session emitted in Kerr media owing to the coupling with the doped by azo-benzene functionalized POSS nanoparti- X-shaped spatiotemporal structure of the spectrum by
negative-frequency branch can be observed in quadratic cles are reported. Optical Kerr e�ect experiment proves means of measurements and numerical simulations.
IF-P.1 SUN media via second-harmonic generation. that nematic doped with polyhedral silsesquinoxane
shows all-optical switching at low cw laser power. IF-P.13 SUN
Second harmonic generation and two-photon IF-P.5 SUN
excitation �uorescence from individual nanocrystals Trans-spectral orbital angular momentum transfer
Kerr frequency combs in the normal and anomalous IF-P.9 SUN via 4WM in Rb vapor
of pyrazoline derivatives
�P. Karpinski1 , A. Szukalski1 , L. Sznitko1 , J. Mysliwiec1 , regimes Soliton delay driven by cascading and Raman responses G. Walker1 , E. Riis2 , S. Franke-Arnold1 , and �A.
A. Miniewicz1 , P. Ferrand2 , H. Rigneault2 , and S. �A. Coillet, R. Henriet, I. Balakireva, L. Larger, and Y. �H. Guo1 , X. Zeng1,2 , B. Zhou1 , and M. Bache1 ; 1 Group of Arnold2 ; 1 University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United King-
Brasselet2 ; 1 Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Chembo; FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics, DTU Fotonik, Technical Uni- dom; 2 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United King-
Poland; 2 University Aix Marseille, Fresnel Institut, Mar- High-Q crystalline whispering-gallery mode resonators versity of Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Key dom
seille, France are used to generate optical frequency combs through Laboratory of Special Fiber Optics and Optical Access Net- We transfer orbital angular momentum (OAM) from
We investigate the quadratic nonlinear optical proper- four-wave-mixing in both normal and anomalous works, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, People’s Re- near-infrared pump light (780+776nm) to blue light
ties of individual nanocrystals of di�erent derivatives regimes of dispersion. A modal description provides an- public of (PRC) (420nm) using a highly e�cient single-pass near-
of pyrazoline. We measure angular polarization depen- alytical insight into these two phenomenologies. We analytically and numerically study the soliton pulse resonant four-wave-mixing process in Rb vapour.
dence of second harmonic and two-photon �uorescence delay driven by the �rst order of cascading and Ra-
IF-P.6 SUN man responses and demonstrate a potential delay bal- IF-P.14 SUN
signals and their relation with a possible crystallographic
structure. Study of multilayer nonlinear dielectric-metal ance by tuning the cascading delay time through phase Nonlinear Conversion between Ultrashort Radially-
structures: towards low power plasmon-solitons in mismatch. and Azimuthally-Polarized Pulses in an Anisotropic
IF-P.2 SUN realistic waveguides Media
W. Walasik1,2 , Y. Kartashov2 , and �G.R. Renversez1 ; IF-P.10 SUN �M. Suzuki1 , K. Yamane1,2 , Y. Toda1,2 , and R. Morita1,2 ;
Pressure tunable cascaded third order nonlinearity 1 1
and temporal pulse switching Institut Fresnel & Université d’Aix-Marseille, Marseille, In�uence of Phase Coherence on Seeded Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; 2 JST, CREST, Sap-
�F. Eilenberger1 , M. Bache2 , S. Minardi1 , and T. Pertsch1 ; France; 2 ICFO, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Supercontinuum Generation poro, Japan
Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Castelldefels, Spain �S.T. Sørensen1 , C. Larsen1 , U. Møller1 , P.M. Moselund2 , Nonlinear conversion between ultrashort radially- and
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany; 2 DTU Fo- Using several improved vector models we study C.L. �omsen2 , and O. Bang1,2 ; 1 DTU Fotonik, Techni- azimuthally-polarized pulses in an anisotropic crystal is
tonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical plasmon-soliton waves in multilayer monlinear cal University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 NKT investigated. It is analyzed with the spatially-extended
University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark dielectric-metal planar structures. For the �rst time Photonics A/S, Birkerød, Denmark Stokes parameters, which are the integrals of the Stokes
We investigate the impact of phase-mismatched, cas- we obtain low power plasmon-solitons in structures �e supercontinuum noise properties can be controlled parameters in a beam cross section.
caded third harmonic generation on pulse propagation compatible with fabrication technology of chalcogenide by modulating the pump with a seed pulse. We inves-
waveguides. tigate the in�uence of the seed’s phase-coherence and IF-P.15 SUN
in noble-gas �lled Kagome �bers. �e pressure tunable
cascade facilitates temporal switching even in the pres- demonstrate the need to seed coherently to achieve a E�ect of Domain Shape on Noncollinear Second-
IF-P.7 SUN low-noise supercontinuum. Harmonic Emission in Disordered Quadratic Media
ence of intrinsic higher order Kerr e�ect.
Experimental observation of the spectral Gouy phase �M. Ayoub1 , M. Passlick1 , P. Roedig1 , K. Koynov2 , S.
IF-P.3 SUN shi� IF-P.11 SUN Kroesen1 , J. Imbrock1 , and C. Denz1 ; 1 Institute of Applied
Optomechanical Nonlinearity and Bistability in �E.R. Andresen1 , C. Finot2 , D. Oron3 , and H. Rigneault1 ; Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation with Physics, Muenster, Germany; 2 Max Planck Institute for
Dielectric Metamaterials Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, École amplitude-modulated light Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
J. Zhang1 , �K.F. MacDonald1 , and N.I. Zheludev1,2 ; Centrale Marseille, Marseille, France; 2 Laboratoire In- �P. Anielski1 , J. Sudyka1 , W. Gawlik1 , and S. Pustelny1,2 ; �e e�ect of the individual domain shape in nonlin-
University of Southampton, Southampton, United King- terdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, CNRS, Université Center for Magneto-Optical Research, M. Smoluchowski ear photonic structures on the noncollinearly emitted
dom; 2 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Sin- de Bourgogne, Dijon, France; 3 Department of Physics Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, second-harmonic signal is experimentally studied and
gapore of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Re- Poland; 2 Department of Physics, University of California numerically proved in di�erent size distributions, rang-
We introduce a new type of dielectric metamaterial, in- hovot, Israel at Berkeley, Berkeley, United States ing from the nano to the micro scale.
herently free of Joule losses, which exhibits a strong Using interferometry based on a 4-f pulse shaper, we ex- Various quantum superpositions states between Zeeman
optomechanical nonlinearity, asymmetric transmission perimentally observe the Gouy phase shi� of a parabolic sublevels are created on demand in warm 85Rb vapour
and optical bistability at optical intensities of less than pulse subjected to spectral focusing in an optical �ber. with the use of amplitude-modulated laser excitation.
0.2 mW/�m2. �e coherence lifetime on the order of 1s is measured.
IF-P.4 SUN Optical Kerr e�ect in nematic doped with IF-P.12 SUN
Negative-frequency resonant radiation in quadratic azo-benzene functionalized POSS nanoparticles Tuning Curve of Type-0 Spontaneous Parametric
media �A. Miniewicz1 , B. Mossety-Leszczak2 , J. Girones1 , P. Down-Conversion
�M. Conforti1 , N. Westerberg2 , F. Baronio1 , S. Trillo3 , and Karpinski1 , H. Galina2 , and M. Dutkiewicz3 ; 1 Wroclaw �S. Lerch, B. Bessire, C. Bernhard, A. Stefanov, and T.
D. Faccio2 ; 1 University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy; 2 Heriot- University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland; 2 Rzeszow Feurer; Institute of Applied Physics, Bern, Switzerland
Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 3 University University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland; 3 Adam Mick- We study the tuning curve of entangled photons
of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy iewicz University of Poznan, Poznan, Poland generated by type-0 spontaneous parametric down-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
13:30 – 14:30 CL-P.4 SUN CL-P.8 SUN CL-P.12 SUN
CL-P: CL Poster Session Second Harmonic Generation imaging of collagen Microscopic Second-order Susceptibility Tensor Optical Injector of Particles for X-ray Di�ractive
�brillogenesis Analysis Imaging
CL-P.1 SUN S. Bancelin1 , C. Aimé2 , V. Machairas3 , E. Decencière3 , C. �M.J. Huttunen1 , L. Naskali1 , M. Virkki1 , G. Bautista1 , �R. Kirian1 , N. Eckerskorn2 , A. Rode2 , J. Kupper1,3,4 ,
PNA-modi�ed photonic crystal �bers for DNA Albert2 , G. Mosser2 , T. Coradin2 , and �M.-C. Schanne- A. Dér2 , and M. Kauranen1 ; 1 Department of Physics, D. DePonte1 , and H. Chapman1,3,4 ; 1 Center for Free-
detection Klein1 ; 1 Ecole Polytechnique - LOB (CNRS, Inserm), Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland; Electron Laser Science, DESY, Hamburg, Germany;
�A. Candiani1 , S. Giannetti1 , A. Bertucci2 , R. Mwad Palaiseau, France; 2 Lab. for Chemistry of Condensed 2
Institute of Biophysics, Biological Research Centre of the 2
Laser Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and
Naife4 , H. Al-Janabi4 , M. Konstantaki3 , A. Cucinotta1 , S. Matter, UPMC-Collège de France - CNRS, Paris, France; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra,
Pissadakis3 , R. Corradini2 , and S. Selleri1 ; 1 Information Centre of Mathematical Morphology -Mines ParisTech, We demonstrate microscopic tensor analysis technique Australia; 3 Department of Physics, University of Ham-
Engineering Department, University of Parma, Parma, Fontainebleau, France based on polarized second-harmonic generation mi- burg, Hamburg, Germany; 4 �e Hamburg Centre for Ul-
Italy; 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Parma, We visualized collagen �brillogenesis using time-lapse croscopy and genetic algorithms. �e technique is ap- trafast Imaging, Hamburg, Germany
Parma, Italy; 3 Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser Second Harmonic Generation microscopy and obtained plied to characterize nonlinear responses of bacteri- We apply a high aspect-ratio �rst order Bessel beam,
(IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas reproducible kinetics of the �bril 3D density. Correla- orhodopsin chromoproteins, and could provide a new formed by imaging a vortex beam through an axicon, to
(FORTH), Heraklion, Greece; 4 Institute of Laser for Post- tion to Transmission Electron Microscopy showed that diagnostic tool of tissues. guide biological macromolecules and viruses to the fo-
graduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq SHG detect �brils down to 30-50 nm diameter. cus of femtosecond x- ray free-electron-laser for coher-
Functionalized photonic crystal �bers Bragg gratings for CL-P.9 SUN ent di�ractive imaging.
speci�c DNA detection are presented. Spectral measure- CL-P.5 SUN On-chip microparticle detection and sizing using a
ments in re�ection mode show a clear wavelength shi� Determination of axial �uorophore distributions dual-wavelength waveguide laser CL-P.13 SUN
of the resonant peaks when speci�c DNA targets are de- without strong focusing apertures using noncollinear E.H. Bernhardi, K.O. van der Werf, A.J.F. Hollink, K. Cell Material interaction investigated by Digital
tected optical parametric ampli�cation Wörho�, R.M. de Ridder, V. Subramaniam, and �M. Poll- Holographic Microscopy
�M. Gräfe1 , A. Ho�mann1 , and C. Spielmann1,2 ; nau; University of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands �L. Miccio1 , P. Memmolo1,2 , F. Merola1 , S. Fusco2 , V.
CL-P.2 SUN Institute of Optics and Quantumelectronics, Abbe Cen- An integrated intra-laser-cavity microparticle sen- Embrione2 , P. Netti2 , and P. Ferraro1 ; 1 Istituto Nazionale
Towards refractive index corrected optical coherence ter of Photonics, Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtzintitut, Jena, sor based on a dual-phase-shi�, dual-wavelength di Ottica del CNR, Pozzuoli, Italy; 2 Istituto Italiano di
tomography as a navigation tool for bone surgery Germany distributed-feedback channel waveguide laser in Tecnologia, Napoli, Italy
�M. Rahlves1 , J. Diaz Diaz2 , J. �ommes2 , O. Majdani3 , A new method is presented for investigation of struc- ytterbium-doped aluminium oxide is presented. Single Investigation of the interaction between cells and sub-
B. Roth1 , T. Ortmaier2 , and E. Reithmeier1 ; 1 Hannover tured �uorescence samples using low numerical aper- micro-particles with diameters ranging between 1 �m strates is performed by Digital Holographic Microscopy.
Center for Optical Technologies, Leibniz Universität Han- tures for ophthalmologic application. It is used to deter- and 20 �m are detected. �e potentiality of this well known interferometric tech-
nover, Hannover, Germany; 2 Institute of Mechatronic Sys- mine the axial �uorophore distribution along the prop- nique is exploited to investigate the cross talk interaction
tems, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany; agation direction of an excitation pulse. CL-P.10 SUN between cell and biomaterials.
Clinic for Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology, Han- Adapted AWG Design for Localised Spectroscopic
nover Medical School, Hannover, Germany CL-P.6 SUN Measurements CL-P.14 SUN
We present a strategy for geometrical calibration and re- Nonparaxial Circular and Weber beams from caustics �Z. Hu1 , H. Yin2 , A. Glidle2 , and J. Cooper2 ; 1 Division of High-resolution phase and amplitude modulation
fractive index correction for Optical Coherence Tomog- �A. Mathis, F. Courvoisier, L. Froehly, R. Giust, L. Furfaro, Medical and Biological Measurements, National Institute using a digital micromirror device
raphy in bone. �is enables quantitative measurements M. Jacquot, and J. Dudley; Universite de Franche-Comte, of Metrology, Beijing, China, People’s Republic of (PRC); �S.A. Goorden, J. Bertolotti, H. Yilmaz, D. Akbulut,
inside bone materials and forms the basis for optical nav- BESANCON, France School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, W.L. Vos, and A.P. Mosk; Complex Photonic Systems
igation in robot aided surgery. Using a caustic-based approach and an appropriate mod- United Kingdom (COPS), MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University
eling of high-numerical aperture microscope objectives For localised spectroscopic measurements, AWG design of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands
CL-P.3 SUN with Debye integral, we report analytical solutions for was modi�ed to work with micro�uidic system. Lens We demonstrate a new phase and amplitude modulation
Enhancing Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence by di�erent nonparaxial accelerating beams and experi- curvatures were incorporated into the ends of the inte- method using a digital micromirror device. �is pro-
Using �ermal Light mental realization actually in the nonparaxial regime. grated waveguides and the controllable focusing proper- vides the high level of control, high resolution and high
�A. Jechow1,2 , M. Seefeldt2 , H. Kurzke2 , A. Heuer2 , and R. ties were evaluated by �uorescence measurements. speed required by many wavefront shaping applications.
Menzel2 ; 1 Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Gri�th Uni- CL-P.7 SUN
versity, Brisbane, Australia; 2 University of Potsdam, Insti- Optical tweezers assembly line for the CL-P.11 SUN CL-P.15 SUN
tute of Physics and Astronomy, Photonics, Potsdam, Ger- micro-assembly of functional zeolite nanocontainer Laser Diode Vibrometry for Non-Contact Monitoring Monolithic Y-branch dual wavelength DBR diode
many structures of the Arterial Sti�ness: Detection of the Heart Beat laser at 671 nm for Shi�ed Excitation Raman
�e photon bunching e�ect of thermal light is exploited �Á. Barroso1 , M. Woerdemann1 , M. Veiga-Gutiérrez2 , L. and Measurement of the Pulse Wave Velocity Di�erence Spectroscopy
to enhance the e�ciency of two-photon excited �uores- De Cola2 , and C. Denz1 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics, G. Capelli1 , M. Benedetti1,2 , M. Norgia1,3 , and �G. �M. Maiwald, J. Fricke, A. Ginolas, J. Pohl, B. Sumpf, G.
cence in a common �uorophore and water soluble quan- University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany; 2 Physics In- Giuliani1,2 ; 1 University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Julight Erbert, and G. Tränkle; Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Berlin,
tum dots. �is has potential applications in microscopy. stitute and Center for Nanotechnology (CeNTech), Uni- S.r.l., Pavia, Italy; 3 Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Germany
versity Münster, Muenster, Germany We demonstrate the simultaneous use of two diode laser A monolithic dual wavelength diode laser at 671 nm will
We present an optical tweezers assembly line that enables vibrometers to measure the heart rate and arterial Pulse be presented. Electro-optical and spectral properties will
the construction of sophisticated 2D and 3D photonic Wave Velocity without contact. �is tool can be applied be given. Raman experiments demonstrate the suitabil-
functional structures of zeolite L crystals nanocontain- to cardiovascular risk prevention on a large scale. ity of these devices for shi�ed excitation Raman di�er-
ers. ence spectroscopy (SERDS).

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
CL-P.16 SUN 2
University, Ankara, Turkey; Bogazici University, Istan- allows independent complete control over pulse dura-
All-Fiber Nanosecond Laser System Generating Super- bul, Turkey; 3 Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey tion, energy, and pulse train through custom-developed
continuum Spectrum for Photoacoustic Imaging We demonstrate an integrated �ber-laser system to FPGA electronics.
S. Yavas1 , E.A. Kipergil2 , O. Akcaalan1 , Y.B. Eldeniz3 , U. be used in photoacoustic-imaging. It is producing
Arabul2 , H. Erkol2 , M.B. Unlu2 , and �F.O. Ilday1 ; 1 Bilkent nanosecond-pulses, covering from 600-1100 nm, which

13:30 – 14:30 planted with Ti ions obtained by Laser Ablation are pre- An ”in vitro” study of dental surfaces ablation, by means Kuo; National Yunlin University of Science and Technol-
CM-P: CM Poster Session sented. Morphological and elemental analysis and an- of a 1064nm picoseconds laser, has been carried out. ogy, Douliou, China, Republic of (ROC)
tibacterial tests show substantial enhancements with re- High quality holes have been drilled, avoiding cracks, We propose �at and circular interdigital electrode de-
CM-P.1 SUN spect to the blank material. carbonization, and high temperature rise by proper cool- signs to increase the detection signal of laser-induced
ing. plasma for monitoring laser material processing. �e re-
Ciliary white light generated during femtosecond CM-P.4 SUN sults indicated the signal increase by 2.5 times and 3.3
laser ablation on transparent dielectrics CM-P.8 SUN
Nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation of silver-doped time, respectively.
�Y. Liu1 , Y. Brelet1 , Z. He2 , L. Yu3 , S. Mitrykovskiy1 ,
A. Houard1 , B. Foresiter1 , A. Couairon4 , and A. nanocomposite glass Study of the Stress-Strain State in Glass-Carbon
�L. Fleming and A. Abdolvand; School of Engineering, Plates a�er Ultrafast Laser Processing CM-P.12 SUN
Mysyrowicz1 ; 1
Laboratoire d*Optique Appliquée,
Palaiseau, France; 2 University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee, Dundee, �T. Sokolova, Y. Chebotarevsky, E. Surmenko, A. Microfabrication of notches for electric contacts in
Belgium; Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des United Kingdom Konyushin, I. Popov, and D. Bessonov; Gagarin Saratov the conductive ceramic �ber by femtosecond pulses
Couches Minces, Palaiseau, France; 4 Centre de Physique Glass embedded with silver nanoparticles is modi�ed us- State Technical University, Saratov, Russia �A. Alesenkov, L. Mažule, G. Choževskis, K. Stankevičiute,
�éorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France ing a nanosecond pulsed laser at 532 nm. �e modi�ed Paper describes the theoretical simulation of the me- D. Paipulas, and V. Sirutkaitis; Laser Research Centre,
We report on a new nonlinear optical phenomenon, areas show a broadening and red shi� of the SPR band, chanical stresses that occur in a glass-carbon plate under Villnius, Lithuania
coined as ciliary white light, during laser ablation on in accordance with the Maxwell-Garnett theory. the in�uence of a series of ultrashort laser pulses with With the help of femtosecond laser micromachining
transparent dielectrics. It is universally observed on 14 high energy density. technology we demonstrate fabrication of micronotches
CM-P.5 SUN in conductive ceramic �bres. �e notches, with 60-200
di�erent dielectrics including glasses, crystals and poly-
Creating metallic �lms by laser irradiation of silver CM-P.9 SUN um width are intended to attach electrical wires in the
ion exchanged glasses Laser-assisted Microstructuring and Blackening of metallic mould wear sensor.
CM-P.2 SUN �S. Wackerow and A. Abdolvand; School of Engineering, Copper
Physics & Mathematics, University of Dundee, Dundee, �G. Tang, A. Hourd, and A. Abdolvand; School of Engi- CM-P.13 SUN
Pulsed Laser Generation of Novel Nanomaterials for
Organic Electronics United Kingdom neering, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee, Time Resolved and Spectral Analysis of Solar
�E. Stratakis1,2 , M.M. Stylianakis2,3 , K. Savva1,2 , C. Glass with silver ions was fabricated and irradiated at Dundee, United Kingdom Absorber Cu-Al and Al-Al Laser Weld Emission
Fotakis1,2 , and E. Kymakis3 ; 1 Institute of Electronic Struc- scanning speed of 14 mm/s using a nanosecond laser at Large-area microstructures have been induced on cop- �P. Siozos; Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser -
ture and Laser, Foundation for Research & Technology 355 nm, leading to spatially-selective one-step precip- per surfaces using a 532 nm nanosecond laser to produce Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Herak-
Hellas, (IESL-FORTH), P.O. Box 1527, Heraklion 711 10, itation of silver particles and fabrication of glass-silver black copper, which absorbs 97% of light from 250-750 lion, Greece
Greece., Heraklion, Greece; 2 University of Crete, Herak- composite. nm, and over 80% between 750-2500 nm. �e time resolved and spectral analysis of emission dur-
lion 714 09, Greece., Heraklion, Greece; 3 Center of Mate- ing laser welding in the fabrication of solar heat collec-
CM-P.6 SUN CM-P.10 SUN tors is presented. �e results provide signi�cant infor-
rials Technology and Photonics & Electronic Engineering
Department, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Fabrication of a DFB Laser in SU-8 by Direct Multiple-wavelength DFB laser based on 3D surface mation concerning laser welding, for the optimization
Crete, Heraklion, 71003, Greece, Heraklion, Greece Femtosecond Laser Writing relief gratings of the weld quality.
We present the application of ultrafast lasers for the pho- W. Horn, �S. Kroesen, and C. Denz; University of Muen- �X. Wu1,2 , D. Sun2 , I. Ledoux-Rak1 , C.T. Nguyen1 ,
ster, Muenster, Germany and N.D. Lai1 ; 1 Labotoire de Photonique et Moléculaire, CM-P.14 SUN
tochemical reduction [1], functionalization and doping
of graphene oxide sheets for organic electronics applica- We demonstrate the fabrication of a DFB laser in Rho- UMR CNRS 8537, Ecole Normal Supérieure de Cachan, Ultrafast laser ablation giving unstructured surface
tions. [1] E. Kymakis et al. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, damin 6G doped SU-8 by femtosecond laser writing. We Cachan, France; 2 Condensed Matter Physics, East China roughness prior to the emergence of LIPSS
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201202713. characterize spectral emission, threshold and lifetime by Normal University, 3663 Zhongshan Road North, Shang- �M. Ardron and D. Hand; Heriot Watt University, Edin-
optically pumping the device with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser hai, China, People’s Republic of (PRC) burgh, United Kingdom
CM-P.3 SUN source. Polymer-based 3D structures are fabricated by holo- Ultrafast laser pulses around the ablation threshold form
Highly Antibacterial UHMWPE Surfaces by Pulsed graphically assembling multiple 1D surface relief grat- LIPSS on metal regardless of surface preparation. Ex-
CM-P.7 SUN ings. By varying the period of each 1D layer, these struc- perimental results suggest initial ablation gives unstruc-
Laser Ablation of Titanium Targets
�D. Delle Side1,2 , P. Alifano3 , V. Nassisi1,2 , A. Talà3 , Dental Tissue Ablation by means of a Picoseconds tures allow to realize multiple-wavelength distributed tured roughness allowing further pulses to couple with
S.M. Tredici3 , and L. Velardi1,2 ; 1 Leas, Dipartimento di Laser feedback lasers. plasmons via scattering and grating-like interaction.
Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy; �M. Sozzi1 , C. Fornaini2 , A. Cucinotta1 , E. Merigo2 , P.
2 Vescovi2 , and S. Selleri1 ; 1 Department of Information CM-P.11 SUN CM-P.15 SUN
INFN section of Lecce, Lecce, Italy; 3 Laboratorio di Mi-
crobiologia, DiSTeBA, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy Engineering, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; 2 Oral Laser Induced Plasma Detection by Flat and Circular Direct laser fabrication of composite material 3D
Results about an highly antibacterial UHMWPE im- medicine and Laser-assisted Surgery Unit, Dental School, Interdigital Electrodes in Laser Material Processing microstructured sca�olds
Parma, Italy �Y.-J. Chang, C.-T. Chen, C.-C. Ho, J.-C. Hsu, and C.-L. �S. Rekstyte1 , E. Balciunas1,2 , D. Baltriukiene2 , V.
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
3 2
Rutkunas , V. Bukelskiene , R. Gadonas , and M. 1 tures formation, have shown that 5 main types of reliefs CM-P.23 SUN (100 MHz and 500 MHz) pulses in the form bursts from
Malinauskas1 ; 1 Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics, De- are possible. Experimental and numerical study of cw green laser an in-house developed mJ-level Yb integrated �ber am-
partment of Quantum Electronics, Laser Research Cen- crystallization of a-Si:H thin �lms pli�er.
ter, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2 Vilnius University, Institute of CM-P.19 SUN O. García1 , D. Munoz-Martin1 , J.J. García-Ballesteros1 ,
Biochemistry, Department of Biological Models, Vilnius, Fabrication of SERS active surface structures on Y. Chen1 , �M. Morales1 , J. Cárabe2 , J.J. Gandía2 , and CM-P.27 SUN
Lithuania; 3 Vilnius University, Institute of Odontology, rotating polyimide sample by excimer laser C. Molpeceres1 ; 1 Centro Láser UPM, Universidad Politéc- Hydrogenated amorphous silicon �lms grown by
Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania irradiation nica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 2 CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain pulsed laser deposition
We present manufacturing of 3D microporous compos- �T. Csizmadia, Z. Bengery, J. Kopniczky, I. Hanyecz, and In this work, experimental and numerical study results �M. Kandyla, A. Mellos, and M. Kompitsas; National Hel-
ite material sca�olds for tissue engineering applications. B. Hopp; Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, of cw green laser crystallization of a-Si:H thin �lms are lenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece
We use the advantage of �exible direct laser fabrication University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary presented. We employ pulsed laser deposition for the fabrication of
to create biologically inert rigid support structures �lled In this study the fabrication of polyimide nanostructures �e process parameters predicted by the numeri- a-Si:H solar cells in the p-i-n con�guration. Varying the
with a biodegradable �ne mesh. by excimer laser irradiation is presented and the suitabil- cal model are consistent with those experimentally ob- PLD parameters, we optimize the morphology, conduc-
ity of the produced morphologies in surface enhanced served. tivity, and optical properties of the a-Si:H layers for max-
CM-P.16 SUN Raman scattering spectroscopy applications is demon- imum e�ciency.
Direct femtosecond laser writing of waveguide strated. CM-P.24 SUN
structures and Bragg gratings for integrated NIR Self-Assembled Nanostructuring of a-Si:H Films with CM-P.28 SUN
optics using multi scan technique CM-P.20 SUN Ultrashort Light Pulses �ermoelectric generator fabricated via
M. �iel, �G. Flachenecker, M. Köhring, and W. Schade; Optimized hydrogen sensing properties of �M. Gecevičius1 , M. Beresna1 , A. Kazanskii2 , and P. laser-induced forward transfer
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute, Goslar, Germany nanocomposite NiO:Au and NiO:Pd thin �lms at Kazansky1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research Centre, Univer- �M. Feinaeugle1 , C. Sones1 , E. Koukharenko2 , and R.
We present a multi scan technique to produce integrated ppb-concentration levels sity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; Eason1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of
optics for NIR light sources. Basic element is a bundle �M. Kandyla1 , C. Chatzimanolis1,2 , C. Charitidis2 , M. 2
Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 School of
of parallel, slightly overlapping single waveguides. �e Guziewicz3 , and M. Kompitsas1 ; 1 National Hellenic Re- University, Moscow, United Kingdom Physics and Astronomy, ECS, University of Southampton,
waveguide bundles are very well suited for implement- search Foundation, Athens, Greece; 2 National Technical Dichroism and record high birefringence of femtosec- Southampton, United Kingdom
ing Bragg gratings. University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 3 Institute of Elec- ond laser induced nanostructures in oxidized a-Si:H is We report on laser-induced forward transfer as a novel
tron Technology, Warsaw, Poland demonstrated. Ultrafast laser writing can be used for method to fabricate thermoelectric generators on poly-
CM-P.17 SUN We present results on the fabrication of p-type NiO:Au printing integrated polarization optical elements with mer substrates. �e thermoelectric voltage and resis-
Fabrication of ridge waveguides by femtosecond-laser and NiO:Pd thin-�lm electrochemical sensors, which are submicron precision in amorphous silicon thin �lms. tance of the device were determined as a measure of the
structuring of (Yb,Nb):RTP/RTP using beam able to detect hydrogen in air at ppb-level concentra- device’s thermoelectric performance.
multiplexing with a Spatial Light Modulator tions, operating at low temperatures. CM-P.25 SUN
�A. Ruiz de la Cruz1 , J. Cugat2 , R. Solé2 , A. Ferrer3 , Rapid, low-cost patterning of microstructures in CM-P.29 SUN
J. Massons2 , X. Mateos2 , J.J. Carvajal2 , M. Aguiló2 , G. CM-P.21 SUN polydimethylsiloxane via mask-less laser-machining Laser-induced forward transfer on compliant
Lifante2 , F. Díaz2 , and J. Solís1 ; 1 Laser Processing Group, Alleviating the mechanical tolerances in femtosecond �C. Sones, I. Katis, B. Mills, M. Feinaeugle, A. Mosayyebi, receivers
Instituto de Óptica (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; 2 Física i laser micromachining by di�ractive focusing J. Butement, and R. Eason; Optoelectronics Research Cen- �M. Feinaeugle, P. Horak, C. Sones, and R. Eason; Opto-
Cristal*logra�a de Materials i Nanomaterials (FiCMA- �S. Torres-Peiró, J. González-Ausejo, O. Mendoza-Yero, tre, University of Southampton, Southampton, United electronics Research Centre, University of Southampton,
FiCNA). Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain; G. Mínguez-Vega, and J. Lancis; GROC-UJI, Institut de Kingdom Southampton, United Kingdom
3 Noves Tecnologies de la Imatge (INIT), Castellón, Spain We present the role of compliant polymer �lms on re-
Ultrafast Dynamics Group, Institute for Quantum Elec- We report on use of a rapid and mask-less laser machin-
tronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Demonstration of the alleviating mechanical tolerances ing procedure that enables the creation of micron-scale ceivers during laser-induced forward transfer of thin
We fabricated ridge waveguides, inscribing trenches in a in micromachining processes employing 30fs pulses and structures in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), used com- solid �lms. Experiments and �nite element simulation
(Yb,Nb):RTP epilayer with a fs-laser using the approxi- di�ractive lenses by means of the study of the ablation monly in implementation of lab-on-chip devices and show the in�uence of such �lms on adhesion and mor-
mation scanning technique multiplexing the beam with region along the axial direction micro-contact printing. phology of deposits.
a SLM. We achieved propagation losses lower than 4
dB/cm for λ=972 nm. CM-P.22 SUN CM-P.26 SUN CM-P.30 SUN
Laser-Induced Forward Transfer-Assisted Flip-Chip Non-thermal Material and Tissue Processing with �e Laser Furnace: A Revolution in Ceramics and
CM-P.18 SUN Bonding of Optoelectronic Components 100 MHz and 500 MHz Repetition Rate Bursts Glass Processing?
Basic mechanisms and main types of reliefs in laser �K. Kaur1 , J. Missinne1 , B. Vandecasteele1 , G. �C. Kerse1 , H. Kalaycioglu2 , Ö. Akçaalan2 , B. Eldeniz3 , I. de Francisco, V. Lennikov, R. Lahoz, L.A. Angurel,
direct nanostructuring technological materials Steenberge1 , S. Perinchery2 , R. Mandamparambil2 , F.Ö. Ilday2 , H. Hoogland4 , and R. Holzwarth4 ; L.C. Estepa, and �G.F. de la Fuente; ICMA (CSIC-Univ.
�V. Tokarev, V. Artemov, A. Galstyan, A. Obidin, I. and E. Smits2 ; 1 Centre for Microsystems Technology, 1
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineer- Zaragoza), Zaragoza, Spain
Randoshkin, and V. Shmakov; A.M. Prokhorov General IMEC/Ghent University, Gent, Belgium; 2 TNO/Holst ing, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 2 Department of �is work presents a novel processing tool, which com-
Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Centre, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 3 Department bines laser irradiation with a continuous roller furnace,
Russia We report the Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ankara Unver- with the aim of processing ceramics and glass products
Experimental study of direct laser surface nanostructur- of micro-bumps of silver nanoparticle and solder based sity, Ankara, Turkey; 4 Menlo Systems GmbH, Munich, without thermo-mechanical damage.
ing of a number of technological materials by nanosec- paste for �ip-chip bonding of single VCSEL chips. �e Germany
ond excimer laser irradiation, combined with our previ- electrical characterization results of the bonded chips are We demonstrate e�cient micro-machining results on Cu
ous theoretical study of basic mechanisms of nanostruc- also presented. and dentin samples obtained with high repetition rate

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
CM-P.31 SUN 1 1 2 2,3
la Figuera , M. Monti , A. Bollero , J. Camarero , F.J. Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 3 Departamento de �in �lms of magnetite were deposited on di�erent
Structural and magnetic characterization of Pedrosa2 , M. García-Hernández4 , and M. Castillejo1 ; Física de la Materia Condensada, Instituto Nicolás Cabr- single crystal substrates by pulsed laser deposition at
magnetite deposits prepared by infrared pulsed laser
Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, CSIC, Madrid, era, Campus Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 1064 nm and characterized by XRD, AFM, Raman and
deposition Spain; 2 IMDEA Nanoscience, Instituto Madrileño de Es- Spain; 4 Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Möussbauer spectroscopies, MOKE and SQUID.
�M. Oujja1 , M. Sanz1 , E. Rebollar1 , J.F. Marco1 , J. de tudios Avanzados en Nanociencia, Campus Universidad Madrid, Spain

13:30 – 14:30 measured using photoconductive time-domain methods radial beams, and experimental investigations to deter- It is shown that the properties of terahertz radiation gen-
CC-P: CC Poster Session for the �rst time. �e devices combine high resistivity, mine coupling e�ciency are performed, the maximum erated in air by tightly focused bichromatic femtosecond
low dark currents, and sub-picosecond carrier lifetimes. coupling e�ciency is as large as 60%. laser pulses can be well explained only if the nonlinear
CC-P.1 SUN phase shi�s of both pump waves are considered.
InGaAs/AlInGaAs THz Quantum Cascade Lasers CC-P.12 SUN
THz emission from quantum dot-based THz antennas THz propagation in hybrid hollow core �bers with
�K. Ohtani, M. Beck, G. Scalari, and J. Faist; Institute for
oumped by a tunable quantum-dot laser diode metal wires inclusion Broadband THz-Wave Generation with Organic
Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
�R. Leyman1 , D. Carnegie1 , K. Fedorova1 , N. Bazieva1 , �R. Leonhardt1 , J. Anthony1 , and A. Argyros2 ; 1 Physics Crystals OH1 and DSTMS
We report on operation of InGaAs/AlInGaAs THz quan-
S. Schulz2 , C. Reardon2 , E. Clarke3 , and E. Rafailov1 ; Dept, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; �M. Jazbinsek, B. Ruiz, C. Medrano, and P. Günter; Rain-
tum cascade laser. �e devices exhibit a low thresh- 2
University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom; Institute of Photonic and Optical Sciences (IPOS), School bow Photonics AG, Zurich, Switzerland
old current density (100 A/cm2) with output power (1-2 2
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United King- of Physics, �e University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia We report on e�cient THz-wave generation and detec-
mW) at 10 K in continuous wave mode.
dom; 3 EPSRC National Centre for III-V Technologies, We present novel designs for hollow-core THz waveg- tion in a broad THz range 1-12 THz using recently devel-
University of She�eld, She�eld, United Kingdom uides that include metal wires. For the HE11-like mode oped OH1 and DSTMS electro-optic crystals and eval-
We demonstrate an e�cient THz source comprising an attenuation in the order of 0.4 cm-1 can be achieved. uate the corresponding phase-matching con�gurations
Mid-infrared frequency comb spanning an octave Experimental results agree well with numerical fully-
InAs quantum dot-based semiconductor antenna op- for femtosecond and nanosecond pump-laser sources.
based on an Er �ber laser and di�erence-frequency vectorial �nite-di�erence simulations.
generation tically pumped by a tunable dual-mode quantum-dot
semiconductor laser, giving tunable CW THz output sig- CC-P.13 SUN
�S. Amarie1 and F. Keilmann2 ; 1 Neaspec GmbH, Martin- CC-P.9 SUN
sried, Germany; 2 LASNIX, Berg, Germany nal between around 250 GHz and 3 THz. In�uence of the acquisition method on terahertz
Generation and Field-Resolved Detection of Ultrafast tomography
We describe a coherent mid-infrared continuum source Synthetic Multi-THz Transients
(18 - 75 THz) covering the full infrared ”�ngerprint” CC-P.6 SUN J.-P. Guillet1 , B. Recur2 , L. Frederique2 , �I. Manek-
�D.V. Seletskiy, C. Schmidt, B. Mayer, A. Pashkin, and A. Hönninger1 , P. Desbarats2 , and P. Mounaix1 ; 1 LOMA,
molecular vibration region. Application in near-�eld mi- Generation of broadband terahertz Leitenstorfer; Department of Physics and Center for Ap-
croscopy will be shown. Laguerre-Gaussian beam Bordeaux 1 University, CNRS UMR 5798, Talence,
plied Photonics, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Ger- France; 2 LaBRI, Bordeaux 1 University, CNRS UMR
R. Imai1 , �N. Kanda2,3 , T. Higuchi4 , Z. Zheng1 , K. many
CC-P.3 SUN Konishi2 , and M. Kuwata-Gonokami1,2,4 ; 1 Department 5800, Talence, France
Intense fundamental and second harmonic few-cycle Terahertz tomography is a technique which allow to re-
Multi-cavity terahertz quantum cascade lasers of Applied Physics, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; multi-THz pulses are combined to generate synthetic
Photon Science Center, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, contruct the structure of an object. In this work, we
�D. Bachmann1 , M. Krall1 , M. Martl1 , H. Detz2 , A.M. waveforms with strongly symmetry-broken temporal
Japan; 3 RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, Japan; study the in�uence the acquisition method on the noise
Andrews2 , G. Strasser2 , K. Unterrainer1 , and J. Darmo1 ; envelope. Access to these waveforms sets an exciting
1 4
Department of Physics, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, of terahertz tomography with di�erent reconstruction
Institute of Photonics, Vienna, Austria; 2 Institute of platform for novel experiments in THz nonlinear optics.
Japan algorithms.
Solid-State Electronics, Vienna, Austria
In a systematic investigation, the multi-purpose of We demonstrate a method to generate broadband ter- CC-P.10 SUN
ahertz Laguerre-Gaussian beam with the topological CC-P.14 SUN
sectioned terahertz quantum cascade laser cavities is Carrier envelope phase control of monocycle THz
demonstrated. Dependent on the operation mode, THz charge of +1 and -1 by mode conversion from broad- Understanding and controlling on-axis and o�-axis
pulses using an arti�cial dispersive medium
ampli�cation, modulation or detection can be achieved band THz radial beam using a quarter wave plate and THz emission patterns from 2-color femtosecond
M. Nagai, E. Matsubara, Y. Minowa, and �M. Ashida; Os-
concurrently in a single device. a polarizer. laser �laments
aka Univ., Toyonaka, Japan
�A. Koulouklidis1,2 , M. Massaouti1 , A. Gorodetsky1 , and
We experimentally control carrier envelope phase of in-
CC-P.4 SUN CC-P.7 SUN S. Tzortzakis1,2 ; 1 Institute of Electronic Structure and
tense monocycle THz pulse by passing through an ar-
Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology -
Pulsed THz generation from InAs/GaAs quantum E�cient Coupling of Broadband Terahertz Radial ti�cial dispersive medium based on the parallel metal
Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Greece; 2 Department of Ma-
dot structures Beams to Metal Wires plates. �is gives us a new �eld of phase-sensitive THz
terials Science and Technology, University of Crete, Her-
�N.S. Daghestani1 , M. Alduraibi2,3 , M. Missous2 , T. �Z. Zheng1 , N. Kanda2,3 , K. Konishi3 , and M. Kuwata- nonlinear spectroscopy.
aklion, Greece
Ackemann4 , and M.A. Cataluna1 ; 1 University of Dundee, Gonokami1,3,4 ; 1 Department of Applied Physics, �e Uni-
We present new experimental �ndings coupled with a
Dundee, United Kingdom; 2 University of Manchester, versity of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 2 RIKEN Advanced Sci- CC-P.11 SUN
comprehensive model explaining both on-axis and o�-
Manchester, United Kingdom; 3 King Saud University, ence Institute, Saitama, Japan; 3 Photon Science Center, Nonlinear phase shi�s of bichromatic pump waves axis components of the far-�eld spatial distribution of
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 4 University of Strathclyde, Glas- �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 4 Department of during terahertz wave generation in air intense broadband THz beams generated by femtosec-
gow, United Kingdom Physics, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan �K. Steponkevičius, V. Pyragaite, V. Smilgevičius, and V. ond laser �laments in gases.
Pulsed terahertz radiation from surfactant-mediated we demonstrate e�cient coupling to metal wires from Vaičaitis; Vilnius university Laser Research Center, Vil-
grown InAs/GaAs quantum-dot based antennas was propagating mode by introducing broadband terahertz nius, Lithuania

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
CC-P.15 SUN We present and compare the frequency-noise proper- CC-P.16 SUN In the framework of the ANR project called COCASE,
Properties and Origin of Frequency Noise in Mid-IR ties of ridge and buried-heterostructure DFB-QCLs at A coherent quantum cascade laser array for high we develop a coherent quantum cascade laser array to
Distributed Feedback Quantum Cascade Lasers 4.55um. �e physical origin of the noise is discussed, power emission obtain high power emission for the development of a
�L. Tombez1 , S. Schilt1 , G. Di Domenico1 , S. Blaser2 , showing the dominant contribution of internal electri- �R. Vallon1 , B. Parvitte1 , D. Mammez1 , G.-M. de photoacoustic spectrometer devoted to trace gas detec-
A. Muller2 , T. Gresch2 , B. Hinkov3 , M. Beck3 , J. Faist3 , cal noise. Naurois2 , M. Carras2 , and V. Zéninari1 ; 1 Groupe de tion.
and D. Hofstetter1 ; 1 University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Spectrométrie Moléculaire et Atmosphérique, UMR 7331
Switzerland; 2 Alpes Lasers SA, Neuchatel, Switzerland; CNRS Université de Reims, Reims, France; 2 III-V Lab,
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland GEI Alcatel-�ales-CEA Leti, Palaiseau, France

13:30 – 14:30 CA-P.4 SUN We report generation of a burst of picoseconds pulses CA-P.11 SUN
CA-P: CA Poster Session Frequency-doubled power-scaled Pr:YAlO3 laser easily scalable using diode pumped Nd-based technol- Passive Mode-locking of a Diode Pumped
generation at 373.5 nm wavelength ogy. Burst of 6ps-pulses with duration (10�s-100�s) , Nd:ScYSiO5 Laser
CA-P.1 SUN �M. Fibrich1,2 and H. Jelínková1 ; 1 Czech Technical 1510-430 W is obtained at 0.5 kHz repetition rate. V. Aleksandrov1 , �H. Iliev1 , L. Zheng2 , L. Su2 , J. Xu2 , G.
Cross-correlator for the Diagnostics of 3D Ellipsoidal University in Prague, FNSPE, Prague, Czech Republic; Aka3 , and I. Buchvarov1 ; 1 Department of Physics, So�a
Institute of Physics of the AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic CA-P.8 SUN University, So�a, Bulgaria; 2 Shanghai Institute of Ce-
Shaped UV Laser Pulses for the Future XFEL
Low-emittance Photo-injector Laser-diode pumped continuous-wave frequency- Hybrid Q-Switched Laser Source With Timing Jitter ramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China,
A. Poteomkin1 , A. Andrianov1 , E. Gacheva1 , V. doubled power-scaled Pr:YAlO3 laser system operating Lower �an 100 ns at High Repetition Rate (30 kHz) People’s Republic of (PRC); 3 Laboratoire de Chimie de la
Zelenogorsky1 , S. Mironov1 , E. Khazanov1 , �M. in the violet spectral range at 373.5 nm wavelength �F. El Bassri1,2 , L. Ja�res3 , A. Jalocha2 , D. Pagnoux1 , Matière Condensée de Paris, Paris, France
Martyanov2 , E. Syresin3 , M. Krasilnikov4 , and F. is described. As a pumping sources, two 1W GaN and V. Couderc1 ; 1 Xlim, photonics department, Limoges, Single wavelength, passive mode-locking of Nd:ScYSiO5
Stephan4 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics of the Rus- laser-diodes were used. France; 2 CILAS, Orléans, France; 3 Horus Lasers, Limo- disordered laser crystal is demonstrated, achieving out-
sian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Rus- ges, France put power of 150mW at 99MHz repetition rate and 5.7ps
CA-P.5 SUN We present an active/passive Q-switched laser source pulse duration as well as dual wavelength mode-locking
sia; 2 European Organization for Nuclear Research,
Geneva, Switzerland; 3 Joint Institute for Nuclear Re- A barium tungstate anti-Stokes Raman laser based on a dual cavity con�guration with modulated with output power of 500mW.
search, Dubna, Russia; 4 Photo Injector Test Facility at C. Wang1 , �X. Zhang1 , Z. Cong1 , Z. Liu1 , W. Wei1 , W. pump power, emitting 600 ps pulses at tunable repetition
Wang1 , Z. Wu1 , Y. Zhang1 , L. Li1 , X. Chen1 , P. Li1 , H. rate up to 30 kHz with timing jitter < 100 ns. CA-P.12 SUN
Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron, Zeuthen, Germany
As a part of the development the photo-injector laser Zhang2 , and Q. Wang1 ; 1 School of Information Science & Control of Spectral Parameters in Vanadate Lasers
Engineering and Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of CA-P.9 SUN �S. Anatoly; Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the
driver generated 3D ellipsoidal UV pulses a need for
an appropriate diagnostic system appeared. For this Laser Technology and Application, Shandong University, Near Di�raction Limited Pulses with 52-mJ, 1.2 ns at Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
purpose special ultrafast scanning cross-correlator setup Jinan, China, People’s Republic of (PRC); 2 State Key Lab- 0.5 kHz, Generated by Nd-based MOPA We have experimentally investigate, for the �rst time, an-
was created. oratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan, D. Chuchumishev1 , B. Oreshkov1 , �A. Gaydardzhiev1 , A. gular dependences of the luminescence intensity of Stark
China, People’s Republic of (PRC) Trifonov1 , and I. Buchvarov1,2 ; 1 Department of Physics, transitions in Nd-doped vanadate crystals. We suggest
CA-P.2 SUN A BaWO4 anti-Stokes Raman laser is investigated. �e So�a University, So�a, Bulgaria; 2 Northwestern Univer- some directions to create active media with new param-
A Continuous-Wave Medical Yellow Laser at 561 nm �rst and second order anti-Stokes lasers are obtained sity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, United States eters.
�J. Gao, X. Dai, L. Zhang, H. Sun, and X. Wu; Suzhou with the highest energies of 0.76 mJ and 0.12 mJ and the We present Nd-based, diode pumped ampli�er system
conversion e�ciencies of 0.95% and 0.15%, respectively. emitting up to 52-mJ pulse energy with 1.2-ns pulse du- CA-P.13 SUN
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chi-
ration and near di�raction limited beam (quality factor High Repetition Rate Electro-optical Cavity-dumped
nese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, China, People’s Repub- CA-P.6 SUN <1.3), operating at 0.5-kHz repetition rate. Nd:GdVO4 Laser
lic of (PRC)
Faraday Isolator with 33 dB Isolation Degree at the �Y. Ma, X. Yu, X. Li, C. Wang, R. Yan, and J. Yu; Harbin
A high power continuous-wave medical yellow laser at
1.5 kW CW Laser Power CA-P.10 SUN Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, People’s Republic
561 nm is presented. �e maximum output power is ~2.3
�I. Snetkov and O. Palashov; Institute of Applied Physics of Tunability and CW e�cient laser operation in of (PRC)
W, with a beam quality factor of ~2.0 and an instability
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Rus- KLa(XO4)2:Nd3+, (X = W or Mo), disordered laser High repetition rate electro-optical cavity-dumped
factor of ~2.0%.
sia crystals YVO4/Nd:GdVO4 laser pumped by 808 nm LD and
CA-P.3 SUN Experimentally demonstrate a prototype of a water �M. Rico1,2 and X. Han2 ; 1 Centro de Láseres Pulsados Ul- GdVO4/Nd:GdVO4 laser pumped 879 nm LD are pre-
cooled Faraday isolator with compensation of thermally tracortos, CLPU, Villamayor, Spain; 2 Instituto de Ciencia sented. �e pulse width remained constant at ~3.8 ns
E�cient Pr3+ :SrAl12 O19 laser pumped with four induced depolarization inside the magnetic �eld with a for both two lasers.
de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
diode lasers record level of 33 dB isolation at the 1.5 kW cw laser RT CW laser operation for disordered crystals
�D.-T. Marzahl1 , F. Reichert1 , P.W. Metz1 , N.-O. Hansen1 , power CA-P.14 SUN
(Nd3+:KLa(WO4)2 and Nd3+:KLa(MoO4)2) with slope
and G. Huber1,2 ; 1 Institute of Laser-Physics, Hamburg, Diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser with
e�ciency to > 50% output power (>6 W for KLM) and
Germany; 2 �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, CA-P.7 SUN self-adaptive resonator
tunable laser (15 nm range for KLW) are demonstrated
Hamburg, Germany 1.5 kW Burst of Picosecond Pulses with Scalable �J. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, M. Kaskow, L. Gorajek, J.
in several con�gurations.
In this contribution we report on e�cient laser operation Energy and Average Power Generated by Diode Kwiatkowski, and K. Kopczynski; Military University of
of Pr3+ -doped SrAl12 O19 . �e crystal was excited from Pumped Nd-laser System Technology, Warsaw, Poland
both side each with two InGaN laser diodes, which were B. Oreshkov, V. Aleksandrov, H. Iliev, A. Trifonov, and �I. Four-wave-mixing inside Nd :YAG slab pumped by 2D
combined at polarization beam splitter cubes. Buchvarov; So�a University, So�a, Bulgaria laser diode stacks, in self adaptive closed-loop resonator

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
was exploited to achieve 250 mJ energy in free-running CA-P.19 SUN pulse, Heikendorf, Germany; 3 Amphos GmbH, Aachen, sented. �e Tm:YAG laser rod is side-pumped by qcw
with parameter M2 < 1.4. Comparative study of Nd:YAG solar laser Germany laser diodes (785 nm) and generates at room tempera-
performance in end-pumping and side-pumping We present the 100kHz - 4.5MHz, 400W burst-mode ture 200 �s pulses at 100 Hz with 180 mJ.
CA-P.15 SUN femtosecond Yb:YAG pre-ampli�er with Ytterbium-all-
High E�ciency Multi-Mode Laser-Diode-Pumped �J. Almeida, D. Liang, and D. Garcia; CEFITEC, Departa- �ber front-end of the European X-ray Free-Electron CA-P.28 SUN
Cavity-Dumped Ytterbium-Doped Yttrium mento de Física, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Cam- Laser Facility (European XFEL) non-collinear optical InP-Diode Laser Stack Pumped Ho:YAG or Cr:ZnSe
Aluminium Garnet Laser pus de Caparica, Portugal parametric ampli�er development for pump-probe ex- �in Disk Lasers
�N. Shimojo1 , S. Matsubara1 , M. Inoue1 , D. Kimura1 , A comparative study of Nd:YAG solar laser perfor- periments at the European XFEL. �G. Renz, J. Speiser, and A. Giesen; German Aerospace
Y. Sasatani1 , A. Maruko1 , D. Mizuno1 , M. Nishio1 , and mances in end-pumping and side-pumping con�gura- Center, Stuttgart, Germany
S. Kawato1,2,3 ; 1 Graduate School of Engineering, Univer- tions is reported. �e highest collection e�ciency is CA-P.24 SUN Direct diode pumping of Ho:YAG or Cr:ZnSe with InP-
sity of Fukui, Fukui, Fukui, Japan; 2 Research and Educa- achieved with end-pumping con�guration, while side- Fiber based modulator systems at 1053 nm for diode-laser stacks at 1908 nm in thin disk laser concepts
tion Program for Life Science, University of Fukui, Fukui, pumping approach provides the best beam brightness *shaped long pulse on LULI2000 lead to 22 W and 4.2 W cw output power at 2090 nm and
Japan; 3 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute �gure of merit. �M. Loïc, Z. Ji Ping, B. Erick, and A. Patrick; Laboratoire 2400 nm, respectively
(JASRI), Fukui, Japan pour l’utilisation des lasers Intenses, Ecole Polytechnique,
A laser-diode-pumped cavity-dumped microchip CA-P.20 SUN Palaiseau, France CA-P.29 SUN
Yb:Y3Al5O12 laser was developed with the slope Approaching the �ermodynamical Limit of Optical LULI2000 is one of the most energetic laser facilities in Ho3+ Lasing at 2060 nm in co-doped (Ho,Tm):KLu(WO4 )2
e�ciency of 72% and optical-to-optical conversion Pumping — Intra-cavity Pumped �in Disk Laser Europe. We present a new ns �ber-based front-end for �X. Mateos1,2 , V. Jambunathan2 , M.C. Pujol2 , M. Aguiló2 ,
e�ciency of 56%, which are the highest in laser-diode- with Very Low Quantum Defect upgrading the LULI2000 facility. F. Díaz2 , U. Griebner1 , and V. Petrov1 ; 1 Max Born Insti-
pumped short pulse lasers. �C. Vorholt and U. Wittrock; Muenster, University of Ap- tute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy,
plied Sciences, Steinfurt, Germany CA-P.25 SUN 2A Max-Born-Street, D-12489, Berlin, Germany; 2 Física
We demonstrate the �rst intra-cavity pumped thin disk Wavelength selection, spatial �ltering and i Cristallogra�a de Materials i Nanomaterials (FiCMA-
Versatile Pulsed Source using a pulsed diode seed FiCNA), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV),, Tarragona,
laser. �e laser has a quantum defect of only 1.74%, a polarization control of an Er:YAG laser cavity by
and ultrahigh gain bounce geometry ampli�er Spain
slope e�ciency of 8.27% and an average output power of resonant-grating mirror
�A. Teppitaksak, G. �omas, and M. Damzen; Imperial
10.33 W. �A. Aubourg1,2 , M. Rumpel3 , M. Abdou-Ahmed3 , J. Improved operation of the co-doped (Ho,Tm):KLu(WO4 )2
College London, London, United Kingdom
Didierjean2 , N. Aubry2 , T. Graf3 , F. Balembois1 , and P. laser is reported under Ti:sapphire laser pumping with
A �exible high peak power laser source is investigated CA-P.21 SUN Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, Ho oscillation at 2060 nm and tuning range as wide as
with a pulsed diode seed laser (duration 3ns @ 100kHz)
Radiation-Balanced �in-Disk Laser System Palaiseau, France; 2 Fibercryst, Villeurbanne, France; 160 nm, presumably related to both ions.
experiencing 43dB gain in a Nd:YVO4 bounce ampli�er 3
�G. Nemova1 and R. Kashyap1,2 ; 1 Department of En- Institut für Strahwerkzeuge, Stuttgart, Germany
(and gain > 50dB with CW seed) at 1064nm. CA-P.30 SUN
gineering Physics, Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, A resonant grating mirror concurrently full�l the task of
CA-P.17 SUN Canada; 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Poly- an etalon, a pinhole and a polarizer inside an Er:YAG Diode-Pumped Dysprosium-doped-PbGa2S4
technique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada cavity, leading to comparable beam characteristics with Mid-Infrared Laser
Tunability of Yb:LuAG Laser with High Dopant
A novel scheme for an athermal laser, which consists of a simplier design. M. Doroshenko1 , M. Jelinek2 , J. Sulc2 , �H. Jelinkova2 , M.
a series of radiation-balanced thin disks placed inside a Nemec2 , V. Osiko1 , V. Badikov3 , and D. Badikov3 ; 1 A M
�J. Šulc1 , J. Měsíček1 , Z. Hubka1 , H. Jelínkova1 , K.
single resonator, is presented. Heat generated during the CA-P.26 SUN Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Rus-
Nejezchleb2 , and V. Škoda2 ; 1 Czech Technical University
ampli�cation process is o�set by anti-Stokes emission. Diode pumped Er:YAG single crystal �ber laser sia; 2 Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech
in Prague, FNSPE, Prague, Czech Republic; 2 Crytur, Ltd.
passively Q-switched with Cr:ZnSe saturable Republic; 3 Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
Turnov, Turnov, Czech Republic
CA-P.22 SUN absorber emitting at 1645 nm or 1617 nm Dy:PbGa2S4 laser generating at 4320nm pumped by
Yb:LuAG crystals with Yb-doping concentration 15 and
20 % were investigated as the active medium of tunable E�ciency of Single-Mode �in-Disk Lasers �A. Aubourg1,2 , J. Didierjean2 , N. Aubry2 , F. Balembois1 , 1.7um laser-diode was investigated. Slope e�ciency 10%
diode pumped laser. Using birefringent �lter, 35 nm �J. Perchermeier and U. Wittrock; Muenster University and P. Georges1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut and pulsed output power 9.5mW for 120mW absorbed
wide tunability was reached (1025-1060 nm for 20 % of Applied Sciences, Photonics Laboratory, Steinfurt, Ger- d’Optique, Palaiseau, France; 2 Fibercryst, Villeurbanne, power was reached (5ms, 20Hz). In CW maximum out-
many France put power was 48mW.
�e thermo-optical aberrations of the gain medium of an We successfully passively Q-switched a diode pumped
CA-P.18 SUN Yb:YAG thin-disk laser were measured with high reso- Er:YAG cavity emitting at 1645 nm or 1617 nm depend- CA-P.31 SUN
E�cient performance of Yb:YAG/Cr,Yb:YAG lution. Moreover, we investigated how the TEM00 mode ing on the inserted losses. Pulse energies went up to 0.5 Compression of Long-Cavity Ti:sapphire Oscillator
self-Q-switched microchip lasers under radius a�ects the beam quality and output power of dif- mJ at 820 Hz. Pulses with Large-Mode-Area Photonic Crystal
high-brightness laser-diode pumping ferent resonators. Fibers
�J. Dong, Y. Cheng, and Y. Ren; Department of Electronic CA-P.27 SUN �J. Fekete1 , P. Rácz1 , and P. Dombi1,2 ; 1 Wigner Research
Engineering, School of Information Science and Technol- CA-P.23 SUN 2 �m Diode Pumped Tm:YAG Laser with 180 mJ Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary; 2 Max-Planck-
ogy, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, People’s Republic High power femtosecond 1030nm burst-mode Pulse Energy Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
of (PRC) front-end and pre-ampli�er for the European XFEL �A. Heinrich1 , M. Harlander1 , T. Bragagna1 , C. Hagen2 , We performed nonlinear compression of transform
We report on highly e�cient performance of pump-probe laser development and B. Nussbaumer2 ; 1 Pantec Biosolutions AG, Ruggell, limited 75-fs laser pulses delivered by a long-cavity
Yb:YAG/Cr,Yb:YAG self-Q-switched microchip lasers �M. Kellert1 , K. Kruse1 , M. Pergament1 , G. Kulcsar2 , T. Liechtenstein; 2 Pantec Engineering AG, Ruggell, Liechten- Ti:sapphire oscillator to 18-fs, 100-nJ pulses using large
by bonding Yb:YAG to Cr,Yb:YAG crystal under high- Mans3 , and M. Lederer1 ; 1 European X-Ray Free-Electron stein mode area photonic crystal �bres and chirped mirrors in
brightness laser-diode pumping. Laser-Facility GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; 2 Laser Im- A pulsed, diode-pumped, monolithic 2 �m laser is pre- a simple, scalable scheme.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Sunday 12 May 2013
Hall B0
CA-P.32 SUN 3
ique S.A., Elancourt, France; IRAP, Toulouse, France; programs are presented. First results relative to these
First Results of ChemCam on Mars and Further Laser
LATMOS, Guyancourt, France new developments are presented.
Developments for New Space Programs First results of ChemCam (LIBS Instrument onboard
�B. Faure1 , E. Durand2 , S. Maurice3 , D. Bruneau4 , and F. Curiosity Martian Rover) are presented. New develop-
Montmessin4 ; 1 CNES, Toulouse, France; 2 �ales Optron- ments on the solid-state ChemCam laser for new space


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
8:30 – 9:15 PL-1.1 MON (Plenary) 8:30 9:30 – 10:45 9:30 PL-2.1 MON (Plenary) 10:00
PL-1: CLEO/Europe 2013 Plenary �in Disk Lasers PL-2: World of Photonics Opening Words of Welcome by Norbert Bargmann, Nanoscopy with Focused Light
�A. Giesen; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Deputy CEO Messe Munich International. �S.W. Hell; Max Planck Institute for Biophys-
Talk with Plenary Talk
Stuttgart, Germany Honor of exhibitors of the �rst LASER ical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany
Chair: W. Andrew Clarkson, University of Chair: Peter E. Andersen, Technical Univer-
�e design ideas of thin disk lasers will be World of PHOTONICS. �roughout the 20th century the resolution
Southampton, Southampton, United King- sity of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark
explained. Results for continuous wave op- Words of Welcome by Prof. Dr. Peter of optical microscopy relying on conven-
eration and for pulsed operation show the Loosen, President of the Steering Commit- tional lenses was limited by di�raction. We
capability for building high power lasers tee World of Photonics Congress, Fraun- show how this limit can be radically over-
with high e�ciency and good beam quality, hofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), come and how this change impacts various
simultaneously. Aachen, Germany. �elds of science.


11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30
CF/IE-5: Novel Methods in JSI-1: Nuclear Photonics CH-1: Advances in Spectroscopy I ID-1: Frequency Standards and CI-1: Next Generation
Ultrafast Optics Chair: Ken Ledingham, University of Strath- Chair: Krzysztof Abramski, Wroclaw Univer- Spectroscopy Transmission
Chair: Roberto Osellame, Politecnico di Mi- clyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom sity of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland Chair: Livio Gianfrani, Seconda Università di Chair: Liam Barry, Dublin City University,
lano, Milan, Italy Napoli, Naples, Italy Dublin, Ireland
CF/IE-5.1 MON 11:00 JSI-1.1 MON (Invited) 11:00 CH-1.1 MON 11:00 ID-1.1 MON 11:00 CI-1.1 MON (Invited) 11:00
Acousto-optic Fastscan Delay with Scan Nuclear Photonics with Extreme Mid-infrared frequency comb based-on Yb+ Single-Ion Optical Frequency 400G/1T Superchannels Enabling Next
Rates exceeding 30 kHz and Gamma-ray Sources low threshold optical parametric Standard with Systematic Uncertainty at Generation Optical Communications
sub-20-Attosecond Precision �C.P.J. Barty; Lawrence Livermore National oscillator the 10−17 Level �S. Chandrasekhar and X. Liu; Bell Labs,
�O. Schubert1 , M. Eisele1 , V. Crozatier2 , Laboratory, Livermore, United States Y. Jin, �J. Mandon, S. Cristescu, and F. Har- N. Huntemann, B. Lipphardt, M. Okhapkin, Alcatel-Lucent, Holmdel, United States
N. Forget2 , D. Kaplan2 , and R. Huber1 ; Tunable, polarized, mono-energetic, ren; Institute for Molecules and Materials, Ni- C. Tamm, and �E. Peik; Physikalisch- We review recent advances in the genera-
University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Ger- gamma-ray (MEGa-ray) beams can be jmegen, �e Netherlands Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, tion, detection, and transmission of high
many; 2 Fastlite, Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, created via Compton scattering of pulsed We present a low threshold mid-infrared Germany spectral e�ciency optical superchannels that
France lasers o� of ultra-bright electron beams. optical-parametric-oscillator based on an A frequency standard based on the electric utilize both orthogonal-frequency-division-
We introduce a fastscan-delay based on an Yb-frequency comb. �e idler can be con- octupole transition in a trapped 171 Yb+ ion multiplexing for optical carrier modula-
acousto-optic programmable dispersive �l- tinuously tuned from 2.7 to 4.8 um, gener- is described. Hyper-Ramsey excitation leads tion and/or carrier multiplexing, and non-
ter. �e precision of 20 as and scan rates ex- ating an ideal radiation for frequency comb to a signal that is immune to the light shi� orthogonal approaches. Optical networking
ceeding 30 kHz make this �ber-compatible spectroscopy in the mid- infrared. induced by the probe laser. implications are addressed.
device ideally suited for a broad variety of
pump-probe experiments.

CF/IE-5.2 MON 11:15 CH-1.2 MON 11:15 ID-1.2 MON 11:15

Phase-locked pulses for two-dimensional Fully stabilized dual-comb spectrometer Comparing PTB’s optical 171Yb+ ion and
spectroscopy by a birefringent delay line based on a mid-IR quantum- 87Sr lattice clock
�C. Manzoni1 , D. Brida2 , and G. Cerullo1 ; cascade-laser frequency comb �C. Grebing, S. Falke, N. Huntemann, N.
IFN-CNR, Dipartimento di Fisica, Politec- �G. Villares1 , A. Hugi1 , S. Blaser2 , H.C. Liu3 , Lemke, B. Lipphardt, U. Sterr, C. Tamm, H.
nico di Milano, Milan, Italy; 2 Department and J. Faist1 ; 1 Institute for Quantum Elec- Schnatz, E. Peik, and C. Lisdat; PTB, Braun-
of Physics and Center for Applied Photonics, tronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; schweig, Germany
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany Alpes Lasers SA, Neuchâtel, Switzerland; We present results of an optical frequency
We introduce a device for the genera- Key Laboratory of Arti�cial Structures and comparison between a 171Yb+ ion and a
tion of collinear, interferometrically locked Quantum Control, Department of Physics, 87Sr lattice clock. �e uncertainty was dom-
ultrashort pulse pairs. �eir delay is Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, inated by the systematic uncertainty of the
controlled with attosecond precision and China, People’s Republic of (PRC) clocks, which was in the range of 5x10^-17.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013


11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30 11:00 – 12:30
IA-1: Strong Coupling IB-1: Photon Pair Sources and CD-5: Optical Parametric CK-5: Microstructures for Energy CE-1: Semiconductor Materials and
Chair: Markus Hennrich, University of Inns- Detectors Oscillators and Sensing Devices
bruck, Innsbruck, Austria Chair: Gregor Weihs, University of Inns- Chair: Harald Schwefel, Max-Planck-Institut Chair: Pietro Ferraro, CNR-INO, Firenze, Chair: Michael Jetter, University of Stuttgart,
bruck, Innsbruck, Austria für die Physik des Lichtes, Erlangen, Germany Italy Stuttgart, Germany
IA-1.1 MON 11:00 IB-1.1 MON 11:00 CD-5.1 MON 11:00 CK-5.1 MON (Keynote) 11:00 CE-1.1 MON 11:00
Adaptive Quantum Non-Demolition High-e�ciency Bragg Grating Enhanced Pulse Compression in a Synchronously Opto�uidics for Energy Applications Control of the absorption recovery time
Measurement of Fock States On-chip Photon-number-resolving Pumped Optical Parametric Oscillator �D. Psaltis; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de in GaSb SESAMs
�B. Peaudecerf1 , T. Rybarczyk1 , S. Gerlich1 , Detectors with a Graphene Saturable Absorber Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland �J. Paajaste1 , S. Suomalainen1 , A.
I. Dotsenko1 , S. Gleyzes1 , M. Brune1 , J.-M. �P.L. Mennea1 , B. Calkins2 , B.J. Metcalf3 , C. Laporte1 , �J.-B. Dherbecourt1 , J.-M. We will discuss opto�uidic solar fuel systems Härkönen1 , U. Griebner2 , G. Steinmeyer1,2 ,
Raimond1 , and S. Haroche1,2 ; 1 Laboratoire T. Gerrits2 , A.E. Lita2 , J.C. Gates1 , W.S. Melkonian1 , M. Raybaut1 , C. Drag2 , and A. that rely on microstructured components and M. Guina1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research
Kastler Brossel, Paris, France; 2 Collège de Kolthammer3 , J.B. Spring3 , P. Humphries3 , Godard1 ; 1 ONERA - the French Aerospace with combined optical and �uidic function- Centre, Tampere University of Technology,
France, Paris, France N.A. Tomlin2 , A.E. Fox2 , A. Lamas-Linares2 , Lab, Palaiseau, France; 2 Laboratoire Aimé ality to improve the e�ciency of solar energy Tampere, Finland; 2 Max Born Institute
Rydberg atoms interacting dispersively with R.P. Mirin2 , S.W. Nam2 , I.A. Walmsley3 , and Cotton, CNRS-Université Paris Sud 11, harvesting. for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse
a high-Q cavity �eld perform quantum non- P.G.R. Smith1 ; 1 University of Southampton, Orsay, France Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany
destructive measurement of its photon num- Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 National We report on the �rst experimental demon- We report on fabrication and design param-
ber. We report on speeding up this measure- Institute of Standards and Technology, Boul- stration of pulse length compression in a eters of GaSb-based SESAMs and their as-
ment by optimizing in real-time the settings der, United States; 3 University of Oxford, Ox- synchronously pumped optical parametric sociated absorption recovery time character-
of individual atomic state detections. ford, United Kingdom oscillator by use of an intracavity ultrafast istics; SESAMs grown at di�erent tempera-
We present our latest developments in high- graphene saturable absorber. tures, with di�erent composition and strain,
e�ciency telecom-band integrated photon- and employing di�erent optical designs.
number-resolving detectors using supercon-
ducting Transition Edge Sensors (TESs),
evanescently coupled with a UV-written
waveguide. Bragg gratings are utilised both
to increase detection e�ciency and aid char-
IA-1.2 MON 11:15 IB-1.2 MON 11:15 CD-5.2 MON 11:15 CE-1.2 MON 11:15
Simulating single-photon-single-atom Ultra-bright source of Sub-ns OPO based on PPKTP with 1 mJ Coherent Acoustic Phonons in
absorption experiments with an optical polarization-entangled photons in a Idler Energy at 2800 nm Semiconductor Bragg Mirrors
resonator linear double-pass con�guration �D. Chuchumishev1 , G. Marchev2 , I. �F. Schättiger, O. Ristow, M. Hettich, and T.
�M. Bader1,2 , S. Heugel1,2 , A. Chekhov3 , M. �F.O. Steinlechner1 , S. Ramelow2,3 , M. Jofre1 , Buchvarov1 , V. Pasiskevicius3 , F. Laurell3 , Dekorsy; University of Konstanz, Konstanz,
Sondermann1,2 , and G. Leuchs1,2 ; 1 Max- M. Gilaberte1 , T. Jennewein4 , J.P. Torres1,4 , and V. Petrov2 ; 1 Department of Physics, Germany
Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, M.W. Mitchell1,5 , and V. Pruneri1,5 ; 1 ICFO- So�a University, So�a, Bulgaria; 2 Max- We report on coherent acoustic phonon
Erlangen, Germany; 2 Institute of Optics, Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, Barcelona, Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and spectroscopy of semiconductor Bragg mir-
Information and Photonics, University Spain; 2 Institute for Quantum Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany; rors. Comparing the experimental results
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany; Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Department of Applied Physics, Royal with the calculated acoustic phonon disper-
Department of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Sciences, Vienna, Austria; 3 Quantum Op- Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden sions enables a high accuracy determination
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia tics, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum In- Output energy of 1 mJ is obtained for the of the structural parameters.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
stability<λ/360 in the spectral range from We realize a fully stabilized dual-comb spec-
UV to mid-IR. trometer covering 14 cm-1 with individual
tooth linewidth of 4 MHz by using mid-
IR QCL based frequency combs centered at
1430 cm-1.

CF/IE-5.3 MON 11:30 JSI-1.2 MON (Invited) 11:30 CH-1.3 MON 11:30 ID-1.3 MON 11:30 CI-1.2 MON 11:30
Ultralow Jitter Mode-Locked Lasers at 1.5 Nuclear processes and nuclear decay Methane sensing at 3.4um using Chirped Development of compact lattice optical Highly Scalable Integrated Discrete
micron for a subfemtosecond modi�cations in plasmas Laser Dispersion Spectroscopy with DFG clocks towards future space clocks Fourier Transformation Filter in
�M. Xin1 , K. Ahmed1 , and F. Kärtner1,2 ; �V. Méot; CEA/DAM Ile de France, Arpajon, source �S. Schiller1 , A. Görlitz1 , G.M. Tino2 , U. Silicon-on-Insulator for Next Generation
Center for Free-Electron Laser Sci- France �M. Nikodem1,2 , K. Krzempek3 , G. Plant2 , Sterr3 , C. Lisdat3 , P. Gill4 , E.M. Rasel5 , WDM Systems
ence, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Nuclear processes in plasmas involving the K. Abramski3 , and G. Wysocki2 ; 1 Wroclaw K. Bongs6 , D. Calonico7 , W. Kaenders8 , �A. Rahim1 , J. Bruns1 , K. Voigt1 , K.
Hamburg, Germany; 2 Department of coupling between the atom and the nucleus Research Centre EIT+, Wroclaw, Poland; S. Bize9 , and R. Holzwarth10 ; 1 Heinrich- Petermann1 , S. Schwarz2 , and C. Schae�er2 ;
2 1
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will be described. Nuclear lifetime modi�ca- Princeton University, Princeton, United Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany; Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany;
and Research Laboratory of Electronics, tions generated by the plasma environment States; 3 Wroclaw University of Technology, 2
Universita di Firenze, Firenze, Italy; 2
Helmut-Schmidt Universität, Hamburg,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and attempts to observe it, will be presented. Wroclaw, Poland Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
Cambridge, United States A chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy Braunschweig, Germany; 4 National Physical We present a highly scalable integrated opti-
�e timing jitter of two femtosecond-pulse- (CLaDS) system for open-path methane Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom; cal �lter to perform discrete fourier transfor-
train lasers is characterized by a Balanced sensing is presented. Di�erential frequency Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Germany; mation to demultiplex OFDM sub-carriers
Optical cross-correlator with sub-100 as res- generation source provides access to the fun- University of Brimingham, Birmingham, in the next generation WDM systems. �e
olution. �e measurement results showed damental methane transitions and enables United Kingdom; 7 Istituto Nazionale di performance of a �lter fabricated in SOI
that these two lasers are capable of con- optimal performance of CLaDS technique in Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy; 8 Toptica technology is also presented.
structing a sub-fs timing distribution sys- mid-infrared. GmbH, München, Germany; 9 Observatoire
tem. de Paris, Paris, France; 10 Menlo Systems
GmbH, München, Germany
Compact, low-power consumption and ro-
bust lattice optical clock apparata have been
developed, as a �rst step towards instru-
CF/IE-5.4 MON 11:45 ments for use in space. �e clock transitions
Temporal overlapping for HHG seeded of both bosonic 88Sr and fermionic 171Yb
EUV-FEL operation by using EOS-based have been observed
timing-dri� controlling system
�S. Matsubara1 , T. Togashi1 , E. Takahashi2 , CH-1.4 MON 11:45 ID-1.4 MON 11:45 CI-1.3 MON 11:45
K. Midorikawa2 , M. Aoyama3 , K. Simultaneous spectral and temporal laser Asynchronous Mid-IR Optical Parametric Optical 36QAM Transmitter based on
Yamakawa3 , T. Sato4,5 , A. Iwasaki5 , S. pulse characterization in the nanosecond Oscillator Frequency Combs Two Tandem IQ Modulators with
Owada5 , K. Yamanouchi5 , T. Hara4,1 , K. range employing an all-�ber Time-Delay Z. Zhang1,3 , X. Fang1,2 , �T. Gardiner3 , and Simpli�ed Driving Electronics
Ogawa4 , T. Ohshima4,1 , Y. Okayasu1,4 , Y. Spectrometer D.T. Reid1 ; 1 Heriot-Watt University, Edin- �G.-W. Lu, T. Sakamoto, and T. Kawanishi;
Otake4,1 , H. Tanaka4,1 , T. Tanaka4,1 , H. T. Tieß1 , M. Rothhardt1 , �M. Jäger1 , and H. burgh, United Kingdom; 2 Tianjin Univer- National Institute of Information and Com-
Tomizawa4,1 , T. Watanabe1,4 , M. Yabashi4,1 , Bartelt1,2 ; 1 Institute of Photonic Technology, sity, Tianjin, China, People’s Republic of munications Technology, Tokyo, Japan
T. Ishikawa4 , and K. Togawa4,1 ; 1 Japan Jena, Germany; 2 Abbe Center of Photonics, (PRC); 3 National Physical Laboratory, Lon- We propose and demonstrate an optical
Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, FSU Jena, Jena, Germany don, United Kingdom 36QAM transmitter, consisting of two tan-
Hyogo, Japan; 2 RIKEN Advanced Science We demonstrate a novel method for a simul- We report high-power, carrier-envelope- dem IQ modulators driven by binary and 3-
Institute, Saitama, Japan; 3 Japan Atomic En- taneous spectral and temporal characteriza- o�set (CEO) frequency stabilized, asyn- level electronics. Compared with the single-
ergy Agency, Kyoto, Japan; 4 RIKEN SPring-8 tion of single light pulses in the nanosecond chronous dual frequency combs operating IQ modulator scheme requiring 6-level elec-
Center, Hyogo, Japan; 5 �e University of scale based on the principle of a �ber-based at 3.3-micrometer. �e two channels, each tronics, the complexity in electronics is re-
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Time-Delay spectrometer. with 100 mW average power, share all duced.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
�e energy storage e�ciency inside an opti- formation, University of Vienna, Faculty of 380 ps long idler pulses at 2800 nm from
cal resonator is an analogue for the dynamics Physics, Vienna, Austria; 4 Department of Sig- a short-cavity singly-resonant 500-Hz OPO
of single-photon-single-atom absorption ex- nal �eory and Communications, Universitat employing PPKTP and near-di�raction-
periments. We present experiments on cou- Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; limited, single-frequency, sub-nanosecond
pling a light pulse to a resonator with high ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Es- pump source at 1064 nm
e�ciency. tudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain
We present the brightest, high-visibility
source of polarization entangled pho-
tons, based on collinear non-degenerate
spontaneous parametric down-conversion
emission from a single periodically poled
KTiOPO4 crystal, in a linear double-pass
IA-1.3 MON 11:30 IB-1.3 MON 11:30 CD-5.3 MON 11:30 CE-1.3 MON 11:30
Strong coupling between single atoms and Spatial Multiplexing of Monolithic Silicon Dual-wavelength synchronously-pumped Ga(As)Sb/GaAs quantum dots for
non-transversal photons Heralded Single Photon Sources femtosecond optical parametric oscillator emission around 1300 nm
�J. Volz, C. Junge, D. O’Shea, and A. �M. Collins1 , C. Xiong1 , T. Vo2 , A. Clark1 , I. using antiresonant ring interferometer �J. Richter, J. Strassner, T.H. Loeber, and H.
Rauschenbeutel; Atominstitut, Vienna Uni- Rey3 , J. He1 , S. Shahnia1 , C. Reardon4 , M. �A.E. Martin1 , V.R. Badarla1 , and M.E. Fouckhardt; University of Technology, Physics
versity of Technology, Vienna, Austria Steel5 , T. Krauss4 , and B. Eggleton1 ; 1 Centre Zadeh1,2 ; 1 Institute of Photonic Sciences Department, Kaiserslautern, Germany
We investigate the interaction between sin- for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Opti- (ICFO), Barcelona, Spain; 2 Institucio Cata- Steps of optimization to shi� the
gle atoms and non-transversally polarized cal Systems (CUDOS), Institute of Photon- lana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats (ICREA), Ga(As)Sb/GaAs quantum dot (QD)
photons in whispering-gallery-mode mi- ics and Optical Science (IPOS), School of Barcelona, Spain photoluminescence and QD laser emission
croresonators. Our experimental results Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Aus- We demonstrate a novel technique for cou- to 1300 nm wavelength by varying the MBE
show that the non-transversal polarization tralia; 2 Maritime Operations Division, De- pling of two synchronously-pumped opti- epitaxial growth parameters are reported.
decisively alters the physics of strong light- fence Science and Technology Organisation, cal parametric oscillators using an antires-
matter interaction. Sydney, Australia; 3 SUPA, School of Physics onant ring interferometer, providing dual-
and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, wavelength operation with arbitrary tuning
St. Andrews, United Kingdom; 4 Department and high intracavity power in each beam
of Physics, University of York, York, United without gain coupling.
Kingdom; 5 CUDOS, MQ Photonics Research
Centre, Department of Physics and Astron-
omy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
We present the �rst demonstration of spa-
tial multiplexing of two integrated heralded
single photon sources enhancing the single
photon rate by > 60%. Photons are generated
at telecommunication wavelengths in mono-
lithic silicon photonic crystal waveguides.
IA-1.4 MON 11:45 IB-1.4 MON 11:45 CD-5.4 MON 11:45 CK-5.2 MON 11:45 CE-1.4 MON 11:45
Observation and measurement of A highly e�cient integrated two-color 3.3 - 3.7 micrometer Nested Cavity OPO Quasi-bidimensional disordered Modi�cation Of Eu Incorporation Sites
interaction-induced dispersive optical source for heralded single photons pumped by an ampli�ed micro-laser for structures for light trapping in thin-�lm By �e Dissociation Of Hydrogen Defect
nonlinearities in an ensemble of cold �S. Krapick, H. Herrmann, B. Brecht, V. Quir- portable DIAL solar cells. Complexes In Mg and Eu Co-Doped
Rydberg atoms ing, H. Suche, and C. Silberhorn; Applied �J. Barrientos-Barria1 , J.-B. Dherbecourt1 , M. Burresi1,2 , �F. Pratesi1 , K. Vynck1 , M. Gallium Nitride
�V. Parigi1,2 , E. Bimbard1 , J. Stanojevic1 , Physics, University of Paderborn, Warburger M. Raybaut1 , A. Godard1 , J.-M. Melkonian1 , Prasciolu3 , M. Tormen4 , and D. Wiersma1,2 ; �B. Mitchell1 , J. Poplawsky1 , Y. Fujiwara2 ,
A.J. Hilliard1,3 , F. Nogrette1 , R. Tualle- Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany M. Lefebvre1 , B. Faure2 , and G. Souhaité2 ; 1
1. European Laboratory for Non-linear Spec- and V. Dierolf1 ; 1 Lehigh University, Bethle-
Brouri1 , A. Ourjoumtsev1 , and P. Grangier1 ; Future quantum network applications will 1
Onera, �e french aerospace lab, Palaiseau, troscopy (LENS), Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, hem, USA; 2 Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut rely on the development of highly e�cient France; 2 Teem Photonics, Meylan, France Italy; 2 2. Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (CNR- To improve the e�ciency of Eu:GaN sam-
d’Optique, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, single-photon sources with multiple func- We present here a new laser transmitter for INO), Firenze, Italy; 3 3. IOM-CNR, Labo- ples, Mg was added as a co-dopant. �is re-
Palaiseau, France; 2 Laboratoire Kastler tionalities. We demonstrate an integrated DIAL LIDAR, based on a 3.3 - 3.7 microm- ratorio TASC, Trieste, Italy; 4 4. Laborato- sulted in the creation of new incorporation
Brossel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, source, which combines parametric down- eter nested cavity OPO, pumped by a specif- rio Nazionale TASC-INFM, Basovizza, tri- sites with enhanced excitation e�ciency, but
Ecole Normale Supérieure, CNRS, Paris, conversion with a wavelength division de- ically designed nanosecond micro-laser am- este, Italy which are modi�ed under electron beam ex-
France; 3 QUANTOP, Institut for Fysik og multiplexer on one chip. pli�ed to 200*J level. A novel kind of disordered quasi-bidimen- posure.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
We have demonstrated HHG-seeded FEL the components for mid-infrared generation
operation in the EUV region with EOS- and CEO-frequency detection.
based timing-dri� control to maximize tem-
poral overlap between HH-pulses and elec-
tron bunches. �e seeding operation was
successful with a hit rate over 20%.

CF/IE-5.5 MON 12:00 JSI-1.3 MON 12:00 CH-1.5 MON 12:00 ID-1.5 MON 12:00 CI-1.4 MON 12:00
Development of active gratings for Triggered de-excitation of nuclear isomer 3DIntegrated Optical Component for Comb-assisted precision spectroscopy of Traceback Equalization for
ultrafast monochromators in plasma: the case of 84m Rb. SpectroInterferometry NH3 at 9.1 �m Non-Uniformly Synthesized Optical QAM
F. Frassetto1 , S. Bonora1 , G. Brusatin2 , G. �D. Denis-Petit1 , V. Bagnoud3 , T. Bonnet1 , A. Saviauk, �S. Minardi, F. Dreisow, S. �D. Gatti1 , A. Mills2 , M. Devizia3 , I. Hartl4 , Signals
Della Giustina2 , S. Stagira3 , C. Vozzi1 , E. M. Comet2 , A. Frank3 , F. Gobet1 , G. Nolte, and T. Pertsch; Institute of Applied L. Gianfrani3 , M. Marangoni1 , and M. �T. Sakamoto, G.-W. Lu, and T. Kawanishi;
Zanchetta2 , and �L. Poletto1 ; 1 CNR-Institute Gosselin2 , F. Hannachi1 , V. Méot2 , P. Morel2 , Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- Fermann2 ; 1 Politecnico di Milano and IFN- National Institute of Information and Tech-
pof Photonics and Nanotechnologies, Padova M. Tarisien1 , and M. Versteegen1 ; 1 Centre SchillerUniversität, MaxWienPlatz 1, Jena, CNR, Milano, Italy; 2 IMRA America Inc., nology, Tokyo, Japan
& Milano, Italy; 2 Department of Industrial d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan, Germany Ann Arbor, United States; 3 Seconda Uni- QAM signals synthesized from binary data
Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Gradignan, France; 2 CEA, DAM, DIF, Arpa- We present a compact setup based on a versità di Napoli, Caserta, Italy; 4 Deutsches sequences is non-uniformly distorted. We
Italy; 3 Department of Physics, Politecnico di jon, France; 3 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für three-dimensional integrated optical com- Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany propose a novel equalizing scheme called
Milano, Milano, Italy Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany ponent, allowing the measurement of the A coherent phase lock of a quantum- traceback equalization to solve the problem.
�e design of active deformable gratings to We have undertaken the study of the trig- mutual coherence properties of three chan- cascade-laser to a thulium-�ber frequency By the equalizer, the non-uniform distortion
be used in grazing-incidence monochroma- gered de-excitation of the 84m Rb isomer in nels of polychromatic light. Applications to comb is exploited for the investigation of is e�ectively compensated for.
tors for XUV ultrafast pulses is discussed. A laser produced plasma. Preliminary nuclear astronomical interferometry and multichan- multi-line absorption spectra of ammonia
double-grating con�guration has been real- and atomic physics experiments were con- nel metrology are foreseen. at 9.1 �m with extremely high metrological
ized to demonstrate the compensation of the ducted and the �rst results will be presented. quality.
grating front-tilt. CH-1.6 MON 12:15
High-resolution integrated photonic
CF/IE-5.6 MON 12:15 JSI-1.4 MON 12:15 micro-spectrographs for radial velocity ID-1.6 MON 12:15 CI-1.5 MON 12:15
Resonance Scanning Interferometer for Search for the Low Energy Nuclear exoplanet astronomy Quantum Limited Measurements with Analytical formulation framework for
Group Delay Dispersion Measurements Excitation with a Femtosecond Plasma: �N. Cvetojevic1,2,3 , H. Fernando4 , N. Optical Frequency Combs directly modulated/detected OOFDM
�M. Trubetskov1,2 , M. von Pechmann4 , an Overview and Perspectives Jovanovic5 , J. Lawrence1,2,6 , R. Haynes4 , J. �P. Jian1 , O. Pinel1,2 , J. Roslund1 , R. systems
I. Angelov1 , O. Razskazovskaya1 , K. �A. Savelyev; Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Bland-Hawthorn7 , and M. Withford1,2,3 ; Schmeissner1 , B. Lamine1 , C. Fabre1 , and �C. Sánchez, B. Ortega, and J. Capmany; In-
Vodopyanov3 , F. Krausz1,4 , and V. Pervak4,5 ; Moscow, Russia MQ Photonics Research Centre, Dept. N. Treps1 ; 1 Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, stitute of Telecommunications and Multime-
Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Recent experimental attempts to observe the of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie Université Pierre et Marie Curie, ENS, dia Applications (ITEAM), Group of Opti-
Garching, Germany; 2 Research Com- low energy nuclear excitation with femtosec- University, Sydney, Australia; 2 Research CNRS, Paris, France; 2 Centre for Quantum cal & Quantum Communications, Valencia,
puting Center, Moscow State University, ond lasers are discussed. An ionized elec- Centre in Astronomy, Astrophysics & As- Computation and Communication Technol- Spain
Moscow, Russia; 3 Univ. Central Florida, tron motion in the superintense laser �eld trophotonics, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, ogy, Department of Quantum Science, �e A complete theoretical framework which
CREOL, Orlando, United States; 4 Ludwig- might lead to the nuclear excitation through Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; Australian National University, Canberra, aims to mathematically describe the most
Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, inverse internal conversion, inelastic scatter- Centre for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices Australia signi�cant physical dynamics/mechanisms
Garching, Germany; 5 Ultrafast Innovations ing and photoexcitation. for Optical Systems (CUDOS), Sydney, Optical frequency combs are used to achieve on the performance of directly modu-
GmbH, Garching, Germany Australia; 4 innoFSPEC, Leibniz-Institut quantum limited (in the sense of the quan- lated/detected OOFDM systems is pre-
We developed a Resonance Scanning Inter- für Astrophysik, Potsdam, Germany; tum Cramér-Rao bound) space-time posi- sented. Results show good agreement be-
ferometer for group delay and group de- Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical tioning measurements, in vacuum and in air, tween evaluation of theoretical expressions
lay dispersion measurements based on inter- Observatory of Japan, Hilo, United States; by means of pulse shaping techniques and and simulations.
mirror spacer resonances. High resolution Australian Astronomical Observatory homodyne detection scheme.
is achieved by simultaneous processing of (AAO), Sydney, Australia; 7 Sydney Institute
measurement scans obtained for di�erent for Astronomy, University of Sydney, Sydney,
spacer thicknesses. Australia
We report on a comprehensive redesign of
arrayed waveguide grating architecture to
vastly improve the performance of an in-
tegrated photonic micro-spectrograph for
high-resolution exoplanet astronomy.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Astronomi, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, sional photonic structures are presented as
Denmark light trapping architecture to be applied on
We measured dispersive optical nonlineari- thin-�lm photovoltaic cells. Experimental
ties in an ensemble of cold Rydberg atoms and numerical results reveal their broad-
placed inside an optical cavity. A simple band and omidirectional absorption proper-
model explains these by the progressive ap- ties.
pearance of a Rydberg blockaded volume
within the medium
IA-1.5 MON (Invited) 12:00 IB-1.5 MON 12:00 CD-5.5 MON 12:00 CK-5.3 MON 12:00 CE-1.5 MON (Invited) 12:00
Quantum Networks based on Single Decorrelated PDC Source at Telecom Whispering gallery optical parametric Optical hydrogen sensors based on Au/Pd Nano-scale Characterization of
Atoms in Optical Cavities Wavelengths with Identical Signal and oscillators: coupling is the key core shell nanorod arrays Semiconductors Using Helium
�S. Ritter, C. Nölleke, C. Hahn, A. Reis- Idler �C. Werner1 , T. Beckmann1 , K. Buse1,2 , and �M. Nasir, W. Dickson, J.-S. Bouillard, A. Temperature Scanning Transmission
erer, A. Neuzner, M. Upho�, M. Mücke, E. �G. Harder1 , V. Ansari1 , B. Brecht1 , I. Breunig1 ; 1 University of Freiburg - IMTEK, Mansourian, D. O’Connor, G. Wurtz, and Electron Microscopy
Figueroa, J. Bochmann, and G. Rempe; Max- T. Dirmeier2 , C. Marquardt2 , and C. Freiburg, Germany; 2 Fraunhofer Institute of A. Zayats; King’s College London, London, Cathodoluminescence
Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Silberhorn1,2 ; 1 Applied Physics, University Physical Measurement Techniques, Freiburg, United Kingdom �J. Christen; Otto-von-Guericke-University,
Germany of Paderborn, Warburger Strasse 100, Germany We describe a novel optical hydrogen sensor Institute of Experimental Physics, Magde-
Single atoms in optical cavities are ideally 33098 Paderborn, Germany; 2 Max Planck We show that the coupling strength is the based on gold/palladium core-shell nanorod burg, Germany
suited as universal quantum network nodes. Institute for the Science of Light, Guenther- key parameter for the performance of whis- arrays synthesized using highly ordered Luminescence spectroscopy is one of the
We demonstrate the reversible exchange of Scharowsky-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany pering gallery optical parametric oscilla- porous alumina template that provide ex- most utilized optical characterization
quantum information and the creation of re- We realize an ultrafast, e�cient type-II para- tors. Moving the coupling prism by only tremely high sensitivity due to the modi�ca- techniques. Its combination with the
mote entanglement between two identical metric downconversion source in a periodi- 500 nm yields a 4-orders-of-magnitude e�- tion of plasmonic resonances of the arrays. high spatial resolution of transmission
nodes in remote, independent laboratories. cally poled KTP waveguide at telecom wave- ciency change. electron microscopy, provides a unique,
lengths producing separable and symmetric extremely powerful tool for the optical
photon pairs. �eir indistinguishability and nano-characterization of semiconductors.
purity is veri�ed by Hong-Ou-Mandel inter-
ference measurements.
IB-1.6 MON 12:15 CD-5.6 MON 12:15 CK-5.4 MON 12:15
Ultra-narrowband Photon Pair Source for Optical Parametric Oscillator based 3D lithography of polymers for
Solid State Quantum Memories Based on detection of hydrogen cyanide for micro-photonic applications
Widely Non-degenerate Cavity-enhanced bio-medical applications S. Grilli1 , �S. Coppola1,2 , V. Vespini1 , F.
Downconversion D. Arslanov, Y. Jin, J. Mandon, S. Cristescu, Merola1 , A. Finizio1 , and P. Ferraro1 ; 1 CNR-
�D. Rieländer1 , J. Fekete1 , M. Cristiani1 , and �F. Harren; Radboud University, Institute INO, Pozzuoli (NA), Italy; 2 Università degli
and H. de Riedmatten1,2 ; 1 ICFO-�e Insti- for Molecules and Materials, Nijmegen, �e Studi di Napoli ”Federico II”, Dipartimento
tute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels, Spain; Netherlands di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Napoli, Italy
ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Es- Versatile optical parametric oscillator based We present a novel approach for fabricating
tudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain spectrometer was developed for long-term a wide variety of so� solid-like microstruc-
We report on a photon pair source, ideally trace gas emission experiments. �e detec- tures, thus leading to a new concept in 3D
suited for long distance quantum communi- tor was successfully tested for the detection lithography. Applications as optical tweezers
cation. One photon of the pair is compatible of Hydrogen Cyanide from plants and Pseu- and active microresonators are reported.
with a solid state quantum memory and the domonas bacteria; next to exhaled human
other photon is at telecommunication wave- breath.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00
CF/IE-6: Supercontinuum ID-2: Frequency Combs CL-3: Applied Biophotonics IA-2: Quantum Photonics CB/CC-1: Terahertz Quantum
Generation and Filamentation Chair: Ekkehard Peik, Physikalisch- Chair: Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Univer- Chair: Stefan Götzinger, Max Planck Insti- Cascade Semiconductor Lasers
Chair: Luc Bergé, CEA, Arpajon, France Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, sity of Queensland, Kenmore, Brisbane, Aus- tute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, ger- Chair: �omas Dekorsy, University of Kon-
Germany tralia many stanz, Konstanz, Germany
CF/IE-6.1 MON 14:30 ID-2.1 MON 14:30 CL-3.1 MON 14:30 IA-2.1 MON (Invited) 14:30 CB/CC-1.1 MON 14:30
Investigation of Plasma Filament Decay Steady-state and instabilities of Distinguishing immature and mature Photonic Quantum Technologies Phase-locked arrays of surface-emitting
in Gases at Di�erent Pressures octave-spanning Kerr frequency combs HIV-1 particles by superresolution K. Aungskunsiri, D. Bonneau, J. Carolan, D. terahertz distributed feedback quantum
�S. Bodrov1,2 , A. Murzanev1 , Y. Sergeev1 , Y. modeled using a generalized optical �uorescence microscopy Fry, J. Hadden, S. Ho, J. Kennard, S. Knauer, cascade lasers
Malkov1 , M. Tsarev2,1 , N. Aleksandrov3 , I. Lugiato-Lefever equation �V. Mönkemöller1 , W. Hübner1 , B. Dale2 , E. Martin-Lopez, J. Meinecke, G. Mendoza, J. �G. Xu1 , Y. Halioua1 , R. Colombelli1 , S.P.
Kochetov4 , and A. Stepanov1 ; 1 Institute of �M. Erkintalo1 , H. Randle1 , T. Sylvestre2 , and B.K. Chen2 , G.P. McNerney3 , and T. Huser1 ; Munns, M. Piekarek, K. Poulios, X. Qiang, N. Khanna2 , L. Li2 , E.H. Lin�eld2 , A.G. Davies2 ,
Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sci- S. Coen1 ; 1 Department of Physics, �e Uni- 1
Biomolecular Photonics, University of Biele- Russell, R. Santagati, A. Santamato, P. Shad- H. Beere3 , and D.A. Ritchie3 ; 1 Institut
ences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; 2 University versity of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; feld, Bielefeld, Germany; 2 Immunology Insti- bolt, P. Sibson, J. Silverstone, O. Snowdon, N. d’Electronique Fondamentale, Univ. Paris
of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Rus- Institut FEMTO-ST, Universite de Franche- tute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New Tyler, J. Wang, C. Wilkes, S.R. Whittaker, J. Sud, Orsay, France; 2 School of Electronic and
sia; 3 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technol- Comte, Besancon, France York, United States; 3 NSF Center for Biopho- Barreto, D. Beggs, X. Cai, P. Jiang, A. Laing, Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds,
ogy, Dolgoprudny, Russia; 4 Troitsk Institute A generalized Lugiato-Lefever equation is tonics Science and Technology, University of J.C.F. Matthews, G.D. Marshall, A. Peruzzo, Leeds, United Kingdom; 3 Cavendish Labo-
of Innovation and Fusion Research, Troitsk, numerically solved to model Kerr frequency California, Davis, United States X.-Q. Zhou, J.G. Rarity, M.G. �omson, and ratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
Russia combs. Excellent agreement is obtained with Individual HIV particles are characterized �J.L. O’Brien; University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Plasma �lament decay in air, N2 and Ar past experiments. Simulations are orders-of- by single molecule based superresolution United Kingdom We report phase-locked arrays of surface-
for pressure range p=1-760 Torr was in- magnitude faster than with any other tech- �uorescence microscopy techniques in order Quantum photonics will deliver disrup- emitting terahertz quantum cascade lasers.
vestigated experimentally by combination nique and reveal di�erent regimes of comb to track the position and infection state of tive information, communication and sen- Single-mode emission is consistently ob-
of transverse optical interferometry and stability. individual HIV virions in 4D with a spatial sor technologies by harnessing quantum ef- tained and the laser emission pattern shows
pulsed terahertz scattering techniques and resolution down to 20nm. fects. We report e�orts to develop the key a main central lobe as narrow as 6 degrees in
discussed theoretically. components single photon sources and de- the array direction.
tectors, and recon�gurable waveguide cir-
CF/IE-6.2 MON 14:45 ID-2.2 MON 14:45 CL-3.2 MON 14:45 cuits and their integration. CB/CC-1.2 MON 14:45
Remotely pumped stimulated emission at Octave-spanning Ti:Sapphire laser with Quantifying molecular colocalization in Broadband homogeneous quantum
337 nm in atmospheric nitrogen repetition rate >4 GHz live cell �uorescence microscopy cascade laser emitting at 2.3 THz
�P. Polynkin1 , D. Kartashov2 , A. Schmitt- �A. Rolland1,2 , T. Fortier2 , and S.A. �F. Humpert1 , I. Yahiatene1 , M. Lummer2 , �M. Rösch, G. Scalari, M. Beck, and J.
Sody3 , S. Alisauskas2 , A. Pugzlys2 , A. Diddams2 ; 1 Institut de Physique de Rennes, M. Sauer3 , and T. Huser1,4 ; 1 Biomolecular Faist; Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH
Baltuska2 , J. Moloney1 , and W. Roach3 ; Rennes, France; 2 National Institute of Photonics, Bielefeld, Germany; 2 Molecular Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
College of Optical Sciences, University of Standards and Technology, Boulder, United Cellpysiology, Bielefeld, Germany; We report a broadband homogeneous quan-
Arizona, Tucson, United States; 2 Photonics States 3
Biotechnology and Biophysics, Würzburg, tum cascade laser emitting at 2.3 THz with a
Institute, Vienna University of Technology, We experimentally develop an octave- Germany; 4 Center for Biophotonics Schience bandwidth of 765 GHz above the noise level
Vienna, Austria; 3 Air Force Research Labs, spanning Ti:Sapphire laser operating and Technology, Sacramento, United States in pulsed mode. �e laser operates up to a
Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, United at multi-gigahertz repetition rates. By We introduce a novel, quantitative measure temperature of 140 Kelvin.
States optimizing the total group dispersion delay that enables a signi�cantly improved anal-
Stimulated emission at 337nm in atmo- intracavity, we reach an octave bandwidth ysis for colocalization in �uorescence mi-
spheric nitrogen pumped by an energetic pi- for a repetition rate at 4.3 GHz. croscopy. �is analysis can readily be ex-
cosecond laser pulse at 1,053nm is reported. tended to the evaluation of images with more
�e gain at 337nm is seeded by the spectral than just two color channels.
tail of the third harmonic of the pump.

CF/IE-6.3 MON 15:00 ID-2.3 MON 15:00 CL-3.3 MON (Invited) 15:00 IA-2.2 MON 15:00 CB/CC-1.3 MON 15:00
A New Regime of Femtosecond Spectral broadening of microresonator Super Resolution Imaging of Single Measuring higher-order interferences Exceptional points in coupled microdisk
Mid-Infrared Filamentation in based frequency combs for self-referencing DNA-Protein Interactions with a �ve-path interferometer THz quantum cascade lasers
Transparent Solids �T. Herr1 , J. Jost1 , V. Brasch1 , M. Pfei�er1 , C. G. Wuite1 , �E. Peterman1 , S. Hell2 , G. �T. Kauten, B. Gschösser, P. Mai, Z. Vörös, �M. Brandstetter, M. Liertzer, C. Deutsch, H.
�S. Ališauskas1 , D. Kartashov1 , A. Pugžlys1 , Wang1 , M. Gorodetsky2 , and T. Kippenberg1 ; Sitters1 , and I. Heller1 ; 1 VU University, Am- and G. Weihs; Institut für Experimental- Detz, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser,
D. Faccio2 , A. Zheltikov3,4 , A. Voronin3 , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, sterdam, �e Netherlands; 2 Max Planck In- physik, Innsbruck, Austria K. Unterrainer, and S. Rotter; Vienna Univer-
and A. Baltuška1 ; 1 Photonics Institute, Vi- Lausanne, Switzerland; 2 Faculty of Physics, stitute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, We performed a �ve-path interferometer sity of Technology, Vienna, Austria
enna University of Technology, Vienna, Aus- M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Germany experiment to determine an upper bound We investigated coupled microdisk tera-
tria; 2 Institute of Photonics and Quantum Moscow, Russia We developed an optical tweezers combined for possible higher-order interference terms, hertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs)

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00 14:30 – 16:00
CJ-3: Modal Instabilities in Fibres CD-6: Frequency Conversion based JSIV-1: Quantum Coherent E�ects CE-2: �in Films and
Chair: Kent Erik Mattsson, Technical Univer- on Quadratic Nonlinearities in Biology I Nanostructures
sity Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Chair: Ulf Peschel, University of Erlangen, Er- Chair: Philipp Kukura, University of Oxford, Chair: Jürgen Christen, Universität Madge-
langen, Germany Oxford, United Kingdom burg, Magdeburg, Germany
CJ-3.1 MON (Invited) 14:30 CD-6.1 MON 14:30 JSIV-1.1 MON 14:30 CE-2.1 MON 14:30
Mode instabilities in large-mode-area Narrow-Band, Mid-Infrared, CdSiP2 High Frequency Vibrational Coherences Superhydrophobic Sputtered Al2O3
�ber ampli�ers Based Seeded Optical Parametric and Coupling in the Excited State of Coating Films with High Transparency
�T. Eidam1,2 , C. Jauregui1 , H.-J. Otto1 , F. Generator Pumped by 120-ps, Single Polyenic Biochromophores �D. Tulli1 , P. Mazumder3 , D. Infante1 ,
Jansen1 , F. Stutzki1 , J. Limpert1,2,3 , and Mode 1064 nm Laser �T. Buckup, J.P. Kraack, M.S. Marek, and M. A. Carrilero1 , and V. Pruneri1,2 ; 1 ICFO,
A. Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied A. Tyazhev1 , �F. Pirzio2 , A. Agnesi2 , G. Motzkus; Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Barcelona, Spain; 2 ICREA, Barcelona, Spain;
Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- Reali2 , V. Petrov1 , G. Marchev1 , P.G. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Hei- 3
Corning Inc., Sullivan Park, NY, United
Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany; Schunemann3 , and K.T. Zawilski3 ; 1 Max- delberg, Germany States
Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Jena, Germany; Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany; 2 Università High-frequency vibrational coherences Sputtered Alumina thin �lm with roughness
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and di Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 3 BAE Systems, Inc, in the excited state of Retinals (RETs) of 20 to 50 nm was formed by immersion
Precision Engineering, Jena, Germany Nashua, Italy and Carotenoids (CARs) are investigated in boiling water. High transparency, low
Today the onset of mode instabilities is one We demonstrated low-threshold, e�cient with pump-DFWM. Newly observed C=C haze and superhydrophobic behaviour cre-
of the most limiting e�ects for average- optical parametric ampli�cation in CdSiP2 stretching bands in the excited states of ate a great potential for an anti-re�ection
power scaling of �ber lasers. We give an pumping at 1064 nm with 120-ps-long RETs and CARS is discussed. coating on glass.
overview about possible theoretical explana- pulses at 230-kHz repetition rate and seed-
tions and discuss �rst experiments demon- ing at the signal wavelength for generation of
strating mitigation strategies. bandwidth-limited idler pulses at 6100 nm.

CD-6.2 MON 14:45 JSIV-1.2 MON 14:45 CE-2.2 MON 14:45

Broad and tunable second harmonic Femtosecond stimulated Raman Durable, Superhydrophobic, Antire�ec-
generation from 250 to 430 nm from a 80 spectroscopy in 1D and 2D - direct tion and Low Haze Glass Surfaces using
MHz picosecond white light source observation of intramolecular motions scalable metal dewetting nanostructuring
�M. Bradler and E. Riedle; LS für BioMoleku- and intermolecular interactions �D. Infante1 , A. Carrilero1 , D. Tulli1 , K.W.
lare Optik, LMU, München, Germany �M. Kloz, R. van Grondelle, and J. Kennis; Koch2 , P. Mazumder2 , L. Tian2 , and V.
We show tunable second harmonic gener- Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, �e Pruneri1,3 ; 1 ICFO-Institut de Ciències
ation from 250 to 430 nm from a visi- Netherlands Fotòniques, Castelldefels, Spain; 2 Corning
ble picosecond supercontinuum Megahertz Femtosecond pump-probe experiments Inc., Corning, United States; 3 ICREA-
source, study the in�uence of the numerical greatly contributed to understanding of Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis
aperture on the frequency doubling process, elementary events in photosynthesis. Lately Avançats, Barcelona, Spain
and perform broadband achromatic dou- also more complex multi-pulse experiments Antire�ective properties of nanostructured
bling. such as femtosecond stimulated Raman glass substrates, that were fabricated by etch-
spectroscopy were harnessed to study ing a self-assembled metallic mask in an
physical nature of life. industrially scalable process, have been in-
vestigated both experimentally and theo-
retically. Moreover, their wetting behavior
could be turned superhydrophobic.
CJ-3.2 MON 15:00 CD-6.3 MON 15:00 JSIV-1.3 MON 15:00 CE-2.3 MON 15:00
On the power threshold of mode Blue-to-red tunable SHG from a On Origin of Coherence Dynamics in Oxidation-free and ultra-smooth thin
instabilities diode-pumped PPKTP waveguide Biological Complexes silver �lms grown on a copper seed layer
�C. Jauregui1 , H.-J. Otto1 , F. Stutzki1 , �K. Fedorova1 , G. Sokolovskii1,2 , P. Battle3 , �D. Zigmantas1 , D. Palecek1 , J. Dostal1 , J. �N. Formica1 , D.S. Ghosh1 , A. Carrilero1 , T.
F. Jansen1 , J. Limpert1,2 , and A. I. Krestnikov4 , D. Livshits4 , and E. Rafailov1 ; Alster1 , and V. Butkus2 ; 1 Lund Universty, Lai Chen1 , R. Simpson2 , and V. Pruneri1,3 ;
Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied 1
Photonics & Nanoscience Group, University Lund, Sweden; 2 Vilnius University, Vilnius, 1
ICFO, Institute of Photonic Sciences,
Physics, Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtz- of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom; 2 Io�e Lithuania Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Singapore
Institute Jena, Jena, Germany; 3 Fraunhofer Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, We employed polarization 2D spectroscopy, University of Techonology and Design, Singa-
Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Russia; 3 AdvR Inc., Montana, United States; Fourier analysis and modelling of beats with pore, Singapore; 3 ICREA,Institucio*Catalana

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, We demonstrate spectral broadening of a with multicolor confocal and STED �uores- and to test for the possibility of quantum showing counter- intuitive behavior under
United Kingdom; 3 Physics Department, Rus- low noise, near-infrared, microresonator cence microscopy. It allows visualization of mechanical wavefunctions based on quater- certain operating conditions, which can be
sian Quantum Center, International Laser based frequency comb to close to two thirds proteins on DNA with high spatial resolu- nions or octonions rather than complex attributed to the occurrence of an excep-
Center, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Uni- of an optical octave. �is opens a viable tion (50 nm) and temporal resolution (<50 numbers. tional point in the laser equations.
versity, Moscow, Russia; 4 Department of route towards self-referencing of microres- ms).
Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M Univer- onator based comb generators.
sity, College Station, United States
We present experimental and numerical in-
vestigation of a new �lamentation regime of ID-2.4 MON 15:15 IA-2.3 MON 15:15 CB/CC-1.4 MON 15:15
mid-infrared femtosecond pulses in solids. Low phase-noise mid-infrared frequency Single quantum dots as photon pair THz quantum cascade lasers operating on
E�cient emission of dispersive waves with- combs based on microresonators emitters radiative states of a 2D Photonic crystals
out fundamental spectrum broadening and C. Wang1,2 , T. Herr1 , P. Del’Haye2,6 , A. �A. Predojević1 , T. Huber1 , M. Ježek2 , H. resonator
continuum generation is observed in this Schliesser1,2 , R. Holzwarth2,3 , T. Hänsch2,4 , Jayakumar1 , T. Kauten1 , G.S. Solomon3 , R. �Y. Halioua1 , G. Xu1 , S. Moumdji1 , R.
regime. N. Picqué2,4,5 , and �T. Kippenberg1 ; 1 École Filip2 , and G. Weihs1 ; 1 Institute for Ex- Colombelli1 , L. Li2 , and E. Lin�eld2 ; 1 Institut
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lau- perimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, d’Electronique Fondamentale, Univ. Paris
CF/IE-6.4 MON 15:15 sanne, Switzerland; 2 Max-Planck-Instiut für Innsbruck, Austria; 2 Department of Optics, Sud, CNRS UMR8622, 91405 Orsay, France,
Femtosecond Laser Filaments and Quantenoptik, Munich, Germany; 3 Menlo Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Repub- Orsay, France; 2 School of Electronic and Elec-
Aerodynamics Systems GmbH, Martinsried, Germany; lic; 3 Joint Quantum Institute, National Insti- trical Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds,
�M. Lenzner, J. Yeak, and K. Kremeyer; PM Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, tute of Standards and Technology and Univer- United Kingdom
& AM Research, Tucson, United States Munich, Germany; 5 Institut des Sciences sity of Maryland, Gaithersburg, United States We demonstrate a photonic-crystal design
�e air disturbance generated by a femtosec- Moléculaires d’Orsay, CNRS, Orsay, France; We present our measurements performed on which permits to develop photonic-crystal
ond laser-induced plasma can signi�cantly National Institute of Standards and a quantum dot system suitable for the gener- band-edge lasers operating on radiative
alter nonlinear optical e�ects for these pulses Technology, Boulder, United States ation of time-bin entangled photon pairs. modes of a 2D photonic structure, with en-
during propagation. For pulse repetition We present mid-infrared frequency combs hanced power extraction e�ciency. �e ap-
rates above 1 kHz, a pulse consequently af- from crystalline MgF2 micro-resonators at proach is demonstrated using THz quantum
IA-2.4 MON 15:30
fects its successor. 2.5 micron-wavelength. Low phase-noise is cascade lasers.
con�rmed by both heterodyne beat note and Bell States Generation on a III-V
transmission noise measurements. Semiconductor Chip at Room
CF/IE-6.5 MON 15:30 ID-2.5 MON (Invited) 15:30 CL-3.4 MON 15:30 A. Orieux1 , G. Boucher1 , �A. Eckstein1 , CB/CC-1.5 MON 15:30
Compressible octave-spanning Microresonator frequency combs Experimental observation of A. Lemaître2 , P. Filloux1 , I. Favero1 , G. Terahertz Photonic Crystal Quantum
supercontinuum generation by two-color �S. Papp, P. Del’Haye, and S. Diddams; Na- synchronization in a biomechanical Leo1 , T. Coudreau1 , A. Keller3 , P. Milman1 , Cascade Laser Coupled to a Second Order
excitation in the group velocity horizon tional Institute of Standards and Technology, rotational motors system and S. Ducci1 ; 1 Université Paris Diderot, Bragg Vertical Extractor
�A. Demircan1 , S. Amiranashvili2 , C. Brée2 , Boulder, CO, United States �C. Denz, L. Dewenter, Á. Barroso, C. Alp- Sorbonne Paris Cité, Laboratoire Matéri- �C. Bonzon1 , Z. Diao2 , G. Scalari1 , M. Beck1 ,
and G. Steinmeyer3 ; 1 Invalidenstr. 114, We will describe recent experiments with mann, and M. Woerdemann; Institut für aux et Phénomènes Quantiques, CNRS- J. Faist1 , and R. Houdré2 ; 1 Eidgenössische
Berlin, Germany; 2 Weierstrass Institute for microresonator-based optical frequency Angewandte Physik, Westfälische Wilhelms- UMR 7162, Paris, France; 2 Laboratoire de Techniche Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Insti-
Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, combs that characterize their time- and Universtität Münster, Münster, Germany Photonique et Nanostructures, Marcoussis, tut für Quantenelektronik, Zürich, Switzer-
Germany; 3 Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Ger- frequency-domain behavior. Our work We demonstrate the hydrodynamic interac- France; 3 Université Paris Sud, Institut des land; 2 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lau-
many explores low-noise operating regimes tion and synchronization in bio-mechanical Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, CNRS - UMR sanne (EPFL), Institut de Physique de la
A novel two-color excitation scheme is of microcombs for precision metrology systems, as pairs of �agellated bacteria, in 8214, Orsay, France Matière Condensée, Lausanne, Switzerland
discussed for generation of broadband applications. dependence of their distance and show �rst, We demonstrate the generation of polariza- We present single mode surface emission
white-light continua with superior coher- promising results. tion entangled Bell states at room tempera- around 3.1 THz of a Quantum Cascade
ence properties in photonic crystal �bers. ture and telecom wavelength on a 3-5 semi- Laser. A deep etched 2D photonic crystal
�ese continua enable compression close to conductor chip. A theoretical model pro- double metal cavity supports the laser mode
single-cycle temporal duration. vides ways to understand and control the and uses second order Bragg gratings as ex-
amount of entanglement. tractors.
CF/IE-6.6 MON 15:45 CL-3.5 MON 15:45 IA-2.5 MON 15:45 CB/CC-1.6 MON 15:45
Frequency up-conversion and pulse Maximum control of light propagation Integrated quantum interferometry with Fabrication and Characterization of
compression mediated by soliton plasma through turbid media in the presence of three-dimensional geometry Terahertz Emitting GaAs/AlGaAs
interactions in gas-�lled photonic crystal noise �N. Spagnolo1 , C. Vitelli2,1 , L. Aparo1 , Micropillar Quantum Cascade Structures
�ber �H. Yilmaz, W.L. Vos, and A.P. Mosk; Com- P. Mataloni1 , F. Sciarrino1 , A. Crespi3,4 , in a Double Metal Waveguide
�P. Hölzer1 , W. Chang1 , J.C. Travers1 , plex Photonic Systems (COPS), MESA+ In- R. Ramponi3,4 , and R. Osellame3,4 ; �M. Krall1,3 , M. Brandstetter1,3 , C.
and P.S.J. Russell1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Insti- stitute for Nanotechnology, University of Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università Deutsch1,3 , H. Detz2,3 , T. Zederbauer2,3 ,

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Engineering, Jena, Germany Innolume GmbH, Dortmund, Germany di�erent origin to gain a better understand- de Recerca i estudis Avançats, Barcelona,
�e latest developments in the theoretical We demonstrate all-room-temperature CW ing of quantum beats phenomenon in bio- Spain
understanding of mode instabilities are pre- second harmonic generation with 174 nm logical complexes. We show an e�ective method, relying on
sented. A semi-analytical formula for the tunability from blue to red (between 478 nm a 1nm Copper seed layer, to produce the
prediction of the mode-instability threshold and 652 nm) in a single PPKTP waveguide thinnest continuous nano-metric Ag �lms
is introduced and several mitigation strate- pumped by broadly-tunable semiconductor ever reported and not subjected to any ox-
gies are proposed and discussed. laser diodes. idation even a�er 4 months of storage.
CJ-3.3 MON 15:15 CD-6.4 MON 15:15 JSIV-1.4 MON 15:15 CE-2.4 MON 15:15
Temperature as a guiding mechanism for High-e�ciency 5-beam pumped Coherent Electronic and Vibrational �ird-harmonic and multiphoton
high-power very-large-mode-area active non-collinear parametric ampli�cation Dynamics in the Electronic 2D Spectra of excitation �uorescence microscopy of
�bers �G. Mennerat1 , B. Trophème2 , and B. Molecular Dimers single and few layer graphene
�F. Jansen1 , F. Stutzki1 , H.-J. Otto1 , Boulanger3 ; 1 CEA-Saclay, IRAMIS, Gif- �V. Butkus1,2 , D. Abramavicius1,3 , and L. �A. Säynätjoki1 , L. Karvonen1 , J. Riikonen1 ,
C. Jauregui1 , J. Limpert1,2 , and A. sur-Yvette, France; 2 CEA-CESTA, Le Barp, Valkunas1,2 ; 1 Vilnius University, Vilnius, W. Kim1 , S. Mehravar2 , R. Norwood2 ,
Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied France; 3 Institut Néel, Grenoble, France Lithuania; 2 Center for Physical Sciences and N. Peyghambarian2 , H. Lipsanen1 , and K.
Physics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, We report on beam combining through non- Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania; 3 Jilin Univer- Kieu1 ; 1 Aalto University, Department of
Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtz-Institute Jena, collinear optical parametric ampli�cation in sity, Changchun, China, People’s Republic of Micro and Nanosciences, Espoo, Finland;
Jena, Germany; 3 Fraunhofer Institute for LBO pumped by �ve beams in nanosecond (PRC) 2
University of Arizona, College of Optical Sci-
Applied Optics and Precision Engineering régime. 27% overall energy tranfer and out- Coherent dynamics of simulated 2D elec- ences, Tucson, United States
IOF, Jena, Germany put signal energy of 63 mJ were measured at tronic spectra of the molecular dimer is con- Graphene was studied with simultaneous
Temperature is demonstrated to be a vi- 725 nm. sidered as the amplitude and phase depen- third-harmonic and multiphoton excitation
able guiding mechanism for high power dence on resonant coupling and vibrational �uorescence microscopy. Both CVD grown
very large mode area �bers. An index- frequency. Typical signatures for electronic, and exfoliated graphene were studied. �e
antiguiding-core �ber delivering 129W in vibrational or mixed coherences are identi- method is straightforward and fast, making
e�ective single-mode operation is demon- �ed. it e�cient in characterization of single- and
strated. �e relation to gain-guiding-index- few-layer graphene.
antiguiding �bers is discussed.

CJ-3.4 MON 15:30 CD-6.5 MON 15:30 JSIV-1.5 MON (Invited) 15:30 CE-2.5 MON 15:30
Mitigation Strategies for Mode �ermal challenges in high power optical Quantum Coherence Explored at the E�ects of Surface Deep Traps on �ird-
Instabilities in High-Power Fiber-Laser parametric ampli�ers Level of Individual Light-Harvesting and High-Order Optical Nonlinearities in
Systems �S. Demmler1 , J. Rothhardt1,2 , S. Hädrich1,2 , Complexes Photopolymerizable Semiconductor CdSe
�H.-J. Otto1 , C. Jauregui1 , F. Stutzki1 , T. Peschel3 , J. Limpert1,2 , and A. R. Hildner1,2 , D. Brinks1 , R.J. Cogdell3 , and Quantum Dot-Polymer Nanocomposites
F. Jansen1 , J. Limpert1,2 , and A. Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied �N.F. van Hulst1,4 ; 1 ICFO - the Institute of Y. Adachi1 , R.-i. Yamagami1 , �Y. Tomita1 ,
Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels - Barcelona, T. Nakashima2 , and T. Kawai2 ; 1 University
Physics, Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtz- Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany; Spain; 2 Experimentalphysik IV, Universität of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan;
Institute, Jena, Germany; 3 Fraunhofer 2
Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Jena, Germany; Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany; 3 Institute of 2
Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology, Univer- Nara, Japan
Engineering, Jena, Germany Precision Engineering, Jena, Germany sity of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; We investigate the e�ect of surface deep
We present an approach to mitigate mode Investigations of thermal e�ects due to resid- ICREA - Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Es- traps on third- and high-order optical non-
instabilities based on a dynamic mode ex- ual absoption of BBO in high average power tudis Avancats, Barcelona, Spain linearities at a wavelength of 532 nm in pho-
citation scheme. �e beam quality was sig- optical parametric ampli�ers are presented. We demonstrate ultrafast quantum coher- topolymerizable semiconductor CdSe quan-
ni�cantly improved at output powers well Based on the �ndings guidelines for further ent energy transfer within single light- tum dot-polymer nanocomposites by means
above the power threshold. Other mitigation power scaling of such nonlinear devices are harvesting complexes (LH2) under physio- of a degenerate multiwave mixing experi-
strategies will be discussed. given. logical conditions: �e quantum coherence ment.
persists at least 400 fs. Strikingly, changing
CJ-3.5 MON 15:45 CD-6.6 MON 15:45 transfer pathways in individual complexes CE-2.6 MON 15:45
Highly E�cient 90�m Core Rod �ber 5 mJ, Sub-nanosecond PPSLT OPA at 0.5 are revealed on second timescale. Highly e�cient and photostable bulk and
Ampli�er Delivering >300W Without kHz, Tunable in the Water Absorption thin �lm dye lasers based on new
Beam Instabilities Band at 3 microns pyrromethene derivatives
�M. Laurila1 , M.M. Jørgensen2 , J. D. Chuchumishev1 , A. Gaydardzhiev1 , C.-P. �L. Cerdán1 , G. Durán-Sampedro2 , A.R.
Laegsgaard2 , and T.T. Alkeskjold1 ; 1 NKT Richter2 , and �I. Buchvarov1,2 ; 1 Department Agarrabeitia2 , M.E. Pérez-Ojeda1 , A.
Photonics, Birkeroed, Denmark; 2 DTU of Physics, So�a University, So�a, Bulgaria; Costela1 , I. García-Moreno1 , I. Esnal3 ,

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
tute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Ger- Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, di Roma, Roma, Italy; 2 Center of Life A.M. Andrews2,3 , W. Schrenk3 , G. Strasser2 ,
many; 2 Department of Physics, University of �e Netherlands NanoScience @ La Sapienza, Istituto Italiano and K. Unterrainer1,3 ; 1 Photonics Institute,
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany We realize maximum control of light di Tecnologia, Roma, Italy; 3 Istituto di Fo- Vienna University of Technology, Vienna,
Photoionization-induced self-frequency through turbid media in noisy conditions. A tonica e Nanotecnologie, Consiglio Nazionale Austria; 2 Institute of Solid State Electronics,
blue-shi� of fundamental solitons in two-step optimization enables a high degree delle Ricerche (IFN-CNR), Milano, Italy; Vienna University of Technology, Vienna,
Ar-�lled PCF is numerically studied. For of control that is only limited by standard Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Austria; 3 Center for Micro- and Nanos-
1.7 �J pulses the wavelength shi�s from quantum noise. Milano, Milano, Italy tructures, Vienna University of Technology,
1500 to 815 nm while the pulse compresses We report the experimental observation of Vienna, Austria
from 30 to 4 fs. three-photon interference in an integrated We are presenting results from the fabrica-
three-port directional coupler realized by ul- tion and characterization of GaAs/AlGaAs
trafast laser-writing, and we discuss poten- micropillar arrays in a double metal waveg-
tial application in the �eld of quantum in- uide. �e micropillar arrays are formed
terferometry. by structuring a terahertz quantum cascade
laser heterostructure.
16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00
CF/IE-7: High Harmonic ID-3: Precision Measurements CL-4: Structural Imaging IA-3: Quantum E�ects CB-3: Ultrafast Semiconductor
Generation Chair: Stephan Schiller, Heinrich-Heine Uni- Chair: Monika Ritsch-Marte, Innsbruck Chair: Tatjana Wilk, Max-Planck-Institut für Lasers I
Chair: Mauro Nisoli, Politecnico di Milano, versity, Düsseldorf, Germany Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany Chair: Maria Ana Cataluna, University of
Milan, Italy Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom
IA-3.1 MON 16:30
Time-resolved double-slit interference
CF/IE-7.1 MON (Keynote) 16:30 ID-3.1 MON (Invited) 16:30 CL-4.1 MON 16:30 pattern measurement with entangled CB-3.1 MON 16:30
Frontiers in Extreme Nonlinear Optics: Is the electron round? Particle physics In Vivo �ree-Photon Imaging of photons Generation of ultra-high repetition rate
Attosecond-to-Zeptosecond Coherent with cold and ultracold molecular beams Subcortical Structures of an Intact Mouse �P. Kolenderski1,2 , C. Scarcella3 , K. Johnsen1 , optical pulses through external injection
Kiloelectronvolt X-rays on a Tabletop �E.A. Hinds; Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial Brain using Quantum Dots D. Hamel1 , C. Holloway1 , K. Shalm1 , S. in passively mode-locked monolithical
�T. Popmintchev; JILA, University of Col- College, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom �N. Horton, K. Wang, C.-C. Wang, and C. Xu; Tisa4 , A. Tosi3 , K. Resch1 , and T. Jennewein1 ; semiconductor lasers
orado at Boulder, Boulder, United States Micro-Hz resolution spectroscopy of YbF Cornell University, Ithaca, United States Institute for Quantum Computing, Univer- �V. Pusino, M. Sorel, and M.J. Strain; Univer-
We present experimentally and theoretically molecules provides a sensitive way to search �ree-photon �uorescence microscopy at sity of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada; 2 Institute sity of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
a uni�ed picture of phase matching of high for the electric dipole moment of the elec- the 1700 nm spectral window enables in vivo of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus Univer- Passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers
harmonic generation spanning the electro- tron. �is places strong constraints on pos- imaging of subcortical structures in an in- sity, Torun, Poland; 3 Politecnico di Mi- in a Fabry-Pérot con�guration show lock-
magnetic spectrum from the vacuum ultra- sible new particle physics in the 1-100 TeV tact mouse brain. Subcortical imaging us- lano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Infor- ing at repetition rates up to 910GHz when
violet to the keV X-ray region, combining range ing three-photon excitation of quantum dots mazione, Milano, Italy; 4 Micro Photon De- two external continuous waves are injected
both microscopic and macroscopic physics. may further improve the penetration depth. vice, Bolzano, Italy in the saturable absorber, with mutual spac-
�ere is debate about how individual par- ing multiple of the fundamental frequency.
ticles passing through a double slit setup
build up the well-known interference pat-
tern. We report the pattern formation by
CL-4.2 MON 16:45
photons using time-resolved single-photon
Interferometric Second Harmonic sensitive measurements.
Generation microscopy for tissue imaging
M. Rivard1 , K. Popov2 , M. Laliberté1 , A. IA-3.2 MON 16:45 CB-3.2 MON 16:45
Bertrand-Grenier1 , F. Martin1 , H. Pépin1 , Demonstration of the Quantum Zeno A Fast Time Domain Travelling Wave
C.P. Pfe�er3 , C. Brown4 , L. Ramunno2 , and E�ect on the Nitrogen Vacancy Center in method for simulation of Quantum Dot
�F. Légaré1 ; 1 INRS-EMT, Varennes, Canada; Nanodiamond Lasers and Ampli�ers
2 �J. Wolters, M. Strauß, R.S. Schönfeld, and �M. Gioannini, P. Bardella, and I. Montrosset;
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada;
3 O. Benson; Nano-Optics, Institute of Physics, . Department of Electronics and Telecommu-
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich,
Munich, Germany; 4 University of Oxford, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Ger- nication, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Oxford, United Kingdom many We present a Fast Time Domain Travelling
We combine Second Harmonic Generation We experimentally demonstrate the quan- Wave simulator for Quantum Dot lasers and
(SHG) microscopy and interferometry to tum Zeno e�ect on a solid state spin, namely ampli�ers. �e method is applied to the
image, at the sub-micron scale, the relative the nitrogen vacancy center in nanodia- simulation of wide band SOAs and single
orientation of noncentrosymmetric proteins mond. Our experiment is supported by a section Fabry Perot lasers emitting optical
such as collagen in tendon. Our observa- detailed analysis of the population dynamics pulses.
tions are explained with a numerical model. via a semi-classical model.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Fotonik, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Northwestern University, Feinberg School of J. Bañuelos3 , I. López-Arbeloa3 , and M.J.
Fiber designs with resonant structures can Medicine, Chicago, United States Ortiz2 ; 1 Instituto Química-Física Rocasolano
be robust to thermal load. We demonstrate We demonstrate 5-mJ pulse energy in 580-ps (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; 2 Facultad de Cien-
314W of average power from ROD �ber am- laser pulses from mid-IR, PPSLT based op- cias Químicas, Universidad Complutense
pli�er using a �ber design with resonant tical parametric oscillator-ampli�er system, de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 3 Facultad de
structure. tunable in the highly interesting water ab- Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País
sorption band between 3000-nm and 3500- Vasco, Bilbao, Spain
nm, operated at 0.5-kHz repetition rate. Laser materials based on new derivatives of
commercial pyrromethene dyes doped into
PMMA are evaluated as rods and thin-�lms.
Laser e�ciencies up to 53% and 40-fold pho-
tostability enhancements when compared to
parent dyes are reported.

16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00 16:30 – 18:00

CJ-4: Coherent Combining CD-7: New Devices for Frequency JSIV-2: Quantum Coherent E�ects CE-3: Photonic Nanowires -
Chair: �omas Schreiber, Fraunhofer IOF, Conversion based on Quadratic in Biology II Materials and Applications
Jena, Germany Nonlinearities Chair: Marcus Motzkus, University of Heidel- Chair: Mikhail A. Noginov, Norfolk State
Chair: Concita Sibilia, Università di Roma La berg, Heidelberg, Germany University, Norfolk, United States
Sapienza, Rome, Italy
CJ-4.1 MON (Keynote) 16:30 CD-7.1 MON 16:30 JSIV-2.1 MON (Invited) 16:30 CE-3.1 MON (Invited) 16:30
Coherent Combining of Fiber and Nonlinear beam splitter based on Robust design principles for quantum III-V and III-Nitride Nanowires for LED
Solid-State Lasers second-harmonic generation by enhanced excitation transport Applications
�G. Goodno; Northrop Grumman Aerospace femtosecond laser-induced phase gratings M. Walschaers1,2 , R. Mulet1,3 , T. Wellens1 , �L. Samuelson; Lund University, Lund, Swe-
Systems, Redondo Beach, United States in lithium niobate and �A. Buchleitner1 ; 1 Institute of Physics, den; Glo AB, Lund, Sweden
We review recent advances in coherent laser �J. Imbrock, S. Kroesen, M. Ayoub, W. Horn, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg i. Brsg., I will describe the status of our research
combining, including active laser control and C. Denz; Institute of Applied Physics and Germany; 2 Instituut voor �eoretische on the growth of ideal III-V and III-nitride
methods, di�ractive optics beam combining, Center for Nonlinear Science, Muenster, Ger- Fysica, KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium; nanowires, and the way these can be used for
and high coherence �ber and SSL ampli�ers many Complex System Group, Department of on-chip infrared LEDs as well as for visible
that have enabled unprecedented brightness An integrated nonlinear photonic beam �eoretical Physics, University of Havana, LEDs.
scaling of cw sources. splitter device based on noncollinear Cuba, Cuba
second-harmonic generation is induced by We propose a model for highly e�cient
a directly femtosecond laser written phase quantum transport through �nite, disor-
grating in lithium niobate. �e e�ciency, dered systems, which is statistically robust
bandwidth, and tuning characteristic are against con�gurational changes. We discuss
examined. the potential relevance thereof for excitation
transport in photosynthetic light harvesting
CD-7.2 MON 16:45
Propagation of second-harmonic
generation in LiNbO3 nanowires
�A. Sergeyev, R. Geiss, E.-B. Kley, T. Pertsch,
and R. Grange; Institute of Applied Physics,
Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller
University, Jena, Germany
We demonstrate propagation of second-
harmonic (SH) in a 29 �m long LiNbO3
nanowire. We show that nanowire length
and facets signi�cantly in�uence the SH sig-
nal. We excite �uorescent dyes with the de-
livered SH signal.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
ID-3.2 MON 17:00 CL-4.3 MON (Invited) 17:00 IA-3.3 MON 17:00 CB-3.3 MON 17:00
Ramsey-Comb Spectroscopy Imaging molecular organization of cell Quantum coherent control of Gaussian Monolithically Integrated InP-based
�J. Morgenweg and K. Eikema; VU University, membranes and proteins assemblies using multipartite entanglement Optical Pulse Shaper
Amsterdam, �e Netherlands polarimetric �uorescence microscopy �G. Patera1 , C. Navarrete-Benlloch2,3 , G.J. �M.S. Tahvili1 , S. Latkowski1 , X.J.M.
We introduce and experimentally demon- X. Wang, A. Kress, J. Savatier, H. Rigneault, J. de Valcárcel2 , and C. Fabre4 ; 1 Laboratoire Leijtens1 , M.J. Wale1,2 , P. Landais3 , M.K.
strate a ”Ramsey-comb” based on two am- Duboisset, P. Ferrand, and �S. Brasselet; Insti- de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules, Smit1 , and E.A.J.M. Bente1 ; 1 COBRA
pli�ed frequency comb pulses, resulting in tut Fresnel, Aix-Marseille Université, campus Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; Research Institute, Eindhoven University of
kHz-level accuracy on two-photon transi- St Jérôme, Marseille, France Departament d’Òptica, Universitat de Technology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands;
tions in Rb and Cs that challenges traditional A general polarization-resolved �uorescence Velència, Burjassot, Spain; 3 Max-Planck- 2
Oclaro Ltd, Caswell Towcester, United
frequency comb spectroscopy. confocal microscopy method is presented, Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Kingdom; 3 School of Electronic Engineering,
based on a full control of the excitation po- Germany; Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of
larization state. We image directly molecu- Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris6, Ireland
lar orientational order in a biological sam- ENS, CNRS, Paris, France We demonstrate spectral phase manipula-
ple, independently on its orientation or mor- We theoretically show that optical paramet- tion of highly chirped optical pulses with an
phology. ric oscillators can produce a great variety of ultra-compact optical pulse shaper. �e de-
multipartite entangled states by an appro- vice integrates a 20x50GHz arrayed waveg-
priate control of the parametric interaction, uide grating with 20 phase modulators and
that we accomplish by tailoring the spatio- 20 semiconductor optical ampli�ers.
temporal shape of the pump.

CF/IE-7.2 MON 17:15 ID-3.3 MON 17:15 IA-3.4 MON 17:15 CB-3.4 MON 17:15
Intra-cavity extreme ultraviolet light Laser Spectroscopy of �+ above 7 eV Simultaneous observation of A continuous chimera state in an optical
source based on a mode locked Excitation Energy for Electronic Bridge super-Heisenberg scaling and spin comb
Ti:sapphire oscillator with 9.4 MHz Excitation of the �-229 Nucleus squeezing in a nonlinear measurement of �B. Kelleher1,2 , T. Habruseva1,2 , S.P.
repetition rate O.A. Herrera Sancho, N. Nemitz, C. Tamm, atomic spins Hegarty1 , G. Huyet1,2 , and E.A. Viktorov1,3 ;
�E. Seres1,2,3 , J. Seres2 , and C. Spielmann1,2 ; M. Okhapkin, and �E. Peik; Physikalisch- �R. Sewell1 , M. Napolitano1 , N. Behbood1 , 1
Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Republic
Helmholtz Institute Jena, Jena, Germany; Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, G. Colangelo1 , F. Martin Ciurana1 , and of Ireland; 2 Cork Institute of Technology,
Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Ger- Germany M. Mitchell1,2 ; 1 ICFO, Barcelona, Spain; Cork, Republic of Ireland; 3 Université Libre
many; 3 Vienna University of Technology, Vi- Laser excitation of a nuclear transition in �- 2
ICREA, Barcelona, Spain de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
enna, Austria 229 is proposed as the basis of an optical We report a nonlinear alignment-to- A continuous chimera state is demonstrated
A high harmonic source based on the clock. Two-photon excitation of electronic orientation conversion measurement of in the optical comb generated by a passively
intra-cavity wavelength conversion in a levels of �+ may be used to excite the nu- atomic spins that simultaneously shows mode locked quantum dot laser by means of
Ti;sapphire oscillator has been realized. Us- cleus via electronic bridge processes. super-Heisenberg scaling and demonstrates optical linewidth measurements, phase re-
ing Xe as nonlinear medium EUV pulses up spin squeezing. �e measurement achieves covery techniques and a bifurcation analysis
to 30 eV have been measured at 9.4MHz rep- a sensitivity of 990 spins, competitive with and con�rmed numerically.
etition rate. the best reported linear techniques.

CF/IE-7.3 MON 17:30 ID-3.4 MON 17:30 CL-4.4 MON 17:30 IA-3.5 MON 17:30 CB-3.5 MON (Invited) 17:30
Two-pulse Lensless Imaging With a Long distance ultra-stable frequency Simultaneous two-photon absorption and Quantum Frequency Conversion of Optical Frequency Combs using Ultrafast
Broadband High-Harmonic Source dissemination on a dedicated wavelength stimulated Raman scattering imaging by Visible Single Photons from a Quantum Diode Lasers: Techniques and
�S. Witte, V.T. Tenner, D.W.E. Noom, and channel of a telecommunication network. spatial overlap modulation microscopy Dot to a Telecom Band Applications
K.S.E. Eikema; LaserLaB Amsterdam, VU O. Lopez1 , P.-E. Pottie2 , B. Chanteau1 , F. �K. Isobe1 , H. Kawano2 , A. Suda3 , �A. Lenhard1 , S. Zaske1 , C. Keßler2 , J. �P. Delfyett; CREOL, �e College of Optics
University Amsterdam, �e Netherlands Stefani1 , A. Bercy1 , �C. Chardonnet1 , G. A. Kumagai2 , A. Miyawaki2 , and K. Kettler2 , C. Arend1 , C. Hepp1 , R. Albrecht1 , and Photonics, Orlando, FL, United States
We demonstrate coherent lensless imaging Santarelli3 , and A. Amy- Klein1 ; 1 Laboratoire Midorikawa1 ; 1 RIKEN Advanced Science W.-M. Schulz2 , M. Jetter2 , P. Michler2 , and C. Semiconductor optical ampli�er based
with broadband extreme-ultraviolet radia- de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris Institute, Wako, Japan; 2 RIKEN Brain Becher1 ; 1 Universität des Saarlandes, Saar- mode-locked �ber lasers are used as sources
tion from a table-top high-harmonic source, 13, Villetaneuse, France; 2 LNE-SYRTE, Science Institute, Wako, Japan; 3 Tokyo brücken, Germany; 2 Institut für Halbleit- of ultrastable optical frequency combs.
using a two-pulse Fourier-transform imag- Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Paris, France; University of Science, Noda, Japan eroptik und Funktionelle Grenz�ächen and �ese combs are used for applications
ing scheme and a multi-wavelength phase Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et We show the separation of two-photon ab- Research Center SCoPE, Stuttgart, Germany in real time optical waveform synthesis,
retrieval algorithm. We obtain di�raction- Nanosciences, Talence, France sorption signals from stimulated Raman We report on quantum frequency conver- coherent arbitrary waveform measurement,
limited images at wavelengths below 50 nm. We have demonstrated an ultra-stable opti- scattering signals by spatial overlap modula- sion of visible single photons from a semi- and matched �ltering.
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
CD-7.3 MON 17:00 JSIV-2.2 MON 17:00 CE-3.2 MON 17:00
Cascaded Up-Conversion Of Twin-Beam Coherent internal conversion of pyrene Photon-counting Raman Spectroscopy of
OPG In Nonlinear Photonic Crystals revealed by pump-probe and ultrabroad Silicon Nanowires
�M. Levenius, V. Pasiskevicius, and K. Gallo; 2D-UV spectroscopy �M. Collins1 , C. Grillet1,2 , S. Shahnia1 ,
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stock- �I. Pugliesi, N. Krebs, and E. Riedle; LS für A. Clark1 , P. Grosse3 , B. Ben Bakir3 , S.
holm, Sweden BioMolekulare Optik, LMU, Munich, Ger- Menezo3 , J.-M. Fedeli3 , C. Xiong1 , D. Moss1 ,
We study cascaded frequency up-conversion many B. Eggleton1 , and C. Monat2 ; 1 Centre for
processes initiated by twin-beam optical In pyrene dissolved in methanol the co- Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Sys-
parametric generation in hexagonally poled herent excitation of vibrational states sur- tems (CUDOS), Institute of Photonics and
LiTaO3 by 806nm pump. Exploiting sev- vives the S2 -S1 internal conversion. Pump- Optical Science (IPOS), School of Physics,
eral reciprocal lattice vectors in both steps, probe and 2D-UV measurements provide University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;
results in multi-beam generation at wave- the experimental framework that identi�es Université de Lyon, Institut des Nanotech-
length ranges 400-610nm. the mechanism behind this process on the nologies de Lyon (INL, Ecully, France; 3 CEA-
vibrational level. Leti MINATEC Campus, Grenoble, France
We report the �rst direct measurements
of the SpRS spectra over a broad band-
width in a photonic integrated platform us-
ing photon-counting spectroscopy. We ap-
ply this to CMOS compatible amorphous
silicon and crystalline silicon nanowire de-
CJ-4.2 MON 17:15 CD-7.4 MON 17:15 JSIV-2.3 MON 17:15 CE-3.3 MON 17:15
Passive coherent combining of 15 �ber New Design Opportunities For Ultrafast Coherent Photoisomerization and Retrieving the spatial distribution of
lasers by phase contrast �ltering Quasi-Phasematching Devices Quantum Yield of Biomimetic Molecular cavity modes in ZnO nanowires by
�F. Jeux1,2 , A. Desfarges-Berthelemot1 , V. �C. Phillips1,2 , L. Gallmann2 , and M. Fejer1 ; Switches near-�eld imaging and electrodynamics
Kermène1 , and A. Barthelemy1 ; 1 Xlim Insti- 1
Stanford University, Stanford, United States; M. Ngueye1 , I. Schapiro2,3 , S. Fusi4 , �S. simulations
tut de recherche UMR 7252, Limoges, France; ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Haacke1 , M. Olivucci3,4 , and J. Léonard1 ; �F. Güell1 , A.R. Goñi2 , J.O. Ossó3 , L.A.
2 1
Astrium SAS, Paris, France We will discuss new quasi-phasematching CNRS - Université de Strasbourg, Stras- Perez4 , E.A. Coronado4 , and J.R. Morante1,5 ;
We report new passive phase-locking tech- design techniques and opportunities, in- bourg, France; 2 Max Planck Institute for 1
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;
nique applied to �ber laser array. 15 �ber cluding OPCPA gain-narrowing suppres- Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim an ICMAB-CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain; 3 MATGAS
ampli�ers are e�ciently coupled in a single sion, and custom pulse synthesis, based on der Ruhr, Germany; 3 Bowling Green State 2000 A.I.E., Bellaterra, Spain; 4 Universidad
laser cavity by a speci�c phase contrast �lter- convex optimization. We will also discuss University, Bowling Green, United States; Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina;
4 5
ing. how apodization can be performed system- Università degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy IREC-Institut de Recerca en Energia de
atically for chirped-QPM devices Femtosecond broadband pump-probe spec- Catalunya, Sant Adrià de Besós, Spain
troscopy reveals vibrational low-frequency Scanning near-�eld optical microscopy was
coherences in rhodopsin-mimicking photo- used to map out the evanescent �elds of op-
switches, due to out-of-plane motion and tically excited ZnO nanowires. Di�erent ex-
ring inversions. �e relation between reac- citation wavelengths reveal a di�erent spatial
tion speed and quantum yield is critically re- distribution of the electromagnetic �elds as-
examined. sociated to each cavity mode.
CJ-4.3 MON 17:30 CD-7.5 MON 17:30 JSIV-2.4 MON 17:30 CE-3.4 MON 17:30
4-channel Coherently Combined Functionalizing nonlinear crystals Conical Intersection Dynamics in Strong Two-Photon Excitation
femtosecond Fiber CPA system Delivering �A. Shapira1 , A. Libster1 , Y. Lilach2 , and A. Rhodopsin and its Analog Isorhodopsin Fluorescence from GaAs and InP
1.3 mJ Pulses with 532 W Average Power Arie1 ; 1 Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; �D. Polli1 , D. Brida1 , C. Manzoni1 , K.M. Nanowires on Glass Substrate
�A. Klenke1,3 , S. Breitkopf1 , M. Kienel1 , 2
Tel Aviv University Center for Nanoscience Spillane2 , M. Garavelli3 , P. Kukura2 , O. �L. Karvonen1 , A. Säynätjoki1 , V. Dhaka1 ,
T. Gottschall1 , T. Eidam1,3 , S. Hädrich1,3 , and Nanotechnology, Tel Aviv, Israel Weingart4 , R.A. Mathies5 , and G. Cerullo1 ; T. Haggren1 , S. Honkanen2 , S. Mehravar3 ,
J. Rothhardt1,3 , J. Limpert1,2,3 , and A. Nonlinear crystals are functionalized by 1
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; 2 Oxford R. Norwood3 , N. Peyghambarian3 , H.
Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied sputtering a thin metallic layer on their exit University, Oxford, United Kingdom; Lipsanen1 , and K. Kieu3 ; 1 Department of
Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- facet and patterning it by focused-ion-beam Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy; Micro and Nanosciences, Aalto University,
Schiller-Universität Jena, Albert-Einstein-Str. milling. �is enables to shape or �lter the Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Espoo, Finland; 2 Department of Physics
15, 07745 Jena, Germany, Jena, Germany; nonlinearly generated beam without com- Germany; 5 University of California at and Mathematics, University of Eastern
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and promising the conversion e�ciency. Berkeley, Berkeley, United States Finland, Joensuu, Finland; 3 College of
Precision Engineering, Albert-Einstein-Str. We study the conical intersection dynamics Optical Sciences, University of Arizona,
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
cal link over 540 km over a public �ber net- tion microscopy, which provides simultane- conductor quantum dot to the telecom O-
work carrying Internet data tra�c. �e re- ous two-photon absorption and stimulated band. We could prove the preservation of
sult shows fractional frequency stability, of Raman scattering imaging. coherence and single photon statistics in this
6x10-15 at 1s and <10-18 a�er 10000s inte- process.
gration time.

CF/IE-7.4 MON 17:45 ID-3.5 MON 17:45 CL-4.5 MON 17:45 IA-3.6 MON 17:45
Polarization-controlled quasi-phase A high sensitivity �ber optic gyroscope on Imaging Lipid Films using Quantum Pattern Recognition
matching for linearly and circularly multiplexed telecommunication network Polarization-Sensitive �ird-Harmonic �P.W.H. Pinkse1 , S.A. Goorden1 , M.
polarized high harmonic generation �C. Clivati1,2 , D. Calonico1 , G.A. Costanzo2 , Generation Horstmann1 , B. Škorić2 , and A.P. Mosk1 ;
�L. Liu, K. O’Kee�e, and S. Hooker; University A. Mura1 , M. Pizzocaro1,2 , and F. Levi1 ; �G. Bautista1 , M.J. Huttunen1 , S. P�sterer2 , 1
MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology,
of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, K. Kanerva2 , E. Ikonen2 , and M. Kauranen1 ; University of Twente, Enschede, �e Nether-
A new class of quasi-phase matching high Torino, Italy; 2 Politecnico di Torino, Torino, 1
Department of Physics, Tampere University lands; 2 Eindhoven University of Technology,
harmonic generation is proposed where the Italy of Technology, Tampere, Finland; 2 Institute Eindhoven, �e Netherlands
polarization of the driving �eld is controlled We describe the realization of a �ber optic of Biomedicine/Anatomy, University of We perform quantum pattern recognition
in a waveguide. �e �rst circularly polarized gyroscope exploiting the Sagnac e�ect on a Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland with much fewer photons than the complex-
quasi-phase matched source is shown to be 47 km multiplexed telecommunication net- We demonstrate third-harmonic generation ity of the sought arbitrary pattern.
possible. work, that coexists with Internet data tra�c. microscopy of lipid �lms using tightly fo-
�e sensitivity is suitable to detect large seis- cused linear, circular and radial polariza-
mic events. tions. �e technique revealed strongly
anisotropic regions in lipid �lms suggesting
that the lipid �lms displayed molecular or-


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
7, 07745 Jena, Germany, Jena, Germany; in the visual pigment Rhodopsin and Tucson, United States
Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Max-Wien-Platz its 9-cis analog Isorhodopsin combining We report the observation of extremely
1, 07743 Jena, Germany, Jena, Germany broadband sub-20-fs ultrafast spec- strong two-photon excitation �uorescence
We report on a �ber CPA system consisting troscopy with detailed hybrid quantum- from GaAs and InP NWs. �e NWs were
of four coherently combined �ber ampli�ers. mechanical/molecular-mechanical simula- grown on a glass substrate using atmo-
With this system, we could achieve an aver- tions. spheric pressure MOVPE. NWs were char-
age power of 532 W with pulse energies of acterized by multi-photon microscope.
up to 1.3 mJ.
CJ-4.4 MON 17:45 CD-7.6 MON 17:45 JSIV-2.5 MON 17:45 CE-3.5 MON 17:45
Energy scaling of ultrafast �ber systems Contact poling of RKTP with silicon Revealing the role of excited state nuclear Surface Acoustic Wave-Driven Carrier
using chirped and divided pulse pillars coherence in the photoisomerisation of Dynamics As A Contact-less Probe For
ampli�cation H. Kianirad, A. Zukauskas, �T. Frisk, C. bacteriorhodopsin by population assisted Mobilities Of Photogenerated Carriers In
�Y. Zaouter1 , F. Guichard1,2 , L. Daniault2 , Canalias, and F. Laurell; Applied Physics impulsive Raman Undoped Nanowires
M. Hanna2 , F. Morin1 , C. Hönninger1 , Department, Royal Institute of Technology, �M. Liebel and P. Kukura; Physical and �eo- J. Kinzel1 , F. Schülein1 , M. Weiss1 , D.
E. Mottay1 , F. Druon2 , and P. Georges2 ; Stockholm, Sweden retical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford, United Rudolph2 , G. Koblmüller2 , J. Finley2 , G.
Amplitude Systemes, Pessac, France; An array of silicon pillars was used as con- Kingdom Abstreiter2 , A. Wixforth1 , and �H. Krenner1 ;
2 1
Laboratoire Charles Fabry - Institut tact electrode for poling a 5 *m x 5 *m pe- We apply population assisted impulsive Ra- Experimentalphysik 1, Universität Augs-
d’Optique - CNRS - Université Paris-Sud, riod 2D-domain pattern in a RKTP crystal. man spectroscopy (PAIRS) to reveal the co- burg, Augsburg, Germany; 2 Walter Schottky
Palaiseau, France �is technique shows promise for the next herent structural evolution of the retinal Institut, TU München, Garching, Germany
We implemented for the �rst time both generation nanodomain engineering. chromophore during the primary step in We study the dynamics of photogenerated
chirped and divided pulse ampli�cation in the photocycle of the proton pump bacteri- carriers in single nanowires induced by a
the same femtosecond �ber ampli�er setup orhodopsin surface acoustic wave. We extract the trans-
leading to the generation of 430 �J, 320 fs port mobilites of electrons and holes by
pulses at 100 kHz directly comparing the observed emission
modulation to numerical simulations.


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
13:30 – 14:30 CK-P.5 MON ing precision diamond-blade dicing. First results of the clear, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa,
CK-P: CK Poster Session Analysis of gold nanoantennas utilising plasmonic investigation of Erbium centers using Raman and �uo- Spain; 2 Laser Research Center, Department of Quan-
�eld enhancement for high-order harmonic rescence spectroscopy are presented. tum Electronics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania;
CK-P.1 MON generation Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius,
�M. Noack1,2 , N. Pfullmann1,2 , C. Waltermann1,2 , M. CK-P.9 MON Lithuania; 4 Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis
Mode Control Of Light Scattering By Nanoparticles
Kovacev1,2 , V. Knittel3 , D. Akemeier4 , A. Hütten4 , A. Fiber polarization mode excitation applied to Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain
�B. Hourahine and F. Papo�; Department of Physics,
Leitenstorfer3 , and U. Morgner1,2 ; 1 QUEST Centre for confocal microscopy In this paper we report numerical and experimental ob-
SUPA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United King-
dom Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research, Han- �C. Zeh1 , T. Härtling1 , and L.M. Eng2 ; 1 Fraunhofer In- servation of a beam focusing behind a �at 3D woodpile
nover, Germany; 2 Institut für Quantenoptik, Leibniz Uni- stitute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP, Dresden Branch, photonic crystal at the visible wavelength range.
We demonstrate that is is possible to substantially change
the optical properties of nanoparticles by control of the versität Hannover, Hannover, Germany; 3 Department of Dresden, Germany; 2 Institut für Angewandte Photo-
Physics and Center for Applied Photonics, Konstanz, Ger- physik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Ger- CK-P.14 MON
coupling of incident light �elds with the intrinsic opti-
cal modes of these structures using simple interference many; 4 �in Films & Physics of Nanostructures, Depart- many Resonantly Enhanced Second and �ird Harmonic
e�ects. ment of Physics, Bielefeld, Germany �e contribution has been withdrawn by the authors. Generation in Micro�bre Loop Resonators
We present an analysis of gold nanoantennas to facilitate �T. Lee1 , N. Broderick2 , R. Ismaeel1 , M. Gouveia1 , and
CK-P.2 MON high-order harmonic generation with a laser oscillator. CK-P.10 MON G. Brambilla1 ; 1 University of Southampton, Southamp-
In experiments plasma-lines and low order harmonics Optical Fiber Nanotips as carriers for Molecular ton, United Kingdom; 2 University of Auckland, Auckland,
SERS from Ag and Au nanoarrays made using
are observed. Experimental issues are discussed and ex- Beacon-based Biosensors New Zealand
photochemical patterning
�S. Damm1 , N.C. Carville1 , M. Manzo2 , K. Gallo2 , B.J. plained by a theoretical model. �S. Pelli1 , A. Barucci1 , A. Giannetti1 , F. Cosi1 , S. We theoretically study resonantly enhanced surface sec-
Rodriguez1 , and J. Rice1 ; 1 School of Physics and Con- Tombelli1 , C. Trono1 , G.C. Righini1,2 , and F. Baldini1 ; ond harmonic and third harmonic generation in micro�-
1 bre loop resonators, with focus on the e�ect of the res-
way Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research, CK-P.6 MON Istituto di Fisica Applicata ”Nello Carrara”, Sesto
University College Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland; Mesoscopic Light Trapping in Random Arrays of Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy; 2 Centro Fermi, Roma, Italy onance properties, bistability and co-resonance between
2 Semiconductor Nanowires We present a biosensor using a molecular beacon immo- the pump and harmonic signals.
Department of Applied Physics, KTH-Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden �T. Strudley1 , T. Zehender2 , E. Bakkers2 , and O. bilized on an optical �bre nanotip.
Muskens1 ; 1 Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Univer- We focus on the mRNA detection useful for cancer CK-P.15 MON
SERS from Au and Ag nanoarray patterns created using
proton exchange process, where the polarization prop- sity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; theranostics, in this case for survivin protein monitor- Plasmonic Slot Nano-Resonators in Gold-Coated
erties of the surface of ferroelectric LiNbO3 substrate is
Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of ing and inhibition. Micro�bers
altered, creating site speci�c Au and Ag nanoparticle de- Technology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands �M. Ding, G. Brambilla, and M. Zervas; Optoelectronics
Arrays of semiconductor nanowires have been grown CK-P.11 MON Research Centre, University of Southampton, Southamp-
with exceptionally small optical mean free paths. �ese Light propagation in disordered media: from ton, United Kingdom
CK-P.3 MON random arrays demonstrate signi�cant �uctuations in Maxwell equations to a spherical p-spin model and We have studied plasmonic slot nanoresonators (PSNRs)
transmission, allowing the investigation of mesoscopic light condensation e�ects embedded in a gold-coated micro�ber which show
Strong Near Field Coupling and Enhanced Energy
light transport in a three dimensional medium. �L.D. Tóth and A. Fratalocchi; King Abdullah University strong localization in three dimensions. �e intensity
Extraction in Metal Nanostructures
of Science and Technology, �uwal, Saudi Arabia enhancement and the resonance wavelength depend on
D. McArthur, �B. Hourahine, and F. Papo�; University of
CK-P.7 MON We develop a novel theory to tackle the complexity of both the PSNR and micro�ber dimensions.
Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
We show that a gold nanodisc at sub-wavelength dis- Demonstration of Wavelength Tuning of Silica light mode condensation in the presence of disorder and
Toroid Microcavity via Additional Laser Re�ow strong localization. We numerically investigate our �nd- CK-P.16 MON
tances from a dipole source can extract a larger amount
of energy from the source and induce greater transmis- �W. Yoshiki, K. Ishikawa, and T. Tanabe; Keio University, ings by performing a massively parallel ab-initio FDTD Group velocity dispersion manipulation in integrated
sion than the surrounding dielectric medium alone. Yokohama, Japan simulation campaign. waveguides
We demonstrate the resonant wavelength tuning of a sil- J.M. Chavez Boggio1 , D. Bodenmüller1 , T. Fremberg1 ,
CK-P.4 MON ica toroid microcavity by conducting additional laser re- CK-P.12 MON M. Böhm2 , R. Haynes1 , and �M.M. Roth1 ; 1 innoFSPEC-
�ow. Our study implies better controllability in cavity Role of spatial coherence in the Goos-Hänchen shi�. VKS, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), An
Stationary and ultrafast optical behavior of a
quantum electrodynamics and electromagnetically in- �M. Merano, G. Umbriaco, and G. Mistura; Dipartimento der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany, D-14482
1D-photonic cavity containing gold nanoparticles
duced transparency based on an ultra-high Q cavity. di Fisica e Astronomia G. Galilei, Università degli studi di Potsdam, Germany; 2 innoFSPEC-InFaSe, University of
�R. Morea1 , X. Wang2 , J. Gonzalo1 , and B. Palpant2 ;
1 Padova, Padova, Italy Potsdam, Physikalische Chemie, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-
Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain; 2 Ecole
CK-P.8 MON We investigate experimentally the role of spatial coher- 25, Haus 25, D-14476 Golm, Germany, D-14476 Golm,
Centrale Paris, Laboratoire de Photonique Quan-
Fluorescence in Planar and Ridge Waveguides ence in the Goos-Hänchen shi�. We �nd that beams Germany
tique et Moléculaire, UMR 8537-CNRS, Ecole Normale
Fabricated in Erbium-Doped generated from sources with a low spatial coherence suf- Chromatic dispersion engineering in silicon nitride
Supérieure du Cachan, Châtenay-Malabry, France
Lithium-Niobate-On-Insulator (Er:LNOI) fer the same shi� of a fully coherent beam. waveguides is investigated. Flat dispersion (+/-
We show that interference e�ects in Fabry-Perot type
C.E. Rüter1 , �D. Kip1 , G. Stone2 , V. Dierolf2 , H. Hu3 , 0.6ps/nm-km) over 1000nm is numerically demon-
photonic cavities containing Au nanoparticles allow in-
and W. Sohler3 ; 1 Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, CK-P.13 MON strated in waveguides with three cladding layers.
creasing their ultrafast transient transmittance by more
than one order of magnitude at wavelengths close to that Germany; 2 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, United States; Focussing by a Flat Woodpile 3D Photonic Crystal
of the defect mode.
University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany �L. Maigyte1 , C. Cojocaru1 , V. Purlys2 , J. Trull1 , D.
Waveguide ridges are fabricated in Erbium-doped Gailevicius2 , M. Peckus2,3 , M. Malinauskas2 , and K.
lithium-niobate-on-insulator (Er:LNOI) substrates us- Staliunas1,4 ; 1 Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nu-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
CK-P.17 MON Photonic crystals are a promising technology to increase We propose a novel mechanism for unconventional ab- sity of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, BS8 1TH, Bristol, United
Tailoring of dispersion in silicon vertical slot the light extraction from scintillators. Two simulation sorption harnessing in the Restrahlen band of a sem- Kingdom
waveguides techniques were combined to investigate the impact of inconductor, which relies on manipulating the energy We experimentally show here that low refractive index
�M.J. Strain1 , C. Lacava2 , P. Minzioni2 , and M. Sorel1 ; photonic crystals on total yield and propagation times of velocity and its gradient at the interface of a suitably con- cavities can be accurately fabricated inside 3D photonic
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; extracted photons. structed photonic crystal. structures. Besides, Fourier image spectroscopy shown
Università di Pavia, Pavia, United Kingdom modal dispersion of cavity modes opening new possibil-
CK-P.21 MON CK-P.25 MON ities for photonic cavities design.
Propagation characteristics of vertical slot waveguides
in silicon are presented including waveguide losses and Polarization and Nonlinear E�ects in Near �eld focusing of beams re�ected by �at mirror
group velocity dispersion. Varying the slot rail width and Di�raction-Induced Laser Pulse Splitting in �Y.-c. Cheng1 , S. Kicas2 , M. Peckus2 , J. Trull1 , C. CK-P.29 MON
gap dimensions produces a means by which to control One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Cojocaru1 , R. Vilaseca1 , R. Drazdys2 , and K. Staliunas1,3 ; Prototype of �ermo-optic Switch Consisting of
waveguide dispersion lithographically. S. Svyakhovskiy1 , A. Skorynin1 , V. Bushuev1 , S. 1
Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear,Universitat Mach-Zehnder Polymer Waveguide Drawn by
Chekalin2 , V. Kompanets2 , A. Maydykovskiy1 , Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain; 2 Laser Re- Focused Proton Beam
CK-P.18 MON T. Murzina1 , V. Novikov1 , and �B. Mantsyzov1 ; search Center, Dep. Of Quantum Electronics, Vilnius, �K. Miura1 , T. Satoh2 , Y. Ishii2 , M. Koka2 , K. Takano3 ,
Nano-wire Photonics Circuits for Astronomical Department of Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Lithuania; 3 Institució Catalana de Reserca i Estudis T. Ohkubo2 , A. Yamazaki2 , W. Kada2 , A. Yokoyama2 ,
Applications University, Moscow, Russia; 2 Institute of Spectroscopy Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain T. Kamiya2 , H. Kiryu1 , Y. Ozawa1 , A. Kubota1 , and O.
�H.N.J. Fernando1 , R. Eisermann2 , A. Stoll1 , S.H.N. RAS, Troitsk, Russia We predict generally that narrow beams can focus in re- Hanaizumi1 ; 1 Gunma University, Kiryu, Japan; 2 Japan
�aranga1 , O. Streicher1 , R. Haynes1 , L. Zimmermann2 , Polarization and nonlinear e�ects in Bragg di�raction- �ection from �at interface photonic structures, and we Atomic Energy Agency, Takasaki, Japan; 3 Osaka Univer-
and M.M. Roth1 ; 1 innnoFSPEC-Astrophysicalysches In- induced laser pulse splitting in PC are studied theoreti- demonstrate the e�ect experimentally in particular real- sity, Osaka, Japan
stitut Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; 2 IHP GmbH, innova- cally and experimentally. Splitting time as well number ization, i.e. in re�ection from one-dimensional chirped In our previous work, we demonstrated single-mode Y-
tive Mikroelektronik im Technologiepark, Frankfurt, Ger- of outgoing pulses are in�uenced signi�cantly by the po- mirror with �at surface. junction and Mach-Zehnder (MZ) type PMMA-based
many larization of incident pulse. waveguides drawn by proton beam writing (PBW). In
Promising experimental results with silicon-nitride CK-P.26 MON this work, we �rst attempted to fabricate a thermo-optic
nano-wire photonic circuits were achieved for
CK-P.22 MON switch using the MZ waveguide.
Micro/Nano-Structuration of Silicon using Photonic
Astro/Bio-photonics applications. Several circuits Sputtered silica defect embedded in arti�cial opals: Nanojet Mechanism
were designed without grating-couplers, with 15�m ac- synthesis and optical properties �L.N.D. Kallepalli1 , D. Grojo1 , L. Charmasson1 , P. CK-P.30 MON
cess waveguide separation for high integration-density. P.N. Hong1,2 , P. Benalloul1 , L. Coolen1 , A. Maître1 , and Delaporte1 , O. Utéza1 , A. Merlen2 , and A. Sangar2 ; 1 Aix 3D imaging by low one-photon absorption technique
Waveguide and excess-loss, <0.8dB/cm and 3dB, respec- �C. Schwob1 ; 1 Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Paris, Marseille Université, CNRS, LP3 UMR 7341, 13288, Mar- �Q. Li, M.T. Do, I. Ledoux-Rak, and N.D. Lai; Laboratoire
tively achieved. France; 2 Institut of Materials Science, Hanoi, Vietnam seille, France; 2 Aix Marseille Université et Sud Toulon Var, de Photonique Quantique et Moléculaire,Ecole Normale
We propose an original and reliable method to engi- CNRS, IM2NP UMR 7334, 83957, Toulon, France Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France
CK-P.19 MON neer a defect layer between two photonic crystals. Op- We have successfully fabricated large scale arrays A new method for 3D imaging based on low one-photon
Chirped Photonic Crystals for Spatial Filtering of tical characterizations of the structures and �uorescence of micro/nano-craters on silicon substrates using absorption is theoretically and experimentally demon-
Light Beams properties of nano-emitters embedded in the defect will Langmuir-Blodgett deposition technique and UV strated. As compared to the two-photon-absorption
�L. Maigyte1 , V. Purlys2 , D. Gailevicius2 , M. Peckus2,3 , be presented. nanosecond laser-assisted photonic nanojet ablation (TPA) technique, this method is suitable using a contin-
M. Malinauskas2 , and K. Staliunas1,4 ; 1 Departament de from C18 functionalized silica microspheres. Details of uous laser or an incoherent light.
Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de CK-P.23 MON
structured samples will be discussed.
Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain; 2 Laser Research Center, De- Enhancement upconversion luminescence in CK-P.31 MON
partment of Quantum Electronics, Vilnius University, Vil- InAs-quantum dots embedded GaAs photonic-crystal CK-P.27 MON Self-synchronization of Radiating 2D Spaser Array
nius, Lithuania; 3 Center for Physical Sciences and Tech- slab line-defect waveguide
Experimental Implementation of Zero order Quarter �A.V. Dorofeenko1,2 , A.A. Zyablovsky1,2 , A.P.
nology, Vilnius, Lithuania; 4 Institució Catalana de Re- �H. Oda1 , A. Yamanaka1 , N. Ozaki2 , N. Ikeda3 , and
and Half Wave Plates using customised Vinogradov1,2 , E.S. Andrianov1,2 , A.A. Pukhov1,2 , and
cerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain Y. Sugimoto3 ; 1 Chitose Institute of Science and Technol-
Nanostructured Birefringent Material. A.A. Lisyansky3 ; 1 Institute for �eoretical and Applied
We show, theoretically and experimentally that chirped ogy, Chitose, Japan; 2 Wakayama University, Wakayama,
A. Waddie1 , �R. Buczynski1,2 , J. Nowosielski1 , and M. Electromagnetics RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2 Moscow Insti-
photonic crystals (where longitudinal period varies Japan; 3 National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba,
Taghizadeh1 ; 1 Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sci- tute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudniy, Moscow
along the propagation direction) can provide a substan- Japan
ences, EPS, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United reg., Russia; 3 Department of Physics, Queens College of
tial spatial (angular) �ltering of the light beams with ef- In this work, we present the 1.55 �m to 1.3 �m upcon-
Kingdom; 2 Glass Laboratory, ITME, Warsaw, Poland the City University of New York, New York, United States
�ciencies up to around 50%. version luminescence based on two-photon absorption
In this paper we present the full experimental veri�- We show that a two-dimensional array of spasers can be
in InAs-quantum dots GaAs photonic-crystal slab line
cation of the nanostructured birefringent material and self-synchronized so that all the dipole moments oscil-
CK-P.20 MON defect waveguide.
demonstrate its use as a zero-order half and quarter wave late in phase. Such an array produces a narrow beam of
Implementation of Photonic Crystal Simulations into plate in a optical �bre compatible manner. coherent light due to superradiance.
a Monte Carlo Code to Investigate Light Extraction CK-P.24 MON
from Scintillators Unconventional infrared absorption with polaritonic CK-P.28 MON CK-P.32 MON
�C. �alhammer1,2 , J. Breuer3 , A. Popescu2 , H. Hedler2 , photonic crystals
Air/Polymer microcavities inspected by Fourier Self-pulsation in a photonic-crystal coupled-cavity
and T. Niendorf1 ; 1 Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility, Max- �G.C.R. Devarapu and S. Foteinopoulou; School of
Physics, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physi- image spectroscopy laser
Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Ger-
�M. Lopez-Garcia, L. Cheng, M. Taverne, X. Zheng, D. A. Yacomotti, S. Haddadi, and �S. Barbay; Laboratoire de
many; 2 Siemens Corporate Technology, München, Ger- cal Sciences (CEMPS), University of Exeter, Exeter, United
Ho, R. Oulton, and J. Rarity; Photonics Group, Univer- Photonique et de Nanostructures, Marcoussis, France
many; 3 Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany Kingdom

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
A novel scheme for controllable self-pulsing operation An external grating stabilised laser suitable for use in amplifying periodic-on-average random system. Trans- INO), Largo Fermi 6, 50125, Firenze, Italy; 3 Institut
in a semiconductor photonic-crystal nanolaser is pre- spectroscopy around 1650nm is based on a semiconduc- fer matrix calculations show that lasing originates Langevin, ESPCI ParisTech, 1 rue Jussieu, 75005, Paris,
sented. Parameters suitable for an experimental real- tor chip coupled to a UV written planar Bragg grating, from localized near-bandedge modes and is frequency- France
ization are proposed on the basis of coupled photonic- with power of 7mW and a sub 500kHz line-width. sensitive. A new nanophotonic strategy based on engineeered-
crystal L3 cavities leading to 35ps duration pulses. disorder light trapping approaches will be proposed to
CK-P.34 MON CK-P.35 MON harvest solar radiation in absorbing thin �lms. �ese
CK-P.33 MON Photon-localization induced random lasing from an Photon Management in Two-dimensional Disordered photonic architectures are applied to a realistic solar cell
Integrated planar Bragg grating stabilized diode amplifying periodic-on-average random system Media and numerically investigated.
lasers �A.K. Tiwari and S. Mujumdar; Nano-optics and Meso- �M. Burresi1,2 , K. Vynck1,3 , F. Pratesi1 , F. Riboli1 , and
�J. Gates, S. Lynch, C. Holmes, C. Sima, P. Mennea, and scopic Optics Laboratory, Tata Institute of Fundamental D.S. Wiersma1,2 ; 1 European Laboratory for Non-linear
P. Smith; Optoelectronics Research Centre, Southampton, Research,, Mumbai, India Spectroscopy (LENS), Via N. Carrara 1, 50019, Sesto
United Kingdom We experimentally demonstrate random lasing from an Fiorentino, Italy; 2 Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (CNR-

13:30 – 14:30 CB-P.4 MON We narrow QCL radiation below 1 kHz by using two �e laser exhibits a threshold ~19mA with the SOA
CB-P: CB Poster Session Spatially resolved Stokes parameters of small area di�erent techniques: frequency locking to a molecular unbiased. Stable single mode performance has been
oxide-con�ned Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting transition and phase locking to an absolutely-referenced demonstrated with SMSR >50 dB and output power
CB-P.1 MON Lasers di�erence-frequency-generated source. Applications of >45mW.
�A. Molitor1 , S. Hartmann1 , P. Debernardi2 , and W. both techniques are presented.
Narrow linewidth, micro-integrated extended cavity CB-P.10 MON
diode laser for precision potassium atom Elsäßer1,3 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics, Technische Uni-
versität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany; 2 Istituto di CB-P.7 MON Eight-Channel Slotted Single-Mode Laser Array
interferometry in micro-gravity environment
�E. Luvsandamdin1 , C. Kuerbis1 , A. Sahm1 , A. Wicht1,2 , Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell Informazione e delle Tele- Emission wavelength multistability in semiconductor �Q. Lu1 , W.-H. Guo2 , M. Nawrocka1 , A. Abdullaev1 , J.
G. Erbert1 , and G. Traenkle1 ; 1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut comunicazioni, Torino, Italy; 3 Center of Smart Interfaces, ring lasers OCallaghan3 , and J. Donegan1 ; 1 Trinity College Dublin,
Leibniz-Institut fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Ger- Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany �A. Perez-Serrano1 , J. Javaloyes2 , and S. Balle3 ; Dublin, Republic of Ireland; 2 Department of Electrical
many; 2 Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Berlin, Ger- We present experimentally obtained spatially resolved Weierstrass Institute (WIAS), Berlin, Germany; & Computer Engineering, University of California Santa
many Stokes parameters of small area VCSELs. �ese results in Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Barbara, California, United States; 3 Tyndall National In-
We present a very compact, robust, narrow linewidth comparison with numerical simulations of the VCSELs Spain; 3 IMEDEA (UIB-CSIC), Esporles, Spain stitute, Cork, Republic of Ireland
micro-integrated extended cavity laser (ECDL) for pre- emitted light will grant an insight into the complex po- We theoretically investigate wavelength multistability An 8-channel single-mode laser array based on slots is
cision potassium atom interferometry in a micro-gravity larization behavior of VCSELs. in semiconductor ring lasers by performing dynamical presented. Lasing wavelengths span ~21nm has been ob-
environment. simulations and the linear stability analysis of a spatio- tained with the threshold of 17~20mA, slope e�ciency
CB-P.5 MON temporal traveling wave model. We discuss the e�ect of >0.2mW/mA and SMSR >50dB for the fabricated array.
CB-P.2 MON Wavelength Control of Integrated Semiconductor carrier di�usion and spatial hole burning.
Actively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Laser Lasers with Tunable Intra-cavity Arrayed Waveguide
CB-P.8 MON Increasing the luminance of a red emitting laser light
Using Vertical Cavity Modulator Gratings Operating at 1.7 �m
�J. Rautiainen, A. Rantamäki, M. Tavast, and O.G. �Y. Jiao1,2 , B. Tilma1 , P. �ijs1 , M. Smit1 , and E. Bente1 ; Anti-colliding design for passively mode-locked source by spectral beam combining
Okhotnikov; Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere,
COBRA, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eind- lasers G. Blume, �D. Feise, A. Sahm, B. Eppich, and K. Paschke;
Finland hoven, �e Netherlands; 2 Centre for Optical and Electro- �J. Javaloyes and S. Balle; Departament de Fisica, Univer- Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Berlin, Germany
An actively mode-locked semiconductor disk laser us- magnetic Research, Hangzhou, China, People’s Republic sitat de les iles baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Spectral beam combining of a bar of DBR tapered lasers
ing a low-loss broadband vertical-cavity modulator has of (PRC) �e performance of two-section, passively mode-locked near 635 nm at a power level > 1 W improved the beam
been demonstrated for the �rst time. Accurate control In this contribution we present a control method and semiconductorlasers is analyzed placing the saturable propagation factor. �e incoherent multi-wavelength
of the repetition rate and pulse duration could be useful its experimental veri�cation for a laser using tunable ar- absorber section close to an anti-re�ection coated facet. emission of the bar reduced the speckle contrast.
for various upcoming applications. rayed waveguide gratings. In combination with QD ma- �is leads to shorter pulses, increased output power and
terials or AMQWs the tuning can be extended for e.g. reduced jitter. CB-P.12 MON
CB-P.3 MON application in optical coherence tomography. 1 Watt from 1.56 um Single Frequency
CB-P.9 MON Semiconductor Disk Laser
Identi�cation of the delay time in semiconductor
lasers with optical feedback CB-P.6 MON Improved Performance of Slotted Single-Mode Lasers �A. Rantamäki1 , J. Rautiainen1 , A. Sirbu2 , A. Mereuta2 ,
�M.C. Soriano1 , R.M. Nguimdo2 , and P. Colet1 ; 1 IFISC �A. Abdullaev1 , Q. Lu1 , W.-H. Guo2 , M. Nawrocka1 , J. E. Kapon2 , and O. Okhotnikov1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Re-
Subkilohertz-narrowed, frequency/phase-locked
(CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain; 2 APHY, Vrije OCallaghan3 , and J. Donegan1 ; 1 Trinity College Dublin, search Centre, Tampere University of Technology, Tam-
mid-IR quantum cascade lasers for high-precision
Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium Dublin, Republic of Ireland; 2 Department of Electrical pere, Finland; 2 Ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lau-
molecular spectroscopy
In this contribution, we discuss the e�ect of using dif- & Computer Engineering, University of California Santa sanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
�F. Cappelli, S. Bartalini, P. Cancio, I. Galli, G. Giusfredi,
ferent observables in the identi�cation of delay times Barbara, California, United States; 3 Tyndall National In- 1.56 um single-frequency semiconductor disk laser with
D. Mazzotti, and P. De Natale; Istituto Nazionale di Ot-
in semiconductor lasers subject to delayed optical feed- stitute, Cork, Republic of Ireland 1 watt of output power and coherence length over 5 km
tica (INO) - CNR and European Laboratory for Nonlinear
back. Slotted single-mode lasers integrated with in optical �ber is demonstrated. �e result presents the
Spectroscopy (LENS), Sesto Fiorentino FI, Italy
semiconductor-optical-ampli�er (SOA) is presented. highest power reported for this type of lasers.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
CB-P.13 MON CB-P.17 MON CB-P.21 MON 1
School of Physics and Astronomy, Southampton Univer-
Di�erent Values for the Linewidth Enhancement Investigation of design parameters of 633 nm diode InP quantum dot based semiconductor disk laser sity, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 Cavendish Labora-
Factor of a Quantum-Dots Laser obtained using lasers with internal surface gratings for narrow emitting at 655 nm tory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United King-
Optical and Electrical Modulation spectral linewidth �H. Kahle, R. Bek, F. Hargart, C. Kessler, E. Koroknay, T. dom
M. Soldo1 , M.T. Todaro2,3 , C. Belmonte Palmero1,4 , �D. Feise1 , G. Blume1 , W. John1 , J. Pohl1 , B. Sumpf1 , H. Schwarzbäck, M. Jetter, and P. Michler; Institut für Hal- We present two novel methods exploiting the tran-
V. Tasco2 , A. Passaseo2 , M.J. Latorre Vidal1 , M. De �iem2 , M. Reggentin2 , J. Wiedmann2 , and K. Paschke1 ; bleiteroptik und Funktionelle Grenz�ächen and Research sient laser build-up behavior in order to extract spec-
Vittorio2,3 , and �G. Giuliani1 ; 1 University of Pavia, Pavia, 1
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchst- Center SCoPE, University of Stuttgart, Germany tral laser gain and cavity loss parameters of a 1-
Italy; 2 National Nanotechnology Laboratory NNL, Isti- frequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany; 2 eagleyard Photonics We present an InP quantum dot semiconductor disk micrometer optically-pumped external-cavity surface-
tuto Nanoscienze CNR, Lecce, Italy; 3 Istituto Italiano di GmbH, Berlin, Germany laser emitting at a wavelength of 654 nm. Investigations emitting quantum well laser.
Tecnologia @ Università del Salento, Arnesano (Lecce), Wavelength stabilized diode lasers for applications in of the laser system show an output power of 1.4 W with
Italy; 4 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium spectroscopy and interferometry have been developed a slope e�ciency of 25.4%. CB-P.26 MON
�e alpha-factor of 1300nm QD laser measured apply- by monolithic integration of tenth order surface DBR Colliding Pulse Modelocked Lasers for Terahertz
ing external optical modulation is nearly zero, while its gratings. �e in�uence of design parameters like grat- CB-P.22 MON Photomixing
value is 3 under current modulation. �is di�erence is ing period et al. will be presented. Characterization of 60GHz passively mode-locked �C. Brenner1 , H. Horstkemper1 , I. Cámara Mayorga2 , A.
attributed to the plasma e�ect in the wetting layer quantum well Fabry-Perot laser for RoF and WPAN Klehr3 , G. Erbert3 , and M. Hofmann1 ; 1 Ruhr-Universität,
CB-P.18 MON applications Bochum, Germany; 2 Max-Planck Institut, Bonn, Ger-
CB-P.14 MON Generation of Single Frequency Highly Coherent �K. Carney, R. Maldonado-Basilio, S. Philippe, and P. many; 3 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Berlin, Germany
Random lasers driven by engineered pumping High-Order Laguerre Gaussian Modes with Landais; Rince Institute, Dublin City University, Dublin, Observation of frequencies up to 1THz with a standard
M. Leonetti1,2 , C. Conti2,3 , and �C. Lopez1 ; 1 Instituto de Vertical-External-Cavity-Surface-Emitting-Laser Republic of Ireland homodyne THz detection setup incorporating colliding
Ciencia de Materiales (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; 2 Istituto dei �M. Sellahi1 , M. Myara1 , I. Sagnes2 , S. Blin1 , and A. Characterization of a passively mode-locked FP laser op- pulse modelocked lasers. Presentation of background
Sistemi Complessi (CNR), Rome, Italy; 3 Department of Garnache1 ; 1 IES-CNRS UMR5214, Université de Mont- erating at 60GHz with only d.c. bias applied is presented. and results.
Physics, University Sapienza, Rome, Italy pellier 2, Montpellier, France; 2 LPN-CNRS, Marcoussis, A beat tone linewith of 10kHz is measured, making the
Without a cavity random lasers are intrinsically uncon- France device suitable for RoF and WPAN applications. CB-P.27 MON
trollable. Engineering the scattering elements helps con- We demonstrate the generation of single frequency �eoretical analysis of timing jitter in two-section
trolling emission frequency. Engineering the pumping high order Laguerre Gauss transverse modes with CB-P.23 MON passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers
gives access to parameters such as feedback regime, syn- Vertical-External-Cavity-Surface-Emitting-Laser. �is Mode-Locked semiconductor laser with controllable �A. Pimenov1 , N. Rebrova2,3 , D. Rachinskii4,5 , and A.
chronisation, mode size and single mode selection. was achieved by means of sub-wavelength metallic intracavity dispersion and absorption Vladimirov1,3 ; 1 Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany;
masks deposited on GaAs semiconductor structures and �J.C. Balzer1 , B. Döpke1 , A. Klehr2 , G. Erbert2 , G. Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Republic of Ireland;
CB-P.15 MON 3
the spatial-hole-burning based mode interaction. Tränkle2 , and M.R. Hofmann1 ; 1 Lehrstuhl für Photonik Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Republic of Ire-
Modelling Dilute Nitride 1.3 um Quantum Well und Terahertztechnologie, Ruhr Universität Bochum, land; 4 University College Cork, Cork, Republic of Ireland;
CB-P.19 MON 5
Lasers: Incorporation of N compositional Bochum, Germany; 2 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz- University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, United States
Fluctuations High-Power Optically Pumped Semiconductor Disk Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany We consider a delay-di�erential model of a passively
X. Sun and �J. Rorison; University of Bristol, Bristol, Lasers Using Second-Harmonic Generation We present an experimental analysis of the in�uence of mode-locked semiconductor laser. We apply perturba-
United Kingdom �A. Hein, S. Menzel, M. Rampp, A. Ziegler, and P. Unger; intracavity group delay dispersion and absorption on the tion theory to obtain estimate of pulse timing jitter and
Compositional �uctuations of N in GaInNAs result in Institute of Optoelectronics, Ulm University, Germany performance of a passively mode locked semiconductor study the dependence of noise induced characteristics on
quantum dot-like �uctuations in the conduction band Characteristics of optically pumped semiconductor disk laser diode. laser parameters.
edge. It is observed to reduce the photon luminescence lasers are presented for the fundamental and second-
intensity, broaden the line-width and increase the laser harmonic regime at 1040nm and 520nm, respectively. CB-P.24 MON CB-P.28 MON
threshold. High e�ciencies for both spectral regions, and wide tun- Fast controlled switching of modes in semiconductor E�ciency optimization of high power diode lasers at
ing of the second-harmonic is demonstrated. lasers low temperatures
CB-P.16 MON �S. Slipchenko; Io�e Physical-Technical Institute, St Peter- �C. Frevert, P. Crump, H. Wenzel, S. Knigge, F. Bugge, and
Design and performances of simpli�ed external CB-P.20 MON burg, Russia G. Erbert; Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für
cavity laser diodes using CRIGF mirrors Locking of Laser Cavity Solitons Trapped by Defects Mode switching e�ects in semiconductor lasers based Höchstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany
X. Buet1,2 , �A. Monmayrant1,2 , S. Calvez1,2 , C. Tourte1,2 , in VCSELs on asymmetric heterostructure with low internal opti- 9xx-nm long-cavity (4 mm) high power broad-area
F. Lozes-Dupuy1,2 , and O. Gauthier-Lafaye1,2 ; 1 CNRS, P. Paulau1 , C. McIntyre2 , Y. Noblet2 , W.J. Firth2 , P. Colet3 , cal losses have been investigated and physical principles lasers achieve power conversion e�ciency of 74% at -
LAAS, Toulouse, France; 2 Univ de Toulouse, LAAS, T. Ackemann2 , and �G.-L. Oppo2 ; 1 Technische Univer- of new type fast optical power switcher have been devel- 55� C, increased by 10% compared to room temperature.
Toulouse, France sität, Berlin, Germany; 2 University of Strathclyde, Glas- oped. We demonstrate experimentally that this is dominated
Cavity-Resonator-Integrated-Grating-Filters combine gow, United Kingdom; 3 IFISC Universitat Illes Balears, by improved di�erential internal e�ciency.
resonant-grating-�lters performances and large angular Palma de Mallorca, Spain CB-P.25 MON
tolerance. Wavelength stabilization of a 850 nm emit- Defects due to growth �uctuations in semiconductor Spectral gain and cavity loss characterization of an CB-P.29 MON
ting semiconductor laser is achieved using a simpli�ed lasers induce trapping and frequency shi�s of laser cavity optically-pumped external-cavity surface-emitting In�uence of the length of the absorber section on the
cat’s eye cavity. System performances will be discussed, solitons. We experimentally and theoretically demon- quantum well laser mode locking behaviour of a 1064nm DBR laser
together with pathways for ameliorations. strate frequency and phase locking of trapped solitons �C.R. Head1 , K.G. Wilcox1 , O.J. Morris1 , A.P. Turnbull1 , determined on a single device
in VCSELs with frequency-selective feedback. H.E. Beere2 , I. Farrer2 , D.A. Ritchie2 , and A.C. Tropper1 ; �A. Klehr, T. Prziwarka, O. Brox, F. Bugge, H. Wenzel, and

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
G. Erbert; Ferdinand Braun Institut, Leibniz-Institut für We study the dynamical characteristics of a monolithic A re-growth free �ve-section tunable laser based on slots contact. We demonstrate how a proper choice of the spa-
Höchstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany �ared MOPA at 1.5 �m. Radio-frequency and opti- suitable for photonic integration is presented. A dis- tial periods improves the far �elds of the emitted beam.
�e in�uence of the length of the absorber section on the cal spectra under CW biasing evidence regimes of self- crete tuning range ~ 55nm with SMSR>30dB has been
mode locking behaviour of a 1064nm DBR laser is inves- pulsations and compound cavity e�ects. A Travelling- reported for the fabricated device using the Vernier tun- CB-P.39 MON
tigated. Optimal mode locking was obtained for lengths Wave-Model reproduces the observed dynamics. ing e�ect. High resolution mapping of the dynamics of a
0.2mm-0.3mm and absorber voltages -2V to -3V. nonlinear semiconductor laser system
CB-P.33 MON CB-P.36 MON �J. Toomey, Y. Noblet, C. Nichkawde, and D. Kane; MQ
CB-P.30 MON Bursting in an Optically Injected Two-Mode Laser: Dynamics of colliding pulse passively semiconductor Photonics Research Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney,
1064 nm wavelength stabilized hybrid ns-MOPA �e Cusp-Pitchfork Bifurcation mode-locked ring lasers with an intra-cavity Australia
diode laser system for high peak power and low �S. Osborne1 , N. Blackbeard1 , S. O’Brien1 , and A. Mach-Zehnder modulator High resolution time series from a semiconductor laser
spectral width Amann1,2 ; 1 Tyndall National Institute, University College �V. Moskalenko1 , J. Javaloyes2 , M. Smit1 , S. Balle2 , and E. with optical feedback system have been analysed and
�A. Klehr, B. Sumpf, N. Vu, H. Wenzel, G. Erbert, and Cork, Cork, Republic of Ireland; 2 School of Mathematical Bente1 ; 1 Technical University of Eindhoven, Eindhoven, mapped to con�rm previously identi�ed major dynami-
G. Tränkle; Ferdinand Braun Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Republic of Ire- �e Netherlands; 2 Universitat de les Illes Baleares, Palma cal regions, observe new low feedback dynamics, and to
Höchstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany land de Mallorca, Spain test reproducibility over time.
A DBR master oscillator power ampli�er (MOPA) sys- We present an interesting bursting mechanism in a two- We study the dynamics of InGaAsP/InP passively mode-
tem for the generation of ns-pulses with high peak power mode laser subjected to optical injection. We show that locked quantum well ring lasers in the presence of a gain CB-P.40 MON
of 16 W and narrow spectral line with a side mode sup- this bursting is organized by an interaction between a �attening intra-cavity frequency dependent �lter. Con- Why Phtonic-Crystal VCSELs do not provide high
pression rate > 42 dBm is realized. cusp and pitchfork of limit-cycles. trol and pulse width reduction is achieved. power emission in the single-mode regime?
�L. Frasunkiewicz1 , T. Czyszanowski1 , M. Wasiak1 , M.
CB-P.31 MON CB-P.34 MON CB-P.37 MON Dems1 , R.P. Sarzala1 , W. Nakwaski1 , and K. Panajotov2 ;
De-synchronization Events and Leader-Laggard How to control single mode emission of VCSEL Traveling wave modelling and mode analysis of Institute of Physics, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz,
Dynamics Interchange in Chaos Semiconductor arrays? semiconductor ring lasers Poland; 2 Department of Applied Physics and Photonics,
Lasers Networks �T. Czyszanowski1 , M. Dems1 , M. Wasiak1 , R.P. Sarzala1 , �M. Radziunas; Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
�M. Bourmpos, A. Argyris, and D. Syvridis; National and E. Lamothe2 , N. Volet2 , V. Iakovlev2 , and E. Kapon2 ; �e traveling wave model is used for analyzing dynamics In this paper we investigate the in�uence of parameters
Kaposidtrian University of Athens, Ilisia, Athens, Greece Institute of Physics, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, of semiconductor ring lasers. Dependence of instanta- of photonic crystal on the slope e�ciency, emitted power
Well-synchronized coupled lasers in star networks Poland; 2 Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures, Ecole neous optical modes on model parameters, and the role and tuning range in single mode VCSELs.
with chaotic emission are shown to exhibit short de- Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, of these modes within di�erent dynamical regimes are
synchronization events. Increased biasing of central hub Switzerland analyzed. CB-P.41 MON
laser turns from lagging to leading the dynamics of the In this paper we present the simulation results of opti- Analysis of gain properties in silver-clad nanowire
network, eliminating these events. mization of carrier injection, heat �ow and optical con- CB-P.38 MON lasers
�nement aimed for single mode operation of VCSEL ar- �eoretical study of beam quality improvement in �Z. Abdul Sattar and K.A. Shore; Bangor University, Ban-
CB-P.32 MON rays. spatially modulated broad area edge-emitting devices gor, United Kingdom
Dynamical characterization of monolithic MOPAs �M. Radziunas1 , R. Herrero2 , M. Botey3 , and K. Analysis of GaN nanowire lasers is performed for wave-
emitting at 1.5 um CB-P.35 MON Staliunas2,4 ; 1 Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany; lengths in the range 330nm-830nm. Modal gains of or-
J. Javaloyes1 , M. Vilera2 , A. Consoli2 , P. Adamiec2 , Widely-Tunable Five-Section Slotted Lasers Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear,Universitat der 8000cm-1 and 1100cm-1 are found for TE01 and
J.M. García-Tijero2 , S. Aguilera2 , I. Esquivias2 , and �S. �M. Nawrocka1 , Q. Lu1 , W.-H. Guo2 , A. Abdullaev1 , F. Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain; 3 Departament TM01 modes respectively thereby enabling lasing with
Balle1,3 ; 1 Dept. de Física, Univ. Illes Balears, Palma de Bello1 , J. OCallaghan3 , and J. Donegan1 ; 1 Trinity College de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear,Universitat Politècnica de appropriate cavity lengths.
Mallorca, Spain; 2 ETSI Telecomunicación-CEMDATIC, Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland; 2 Department of Elec- Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; 4 Institució Catalana de Re-
Univ. Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 3 Insitut trical & Computer Engineering, University of California cerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain
Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Santa Barbara, California, United States; 3 Tyndall Na- We analyze properties of broad area ampli�ers and lasers
Esporles, Spain tional Institute, Cork, Republic of Ireland with longitudinally and laterally modulated electrical

13:30 – 14:30 lano, Italy; 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, VU JSIV-P.2 MON
JSIV-P: JSIV Poster Session University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, �e Netherlands; Selective probing of electronic and nuclear
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State coherences using time-resolved o�-resonant
JSIV-P.1 MON University, Tempe, United States excitation of Raman-active vibration modes
Ultrafast Energy Transfer and Excitonic Coupling in Combining ultrafast spectroscopy with target analysis on �E. Gaižauskas; Vilnius university, Vilnius, Lithuania
an Arti�cial Photosynthetic Antenna an arti�cial photosynthetic antenna, we quantify around Raman enhanced four-wave mixing in three-level quan-
�M. Maiuri1 , J. Snellenburg2 , I. van Stokkum2 , S. Pillai3 , 37% of Carotenoid to Phthalocyanine energy transfer ef- tum system was analized theoretically. It was shown, that
D. Gust3 , T. Moore3 , A. Moore3 , R. van Grondelle2 , �ciency and identify spectral signatures of excited state signall e�ciency induced by weak resonant probe allows
G. Cerullo1 , and D. Polli1 ; 1 Politecnico di Milano, Mi- coupling between the two moieties one to tell electronic coherences from the nuclear one.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
13:30 – 14:30 Standard quantum communication approaches need a IB-P.9 MON Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany; 2 Max-
IB-P: IB Poster Session shared reference frame. �is issue can be overcome by Direct characterization of any linear photonic device Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, München, Germany
encoding information in hybrid polarization-orbital an- �S. Rahimi-Keshari1 , M. Broome1,2 , R. Fickler3,4 , A. We present our progress towards a basic quantum re-
IB-P.1 MON gular momentum single photon states. Fedrizz1,2 , T. Ralph1 , and A. White1,2 ; 1 Centre for Quan- peater link establishing entanglement between two sin-
Demonstration of a Fully Tuneable Entangling Gate tum Computer and Communication Technology, School gle trapped 87Rb-atoms separated by a distance of 400m.
IB-P.5 MON of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland,
for Continuous-Variable Cluster Computation
�S. Yokoyama1 , R. Ukai1 , S.C. Armstrong1,2 , J.-i. Entanglement Swapping with Local Certi�cation: Brisbane, Australia; 2 Centre for Engineered Quantum IB-P.13 MON
Yoshikawa1 , P. van Loock3 , and A. Furusawa1 ; 1 �e Application to Remote Micromechanical Resonators Systems, School of Mathematics and Physics, University Demonstration of Nonlocal Dispersion Cancelled
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 2 �e Australian M. Abdi1,2 , �S. Pirandola3 , P. Tombesi1 , and D. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 3 Quantum Optics, Two-Photon Bessel Interference in Frequency
National University, Canberra, Australia; 3 University Vitali1 ; 1 School of Science and Technology, Univer- Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum Information, Univer- Domain
Mainz, Mainz, Germany sity of Camerino, Camerino, Iran; 2 Department of sity of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 4 Institute for Quantum B. Galmes, J.-P. Decurey, I. Mbodji, L. Furfaro, K. Phan
We present a fully tuneable entangling gate, TZ , in the Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran; Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria Huy, L. Larger, J.M. Dudley, and �J.-M. Merolla; FEMTO-
context of one-way quantum computations. We demon- Department of Computer Science, University of York, We introduce an e�cient method for characterizing any ST, Besançon, France
strate TZ via a three-mode optical cluster state by prop- York, United Kingdom multi-mode linear photonic network. Our method em- We present a method to perform a non local cancellation
agating two independent modes through and tuning the We propose a protocol for entanglement swapping which ploys a standard laser source and photodetectors to di- dispersion. Distance independent two photon Bessel in-
entanglement strength. involves tripartite systems. �e generation of remote en- rectly determine all moduli and non-trivial phases of the terference in frequency domain shows that the introduc-
tanglement induced by the Bell measurement can be cer- matrix describing the network. tion of a local negative dispersion allows compensating
IB-P.2 MON ti�ed by additional local measurements. We apply the the global dispersion e�ect.
protocol to optomechanical systems. IB-P.10 MON
Quantum state fusion in photons
�N. Spagnolo1 , C. Vitelli2,1 , L. Aparo1 , F. Sciarrino1 , E. Widely-tunable, spectrally pure, high e�cient photon IB-P.14 MON
IB-P.6 MON pairs generation at telecom wavelength Qudit implementations with broadband energy-time
Santamato3 , and L. Marrucci3,4 ; 1 Dipartimento di Fisica,
Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy; 2 Center of Life High-rate single photons in a pure quantum state for �R. Jin1 , R. Shimizu2 , K. Wakui1 , H. Benichi1 , and M. entangled photons
NanoScience @ La Sapienza, Istituto Italiano di Tecnolo- quantum communication Sasaki1 ; 1 National Institute of Information and Com- �B. Bessire, C. Bernhard, A. Stefanov, and T. Feurer; Insti-
gia, Roma, Italy; 3 Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Uni- �C. Kurz1 , J. Huwer1,2 , M. Schug1 , P. Müller1 , and J. munications Technology, Tokyo, Japan; 2 University of tute of Applied Physics, Bern, Switzerland
versità di Napoli ”Federico II”, Compl. Univ. di Monte Eschner1 ; 1 Experimentalphysik, Universität des Saarlan- Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan We demonstrate generic qudit encoding in the spectrum
S. Angelo, Napoli, Italy; 4 CNR-SPIN, Complesso Univer- des, Saarbrücken, Germany; 2 ICFO – �e Institute of Pho- We theoretically and experimentally investigate the of energy-time entangled photons by means of pulse
sitario di Monte S. Angelo, Napoli, Italy tonic Sciences, Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain spectral tunability and purity of photon pairs generated shaping techniques known from fs-laser physics. Two-
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a physical We generate high-rate single photons in a single quan- from periodically poled KTiOPO4. �e spectral purity photon interference is realized up to d=4 using two dif-
process, named quantum state fusion, in which two in- tum state by spontaneous Raman scattering in a trapped can be higher than 0.98 when the wavelength is tuned ferent discretization schemes.
put qubits written in two input photons in di�erent de- ion. Photon frequency, polarization and temporal shape from 1460 nm to 1675 nm.
grees of freedom are combined into a single output pho- are laser-controlled. �e photons create quantum jumps IB-P.15 MON
ton. in another, distant ion. IB-P.11 MON Photonic phase-gate using Rydberg atoms and
Optimal Unambiguous Discrimination of Two microwaves
IB-P.3 MON IB-P.7 MON Incompatible Quantum Measurements �D. Paredes-Barato, H. Busche, D. Maxwell, D. Szwer, M.
Virtual Noiseless Ampli�cation Fast real-time random numbers from vacuum �M. Miková1 , M. Sedlák1 , I. Straka1 , M. Mičuda1 , Jones, and C. Adams; Joint Quantum Centre Durham-
�J. Janousek1 , H. Chrzanowski1 , S. Hosseini1 , S. Assad1 , T. �uctuations M. Ziman2,3 , M. Ježek1 , J. Fiurášek1 , and M. Dušek1 ; Newcastle, Durham, United Kingdom
Symul1 , N. Walk2 , T. Ralph2 , and P.K. Lam1 ; 1 Australian �T. Symul, S. Assad, and P.K. Lam; Australian National 1
Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech We propose a deterministic photonic phase-gate scheme
National University, Canberra, Australia; 2 University of University, Canberra, Australia Republic; 2 Research Center for Quantum Informa- using microwave control of Rydberg polaritons. Process-
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia We present a robust quantum random number generator tion, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; ing �delities in excess of 90% are expected for realistic
We show an experimental implementation of a virtual based on measuring the quantum �uctuations of the vac- 3
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech experimental parameters.
noiseless ampli�er, via post-selective measurements per- uum �eld. Our device achieves a real-time continuous Republic
formed on a pair of EPR entangled Gaussian beams. Us- generation bandwidth of 5.7Gb/s and is made available We have experimentally demonstrated one-copy opti- IB-P.16 MON
ing the NLA protocol, we realize a dramatic increase in on the Internet. mal unambiguous discrimination of two incompatible Bipartite Quantum Correlations in a Fast-Light
entanglement. quantum measurements. Our linear-optics implemen- Medium Generated with Four-Wave-Mixing in
IB-P.8 MON tation used pairs of photon entangled in polarization, Rubidium Vapour
IB-P.4 MON Multimode homodyne detection as a tool for cluster unambiguous state discrimination, and electronic feed- �U. Vogl, R. Glasser, and P. Lett; NIST and Joint Quantum
Complete experimental toolbox for alignment-free state generation and gaussian quantum computation forward. Institute, Gaithersburg, United States
quantum communication �G. Ferrini; Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris, France We demonstrate the propagation of bipartite quantum
�V. D’Ambrosio1 , E. Nagali1 , S. Walborn2 , L. Aolita3 , S. We study a compact way to implement simple IB-P.12 MON correlations through a fast-light medium with four-
Slussarenko4 , L. Marrucci4 , and F. Sciarrino1 ; 1 Sapienza, measurement-based quantum computations in a CV- Towards a basic quantum repeater link over 400m wave-mixing in rubidium vapor, and explore the possi-
Università di Roma, Rome, Italy; 2 Universidade Fed- Optical setting. Our method is based on the multi-pixel with heralded entanglement of 87Rb-atoms ble advancement and the noise-characteristics of the sys-
eral do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 3 Dahlem measurement of correlated states produced by a SPOPO �K. Redeker1 , D. Burchardt1 , N. Ortegel1 , J. tem.
Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Berlin, Germany; in a suitable basis. Hofmann1 , M. Krug1 , M. Weber1 , W. Rosenfeld1,2 ,
Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy and H. Weinfurter1,2 ; 1 Fakultät für Physik, Ludwig-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013
Hall B0
IB-P.17 MON IB-P.18 MON Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore; versitat de València and CSIC, Burjassot, Spain; 3 Instituto
State transfer with time-dependent Hamiltonians in A reversible optical memory for twisted photons Currently with Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for de Física, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la
waveguide arrays �L. Veissier1 , A. Nicolas1 , L. Giner1 , D. Maxein1 , A. Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, República, Montevideo, Uruguay; 4 Centre for �eoretical,
�S. Weimann1 , A. Kay2 , R. Keil1 , S. Nolte1 , and A. Sheremet2 , E. Giacobino1 , and J. Laurat1 ; 1 Laboratoire Singapore; 3 Emerging Systems Division, DSO National Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Queen’s Univer-
Szameit1 ; 1 Institute of applied Physics, Abbe Center of Kastler Brossel, Paris, France; 2 State Polytechnic Univer- Laboratories, Singapore, Singapore sity, Belfast, United Kingdom
Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Ger- sity, Saint Petersburg, Russia We demonstrate the �rst broadband source of quantum- We study multidimensional quantum walks concentrat-
many; 2 Department of Mathematics, Royal Holloway, We report on an optical memory which enables the re- correlated photon-pairs in the O-band using a 2.6-mm- ing on their dispersion relation. We describe wave-like
University of London, Egham, United Kingdom versible mapping of Laguerre-Gaussian modes at the long dispersion-engineered silicon waveguide. propagation as well as dynamics governed by diabolical
We emulate perfect quantum state transfer through a single-photon level. �is opens the possibility of storage points. We demonstrate that alternate QWs exhibit gen-
chain of spin-1/2-particles with time-dependent cou- of qubits encoded in orbital angular momentum. IB-P.20 MON uine multipartite entanglement and discuss their imple-
plings in waveguide arrays. �e robustness of the trans- Multidimensional Quantum Walks: Diabolical mentability.
fer scheme to imperfections of the couplings is analyzed IB-P.19 MON Points, Optical Wave-like propagation and
experimentally. Broadband Quantum-Correlated Photon-Pairs in the Multipartite Entanglement
O-Band Generated from a Dispersion-Engineered G.J. de Valcárcel1 , C. Di Franco4 , M. Hinarejos2 , A.
Silicon Waveguide Pérez2 , E. Roldán1 , A. Romanelli3 , and �F. Silva1 ;
�M.T. Liu1 , Y. Huang1,2 , W. Wang3 , and H.C. Lim1,3 ; Departament d’Òptica, Universitat de València, Burjas-
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, sot, Spain; 2 Departament de Física Teòrica and IFIC, Uni-

13:30 – 14:30 ID-P.3 MON ID-P.5 MON ID-P.7 MON

ID-P: ID Poster Session Phase Noise and Spectral Bandwidth of SiN Minimum Requirements for Feedback Enhanced Multipole, nonlinear and anharmonic contributions
Microresonator Frequency Combs Force Sensing to uncertainties of clocks on neutral atoms in optical
ID-P.1 MON �V. Brasch, T. Herr, M. Pfei�er, J. Jost, and T. Kippen- �G.I. Harris1 , D. McAuslan1 , T. Stace1 , A. Doherty2 , and lattices
Broadband Fabry-Perot cavity for quantum-limited berg; École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), W.P. Bowen1 ; 1 Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, �V. Ovsiannikov1 and V. Pal’chikov2 ; 1 Voronezh State
frequency comb metrology Lausanne, Switzerland Brisbane, Australia; 2 Centre for Engineered Quantum University, Voronezh, Russia; 2 VNIIFTRI, Mendeleevo,
�R. Schmeissner, V. �iel, C. Fabre, and N. Treps; Labora- �e phase noise behavior and bandwidth of microres- Systems, Sydney, Australia Russia
toire Kastler Brossel, Paris, France onator frequency combs are determined by the microres- �ermomechanical noise is a limiting factor in many Contributions to standard frequency shi�s, linear and
We study a broadband, high �nesse optical cavity in onator properties such as the dispersion and Q-factor. MEMS and NEMS based sensors. It has been proposed quadratic in laser intensity, determined by E1, M1 and
combination with spectrally resolved balanced homo- We measure and relate the properties of the comb and of that feedback can enhance force sensing. However, we E2 interactions of atoms with a trapping �eld of magic-
dyne detection as a tool to analyze the modal structure the resonator. show the same enhancement can be made with postpro- wavelength optical lattice are analyzed in harmonic and
of a 40nm FWHM optical frequency comb in amplitude cessing alone. anharmonic approximations.
and phase. ID-P.4 MON
Soliton mode-locking in optical microresonators ID-P.6 MON ID-P.8 MON
ID-P.2 MON �T. Herr1 , V. Brasch1 , J. Jost1 , C. Wang1 , N. Kondratiev2 , Mid-IR frequency control using an optical frequency Compact and Robust Repumper Light Source for Sr
Carrier-envelope frequency stabilization of a M. Gorodetsky2 , and T. Kippenberg1 ; 1 Ecole Polytech- comb and a remote near-infrared frequency reference Single-Ion Traps
Ti:sapphire oscillator using di�erent pump lasers nique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; B. Chanteau1 , B. Argence1 , O. Lopez1 , W. Zhang2 , D. �T. Fordell, T. Lindvall, T. Hieta, and M. Merimaa; Centre
�A. Vernaleken1 , B. Schmidt2 , T.W. Hänsch1 , R. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Rus- Nicolodi2 , M. Abgrall2 , F. Auguste1 , P.L.T. Sow1 , S. for Metrology and Accreditation (MIKES), Espoo, Finland
Holzwarth1,2 , and P. Hommelho�1,3 ; 1 Max-Planck- sia Mejri1 , S.K. Tokunaga1 , C. Daussy1 , B. Darquié1 , G. An unpolarized, incoherent repumper for Sr single-ion
Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany; 2 Menlo We demonstrate soliton mode-locking in a continuously Santarelli2,3 , C. Chardonnet1 , Y. Le Coq2 , and �A. Amy- clocks is presented. �is broadband, all-�bre ASE source
Systems GmbH, Martinsried, Germany; 3 Universität pumped, non-linear optical MgF2 microresonator, re- Klein1 ; 1 Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Villetaneuse, prevents dark states from forming, requires no frequency
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany sulting in low-noise frequency comb spectra and ultra- France; 2 LNE-SYRTE, Paris, France; 3 Laboratoire Pho- stabilization, is adjustment free, and can be switched o�
�e suitability of several commercial pump lasers for op- short pulses of 200 fs duration with a repetition rate of tonique, Numérique et Nanosciences, Talence, France electronically during interrogation.
eration with a carrier-envelope o�set frequency stabi- 35.2 GHz. We present a new method for accurate mid-infrared
lized Ti:sapphire oscillator is investigated. We �nd that frequency stabilization against a near-infrared reference
they are all well-suited for the purpose. conveyed in a long-distance �bre link and continuously
monitored against atomic fountain clocks. Stability be-
low 3x10-14 was demonstrated at 30 THz.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Monday 13 May 2013

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00
CD-8: New Guiding Phenomena JSV-1: Superconducting Optics CI-2: Integrated Circuits CM-3/LIM: Precision Processing in CB-4: Ultrafast Semiconductor
Chair: Miroslav Karpierz, Warsaw University Chair: Robert Had�eld, University of Glas- Chair: Yonglin Yu, Huazhong University of Micro to Nano Scale by Ultrafast Lasers II
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland gow, U.K. & Franco Nori, Riken, Japan and Science and Technology, China Lasers (Session jointly held with LIM) Chair: Judy Rorison, University of Bristol,
�e University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Chair: Boris Chichkov, Laser Zentrum, Han- United Kingdom
nover, Germany
CD-8.1 TUE (Invited) 8:30 JSV-1.1 TUE (Invited) 8:30 CI-2.1 TUE 8:30 CB-4.1 TUE 8:30
Electro-optic routing of spatial solitons in Superconducting Single Photon Detectors Application of InAs quantum dots for CM-3/LIM.1 TUE (Invited) 8:30 Optimized InAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dot
nematic liquid crystals �S.W. Nam1 , B. Calkins1 , T. Gerrits1 , high-speed photodiodes in �ber optics Welding of Glass/Glass and Si/Glass using Semiconductor Optical Ampli�er
�A. Piccardi, A. Alberucci, and G. Assanto; A.E. Lita1 , F. Marsili1 , V.B. Verma1 , I. �T. Umezawa, K. Akahane, A. Kanno, and Ultrashort Laser Pulses Tapered Geometry For Enhanced Beam
Nonlinear Optics and OptoElectronics Lab Vayshenker1 , R.P. Mirin1 , M. Shaw2 , W. T. Kawanishi; National Institute of Informa- �I. Miyamoto; Osaka University, Osaka, Quality and Optical Gain
(NooEL), University of Rome Roma Tre, Farr2 , and J.A. Stern2 ; 1 NIST, Boulder, tion and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan; Erlangen Graduate School of Ad- �C. Mesaritakis1 , A. Kapsalis1 , C. Simos1 ,
Rome, Italy United States; 2 JPL, Pasadena, United States Japan vanced Optical Technologies, Erlangen, Ger- H. Simos1 , M. Krakowski2 , and D. Syvridis1 ;
We present several con�guration of planar Superconducting single photon detectors We designed and demonstrated a new many National and Kapodistrian University of
nematic liquid crystal cells for the electric can o�er performance that is unmatched by high speed PIN photodiode using an Laser energy deposition process in Athens, Athens, Greece; 2 Alcatel - �ales 3-5
control of optical spatial solitons propaga- any other detector technology. We describe InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dot absorption glass/glass and Si/glass using ultrashort Lab, Palaiseau, France
tion by achieving amplitude and frequency our research to improve these detectors so layer for future �ber optic technology. �e laser pulses at high-pulse repetition rates A novel quantum dot ampli�er design is
modulation of linear and nonlinear proper- that these detectors can be used in systems design and the basic properties includ- is discussed by simulation model based on compared to an optimized �ared geome-
ties of the medium. with detection e�ciency approaching 100%. ing avalanche multiplication have been thermal conduction theory, and the weld try. Measurements revealed enhancement in
discussed. joints are characterized by di�erent tests. beam quality in terms of M2 and coupling.
�is design exhibited increased gain by a fac-
tor of 6dB.

CB-4.2 TUE 8:45

Picosecond pulse generation with 34W
peak power using a monolithic
CI-2.2 TUE 8:45 quantum-dot tapered mode-locked laser
Application Speci�c Photonic Integrated and tapered optical ampli�er
Circuits for Telecommunications �L. Drzewietzki1 , S. Breuer1 , M. Rossetti2 , T.
�S. Stopiński1,2 , K. Ławniczuk1,2 , K. Xu2 , P. Bardella2 , H. Simos3 , C. Mesaritakis3 ,
Welikow1 , A. Jusza1 , P. Gdula1 , P. M. Ruiz4 , I. Krestnikov5 , D. Livshits5 , M.
Szczepański1 , X. Leijtens2 , M. Smit2 , and R. Krakowski4 , D. Syvridis3 , I. Montrosset2 ,
Piramidowicz1 ; 1 Institute of Microelectronics E. Rafailov6 , and W. Elsäßer1 ; 1 Technische
and Optoelectronics of Warsaw University Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Ger-
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; 2 COBRA many; 2 Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy;
Research Institute, Eindhoven University of National and Kapodistrian University of
Technology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands Athens, Athens, Greece; 4 Alcatel-�ales III-
In this work several InP-based photonic V Lab, Palaiseau Cedex, France; 5 Innolume
integrated circuits for application in GmbH, Dortmund, Germany; 6 University of
telecommunication systems and networks Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom
are demonstrated. �e design and mea- Generation of ultra-short pulses by a mode-
surement results of chips fabricated in locked monolithic tapered QD laser and ta-
multi-project wafer runs according to pered QD SOA yielding a peak-power of
generic concept are presented. 34W with a pulse width of 1.62ps at a rep-
etition rate of 16 GHz is demonstrated.

CD-8.2 TUE 9:00 JSV-1.2 TUE 9:00 CI-2.3 TUE (Invited) 9:00 CM-3/LIM.2 TUE (Invited) 9:00 CB-4.3 TUE 9:00
Di�raction resisting zero-order Bessel- Enhanced absorptance of infrared single- Low energy consumption and high speed Delocalization of focused intense ultra- Passively mode-locked red VECSEL
like and higher-order vortex Bessel-like photon detectors comprising plasmonic germanium-based optoelectronic devices short laser pulses in air and transparent �A. Härkönen, S. Ranta, T. Leinonen, J.
beams with arbitrary trajectories structure integrated NbN pattern on D. Marris-Morini1 , P. Chaisakul1 , M.- solids lyytikäinen, and M. Guina; Optoelectronics
�N.K. Efremidis1 , I.D. Chremmos1 , silicon substrate S. Rouifed1 , J. Frigerio2 , G. Isella2 , D. �V. Konov, V. Kononenko, S. Klimentov, Research Centre, Tampere University of Tech-
J. Zhao2,3 , Z. Chen2 , and D.N. G. Szekeres, Á. Sipos, and �M. Csete; Uni- Chrastina2 , and �L. Vivien1 ; 1 Institut and P. Pivovarov; General Physics Institute, nology, Tampere, Finland
Christodoulides3 ; 1 Department of Ap- versity of Szeged, Department of Optics and d’Electronic Fondamentale - CNRS-Univ. Moscow, Russia We demonstrate a passively SESAM mode-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00
IB-2: Integrated Quantum CA-5: Yb-Doped �in Disk Lasers IG-1: Synchronization Dynamics & CE-4: Optical Fibres and
Photonics and Simulation Chair: Evgeni Sorokin, Technical University, Opto-mechanical Self-organization Waveguides
Chair: Andreas Poppe, Austrian Institute of Vienna, Austria Chair: �orsten Ackemann, University of Chair: Stefan Kück, Physikalisch-Technische
Technology, Vienna, Austria Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany
IB-2.1 TUE (Invited) 8:30 CA-5.1 TUE 8:30 IG-1.1 TUE (Invited) 8:30 CE-4.1 TUE 8:30
Quantum simulation with integrated Towards high average output power and Synchronization of N coupled dipoles: Delivery of high-power nanosecond and
photonics short pulse duration of SESAM From Anderson to Dicke picosecond pulses through a hollow-core
�F. Sciarrino; Sapienza Università di Roma, modelocked thin disk lasers �R. Kaiser; INLN, Nice, France Negative Curvature Fibre for
Rome, Italy �C. Schriber1 , C. Saraceno1 , F. Emaury1 , Interferences in multiple scattering of light micro-machining applications
Integrated photonic circuits with three di- M. Golling1 , K. Beil2 , C. Krankel2,3 , in dense media is expected to lead to Ander- �P. Jaworski1 , F. Yu2 , R.R.J. Maier1 , W.J.
mensional geometries, realized with ultra- T. Südmeyer1,4 , G. Huber2,3 , and U. son localisation. We show that the synchro- Wadsworth2 , T.A. Birks2 , J.C. Knight2 , J.D.
fast laser writing, have a strong potential to Keller1 ; 1 ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland; nisation between the induced dipoles rather Shephard1 , and D.P. Hand1 ; 1 Applied Op-
perform quantum information processing. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; leads to extended Dicke super- and subradi- tics and Photonics group, School of Engineer-
By adopting such approach we report several �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imag- ance. ing and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt Uni-
experiments of quantum simulation. ing, Hamburg, Germany; 4 University of versity, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2 Centre
Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland for Photonics and Photonic Materials, De-
We explore the pulse duration limits of partment of Physics, University of Bath, Bath,
high-power SESAM modelocked thin United Kingdom
disk lasers based on Yb-doped sesquiox- High-power picosecond pulses, required for
ides. We achieve 25 W and 185 fs with high-precision micro-machining in the IR
Yb:Lu2O3. �e novel broadband gain spectral region with average power above
material Yb:(Sc,Y,Lu)2O3 enables 101-fs 36W and energy of 92uJ were delivered
pulses. through a hollow-core Negative Curvature
Fibre and demonstrated in �bre-based laser
CA-5.2 TUE 8:45 CE-4.2 TUE 8:45
Yb:CALGO thin-disk femtosecond Experimental and numerical investiga-
oscillator tions on asymmetric fused �bre couplers
S. Ricaud1,5 , A. Ja�res2 , K. Wentsch3 , A. consisting of di�erent single-mode �bres
Suganuma2 , B. Viana2 , P. Loiseau2 , B. �G. Pelegrina-Bonilla1 , K. Hausmann1,2 , H.
Weichelt3 , M. Abdou Ahmed3 , T. Graf3 , Tünnermann1,2 , P. Weßels1,2 , H. Sayinc1,2 ,
D. Rytz4 , C. Hönninger5 , E. Mottay5 , P. U. Morgner1,2,3 , J. Neumann1,2 , and D.
Georges1 , and �F. Druon1 ; 1 Laboratoire Kracht1,2 ; 1 Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.,
Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, Hannover, Germany; 2 Centre for Quan-
France; 2 Chimie-Paristech, Laboratoire de tum Engineering and Space-Time Research
Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, - QUEST, Hannover, Germany; 3 Institut für
Paris, France; 3 Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge, Quantenoptik, Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Stuttgart, Germany; 4 FEE gmbh, Idar- Hannover, Germany
Oberstein, Germany; 5 Amplitude Systemes, �e maximum coupling in an asymmetric
Pessac, France fused �bre coupler is improved from 20%
IB-2.2 TUE 9:00 We present the �rst results on high-power fs to 85% by systematically tuning the pretaper
Anderson localization of bosonic and oscillators based on Yb:CALGO in thin disk length. �e trends in coupler performance
fermionic two-particle systems with architecture. We demonstrate 28 W, 1.3 uJ, and coupling mechanism are analysed using
integrated optics 300 fs pulses and 20 W, 0.9 uJ, 197 fs pulses. GPU accelerated BPM.
�L. Sansoni1 , F. Sciarrino1,2 , P. Mataloni1,2 ,
A. Crespi3,4 , R. Osellame3,4 , R. Ramponi3,4 , CA-5.3 TUE 9:00 IG-1.2 TUE 9:00 CE-4.3 TUE 9:00
V. Giovannetti5 , and R. Fazio5,6 ; Yb:CaGdAlO4 �in Disk Laser with 70% Spontaneous Opto-Mechanical Structures Birefringence optimization in PM �bers
Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Uni- Slope E�ciency in Cold Atomic Gases by speci�cally in�uencing the draw
versità di Roma, Roma, Italy; 2 Istituto �K. Beil1 , B. Deppe1,2 , and C. Kränkel1,2 ; �E. Tesio1 , G. Robb1 , T. Ackemann1 , P. induced intrinsic stresses
Nazionale di Ottica, Consiglio Nazionale Institute of Laser-Physics, Hamburg, Ger- Gomes1 , A. Arnold1 , W. Firth1 , G.-L. Oppo1 , �F. Just, R. Spittel, S. Grimm, S. Unger, J. Bier-
delle Ricerche (INO-CNR), Firenze, Italy; many; 2 �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast G. Labeyrie2 , and R. Kaiser2 ; 1 University lich, M. Jäger, K. Schuster, and H. Bartelt;
Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie, Con- Imaging, Hamburg, Germany of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom; Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Ger-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
plied Mathematics, University of Crete, Quantum Electronics, Szeged, Hungary Paris Sud, Orsay, France; 2 L-Ness - Dipar- It is shown that both in gases and transparent locked 675nm VECSEL generating 19 ps
Heraclion, Greece; 2 Department of Physics Novel re�ector, nano-cavity-array and nano- timento di Fisica del Politecnico di Milano, materials plasma, produced by leading part pulses at a repetition rate of ~1 GHz and 40
and Astronomy, San Francisco State cavity-de�ector-array integrated SNSPD de- Como, Italy of intense fs-ps laser pulses, results in strong mW average power.
University, San Francisco, United States; vices were designed, consisting of NbN pat- We report recent results obtained on intensity limitation. Up to 99% of pulse en-
CREOL/College of Optics & Photonics, terns on silica substrate. It was shown that Ge/SiGe quantum well optoelectronic ergy can be scattered outside focused beam
University of Central Florida, Orlando, the coupled plasmonic resonances result in device for high speed and low power caustic.
United States huge absorptance enhancement on long pe- consumption light modulation at telecom
We propose a method for generating linear riodic integrated devices. wavelengths.
and nonlinear fundamental Bessel-like op-
tical beams and higher-order vortex Bessel-
like beams that follow arbitrary trajectories
with a remarkably invariant main lobe. Our
results are experimentally veri�ed in free-
CD-8.3 TUE 9:15 JSV-1.3 TUE (Invited) 9:15 CB-4.4 TUE 9:15
Self-Organized Optical Waveguides Producing correlated photons using SESAM mode-locked red AlGaInP
Targeting Luminescent Objects in superconducting circuits semiconductor disk laser emitting at 665
Photopolymers �G. Johansson; Chalmers University of Tech- nm
�T. Yoshimura and M. Seki; Tokyo University nology, Gothenburg, Sweden �T. Schwarzbäck, R. Bek, H. Kahle, M. Jet-
of Technology, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan In this talk, I will discuss the production of ter, and P. Michler; Institut für Halbleiterop-
Self-organized waveguides targeting lumi- correlated pairs of microwave photons using tik und Funktionelle Grenz�ächen and Re-
nescent objects in photopolymers was inves- superconducting circuits. Starting from the search Center SCoPE, University of Stuttgart,
tigated to �nd that, with increasing the write basic non-linear element, i.e. the Josephson Stuttgart, Germany
beam wavelength, tolerance of lateral mis- junction, I’ll cover both theory and recent We present a mode-locked AlGaInP based
alignment increases while waveguides dif- experimental demonstrations. red-emitting semiconductor disk laser. Us-
fuse due to an increase in the write beam ing a SESAM in a v-shaped cavity, a repeti-
di�raction. tion rate of 810 MHz with a FWHM pulse
duration below 50 ps will be shown.

CB-4.5 TUE 9:30

Mode-locked operation of a 2-um
GaSb-based semiconductor disk laser
CD-8.4 TUE 9:30 CI-2.4 TUE 9:30 CM-3/LIM.3 TUE (Invited) 9:30 using a single-walled carbon-nanotube
Sharp Transition between ballistic and Integrated Microwave Photonic Signal �ree-Dimensional Laser Lithography: saturable absorber
di�usive Transport in PT-symmetric Processors in TriPleX Waveguide Finer Features Faster �S. Kaspar1 , M. Rattunde1 , J. Wagner1 , C.
Media �L. Zhuang1 , A. Leinse2 , R. Heideman2 , P. E. Waller1 , M. Renner1 , M. �iel2 , Schilling1 , W. Bronner1 , A. Bächle1 , S.Y.
�T. Eichelkraut, R. Heilmann, S. Stützer, S. van Dijk3 , and C. Roelo�zen1,3 ; 1 University A. Radke2 , and �G. von Freymann1,2 ; Choi2 , D.-I. Yeom2 , F. Rotermund2 , A.
Nolte, and A. Szameit; Institute of Applied of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; 1
University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiser- Schmidt3 , and U. Griebner3 ; 1 Fraunhofer-
Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- 2
LioniX BV, Enschede, �e Netherlands; slautern, Germany; 2 Nanoscribe GmbH, Institute for Applied Solid State Physics,
Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany 3
SATRAX BV, Enschede, �e Netherlands Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany Freiburg, Germany; 2 Department of Physics
It is theoretically and experimentally Various complex RF functionalities have SLM based three-dimensional laser lithog- & Division of Energy and Systems Research,
demonstrated that in PT-symmetric media been demonstrated on the integrated mi- raphy shrinks the voxels axial elongation Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, South; 3 Max
ballistic and di�usive transport coexist, crowave photonic signal processors realized down to 1.9 by amplitude and phase modula- Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short
but on di�erent time scales. �e transition in TriPleX waveguide technology, includ- tion. Multiple voxels reduce writing times by Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany
between both regimes is rather sharp and ing an integrated beamformer which en- one order of magnitude, scanning the beam A mode-locked semiconductor disk laser
depends only on the gain-loss ratio. ables full Ku-band, squint-free, seamless- gains another two orders. emitting around 2050 nm using a single-
beamsteering, satellite-tracking phased ar- walled carbon nanotubes based saturable ab-
ray antennas. sorber is demonstrated generating ps-pulses
with average powers up to 50 mW at 1.1

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
siglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IFN-CNR), We report on thin disk laser experiments us- Institut Non Linéaire de Nice, Sophia An- many
Milano, Italy; 4 Dipartimento di Fisica, ing a 5.9% Yb-doped CaGdAlO4 . At 30 W tipolis, France �e stress induced birefringence of polariza-
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; 5 NEST, of output power, 70% slope e�ciency and We investigate transverse self-organization tion maintaining �bers is signi�cantly in�u-
Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto di 57% optical-to-optical e�ciency represent due to opto-mechanical density redistribu- enced by their preparation history (e.g. �ber
Nanoscienze - CNR, Pisa, Italy; 6 Center for the best values obtained with this material so tions in cold gases. Spontaneous hexagon drawing). Using tomographic stress mea-
Quantum Technologies, National University far. formation for the intensity and density dis- surements, we show that an additional ther-
of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore tributions is found in both a cavity and a sin- mal annealing improves the birefringence of
By exploiting polarization entanglement gle mirror feedback geometry. panda �bers.
of photons to simulate di�erent quantum
statistics, we experimentally investigate the
interplay between the Anderson localization
mechanism and the bosonic/fermionic sym-
metry of the wave function on an integrated
quantum walk.
IB-2.3 TUE 9:15 CA-5.4 TUE 9:15 IG-1.3 TUE 9:15 CE-4.4 TUE 9:15
Simulations of two particle dynamics 109 W Yb:YAl3(BO3)4 thin-disk Ultra-Low-�reshold Optical Pattern Image transport in a polymer Anderson
employing dynamic coin control in 2D oscillator Formation in a Cold Atomic Vapor localized optical �ber
quantum walks �B. Weichelt1 , K.S. Wentsch1,2 , A. Voss1 , �B.L. Schmittberger, J.A. Greenberg, and D.J. S. Karbasi1 , R. Frazier1 , K. Koch2 , and �A.
A. Schreiber1,2 , �F. Katzschmann1 , A. A. Gross3 , V. Wesemann3 , D. Rytz3 , M. Gauthier; Duke University, Durham, North Ma�1 ; 1 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Gabris3 , P.P. Rohde1 , K. Laiho1,2 , M. Abdou Ahmed1 , and T. Graf1 ; 1 Institut Carolina, United States Milwaukee, WI, United States; 2 Corning In-
Štefaňák3 , V. Potocek3 , C. Hamilton3 , I. für Strahlwerkzeuge, Stuttgart, Ger- We observe ultra-low-threshold pattern for- corporated, Corning, NY, United States
Jex3 , and C. Silberhorn1 ; 1 Applied Physics, many; 2 Graduate School of Excellence mation in laser driven cold atoms. We re- We use transverse Anderson localization in
University of Paderborn, Warburger Strasse advanced Manufacturing Engineering, port a new theoretical model accounting for polymer disordered optical �bers to trans-
100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany; 2 Max- Stuttgart, Germany; 3 Forschungsinstitut für our observed ��h-order nonlinearity and port images at a resolution greater than 28.5
Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, mineralische und metallische Werksto�e- the role of Sisyphus cooling in lowering the lines per millimeter.
Günther-Scharowsky-Str. 1 / Bau 24, 91058 Edelsteine/Edelmetalle-GmbH (FEE), threshold.
Erlangen, Germany; 3 Department of Physics, Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical First demonstration of an Yb:YAl3(BO3)4
Engineering, Czech Technical University in thin-disk laser operation achieving 109 W
Prague, Brehová 7, 115 19 Praha, Czech of output power with 50.2% optical e�-
Republic ciency. Comprehensive high power charac-
We present the simulation of interacting terization of the Yb:YAB disk with further
bosonic particles, exhibiting bunching or investigations regarding fundamental mode
anti-bunching behavior. Our approach uses and mode-locked operation. CE-4.5 TUE 9:30
a photonic realization of a 2D discrete-time Light Spectral Filter Based On Spatial
quantum walk exploiting the dynamic access CA-5.5 TUE 9:30 IG-1.4 TUE (Invited) 9:30
Adiabatic Passage
to the coin state. An Yb:CaF2 thin-disk laser Collective Dynamics in Optomechanical
�R. Menchon-Enrich1 , A. Llobera2 , J.
�K.S. Wentsch1,2 , B. Weichelt2 , F. Druon2 , Arrays
Vila-Planas2 , V.J. Cadarso3 , J. Mompart1 ,
IB-2.4 TUE 9:30 M. Abdou Ahmed2 , and T. Graf2 ; 1 Graduate �F. Marquardt; Institute for �eoretical
and V. Ahu�nger1 ; 1 Departament de Física,
On-chip quantum teleportation School of Excellence Manufacturing Engi- Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Grup d’Òptica, Universitat Autònoma de
�B. Metcalf1 , N. �omas-Peter1 , J. Spring1 , P. neering, Stuttgart, Germany; 2 Institut für Erlangen, Germany
Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain;
Humphreys1 , N. Langford1 , S. Kolthammer1 , Strahlwerkzeuge, Stuttgart, Germany We discuss the collective dynamics of op- 2
Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona
M. Barbieri1 , X.-M. Jin1 , J. Gates2 , D. First investigation of SESAM passively tomechanical arrays, where localized optical
(IMB-CNM, CSIC), Bellaterra, Barcelona,
Kundys2 , B. Smith1 , P. Smith2 , and I. mode-locked Yb:CaF2 thin-disk laser is and mechanical modes interact via radiation
Spain; 3 Microsystems Laboratory (LMIS1),
Walmsley1 ; 1 Clarendon Laboraoty, Univer- presented in this contribution. High power pressure. We predict a transition towards
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
sity of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; capability was demonstrated by reaching synchronized mechanical motion, both in
2 (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University 250W of output power with an optical the classical and the quantum regime.
We experimentally demonstrate that a sys-
of Southampton, Southampton, United King- e�ciency of 47%.
tem of three coupled CMOS-compatible sil-
icon oxide waveguides operates via spatial
We present results showing the �rst quan-
adiabatic passage as a simultaneous high and
tum teleportation of a single qubit photonic
low-pass spectral �ltering device for visible
state on an integrated photonic chip.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
CD-8.5 TUE 9:45 JSV-1.4 TUE 9:45 CI-2.5 TUE 9:45 CB-4.6 TUE 9:45
Arti�cial retinal glial-like waveguides for Strongly Interacting Many Body Physics 1D optical SUSY structures for selective Passively Modelocked VECSEL using a
biomimetic volume optics with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics mode �ltering Single-Layer Graphene Saturable
E. DelRe1 , A. Pierangelo2 , �J. Parravicini1 , S. Networks �M. Heinrich1 , M.-A. Miri1 , S. Stützer2 , R. Absorber Mirror
Gentilini3 , and A. Agranat4 ; 1 Department of �M. Leib1 , L. Neumeier1 , F. Deppe2 , A. El-Ganainy3 , S. Nolte2 , A. Szameit2 , and �C.A. Zaugg1 , Z. Sun2 , D. Popa2 , S. Milana2 ,
Physics, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Marx2 , R. Gross2 , and M. Hartmann1 ; D.N. Christodoulides1 ; 1 CREOL, �e College T. Kulmala2 , R.S. Sundaram2 , V.J. Wittwer1 ,
Rome, Italy; 2 LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique, 1
TU Munich, Munich, Germany; 2 Walther- of Optics and Photonics, University of Central M. Mangold1 , M. Golling1 , Y. Lee3 , J.-H.
CNRS, Palaiseau, France; 3 ISC-CNR, Uni- Meißner-Institut, Munich, Germany Florida, Orlando, United States; 2 Institute Ahn3 , A.C. Ferrari2 , and U. Keller1 ; 1 ETH
versity of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy; We propose experiments involving networks of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller Uni- Zürich, Institute for Quantum Electronics,
Applied Physics Department, Hebrew Uni- of either Josephson junction intersected versität, Jena, Germany; 3 Department of Department of Physics, Zürich, Switzerland;
versity of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel superconducting resonators or supercon- Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, University of Cambridge, Department of
We demonstrate in paraelectric photorefrac- ducting resonators intersected by multiple Canada Engineering, Cambridge, United Kingdom;
tive crystals the use of three-dimensional Josephson junctions. Because of the non We demonstrate that supersymmetry en- Sungkyunkwan University, School of Ad-
funnel index of refraction patterns analo- conserved number of excitations in these dows dissimilar optical structures with the vanced Materials Science and Engineering
gous to those of retinal Glial cells as sup- networks we concentrate on the driven dis- same scattering and guided wave character- and Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology,
port for tunable and multi-functional vol- sipative regime. istics. We explore continuous supersym- Suwon, Korea, South
ume optical component miniaturization and metric one-dimensional settings, as well as A single-layer graphene saturable absorber
integration. SUSY photonic lattices, for designing versa- mirror (GSAM) was used to modelock an
tile integrated �ltering arrangements. optically pumped VECSEL. Sub-ps pulses at
a repetition rate of 1.49 GHz and an average
output power of 17 mW were achieved.

10:30 – 12:30 Prize and Award Ceremonies Cambridge, MA, United States. �e Prize is of solution-processed quantum dots and
awarded to Professor Capasso for seminal their applications to a variety of optoelec- EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for
PL-3: IQEC 2013 Plenary Talk and 2013 Awards of the European Women in Physics:
contributions to the invention and demon- tronic devices with ground-breaking perfor-
Awards Ceremony Physical Society - Quantum stration of the quantum cascade laser. mances. �e 2013 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction
Chair: Vahid Sandoghdar, Max Planck Insti- Electronics and Optics Division:
tute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Ger- for Women in Physics goes to Alessandra
many Fresnel Prizes PhD Thesis Prizes Gatti, Institute of Photonics and Nanotech-
Quantum Electronics Prizes �e 2013 Fresnel Prize for fundamental �e 2013 �esis Prizes for fundamental as- nologies [IFN-CNR], Como, Italy. �e dis-
�is session will feature a plenary talk pre- �e 2013 Prize for fundamentals aspects aspects is awarded to Yu-Ao Chen, Na- pects are awarded to: Pascal Del’Haye, Na- tinction was awarded to Alessandra Gatti
sented by Alain Aspect, Institut d’Optique, of Quantum Electronics and Optics is tional Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Mi- tional Institute of Standards and Technology, for her contributions to physics – the in-
France together with a series of Prize and awarded to Maciej Lewenstein, �e Institute croscale and Department of Modern Physics, Boulder, CO, USA and �omas Monz, Uni- troduction of concepts of quantum images,
Award Ceremonies as described hereunder: of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Castelldefels University of Science and Technology of versity of Innsbruck, Institute for Experimen- spatial entanglement, and quantum entan-
(Barcelona), Catalan Institution for Research China, Hefei, P. R. China, for outstand- tal Physics, Innsbruck, Austria. gled images. “�ese concepts contributed
and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Barcelona, ing achievements in the �elds of multi- �e 2013 �esis Prizes for applied aspects
PL-3.1 TUE (Plenary) Spain. �e Prize is awarded to Professor
in a substantial way to the birth of a new
photon entanglement, quantum communi- are awarded to: Florian Kaiser, Univer- �eld – quantum imaging” reads in the let-
Coherent Back Scattering and Anderson Lewenstein for outstanding contributions to cation, quantum computation and quantum sitÃľ de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France ter of nomination. She contributed as well
Localization of Ultra Cold Atoms several areas of theoretical quantum op- simulation based on manipulation of pho- and Clara Saraceno, ETH Zurich, Zurich to ghost-imaging that, as she proved in her
�A. Aspect; Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, tics and to the use of quantum gases for tons and atoms. and University of NeuchÃćtel, NeuchÃćtel, work, can be realized even by using classi-
France quantum information and to attosecond op- �e 2013 Fresnel Prize for applied aspects Switzerland. cally correlated beams. �e selection com-
Ultra cold atoms in a disordered potential tics.
created with a laser speckle are used to study is awarded to Gerasimos Konstantatos, See EPS-QEOD Prize Ceremony Brochure. mittee took also into account Alessandra
�e 2013 Prize for applied aspects of Quan- �e Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO),
Anderson Localization and Coherent Back Gatti’s exceptional organizational capabili-
tum Electronics and Optics is awarded Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain, for salient
Scattering. ties as a coordinator of the European project
to Federico Capasso, Harvard University, contributions to the science and technology HIDEAS (High Dimensional Entangled Sys-
tems). Alexandra Gatti will receive her
diploma during the Awards Ceremony.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
IB-2.5 TUE 9:45 CA-5.6 TUE 9:45 CE-4.6 TUE 9:45
Fabrication and characterisation of an 1-kHz Pulsed Pumped Yb:YAG �in Disk Pristine spider silk �bers as waveguiding
integrated-optic controlled-phase gate Regenerative Ampli�er microstructure in free space and in an
�T. Meany1 , D. Biggersta�2,3 , A. Fedrizzi2,3 , �T. Miura, M. Chyla, M. Smrž, S. Sankar, integrated photonic chip
M. Broome2,3 , M. Delanty1 , A. Gilchrist4 , P. Severová, O. Novák, A. Endo, and T. Mo- �N. Huby1 , A. Renault1 , S. Beau�ls1 , V. Vié1 ,
M. Steel1 , A. White2,3 , and M. Withford1 ; cek; HiLASE Project, Institute of Physics of the T. Lefèvre2 , F. Paquet-Mercier2 , M. Pézolet2 ,
Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic and B. Bêche1 ; 1 Institute of Physics of Rennes,
Optical Systems (CUDOS,) MQ Photonics Re- We have obtained 30-mJ output at 1-kHz Rennes, France; 2 Centre de recherche sur les
search Centre, Department of Physics and As- from Yb:YAG thin disk regenerative am- matériaux avancés, Québec, Canada
tronomy, Macquarie University, North Ryde, pli�er. By applying the pulsed pumping Waveguiding properties of spider silk �ber
Australia; 2 Centre for Engineered Quan- method, we have improved the e�ciency are presented in free space and in integrated
tum Systems(EQuS), School of Mathemat- from 12% to 19%, and achieved 24-mJ out- chip. E�cient propagation and optical cou-
ics and Physics, University of Queensland, put with Gaussian mode. pling are demonstrated in both cases. �ese
Brisbane, Australia; 3 Centre for Quantum results pave the way for biophotonic applica-
Computer,and Communication Technology, tions.
School of Mathematics and Physics, Uni-
versity of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia;
EQus, Department of Physics and Astron-
omy, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Aus-
We describe the fabrication and classical
characterisation of a new laser written quan-
tum circuit, a controlled-phase gate. We
minimise losses at 800nm, produce accurate
coupling ratios and extract the unitary of the


�e Herbert Walther Award: OSA Fellow Member Recognition:

�e Optical Society (OSA) and the Deutsche OSA Fellows will be recognized during the
Physikalische Gesellscha� (DPG) will Awards Ceremony of CLEO/Europe-IQEC
present the 2013 Herbert Walther Award to 2013. Philip Russell, OSA 2013 Vice Pres-
H. Je� Kimble of the California Institute ident, will recognize six scientists as “OSA
of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, USA Fellows”.
for his pioneering experimental contribu-
tions to quantum optics, cavity quantum �e distinction will go to:
electrodynamics, and quantum informa-
tion science. �e Herbert Walther Award �orsten Ackemann, University of Strath-
honors Professor Herbert Walther for the clyde, UK
seminal in�uence of his groundbreaking Christoph Harder, Harder & Partner
innovations in quantum optics and atomic GmbH, Switzerland
physics and for his numerous contributions Martti Kauranen, Tampere University of
to the international scienti�c community. Technology, Finland
Established in 2007, the Award recognizes Brian W. Pogue, Dartmouth College, USA
distinguished contributions in quantum op- Markus Pollnau, University of Twente, �e
tics and atomic physics as well as leadership Netherlands
in the international scienti�c community. Monika Ritsch-Marte, Innsbruck Medical
Kimble will join the list of esteemed past University, Austria
recipients including Alain Aspect, Marlan
O. Scully, Serge Haroche and David J.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:45 14:00 – 15:30
CD-9: UV - Sources IC-1: Atomic Quantum Simulators CL-5: Microscopic and Sensing CH-2: Novel Optical Sensing TF-1/LIM: Fibre and Solid State
Chair: Luc Bergé, CEA, Arpajon, France Chair: Holger Müller, University of Califonia, Technologies Systems Lasers: a Comparison from an
Berkeley, United States Chair: Jürgen Popp, Friedrich-Schiller Uni- Chair: Tomasz Nasilowski, Military Univer- Industrial Point of View I (Session
versity, Jena, Germany sity of Technology, Warsaw, Poland jointly held with LIM)
Chair: Michael Schmidt, University of Erlan-
gen, Erlangen, Germany
CD-9.1 TUE 14:00 IC-1.1 TUE (Keynote) 14:00 CL-5.1 TUE 14:00 CH-2.1 TUE 14:00 TF-1/LIM.1 TUE (Tech Focus) 14:00
Tunable �ber-laser-based picosecond Quantum Simulations using Ultracold Towards endoscopes with no distal optics Optical Cavity-Enhanced Surface Next Generation of Ultra-High Brightness
source for the ultraviolet Atoms �E.R. Andresen1 , G. Bouwmans2 , S. Plasmon Resonance refractive index Direct Diode Lasers
�C.K. Suddapalli1 , G.K. Samanta2 , A. A2 , �I. Bloch; Max Planck Institute of Quan- Monneret1 , and H. Rigneault1 ; 1 Institut sensing �J. Liebowitz, R. Huang, B. Chann, J. Burgess,
and M. Ebrahim-Zadeh1,3 ; 1 ICFO-�e tum Optics, Garching, Germany; Ludwig- Fresnel, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, �A. Giorgini1 , S. Avino1 , P. Malara1 , G. M. Kaiman, R. Overman, and P. Tayebati;
Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Maximilians University, Munich, Germany École Centrale Marseille, Marseille, France; Gagliardi1 , M. Casalino3 , M. Iodice3 , G. TeraDiode, Wilmington, United States
Spain; 2 �eoretical Physics Division, Physical Ultracold quantum gases o�er remarkable 2
IRCICA USR3380 - PhLAM UMR8523, Coppola3 , P. Adam4 , J. Homola4 , and P. De Wavelength beam combining allows use of
Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India; opportunities for probing and controlling Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France Natale2 ; 1 Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)- direct diode lasers for steel cutting and key-
Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis quantum matter. In my talk I will discuss We report a step towards lens-less scanning CNR, Napoli, Italy; 2 Istituto Nazionale di Ot- hole welding, traditionally performed by
Avancats (ICREA), Passeig Lluis Companys highlights and future perspectives of this in- endomicroscopy. A �ber bundle relays a tica (INO)-CNR, Firenze, Italy; 3 Istituto per multi-kilowatt CO2, �ber, and disk lasers.
23, Barcelona, Spain terdisciplinary research �eld. shaped wavefront, resulting in focusing at la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (IMM)- �is innovation lowers laser cost in these ap-
We report a picosecond UV source at 240- the distal end without distal optics. Video- CNR, Napoli, Italy; 4 Institute of Photonics plications.
MHz tunable across 316-339 nm based rate imaging is achieved by galvanometric and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the
on intracavity frequency doubling of �ber- scanning through the bundle. Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
laser-green-pumped MgO:sPPLT OPO in A new approach to SPR-based sensing is pre-
BiB3O6, providing 30 mW of average power sented here. An SPR sensor, realized with
at 334.48 nm. a typical Kretschmann con�guration, is in-
CD-9.2 TUE 14:15 CL-5.2 TUE 14:15 tegrated in an optical cavity resonator. Re-
fractive index variations are measured by a
Direct Low-Harmonic Generation in Gas Quantitative phase noise in two color low cavity-ring-down technique.
at MHz Repetition Rate coherence Digital Holographic
�L. Petraviciute - Lötscher1,2 , W. Microscope CH-2.2 TUE 14:15
Schneider1,2 , P. Rußbüldt3 , B. Gronloh4 , �Z. Monemhaghdoust1 , F. Montfort1,2 , Y. A broadband cavity ring-down
3 1
H.-D. Ho�mann , M.F. Kling , and Emery2 , C. Depeursinge2,3 , and C. Moser1 ; spectrometer for the near infrared
A. Apolonski1,2 ; 1
Max-Planck-Institut 1
EPFL, Laboratory of Applied Photonics De- �K. Sal�ner, M. Böhm, O. Reich, and H.-G.
für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany; vices, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2 Lyncée Tec Löhmannsröben; University of Potsdam, In-
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, SA, Lausanne, Switzerland; 3 EPFL, Labora- stitute of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, in-
Garching, Germany; 3 Fraunhofer-Institut für tory of Applied Optics, Lausanne, Switzer- noFSPEC, Potsdam, Germany
Lasertechnik, Aachen, Germany; 4 Lehrstuhl land We report on a cavity ring-down spectrome-
für Lasertechnik, RWTH Aachen University, A Volume Di�ractive Optical Element ter based on a near-infrared broadband light
Aachen, Germany (VDOE) is placed in the reference arm of an source. First successful measurements of the
Extreme ultraviolet radiation was generated o�-axis short coherence DHM. �is enables ring-down signal of a cavity �lled with car-
by a frequency doubled (515nm) Yb:YAG nanometric-resolution surface topogra- bon dioxide have been performed.
Innoslab ampli�er. High-energy (240W) phy in short coherence and high-speed
ampli�er without chirped pulse ampli�ca- vertical scanning, through �eld of view
tion and a nonlinear pulse compression enlargement.
(600fs pulse duration) was utilized for har-
monic generation.

CD-9.3 TUE 14:30 CL-5.3 TUE 14:30 CH-2.3 TUE 14:30 TF-1/LIM.2 TUE (Tech Focus) 14:30
Stable, continuous-wave, Completely background free broadband Bragg Wavelength Sensitivity of Higher Applications and Market Segments for
�ber-laser-based, ultraviolet generation coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering Order Modes to Temperature and Strain Ultra-High Brightness Direct Diode
in BiB3O6 spectroscopy in Highly Birefringent Microstructured Lasers
�K. Devi1 , S. Chaitanya Kumar1 , and M. �X. Liu1,2 , H. Niu2 , W. Liu2 , D. Chen2 , B. Fibers �W. Gries, S. Heinemann, H. Fritsche, and W.
Ebrahim-Zadeh1,2 ; 1 ICFO-Institut de Cien- Zhou1 , and M. Bache1 ; 1 Technical Univer- �T. Tenderenda1,2 , M. Murawski1,2 , M. Süptitz; Directphotonics Industries GmbH,
cies Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Institucio sity of Denmark, DTU Fotonik, Department Szymanski1,2 , M. Becker3 , M. Rothhardt3 , Berlin, Germany
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30
CB-5: Dynamics and Chaos in IB-3: QIP with Light and Matter CA-6: Ultrafast Solid-State Lasers CG-1: Ionization Dynamics CE-5: Optical Metamaterials and
Semiconductor Chair: �omas Symul, Australian National Chair: Evgeni Sorokin, Technical University Chair: Markus Kitzler, Technical University, Plasmonics
Chair: Pascal Landais, Dublin City Univer- University, Canberra, Australia of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria Chair: Regine Frank, Institut für �eoretische
sity, Dublin, Ireland Physik, Tübingen, Germany

CB-5.1 TUE 14:00 IB-3.1 TUE 14:00 CA-6.1 TUE (Invited) 14:00 CG-1.1 TUE 14:00 CE-5.1 TUE 14:00
Nonequilibrium Laser Dynamics of Heralded photonic interaction between Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Tunneling Time in Ultrafast Science is Electrically Controlled Liquid Crystal
Quantum-Dot Lasers with Optical distant single ions Saturable Absorbers: A New Generic Real and Probabilistic Plasmonic Metamaterials
Feedback and Injection �M. Schug1 , J. Huwer1,2 , C. Kurz1 , P. Müller1 , Mode-Locking Technology? �L. Gallmann, A. Landsman, M. Weger, J. �O. Buchnev1 , J.-Y. Ou1 , M. Kaczmarek2 ,
�B. Lingnau1 , W. Chow2 , E. Schöll1 , and K. and J. Eschner1 ; 1 Universität des Saarlandes, �F. Rotermund; Ajou University, Suwon, Ko- Maurer, R. Boge, A. Ludwig, S. Heuser, N.I. Zheludev1,3 , and V.A. Fedotov1 ;
Lüdge1 ; 1 Institut für �eoretische Physik, TU Saarbrücken, Germany; 2 ICFO - Institut de rea, South C. Cirelli, and U. Keller; Department of 1
Optoelectronics Research Centre and Centre
Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2 Sandia National Ciences Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain Saturable absorbers based on carbon nanos- Physics, Institute of Quantum Electronics, for Nanostructured Photonic Metamaterials,
Laboratories, Albuquerque, United States We establish photonic interaction between tructures such as carbon nanotubes and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland University of Southampton, Southampton,
Due to the nonequilibrium between reso- two distant single calcium ions. Triggered graphene are successfully used for mode- We present an experimental approach and United Kingdom; 2 School of Physics and
nant and o�-resonant states in QD lasers, the single photons with controlled temporal locking of a variety of ultrafast bulk solid- results of an angular streaking experiment Astronomy, University of Southampton,
α-factor will inaccurately describe their dy- shape are released in the sender ion; their ab- state lasers. Recent progress in such novel with elliptically polarized intense few-cycle Southampton, United Kingdom; 3 Centre for
namics. Using a more elaborate model, we sorption by the receiver ion is detected em- mode-locking devices will be presented. laser pulses that indicate a real tunneling Disruptive Photonic Technologies, Nanyang
predict new interesting dynamics in optical ploying a quantum-jump scheme. time in tunnel ionization for the �rst time. Technological University, Singapore,
injection and feedback setups. Singapore
We experimentally demonstrate high-
contrast electrical modulation of near-IR
spectra of plasmonic metamaterials loaded
CB-5.2 TUE 14:15 IB-3.2 TUE 14:15 CG-1.2 TUE 14:15 with liquid crystals. �at was achieved
engaging volume and, for the �rst time,
Polarization Chaos from a Free-Running Teleportation of the polarization state of a Measurement of Attosecond in-plane switching modes in the resulting
Quantum Dot Laser Diode coherent light pulse onto a single atom Photo-ionization Delay in Xenon plasmonic hybrid devices
�M. Virte1,2 , K. Panajotov2,3 , H. �ienpont2 , �N. Ortegel1 , D. Burchardt1 , R. Gartho�1 , �A. Verhoef1 , A. Mitrofanov1 , M.
and M. Sciamanna1 ; 1 Optel Research Group J. Hofmann1 , M. Krug1 , W. Rosenfeld1,2 , Krikunova2,3 , N. Kabachnik4,5 , M. CE-5.2 TUE 14:15
and LMOPS (Laboratoire Matériaux Op- and H. Weinfurter1,2 ; 1 Fakultät für Physik, 2 1 1
Drescher , and A. Baltuska ; Institut für Optical Magnetism in all-dielectric
tiques, Photoniques et Systèmes) EA-4423, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Photonik, Technische Universtität Wien, Metamaterials
Supélec - Université de Lorraine, Metz, München, Germany; 2 Max-Planck Institut Wien, Austria; 2 Institut für Experimental- J. Zhang1 , J.-Y. Ou1 , �K.F. MacDonald1 ,
France; 2 Brussels Photonic Team, Depart- für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany physik, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, and N.I. Zheludev1,2 ; 1 University of
ment of Applied Physics and Photonics (B- We successfully performed quantum tele- Germany; 3 Institut für Optik und Atomare Southampton, Southampton, United King-
PHOT TONA), Vrije Universiteit Brussels, portation of the polarization state of an at- Physik, Technische Universität Berlin, dom; 2 Nanyang Technological University,
Brussels, Belgium; 3 Institute of Solide State tenuated laser pulse onto the spin state of a Berlin, Germany; 4 Institute of Nuclear Singapore, Singapore
Physics, So�a, Bulgaria single 87 Rb-atom trapped at a distance of 20 Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, We present the �rst experimental demon-
In this contribution, we demonstrate gen- meters. Russia; 5 European XFEL GmbH, Hamburg, stration of a new mechanism to achieve vis-
eration of polarization chaos, i.e. chaotic Germany ible and near-infrared magnetic resonances
mode hopping between two elliptically po- We present �rst results of simultaneous at- in purely dielectric metamaterials, realized
larized states, in a free-running quantum dot tosecond streaking measurements of shake- through coupling between pairs of closely
vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser and up electrons and Auger electrons emitted spaced, geometrically dissimilar dielectric
provide a theoretical framework of the phe- from xenon. �e spectral overlap of the elec- rods.
nomenon. tronic wavepackets allows for reliable recon-
struction of the relative phases.
CB-5.3 TUE 14:30 IB-3.3 TUE (Invited) 14:30 CA-6.2 TUE 14:30 CG-1.3 TUE (Invited) 14:30 CE-5.3 TUE (Invited) 14:30
Experimental distinction of weak and Trapped Ions for Simulating Interacting CW, Q-switched and mode-locking Looking Inside the Recollision Process Optical Gain in Metamaterials and
strong chaos in delay-coupled Spins oscillations at 2.1 �m in novel D. Sha�r1 , H. Soifer1 , B.D. Bruner1 , Plasmonic Systems: from Loss
semiconductor lasers B. Lanyon, C. Hempel, P. Jurcevic, R. Blatt, Tm3+:Lu2O3 ceramics lasers M. Dagan1 , Y. Mairesse2 , C. Vozzi3 , S. Compensation to Stimulated Emission
�M.C. Soriano1 , X. Porte1 , D.A. Arroyo- and �C.F. Roos; Institute for Quantum Optics �O. Antipov1 , A. Novokov1 , A. Zinoviev1 , Stagira3 , S. Patchkovskii4 , M.Y. Ivanov5,6 , O. �M.A. Noginov; Center for Materials Re-
Almanza2 , C.R. Mirasso1 , and I. Fischer1 ; and Quantum Information, Innsbruck, Aus- H. Yagi2 , A. Lagatsky3 , W. Sibbett3 , and E. Smirnova6 , and �N. Dudovich1 ; 1 Weizmann search, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA,
IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca, tria Ivakin4 ; 1 Insitute of Applied Physics of Rus- Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; 2 CELIA United States
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats Dept. of Photonics Engineering, DK-2800 H. Bartelt3 , P. Mergo4 , K. Poturaj2,4 , M. Ultra-high brightness (UHB) direct diode
(ICREA), Barcelona, Spain Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Key Laboratory of Makara4 , K. Skorupski2,4 , P. Marc1 , L. laser systems with kW output power are on
We report stable cw UV generation in single- Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Min- Jaroszewicz1 , and T. Nasilowski1,2 ; 1 Institute the verge of market introduction. �is talk
pass con�guration based on sum-frequency istry of Education and Guangdong Province, of Applied Physics, Military University of discusses applications and market dynamics
mixing of 1064nm and 532nm radiations for Institute of Optoelectronics, Shenzhen Uni- Technology, Warszawa, Poland; 2 InPhoTech of UHB direct diode lasers.
the �rst time, in BIBO, providing >68mW versity, shenzhen, China, People’s Republic of Ltd, Warszawa, Poland; 3 Institute of Pho-
of UV power with frequency deviation (PRC) tonic Technology, Jena, Germany; 4 Maria
<437kHz over >2.5hrs. We use iterative XFROG algorithm, �rst Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
completely background free broadband co- In our paper we present the results of �ber
herent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spec- Bragg grating inscription in a dual mode
troscopy. highly birefringent microstructured �ber,
followed by an investigation of longitudinal
strain and temperature sensitivities of the
propagated modes.
CD-9.4 TUE 14:45 IC-1.2 TUE 14:45 CL-5.4 TUE 14:45 CH-2.4 TUE 14:45
Generation of sub-10 fs UV light by Quantum phases and transport of Depolarization Sensing by Field Using a Multimode Fiber as a High
up-conversion of visible pulses one-dimensional disordered bosons Orthogonality Breaking Resolution, Low Loss Spectrometer
A. Candeo, P. Farinello, �C. Manzoni, and G. �L. Tanzi1 , C. D’Errico1,2 , E. Lucioni1 , L. �M. Alouini and J. Fade; Institut de Physique B. Redding, S. Popo�, and �H. Cao; Depart-
Cerullo; IFN-CNR, Dipartimento di Fisica, Gori1 , M. Inguscio1,2 , and G. Modugno1,2 ; de Rennes, Université Rennes 1, CNRS, ment of Applied Physics, New Haven, United
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy LENS and Dipartimento di Fisica e As- Rennes, France States
We introduce a simple system for the gener- tronomia, Università di Firenze, Firenze, A new depolarization sensing modality We demonstrate a high-resolution, low-loss
ation of broadband UV pulses in the 320-380 Italy; 2 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche- based on the concept of �eld orthogonal- spectrometer using simply a single mul-
nm spectral range by up-conversion of ultra- INO, Firenze, Italy ity breaking and compatible with remote timode �ber and a camera. �e input
broadband visible pulses. UV pulse duration We experimentally study the equilibrium sensing through optical �bers is presented. spectra are reconstructed from the speckle
is ~8 fs, close to the transform-limit. quantum phases and the dynamical trans- First experimental validations pave way for patterns generated by interference between
port properties of disordered interacting high sensitivity realtime depolarization en- �ber modes a�er calibrating the wavelength-
systems, by employing one dimensional ul- doscopic imaging. dependent speckle.
tracold bosons in optical lattices.

CD-9.5 TUE 15:00 IC-1.3 TUE (Invited) 15:00 CL-5.5 TUE 15:00 CH-2.5 TUE 15:00 TF-1/LIM.3 TUE (Tech Focus) 15:00
High-power UV Light Generation in Exploring cavity-mediated long-range In situ visualization of collagen Application of a shaped, divergent Laser �e Power of Choice of Solid State Lasers
Picosecond Pulse Trains interactions in a quantum gas architecture in biological tissues using Beam for the optical Measurement of the for Successful Industrial Laser
�M. Martyanov1 , M. Divall2 , E. Gacheva3 , �T. Donner1 , F. Brennecke1 , R. Mottl1 , R. polarization-resolved Second Harmonic Size and Density of ambient Particulate Applications
C. Hessler1 , and V. Fedosseev1 ; 1 European Landig1 , K. Baumann1,2 , and T. Esslinger1 ; microscopy Matter �K. Loe�er; TRUMPF Laser und Systemtech-
Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH I. Gusachenko1 , G. Latour1 , Y. Goulam �R. Schrobenhauser1,2 , R. Strzoda2 , A. nik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany
Geneva, Switzerland; 2 Paul Scherrer Institute Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2 Department of Houssen1 , V. Tran2 , J.-M. Allain2 , and �M.-C. Hartmann2 , M. Fleischer2 , and M.-C. �e presentation will show on examples
(PSI), Villigen, Switzerland; 3 Institute of Ap- Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Cali- Schanne-Klein1 ; 1 Ecole Polytechnique - LOB Amann1 ; 1 TU Munich, Munich, Germany; from successful laser applications the use
plied Physics (IAP RAS), Nizhny Novgorod, fornia, United States (CNRS, Inserm), Palaiseau, France; 2 Ecole 2
Siemens AG, Munich, Germany and need for the di�erent solid state laser
Russia We observe how cavity mediated long-range Polytechnique - LMS (CNRS, Mines Paris- We present a new method to measure parti- resonator concepts. It will describe CW-high
�e 4th harmonic generation of Nd:YLF atom-atom interactions lead to a phase tran- Tech), Palaiseau, France cle size and mass based on a shaped, diver- power as well as short pulse lasers in the ps /
photo-injector drive laser in the BBO crys- sition in a quantum gas, and study the mode- We implemented polarization-resolved SHG gent laser beam using the inertia-dependent and ns range.
tals was experimentally investigated for so�ening of an excitation and the divergence microscopy to probe the main orientation particle movement inside an optical mea-
burst of 8 ps pulses with 300 W UV mean of density �uctuations in this open system. and the local disorder of collagen �bril surement chamber based on three measure-
power within the 140 us burst assemblies in rat-tail tendons and human ment steps.
corneas. We successfully retrieved structural
information in agreement with theoretical

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Spain; 2 Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, Laser-manipulated strings of trapped ions sian Academy of Science, Nizhny Novgorod, - Université Bordeaux, Talence, France; We show that optical gain in metamaterials
Leon, Mexico are an interesting system for implementing Russia; 2 Konoshima Chamical Co., Osaka, 3
Institute for Photonics and Nanotech- and plasmonic systems can conquer optical
We demonstrate the onset of strong and quantum simulations of interacting spins. I Japan; 3 University of St Andrews, St Andrews, nologies, Milano, Italy; 4 National Research loss in metallic components and provide for
weak chaos in the dynamics of semicon- will present experiments with small ion crys- St. Andrews, Japan; 4 Insitute of Physics of Na- Council of Canada, Ontario, Canada; a new functionality by enabling ampli�ca-
ductor lasers with delayed optical feedback tals and discuss the prospects of doing ex- tional Academy of Science, Minsk, Belarus Imperial College London, London, United tion and stimulated emission.
(coupling). We provide guidelines for the periments with long ion strings. �e novel Tm:Lu2O3 ceramics lasers with Kingdom; 6 Max-Born Institute for Nonlinear
identi�cation and discuss the importance for diode/laser pumping at 796 or 810 nm were Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin,
synchronization-based applications. created and optimized for high e�ciency Germany
and high power oscillations at 2.03-2.1 �m In this talk I will describe how by adding
in CW, active Q-switched and passive mode- a weak perturbation allows us to probe
locking regimes. both the ionization times and the recollision
times in simple atomic systems.

CB-5.4 TUE 14:45 CA-6.3 TUE 14:45

Fast Random Bit Generation Based on a Femtosecond pulse generation with
Single Chaotic Semiconductor Ring Laser Tm-doped sesquioxides
�R.M. Nguimdo1 , G. Verscha�elt1 , J. �A.A. Lagatsky1 , P. Koopmann2 , O.L.
Danckaert1 , X. Xaveer Leijtens2 , J. Jeroen Antipov3 , C.T.A. Brown1 , G. Huber2 , and W.
Bolk2 , and G. Van der Sande1 ; 1 Applied Sibbett1 ; 1 School of Physics and Astronomy,
Physics Research Group, APHY, Vrije Uni- University of St Andrews, St Andrews,
versiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; 2 COBRA United Kingdom; 2 Institute of Laser-Physics,
Research Institute, Eindhoven University of University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany;
Technology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian
We numerically and experimentally show Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod,
that a single chaotic semiconductor ring Russia
laser developing chaos with a bandwidth of Recent progress in the development of Tm-
about 2 GHz can generate true random bits doped sesquioxides femtosecond lasers in
with a bit rate up to 40 Gb/s. IB-3.4 TUE 15:00 the 2-2.1 �m spectral region is reported.
Coherent Quantum Transport in In particular, 105-fs pulses are generated
Waveguide Lattices with Tm:LuScO3 at 2020 nm using a SESAM
�R. Keil1 , A. Perez-Leija1,2 , A. Kay3,4 , H. mode-locking approach.
Moya-Cessa2,5 , S. Nolte1 , L.-C. Kwek4,6 ,
CB-5.5 TUE 15:00 B. Rodríguez-Lara5 , A. Szameit1 , and D. CA-6.4 TUE 15:00 CG-1.4 TUE 15:00 CE-5.4 TUE 15:00
Experimental Criteria for High-Speed Christodoulides2 ; 1 Institute of Applied Sub-70 fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:CaF2 New features of strong-�eld ionization Si-nanorod-based plasmonic
Random Bit Generation Using a Chaotic Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- laser oscillator delivering up to 2.3 W with low-frequency �elds in the metamaterials:modeling and experiment
Semiconductor Laser Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany; �P. Sévillano1 , G. Machinet1 , F. Guichard1 , tunnelling regime �S. Peruch1 , J. Bouillard1 , D. O’Connor1 , W.
�N. Oliver1 , M.C. Soriano1 , D.W. Sukow2 , CREOL, �e College of Optics & Photonics, R. Dubrasquet1,2 , P. Camy3 , J.L. Doualan3 , �J. Durá1 , N. Camus2 , A. �ai1 , A. Britz1 , M. Dickson1 , G. Wurtz1 , A. Zayats1 , X. Han2 , T.
and I. Fischer1 ; 1 Instituto de Física Inter- University of Central Florida, Orlando, R. Moncorgé3 , P. Georges4 , F. Druon4 , D. Hemmer1 , M. Baudisch1 , A. Sen�leben2 , J. Akalin2 , and G. Larrieu3 ; 1 king’s college lon-
disciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC) United States; 3 Keble College, University of Descamps1 , and E. Cormier1 ; 1 CELIA Uni- Ullrich2,3 , R. Moshammer2 , and J. Biegert1,4 ; don, london, United Kingdom; 2 IEMN CNRS
UIB-CSIC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 4 Centre versité Bordeaux 1, Talence, France; 2 Azur 1
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, UMR 8520, Lille 1 University, lille, France; 3 .
Department of Physics and Engineering, for Quantum Technologies, National Uni- Light System, Talence, France; 3 CIMAP, Castelldefels, Spain; 2 Max-Planck-Institut LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse University, toulouse,
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, versity of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore; Caen, France; 4 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany; France
5 3
Virginia, United States INAOE, Coordinacíon de Optica, Puebla, Palaiseau, France Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt We propose a fast and e�cient analyti-
We implement an ultra fast random bit gen- Mexico; 6 Institute of Advanced Studies By means of a high-brightness optical pump- (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany; 4 ICREA- cal model for modelling silicon based plas-
erator based on a chaotic semiconductor (IAS) and National Institute of Educa- ing scheme with a �ber laser, we demon- Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis monic metamaterials, with the possibility of
laser. In addition, we provide detailed in- tion, Nanyang Technological University, strate Kerr-lens mode locking with an Avançats, Barcelona, Spain engineering them in order to exploit the op-
sight into the interplay of dynamical proper- Singapore, Singapore Yb:CaF2 laser crystal. Stable 68 fs pulses are We observe surprising low-energy features tical properties of Si for ampli�cation and
ties, acquisition conditions and postprocess- �e coherent transport of quantum states produced at an average power of 2.3 W. in the �rst 3D momentum measurement of switching.
ing using simple and robust methods. through a spin chain is emulated by classical mid-IR photoionization of Argon and Oxy-
light evolution in a tailored array of coupled gen in the tunneling regime despite pon-
waveguides. A �delity of 84% is achieved deromotive energies nearing 100 eV.
across 19 sites with full coherence.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
CD-9.6 TUE 15:15 CL-5.6 TUE 15:15 CH-2.6 TUE 15:15
High-power, narrow-width, Endoscopic polarimetric imaging system Phase-shi�ing interferometry to
high-repetition-rate, 5.9 eV light source based on a spectrally encoded determine the absolute diameter of a
using a passive optical cavity for polarization states genetator silicon sphere using a frequency-tunable
laser-based photoelectron spectroscopy �J. Vizet, J. Desroches, A. Barthélémy, J. Bre- diode laser
�J. Omachi1,2 , K. Yoshioka2,3 , and M. vier, and D. Pagnoux; XLIM research in- �X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, and J. Zhang; State Key
Kuwata-Gonokami1,2,3 ; 1 Photon Science stitute, Photonics department, UMR CNRS Lab of Precision Measurement Technology &
Center, �e University of Tokyo, Hongo, 7252, Limoges, France Instruments, Department of Precision Instru-
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan; 2 CREST, JST, We describe a novel endoscopic polarimetric ment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
Honcho, Kawaguchi, Saitama, Japan; imaging device for early diagnosis of biolog- People’s Republic of (PRC)
Department of Physics, �e University of ical tissue diseases, in vivo in situ. Based on A chain of temporal synthetic wavelengths
Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan a spectrally encoded polarization state gen- is used to measure the absolute diameter of
We demonstrated e�cient generation of a erator, it allows rapid birefringence and de- a silicon sphere with an accuracy of 3 nm in
high-repetition-rate, 0.34 meV linewidth, polarization measurements. air, where the fractional interference phase is
5.9 eV light source from a 10 ps, 1 W measured by phase-shi�ing interferometry.
Ti:sapphire oscillator by using a passive en-
hancement cavity. �is is ideal for high- CH-2.7 TUE 15:30
resolution ARPES. RF-modulated optical pulses generated by
non-resonant frequency-shi�ed feedback
for Lidar-Radar velocimetry
�M. Vallet1 , J. Barreaux2 , M. Romanelli1 ,
J. �évenin1 , L. Wang1 , and M. Brunel1 ;
Institut de Physique de Rennes, Rennes,
France; 2 University of Twente, Enschede, �e
A radio-frequency modulated pulse train is
generated by means of a frequency-shi�ed
feedback on a Q-switched laser. �e phase
coherence of the modulation allows one to
perform Lidar-Radar measurements on in-
door moving targets.

ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b

16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30
CD-10: Optical Devices for Data IC-2: Ultracold Atoms : Clocks, CL-6: Mesoscopic Devices TF-2/LIM: Fibre and Solid State CB-6: Advanced Structures
Processing Spins and Lattices Chair: Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Univer- Lasers: a Comparison from an Chair: Stefan Breuer, Technical University
Chair: Stefan Wabnitz, Università di Brescia, Chair: Tobias Donner, ETH, Zurich, Switzer- sity of Queensland, Kenmore, Brisbane, Aus- Industrial Point of View II (Session Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Brescia, Italy land tralia jointly held with LIM)
CD-10.1 TUE 16:00 IC-2.1 TUE 16:00 CL-6.1 TUE 16:00 Chair: Clemens Hönninger, Amplitude Sys- CB-6.1 TUE 16:00
tems, Pessac, France and Cambridge, USA
Plasma column from laser �lamentation Particle and hole dynamics of ultracold Miniature Spectrometer and Beam Integrated Optically Isolated Laser Source
in air as a virtual radio-frequency antenna Fermi gases in optical lattices Splitter for an Integrated Optical TF-2/LIM.1 TUE (Tech Focus) 16:00 via Non-Reciprocal
�G. Point1 , Y. Brelet1 , A. Houard1 , J. �J. Heinze1 , J.S. Krauser1 , N. Fläschner1 , B. Coherence Tomography System Counter-Propapagating Four-Wave
Recent Developments in Fiber Lasers and
Carbonnel1 , L. Arantchouk2 , B. Prade1 , Y.-B. Hundt1 , S. Götze1 , A. Itin1,2,3 , L. Mathey1,2 , B.I. Akca1 , B. Považay2 , A. Alex2 , K. Mixing
their Applications
André1 , and A. Mysyrowicz1 ; 1 Laboratoire K. Sengstock1,2 , and C. Becker1,2 ; 1 Institut für Wörho�1 , R. de Ridder1 , W. Drexler2 , and �L. Meriggi1 , M. Simonetta2 , M. Soldo2 , G.
�M. Grupp; IPG Laser GmbH, Burbach, Ger-
d’Optique Appliquée, ENSTA Paris- Laser-Physik, Universität Hamburg, Ham- �M. Pollnau1 ; 1 Integrated Optical MicroSys- Russo2 , M. Zanola1 , M.J. Strain1 , M. Sorel1 ,
Tech/Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS, Palaiseau, burg, Germany; 2 Zentrum für optische tems Group, MESA+ Institute for Nanotech- and G. Giuliani2 ; 1 University of Glasgow,
Over the past few years �ber lasers gained
France; 2 Laboratoire de Physique des Plas- Quantentechnologien, Universität Hamburg, nology, University of Twente, Enschede, �e Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2 University of
a huge market share in all kind of indus-
mas, Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS, Palaiseau, Hamburg, Germany; 3 Space Research Insti- Netherlands; 2 Center for Medical Physics and Pavia, Pavia, Italy
trial applications. Reason for this wide ac-
France tute, RAS, Moscow, Russia Biomedical Engineering, Medical University An optically isolated laser source is pro-
ceptance is the continuous development of
We demonstrate the use of a plasma column We present the experimental realization of of Vienna, Vienna, Austria posed based on two DFB lasers and a SOA,
specialized and adapted lasers suited for the
created by femtosecond �lamentation and photoconductivity in ultracold fermions in In this paper we present an important where non-reciprocal FWM occurs in the
requirements of the applications.
heated by means of a high-voltage discharge an optical lattice, using lattice amplitude step toward a cheap, compact, and quasi- two counterpropagating directions. An iso-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
CB-5.6 TUE 15:15 IB-3.5 TUE 15:15 CA-6.5 TUE 15:15 CG-1.5 TUE 15:15 CE-5.5 TUE 15:15
Photon Statistics of Quantum Dot Experimental test of the robustness of the 21.4 kW peak power from a gigahertz Attosecond Spatial Control of Ionizing Characterising Few and Single
Superluminescent Diodes at the non-classicality of single photons multimode-diode-pumped solid-state Electron Wave Packets Nano-Antennas with Rotating
Transition from Ampli�ed Spontaneous �T. Huber1 , A. Predojević1 , M. Ježek2 , D. laser with carrier envelope o�set L. Zhang1 , �X. Xie1 , S. Roither1 , D. Polarisation
Emission to Stimulated Emission Föger1 , G. Solomon3 , R. Filip2 , and G. frequency detection Kartashov1 , M. Schö�er1 , D. Sha�r2,3 , P. �G. Lilley, T. Moldaschl, and K. Unter-
�S. Hartmann1 , A. Molitor1 , M. Blazek1,3 , Weihs1 ; 1 Institut für Experimentalphysik, �A. Klenner, M. Golling, and U. Keller; De- Corkum3 , A. Baltuška1 , A. Staudte3 , and rainer; Photonics Institute, Vienna University
and W. Elsäßer1,2 ; 1 Institute of Applied Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; partment of Physics, Institute for Quantum M. Kitzler1 ; 1 Photonics Institute, Vienna of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Physics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Optics, Palacký University, Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland University of Technology, Vienna, Austria; In this work, we present a novel technique
Darmstadt, Germany; 2 Center of Smart In- Olomouc, Czech Republic; 3 Joint Quantum A gigahertz multimode-diode-pumped Yb- 2
Joint Laboratory for Attosecond Science to e�ciently and quantitatively characterize
terfaces, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institute, National Institute of Standards doped solid-state laser delivers 121 fs pulses of the National Research Council and the the extinction cross-section of few and sin-
Darmstadt, Germany; 3 EVONIK Industries and Technology and University of Maryland, at an average power of 3.33 W, resulting in University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada; gle nano-antennas by using laser light with a
AG, Hanau, Germany Gaithersburg, United States 21.4 kW peak power. �e carrier envelope Department of Physics of Complex Systems, rotating polarisation.
We demonstrate the simultaneous tailoring We performed a measurement revealing the o�set frequency was detected with >30 dB Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
of �rst and second order coherence prop- goodness of the non-classicality of single S/N ratio. Israel
erties of light emitted by a Quantum-Dot photons in a lossy or noisy environment us- We demonstrate experimentally spatial
Superluminescent Diode by applying optical ing a semiconductor quantum dot as single- control of electron wavepackets released
feedback. A continuous change from ther- photon emitter. from atoms with two-color orthogonal laser
mal to Poissonian photon statistics is ob- pulses. It is shown that electron-electron
served. correlation in nonsequential double ioniza-
tion can be determined by the spatial �eld


16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30
IB-4: Quantum Networking CA-7: High Energy Scaling CG-2: Ultrafast Dynamics in CE-6: Laser Materials
Chair: Christian Roos, University of Inns- Concepts Attosecond Time Scale Chair: Stefan Kück, Physikalisch-Technische
bruck, Innsbruck, Austria Chair: Frédéric Druon, Institut d’Optique, Chair: Mauro Nisoli, Polytecnico Milano, Mi- Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany
Palaiseau, France lan, Italy
IB-4.1 TUE (Invited) 16:00 CA-7.1 TUE 16:00 CG-2.1 TUE (Tutorial) 16:00 CE-6.1 TUE (Invited) 16:00
Quantum Networks Enabled by Quantum Cryogenically Cooled End Pumped Attosecond Science and Technology Engineering of refractive index and
Optics Yb:YAG Zigzag Slab Laser �P. Corkum; Joint Attosecond Science Labora- doping level of KY(1-x-y-z)Gd(x)Lu(y)
�H.J. Kimble; California Institute of Technol- �M. Ganija, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch, and J. tory, University of Ottawa and National Re- Yb(z)(WO4)2 layers for a cladding-side-
ogy, Pasadena, United States Munch; School of Chemistry and Physics, search Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada pumped channel waveguide laser
An overview of quantum networks is pre- Adelaide, Australia Describes the physics and technology of at- S. Aravazhi1 , D. Geskus1 , K. van Dalfsen1 ,
sented from formal to physical. Research We report a 210W, cryogenically cooled end tosecond pulse generation and characteri- S.A. Vázquez-Córdova1 , C. Grivas1,2 , U.
at Caltech is described for the realiza- pumped zigzag slab with di�raction limited zation, both in space and in time. It then Griebner3 , S.M. García-Blanco1 , and �M.
tion of lithographic quantum optical net- beam quality. We discuss the challenges as- generalizes from characterizing attosecond Pollnau1 ; 1 University of Twente, Enschede,
works composed of single atoms that inter- sociated with cooling a crystal from room pulses to imaging valence electrons and their �e Netherlands; 2 On leave from: University
act strongly by way of single photons. to cryogenic temperatures in a robust laser changes during a photochemical reaction. of Southampton, Southampton, United King-
head design. dom; 3 Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany
Growth of single-crystalline KY(1-x-y-
z)Gd(x)Lu(y)Yb(z)(WO4)2 layers with

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
as an e�ective radio-frequency emitting an- modulation. �e observed dynamics are maintenance-free spectral-domain OCT lation of 20dB is experimentally demon-
tenna. reminiscent of a nonlinear pendulum and we system by integrating its central compo- strated.
�nd excellent agreement with semiclassical nents, the beam splitter and spectrometer,
calculations. on a silicon chip.
CD-10.2 TUE 16:15 IC-2.2 TUE 16:15 CL-6.2 TUE 16:15 CB-6.2 TUE 16:15
Phase-sensitive ampli�cation in a χ (3) Observing the onset of e�ective mass of a Singlet Oxygen luminescence detection Switchable Multiwavelength Emission
photonic chip. Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical with a �bre-coupled superconducting Using Semiconductor Ring Laser With
�J. Schröder1 , R. Neo1 , Y. Paquot1 , D.- lattice nanowire single-photon detector Optical Filtered Feedback
Y. Choi2 , S. Madden2 , B. Luther-Davies2 , �R. Chang, S. Potnis, R. Ramos, C. Zhuang, �N. Gemmell1 , A. McCarthy1 , B. Liu2 , M. �M. Khoder1 , G. Verscha�elt1 , R.M.
and B.J. Eggleton1 ; 1 Centre for Ultrahigh M. Hallaji, A. Hayat, F. Duque-Gomez, J.E. Tanner1 , S. Dorenbos3 , V. Zwiller3 , M. Nguimdo1 , X. Leijtens2 , J. Bolk2 , and J.
Bandwidth Devices (CUDOS), �e School of Sipe, and A.M. Steinberg; Department of Patterson2 , G. Buller1 , B. Wilson4 , and R. Danckaert1 ; 1 Applied Physics research group,
Physics, �e University of Sydney, Sydney, Physics and the Institute for Optical Sciences, Had�eld5 ; 1 Heriot Watt University, Edin- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium;
Australia; 2 CUDOS, Laser Physics Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada burgh, United Kingdom; 2 Juravinski Can- 2
COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven
Research School of Physics and Engineering, We subject a BEC in an optical lattice to an cer Centre and McMaster University, Hamil- University of Technology, Eindhoven, �e
Australian National University, Canberra, abruptly applied force, �nding that while the ton, Canada; 3 Kalvi Institute of Nanoscience, Netherlands
Australia e�ective mass is an accurate description at Del� University of Technology, Del�, �e We present experiments and numerical sim-
We demonstrate phase-sensitive ampli�ca- long timescales, the initial response is de- Netherlands; 4 Ontario Cancer Institute & ulations of a novel integrated approach to
tion inside a χ (3) chalcogenide waveguide. scribed by the bare mass. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; obtain multi-wavelength emission from a
Our experiment is based on an elegant spec- University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United semiconductor ring laser. �e approach is
tral slicing scheme using a spectral pulse- Kingdom based on balancing gain di�erences between
shaper. We achieve 10 dB of phase-sensitive We report on the direct monitoring of sin- modes using on-chip �ltered optical feed-
gain. glet oxygen luminescence at 1270 nm wave- back.
length using a �bre coupled superconduct-
ing nanowire single photon detector. �ese
results open the pathway to practical dose
monitoring in photodynamic therapy.
CD-10.3 TUE (Invited) 16:30 IC-2.3 TUE 16:30 CL-6.3 TUE 16:30 TF-2/LIM.2 TUE (Tech Focus) 16:30 CB-6.3 TUE 16:30
High speed, high performance all-optical Stern-Gerlach Interferometer on an Atom Low threshold microgoblet dye lasers for Ultrafast Solid State Laser with High Multiwavelength Laser Based on
information processing utilizing Chip biosensing applications Pulse Energy - New Applications Superimposed Bragg Gratings on
nonlinear optical transients �S. Machluf, Y. Japha, and R. Folman; Ben- �S. Wiegele1 , T. Grossmann1 , T. Beck1 , J. �H. Amler, S. Sobolewski, and J. �umbs; Multiquantum Well AlGaInAs-InP
�D. Brunner, M.C. Soriano, C.R. Mirasso, and Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel Fischer1 , T. Wienhold2 , T. Mappes2,3 , and Photon Energy GmbH, Ottensoos, Germany �A.D. Simard1 , M.J. Strain2 , V. Pusino2 , M.
I. Fischer; Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar We theoretically propose and analyze, and H. Kalt1 ; 1 Institute for Applied Physics, Karl- Usually for marking applications ns-lasers Sorel2 , and S. LaRochelle1 ; 1 Centre d’optique,
y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC), UIB, Palma de experimentally demonstrate, the building sruhe Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, are used. Since a new ps-laser source is avail- photonique et laser (COPL), Université Laval,
Mallorca, Spain blocks of a matter-wave beam-splitter based Germany; 2 Institute of Microstructure Tech- able with lower costs, new possibilities are Québec, Canada; 2 Department of Electron-
Nonlinear transients can be utilized for in- on magnetic �eld gradients, which can be nology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, opened up to use the advantages of this laser ics and Electrical Engineering, University of
formation processing systems. By opti- used for freely propagating or trapped Bose- Karlsruhe, Germany; 3 Carl Zeiss AG, Corpo- type also for marking applications. Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
cally inducing transient states in a telecom- Einstein condensates or thermal ensembles. rate Research and Technology, Jena, Germany We demonstrate a novel multiwavelength
munication laser diode, we experimentally We report on goblet-shaped microcavity laser structure based on superimposed
perform all-optical information processing, lasers consisting of dye-doped polymers Bragg gratings on multiquantum well
achieving data rates exceeding gigabyte per showing thresholds as low as 0.5 nJ in air AlGaInAs-InP. A passively mode locked
second. and 1.6 nJ in water. Proof-of-principle ex- regime with a repetition rate tunable over
periments show that these lasers are suitable 17 GHz is presented.
for biosensing applications.
IC-2.4 TUE 16:45 CL-6.4 TUE 16:45 CB-6.4 TUE 16:45
Exploring quantum magnetism in a Detection of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Continuously tunable, narrow linewidth
chromium Bose-Einstein Condensate Using Whispering Gallery Mode mm-wave generation from a
A. De Paz2,1 , A. Chotia1,2 , A. Sharma2,1 , Resonators monolithically integrated triple DFB laser
E. Maréchal1,2 , P. Pedri2,1 , L. Vernac2,1 , �J. Swaim1 , J. Knittel1 , and W. Bowen1,2 ; chip
B. Laburthe-Tolra1,2 , and �O. Gorceix2,1 ; 1
Department of Physics, University of M. Zanola1,2 , M. Sorel1 , G. Giuliani2 , and
LPL, CNRS, UMR7538, Villetaneuse, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2 Centre for �M.J. Strain1 ; 1 University of Glasgow, Glas-
France; 2 Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Engineered Quantum Systems, University of gow, United Kingdom; 2 Università di Pavia,
Université Paris13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Pavia, Italy
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
systematic variations of Y3+, Gd3+, Lu3+,
and Yb3+ concentrations onto KY(WO4)2
substrates is investigated w.r.t. lattice mis-
match, refractive-index contrast, and Yb3+
spectroscopy. A cladding-side-pumped
CA-7.2 TUE 16:15 channel waveguide laser is demonstrated.
E�cient Operation of a Pulsed Diode
Pumped Cryogenic Gas Cooled Yb:YAG
Multislab Ampli�er Delivering 7.4 J at 10
�P. Mason, K. Ertel, S. Banerjee, J. Phillips,
A. Lintern, J. Greenhalgh, C. Hernandez-
Gomez, and J. Collier; Central Laser Facility,
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Did-
cot, United Kingdom
Improvements to the DiPOLE prototype
diode-pumped cryogenic gas-cooled
Yb:YAG multislab ampli�er have enabled
e�cient and stable operation at repetition
rates up to 10 Hz delivering 7.4 J pulses with
an optical-to-optical e�ciency of 23%.

IB-4.2 TUE 16:30 CA-7.3 TUE (Invited) 16:30 CE-6.2 TUE 16:30
Quantum networking with time-bin �e Opportunity of High Average and Actively Q-Switch operation of
encoded qu-d-its using single photons High Peak Power Lasers diode-pumped Er3+, Yb3+, Ce3+:
emitted on demand from an atom-cavity �J. Collier, K. Ertel, P. Mason, S. Banerjee, Ca2Al2SiO7 single crystal laser at 1.5-1.6
system J. Phillips, A. Lintern, J. Greenhalgh, and �m
�A. Holleczek, O. Barter, P.B.R. Nisbet-Jones, C. Hernandez-Gomez; Central Laser Facil- �A. Ja�rès1 , B. Viana1 , P. Loiseau1 , G. Aka1 ,
J. Dilley, and A. Kuhn; University of Oxford, ity, Science and Technology Facilities Council, C. Larat2 , and E. Lallier2 ; 1 LCMCP, Paris,
Oxford, United Kingdom Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell- France; 2 TRT, Palaiseau, France
We report on the on-demand delivery of Oxford Campus, Chilton, OX11 0QX, United First demonstration of actively Q-Switch
photonic qu-d-its produced by full coherent Kingdom laser operation in Er, Yb, Ce:Ca2Al2SiO7
control of the single-photon generation in a �is talk will describe our scalable diode under diode-pumping in safe eye range is re-
strongly-coupled atom-cavity system. Addi- pumped laser concept called DiPOLE that alized. Comparison is done with commer-
tionally, we demonstrate that these photons will in principle o�er diode driven PW+ cial phosphate glass.
can be used for LOQC. class lasers as a new basis for applications
based on compact, e�cient and reliable

IB-4.3 TUE 16:45 CE-6.3 TUE 16:45

Synchronization and Quantum Multiwatt Compact Ceramic Yb:YAG
Correlations in Harmonic Networks Passively Q-switched Laser
G. Manzano, F. Galve, G. Giorgi, �P. Colet, A. Agnesi1 , L. Carrà1 , �F. Pirzio1 , G. Reali1 ,
E. Hernández-García, and R. Zambrini; In- J.T. �omas2 , S. Veronesi2 , M. Tonelli2 , J. Li3 ,
stituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Y. Pan3 , and J. Guo3 ; 1 University of Pavia,
Complejos, IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Pavia, Italy; 2 NEST Istituto Nanoscienze -
Mallorca, Spain CNR and Dip. di Fisica Università of Pisa,
Quantum synchronization in networks of Pisa, Italy; 3 Key Lab. of Transparent Opto-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
Villetaneuse, France We demonstrate optical detection of 40 nm Generation of mm-wave signals from a
We study atomic spin dynamics in a x 10 nm gold nanorods using a frequency three DFB laser system on a single chip
chromium BEC loaded in 3D optical stabilized microtoroid resonator. We show is presented. Continuous tunability over
lattices. Dynamics that either change or that the technique is reproducible, with mea- a 40GHz range is demonstrated, with im-
maintain magnetization are analyzed with sured frequency shi�s in good agreement proved linewidths achieved through a four-
special focus on dipolar interactions. with theoretical predictions. wave-mixing, mutual injection locking pro-
CD-10.4 TUE 17:00 IC-2.5 TUE (Invited) 17:00 CL-6.5 TUE 17:00 TF-2/LIM.3 TUE (Tech Focus) 17:00 CB-6.5 TUE 17:00
Optoelectronic nonlinear transient Matter-wave clocks: measuring time and Optical Manipulation of Single Cells in Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and Bulk Lasers for Organic semiconductor distributed
computing with multiple delays mass, and testing general relativity Femtosecond Laser Fabricated Material Processing - A Comparison feedback (DFB) laser pixels fabricated via
�R. Martinenghi, A. Baylón-Fuentes, X. Fang, �H. Mueller; University of California, Berke- Lab-on-chip �N. Hodgson, R. Knappe, and M. Bengtsson; nanograting transfer and ink-jet printing
M. Jacquot, Y.K. Chembo, and L. Larger; ley, Berkeley, United States �R. Martinez Vazquez1 , F. Bragheri1 , P. Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, CA, United States �X. Liu1,2 , S. Klinkhammer1,2 , Z. Wang1,2 , K.
University of Franche-Comte & FEMTO- We demonstrate a clock referenced to the Minzioni2 , N. Bellini1,3 , P. Paiè1 , G. Nava2 , �e technology and performance of high en- Sudau3 , N. Mechau1,3 , C. Vannahme2,1 , T.
ST/Optics Dpt, Besancon, France Compton frequency of a cesium atom; a R. Ramponi1 , I. Cristiani2 , and R. Osellame1 ; ergy picosecond and femtosecond lasers in Mappes2 , and U. Lemmer1 ; 1 Light Technol-
A versatile photonic nonlinear transient proposed gravitational Aharonov-Bohm ex- Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie IFN �ber and bulk solid state geometry are re- ogy Institute (LTI) and Center for Functional
computer is reported. Its hybrid analogue periment; and tests of general relativity and - CNR, Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico viewed. Ultrafast laser systems providing Nanostructures (CFN), Karlsruhe Institute of
and digital architecture allows for an easy their interpretation in the standard model di Milano, Milano, Italy; 2 Dipartimento di pulse energies of up to 100s of microJoules Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2 Institute
recon�guration, and for direct implementa- extension. Matter waves are clocks. Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione, are compared with respect to their applica- of Microstructure Technology (IMT), Karl-
tion of in-line processing. Computational Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy; bility in material processing. sruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Ger-
e�ciency in parameter space is reported. SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, many; 3 InnovationLab GmbH, Heidelberg,
University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Germany
United Kingdom Nanograting transfer and ink-jet printing
Femtosecond laser micromachining has are demonstrated as two novel processing
been successfully used to fabricate inte- methods to fabricate spatially de�ned or-
grated opto�uidic devices, which allows ganic semiconductor distributed feedback
the analysis of cell-mechanical properties, (DFB) laser pixels with a high yield.
�uorescence detection and sorting of single
cells by means of optical forces inside a
micro�uidic chip.
CD-10.5 TUE 17:15 CL-6.6 TUE 17:15 CB-6.6 TUE 17:15
10GHz bandwidth nonlinear delay Charge-driven dispensing of picolitre Room Temperature Plasmonic Nanowire
electro-optic phase dynamics for drops for biomolecules microarrays by Laser Near �e Surface Plasmon
ultra-fast nonlinear transient computing Pyro-Electro-hydrodynamic system Frequency
�A. Baylon-Fuentes, R. Martinenghi, M. �S. Grilli1 , L. Miccio1 , O. Gennari1 , S. �T. Sidiropoulos1 , S. Geburt2 , R. Röder2 , M.
Jacquot, Y.K. Chembo, and L. Larger; Uni- Coppola1,2 , V. Vespini1 , P. Orlando3 , and Ogrisek2 , S. Maier1 , C. Ronning2 , and R.
versity of Franche-Comte, FEMTO-ST/Optics P. Ferraro1 ; 1 CNR-INO, Pozzuoli, Italy; Oulton1 ; 1 Imperial College London, London,
Dpt, Besancon, France University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, United Kingdom; 2 University of Jena, Jena,
Photonic computing is performed via Italy; 3 CNR-IBP, Napoli, Italy Germany
complex nonlinear dynamical transients. Spontaneous charge e�ects are used here for We present room temperature plasmonic
Electro-optic nonlinear delay phase dy- the �rst time for dispensing small volumes of lasing from semiconductor nanowires. Slow
namics is designed with Telecom grade DNA solution for microarray applications. group velocity, associated with frequencies
devices, allowing up to 10GHz bandwidth �e technique appears promising also for close to the surface plasmon resonance ap-
for information processing according to concentrating analytes in very diluted solu- pears as a strong blueshi� in the lasing fre-
Reservoir Computing concepts. tions. quency.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
dissipating oscillators is studied and it is functional Inorganic Materials, Shanghai In-
shown to witness robust non-classical corre- stitute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sci-
CG-2.2 TUE 17:00
lations. ences, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of
Ultrafast Dynamics of Highly-Excited (PRC)
States in N2 Molecules Excited by We present Yb:YAG ceramic crystals growth,
Attoseconds Pulses spectroscopic characterization and laser ex-
�F. Calegari1 , A. Trabattoni1 , S. Anumula1 , periments. In passive Q-switching opera-
M. Lucchini2 , L. Wang3 , F. Frassetto4 , L. tion, pumping with a �ber-coupled 25-W
IB-4.4 TUE 17:00 CA-7.4 TUE 17:00 Poletto4 , M. Hochlaf5 , G. Sansone1 , M. laser diode we demonstrated up to 4.4-W-
Hybrid Quantum Teleportation High Energy and Power Cryogenic Vrakking6 , and M. Nisoli1 ; 1 Politecnico di average power, 7-ns-long pulses at 48 kHz
�S. Takeda1 , T. Mizuta1 , M. Fuwa1 , P. van Composite-�in-Disk Yb:YAG Laser Milano, Department of Physics, CNR-IFN, repetition rate.
Loock2 , and A. Furusawa1 ; 1 Department of �L.E. Zapata1 , W. Huang1 , H. Cankaya2 , A.- Milano, Italy; 2 ETH Zurich, Physics De-
Applied Physics, School of Engineering, �e L. Calendron2 , H. Lin1 , E. Granados1 , K.-H. partme, Zurich, Switzerland; 3 Institute of CE-6.4 TUE 17:00
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 2 Institute Hong1 , and F.X. Kärtner1,2 ; 1 Research Lab- Physics, Beijing National Laboratory for Con- Fabrication and Characterization of
of Physics, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität oratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Insti- densed Matter Physics, Chinese Academy Room-temperature-bonded Composite
Mainz, Mainz, Germany tute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United of Sciences, Beijing, China, People’s Repub- Lasers
We experimentally realize deterministic, un- States; 2 Center for Free-Electron Laser Sci- lic of (PRC); 4 Institute of Photonics and �I. Shoji, T. Ishikawa, T. Yamauchi, K. Hara,
conditional quantum teleportation of pho- ence, DESY and Department of Physics, Uni- Nanotechnologies, CNR-IFN, Padova, Italy; and S. Matsumoto; Chuo University, Tokyo,
tonic qubits through the hybrid technique: versity of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 5
Université Paris-Est, MSME UMR 8208 Japan
continuous-variable teleportation of qubits. A cryogenic Yb:YAG composite-thin-disk CNRS, Marne-la-Vallée, France; 6 Max-Born- We have succeeded in fabrication and
Optimally tuning the teleporter’s feedfor- CPA design is presented with the ultimate Institut, Berlin, Germany laser oscillation of Nd:YAG/YAG and
ward gain enables a faithful qubit transfer goal of delivering 1J, 10 ps, pulses at 100 Hz. We used velocity-map-imaging to mea- Yb:YAG/YAG composite lasers using the
even with imperfect resource squeezing. First results on the 100 mJ preampli�er stage sure electronic and nuclear dynamics in room-temperature-bonding technique.
will be presented N2 molecules excited by extreme-ultraviolet Development of new composites with
pulses. A time-to-space mapping of autoion- superior thermal properties is expected by
ization channel is demonstrated; complex use of this technique.
dynamics of highly-excited states on sub-8-
femtosecond time-scale is found.
CG-2.3 TUE 17:15
Controlling Molecular Isomerization and
IB-4.5 TUE 17:15 CA-7.5 TUE 17:15 Fragmentation with Laser-Induced CE-6.5 TUE 17:15
Two Fundamental Experimental Tests of High-power and High-energy Electron Recollision Dispersion and Anisotropy of
Nonclassicality with Qutrits Cryogenically Cooled Disk Laser X. Xie1 , K. Doblho�-Dier2 , S. Roither1 , �ermo-Optical Properties of Tetragonal
J. Ahrens1 , E. Amselem1 , A. Cabello2 , and �I. Mukhin, E. Perevezentsev, O. Vadimova, M. Schö�er1 , D. Kartashov1 , H. Xu1,3 , T. GdVO4 and YVO4 Laser Host Crystals
�M. Bourennane1 ; 1 Stockholm University, I. Kuznetsov, O. Palashov, and E. Khazanov; Rathje4,5 , G. Paulus4,5 , A. Baltuška1 , S. �P. Loiko1 , K. Yumashev1 , V. Matrosov2 , and
Stockholm, Sweden; 2 Sevilla University, Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Gräfe2 , and �M. Kitzler1 ; 1 Photonics Insti- N. Kuleshov1 ; 1 Center for Optical Materials
Sevilla, Spain Academy of Science, Nizhny Novgorod, Rus- tute, Vienna University of Technology, Aus- and Technologies, Belarusian National Tech-
We report on experiments, the �rst one is the sia tria; 2 Institute for �eoretical Physics, Vienna nical University, Minsk, Belarus; 2 Solix, Ltd.,
simplest task for which quantum mechanics Cryogenic disk laser with ~0.12 J of output University of Technology, Austria; 3 State Key Minsk, Belarus
provides an advantage over classical physics. energy at 0.5 kHz repetition rate was de- Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, �ermo-optic coe�cients and thermal co-
�e second one is on contextual correlations veloped by using composite active elements College of Electronic Science and Engineer- e�cients of the optical path were deter-
by sequentially measuring pairs of compati- made of Yb:YAG ceramics and its active ing, Jilin University, Changchun, China, Peo- mined in YVO4 and GdVO4 for wide spec-
ble observables. cooling by liquid nitrogen jet ple’s Republic of (PRC); 4 Institute of Optics tral range of 0.4-1.1�m. Detailed analysis
and Quantum Electronics, Friedrich-Schiller- of anisotropic thermal lens e�ect was per-
University Jena, Germany; 5 Helmholtz Insti- formed for Nd-doped vanadates.
tute Jena, Germany
We show experimentally and theoretically
that fragmentation and isomerization reac-
tions in polyatomic molecules can be con-
trolled by selective electron removal from
inner-valence shells during carrier-envelope
phase-sensitive recollision induced double
ionization with few-cycle laser pulses.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
13:00 – 14:00 CD-P.5 TUE Short tapers implemented in realistic ZBLAN �ber re- We develop an all-solid-state 1062.78 nm laser system.
CD-P: CD Poster Session E�cient Second-Harmonic Generation of Broadband sults in an IR Supercontinuum in the 0.86-4.36�m spec- Its can applied to generation of intense Lyman-alpha co-
Radiation in the Nonlinear Crystal with Constant tral range covering much of the ZBLAN transmission herent light source by use of two-photon resonant four-
CD-P.1 TUE Axial Temperature Gradient window when using an Erbium �ber laser to drive the wave mixing.
�J. Želudevičius, K. Regelskis, N. Gavrilin, and G. broadening process.
Non-Permanent Optically Induced Long-Period CD-P.14 TUE
Gratings for Energy Transfer between Transverse Račiukaitis; Center for Physical Sciences & Technology,
Vilnius, Lithuania CD-P.10 TUE Soliton-Like Propagation in Dispersion-Managed
Fiber Modes using Femtosecond Pulses
�T. Walbaum, T. Hellwig, and C. Fallnich; Westfälische Results of numerical and experimental analysis of SHG 40 GHz nonlinear all optical switching in a Silicon Nanowaveguides
Wilhelm-Universität, Münster, Germany in a nonlinear crystal with a constant axial temperature Mach-Zehnder interferometer integrated device �O. Tsilipakos1 , D. Zografopoulos2 , and E. Kriezis1 ;
We present the conversion of transverse �ber modes us- gradient are presented. �e highly e�cient (>65%) SHG �C. Lacava1 , M.J. Strain2 , I. Cristiani1 , and M. 1
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
ing non-permanent long-period gratings generated by of broadband radiation was demonstrated by use of this Sorel2 ; 1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Aristotle University of �essaloniki, �essaloniki, Greece;
femtosecond pulses via multimode interference, and the method. dell’Informazione, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per la Mi-
temporal as well as the spectral pro�les of the converted School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, croelettronica e Microsistemi, Roma, Italy
CD-P.6 TUE United Kingdom Dispersion-managed soliton-like pulse-train propaga-
pulses are analyzed numerically.
Formation and Ampli�cation of Flat Top Picosecond Here we propose a fully integrated silicon Mach- tion in silicon nanowaveguides is theoretically studied.
CD-P.2 TUE Pump Pulses for OPCPA Systems Zehnder interferometer for all optical switching opera- We investigate into the maximum achievable pulse repe-
Experimental Veri�cation of Femtosecond �J. Adamonis1,2 , R. Antipenkov2 , J. Kolenda2,3 , A. tion. A 40% switching level at f=40 GHz was obtained tition rate. �e application of a carrier-sweep bias allows
Transverse Mode Conversion Induced by Michailovas2,3 , A. Piskarskas1 , A. Varanavicius1 , and A. using a 27dBm pump power. No Free Carrier-related for bit rates beyond 1.28 Tbit/s.
Non-Permanently Written Long-Period Gratings Zaukevicius1,2 ; 1 Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania; degradation e�ects were observed.
Ekspla, Vilnius, Lithuania; 3 Institute of Physics of Center CD-P.15 TUE
�T. Walbaum, M. Schnack, T. Hellwig, and C. Fallnich; CD-P.11 TUE
Institut für Angewandte Physik, Westfälische Wilhelm- for physical science and technology, Vilnius, Lithuania Double-seed stabilization of a continuum generated
Universität, Münster, Germany Flat top OPCPA pump pulses extending 50 ps plateau Pulse comression in Er/Yb-doped �bres from fourth-order modulation instability
We present the experimental demonstration of optically time interval were formed by cascade second harmonic M. Zajnulina1 , �J.M. Chavez Boggio1 , M. Böhm2 , A.A. K. Hammani1 , C. Finot1 , R. Habert2 , A. Mussot2 , and
induced femtosecond transverse mode conversion. �e generation. Shaped pulses were ampli�ed up to F=0.128 Rieznik3 , R. Haynes1 , and M.M. Roth1 ; 1 Leibnitz-Institut �A. Kudlinski2 ; 1 Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de
necessary long-period grating is non-permanently writ- J/cm2 energy �uence with modest pulse envelope tem- für Astrophysik, Potsdam, Germany; 2 University of Pots- Bourgogne, Dijon, France; 2 Laboratoire PhLAM, Lille,
ten through the Kerr e�ect by the multimode interfer- poral modulation. dam, Potsdam, Germany; 3 Instituto Technologico de France
ence of a co-propagating cross-polarized write beam. Buenos Aires and CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina We experimentally and numerically study a fourth-
CD-P.7 TUE �e possibility of higher-order soliton compression was order modulation instability process in a microstruc-
CD-P.3 TUE Multiphoton upconversion in rare earth doped studied in Er/Yb-doped �bres. �e stability of com- tured �ber. Using a single seed cannot reduce the large
nanocrystals for sub-di�ractive microscopy pressed pulses was investigated for such initial parame- �uctuations : two seeds slightly detuned from the maxi-
Brillouin gain spectra in all-solid
L. Caillat1,2 , F. Pellé1 , B. Hajj2 , �V. Shynkar2 , D. ters as input power, nonlinear coe�cient, and group ve- mum gain frequency are required.
chalcogenide-tellurite photonic bandgap �ber
Chauvat2 , and J. Zyss2 ; 1 Chimie ParisTech, Paris, France; locity dispersion.
�T. Cheng, M. Liao, W. Gao, Z. Duan, D. Deng, T. Suzuki, 2
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Cachan, France
and Y. Ohishi; Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya, CD-P.12 TUE
We propose a new microscopy with a signi�cant im- Guiding of meter scale AC discharges by laser
provement in lateral resolution below di�raction limit High-power, Picosecond, Fiber-laser Green Source �lamentation in air
A new way to suppress stimulated Brillouin scatter-
ing by using an all-solid chalcogenide-tellurite pho-
based on high nonlinear multy-photons low excita- Based on BiB3O6 for Synchronous Pumping of �A. Houard1 , Y. Brelet1 , G. Point1 , J. Carbonnel1 ,
tonic bandgap �ber is presented. �e compositions of
tion energy upconversion process in rare earth doped MgO:sPPLT Optical Parametric Oscillator Y.-B. André1 , B. Prade1 , L. Arantchouk2 , and A.
the chalcogenide and the tellurite glass are As2Se3 and
nanoparticles for cellular and animal imaging. �C.K. Suddapalli1 and M. Ebrahim-Zadeh1,2 ; 1 ICFO- Mysyrowicz1 ; 1 Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquee, ENSTA
TZLB. �e Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain; ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Palaiseau, France;
CD-P.8 TUE 2
Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats 2
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytech-
Indirect exciton mediated optical transistors (ICREA), Passeig Lluis Companys 23, Barcelona, Spain nique, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
�J. Wilkes; Cardi� University, Cardi�, United Kingdom We report a high-power, picosecond, �ber-laser-green We report experiments of laser-guided discharges ob-
Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in a 1.3 A new design for an all-optical transistor is proposed and source based on BiB3O6, providing 5.4W (<0.24%rms) tained in air with high voltage bursts delivered by a com-
cm As2S3 Fiber with Suspended-Core Structure analysed by numerical modelling. Dipole-orientated in- of green-power at 532nm to synchronously pump an pact Tesla coil. Characteristics of the guided discharges
�W. Gao1 , M.E. Amraoui2 , M. Liao1 , H. Kawashima1 , Z. direct excitons in coupled quantum wells are used as an MgO:sPPLT near-infrared OPO tunable across 874- are studied for electrode gaps ranging from 30 to 170 cm.
Duan1 , D. Deng1 , T. Cheng1 , T. Suzuki1 , Y. Messaddeq2 , operating medium to control the switching of light with 1008nm(signal) and 1126-1359nm(idler) with >0.5W
and Y. Ohishi1 ; 1 Research Center for Advanced Pho- light. CD-P.17 TUE
over entire tuning range.
ton Technology, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya,
Japan; 2 Centre d’optique, Photonique et Laser, Université CD-P.9 TUE Tunable multi-wavelength active conversion of 1550
CD-P.13 TUE nm signals in a Cr3+:LiCAF-PPSLT laser
Laval, Quebec, Canada Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in tapered
We demonstrate the mid-Infrared supercontinuum gen- Intense Lyman-α light source for generation of �A.J. Torregrosa, H. Maestre, and J. Capmany; Commu-
ZBLAN �ber with a standard Erbium mode-locked
eration in a 1.3 cm suspended-core As2S3 microstruc- ultra-slow Muon nications Engineering Department, Universidad Miguel
�ber laser
�Y. Oishi1 , K. Okamura2 , K. Miyazaki1 , N. Saito1 , Hernandez, Elche, Spain
tured optical �ber experimentally. �e SC range changed �I. Kubat1 , C. Agger1 , P.M. Moselund2 , and O. Bang1,2 ;
1 M. Iwasaki1 , and S. Wada1,2 ; 1 RIKEN, Wako, Japan; We report tunable and multiple wavelength conver-
with di�erent pump wavelengths from 2200 to 2600 nm. DTU Fotonik, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; 2 NKT Pho- 2
MEGAOPTO Corp., Wako, Japan sion in the communications band from single-pass dif-
tonics A/S, Birkerød, Denmark
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
ference frequency generation in PPSLT crystals placed A compact high-power yellow-green CW laser source We propose an optoelectronic phase-chaos system based CD-P.30 TUE
inside a tunable self-injection-locked diode-pumped at 561nm based on frequency-doubling of a quantum- on telecom components for parallel generation of statis- Tapered Liquid-Core All-Fibre Devices for
Cr3+:LiCAF cavity. dot �ber-Bragg-grating laser in a PPLN waveguide is tically independent random bit streams. �e system can Low-�reshold Raman Generation
demonstrated with output power in excess of 90mW and generate 1 Tb/s sequences passing all NIST tests for ran- L. Xiao, N. Healy, and �A. Peacock; Optoelectronics Re-
CD-P.18 TUE conversion e�ciency of 52.34%. domness. search Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton,
Optimized Nanosecond Broadband Laser Source for United Kingdom
Application in Nonlinear Imaging CD-P.22 TUE CD-P.26 TUE �e �rst demonstration of a highly compact tapered
�F. El Bassri1,2 , A. De Angelis1 , D. Pagnoux1 , and V. Experimental demonstration of stimulated Raman Energy Shedding during Nonlinear Self-Focusing of liquid-core all-�bre optical device is presented. �e low
Couderc1 ; 1 Xlim Institute, Photonics department, Limo- scattering in the evanescent �eld of a tapered Laser Pulses integration and tapering losses allow for cascaded Ra-
ges, France; 2 CILAS, Orléans, France nano�ber immersed in a liquid �C. Travis1 , G.-L. Oppo1 , G. Norris2 , and G. McConnell2 ; man scattering, with a threshold two times lower than
We present an e�cient source for nonlinear imaging �L. Shan1 , G. Pauliat1 , G. Vienne2,3 , L. Tong2 , and S. 1
Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glas- an untapered structure.
emitting both broadband Stokes signal generated in a Lebrun1 ; 1 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d*Optique, gow, United Kingdom; 2 SIPBS, University of Strathclyde,
PCF and nanosecond pump signal, from a single mi- CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Palaiseau, France; 2 State Key Glasgow, United Kingdom CD-P.31 TUE
crochip laser, spatially and temporally overlapped in a Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, De- Energy shedding takes place as ultra-short spatio- Monolithic PM Raman �ber laser at 1679 nm for
LMA �ber partment of Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, temporal pulses propagate in a nonlinear medium. We Raman ampli�cation at 1810 nm
Hangzhou, China, People’s Republic of (PRC); 3 Present characterise di�erent mechanisms of energy shedding �A.S. Svane and K. Rottwitt; DTU Fotonik, Department of
CD-P.19 TUE adress : Data Storage Institute, Agency for Science, Tech- depending on the balance of nonlinearity, dispersion, Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
nology and Research, (A*STAR), Singapore, Singapore di�raction, and saturation in the system. Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Nonlinear imaging of surfaces with confocal and
We present the �rst experimental demonstration of stim- We present a Monolithic PM Raman �ber laser at 1679
interferometric SHG microscopy using a broadband CD-P.27 TUE
ulated Raman scattering in the evanescent �eld of a nm with 67 % slope e�ciency and demonstrate a Raman
1550 nm fs-�ber laser
nano�ber immersed in a liquid which opens the way to All-optical control of discrete light propagation in ampli�er at 1810 nm with 9 dB on/o� gain in 4.3 km PM
�A. Prylepa1,2 , J. Duchoslav1,2 , C. Reitböck1,2 , K.
the study of a new kind of versatile experiments. Photonic Liquid Crystal Fibers �ber.
Hingerl2 , and D. Sti�er1,2 ; 1 Christian Doppler Laboratory
for Microscopic and Spectroscopic Material Characteriza- �K. Rutkowska, U. Laudyn, and P. Jung; Warsaw Univer-
CD-P.23 TUE sity of Technology, Warsaw, Poland CD-P.32 TUE
tion, Linz, Austria; 2 Center for Surface and Nanoanalyt-
ics (ZONA), Linz, Austria Phase locking of two infrared sources separated by Results of theoretical studies and experimental tests on Degenerated four-wave mixing in chiral nematic
Confocal and interferometric second harmonic gener- 500 nm (100 THz) discrete light propagation in photonic crystal �bers are liquid crystal exhibiting Bragg-like re�ection
ation microscope combined with linear low-coherence �N. Chiodo1 , F. Du-Burck2 , and O. Acef1 ; 1 LNE-SYRTE, presented. Output spatial light intensity pro�le can be �P. Karpinski and A. Miniewicz; Wroclaw University of
imaging capabilities was developed by using a broad- Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Paris, France; 2 LPL, univer- tuned dynamically by varying optical power of the sig- Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
band fs-�ber laser at 1550 nm and applied for investi- sité Paris 13, CNRS, Villetaneuse, France nal beam. We report about novel con�guration for optical phase
gations of materials surfaces and subsurfaces. We report on phase locking of two IR lasers separated by conjugation phenomenon in dye-doped chiral nematic
500 nm (1.5 and 1.03 *m), using independent harmonic CD-P.28 TUE liquid crystal exhibiting Bragg re�ection. We observe
generation processes in PPLN crystals. �e phase lock is Linear detection of sub-bandgap energy photons in temperature dependent light stop-band and enhance-
achieved within a 500 kHz bandwidth. silicon : a photo-assisted Shockley-Read mechanism ment of optical nonlinearity due to ’slow light’ propaga-
Dual-correlated pumping scheme for phase-noise �B. Vest1 , E. Lucas1 , J. Jaeck1 , R. Haïdar1,2 , and tion.
retention in FWM CD-P.24 TUE E. Rosencher1,2 ; 1 ONERA, �e French Aerospace Lab,
�A. Anthur1 , R. Watts2 , J. O’Carroll2 , D. Venkitesh1 , and Improving the Performance of Fiber Optic Palaiseau, France; 2 École Polytechnique, Département de CD-P.33 TUE
L. Barry2 ; 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Parametric Ampli�ers with Optical Phase Physique, Palaiseau, France
Madras, Chennai, India; 2 RINCE, School of Electronic Highly E�cient Discrete Band Mid-Infrared to
Conjugation We investigate the linear response of silicon PIN diodes Near-Infrared Wavelength Conversion Relying on
Engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of �M. Jazayerifar, S. Warm, and K. Petermann; Technische to sub-bandgap photons (1.4 um-1.6 um). We propose a
Ireland Si1-xGex Alloys
Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany model, based on the Shockley-Read process, to explain �A. Bogris1,2 , A. Kapsalis1 , D. Syvridis1 , M. Brun3 , P.
A coherent technique is used to study the phase noise Using the optical phase conjugation method we pro- this result observed by many authors.
relationship between four-wave mixing (FWM) compo- Labeye3 , and S. Nicoletti3 ; 1 Department of Informatics
pose a modi�ed �ber optic parametric ampli�er (FOPA) and Telecommunications, University of Athens, Athens,
nents. A new scheme is proposed to prevent the phase that causes less nonlinear cross-talk than a conventional CD-P.29 TUE
noise increase in conjugate, normally associated with Greece; 2 Department of Informatics, Technological Edu-
FOPA in WDM communication systems and verify this High repetition rates and high quality optical pulse cational Institute of Athens, Athens, Greece; 3 CEA, LETI,
FWM. comparison with numerical simulations. train generator based on solitons over �nite Grenoble, France
background �e properties of mid-infrared to near-infrared up-
CD-P.21 TUE CD-P.25 TUE J. Fatome, B. Kibler, and �C. Finot; Laboratoire Interdisci- converters relying on Si1-xGex alloys are numerically
Highly e�cient SHG at 561 nm using a QD laser and Terabit/s Physical Random Bit Generation Based on plinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon, France investigated. �e aspects of the waveguide design for
a PPLN waveguide Optoelectronic Phase-Chaos Systems We take advantage of the strong temporal compression e�cient wavelength conversion from (4-5�m) to (1.3-
�K. Fedorova1 , G. Sokolovskii1,2 , I. Krestnikov3 , D. �R.M. Nguimdo1 , P. Colet2 , and J. Danckaert1 ; 1 Applied a�ecting a soliton over �nite background evolving in 1.6�m) are highlighted for various Ge concentrations
Livshits3 , and E. Rafailov1 ; 1 University of Dundee, Physics Research Group, APHY, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a nonlinear �ber. A delay-line interferometer enables
Dundee, United Kingdom; 2 Io�e Physico-Technical Insti- 1050 Brussels Belgium, Brussels, Belgium; 2 IFISC (CSIC- the generation of high-quality high-repetition rate pulse
tute, St. Petersburg, Russia; 3 Innolume GmbH, Dort- UIB), Campus Universitat Illes Balears, E-07122 Palma trains with the background annihilated.
mund, Germany de Mallorca, Spain, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
CD-P.34 TUE CD-P.38 TUE CD-P.42 TUE tical Systems (CUDOS), Institute of Photonics and Opti-
Generation of on-axis optical �laments by means of 1.5W Compact Green Laser Module for Laser Display Kerr e�ect induced transient group-velocity cal Science (IPOS), School of Physics, University of Sydney,
Dammann lenses Applications dispersion of fused silica measured via real-time Sydney, Australia
�J. Pérez-Vizcaíno1 , O. Mendoza-Yero1 , R. Borrego- Y. Gan, J. Sun, and �C.-Q. Xu; McMaster University, MIIPS and spectral interferometry We demonstrate a compact approach for the generation
Varillas1,2 , G. Mínguez-Vega1 , J. Rodríguez Vázquez de Hamilton, Canada G. Rasskazov1 , A. Ryabtsev1 , D. Pestov2 , V.V. Lozovoy1 , of ultra-high frequency picosecond pulse bursts based
Aldana1 , and J. Lancis1 ; 1 Instituto de Nuevas Tecnologías We demonstrate a novel miniaturized green laser array and �M. Dantus1,2 ; 1 Department of Chemistry, Michi- on cascaded Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a chalco-
de la Imagen, Castellón, Spain; 2 Universidad de Sala- using an mGreen laser module. A two-beam array shows gan State University, East Lansing, United States; genide As2Se3 �ber cavity and investigate the stability of
manca, Salamanca, Spain a combined green light output power of over 1.5W with 2
Biophotonic Solutions Inc., East Lansing, United States the laser.
Dynamical spatial shaping of a 30 fs laser beam by en- an optical-to-optical conversion e�ciency of 30%. We demonstrate the measurement of transient disper-
coding Dammann lenses in a spatial light modulator al- sion in fused silica by RT-MIIPS. �e results are val- CD-P.47 TUE
lows us the formation up to six on-axis stable and sta- CD-P.39 TUE idated via Fourier Transform Spectral Interferometry. Highly Sensitive Dispersion Map Extraction from
tionary �laments in a fused silica sample. Directional Selective Nonlinear Transmission of �e observed dispersion modulation is explained within Highly Nonlinear Fibers Using BOTDA Probing of
Femtosecond Pulses in Glass-Metal Nanocomposites a theoretical model. Parametric Ampli�cation
CD-P.35 TUE �S. Mohan1,2 , H. Graener2 , M. Bache1 , and G. Seifert3 ; �F. Alishahi1 , A. Vedadi1 , A. Denisov2 , M. Soto2 , K.
Nonlinear-optical response and Raman signals of 1
DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. CD-P.43 TUE Mehrany3 , C.S. Brès1 , and L. �évenaz2 ; 1 Photonics Sys-
nanocrystalline lithium niobate Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Physics Institute, Martin-Luther- High-speed stroboscopic imaging with tems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lau-
�B. Knabe1 , K. Buse1 , G. Stone2 , and V. Dierolf2 ; University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany; 3 Centre frequency-doubled supercontinuum sanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2 Group for Fiber Optics,
Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), of Innovation Competence SiLi-nano, Martin-Luther- �P. Ryczkowski1 , A. Nolvi2 , I. Kassamakov2 , G. Genty1 , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2 Department University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany and E. Haeggström2 ; 1 Tampere University of Technology, Switzerland; 3 Electronics and Electrical Dept., Sharif Uni-
of Physics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, United States �rough femtosecond Z-scan measurements, we show Tampere, Finland; 2 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Fin- versity of Technology, Tehran, Iran
�e non-centrosymmetric structure of lithium niobate that silver-doped nanocomposite glass samples give di- land Using an enhanced scheme for probing the distribution
nanocrystals is examined by frequency doubling and rectionally sensitive optical limiting. A theoretical We present a frequency-doubled supercontiunuum light of parametric processes along �bers, a rapid and sim-
Raman spectroscopy. �e nanocrystals exhibit the full model explains this as interplay between self-focusing source with 1ns long pulses and tunable repetition rate ple technique to map zero dispersion wavelength �uctu-
nonlinear-optical coe�cients. �e measured vibrational and two-photon absorption in the nanoparticle layer. for 3D stroboscopic imaging with sub-100 nm accuracy. ations of less than 0.02 nm with 2 meters resolution is
modes indicate a crystal symmetry found in stoichio- demonstrated.
metric lithium niobate. CD-P.40 TUE CD-P.44 TUE
Stimulated Raman scattering with a rapidly tunable Nonlinear interaction of two crossing beams in chiral
CD-P.36 TUE non-collinear optical parametric oscillator nematic liquid crystals Intensity Noise of Normal-Pumped Picosecond
hase matching for e�cient nonlinear frequency �C. Ho�mann1 , T. Lang1,2 , and U. Morgner1,2,3 ; 1 Institute �U. Laudyn1 , F. Sala1 , M. Sierakowski1 , E. Nowinowski- Supercontinuum Generation
generation in hybrid Si/Chalcogenide glass slot of Quantum Optics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Han- Kruszelnicki2 , and M. Karpierz1 ; 1 Warsaw University of �U. Møller1 and O. Bang1,2 ; 1 DTU Fotonik, Department
waveguides nover, Germany; 2 Center for Quantum Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw, Poland; 2 Military of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Den-
P.W. Nolte, C. Bohley, and �J. Schilling; ZIK SiLi-nano, Space-Time Research, Hannover, Germany; 3 Laser Zen- University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland mark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 NKT Photonics A/S, Birk-
Martin-Luther-University, Halle, Germany trum Hannover, Hannover, Germany In this work, we present experimental and numerical re- erød, Denmark
We theoretically investigated the situation for degenerate We present the fast acquisition of broadband Raman sults showing interaction of two crossing beams occur- We investigate the intensity noise in normal-pumped
four wave mixing in silicon slot waveguides which are in- spectra covering the range of 3400-960 cm-1 via stimu- ring in two planes simultaneously. picosecond supercontinuum generation, where higher-
�ltrated by a chalcogenide glass (e.g. As2 S3 ) promising lated Raman scattering (SRS) with an update rate of 19.6 order Raman lines cross into the anomalous dispersion
e�cient frequency generation within the vicinity of the Hz. For realization a rapidly tunable NOPO is employed. CD-P.45 TUE regime at high power levels. �e noise properties are
pump wavelength. Hole-Size Increasing PCFs for Blue-Extended compared to those of anomalous-pumped supercontin-
CD-P.41 TUE Supercontinuum Generation uum generation.
CD-P.37 TUE Self-phase-locked degenerate femtosecond optical �S.T. Sørensen1 , C. Larsen1 , C. Jakobsen2 , C.L. �omsen2 ,
Characterization of a Single-frequency-pumped parametric oscillator based on BiB3O6 and O. Bang1,2 ; 1 DTU Fotonik, Technical University of
Continuous-wave Extracavity Diamond Raman Laser �V.R. Badarla1 , A.E. Martin1 , and M.E. Zadeh1,2 ; Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 NKT Photonics A/S, Non-quadratic intensity dependence of the second
�O. Kitzler, A. McKay, and R. Mildren; MQ Photonics Re- 1
Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Barcelona, Spain; Birkerød, Denmark harmonic signal from the p+ -Si/SiO2 interface due to
search Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 2
Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats We demonstrate supercontinuum generation into the ultrafast photo-induced charge carrier screening
We report a continuous-wave diamond Raman laser of (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain deep-blue in single-mode PCFs with increasing hole-size �P. Neethling1 , E. Rohwer1 , and H. Stafast1,2 ; 1 Laser Re-
output power 15W pumped by a single-longitudinal- We present the �rst self-phase-locked degenerate fabricated directly at the draw-tower, and report a record search Institute, Physics department, University of Stellen-
mode Yb �bre laser at 35% conversion e�ciency. Oper- femtosecond OPO based on a birefringent material 3 dB spectral �atness in the region 363-628nm. bosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa; 2 Institute of Photonic
ating conditions enabling single mode output are anal- (BiB3O6) synchronously-pumped by Ti:sapphire laser. Technology (IPHT) and Faculty of Physics and Astron-
ysed. �e OPO provides an output spectrum as broad as 46 CD-P.46 TUE omy, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
nm with 190 fs pulses. Picosecond pulse burst generation using cascaded �e instantaneous electric �eld induced second har-
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a chalcogenide monic signals from highly boron doped Si with natural
As2Se3 �ber cavity oxide, attributed to the built-in interfacial electric �eld,
�T.F.S. Buettner, I.V. Kabakova, D.D. Hudson, and B.J. show a non-quadratic dependence on the incident, two-
Eggleton; Centre for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Op- photon resonant, femtosecond laser intensity.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
13:00 – 14:00 optical parameters. By retrieving its refractive index, CE-P.9 TUE CE-P.14 TUE
CE-P: CE Poster Session we investigate the interaction between a single chiral �ermal conductivity versus Yb3+ concentration in Self-chaining of nanoparticles in polymethyl
nano-structure and a tightly focused circularly polarized Yb :CALGO: a material for high power ultrafast laser methacrylate through electrode-free
CE-P.1 TUE beam. �A. Ja�rès1 , A. Suganuma1 , B. Viana1 , P. Loiseau1 , S. dielectrophoresis
Structural and optical properties of epitaxially grown Ricaud2 , P. Georges2 , and F. Druon2 ; 1 LCMCP, Paris, �O. Gennari1 , V. Pagliarulo1 , S. Coppola1,2 , V. Vespini1 ,
CE-P.5 TUE France; 2 LCFIO, Palaiseau, France L. Miccio1 , S. Grilli1 , and P. Ferraro1 ; 1 INO-CNR, Poz-
Nd3+ -doped InYO3 thin �lms on Lu2 O3
�S.-H. Waeselmann1 , S. Heinrich1 , C. Kränkel1,2 , and Er3+-doped LiYF4-Polymer Nanocomposites for �ermal conductivity values were experimentally deter- zuoli, Italy; 2 Department of Chemical Materials and Pro-
G. Huber1,2 ; 1 Institute of Laser-Physics, Hamburg, Ger- S+C+L Band Ampli�cation mined for various ytterbium contents (2-15%) in the duction Engineering., Napoli, Italy
many; 2 �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, Ham- �X. Xue, S. Uechi, W. Gao, T. Suzuki, and Y. Ohishi; Toy- laser material Yb :CaGdAlO4. �e variation is model- We propose an electrode-free dielectrophoretic ap-
burg, Germany ota Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan ing with sites distribution and physical parameters. proach for aligning nanoparticles into wires dispersed in
�in lattice matched Nd3+ doped InYO3 �lms were Er3+-doped LiYF4-bisphenol A ethoxylate diacrylates non-aqueous suspensions of polymethyl methacrylate.
grown epitaxially on Lu2 O3 substrates via Pulsed Laser nanocomposites were prepared. Under the excitation of CE-P.10 TUE �e electric �eld gradients are generated through spon-
Deposition. We present several advantageous character- a 978 nm laser, the optically transparent nanocomposites NIR to visible upconversion in double-clad optical taneous charge templates arising pyroelectrically onto
istics of the �lms, that make them interesting for opti- showed intense and broad emissions in S+C+L band. �ber co-doped with Yb3+/Ho3+ functionalized ferroelectric crystals.
cally active waveguides. �M. Kochanowicz, D. Dorosz, J. Zmojda, and J. Dorosz;
CE-P.6 TUE Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok, Poland CE-P.15 TUE
CE-P.2 TUE In�uence of Chromium and Niobium Co-doping on In the paper the upconversion luminescence in Cascade Conical Di�raction
Investigation of second order optical nonlinearity at Laser Damage �reshold of Raman Active Crystals antimony-silicate-germanate glass and double-clad op- �S. Grant and A. Abdolvand; University of Dundee,
the surface of GaP nanowaveguides �L. Ivleva, P. Zverev, I. Voronina, E. Dunaeva, and A. tical �ber co-doped with Yb3+/Ho3+ was investigated. Dundee, United Kingdom
�M. Swillo1 , R. Sanatinia2 , and S. Anand2 ; 1 School of En- Nekhoroshik; A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Luminescence bands at 547 nm (Ho3+:5S2(5F4)->5I8) �e use of multiple biaxial crystals in cascade con�gu-
gineering Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia and 659 nm (Ho3+:5F5->5I8) was obtained. ration to produce conical di�raction is investigated. �e
Stockholm, Sweden; 2 School of Information and Commu- Raman active CaMoO4 and BaWO4 crystals were grown polarization dependence and the e�ect of the relative an-
nication Technology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), from the melt with special Cr3+ and Nb5+ impurity CE-P.11 TUE gles of the crystals is reported as is the free-space cross-
Kista, Sweden dopants. �e optimization of their concentration leads Study on exposure strategy in�uences on optical section.
Optical second order nonlinearity at the surface of GaP to signi�cant increase of the laser damage threshold. propagation losses in silicon waveguides fabricated
nanowaveguides is determined with respect to the bulk. by electron beam lithography CE-P.16 TUE
CE-P.7 TUE �J. Bolten, C. Manecke, T. Wahlbrink, M. Waldow, and H. Laser texturing of ZnO:Al front contact for e�ciency
Presented method utilizes polarization measurement of
the second harmonic generation and mode con�nement Photoluminescent properties of the ZnSe:Yb crystals Kurz; AMO GmbH, Aachen, Germany enhancement in thin-�lm silicon solar cells
in nanowaveguides with various diameters. in the excitonic region In this work we demonstrate the bene�cial e�ect of �D. Canteli1 , S. Fernández1 , J.D. Santos1 , J.P. González1 ,
�I. Radevici1,2 , K. Sushkevich2 , V. Sirkeli1,2 , H. a multi pass exposure strategy on optical propagation C. Molpeceres2 , I. Torres1 , J. Cárabe1 , and J.J. Gandía1 ;
CE-P.3 TUE Huhtinen1 , D. Nedeoglo2 , and P. Paturi1 ; 1 Wihuri Phys- losses of silicon waveguide structures fabricated using 1
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambien-
Ultra-Smooth Ridge Waveguides in Lithium Niobate ical Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, electron beam lithography, reducing those losses by at táles y Tecnológicas, Madrid, Spain; 2 Centro Láser de la
Fabricated by Diamond Blade Dicing and High University of Turku, Turku, Finland; 2 Faculty of Physics least 1.5 dB/cm. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Temperature In-Di�usion of Titanium and Engineering, Moldova State University, Chisinau, A 355nm nanosecond laser source is used to texture
�C.E. Rüter, S. Suntsov, and D. Kip; Helmut Schmidt Uni- Moldova, Republic of CE-P.12 TUE AZO thin �lms. �e textured �lms show appropriated
versity, Hamburg, Germany Temperature evolution of the ZnSe:Yb samples photolu- Facet Machining of Silica Waveguides with Nanoscale morphology and good optoelectronic properties to be
Fabrication of ridge waveguides in lithium niobate with minescent spectra were studied. Edge band concentra- Roughness without Polishing or Lapping used in thin �lm silicon solar cells.
propagation losses below 0.1dB/cm is reported. �e sub- tion shi� to the higher energies was observed. An as- �L. Carpenter, H.L. Rogers, C. Holmes, J.C. Gates, and
strate covered with titanium is structured using optical sumption about occupation of selenium vacancies sites P.G.R. Smith; University of Southampton, Southampton, CE-P.17 TUE
grade dicing followed by in-di�usion at 1120� C, result- by Yb ions is made. United Kingdom Mapping Purity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
ing in ultra-�at surfaces. We show optical quality facets can be machined into sil- in Bulk Samples with Multiplex Coherent
CE-P.8 TUE ica using a precision dicing technique, with a Sa = 4.9 Anti-Stokes Raman Microscopy
CE-P.4 TUE 90� Phase-matched Di�erence-frequency Generation nm. In addition an integrated optic structure will be pre- A.S. Duarte1,2 , J. Rehbinder1 , R.R.B. Correia2 , �T.
Experimental Investigation of a Single Chrial at 5.34-7.48 �m in BaGa4S7 sented to characterise the interface loss. Buckup1 , and M. Motzkus1 ; 1 Physikalisch-Chemisches
Nano-Structure Made of a Composite Material K. Kato1,2 , �T. Mikami2 , and V. Petrov3 ; 1 Chitose Institute Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidel-
�P. Wozniak1,2 , K. Hö�ich1 , S. Fritsch1,2 , S. of Science and Technology, Chitose, Japan; 2 Okamoto Op- CE-P.13 TUE berg, Germany; 2 Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal
Christiansen1,3 , P. Banzer1,2 , and G. Leuchs1,2 ; 1 Max tics Works, Inc., Yokohama, Japan; 3 Max-Born-Institute Evolution of a conically di�racted Gaussian beam in do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Ger- for Nonlinear Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Berlin, free space Multiplex Coherent anti-Stokes Raman microscopy was
many; 2 Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics, Germany �S. Grant and A. Abdolvand; University Of Dundee, used to retrieve information about impurities in a spin-
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen Nurnberg, Er- �e BaGa4S7 was used to generate the 5.34-7.48�m Dundee, United Kingdom coated SWNT distribution. An impurity map was con-
langen, Germany; 3 Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, pulses by mixing the BBO/OPO output with its pump Various parameters relating to the evolution of a Gaus- structed using the ratio between the D- and G-band in
Germany source at 1.0642�m under the temperature-tuned 90� sian beam as it propagates along one of the optic axes SWNTs vibrational spectrum.
Electron-beam-induced deposition results in nano- phase-matching conditions. �e new Sellmeier and of four KGd(WO4)2 crystals of di�ering lengths are re-
structures made of a composite material of unknown thermo-optic dispersion formulas are presented. ported, along with its cross section.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
CE-P.18 TUE 3
Ltd., Moscow, Russia; A.M. Prokhorov General Physics of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland; CE-P.29 TUE
Kinetics of Equivalent Temperature of Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Warsaw Microstructured Plastic Optical Fibers with Limited
Nonlinear-Optical Crystals
N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland Modal Dispersion and Bending Losses
O. Ryabushkin1,2 , D. Myasnikov1,2 , �A. Konyashkin1,2 , Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 5 Department of In this work we report the recent results of our investiga- �K. Welikow1 , P. Gdula1 , P. Szczepanski1,2 , R.
and O. Vershinin1,2 ; 1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, tion on visible emission of the PMMA-based nanocom- Buczynski3,4 , and R. Piramidowicz1 ; 1 Institute of Mi-
Technology, Dolgoprudnyy, Russia; 2 NTO ”IRE-Polus”, Moscow, Russia posites doped with YF3, YF3-Y2O3 (YOF) and Y2O3 croelectronics and Optoelectronics, Warsaw, Poland;
Fryazino, Russia �e ternary chlorides, doped with univalent bismuth can activated with Pr3+ ions, synthesized from the single- 2
National Institute of Telecommunication, Warsaw,
Novel method is proposed for determination of be prepared by crystallization from Lewis acidic melts. source precursor. Poland; 3 Institute of Electronic Materials Technology,
nonlinear-optical crystal heat transfer and optical �ese crystals exhibit long-lived luminescence in NIR Warsaw, Poland; 4 Faculty of Physics, University of War-
absorption coe�cients by measuring kinetics of crys- and can be the perspective optical media for broadband CE-P.26 TUE saw, Warsaw, Poland
tal*s temperature-dependent piezoelectric resonance light ampli�cation. Self-assembling of liquid crystal droplets on lithium New geometries of polymer microstructured �bers are
frequency during interaction with laser radiation. niobate substrates driven by pyroelectric e�ect proposed for limiting macrobending losses and modal
CE-P.22 TUE �F. Merola1 , S. Grilli1 , S. Coppola1,2 , V. Vespini1 , S. De dispersion. �e numerical analyses are confronted with
CE-P.19 TUE Distributed Fibre Analysis with cm Resolution Using Nicola1 , P. Maddalena3 , C. Carfagna4 , and P. Ferraro1 ; measurement results of manufactured mPOFs to verify
Photoluminescence emission in Er-activated good Gated Flexural Acoustic Waves CNR-INO, Pozzuoli, Italy; 2 Università Federico II, Dip. applicability of developed model.
quality �uorotellurite thin �lm glasses �E.P. Alcusa-Sáez1 , A. Díez1 , M. González-Herráez2 , Ingegneria, Napoli, Italy; 3 Università Federico II, Dip.
�R. Morea1 , A. Miguel2 , T. Teddy-Fernandez1 , J. and M.V. Andrés1 ; 1 Universidad de Valencia, Burjas- Scienze Fisiche, Napoli, Italy; 4 CNR-ICTP, Pozzuoli, Italy CE-P.30 TUE
Fernandez2,3 , R. Balda2,3 , and J. Gonzalo1 ; 1 Instituto de sot, Spain; 2 Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Alaclá de Liquid crystal droplets are driven by pyroelectric e�ect DC electric �eld assisted fabrication and optical
Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain; 2 Dept. of Applied Physics Henares, Spain on lithium niobate substrate covered with Polydimethyl- analysis of silver-doped nanocomposite glass
I, Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain; Accurate characterization of small �bre inhomogeneities siloxane. Droplets assemble themselves in di�erent pat- �S. Wackerow and A. Abdolvand; School of Engineering,
Materials Physics Center CSIC-UPV/EHU and Donostia along sections of about 1m, with centimetric resolu- terns such as microlens arrays. Physics & Mathematics, University of Dundee, Dundee,
International Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain tion, is demonstrated using a time-domain distributed United Kingdom
Good quality Er-doped �uorotellurite thin �lms glasses in-�bre acousto-optic interaction based on the propaga- CE-P.27 TUE We present DC electric �eld assisted fabrication of glass
are produced by pulsed laser deposition. We show that tion of short �exural acoustic wave packets. Photodarkening in optical �bres: comparative study with embedded silver nanoparticles. Optical analyses of
their photoluminescence emission characteristics can be of photo-induced defects using di�erent photon the fabricated nanocomposites and their depth pro�les
greatly improved through annealing treatments and dis- CE-P.23 TUE sources were performed using cross-section images with an un-
cuss the responsible processes for that behavior. Band-Edge and Random Lasing in Blue Phase Liquid �D. Milanese1 , M. Chiesa2 , S. Taccheo3 , K. Mattsson4 , precedented clarity.
Crystals H. Gebavi3 , T. Robin5 , L. Lablonde5 , D. Mechin6 , A.
CE-P.20 TUE C.-W. Chen1 , H.-C. Jau1 , C.-C. Lin1 , �T.-H. Lin1 , C.- Monteville6 , F. Freyria1 , and B. Bonelli1 ; 1 Politecnico di CE-P.31 TUE
Analysis and fabrication of optical active T. Wang1 , I.-C. Khoo2 , and C.-H. Lee1 ; 1 Department of Torino - DISAT, Torino, Italy; 2 Dipartimento di Chimica, Optical properties of the Bi+ centre in KAlCl4 crystal
nanostructures inspired by the blue Morpho butter�y Photonics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Università di Torino, Torino, Italy; 3 Swansea University, �A. Veber1 , A. Romanov2,3 , O. Usovich4 , Z. Fattakhova5 ,
�R.H. Siddique1 , S. Diewald2 , J. Leuthold1,3 , and China, Republic of (ROC); 2 Electrical Engineering De- Swansea, United Kingdom; 4 DTU Fotonik, Technical Uni- E. Haula5 , V. Korchak5 , L. Trusov4 , P. Kazin4 , V.
H. Hölscher1 ; 1 Institute for Microstructure Technology partment, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, versity of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark; 5 iXFiber S.A.S., Sulimov2,3 , and V. Tsvetkov1 ; 1 A.M. Prokhorov Gen-
(IMT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karl- Pennsylvania, United States Lannion, France; 6 PERFOS, R&D Platform of Photonics eral Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
sruhe, Germany; 2 Center for Functional Nanostructures �e contribution has been withdrawn by the authors. Bretagne, Lannion, Italy Moscow, Russia; 2 Research Computer Center, M.V.
(CFN), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karl- �is report compares the e�ect of photon sources at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
sruhe, Germany; 3 Institute of Photonics and Quan- CE-P.24 TUE di�erent energies on Ce/Yb-doped optical materials for 3
Dimonta Ltd., Moscow, Russia; 4 Department of chem-
tum Electronics (IPQ), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Study of Femtosecond Laser-induced Grating in Lead high power lasers. �e investigation aims at studying the istry, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
(KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany Silicate Glasses mechanism of photodarkening for the development of Russia; 5 N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Rus-
Morpho butter�y nanostructures re�ect blue in wide an- S. Chouli, M. Tondusson, and �E. Freysz; LOMA, Univer- photodarkening-free �bres. sian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
gle that outplays the regular interference theorem. Our sité Bordeaux 1, Talence, France Optical properties of the Bi+ center in KAlCl4 crystal
experimental and theoretic analysis reveals alternative We have studied the formation of gratings in PbO glasses CE-P.28 TUE host have been studied as a function of temperature.
thin layers with Christmas tree shape are the origin of induced by femtosecond pulses. �ese e�cient gratings Conical refraction: A dual-cone model Experimental data were analyzed in terms of electron-
this fascinating blue irradiance. are produced in few picoseconds. �e photo-induced re- �G.S. Sokolovskii1,2 , D.J. Carnegie1 , T.K. Kalkandjiev3 , phonon interaction of Bi+ center with the host crys-
fractive index change scales almost linearly with the PbO and E.U. Rafailov1 ; 1 University of Dundee, Dundee, tal.
CE-P.21 TUE molar content United Kingdom; 2 Io�e Physico-Technical Institute,
New route to Bi+-doped crystals: preparation and St.Petersburg, Russia; 3 Conerefringent Optics SL, CE-P.32 TUE
NIR luminescence of K, Rb and Cs ternary chlorides, CE-P.25 TUE Barcelona, Spain Investigating the e�ciency limitations of GaN-based
containing univalent bismuth. Luminescent properties of PMMA-based We propose a dual-cone model of conical refraction in- emitters
�A. Romanov1,2 , A. Veber3 , Z. Fattakhova4 , D. Vtyurina4 , nanocomposites doped with Pr3+:YF3-Y2O3 volving the interference of two light cones behind the �B. Crutchley, I. Marko, A. Adams, and S. Sweeney; Uni-
O. Usovich5 , F. Grigoriev1,2 , E. Haula4 , L. Trusov5 , P. nanocrystallites exit facet of the crystal and demonstrating an excellent versity of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
Kazin5 , V. Korchak4 , V. Tsvetkov3 , and V. Sulimov1,2 ; �A. Jusza1 , L. Lipinska2 , P. Polis3 , and R. Piramidowicz1 ; agreement with experiment. In this paper we investigate the e�ciency droop causing
1 1
Research Computing Center of M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, War- mechanisms in InGaN blue-green LEDs. From pressure
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 2 Dimonta saw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; 2 Institute and temperature dependence measurements we �nd that

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
a carrier density dependent defect-related process is Charge transfer dynamics in Rh6G-functionalized and M.-P. Pileni2 ; 1 Politecnico di Milano, Milano, CE-P.35 TUE
likely to cause e�ciency droop. amorphous TiO2 nanoparticles is investigated using Italy; 2 Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France; Fabrication and Characterization of Zirconium -
transient bleaching (TB) spectroscopy. �e TB shows 3
Université Lyon, Lyon, France doped Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate
CE-P.33 TUE a faster signal as compared to the bleaching of the free Longitudinal acoustic phonons with few-GHz frequency M.V. Ciampolillo1 , G. Pozza1 , �M. Bazzan1 , N. Argiolas1 ,
Fast transient bleaching in Rh-6G functionalized dye in solution. were launched with femtosecond pulses and detected A. Zaltron1 , L. Bacci1 , C. Sada1 , G. Nava2 , and
TiO2 nanoparticles: charge transfer dynamics in three-dimensional supracrystals of 7-nm cobalt P. Minzioni2 ; 1 University of Padova, Padova, Italy;
�L. Menezes1 , E. Almeida1 , C. Araújo1 , A. Brito-Silva2 , CE-P.34 TUE nanocrystal spheres. We extract the speed of sound 2
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
A. Batista2 , and G. Machado2 ; 1 Departamento de Longitudinal acoustic phonons in 3-dimensional (1100 m/s), which interestingly strongly depends on We present here our recent result on the fabrication and
Física, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife-PE, cobalt supracrystals detected by broadband temperature. characterization of periodically poled structures in opti-
Brazil; 2 Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste picosecond acoustics cal damage resistant Zr * doped lithium niobate.
(CETENE), Recife-PE, Brazil �D. Polli1 , I. Lisiecki2 , C. Yan2 , E. Duval3 , G. Cerullo1 ,

13:00 – 14:00 creasing the amplitude of the pump beyond the bistable IC-P.5 TUE IC-P.7 TUE
IC-P: IC Poster Session regime. High-contrast spatial interference of BECs Temperature Limits in Laser Cooling of Free Atoms
C. Carson, M. Zawadzki, P. Gri�n, E. Riis, and �A. with �ree-level Transitions
IC-P.1 TUE IC-P.3 TUE Arnold; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United King- �F. C. Cruz1 , M. L. Sundheimer2 , and W. C. Magno2 ;
Towards a Bose-Fermi mixture experiment in a 2D Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques dom 1
Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estad-
optical lattice with high optical resolution �T. Vanderbruggen1 , S. Palacios1 , N. Martinez1 , and We use magnetic levitation and an optical plug to obtain ual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil; 2 Departamento de
�N. Meyer1,2 , M. Perea-Ortiz1 , C. O’Neale1 , M. M. Mitchell1,2 ; 1 ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, 95% contrast spatial interference between two BECs. In- Fisica, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Re-
Holynski1 , M. Baumert1 , K. Bongs1 , and J. Kronjaeger1 ; Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain; 2 ICREA - Institució terference patterns with fringe periods of 85microns (in- cife, Brazil
School of Physics and Astronomy, Birmingham, United Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain dividual de Broglie wavelengths of 170microns) are pos- We consider laser cooling of free atoms with simulta-
Kingdom; 2 Institute of Laserphysics, Hamburg, Germany We propose a new method to produce a continu- sible with 200ms levitation. neous two-color excitation of three-level cascade tran-
Presented is a versatile setup for Bose-Fermi mixtures ous source of spin-polarized cold atoms which are all- sitions �nding theoretically that temperatures below the
in optical potential including simultaneous magneto- optically guided a�er their extraction from a magneto- IC-P.6 TUE Doppler limits associated with each one of the individual
optical trapping of two species, magnetic transport and optical trap (MOT). Towards an interferometer with thermal atoms transitions are obtained.
cooling towards a BEC. In the context of this project new trapped on a chip
IC-P.4 TUE M. Ammar1 , M. Dupont-Nivet1 , L. Huet1 , C. Guerlin1,2 , IC-P.8 TUE
technologies were developed.
Microwave ring trap for ultracold atoms J. Reichel2 , P. Rosenbusch3 , I. Bouchoule4 , C. Westbrook4 , Collision of Discrete Breathers in Two-Species
IC-P.2 TUE �G. Sinuco, K. Burrows, and B. Garraway; School of and �S. Schwartz1 ; 1 �ales Research and Technol- Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices
Chaotic Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, ogy, Palaiseau, France; 2 Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, �R. Campbell1 , M. Borkowski2 , and G.-L. Oppo1 ;
Optical Cavities United Kingdom Paris, France; 3 LNE-SYRTE, Paris, France; 4 Laboratoire 1
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom;
�M. Diver, G. Robb, and G.-L. Oppo; Institute of Complex We propose a ring trap for ultracold alkali atoms via a Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France 2
University N Copernicus, Torun, Poland
Systems, SUPA and Department of Physics, University of combination of external and induced microwave �elds. We will discuss the possibility of building a trapped- Coupled discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations de-
Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom We consider the trapping characteristics, the trap life- atom interferometer without a Bose-Einstein conden- scribe two-species BEC in deep optical lattices. �e col-
We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with times, and its feasibility in an atom-chip con�guration. sate, to weaken the e�ect of atomic interactions, by using lision of travelling discrete breathers can be either elastic
a laser beam in an optical cavity. �e modulated optical internal state labeling and two coplanar waveguides on or inelastic depending on the sign of the inter-species in-
lattice induces chaotic oscillations that occur when in- an atom chip. teraction parameter.

13:00 – 14:00 JSV-P.1 TUE Had�eld1 ; 1 University of Glasgow, Glasow, United King- spatial-resolvable multi-photon absorption. Local re-
JSV-P: JSV Poster Session Nano-Optical Measurements of Novel dom; 2 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United King- sponse and timing properties are investigated especially
Superconducting Single Photon Detector Designs dom; 3 University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland of SNAPs, and more recent results enhancing photore-
�R.M. Heath1 , M.G. Tanner1 , L. San-Emeterio-Alvarez2 , We present nano-optical studies of novel superconduct- sponse will be presented.
W. Jiang2 , Z.H. Barber2 , R.J. Warburton3 , and R.H. ing nanowire single photon detector designs, including

13:00 – 14:00 CI-P.1 TUE Prince, and I. Tafur Monroy; Technical University of Den- links for their potential application in low-cost, rack-to-
CI-P: CI Poster Session Comparison of 850-nm and 1550-nm VCSELs for Low- mark, Copenhagen, Denmark rack optical interconnects.
Cost Short-Reach IM/DD and OFDM SMF/MMF We report on the experimental performance of a multi-
Links mode 850-nm and a single-mode 1550-nm VCSEL em-
�F. Karinou, L. Deng, R. Rodes, J. Bevensee Jensen, K. ploying IM/DD and OFDM-QPSK over SMF and MMF

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013
Hall B0
�eoretical Study on Linewidth Characteristics of Noise suppression characteristics of negative Generalized directional coupling for high-precision 8QAM regeneration using a phase-sensitive ampli�er
SGDBR Lasers for Coherent Optical feedback optical ampli�er using an optical triode manipulation of the optical phase for classical and with dual-conjugated pumps
Communications �A. Sya�q, Y. Fujikawa, and Y. Maeda; Kinki University, quantum light �B. Stiller1,2 , G. Onishchukov1,2 , B. Schmauss3 , and G.
W. Chen1 , �Y. Yu1 , J. Zhao1 , K. Shi2 , and L. Barry2 ; Higashi-Osaka, Japan �R. Heilmann, R. Keil, S. Nolte, and A. Szameit; Institute Leuchs1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light,
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, We investigated the relationship of inverted negative of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- Erlangen, Germany; 2 Institute of Optics, Information and
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, feedback signal intensity with bit error rate using opti- Schiller-University, Jena, Germany Photonics, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany;
China, People’s Republic of (PRC); 2 �e Rince Institute, cal triode. It was found out that power penalty was im- A precise method for optical phase manipulation of clas- 3
Institute of Microwaves and Photonics, University of Er-
Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland proved by 15 dB and noise suppression characteristic was sical and quantum light in integrated waveguide struc- langen, Erlangen, Germany
We investigate linewidth of SGDBR lasers with a model obtained. tures is presented. We employ generalized directional Phase regeneration of an 8QAM signal with two ampli-
based on the TLLM method, in which spontaneous couplers which allow the exact tuning of the e�ective in- tude levels in a phase-sensitive ampli�er with two con-
emission noise and shot noise are included. Simulated CI-P.7 TUE dex in such structures. jugated pumps is numerically investigated. E�ects limit-
results show the linewidth varies with increasing the High-Power Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer ing regenerator performance are identi�ed and improve-
phase current. (HP-DWDM) for Diode Lasers using Volume Bragg CI-P.11 TUE ment possibilities are considered.
Gratings (VBG) Performance Comparison between Electrical and
CI-P.3 TUE �S. Hengesbach1 , N. Krauch2 , C. Holly1 , M. Traub2 , and Optical Backplanes CI-P.15 TUE
First order optical di�erentiator based on an FBG in D. Ho�mann2 ; 1 Chair for Laser Technology, Aachen, �A. Boletti1 , D. Giacomuzzi2 , G. Parladori2 , P. Bo�1 , Investigating the in�uence of thermal coe�cients on
transmission Germany; 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, and M. Martinelli1 ; 1 Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; 2-D WH/TS OCDMA code propagation in optical
�M.A. Preciado, X. Shu, P. Harper, and K. Sugden; Aston Aachen, Germany Alcate-Lucent Italia S.p.A., Vimercate, Italy �ber
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Birmingham, United �e authors present a compact dense wavelength divi- Comparison between performance of copper intercon- �T. Osadola1 , S. Idris1 , I. Glesk1 , and W. Kwong2 ;
Kingdom sion multiplexer with 1.5 nm center wavelength spac- nections and �ber optics backplane is shown also by sim- Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
�e experimental demonstration of a single element, all ing for �ve spectrally stabilized diode laser bars with low ulations to demonstrate their limitations in frequency University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom;
�ber approach for �rst-order di�erentiator based on a beam quality (14 mm mrad). �e multiplexing e�ciency and capabilities in terms of capacity, power budget and Hofstra University, Hempstead, United States
�ber Bragg grating in transmission is reported, showing amounts 85 %. consumption. Extensive studies have been carried out to analyse the
a good performance over an operational bandwidth of bit error rate of a 32-User, 2D-WH/TS OCDMA system
~2 nm. CI-P.8 TUE CI-P.12 TUE propagating under the in�uence of environmental tem-
An Optically Modulated Radio Frequency Optical Switch based on Microring Resonators and perature variation caused by thermal coe�cients of an
CI-P.4 TUE Backscatter Wireless Data Link Phase change Materials optical �bre.
Free-space optical polarization demultiplexing and H. Cantu1 , �C. Ironside1 , B. Romeira2 , A. Kelly1 , and �M. Rudé1 , J. Pello2 , R. Simpson3 , J. van der Tol2 , and
multiplexing by means of conical refraction J. Figueiredo2 ; 1 University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United V. Pruneri1,4 ; 1 ICFO-Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, CI-P.16 TUE
�A. Turpin1 , Y. Loiko1 , T.K. Kalkandjiev1,2 , and Kingdom; 2 Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal Castelldefels, Spain; 2 Eindhoven University of Tech- Phase modulation technique for high modulation
J. Mompart1 ; 1 Departament de Física, Univer- Optical modulation of the impedance of an antenna cou- nology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands; 3 Singapore Uni- wide band planar Bragg grating fabrication
sitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain; pled photo-detector is used to convert data from optical versity of Technology and Design, Singapore, Singa- �C. Sima, J. Gates, C. Holmes, H. Rogers, P. Mennea, M.
Conerefringent Optics SL, Avda Cubelles 28, Vilanova i to wireless domains. Radio frequency backscatter is ex- pore; 4 ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Zervas, and P. Smith; Optoelectronics Research Centre,
la Geltrú, Spain ploited as a low cost, low power, data link technology Avançats, Barcelona, Spain Southampton, United Kingdom
We present a novel technique for polarization multiplex- solution. We demonstrate optical switching at telecommunica- A phase modulation controlled direct grating system is
ing for free space optical communications by means of tion wavelengths in a silicon microring resonator with presented for fabricating high modulation, wide spectral
conical refraction that allows increasing in one order of CI-P.9 TUE a modulation of 10 dB, induced by a laser-driven tran- band integrated Bragg gratings. �e method also o�ers
magnitude the channel capacity in a propagation dis- Mechanical Robustness of MMF Datacom sition from the amorphous to the crystalline phase of a greater fabrication speed with a higher �delity of control.
tance of 4m. Interconnections using Center-Launching Technique Ge2Sb2Te5 overcladding layer.
�A. Boletti, A. Gatto, P. Bo�, P. Martelli, E. Centeno CI-P.17 TUE
CI-P.5 TUE Nieves, and M. Martinelli; Politecnico di Milano, Milano, CI-P.13 TUE WDM-Filters fabricated with Hydrogenated
Experimental Caracterization of a Burst-Enabled Italy Equivalent Modeling of Micro-bending in Amorphous Silicon Ring and Racetrack Resonators
O-OFDM Transceiver Robustness to mechanical perturbations of center- Multimode-�bers with Parabolic Index Pro�le using �T. Lipka, J. Amthor, and J. Müller; Hamburg University of
�J.M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, F.J. Vilchez, and launching technique in multi-mode �ber is demon- Discrete Coupling Technology, Institute of Micro Systems Technology, Ham-
L. Nadal; Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de strated compliant to ETSI recommendations to imple- �A. Juarez, E. Krune, and K. Petermann; Technische Uni- burg, Germany
Catalunya, Castelldefels, Spain ment fully-transparent board-to-board and data server versität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Wavelength-division multiplexers with low footprint
A burst-enabled tunable IM/DD O-OFDM based on �ber interconnections where only the fundamental A discrete model to estimate modal-coupling and its were designed and realized with low-loss hydrogenated
Hartley transform is investigated and experimentally mode propagates without higher-order modes excita- losses in MMF is presented and validated using coupled amorphous silicon. Four and eight channel devices
characterized. Its transmission performances have been tion. mode theory. �e amount of discrete-coupling points based on cascaded racetrack and ring resonators were
assessed in terms of tunability and in the presence of can be reduced signi�cantly if the overall losses are the optically characterized and will be presented.
EDFA transients. same.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Tuesday 14 May 2013

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00
II-1: Quantum and Graphene Plasmonics CI-3: Optical Signal Processing CA-8: High Inversion Laser System JSII-1: Photonics for Defence and Security:
Chair: Peter Nordlander, Rice University, Houston, USA Chair: Stefan Wabnitz, University of Brescia, Italy Chair: Frédéric Druon, Institut d’Optique Graduate Spectroscopy Imaging and Detection
School, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Palaiseau, France Chair: Eric Lallier, �ales Research and Technology,
Palaiseau, France
II-1.1 WED 8:30 CI-3.1 WED 8:30 CA-8.1 WED 8:30 JSII-1.1 WED (Invited) 8:30
Excitation of plasmon modes in a graphene A universal all-�ber Omnipolarizer Diode-pumped Yb:LuAG and Yb:YAG disk laser QCL Based Detection of Hazardous Substances
monolayer supported on a 2D subwavelength silicon J. Fatome1 , S. Pitois1 , P. Morin1 , P.-Y. Bony1 , E. Assémat1 , ampli�ers with high pulse energies �K.N. Patel; Pranalytica, Inc., Santa Monica, CA, United
grating D. Sugny1 , A. Picozzi1 , H.-R. Jauslin1 , G. Millot1 , V. �M. Siebold1 , M. Loeser1 , D. Albach1 , F. Röser1 , States
�X. Zhu1,2 , W. Yan1,2 , P.U. Jepsen1 , O. Hansen3,4 , A. Kozlov2,3 , �M. Guasoni1 , and S. Wabnitz2 ; 1 Laboratoire S. Banerjee2 , and U. Schramm1 ; 1 Helmholtz-Zentrum I will describe use of MWIR and LWIR QCLs, generat-
Mortensen1,2 , and S. Xiao1,2 ; 1 Department of Photonics Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon, France; Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany; 2 Central Laser ing high power tunable radiation in the 3.5�m-12�m re-
Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Università di Brescia, Brescia, Italy; 3 St.-Petersburg State Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, gion, for high sensitivity in-situ and stando� detection
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Center for Nanostructured University, St.-Petersburg, Russia United Kingdom of chemical warfare agents, hazardous toxic industrial
Graphene (CNG), Technical University of Denmark, DK- We experimentally demonstrate an unexpected capabil- We report the �rst short-pulse ampli�cation to sev- chemicals and explosives.
2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; 3 Department of Micro ity of light to self-organize its own state-of-polarization eral hundred millijoule energies in ceramic Yb:LuAG.
and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, in optical �bers into universal, environmentally robust We demonstrated ns-pulse output from a diode-pumped
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; 4 Center for Individ- states. �is polarizing device: Omnipolarizer, can oper- Yb:LuAG ampli�er at an energy of 580 mJ and an e�-
ual Nanoparticle Functionality (CINF), Technical Univer- ate as a digital PBS or as ideal polarizer. ciency of 28%.
sity of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
We experimentally demonstrate graphene-plasmon ex-
citation in a continuous graphene monolayer resting on
a 2D subwavelength silicon grating. Measured trans-
mission spectra illustrate the excitation of graphene-
plasmons, which is further supported by numerical sim-
II-1.2 WED 8:45 CI-3.2 WED 8:45 CA-8.2 WED 8:45
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling between Fiber Optical Parametric Polarizer Millijoule Femtosecond Pulses at 5 kHz from
high-mobility 2DEG and superconducting THz �T. Sylvestre1 , B. Stiller1 , J. Fatome2 , P. Morin2 , S. Pitois2 , cw-Pumped Ho:YAG Regenerative Ampli�er
metasurfaces. and C. Menyuk3 ; 1 Institut FEMTO-ST, Besancon, France; �P. Malevich1 , G. Andriukaitis1 , T. Floery1 , A. Verhoef1 ,
�G. Scalari1 , C. Maissen1 , S. Cibella2 , R. Leoni2 , E. 2
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Di- S. Alisauskas1 , A. Pugzlys1 , A. Baltuska1 , L. Tan2,3 , C.F.
Giovine2 , P. Carelli3 , D. Hagenmüller4 , S. de Liberato4 , C. jon, France; 3 Department of Computer Science and Elec- Chua2 , P.B. Phua2,3 , and A. Fernandez1 ; 1 Photonics In-
Ciuti4 , F. Valmorra1 , M. Beck1 , and J. Faist1 ; 1 Institute of trical Engineering, Baltimore, United States stitute, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria;
Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland; We demonstrate a �ber-optical parametric polarizer, i.e., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore;
2 3
CNR-IFN, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, a polarizing device based on parametric ampli�cation in DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, Singapore
Rome, Italy; 3 DSFC, Università dell’ Aquila, L’Aquila, optical �bers. A large degree of polarization was achieved A novel cw Tm-�ber laser pumped femtosecond Ho:YAG
Italy; 4 Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, for both the signal and idler waves with 25 dB gain. room-temperature CPA system is presented. �e 5-kHz
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 and CNRS, Paris, France system delivers 3mJ pulses with >12nm bandwidth and
We demonstrate ultrastrong light-matter coupling be- an average power of 15W. �e output is compressed to
tween a superconductor-based THz metasurface and 530fs FWHM.
the cyclotron transition of a single high-mobility two-
dimensional electron gas. We measure a normalized cou-
pling ratio of �/ω = 0.27 for ω=420 GHz.
II-1.3 WED (Invited) 9:00 CI-3.3 WED 9:00 CA-8.3 WED 9:00 JSII-1.2 WED 9:00
Quantum e�ects in tunnelling plasmonics All-Optical Phase Regeneration of Multi-level High Energy, High Repetition Rate Picosecond Pulses Kilometre-range, high resolution depth imaging
�J. Aizpurua1 , R. Esteban1 , P. Nordlander2 , and A. Amplitude and Phase Shi� Keyed Signals from a Quasi-CW Diode Pumped Nd:YAG System using 1560 nm wavelength single-photon detection
Borisov3 ; 1 Materials Physics Center (CSIC-UPV/EHU) �G. Hesketh1 and P. Horak2 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research �D.W.E. Noom, S. Witte, and K.S.E. Eikema; LaserLaB �A. McCarthy1 , N. Krichel1,2 , N. Gemmell1 , X. Ren1 ,
and DIPC, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain; 2 Laboratory Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 Optoelectronics Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, �e M. Tanner1,3 , S. Dorenbos4 , V. Zwiller4 , R. Had�eld1,3 ,
for Nanophotonics, Rice University, Houston, United Research Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom Netherlands and G. Buller1 ; 1 School of Engineering and Physical Sci-
States; 3 Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, CNRS- We investigate the e�ect of four-wave-mixing based We present a 300 Hz repetition rate quasi-CW diode- ences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United King-
Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France phase regeneration on the transmission capacity of �ber pumped Nd:YAG laser system, producing 80 mJ, 60 ps dom; 2 Helia Photonics Ltd, Livingston, United Kingdom;
As dimensions between metallic nanoparticles become optic links for complex modulation formats. �e bene- pulses at 532 nm, aimed at parametric ampli�cation of School of Engineering,University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
subnanometric, quantum e�ects such as electron spill- �ts of a novel regenerator with reduced excess amplitude ultrashort pulses for high-�ux so� X-ray generation. United Kingdom; 4 Kalvi Institute of Nanoscience,Del�

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00
CJ-5: High Peak Power Fibre Sources CM-4: Ultrafast Phenomena and IA-4: Quantum State Control CE-7: Nonlinear Materials
Chair: Oliver de Vries, IOF, Jena, Germany Nanostructuring Chair: Valentina Parigi, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Paris, Chair: Markus Pollnau, University of Twente, �e Nether-
Chair: Stefan Nolte, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, France lands
Jena, Germany
CJ-5.1 WED 8:30 CM-4.1 WED 8:30 IA-4.1 WED 8:30 CE-7.1 WED 8:30
50 uJ, 90 ps monolithic �ber ampli�er passively Nanograting Imprinted with Large Optical Phase Shi� from a Single Trapped On the reactive ion etching of RbTiOPO4
Q-switched microchip laser with low timing jitter Femtosecond-Laser-Induced Plasmonic Near-Field Atomic Ion �A. Choudhary1 , J. Cugat2 , P. Kannan1 , R. Sole2 , F.
�G. Machinet, C. Pierre, and P. Dupriez; Alphanov, Tal- �K. Miyazaki and G. Miyaji; Kyoto University, Uji, Japan �A. Jechow1,2 , E. Streed1 , B. Norton1 , S. Haendel1 , Diaz2 , M. Aguilo2 , H. Chong3 , and D. Shepherd1 ;
ence, France We have shown that the ultrafast excitation of surface V. Bluhms1 , and D. Kielpinski1 ; 1 Centre for Quan- 1
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of
We report on a 50uJ, 90ps monolithic �ber ampli�er sys- plasmon polaritons can be controlled to directly imprint tum Dynamics, Gri�th University, Brisbane, Australia; Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom;
2 2
tem seeded by a passively Q-switched microchip laser a homogeneous nanograting on GaN surface in air, using University of Potsdam, Institute of Physics and Astron- Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain;
incorporating a simple timing jitter reduction scheme a simple two-step process of femtosecond laser ablation. omy, Photonics, Potsdam, Germany Electronics and Computer Science, University of
while providing controlled tunable repetition rates. We have used a single trapped atomic ion to induce and Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
measure a large optical phase shi� of 1.3 radians in light We discuss the reactive ion etching of a non-linear crys-
scattered by the atom by utilizing spatial interferometry tal, RbTiOPO4 in a �uorine rich environment and the
based on absorption imaging. process optimisation to fabricate single-mode channel
waveguides in (Yb,Nb):RbTiOPO4 for lasing application
around 1 micron.

CJ-5.2 WED 8:45 CM-4.2 WED 8:45 IA-4.2 WED 8:45 CE-7.2 WED 8:45
75kW peak power 50ps pulsed �ber laser system Multiphoton-avalanche absorption yields with Parametric feedback cooling of a single atom inside the Kerr nonlinearity of the beta-barium borate
�Y. Kamba1 , K. Tei1 , S. Yamaguchi1 , J. Enokidani2 , and femtosecond laser pulses in the wavelength range an optical cavity crystal
S. Sumida2 ; 1 Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan; 2 OPT-i 1300-2200nm �T. Wilk, C. Sames, H. Chibani, C. Hamsen, A.C. Eckl, M. Bache1 , �H. Guo1 , B. Zhou1 , and X. Zeng1,2 ; 1 Group of
Co., Ltd., Kashiwa, Japan �S. Leyder1 , D. Grojo1 , P. Delaporte1 , W. Marine2 , P. Altin, and G. Rempe; Max-Planck-Institut für Quan- Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics, DTU Fotonik, Technical Uni-
We report on a high peak power pulsed Yb-doped �ber M. Sentis1 , and O. Utéza1 ; 1 Aix-Marseille Université, tenoptik, Garching, Germany versity of Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Key
laser with 75kW peak power and 30W average power. CNRS, LP3(Lasers, Plasmas et Procédés Photoniques), We observe for the �rst time parametric feedback cooling Laboratory of Special Fiber Optics and Optical Access Net-
We demonstrated a tunable 50ps-2ns pulse width, a tun- UMR7341, Marseille, France; 2 Aix-Marseille Université, of the radial and axial motion of a single atom held in an works, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, People’s Re-
able 200kHz-8MHz repetition rate and wavelength con- CNRS, CINAM(Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience intra-cavity standing wave dipole trap. public of (PRC)
version. de Marseille), UMR7325, Marseille, France �e beta-barium borate crystal is popular for ultrafast
We measure multiphoton-avalanche absorption yields cascading. We measure the main Kerr nonlinearity, and
inside various band gap materials with femtosecond laser a�er correcting similar literature data for deterministic
pulses at di�erent wavelengths. It provides an original contributions we obtain an average value in excellent
data set to test models for strong �eld ionization by fem- agreement with our results.
tosecond lasers.

CJ-5.3 WED 9:00 CM-4.3 WED 9:00 IA-4.3 WED 9:00 CE-7.3 WED 9:00
Fiber Ampli�er CPA System using Divided-Pulse Unambiguous Evidence of Two Plasmon Decay Coherent manipulation of cold cesium atoms in a High-sensitivity measurement of residual absorption
Ampli�cation for multi-mJ Extraction During Ultrafast Laser Writing in Glass nano�ber-based two-color dipole trap of lithium triborate crystals
�M. Kienel1 , A. Klenke1,3 , S. Breitkopf1 , T. Eidam1,3 , �A. Patel, M. Gecevičius, R. Drevinskas, M. Beresna, and �P. Schneeweiss, R. Mitsch, D. Reitz, C. Sayrin, and A. �N. Waasem1 , F. Kühnemann1 , and K. Buse1,2 ;
C. Jauregui1 , J. Limpert1,2,3 , and A. Tünnermann1,2,3 ; P. Kazansky; Optoelectronics Research Centre, University Rauschenbeutel; Vienna Center for Quantum Science and 1
Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Tech-
Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photon- of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom Technology & Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technol- niques IPM, Freiburg, Germany; 2 Department of
ics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany; 3ω/2 emission has been observed during ultrafast laser ogy, Vienna, Austria Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg,
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision experiments in the regime of permanent modi�cation in We measure the ground state coherence properties of the Freiburg, Germany
Engineering, Jena, Germany; 3 Helmholtz-Institute Jena, glass. �is explicitly demonstrates the existence of two clock transition of cesium atoms in a nano�ber-based Absorption is measured from 410-2600 nm in lithium
Jena, Germany plasmon decay clarifying the issues of plasma concentra- two-color dipole trap. Using a su�ciently large magnetic triborate crystals, employing a photoacoustic spectrome-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
out and coherent tunneling modify their optical re- noise are demonstrated. University of Technology, Del�, �e Netherlands
sponse. We introduce a theoretical framework to de- Centimetre-scale resolution depth imaging of low-
scribe quantum e�ects in realistic plasmonic systems. signature targets at kilometre range was demonstrated
using the single-photon time-of-�ight approach at
1560nm wavelength with a superconducting nanowire
single photon detector.
CI-3.4 WED 9:15 CA-8.4 WED 9:15 JSII-1.3 WED 9:15
Impact of Four-wave Mixing Phase Noise Transfer on �ermal and Non-�ermal Lensing of Yb:YAG and Long Range Active Hyperspectral Target
Wavelength Converted QPSK Signals Tm:YAG �in Slab Laser Gain Media Identi�cation Using Near-IR Supercontinuum Light
�S. Tayeb Naimi, S. O Duill, and L. Barry; Dublin City �B. Fulford1,2 , D. Hall1 , J. Lee2 , and H. Baker1 ; 1 Heriot- Source
University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2 Ro�n- �A. Manninen1 , T. Kääriäinen1 , T. Parviainen2 , S.
We calculate impairments of a 10 GBaud QPSK signal Sinar UK Ltd., Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom Buchter3 , M. Heiliö3 , and T. Laurila1,4 ; 1 Centre for
due to the phase noise transfer of the four-wave mixing �e e�ective lens strength of edge-pumped Yb:YAG and Metrology and Accreditation, Espoo, Finland; 2 Defense
process. We show how this e�ect places limits on pump Tm:YAG thin slabs under various conditions are com- Forces Technical Research Centre, Lakiala, Finland;
sources used in wavelength converters. pared. Discrepancy with a purely thermal model is dis- Lasersec Systems, Jorvas, Finland; 4 Metrology Research
cussed relative to the population di�erence pro�le and Institute, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
electronic refractive index change. Active hyperspectral measurement at distances up to 250
meters in the daytime has been demonstrated. Cost e�-
cient supercontinuum source employing a graded index
optical �ber was used as the light source.
II-1.4 WED 9:30 CI-3.5 WED 9:30 CA-8.5 WED 9:30 JSII-1.4 WED 9:30
Magnetic graphene metamaterial Wavelength conversion of ps-duration pulses induced Temperature Development in Yb:YAG �in-Disk Looking beyond smoke and �ames. A challenge for
�N. Papasimakis1 , S. �ongrattanasiri2 , N. Zheludev1,3 , in mode-locked semiconductor lasers via strong Lasers at High Inversion Densities Con�rming people safety, met thanks to Digital Holography at
and F.J. Garcia de Abajo2 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research Cen- optical injection. Nonlinear Losses 10.6�m
tre & Centre for Photonic Metamaterials, Southamp- �R. Watts1 , R. Rosales2 , S. Murdoch3 , F. Lelarge4 , A. �U. Wolters, K. Beil, C. Kraenkel, K. Petermann, and G. �V. Bianco1 , M. Paturzo1 , M. Locatelli2 , E. Pugliese2 , A.
ton, United Kingdom; 2 Instituto de Química Física Roca- Ramdane3 , and L. Barry1 ; 1 School of Electronic Engi- Huber; Institute of Laser Physics, University of Hamburg, Finizio1 , A. Pelagotti2 , P. Poggi2 , L. Miccio1 , R. Meucci2 ,
solano - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí�cas, neering, Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ire- Hamburg, Germany and P. Ferraro1 ; 1 CNR-National Institute of Optics, Poz-
Madrid, Spain; 3 Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technolo- land; 2 CNRS Laboratory for Photonics and Nanostruc- At high outcoupling transmissions strong heat is gener- zuoli (Naples), Italy; 2 CNR-National Institute of Optics,
gies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singa- tures, Marcoussis, France; 3 Physics Department, Univer- ated in Yb:YAG thin-disk lasers, revealing a nonlinear Florence, Italy
pore sity of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 4 III-V Lab, loss process that reduces laser e�ciency. �ese losses are Here we show that a clear imaging of alive people through
We demonstrate a magnetic graphene metamaterial con- ajoint laboratory of ”Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs” and ”�ales analysed and compared to the photoconductivity results smoke and �ames is possible by Digital Holography at far
sisting of split ring resonators with very high (>100) Research and Technology”, Marcoussis, France found in Yb:YAG. infrared. A lensless con�guration is the key to get rid of
wavelength to unit-cell ratios and high quality factors not A 48GHz passively mode-locked semiconductor laser is the �ame emissions.
attainable by thin layers of conventional noble metals. used as both a high repetition-rate pulse source and also
nonlinear wavelength convertor to achieve wavelength
conversion up to 25nm for 1ps-duration pulses via strong
external optical injection.
II-1.5 WED 9:45 CI-3.6 WED 9:45 CA-8.6 WED 9:45 JSII-1.5 WED 9:45
From individual to strongly coupled metallic All Optical Clock Recovery of 40 GHz Quantum Dash Multimode Laser-Diode Pumped Continuous-Wave Broadband Quantum Cascade Lasers monolithically
nanocavities Mode-Locked Laser to Return-to-Zero 160 Gb/s data Stoichiometric Yb3Al5O12 Laser multiplexed on Silicon for mid-infrared spectroscopy
A. Salomon1 , Y. Prior1 , R. Kolkowski2 , and �J. Zyss2 ; stream �D. Kimura1 , S. Matsubara1 , K. Otani1 , T. Ueda1 , M. G. Maisons1 , �B. Gerard1 , B. Simozrag1 , V. Trinité1 , M.
Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel; 2 Ecole �J. Parra-Cetina1 , J. Luo2 , N. Calabretta2 , and P. Inoue1 , N. Shimojo1 , Y. Sasatani1 , A. Maruko1 , D. Carras1 , M. Brun2 , S. Boutami2 , P. Labaye2 , and S.
Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France Landais1 ; 1 Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ire- Mizuno1 , M. Nishio1 , and S. Kawato1,2,3 ; 1 Graduate Nicoletti2 ; 1 III-V Lab, Palaiseau, France; 2 CEA-LETI,
Polarized SHG imaging evidences strong coupling be- land; 2 Cobra Research Institute, Eindhoven, �e Nether- School of Engineering, University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan; Grenoble, France
tween metallic nanocavities at comparatively long range. lands Research and Education Program for Life Science, Uni- We present the realizations of a QCL monolithic, widely
Coupled triangular nanocavities lose their individual All optical clock recovery of 40 GHz quantum dash versity of Fukui, Fukui, Japan; 3 Japan Synchrotron Radi- tuneable,source in the mid-Infrared for laser spec-
three-fold octupolar symmetry to adopt the lower sym- mode-locked laser has been achieved under injection of ation Research Institute (JASRI),, Sayo, Japan troscopy.
metry of a single dipolar entity. the 160 Gb/s coherent wavelength converted signal fea- A laser-diode-pumped, continuous-wave microchip sto-
turing no spectral component at 40 GHz. ichiometric Yb3Al5O12 laser was realized at room tem-
perature. It is the �rst for the laser-diode-pumped,
continuous-wave stoichiometric Yb lasers, to our knowl-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
A state-of-the-art chirped-pulse �ber ampli�cation sys- tion and nanograting formation. o�set �eld, coherence times in the milliseconds-range ter. Crystals from di�erent manufacturers are compared.
tem for energy scaling is presented. Using divided-pulse- have been obtained. �e measurements reveal large di�erences in the residual
ampli�cation with an active stabilization sytem and pulse absorption at wavelengths below 550 nm.
train tailoring, this system is able to extacting multi-mJ
pulse energies from a LMA �ber.

CJ-5.4 WED 9:15 CM-4.4 WED 9:15 IA-4.4 WED 9:15 CE-7.4 WED 9:15
High Peak Power, High-Energy, High-Average Power Role of Multiple Shots of Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Detecting �e Motional State Of Single Atoms In A Second order nonlinear optical susceptibility of
Pulsed Fibre Laser System with Versatile Pulse Periodic Nanostructure Formation on Silicon Surface High-Finesse Optical Cavity By Heterodyne nonelectrically poled DR1-doped PMMA host-guest
Duration and Shape �G. Miyaji and K. Miyazaki; Kyoto University, Uji, Japan Spectroscopy polymers
�A. Malinowski, P. Gorman, C. Codemard, F. Ghiringhelli, Pump-probe measurements of re�ectivity have shown �S. Yoon1 , R. Reimann1 , S. Manz1 , T. Kampschulte1,2 , �A. Sugita, Y. Sato, K. Ito, K. Murakami, N. Mase, and Y.
A. Boyland, A. Marshall, and M. Durkin; SPI Lasers UK that superimposed multiple shots of low-�uence fem- N. �au1 , W. Alt1 , and D. Meschede1 ; 1 institut für Kawata; Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan
Ltd, Southampton, United Kingdom tosecond laser pulses on silicon surface accumulate non- Angewandte Physik, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany; We will present second order nonlinear optical suscepti-
We demonstrate a 1061nm all-�bre MOPA system with thermal bonding structure change to decrease the abla- Departement Physik, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzer- bility of nonelectrically poled DR1-doped PMMA host-
average power of 265W, capable of pulse energies up to tion threshold and induce subsequent formation of peri- land guest polymers. �e nonlinearity of de�~1.0pm/V was
10.6mJ, peak powers exceeding 100kW with adjustable odic nanostructures. We observe the quantized motion of single atoms obtained from the materials with 1.0 micron-thickness
pulse duration in the range 500ps-500ns. strongly coupled to a high-�nesse optical cavity and in- just by annealing without external �eld applications.
vestigate dynamics of cavity-assisted atom cooling by
means of photon-counting heterodyne spectroscopy.

CJ-5.5 WED 9:30 CM-4.5 WED 9:30 IA-4.5 WED 9:30 CE-7.5 WED 9:30
Imposing Temporal and Frequency Characteristics in Large area, high speed inscription of laser-induced Excitation of a single atom with a temporally shaped Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystalline Polymers for
a System of Coherently Combined High Peak Power periodic surface structures (LIPSS) in Cr using a high light pulses Photoinduced Switching of Nonlinear Optical
Photonic Crystal Fiber Lasers repetition rate fs-laser. S.A. Aljunid1,2 , �V. Leong1 , D.H. Lan3 , Y. Wang1 , Response
�B. Shulga and A. A. Ishaaya; Ben-Gurion University of �A. Ruiz de la Cruz1 , R. Lahoz Espinosa2 , J. Siegel1 , G. G. Maslennikov1 , V. Scarani1,4 , and C. Kurtsiefer1,4 ; �M. Virkki1 , A. Priimagi2,3 , K. Ogawa2 , J.-i. Mamiya2 ,
the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel de la Fuente Leis2 , and J. Solís Céspedes1 ; 1 Laser Pro- 1
Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore, Singapore; M. Kauranen1 , and A. Shishido2 ; 1 Department of Physics,
We experimentally demonstrate e�cient intracavity co- cessing Group, Instituto de Óptica (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; L’Universite Paris Nord, Paris, France; 3 University of Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland;
herent combining of two high peak and average power Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón, CSIC, Uni- Twente, Twente, �e Netherlands; 4 Physics Department, 2
Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Tech-
rod-type photonic crystal �ber lasers. Furthermore, tem- versidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore nology, Yokohama, Japan; 3 Department of Applied
poral and frequency content imposing of one channel on We have produced highly uniform LIPSS over large areas We demonstrate that temporal shaping of the envelope Physics, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
the other is investigated. (∼ cm2 ) on Cr with a fs-laser at high repetition rates. of a weak coherent optical pulses changes the excitation We present the �rst observation of high-contrast pho-
�e structures can be fabricated at very high scan speeds probability of a single trapped atom. Pulses with rising toinduced switching of second-order nonlinear optical
(∼ m/s) over a large processing window. exponential envelope outperform other shapes in accor- response in crosslinked ferroelectric liquid-crystalline
dance with calculations. polymers. �e fully reversible switching behaviour is
triggered by two-photon absorption-induced photoiso-
merization of the crosslinking azobenzene molecules.
CE-7.6 WED 9:45
CJ-5.6 WED 9:45 CM-4.6 WED 9:45 IA-4.6 WED 9:45 Multimodal Nonlinear Imaging of Suspended Carbon
Kilowatt level transform-limited 150 ns monolithic 120 nm resolution and 55nm line width achieved in Magneto-optical traps on a chip using Nanotubes Using Circular Polarizations
pulsed �ber laser emitting in the L band visible light STED-lithography micro-fabricated gratings �G. Bautista1 , M.J. Huttunen1 , O. Herranen2 , A.
�G. Canat, L. Lombard, J. Le Gouët, and A. Dol�- �T.A. Klar, R. Wollhofen, and J. Jacak; Institute of Applied C. Nshii1 , M. Vangeleyn1 , J. Cotter2 , P. Gri�n1 , E. Johansson2 , P. Myllyperkiö3 , M. Ahlskog2 , M. Pettersson3 ,
Bouteyre; Onera, �e French Aerospace Lab, Palaiseau, Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria Hinds2 , C. Ironside3 , P. See4 , A. Sinclair4 , E. Riis1 , and M. Kauranen1 ; 1 Department of Physics, Tampere
France Adding stimulated emission depletion (STED) to two and �A. Arnold1 ; 1 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, University of Technology, Tampere, Finland; 2 Nanoscience
We report on a 1kW peak power pulsed �ber laser emit- photon lithography enables substantial sub-Abbe lithog- United Kingdom; 2 Imperial College, London, United King- Center, Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä,
ting at 1579nm limited by stimulated Brillouin scatter- raphy. Using 780nm for two-photon excitation and dom; 3 University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; Jyväskylä, Finland; 3 Nanoscience Center, Department of
ing. �is �ber monolithic MOPFA operates at 4kHz gen- 532nm for STED, we obtain structure sizes of 55 nm, and National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United King- Chemistry, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
erating 150ns duration pulses with M2<1.2 for CO2 re- a resolution of 120 nm. dom We demonstrate multimodal second-harmonic and
mote sensing. We have realised a single-input-beam magneto-optical third-harmonic generation microscopy of suspended
chip trap which loads 108 atoms from a 1cm3 capture carbon nanotubes using circularly polarized excitation.
volume and delivers sub-Doppler temperatures. �e on- Our results suggest the possibility of performing nonlin-
chip gratings will also enable simple formation of stable ear chirality detection at the single nanotube or nanotube
3D optical lattices. bundle levels.
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00
II-2: Plasmonics Antennas and Waveguides CI-4: Opto-Electronic Devices CA-9: Novel Solid-State Laser Concepts JSII-2: Photonics for Defence and Security:
Chair: Javier Aizpurua, CSIC-UPV EHU, Donostia-San Chair: Daniele Modotto, Università di Brescia, Brescia, Chair: Patrick Georges, Institut d’Optique Graduate Coherent Sources
Sebastian, Spain Italy School, Palaiseau, France Chair: Hans Joachim Wagner, IAF Freiburg, Germany

II-2.1 WED 10:30 CI-4.1 WED 10:30 CA-9.1 WED 10:30 JSII-2.1 WED 10:30
�ird harmonic spectroscopy of complex plasmonic All-optical, Non-volatile, Chalcogenide Phase-change Rotating Cavity Laser: A New Approach for Power 100mJ Q-Switched Er:YAG diode-pumped laser
Fano structures Meta-switch Scaling Solid State Lasers system
�B. Metzger1 , M. Hentschel1,2 , T. Schumacher1,2 , M. B. Gholipour1 , J. Zhang1 , J. Maddock1 , �K.F. MacDonald1 , �M. Eckold, J.I. Mackenzie, and W.A. Clarkson; Opto- �C. Larat1 , M. Schwarz1 , E. Lallier1 , and E. Durand2 ;
Lippitz1,2 , and H. Giessen1 ; 1 4th Physics Institute and Re- D.W. Hewak1 , and N.I. Zheludev1,2 ; 1 University of electronics Research Centre, University of Southampton,, 1
�ales Research & Technology France, Palaiseau, France;
search Center SCoPE, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 Nanyang Southampton, United Kingdom 2
�ales Optronique SAS, Elancourt, France
Germany; 2 Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Technological University, Singapore, Singapore A novel laser architecture for scaling output power and We report on a Er:YAG laser system delivering 100mJ in
Stuttgart, Germany Bistable all-optical switching in a chalcogenide phase- avoiding deleterious thermal e�ects based on a resonator 100ns pulses at 1645nm. Oscillator and ampli�ers are
We perform third-harmonic spectroscopy of complex change metamaterial delivers high-contrast optical sig- with a rotating periscope is described. �e laser yielded end-pumped with 1470nm �bre-coupled laser-diodes.
plasmonic nanoantennas which exhibit EIT-like Fano nal modulation across the visible to mid-infrared spec- 16W of output limited by available pump power. Repetition rate: 30Hz; beam quality: M2<3.6.
resonances in their linear extinction spectrum. Strong tral range in device structures down to 1/27 of a wave-
third harmonic emission is found at the lower energy length thick.
mode of the coupled plasmonic system.

II-2.2 WED 10:45 CI-4.2 WED 10:45 CA-9.2 WED 10:45 JSII-2.2 WED 10:45
Nanoantenna probes: Mode mapping and Nanoscale Electrostatic Control of Dual-core Optical Fibre with High-performance intra-cavity polarization- and Multi-wavelength and multi-band infrared
Imaging NEMS Functionality wavelength-selective grating-mirrors for Yb:YAG semiconductor lasers
�A. Singh1 , G. Calbris1 , and N.F.v. Hulst1,2 ; 1 ICFO - �e �N. Podoliak, Z. Lian, P. Horak, and W.H. Loh; University thin-disk lasers �R. Ostendorf, S. Hugger, M. Rattunde, C. Schilling, S.
Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels (Barcelona), of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom �M. Rumpel1 , M. Möller2 , F. Habel3 , A. Voss1 , C. Kaspar, R. Aidam, A. Baechle, C. Manz, R. Driad, F.
Spain; 2 ICREA - Instutucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis We model an optical �bre with suspended cores for elec- Moormann2 , M. Schacht3 , M. Abdou Ahmed1 , and T. Fuchs, and J. Wagner; Fraunhofer Institute for Applied
Avançats, Barcelona, Spain trostatic actuation of the cores. With metal wires in the Graf1 ; 1 IFSW Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; Solid State Physics, Freiburg, Germany
We present stand-alone nanoantenna probes, where the cladding, an applied voltage of 30V will move the cores, AMO GmbH, Aachen, Germany; 3 LASER COMPO- We present a comprehensive overview of various tech-
nanoantenna is fabricated onto a �ber tip using FIB. We and change the �bre optical properties. NENTS GmbH, Olching, Germany niques to combine di�erent types of short- and mid-
demonstrate a novel near-�eld scanning technique for �e latest results obtained with grating-mirrors for thin- infrared semiconductor-based laser sources for use in
sub-wavelength size mode imaging of dipole and gap op- disk lasers are presented. Very high laser e�ciency, nar- sensing and security related applications.
tical nanoantenna tips. row spectral emission bandwidth, large wavelength tun-
ing range and high polarization purity were achieved
without thermal problems.
II-2.3 WED 11:00
Deeply subwavelength SPP components for CI-4.3 WED 11:00 CA-9.3 WED 11:00 JSII-2.3 WED (Invited) 11:00
nanophotonic circuitry Optical guiding and loss mechanisms in Active Mirrors For kW-Class Fundamental-Mode CW mid-IR OPO based on OP-GaAs
�A. Kriesch1,2,3 , S.P. Burgos3 , D. Ploss1,2 , H. Pfeifer1,2 , electro-optically induced waveguides based on �in-Disk Lasers �P. Schunemann, L. Pomeranz, S. Setzler, C. Jones, and P.
H.A. Atwater3 , and U. Peschel1,2,3 ; 1 Institute of Op- isotropic phase liquid crystals �S. Piehler, B. Weichelt, A. Voss, M. Abdou Ahmed, and T. Budni; BAE Systems, Inc., Nashua, NH, United States
tics, Information and Photonics, University of Erlangen- �M. Blasl, H. Hartwig, K. Bornhorst, and F. Costache; Graf; Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge, Stuttgart, Germany �e �rst successful OP-GaAs continuous wave optical
Nuremberg and Max Planck Institute for the Science of Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems, Dresden, Power scaling of fundamental-mode thin-disk lasers is parametric oscillator, and the �rst cw OPO in any crystal
Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Erlangen Graduate School in Germany limited by the aspherical phase-distortions in the laser pumped at a wavelength > 1.55 microns, achieved 5.3 W
Advanced Optical Technologies, University of Erlangen- A model for loss and guiding mechanisms in electro- crystal. We will present recent results achieved with de- of mid-IR output from 24.7 W pump.
Nuremberg, Germany and Cluster of Excellence for *En- optically induced waveguide devices based on nematic formable mirrors for intra-cavity compensation of these
gineering of Advanced Materials* (EAM), University of liquid crystals in isotropic phase was developed. To- distortions at the kW-level.
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany; 3 �omas J. gether with experimental data, an in-depth understand-
Watson Institute of Applied Physics, California Institute ing of device characteristics was achieved.
of Technology, Pasadena, United States
We propose a novel scheme for plasmonic nanocircuits
based on di�erent plasmonic functional units like opti-
mized optical Yagi antennas and ultrashort optical direc-
tional couplers. �ose units are interconnected with low
loss plasmonic SPP gap waveguides.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00
CJ-6: Ultrafast Fibre Sources CM-5: Material Processing with Shaped Laser IA-5: Non-Classical Light CE-8: Lithium Niobate - Fabrication and
Chair: �omas Andersen, NKT Photonics, Birkerod, Beams Chair: Ana Predojevic, University of Innsbruck, Inns- Characterization
Danemark Chair: Marc Sentis, Aix Marseille University, Marseille, bruck, Austria Chair: Volkmar Dierolf, Lehigh University, Bethlehem,
France USA
CJ-6.1 WED 10:30 CM-5.1 WED 10:30 IA-5.1 WED (Invited) 10:30 CE-8.1 WED 10:30
fs mode-locked �ber laser continuously tunable from Spiral relief formation in an azo-polymer �lm by the Biological measurement beyond the quantum limit UV laser-induced poling inhibited domain building
976 nm to 1070 nm irradiation of a circularly polarized optical vortex �M. Taylor1 , J. Janousek2 , V. Daria2 , J. Knittel1 , B. Hage2 , blocks for photonic and nonlinear optical
�R. Royon1 , J. Lhermite1 , L. Sarger2 , and E. Cormier1 ; beam H.-A. Bachor2 , and W. Bowen1 ; 1 Centre for Engineered microstructures
CELIA BORDEAUX 1, TALENCE, France; 2 LOMA �M. Watabe1 , K. Miyamoto1 , and T. Omatsu1,2 ; 1 Chiba Quantum Systems, University of Queensland, Brisbane, G. Zisis1 , �S. Mailis1 , Y. Ying2 , and E. Soergel3 ;
BORDEAUX 1, TALENCE, France University, Chiba, Japan; 2 JST CREST, Tokyo, Japan Australia; 2 Department of Quantum Science, Australian 1
Optoelectronics Research Centre University of Southamp-
We report on tunable femtosecond pulse generation from Spiral-relief formation in an azo-polymer by the irra- National University, Canberra, Australia ton, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 Avago Technologies,
an all-normal dispersion Yb-doped-�ber-oscillator emit- diation of a circularly-polarized vortex beam was pre- We demonstrate the �rst biological measurement with Singapore, Singapore; 3 Institute of Physics, University of
ting from 976nm to 1070nm. �e laser delivers chirped sented. �e phenomenon was originated by the angu- precision surpassing the quantum noise limit. Lipid par- Bonn, Bonn, Germany
pulses of 10ps with an energy of 220nJ. Pulses are exter- lar momentum transfer of the vortex beam to the azo- ticles within a living yeast cell are tracked with sub-shot We demonstrate that partial overlap of UV laser irradi-
nally recompressed below 350fs. polymer through light-induced mass migration. noise sensitivity, thereby revealing the biological dynam- ated tracks on the +z face of lithium niobate crystals al-
ics of the cellular cytoplasm. lows the composition of arbitrary shaped complex large
scale ferroelectric domain structures by inhibition of pol-
CJ-6.2 WED 10:45 CM-5.2 WED 10:45 CE-8.2 WED 10:45
Discrete spatial dispersion scheme for ampli�cation Double Surface Plasmon Resonances Obtained with Domain Wall Motion of MgO Doped Stoichiometric
and shaping of femtosecond pulses in a multicore Bessel-Beam-Written Nanoslits Arrays Lithium Niobate
�ber �R. Sahin1 , E. Simsek2 , and S. Akturk1 ; 1 Istanbul Tech- J.W. Choi1 , D.-K. Ko1 , J.H. Ro2 , and �N.E. Yu1 ; 1 Gwangju
�P. Rigaud1 , T. Mansuryan1 , G. Bouwmans2 , D. Labat2 , V. nical University, Department of Physics, Istanbul, Turkey; Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea,
Kermene1 , Y. Quiquempois2 , A. Desfarges-Berthelemot1 , 2
George Washington University, Electrical and Computer South; 2 Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, South
and A. Barthélémy1 ; 1 XLIM Institut de Recherche, Limo- Engineering, Washington DC, United States In stoichiometric LN, sidewise wall velocity of a single
ges, France; 2 Institut IRCICA, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France We fabricate nanoslit arrays on semi-transparent gold hexagonal domain was measured to 0.015 ~ 4.58 �m/s in
A compact scheme for ampli�cation of ultrashort pulses �lms, with femtosecond laser Bessel beams. We measure range 0.6 to 3.9 kV/mm. Asymmetric in-out shape and
is investigated based on the pulse spectrum splitting in transmission spectra and obtain double resonance dips lattice interaction was estimated using Ising-model.
narrow bands which are separately ampli�ed in the dif- resulting from metal-air and metal-glass interfaces. Our
ferent cores of a multicore �ber and subsequently coher- theoretical studies con�rm the observed behavior.
ently recombined

CJ-6.3 WED 11:00 CM-5.3 WED 11:00 IA-5.2 WED 11:00 CE-8.3 WED 11:00
33-fs Yb-�ber laser comb locked to Cs-atomic clock Modi�cation of Transparent Materials by Tightly Observation of scalable, highly multimode Control of the properties of micro-structured
�C. Şenel1,2 , R. Hamid1 , C. Erdogan1 , M. Çelik1 , O. Kara1 , Focused Annular, Radially and Azimuthally entanglement in frequency combs with ultrafast pulse waveguides in LiNbO3 fabricated by direct
and O. Ilday2 ; 1 TÜBITAK National Metrology Institute Polarized Ultrafast Laser Beams shaping femtosecond laser inscription
(UME), Kocaeli, Turkey; 2 Department of Physics, Bilkent �J. Zhang, M. Gecevičius, M. Beresna, and P. Kazansky; �J. Roslund, R. Medeiros de Araújo, C. Fabre, and N. Treps; �H. Karakuzu, M. Dubov, and S. Boscolo; Aston Univer-
University, Ankara, Turkey Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southamp- Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris, France sity, Birmingham, United Kingdom
We report an oscillator, designed using a new theoreti- ton, Southampton, United Kingdom Ultrafast pulse shaping is utilized to fully characterize We report on buried waveguides fabricated in lithium
cal methodology, the output of which was ampli�ed in Cylindrically polarized annular beam is produced by the squeezed vacuum output of an OPO synchronously niobate by the method of direct femtosecond laser in-
a scheme that eliminates gain �ltering and stabilized its femtosecond laser written S-waveplate. Self-assembled pumped by a femtosecond pulse train. �is experiment scription. We demonstrate numerically that the disper-
repetition and carrier-envelope-o�set frequency to Cs nanostructures cannot be produced by longitudinal �eld demonstrates scalable, highly multimode state creation sion and other properties of such waveguides can be con-
atomic clocks. component radial polarization. Despite lower intensity in a single beam. trolled by their geometry.
ring-shaped azimuthally polarized beam induced larger
retardance than radial.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
II-2.4 WED 11:15 CI-4.4 WED 11:15 CA-9.4 WED 11:15
Optical phased array nanoantenna link Magnetic-Force-Induced Tunable Long-Period Fibre 650fs pulses at 1045nm from a passively Q-switched
�D. Dregely1 , K. Lindfors1,2 , M. Lippitz1,2 , and H. Grating and Its Application in Erbium-Doped Fibre Nd:YVO4 microchip laser system
Giessen1 ; 1 4th Physics Institute and Research Center Systems �R. Lehneis1 , A. Steinmetz1 , J. Limpert1 , and A.
SCoPE, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; 2 Max �H. Sakata, K. Yamahata, and K. Wakamiya; Shizuoka Tünnermann1,2 ; 1 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,
Planck Insitute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Ger- University, Hamamatsu, Japan Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics,
many We present a tunable notch �lter based on magnetic- Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 07745 Jena, Germany;
We experimentally realized an optical phased array force-induced �bre grating. A loss amplitude is ad- Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision
nanoantenna link using plasmonic antennas as transmit- justable over 20 dB using a magnet with a coil spring. Engineering, Albert-Einstein-Str. 7, 07745 Jena, Germany
ter and receiver. Phase control of the individual array �e device is also demonstrated in erbium-doped �bre We present a novel concept to produce sub-ps pulses
elements led to beam steering at optical frequencies. systems. from a passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 microchip laser
system with a tunable emission wavelength. Pedestal-
free 650fs pulses are demonstrated with a wavelength
shi� from 1064nm to 1045nm.

II-2.5 WED 11:30 CI-4.5 WED 11:30 CA-9.5 WED 11:30 JSII-2.4 WED 11:30
Scattering, interference, and switching of ultrashort Broadband All-Fiber Mode Multiplexer for Future Compact ’prism-by side-pumped’ solid-state laser Widely tunable optoelectronic oscillator based on a
surface plasmon polaritons MDM-WDM Transmission over Few-Mode Fibers �T. Dascalu, G. Salamu, N. Pavel, O. Grigore, and F. Voicu; dual-frequency laser
�C. Reinhardt, T. Birr, W. Cheng, U. Zywietz, A. Ev- �C. Tsekrekos and D. Syvridis; National and Kapodistrian National Institute for Laser Plasma & Radiation Physics, �J. Maxin, G. Pillet, L. Morvan, and D. Dol�; �ales Re-
lyukhin, and B. Chichkov; Laser Zentrum Hannover, Han- University of Athens, Athens, Greece Magurele, Romania search and Technology France, Palaiseau, France
nover, Germany An all-�ber broadband mode multiplexer for mode and A novel laser geometry that couples the pump beam We present a widely tunable (2.5 to 5.5 GHz) and low
Interference and scattering of ultrashort surface wavelength division multiplexing over few-mode �bers into the active crystal through a prism is proposed. A noise(10Hz linewidth and -110 dBc/Hz @10 kHz phase
plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) are studied. Interference (FMFs) is analyzed. �e multiplexer is based on cascaded rectangular-shaped Nd:YAG laser that yields pulses with noise) optoelectronic oscillator, that can �nd applications
of SPPs is applied to tracking and autocorrelation FMF couplers and is optimized for operation over the C 1.8-mJ energy at optical e�ciency of 18% is demon- either in radar, electronic warfare or lidar systems.
of ultrashort SPPs. Ultrafast SPP-light scattering is band. strated.
demonstrated and applications as ultrafast switches are
CI-4.6 WED 11:45
II-2.6 WED 11:45 Observation of Switching and Pulsed Behaviour in a CA-9.6 WED 11:45 JSII-2.5 WED 11:45
Properties of Highly-Nonlinear Hybrid Noise-Driven Resonant Tunneling Diode Excitable Laser Pulse Control of a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 Large bandwidth interferometric technique for
Silicon-Plasmonic Waveguides Optoelectronic Oscillator Bounce Geometry Laser using a Secondary Cavity coherent beam combining
�A. Pitilakis and E. Kriezis; Aristotle University of �essa- �B. Romeira1 , J. Javaloyes2 , C. Ironside3 , J. Figueiredo1 , �E. Arbabzadah1 , P. Shardlow2 , and M. Damzen1 ; �M. Antier, J. Bourderionnet, C. Larat, E. Lallier, E. Lenor-
loniki, �essaloniki, Greece S. Balle2 , O. Piro2 , H. Cantu3 , and A. Kelly3 ; 1 Centro de 1
Imperial College London, London, United King- mand, and A. Brignon; �ales Research & Technology,
We provide a theoretical investigation of nonlinear hy- Electrónica, Optoelectrónica e Telecomunicações, Depar- dom; 2 Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Palaiseau, France
brid silicon-plasmonic waveguides exploiting a metal tamento de Física, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Por- Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom We demonstrate �ber phase-locking system using an in-
wedge. �ese waveguides can provide an exceptionally tugal; 2 Departament de Fisica, Universitat de les Illes A novel method for pulse control in an ultrahigh gain Q- terferometric method. �e system allows complete phase
high nonlinear parameter, while limiting the relative im- Baleares, Palma, Spain; 3 School of Engineering, Univer- switched Nd:YVO4 laser is presented. A secondary cav- error map measurement in a single acquisition. A 1kHz
portance of the detrimental free-carrier e�ects. sity of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom ity clamps excessive ampli�er gain allowing single pulsed correction loop bandwidth was achieved, with a residual
We demonstrate, experimentally and numerically, the operation from very high (800kHz) to low (e.g.1kHz) lambda/50 rms phase error.
dynamical behaviour of a simple noise activated opto- repetition rates.
electronic oscillator comprising a resonant tunnelling
diode-laser diode (RTD-LD) circuit, which exhibits
switching and pulsed behavior that is characteristic of ex-
citable systems.

ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b

14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30
CD-11: Application of Solitons IG-2: Light Beam Propagation in CI-5: Advanced Concepts for CA-10: Beam Control JSIII-1: Light Emission and
Chair: Ulf Peschel, University of Erlangen, Er- Disordered and Periodic Systems Communications Chair: Jacob Mackenzie, University of Propagation in Random Media
langen, Germany Chair: Gian-Luca Oppo, University of Strath- Chair: Sonia Boscolo, Aston University, Southampton, United Kingdom Chair: Goëry Genty, Tampere University of
clyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom Birmingham, United Kingdom Technology, Tampere, Finland

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
CJ-6.4 WED 11:15 CM-5.4 WED 11:15 IA-5.3 WED 11:15 CE-8.4 WED 11:15
Compression of uJ-level fs Pulses from a Monolithic Silicon chiral bump formed by optical vortex laser Multi-mode Quantum Networks Photorefractivity Vs. Wavelength a Comparative
Yb-�ber Ampli�er at 1 um Wavelength in a ablation �J. Janousek1 , S. Armstrong1 , B. Hage1 , J.F. Morizur2 , P.K. Study of Mg- and Zr- Doped Lithium Niobate Crystals
Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber �S. Takizawa1 , F. Takahashi1 , K. Toyoda1 , K. Miyamoto1 , Lam1 , and H. Bachor1 ; 1 Australian National University, �G. Nava1 , P. Minzioni1 , I. Cristiani1 , N. Argiolas2 , M.
�A. Verhoef1 , T. Andersen2 , T. Flöry1 , L. Zhu1 , A. R. Morita2,3 , and T. Omatsu1,3 ; 1 Chiba University, Chiba, Canberra, Australia; 2 Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris, Bazzan2 , M.V. Ciampolillo2 , G. Pozza2 , A. Zaltron2 , and
Galvanauskas3 , A. Baltuska1 , and A. Fernández1 ; Japan; 2 Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan; 3 JST France V. Degiorgio1 ; 1 Quantum Electronics Lab, Dip. di Ingeg-
Institut für Photonik, Technische Universtität Wien, CREST, Tokyo, Japan We report on the experimental preparation of various neria Industriale e dell*Informazione, University of Pavia,
Wien, Austria; 2 NKT Photonics A/S, Birkerød, Denmark; Silicon (Si) chiral bump formation by the single-shot de- multi-mode entangled states, with the ability to switch Pavia, Italy; 2 Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia, University of
Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of position of the optical vortex pulse was demonstrated. between them in real-time. Up to N-mode entanglement Padova, Padova, Italy
Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States �e chiral bump formed on the proceeded surface ex- is measured with just one detector, here N = 8. Photorefractivity of Mg- and Zr- doped Lithium Niobate
We present pulse compression results from an all Yb- hibited a height of 1.5um and tip diameter of 0.8um, re- samples was compared considering di�erent wavelengths
FCPA. �e use of a DCF stretcher and HCPBF com- spectively. and high intensities. Zr doping yield the same photore-
pressor allowed to obtain 250-nJ, 220-fs pulses, enabling fractivity suppression og Mg while requiring half of the
direct �ber delivery of microjoule-energy femtosecond dopant concentration.
laser pulses.
CJ-6.5 WED 11:30 CM-5.5 WED (Invited) 11:30 IA-5.4 WED 11:30 CE-8.5 WED 11:30
Balancing Gain Narrowing with Self Phase Femtosecond laser micro and nano processing with Measuring nonlocal coherence with weak-�eld Equivalent Temperature of Nonlinear-Optical
Modulation: 100-fs, 800-nJ from an nondi�racting Bessel and accelerating Airy beams homodyne detection Crystals in Process of Laser Frequency Conversion
All-Fiber-Integrated Yb Ampli�er �F. Courvoisier1 , A. Mathis1 , J. Zhang1 , L. Froehly1 , �T. Bartley1 , G. Donati1 , X.-M. Jin1,2 , A. Datta1 , M. O. Ryabushkin1,2 , �A. Konyashkin1,2 , D. Myasnikov1,2 ,
�A. Rybak1,2 , I. Pavlov1,2 , C. Senel1,3 , and F.Ö. Ilday1 ; V. Jukna2 , L. Furfaro1 , M. Jacquot1 , R. Giust1 , P.-A. Barbieri1 , and I. Walmsley1 ; 1 Clarendon Laboratory, De- V. Tyrtyshnyy2 , and A. Baranov1,2 ; 1 Moscow Institute
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 2 TUBITAK National Lacourt1 , A. Couairon2 , and J. Dudley1 ; 1 Universite de partment of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudnyy, Russia; 2 NTO
Metrology Institute (UME), Kocaeli, Turkey; 3 Institute of Franche-Comte, Besancon, France; 2 Ecole Polytechnique, Kingdom; 2 Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong ”IRE-Polus”, Fryazino, Russia
Physics, Kiev, Ukraine Palaiseau, France University, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of (PRC) Novel method of piezoelectric resonance spectroscopy
We developed an all-�ber-integrated Yb-ampli�er, gen- �e control of nonlinear light propagation with non- Using a weak-�eld homdodyne detector, we experimen- allows to measure precisely the nonlinear-optical crys-
erating 1.15-microjoule, 20-ps pulses, compressed to 100 di�racting Bessel and Airy beams has open up several tally observe nonlocal coherence between di�erent pho- tal equivalent temperature in process of laser frequency
fs. Gain narrowing is balanced by Kerr nonlinearity exciting applications in the �eld of ultrafast laser micro- ton number components across two modes. �is is a di- conversion. �is method was applied for PPLN crystal
through optimization of each ampli�er stage using nu- nano machining. High aspect ratio and curved machin- rect application of a hybrid detector which counts pho- temperature measurement in second harmonic genera-
merical simulations. ing are reported. tons with a phase reference. tion experiment.
CJ-6.6 WED 11:45 IA-5.5 WED 11:45 CE-8.6 WED 11:45
Frequency-doubled pico-second vortex �ber laser Entanglement-enhanced probing of a delicate High-sensitivity absorption spectroscopy of lithium
formed by a stressed Yb-doped �ber MOPA system material system niobate crystals in the near and mid infrared regime
�M. Koyama1 , T. Hirose1 , A. Shimomura1 , K. Miyamoto1 , �F. Wolfgramm1 , C. Vitelli2 , F. Beduini1 , N. Godbout3 , �S. Fieberg1 , F. Kühnemann1 , and K. Buse1,2 ; 1 Fraunhofer
and T. Omatsu1,2 ; 1 Chiba Univ., Chiba, Japan; 2 JST- and M.W. Mitchell1,4 ; 1 ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fo- Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM,
CREST, Tokyo, Japan toniques, Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain; 2 Center of Life Freiburg, Germany; 2 Department of Microsystems Engi-
Frequency-doubling of a pico-second vortex laser Nanoscience at La Sapienza, Istituto Italiano di Tec- neering IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Ger-
formed of a stressed Yb-doped �ber was performed. nologia, Rome, Italy; 3 COPL, Département de Génie many
Conversion e�ciency of 21% was obtained. �e helicity Physique, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Impurity band strengths of lithium niobate crystals of
of frequency-doubled vortex output was controlled by Canada; 4 ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis di�erent stoichiometry and doping are studied in the
tuning the stress in the �ber. Avançats, barcelona, Spain wavelength range 1460 to 1890 nm and 2450 to 4000 nm
Using atom-tuned narrowband NooN states we demon- using a photothermal common-path interferometer.
strate non-destructive probing of an atomic ensemble
with sensitivity per photon and sensitivity per damage to
the ensemble beyond the standard quantum limit.


14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30
CJ-7: Wavelength-Tuning and CF/IE-8: Ultrafast Fibre and IA-6: Coherent E�ects CE-9: Functional Optical Materials
Conversion Waveguide Lasers Chair: Morgan Mitchell, ICFO, Barcelona, Chair: Harald Schwefel, Max-Planck-Institut
Chair: Carsten �omsen, NKT Photonics, Chair: Lasse Orsila, ORC Tampere, Tampere, Spain für die Physik des Lichtes, Erlangen, Germany
Birkerod, Danemark Finland

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
CD-11.1 WED 14:00 IG-2.1 WED (Keynote) 14:00 CI-5.1 WED 14:00 CA-10.1 WED 14:00 JSIII-1.1 WED 14:00
Robustness of Gap-Solitons in disordered High-Resolution Imaging with Scattered Optical Packet Switching by All-Optical Selective control of wavefront helicity in a Emission Properties of Random Laser
photonic crystal waveguides Light Header Recognition Using 1.55-�m side-pumped Media with a Bubble Structure
�S. Malaguti, G. Bellanca, and S. Trillo; De- �A.P. Mosk; University of Twente, Enschede, Polarization Bistable VCSEL �M. Sato1 , Y. Tokizane1,2 , K. Miyamoto1 , and �T. Okamoto and R. Yoshitome; Kyushu Insti-
partment of Engineering, University of Fer- �e Netherlands �T. Katayama, T. Okamoto, and H. T. Omatsu1,2 ; 1 Chiba Univ., Chiba, Japan; tute of Technology, Iizuka, Japan
rara, Ferrara, Italy Wavefront shaping allows unprecedented Kawaguchi; Nara Institute of Science and CREST, Tokyo, Japan Lasing properties are investigated for dye-
We demonstrate a localized-to-ballistic tran- control of scattered laser light. �is discov- Technology, Ikoma, Japan Selective control of the wavefront helicity in doped polymer random media in which
sition for Gap-Solitons in disordered pho- ery has spurred recent advances in focus- We demonstrated an optical header process- a side-pumped Nd:YVO4 vortex laser was non-scattering regions are distributed. Ex-
tonic crystal waveguides. We prove that for ing and imaging with scattered light, ranging ing system that switches 40-Gb/s payloads to demonstrated by driving a pumping optics. perimental results showed that the fre-
solitons this transition goes faster than the from high-resolution microscopy to non- a designated port depending on the state of A maximum vortex output power of 14W quency selectivity of the inhomogeneous
square of the group velocity, highlighting invasive optical imaging through scattering selected one bit in a 500-Mb/s 4-bit header was achieved at a pump power of 47W. structure results in higher emission intensi-
their improved robustness against disorder. layers. using a 1.55-�m polarization bistable VC- ties than conventional random lasers.

CD-11.2 WED 14:15 CI-5.2 WED 14:15 CA-10.2 WED 14:15 JSIII-1.2 WED 14:15
Spontaneous generation of spectral Fiber non-Turing all-optical computer for Controlling the handedness of directly A random laser with cold atoms
incoherent solitons through solving complex decision problems excited Laguerre Gaussian modes in a �W. Guerin, Q. Baudouin, N. Mercadier,
supercontinuum generation �K. Wu1 , J.G.d. Abajo2,3 , C. Soci1 , P.P. solid-state laser V. Guarrera, and R. Kaiser; Institut Non
B. Kibler1 , �G. Xu1 , C. Michel1 , A. Kudlinski2 , Shum1 , and N.I. Zheludev1,2 ; 1 Centre for �D. Lin, J.M.O. Daniel, and W.A. Clarkson; Linéaire de Nice, CNRS, Université de Nice
B. Barviau1,2 , G. Millot1 , and A. Picozzi1 ; Disruptive Photonic Technologies, Nanyang Optoelectronics Research Centre, University Sophia-Antipolis, Valbonne, France
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Technological University, Singapore, Sin- of Southampton, Southampton, United King- We report the observation of random lasing
Bourgogne, Dijon, France; 2 Laboratoire gapore; 2 Optoelectronics Research Centre, dom in a cold atom sample. �e atoms simulta-
PhLAM, Lille, France University of Southampton, Southampton, A novel approach for directly exciting the neously provide stimulated emission via Ra-
We study experimentally the incoherent United Kingdom; 3 IQFR-CSIC, Madrid, lowest order Laguerre-Gaussian donut mode man gain and feedback via multiple scatter-
regime of supercontinuum generation in Spain with controllable handedness of the helical ing. We discuss the properties of this system.
photonic crystal �bers. We report a transi- We demonstrate an all-optical computer that phase front trajectory in an end-pumped
tion from continuous to discrete spectral in- solves one of the most di�cult complex- solid-state laser is described.
coherent solitons in the low-frequency edge ity problems, the Hamiltonian challenge of
of the supercontinuum spectrum. �nding if a map can be traveled in a way that
each town is visited exactly once.

CD-11.3 WED 14:30

near- and mid-IR few-cycle
self-defocusing soliton compression in
PPLN waveguide CI-5.3 WED 14:30 CA-10.3 WED 14:30 JSIII-1.3 WED (Invited) 14:30
�H. Guo1 , X. Zeng1,2 , B. Zhou1 , and M. Stable 100 GHz Pulses Generated by Tunable milli-joule level 2um fractional Tailoring the Spatial Coherence of
Bache1 ; 1 Group of Ultrafast Nonlinear Op- Injection Locking of Multiple Lasers to an vortex optical parametric ampli�er Random Lasers
tics, DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Optical Frequency Comb �T. Yusufu1 , Y. Tokizane1,2 , M. Yamada1 , K. �H. Cao1 , B. Redding1 , and M. Choma2 ;
Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; �D.S. Wu, D.J. Richardson, and R. Slavík; Miyamoto1 , and T. Omatsu1,2 ; 1 Chiba Uni- 1
Department of Applied Physics, Yale Univer-
Key Laboratory of Special Fiber Optics and University of Southampton, Optoelectronics versity, Chiba, Japan; 2 CREST, Tokyo, Japan sity, New Haven, United States; 2 Department
Optical Access Networks, Shanghai Univer- Research Centre, Southampton, United King- Milli-joule-level tunable 2um fractional vor- of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale School of
sity, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of dom tex laser formed by a 1um vortex pumped Medicine, New Haven, United States
(PRC) Optical pulses were generated by combining optical parametric oscillator and a paramet- We show that the spatial coherence of a ran-
We demonstrate numerically near- and mid- three semiconductor lasers phase locked to ric ampli�er was demonstrated. Maximum dom laser can be tuned by adjusting the scat-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
CJ-7.1 WED 14:00 CF/IE-8.1 WED 14:00 IA-6.1 WED 14:00 CE-9.1 WED 14:00
Recent progress in passively stabilized Picosecond pulses from a Fourier domain Loading and unloading of cavity Flexible Optical Microcavities and �eir
single-frequency Brillouin �ber lasers mode locked (FDML) laser excitation using a strongly coupled Sensing Application
with doubly-resonant cavities �C. Eigenwillig1 , S. Todor2 , W. Wieser1 , B. quantum dot in a photonic molecule �V.D. Ta1 , R. Chen1 , D.M. Nguyen1 , and
�A. Fotiadi1,3,5 , V. Spirin1,2 , C. López- Biedermann1 , T. Klein1 , C. Jirauschek2 , �R. Bose1 , K. Roy Choudhury1 , T. Cai1 , G.S. H. Sun1,2 ; 1 Division of Physics and Applied
Mercado2 , D. Kinet1 , E. Preda1 , I. and R. Huber1 ; 1 Ludwig-Maximilians- Solomon2 , and E. Waks1 ; 1 Department of Physics, School of Mathematical and Physi-
Zolotovskii3 , E. Zlobina4 , S. Kablukov4 , Universität, Munich, Germany; 2 Technische Electrical Engineering, University of Mary- cal Sciences, Nanyang Technological Univer-
and P. Mégret1 ; 1 University of Mons, Mons, Universität, Munich, Germany land, College Park, College Park, United sity, Singapore 639798, Singapore; 2 Centre for
Belgium; 2 CISESE, Ensenada, Mexico; We present latest results of a novel approach States; 2 National Institute of Standards and Disruptive Photonic Technologies (CDPT),
Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, for short pulse generation by using FDML Technology, Gaithersburg, United States Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Russia; 4 Institute of Automation and Elec- lasers. Simulations based on our FDML the- We will present the interaction of a sin- 639798, Singapore
trometry, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 5 Io�e ory predict how almost bandwidth limited gle QD coupled to a 2D photonic molecule. Two di�erent kinds of microcatives namely
Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, pulses might be achieved in the future. We will discuss time-resolved experiments micro�bers and hemispheres are fabricated
Russia in this scheme. based on a novel material composition. By
Brillouin �ber lasers with doubly-resonant doping dye molecules into these structures,
cavities are successfully stabilized through optically pumped microlasers and high sen-
self-injection locking and dynamical popu- sitive refractive index sensors are demon-
lation grating mechanisms. Pump-to-Stokes strated.
conversion e�ciency of ~40% and Stokes
linewidths <500Hz are achieved for both
laser con�gurations.
CJ-7.2 WED 14:15 CF/IE-8.2 WED 14:15 IA-6.2 WED 14:15 CE-9.2 WED 14:15
All-�ber laser source for Cladding-pumped high-power Experimental investigation of the Binary oxide mixtures as a keystone for
CARS-Microscopy mode-locked thulium laser based on �ber transition between Autler-Townes new coated components in the UV:
�T. Gottschall1 , M. Baumgartl1 , M. prepared by powder sinter technology splitting and electromagnetically-induced Multiscale study of nanosecond
Chemnitz1 , J. Abreu-Afonso2 , T. Meyer3 , �D. Gaponov1 , R. Dauliat1 , R. Jamier1 , S. transparency models laser-induced damage
B. Dietzek3 , J. Popp3 , J. Limpert1 , and Grimm2 , K. Schuster2 , and P. Roy1 ; 1 Xlim L. Giner1 , �V. Lucile1 , B. Sparkes2 , A. �C. Gouldie�1 , F. Wagner1 , J.-Y. Natoli1 ,
A. Tünnermann1,4 ; 1
Friedrich-Schiller- UMR CNRS-Université de Limoges n� 7252, Sheremet3 , A. Nicolas1 , O. Mishina1 , M. L. Jensen2 , M. Mende2 , and D. Ristau2,3 ;
Universität Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, Limoges, France; 2 Institute of Photonic Tech- Scherman1 , S. Burks1 , I. Shomroni4 , D. 1
Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France; 2 Laser
Abbe Center of Photonics, Jena, Germany; nology, Jena, Germany Kupryanov3 , P.K. Lam2 , E. Giacobino1 , and Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Ger-
Departmento de Física Aplicada-ICMUV, We report on generation of high average J. Laurat1 ; 1 Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, many; 3 QUEST, Hannover, Germany
Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot, Spain; power picosecond pulses directly from the Paris, France; 2 Australian National Uni- We investigate the laser damage resistance
Institut für Photonische Technologien Jena modelocked thulium �ber laser by using e�- versity, Canberra, Australia; 3 State Poly- of oxide mixture thin �lms to multiple
(IPHT) e.V.,, Jena, Germany; 4 Fraunhofer cient cladding pumped Tm-doped �ber fab- technic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; nanosecond pulses. Pure materials and bi-
Institute for Applied Optics and Precision ricated with new glass powder technology. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Is- nary mixtures are studied in the UV range
Engineering, Jena, Germany rael to understand the physics of possible fatigue
An all-�ber CARS laser based on four-wave- We experimentally investigated with e�ects.
mixing (FWM) and its application to CARS cold Cesium atoms a quantitative test
microscopy is presented. In addition we to objectively discerning Autler-Townes
demonstrate the enhancement of the spec- splitting from electromagnetically-induced
tral resolution by cw-seeding. transparency, and demonstrated that it is
very sensitive to the speci�c properties of
the medium.
CJ-7.3 WED 14:30 CF/IE-8.3 WED 14:30 IA-6.3 WED 14:30 CE-9.3 WED 14:30
High-power Yb- and Tm-doped Fiber Fundamentally mode-locked Yb3+-doped Narrowband source of correlated photon Complex polarization in non z-cut
Ampli�ers Seeded by a Femtosecond glass waveguide lasers with repetition rate pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold whispering gallery mode resonators
Er:�ber System of up to 15.2 GHz atomic ensemble �F. Sedlmeir1,2,3 , M. Hauer2 , J. Fürst1,2 ,
�S. Kumkar, M. Wurnam, P. Storz, D. Fehren- �A. Choudhary1 , A. Lagatsky2 , P. Kannan1 , B. Srivathsan1 , G.K. Gulati1 , �M.Y.B. Chng1 , D.V. Strekalov1 , and H.G.L. Schwefel1,2 ;
bacher, D. Brida, and A. Leitenstorfer; De- W. Sibbett2 , C. Brown2 , and D. Shepherd1 ; G. Maslennikov1 , D. Matsukevich1,2 , A. 1
Max Planck Institute for the Science of
partment of Physics, University of Konstanz, 1
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University Cerè1 , and C. Kurtsiefer1,2 ; 1 Center for Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Institute for Op-
Konstanz, Germany of Southampton, Southampton, United King- Quantum Technologies, Singapore, Singa- tics, Information and Photonics, University
Synchronous high-power Yb: and Tm:�ber dom; 2 SUPA, School of Physics and Astron- pore; 2 Department of Physics, National Uni- of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany;
ampli�ers coherently seeded by the same omy,University of St.Andrews, St.Andrews, versity of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore SAOT, School in Advanced Optical Tech-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
IR self-defocusing cascading quadratic non- a 250-MHz repetition rate frequency comb fractional vortex energy of 3.1mJ was ob- tering strength or the excitation volume. We
linearities using all-normal dispersion PPLN using a combination of optical and electri- tained at a pump-energy of 19mJ. then demonstrate speckle-free imaging us-
waveguides. �e chosen quasi-phase match- cal phase locked loops. �e timing jitter was ing a random laser with low spatial coher-
ing pitch gives octave-spanning bandwidths, only 193*6 fs. ence.
allowing for few-cycle soliton compression
and generation of an octave-spanning super-
CD-11.4 WED 14:45 IG-2.2 WED 14:45 CI-5.4 WED 14:45 CA-10.4 WED 14:45
Spatial Soliton Dynamics in Curved Bound states in a temporal �ber network Evaluation of Radio-over-Fiber Link for high energy and broadband Yb:CaF2
Photonic Lattices with parity-time symmetry 45-GHz- and 60-GHz-Band Simultaneous multipass ampli�er using passive
�F. Diebel, P. Rose, M. Boguslawski, and �A. Regensburger1,2,3 , M.-A. Miri4 , C. Transmissions coherent combining
C. Denz; Institut für Angewandte Physik Bersch1,2 , J. Naeger1 , G. Onishchukov1,2,3 , �A. Kanno and T. Kawanishi; National In- F. Friebel1 , S. Ricaud1,4 , A. Pellegrina2 ,
and Center for Nonlinear Science (CeNoS), D.N. Christodoulides4 , and U. Peschel1,3 ; stitute of Information and Communications M. Hanna1 , E. Mottay4 , P. Camy3 , J.-L.
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institute of Optics, Information and Pho- Technology, Koganei, Japan Doualan3 , R. Moncorge3 , P. Georges1 ,
48149 Münster, Germany tonics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, We con�gure and evaluate a broadband RoF F. Druon1 , and �D. Papadopoulos1,2 ;
We report on the �rst experimental observa- Erlangen, Germany; 2 Max Planck Institute signal simultaneous transmission system for 1
Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut
tion of stable and oscillating solitons in pho- for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany; 45-GHz and 60-GHz bands. Observed �at- d’Optique, CNRS, Univ. Paris Sud, 2,
torefractive photonic Weber lattices. �e ex- Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced ness of the frequency response at these bands Avenue Augustin Fresnel, Palaiseau, France;
perimentally observed dynamic behavior of Optical Technologies (SAOT), Erlangen, and dynamic range are 2 dBp-p and 22 dB, Laboratoire d’Utilisation des Lasers In-
the Weber soliton is corroborated by com- Germany; 4 CREOL, College of Optics and respectively. tenses, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau,
prehensive numerical simulations. Photonics, University of Central Florida, France; 3 Centre de recherche sur les Ions, les
Orlando, United States Matériaux et la Photonique, CEA-CNRS-
We report on the �rst experimental observa- ENSICAEN, Université de Caen, Caen,
tion of localized defect states in a large-scale France; 4 Amplitude Systèmes, 11 avenue de
parity-time (PT) symmetric photonic lattice. Canteranne, Cité de la Photonique, Pessac,
�e system is realized in a time-multiplexed France
network consisting of two coupled optical We report a diode-pumped Yb:CaF2 160-
�ber loops. mJ, 20 Hz multipass ampli�er using coher-
ent combining in order to overcome damage
threshold problems. �e combination e�-
ciency of the passive coherent combination JSIII-1.4 WED 15:00
is up to 96%. Observation of anomalous di�usion in a
1D optical random dimer
CD-11.5 WED 15:00 IG-2.3 WED 15:00 CI-5.5 WED 15:00 CA-10.5 WED 15:00 �S. Stützer1 , U. Naether2 , T. Kottos3 , R.A.
Spatio-temporal cleaning of a Complex beam dynamics in First Investigation of Fast OFDM Radio �e Prospects for Yb- and Nd-Doped Vicencio2 , M.I. Molina2 , A. Tünnermann1 ,
femtosecond laser pulse by a �lament PT-symmetric optical lattices over Fibre System at 60 GHz Using Direct Tungstate Microchip Lasers S. Nolte1 , D.N. Christodoulides4 , and A.
conjugate mirror �K. Makris1 , R. El-Ganainy2 , and D. Laser Modulation �V. Savitski1 , R. Birch1 , E. Fraczek1 , A. Szameit1 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics,
�A. Jarnac1 , M. Durand2 , A. Houard1 , Christodoulides3 ; 1 Department of Electrical �H. Shams and J. Zhao; Photonic Systems Kemp1 , P. Loiko2 , K. Yumashev2 , N. Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-
Y. Liu1 , B. Prade1 , M. Richardson2 , Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, Group (PSG), Tyndall National Institute, Kuleshov2 , and A. Pavlyuk3 ; 1 Institute Universität, Jena, Germany; 2 Departamento
and A. Mysyrowicz1 ; 1
Laboratoire United States; 2 Max Planck Institute for University College Cork (UCC), Cork, Repub- of Photonics, University of Strathclyde, de Fisica and MSI-Nucleus on Advanced
d’Optique Appliquée, ENSTA Paris- the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, lic of Ireland Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2 Center for Optics, Center for Optics and Photonics
tech/CNRS/Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Germany; 3 College of Optics and Photonics Fast OFDM (F-OFDM) was investigated for Optical Materials and Technologies, Be- (CEFOP), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad
France; 2 Townes Laser Institute, CREOL, (CREOL), University of Central Florida, the �rst time in 60GHz radio-over-�ber sys- larusian National Technical University, de Chile, Santiago, Chile; 3 Department of
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Orlando, United States tem using direct laser modulation and opti- Minsk, Belarus; 3 A.V.Nikolaev Institute for Physics, Wesleyan University, Middletown
United States �e complex beam dynamics close to the ex- cal frequency quadruple technique. �e per- Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of (Connecticut), United States; 4 College of
A phase conjugate mirror was formed in ceptional point of a PT-symmetric optical formance was evaluated for 10.3Gbps 4ASK RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Optics and Photonics, University of Central
air with two counter propagating �laments. lattice is systematically examined. Absence F-OFDM and 16QAM conventional OFDM. Nd:KGd(WO4)2 and Yb:KY(WO4)2 crys- Florida, Orlando, United States
�is mirror can clean e�ciently a femtosec- of anomalous di�raction, non-hermitian tals cut along the Ng-axis are used in quasi- We experimentally demonstrate anomalous
ond laser pulse both spatially and tempo- negative refraction, nonlinear evolution of microchip plane-plane lasers for the �rst di�usion in a disordered system with short-
rally. power oscillations, and soliton formation are time. Output powers up to 900mW are range correlations. �e prototypical case of
also investigated. demonstrated. Cavity designs based on ther- a random dimer is realized in a waveguide
mal lens sensitivity factors are discussed. array and a localization-delocalization tran-
sition is observed.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ultrabroadband and passively phase- United Kingdom We demonstrate a bright and narrowband nologies, Erlangen, Germany
stable Er:�ber system are demonstrated. Passive mode locking of a diode-pumped source of time-correlated photon pairs of Birefringent whispering gallery mode res-
Microjoule-level pulse energy and sub monolithic Yb:Glass channel waveguide wavelength 762nm and 795nm generated onators whose optical axis are tilted against
200-fs operation at a repetition rate of 10 laser is reported. 811 fs pulses are generated via four-wave mixing in cold Rubidium-87 their symmetry axis show complex polariza-
MHz are achieved. with an average power of 27 mW and a atoms using a cascade decay level scheme. tion eigenstates. We present Stoke measure-
pulse repetition frequency of 15.2 GHz at ments of the through- and outcoupled light.
CJ-7.4 WED 14:45 CF/IE-8.4 WED 14:45 IA-6.4 WED 14:45 CE-9.4 WED 14:45
E�cient CW All-�ber Optical Parametric All-�ber femtosecond Cherenkov laser at Slow-Light-Enhanced Correlated Photon Broadband multiple light scattering in
Oscillator Operating Below 1 �m visible wavelengths Pair Generation in a Silicon Photonic white LED di�users
�E. Zlobina1 , S. Kablukov1 , and S. Babin1,2 ; �X. Liu1 , J. Laegsgaard1 , U. Møller1 , H. Crystal Coupled-Resonator Optical �W.L. Vos1 , T.W. Tukker2 , A.P. Mosk1 , A.
Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Tu2 , S. Boppart2 , and D. Turchinovich1,3 ; Waveguide Lagendijk1 , and W.L. IJzerman3 ; 1 Complex
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Den- �N. Matsuda1,2 , H. Takesue1 , K. Shimizu1 , Y. Photonic Systems (COPS), MESA+ Institute
Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 Novosibirsk mark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Biophotonics Tokura1 , E. Kuramochi1,2 , and M. Notomi1,2 ; for Nanotechnology, University of Twente,
State University, Novosibirsk, Russia Imaging Laboratory, University of Illinois at NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Enschede, �e Netherlands; 2 Philips Lighting
CW tunable all-�ber optical parametric os- Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, United States; Japan; 2 NTT Nanophotonics Center, Atsugi, - Light Sources and Electronics,, Eindhoven,
cillator based on photonic crystal �ber oper- Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Japan �e Netherlands; 3 Philips Lighting - Optics,
ating below 1 �m is realized for the �rst time. Mainz, Germany We generate quantum-correlated photon Eindhoven, �e Netherlands
�e FOPO has 9.7% slope e�ciency and 460 We demonstrate an all-�ber femtosecond pairs from a silicon photonic-crystal We present di�use optical transmission and
mW output power at 972 nm. Cherenkov laser with pulse duration of sub- coupled-resonator optical waveguide. A re�ectivity of di�users typical of commer-
160-fs, and 3 dB spectral bandwidth not ex- slow light mode enhanced the sponta- cial white LEDs. By invoking nanophotonic
ceeding 36 nm, operating at 580-630 nm. neous four-wave mixing from which we di�usion theory we derive the mean free
�e laser intensity noise is as low as -103 obtained photon pairs with a corresponding path. A model without adjustable parame-
dBc/Hz. nonlinear constant of 9,000 /W/m. ters agrees well with our data.

CJ-7.5 WED 15:00 CF/IE-8.5 WED (Invited) 15:00 IA-6.5 WED 15:00 CE-9.5 WED 15:00
Ultra-broadband Wavelength Swept High-Performance Fiber Lasers Based on Photon Blockade E�ect in the Ultrastrong One-photon absorption direct laser
Tm-doped Fibre Laser Self-Similar Pulse Propagation Coupling Regime writing: a novel approach for fabrication
�M. Tokurakawa1 , J.M.O. Daniel1 , C.S. �W. Renninger and F. Wise; Cornell Univer- �A. Ridolfo1 , M. Leib1 , S. Savasta2 , and of three-dimensional sub-micrometric
Chenug2 , H. Liang2 , and W.A. Clarkson1 ; sity, Ithaca, United States M.J. Hartmann1 ; 1 Technische Universität structures
Optoelectronics Research Centre, Univeristy Stable mode-locking is achieved in a �ber München, Munich, Germany; 2 Universitá di �M.-T. Do, Q. Li, T.T.N. Nguyen, I. Ledoux-
of Southampton, Southampton, United King- laser based on self-similar propagation of a Messina, Messina, Italy Rak, and N.D. Lai; Ecole Normale Supérieure
dom; 2 School of Science & Technology, parabolic pulse in the ampli�er section. Self- We show photon coincidence counting de Cachan, Cachan, France
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, similar mode-locking o�ers routes to high statistics in the ultrastrong coupling regime. We demonstrate successfully the fabrica-
United Kingdom energy, few-cycle pulses from low-noise all- Exploiting the correct input-output relations tion of desired sub-micrometric structures
A wavelength-swept Tm �bre laser source �ber sources. within a suitable Master Equation approach, on demand by using the low one-photon
employing two �bre gain stages to achieve we calculate correlation functions that are absorption direct laser writing technique.
wide wavelength tuning is reported. �e valid for arbitrary degrees of light-matter in- �is technique presents great advantages,
laser yielded over 500mW of output and had teraction. because 3D structures can be achievable with
scanning range from 1750nm to 2080nm. a simple continuous laser.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
CD-11.6 WED 15:15 IG-2.4 WED 15:15 CI-5.6 WED 15:15 CA-10.6 WED 15:15 JSIII-1.5 WED 15:15
Kerr Frequency Comb Generation in the Beam Shaping in Spatially Modulated Long-range, High Bit-rate Secure Key Solid-state dual-frequency laser free from Position-Dependent Di�usion of Light in
Normal Dispersion Regime of Dispersion Broad Area Semiconductor Ampli�ers Distribution Link Utilizing Raman anti-phase noise Disordered Waveguides
Oscillating Telecom Fiber �R. Herrero1 , M. Botey2 , K. Staliunas1,4 , Ultra-long Fiber Laser (UFL) �A. El Amili1 , G. Loas1 , S. De2 , S. Schwartz3 , A. Yamilov1 , R. Sarma2 , B. Redding2 , B.
�C. Finot1 , J. Fatome1 , A. Sysoliatin2 , A. and M. Radziunas3 ; 1 Universitat Politècnica �A. El-taher1 , O. Kotlicki2 , J. Scheuer2 , P. G. Feugnet3 , J.-P. Pocholle3 , F. Bretenaker2 , Payne1 , H. Noh2,3 , and �H. Cao2 ; 1 Missouri
Kosolapov2 , and S. Wabnitz3 ; 1 Université de de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain; 2 Universitat Harper1 , and S. Turitsyn1 ; 1 Aston Univer- and M. Alouini1,3 ; 1 Institut de Physique University of Science and Technology, Rolla,
Bourgogne, Dijon, France; 2 Fiber Optics Re- Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; sity, Birmingham, United Kingdom; 2 Tel Aviv de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, United States; 2 Yale University, New Haven,
search Center, Moscow, Russia; 3 Università di 3
Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany; University, Tel Aviv, Israel France; 2 Laboratoire Aimé-Cotton, CNRS- United States; 3 Kookmin University, Seoul,
Brescia, Brescia, Italy Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis A novel, ultralong �ber-laser based, secure Université Paris 11, Orsay, France; 3 �ales Korea, South
We experimentally demonstrate the gener- Avançats, Barcelona, Spain key distribution scheme comprising stan- Research and Technology, Palaiseau, France Position-dependent di�usion coe�cient is
ation of unequal spacing Kerr frequency We propose a beam shaping mechanism in dard components, exhibiting error-free key A reduction of more than 20 dB of the inten- observed experimentally in disordered opti-
combs and multiple four wave mixing side- broad area semiconductor ampli�ers by spa- distribution with record-levels 500km range sity noise at the antiphase relaxation oscil- cal waveguides. Strong wave interference ef-
bands in the normal dispersion regime of a tial pump modulation on a micron scale. and 100Bps bit-rate is demonstrated. �e lation frequency is experimentally demon- fects make the di�usion coe�cient depend
dispersion oscillating highly nonlinear tele- Spatial �ltering and substantial improve- scheme represents an inexpensive, long- strated in a two-polarization dual-frequency on the size, shape of the random medium as
com �ber. ment of the beam quality during ampli�ca- range technology for secure communica- solid-state laser without any optical or elec- well as the material absorption.
tion is predicted under realistic parameters. tion. tronic feedback loop.

16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:15 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30
CD-12: Solitons and Nonlinearly IG-3: Polaritons and Quantum CH-3: Advances in Optical Sensor CK-6: Plasmonic Nanostructures JSIII-2: Rogue Waves and Soliton
Driven Self-organization Fluids Devices and Applications Dynamics
Chair: �omas Pertsch, Friedrich Schiller Chair: Dmitry Skryabin, University of Bath, Chair: Stavros Pissadakis, Foundation for Re- Chair: Sergei Romanov, Max Planck Institute Chair: Stefan Skupin, Max Planck Institute
University, Jena, Germany United Kingdom search and Technology IESL-FORTH, Herak- for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden,
lion, Greece Germany
CD-12.1 WED 16:00 IG-3.1 WED 16:00 CH-3.1 WED 16:00 CK-6.1 WED 16:00 JSIII-2.1 WED 16:00
Soliton pulse compression in adiabatically Soliton and shock waves in an exciton Dual-polarization opto�uidic Broad-spectrum chiral optical response in RogueWaves of the Vector Nonlinear
tapered silicon photonic wires polariton quantum pond biodetection based on polymer microring achiral structures patterned from silver Schrodinger Equations
�S. Lavdas1 , J. Driscoll2 , R. Grote2 , R. �L. Dominici1,2 , M. De Giorgi1,2 , D. resonators nanoparticles by plasmon-assisted �F. Baronio1 , M. Conforti1 , S. Wabnitz1 , and
Osgood2 , and N. Panoiu1 ; 1 University Col- Ballarini1,2 , E. Cancellieri3 , F. Laussy4 , �C. Delezoide1 , C. Noguès2 , R. Castro1 , two-photon direct laser lithography A. Degasperis2 ; 1 University of Brescia, Bres-
lege London, London, United Kingdom; E. Giacobino3 , A. Bramati3 , G. Gigli1,2,5 , J. Lautru3 , M. Buckle2 , I. Ledoux-Rak1 , �X. Vidal1,2 , W.J. Kim2 , A. Baev2 , V. cia, Italy; 2 Sapienza University, Roma, Italy
Columbia University, New York, United and D. Sanvitto1,2 ; 1 Istituto Italiano di J. Zyss3 , and C.T. Nguyen1 ; 1 LPQM - Tokar2,3 , H.S. Jee2 , M.T. Swihart2,4 , and We present a semirational vector solution
States Tecnologia, IIT-Lecce, Lecce, Italy; 2 NNL, ENS Cachan, Cachan, France; 2 LBPA - P.N. Prasad2,4 ; 1 Macquarie University, Syd- of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations.
We demonstrate that one can achieve Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR, Lecce, Italy; ENS Cachan, Cachan, France; 3 Institut ney, Australia; 2 Institute for Lasers, Photon- �is family of solutions includes known vec-
temporal compression of ultra-short Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Université d’Alembert - ENS Cachan, Cachan, France ics and Biophotonics, Bu�alo, United States; tor Peregrine solutions, bright- and dark-
optical pulses by more than three times Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, École Nor- We present the real-time dual-polarization Taras Shevchenko National University of rogue solutions, and novel vector freak
in millimetre-long adiabatically tapered male Supérieure et CNRS, Paris, France; opto�uidic detection of binding events of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine; 4 University at Bu�alo, waves.
silicon photonic nanowire waveguides when Fisica Teorica de la Materia Condensada, an antigen/antibody biological system with a Bu�alo, United States
the optical pulses propagate in the soliton Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, polymeric vertically-coupled microring res- We demonstrate a combined bottom-up
regime. Spain; 5 Innovation Engineering Department, onator as transducer. and top-down technique for producing
University of Salento, Lecce, Italy submicron-patterned structures that exhibit
We demonstrate for the �rst time the pres- chiral optical response from ultraviolet to
ence of shock waves and standing soliton infrared wavelengths. Plasmon-enhanced
formation in an exciton polariton conden- molecular chirality provides chiral response
sate resonantly created in a semiconductor without broken symmetry in the patterned
microcavity. structures.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
CJ-7.6 WED 15:15 IA-6.6 WED 15:15 CE-9.6 WED 15:15
Mid-IR supercontinuum generation in Monolithic generation and manipulation In�uence of the shell geometry on the
thulium-doped �ber ampli�er. of nondegenerate photon pairs within a state of charge of CdSe/CdS dot-in- rods
�V. Kamynin1 , Y. Sadovnikova2 , A. Kurkov1 , silicon-on-insulator quantum photonic nanonocrystals
and V. Tsvetkov1 ; 1 Prokhorov General Physics circuit �M. Manceau1 , S. Vezzoli1 , F. Pisanello2,4 , L.
Institute, Moscow, Russia; 2 Moscow State �J. Silverstone1 , D. Bonneau1 , R. Had�eld2 , Carbone3 , E. Giacobino1 , M. De Vittorio2,4 ,
University of Instrument Engineering and V. Zwiller3 , J. Rarity1 , J. O’Brien1 , and M. and A. Bramati1 ; 1 Laboratoire Kastler
Computer Science, Moscow, Russia �ompson1 ; 1 University of Bristol, Bristol, Brossel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
�ulium doped �ber ampli�er was used as United Kingdom; 2 University of Glasgow, CNRS UMR 8552, Ecole Normale Supérieure,
medium for Mid-IR supercontinuum gener- Glasgow, United Kingdom; 3 TU Del�, Del�, Paris, France; 2 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
ation. High spectral power density and �at- �e Netherlands (IIT), Center for Bio-Molecular Nanotech-
ness in the range from 1850 to 2550 nm was We report the �rst on-chip quantum in- nology, Arnesano, Lecce, Italy; 3 Center
observed. terference between photons generated in for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems
two discrete spontaneous four-wave mixing @UNITN, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,
sources, and the manipulation of this bipho- Rovereto, Italy; 4 National Nanotechnology
tonic state using silicon-on-insulator inte- Laboratory, CNR-Nano, Università del
grated optics. Salento, Dipartimento Ingegneria dell
innovazione, Arnesano, Lecce, Italy
�e state of charge of colloidal nanocrys-
tals is critical for their application as light
sources. Performing lifetime measurements
on CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods, we show di�er-
ent charging trends depending on the length
and thickness of the rods.
16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30
CJ-8: Fibre Laser Sources CF/IE-9: Ultrafast Optical IH-2: Heat and Energy Control CG-3: Plasma Based Sources
Chair: Johannes Nold, Fraunhofer IOF, Jena, Parametric Ampli�ers Chair: Rashid Zia, Brown University, Provi- Chair: Laszlo Veisz, Max-Planck-Institute of
Germany Chair: Daniele Brida, Konstanz University, dence, United States Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
Konstanz, Germany

CJ-8.1 WED 16:00 CF/IE-9.1 WED 16:00 IH-2.1 WED (Keynote) 16:00 CG-3.1 WED 16:00
Eyesafe Wind LIDAR Based On A Ultra-stable �ber pumped CEP-stabilized Broadband Management of Light Using E�ective interaction of intense ultra-short
Coherently-Beam-Combined Laser dual stage OPCPA System Nanophotonics for Solar and �ermal laser pulse with nano-structure targets
Source �J. Matyschok1 , T. Binhammer2 , T. Lang1,3 , Applications �A. Andreev; Max Born Institute, Berlin, Ger-
�L. Lombard, M. Valla, C. Planchat, D. O. Prochnow2 , S. Rausch2 , P. Rudawski4 , �S. Fan; Stanford University, Ginzton Labora- many
Goular, B. Augère, P. Bourdon, and G. Canat; C.L. Arnold4 , A. L’Huillier4 , and U. tory, Stanford, CA, United States It is shown that optimal foil target relief of
Onera, �e French Aerospace Lab, Palaiseau, Morgner1,3,5 ; 1 Institute of Quantum Optics, �ere is enormous potential for the use of nm scale signi�cantly rise laser pulse ab-
France Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, nanophotonics in solar and thermal appli- sorption and improves fast particles and X-
We report on a coherent wind LIDAR Germany; 2 VENTEON Laser Technologies cations. In this talk, we show that one can ray yield. Generated short electron bunches
based on a pulse laser source made of GmbH, Garbsen, Germany; 3 Centre for use nanophotonic approach to enhance both can be used for production of attosecond
two coherently-beam-combined ampli�ers. Quantum Engineering and Space-Time the voltage and the current of the solar cells. pulses
�e LIDAR performances are compared us- Research (QUEST), Hannover, Germany; We also show one can use nanophotonics ef-
ing the combined-ampli�er and the single- Department of Physics, Lund University, fectively for a number of emerging thermal
ampli�er of the same power. Lund, Sweden; 5 Laser Zentrum Hannover applications, including both novel approach
(LZH), Hannover, Germany for radiative cooling in the far �eld, and ac-
OPCPA pulses with 800 MW of peak-power tive control of heat �ow in the near �eld.
at high repetition rates with excellent power
and CEO phase stability are reported, to-
gether with detailed numerical analysis of
the parametric ampli�cation process.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
CD-12.2 WED 16:15 IG-3.2 WED 16:15 CH-3.2 WED 16:15 CK-6.2 WED 16:15 JSIII-2.2 WED 16:15
Appearances and Disappearances of Macroscopic self-trapping and non-linear Fabry-Perot Vapor Microsensor onto �ree-dimensional Winged Nanocone Real time spectra and wavelength
Fermi Pasta Ulam Recurrence in Josephson oscillations in coupled Fibre Endface Fabricated by Multiphoton Optical Antennas correlation maps: new insights into
Nonlinear Fiber Optics polariton condensates Polymerization Technique �M.J. Huttunen1 , D. Andriano1 , J. Mäkitalo1 , octave-spanning supercontinuum
�A. Mussot1 , A. Kudlinski1 , M. Droques1 , A. Amo1 , M. Abbarchi1 , �V.G. Sala1 , D.D. �V. Melissinaki1,2 , M. Vamvakaki1,3 , M. K. Lindfors2 , M. Lippitz2,3 , and M. generation and rogue waves
P. Szri�giser1 , and N. Akhmediev2 ; Solnyshkov2 , H. Flayac2 , L. Ferrier1 , I. Farsari1 , and S. Pissadakis1 ; 1 Foundation for Kauranen1 ; 1 Department of Physics, Tam- �T. Godin1 , B. Wetzel1 , T. Sylvestre1 , L.
Laboratoire PhLAM UMR CNRS 8523, Sagnes1 , E. Galopin1 , A. Lemaître1 , G. Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), pere University of Technology, Tampere, Larger1 , J.-M. Merolla1 , A. Ben Salem2 ,
IRCICA, Université Lille 1, illeneuve d’Ascq, Malpuech2 , and J. Bloch1 ; 1 Laboratoire de Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser Finland; 2 Max Planck Institute for Solid R. Cherif2 , M. Zghal2 , A. Kudlinsli3 , A.
France; 2 Optical Sciences Group, Research Photonique et Nanostructures, CNRS, Mar- (IESL), Heraklion, Greece; 2 Department State Research, Stuttgart, Germany; 3 4. Mussot3 , G. Genty4 , F. Dias5 , and J.M.
School of Physics and Engineering, �e coussis, France; 2 Institut Pascal, PHOTON- of Physics, University of Crete, Heraklion, Physics Institute, University of Stuttgart, Dudley1 ; 1 Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon,
Australian National University, Canberra, N2, Clermont Université, Blaise Pascal Uni- Greece; 3 Department of Materials Science Stuttgart, Germany France; 2 University of 7th November,
Australia versity, CNRS, Aubière, France and Technology, Heraklion, Greece We fabricate and characterize three- Sup’Com, Cirta’Com Laboratory, Ariana,
We show experimentally and numerically Exciton-polaritons are mixed light-matter A Fabry-Perot optical hybrid microsensor, dimensional winged nanocone optical Tunisia; 3 PhLAM/IRCICA - Université de
that FPU recurence in low dispersion non- particles with strong non-linearities. Here fabricated by multiphoton polymerization antennas, which can couple transverse �eld Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; 4 Department
linear �ber optics experiences multiple ap- we report the experimental observation of technique onto a SMF28 �bre endface, is components of incident light into localized of Physics, Tampere University of Technology,
pearances and disappearances. macroscopic self-trapping and non-linear presented. �is �bre sensing probe is inves- near-�elds at the apex of the cones. Tampere, Finland; 5 School of Mathematical
Josephson oscillations of two coupled po- tigated for measuring vapour concentration Sciences, University College Dublin, Dublin,
lariton condensates in engineered photonic of organic solvents. Republic of Ireland
molecules etched in a semiconductor micro- We report real-time measurements of shot-
cavity. to-shot spectral instabilities of an octave-
spanning supercontinuum. Spectral corre-
lations derived from experimental data re-
veal physical signatures of nonlinear pro-
cesses including soliton-dispersive wave in-
CD-12.3 WED (Invited) 16:30 IG-3.3 WED 16:30 CH-3.3 WED 16:30 CK-6.3 WED (Invited) 16:30 teractions and Raman soliton wavelength jit-
Enlightening the rules of disorder: from Spin-induced spontaneous symmetry Study on Detection of Contamination of Integrated Plasmonic NanoBiosensors ter.
broadband energy harvesting to breaking of exciton-polariton patterns Pure Water Using Silica Microsphere �H. Altug1,2 , R. Adato1,2 , A. Artar1 , K.
many-body solitons and light �A. Werner1,2 , O.A. Egorov1,2 , and F. �J. Nishimura and T. Tanabe; Keio Univ., Chen1 , and S. Aksu1 ; 1 Boston University, JSIII-2.3 WED 16:30
condensation dynamics Lederer1,2 ; 1 Institute of Condensed Matter Yokohama, Japan Boston, United States; 2 Ecole Polytechnique Coherence and single-shot spectra of
�A. Fratalocchi; PRIMALIGHT �eory and Solid State Optics, Jena, Ger- �e resonance shi� of silica microspheres is Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzer- noise-like pulse trains
(; Faculty of Elec- many; 2 Abbe Center of Photonics, Jena, studied as regards monitoring the purity of land �A. Runge, C. Aguergaray, N.G.R. Broderick,
trical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Germany water. We found that the adsorption length- We will demonstrate plasmonic and meta- and M. Erkintalo; University of Auckland,
Mathematics and Computational Science, We study theoretically the in�uence of the ens the resonance wavelength while the re- material based integrated nano-biosensors Auckland, New Zealand
�uwal, Saudi Arabia exciton spin dynamics on the existence and action of silica with pure water shortens it. and ultrasensitive infrared absorption spec- We report on experimental of coherence and
In this invited talk I will discuss the dynam- stability of spatial polariton patterns in a troscopy. �ese systems by enabling mon- �uctuations in noise-like ultrafast �ber oscil-
ics of light in disordered systems, ranging semiconductor microcavity. We �nd spon- itoring of molecular-protein interactions in lators. Single-shot spectral measurements of
from energy harvesting to light condensa- taneous symmetry breaking of the polariza- real-time within aqueous solutions can be the megahertz pulse train reveal signi�cant
tion dynamics, shock waves in disordered tion. important for biomedical sciences and phar- roundtrip-to-roundtrip variations that are
replicas and soliton gases, covering both the- macology. washed out when using conventional time-
ory and experiments. averaged techniques.

IG-3.4 WED 16:45 CH-3.4 WED 16:45 JSIII-2.4 WED 16:45

Terahertz Josephson plasma solitons in Characterization of optical strain sensors Dissipative rogue waves through
high-Tc superconductors based on silicon waveguides multi-pulse collisions in a �ber laser
�L. Zhang1 , E. Casandruc1 , M. Eckstein1 , �W. Westerveld1,2 , J. Pozo2 , P. Muilwijk2 , S. �C. Lecaplain1 , P. Grelu1 , J.-M. Soto-Crespo2 ,
A. Dienst2 , D. Fausti1,2,3 , Y. Laplace1 , and Leinders1 , P. Harmsma2 , E. Tabak2 , T. van and N. Akhmediev3 ; 1 Laboratoire Interdisci-
A. Cavalleri1,2 ; 1 Max-Planck Research De- den Dool2 , K. van Dongen1 , M. Youse�3 , plinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, U.M.R. 6303
partment for Structual Dynamics, Univer- and P. Urbach1 ; 1 Del� University of Tech- C.N.R.S., Dijon Cedex, France; 2 Instituto de
sity of Hamburg-CFEL, Hamburg, Germany; nology, Del�, �e Netherlands; 2 TNO, Del�, Optica, C.S.I.C., Madrid, Spain; 3 Optical Sci-
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, �e Netherlands; 3 Photonic Sensing Solu- ences Group, Research School of Physics and
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
CJ-8.2 WED 16:15 CF/IE-9.2 WED 16:15 CG-3.2 WED 16:15
Single-mode Yb-free Er-doped all-�ber NIR and MIR tunable 130 fs Sub-2-Cycle Laser-Driven Wake�eld
laser cladding-pumped at 976 nm with Supercontinuum-Seeded OPA with 25 nJ Electron Acceleration
record e�ciency of 40 % and output Pulse Energy and 5 MHz Repetition Rate �S.-W. Chou1,2 , J. Xu1 , D. Cardenas1 , D.
power of 75 W �T. Hansel1 , W. Köhler2 , A. Assion2 , J. Rivas1,2 , T. Wittmann1 , F. Krausz1,2 , S.
�L. Kotov1,2 , M. Likhachev1 , M. Bubnov1 , Bethge1 , and E. Büttner1 ; 1 Angewandte Karsch2,1 , and L. Veisz1 ; 1 Max-Planck-
O. Medvedkov1 , M. Yashkov3 , A. Guryanov3 , Physik und Elektronik GmbH, Berlin, Ger- Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Ger-
S. Fevrier4,5 , J. Lhermite4 , and E. Cormier4 ; many; 2 Femtolasers Produktions GmbH, Vi- many; 2
Fiber optics research center of the Rus- enna, Austria Garching, Germany
sian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; A novel OPA based femtosecond light source We report on the �rst laser-driven electron
Moscow institute of physics and technol- tunable in the NIR and MIR spectral region acceleration experiment with a sub-2-cycle
ogy (state university), Dolgoprudny, Russia; with 5MHz rep-rate and 140mW maximum (sub-5 fs) multi-TW laser. About 10 MeV
Institute of High Purity Substances of the power is presented. �e system is self-seeded dark-current-free mono-energetic electron
Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Nov- by a supercontinuum generated in a YAG- bunches were observed with charge few pC
gorod, Russia; 4 Centre Lasers Intenses et Ap- crystal. charge and few-10 mrad divergence.
plications, Université Bordeaux 1, Talence,
France; 5 Xlim, University of Limoges, Limo-
ges, France
We present the high power cladding pumped
all-�ber laser based on the newly developed
Erbium doped �ber. Output power of 75 W
with record e�ciency of 40 % was obtained
through optimization of �ber design.
CJ-8.3 WED 16:30 CF/IE-9.3 WED 16:30 CG-3.3 WED 16:30
Optical Repetition Rate Control of an Broadly-tunable near- and mid-IR source Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation in
Erbium-doped All-Fiber Laser by direct pumping of an OPA with a 42 Transition Metal Ablation Plumes
�T. Hellwig, S. Rieger, T. Walbaum, and MHz femtosecond multi-Watt Yb:KGW �T. Witting1 , R. Ganeev2 , F. Frank1 , M.
C. Fallnich; Institut für Angewandte Physik, oscillator Tudorovskaya3 , W. Okell1 , Z. Abdelraman1 ,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, �J. Krauth1 , A. Steinmann1 , R. Hegenbarth1 , D. Fabris1 , C. Hutchinson1 , M. Lein3 , J.
Germany M. Conforti2 , and H. Giessen1 ; 1 4th Physics Marangos1 , and J. Tisch1 ; 1 Blackett Lab-
Optical repetition rate stabilization of a Institute and Research Center SCOPE, oratory, Imperial College London, London,
mode-locked all-�ber Erbium laser by University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; United Kingdom; 2 Institute of Electronics,
changing the refractive index of an intra- CNISM, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 3 Institut für �eoretis-
cavity Ytterbium-doped �ber via optical dell’Informazione, Università di Brescia, che Physik and Centre for Quantum Engi-
pumping is presented. Brescia, Italy neering and Space-Time Research (QUEST),
We generate over half a watt tunable from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover,
1380-1830 nm, several hundred milliwatts Germany
from 2.41-4.22 �m and milliwatt level mid- We generate high order harmonics in
IR radiation (4.85-9.33 �m) by pumping an transition-metal ablation plumes using
OPA directly with a Yb:KGW oscillator at a sub-2-cycle driving pulse. �e giant
41.7 MHz. photo-ionization resonances allow drastic
�ux enhancements. TDSE modelling and
�rst experiments suggest sub-fs pulse
durations from this source.
CJ-8.4 WED 16:45 CF/IE-9.4 WED 16:45 IH-2.2 WED 16:45 CG-3.4 WED 16:45
SBS suppression in high power single Impact of parasitic, cascaded, and spatial Heat transfer and non-equilibrum High-order harmonic generation from
frequency �ber ampli�ers by longitudinal e�ects to the spatio-temporal pulse Casimir forces in nanostructured surfaces controlled plasma mirrors
varying strain shaping dynamics in optical parametric �R. Guérout, S. Reynaud, and A. Lambrecht; �S. Monchocé; Commissariat à l’Energie
L. Zhang, J. Hu, S. Cui, and �Y. Feng; Shang- ampli�ers Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, ENS, UPMC, Atomique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
hai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, �T. Lang1,2 , A. Harth1,2 , M. Schultze1 , and CNRS, Paris, France We demonstrate experimentally that varying
Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of (PRC) U. Morgner1,2 ; 1 Institute of Quantum Op- I’ll review recent calculations for Casimir in- the density gradient of a plasma mirror al-
�e contribution has been withdrawn by the tics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Han- teractions between nanostructured surfaces lows control over the harmonic generation
authors. nover, Germany; 2 Centre for Quantum Engi- both at thermodynamic equilibrium and out mechanisms. At very high intensity, this pa-
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
Oxford, United Kingdom; 3 Physics depart- tions, Amsterdam, �e Netherlands Engineering, Canberra, Australia
ment, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy We present an extensive proof of the prin- Following the �rst experimental observation
We show that Josephson plasma solitions in ciple of silicon microring resonators operat- of a new mechanism for rogue wave (RW)
layered high-temperature superconductors ing as strain sensors as well as a complete formation (PRL 108, 233901 (2012)), we
can be excited with a strong terahertz elec- study of the in�uence of the design choices provide an extensive experimental study in
tromagnetic �eld and detected by a trans- and physical e�ects. mode-locked laser where comparison with
parency window in the perturbed loss func- non-RW pulsating regimes is provided.
tion of the material.
CD-12.4 WED 17:00 IG-3.5 WED 17:00 CH-3.5 WED 17:00 CK-6.4 WED 17:00 JSIII-2.5 WED (Invited) 17:00
Bright Dispersive Waves in Dual-Core Temporal long-range order in dynamic Diaphragm Etching in Extrinsic Geometrical Control of the Resonances Solitonization of the Anderson
Microstructured Fiber under Di�erent condensates Fabry-Perot Interferometric Fiber Optic and Mode Composition in Hybrid localization
Laser Pumps A. Hayat1 , C. Lange1 , L.A. Rozema1 , �R. Pressure Sensors Plasmonic Photonic Crystals �C. Conti; ISC-CNR and Dipartimento di
A. Tonello1 , K. Krupa1 , M. Andreana1 , V. Chang1 , S. Potnis1 , H.M. van Driel1 , A.M. S. Poeggel, �D. Tosi, G. Leen, and E. Lewis; �S. Romanov1,2 , K. Bley3 , K. Landfester3 , C. Fisica, Università Sapienza, Roma, Italy
Couderc1 , G. Manili2 , �D. Modotto2 , U. Steinberg1 , M. Steger2 , D.W. Snoke2 , L.N. University of Limerick, Limerick, Republic of Weiss3 , and U. Peschel1 ; 1 Institute of Op- We will report on a theoretical approach for
Minoni2 , S. Wabnitz2 , A. Barthélémy1 , A. Pfei�er3 , and K.W. West3 ; 1 Department of Ireland tics, Information and Photonics, University the one dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger
Labruyère1 , B.M.I. Shalaby1 , P. Leproux1 , Physics, Centre for Quantum Information We present a novel technique for diaphragm of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany; equation describing the e�ect of nonlinear-
and A.B. Aceves3 ; 1 Université de Limoges, and Quantum Control, and Institute for Op- etching in extrinsic Fabry-Perot interfero- 2
Io�e Physical Technical Institute, St. Peters- ity on disorder induced localization.
XLIM, Limoges, France; 2 Università di Bres- tical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, metric �ber optic sensors. �e proposed ap- burg, Russia; 3 Max Planck Institute for Poly-
cia, Brescia, Italy; 3 Southern Methodist Uni- Canada; 2 Department of Physics and As- proach accurately monitors online the sur- mer Research, Mainz, Germany
versity, Dallas, United States tronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, face etching in hydro�uoric acid, modeling Hybrid colloidal plasmonic-photonic crys-
An e�cient dispersive wave generation United States; 3 Department of Electrical En- the Fabry-Perot cavity evolution. tals was gradually turned into plasmonic
around 1550 nm is obtained thanks to the gineering, Princeton University, Princeton, crystals by etching. Progressively, di-
dispersive properties of a dual-core mi- United States electric waveguiding and Mie modes were
crostructured �ber. Experimental and nu- We study interference between two dynamic substituted by surface plasmon-polariton
merical results on the role of pump pulse exciton-polariton condensates, resonantly modes. �e unusual extraordinary trans-
wavelength and duration are reported. injected at di�erent times, observing for the mission spike emerged due to Fano reso-
�rst time long-range temporal coherence in nance.
this system. �is constitutes a new probe
of ultrafast coherent dynamics in exciton-

CD-12.5 WED 17:15 IG-3.6 WED 17:15 CK-6.5 WED 17:15

Suppression of temporal cavity soliton All-optical Polariton Transistor Broadband visible light absorption and
interactions by phase modulation of the �D. Ballarini1,2 , M. De Giorgi1,2 , E. plasmons emission through a self
driving beam Cancellieri3 , R. Houdré4 , E. Giacobino5 , R. organized plasmonic crystal
�J.K. Jang, M. Erkintalo, S.G. Murdoch, and S. Cingolani1 , A. Bramati5 , G. Gigli1,2,6 , and H. Frederich1 , C. Lethiec1 , F. Wen2 , J.
Coen; �e University of Auckland, Auckland, D. Sanvitto1,2 ; 1 Istituto Italiano Tecnologia, Laverdant3 , C. Schwob1 , T. Popescu4 , L.
New Zealand Lecce, Italy; 2 Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR, Douillard4 , L. Coolen1 , and �A. Maître1 ;
We experimentally demonstrate a technique Lecce, Italy; 3 Universidad Autonoma de 1
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,
to suppress long-range interactions between Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 4 EPFL, Lau- France; 2 Laboratory for Nanophotonics,Rice
temporal cavity solitons. Under sinusoidal sanne, Switzerland; 5 LKB, Paris, France; University, Main St. Houston, United States;
6 3
phase modulation of the driving beam, cav- University of Salento, Lecce, Italy LPMCN, Université de Lyon, Université
ity solitons are locked to the adjacent phase We experimentally demonstrate the work- Lyon 1 and CNRS, Villeurbanne, France;
maxima. ing principle of an all-optical transistor in Service de Physique et Chimie des Surfaces
semiconductor planar microcavities, based et Interfaces, CEA, IRAMIS, Gif sur Yvette,
on the nonlinear interactions between two France
polariton �uids. �e operation as AND/OR A mesoscopic plasmonic crystal (opal with
gate is shown in a three transistors con�gu- a upper gold �lm) couples e�ciently inci-
ration. dent light to plasmons over a large visible
spectrum. Plasmons excited by nanocrystals
close to crystal surface, are radiating in far-
�eld, increasing luminescence

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
neering and Space-Time Research (QUEST), of equilibrium in the framework of the scat- rameter changes the laser-induced plasma
Hannover, Germany tering theory. curvature, and hence the beam divergence.
We present a novel (2+1)D theoretical model
including spatial, temporal, and parasitic ef-
fects in fs-OPAs. �e simulation of a two-
color-pumped OPA is compared with exper-
imental data and prominent features in in-
tensity and phase are explained.
CJ-8.5 WED 17:00 CF/IE-9.5 WED 17:00 IH-2.3 WED 17:00 CG-3.5 WED (Invited) 17:00
Power Noise Sources of Single Frequency Fourier Plane Optical Parametric Can nanophotonics control the Förster Single attosecond pulses from plasma
Fibre Ampli�ers Ampli�cation for simultaneous resonance energy transfer e�ciency? mirrors
�H. Tünnermann1,2 , T. �eeg1,2 , H. up-scaling of laser pulse energy and �C. Blum1 , N. Zijlstra1 , A. Lagendijk2,3 , �A. Borot1 , J. Wheeler1 , A. Malvache1 ,
Sayinc1,2 , J. Neumann1,2 , D. Kracht1,2 , and bandwidth M. Wubs4 , A.P. Mosk2 , V. Subramaniam1,5 , S. Monchocé2 , H. Vincenti2 , A. Ricci1,3 ,
P. Weßels1,2 ; 1 Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., �B. Schmidt, N. �ire, M. Boivin, A. Laramée, and W.L. Vos2 ; 1 Nanobiophysics (NBP), F. Quéré2 , and R. Lopez-Martens1 ;
Hannover, Germany; 2 Centre for Quantum F. Poitras, G. Lebrun, T. Ozaki, J.-C. Kief- MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Uni- 1
Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, ENSTA-
Engineering and Space-Time Research - fer, H. Ibrahim, and F. Légaré; INRS-EMT, versity of Twente, Enschede, �e Nether- Paristech, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
QUEST, Hannover, Germany Varennes, Canada lands; 2 Complex Photonic Systems (COPS), UMR 7639, Palaiseau, France; 2 Service
We show an analysis of single frequency �- Employing parametric ampli�cation in MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Uni- des Photons, Atomes et Molécules, CEA,
bre ampli�er noise in the frequency region Fourier domain rather than in time domain versity of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; DSM/IRAMIS, CEN Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette,
from 1-100000 Hz based on the �bre ampli- circumvents phase mismatch and damage FOM-Institute AMOLF, Science Park, Am- France; 3 Laser Solutions Unit, �ales
�er dynamics and identify additional critical threshold limitations of laser ampli�ers and sterdam, �e Netherlands; 4 Department of Optronique SA, Elancourt, France
noise sources in high power �bre ampli�ers. enabled CEP stable, 1.43mJ, sub-two cycle Photonics Engineering, Technical University We demonstrate for the �rst time the gen-
pulses at 1.8 micrometer. of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark; 5 MIRA In- eration of isolated attosecond pulses from
stitute for Biomedical Technology and Techni- plasmas driven by few-cycle lightwaves with
cal Medicine, University of Twente, Enschede, near-relativistic intensity. �is is also the
�e Netherlands �rst experimental demonstration of the at-
We address the question whether the lo- tosecond lighthouse e�ect.
cal density of optical states (LDOS) a�ects
Förster energy transfer (FRET). We observe
that the FRET e�ciency is controlled by the
LDOS, while the FRET rate is una�ected.
CJ-8.6 WED 17:15 CF/IE-9.6 WED 17:15 IH-2.4 WED 17:15
Development of an 813-nm Tm-doped 250 MW Peak Power Ultrafast mid-IR Temperature dependence of the
ZBLAN �ber ampli�er for the Sr optical OPCPA atom-surface interaction in thermal
lattice clock �A. �ai1 , M. Baudisch1 , M. Hemmer1 , H. equilibrium
�Y.-i. Takeuchi1 , M. Uehara1 , K. Kohno2 , M. Ishizuki2 , T. Taira2 , and J. Biegert1,3 ; 1 ICFO �A. Laliotis1 , T. Passerat de Silans2 , I.
Musha1 , K. Nakagawa1 , and K.-i. Ueda1 ; - Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Maurin1 , M.-P. Gorza1 , M. Ducloy1 , and
Institute for Laser Science, University of Spain; 2 Laser Research Center for Molecular D. Bloch1 ; 1 Laboratoire de Physique des
Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan; Science, Okazaki, Japan; 3 ICREA - Institu- Lasers UMR 7538 du CNRS et de l’Universite
Institute of Industrial Science, University of cio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats, Paris13, Villetaneuse, France; 2 Federal Uni-
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Barcelona, Spain versity of Paraiba, Joao-Pesoa, Brazil
We have developed the narrow linewidth A mid-IR OPCPA system operating at 3.1 We report on spectroscopic measurements
master oscillator �ber power ampli�er sys- um wavelength delivering CEP stable opti- of the temperature dependence of the van
tem based on a Tm doped ZBLAN �ber at cal pulses with up to 20 uJ output energy at der Waals atom-surface interaction in ther-
813nm for the Sr optical lattice clock with 160 kHz with pulse duration as short as 65 fs mal equilibrium. Our experiments verify
the maximum output power of 1 W. is reported. QED predictions for temperatures up to
1000 K.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Room 13a
18:45 – 20:15 PD-A.3 WED 19:05 2, Montpellier, France; 2 LPN-CNRS, Marcoussis, France; of 0.75 nm and 25 nm bandwidth using a 25�m - 50�m
PD-A: Postdeadline Session A High energy, monolithic �ber femtosecond lasers
Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences, In- scattering structure.
Chair: Patrick Georges, Institut d’Optique Graduate �M. Mielke1 , X. Peng1 , K. Kim1 , T. Booth1 , W. Lee1 , stitut d’Optique-Bordeaux, Talence, France
G. Masor1 , X. Gu1 , R. Lu1 , M. Hamamoto1 , R. Cline1 , Low loss, high re�ectivity and aberrations free photonic PD-A.8 WED 19:55
School, Palaiseau, France
J. Nicholson2 , J. Fini2 , X. Liu2 , A. DeSantolo2 , P. crystal (PC) based Bragg mirror is demonstrated, the de- FDML Raman: New High Resolution SRS with ultra
PD-A.1 WED 18:45 Westbrook2 , R. Windeler2 , E. Monberg2 , F. DiMarcello2 , sign and the realization are described. Highly coherent broadband spectral coverage
Surface RABBITT for determination of absolute C. Headley2 , and D. DiGiovanni2 ; 1 Raydiance, Petaluma, SC laser is obtained using the PC based mirror. �S. Karpf, M. Eibl, W. Wieser, T. Klein, and R. Huber;
ionization phase: a novel route towards absolute United States; 2 OFS Laboratories, Somerset, United States Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
photoemission delays We describe monolithic �ber femtosecond lasers with up PD-A.6 WED 19:35 An all �ber based system for high speed, high resolu-
�R. Locher1 , L. Castiglioni2 , M. Lucchini1 , M. Greif2 , L. to 300 �J pulse energy and duration <500 fs. �e energy Measuring Bacteria Activity with an Optically tion Raman sensing is presented. �e system is based
Gallmann1 , J. Osterwalder2 , M. Hengsberger2 , and U. is 6x higher than any previous demonstration, and the Trapped Microparticle on a wavelength swept Fourier Domain Mode Locked
Keller1 ; 1 ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2 University of form factor is optimized for industrial manufacturing. �T. Lohmüller1 , S.R. Kirchner1 , S. Nedev1 , S. Carretero1 , (FDML) laser for the detection of the Raman signal.
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland A. Mader2 , M. Leisner2 , and J. Feldmann1 ; 1 Photonics
PD-A.4 WED 19:15 and Optoelectronics Group, Physics Department and PD-A.9 WED 20:05
Extending the RABBITT technique to noble metal sur-
faces with simultaneous gas phase RABBITT we ex- �ulium-doped Channel Waveguide Laser with 1.6 W CeNS, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany; 2 Chair for Ex- An Ultra-Compact CO2 Isotope Analyzer Exclusively
tracted absolute surface speci�c ionization phases for of Output Power and Exceeding 80% Slope E�ciency perimental Physics: So� Matter Physics and Biophysics, Based on Quantum Cascade Technology
low energy photons (25eV - 35eV). �is phase gives ac- �K. van Dalfsen1 , S. Aravazhi1 , C. Grivas2 , S.M. Garcia- Physics Department and CeNS, LMU Munich, Munich, �M. Mangold1 , B. Tuzson1 , H. Looser2 , D. Hofstetter3 ,
cess to absolute photoemission delays. Blanco1 , and M. Pollnau1 ; 1 University of Twente, En- Germany Y. Bonetti4,5 , J. Faist4 , and L. Emmenegger1 ; 1 Empa -
schede, �e Netherlands; 2 University of Southampton, We report how the �uidic noise generated by a single Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Re-
PD-A.2 WED 18:55 Southampton, United Kingdom bacteria cell can be measured and quanti�ed by using an search, Dübendorf, Switzerland; 2 FHNW, University of
Pushing the limits of environmentally stable �bre A thulium-doped channel waveguide laser in a mon- optically trapped silica microparticle as a highly sensitive Applied Sciences, Institute for Aerosol and Sensor Technol-
lasers: 120 fs, 4.2 nJ, all-PM all-�bre oclinic double tungstate delivered 1.6 Watts of output detector. ogy, Windisch, Switzerland; 3 Université de Neuchâtel, In-
�C. Aguergaray, A. Runge, M. Erkintalo, and N. Broderick; power and a slope e�ciency exceeding 80 percent. stitut de physique, Neuchatel, Switzerland; 4 ETHZ, Insti-
Physics Department, University of Auckland, Auckland, PD-A.7 WED 19:45 tut für Quantenelektronik, Zürich, Switzerland; 5 FIRST-
New Zealand PD-A.5 WED 19:25 On-Chip Random Spectrometer Lab, HCI E 121, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, Zürich, Switzer-
We present a multi nano-Joules ultra-short pulse laser Photonic-crystal based concave mirror for highly B. Redding, S.-F. Liew, R. Sarma, and �H. Cao; Yale Uni- land
combining all key features that �bre technology has to coherent stable external-cavity semiconductor laser versity, New Haven, United States We report on an ultra-compact gas spectrometer exclu-
o�er. We demonstrate the shortest pulse duration com- �M.S. Seghilani1 , M. Sellahi1 , I. Sagnes2 , G. Beaudoin2 , We develop a compact, high-resolution on-chip spec- sively employing III-V semiconductor technology. It re-
bined with the highest pulse energy out of an all-PM- X. Lafosse2 , L. Legratiet2 , P. Lalanne3 , M. Myara1 , and A. trometer based on multiple scattering of light through a lies on a quantum cascade laser and a quantum cascade
�bre laser. Garnach1 ; 1 IES-CNRS UMR5214, Université Montpellier disordered medium. We achieve wavelength resolution detector. We demonstrate its suitability for high preci-
sion CO2 isotope composition measurements.

Room 13b
18:45 – 20:15 PD-B.2 WED 18:55 2
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cam- PD-B.5 WED 19:25
PD-B: Postdeadline Session B Coherent scattering from aligned single quantum bridge, United Kingdom Single-Photon and Photon-Number-Resolving
Chair: Jürgen Eschner, Universität des Saarlandes, Saar- emitters in a dielectric nanoguide We demonstrate quantum teleportation using entangled Detectors Integrated with Waveguide Circuits
brücken, Germany �S. Faez, P. Türschmann, S. Götzinger, and V. Sandogh- photons produced by a quantum dot integrated in a �D. Sahin1 , A. Gaggero2 , P. Jiang3 , Z. Zhou1 , S.
dar; Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlan- light-emitting diode. �e single-photon nature of our Jahanmirinejad1 , F. Mattioli2 , R. Leoni2 , J. Beetz4 , M.
PD-B.1 WED 18:45 gen, Germany device and its electrical operation could help reduce Lermer4 , M. Kamp4 , S. Hö�ing4 , M. �ompson3 , and A.
Pulse-Picked Octave-Spanning We have developed a new solid-state platform for complexity in quantum information applications. Fiore1 ; 1 COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven Univer-
Microresonator-Based Frequency Comb for Optical waveguide-QED, where both high optical densities and sity of Technology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands; 2 Istituto
Self-Referencing single emitter addressability are achieved. Our work PD-B.4 WED 19:15 di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie, CNR, Rome, Italy; 3 Centre
�P. Del’Haye, D. Cole, S. Papp, and S. Diddams; National paves the way for study of quantum transport in 1- Self-synchronization of a NV spin qu-bit on a for Quantum Photonics, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory
Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, United dimensional photonic wires. radio-frequency �eld enabled by microwave dressing & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
States �S. Rohr1 , E. Dupont-Ferrier1 , A. Gloppe1 , P. Verlot1 , University of Bristol, United Kingdom; 4 Technische Physik
We demonstrate an octave-spanning and coherent PD-B.3 WED 19:05 B. Pigeau1 , V. Jacques2 , and O. Arcizet1 ; 1 Institut Néel, and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Research Center for Com-
microresonator-based optical frequency comb with an Teleportation using a Quantum Dot Grenoble, France; 2 Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique plex Material Systems, Universität Würzburg, Germany
electronically accessible mode spacing of 25.6 GHz. �is Entangled-Light-Emitting Diode et Moléculaire, Cachan, France We report the integration of two key quantum measure-
is accomplished with pulse picking and external broad- �J. Nilsson1 , R.M. Stevenson1 , K.H.A. Chan1,2 , J. We experimentally emulate the dynamics of a single NV ment functionalities with waveguide circuits: A multi-
ening in highly nonlinear �ber. Skiba-Szymanska1 , M. Lucamarini1 , M.B. Ward1 , A.J. electronic spin coupled to a nanomechanical resonator mode interference coupler integrated with two super-
Bennett1 , C.L. Salter1,2 , I. Farrer1 , D.A. Ritchie2 , and and explain a self-synchronization e�ect of the spin dy- conducting single-photon detectors, and a waveguide
A.J. Shields1 ; 1 Cambridge Research Laboratory, Toshiba namics on the simulated mechanical motion. photon-number-resolving detector able to measure up to
Research Europe Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom; four photons.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Room 13b
PD-B.6 WED 19:35 light we observe ultrafast in-plane current due to the �is could lead to broader microresonator Kerr fre- PD-B.9 WED 20:05
All-Optical Control of Photon Drag Current in photon drag e�ect. We demonstrate all-optical control quency combs and supports the idea that Kerr combs Nanoparticle Measurement in the Optical Far-Field
Graphene of the photocurrent in space and time domain using two- are constituted of cavity solitons. �D. Little1 , R. Kuruwita1 , A. Joyce1 , Q. Gao2 , T. Burgess2 ,
�P. Obraztsov1,2 , T. Kaplas2 , S. Garnov1 , M. Kuwata- beam excitation setup. C. Jagadish2 , and D. Kane1 ; 1 Macquarie University, Syd-
Gonokami3 , A. Obraztsov2,4 , and Y. Svirko2 ; 1 A.M. PD-B.8 WED 19:55 ney, Australia; 2 Australian National University, Can-
Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia; PD-B.7 WED 19:45 All-optical polarization-based temporal cloaking berra, Australia
Department of Physics and Mathematics, University Observation of dispersive-wave emission by temporal P.-Y. Bony, P. Morin, �M. Guasoni, S. Pitois, and J. Radii of single nanowires are measured in the optical far-
of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland; 3 Department of cavity solitons Fatome; Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bour- �eld using interferometric microscopy. Radius measure-
Physics, Graduate School of Science and Photon Sci- �J.K. Jang, S.G. Murdoch, S. Coen, and M. Erkintalo; gogne, Dijon, France ments are demonstrated to be accurate to within 2% of
ence Center, �e University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Physics Department, �e University of Auckland, Auck- We present an experimental demonstration of temporal the nominal value, highlighting the nanometrology po-
Department of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State land, New Zealand cloaking of a 10-Gbit/s incident signal based on the con- tential of this technique.
University, Moscow, Russia We report the �rst experimental observation of cept of nonlinear self-organization of light state of polar-
By irradiating unbiased graphene with linearly polarized dispersive-wave emission by temporal cavity solitons. ization in optical �ber-based systems.


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
13:00 – 14:00 tonics Institute, Vienna, Austria SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 Novosibirsk State Uni- University, Fukuoka, Japan; 2 Division of Optoelectronics
CF/IE-P: CF/IE Poster Session An optimized CEP stabilization of the all-solid-state versity, Novosibirsk, Russia; 3 Institute of Automation and Photonics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Yb:KGW laser system and di�erent OPA setups pumped and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 4 Institut �e degree of chirp in the anti-Stokes Raman emission
CF/IE-P.1 WED by this laser are presented with CEP noise value as low fuer Photonik, Vienna, Austria; 5 Ludwig-Maximilians- generated by a two-color pump beam consisting of two
as 130 mrad a�er the laser ampli�er. Universitaet, Garching, Germany chirped pulses based on four-wave Raman mixing of hy-
4-f prism-based pulse shaper supporting single-cycle
pulses in the visible We report on comparison of numerical simulation with drogen was investigated using a frequency-resolved op-
CF/IE-P.5 WED experimental results for the Yb �ber laser oscillator with tical gating system
�A. Harth1,2 , T. Nagy1 , J. Andrade1 , S. Rausch1,2 ,
C. Ho�mann1 , T. Lang1,2 , T. Binhammer3 , and U. Frequency Dependent Dynamics of Semiconductor 30-m cavity demonstrating stable generation of chirped
Morgner1,2,4 ; 1 Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Microcavities under Ultrafast Carrier Switching dissipative solitons at presence of strong Raman scatter- CF/IE-P.13 WED
Germany; 2 Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space- �G. Ctistis1 , E. Yüce1 , J. Claudon2 , A.P. Mosk1 , J.- ing. Few-cycle Nonlinear Mid-IR Pulse Generated with
Time Research (Quest), Hannover, Germany; 3 Venteon M. Gérard2 , and W.L. Vos1 ; 1 Complex Photonic Sys- Cascaded Quadratic Nonlinearities
Laser Technologies GmbH, Hannover, Germany; 4 Laser tems (COPS), MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, CF/IE-P.9 WED �M. Bache, X. Liu, and B. Zhou; DTU Fotonik, Depart-
Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany University of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; High repetition rate PetaWatt Titanium Sapphire ment of Photonic Engineering, Technical University of
We discuss the limitations of a 4f-prism based pulse CEA/INAC/SP2M, Nanophysics and Semiconductor laser system for laser plasma acceleration Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
shaper for the phase control over 400THz in the visible Laboratory, Grenoble, France �F. Lureau, S. Laux, O. Casagrande, O. Chalus, C. We study nonlinear mid-IR crystals and assess their po-
and expose the potential of pulse compression to nearly We present ultrafast re�ectivity measurements on the Radier, F. Caradec, C. Derycke, P. Jougla, G. Brousse, and tential for ultrafast cascaded nonlinearities in the type 0
one optical cycle. dynamics of optically excited free carriers in semicon- C. Simon-Boisson; �ales Optronique SAS, Elancourt, phase-matching interaction. Few-cycle, broadband en-
ductor microcavities. We observe that the relaxation dy- France ergetic mid-IR pulses can be generated from compress-
CF/IE-P.2 WED namics of the switched cavity is strongly frequency de- We describe the design and performance of a PetaWatt ing multi-cycle mid-IR pulses with self-defocusing soli-
pendent, which points towards multiple carrier popula- laser based on Titanium Sapphire that operates at an un- tons.
Versatile dual stage tunable NOPA with pulse
tions. precedented repetition rate of 1 Hz. Results of the oper-
duration down to 17 fs and energy up to 3 microJ at
500 kHz repetition rate ation above 1 PetaWatt peak power are presented CF/IE-P.14 WED
CF/IE-P.6 WED Modulation instability in the sub-cycle regime
�J. Nillon1,2 , O. Crégut1 , C. Bressler2 , and S. Haacke1 ;
IPCMS, Strasbourg, France; 2 European XFEL, Hamburg, Mode Locking At and Below the CW �reshold CF/IE-P.10 WED �F. Tani1 , J. Travers1 , and P. Russell1,2 ; 1 Max Planck
Germany S. Yefet and �A. Pe’er; Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Realization of multi-dimensional laser mode combs Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Ger-
We report on a new ultrashort NOPA tunable between Israel by an actively mode-locked �ber-laser many; 2 Department of Physics, University of Erlangen-
500 and 1000 nm. It delivers pulse energies up to 3,1 mi- We explore experimentally a new regime of operation for �G. Oren, A. Schwartz, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer; Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
croJ and pulse duration down to 17 fs at 500 kHz. mode locking in a Ti:Sapphire laser with enhanced Kerr Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Full-�eld numerical calculations are used to study mod-
nonlinearity, where the threshold for pulsed operation is We present a �rst realization of an e�ective multi- ulational instability in Xe-�lled PCF in parameter ranges
CF/IE-P.3 WED lowered below the threshold for continuous-wave oper- dimensional mode-comb with nearest-neighbor mode where the pump pulse breaks up into high intensity sub-
ation. interaction, constructed by multifrequency active mode- cycle structures. �e resulting broad MI-induced spec-
Investigation of temporal compression of few-cycle
pulses from an ultrabroadband, multi-mJ optical locking. It is also a rare physical realization of the trum compares well with experiment.
CF/IE-P.7 WED multi-dimensional spherical-model (of magnetic spins
parametric ampli�er
�D. Franz1 , H. Fattahi1,2 , V. Pervak1 , M. Trubetskov1 , E�cient broadband 400 nm noncollinear second in statistical-mechanics). CF/IE-P.15 WED
E. Fedulova1 , N. Karpowicz2 , Z. Major1,2 , and F. harmonic generation of chirped femtosecond laser Long-Lived Electronic Polarization and Nonlinear
Krausz1,2 ; 1 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, pulses in BBO and LBO CF/IE-P.11 WED Optical E�ects of Fluorescent Molecules in Solution.
Munich, Germany; 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenop- �O. Gobert1 , G. Mennerat1 , R. Maksimenka1,2 , N. Ultrafast and Broadband Optical Nonlinearities from �A. Konar, V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus; Michigan State
tik, Munich, Germany Fedorov1 , M. Perdrix1 , D. Guillaumet1 , C. Ramon3,4 , J. Strongly Phase-Mismatched Second Harmonic University, East Lansing, United States
We numerically investigate the compression of an ul- Habib3,4 , C. Prigent3,4 , D. Vernhet3,4 , T. Oksenhendler2 , Generation �e long-lived electronic polarization from IR144 in
trabroad spectrum (670 - 1400 nm) using double- an- and M. Comte1 ; 1 CEA-Saclay, IRAMIS, Gif sur Yvette, �B. Zhou1 , A. Chong2 , F. Wise2 , and M. Bache1 ; 1 DTU methanol is investigated by a pair of pulses delayed in-
gle chirped mirrors. Despite large residual group-delay- France; 2 FASTLITE, Orsay, France; 3 CNRS, INSP, Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyn- terferometrically using a pulse shaper while monitoring
dispersion oscillations, the good match between design UMR7588, Paris, France; 4 Université Pierre et Marie gby, Denmark; 2 Department of Applied and Engineering the stimulated emission. A phenomenological model is
and target promises a compression close to the transform Curie, INSP, UMR7588, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris, France Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, United States used to simulate the data.
limit. We report on 400 nm broadband noncollinear type I A novel protocol for generating strong, ultrafast and
SHG in BBO and LBO with tilted pulse-fronts chirped octave-spanning cascaded nonlinearity for a wide range CF/IE-P.16 WED
CF/IE-P.4 WED fs pulses. Conversion up to 65% is obtained and 45 fs of wavelengths is proposed. A near-IR experiment in Monochromatic extreme-ultraviolet ultrafast
duration measured (UV WIZZLER) a�er compression. lithium niobate shows soliton compression and octave- beamline
Carrier-envelope phase control of Yb:KGW laser and
parametric ampli�ers spanning supercontinuum generation, verifying the hy- �L. Poletto1 , M. Coreno2 , F. Frassetto1 , D. Gauthier5 ,
CF/IE-P.8 WED pothesis. C. Grazioli3 , R. Ivanov3,5 , P. Miotti1 , B. Ressel3,5 , C.
�T. Stanislauskas1,2 , R. Antipenkov1 , V. Martinenaite1,2 ,
L. Karpavicius1 , A. Varanavicius1 , V. Sinkevicius2 , P. Simulation of Dissipative Solitons in a Fiber Laser Spezzani3 , S. Stagira4 , and G. De Ninno3,5 ; 1 CNR-
Miseikis2 , D. Grigaitis2 , and T. Balciunas3 ; 1 Vilnius Uni- Oscillator at Presence of Strong Raman Scattering CF/IE-P.12 WED Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies, Padova,
versity, Faculty of Physics, Department of Quantum elec- �A. Bednyakova1,2 , M. Fedoruk1,2 , E. Podivilov2,3 , D. Chirped pulse four-wave Raman mixing Italy; 2 CNR-Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and
tronics, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2 Light Conversion Ltd., Vil- Kharenko2,3 , S. Babin2,3 , V. Kalashnikov4 , and A. O. Shitamichi1 and �T. Imasaka1,2 ; 1 Department of Ap- Plasmas, Trieste, Italy; 3 Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Tri-
nius, Lithuania; 3 Vienna University of Technology, Pho- Apolonski3,5 ; 1 Institute of Computational Technologies plied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu este, Italy; 4 Politecnico di Milano-Department of Physics,

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
Milano, Italy; University of Nova Gorica, Ajdovscina, Coherent oscillations of the LO phonon-plasmon cou- 2
Graduate School of Sciences, Osaka Prefecture Univer- Institut, Berlin, Germany; 4 Max Born Institut, Berlin,
Slovenia pled mode, which have very short lifetime and usu- sity, Sakai, Japan Germany
�e characterization of a monochromatic beamline for ally been hidden in strong LO-phonon oscillations, have �e detection frequency resolved re�ection by the co- Terahertz (THz) radiation produced by two-color laser
high-order harmonics is presented. �e monochroma- been selectively observed using femtosecond transient herent phonon are analyzed by a simple model of semi- �laments is numerically investigated. �e domi-
tor adopts a design that joins two geometries in a sin- re�ecticity measurement with a coherent control tech- conductors. �e experimental features are well repro- nant mechanism for THz generation is shown to be
gle instrument to give high/low temporal resolution and nique. duced as a result of band-gap modulation by the LO plasma currents. Calculated THz spectra for various
low/high spectral resolution. phonon. pump pulses agree with previous experimental observa-
CF/IE-P.21 WED tions.
CF/IE-P.17 WED XPW based Self-Referenced Spectral Interferometry CF/IE-P.25 WED
Measuring few-cycle laser pulses: a comparative for few-cycle pulse characterization in the short Femtosecond laser-induced pulsed ultrasound source CF/IE-P.29 WED
study between dispersion-scan and FROG wavelength IR in water Asynchronous ultrafast pump-probe experiments:
�F. Silva1 , M. Miranda1,2 , and H. Crespo1 ; 1 IFIMUP-IN �A. Trisorio1 , S. Grabielle2 , M. Divall1 , N. Forget2 , and Y. Brelet1 , �A. Jarnac1 , A. Houard1 , R. Guillermin2 , J.-P. Towards high speed ultrafast imaging with ultrahigh
and Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Universidade C. Hauri1,3 ; 1 Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland; Sessarego2 , J. Carbonnel1 , Y.-B. André1 , D. Fattaccioli3 , spectral resolution
do Porto, Porto, Portugal; 2 Department of Physics, Lund Fastlite, Nice, France; 3 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de and A. Mysyrowicz1 ; 1 Laboratoire Optique Appliquée, �A. Abbas1,2,3 , Y. Guillet1 , J.-M. Rampnoux2 , J. Carlier3 ,
University, Lund, Sweden Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland ENSTA ParisTech-Ecole Polytechnique-CNRS,, Palaiseau, P. Rigail3 , E. Mottay3 , B. Audoin1 , and S. Dilhaire2 ;
Dispersion scan is a recent, straightforward pulse mea- Ultra-short infrared pulses are fully characterized us- France; 2 Laboratoire de Mécanique et Acoustique, Mar- 1
Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, UMR 5295, Talence,
surement technique especially suitable for few-cycle ing Self-Referenced Spectral Interferometry. �e device seille, France; 3 DGA TN, Toulon, France France; 2 Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, UMR 5798, Tal-
pulses. In this work we compare measurements of a few- is capable of accurate measurement of few-cycle pulses We experimentally investigate the acoustic wave gener- ence, France; 3 Amplitude Systèmes, Pessac, France
cycle oscillator using SHG-d-scan and SHG-FROG, ex- (down to 13 fs at 1.6 �m) over the 1.2-2 �m spectral ated by an incident ultra short laser pulse in water. �e We report on a system able to record movies of ultrafast
ploring di�erences and advantages of each technique. range. subsequent acoustic wave presents a broadband signal in processes over 20 ns with a sub-picosecond time resolu-
the ultrasound range. tion. A movie of GHz surface acoustic waves propagat-
CF/IE-P.18 WED CF/IE-P.22 WED ing over 10000 micron-squared is presented.
Single di�ractive optical element pulse shaper Kerr-lens Mode Locking Without Nonlinear CF/IE-P.26 WED
�O. Mendoza-Yero1 , V. Loriot2,3 , J. Pérez-Vizcaíno1 , G. Astigmatism Dynamics of third harmonic yield from a CF/IE-P.30 WED
Mínguez-Vega1 , J. Lancis1 , R. de Nalda2 , and L. Bañares3 ; S. Yefet and �A. Pe’er; Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, femtosecond laser �lament in air Characterization of a liquid-crystal pulse shaper over
GROC-UJI, Institut de Noves Tecnologies de la Imatge, Israel �Y. Liu1 , Y. Brelet1 , S. Mitryukovskiy1 , A. Houard1 , A. 0.36-PHz bandwidth
Castellón de la Plana, Spain; 2 Instituto de Química We demonstrate complete cancellation of the nonlinear Couairon2 , and A. Mysyrowicz1 ; 1 Laboratoire d’Optique �R. McCracken and D. Reid; Heriot Watt University, Ed-
Física Rocasolano, Madrid, Spain; 3 Facultad de Ciencias astigmatism in a mode locked Ti:Sapphire laser. We use Appliquee, Palaiseau, France; 2 Centre de Physique inburgh, United Kingdom
Químicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, a novel cavity folding where no special, power speci�c �éorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Using in-line interferometry and an iterative-�tting al-
Spain compensation is needed and the Kerr nonlinearity is ef- �ird harmonic generation from a focused femtosecond gorithm we have characterized the phase response of
We experimentally demonstrate an extremely compact, �ciently exploited. laser pulse in air is studied in the parameter space. An a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator over a 0.36-
programmable and user-friendly pulse sharper com- optimal focusing condition is observed and the crucial PHz bandwidth. �e calibration also retrieves the
posed of a single di�ractive optical element encoded into CF/IE-P.23 WED role of plasma is identi�ed. wavelength-dependent refractive index of the liquid-
a spatial light modulator. �is allows compensating for Modeling the Nonlinear Refractive Index in Atomic crystal.
e�ciency losses and correct wavefront aberrations si- Gases CF/IE-P.27 WED
multaneously. �C. Köhler1 , R. Guichard2 , E. Lorin3 , S. Chelkowski4 , Dynamics of Fourier Domain Mode Locked Lasers CF/IE-P.31 WED
A.D. Bandrauk4 , L. Bergé1 , and S. Skupin5,6 ; 1 CEA- S. Slepneva1,2 , B. O’Shuaghnessy1,2 , �B. Kelleher1,2 , (110)-Oriented GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum
CF/IE-P.19 WED DAM, DIF, Arpajon, France; 2 CNRS, UMR 7614, S.P. Hegarty1 , A.G. Vladimirov1,2,3 , and G. Huyet1,2 ; Well Microposts for High-Speed Polarization
Femtosecond Fiber CPA System Seeded by LCPMR, Paris, France; 3 Carleton University, Ottawa, 1
Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Republic of Ireland; Switching of Spin-Controlled VCSELs
Bandwidth-Limited Picosecond Pulses Canada; 4 Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada; 2
Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Republic of Ireland; �N. Yokota, K. Ikeda, and H. Kawaguchi; Nara Institute
�J. Želudevičius, R. Danilevičius, K. Viskontas, N. MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany; 6 Friedrich Schiller Univer- 3
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochas- of Science and Technology, Ikoma, Japan
Rusteika, and K. Regelskis; Center for Physical Sciences sity, Jena, Germany tics, Berlin, Germany We measured the electron spin relaxation time τ s in
& Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania We show that saturation of the nonlinear polarization of We analyse the dynamics of Fourier Domain Mode (110)-oriented GaAs/AlGaAs MQW microposts. A long
We present femtosecond �ber laser system with 400 fs gases irradiated by intense laser pulses results from ion- Locked lasers and show that the sweeping asymmetry in τ s of 0.74 ns was obtained for 0.5-�m posts suitable for
duration 58 uJ energy pulses based on the CPA design ized electrons, by comparing numerical solutions of the the output originates from the nonlinearities of the am- high-speed switching of lasing circular polarizations in
and seeded by bandwidth-limited picosecond pulses. time dependent Schrödinger equation to various models pli�er resulting in two regions: chaos and mode group spin-controlled VCSELs.
of laser �lamentation. stepping.
Selctive detection of phonon-plasmon coupled CF/IE-P.24 WED CF/IE-P.28 WED GHz dynamics of a single nanoparticle-substrate
oscillation in indium phosphide using a coherent What are we observing by the detection frequency THz generation by �lamentation of two-color contact probed by femtosecond intrinsic
control technique resolved measurement of coherent phonons? femtosecond laser pulses common-path interferometry
�K. Nakamura1,2 , S.-i. Harada1,2 , and J. Hu1 ; 1 Tokyo In- �Y. Kayanuma1 , Y. Mizumoto1 , Y. Mori2 , G. Oohata2 , L. Bergé1 , S. Skupin2 , C. Koehler1 , I. Babushkin3 , and �J. �Y. Guillet1 , S. Minissale1 , S. Ravaine2 , and B. Audoin1 ;
stitute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan; 2 Japan Science and K. Mizoguchi2 ; 1 Research Organization for the Herrmann4 ; 1 CEA, DAM, DIF, Arpajon, France; 2 Max 1
Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, UMR 5295, Talence,
and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Japan 21st Century, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan; Planck Institute PKS, Dresden, Germany; 3 Weierstrass- France; 2 Amplitude Systèmes, Pessac, France

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
We report on an all-optical and femtosecond time- public of (PRC) Japan; 2 National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, China, served saturation intensity increases, while it decreases
resolved technique to investigate the adhesion between Abstract: We experimentally demonstrate a molecular- Republic of (ROC) for longer wavelengths.
a single gold nanoparticle and a substrate in the GHz vibration-based cross-correlation frequency-resolved �e carrier-envelope phase of the pulse generated
range. �e detection scheme relies on an intrinsic optical gating (XFROG) technique for ultrashort pulse through the optical recti�cation was investigated. A CF/IE-P.42 WED
common-path interferometer. measurements, which use laser-induced impulsive Ra- clear di�erence of the carrier-envelope phase determi- Improved performance characteristics for the
man free induction decay of molecules vibrations as the nation between the di�erence frequency generation and integrated photonic pupil remapping interferometer
CF/IE-P.33 WED gate function. the optical recti�cation has been found. Dragon�y
Dynamics of coherent optical phonons in �N. Jovanovic1 , S. Gross2 , A. Arriola2 , N. Charles3 ,
chalcogenide compounds CF/IE-P.36 WED CF/IE-P.39 WED P. Tuthill3 , B. Norris3 , P. Stewart3 , J. Lawrence4 , and
�K. Norimatsu1,2 , S.-i. Uozumi1,2 , K. Igarashi1 , S. Electron impact excitation of helium and neon atoms Attosecond Larmor Clock M. Withford3 ; 1 Subaru Telescope, Hilo, United States;
Yamamoto1 , T. Sasagawa1 , and K.G. Nakamura1,2 ; in �lamentary plasma gratings �J. Kaushal and O. Smirnova; Max Born Institute, Berlin,
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; 3 University of
Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of �L. Shi, W. Li, H. Zhou, D. Wang, L. Ding, and H. Zeng; Germany Sydney, Sydney, Australia; 4 Australian Astronomical Ob-
Technology, Yokohama, Japan; 2 CREST, Japan Science East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, People’s We present a new method to time strong �eld ionisation servatory, Sydney, Australia
and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Japan Republic of (PRC) in circularly polarised �elds using spin-orbit interaction We present the considerable performance improvements
Coherent oscillations of anisotropic Eg phonons have We demonstrated a femtosecond pulse driven electron- between the ionising electron and core as a clock. of the ultrafast laser inscribed 3D pupil remapping pho-
been observed in chalcogenide compounds (Bi2Se3, impact method to e�ciently enhance the �uorescence tonic chips utilised in the Dragon�y astronomical inter-
Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3) in addition to two isotropic A1g emission from �lament-induced neon and helium ion- CF/IE-P.40 WED ferometer and the associated gains to the instrument as
phonons using electro-optic sampling. �e higher fre- ization. Such an all-optical method holds the potential Generation of spectrally shaped UV-vis a whole.
quency phonons have the shorter lifetime. to improve the sensitivity of laser-induced breakdown supercontinuum femtosecond pulses by means of
spectroscopy. di�ractive lenses CF/IE-P.43 WED
CF/IE-P.34 WED �R. Borrego-Varillas1,3 , C. Romero2 , B. Alonso1 , I. Generation of tuneable and ultrahigh repetition rate
Measurement of orbital angular momentum CF/IE-P.37 WED Gallardo-Gonzalez2 , O. Mendoza-Yero3 , G. Minguez- by fractional Talbot e�ect in frequency-shi�ed
spectrum of optical vortices based on electric-�eld Ultrafast carrier dynamics of Vega3 , I. Sola1 , J. San Roman1 , and J. Rodriguez Vazquez feedback lasers
reconstruction in spatial domain surfactant-mediated-grown InAs/GaAs quantum-dot de Aldana1 ; 1 Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, �H. Guillet de Chatellus, O. Jacquin, O. Hugon, W. Glastre,
�K. Yamane, Z. Yang, K. Shigematsu, Y. Toda, and R. structures designed for THz applications Spain; 2 Centro de Láseres Pulsados, Salamanca, Spain; and e. Lacot; CNRS/UJF Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de
Morita; Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaido Uni- �N.S. Daghestani1 , M. Alduraibi2,3 , T. Piwnoski4 , T. 3
GROC-INIT, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, Spain Physique, Saint Martin d’Hères, France
versity, and JST CREST, Sapporo, Japan Ochalski4 , G. Huyet4 , M. Missous2 , T. Ackemann5 , and We demonstrate the use of di�ractive lenses to generate We demonstrate in a seeded frequency shi�ed feedback
A new measurement method for orbital angular momen- M.A. Cataluna1 ; 1 University of Dundee, Dundee, United tunable supercontinuum pulses in the visible. An iso- laser, the generation of Fourier-limited pulses at tune-
tum spectra of optical vortices, based on electric-�eld Kingdom; 2 University of Manchester, Manchester, United lated anti-Stokes wing is described. �e �lament for- able and ultrahigh repetition rates, limited only by the
reconstruction in spatial domain, is demonstrated. �e Kingdom; 3 King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; mation is studied and a complete characterization of the laser spectral bandwidth. �is property is interpreted as
method is applicable to ultrabroadband optical vortices, Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Republic of Ireland; pulses is provided. fractional Talbot e�ect.
and enables quasi-real-time measurement. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Pump-probe investigations show that carrier lifetime CF/IE-P.41 WED CF/IE-P.44 WED
CF/IE-P.35 WED in InAs/GaAs quantum-dot structures is dramatically Higher-order Kerr e�ect and harmonic cascading in Supercontinuum generation in bulk diamond -
Cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating faster when excited at 800nm than at 1245nm. Annealed gases experiment and the model
by molecular vibration for ultrashort pulse samples exhibit shorter carrier lifetime than as-grown, �M. Bache1 , F. Eilenberger2 , and S. Minardi2 ; 1 Technical �T. Kardaś1 , A. Lapini2 , B. Gadomska1 , and R. Righini2 ;
�X. Liu1,2 , H. Niu2 , W. Liu2 , D. Chen2 , B. Zhou1 , and increasing with pump power in both structures. University of Denmark, DTU Fotonik, Department of
Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, War-
M. Bache1 ; 1 Technical University of Denmark, DTU Fo- Photonics Engineering, Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Institute of saw, Poland; 2 European Laboratory for Non-linear Spec-
tonik, Department Dept. of Photonics Engineering, DK- CF/IE-P.38 WED Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- troscopy (LENS), Universitá di Firenze, Florence, Italy
2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Key Laboratory of Op- Carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort pulses Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Jena, Germany Supercontinuum was generated in a bulk diamond crys-
toelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Educa- generated by optical recti�cation process We show that cascading from the Kerr e�ect and the tal. �e blue edge of supercontinuum was found to be
tion and Guangdong Province, Institute of Optoelectron- �T. Fuji1 , Y. Nomura1 , Y.-T. Wang2 , A. Yabushita2 , and higher-order Kerr e�ect can modify the observed non- 615 nm. Nonlinear envelope equation with strong Ra-
ics, Shenzhen University, shenzhen, China, People’s Re- C.-W. Luo2 ; 1 Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, linear index in gases: for near-IR wavelengths the ob- man response was used for modeling.

13:00 – 14:00 �e enhancement of photodarkening resistivity as high CJ-P.2 WED cal University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
CJ-P: CJ Poster Session as 95% is achieved through H2-treatment of Yb-doped Enhanced thermal-e�ect resilience in distributed �ermal e�ects on the single-mode regime of large mode
�ber, irrespective of Yb-concentration. H2-blocking modal �ltering large mode area photonic crystal area �bers have been investigated through numerical
CJ-P.1 WED employing the pump excitation in the �ber indicates �bers simulations. Results have shown that distributed modal
H2-blocking in Yb-doped Fiber through Pump negligible photodarkening even a�er post-di�usion of �E. Coscelli1 , F. Poli1 , T. Alkeskjold2 , M. Jørgensen3 , A. �ltering photonic crystal �bers provide enhanced re-
Excitation to Enhance Photodarkening Resistivity interstitial-H2. Cucinotta1 , and S. Selleri1 ; 1 Information Engineering De- silience towards thermally-induced multi-mode behav-
�A. Pal, M. Saha, A. Dhar, and R. Sen; Fiber optics & Pho- partment, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; 2 NKT Pho- ior.
tonics Division, CSIR-Central glass & Ceramic Research tonics A/S, Birkerød, Denmark; 3 DTU Fotonikm Techni-
Institute, Kolkata, India
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
CJ-P.3 WED 2
in Prague, FNSPE, Prague, Czech Republic; Institute of CJ-P.11 WED A common description by =Si<O2-Yb color center
Er:LiLuF4 upconversion waveguide laser with femto- Photonics and Electronics AS CR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Re- Engineering Wavelength Conversion Span in three-electron bond energies is through a Markov state
second-laser written circular cladding structures public Cascaded Broadband Cherenkov Radiation statistical model in this presentation shown to match an-
�F. Moglia1 , S. Müller1 , T. Calmano1 , C. Kränkel1,2 , and Delivery of 1.06um nanosecond millijoule-level laser �S. Wang1 , J. Hu1 , H. Guo2 , and X. Zeng1,2 ; 1 Shanghai nealing data from pre-darkened ytterbium co-doped sil-
G. Huber1,2 ; 1 Institut für Laser-Physik - Uni Hamburg, pulses through the laboratory-fabricated silica-core University, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of (PRC); ica material of several sources.
Hamburg, Germany; 2 �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Bragg �ber was investigated. Fiber transmittance up to 2
Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Imaging, Hamburg, Germany 55% in fundamental transversal-mode was achieved to- We propose an e�cient approach of engineering the CJ-P.16 WED
Upconversion waveguide lasers are realized by inscrib- gether with signi�cant spectral broadening ranging from wavelength conversion over 500 nm through optical Development of a cascaded Raman �ber laser with
ing circular claddings in an Er:LiLuF4 crystal via a 850 to 1650nm. Cherenkov radiation. Cascaded soliton spectral tunnel- 6.5 W output power at 1480nm supported by detailed
femtosecond-laser. By Ti:Sapphire pumping at 974 nm, ing is numerically demonstrated in two-segment pho- numerical simulations
laser oscillation at 552.6 nm was achieved with Pout = 10 CJ-P.8 WED tonic crystal �bers with three zero dispersion wave- �M. Steinke1,2 , E. Schreiber1,2 , D. Kracht1,2 , J.
mW. Nonlinear Spectral Transformation of Partially lengths. Neumann1,2 , and P. Weßels1,2 ; 1 Laser Zentrum Han-
Coherent Pulses of Mode-locked Fiber Laser nover e.V., Hannover, Germany; 2 Centre for Quantum-
CJ-P.4 WED S. Kobtsev, �S. Smirnov, A. Ivanenko, and S. Kukarin; CJ-P.12 WED Engineering and Space-Time Research - QUEST, Han-
Mirrorless optical parametric oscillator in a stitched Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia NLSE-based modelling of a random distributed nover, Germany
GaN waveguide Applicability of novel partially coherent lasing regimes feedback �ber laser A cascaded Raman �ber laser delivering 6.5W output
�C. Montes, P. Aschieri, and M. de Micheli; LPMC-CNRS, for second harmonic generation is considered for the �D. Churkin1,2 and S. Smirnov3 ; 1 Aston University, Birm- power at 1480nm was developed and optimized with a
Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, F-06108 Nice, France �rst time. It’s shown that such regimes are very promis- ingham, United Kingdom; 2 Institute of Automation and detailed numerical analysis. Comparison of experimen-
A sequence of submicronic periodically poled GaN ing having comparable transformation e�ciency and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 3 Novosibirsk tal and simulated results shows good agreement with re-
waveguide elements, jointed by uniformly polarized do- higher peak power and energy. State University, Novosibirsk, Russia spect to all signi�cant parameters.
mains representing stitching errors, achieve a mirrorless For the �rst time we report full NLSE-based numerical
optical parametric oscillator unsensitive to them due to CJ-P.9 WED modelling of a random distributed feedback �ber laser CJ-P.17 WED
the coherence of the generated backscattered wave. All-�ber Ho-doped laser tunable from 2.1 to 2.045 based on Rayleigh scattering, including calculation of Precision-dicing of Nd:YAG ridge waveguides: A new
�m spectral and statistical properties of radiation. platform for e�cient integrated lasers
CJ-P.5 WED �S. Antipov1 , V. Kamynin2 , S. Kablukov3,4 , K. Raspopin5 , �D. Kip1 , C.E. Rüter1 , Y. Jia2 , F. Chen2 , S. Akhmadaliev3 ,
Monolithic thulium-doped �ber laser with UV and A. Kurkov2 ; 1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, CJ-P.13 WED and S. Zhou3 ; 1 Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg,
femtosecond-laser-induced �ber-Bragg-grating pair Moscow, Russia; 2 General Physics Istitute of the Rus- Wavelength and Pulse Width Tunable 1 �m Germany; 2 Shandong University, Jinan, China, Peo-
�P. Peterka1 , P. Honzátko1 , M. Becker2 , F. Todorov1 , M. sian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 3 Insitute Yb-doped Programmable Fiber Laser ple’s Republic of (PRC); 3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-
Písařík3 , O. Podrazký1 , and I. Kašík1 ; 1 Institute of Pho- of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Y. Kim, A. Archambault, A. Dupuis, B. Burgoyne, G. Pena, Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany
tonics and Electronics ASCR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Re- the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Rus- and �A. Villeneuve; Genia Photonics Inc., Laval, Canada Ridge channel waveguides in a neodymium-doped YAG
public; 2 Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany; sia; 4 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; We present an Yb programmable laser where the wave- crystals are fabricated using a combination of carbon ion
SQS Vláknová optika a.s., Nová Paka, Czech Republic
Inversion Fiber Co. Ltd., Novosibirsk, Russia length and the pulse width can be tuned independently. implantation and diamond blade dicing, yielding high
Highly integrated thulium-doped �ber laser emitting at All-�ber continuous-wave Ho-doped laser utilizing the Wavelengths are tuned from 1020 to 1080 nm and the slope e�ciency of 43% and output powers up to 84mW.
1951 nm and its characteristics are presented. To our compressed Bragg grating re�ector was realized with shortest pulse a�er compression is 4 ps.
knowledge, this is the �rst rare-earth-doped �ber laser emission wavelength tuned from 2.1 to 2.045 �m and the CJ-P.18 WED
with a FBG pair written with deep UV femtosecond laser maximum output power of 3.4 W with variation <7.5% CJ-P.14 WED 30 W, CW Yb-doped �ber laser tunable over 144 nm
radiation. over tuning range. Gain-switched, Yb-doped, all-�ber laser with narrow �R. Royon1 , J. Lhermite1 , L. Sarger2 , and E. Cormier1 ;
bandwidth CELIA BORDEAUX 1, TALENCE, France; 2 LOMA
CJ-P.6 WED CJ-P.10 WED �C. Larsen1 , M. Giesberts2 , S. Nyga2 , O. Fitzau2 , H.D. BORDEAUX 1, TALENCE, France
Re�ning the Modelling of Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers Temporal and Statistical Properties of the Ytterbium Ho�mann2 , and O. Bang1,3 ; 1 DTU Fotonik - Department An ytterbium-doped �ber laser continuously tunable
�M. Erkintalo, C. Aguergaray, A. Runge, and N. Broder- Doped Fiber Laser of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Den- from 976nm to 1120nm and delivering up to 30W of av-
ick; Department of Physics, �e University of Auckland, �A. Bednyakova1,3 , O. Gorbunov2 , M. Politko2,3 , S. mark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Fraunhofer-Institute for erage power linearly-polarized is demonstrated. More-
Auckland, New Zealand Kablukov2 , S. Smirnov3 , D. Churkin4,3 , M. Fedoruk1,3 , S. Lasertechnology, Aachen, Germany; 3 NKT Photonics A/S, over the bandwidth of our system can be tuned from
We present a re�ned model for the simulation of mode- Turitsyn4 , and S. Babin2,3 ; 1 Institute of Computational Birkerød, Denmark 100pm to more than 1nm.
locked �ber lasers. Using full generalized envelope equa- Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 Institute of We demonstrate that an all-�ber, narrow bandwidth,
tions and rigorously modelled gain dynamics we obtain Automation and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Rus- high pulse energy pulsed laser can be constructed from CJ-P.19 WED
remarkable agreement with experiments. sia; 3 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; commercially available components by applying gain- Spectral width optimization in random DFB �ber
4 laser
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Birmingham,, switching. A�er single-stage ampli�cation the pulses are
CJ-P.7 WED United Kingdom frequency doubled in ppSLT with high e�ciency. �I. Vatnik1 , D. Churkin1,2 , and S. Babin1,3 ; 1 Institute
Experimental Investigation of Delivery and Spectral We present experimental measurement and full numer- of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk,
Broadening of Nanosecond Laser Pulses in Bragg ical modelling of temporal and statistical properties CJ-P.15 WED Russia; 2 Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Birm-
�ber with Silica Core of narrow-bandwidth quasi-CW Ytterbium doped �ber Annealing of pre-darkened ytterbium doped silica- ingham, United Kingdom; 3 Novosibirsk State University,
�M. Jelinek1 , V. Kubecek1 , H. Jelinkova1 , V. Matejec2 , I. laser. Modelling demonstrates the same stochastic na- Kinetic model Novosibirsk, Russia
Kasik2 , and O. Podrazky2 ; 1 Czech Technical University ture of the YDFL radiation as observed in experiment. �K.E. Mattsson; DTU Fotonik, Lyngby, Denmark We experimentally study power and spectral properties

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
of random distributed feedback laser depending on the CJ-P.24 WED CJ-P.28 WED CJ-P.32 WED
cavity length. Increase of the random DFB �ber laser Square Pulse Generation from 3.3 MHz repetition rate all-�ber laser oscillator Highly E�cient fs-Laser Inscribed Yb:YAG
length results in narrower generation spectrum. All-Normal-Dispersion Graphene Oxide mode-locked by polarization rotation in PM �ber Waveguide Lasers Fabricated with a Novel Writing
Mode-Locked Yb-Doped Fiber Laser �S. Boivinet1,2 , J.-B. Lecourt1 , A. Cserteg1 , D. Giannone1 , Scheme
CJ-P.20 WED �Z. Cheng1 , S. Wu2 , Q.-H. Yang2 , and P. Wang1 ; 1 Institute Y. Hernandez1 , and P. Mégret2 ; 1 Multitel, Mons, Belgium; T. Calmano1 , S. Müller1 , �C. Kränkel1,2 , and G. Huber1,2 ;
High-power Widely Tunable Raman Fiber Laser of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 2
University of Mons, Mons, Belgium 1
Institute of Laser-Physics, University of Hamburg, Ham-
�A. El-Taher1 , P. Harper1 , S. Babin2 , and S. Turitsyn1 ; Beijing, China, People’s Republic of (PRC); 2 School of We present an all-�ber passively mode-locked laser at burg, Germany; 2 �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imag-
Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom; Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Univer- 1031 nm based on non-linear polarization evolution in ing, Hamburg, Germany
Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Novosibirsk, sity, Tianjin, China, People’s Republic of (PRC) fully polarization maintaining cavity. �e pulses dura- Femtosecond-laser written Yb(7%):YAG waveguide-
Russia We demonstrated a mode-locked Yb-doped �ber laser tion is 2.83 picoseconds at a repetition rate of 3.3 MHz. lasers with a record high optical-to-optical e�ciency of
A possibility to greatly increase a tuning range and out- with graphene oxide as saturable absorber, delivering 67% and an output power of more than 1W are pre-
put power of the Raman �ber laser by combining e�ects square-shaped nanosecond pulse with highest pulse en- CJ-P.29 WED sented. For the waveguide fabrication a novel writing-
of highly-nonlinear �ber and Rayleigh-scattering based ergy of 137nJ. �e laser spectrum was Lorentz-shaped at Fundamental Mode Ampli�cation in 140 um Core scheme with an oscillating translation was applied.
feedback in the cavity has been demonstrated. 1064.9nm with bandwidth of 0.19nm. Diameter Fiber
M. Vanhotsker, �B. Shulga, and A. A. Ishaaya; Ben- CJ-P.33 WED
CJ-P.21 WED CJ-P.25 WED Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel 160 W single-frequency laser based on active tapered
E�cient Spectral Broadening and Recompression of Vapor-Phase Doping of Ytterbium in High Power We experimentally demonstrate the preservation and double-clad �ber ampli�er
200 fs Pulses from a Monolithic Yb-FCPA to 66 fs Laser Fiber ampli�cation of the fundamental mode in highly mul- �A. Trikshev1 , A. Kurkov1 , V. Tsvetkov1 , S. Filatova2 ,
�T. Flöry1 , K. Regelskis2 , A.J. Verhoef1 , I. Bugar1 , L. �R. Sen, M. Saha, A. Pal, and M. Pal; Fiber optics & Pho- timode passive and active �bers. We investigate the per- J. Kertulla3 , V. Filippov3 , O. Okhotnikov3 , and Y.
Zhu1 , A. Zheltikov3,4 , A. Fernández1 , and A. Baltuska1 ; tonics Division, CSIR-Central glass & Ceramic Research formance as function of �ber length, coiling radius and Chamorovskiy4 ; 1 Prokhorov General Physics Institute,
Institut für Photonik, Technische Universität Wien, Institute, Kolkata, India ampli�cation conditions. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 2 Moscow
Wien, Austria; 2 Center for Physical Sciences and Tech- A state-of-the-art facility for vapor-phase deposition of State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer
nology, Vilnius, Lithuania; 3 Institute for Quantum Stud- rare-earth compounds has been established and pro- CJ-P.30 WED Science, Moscow, Russia; 3 Optoelectronics Research Cen-
ies, Department of Physics, College Station, United States; cess technology optimized for fabricating large core pre- Infrared supercontinuum generation in so�-glass tre, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland;
International Laser Center, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow forms/�bers doped with Yb- and Al- oxides with excel- photonic crystal �ber pumped with a femtosecond
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Rus-
State University, Moscow, Russia lent longitudinal and radial uniformity. Er-doped �ber laser mode-locked by graphene sian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
We present pulse post-compression down to 66-fs of a saturable absorber 160 W single-frequency laser based on two stage �ber
200-fs microjoule-level ytterbium-doped �ber chirped- CJ-P.26 WED �R. Buczynski1,2 , G. Sobon3 , J. Sotor3 , G. Stepniewski1 , D. ampli�ers is presented. A GTWave �ber is used for the
pulse ampli�er. Post-compression is achieved in a 20- Single-pulse operation in actively Q-switched Pysz1 , T. Martynkien4 , M. Klimczak1 , R. Stepien1 , and �rst stage and tapered double-clad �ber is used for the
cm long piece of large mode area �ber and subsequent erbium-doped �ber lasers K. Abramski3 ; 1 Department of Glass, Institute of Elec- second stage of ampli�er.
compression in a prism compressor. �Y. Barmenkov1 , L. Escalante-Zarate1 , S. Kolpakov2 , A. tronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland; 2 Faculty of
Kir’yanov1 , and M. Andres2 ; 1 Centro de Investigaciones Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 3 Laser CJ-P.34 WED
CJ-P.22 WED en Optica, Leon, Mexico; 2 Universidad de Valencia, Va- & Fiber Electronics Group, Wroclaw University of Tech- High-average-power nanosecond pulsed Yb-doped
All-�ber passively Q-switched Erbium/Samarium lencia, Spain nology, Wroclaw, Poland; 4 Instutute of Physics, Wroclaw PCF �ber laser systems
laser �e features of an actively Q-switched erbium-doped �- University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland �T. Yamamura1,3 , H. Yoshida2 , K. Tsukamoto2 , H.
�C.E. Preda, G. Ravet, and P. Mégret; University of Mons, bre laser arranged in symmetric and quasi-symmetric A generation of �at, broadband infrared supercontin- Fujita2 , N. Miyanaga2 , M. Ishikawa1,3 , T. Sakagawa1,3 ,
Mons, Belgium con�gurations are reported. It is shown that single per uum is reported in the single mode photonic crystal �ber and M. Tsukamoto4 ; 1 Kataoka Corp., Kyoto, Japan;
We present the experimental demonstration of a novel modulation period Q-switch pulses without any multi- made of lead-bismuth-galate glass. �e �ber is pumped 2
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka,
and simple all-�ber con�guration, where an Er-doped pulse structuration are attainable using both schemes. with a femtosecond Er-doped �ber laser mode-locked by Japan; 3 Advanced Laser and Process Technology Research
�ber laser, using Sm-doped �ber as a saturable ab- graphene saturable absorber. Association, Tokyo, Japan; 4 Joining and Weiding Research
sorber, oscillates in self-Q-switch operation by using a CJ-P.27 WED Institute, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
cw pumping. Suppression of photo-darkening by Ca additive in CJ-P.31 WED We have developed a high-peak and high-average power
Yb-doped silica �ber E�cient single-frequency pulsed all-�bre ampli�er Yb-doped rod PCF �ber laser system. �e output power
CJ-P.23 WED �Y. Fujimoto1 , S.-i. Sugiyama2 , M. Murakami1 , H. for coherent lidar has been achieved to about 393 W by a 100-um PCF-rod
Optical Parametric Ampli�cation in Nakano2 , T. Sato3 , and H. Shiraga1 ; 1 Institute of Laser �C. Bollig, P.-G. Hofmeister, M. Kunze, J. Schmidt, S. type �ber.
Capillary-Assisted Chalcogenide Optical Fibers Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; 2 Kinki Uni- Fayed, and R. Reuter; Physics Department, University of
�S. Singh, S. Varshney, and P. Datta; Indian Institute of versity, Faculty of science and Engineering, Higashiosaka Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany CJ-P.35 WED
Technology, Kharagpur, India City, Japan; 3 Shin-Etsu Quartz Products Co., Ltd., Ko- An e�cient Erbium-ampli�er is demonstrated which de- Pump Power Reduction by Photodarkening in
We present detailed theoretical investigation of tun- riyama, Japan livers up to 20 uJ single-frequency pulses with 100 mW Yb-doped Fibres
able optical parametric ampli�cation in a 20cm long We found that Ca additive e�ectively suppresses the average power for only 800 mW of pump power. No �S. Yoo1 , N. Li2 , X. Yu2 , and J. Sahu3 ; 1 Nanyang Techno-
capillary-assisted chalcogenide optical �ber pumped at photo-darkening e�ect in Yb-doped silica �ber even at signs of SBS were present at this power. logical University, Singapore, Singapore; 2 Singapore Insti-
2.94�m wavelength with 20W CW laser for generation 6.0 wt% of high Yb2O3 concentration. Ca ion works as tute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, Singapore;
of wide bandwidth radiations in mid-infrared range. a stabilizer to maintain the Yb3+ valence state. 3
University of Southampton, Southampton, United King-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
We present direct quantitative measurement of pump ables self-starting operation. Pulses are compressed to 42 �I. Morohashi1 , T. Sakamoto1 , K. Hara2 , M. Oikawa2 , T. CJ-P.43 WED
power reduction by photodarkening in Yb-doped �bres. fs. Kawanishi1 , and I. Hosako1 ; 1 National Institute of Infor- Time- and Position-Dependant Modelling of
Together with shortened �uorescence lifetime, the re- mation and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan; High-Power Low-Repetition-Rate Er-Yb-Fiber
sults experimentally reveal the photodarkening in�u- CJ-P.38 WED 2
Optohub Co., Ltd, Saitama, Japan Ampli�er
ences pump e�ciency in addition to the excess back- First demonstration of a laser emission in hybrid By combining a Mach-Zehnder-modulator-based �at I. Pavlov1 , E. Dulgergil2 , P. Elahi1 , and �F.O. Ilday1 ;
ground loss. nanostructured optical �bres based on SiO2 / SnO2 comb generator and a chirped pulse ampli�er, high peak 1
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 2 Meteksan Savunma
system doped by ytterbium ions power ultrashort pulse generation was demonstrated. Inc., Ankara, Turkey
CJ-P.36 WED G. Granger1 , C. Restoin1 , P. Roy1 , R. Jamier1 , S. Rougier1 , 200 fs-order pulse with the peak power of 3.5 kW were We report numerical and experimental study of
Design curves based optimization and fabrication of A. Lecomte2 , J.-M. Blondy1 , and �D. Gaponov1 ; 1 Xlim demonstrated. nanosecond-pulse propagation in Er-Yb-�ber laser-
a high gain Yb-Er co-doped optical ampli�er based Research Institute, Limoges, France; 2 SPCTS, Limoges, ampli�er. Pulse shaping due to time-dependent gain
on phosphate glasses France CJ-P.41 WED saturation along the gain �ber is analyzed. We demon-
�G.C. Scarpignato1,3 , J. Lousteau2 , E. Mura1 , N.G. In this contribution we demonstrate the �rst fabrication A novel seven-core multicore tellurite �ber strate 100-microjoule, 5-ns, 100-kHz pulses from an
Boetti1 , S. Abrate2 , D. Milanese1 , L. Bastard3 , and J.-E. of SiO2 - SnO2 nanostructured optical �bre. �e in- �T. Cheng, Z. Duan, M. Liao, W. Gao, D. Deng, T. Suzuki, all-�ber system.
Broquin3 ; 1 DISAT, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy; corporation of ytterbium ions leads to an original laser and Y. Ohishi; Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya,
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Torino, Italy; 3 IMEP- emission. Japan CJ-P.44 WED
LAHC UMR 5130, Grenoble, France A novel seven-core multicore tellurite �ber is proposed Experimental Investigation of Bending Properties of
�e current report discusses the fabrication and charac- CJ-P.39 WED and fabricated . Each core with high index is made of Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fibre with Double
terization of a short core pumped �ber ampli�er based all-�ber dispersion-managed mode-locked Yb-doped TLWMN glass. �e background with low index is made Lattice Constant Structure
on Yb3+/Er3+ co-doped phosphate glasses. An original �ber faser based on carbon nanotubes of TZNL glass. �M. Napierała1,2 , E. Bereś-Pawlik3 , P. Mergo4 , F.
representation using design curves was specially devel- �Z. Zhang1 , D. Popa2 , Z. Sun2 , T. Hasan2 , A. Ferrari2 , Berghmans5 , H. �ienpont5 , L. Jaroszewicz2 , and
oped for the optimization process. and F.Ö. Ilday1 ; 1 Department of Physics, Bilkent Univer- CJ-P.42 WED T. Nasilowski1,2 ; 1 InPhoTech Ltd., Warsaw, Poland;
sity, Ankara, Turkey; 2 Department of Engineering, Uni- Narrowband �bre laser using a cylindrical optical 2
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland;
CJ-P.37 WED versity of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom microresonator as feedback element 3
Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland;
sub-50 fs all �ber yb-doped laser with We have presented an all-�ber dispersion-managed Yb- E. Rivera-Perez1,2 , �A. Diez1 , M.V. Andres1 , J.L. Cruz1 , 4
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland;
anomalous-dispersion photonic crystal �ber doped �ber laser with SWNT SA. Using PCF for disper- and A. Rodriguez-Cobos2 ; 1 Departamento de Fisica 5
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
�Z. Zhang1 , Ç. Şenel1,2 , R. Hamid2 , and F.Ö. Ilday1 ; sion compensation, in the net normal dispersion regime Aplicada-ICMUV, Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot, We demonstrate LMA PCF with double lattice constant
Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara, mode-locked pulses with large linear chirp have been ob- Spain; 2 Instituto de Investigacion en Comunicacion Op- structure. Our �bre allows extracting the excellent qual-
Turkey; 2 TUBITAK National Metrology Institute (UME), tained, which can be compressed to 118 fs. tica, San Luis Potosi, Mexico ity beam from the very large core while bent around 10
Kocaeli, Turkey A narrowband erbium doped �bre laser is presented. �e cm radius, which is con�rmed experimentally.
We demonstrate an all-�ber-integrated, dispersion- CJ-P.40 WED feedback is provided by a WGM of a cylindrical mi-
managed Yb-doped oscillator incorporating a segment Generation of ultrashort pulse with high peak power croresonator. A single laser line with 50 dB signal-to-
of anomalous-dispersion PCF. Residual birefringence of using Mach-Zehnder-modulator-based �at comb noise ratio and 35 kHz linewidth was achieved.
the PCF is used as a �ber-integrated Lyot �lter, which en- generator and chirped pulse ampli�cation

13:00 – 14:00 land; 3 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, In- �F. Fuchs, S. Hugger, J. Jarvis, Q. Yang, R. Ostendorf, C. JSII-P.3 WED
JSII-P: JSII Poster Session stitute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany Schilling, R. Driad, R. Aidam, A. Bächle, W. Bronner, and �-Stripes high power quantum cascade lasers arrays
An electron-multiplying camera is used in the imag- J. Wagner; Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State �M. Carras, B. Gerard, G.M. De Naurois, G. Maisons, B.
JSII-P.1 WED ing of alpha radiation-induced radioluminescence in air. Physics IAF, Freiburg, Germany Simozrag, and V. Trinité; III-V Lab, Palaiseau, France
�e method enables rapid detection of strong alpha �e use of external cavity quantum cascade lasers for the We will introduce a new way to improve the power of
EMCCD imaging of strongly ionizing radioactive
emitters in security and safety applications. detection of hazardous substances is reported. Stand-o� the quantum cascade lasers while keeping a good beam
materials for safety and security
detection of explosives employing imaging backscatter- quality: micro-stripes array technology.
�J. Sand1 , S. Ihantola2 , K. Peräjärvi2 , H. Toivonen2 , A.
JSII-P.2 WED ing spectroscopy and detection of contaminants in water
Nicholl3 , E. Hrnecek3 , and J. Toivonen1 ; 1 Tampere Uni-
Detection of Hazardous Substances Using has been demonstrated.
versity of Technology, Tampere, Finland; 2 STUK - Radia-
tion and Nuclear Safety Authority Finland, Helsinki, Fin- Broadband-Tuneable Quantum Cascade Laser Based
Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy

13:00 – 14:00 �P. Neutens1,2 , L. Lagae1,2 , and P. Van Dorpe1,2 ; 1 Imec, stack, improving the ease of fabrication and still obtain- M. Fevrier1,2 , P. Gogol1,2 , A. Apuzzo3 , S. Blaize3 , R.
II-P: II Poster Session Leuven, Belgium; 2 KU Leuven department of Physics, ing Q-factors over 100. Megy1,2 , G. Lerondel3 , and �B. Dagens1,2 ; 1 Univ. Paris-
Leuven, Belgium Sud, Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Orsay, France;
II-P.1 WED We demonstrate by FDTD simulations that 1-D II-P.2 WED 2
CNRS, UMR 8622, Orsay, France; 3 Laboratoire de Nan-
High Q-factor plasmonic �lters in nanoscale nanoscale photonic plasmonic crystals can be made Phase evolution along integrated localized surface otechnologie et d’Instrumentation Optique, CNRS-UMR
metal-insulator-metal waveguides with a top-down approach starting from a planar layer plasmon chain 6279, Université de technologie de Troyes, Troyes, France

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
Phase evolution of localized surface plasmon (LSP) II-P.7 WED Zentrum Hannover e. V., Hannover, Germany; 2 Institute 2
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University,
modes is measured along a periodic gold nanorod chain Re�ection, Transmission, Absorption, Di�raction of Technology and Innovation, Odense M, Denmark Taipei, Taiwan, China, Republic of (ROC); 3 Research
integrated on silicon waveguide. Numerical analysis of and Gain in Plasmonic-Photonic Ag-Capped Femtosecond laser-induced transfer is used to fabri- Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Tai-
this phase at di�erent wavelengths clari�es LSP mode ex- Monolayers of Dye-Doped Nanospheres cate spherical Si nanoparticles with unique character- wan, China, Republic of (ROC); 4 Centre for Disruptive
citation mechanisms. �N. Arnold, B. Ding, C. Hrelescu, and T.A. Klar; Institute istics. Measured light scattering spectra of individual Photonic Technologies, Nanyang Technological University,
of Applied Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Aus- Si nanoparticles with radii of 50-300 nm demonstrate Singapore, Singapore
II-P.3 WED tria strong resonant responses in the visible spectral range. We report on electromagnetic metamaterials that ex-
Harmonic generation in plasmonic nanowires General framework for oblique irradiation modeling, ploit interference between electrical and toroidal dipo-
�A. de Hoogh, M. Wulf, N. Rotenberg, and K. Kuipers; which accounts for re�ection, transmission absorption II-P.11 WED lar modes of excitation to generate non-trivial gauge-
FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, �e Netherlands and di�raction, is presented. In our hybrid plasmonic- Direct mapping of plasmonic near-�elds using irreducible vector potential in the absence of scattered
Near-�eld measurements reveal e�cient second and photonic structure, we �nd gain-enhanced extraordi- infrared far-�eld vibrational spectroscopy electromagnetic �elds.
third harmonic generation from a surface plasmon po- nary transmission, re�ection, di�raction and various �D. Dregely1 , F. Neubrech1 , H. Duan2 , and H. Giessen1 ;
lariton propagating along a plamonic nanowire. �e in- types of polarization conversion. 1
4th Physics Institute and Research Center SCoPE, Uni- II-P.15 WED
�uence of nanowire dimensions on the amplitude of the versity of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; 2 Department of Plasmonic Crystals for solid-state lighting
nonlinear signals is investigated. II-P.8 WED Physics and Microelectronics, Hunan University, Chang- �G. Lozano1 , S.R. Rodriguez1 , M.A. Vercshuuren2 , and J.
Enhancing the �uorescence of thick-shell single sha, China, People’s Republic of (PRC) Gomez Rivas1,3 ; 1 FOM Institute AMOLF, Eindhoven, �e
II-P.4 WED CdSe-CdS nanocrystals through their coupling with We mapped plasmonic near-�eld intensities by reso- Netherlands; 2 Philips Research, Eindhoven, �e Nether-
Passive plasmonic �lters in metallic slot waveguides plasmon resonances of gold �lms nantly enhanced infrared far-�eld spectroscopy. We po- lands; 3 COBRA Institute, Eindhoven University of Tech-
�P. Neutens1,2 , L. Lagae1,2 , and P. Van Dorpe1,2 ; 1 Imec, �D. Canneson1 , I. Mallek-Zouari1 , S. Buil1 , X. Quélin1 , C. sitioned a molecular probe at di�erent locations of plas- nology, Eindhoven, �e Netherlands
Leuven, Belgium; 2 KU Leuven department of Physics, Javaux2 , B. Mahler2 , B. Dubertret2 , and J.-P. Hermier1,3 ; monic antennas and measured the local vibrational sig- It is generally believed that plasmonic structures only
Leuven, Belgium 1
Groupe d’Etude de la Matière Condensée, Université de nal with FTIR spectroscopy. provide bene�ts for light emission when used with low
We present the numerical and experimental demonstra- Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, CNRS UMR8635, quantum e�ciency emitters. Herein we demonstrate a
tion of plasmonic Bragg �lters and resonators metallic Versailles, France; 2 Laboratoire de Physique et d’Etude des II-P.12 WED very large emission increase using emitters developed for
slot waveguides. Tuning of the optical bandgap, the reso- Matériaux, CNRS UMR8213, Paris, France; 3 Institut Uni- Nonlinear gyrotropy in isotropic metamaterials solid-state lighting applications.
nance center wavelength and the Q-factor will be shown. versitaire de France, Paris, France �I. Shadrivov; Australian National University, Canberra,
We investigate the classical and quantum properties of Australia II-P.16 WED
II-P.5 WED the emission of single CdSe-CdS nanocrystals with a We propose and demonstrate experimentally a metama- A study in geometry: interferometric control of
Tailoring channel plasmon polaritons in metallic thick shell coupled to plasmon modes of gold �lms. terial which chirality can be dynamically induced in a resonant coupling
V-grooves Strong enhancement of the nanocrystal �uorescence is non-chiral medium. �is becomes possible in a racemic �N. Rotenberg1 , D.M. Beggs1 , J.E. Sipe2 , and K. Kuipers1 ;
�C. Smith, A. �ilsted, R. Marie, C. Vannahme, and A. 1
reported. mixture of metallic spirals, where one type of spirals is FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, �e Netherlands;
Kristensen; Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyn- 2
nonlinear. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
gby, Denmark II-P.9 WED Control over resonant coupling is demonstrated us-
�e intensity distributions of channel plasmon polari- Second Harmonic Circular Dichroism from Au II-P.13 WED ing two-component gratings that provide two coupling
tons in metallic V-groove waveguides are tailored via Covered Polystyrene Nanospheres 3D Metallic Photonic Crystals with Optical Bandgaps pathways. By tuning the relative phase between the two
controlled variation of the V-shaped cross section pro- �A. Belardini1 , G. Leahu1 , A. Benedetti1 , M. Centini1 , F. �M. Farsari, I. Sakellari, N. Vasilantonakis, K. Terzaki, components, coupling to surface plasmons can be turned
�le. Experiments measuring propagation length and Mura1 , S. Sennato1 , C. Sibilia1 , F. Buatier de Mongeot2 , C. D. Gray, C. Soukoulis, M. Vamvakaki, and M. Kafesaki; on/o�, or made directional.
coupling e�ciency agree with numerical simulations. Martella2 , M. Giordano2 , and D. Chiappe2 ; 1 Univ.Roma IESL-FORTH, Heraklion, Greece
1 Dip SBAI, Roma, Italy; 2 Univ.Genova Dip Fisica, Gen- We present the fabrication and characterization of high II-P.17 WED
II-P.6 WED ova, Italy resolution, three-dimensional metallic woodpile struc- E�ective medium theory for Kapitza strati�ed media
Towards a microscopic description of the optical Measurements of the second harmonic circular dichro- tures, with bandgaps at optical wavelengths. �ese are �A. Ciattoni1 and C. Rizza2 ; 1 Consiglio Nazionale
nonlinearities of gold-based plasmonic devices ism arising from polystyrene nanospheres partially made using Direct fs Laser Writing and selective metal- delle Ricerche, CNR-SPIN, Coppito, L’Aquila, Italy;
�F. Biancalana2 and A. Marini1 ; 1 Max Planck Institute capped by thin Au layer show the presence of a geomet- lization with electroless plating. 2
Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Università
for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Heriot-Watt rical induced chiral response due to mutual coupling of dell’Insubria, Como, Italy
University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom the nanopatterned metal caps II-P.14 WED We show that a medium with rapidly and deeply mod-
We describe the so-called thermo-modulational nonlin- Non-Radiating Excitations, Vector Potential Waves ulated permittivity hosts a novel regime of di�raction-
ear e�ects on surface plasmon polaritons guided along II-P.10 WED and Toroidal Metamaterials less propagation. Results are checked through the ex-
gold nanowires, by introducing a NLS to model pulse Optical magnetic response of laser fabricated Si �V. Savinov1 , V.A. Fedotov1 , A.V. Rogacheva1 , D.P. act transmissivity analysis of a large modulation depth
propagation and predicting the appearance of a previ- nanoparticles Tsai2,3 , and N.I. Zheludev1,4 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research metal-dielectric layered slab.
ously unknown intense spectral redshi�. �U. Zywietz1 , A. Evlyukhin1 , W. Cheng1 , S. Novikov2 , C. Centre & Centre for Photonic Metamaterials, Univer-
Reinhardt1 , S. Bozhevolnyi2 , and B. Chichkov1 ; 1 Laser sity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom;

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Wednesday 15 May 2013
Hall B0
13:00 – 14:00 normally dispersive optical �bers leads to self-similar JSIII-P.4 WED JSIII-P.6 WED
JSIII-P: JSIII Poster Session and �at-top pulses called �aticons. Upon collision, �ati- Observation of a Photonic Coherent and Incoherent Rogue Waves in Seeded
cons merge into a single, high-intensity rogue pulse anal- Berezinski-Kosterlitz-�ouless Transition Supercontinuum Generation
JSIII-P.1 WED ogous to sneaker waves. G. Situ1 and �J. Fleischer2 ; 1 Shanghai Institute of Optics �S.T. Sørensen1 , C. Larsen1 , U. Møller1 , P.M. Moselund2 ,
Stabilizing optical rogue waves with �ber topography and Fine Mechanics, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic C.L. �omsen2 , and O. Bang1,2 ; 1 DTU Fotonik, Techni-
JSIII-P.3 WED of (PRC); 2 Princeton University, Princeton, United States cal University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 NKT
�A. Bendahmane1 , A. Mussot1 , A. Kudlinski1 , G. Genty2 ,
and J. Dudley3 ; 1 Laboratoire PhLAM UMR CNRS 8523, Experimental demonstration of Rogue waves in �e contribution has been withdrawn by the authors. Photonics A/S, Birkerød, Denmark
IRCICA, Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; disordered Luneburg-type photonic networks Deterministic supercontinuum can be generated by
Tampere University of Technology, Optics Laboratory, �I. Pitsios1,2 , M. Mattheakis3 , M. �evenet1 , D. Gray1 , JSIII-P.5 WED seeding the modulation instability-induced pulse break-
Tampere, Finland; 3 Institut FEMTO-ST, UMR CNRS G.P. Tsironis1,3 , and S. Tzotzakis1,2 ; 1 Institute of Elec- Long-range Correlations and the Random Mass up. We investigate the in�uence of the modulation insta-
6174, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France tronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Dirac Model on an Integrated Optical Platform bility gain on seeding and demonstrate the generation of
We demonstrate for the �rst time that a particular Technology Hellas, Heraklion, Greece; 2 Materials Science �R. Keil1 , J. Zeuner1 , F. Dreisow1 , M. Heinrich1,2 , A. coherent and incoherent rogue waves.
�ber topography can lead to sustained optical rogue and Technology Department, University of Crete, Herak- Tünnermann1 , S. Nolte1 , and A. Szameit1 ; 1 Institute of
waves. Experimental feasibility of implementing such a lion, Greece; 3 Physics Department, University of Crete, Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- JSIII-P.7 WED
varying-topography along a photonic crystal �ber is also Heraklion, Greece Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany; 2 CREOL, �e Transition from di�raction in regular to Anderson
discussed. We study extreme waves in disordered Luneburg-type College of Optics & Photonics, University of Central localization in randomized nondi�racting photonic
photonic networks demonstrating both experimentally Florida, Orlando, United States structures
JSIII-P.2 WED and numerically the existence of rogue waves. We dis- �e Dirac equation with spatial mass disorder is emu- �M. Boguslawski, S. Brake, P. Rose, F. Diebel, and C. Denz;
cuss the conditions the phenomenon appears and com- lated by an ensemble of waveguide lattices, including the Institue of Applied Physics and Center for Nonlinear Sci-
Shallow water rogue waves in nonlinear optical �bers
pare to other systems in optics. regime of power-law decaying correlation functions. �e ence (CeNoS), Muenster, Germany
�S. Wabnitz1 , C. Finot2 , J. Fatome2 , and G. Millot2 ;
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell Informazione, Univer- results apply to Dirac fermions and a variety of magnetic We report on the experimental realizations of Anderson
sità degli Studi di Brescia, Brescia, Italy; 2 Laboratoire In- solids. localization in optically induced randomized potentials.
terdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon, France Implementing nondi�racting beams of randomized in-
Propagation of a phase modulated continuous wave in tensities o�ers a powerful method to bring disorder into
regular structures.


CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00
CJ-9: Raman E�ects in Fibre II-3: Controlling and Harvesting CH-4: Metrology of Materials and CK-7: Advanced Structures for CB-7: Semiconductor Lasers for
Sources Light with Plasmons Structures Light Sources Optical Communications
Chair: Ryszard Buczynski, University of War- Chair: �omas Klar, Johannes-Kepler- Chair: Stefano Selleri, University of Parma, Chair: Markus Pollnau, University of Twente, Chair: Erwin Bente, Technische Universiteit,
saw, Warsaw, Poland Universität, Linz, Austria Italy �e Netherlands Eindhoven, Netherlands
CJ-9.1 THU 8:30 II-3.1 THU (Invited) 8:30 CH-4.1 THU 8:30 CK-7.1 THU 8:30 CB-7.1 THU 8:30
Radial and azimuthal polarized all-�ber Plasmon Induced Light Harvesting Spectral-Domain Low-Coherence Single Photon Nanophotonics Using NV High-Speed Oxide Con�ned 850-nm
Raman oscillator �P. Nordlander; Rice University, Houston, Dynamic Light Scattering and Its Centers in �ree-Dimensional VCSELs Operating Error-Free at 47 Gbit/s
�C. Jocher1 , C. Jauregui1 , M. Becker2 , United States Application to Measurement of the Laser-Written Microstructures at room temperature and 40 Gbit/s at 85� C
M. Rothhardt2 , J. Limpert1,3 , and A. Plasmons are can focus light into to nanome- Air-Liquid Interface E�ect �A.W. Schell1 , J. Kaschke2 , J. Fischer2 , R. P. Westbergh1 , R. Safaisini1 , E. Haglund1 ,
Tünnermann11,3,4 ; 1 Institute of Applied ter sized hotspots and also be e�cient �T. Watarai and T. Iwai; Tokyo University of Henze1 , J. Wolters1 , M. Wegener2 , and O. J.S. Gustavsson1 , �A. Larsson1 , and A. Joel2 ;
Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich- sources of hot energetic electrons. �ese Agriculture and Technology, Koganei, Japan Benson1 ; 1 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - 1
Chalmers University of Technology, Göte-
Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany; processes can be exploited in light harvest- �e proposed method realizes seamless AG Nanooptik, Berlin, Germany; 2 Institute borg, Sweden; 2 IQE Europe Ltd., Cardi�,
Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, ing applications. measurements of the di�usion phenomenon of Applied Physics, DFG-Center for Func- United Kingdom
Germany; 3 Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Jena, of particles depending on the scattering po- tional Nanostructures, Institute of Nanotech- We demonstrate high-speed VCSELs ca-
Germany; 4 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied sition without any scanning operation. nology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology pable of reaching small signal modulation
Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena, �e experimental results showed the de- (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany bandwidths up to 28 GHz and error-free data
Germany crease of the di�usion coe�cient close to the Combination of NV-center-containing transmission up to 47 Gbit/s at room tem-
We demonstrate an all-�ber Raman �ber os- interface. nanodiamonds with a photoresist for perature and 40 Gbit/s at 85� C.
cillator for the generation of radially and az- 3D two-photon laser-lithography allows
imuthally polarized beams. �e in�uence for easy integration and combination of
and compensation of elliptical �ber cores single-photon emitters and microstructures.
is theoretically and experimentally investi- Single-photon emission from di�erent
gated. 3D quantum-photonic elements like
waveguides and resonators is shown.

CH-4.2 THU 8:45

Assessment of used Turbine Blades on
CJ-9.2 THU 8:45 and beneath the Surface for Product CK-7.2 THU 8:45 CB-7.2 THU 8:45
Fibre Raman laser directly pumped by Regeneration: Generation of a Damage On-Chip Quantum Optics with Transmission over 50 km using a directly
multimode laser diode at 975 nm Model based on Re�ection, Geometry Electrically Driven Quantum Dot modulated integrated two-section
�T. Yao and J. Nilsson; Optoelectronics Re- Measurement and �ermography Micropillar Cavities discrete mode laser at 1550 nm
search Centre, University of Southampton, �M. Krauß1 , W. Frackowiak2 , A. Pösch1 , M. C. Hopfmann1 , F. Albert2 , E. Stock1 , M. �J. O’Carroll1,2 , P.M. Anandarajah1 , R.
Southampton, United Kingdom Kästner1 , W. Reimche2 , E. Reithmeier1 , and Lermer2 , C. Schneider2 , S. Hö�ing2 , A. Zhou1 , R. Phelan2 , B. Kelly2 , J. O’Gorman3 ,
We present the �rst-ever continuous-wave H.J. Maier2 ; 1 Leibniz Universität Hannover Forchel2 , M. Kamp2 , and �S. Reitzenstein1 ; and L.P. Barry1 ; 1 �e Rince Institute, Dublin
�ber Raman laser pumped directly by mul- : Institute of Measurement and Automatic 1
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Ger- City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland;
timode diodes. �e output power reaches 4 Control, Hannover, Germany; 2 Leibniz Uni- many; 2 Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, 2
Eblana Photonics Ltd., Dublin, Republic of
W at 1019 nm and the slope e�ciency 55% versität Hannover : Institute of Materials Sci- Germany Ireland; 3 Xylophone Optics Ltd., Dublin, Re-
with 3 km of multimode graded-index �ber. ence, Hannover, Germany A novel concept for on-chip quantum optics public of Ireland
For the inspection of used parts from aero using an internal electrically pumped micro- A two-section device is presented, where op-
engines a hierarchical inspection is devel- laser is presented. �e microlaser resonantly tical injection from an integrated master to a
oped. �is multiscale approach uses hints excites a quantum dot - microcavity system slave laser is used to improve the device pa-
from the macro scale to determine areas for a operating in the weak coupling regime of rameters, including its transmission perfor-
higher resolution measurement with di�er- cavity quantum electrodynamics. mance. Transmission over 50 km is demon-
ent sensor principles. strated at 1550nm.
CJ-9.3 THU 9:00 II-3.2 THU 9:00 CH-4.3 THU 9:00 CK-7.3 THU 9:00 CB-7.3 THU (Invited) 9:00
Raman Gain and Random Distributed Tunable light emission in Recon�gurable Optical Spectroscopy in the time-domain A laser diode for integrated photon pair Multi-wavelength Hybrid Silicon Lasers
Feedback Generation in Nitrogen Doped Plasmonic Metamaterials beyond 1.1 �m: a tool for the generation at telecom wavelength for Optical Interconnects
Silica Core Fiber �G. Adamo3,1 , W.T. Chen2 , E. Plum1 , J.-Y. characterization of di�usive media G. Boucher1 , A. Orieux1 , F. Boitier1 , �A. �M. Heck, M. Davenport, G. Kurczveil, S.
�A. Lanin1 , D. Churkin1,2 , K. Golant3 , and Ou1 , J. So1 , D.P. Tsai2 , and N. Zheludev1,3 ; �A. Farina1 , I. Bargigia2 , A. Bahgat Shehata3 , Eckstein1 , E. Galopin2 , A. Lemaître2 , C. Jain, and J. Bowers; University of California
S. Turitsyn1 ; 1 Aston University, Birmingham, 1
Optoelectronics Research Centre & Cen- A. Dalla Mora2 , A. Tosi3 , F. Zappa3 , P. Manquest1 , I. Favero1 , G. Leo1 , and S. Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States
United Kingdom; 2 Institute of Automation tre for Photonics Metamaterials, Univer- Taroni2 , R. Cubeddu1,2 , and A. Pi�eri1,2 ; Ducci1 ; 1 Université Paris Diderot, Sor- Integrated multi-wavelength sources are

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00
IB-5: Quantum Communication CF/IE-10: Ultrafast Spectroscopy IA-7: Cavity-Opto Mechanics CG-4: Ultrafast High Power Lasers IH-3: Controlling Light Emission at
Chair: Allessandro Fedrizzi, University of Chair: Hristo Iglev, Technishe Universität Chair: Stephan Ritter, Max-Planck-Institut Chair: Peter Dombi, Wigner Research Centre the Nanoscale
Queensland, Brisbane St Lucia, Australia München, Munich, Germany für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany for Physics, Budapest, Hungary Chair: Willem L. Vos, University of Twente,
Enschede, �e Netherlands
IB-5.1 THU 8:30 CF/IE-10.1 THU 8:30 IA-7.1 THU 8:30 CG-4.1 THU 8:30 IH-3.1 THU 8:30
Free space quantum key distribution over Time-resolved Measurement of Optomechanical Dark Mode ELI-ALPS, the Attosecond Facility of the Quantum e�ciency of single NV centers
500 meters using electrically driven Vibrational Wave-Packet Dynamics of �H. Wang, C. Dong, V. Fiore, and M. Kuzyk; Extreme Light Infrastructure in nanodiamonds
quantum dot single photon sources H2+ Using Multicolor Probe Pulses University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, United D. Charalambidis1,2 , Z. Diveki1,3 , P. �A. Mohtashami, M. Frimmer, and A.F.
�M. Rau1 , T. Heindel2 , S. Unsleber2 , C. �Y. Furukawa1 , T. Okino2,1 , Y. Nabekawa1 , States Dombi1,4,5 , J.A. Fulop1,6 , M. Kalashnikov1,7 , Koenderink; FOM Institute AMOLF, Amster-
Schneider3 , S. Frick1 , G. Vest1 , S. Nauerth1 , A. Eilanlou1 , E. Takahashi1 , K. We demonstrate an optomechanical dark R. Lopez-Martens1,8 , �K. Osvay1,9 , and E. dam, �e Netherlands
M. Lermer3 , M. Kamp3 , S. Reitzenstein2 , A. Yamanouchi2 , and K. Midorikawa1 ; mode that decouples from the mechanical Racz1,10 ; 1 ELI-Hu Nk�.,, Szeged, Hungary; We report on the �rst experimental quan-
Forchel3 , S. Hö�ing3 , and H. Weinfurter1,4 ; 1
RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, oscillator, but enables state transfer between 2
FORTH, Crete, Greece; 3 Imperial College, ti�cation of the quantum e�ciency of sin-
Fakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians- Japan; 2 �e University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, optical modes, providing a mechanism for London, United Kingdom; 4 Max-Planck gle NV centers in nanodiamonds. Using a
Universität München, Germany; 2 Institut Japan pursuing quantum optomechanics without Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Ger- nanomechanically moving mirror to apply
für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität We report on a real-time imaging of the cooling the mechanical system to its ground many; 5 Wigner Research Centre for Physics, calibrated LDOS variations, we �nd quan-
Berlin, Germany; 3 Technische Physik and ultrafast vibrational wave-packet dynamics state. Budapest, Hungary; 6 MTA-PTE High-Field tum e�ciencies between 10% and 90%.
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Research Center of molecular hydrogen ions performed with THz Research Group, Pecs, Hungary; 7 Max-
for Complex Material Systems, Universität an extreme ultraviolet pump and multicolor Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany; 8 Laboratoire
Würzburg, Germany; 4 Max-Planck-Institut probe pulses generated through high har- d*Optique Appliquee, Palaiseau, France;
für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany monic generation scheme. University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary;
We successfully demonstrated freespace Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary
QKD using electrically driven InAs quan- �e ELI-ALPS facility is a laser-based re-
tum dot single photon sources embedded in search infrastructure where cutting-edge
micropillar cavities. �e electrical excitation very few cycle intense laser pulses and at-
scheme allows a much tighter integration of tosecond light sources are to be imple-
the source compared to optically pumped mented and used for basic and applied re-
schemes. IA-7.2 THU 8:45 search.
IB-5.2 THU 8:45 CF/IE-10.2 THU 8:45 Optomechanically Induced Transparency CG-4.2 THU 8:45 IH-3.2 THU 8:45
in a Membrane-in-�e-Middle Setup at
Quantum information in the presence of Dynamical coupling of molecular ELI Extreme Light Infrastructure Science Magneto-Electric Antennas for Directed
Room Temperature
loss rotation and Coulomb explosion and Technology with ultra intense Lasers Light Emission
M. Karuza1,2 , C. Bianco�ore1 , P. Zucconi
�J. Rarity, A.B. Young, B. Bell, and C. Hu; �S. Weber1,2 , M. Oppermann1 , L. Frasinski1 , �G. Korn, B. LeGarrec, and B. Rus; ELI Beam- �I.M. Hancu1 , A.G. Curto1 , M. Castro-
Galli Fonseca1 , M. Galassi1 , R. Natali1 , P.
Merchant Venturers School of Engineering, and J. Marangos1 ; 1 Imperial College Lon- lines, Prague, Czech Republic López1 , M. Kuttge1 , and N.F. van Hulst1,2 ;
Tombesi1 , G. Di Giuseppe1 , and �D. Vitali1 ;
Bristol, United Kingdom don, London, United Kingdom; 2 CEA Saclay, 1 We will be giving an overview on the de- 1
ICFO - �e Institute of Photonic Sci-
School of Science and Technology, University
We will examine the limitations losses pose IRAMIS, Service des Photons, Atomes et velopment of the ELI-beamline facility. �e ences, Castelldefels, Spain; 2 Institució Cata-
of Camerino, Camerino, Italy; 2 Department
to quantum information tasks, and sum- Molécules, Gif-sur-Yvette, France main objective of the ELI-Beamlines Project lana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA),
of Physics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croa-
marise novel ways in which to circumvent �e �rst observation of 1/8th rotational re- is delivery of ultra-short high-energy pulses Barcelona, Spain
losses to perform quantum metrology and vival in impulsively aligned CO2 molecules for the generation and applications of high- We demonstrate directional light emission
We demonstrate electromagnetically
loophole free violations of bell inequalities. probed by Coulomb explosion is reported. brightness X-ray sources and accelerated from split-ring resonators by exploiting the
induced transparency in a cavity op-
Such a dynamic gives insight in the cou- particles. interference of their magnetic and electric
tomechanics setup formed by a thin
pling arising between rotation wavepacket dipole moments. �ese subwavelength an-
semitransparent membrane within a cavity.
and strong �eld dynamic. tennas are broadband and robust with re-
We infer a pulse delay of hundreds of
spect to the position of local sources.
microseconds, tunable by shi�ing the

IB-5.3 THU 9:00 CF/IE-10.3 THU 9:00 IA-7.3 THU 9:00 CG-4.3 THU 9:00 IH-3.3 THU (Invited) 9:00
Experimental demonstration of Time-resolved cluster dynamics driven by Cavity Optomechanics With Photonic Sub-5-fs Multi-TW Optical Parametric Accessing Forbidden Transitions:
continuous-variable quantum key 1.5-micrometer laser pulses Crystal Nanomembrane Synthesizer Magnetic Dipoles and Electric
distribution over 80 km of standard H. Ruf1 , M. Negro2 , B. Fabre1 , D. Staedter3 , �M. Kevin1 , A. �omas1 , K. Aurélien1 , D. �L. Veisz1 , D. Rivas1 , G. Marcus1 , X. Gu1 , Quadrupoles for Nano-Optics
telecom �ber F. Dorchies1 , M. Devetta2 , C. Vozzi2 , Y. Samuel1 , B. Tristan1 , C. Pierre-François1 , D. Cardenas1 , J. Mikhailova1 , A. Buck1,2 , T. �R. Zia; Brown University, Providence,
�P. Jouguet1,2 , S. Kunz-Jacques2 , A. Mairesse1 , and �S. Stagira2 ; 1 Centre Lasers H. Antoine1 , R.-P. Isabelle2 , and B. Remy2 ; Wittmann1 , C. Sears1 , J. Xu1 , D. Herrmann3 , United States
Leverrier3 , P. Grangier4 , and E. Diamanti1 ; Intenses et Applications, Université de Bor-
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris, France; O. Razskazovskaya2 , V. Pervak2 , and F. We demonstrate how naturally occurring

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Rus- sity of Southampton, Southampton, United Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milano, bonne Paris Cité, Laboratoire Matériaux et essential components for future high-
sia; 3 Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineer- Kingdom; 2 Department of Physics, National Italy; 2 Politecnico di Milano-Dipartimento di Phénomènes Quantiques, CNRS-UMR 7162,, capacity optical interconnects. We present
ing and Electronics of RAS, Moscow, Russia Taiwan University, Taipei, China, Republic Fisica, Milano, Italy; 3 Politecnico di Milano- Paris, France; 2 Laboratoire de Photonique et our work on integrated hybrid silicon
Random distributed feedback laser genera- of (ROC); 3 Centre for Disruptive Photonics Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Nanostructures, CNRS-UPR20, Marcoussis, arrayed-waveguide grating-based lasers,
tion is demonstrated for the �rst time in ni- Technologies, Nanyang Technological Univer- Bioingegneria, Milano, Italy France mode-locked comb lasers and wideband
trogen doped �ber. High Raman gain coef- sity, Singapore, Singapore A system for time-resolved di�use optical We report on electrically pumped Bragg quantum-well-intermixed single-frequency
�cient results in e�cient random generation We show that new intense luminescence spectroscopy for wavelengths longer than mode lasing at 782 nm at room temperature laser arrays.
in �ber of 500 meters only. lines associated with collective plasmonic 1.1 �m is used for the characterization of in an AlGaAs structure designed for type-II
states can be arti�cially created by metama- some media like lipid, collagen, fruit and ex- internal parametric down conversion show-
terial nanostructuring of plasmonic metals vivo bone. ing a second harmonic generation e�ciency
and tuned by electrical nanoscale recon�g- of 35 %W-1cm-2.
uration of metamaterial

CJ-9.4 THU 9:15 II-3.3 THU 9:15 CH-4.4 THU 9:15 CK-7.4 THU 9:15
Raman-driven destabilization of Large Area Self-Assembled Nanometer Optical Coherence Shedding light on periodic orbits in
giant-chirp oscillators: fundamental Plasmonic-Photonic Crystals for Spectral Tomography using broad-bandwidth triangular organic micro-billiard lasers
limitations to energy scalability and Directional Reshaping of XUV and so� x-ray radiation - XCT �C. Lafargue1 , S. Bittner1 , C. Ulysse2 , A.
�C. Aguergaray, A. Runge, M. Erkintalo, and Fluorescence �S. Fuchs1,2 , A. Blinne1 , C. Rödel1,2 , U. Grigis3 , J. Zyss1 , and M. Lebental1 ; 1 Ecole
N. Broderick; Auckland University, Auck- �C. Hrelescu1 , B. Ding1 , N. Arnold1 , G. Zastrau1 , V. Hilbert1 , M. Wünsche1 , E. normale supérieure de Cachan, Cachan,
land, New Zealand Isic1,2 , and T.A. Klar1 ; 1 Institute of Applied Förster1,2 , and G.G. Paulus1,2 ; 1 Institute of France; 2 Laboratoire de Photonique et
We study the destabilization of a GCO Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Optics and Quantum Electronics, University de Nanostructures, Marcoussis, France;
mode-locking operation through the emer- Austria; 2 Institute of Physics, University of of Jena, Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtz Institute 3
Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France
gence of a frequency-downshi�ed Stokes Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Jena, Jena, Germany Organic microlasers of triangular shapes are
signal. Our results indicate that SRS imposes We report on the spectral and direc- We report on the extension of Optical Co- investigated experimentally and the periodic
an ultimate limit on the energy scalability of tional modi�cation of �uorescence by hy- herence Tomography using extreme ultra- orbits on which the lasing modes are based
GCO via cavity lengthening. brid plasmonic-photonic structures. Spec- violet and so� x-ray radiation and demon- are determined. �is allows new insights
troscopic experiments and numerical simu- strate an axial resolution of nanometers in into the unsolved mathematical problem of
lations reveal di�erent �uorescence coupling silicon- and carbon-based samples. periodic orbits in triangles
mechanisms to dispersive photonic crystal
modes and to localized void plasmons.

CJ-9.5 THU 9:30 II-3.4 THU 9:30 CH-4.5 THU (Invited) 9:30 CK-7.5 THU 9:30 CB-7.4 THU 9:30
Raman soliton ampli�cation by Noninvasive optical glucose monitoring at Phase-space Measurement and Coherence Multilayer distributed feedback dye Multi-channel wavelength conversion
Tm-Ho:�ber for high-e�ciency Watt-level physiological levels using a functionalized Synthesis of Optical Beams lasers: Enhanced emission wavelength using four-wave mixing in semiconductor
ultrashort pulses in the range 1.8-1.92 um plasmonic sensor L. Waller1 , G. Situ2 , and �J. Fleischer3 ; and sensing ring lasers
�N. Coluccelli, M. Cassinerio, G. Galzerano, �M. Mesch1 , C. Zhang2 , P.V. Braun2 , P. 1
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, �C. Vannahme, C.L.C. Smith, M. Leung, F. �A. Perez-Serrano1 , J. Javaloyes2 , and S.
and P. Laporta; Dipartimento di Fisica - Po- Rapp3 , C. Tarin3 , and H. Giessen1 ; 1 4th United States; 2 Shanghai Institute of Optics Richter, M. Brøkner Christiansen, and A. Balle3 ; 1 Weierstrass Institute (WIAS), Berlin,
litecnico di Milano and Istituto di Fotonica e Physics Institute and Research Center and Fine Mechanics, Shanghai, China, Peo- Kristensen; Department of Micro- and Nan- Germany; 2 Universitat de les Illes Balears
Nanotecnologie - CNR, Milan, Italy SCoPE, University of Stuttgart, Germany; ple’s Republic of (PRC); 3 Princeton University, otechnology, Technical University of Den- (UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain; 3 IMEDEA
Tm-Ho:�ber ampli�er seeded by low-power Department of Materials Science and Princeton, United States mark, DTU Nanotech, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (UIB-CSIC), Esporles, Spain
raman soliton is reported. 250-MHz pulse Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana- We present new methods of creating Simple yet precise emission wavelength We propose to use a semiconductor
trains tunable from 1.84 to 1.92 *m with cor- Champaign, USA; 3 Institute for System and recording the four-dimensional modelling of multilayer hybrid distributed ring laser to perform simultaneous
responding powers from 2.5 to 3 W and du- Dynamics, University of Stuttgart, Germany {x,y,k_x,k_y} phase space of optical beams. feedback dye lasers is presented. �e in�u- multi-channel wavelength conversion by
rations from 70 to 90 fs are demonstrated. We demonstrate noninvasive glucose moni- We give examples of coherence structures ence of the thickness of a high index top layer four-wave mixing. Cross-talk e�ects, arising
toring using optical measurements of a plas- that cannot be discovered using traditional on emission wavelength and sensitivity is ex- from the peculiar four-wave mixing cascade
monic nanostructure that was functional- intensity measurements in x-space or amined. of modes and their cross-gain saturation,
ized using aminophenyboronic acid. �is al- k-space only. are discussed.
lows detection of the glucose in the vicin-
ity of the gold nanostructure reproducibly at
millimolar levels.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
LTCI, CNRS - Telecom ParisTech, 46 deaux, CEA, CNRS, Bordeaux, France; 2 IFN- 2
Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostruc- Krausz1,2 ; 1
Max-Planck-Institut für magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole
rue Barrault, 75013, Paris, France; CNR & Dipartimento di Fisica - Politecnico di tures, Marcoussis, France Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany; transitions in a range of solid-state emitters
SeQureNet, 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013, Paris, Milano, Milan, Italy; 3 Université de Toulouse, We present a new generation of optome- 2
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, can help to address electronic systems, re-
France; 3 Institute for �eoretical Physics, Toulouse, France chanical device designed to perform quan- Garching, Germany; 3 Ludwig-Maximilians- design active photonic devices, and probe
ETH Zurich, 8093, Zurich, Switzerland; We studied the ultrafast dynamics of atomic tum optomechanics experiment. It com- Universität München, München, Germany magnetic light-matter interactions at the
Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut clusters exposed to intense femtosecond bines the high re�ectivity of a photonic crys- We report on the design and setup of an op- nanoscale.
d’Optique - CNRS - Univ. Paris-Sud pulses in the mid-infrared from an OPA. tal, with the high mechanical Q-factor and tical parametric synthesizer delivering <5 fs
11, 2 avenue Augustin Fresnel, Campus Our results show that MIR sources can be low mass of a suspended nanomembrane. pulses at 16 TW power. �e extended spec-
Polytechnique, 91127, Palaiseau, France e�ciently exploited in the investigation of trum is ampli�ed in two separate parts using
A continuous-variable quantum key dis- laser-cluster interaction. two-color pumped OPCPA.
tribution experiment using only standard
telecommunication components is pre- CG-4.4 THU 9:15
sented. We distributed secret keys over 80 Contrast improvement at petawatt-class
km while taking into account �nite-size lasers using ultrafast optical parametric
e�ects and all known device imperfections. ampli�cation
�F. Wagner1 , C.P. Joao2 , J. Fils3 , T.
IB-5.4 THU 9:15 CF/IE-10.4 THU 9:15 IA-7.4 THU 9:15 Gottschall4 , J. Hein5 , J. Körner5 , J. Limpert4 ,
Unconditional security of Gaussian Manipulating charge separation dynamics Fabry-Perot Cavity Optomechanics with M. Roth1 , T. Stöhlker3 , and V. Bagnoud3 ;
post-selected continuous variable of zinc phthalocyanine based TiO2 �lms Ultrahigh Mechanical-Q-Factor Quartz 1
Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Uni-
quantum key distribution through asymmetrical push-pull Micropillars at Cryogenic Temperature versität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany;
N. Walk1 , �T. Symul2 , P.K. Lam2 , and T. structures �L. Neuhaus, A. Kuhn, S. Zerkani, S. 2
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear-
Ralph1 ; 1 University of Queensland, Brisbane, �D. Sharma1 , G. Steen1 , T. Torres2 , J. Herek1 , Deléglise, D. García-Sánchez, T. Briant, P.- Laboratorio Associado, Instituto Supe-
Australia; 2 Australian National University, and A. Huijser1 ; 1 University of Twente, En- F. Cohadon, and A. Heidmann; Laboratoire rior Technica, Lisbon, Portugal; 3 GSI
Canberra, Australia schede, �e Netherlands; 2 Universidad Au- Kastler Brossel, ENS, UPMC, CNRS, Paris, Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionen-
We extend the proof of security for continu- tonoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, Spain France forschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany;
ous variable quantum key distribution pro- Manipulation of the anchoring ligand results We present recent progress towards opti- 4
Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich
tocols using post-selection to account for ar- in signi�cant changes in the charge separa- cal detection of the zero-point-motion of Schiller University, Jena, Germany; 5 Institute
bitrary eavesdropping attacks by employing tion dynamics of zinc phthalocyanine sensi- a 25 �g-mechanical quartz resonator. We for Optics and Quantum Electronics,
the concept of an equivalent entanglement tized TiO2 �lms, investigated through fem- discuss the optimization of our system to Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
based protocol using noiseless linear ampli- tosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. achieve ground state cooling by classical and We report on the development of a new com-
�cation. laser refrigeration techniques. pact temporal contrast boosting module for
petawatt-class lasers. Using this module we
were able to achieve an ASE contrast better
than 10 orders of magnitude.
IB-5.5 THU 9:30 CF/IE-10.5 THU 9:30 IA-7.5 THU 9:30 CG-4.5 THU 9:30 IH-3.4 THU 9:30
Quantum teleportation over 143 km using Ultrafast spectroscopy of Squeezing-enhanced Optomechanical High Repetition Rate Carrier-envelope High Purcell e�ect and directional
active feed-forward between two Canary dinaphthylpolyynes Transduction Sensitivity Phase Stable Few-cycle OPCPA for Strong emission for semi-conductor nanocrystals
Islands D. Fazzi1 , F. Scotognella1,2 , A. Milani3 , �U.B. Ho�1 , G.I. Harris2 , L.S. Madsen1 , H. Field Physics deterministically positionned in a
�X. Ma; IQOQI, Vienna, Vienna, Austria; D. Brida2 , C. Manzoni4 , E. Cinquanta5 , Kerdoncu�1 , M. Lassen1 , B.M. Nielsen1 , W.P. �S. Hädrich1,2 , J. Rothhardt2,1 , S. plasmonic patch antenna
VCQ, Vienna, Univ. of Vienna, Vienna, Aus- L. Ravagnan5 , P. Milani5 , F. Cataldo6 , Bowen2 , and U.L. Andersen1 ; 1 Department Demmler1 , M. Krebs1 , J. Limpert1,2 , C. Belacel1,2,4 , B. Habert3 , F. Bigourdan3 ,
tria M. Negro2 , S. Stagira2 , and �C. Vozzi4 ; of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, and A. Tünnermann1,2,3 ; 1 Friedrich Schiller F. Marquier3 , S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos4 ,
�e contribution has been withdrawn by the 1
Center for Nano Science and Technol- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Centre of Excellence University Jena, Jena, Germany; 2 Helmholtz- X. Lafosse4 , L. Coolen1,2 , C. Schwob1,2 ,
authors. ogy CNST@Polimi, Istituto Italiano di Tec- in Engineered Quantum Systems, University Institute Jena, Jena, Germany; 3 Fraunhofer B. Dubertret5 , J.J. Gre�et3 , P. Senellart4 ,
nologia, Milano, Italy; 2 Dipartimento di of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia Institute for Applied Optics and Precision �A. Maître1,2 , and C. Javeaux5 ; 1 Université
Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; We experimentally demonstrate a Engineering, Jena, Germany Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Paris, France;
3 2
Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ing. squeezing-enhanced transduction sen- A sub-two cycle optical parametric chirped Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Paris,
Chimica ”G. Natta”, Politecnico di Milano, sitivity in microcavity optomechanics. pulse ampli�er is presented at up to 1 MHz. France; 3 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, In-
Milano, Italy; 4 CNR - Istituto di Fotonica e Probing the mechanical vibrations of a Carrier envelope phase dri�s are minimized stitut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS,
Nanoteconologie, Milano, Italy; 5 CIMAINA toroidal microcavity with seeded phase- by �nding a new source of instabilities. Ex- Palaiseau, France; 4 Laboratoire de Pho-
and Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli squeezed vacuum we achieve a transduction periments on high harmonic generation are tonique et de Nanostructures, Marcoussis,
Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy; 6 Actinium sensitivity -0.72(± 0.01) dB below the shot shown. France; 5 Laboratoire de Physique et d’Etude
Chemical Research s.r.l., Roma, Italy noise level. des Matériaux, Paris, France
We investigated experimentally and theo- We realize a plasmonic patch antenna, by

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b

CJ-9.6 THU 9:45 II-3.5 THU 9:45 CK-7.6 THU 9:45 CB-7.5 THU 9:45
Wavelength correlation maps in Raman Twists and shi�s make nonlinear Novel physics in photonic crystal Bidirectional Secure Key-Exchange Using
supercontinuum generation metamaterials nanolasers : Dynamics and Coherence Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers
�A. Aalto1 , E. Nyström1 , P. Ryczkowski1 , M. Liu1 , Y. Sun1 , D. Powell1 , �I. Shadrivov1 , �A. Lebreton, I. Abram, R. Braive, I. Sagnes, I. �X. Porte, M.C. Soriano, D. Brunner, and I.
J.M. Dudley2 , and G. Genty1 ; 1 Tampere M. Lapine2 , R. McPhedran2 , and Y. Kivshar1 ; Robert-Philip, and A. Beveratos; CNRS - Lab- Fischer; IFISC (UIB-CSIC), Palma de Mal-
University of Technology, Tampere, Finland; Australian National University, Canberra, oratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, lorca, Spain
Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, Australia; 2 University of Sydney, Sydney, Marcoussis, France We demonstrate the experimental imple-
France Australia Lasers of di�raction-limited volumes in- mentation of a secure key-exchange proto-
We report on the experimental character- We propose a new concept of torsional meta- volve the interaction of small numbers of col based on delay-coupled semiconductor
ization of spectral correlation maps in su- materials, by exploiting internal rotation particles (photons and dipoles). We demon- lasers. We discuss its robustness against
percontinuum generation arising from cas- within meta-atoms. We demonstrate that strate that these small populations of discrete desynchronization events and the in�uence
caded stimulated Raman scattering. Our it is a more e�cient approach for creat- particles induce large intensity noise in the of di�erent parameters on the bit rate and se-
analysis provides insight into the dynamics ing strong nonlinear response enhanced by output of the laser. curity.
of the broadening process and noise ampli- near-�eld interactions.

10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 11:45 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00
CJ-10: Two Micron Fibre Cases II-4: Transformation Optics and CH-5: Advances in Spectroscopy II CK-8: Light Management in CB-8: Semiconductor Vertical
Chair: �omas Andersen, NKT Photonics, Metamaterials Chair: Jose Pozo, TNO, Del�, Netherlands Structures Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
Birkerod, Danemark Chair: Peter Nordlander, Rice University, Chair: Hatice Altug, EPFL, Lausanne, Chair: Mariangela Gioannini, Politecnico di
Houston, United States Switzerland Torino, Turin, Italy
CJ-10.1 THU 10:30 II-4.1 THU (Tutorial) 10:30 CH-5.1 THU (Invited) 10:30 CK-8.1 THU 10:30 CB-8.1 THU 10:30
High power, high energy Tm-doped Geometry and Light: the Science of Precision Metrology with Coherent Dual Tracking the spectral evolution of slow Square-wave emission in Vertical-Cavity
Q-switched large-pitch �ber laser Invisibility Frequency Combs light en route Surface-Emitting Lasers
�F. Stutzki1 , F. Jansen1 , C. Jauregui1 , J. �U. Leonhardt; Weizmann Institute of Sci- �N. Newbury; NIST, Boulder, CO, United �M. Wulf1 , D.M. Beggs1 , N. Rotenberg1 , I.H. �M. Marconi1 , J. Javaloyes2 , S. Barland1 , M.
Limpert1,2,3 , and A. Tünnermann1,2,3 ; ence, Rehovot, Israel States Rey2 , T.F. Krauss2 , and K. Kuipers1 ; 1 FOM Giudici1 , and S. Balle3 ; 1 Insitut Non-linéaire
Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich- Science Magazine listed transformation op- Coherent dual-frequency comb techniques Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, de Nice, Valbonne, France; 2 Universitat de
Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany; tics among the top 10 science insights of the allow one to read out the relative phase and Amsterdam, �e Netherlands; 2 University of les Illes Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Spain;
2 3
Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Jena, Germany; decade 2000-2010. �e tutorial gives an in- amplitude on a tooth by tooth basis across St. Andrews, St. Andrews, United Kingdom Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats, Es-
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and troduction into this subject that may, liter- a broadband frequency comb. Applications We measure the in situ spectral evolution porles, Spain
Precision Engineering IOF, Jena, Germany ally, transform optics. include precision spectroscopy, ranging and of an ultrashort pulse propagating inside a We induce stationary biased VCSELs to emit
We present a new record for the pulse en- frequency transfer. slow-light photonic crystal waveguide. �is regular square-wave optical signal. �is
ergy of Tm-doped �ber oscillators. A pulse allows us to characterize nonlinear e�ects in- operation is obtained by applying crossed-
energy of 2.4mJ with 33W average power, side an integrated nanophotonic circuit. polarization reinjection to VCSEL and, for
15ns pulse duration and beam quality factor weak dichroism devices, by adding also
of M2<1.3 is reported. polarization-selective optical feedback.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
retically the photo-physical properties of deterministically positioning a cluster of
a class of linear sp-carbon chains (α,ω- nanocrystals inside antenna. Its emission is
dinaphthylpolyyne). �e role of molecular highly directive and the Purcell e�ect reach
conformers is fundamental for understand- 80 for dipoles parallel to the antenna axis.
ing the steady state properties, and the ultra-
fast transient absorption features.
IB-5.6 THU 9:45 CF/IE-10.6 THU 9:45 IA-7.6 THU 9:45 CG-4.6 THU 9:45 IH-3.5 THU 9:45
Timing Synchronization with Photon Multi-Delay, Phase-Coherent Pulse Pair Quantum Interface Between Optics and High-energy pulse synthesis of optical Plasmonic nanoantennas for enhanced
Pairs for Quantum Communications Generation for Precision Ramsey-Comb Microwaves with Optomechanics parametric ampli�ers single molecule analysis at micromolar
T. Lorünser, A. Happe, and �A. Poppe; AIT Spectroscopy S. Barzanjeh1 , M. Abdi1,2 , G. Milburn3 , P. �G. Cirmi1,3 , S. Fang1,3 , S.-H. Chia1,3 , O.D. conentrations
Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, �J. Morgenweg and K. Eikema; VU University, Tombesi1 , and �D. Vitali1 ; 1 School of Sci- Mücke1,3 , F.X. Kärtner1,2,3,4 , C. Manzoni5 , D. Punj1 , M. Mivelle2 , T. Van Zanten2 ,
Austria Amsterdam, �e Netherlands ence and Technology, University of Camerino, P. Farinello5 , and G. Cerullo5 ; 1 Center �H. Rigneault1 , N. Van Hulst2 , M. Garcia-
We present a fully autonomous coincidence We present a parametric ampli�er system ca- Camerino, Italy; 2 Department of Physics, for Free-Electron Laser Science, Deutsches Parajo2 , and J. Wenger1 ; 1 Institut Fresnel,
window tracking so�ware for our quantum pable of producing coherent pulse-pairs at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Ecole Cen-
communication system. It is capable of the mJ-level with adjustable delays well into Tehran, Iran; 3 Centre for Engineered Quan- Germany; 2 Physics Department, University trale Marseille, Marseille, France; 2 ICFO In-
real-time processing and remarkably, nei- the microsecond range. �e phase for di�er- tum Systems, School of Physical Sciences, of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 3 �e stitut de Ciences Fotoniques, Castelldefels,
ther prior knowledge of the peer clock o�- ent delays remains constant within 10 mrad. �e University of Queensland, Brisbane, Aus- Hamburg Center of Ultrafast Imaging, Ham- Spain
sets, nor are their dri�s required. tralia burg, Germany; 4 Department of Electrical We introduce a novel type of plasmonic
We describe a quantum interface between Engineering and Computer Science and Re- nanoantenna especially designed for en-
an optical and a microwave �eld based search Laboratory of Electronics, Cambridge, hanced (up to 1100-fold ) single molecule
on their common interaction with a nano- United States; 5 IFN-CNR, Dipartimento di analysis in solutions at high concentrations
mechanical resonator, resulting in a source Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (10 micromolar).
of optical-microwave two-mode squeezing. We demonstrate pulse synthesis of three op-
tical parametric ampli�ers, with 40-45 �J en-
ergies each, resulting in a 1.9-fs transform-
limited pulse duration. Scalability to the mJ
level should easily be achieved, allowing for
strong-�eld physics experiments.
10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 11:45 10:30 – 12:15 10:30 – 12:00 10:30 – 12:00
IB-6: Photonic Quantum CF/IE-11: Ultrafast Microphotonics CM-6: Transparent Material CG-5: Waveform Synthesis and IH-4: Quantum Nanophotonics
Computing and Plasmonics Processing Control Chair: Agnès Maître, Université Pierre et
Chair: Shigeki Takeuchi, Hokkaido Univer- Chair: Petra Gross, Universität Oldenburg, Chair: Marta Castillejo, Spanish National Chair: Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Marie Curie, Paris, France
sity, Sapporo, Japan Oldenburg, Germany Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain Switzerland
IB-6.1 THU 10:30 CF/IE-11.1 THU 10:30 CM-6.1 THU 10:30 CG-5.1 THU 10:30 IH-4.1 THU (Invited) 10:30
BosonSampling with realistic All-optical Switching of a Microcavity Ultrashort pulse-induced nanogratings: Acoustic frequency combs for versatile Controlling stationary and �ying qubits
single-photon sources Repeated at Terahertz Clock Rates temperature stable optically active phase carrier-envelope phase control for solid-state quantum networks
M. Broome1,2 , �A. Fedrizzi1,2 , S. Rahimi- �E. Yüce1 , G. Ctistis1 , J. Claudon2 , E. Dupuy2 , elements �B. Borchers, M. Mero, and G. Steinmeyer; �M. Atature; University of Cambridge, Cam-
Keshari2 , A. Brańczyk3 , J. Dove4 , S. R.D. Buijs1 , B. de Ronde1 , A.P. Mosk1 , J.-M. �F. Zimmermann1 , S. Richter1 , C. Vetter1 , S. Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany bridge, United Kingdom
Aaronson4 , T. Ralph2 , and A. White1,2 ; Gérard2 , and W.L. Vos1 ; 1 Complex Photonic Döring1 , A. Tünnermann1,2 , and S. Nolte1,2 ; A novel approach for carrier-envelope phase I will discuss how resonance �uorescence al-
1 1
Centre for Engineered Quantum Sys- Systems (COPS), MESA+ Institute for Nan- Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center stabilization is revealed, o�ering uncon- lows control of quantum dot spins as well as
tems, School of Mathematics and Physics, otechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität ditional long-term stabilization with near- coherent generation of tailored single pho-
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Aus- 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, �e Netherlands; Jena, Jena, Germany; 2 Fraunhofer Institute megahertz servo bandwidth and versatile tons suitable for distributed quantum net-
tralia; 2 Centre for Quantum Computer 2
CEA-CNRS-UJF Nanophysics and Semicon- for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, slow dri� compensation using only a single works.
and Communication Technology, School ductors Joint Laboratory, CEA/INAC/SP2M, Jena, Germany acousto-optic device.
of Mathematics and Physics, Univer- 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054, Grenoble, France We present femtosecond direct written opti-
sity of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; We have repeatedly and reproducibly cal components exhibiting circular birefrin-
Department of Chemistry and Centre switched a GaAs-AlAs planar microcavity gence. In order to use these nanograting-
for Quantum Information and Quantum operating in the ”original” telecom band by based phase elements under harsh con-
Control, University of Toronto, Toronto, exploiting the virtually instantaneous Kerr ditions we demonstrate their resistibility
Canada; 4 Computer Science and Arti�cial e�ect. We achieve repetition times as fast as against temperatures up to 850� C.
Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts 300 fs.
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b

CJ-10.2 THU 10:45 CK-8.2 THU 10:45 CB-8.2 THU 10:45

Bandwidth-Controllable Tunable Combining slow-light and carrier Impact of Photon Lifetime on the
Q-Switched �ulium Fibre Laser induced nonlinearities in photonic crystal High-Speed performance of 1.3-um
�J.M.O. Daniel and W.A. Clarkson; Op- nanocavities Wavelength Wafer-Fused VCSELs
toelectronics Research Centre University of �K. Bencheikh1 , A. Yacomotti1 , P. Grinberg1 , �D. Ella�1 , V. Iakovlev1 , A. Sirbu1 , G.
Southampton, Southampton, United King- I. Sagnes1 , F. Raineri1 , Y. Dumeige2 , and Suruceanu2 , A. Mereuta2 , A. Caliman2 ,
dom A. Levenson1 ; 1 Laboratoire de Photonique and E. Kapon1,2 ; 1 Laboratory of Physics of
A tunable Q-switched thulium �bre et de Nanostructures, Marcoussis, France; Nanostructures, École Polytechnique Fédérale
laser source with continuously-adjustable Université Européenne de Bretagne, CNRS de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015, Lausanne,
linewidth is described. �e laser yielded Foton, Lannion, France Switzerland; 2 BeamExpress S.A., 1015, Lau-
peak power above 1kW at 1960nm and the We implement coherent population oscil- sanne, Switzerland
spectral width could be varied from 0.6nm lation and carrier-induced nonlinear re- Investigation of the impact of photon life-
to 15nm. fractive index in a semiconductor active time on 1.3-um wafer-fused VCSELs is re-
nanocavity to strongly increase the photonic ported. A signi�cant improvement in both
lifetime and manipulate its optical response. static and dynamic VCSEL performance is
Keywords: VCSEL, high speed, modula-
tion, photon lifetime, damping,

CJ-10.3 THU 11:00 CH-5.2 THU 11:00 CK-8.3 THU 11:00 CB-8.3 THU 11:00
Tuneable Operation of Core and Cladding Ultra-rapid coherent anti-Stokes Raman Superballistic transport in hybrid Comparing the Performance of 980 nm
Pumped Holmium Fibre Lasers dual-comb spectroscopy and microscopy photonic lattices VCSELs with Di�erent
�N. Simakov1,2 , A. Hemming1 , W.A. �T. Ideguchi1 , S. Holzner1 , B. Bernhardt1,3 , �S. Stützer1 , T. Kottos2 , A. Tünnermann1 , High-Contrast-Grating designs
Clarkson2 , A. Carter3 , and J. Haub1 ; G. Guelachvili2 , N. Picqué1,2,3 , and T. S. Nolte1 , D.N. Christodoulides3 , and A. �P. Debernardi1 , R. Orta1 , and W. Hofmann2 ;
Defence Science and Technology Organisa- Hänsch1,3 ; 1 Max Planck Institut für Quan- Szameit1 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics, 1
IEIIT-CNR, Torino, Italy; 2 TUB, Berlin,
tion, Edinburgh, Australia; 2 ORC, University tenoptik, Garching, Germany; 2 Institut des Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller- Germany
of Southampton, Southampton, United Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, CNRS, Orsay, Universität, Jena, Germany; 2 Department of Our vectorial and 3D VCSEL code can now
Kingdom; 3 Nufern Inc., East Granby, United France; 3 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Physics, Wesleyan University, Middletown handle High-Contrast-Grating in an e�-
States München, München, Germany (Connecticut), United States; 3 College of cient and rigorous way. It is applied to a 980
We report the tuning range of a reso- Ultra-broadband nonlinear Raman spec- Optics and Photonics, University of Central nm HCG-VCSEL and two di�erent HCG
nantly, cladding pumped holmium doped �- troscopy with two laser frequency combs is Florida, Orlando, United States schemes are designed and discussed in de-
bre (HDF) and compare this to the tuning demonstrated. A Raman spectrum spanning We present experimental evidence for a new tail.
range of a core pumped HDF. Further op- 1200 cm-1 is measured within less than 300 transport regime that is faster than ballistic.
timisation of double clad holmium �bres is microseconds at 4 cm-1 resolution with a Our results reveal that disordered regions in
discussed. signal-to-noise ratio of 1250. a lattice can speed up wave transport for �-
nite times in a time-independent Hamilto-

CJ-10.4 THU 11:15 CH-5.3 THU 11:15 CK-8.4 THU 11:15 CB-8.4 THU 11:15
LMA e�ectively single-mode thulium Nonlinear Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with Random ampli�cation of coherent light Dynamic Characteristics of Inverted
doped �bre with normal dispersion at Two-Photon Excitation in di�usive random lasers Grating Relief VCSELs for Cs-Based
wavelengths around 2um �S.A. Meek1 , A. Hipke1,2 , T.W. Hänsch1,2 , �R. Uppu and S. Mujumdar; Nano-optics and Microscale Atomic Clocks
�C. Baskiotis, A. Heidt, S. Alam, and D. and N. Picqué1,2,3 ; 1 Max-Planck-Institut Mesoscopic Optics Laboratory, Tata Institute M.J. Miah, A. Al-Samaneh, D. Wahl, and �R.
Richardson; Optoelectronics Research Centre, für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany; of Fundamental Research,, Mumbai, India Michalzik; Institute of Optoelectronics, Ulm
Southampton, United Kingdom Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Fakultät We demonstrate the ampli�cation by an or- University, Ulm, Germany

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
BosonSampling is a novel task promising
to answer whether quantum computers can
truly outperform their classical counter-
parts. We experimentally tested the key as-
sumption of BosonSampling with three sin-
gle photons interfering in a tunable photonic
IB-6.2 THU 10:45 CF/IE-11.2 THU 10:45 CM-6.2 THU 10:45 CG-5.2 THU 10:45
Experimental Demonstration of Super�uorescent 1.1 ps Laser Ablation inside Transparent �in Direct Carrier-Envelope Phase Control of
Quantum Data Compression Pulse-On-Demand Generation in InGaN Films an Ampli�ed Laser System
�L.A. Rozema1 , D. Mahler1 , A. Hayat1 , P.S. Laser K. Kumar1 , K.K. Lee2 , J. Li2 , J. Nogami1 , �P.R. �T. Balciunas1 , T. Flöry1 , T. Stanislauskas2 ,
Turner2 , and A.M. Steinberg1 ; 1 Centre for �D.L. Boiko1 , X. Zeng1 , T. Weig2 , U.T. Herman2 , and N. Kherani2 ; 1 Department of R. Antipenkov2 , A. Varanavicius2 , A.
Quantum Information & Quantum Con- Schwarz2 , L. Sulmoni3 , J.-M. Lamy3 , Materials Science and Engineering, Toronto, Baltuska1 , and G. Steinmeyer3 ; 1 Photonics
trol and Institute for Optical Sciences, De- and N. Grandjean3 ; 1 CSEM Centre Su- Canada; 2 Department of Electrical and Com- Institute, Vienna University of Technology,
partment of Physics, University of Toronto, isse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique, puter Engineering, Toronto, Canada Vienna, Austria; 2 Faculty of Physics, Vilnius
Toronto, Canada; 2 Department of Physics, Neuchatel, Switzerland; 2 Fraunhofer In- Femtosecond laser interactions were op- University, Vilnius, Lithuania; 3 Max Born
Graduate School of Science, �e University of stitute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, timized in thin-transparent �lms on sili- Institute, Berlin, Germany
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Freiburg, Germany; 3 EPFL Ecole Polytech- con substrates to enable interface blister- Direct carrier-envelope phase stabilization
Redundant copies of classical information nique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, ing, catapulting, digital surface machining of an Yb:KGW MOPA laser system is
can be discarded, allowing compression. Switzerland and internal void structures; applications in- demonstrated with a record-breaking resid-
However, additional copies of quantum data We report generation of solitary pulses of clude anti-re�ective inverted-pyramid pho- ual phase jitter below 100 mrad, opening
yield more information, making classical the width below 1.1 ps from a tandem-cavity tovoltaics, �lm coloring, micro�uidic pat- a new avenue towards high-energy CEP-
ideas inapplicable. We present experimental InGaN/InGaN laser diodes in 415-425 nm terning and lab-in-a-�lm. stabilized parametric sources.
results for 3 qubits; compressing N=3 qubits wavelength range and we show that observed
IH-4.2 THU 11:00
into log(N+1)=2. pulses are caused by cooperative super�uo-
rescence. Real-time observation of ultrafast Rabi
oscillations between excitons and
IB-6.3 THU 11:00 CF/IE-11.3 THU 11:00 CM-6.3 THU 11:00 CG-5.3 THU 11:00 plasmons in J-aggregate/metal hybrid
Experimental Realisation of Shor’s Adaptive spiral phase elements for the Advances in Femtosecond Laser Synthesis of isolated optical attosecond nanostructures
Quantum Factoring Algorithm using generation of few-cycle vortex pulses Micro-inscription and Ablation of Optical pulses P. Vasa1,2 , W. Wang1 , R. Pomraenke1 , M.
Qubit Recycling M. Bock1 , J. Brunne2 , A. Tre�er1 , S. König1 , Coherence Tomography and Optical �M. Hassan1 , T. Luu1 , A. Moulet1 , O. Lammers1 , M. Maiuri3 , C. Manzoni3 , G.
�E. Martín-López, A. Laing, T. Lawson, R. Al- U. Wallrabe2 , and �R. Grunwald1 ; 1 Max Coherence Elastography Phantoms Razskazovskaya2 , N. Karpowicz1 , V. Cerullo3 , and �C. Lienau1 ; 1 Institut für
varez, X.-Q. Zhou, and J.L. O’Brien; Centre Born Institute, Berlin, Germany; 2 IMTEK �G.N. Smith1 , K. Kalli2 , and M.J. Withford1 ; Pervak2 , F. Krausz1,2 , and E. Goulielmakis1 ; Physik, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Olden-
1 1
for Quantum Photonics. University of Bristol, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany OptoFab & MQ Photonics Research Cen- Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, burg, Oldenburg, Germany; 2 Department of
Bristol, United Kingdom �e �exible generation of few-cycle vortex tre, Macquarie University, Sydney, Aus- Munich, Germany; 2 Department für Physik, Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bom-
We address the huge resource requirement pulses with optical orbital momentum is tralia; 2 Department of Electrical Engineering Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), bay, Mumbai, India; 3 IFN-CNR, Diparti-
of Shor’s quantum algorithm using qubit enabled by novel types of low-dispersion, / Computer Engineering and Informatics, Li- Am Coulombwall 1, D-85748 Garching, mento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Mi-
recycling. Together with novel higher- damage-resistant, thermally tunable spiral massol, Cyprus Munich, Germany lano, Italy
dimensional encoding techniques, we fac- phase MEMS of large phase deviation. Spe- Demonstration of advances in femtosec- We report on the synthesis and precise con- We report the �rst real-time observa-
tored N=21 for the �rst time, using an op- ci�c ultrashort-pulse laser applications are ond laser inscription and micromachining of trol of isolated, intense attosecond pulses in tion of ultrafast Rabi oscillations in
tical circuit with two consecutive C-NOT proposed. high-precision 3-dimensional refractive in- optical frequencies. We use them to explore J-aggregate/metal nanostructures, evi-
gates. dex modi�cations in fused silica and ather- new control strategies of electrons in atoms dencing coherent energy transfer between
mal titanium dioxide doped silicone abla- and materials. excitonic quantum emitters and SPP �elds.
tion to create Optical Coherence Tomogra- �is presents a new approach towards
phy (OCT) and Optical Coherence Elastog- coherent, all-optical ultrafast plasmonic
raphy (OCE) phantoms. devices.
IB-6.4 THU 11:15 CF/IE-11.4 THU 11:15 CM-6.4 THU 11:15 CG-5.4 THU 11:15 IH-4.3 THU 11:15
On demand single photon-driven Optical Excitation of Unipolar Tesla Picosecond pulsed laser-assisted Attosecond Sampling of Arbitrary Optical Coupling of a single N-V center in
controlled-NOT gate Magnetic Pulses in Plasmonic reshaping of metallic nanoparticles Waveforms diamond to a �ber-based microcavity
�D.J.P. Ellis1 , M.A. Pooley1,2 , A.J. Bennett1 , Nanostructures embedded in a glass matrix �A. Wyatt1 , T. Witting2 , A. Schiavi1 , D. �R. Albrecht1 , A. Bommer1 , C. Deutsch2,3 ,
R.B. Patel1,2 , A.K.H. Chan1,2 , I. Farrer2 , D.A. �E. Atmatzakis1 , A. Tsiatmas1 , N. �M.A. Tyrk, W.A. Gillespie, and A. Ab- Fabris2 , J. Marangos2 , J. Tisch2 , and I. J. Reichel2 , and C. Becher1 ; 1 Universität
Ritchie2 , and A.J. Shields1 ; 1 Toshiba Research Papasimakis1 , V. Fedotov1 , B. Luk’yanchuk2 , dolvand; University of Dundee, Dundee, Walmsley1 ; 1 Clarendon Laboratory, Univer- des Saarlandes, Fachrichtung 7.2 (Experi-
Europe Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom; F.J. Garcia de Abajo3 , and N. Zheludev1,4 ; United Kingdom sity of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; mentalphysik), Campus E2.6, 66123 Saar-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
We present a thulium doped large mode area für Physik, Munich, Germany; 3 Institut des der of magnitude of an external seed signal We present the dynamic behavior of in-
�bre ensuring low-loss single-mode opera- Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, CNRS, Orsay, by a disordered amplifying medium. An op- verted grating relief VCSELs for Cs-based
tion and normal dispersion for the funda- France timal disorder strength is seen to o�er the microscale atomic clocks. �e required
mental core mode around a wavelength of We present the latest results in extending most e�cient ampli�cation. 5GHz modulation bandwidth is reached
1930nm as well as an e�ective area larger dual comb spectroscopy to two-photon tran- close above threshold. An intrinsic 3dB
than 600um2. sitions. By measuring two-photon excitation bandwidth exceeding 25GHz is obtained at
of gas-phase rubidium and liquid-phase dye 80� C.
samples, we demonstrate both the high res-
olution and speed of the technique.

CJ-10.5 THU 11:30 II-4.2 THU 11:30 CH-5.4 THU 11:30 CK-8.5 THU 11:30 CB-8.5 THU 11:30
All-Fiber Broadband Frequency Comb A Hybrid Fabrication Approach for Detection of KCl and KOH using Resonant States in Functionalized Optical Injection of a 1.3um Wavelength
Source at 2050 nm Center Wavelength Near-Infrared Double-Helix Collinear Photofragmentation and Waveguide Arrays - Guidonic Resonant VCSEL with Intracavity Patterning
A. �ai1,2 , �H. Hoogland1 , M. Engelbrecht1 , Metamaterials Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Tunneling Double Barrier �C. Long1 , N. Volet1 , B. Dwir1 , V. Iakovlev1 ,
J. Biegert2,3 , and R. Holzwarth1 ; 1 Menlo Sys- �M. Decker1 , I. Staude1 , M. Renner2 , E. T. Sorvajärvi, J. Rossi, and �J. Toivonen; Tam- �N. Belabas Plougonven1 , G. Bouwmans2 , A. Sirbu1 , A. Mereuta2 , A. Caliman2 , G.
tems, Munich, Germany; 2 ICFO - Institut de Waller2 , D.N. Neshev1 , G. von Freymann2 , pere University of Technology, Tampere, Fin- E. Cambril1 , A. Talneau1 , A. Levenson1 , Suruceanu2 , and E. Kapon1,2 ; 1 Ecole Poly-
Ciences Fotoniques, Castelldefels (Barcelona), and Y.S. Kivshar1 ; 1 Nonlinear Physics Cen- land C. Minot1 , and J.-M. Moison1 ; 1 Laboratory technique de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzer-
Spain; 3 ICREA - Institucio Catalana de Re- tre, Research School of Physics and Engi- Collinear photofragmentation and atomic of Photonic and Nanostructures, Route land; 2 BeamExpress SA, Lausanne, Switzer-
cercai Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain neering, �e Australian National University, absorption spectroscopy is used in pump- de Nozay, , 91460 Marcoussis, France; land
We report on an all PM �ber system with Canberra, Australia; 2 Physics Department probe fashion to simultaneously detect KCl 2
Laboratoire Phlam-IRCICA, Parc Scien- We present the optical injection response of
a broadband ampli�er based on co-doped and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of and KOH in the �ame of single particle com- ti�que de la Haute Borne, 59658 Villeneuve wafer-fused long wavelength VCSELs with
Tm/Ho �ber, operating at 2050 nm center Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany bustion reactor. d’Ascq, France and without intracavity patterning. Nonlin-
wavelength with 126 nm bandwidth and 670 We employ a novel approach for fabricat- We demonstrate discrete resonant states ear responses such as limit cycle oscillations
mW ouput power at 100 MHz. ing three-dimensional metamaterials, which in functionalized coupled waveguide arrays and four wave mixing are seen, and results
combines direct laser writing with electron- theoretically and experimentally. Our dou- summarized on dynamics maps.
beam lithography. We experimentally re- ble barrier patterning of the coupling creates
alize and investigate a double-helix chiral tunnel resonances in the transmitted inten-
metamaterial operating in the near-infrared sity, which paves the way towards all optical
spectral range. control.
CJ-10.6 THU 11:45 II-4.3 THU 11:45 CK-8.6 THU 11:45 CB-8.6 THU 11:45
35 kW Peak Power Picosecond Pulsed Design and characterization of Optically excited �eld emitter arrays with Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
�ulium-doped Fibre Ampli�er System metamaterial building blocks using plasmonic gate electrodes as ultrafast Arrays for Miniaturized Integrated
Seeded by a Gain-Switched Laser Diode at electric current multipoles electron sources Optical Lattice Modules
2 �m �P. Grahn, A. Shevchenko, and M. Kaivola; �A. Mustonen; Paul Scherrer Institute, Villi- �A. Bergmann, A. Hein, and R. Michalzik; In-
�A.M. Heidt1 , Z. Li1 , J. Sahu1 , P.C. Aalto University, Espoo, Finland gen, Switzerland stitute of Optoelectronics, Ulm, Germany
Shardlow1 , M. Becker2 , M. Rothhardt2 , M. We present a general theoretical model for We propose using plasmonic structures to We present the fabrication of 850nm GaAs-
Ibsen1 , R. Phelan3 , B. Kelly3 , S.-u. Alam1 , the design and characterization of metama- enhancement electron emission generated based 2-D VCSEL arrays with small device
and D.J. Richardson1 ; 1 Optoelectronics terials in terms of the electric current multi- by ultrafast laser pulses applied on metal- pitch for optical trapping. �e modules
Research Centre, University of Southampton, pole moments that light excites in the struc- lic �eld emitter arrays. By integration gate are wire-bondable despite a few-micrometer
Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 Institute tural units of the material. electrode that supports surface plasmon po- distance between top surface and a com-
of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany; laritons, the device electron yield can be in- pactly integrated micro�uidic chip.
Eblana Photonics Ltd., Dublin, Republic of creased by 30 times.
We present the generation of picosecond
pulses at 2 �m wavelength with a gain-
switched laser diode and their ampli�cation
up to 3.5 �J energy and 35 kW peak power
in a �ulium-doped �ber ampli�er system.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
2 1 2
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cam- Optoelectronics Research Centre & Centre We report on e�cient picosecond laser- Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College Lon- brücken, Germany; 2 Laboratoire Kastler
bridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom for Photonic Metamaterials, Southampton, induced optical dichroism in glasses with don, London, United Kingdom Brossel, ENS/UPMC-Paris 6/CNRS, 24 rue
We present a two-qubit quantum gate us- United Kingdom; 2 Data Storage Institute, embedded spherical silver nanoparticles. We demonstrate a novel method to measure Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France; 3 Menlo Sys-
ing indistinguishable photons from an InAs Agency for Science, �echnology and �e modi�cations depend on the beam po- the complete temporal waveform of arbi- tems GmbH, 82125 Martinsried, Germany
quantum dot. Here our emitter, optical cir- Research, Singapore, Singapore; 3 Instituto larization and the number of irradiated trary ultrafast optical pulses, including car- We demonstrate room temperature cou-
cuitry and detectors are all semiconductor. de Química Física Rocasolano - Consejo pulses per spot. rier envelop phase, with attosecond tempo- pling of a single Nitrogen-Vacancy center
�is represents a promising avenue towards Superior de Investigaciones Cientí�cas, ral resolution using high harmonic genera- in a diamond nanocrystal to a �ber-based
fully integrated, scalable quantum comput- Madrid, Spain; 4 Centre for Disruptive Pho- CM-6.5 THU 11:30 tion with a few cycle pulse. microcavity in a phonon-assisted coupling
ing. tonic Technologies, Nanyang Technological In-situ characterization of Fs laser regime and hereby realize a narrow band-
University, Singapore, Singapore shaping of quasi-percolated Ag width widely tunable single photon source.
Ultrafast excitation of bimetallic plasmonic nanoparticle layers embedded in
IB-6.5 THU 11:30 ring resonator arrays leads to transient in- amorphous Al2O3 CG-5.5 THU 11:30 IH-4.4 THU (Invited) 11:30
Implementation of a quantum Fredkin tense thermoelectric currents with sub-ps G. Baraldi, �J. Gonzalo, and J. Siegel; Instituto Circularly Polarized Attosecond Pulses Optical Nonlinearity With Few-Photon
gate using an entanglement resource lifetimes and Tesla-scale magnetic �elds de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain for Attosecond Magnetics Pulses Using A Quantum Dot-Pillar
�F. Ferreyrol1 , T.C. Ralph2 , and G.J. Pryde1 ; con�ned at the nanoscale. We demonstrate fs-laser induced reshaping �A.D. Bandrauk; Canada Research Cavity Device
Centre for Quantum Dynamics and Cen- of heterogeneous, non-spherical and ran- Chair,Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, V. Loo1,2 , C. Arnold1 , O. Gazzano1 , A.
tre for Quantum Computation and Com- CF/IE-11.5 THU 11:30 domly oriented Ag nanoparticles embedded Canada Lemaître1 , I. Sagnes1 , O. Krebs1 , P. Voisin1 , P.
munication Technology, Gri�th University, Tracking the temporal and spectral in dielectric thin �lms. Optimum choice of Circularly polarized attosecond pulses are Senellart1 , and �L. Lanco1,2 ; 1 Laboratoire de
Brisbane, Australia; 2 Department of Physics evolution of femtosecond pulses on laser �uence and polarization narrows and obtained from molecular high order har- Photonique et de Nanostructures, Marcoussis,
and Centre for Quantum Computation and plasmonic nanowires blueshi�s the absorption band and induces monic generation by circularly polarized France; 2 Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7,
Communication Technology, University of �M. Wulf, A. de Hoogh, N. Rotenberg, and polarization anisotropy. IR pulses with �z pulses.Such attosecond Paris, France
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia K. Kuipers; FOM Institute for Atomic and pulses create currents which generate at- We demonstrate giant optical nonlinearity
We experimentally realise an optical quan- Molecular Physics, Amsterdam, �e Nether- CM-6.6 THU 11:45 tosecond magnetic �elds inside molecules. in a quantum dot- cavity device, with a
tum Fredkin gate. We use an entanglement lands Formation of disruptions in molten fused record threshold at 8 incident photons per
resource and an expanded Hilbert space We track the temporal and spectral dynam- silica induced by heat accumulation of pulse. Furthermore, we discuss how optical
technique for adding control to an arbitrary ics of femtosecond pulses propagating along ultrashort laser pulses at high repetition nonlinearities can be obtained at the single-
quantum operation, leading to a quite simple plasmonic nanowires. �e group index and rates photon limit.
experimental setup. the propagation length are extracted and the �S. Richter1 , F. Burmeister1,2 , F.
evolution of the spectral density reveals non- Zimmermann1 , S. Döring1 , A.
linear processes. Tünnermann1,2 , and S. Nolte1,2 ; 1 Institute of
Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics,
IB-6.6 THU 11:45 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, CG-5.6 THU 11:45
Operational Signi�cance of Discord Germany; 2 Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Shaping polarization of attosecond pulses
Consumption Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena, via laser control of electron and hole
�T. Symul1 , H. Chrzanowski1 , A. Syed1 , P.K. Germany dynamics
Lam1 , T. Ralph2 , M. Gu3 , K. Modi3 , and We investigate the structure and periodicity �F. Morales1 , I. Barth1 , V. Serbinenko1 , S.
V. Vedral3 ; 1 Australian National University, of disruptions within the heat a�ected mate- Patchkovskii2 , and O. Smirnova1 ; 1 Max-
Canberra, Australia; 2 University of Queens- rial in fused silica a�er irradiation with ul- Born-Institut for Nonlinear Optics and Short
land, Brisbane, Australia; 3 National Univer- trashort laser pulses at high repetition rates Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany; 2 Steaci
sity of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore for laser welding. We propose a model, Institute for Molecular Sciences, Ontario,
We demonstrate that discord can be con- which explains their formation. Canada
sumed to encode information that can only We present a mechanism to control the po-
be accessed by coherent quantum interac- CM-6.7 THU 12:00 larization of attosecond pulses generated af-
tions. We experimentally verify that the Fabrication of ultra-low bend loss optical ter HHG. It uses both the fundamental ra-
amount of information recovered is quanti- waveguides diation and its second harmonic oriented in
�ed by the discord consumed. �A. Arriola1,2,3 , S. Gross1,2 , N. Jovanovic1,4,5 , perpendicular geometry, both linearly polar-
N. Charles6 , P.G. Tuthill6 , S.M. Olaizola3 , A. ized.
Fuerbach1,2 , and M.J. Withford1,2,4 ; 1 Centre
for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical
Systems (CUDOS), Sydney, Australia; 2 MQ
Photonics Research Centre, Dept. of Physics
and Astronomy, Macquarie University, Syd-
ney, Australia; 3 CEIT and Tecnun, Donostia-
San Sebastian, Spain; 4 Research Centre in
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrophotonics,
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b

14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30
CJ-11: Special Fibres IG-4: Solitons and Dynamics in CH-6: Optical Sensor Applications CK-9: Integrated Photonic Devices CB-9: High E�ciency/High
Chair: Johannes Nold, Fraunhofer IOF, Jena, Cavities Chair: Elfed Lewis, University of Limerick, Chair: Wolfgang Sohler, Universität Pader- Brightness Semiconductor Lasers
Germany Chair: Massimo Giudici, Institut Non Limerick, Ireland born, Paderborn, Germany Chair: Gottfried Strasser, Vienna University
Linéaire de Nice, Valbonne, France of Technology, Vienna, Austria
CJ-11.1 THU (Invited) 14:00 IG-4.1 THU 14:00 CH-6.1 THU 14:00 CK-9.1 THU 14:00 CB-9.1 THU 14:00
Inhibited-coupling guiding hollow core Ultra-weak acoustic interactions of Optically Monitored Catalytic Photonic Extremely e�cient two-section High e�ciency, 8W narrow-stripe
photonic crystal �bers temporal cavity solitons Crystal Fibre Microreactor polarization converter for InGaAsP-InP broad-area lasers with in-plane
�F. Benabid; GPPMM group, Xlim Re- �J.K. Jang, M. Erkintalo, S.G. Murdoch, and S. �A.M. Cubillas1,2 , M. Schmidt2,3 , T.G. photonic integrated circuits beam-parameter-product below 2 mm
search Institute, CNRS, Universite de Limo- Coen; �e University of Auckland, Auckland, Euser1 , B.J.M. Etzold2,3 , N. Taccardi2,3 , �D. Dzibrou, J. van der Tol, and M. Smit; mrad
ges, Limoges, France; Physics department, New Zealand S. Unterko�er1 , P. Wasserscheid2,3 , and Group of Photonic Integration, Eindhoven �P. Crump, K.-H. Hasler, H. Wenzel, S.
University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom We report on the weakest interactions ever P.S.J. Russell1,2,4 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for University of Technology, Eindhoven, �e Knigge, F. Bugge, and G. Erbert; Ferdinand-
We review the recent development on observed between solitons. Cavity solitons the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany; Netherlands Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchst-
inhibited-coupling guiding hollow-core recirculating in an optical �ber loop are Excellence Cluster ”Engineering of Ad- We report fabrication and measurements frequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany
photonic crystal �ber and on the physical found to shi� their temporal separation by vanced Materials”, Erlangen, Germany; of two-section polarization converter for Narrow-stripe broad-area (NBA) lasers are
principles that led to the unique combi- a few nanoseconds over millions of kilome- Lehrstuhl für Chemische Reaktionstechnik, InGaAsP-InP photonic integrated circuits. shown to operate simultaneously with lateral
nation of record loss �gures, quasi-single tres of propagation. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Polarization conversion e�ciency is 99.8 beam parameter product < 2mm mrad, con-
mode operation and very low dispersion Germany; 4 Department of Physics, Uni- CK-9.2 THU 14:15 tinuous wave output power > 7W and power
versity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, conversion e�ciency of 57%, as needed for
Germany Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) IQ industrial processing applications.
We demonstrate that a hollow-core photonic Modulator for 16-QAM at 112 Gbit/s
crystal �bre can be turned into a catalytically �D. Korn1 , R. Palmer1 , H. Yu3 , P.C.
active microreactor by depositing metallic Schindler1 , L. Alloatti1 , M. Baier1 , R.
catalyst nanoparticles in its core. We in- Schmogrow1 , W. Bogaerts3 , S.K. Selvaraja3 ,
vestigate the liquid-phase hydrogenation of G. Lepage4 , M. Pantouvaki4 , J. Wouters4 ,
azobenzene in such a �bre. P. Verheyen4 , J. Van Campenhout4 , P.
Absil4 , R. Baets3 , R. Dinu5 , C. Koos1,2 ,
IG-4.2 THU 14:15 CH-6.2 THU 14:15 W. Freude1,2 , and J. Leuthold1,2 ; 1 Institute CB-9.2 THU 14:15
Observation of Vortex Soliton States in Ultrasensitive Cavity Optomechanical of Photonics and Quantum Electronics Tunable and highly brilliant laser sources
Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Magnetometry (IPQ), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology at 1120 nm
with Feedback �E. Sheridan, S. Forstner, H. Rubinszstein- (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany; 2 Institute of �K. Paschke, C. Fiebig, G. Blume, J. Fricke, F.
�J. Jimenez Garcia1 , Y. Noblet1 , P. Paulau2 , Dunlop, and W.P. Bowen; �e University of Microstructure Technology (IMT), Karlsruhe Bugge, H. Wenzel, and G. Erbert; Ferdinand-
D. Gomila3 , G.-L. Oppo1 , and T. Ackemann1 ; Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein- Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchst-
1 3
SUPA and Department of Physics, Univer- We demonstrate a microscale room- Leopoldshafen, Germany; Photonics frequenztechnik, Berlin, Germany
sity of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom; temperature cavity optomechanical Research Group, Ghent University * IMEC, High-brilliance diode lasers at 1120nm are
TU Berlin, Institut für �eoretische Physik, magnetometer with picoTelsa sensitivity. Department of Information Technology, essential for non-linear frequency conver-
Berlin, Germany; 3 IFISC, (CSIC-UIB), Cam- �e sensitivity outperforms any previous Gent, Belgium; 4 Imec, Leuven, Belgium; sion to reach 560nm. We present monolithic
pus Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mal- room temperature magnetometer of its size. GigOptix Inc., Bothell (WA), United States DBR-ridge-waveguide lasers emitting up to
lorca, Spain Such ultrasensitive magnetometers may We demonstrate a non-resonant silicon- 1W, with a tunability of 8nm using resistive
We investigate experimentally and theoreti- have signi�cant applications in areas such organic hybrid modulator based on CMOS heaters next to the DBR.
cally vortex soliton states in a VCSEL with as low-�eld MRI. technology, using the Pockels e�ect in an or-
frequency-selective feedback. We discuss ganic material. We achieved a record-high
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie
University, Sydney, Australia; 5 Australian
Astronomical Observatory (AAO), Sydney,
Australia; 6 Sydney Institute for Astronomy
(SIFA), Sydney, Australia
We present a novel way to fabricate low
bend loss femtosecond-laser written optical
waveguides permitting full-3D devices. We
used a thermal annealing process to selec-
tively erase zones of the initially generated
refractive index modi�cation.
14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30 14:00 – 15:30
IB-7: Fundamentals of Quantum CF/IE-12: Mid Infrared and CM-7: Femtosecond Laser Writing CG-6: FEL and High Photon Energy IH-5: Ultrafast Nanophotonics
Information Terahertz Phenomena Chair: Roberto Osellame, Politecnico di Mi- Science Chair: Christoph Lienau, University of Old-
Chair: Miloslav Dusek, University of Olo- Chair: Giulio Cerullo, Politecnico di Milano, lano, Milan, Italy Chair: Laszlo Veisz, Max-Planck-Institute of enburg, Oldenburg, Germany
mouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic Milan, Italy Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
IB-7.1 THU (Tutorial) 14:00 CF/IE-12.1 THU 14:00 CM-7.1 THU 14:00 CG-6.1 THU (Invited) 14:00 IH-5.1 THU 14:00
Quantum Information Tools Temporal Slicing of Intense Multi-THz Femtosecond Laser Written Photonic Non-linear FEL Science Ultrafast Terahertz Dynamics of a Cold
�K. Molmer; University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Transients Using an Ultrafast Circuits for Quantum Simulation �R. Santra; Center for Free-Electron Laser Exciton-Polariton Gas
Denmark Semiconductor Switch �A. Crespi1 , R. Osellame1 , R. Ramponi1,2 , Science, DESY, Hamburg, Germany; De- �J.-M. Ménard1 , C. Poellmann1 , M. Porer1 , E.
�is tutorial will present an introduction to �C. Schmidt, B. Mayer, J. Bühler, D.V. Selet- L. Sansoni3 , F. Sciarrino3 , and P. Mataloni3 ; partment of Physics, University of Hamburg, Galopin2 , A. Lemaître2 , A. Amo2 , J. Bloch2 ,
the basic ideas of quantum information pro- skiy, D. Brida, A. Pashkin, and A. Leitenstor- Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie - Con- Hamburg, Germany and R. Huber1 ; 1 University of Regensburg,
cesssing and an overview of candidate phys- fer; Department of Physics and Center for Ap- siglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milano, Italy; I will discuss the interaction of atoms with Regensburg, Germany; 2 CNRS-Laboratoire
ical implemetations, tools and ideas pursued plied Photonics, University of Konstanz, Kon- Dipartimento di Fisica - Politecnico di Mi- radiation pulses from x-ray free-electron de Photonique et Nanostructures, Marcoussis,
in quantum computing research. stanz, Germany lano, Milano, Italy; 3 Dipartimento di Fisica - lasers. In the studies presented, the peak in- France
Intense multi-THz transients are temporally Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy tensity approaches 1018 W/cm2 and the pho- THz absorption of the intra-excitonic 1s-2p
controlled with sub-cycle precision using an We demonstrate complex optical waveg- ton energy ranges from 1.5 keV to 5.5 keV. resonance traces the matter part of polari-
ultrafast plasma mirror. Field-resolved de- uide circuits, fabricated by femtosecond tons while they cool into a condensed phase.
tection is used to monitor the results of tem- laser writing technology, implement- A macroscopic population of the zero-
poral slicing. ing discrete-time quantum walks of momentum state is investigated in compar-
polarization-entangled photon pairs. Tight ison with simultaneous photoluminescence
phase control and polarization independent measurements.
behaviour are shown.

CF/IE-12.2 THU 14:15 CM-7.2 THU 14:15 IH-5.2 THU 14:15

Optical generation of a broadband Anti-resonant re�ecting optical Ultrafast Metamaterial Optical Modulator
acoustic frequency comb in the 100 GHz waveguides (ARROW) inscribed by the �A. Neira, G. Wurtz, P. Ginzburg, and A. Zay-
frequency range femtosecond direct-write technique ats; King’s College of London, London, United
�M. Grossmann1 , O. Ristow1 , M. Hettich1 , C. �S. Gross, M. Alberich, A. Arriola, M.J. Kingdom
He1 , R. Waitz1 , P. Scheel1 , A. Bruchhausen2 , Withford, and A. Fuerbach; MQ Photon- �e ultrafast third order nonlinearity of met-
M. Schubert1 , V. Gusev3 , E. Scheer1 , and ics Research Centre, Centre for Ultrahigh- als is used for the design of a modulator
T. Dekorsy1 ; 1 University of Konstanz, 78464 bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CU- which further enhances its e�ect by pattern-
Konstanz, Germany; 2 Instituto Balseiro \& DOS), Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Mac- ing the metal as a metamaterial.
Centro Atomico Bariloche (CNEA), and quarie University, North Ryde, Australia
CONICET, Bariloche, Argentina; 3 Institut We demonstrate the fabrication of anti-
des Molecules et Matériaux du Mans, UMR resonant re�ecting optical waveguides (AR-
CNRS 6283, Universite du Maine, Maine, ROW) using the femtosecond laser direct-
France write technique. �eir strongly wavelength
We demonstrate the �rst generation and de- dependent optical properties represent an

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
their bistability, properties and phase lock- single-carrier single-polarization data rate of
ing between a vortex and a fundamental soli- 112 Gbit/s using a 16QAM format.
ton and between two vortices.
CJ-11.2 THU 14:30 IG-4.3 THU 14:30 CH-6.3 THU (Invited) 14:30 CK-9.3 THU 14:30 CB-9.3 THU (Invited) 14:30
High average power and high energy Polarization dynamics of bound state Optical Readout of Coupling Between a Re-inventing Multimode Interference E�ciency droop of GaN lasers and LEDs
transport of ultrashort pulses with a low solitons in a carbon nanotubes mode Nanomembrane and an LC Circuit at Couplers Using Subwavelength Gratings �J. Hader1,2 , J. Moloney1,2 , and S. Koch3 ;
loss Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal locked erbium doped �ber laser Room Temperature �A. Ortega-Moñux1 , R. Halir1 , A. Maese- 1
Nonlinear Control Strategies Inc., Tucson,
�ber for micromachining. C. Mou, �S. Sergeyev, A. Rozhin, and S. Turit- �T. Bagci1 , A. Simonsen1 , E. Zeuthen1 , J. Novo1 , C. Alonso-Ramos1 , L. Zavargo- United States; 2 University of Arizona, Tuc-
�G. Machinet1 , B. Debort2 , R. Kling1 , J. syn; Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Taylor2 , L.G. Villanueva3 , S. Schmid3 , A. Peche1 , D. Pérez-Galacho1 , Í. Molina- son, United States; 3 Philipps University Mar-
Lopez1,3 , F. Gerome2 , F. Benabid2 , and Birmingham, United Kingdom Sørensen1 , A. Schliesser1 , K. Usami1 , and Fernández1 , J.G. Wangüemert-Pérez1 , P. burg, Marburg, Germany
P. Dupriez1 ; 1 Alphanov, Talence, France; We have demonstrated various polarization E.S. Polzik1 ; 1 QUANTOP, Niels Bohr Insti- Cheben2 , J.H. Schmid2 , J. Lapointe2 , D. Fully microscopic many-body models are
GPPMM group XLIM, Limoges, France; dynamics of bound state solitons in a carbon tute, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2 Joint Quan- Xu2 , and S. Janz2 ; 1 Dpto. de Ingeniería de used to investigate the possible causes of
CELIA, Talence, France nanotube mode locked erbium doped �ber tum Institute/NIST, Maryland, United States; Comunicaciones, ETSI Telecomunicación, the e�ciency droop. It is shown that the
A kagome hollow-core photonic-crystal- laser. Both locked and precessing polariza- Department of Micro-and Nanotechnology, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain; most plausible cause is density-activated de-
�ber transports 93�J sub-picosecond pulses tion states have been observed for single and Technical University of Denmark, DTU Nan- National Research Council Canada, fect recombination with contributions from
at high repetition rate. �e �ber-delivered multiple bound state solitons. otech, Lyngby, Denmark Ottawa, Canada transport- and delocalization related pro-
pulses are used to for micromachining on We demonstrate optical interferometric We use the concept of subwavelength grat- cesses.
various materials and the e�ect of �ber de- readout of coupling between a mechanical ing (SWG) refractive-index-engineering to
livery on material processing is investigated. resonator (nanomembrane) and a room propose and experimentally demonstrate a
temperature LC circuit. Our system serves reduced size, slotted 2x2 MMI coupler. We
as a promising candidate for sensitive also present an ultra-broadband 2x2 MMI
optical detection of weak electrical signals. coupler which is based on SWG dispersion-
CJ-11.3 THU 14:45 IG-4.4 THU 14:45 CK-9.4 THU 14:45
Spatially coherent top-hat beam output Dissipative soliton excitability induced by Locally induced electro-optic activity in
from a large mode area microstructured spatial inhomogeneities and dri� silicon nanophotonic devices
single-mode �bre P. Parra-Rivas1,2 , �D. Gomila1 , M.A. �C. Matheisen1 , M. Nagel1 , S. Sawallich1 ,
�P. Calvet1,2 , C. Valentin1 , Y. Quiquempois1 , Matías1 , and P. Colet1 ; 1 IFISC, Instituto de M. Waldow1 , B. Chmielak2 , T. Wahlbrink1 ,
G. Bouwmans1 , Q. Coulombier1 , L. Bigot1 , Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos J. Bolten1 , and H. Kurz1,2 ; 1 AMO GmbH,
M. Douay1 , A. Mussot1 , and E. Hugonnot2 ; (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Aachen, Germany; 2 Institute of Semiconduc-
1 2
CNRS, Université Lille 1, PhLAM/IRCICA, Applied Physics Research Group (APHY), tor Electronics, Aachen, Germany
Lille, France; 2 Commissariat à l’Énergie Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium An integrated electro-optic Mach-Zehnder
Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives, Cen- We show that excitability is generic in sys- modulator in silicon-nanophotonic-based
tre d’Études Scienti�que d’Aquitaine, Bor- tems displaying cavity solitons when spatial technology is demonstrated using a novel
deaux, France inhomogeneities and dri� are present. Our CMOS-compatible process for local χ (2) -
We present the �rst experimental demon- scenario provides a general theoretical un- induction. Photo-conductive THz near-�eld
stration of a single-mode large-mode-area derstanding of oscillatory regimes of cav- probes are applied to monitor the local re-
�bre delivering a top-hat beam. S2- ity solitons reported in semiconductor mi- striction and quality of the activated areas.
measurement con�rms the �bre is single- croresonators.
mode which is of crucial importance for
many industrial applications.
CJ-11.4 THU 15:00 IG-4.5 THU 15:00 CH-6.4 THU 15:00 CK-9.5 THU (Invited) 15:00 CB-9.4 THU 15:00
Depressed-Clad Large Mode Area Dynamics of the Modulational Instability Low-Cost Miniature Fiber Optic Extrinsic Integrated Photonic Devices in III-V High-power and Reliable Operation of
Ampli�er Fiber with Selective Doping in Microresonator Frequency Combs Fabry-Perot Interferometric Sensor for Semiconductors for Optical Window-Structured 915 nm Laser Diodes
Yielding Near Di�raction-Limited Beam �T. Hansson, D. Modotto, and S. Wabnitz; Cardiovascular Pressure Measurement Communications with 90 �m Aperture
Quality Università di Brescia, Brescia, Italy S. Poeggel, �D. Tosi, G. Leen, and E. Lewis; �M.J. Wale; Oclaro Technology Ltd., Towces- �T. Nagakura, T. Morita, K. Torii, M. Takauji,
�V. Roy, C. Paré, H. Zheng, P. Laperle, L. An analysis is made of the nonlinear dynam- University of Limerick, Limerick, Republic of ter, United Kingdom J. Maeda, M. Miyamoto, and H. Yoshida;
Desbiens, and Y. Taillon; Institut national ics of the modulational instability for mi- Ireland Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technol- Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Hamamatsu,
d’optique, Québec, Canada croresonator frequency combs described by We present a �ber optic pressure sensor ogy provides an important key to the realiza- Japan
A depressed-clad LMA �ber with selective the mean-�eld Lugiato-Lefever model. based on extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferome- tion of high performance communications We report the reliable 915 nm broad-area
doping that yields near di�raction-limited try. �e pressure probe is low-cost, biocom- systems. �e paper will examine systems laser diode with 90 �m aperture. A stable
beam quality (M2=1.1) is reported. �e �ber patible, with pressure accuracy 0.1 mmHg, needs and show how III-V semiconductor- operation at 15 W over 1000 h was obtained
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
tection of a broadband acoustic frequency avenue to dispersion engineered direct-write
comb with 120 GHz central frequency and photonics.
200 GHz bandwidth in a Al/Si membrane.
CF/IE-12.3 THU 14:30 CM-7.3 THU 14:30 CG-6.2 THU 14:30 IH-5.3 THU 14:30
Single-shot detection of mid-infrared Electro-optical Tuning of Waveguide Generation of Coherent So� X-ray Strong-�eld photoemitted electrons from
spectra by chirped-pulse upconversion Embedded Bragg Gratings in Lithium Radiation at High Repetition Rate metallic tips show carrier-envelope phase
with four-wave di�erence frequency Niobate Induced by Direct Femtosecond �J. Rothhardt1,2 , S. Demmler2 , S. e�ects
generation in gases Laser Writing Hädrich2 , M. Krebs2 , J. Limpert1,2 , B. Piglosiewicz1,2 , S. Schmidt1,2 , D. Park1,2 ,
�T. Fuji1 , Y. Nomura1 , Y.-T. Wang2 , A. �S. Kroesen1 , U. Patel2 , W. Horn1 , J. 1,2 1
and A. Tünnermann ; Helmholtz-Institute J. Vogelsang1,2 , �P. Groß1,2 , C. Manzoni3 , P.
Yabushita2 , and C.-W. Luo2 ; 1 Institute Imbrock1 , and C. Denz1 ; 1 University of Jena, Jena, Germany; 2 Friedrich-Schiller- Farinello3 , G. Cerullo3 , and C. Lienau1,2 ;
for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan; Muenster, Muenster, Germany; 2 Sardar University, Jena, Germany 1
Institut für Physik, Carl von Ossietzky Uni-
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Vallbhbhai National Institute of Technology, We report on the generation of coherent versität, Oldenburg, Germany; 2 Center of In-
China, Republic of (ROC) Surat, India so� x-rays at high repetition rate. A �ux terface Science, Carl von Ossietzky Univer-
Chirped-pulse upconversion of mid- We report direct integration of electro- of 2*10^5 photons/s has been measured at sität, Oldenburg, Germany; 3 IFN-CNR, Di-
infrared continuum with four-wave optical tunable Bragg grating waveguides 200 eV. Scaling to shorter wavelengths and partimento die Fisica, Politecnico di Milano,
di�erence frequency generation in gases is (BGWs) in lithium niobate by direct fem- higher photon �ux is discussed. Milano, Italy
realized. Single-shot detection of the entire tosecond laser writing. �e low loss two- We report on the �rst observation of
mid-infrared spectrum from 250 to 5500 dimension waveguides are modulated peri- pronounced carrier-envelope-phase e�ects
cm-1 is demonstrated. odically to obtain narrowband re�ections in on strong-�eld photoemission of electrons
the c-band. from nanometric gold tips and present a new
way to steer and control the motion of elec-
trons around metallic nanoparticles.

CF/IE-12.4 THU 14:45 CM-7.4 THU 14:45 CG-6.3 THU 14:45 IH-5.4 THU 14:45
A Novel Time-Resolved mid-IR Setup for Coherent Stitching of Light in Carrier-Envelope Phase-Dependent Ultrafast Strong-Field Photoemission
the Investigation of Vibrational Dynamics Femtosecond Laser Formed High-Harmonic Generation in the Water from Plasmonic Nanoparticles
in Aqueous Nanoclusters Multi-Layered Volume Gratings Window Using a Few-Cycle Infrared Light �P. Dombi1,2 , A. Hörl3 , P. Rácz1 , I. Márton1 ,
�J.C. Werhahn1 , M. Bradler2 , D. Hutzler1 , �M.L. Ng, D. Chanda, and P.R. Herman; Source A. Trügler3 , J.R. Krenn3 , and U. Hohenester3 ;
S. Fuhrmann1 , E. Riedle2 , H. Iglev1 , and Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, �N. Ishii1 , K. Kaneshima1 , K. Kitano1 , 1
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Bu-
R. Kienberger1 ; 1 Physik-Department E11, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada T. Kanai1 , S. Watanabe2 , and J. Itatani1 ; dapest, Hungary; 2 Max-Planck-Institut für
TU München, Garching, Germany; 2 LS We propose and demonstrate a novel 1
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany; 3 Institut
für BioMolekulare Optik, LMU München, method for improving di�raction e�ciency Tokyo, Chiba, Japan; 2 Research Institute for für Physik, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz,
München, Germany through strategic arrangement of multi- Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Austria
A novel mid-IR pump probe setup, tunable layered weak phase gratings to coincide Science, Chiba, Japan We demonstrate strong-�eld electron emis-
between 2000 and 4000 cm-1 is presented. with self-imaging Talbot planes. Enhanced We report on the generation of carrier- sion from various plasmonic nanoparticles
It yields one of the shortest IR probe pulses di�raction is demonstrated in femtosecond envelope phase-dependent high harmonics induced by ultrashort laser pulses. Signi�-
available today. laser written volume gratings. in the water window using few-cycle, phase- cant electric �eld enhancement attributed to
Measurements on ice and con�ned water stabilized intense infrared pulses. �is ob- surface plasmons enable the generation of up
nanoclusters will be discussed. servation indicates that a 50-eV-wide at- to 25-eV electrons in nano-localized �elds
tosecond continuum is generated around around nanoparticles.
300 eV.
IB-7.2 THU 15:00 CF/IE-12.5 THU (Invited) 15:00 CM-7.5 THU 15:00 CG-6.4 THU 15:00 IH-5.5 THU 15:00
Witnessing Trustworthy Single-Photon Imaging ultrafast nanoscale dynamics Direct laser writing of metastable Beyond Carbon K-edge harmonic Ultrafast dynamics of quantum con�ned
Entanglement with Local Homodyne with a THz-pulse-coupled STM modi�cations in lithium niobate crystal emission using spatially and temporally carriers in a single CdSe nanowire
Measurements �T. Cocker1 , V. Jelic1 , M. Gupta2 , S. Molesky2 , with ultrashort laser pulses synthesized laser �eld �T. Schumacher1,2 , H. Giessen2 , and M.
�O. Morin1 , J.-D. Bancal2 , M. Ho2 , P. J. Burgess1 , G. De Los Reyes1 , L. Titova1 , �D. Paipulas1 , A. Čerkauskaite1 , V. �J.A. Pérez-Hernández1 , M. Ciappina2,3 , M. Lippitz1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for Solid
Sekatski2 , V. D’Auria1 , N. Gisin2 , J. Laurat1 , Y. Tsui2 , M. Freeman1 , and F. Hegmann1 ; Sirutkaitis1 , V. Mizeikis2 , and S. Juodkazis3 ; Lewenstein3,4 , L. Roso1 , and A. Zaïr5 ; State Research, Heisenbergstrasse1, D-70569
and N. Sangouard2 ; 1 Laboratoire Kastler 1
Department of Physics, University of Al-
Vilnius University, Laser Research Center, 1
Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU), Sala- Stuttgart, Germany; 2 4th Physics Institute,
Brossel, UPMC, ENS CNRS, Paris, France; berta, Edmonton, Canada; 2 Department of Vilnius, Lithuania; 2 Shizuoka University, manca, Spain; 2 ICFO-Institut de Ciènces University of Stuttgart, Pfa�enwaldring 57,
Group of Applied Physics, University of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni- Division of Global Research Leaders, Hama- Fotòniques, Barcelona, Spain; 3 Auburn Uni- D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland versity of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada matsu, Japan; 3 Swinburne University of versity, Alabama, United States; 4 ICREA- Nonlinear spectroscopy allows us to track
We demonstrate a novel trustworthy witness We present a novel ultrafast imaging sys- Technology, Melbourne, Australia Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis for the �rst time the decay and re-emission
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
e�ective mode area could possibly be scaled with tiny pressure dri�. System characteri- based PICs enable these to be addressed. by optimized window structure.
over 1000micron2 and still allow for reason- zation on simulated cardiovascular system is
ably good beam quality. presented.

CJ-11.5 THU 15:15 IG-4.6 THU 15:15 CH-6.5 THU 15:15 CB-9.5 THU 15:15
Very large mode area Solid-Core Photonic Nonlinear dynamics of optoeletronic Stabilized high-power laser for Aluminium Free Active Region 780nm
BandGap �ber laser with oscillators based on whispering-gallery gravitational wave detection Tapered Semiconductor Optical
hetero-structured cladding and Yb-doped mode resonators �C. Bogan1 , K. Danzmann1 , M. Frede2 , Ampli�ers for Rubidium Pumping
Sol-Gel core �A. Coillet, R. Henriet, P. Salzenstein, K. H. Kim1 , P. King3 , P. Kwee1 , J. Poeld1 , O. A. Jammot, J. Bebe, M. Lamponi, Y. Robert, E.
�A. Baz, L. Bigot, G. Bouwmans, H. El Phan-Huy, L. Larger, and Y. Chembo; Puncken2 , R. Savage3 , F. Seifert1 , P. Wessels2 , Vinet, M. Lecomte, M. Garcia, O. Parillaud,
Hamzaoui, M. Bouazaoui, and Y. Quiquem- FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France L. Winkelmann2 , and B. Willke1 ; 1 Albert- and �M. Krakowski; III-V Lab, Palaiseau,
pois; PhLAM-IRCICA, Université Lille 1, Vil- We propose a nonlinear dynamics frame- Einstein-Institut, Hannover, Germany; France
leneuve d’Ascq, France work to study the stability and transient be- Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, We present a new tapered Semiconductor
We report the realization of a double clad havior of an optoelectronic oscillator based Germany; 3 LIGO Laboratory, California Optical Ampli�er (SOA) structure, based on
LMA, Yb-doped, SC-PBGF with hetero- on whispering-gallery mode resonators. Ex- Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United an Al free active region and entirely gain
structured cladding, and a Sol-Gel made perimental results are provided and success- States guided, that exhibits more than 600mW out-
core. We measured a laser e�ciency of fully compared to numerical simulations. Advanced gravitational wave detectors have put power at a wavelength of 780nm.
61.5% around 1.06�m wavelength, and a stringent requirements concerning the fre-
record MFD of 36um. quency and the power stabilization of their
200 W laser sources. We demonstrate how
these were ful�lled using a combination
of several active and passive stabilization

16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:15 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30
CJ-12: Novel Waveguide Materials IG-5: Rogue Waves, Extreme Events CH-7: Frontiers of Optical Sensing CK-10: Micro-optics and Integrated CB-10: Disk and Mid-Infrared
Chair: Annamaria Cucinotta, University of and Nonlinear Wave Dynamics Chair: Hanne Ludvigsen, Aalto University, Sensors Semiconductor Lasers
Parma, Parma, Italy Chair: Philippe Grelu, Université de Bour- Aalto, Finland Chair: Marco Marangoni, Politecnico di Mi- Chair: Michael J. Strain, University of Glas-
gogne, Dijon, France lano, Milan, Italy gow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
CJ-12.1 THU 16:00 IG-5.1 THU 16:00 CH-7.1 THU 16:00 CK-10.1 THU 16:00 CB-10.1 THU 16:00
Phosphate Glass Core and Silica Cladding Rogue incidents in the optical event High-spatial resolution second-harmonic High-Sensitivity Monitoring of Narrow Linewidth Ultraviolet
Laser Fiber. horizon interferometry: a robust method towards Nanomechanical Motion using Optical Semiconductor Disk Laser
B. Denker1 , B. Galagan1 , V. Kamynin1 , A. �A. Demircan1 , S. Amiranashvili2 , C. quantitative phase imaging of transparent Heterodyne Detection �D. Paboeuf, P.J. Schlosser, and J.E. Hastie; In-
Kurkov1 , Y. Sadovnikova1 , �S. Semenov2 , S. Brée2 , C. Mahnke3 , F. Mitschke3 , and G. dispersive materials �S. Mueller1,2 , S. Weis1 , and T. Kippenberg1 ; stitute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde,
Sverchkov1 , V. Velmiskin2 , and E. Dianov2 ; Steinmeyer4 ; 1 Invalidenstr. 114, Berlin, �F. Brandi1 , F. Conti2,3 , M. Tiberi2,3 , F. 1
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lau- Glasgow, United Kingdom
A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Germany; 2 Weierstrass Institute for Applied Giammanco2,3 , and A. Diaspro1 ; 1 Istituto sanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2 Ludwig- We present frequency stabilisation of an
Moscow, Russia; 2 Fiber Optics Research Cen- Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy; Maximilians-Universität München, AlGaInP-based red-emitting semiconduc-
ter, Moscow, Russia Germany; 3 Institute for Physics, University 2
Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italy; München, Germany tor disk laser with intracavity second har-
Fabrication and tests of a composite �ber of Rostock, Rostock, Germany; 4 Max-Born- 3
Plasma Diagnostics & Technologies Ltd., We demonstrate the application of hetero- monic generation for highly coherent, tun-
prepared by melting Yb-Er phosphate glass Institute (MBI), Berlin, Germany Pisa, Italy dyne detection to readout the motion of a able ultraviolet emission. Spectral linewidth
in a silica cladding are presented. 1.54 �m Dispersive radiation captured in the optical We present a novel method, based on a com- nanomechanical mode. �e down-mixing <25kHz at 339nm is achieved, relative to a
lasing was demonstrated under core pump- event horizon of a soliton may induce severe pact �ber coupled second-harmonic inter- of nanomechanical frequencies enables the reference cavity.
ing into Yb absorption band. reshaping of the latter, signi�cantly increas- ferometer, for high sensitivity and fast mea- use of high-sensitivity detectors providing
ing its peak power. �is e�ect contributes to surements of chromatic dispersion with mi- unsurpassed measurement sensitivity for the
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
for single-photon entanglement based only tem capable of unprecedented simultane- We report on photorefractive modi�cation Avançats, Barcelona, Spain; 5 Imperial Col- of excitations in a single CdSe nanowire. We
on local homodyne measurements. �is op- ous nanometer spatial resolution (2 nm) and creation in three-dimensional space of pure lege London, London, United Kingdom further discuss an optical nanoantenna to
erational test is well suited for quantum net- subpicosecond temporal resolution (500 fs) and iron-doped lithium niobate crystals We investigate how the combination of tem- improve the signal.
works, and highlights the potential of the op- based on coupling terahertz pulses to a scan- with femtosecond laser pulses. We demon- poral and spatial laser �eld synthesis results
tical hybrid approach. ning tunnelling microscope. strate how modi�cations can be locally or in a dramatic cut-o� extension far beyond
globally modi�ed using the same laser beam. the semi-classical limit. Our scheme allows
coherent XUV photons generation beyond
the carbon K-edge
IB-7.3 THU 15:15 CM-7.6 THU 15:15 CG-6.5 THU 15:15 IH-5.6 THU 15:15
Bell Violation with Entangled Photons, Observation of Spectral Gouy Shi� in Spectral chracterization of fully phase Switching spontaneous emission in
Free of the Fair-Sampling Assumption femtosecond laser pulse written Volume matched high harmonics generated in a microcavities in the time domain
�M. Giustina1,2 , A. Mech1,2 , S. Ramelow1,2 , Bragg Gratings hollow waveguide for free electron laser �H. �yrrestrup1 , A. Hartsuiker1 , J.-M.
B. Wittmann1,2 , J. Ko�er1,3 , J. Beyer4 , A. �D. Richter1 , C. Voigtländer1 , R.G. Krämer1 , seeding Gérard2 , and W.L. Vos1 ; 1 Complex Photon-
Lita5 , B. Calkins5 , T. Gerrits5 , S.W. Nam5 , J.U. �omas1 , A. Tünnermann1,2 , and �F. Ardana-Lamas1,2 , A. Trisorio1 , G. ics Systems (COPS), MESA+ Institute for
R. Ursin1 , and A. Zeilinger1,2 ; 1 Institute S. Nolte1,2 ; 1 Institute of Apllied Physics, Lambert3 , B. Vodungbo3 , V. Malka3 , P. Nanotechnology, University of Twente, En-
for Quantum Optics and Quantum Infor- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Zeitoun3 , and C. Hauri1,2 ; 1 Paul Scherrer schede, �e Netherlands; 2 CEA/INAC/SP2M,
mation, Vienna, Austria; 2 Quantum Op- Germany; 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland; 2 École Nanophysics and Semiconductor Laboratory,
tics, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum In- Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena, Polytechniqe Fédérale de Lausanne, Lau- 17 rue des Martyrs, Grenoble Cedex, France
formation, University of Vienna, Faculty of Germany sanne, Switzerland; 3 Laboratoire d’Optique We have theoretically studied the excited
Physics, Vienna, Austria; 3 Max Planck In- We present our observation of the spectral Appliquée,ENSTA-CNRS-Polytechniqe, state population and emitted intensity dy-
stitute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), Garch- Gouy shi� when probing a VBG with a �ber. Palaiseau, France namics for an emitter whose decay rate is
ing, Germany; 4 Physikalisch-Technische Bun- While varying the distance between �ber Development of high brilliance high-order manipulated in time, faster than its it sta-
desanstalt, Berlin, Germany; 5 National In- and grating the central wavelength of the re- harmonic sources is fundamental for FEL tionary decay time, and observe intriguing
stitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), �ection signal shi�s. seeding. In this paper we present a fully strongly non-exponential decays.
Boulder, CO, United States phase-matched high harmonic source that
Using superconducting transition-edge sen- delivers 1010 photons/second with photon
sors and a photon pair source based on spon- energies up to 160 eV.
taneous parametric downconversion, we
present the �rst demonstration of a Bell ex-
periment using photons for which the well-
known fair-sampling (or detection) loophole
was closed.
16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30
IB-8: Quantum State CF/IE-13: Charge Dynamics in CM-8: Laser Processing from CG-7: Field Driven Interactions IH-6: Quantum Dots. Optical
Characterization Solids Polymers to Fibres Chair: Robin Santra, CFEL, DESY, Hamburg, Forces
Chair: Mohamed Bourennane, Stockholm Chair: Christoph Lienau, University of Old- Chair: Maria Farsari, IESL-FORTH, Herak- Germany Chair: Mete Atature, University of Cam-
University, Stockholm, Sweden enburg, Oldenburg, Germany lion, Crete, Greece bridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
IB-8.1 THU 16:00 CF/IE-13.1 THU (Invited) 16:00 CM-8.1 THU 16:00 CG-7.1 THU 16:00 IH-6.1 THU 16:00
Experimental Demonstration of Adaptive Ultrafast Electronic Charge Dynamics in High Resolution Single-Pulse Electron rescattering in photoemission Magneto-optical spectroscopy of charged
Quantum State Estimation Solids Mapped by Femtosecond X-ray Multiphoton Polymerisation using a from metal tips as a nanoscale probe of CdSe nanocrystals
�S. Takeuchi1,2 , R. Okamoto1,2 , M. Iefuji1,2 , Di�raction Digital Multimirror Device near-�eld enhancement �P. Tamarat1,2 , M.J. Fernée1,2 , C. Sinito1,2 ,
S. Oyama1,2 , K. Yamagata3 , H. Imai4 , and �T. Elsaesser1 , F. Zamponi1 , P. Rothhardt1 , �B. Mills, J. Grant-Jacob, M. Feinaeugle, and �S. �omas1 , M. Krüger1 , M. Förster1 , and Y. Louyer3 , and B. Lounis1,2 ; 1 University of
A. Fujiwara3 ; 1 R.I.E.S., Hokkaido University, J. Stingl1 , B. Freyer1 , M. Woerner1 , and R. Eason; Optoelectronics Research Centre, P. Hommelho�1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Institute Bordeaux, LP2N, Talence, France; 2 Institut
Sapporo, Japan; 2 I. S. I. R., Osaka University, A. Borgschulte2 ; 1 Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Southampton, United Kingdom of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany; d’Optique & CNRS, LP2N, Talence, France;
Osaka, Japan; 3 Dept. Mathematics, Osaka Germany; 2 EMPA, Duebendorf, Switzerland We present a rapid and high resolution 2
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlan- 3
University of Bordeaux, LOMA, Talence,
Univ., Osaka, Japan; 4 University of Pavia, Transient electron density maps and the in- approach to multiphoton polymerisation, gen, Germany France
Pavia, Italy terplay of electron and lattice motions in achieved through spatial intensity pattern- We measure the strength of optical near-�eld A CdSe core-shell nanocrystal is engineered
�e �rst experimental demonstration of ionic materials are studied by x-ray pow- ing by a digital multimirror device. Regions enhancement at metal nanotips by studying to e�ciently ionize at cryogenic tempera-
adaptive quantum state estimation (AQSE) der di�raction with laser-driven hard x-ray of ~30um have been polymerised by a single electron rescattering, a phenomenon well- tures resulting in trion emission. �e �-
is reported. �e angle of linear polarization sources providing a 100-fs time resolution. 150fs pulse, with sub-micron resolution. known from attosecond science. �e exper- nite nanometre size of the nanocrystals in-
of single photons is estimated using AQSE, imental results agree well with Maxwell sim- troduces an acoustic phonon bottleneck, in-
and the strong consistency and asymptotic ulations. hibiting spin relaxation.
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
the formation of optical rogue waves. crometer resolutions. An outlook is given GHz frequency domain.
towards quantitative phase dispersion imag-
IG-5.2 THU 16:15 ing.
Rogue Waves in the Beam Pro�les of
CJ-12.2 THU 16:15 Multi�laments CH-7.2 THU 16:15 CK-10.2 THU 16:15 CB-10.2 THU 16:15
An ion-exchanged �ulium-doped �S. Birkholz1 , C. Brée1,2 , A. Demircan3 , Quantum-limited, cavity-free Broad-spectral-range synchronized High-e�ciency yellow VECSEL with an
germanate glass channel waveguide laser E.T.J. Nibbering1 , S. Skupin4,5 , G. Genty6 , nano-optomechanical vectorial coupling �at-top arrayed-waveguide grating output power of about 12 W
operating near 1.9 micron and G. Steinmeyer1,6 ; 1 Max-Born-Institut with SiC nanowires and Carbon applied in a 225-channel cascaded �E. Kantola, T. Leinonen, S. Ranta, M. Tavast,
P. Kannan, �A. Choudhary, J. Mackenzie, X. für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeit- nanotubes spectrometer and M. Guina; Optoelectronics Research Cen-
Feng, and D. Shepherd; Optoelectronics Re- spektroskopie (MBI), Berlin, Germany; �A. Gloppe1 , P. Verlot1 , E. Dupont-Ferrier1 , �B.I. Akca1 , C.R. Doerr2 , G. Sengo1 , K. tre, Tampere University of Technology, Tam-
search Centre, University of Southampton, Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte A. Kuhn1 , B. Pigeau1 , S. Rohr1 , A. Siria2 , Wörho�1 , M. Pollnau1 , and R.M. de Ridder1 ; pere, Finland
Southampton, United Kingdom Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin, Germany; P. Poncharal2 , P. Vincent2 , G. Bachelier1 , 1
Integrated Optical MicroSystems Group, We report a high power (11.7 W) yellow-
We demonstrate for the �rst time to Invalidenstraße 114, Berlin, Germany; and O. Arcizet1 ; 1 Institut Néel, CNRS, Uni- MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Uni- orange VECSEL emitting around 589 nm.
our knowledge, an ion-exchanged Max Planck Institute for the Physics of versité Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France; versity of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; �e conversion e�ciency from pump to yel-
2 2
Tm:germanate glass channel waveguide Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany; Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Con- Acacia Communications, Inc.,, Maynard, low radiation was about 19 %. �e output
laser. Lasing was observed near 1.9 micron Friedrich Schiller University, Institute densée et Nanostrctures, Lyon, France United States power was limited by the pump available.
with an incident threshold power of 83mW of Condensed Matter �eory and Optics, We investigate the nano-optomechanical We demonstrate a new pass-band �attening
and a propagation loss of 0.3dB/cm. Jena, Germany; 6 Tampere University of properties between a nanowire and a fo- method by introducing 3-dB balanced cou-
Technology, Tampere, Finland cused beam of light. Based on such a system, plers to a Mach Zehnder-synchronized ar-
A novel scenario of optical rogue-wave for- we report unprecedently sensitive vectorial rayed waveguide grating (AWG) con�gura-
mation is reported. In contrast to �ber- detection of nanomechanical motion using tion over a broad spectral range.
optical rogue waves, mechanical turbulence SiC nanowires and Carbon nanotubes.
is identi�ed as the driver for the emergence
of waves with extreme amplitudes in optical
CJ-12.3 THU 16:30 IG-5.3 THU 16:30 CH-7.3 THU 16:30 CK-10.3 THU 16:30 CB-10.3 THU 16:30
�ulium-doped Yttria Planar Waveguide Experimental and numerical study of the Bicell �ber optics homodyne phase Flat-focal-�eld Integrated Spectrometer Modeless highly coherent
Laser Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition predictability of rogue waves in demodulator - experimental results. Using a Field-�attening Lens Frequency-shi�ed-feedback Vertical
�J. Szela, K.A. Sloyan, T.L. Parsonage, J.I. semiconductor lasers Z. Holdynski1,2 , �I. Merta1 , T. Nasilowski1,2 , �B.I. Akca, G. Sengo, M. Pollnau, A. Driessen, External Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
Mackenzie, and R.W. Eason; Optoelectronics �J. Zamora-Munt1 , B. Garbin2 , S. Barland2 , and L. Jaroszewicz1 ; 1 Military University K. Wörho�, and R.M. de Ridder; Inte- �M. Sellahi1 , I. Sagnes2 , G. Beaudoin2 , M.
Research Centre, University of Southampton, M. Giudici2 , J.R. Rios Leite3 , C. Masoller4 , of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; 2 InPhoTech grated Optical MicroSystems Group, MESA+ Myara1 , and A. Garnache1 ; 1 IES-CNRS
Southampton, United Kingdom and J.R. Tredicce3,5 ; 1 IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Ltd, Warsaw, Poland Institute for Nanotechnology, University of UMR5214, Université de Montpellier
We demonstrate the �rst crystalline Campus Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de We report novel possibility of phase demod- Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands 2, Montpellier, France; LPN-CNRS,
Tm:Y2O3 planar waveguide laser fabricated Mallorca, Spain; 2 Universite de Nice Sophia ulation using bicell photodetector. Homo- In this work, an alternative way of design- Marcoussis, France
by pulsed laser deposition. Lasing at Antipolis, Institut Non-Lineaire de Nice, Val- dyne �ber demodulator reconstruct widely ing a �at-focal-�eld arrayed-waveguide grat- We demonstrate the 1rst broadband mode-
1951nm, 35mW was obtained for 600mW bonne, France; 3 Departamento de Fisica, frequency shi�ed di�erent types of signals. ing using an integrated �eld-�attening lens is less Frequency Shi�ed Feedback laser based
of incident 797nm Ti:sapphire pump, with a Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Re- Proposed setup highly limited data process- presented on VeCSEL technology. It exhibits TEM00
9% slope e�ciency. cife, Brazil; 4 Departament de Fisica i En- ing and enable extreme measurement preci- operation with 300 Ghz bandwidth, linear
ginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politecnica de sion. polarization and 30 mW output power in
Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain; 5 Universite de la Continuous wave operation.
Nouvelle Caledonie - Pole Pluridisciplinaire
de la Matiere et del Énvironnement, Nouvelle
Caledonie, New Caledonia
CJ-12.4 THU 16:45 Rogue waves in a semiconductor laser with
High Gain, Short Length Optical optical injection are demonstrated experi-
Ampli�er in Heavily Doped Phosphate mentally and numerically. We show that the
Glass for Miniature Optics. extreme pulses are predictable and that noise
�T.T. Fernandez1 , J. del Hoyo1 , V. Berdejo2 , plays an important role in controlling their
A. Ruiz de la Cruz1 , A. Ferrer3 , I. Ortega- appearance CH-7.4 THU 16:45 CK-10.4 THU 16:45 CB-10.4 THU 16:45
Feliu4 , J.A. Vallés2 , M.A. Rebolledo2 , Acoustically tagged photons for ultimate On-Chip Collimated Planar Free Space Mid-IR Quantum Dot VECSEL
and J. Solís1 ; 1 Laser Processing Group, IG-5.4 THU 16:45 sensitivity imaging Gaussian Beams utilising Optical Lenses �A. Khiar, M. Witzan, A. Hochreiner, M.
Instituto de Óptica (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; Competing Wave-Breaking Mechanisms �W. Glastre, O. Jacquin, O. Hugon, H. Guil- on a Silicon on Insulator Chip Eibelhuber, T. Schwarzl, and G. Springholz;
Departamento de Física Aplicada 13A, Fac- in Second Harmonic Generation let de Chatellus, and E. Lacot; Laboratoire �G. Ren, T.G. Nguyen, and A. Mitchell; CU- Johannes Kepler University, 4040 Linz, Aus-
ultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, �M. Conforti1 , F. Baronio1 , and S. Trillo2 ; Interdisciplinaire de Physique, Saint Martin DOS, School of Electrical and Computer En- tria

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
e�ciency predicted mathematically are ver-

IB-8.2 THU 16:15 CM-8.2 THU 16:15 CG-7.2 THU 16:15 IH-6.2 THU 16:15
Experimental Characterization of Cluster �e e�ect of porosity on cell ingrowth in Multidimensional High Harmonic Blinking suppression and biexcitonic
States using Fibre Sources 3D laser-fabricated biodegradable Spectroscopy emission
�B. Bell1 , M. Tame2 , A. Clark3 , A. McMillan1 , sca�olds for bone regeneration �V. Serbinenko and O. Smirnova; Max Born D. Canneson1 , L. Biadala1 , S. Buil1 , �X.
R. Nock1 , W. Wadsworth4 , and J. Rarity1 ; P. Danilevicius1 , L. Georgiadi1,2 , Institute, Berlin, Germany Quélin1 , C. Javaux2 , B. Dubertret2 , and
1 3
University of Bristol, Bristol, United King- F. Claeyssens , C. Paterman3 , M. We consider high harmonic generation in J.-P. Hermier1,3 ; 1 Université de Versailles
dom; 2 Imperial College London, London, Chatzinikoloaidou1,2 , and �M. Farsari1 ; orthogonally polarized fundamental and Saint-Quentin - GEMaC, Versailles, France;
United Kingdom; 3 University of Sydney, Syd- 1
IESL-FORTH, Heraklion, Greece; weak multicolor �elds as multidimensional 2
ESPCI - LPEM, Paris, France; 3 Institut Uni-
ney, Australia; 4 University of Bath, Bath, 2
Department of Materials Science and pump-probe spectroscopy. We present an- versitaire de France, Paris, France
United Kingdom Technology, University of Crete, Heraklion, alytical approach, which extracts informa- Intensity �uctuations of thick shell
Using photonic crystal �bre sources of pho- Greece; 3 Kroto Research Institute, University tion about electron subcycle dynamics di- CdSe/CdS nanocrystals are studied between
ton pairs, we characterize entangled states of of She�led, She�eld, United Kingdom rectly from the modulation of HHG signal. room temperature. �e statistic of the
three and four photons, locally equivalent to We demonstrate the fabrication by Direct emission is determined, as well as the
cluster states, which we use to demonstrate Laser Writing of 3D biodegradable sca�olds Quantum Yield and the lifetime of the trion
logic gates for measurement based quantum with di�erent pore sizes. We investigate the and the charged biexciton.
computing. material biodegradability and e�ect of scaf-
fold porosity on cell adhesion and prolifera-
tion using mouce pre-osteoblastic cells.

IB-8.3 THU 16:30 CF/IE-13.2 THU 16:30 CM-8.3 THU 16:30 CG-7.3 THU 16:30 IH-6.3 THU 16:30
Experimental state estimation for spatial Ultrafast Non-�ermal Electron Laser 3D nanostructuring of polymers: Interrupted virtual single-photon Evidence of macroscopic coherence at
qubits Dynamics in Single Layer Graphene mechanisms study and targeted transition room temperature: Rabi oscillation
�P. Kolenderski1,2 , K. Johnsen1 , C. Scarcella3 , �D. Brida1 , C. Manzoni2 , G. Cerullo2 , A. applications �J. Herrmann1 , M. Weger1 , R. Locher1 , induced pulse break-up in a quantum dot
D. Hamel1 , K. Shalm1 , S. Tisa4 , A. Tosi3 , Tomadin3 , M. Polini3 , R.R. Nair4 , A.K. �M. Malinauskas1 , A. Zukauskas1 , G. M. Sabbar1 , P. Rivière2,3 , U. Saalmann3 , ampli�er
K. Resch1 , and T. Jennewein1 ; 1 Institute Geim4 , K.S. Novoselov4 , S. Milana5 , A. Seniutinas2,3 , D. Paipulas1 , V. Sirutkaitis1 , J.-M. Rost3 , L. Gallmann1 , and U. Keller1 ; M. Kolarczik1 , �N. Owschimikow1 , Y.
for Quantum Computing, University of Lombardo5 , and A.C. Ferrari5 ; 1 University of and S. Juodkazis2,3 ; 1 Laser Research Center, 1
Department of Physics, Institute of Quan- Kaptan1 , U. Woggon1 , J. Korn2 , B. Lingnau2 ,
Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada; 2 Institute of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany; 2 Politecnico Department of Quantum Electronics, Physics tum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zürich, E. Schöll2 , and K. Lüdge2 ; 1 Institut für Optik
Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, di Milano, Milano, Italy; 3 NEST, Scuola Faculty, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithua- Switzerland; 2 Departamento de Química, und Atomare Physik, Technische Universität
Torun, Poland; 3 Politecnico di Milano, Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy; 4 University nia; 2 Micro-Photonics Centre, Engineering Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2 Institut für
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, of Manchester, Manchester, United King- and Industrial Sciences Faculty, Swinburne Spain; 3 Max Planck Institute for the Physics �eoretische Physik, Technische Universität
Milano, Italy; 4 Micro Photon Device, dom; 5 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, University of Technology, Melbourne, of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Bolzano, Italy United Kingdom Australia; 3 Melbourne Centre for Nanofab- We report optical gain created by the in- Intense laser pulse propagating through an
An estimation of a spatially encoded qubit We study the ultrafast dynamics of non- rication, 151 Wellington Road, Clayton, terruption of the temporal evolution of the inverted quantum dot ensemble develop a
state is demonstrated by implementing a 28- thermal electron relaxation in graphene Melbourne, Australia dipole response of a quantum-mechanical periodic modulation of their temporal en-
element quantum measurement using an ar- upon impulsive excitation. �e 10-fs resolu- We present recent study on high-precision two-level system. A transient absorption ex- velope. Numerical simulations con�rm that
ray of detectors and carefully designed imag- tion two-color pump-probe allows us to ob- direct laser fabrication of polymers fo- periment in helium con�rms the results of this signature is consistent with optically in-
ing optics. serve non-equilibrium electron relaxation at cussing on light matter interaction mech- our theoretical study. duced Rabi oscillations in the material sys-
early times unveiling Auger processes and anisms at nanoscale: multiphoton absorp- tem.
charge multiplication. tion, avalanche ionization and thermal ef-
fects. We show possible applications in in-
tegrated microoptics and biomedicine.
IB-8.4 THU 16:45 CF/IE-13.3 THU 16:45 CM-8.4 THU 16:45 CG-7.4 THU 16:45 IH-6.4 THU 16:45
Experimental Analysis of Qudit Femtosecond Low-Energy Dynamics of a Initiator-Free Multiphoton Optical Response of Electron A Transformation-Optical Approach to
Entangled States using the time-energy Charge Density Wave in TiSe� Polymerization for 3D Nanostructure Wave-packet Interference Revisited Enhance Optical Gradient Forces with
degree of freedom �M. Porer1 , J.-M. Ménard1 , H. Dachraoui2 , Fabrication �M. Lucchini, J. Herrmann, A. Ludwig, M. Metamaterials
�D.L. Richart1,2 , W. Laskowski1,2,3 , Y. U. Leierseder1 , K. Groh1 , J. Demsar3 , U. �A. Giakoumaki1,2 , E. Kabouraki1,3 , M. Sabbar, R. Locher, L. Gallmann, and U. �V. Ginis1 , P. Tassin2 , C.M. Soukoulis2 , and
Fischer1,2 , and H. Weinfurter1,2 ; 1 Max Heinzmann2 , and R. Huber1 ; 1 Department Vamvakaki1,3 , and M. Farsari1 ; 1 IESL- Keller; Department of Physics, Institute of I. Veretennico�1 ; 1 Vrije Universiteit Brus-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
ROOM 1 ROOM 4a ROOM 4b ROOM 13a ROOM 13b
Zaragoza, Spain; 3 Ultrafast Dynamics 1
University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy; d’Hères, France gineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Aus- Mid-infrared Vertical External Cavity Sur-
Group, Institute for Quantum Electronics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy An imaging system combining the high sen- tralia face Emitting Lasers based on quantum dot
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 4 Centro We show that two modes interacting nonlin- sitivity of acoustically tagged Laser Optical An on-chip optical lens which can launch active regions have been realized. �e ac-
Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de early in the weakly dispersive regime can ex- Feedback Imaging and the high resolution and maintain wide and well-collimated tive regions consist of PbTe dots in a CdTe
Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain hibit a coexistence of wave breaking mech- of Synthetic Aperture Laser technique is pre- Gaussian beam in free space was fabricated host matrix. �e lasers cover the wavelength
We demonstrate high gain waveguides writ- anisms, such that a gradient catastrophe sented; a potential application is optically re- and measured. range 2.7-4.3um.
ten in heavily doped (Er,Yb) La-Al-P glass. yielding a dispersive shock wave competes solved imaging through scattering media.
Combining high repetition rate, slit shap- with modulational instability.
ing and glass composition optimization, we
fabricated a 5.1 dB/cm short waveguide (1,7
cm) lasing at 1534 nm.
CJ-12.5 THU 17:00 IG-5.5 THU 17:00 CH-7.5 THU 17:00 CK-10.5 THU 17:00 CB-10.5 THU 17:00
Visible laser operation of Dispersive time stretching measurements An Archimedean Screw made of light Di�ractive and Refractive Microlens Power scaling of narrow-linewidth 2 �m
Pr,Mg:SrAl12 O19 waveguides of real-time spectra and statistics for �C. Vetter, T. Eichelkraut, and A. Szameit; In- Integration with Single Photon Detector GaSb-based semiconductor disk laser
�F. Reichert1 , T. Calmano1 , S. Müller1 , D.- supercontinuum generation around 1550 stitute of Applied Physics, Jena, Germany Smart Pixels �S. Kaspar, M. Rattunde, S. Adler, T. Töp-
T. Marzahl1 , P.W. Metz1 , and G. Huber1,2 ; nm We report on the �exible experimental real- �A. Waddie1 , A. McCarthy1 , G. Buller1 , S. per, C. Manz, K. Köhler, and J. Wagner;
Institut of Laser-Phyics, Hamburg, Ger- �B. Wetzel1 , A. Stefani1 , L. Larger1 , P.-A. ization of spatially spiralling intensity distri- Tisa2 , and M. Taghizadeh1 ; 1 Institute of Pho- Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkör-
many; 2 �e Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Lacourt1 , J.-M. Merolla1 , T. Sylvestre1 , butions that can rotate in time. For this pur- tonics and Quantum Sciences, EPS, Heriot- perphysik, Freiburg, Germany
Imaging, Hamburg, Germany A. Kudlinski2 , A. Mussot2 , G. Genty3 , pose we employ interfering Bessel beams of Watt University, Edinburgh, United King- A 2 �m GaSb-based semiconductor-disk-
We present green, red, and deep-red laser F. Dias4 , and J.M. Dudley1 ; 1 Institut di�erent order. dom; 2 Micro Photon Devices, Bolzano, Italy laser with < 60 kHz linewidth, > 1 W CW-
operation of fs-laser-written waveguides in- FEMTO-ST, UMR 6174 CNRS-Université In this paper we present details of the in- output power has been realized. �e feasibil-
scribed in bulk Pr,Mg:SrAl12 O19 material. de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France; tegration of di�ractive and refractive mi- ity of further power scaling into the > 2 W
Output powers of 36mW, 1065mW, and PhLAM/IRCICA CNRS-Université Lille 1, crolens arrays with a customised single pho- range will be demonstrated.
504mW were obtained, respectively. Waveg- USR 3380/UMR 8523, Villeneuve d’Ascq, ton avalanche photodiode smart-pixel array
uides were characterized for losses and mode France; 3 Department of Physics, Tampere including an analysis of the angular toler-
�eld diameters. University of Technology, Tampere, Finland; ance of the composite structure.
School of Mathematical Sciences, University
College Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
We report experimental real time measure-
ments of supercontinuum generation spec-
tral �uctuations around 1550 nm, yielding
CJ-12.6 THU 17:15 direct characterization of statistics and cor- CK-10.6 THU 17:15 CB-10.6 THU 17:15
E�cient direct-laser written Yb:ZBLAN relations across a 200 nm bandwidth. Ex- Integrated Polymer Microlenses for �e e�ect of hole leakage and Auger
Waveguide Laser perimental results are in excellent agreement Two-dimensional Collimation of Light recombination on the temperature
�G. Palmer1,2 , S. Gross1 , A. Fuerbach1 , D. with numerical simulations. from Single-mode Optical Waveguides sensitivity of GaInAsSb/GaSb
Lancaster3 , T. Monroe3 , and M. Withford1 ; �L. Chang, N. Ismail, R.M. de Ridder, M. Poll- mid-infrared lasers
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cen- IG-5.6 THU 17:15 nau, and K. Wörho�; Integrated Optical Mi- B.A. Ikyo1 , I.P. Marko1 , K. Hild1 , �A.R.
tre for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices for Op- Conical di�raction, pseudospin, and crosystems Group, MESA+ Institute for Nan- Adams1 , S. Ara�n2 , M.-C. Amann2 , and
tical Systems (CUDOS), MQ Photonics Re- nonlinear wave dynamics in photonic otechnology, University of Twente, Enschede, S.S. Sweeney1 ; 1 Advanced Technology In-
search Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, Lieb lattices �e Netherlands stitute and Department of Physics, Univer-
Australia; 2 European XFEL GmbH, Ham- �D. Leykam1 , O. Bahat-Treidel2 , and A. We demonstrate direct on-chip integration sity of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom;
burg, Germany; 3 Institute for Photonics and Desyatnikov1 ; 1 �e Australian National Uni- of re�owed polymer microlenses, which en- 2
Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Univer-
Advanced Sensing (IPAS), Scholl of Chemistry versity, Canberra, Australia; 2 �e University ables light collimation from planar channel sität München, Garching, Germany
and Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia waveguides in both lateral and vertical direc- Type-I GaInAsSb/GaSb lasers emitting at
Australia We demonstrate theoretically that wave dy- tions. A divergence angle reduced by a factor 2.3�m and 2.6�m are investigated using
We present an Yb:ZBLAN waveguide laser namics in Lieb lattices are governed by of 25 is demonstrated experimentally. temperature and pressure. We show that
fabricated by rapid direct fs-laser writing. an integer pseudo-spin. Di�erent pseudo- Auger recombination and to a lesser extent
�e laser provides low lasing threshold and spin states can be distinguished by conical hole leakage determine the temperature de-
slope e�ciencies in excess of 80 %. Insertion di�raction patterns. �e nonlinearity re- pendence of Jth in these devices.
losses are as low as -0.7 dB/cm. duces circular to four-fold discrete rotational

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Planck Insitute for Quantum Optics, of Physics, University of Regensburg, Re- FORTH, Heraklion, Greece; 2 Department of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 sel, Brussel, Belgium; 2 Iowa State University,
Garching, Germany; 2 Ludwig Maximilian gensburg, Germany; 2 Molecular and Surface Chemistry, University of Crete, Heraklion, Zurich, Switzerland Ames, IA, United States
Universität München, München, Germany; Physics, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Ger- Greece; 3 Department of Materials Science Photoabsorption around the �rst ionization We show how transformation optics allows
Institute of �eoretical Physics and As- many; 3 Department of Physics, Ilmenau Uni- and Technology, Heraklion, Greece threshold and in the presence of a strong in- to enhance optical forces between two opti-
trophysics, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, versity of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany We demonstrate for the �rst time the fab- frared �eld was studied in helium. �e pre- cal waveguides over several magnitudes by
Poland �e collective terahertz free-carrier response rication and characterization of 3D nanos- viously introduced wavepacket interference altering the perceived distance between the
We present experimental results on the ef- of 1T − TiSe� is tracked during ultrafast tructures by multiphoton polymerization picture was found to not completely explain waveguides. �is transformation can be im-
�cient reconstruction of qudit entangled photo-induced melting of a charge-density using a material without photoinitiator. We the observed optical response. plemented using single-negative metamate-
quantum states with dimensions up to 2x8 wave. �e subsequent reordering exhibits show that polymerization occurs through a rial thin �lms.
encoded in the time-energy degree of free- high sensitivity to the carrier density, as ex- photo-induced redox initiation.
dom. pected within an excitonic model.
IB-8.5 THU 17:00 CF/IE-13.4 THU 17:00 CM-8.5 THU 17:00 CG-7.5 THU 17:00 IH-6.5 THU 17:00
Characterization and Manipulation of Photoexcitation Cascade and Multiple Core-scanned �bre Bragg gratings Extreme Nonlinear Optical Processes Resonant optical trapping and
Energy Entangled Qudits Hot Carrier Generation in Graphene inscribed using ultrashort pulses and a with Beams Carrying Orbital Angular back-action e�ects in hollow photonic
�A. Stefanov, C. Bernhard, B. Bessire, and T. �K.-J. Tielrooij1 , J. Song2,3 , S. Jensen4,5 , point by point setup Momentum crystal cavities
Feurer; University of Bern, Institute of Ap- A. Centeno6 , A. Pesquera6 , A. Zurutuza �R.G. Krämer1,2 , R.J. Williams2 , M.J. �C. Kern1,2 , M. Zürch1,2 , P. Hansinger1,2 , �N. Descharmes, U.P. Dharanipathy, M.
plied Physics, Bern, Switzerland Elorza6 , M. Bonn4 , L. Levitov2 , and F. Withford2 , A. Tünnermann1 , and S. Nolte1 ; A. Dreischuh3 , and C. Spielmann1,2,4 ; Tonin, Z. Diao, and R. Houdré; Ecole Poly-
We show the experimental realization of Koppens1 ; 1 ICFO - Institute de Ciencies 1
Institute of Applied Physics, Jena, Germany; 1
Institute of Optics and Quantum Electron- technique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
energy-bins entangled qudits, with dimen- Fotoniques, Catelldefels (Barcelona), Spain; Centre for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices ics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Switzerland
sion up to 4. We performed tomographic Department of Physics, Massachusetts In- for Optical Systems, MQ Photonics Research Germany; 2 Abbe Center of Photonics, Jena, We report on the �rst experimental demon-
characterization of the states and showed vi- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, United Centre, Sydney, Germany Germany; 3 Department of Quantum Elec- stration of resonant optical trapping of di-
olation of Bell inequalities for maximally and States; 3 School of Engineering and Applied We present a core-scanning technique for �- tronics, Faculty of Physics, So�a University, electric particles in hollow photonic crystal
non-maximally entangled states. Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, bre Bragg gratings using a point-by-point in- So�a, Bulgaria; 4 Helmholtzinstitut Jena, cavities. �e existence of mutual interaction
United States; 4 Max Planck Institute for scription setup, that has markedly reduced Jena, Germany between the con�ned �eld and the particle is
Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany; 5 FOM scattering losses, �exible grating period and We show experimental evidence that optical revealed.
Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, �e Nether- larger-area modi�cations with potential for vortices can be produced in the extreme ul-
lands; 6 Graphenea SA, Donostia-San Sebas- inscription into large mode area �bres. traviolet (XUV) using high-harmonic gen-
tian, Spain eration (HHG) driven by ultra-short laser
We show that energy relaxation of pho- pulses. We found that such beams can sur-
toexcited e-h pairs in doped single-layer vive high nonlinearities.
graphene is dominated by e-e scattering,
IB-8.6 THU 17:15 which leads to the creation of secondary hot CM-8.6 THU 17:15 CG-7.6 THU 17:15 IH-6.6 THU 17:15
Characterisation of the spatial purity of electrons from the conduction band (”hot- Laser Crystallisation of Semiconductor �e role of the Kramers-Henneberger Time Domain Investigation of Radio
photon pairs generated in a multimode carrier multiplication”). Core Optical Fibres atom in the higher-order Kerr e�ect Frequency Acousto-Mechanical Tuning of
non-linear waveguide �N. Healy1 , S. Mailis1 , T. Day2 , P. Sazio1 , J. S. Patchkovskii1 , �M. Richter2 , F. Morales2 , O. Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Modes
M. Karpiński, C. Radzewicz, and �K. Ba- CF/IE-13.5 THU 17:15 Badding2 , and A. Peacock1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Smirnova2 , and M. Ivanov2,3,4 ; 1 Steacie In- �S.S. Kap�nger1 , D.A. Fuhrmann1 , S.M.
naszek; Faculty of Physics, University of War- Ultrafast Hot Exciton Dissociation at Research Centre, Southampton, United King- stitute for Molecular Sciences, National Re- �on2 , H. Kim2 , D. Bouwmeester2 , P.M.
saw, Warsaw, Poland Organic Interfaces dom; 2 Penn State University, Pennsylvania, search Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada; Petro�3 , A. Wixforth1 , and H.J. Krenner1 ;
2 1
We veri�ed experimentally spatial purity of �M. Maiuri1 , G. Grancini2 , D. Fazzi2 , A. United States Max-Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik 1, Univer-
photon pairs generated via type-II paramet- Petrozza2 , D. Brida1 , G. Cerullo1 , and G. A laser annealing technique is used to crys- and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Ger- sität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany; 2 Physics
ric down-conversion in a multimode peri- Lanzani1,2 ; 1 Politecnico di Milano, Milano, tallise the core of an amorphous silicon op- many; 3 Department of Physics, Humboldt Department, University of California, Santa
odically poled potassium titanyl phosphate Italy; 2 CNST@Polimi, IIT, Milano, Italy tical �bre. �e core of the resulting �bre has University, Berlin, Germany; 4 Department Barbara, United States; 3 Materials Depart-
nonlinear waveguide. �e process was re- We probe charge generation in high material quality and its optical trans- of Physics, Imperial College London, South ment, University of California, Santa Bar-
stricted to fundamental spatial modes by ex- PCPDTBT:PCBM blend. Exploiting mission losses are dramatically reduced. Kensington Campus, London, United King- bara, United States
ploiting intermodal dispersion. sub-15-fs time resolution, for su�cient high dom �e dynamic spectral tuning of a photonic
pump energy, hot charge-transfer excitons We discuss the connection between strong- crystal nanocavity with embedded quantum
are produced in less than 50 fs, that can �eld ionization, saturation of the Kerr re- dots by a radio frequency surface acoustic
rapidly separate into free polarons. sponse, and the formation of the Kramers- wave is investigated in the time domain. �e
Henneberger atom and long-living excita- observed characteristics promise real-time
tions in intense external �elds. control of light-matter interactions.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
13:00 – 14:00 molecular orbitals into a certain electronically excited We propose and demonstrate a setup to directly mea- ing attosecond chirp compensation - using quasi-phase
CG-P: CG Poster Session dissociative ionic state allows implementing a control sure the focus of a high-energy petawatt-class laser using matching with a modulation of the dipole excitation that
scheme for fragmentation and isomerization reactions in plasma mirrors. �is leads to new insights on the e�ect is spatially addressable along the the propagation axis.
CG-P.1 THU polyatomic molecules. of plasma mirrors on the laser far �eld.
Micro-focusing of XUV attosecond pulses by CG-P.5 THU CG-P.9 THU
grazing-incidence toroidal mirrors Electron-ion correlation e�ects in strong �eld
�L. Poletto1 , F. Frassetto1 , F. Calegari3 , A. Trabattoni2 , Tabletop Lensless Imaging Apparatus using an Photoemission enhancement from copper illumina- ionization
and M. Nisoli2 ; 1 CNR-Institute of Photonics and Nan- Ultrashort High Harmonic XUV Source ted with a radial polarized femtosecond laser pulse �L. Torlina1 , M. Ivanov1,2,3 , Z. Walters4,1 , and O.
otechnologies, Padova, Italy; 2 Politecnico of Milano, De- �M. Zürch1 , C. Kern1 , and C. Spielmann1,2 ; 1 Institute �H. Tomizawa1,2 , H. Dewa1 , A. Mizuno1 , and T. Smirnova1 ; 1 Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany;
partment of Physics, Milano, Italy; 3 CNR-Institute of Pho- of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Jena, Germany; Taniuchi1 ; 1 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research In- 2
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; 3 Imperial Col-
tonics and Nanotechnologies, Milano, Italy Helmholtzinstitut Jena, Jena, Germany stitute, Hyogo, Japan; 2 RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo, lege London, London, United Kingdom; 4 Max Planck In-
�e design of optical systems for micro-focusing of XUV We present an apparatus based on an ultrafast laser Japan stitute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Ger-
attosecond pulses through grazing-incidence toroidal and high harmonic generation that allows for high- We have developed a new compact of photocathode gun many
mirrors is presented. Two mirrors are used in a com- resolution lensless imaging with a selectable wavelength utilizes laser coherency, using radial-polarization on a Strong �eld ionization is a fundamentally multielectron
pensated con�guration to provide high demagni�cation in the XUV-regime. Images with resolution in the metal cathode. �e enhancement factor of photoemis- process which may leave the ion in di�erent excited
of the source with negligible aberrations. micron-range were recorded. sion was observed 1.4 times at 1.6 GV/m of the laser Z- states. We develop an analytical theory accounting for
�eld. ionic excitations induced by coupling between the de-
CG-P.2 THU CG-P.6 THU parting and core electrons.
Optically Produced Collimated Quasimonoenergetic CG-P.10 THU
Single cycle midIR pulse: spatial, temporal and CG-P.14 THU
absolute phase characterisation Electron Beams For Laser-Plasma Acceleration Isolated attosecond pulses by self-compression in
�S. Weber1,2 , T. Witting1 , J. Tisch1 , and J. Marangos1 ; �Y. Malkov1 , A. Stepanov1 , D. Yashunin1 , L. Pugachev2 , short gas-�lled �bers �e R-matrix method for attosecond spectroscopy
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; P. Levashov2 , N. Andreev2 , and A. Andreev3 ; 1 Institute �P.N. Anderson1 , P. Horak1 , J.G. Frey2 , and W.S. A. Harvey, F. Morales, O. Smirnova, and �D. Brambila;
CEA Saclay, IRAMIS, Service des Photons, Atomes et of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Brocklesby1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Research Centre, Univer- Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany
Molécules, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; 2 Joint Institute for High Tem- sity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; We present calculations of photoelectron angular dis-
1.7 cycles midIR pulse has been measured via a tunable peratures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Chemistry, University of Southampton, Southampton, tributions ionized by a HHG source, and HHG spec-
SEA-F-SPIDER arrangement providing both temporal Russia; 3 Vavilov State Optical Institute (GOI) Research United Kingdom tra, from aligned CO2 , and compare to experiment. We
and spatial characterisation. �e intrinsic CEP stability Institute for Laser Physics, St Petersburg, Russia Numerical simulations predict that self-compression discuss our newly adapted R-matrix codes, an essential
of the pulse is monitored and stabilised from a simple We studied generation of quasimonoenergetic electron and HHG can be performed in-situ within short gas- component of the calculations.
interferometric measurement. bunches in the 0.2-0.8 MeV range when 10^17 W/cm^2 �lled �bers to generate isolated 350 as XUV pulses from
femtosecond laser radiation interacted with aluminum 40 fs NIR �elds. CG-P.15 THU
CG-P.3 THU foil edge. PIC simulations con�rm acceleration in the Power E�cient Relativistic Multi-Stage Stable UV
self-modulated laser wake�eld in preplasma. CG-P.11 THU Channel Formation in Underdense Plasmas
A Conceptually General Coherent X-Ray Attosecond
Pulse Shaper Optimized Conditions for Intense Isolated �A.B. Borisov and C.K. Rhodes; University of Illinois at
CG-P.7 THU Attosecond Pulse Generation Chicago, Chicago, United States
�C. Serrat and N. Suarez; Polytechnical University of Cat-
alonia, Terrassa, Spain Development of a carrier-envelope phase stabilized, �G. Ma1,2 , J. Mikhailova1 , F. Krausz1,3 , G. Tsakiris1 , and Stability control of multi-TW relativistic channels leads
We present a tool for control of the spectral phase and few-cycle laser system for precision spectroscopy in L. Veisz1 ; 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garch- to power e�cient stable multi-stage UV channel forma-
amplitude in high-order harmonic generation. Isolated the time domain ing, Germany; 2 Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine tion in underdense plasmas with the e�ciency of power
attosecond pulses are produced by means of a folding ef- �T. Kanai, T. Mizuno, and T. Azuma; RIKEN, Wako-shi, Mechanics, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of (PRC); transport into the channel exceeding 90%.
fect on the electron quantum trajectories generating the Japan Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Garching,
We report on a novel methodology of attosecond physics Germany CG-P.16 THU
to explore fundamental physics and the present status of Optimized conditions for e�ciently generating intense Sub-fs pulse generation and characterisation in the
CG-P.4 THU our laser and spectroscopy system, which was specially isolated attosecond pulses via relativistic high harmonic VUV
Control of Fragmentation Reactions in Impulsively
designed for this purpose from scratch. generation are investigated by simulations. An unri- �D. Fabris1 , T. Witting1 , J. Henkel2 , F. Frank1 , W. Okell1 ,
Aligned Polyatomic Molecules by Selective Removal
valled high e�ciency of about 1% for harmonics below Z. Abdelrahman1 , M. Lein2 , J. Marangos1 , and J. Tisch1 ;
CG-P.8 THU 40nm is predicted in our coming experiment. 1
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom;
of Inner-Valence Electrons 2
X. Xie1 , K. Doblho�-Dier2 , H. Xu1 , S. Roither1 , A. Far �eld characteristics of a petawatt-class laser using Institut für �eoretische Physik and Centre for Quan-
plasma mirrors CG-P.12 THU tum Engineering and Space-Time Research, Leibniz Uni-
Iwasaki3 , M. Schö�er1 , D. Kartashov1 , K. Yamanouchi3 ,
A. Baltuška1 , S. Gräfe2 , and �M. Kitzler1 ; 1 Photonics In- �V. Bagnoud1 , C. Brabetz2 , B. Zielbauer1 , G. Scott3,4 , Attosecond pulse shaping versität, Hannover, Germany
stitute, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Aus- H. Powell4 , and D. Neely3,4 ; 1 GSI Helmholtz Cen- �D. Austin1 and J. Biegert1,2 ; 1 Institut de Ciencies �e method for production and characterisation of a
tria; 2 Institute for �eoretical Physics, Vienna University ter for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany; Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Institució Catalana de sub-fs VUV (10-20eV) pulse will be discussed. �e-
of Technology, Vienna, Austria; 3 Department of Chem- Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Ger- Recerca i Estudis Avançats, 08010 Barcelona, Spain, oretical simulations predicts atime duration of ~700as.
istry, School of Science, �e University of Tokyo, Japan many; 3 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Barcelona, Spain Preliminary measurements show a photon �ux of ~1010
We show experimentally and theoretically that align- Kingdom; 4 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United We propose arbitrary shaping of attosecond pulses photons\shot.
ment dependent ionization from speci�c lower-lying Kingdom produced using high harmonic generation - includ-

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
CG-P.17 THU 7
Pisa, Italy; INFN and University of Bologna, Bologna, CG-P.20 THU tral range by coherent undulator radiation of relativistic
Plateau structure in photoelectron spectra of Kr gas Italy Pulse Contrast Enhancement at the Orion Laser ultrathin electron layers, which are produced by IFEL.
induced by intense circular polarized laser pulses A laser named FLAME by 1019 W/cm2 has been de- Facility
�T. Mizuno, T. Kanai, and T. Azuma; RIKEN Adavance ployed. An experiment of light ions acceleration through �S. Elsmere, T. Bett, C. Danson, S. Du�eld, D. Egan, M. CG-P.22 THU
Science Institute, wako, Japan laser-matter interaction (LILIA) has been proposed. Us- Girling, E. Harvey, D. Hillier, N. Hopps, D. Hoarty, D. On the Accuracy of the Single-shot Two-dimensional
We found the plateau structure of photoionization of Kr ing Al targets protons of more than 1.6 MeV have been Hussey, M. Norman, S. Parker, P. Treadwell, and D. Win- Angular Dispersion Measurement
gas by circular polarization light. �is is not explained detected. ter; AWE, Reading, United Kingdom �A. Börzsönyi1,2 , A. Andrásik1 , A. Kovács1 , M.
by traditional rescattering process. Contrast enhancement of a pettawatt beam line has been Gstalter2,3 , and K. Osvay1 ; 1 Department of Optics and
CG-P.19 THU demonstrated by frequency doubling, at sub aperture, of Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hun-
CG-P.18 THU Enhanced High Harmonic Generation Driven by a 500 J pulse. Details of beam line performance are pre- gary; 2 CE Optics K�., Szeged, Hungary; 3 École Nationale
�e LILIA (Light Ions laser Induced Acceleration) Two-Color Laser Pulses with Two Foci sented showing a pulse contrast greater than 1013 . Supérieure de Physique, Univ. of Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
experiment at LNF F. Lu1 , �Y. Xia1 , S. Zhang2 , D. Chen1 , Y. Zhao1 , and B. France
S. Agosteo1 , M.P. Anania2 , C. De Martinis3 , D. Delle Liu1 ; 1 National Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technol- CG-P.21 THU �e accuracy of the two-dimensional technique for
Side4 , A. Fazzi1 , G. Gatti2 , D. Giove3 , D. Giulietti5 , L. ogy, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, Peo- Proposal for sub-femtosecond pulse generation with single-shot measurement of angular dispersion has been
Gizzi6 , L. Labate6 , P. Londrillo7 , �V. Nassisi4 , A. Pola1 , ple’s Republic of (PRC); 2 Department of physics, Harbin controlled carrier-envelope phase characterized. �e precision of 0.1microrad/nm allows it
S. Sinigardi7 , G. Turchetti7 , V. Varoli1 , L. Velardi4 , G. Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, People’s Republic Z. Tibai1 , G. Tóth1 , M. Mechler2 , J. Fülöp2 , and �J. being a tool for real time monitoring of attosecond driv-
Buccolieri4 , and M. Caresana1 ; 1 INFN and Polytechnic of (PRC) Hebling1,2 ; 1 Institute of Physics, University of Pécs, Pécs, ing laser beams.
of Milan, Milan, Italy; 2 INFN LNF Frascati, Frascati, We demonstrate a enhancement of high harmonic gen- Hungary; 2 MTA-PTE High-Field Terahertz Research
Italy; 3 INFN and University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 4 INFN eration in CO2 by using two color laser pulses with two Group, Pécs, Hungary
LEAS and University of Salento, Lecce, Italy; 5 INFN and foci. �e intensity of harmonic H23 increased by a factor We propose a robust method for producing few-cycle
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 6 INFN and CNR of Pisa, of 65 compared to a single focus. pulses with prescribed shaped in the EUV-VUV spec-

13:00 – 14:00 nology, University of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands �S. Yokoyama1 , C. Sornphiphatphong1 , T. Kaji1 , R. Ukai1 , Napolitano1 , R. Sewell1 , and M. Mitchell1,2 ; 1 ICFO - �e
IA-P: IA Poster Session We control quantum interference in opaque scatter- S.C. Armstrong1,2 , S. Suzuki1 , J.-i. Yoshikawa1 , N.C. Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels (Barcelona),
ing materials by phase modulation of incident optical Menicucci3 , and A. Furusawa1 ; 1 �e University of Tokyo, Spain; 2 ICREA - Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis
IA-P.1 THU modes. Tokyo, Japan; 2 �e Australian National University, Can- Avanc ats, Bacelona, Spain
Quantum control of spin-correlations in ultracold berra, Australia; 3 �e University of Sydney, NSW, Aus- We report on a fast, nondestructive and sensitive mea-
IA-P.4 THU tralia surement technique that uses atomic spin precession and
lattice gases
P. Hauke1 , �R. Sewell1 , M. Mitchell1,2 , and M. Two-Photon Rydberg Excitation of Trapped We report on the generation of a 2000-mode fully entan- non-destructive Faraday rotation probing to measure all
Lewenstein1,2 ; 1 ICFO, Barcelona, Spain; 2 ICREA, Strontium Ions gled graph state, suitable as a resource for quantum in- three components of the magnetic �eld with kHz band-
Barcelona, Spain �C. Maier, F. Pokorny, G. Higgins, and M. Hennrich; In- formation protocols. �e graph is created by entangling width.
We describe a new technique for preparing and detect- stitute for Experimental Physics, Innsbruck, Austria 1000 pairs of temporally encoded EPR states.
ing spatial spin-correlations and multipartite entangle- An alternative method for trapped-ion quantum com- IA-P.9 THU
ment in a quantum lattice gas based on entropic cooling puting may be realized by exciting the ions into Rydberg IA-P.7 THU Dispersion Sensitivity of Amplitude and Phase
via quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement and states. We will discuss ideas and progress of our exper- Measurement-induced ampli�cation of optical Modulated Time-Energy Entangled Photons
feedback. imental setup to realise two-photon Rydberg excitation cat-like states �C. Bernhard, B. Bessire, A. Stefanov, and T. Feurer; Uni-
of strontium ions. A. Laghaout1 , J. Neergaard-Nielsen1 , J. Rigas2 , C. Kragh1 , versity of Bern, Institute of Applied Physics, Bern, Switzer-
IA-P.2 THU A. Tipsmark1 , and �U. Lund Andersen1,2 ; 1 Department of land
IA-P.5 THU Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Den- We investigate the e�ect of dispersion on spatial light
Propagation of few-photon states in waveguide arrays
�N. Belabas Plougonven, C. Minot, I. Abram, I. Robert- Synthesis of arbitrary interference patterns with high mark; 2 Quantum Information �eory Group, Institut für modulator shaped time-energy entangled photons. We
Philip, and A. Beveratos; Laboratory for Photonic and visibility �eoretische Physik I,and Max-Planck Research Group, compare two coincidence detection descriptions for dif-
Nanostructures, Marcoussis, France S. Shabbir, M. Swillo, and �G. Björk; School of Engineer- Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics,Universität ferent shaper functions as a function of the dispersion.
We quantitatively explore the ability of coupled waveg- ing Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE - 106 Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
uide arrays to characterize and manipulate two-photon 91, Stockholm, Sweden An ampli�cation scheme of coherent state superposi- IA-P.10 THU
and NOON states. We emphasize in particular the po- Using coherent state input, we demonstrate the synthe- tions (CSS) is proposed using homodyne heralding. �e Dynamical suppression of unwanted transitions in
tential of patterned arrays in which the coupling is struc- sis of arbitrary interference patterns and conclude that it width of homodyne post-selection is accounted for, as multistate quantum systems
tured. is neither the shape of the interference pattern nor the well as the impurity of squeezing for approximate CSSs. �G. Genov and N. Vitanov; Department of Physics, So�a
visibility that di�erentiates quantum and classical inter- Recursive ampli�cation is analyzed. University, So�a, Bulgaria
IA-P.3 THU ference. We propose a method to suppress unwanted transition
Programming quantum interference with multiple
IA-P.8 THU channels and achieve perfect population transfer in mul-
IA-P.6 THU Fast and non-destructive vector �eld magnetometry tistate quantum systems by using composite pulse se-
�S.R. Huisman, T.J. Huisman, T.A.W. Wolterink, A.P. Experimental Generation of 2000-Mode Entangled with cold atomic ensembles quences.
Mosk, and P.W.H. Pinkse; MESA+ Institute for Nanotech- Graph States �N. Behbood1 , F. Martin Ciurana1 , G. Colangelo1 , M.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
IA-P.11 THU �T. Lutz , P. Kolenderski , and T. Jennewein1 ;
1,2 1,3 �O. Morin, C. Fabre, and J. Laurat; Laboratoire Kastler IA-P.23 THU
Nonclassical lasing in circuit quantum
Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Water- Brossel, UPMC, ENS, CNRS, Paris, France Chronocyclic Wigner function of ultrafast
electrodynamics loo, Waterloo, Canada; 2 Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany; We propose a novel method to experimentally extract time-frequency entangled parametric
�C. Navarrete-Benlloch1 , J.J. García-Ripoll2 , and D.
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland the optimal temporal mode in quantum state engineer- downconversion states
Porras3 ; 1 Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, We experimentally characterize a spontaneous paramet- ing. �is technique only relies on a multimode analysis �B. Brecht and C. Silberhorn; Applied Physics, University
Garching, Germany; 2 Instituto de Física Fundamen- ric down-conversion source, based on a Beta-Barium- of homodyne data. of Paderborn, Warburger Strasse 100, 33098 Paderborn,
tal - CSIC, Madrid, Spain; 3 Universidad Complutense, Borate crystal capable of emitting photons with positive Germany
Madrid, Spain or no spectral correlations. Our system employs a care- IA-P.19 THU We present an alternative description of time-frequency
We show how a proper driving of the gap of a supercon- fully designed detection method exploiting two InGaAs Spatially multimode Raman scattering: optical entangled ultrafast PDC states, based on the chrono-
ducting qubit interacting with the modes of a resonator detectors. memory and new, direct method for measuring cyclic Wigner function formalism. Our approach com-
allows for the generation of nonclassical states of the lat- di�usion bines the seemingly disparate continuous and discrete
ter both through cooling and ampli�cation. IA-P.15 THU �R. Chrapkiewicz and W. Wasilewski; Faculty of Physics, variable theories and highlights remarkable similarities
Single-cycle squeezing from chirped quasi-phase- University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland between them.
IA-P.12 THU matched optical parametric down-conversion We present �rst to our knowledge generation and re-
An on-chip cross-waveguide QD spin-photon D. Horoshko1,2 and �M. Kolobov1 ; 1 Laboratoire PhLAM, trieval of spatially multimode collective excitations in IA-P.24 THU
interface and its applications Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France; 2 B. I. warm Rubidium vapors. Analyzing their their decoher- Indistinguishable particles in non-Hermitian lattices
�A.B. Young1 , A.J. Ramsey4 , I.J. Luxmoore2 , N.A. Stepanov Institute of Physics, NASB, Minsk, Belarus ence we retrieve di�usion coe�cients. Using Raman in- and their correlations
Wasley2 , A.C.T. �ijssen3 , A. Laing1,3 , M.G. We describe the generation of squeezed light with an terface we produce highly correlated delayed images. �M. Gräfe1 , R. Heilmann1 , R. Keil1 , T. Eichelkraut1 ,
�ompson1,3 , A.M. Fox2 , M.S. Skolnick2 , J.G. Rarity1 , octave-broad spectrum of squeezing by means of para- M. Heinrich2 , S. Nolte1 , and A. Szameit1 ; 1 Institute of
and R. Oulton1,3 ; 1 Merchant Venturers School of Engi- metric down-conversion in a quasi-phase-matched non- IA-P.20 THU Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-
neering, University of Bristol, Woodland Road, Bristol, linear crystal with a linear chirp of the spatial frequency Two-photon spectra of quantum systems Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany, Jena, Germany;
BS8 1TR, UK, Bristol, United Kingdom; 2 School of Physics of periodical poling . �E. del Valle1 , A. Gonzalez-Tudela2 , F.P. Laussy2 , C. 2
CREOL, �e College of Optics & Photonics, University of
and Astronomy, University of She�eld, She�eld, S3 7RH, Tejedor2 , and M.J. Hartmann1 ; 1 Technische Universität Central Florida, Orlando, United States
UK, She�eld, United Kingdom; 3 HH Wills Physics Labo- IA-P.16 THU München, München, Germany; 2 Universidad Autónoma We present a novel approach to investigate quantum
ratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 Generation of Narrowband, Entangled Photon Pairs de Madrid, Madrid, Spain random walks of indistinguishable particles in non-
1FD, UK, Bristol, United Kingdom; 4 Hitachi Cambridge in Birefringent Fibre We apply our recently developed method to com- Hermitian lattices exhibiting loss. Especially ana-
Laboratory, Hitachi Europe Limited, Cambridge, CB3 �A. McMillan1 , A. Clark2 , B. Bell1 , W. McCutcheon1 , T. pute time and frequency resolved N-photon correla- lyzed are two-particle dynamics in quasi-parity-time-
OHE, UK, Cambridge, United Kingdom Wu1 , W. Wadsworth3 , and J. Rarity1 ; 1 University of Bris- tions to analyse di�erent open quantum systems (light- symmetric systems for a variety of input states.
We present a quantum dot spin-photon interface in a lin- tol, Bristol, United Kingdom; 2 University of Sydney, Syd- matter coupling, resonance �uorescence, single and two-
ear optical circuit that is simple to fabricate and may be ney, Australia; 3 University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom photon generation, entangled systems) via their ”two- IA-P.25 THU
used to produce >100 photon cluster states and entangle An entangled photon pair source based on cross- photon spectrum”. Spin cooling via incoherent feedback in an ensemble
remote spins. polarised four-wave mixing in spliced sections of con- of cold Rb atoms
ventional birefringent optical �bre is demonstrated. �e IA-P.21 THU �N. Behbood1 , F. Martin Ciurana1 , G. Colangelo1 , M.
IA-P.13 THU generated pair photons are widely separated in wave- Non-collinear retrieving of stored orbital angular Napolitano1 , R. Sewell1 , and M. Mitchell1,2 ; 1 ICFO - �e
Photon pair generation in quadratic waveguide length at 850nm and 1420nm. momentum of light in cold atoms Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels (Barcelona),
arrays: A classical optical simulation R. de Oliveira1 , �L. Pruvost2 , P. Barbosa1 , D. Felinto1 , D. Spain; 2 ICREA - Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis
�M. Gräfe1 , A.S. Solntsev2 , R. Keil1 , A. Tünnermann1 , IA-P.17 THU Bloch3 , and J. Tabosa1 ; 1 Universidade Federal de Pernam- Avanc ats, Bacelona, Spain
S. Nolte1 , A.A. Sukhorukov2 , Y.S. Kivshar2 , and A. Entanglement of macroscopic Bell states buco, Recife, Brazil; 2 Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France; We report an experimental study of a new technique for
Szameit1 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of �T. Iskhakov1 , B. Kanseri2 , G. Rytikov3 , M. Chekhova1,4,5 , Université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse, France spin cooling an ensemble of ultracold atoms via quantum
Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Ger- and G. Leuchs1,5 ; 1 Max-Planck Institute for the Science We report on the storage and non-collinear retrieving non-demolition measurement and incoherent feedback.
many; 2 Nonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of of Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Institut d’Optique Grad- of orbital angular momentum of light in an ensemble of
Physics and Engineering, �e Australian National Univer- uate School, Paris, France; 3 Ivan Fedorov State Univer- cold cesium atoms. �e stored and retrieved beams are IA-P.26 THU
sity, Canberra, Australia sity of Printing Arts, Moscow, Russia; 4 M. V. Lomonosov shown to have the same orbital angular momentum. Towards Observation of Quantum Optomechanical
Biphoton generated through spontaneous parametric Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 5 University of Correlations
down-conversion and their correlated quantum walks in Erlangen-Nurenberg, Erlangen, Germany IA-P.22 THU �S. Deléglise, A. Tavernarakis, T. Karassoulo�, P. Verlot,
one-dimensional nonlinear waveguide arrays are inves- We generated a full set of macroscopic Bell states con- Single photon interference via induced coherence S. Zerkani, J. Teissier, D. Garcia-Sanchez, T. Briant, P.-F.
tigated. We experimentally emulate this process by the taining 10^6 photons per pulse, proved their entan- with and without induced emission Cohadon, and A. Heidmann; Laboratoire Kastler Brossel,
linear evolution of classical light in a two-dimensional glement, and observed the photon-number correlations �A. Heuer, S. Raabe, and R. Menzel; Institute of Physics Paris, France
structure. with respect to both polarization and frequency modes. and Astronomy, University of Potsdam, Germany Radiation pressure is responsible for the quantum back-
Two signal beams emitted from two parametric down action noise in continuous interferometric position mea-
IA-P.14 THU IA-P.18 THU converters show �rst order interference by the process surements. We have designed a table-top experiment to
Towards a down-conversion source of positively Optimal Temporal Mode Extraction for Quantum of induced coherence. �e di�erences, if induced coher- demonstrate this e�ect and realize various quantum op-
spectrally correlated and decorrelated photon pairs at State Engineering via a Direct Multimode Analysis of ence occur with or without stimulated emission were un- tics experiments with an optomechanical system.
telecom wavelength Homodyne Data der investigation.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
IA-P.27 THU eter provides a reliable, direct witness of nonclassicality We achieved photon number squeezing at 1.55 �m using We achieved subwavelength interference of a double-slit
Direct observation of sub-binomial light when using multiplexed on-o� detectors to measure a a noisy erbium-doped �ber laser, making use of collinear mask without post-selected operation with a new calssi-
�T. Bartley1 , G. Donati1 , X.-M. Jin1,2 , A. Datta1 , M. variety of optical states. balanced detection technique, where intensity noise at a cal source, which is realized by using a spatial light mod-
Barbieri1 , and I. Walmsley1 ; 1 Clarendon Laboratory, De- speci�c radio-frequency is canceled between two pulses. ulator to modulate a laser beam.
partment of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United IA-P.28 THU
Kingdom; 2 Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong Photon Number Squeezing with a Noisy Fiber IA-P.29 THU
University, Shanghai, China, People’s Republic of (PRC) Ampli�er Source by Balanced Detection Technique Subwavelength Interference with Classical Light
We present an experiment showing direct observation of �S. Sawai, H. Kawauchi, K. Hirosawa, and F. Kannari; �P. Hong and G. Zhang; �e MOE Key Laboratory of Weak
sub-binomial light. We show that the binomial param- Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Light Nonlinear Photonics and School of Physics, Nankai
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan University, Tianjin, China, People’s Republic of (PRC)

13:00 – 14:00 IH-P.4 THU IH-P.7 THU IH-P.10 THU

IH-P: IH Poster Session Sub 10-nm accuracy in positioning plasmonic �ree-dimensional emission patterns from �at Parametric polariton scattering in quantum wires
nanostructures on self-assembled GaAs quantum organic microlasers and coupled planar microcavities
IH-P.1 THU dots �S. Bittner1 , C. Lafargue1 , C. Ulysse2 , J. Zyss1 , and L. Einkemmer1 , �P. Mai1 , S. Mathias1 , Z. Vörös1 , G.
Manipulating light matter interaction with Mie �K. Lindfors1,2 , M. Pfei�er1,2 , B. Fenk1 , F. Phillipp3 , P. M. Lebental1 ; 1 Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique et Weihs1 , A.M. Andrews2 , H. Detz2 , G. Strasser2 , K.
resonators Atkinson4 , A. Rastelli4 , O.G. Schmidt4 , H. Giessen2 , and Moléculaire, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, CNRS Winkler3 , A. Forchel3 , C. Schneider3 , S. Hö�ing3 , and M.
�G. Boudarham1 , B. Rolly1 , R. Abdeddaim1 , J.-M. M. Lippitz1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for Solid State Re- UMR 8537, Cachan, France; 2 Laboratoire de Photonique Kamp3 ; 1 Department of Experimental Physics, Univer-
Gre�n1 , B. Stout1 , S. Bidault2 , and N. Bonod1 ; 1 Institut search, Stuttgart, Germany; 2 4. Physics Institute and Re- et de Nanostructures, CNRS UPR20, Route de Nozay, sity of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; 2 Institute of Solid
Fresnel, CNRS UMR 7249, Campus Universitaire de search Center SCOPE, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Marcoussis, France State Electronics, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Saint-Jérôme, Marseille, France; 2 Institut Langevin, ES- Germany; 3 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, We investigate the three-dimensional far-�eld emission Austria; 3 Department of Technical Physics, University of
PCI Paris-Tech, CNRS UMR 7587, Paris, France Stuttgart, Germany; 4 IFW Dresden, Dresden, Germany from �at organic microlasers and observe emission out Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
We show theoretically that near-infrared quadrupolar We demonstrate a �exible method based on solid-state of the cavity plane. �e connection between the emis- Using time-correlated photon counting, we experimen-
magnetic resonances in silicon particles can preferen- quantum emitters whose position we can determine with sion patterns and di�raction at a dielectric edge is inves- tally study parametric polariton scattering, with the aim
tially promote magnetic versus electric radiative deexci- nanometer precision that allows us to fabricate nanos- tigated. of producing entangled photon pairs. We model the sys-
tation in trivalent erbium ions at 1.54 �m, and vice versa. tructures positioned with sub-10 nm accuracy with re- tem theoretically by numerical simulations based on a
spect to the emitter. IH-P.8 THU quantum Langevin approach.
IH-P.2 THU Nano Spatially and Femto Temporally Localized
Radiative Coupling of Quantum Dots in a IH-P.5 THU Laser Source IH-P.11 THU
Disordered Photonic Crystal Waveguide Coherent optical nanoscopy P.N. Melentiev1 , A.E. Afanasiev1 , A.A. Kuzin2 , A.S. Plasmonic Ampli�er of the Evanescent Field of Free
�M. Minkov and V. Savona; Ecole Polytechnique Federale A. Mohammadi1 and �M. Agio2 ; 1 Persian Gulf Univer- Baturin2 , and �V.I. Balykin1 ; 1 Institute for Spectroscopy Electrons
de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland sity, Bushehr, Iran; 2 European Laboratory for Nonlinear Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow reg., Rus- �J.-K. So1 , J.-Y. Ou1 , G. Adamo1,2 , F.J. García de Abajo1,3 ,
For a system of two quantum dots in a disordered W1 Spectroscopy (LENS), Sesto Fiorentino, Italy sia; 2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgo- K.F. MacDonald1 , and N.I. Zheludev1,2 ; 1 Optoelectronics
waveguide, we perform a detailed theoretical analysis of �e contribution has been withdrawn by the authors. prudniy, Moscow reg., Russia Research Centre & Centre for Photonic Metamateri-
the magnitude and distance dependence of the photon- We study photoluminescence and nonlinear optical pro- als, University of Southampton, Southampton, United
mediated dot-dot excitation transfer rate. IH-P.6 THU cesses from single nanohole and nanoslit. �ese two Kingdom; 2 Centre for disruptive Photonic Technologies,
Controlled coupling of single color centers to a physical e�ects and using a microcavity opens up the Nanyanag Technological University, Singapore, Singa-
IH-P.3 THU photonic crystal cavity in monocrystalline diamond possibility of constructing of nano spatially and femto pore; 3 IQFR - CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Tunnelling of vacuum �uctuations in a 3D photonic �J. Riedrich-Möller1 , S. Pezzagna2 , J. Meijer2 , M. Fischer3 , temporally wavelength tunable light source. We show experimentally for the �rst time that free-
band gap; strongly inhibited spontaneous emission S. Gsell3 , M. Schreck3 , and C. Becher1 ; 1 Universität des electron evanescent �elds can be ampli�ed by a plas-
�E. Yeganegi1 , A. Lagendijk1,2 , A. Mosk1 , and W. Vos1 ; Saarlandes, Experimentalphysik FR 7.2, Campus E 2.6, IH-P.9 THU monic nanolayer in much that same way as optical
Complex Photonic Systems (COPS), MESA+ Institute 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany; 2 Universität Leipzig, Nuk- Parametric polariton scattering as a source of evanescent �elds are ampli�ed in the poor-man’s super-
for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede, �e leare Festkörperphysik, Linnéstrasse 5, 04103 Leipzig, entangled light lens.
Netherlands; 2 FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Germany; 3 Universität Augsburg, Experimentalphysik IV, �L. Einkemmer1 , S. Portolan2 , Z. Vörös1 , and G.
Physics (AMOLF), Amsterdam, �e Netherlands Universitätsstrasse 1 Nord, 86159 Augsburg, Germany Weihs1 ; 1 Universtity of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; IH-P.12 THU
We map the frequency-dependent inhibition of sponta- We present strategies for controlled coupling of single Atominstitut, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Determination of the orientation of a single
neous emission in 3D photonic bandgap crystals. Mea- color centers to photonic crystal cavities in diamond by Austria nano-emitter by polarisation analysis
surements show that the inhibition factor is frequency both fabricating a cavity around a pre-localized color We theoretically study various polariton scattering C. Lethiec1 , J. Laverdant2 , C. Javaux3 , B. Dubertret3 ,
dependent which suggest intriguing �nite size e�ects center and implanting single ions into pre-fabricated schemes, and evaluate their merit as a source of entan- C. Schwob1 , L. Coolen1 , and �A. Maître1 ; 1 Institut des
whereby vacuum �uctuations tunnel into the bandgap. cavities. gled photons. We investigate the e�ect of phonons and Nanosciences de Paris, Paris, France; 2 LPMCN, Lyon,
that of resonant Rayleigh scattering on the quality of en- France; 3 LPEM, Paris, France
tanglement. We determine by emission polarization analysis the na-
ture of emitting dipoles (linear-1D or 2 linear orthogonal
CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
incoherent dipoles-2D). By rotating the analyzer, we can CNRS, Institut Lumière Matière,43 Bd du 11 Novem- NLO properties of dyes attached to nanorods is also ev- Amsterdam, �e Netherlands; 2 Del� University of Tech-
infer from the polarized transmitted intensity the orien- bre, 69622, Villeurbanne, France; 2 Departamento de idenced. nology, Del�, �e Netherlands; 3 LENS and CNR-INO,
tation of the emitter. Quimica Fisica, Universidade de Vigo, 36310, Vigo, Firenze, Italy
Spain; 3 Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik IH-P.18 THU �e contribution has been withdrawn by the authors.
IH-P.13 THU und Kurzzeitspektroskopie,D-12489, Berlin, Germany; A Plasmonic Switch based on Electrically Controlled
Optimized �ermal Conductivity Enhancement of Department of Chemistry, North,2145 Sheridan Road, Cavity Resonances IH-P.21 THU
Polar Nanotubes due to Surface Phonon-Polaritons Evanston, United States �C. McPolin, D. O’Connor, J.-S. Bouillard, A. Krasavin, W. Quantum coherence controls the charge separation
�J. Ordonez-Miranda, L. Tranchant, T. Antoni, and S. We investigate the quantum size e�ects in metallic non- Dickson, G. Wurtz, and A. Zayats; King’s College London, in a prototypical arti�cial light harvesting system
Volz; Ecole Centrale Paris, Paris, France spherical nanoparticles. London, United Kingdom S.M. Falke1 , C.A. Rozzi2 , N. Spallanzani2 , A. Rubio2 ,
We study the contribution of the surface phonon- �e linewidth of the localized surface plasmon reso- We numerically demonstrate a compact plasmonic E. Molinari2 , D. Brida3 , M. Maiuri3 , G. Cerullo3 , H.
polaritons to the thermal conductivity of polar nan- nance is measured in single gold nanorods and shows a switch, based on a cavity structure, that allows for the Schramm1 , J. Christo�ers1 , and �C. Lienau1 ; 1 für Physik,
otubes. For a SiO2 nanotube, values of about 1 W/m.K dependence on the two geometrical dimensions. signal to be dynamically controlled via electrical means, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, Germany;
are obtained, which are comparable to its bulk phonon yielding extinction ratios of up to 9dB. 2
CNR, Centro S3, Centro S3, Modena, Italy; 3 IFN-CNR,
thermal conductivity. IH-P.16 THU Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano,
Plasmonic Oligomers as E�ective Red Light IH-P.19 THU Italy
IH-P.14 THU Scatterers to Enhance the Performance of Organic Measurements on the Optical Transmission Matrices We report ultrafast nonlinear spectra and �rst-principles
Enhancement of second-harmonic generation from Solar Cells of Strongly Scattering Nanowire Layers quantum-dynamics simulations of an arti�cial pro-
gold nanoparticles through passive elements �F. Pastorelli1,2 , S. Bidault3 , J. Martorell2,4 , and N. �D. Akbulut1 , T. Strudley2 , J. Bertolotti1 , T. Zehender3 , totypical light harvesting system - a supramolecular
�R. Czaplicki1 , H. Husu1,2 , J. Mäkitalo1 , R. Siikanen1 , Bonod1 ; 1 Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France; 2 ICFO- E.P.A.M. Bakkers3,4 , A. Lagendijk1 , W.L. Vos1 , O.L. triad. Our results provide strong evidence for quantum-
J. Lehtolahti3 , J. Laukkanen3 , M. Kuittinen3 , and M. Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, Barcelona, Spain; Muskens2 , and A.P. Mosk1 ; 1 Complex Photonic Sys- correlated wavelike motion inducing the ultrafast pho-
Kauranen1 ; 1 Tampere University of Technology, Depart- Institut Langevin, Paris, France; 4 Universitat Politecnica tems (COPS), MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Uni- toinduced charge transfer.
ment of Physics, Tampere, Finland; 2 Centre for Metrology de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain versity of Twente, Enschede, �e Netherlands; 2 School
and Accreditation (MIKES), Espoo, Finland; 3 University Metallic nanoparticles are being embedded in organic of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, IH-P.22 THU
of Eastern Finland, Department of Physics and Mathe- photovoltaic devices to better harvest the sun radiation. Southampton, United Kingdom; 3 Department of Applied Cooperative Electromagnetic Interactions and
matics, Joensuu, Finland However, isolated nanoparticles have limited potential in Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Linwidth Narrowing in Discrete Metamaterial
We show that the presence of passive elements enhances such thin-�lm devices. We overcame this limitation by �e Netherlands; 4 Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Del� Systems
second-harmonic generation from arrays of active metal using dimers and trimers solutions. University of Technology, Del�, �e Netherlands �S. Jenkins and J. Ruostekoski; School of Mathematics,
nanoparticles. Our results provide a completely new We measure optical transmission matrices of strongly University of Southampton, Southampton, United King-
concept for optimizing the nonlinear response of meta- IH-P.17 THU scattering GaP nanowire layers. Measured matrices dom
materials. Shape dependence of the quadratic nonlinear show presence of correlations in the transmitted �elds. We show how cooperative electromagnetic interactions
properties of gold nanoparticles We study the measured matrices to retrieve optical prop- between discrete resonators can lead to the formation
IH-P.15 THU A. Anu1 , A. Lehoux2 , J. Zyss1 , H. Remita2 , and �I. erties of the samples. and narrowing of a transmission resonance in planar
Size dependent surface plasmon resonance Ledoux-Rak1 ; 1 LPQM, Institut d’Alembert, ENS Cachan, metameterials. Our results are in excellent agreement
broadening in non-spherical nanoparticles: single Cachan, France; 2 LCP, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, IH-P.20 THU with previous experimental observations.
gold nanorods France strongly scattering optical phenomena in GaAs
�V. Juvé1,3 , M.F. Cardinal2,4 , A. Lombardi1 , A. Crut1 , We explore the quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) prop- powder
P. Maioli1 , L. M. Liz-Marzan2 , N. Del Fatti1 , and F. erties of gold nanorods, showing the higher nonlinear- T. van der Beek1 , P. Barthelemy2 , P.M. Johnson1 , D.S.
Vallée1 ; 1 FemtoNanoOptics group, Université Lyon 1, ity of high aspect ratio particles. A strong exaltation of Wiersma3 , and �A. Lagendijk1 ; 1 FOM Institute AMOLF,

13:00 – 14:00 CH-P.2 THU CH-P.3 THU ing, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, China, Re-
CH-P: CH Poster Session Resonance Micromechanical Mass Sensor with Optical Measurements on Rotating Micro-Tools public of (ROC)
Holographic Interferometer �M. Benedetti1,2 , G. Capelli1,2 , M. Norgia1,3 , and G. Self-mixing dual-frequency laser Doppler velocimeter
CH-P.1 THU �R. Romashko1,2 , T. E�mov1 , and Y. Kulchin1,2 ; 1 Institute Giuliani1,2 ; 1 University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2 Julight based on the hybrid dynamics of the optical injection
of Automation and Control Processes, F.E.B. R.A.S, Vladi- S.r.l., Pavia, Italy; 3 Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy and the optical feedback of a semiconductor laser has
Tilted Planar Bragg Grating Refractometers
vostok, Russia; 2 Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivos- �e vibrations and eccentricity of rotating micro-tools been demonstrated. It shows the direction discrim-
�C. Holmes, H. Rogers, K. Daly, L. Carpenter, C. Sima, P.
tok, Russia (diameter 600 um, speed up to 30,000 rpm) are measured inability and high sensitivity.
Mennea, J. Gates, G. D’Alessandro, and P. Smith; Univer-
sity of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom We present experimental results of applying an adap- through a custom-made triangulation laser sensor.
tive interferometry technique based on dynamic holo- CH-P.5 THU
Tilted planar Bragg gratings are demonstrated as e�ec-
tive refractometers. Increased design �exibility, com- gram recorded in photorefractive crystal for measure- CH-P.4 THU Fiber Optic Vector Magnetic Field Gradient Sensing
pared to more traditional �bre regimes, is explored and ment of nano-objects mass adsorbed at micromechan- Self-Mixing Dual-Frequency Laser Doppler System
coupling into cladding and plasmonic modes is under- ical resonators with pico-gram resolution. Velocimeter �A. Davis; US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington,
stood using a developed numerical approach. �C.-H. Cheng, L.-C. Lin, and F.-Y. Lin; Institute of Pho- DC, United States
tonics Technologies, Department of Electrical Engineer- �e contribution has been withdrawn by the authors.

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
CH-P.6 THU with a sensitivity of less than 35nm with input Strehl age tuned from 2.7um to 4.7um, make it suitable for trace H.-P. Loock2 ; 1 University of Potsdam - innoFSPEC, Pots-
Electro-Optic High Voltage Sensor for Utility >15%. gas sensing. dam, Germany; 2 Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
Application Fluorescence emission excitation matrix spectroscopy
�S. Wildermuth1,2 , K. Bohnert1 , S. Marchese1 , O. Steiger1 , CH-P.10 THU CH-P.14 THU using �bre-optic probes is applied for the investigation
J. van Mechelen1 , L. Rodoni1 , G. Eriksson3 , and J. Polymer Fiber Optic Sensors for Strain Monitoring in Ultrafast Leak Detection of Hydrocarbons Using a of strongly absorbing samples. Four detector con�gu-
Czyzewski4 ; 1 ABB Switzerland Ltd., Corporate Research, Solid Rocket Motors’ Propellant 3.3 um Fabry-Perot Quantum Cascade Laser rations are discussed. �eoretical simulations are val-
Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; 2 ABB AG, Corporate Re- �C. Riziotis1 , L. Eineder2 , L. Bancallari3 , and G. �J. Jágerská1 , B. Tuzson1 , H. Looser2 , H. Prinz3 , A. idated with experimental results on strongly absorbing
search, Ladenburg, Germany; 3 ABB Sweden Ltd., Cor- Tussiwand2 ; 1 1National Hellenic Research Foundation, Bismuto4,5 , M. Beck4 , and L. Emmenegger1 ; 1 Empa, Swiss oil-contaminated jet fuel.
porate Research, Västeras, Sweden; 4 ABB Switzerland �eoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, Photon- Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Tech-
Ltd., High Voltage Components, Mica�l Bushings, Zurich, ics for Nanoapplications Laboratory, Athens, Greece; nology, Dübendorf, Switzerland; 2 FHNW, University of CH-P.18 THU
Switzerland 2Bayern-Chemie GmbH, Missile Propulsion Systems, As- Applied Sciences, Windisch, Switzerland; 3 Wilco AG, Non-destructive real-time monitor to measure
We have developed an electro-optic ac-voltage sensor chau am Inn, Germany; 3 3MBDA Italia S.p.A, Missile Wohlen, Switzerland; 4 ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland; 3D-bunch charge distribution with spectral decoding
based on a novel concept for high-voltage-proof pack- Systems, La Spezia, Italy Alpes Lasers SA, Neuchâtel, Switzerland EO-sampling
aging. It passed all required dielectric tests (operating Polymer Optical Fibers embedded in the propellant of We present a Mid-IR optical analyzer based on 3.3um �H. Tomizawa1,2 , Y. Okayasu1 , S. Matsubara1 ,
voltage: 300kV). Accuracy of 0.2% over a wide tempera- Solid Rocket Motors are demonstrated for monitoring Fabry-Perot QCL for industrial leak detection of aerosol T. Togashi1 , K. Ogawa1 , T. Matsukawa3 , and H.
ture range was experimentally veri�ed. strains higher than 10%. A new architecture incorpo- propellants. Insensitive to water interference and oper- Minamide3 ; 1 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research
rating a closed-loop �ber is proposed and its theoretical ated without wavelength scanning, it reaches 1ppm pre- Institute, Hyogo, Japan; 2 RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo,
CH-P.7 THU behaviour is experimentally veri�ed. cision within 10ms of measurement. Japan; 3 RIKEN, Sendai, Japan
High-Feedback DFB/FBG-Induced Noise Analysis We developed a novel 3D-BCD monitor. �is 3D-BCD
and Static/Dynamic strain Sensing Applications CH-P.11 THU CH-P.15 THU monitor is based on an Electro-Optic sampling tech-
�D. Tosi1 and G. Perrone2 ; 1 University of Limerick, Lim- Full Characterisation of a Focussed Extreme Detecting exoplanets with extreme adaptive optics nique with multiple EO crystal detectors in spectral de-
erick, Republic of Ireland; 2 Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Ultraviolet Beam Using a Non-Redundant Array of and a single-mode �bre fed spectrograph coding. We successfully demonstrated the �rst bunch
Italy Apertures �N. Jovanovic1 , N. Cvetojevic2 , O. Guyon1 , F. measurement with DAST crystal.
High-feedback chaotic noise induced in DFB laser and �A.D. Parsons1 , P. Baksh1 , R.T. Chapman2,3 , B. Mills1 , Martinache1 , and J. Lawrence3 ; 1 Subaru Telescope,
FBG system is analyzed through eigendecomposition. J.G. Frey2 , and W.S. Brocklesby1 ; 1 Optoelectronics Re- Hilo, United States; 2 Macquarie University, Sydney, Aus- CH-P.19 THU
Sensing application as static+dynamic FBG interroga- search Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom; 2 School of tralia; 3 Australian Astronomical Observatory, Sydney, Adaptive Phase Estimation with Squeezed �ermal
tion is presented. Chemistry, Southampton, United Kingdom; 3 Rutherford Australia Light
Appleton Laboratories, Didcot, United Kingdom We report on a novel astronomical spectrograph design �A. Berni1 , L. Madsen1 , M. Lassen1 , B. Nielsen1 , M.
CH-P.8 THU A novel technique for full coherent beam pro�ling utilis- that combines several photonic technologies with an ex- Paris2 , and U. Andersen1 ; 1 Department of Physics,
In�uence of the Mode Field Diameter on the Strain ing a Non-Redundant array of apertures is present. �e treme adaptive optics system in order to achieve the high Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark;
and Temperature Sensitivity of Di�erent Fibres technique is applied experimentally in the EUV using precision required for characterizing near Earth mass ex- 2
Department of Physics, Univeristà degli Studi di Milano,
�M. Murawski1,2 , Z. Holdynsk1,2 , M. Szymanski1,2 , a high harmonic source and the results investigated by oplanets. Milano, Italy
T. Tenderenda1,2 , L. Ostrowski1,2 , A. Lukowski1,2 , K. simulations. In this work we investigate experimentally an adaptive
Pawlik1,2 , M. Napierala1,2 , P. Marc1 , L. Jaroszewicz1 , and CH-P.16 THU phase estimation protocol, in which the phase informa-
T. Nasilowski1,2 ; 1 Institute of Applied Physics, Military CH-P.12 THU A Quantum Cascade Laser based mid-infrared tion is encoded in a squeezed thermal state and extracted
University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; 2 InPhoTech Measuring the Optical Properties of Natural Silks Sensor for the Detection of Carbon Monoxide and by means of homodyne measurements and Bayesian
Ltd, Warsaw, Poland �D. Little and D. Kane; MQ Photonics Research Centre, Nitrous Oxide in the Jet of a Microwave Plasma post-processing.
In this paper we present the theoretical and experimen- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie Uni- preheated Auto-Ignition Burner
tal study of the in�uence of the mode �eld diameter on versity, Sydney, Australia �F. Schad1 , F. Eitel2 , S. Wagner2,3 , A. Dreizler2,3 , and CH-P.20 THU
the �ber sensitivity to the temperature and longitudinal �ere is an emerging interest in natural silks as an optical W. Elsäßer1,3 ; 1 Institute for Applied Physics, Darmstadt, Phase Noise Performance of Double-Loop
strain. material. Here we present an accessible new technique Germany; 2 Institute of Reactive Flows and Diagnos- Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators
for measuring the optical properties of these challenging tics, Darmstadt, Germany; 3 Center of Smart Interfaces, R.M. Nguimdo1 , Y.K. Chembo2 , �P. Colet1 , and L. larger2 ;
CH-P.9 THU samples, including the �rst reported optical absorption Darmstadt, Germany 1
Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Comple-
Coupled waveguide integrated optic segment piston measurements. We report on mid-infrared TDLAS sensor for detection jos, IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain; 2 UMR
sensor for the GMT of N2O and CO in a microwave-plasma preheated auto- CNRS FEMTO-ST 6174/Optics Department, Universite
�F. Bennet1 , K. Uhlendorf1 , R. Gardhouse1 , R. Conan1 , CH-P.13 THU ignition burner. We achieve normalized detection limits Franché-Comté, Besançon, France
B. Espeland1 , and A. Bouchez2 ; 1 Research School of As- Dual Frequency Combs Fourier Transform below 8ppm*m for both molecules at elevated tempera- We introduce an optoelectronic oscillator for ultra-pure
tronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National Univer- Spectrometer in Mid-infrared Region based on tures of up to 2000K. microwave generation with two nonlinearly-coupled de-
sity, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, Australia; Femtosecond Optical Parametric Oscillators lay loops. Besides reducing the phase noise spurious
Giant Magellan Telescope Organization, P.O. Box 90933, �Y. Jin, J. Mandon, S. Cristescu, and F. Harren; Institute CH-P.17 THU peaks, this system allows for stable microwave emission
Pasadena, United States for Molecules and Materials, Nijmegen, �e Netherlands Fluorescence excitation emission matrix with larger amplitude.
Integrated optic segment piston sensor for the GMT uses A dual frequency combs Fourier transform spectrometer spectroscopy of strongly absorbing samples using
laser-written coupled waveguides produce an output sig- is demonstrated for the mid-infrared region. Based on �bre-optic probes
nal dependant on the segment piston. Segment piston optical parametric oscillators(OPO), the spectral cover- �D. Munzke1 , J. Saunders2 , H. Omrani2 , O. Reich1 , and

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
CH-P.21 THU CH-P.22 THU demonstrating the potential of optical surface pro�lom- loway University of London, Egham, United Kingdom;
Nanometrology using localized surface plasmon Ultrasensitive plenoptic microscope for imaging etry as a viable nanometrology technique. HollowGuide Ltd, Malvern, United Kingdom
resonance spectroscopy through turbid media A novel Michelson interferometer is proposed where
�C. Jeppesen1 , D.N. Lindstedt2 , A.V. Laurberg2 , A. �W. Glastre, O. Hugon, O. Jacquin, H. Guillet de Chatellus, CH-P.24 THU hollow waveguides guide the input radiation between
Kristensen3 , and N.A. Mortensen1 ; 1 Department of Pho- and E. Lacot; Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, Optical fringe pattern processing using empirical the interferometer components. Signi�cant decreases in
tonics Engineering, DTU Fotonik, Technical University Saint Martin d’Hères, France mode decomposition based algorithms sensitivity to angular misalignment are predicted with
of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; 2 Danish Tech- An ultrasensitive plenoptic microscope combining Laser �M. Trusiak and K. Patorski; Institute of Micromechan- potential performance bene�ts for sensing, metrology
nological Institute, Taastrup, Denmark; 3 Department of Optical Feedback Imaging and Synthetic Aperture tech- ics and Photonics, Warsaw University of Technology, War- and spectrometry.
Micro- and Nanotechnology, DTU Nanotech, Technical niques is presented; a comparison with a classical setup saw, Poland
University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark based on a microlens array is made. In the paper two empirical mode decomposition based CH-P.26 THU
Initial results on the characterization technique: local- fringe pattern processing techniques are presented. First High-resolution broadband spectroscopy with a
ized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectroscopy is CH-P.23 THU algorithm performs fringe pattern enhancement and resonator-based phase modulator
presented. �e LSPR spectroscopy is utilized to evaluate Nanometrology of sub-wavelength circular holes in normalization, the second one separates fringe families �N. Berger; Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
4” wafer scale fabrication uniformity and its potential as gold nano�lms using Optical Surface Pro�lometry encountered in grating interferometry (moiré) methods. Haifa, Israel
a nanometrology tool is discussed. �D. Little and D. Kane; MQ Photonics Research Centre, Considerable enhancement of the resolution and spec-
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Macquarie Univer- CH-P.25 THU tral range of Fabry-Perot spectrometers is proposed. A
sity, Sydney, Australia A Hollow Waveguide Michelson Interferometer 1-MHz resolution within a 62.9-GHz range is numeri-
We measure the diameter of sub-wavelength circular �J. Banerji1 , A.R. Davies2 , and R.M. Jenkins3 ; 1 Physical cally demonstrated for a �nesse of 72. �e spectral range
holes in gold nano�lm using an optical surface pro�le, Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, India; 2 Royal Hol- can achieve 10 THz.

13:00 – 14:00 proposed. Universal optimal third order dispersion IG-P.5 THU creases the memory capacity of the photonic reservoir
IG-P: IG Poster Session strength parameter was found for the compression and Characterization of the synchronization regimes of a computer.
conversion. self-injected two-frequency laser
IG-P.1 THU M. Romanelli, L. Wang, �M. Brunel, and M. Vallet; Insti- IG-P.8 THU
IG-P.3 THU tut de Physique de Rennes, Rennes, France Front pinning induced by spatial inhomogeneous
Mirror transformation of Airy pulses under the
action of third order dispersion. Polarization-domain-wall complexes in �ber lasers We characterize quantitatively the bounded-phase and forcing in a Fabry-Pérot Kerr cavity with negative
�R. Driben1,2 , Y. Hu3 , Z. Chen4 , B. Malomed1 , and R. �C. Lecaplain1 , P. Grelu1 , and S. Wabnitz2 ; 1 Laboratoire the phase-locked regimes of a self-injected dual- di�raction
Morandotti3 ; 1 Department of Physical Electronics, Fac- Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, U.M.R. 6303 frequency laser. By measuring the phase noise spectra, �V. Odent, S. Coulibaly, P. Glorieux, M. Taki, and E. Lou-
ulty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Is- C.N.R.S., Dijon Cedex, France; 2 Dipartimento di Ingegne- we show that the quality of the locking is the same for vergneaux; Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et
rael; 2 Department of Physics & CeOPP, University of ria dell’Informazione, Università di Brescia, Brescia, Italy both regimes. Molécules, Lille, France
Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany; 3 Institut National de We study theoretically and experimentally the emer- We evidence the pinning of propagating fronts subjected
la Recherche Scienti�que, Varennes, Québec, Montreal, gence of polarization-domain walls in �ber oscillators. to inhomogeneous spatial forcing. �e analytical results
Canada; 4 Department of Physics & Astronomy, San Fran- We highlight their complex composite nature and the are con�rmed by experiments in a Pérot-Fabry Kerr cav-
multifaceted range of dynamics available while explor- Pattern formation in optomechanical cavities ity pumped by a Gaussian pro�le and submitted to neg-
cisco State University, San Francisco, United States �J. Ruiz-Rivas1 , C. Navarrete-Benlloch2 , G. Patera3 , E.
By analytical and numerical studies we demonstrate the ing the system parameters. ative di�raction.
Roldán1 , and G.J. de Valcárcel1 ; 1 Universitat de València,
mirror transformation of Airy pulses propagating in Valencia, Spain; 2 Max-Planck Institut für Quantenoptik,
�bers with strong positive third order dispersion. Af- Munich, Germany; 3 Université de Lille, Lille, France
ter reaching a focal point, Airy pulse propagates with its Rogue Waves Generated through Quantum Chaos Di�ractive resonant radiation by spatial solitons in
We predict pattern formation, including cavity solitons,
acceleration reversed. �C. Liu1 , A. Falco2 , T. Krauss3 , and A. Fratalocchi1 ; waveguide arrays
1 in an optomechanical cavity in which one of its mirrors
PRIMALIGHT, Department of Electrical Engineering �F. Biancalana2 and T. Tran1 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for
can be deformed by radiation pressure.
IG-P.2 THU and Department of Applied Mathematics and Computa- the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Heriot-Watt
Generation of ultra-compressed solitons with tional Science, KAUST, �uwal, Saudi Arabia; 2 School of University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, St. An- IG-P.7 THU We study analytically and numerically a new kind of
propagation invariant, high tunable wavelength shi�
in Raman inactive gas-�lled hollow-core photonic drews, United Kingdom; 3 Department of Physics, Univer- Information processing using an electro-optic di�ractive resonant radiation emitted by spatial solitons,
crystal �bers sity of York, York, United Kingdom oscillator subject to multiple delay lines generated in waveguide arrays with Kerr nonlinearity,
�R. Driben1,2 and B. Malomed1 ; 1 Department of Phys- We demonstrate a new avenue to generation of rouge �S. Ortín1 , L. Appeltant2 , L. Pesquera1 , G. Van der which mimics the resonant radiation emitted by solitons
ical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel; waves in a linear optical micro-cavity based on the phe- Sande2 , J. Danckaert2 , and J.M. Gutiérrez1 ; 1 Instituto de in optical �bers.
Department of Physics & CeOPP, University of Pader- nomenon of quantum chaos by analytical theory and ab- Física de Cantabria (IFCA), Santander, Spain; 2 Vrije Uni-
initio simulation. versiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium IG-P.10 THU
born, Paderborn, Germany
Generating of ultra-compressed solitons with propaga- We show numerically that a opto-electronic delay oscil- Suppression of Modulation Instability by
tion invariant, high tunable wavelength up and dawn- lator with multiple delay lines can solve high-demanding Spatio-Temporal Modulation
shi� in Raman inactive gas-�lled hollow-core PCFs is memory tasks. �e inclusion of the extra delay lines in- �K. Staliunas; UPC&ICREA, Barcelona, Spain

CLEO®/Europe-IQEC 2013 ⋅ Thursday 16 May 2013
Hall B0
We show by analytical and numerical studies, that mod- IG-P.13 THU IG-P.15 THU stitute for Applied analysis and stochastics, Berlin, Ger-
ulation instability can be universally suppressed by res- Semi-analytical model for the evolution of Impact of Optical Feedback on a Quantum Dot Laser many; 3 Department of applied physics and photonics(IR-
onant spatio-temporal modulation of the system. We femtosecond pulses during supercontinuum Emitting Simultaneously from the Ground and TONA), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
study universal CGLE model, but also consider imple- generation in synchronously pumped ring cavities Excited States We show that cavity solitons exhibit a spontaneous mo-
mentation in concrete nonlinear optical systems. �M.J. Schmidberger1,2 , F. Biancalana1,3 , P.S.J. Russell1,2 , �M. Virte1,2 , K. Panajotov2,3 , and M. Sciamanna1 ; 1 Optel tion in VCSELS subject to injection and delay feedback.
and N.Y. Joly2,1 ; 1 Max Planck Institute for the Science Research Group and LMOPS (Laboratoire Matériaux Op- �eir speed and the threshold of their dri� are derived
IG-P.11 THU of Light, Erlangen, Germany; 2 Department of Physics, tiques, Photoniques et Systèmes) EA-4423, Supélec - Uni- in the limit of nascent bistability.
Control of excitable pulses in an optically injected University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany; versité de Lorraine, Metz, France; 2 Brussels Photonics
semiconductor laser 3
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt Team, Department of Applied Physics and Photonics (B- IG-P.18 THU
M. Turconi, B. Garbin, M. Feyereisen, M. Giudici, and �S. University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom PHOT TONA), Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, Bel- On-o� and Multistate Intermittencies in Cascaded
Barland; Institut Non Lineaire de Nice, Valbonne, France We study supercontinuum generation in synchronously gium; 3 Institute of Solid State Physics, So�a, Bulgaria Random Distributed Feedback Fibre Laser
We demonstrate the control of excitable intensity pulses pumped photonic crystal �bre ring cavities using a We theoretically study the impact of optical feedback on �A. Lanin1 , S. Sergeyev1 , D. Nasiev1 , D. Churkin1,2 , and S.
in a semiconductor laser with injected signal. Trigger- numerically e�cient, semi-analytical multiscale model the mode competition between the ground and excited Turitsyn1 ; 1 Aston University, Birmingham, United King-
ing those pulses via a phase modulation may prove use- based on a discrete map built up from numerical solu- state of a quantum dot laser. We bring new light and pro- dom; 2 Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS,
ful due to the signal regeneration property of excitable tions of the generalised nonlinear Schrödinger equation. vide a theoretical framework for recent experiments. Novosibirsk, Russia
systems. We experimentally study intermittency in cascaded ran-
IG-P.14 THU IG-P.16 THU dom distributed feedback �ber laser. �e on-o� inter-
IG-P.12 THU Polarization characteristics of superoscillatory beams Resilience of large amplitude coherent output in mittency developed near the second Stokes wave genera-
Delay Induced Instabilities of Cavity Solitons in �K. Makris1 , D. Papazoglou2,3 , S. Tzortzakis2,3 , and D. coupled lasers tion threshold is changed into multistate intermittencies
Passive and Active Laser Systems Psaltis4 ; 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Prince- �J. Zamora-Munt, M.A. Matías, and P. Colet; IFISC at higher power.
�M. Tlidi1 , A. Vladimirov2,3 , A. Pimenov2 , K. Panajotov4 , ton University, Princeton, United States; 2 Institute of Elec- (CSIC-UIB), Campus Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de
D. Puzyrev5 , S. M. Yanchuk5 , and S. M. Gurevich6 ; tronic Structures and Laser, Foundation for Research and Mallorca, Spain IG-P.19 THU
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Bruxelles, Belgium; Technology Hellas, Heraklion, Greece; 3 Materials Science We study synchronization in laser arrays coupled Parametric resonance in periodically tapered optical
Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany; 3 Cork Institute and Technology Department, University of Crete, Herak- through global frequency-�ltered feedback and through �bres: scalar and vectorial modulational instability
of Technology, Cork, Republic of Ireland; 4 Vrije Univer- lion, Greece; 4 School of Engineering, Swiss Federal Insti- direct optical injection on some elements into others. A bands
siteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium; 5 Humboldt University of tute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzer- suitable mathematical framework allows to understand �A. Armaroli1 and F. Bianalana1,2 ; 1 Max Planck Research
Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 6 University of Münster, Münster, land the e�ect of the coupling topologies. Group ”Nonlinear Photonic Nanostructures” Max Planck
Germany Polarization aspects of superoscillations are analyzed. A Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany;
We study delayed feedback e�ect on the dynamics of soli- method that controls the polarization of the subwave- IG-P.17 THU School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt
tons in passive and active optical devices. We investi- length regions with respect to the surrounding high in- Delay feedback induces dri� of multipeaks cavity University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
gate the dependence of the dri� instability threshold and tensity lobes is presented. Vectorial superoscillatory so- solitons in VCSEL devices We analyse the modulational instability (MI) process in-
soliton velocity on feedback phase and carrier relaxation lutions of Maxwell’s equations are also examined. �E. Averlant1,3 , A. Vladimirov2 , K. Panajotov3 , H. duced by periodic variations of the parameters of an op-
rate. �ienpont3 , and M. Tlidi1 ; 1 Faculté des Sciences, Univer- tical �bre along the propagation direction. It occurs in
sité Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium; 2 Weierstrass In- situations where conventional MI is forbidden and is
widely tunable.


Authors’ Index

A, Aadhi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.1 TUE Ahn, Jong-Hyun . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE Amann, Marcus-C . . . . . . . . .CB-10.6 THU Aparo, Lorenzo IB-P.2 MON, IA-2.5 MON Aurélien, Kuhn . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU
A. Ishaaya, Amiel . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.5 WED, Ahrens, Johan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.5 TUE Amann, Markus-Christian . . . CH-2.5 TUE Apolonski, Alexander . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN, Austin, Dane . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.12 THU
CJ-P.29 WED Ahufinger, Veronica . . . . . . . . CE-4.5 TUE Amarie, Sergiu . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.2 SUN, CD-9.2 TUE, CF/IE-P.8 WED Averlant, Etienne . . . . . . . . . �IG-P.17 THU
Aalto, Antti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-9.6 THU Aidam, Rolf JSII-2.2 WED, JSII-P.2 WED �IH-1.6 SUN Appeltant, Lennert . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.7 THU Avino, Saverio . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE
Aaronson, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.1 THU Aimé, Carole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN Amiranashvili, Shalva . . CF/IE-6.5 MON, Apuzzo, Aniello . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.2 WED Ayoub, Mousa . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.15 SUN,
Abajo, Javier García de . . . . . CI-5.2 WED Aizpurua, Javier . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-1.3 WED IG-5.1 THU Arabul, Umit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN CD-7.1 MON
Abbarchi, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . .IG-3.2 WED Aka, Gerard . CA-P.11 SUN, CE-6.2 TUE Amler, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . �TF-2/LIM.2 TUE Arafin, Shamsul . . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.6 THU Azhar, Mohiudeen . . . . . . . . . �CD-3.6 SUN
Abbas, Allaoua . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.29 WED Akahane, Kouichi . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.1 TUE Ammar, Mahdi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.6 TUE Arantchouk, Leonid . . . . . . CD-P.16 TUE, Azuma, Toshiyuki . . . . . . . . . CG-P.7 THU,
Abdeddaim, Redha . . . . . . . . . IH-P.1 THU Akalin, Tashin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-5.4 TUE Amo, Alberto . . IG-3.2 WED, IH-5.1 THU CD-10.1 TUE CG-P.17 THU
Abdelrahman, Zara . . . . . . . CG-P.16 THU Akbulut, Duygu . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.14 SUN, Amraoui, Mohammed El . . . . CD-P.4 TUE Araújo, Cid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.33 TUE Babic, Fehim . . . . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.3 SUN
Abdelraman, Zara . . . . . . . . . CG-3.3 WED �IH-P.19 THU Amselem, Elias . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-4.5 TUE Aravazhi, Shanmugam . . . . . CE-6.1 TUE, Babin, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.8 WED,
Abdi, Mehdi . . . IB-P.5 MON, IA-7.6 THU Akca, B. Imran . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.1 TUE, Amthor, Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.17 TUE PD-A.4 WED CJ-P.10 WED, CJ-P.19 WED,
Abdolvand, Amin . . . . . . . . . CM-P.4 SUN, �CK-10.2 THU, �CK-10.3 THU Amy-Klein, Anne . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN, Arbabzadah, Emma . . . . . . . �CA-9.6 WED CJ-P.20 WED, CJ-7.4 WED
CM-P.5 SUN, CM-P.9 SUN, Akcaalan, Onder . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN, �ID-P.6 MON, ID-3.4 MON Archambault, Andre . . . . . . CJ-P.13 WED Babushkin, Ihar . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.28 WED
CE-P.13 TUE, CE-P.15 TUE, CM-P.26 SUN Anand, Srinivasan . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.2 TUE Arcizet, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.4 WED, Bacci, Luca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.35 TUE
CE-P.30 TUE, CM-6.4 THU Akemeier, Dieter . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.5 MON Anandarajah, Prince M. . . . . CB-7.2 THU CH-7.2 THU Bache, Morten . IF-P.2 SUN, IF-P.9 SUN,
Abdolvand, Amir . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.5 SUN Akhmadaliev, Shavkat . . . . . CJ-P.17 WED Anania, Maria Pia . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Ardana-Lamas, Fernando . . �CG-6.5 THU CD-3.2 SUN, CD-P.39 TUE,
Abdou-Ahmed, Marwan . . . CA-P.25 SUN, Akhmediev, Nail . . . . . . . . . CD-12.2 WED, Anatoly, Sirotkin . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.12 SUN Ardron, Marcus . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.14 SUN CL-5.3 TUE, CF/IE-P.11 WED,
CA-4.2 SUN, CA-4.4 SUN, CA-5.2 TUE, JSIII-2.4 WED Ancona, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . �CM-1.1 SUN Arend, Carsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON �CF/IE-P.13 WED, CF/IE-P.35 WED,
CA-5.4 TUE, CA-9.2 WED, CA-9.3 WED Akikusa, Naota . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-2.1 SUN Andersen, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.4 WED Argence, Bérangère . . . . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN �CF/IE-P.41 WED, CD-11.3 WED
Abdou Ahmed, Marwann . . . CA-5.5 TUE Aksu, Serap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.3 WED Andersen, Ulrik . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.19 THU Argence, Bérengère . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON Bache, Mortenf . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.2 WED
Abdul Sattar, Zubaida . . . �CB-P.41 MON Aktürk, Selçuk . . . . . . . . . . . �SH-1.1 WED, Andersen, Ulrik L. . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.5 THU Argiolas, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.35 TUE, Bachelier, Guillaume . . . . . . . CH-7.2 THU
Abdullaev, Azat . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.9 MON, CM-5.2 WED Anderson, Patrick N. . . . . . �CG-P.10 THU CE-8.4 WED Bächle, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE,
CB-P.10 MON, CB-P.35 MON Al-Janabi, Hadi . . . . . . . . . . . . .CL-P.1 SUN Andrade, Jose . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.1 WED Argyris, Apostolos . . . . . . . . CB-P.31 MON JSII-P.2 WED
Abe, Ryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-2.4 SUN Al-Samaneh, Ahmed . . . . . . . CB-8.4 THU Andrásik, Attila . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.22 THU Argyros, Alexander . . . . . . . . . CC-P.8 SUN Bachmann, Dominic . . . . . . . �CC-P.3 SUN
Abgrall, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON Alam, Shaif-ul . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.6 THU André, Yves-Bernard . . . . . . CD-P.16 TUE, Arie, Ady . . . . CD-2.6 SUN, CD-7.5 MON Bachor, Hans . . . . . . . CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN,
Abram, Izo . . . . CK-7.6 THU, IA-P.2 THU Alam, Shaiful . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.4 THU CD-10.1 TUE, CF/IE-P.25 WED Armaroli, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.5 SUN, IA-5.3 WED
Abramavicius, Darius . . . . . JSIV-1.4 MON Albach, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-8.1 WED Andreana, Marco . . . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED �IG-P.19 THU Bachor, Hans-Albert . . . . . . . . IA-5.1 WED
Abramski, Krzysztof . . . . . . CH-1.3 MON, Alberich, Maider . . . . . . . . . . . CM-7.2 THU Andreev, Alexander . . . . . . . �CG-3.1 WED, Armstrong, Seiji . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-5.3 WED Badarla, Venkata Ramaiah CD-5.3 MON,
CJ-P.30 WED Albert, Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN CG-P.6 THU Armstrong, Seiji C. . . . . . . . . IB-P.1 MON, �CD-P.41 TUE
Abrate, Silvio . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.36 WED Albert, Ferdinand . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.2 THU Andreev, Nikolay . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.6 THU IA-P.6 THU Badding, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-8.6 THU
Abreu-Afonso, Javier . . . . . . . CJ-7.2 WED Alberucci, Alessandro . . . . . . . CD-8.1 TUE Andres, Miguel . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.26 WED Arnold, Aidan �IF-P.13 SUN, IG-1.2 TUE, Bader, Marianne . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-1.2 MON
Absil, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Albrecht, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.1 SUN Andrés, Miguel V. . . . . . . . . CE-P.22 TUE, �IC-P.5 TUE, �IA-4.6 WED Badikov, Dmitrii . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.30 SUN
Abstreiter, Gerhard . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON Albrecht, Roland . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON, CJ-P.42 WED Arnold, Christophe . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.4 THU Badikov, Valerii . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.30 SUN
Acef, Ouali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.23 TUE �IH-4.3 THU Andrés, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-4.4 SUN Arnold, Cord L. . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.1 WED Baechle, Andreas . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.2 WED
Aceves, Alejandro B. . . . . . CD-12.4 WED Alcusa-Sáez, Erica P. . . . . . �CE-P.22 TUE Andresen, Esben Ravn . . . . . �IF-P.7 SUN, Arnold, Nikita . . �II-P.7 WED, II-3.3 THU Baets, Roel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU
Ackemann, Thorsten . . . . . . . CC-P.4 SUN, Alduraibi, Mohammad . . . . . CC-P.4 SUN, �CL-5.1 TUE Arriola, Alex . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.42 WED Baev, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.1 WED
IF-3.2 SUN, CB-P.20 MON, IG-1.2 TUE, CF/IE-P.37 WED Andrews, Aaron Maxwell . . . CB-1.4 SUN, Arriola, Alexander . . . . . . . . �CM-6.7 THU, Bagaev, Sergei . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN
CF/IE-P.37 WED, IG-4.2 THU Aleksandrov, Nickolay . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON CB-2.3 SUN, CC-P.3 SUN, CM-7.2 THU Bagci, Tolga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-6.3 THU
Adachi, Yusuke . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.5 MON Aleksandrov, Veselin . . . . . . . CA-P.7 SUN, CB/CC-1.3 MON, CB/CC-1.6 MON, Arroyo-Almanza, Diana A. . . CB-5.3 TUE Bagnoud, Vincent . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON,
Adam, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE CA-P.11 SUN IH-P.10 THU Arslanov, Denis . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.6 MON CG-4.4 THU, �CG-P.8 THU
Adamiec, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.32 MON Alesenkov, Aleksandr . . . . . �CM-P.12 SUN Andriano, Domenico . . . . . . . CK-6.2 WED Artar, Alp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.3 WED Bahat-Treidel, Omri . . . . . . . . . IG-5.6 THU
Adamo, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-3.2 THU, Alex, Aneesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.1 TUE Andrianov, Alexey . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN Artemov, Vasiliy . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.18 SUN Bahgat Shehata, Andrea . . . CH-4.3 THU
IH-P.11 THU Alifano, Pietro . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.3 SUN Andrianov, Eugeny S. . . . . CK-P.31 MON Aschieri, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.4 WED Baier, Moritz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU
Adamonis, Jonas . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.6 TUE Ališauskas, Skirmantas . . . . . CD-1.1 SUN, Andriukaitis, Giedrius . . . CF/IE-4.6 SUN, Ashida, Masaaki . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.4 SUN, Baker, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.4 WED
Adams, Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.32 TUE CF/IE-6.2 MON, �CF/IE-6.3 MON, CA-8.2 WED �CC-P.10 SUN Bakkers, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.6 MON
Adams, Alfred R. . . . . . . . . . �CB-10.6 THU CA-8.2 WED Andryieuski, Andrei . . . . . . . . �CC-4.3 SUN Aspect, Alain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �PL-3.1 TUE Bakkers, Erik P.A.M. . . . . . . IH-P.19 THU
Adams, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.15 MON Alishahi, Fatemeh . . . . . . . . �CD-P.47 TUE Angelov, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN, Assad, Syed . . IB-P.3 MON, IB-P.7 MON Baksh, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.11 THU
Adato, Ronen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.3 WED Aljunid, Syed Abdullah . . . . . IA-4.5 WED CF/IE-5.6 MON Assanto, Gaetano . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.1 TUE Balakireva, Irina . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.5 SUN
Adler, Steffen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.5 THU Alkeskjold, Thomas . . . . . . . . CJ-P.2 WED Angurel, Luis A. . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.30 SUN Assémat, Elie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.1 WED Balciunas, Evaldas . . . . . . . . CM-P.15 SUN
Afanasiev, Anton E. . . . . . . . . IH-P.8 THU Alkeskjold, Thomas T. . . . . . CJ-3.5 MON Anielski, Paweł . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.11 SUN Assion, Andreas . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.2 WED Balciunas, Tadas . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.6 SUN,
Agarrabeitia, Antonia R. . . . CE-2.6 MON Allain, Jean-Marc . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.5 TUE Ansari, Vahid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.5 MON Atature, Mete . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-4.1 THU CF/IE-P.4 WED, �CG-5.2 THU
Agger, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.9 TUE Alloatti, Lucca . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Anthony, Jessienta . . . . . . . . . CC-P.8 SUN Athanasakis, Irene . . . . . . . . . CM-2.2 SUN Balda, Rolindes . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.19 TUE
Agio, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.5 THU Almeida, Euclides . . . . . . . . . CE-P.33 TUE Anthur, Aravind . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.20 TUE Atkinson, Paola . . . . . . . . . . . . .IH-P.4 THU Baldini, Edoardo . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.1 SUN
Agnesi, Antoniangelo . . . . . CD-6.1 MON, Almeida, Joana . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.19 SUN Antier, Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . �JSII-2.5 WED Atmatzakis, Evangelos . �CF/IE-11.4 THU Baldini, Francesco . . . . . . . . CK-P.10 MON
CE-6.3 TUE Alonso, Benjamín . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.2 SUN, Antipenkov, Roman . . . . . . . CD-P.6 TUE, Atwater, Harry A. . . . . . . . . . . . II-2.3 WED Balembois, François . . . . . . . .CA-1.3 SUN,
Agosteo, Stefano . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU CF/IE-P.40 WED CF/IE-P.4 WED, CG-5.2 THU Aubourg, Adrien . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.25 SUN, CA-1.5 SUN, CA-2.2 SUN,
Agranat, Aharon . . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.5 TUE Alonso-Ramos, Carlos . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU Antipov, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-6.2 TUE �CA-P.26 SUN CA-P.25 SUN, CA-P.26 SUN,
Aguergaray, Claude . . . . . . . . CJ-P.6 WED, Alouini, Mehdi . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-5.4 TUE, Antipov, Oleg L. . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.3 TUE Aubry, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.25 SUN, CF/IE-4.2 SUN, CA-4.4 SUN
JSIII-2.3 WED, �PD-A.2 WED, CA-10.6 WED Antipov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.9 WED CA-P.26 SUN, CF/IE-4.2 SUN, Ballarini, Dario . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.1 WED,
�CJ-9.4 THU Alpmann, Christina . . . . . . . . CL-3.4 MON Antkowiak, Maciej . . . CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN CA-4.4 SUN �IG-3.6 WED
Aguilera, Santiago . . . . . . . . CB-P.32 MON Alster, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JSIV-1.3 MON Antoine, Heidmann . . . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU Audoin, Bertrand . . . . . CF/IE-P.29 WED, Balle, Salvador . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.7 MON,
Aguiló, Magdalena . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN, Alt, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.4 WED Antoni, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.13 THU CF/IE-P.32 WED CB-P.8 MON, �CB-P.32 MON,
CA-P.29 SUN, CA-3.5 SUN, Altin, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.2 WED Anu, Anu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.17 THU Augère, Béatrice . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.1 WED CB-P.36 MON, CI-4.6 WED,
CE-7.1 WED Altug, Hatice . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-6.3 WED Anumula, Sunilkumar . . . . . . . CG-2.2 TUE Auguste, Frédéric . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON CB-7.4 THU, CB-8.1 THU
Ahlskog, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.6 WED Alvarez, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.3 THU Aolita, Leandro . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.4 MON Aungskunsiri, K. . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Baltriukiene, Daiva . . . . . . . CM-P.15 SUN
Ahmed, Kemal . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.3 MON Amann, Andreas . . . . . . . . . CB-P.33 MON Aoyama, Makoto . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON Aurand, Bastian . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.4 SUN Baltuška, Andrius . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.1 SUN,

Authors’ Index

CF/IE-4.6 SUN, CJ-2.5 SUN, Baskiotis, Catherine . . . . . . �CJ-10.4 THU Belli, Federico . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-3.5 SUN IH-P.16 THU Boivinet, Simon . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.28 WED
CF/IE-6.2 MON, CF/IE-6.3 MON, Bassi, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.1 SUN Bellini, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.5 TUE Biedermann, Benjamin . . CF/IE-8.1 WED Boletti, Anna �CI-P.9 TUE, �CI-P.11 TUE
CG-1.2 TUE, CG-1.5 TUE, CG-2.3 TUE, Bastard, Lionel . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.36 WED Bello, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CB-P.35 MON Biegert, Jens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-1.2 SUN, Bolk, Jeroen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.2 TUE
CA-8.2 WED, CJ-6.4 WED, Batista, Adriana . . . . . . . . . . .CE-P.33 TUE Belmonte Palmero, Carlos CB-P.13 MON CF/IE-3.5 SUN, CG-1.4 TUE, Boller, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.5 SUN
CJ-P.21 WED, CG-5.2 THU, Battle, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.3 MON Belshaw, Louise . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.4 SUN CF/IE-9.6 WED, CJ-10.5 THU, Bollero, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN
CG-P.4 THU Baturin, Andrey S. . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.8 THU Ben Bakir, Badhise . . . . . . . . CE-3.2 MON CG-P.12 THU Bollig, Christoph . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.31 WED
Balykin, Victor I. . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.8 THU Baudisch, Matthias . . . . . . . . . IF-1.2 SUN, Ben Salem, Amine . . . . . . . JSIII-2.2 WED Bierlich, Jörg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.3 TUE Bolognesi, Giacomo . . . . . . . . CA-3.3 SUN
Balzer, Jan C. . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.23 MON CF/IE-3.5 SUN, CG-1.4 TUE, Benabid, Fetah . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-11.1 THU, Biggerstaff, Devon . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.5 TUE Bolten, Jens �CE-P.11 TUE, CK-9.4 THU
Bamberg, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.6 SUN CF/IE-9.6 WED CJ-11.2 THU Bigot, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.3 THU, Bommer, Alexander . . . . . . . . . IH-4.3 THU
Bañares, Luis . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-P.18 WED Baudouin, Quentin . . . . . . . JSIII-1.2 WED Benalloul, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.22 MON CJ-11.5 THU Bonelli, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE
Banaszek, Konrad . . . . . . . . . . �IB-8.6 THU Bauerschmidt, Sebastian . . . . IH-1.5 SUN Bencheikh, Kamel . . . . . . . . . �CK-8.2 THU Bigourdan, Florian . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU Bonerba, Elisabetta . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN
Bancal, Jean-Daniel . . . . . . . . . IB-7.2 THU Baumann, Kristian . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.3 TUE Bendahmane, Abdelkrim . �JSIII-P.1 WED Bimbard, Erwan . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.4 MON Bonetti, Yargo . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.9 WED
Bancallari, Luca . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.10 THU Baumert, Mathis . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.1 TUE Benedetti, Alessio . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Binhammer, Thomas . . . CF/IE-P.1 WED, Bongs, Kai . . . . ID-1.3 MON, IC-P.1 TUE
Bancelin, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN Baumert, Thomas . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.1 SUN Benedetti, Mauro . . . . . . . . . CL-P.11 SUN, CF/IE-9.1 WED Bonn, Mischa . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.4 THU
Bandrauk, André D. . . CF/IE-P.23 WED, Baumgartl, Martin . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.2 WED �CH-P.3 THU Bioud, Fatam-Zorha . . . . . . . . . IF-4.4 SUN Bonneau, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
�CG-5.5 THU Baumgartner, Oskar . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN Bengery, Zsolt . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.19 SUN Birch, Rolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.5 WED Bonneau, Damien . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.6 WED
Banerjee, Saumyabrata . . . . . CA-7.2 TUE, Bautista, Godofredo . . . . . . . .CL-P.8 SUN, Bengtsson, Magnus . . . . TF-2/LIM.3 TUE Birkholz, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-5.2 THU Bonnet, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON
CA-7.3 TUE, CA-8.1 WED �CL-4.5 MON, �CE-7.6 WED Benichi, Hugo . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.10 MON Birks, Tim A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.1 TUE Bonod, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.1 THU,
Banerji, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.25 THU Bayer, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.1 SUN Bennet, Francis . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.9 THU Birr, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-2.5 WED IH-P.16 THU
Bang, Ole . . . IF-P.10 SUN, CD-P.9 TUE, Baylón-Fuentes, Antonio . . CD-10.4 TUE, Bennett, Anthony J. . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED, Bismuto, Alfredo . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.1 SUN, Bonora, Stefano . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.1 SUN,
CD-P.45 TUE, CD-P.48 TUE, �CD-10.5 TUE IB-6.4 THU CB-1.3 SUN, CB-2.2 SUN, CB-2.6 SUN, CF/IE-5.5 MON
CJ-P.14 WED, JSIII-P.6 WED Baz, Assaad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-11.5 THU Benoit, Aurélien . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.3 SUN CH-P.14 THU Bony, Pierre-Yves . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN,
Bañuelos, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.6 MON Bazieva, Natalia . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN Benson, Oliver IH-1.3 SUN, IA-3.2 MON, Bittner, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.4 THU, CI-3.1 WED, PD-B.8 WED
Banzer, Peter . CK-4.2 SUN, CE-P.4 TUE Bazzan, Marco . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.35 TUE, CK-7.1 THU �IH-P.7 THU Bonzon, Christopher . . �CB/CC-1.5 MON
Baraldi, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.5 THU CE-8.4 WED Bente, E.A.J.M. . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.3 MON Bize, Sebastien . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON Booth, Tim . . CC-4.3 SUN, PD-A.3 WED
Baranov, Andrey . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.5 WED Beaudoin, Gregoire . . . . . . . PD-A.5 WED, Bente, Erwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.5 MON, Björk, Gunnar . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.5 THU Boppart, Stephen . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.4 WED
Barbay, Sylvain . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.32 MON CB-10.3 THU CB-P.36 MON Blackbeard, Nicholas . . . . . CB-P.33 MON Borchers, Bastian . . . . . . . . . �CG-5.1 THU
Barber, Zoe H . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-P.1 TUE Beaufils, Sylvie . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.6 TUE Benyattou, Taha . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.4 SUN Blaize, Sylvain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.2 WED Borgschulte, Andreas . . . CF/IE-13.1 THU
Barbier, Margaux . . . . . . . . . . �CD-3.3 SUN Bebe, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU Bercy, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.4 MON Bland-Hawthorn, Joss . . . . . CH-1.6 MON Borisov, Alex B. . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.15 THU
Barbieri, Marco IB-2.4 TUE, IA-5.4 WED, Bêche, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.6 TUE Berdejo, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.4 THU Blaser, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.3 SUN, Borisov, Andrei . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II-1.3 WED
IA-P.27 THU Becher, Christoph . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON, Bereś-Pawlik, Elzbieta . . . . . CJ-P.44 WED CC-P.15 SUN, CH-1.2 MON Borkowski, Mateusz . . . . . . . . . IC-P.8 TUE
Barbosa, Péricles . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.21 THU IH-4.3 THU, IH-P.6 THU Beresna, Martynas . . . . . . . CM-P.24 SUN, Blasl, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-4.3 WED Bornhorst, Kirstin . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.3 WED
Bardella, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.2 MON, Beck, Mattias CB-1.1 SUN, CB-1.3 SUN, CM-4.3 WED, CM-5.3 WED Blatt, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.3 TUE Borot, Antonin . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-3.5 WED
CB-4.2 TUE CB-2.2 SUN, CB-2.6 SUN, CC-P.1 SUN, Bergé, Luc . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.23 WED, Blazek, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.6 TUE Borrego-Varillas, Rocío . . . CD-P.34 TUE,
Bardou, Nathalie . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN CC-P.15 SUN, CB/CC-1.2 MON, CF/IE-P.28 WED Bley, Karina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.4 WED �CF/IE-P.40 WED
Bargigia, Ilaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.3 THU CB/CC-1.5 MON, II-1.2 WED, Berger, Naum . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.26 THU Blin, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.18 MON Börzsönyi, Adam . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.22 THU
Barland, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . CB-8.1 THU, CH-P.14 THU Berghmans, Francis . . . . . . . CJ-P.44 WED Blinne, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.4 THU Boscolo, Sonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.3 WED
�IG-P.11 THU, IG-5.3 THU Beck, Torsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.3 TUE Bergmann, Anna . . . . . . . . . . �CB-8.6 THU Bloch, Daniel IH-2.4 WED, IA-P.21 THU Bose, Ranojoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-6.1 WED
Barmenkov, Yury . . . . . . . . .�CJ-P.26 WED Becker, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE Bernhard, Christof . . . . . . . . . IF-P.12 SUN, Bloch, Immanuel . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-1.1 TUE Botey, Muriel CB-P.38 MON, IG-2.4 WED
Barnett, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.1 SUN Becker, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE, IB-P.14 MON, �IA-P.9 THU, IB-8.5 THU Bloch, Jacqueline . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.2 WED, Bouazaoui, Mohamed . . . . . .CJ-11.5 THU
Baronio, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IF-P.4 SUN, CJ-P.5 WED, CJ-9.1 THU, CJ-10.6 THU Bernhardi, Edward H. . . . . . . . CL-P.9 SUN IH-5.1 THU Boucher, Guillaume . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON,
�JSIII-2.1 WED, IG-5.4 THU Beckmann, Tobias . . . . . . . . . CD-5.5 MON Bernhardt, Birgitta . . . . . . . . . CH-5.2 THU Blondy, Jean-Marc . . . . . . . . CJ-P.38 WED CK-7.3 THU
Barreaux, Jonathan . . . . . . . . CH-2.7 TUE Bednyakova, Anastasia �CF/IE-P.8 WED, Berni, Adriano . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.19 THU Bluhms, Valdis . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.1 WED Bouchez, Antonin . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.9 THU
Barreto, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON �CJ-P.10 WED Bersch, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . IG-2.2 WED Blum, Christian . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN, Bouchoule, Isabelle . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.6 TUE
Barrientos-Barria, Jessica . �CD-5.4 MON Beduini, Federica . . . . . . . . . . . IA-5.5 WED Bertolotti, Jacopo . . . . . . . . CL-P.14 SUN, �IH-2.3 WED Boudarham, Guillaume . . . . . �IH-P.1 THU
Barroso, Álvaro . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.7 SUN, Beere, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN �CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN, IH-P.19 THU Blume, Gunnar . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.11 MON, Bouillard, Jean-Sebastien . . CK-5.3 MON,
CL-3.4 MON Beere, Harvey . . . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON Bertrand-Grenier, Antony . . CL-4.2 MON CB-P.17 MON, CB-9.2 THU IH-P.18 THU
Barry, Liam . . CD-P.20 TUE, CI-P.2 TUE, Beere, Harvey E. . . . . . . . . . CB-P.25 MON Bertucci, Alessandro . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN Bochmann, Joerg . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON Bouillard, JeanSebastien . . . . CE-5.4 TUE
CI-3.4 WED, CI-3.5 WED Beetz, Johannes . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED Bessire, Bänz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IF-P.12 SUN, Bock, Martin . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.3 THU Boulanger, Benoît . . . . . . . . . CD-6.4 MON
Barry, Liam P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.2 THU Beggs, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON �IB-P.14 MON, IA-P.9 THU, IB-8.5 THU Bodenmüller, Daniel . . . . . . CK-P.16 MON Bourderionnet, Jerome . . . . JSII-2.5 WED
Bartalini, Saverio . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN, Beggs, Daryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.1 SUN Bessonov, Dmitry . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.8 SUN Bodrov, Sergey . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-6.1 MON Bourdon, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.1 WED
�CC-2.6 SUN, CB-P.6 MON Beggs, Daryl M. . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.3 SUN, Bethge, Jens . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.2 WED Boetti, Nadia Giovanna . . . CJ-P.36 WED Bourennane, Mohamed . . . . . �IB-4.5 TUE
Bartelt, Hartmut . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.1 SUN, II-P.16 WED, CK-8.1 THU Bett, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Boffi, Pierpaolo CI-P.9 TUE, CI-P.11 TUE Bourmpos, Michail . . . . . . �CB-P.31 MON
CJ-1.4 SUN, CH-1.4 MON, CE-4.3 TUE, Behbood, Naeimeh . . . . . . . . IA-3.4 MON, Bevensee Jensen, Jesper . . . . . CI-P.1 TUE Bogaerts, Wim . . . . . . . . . . . . .CK-9.2 THU Boutami, Salim . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.5 WED
CH-2.3 TUE �IA-P.8 THU, �IA-P.25 THU Beveratos, Alexios . . . . . . . . . CK-7.6 THU, Bogan, Christina . . . . . . . . . . �CH-6.5 THU Bouwmans, Geraud . . . . . . . . CD-2.5 SUN,
Barter, Oliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.2 TUE Beil, Kolja . . .CA-5.1 TUE, �CA-5.3 TUE, IA-P.2 THU Boge, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.1 TUE CL-5.1 TUE, CJ-6.2 WED, CK-8.5 THU,
Barth, Ingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-5.6 THU CA-8.5 WED Beyer, Joern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU Bøggild, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.3 SUN CJ-11.3 THU, CJ-11.5 THU
Barthelemy, Alain . . . . . . . . . CJ-4.2 MON, Bek, Roman CB-P.21 MON, CB-4.4 TUE Bhandari, Rakesh . . . . . . . . . . �CA-1.1 SUN Bogris, Adonis . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.33 TUE Bouwmeester, Dirk . . . . . . . . . IH-6.6 THU
CL-5.6 TUE, CJ-6.2 WED, Bekker, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.5 SUN, Biadala, Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.2 THU Boguslawski, Martin . . . . �JSIII-P.7 WED, Bowen, Warwick . . . �CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN,
CD-12.4 WED CF/IE-P.10 WED Bianalana, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . .IG-P.19 THU CD-11.4 WED CL-6.4 TUE, IA-5.1 WED
Barthelemy, Pierre . . . . . . . . . IH-P.20 THU Belabas Plougonven, Nadia �CK-8.5 THU, Biancalana, Fabio . . . . . . . . . CD-2.5 SUN, Bohley, Christian . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.36 TUE Bowen, Warwick P. . . . . . . . . ID-P.5 MON,
Bartley, Tim �IA-5.4 WED, �IA-P.27 THU �IA-P.2 THU CD-3.4 SUN, CK-4.1 SUN, �II-P.6 WED, Böhm, Michael . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.16 MON, IA-7.5 THU, CH-6.2 THU
Bartolini, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN Belacel, Cherif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU �IG-P.9 THU, IG-P.13 THU CD-P.11 TUE, CH-2.2 TUE Bowers, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.3 THU
Barty, C.P.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �JSI-1.1 MON Belardini, Alessandro . . . . . . . �II-P.9 WED Bianco, Federica . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-2.2 SUN Bohnert, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.6 THU Boyland, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.4 WED
Barucci, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.10 MON Bell, Bryn . . . . IB-5.2 THU, IA-P.16 THU, Bianco, Vittorio . . . . . . . . . . �JSII-1.4 WED Boiko, Dmitri L. . . . . . . �CF/IE-11.2 THU Bozhevolnyi, Sergey . . . . . . . . II-P.10 WED
Barviau, Benoit . . . . . . . . . . CD-11.2 WED �IB-8.2 THU Biancofiore, Ciro . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.2 THU Boitier, Fabien . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.3 THU Brabetz, Christian . . . . . . . . . CG-P.8 THU
Barzanjeh, Shabir . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.6 THU Bellanca, Gaetano . . . . . . . . CD-11.1 WED Bidault, Sebastien . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.1 THU, Boivin, Maxime . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED Bradler, Maximilian . . . . . . �CD-6.2 MON,

Authors’ Index

CF/IE-12.4 THU Brown, Christian T.A. . . . . . . CA-6.3 TUE Butkus, Vytautas . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.3 MON, CG-4.3 THU Chanda, Debashis . . . . . . . . . CM-7.4 THU
Bragagna, Thomas . . . . . . . . CA-P.27 SUN Brox, Olaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.29 MON �JSIV-1.4 MON Cardinal, M. Fernanda . . . . . IH-P.15 THU Chandrasekhar, Sethumadhavan
Bragheri, Francesca . . . . . . . . . CL-6.5 TUE Bruchhausen, Axel . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU Büttner, Edlef . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.2 WED Carelli, Pasquale . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED �CI-1.1 MON
Braglia, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-1.1 SUN Brun, Mickael . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN, C. Cruz, Flavio . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-P.7 TUE Caresana, Marco . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Chang, Lantian . . . . . . . . . . �CK-10.6 THU
Braive, Rémy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.6 THU CD-P.33 TUE, JSII-1.5 WED C. Magno, Wictor . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.7 TUE Carfagna, Cosimo . . . . . . . . . CE-P.26 TUE Chang, Rockson . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-2.2 TUE,
Brake, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . JSIII-P.7 WED Brune, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON Cabello, Adan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.5 TUE Carletti, Luca . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-1.4 SUN �IG-3.5 WED
Bramati, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.6 WED, Bruneau, Didier . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.32 SUN Cadarso, Victor J. . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.5 TUE Carlier, Julien . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.29 WED Chang, Wonkeun . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN,
IG-3.1 WED, IG-3.6 WED Brunel, Marc . CH-2.7 TUE, �IG-P.5 THU Cai, Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.1 WED Carminati, Rémi . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN CD-3.5 SUN, CF/IE-6.6 MON
Brambila, Danilo . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.14 THU Bruner, Barry D. . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE Cai, X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Carnegie, David . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN Chang, Yuan-Jen . . . . . . . . �CM-P.11 SUN
Brambilla, Gilberto . . . . . . . . CK-4.3 SUN, Brunne, Jens . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.3 THU Caillat, Ludovic . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.7 TUE Carnegie, David J. . . . . . . . . CE-P.28 TUE Chann, Bien . . . . . . . . . . .TF-1/LIM.1 TUE
CK-4.6 SUN, CK-P.14 MON, Brunner, Daniel . . . . . . . . . �CD-10.3 TUE, Calabretta, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.6 WED Carney, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.22 MON Chanteau, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN,
CK-P.15 MON CB-7.5 THU Calbris, Gaëtan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-2.2 WED Carolan, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON ID-P.6 MON, ID-3.4 MON
Brańczyk, Agata . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.1 THU Bruns, Juergen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-1.2 MON Calegari, Francesca . . . . . �CF/IE-1.4 SUN, Carpenter, Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.2 SUN, Chapman, Henry . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.12 SUN
Brandi, Fernando . . . . . . . . . .�CH-7.1 THU Brusatin, Giovanna . . . . . CF/IE-5.5 MON �CG-2.2 TUE, CG-P.1 THU �CE-P.12 TUE, CH-P.1 THU Chapman, Richard. T . . . . . CH-P.11 THU
Brandstetter, Martin . �CB/CC-1.3 MON, Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco Calendron, Anne-Laure . . . . �CA-4.3 SUN, Carrà, Luca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.3 TUE Charalambidis, Dimitris . . . . . CG-4.1 THU
CB/CC-1.6 MON II-P.9 WED CA-7.4 TUE Carras, Mathieu . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.16 SUN, Charalampopoulos, Ioannis . CM-2.2 SUN
Brasch, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . �ID-P.3 MON, Bubnov, Mikhail . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.2 WED Califano, Alessio . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.1 SUN JSII-1.5 WED, �JSII-P.3 WED Chardonnet, Christian . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN,
ID-P.4 MON, ID-2.3 MON Buccolieri, Giovanni . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Caliman, Andrei . . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.2 THU, Carretero, Sol . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.6 WED ID-P.6 MON, �ID-3.4 MON
Brasselet, Sophie . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.1 SUN, Buchleitner, Andreas . . . . �JSIV-2.1 MON CB-8.5 THU Carrilero, Albert . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.1 MON, Charitidis, Costas . . . . . . . . . CM-P.20 SUN
IF-4.4 SUN, �CL-4.3 MON Buchnev, Oleksandr . . . . . . . .�CE-5.1 TUE Calkins, Brice . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON, CE-2.2 MON, CE-2.3 MON Charles, Ned . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.42 WED,
Braun, Hendrike . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.1 SUN Buchter, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.3 WED JSV-1.1 TUE, IB-7.3 THU Carson, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.5 TUE CM-6.7 THU
Braun, Paul V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.4 THU Buchvarov, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.7 SUN, Calmano, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.3 WED, Cartella, Andrea . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.1 SUN Charmasson, Laurent . . . . . CK-P.26 MON
Brecht, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.4 MON, CA-P.9 SUN, CA-P.11 SUN, CJ-P.32 WED, CJ-12.5 THU Carter, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.3 THU Chatzimanolis, Christos . . . CM-P.20 SUN
IB-1.5 MON, �IA-P.23 THU CD-5.2 MON, �CD-6.6 MON Calò, Giovanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.1 SUN Carvajal, Joan Josep . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN Chatzinikoloaidou, Maria . . . CM-8.2 THU
Brée, Carsten . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.5 MON, Buck, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CG-4.3 THU Calonico, Davide . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON, Carville, Nigel Craig . . . . . . . CK-P.2 MON Chauvat, Dominique . . . . . . . CD-P.7 TUE
IG-5.1 THU, IG-5.2 THU Buckle, Malcolm . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.1 WED ID-3.5 MON Casagrande, Olivier . . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED Chavez Boggio, José M. . CK-P.16 MON,
Breitkopf, Sven . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-4.3 MON, Buckup, Tiago . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-4.1 SUN, Calvet, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-11.3 THU Casalino, Maurizio . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE �CD-P.11 TUE
CJ-5.3 WED �JSIV-1.1 MON, �CE-P.17 TUE Calvez, Stephane . . . . . . . . . CB-P.16 MON Casandruc, Eliza . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.4 WED Cheben, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU
Brelet, Yohann . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN, Buczynski, Ryszard . . . . . �CK-P.27 MON, Cámara Mayorga, Iván . . . . CB-P.26 MON Caspani, Lucia . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.3 SUN Chebotarevsky, Yury . . . . . . . CM-P.8 SUN
CD-P.16 TUE, CD-10.1 TUE, CE-P.29 TUE, �CJ-P.30 WED Camarero, Julio . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN Cassataro, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.3 SUN Chekalin, Sergey . . . . . . . . . CK-P.21 MON
CF/IE-P.25 WED, CF/IE-P.26 WED Budni, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.3 WED Cambril, Edmond . . . . . . . . . . CK-8.5 THU Cassinerio, Marco . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.1 SUN, Chekhov, Alexander . . . . . . . . IA-1.2 MON
Brennecke, Ferdinand . . . . . . . IC-1.3 TUE Budnicki, Aleksander . . . . CF/IE-4.1 SUN Campbell, Russell . . . . . . . . . . �IC-P.8 TUE CJ-9.5 THU Chekhova, Maria . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.17 THU
Brenner, Carsten . . . . . . . . �CB-P.26 MON Buet, Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.16 MON Camus, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.4 TUE Castanié, Etienne . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN Chelkowski, Szczepan . . CF/IE-P.23 WED
Brès, Camille Sophie . . . . . . CD-P.47 TUE Buettner, Thomas Frank Sebastian Camy, Patrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.4 TUE, Castellano, Fabrizio . . . . . . . . . CB-2.6 SUN Chembo, Yanne IF-P.5 SUN, IG-4.6 THU
Bressler, Christian . . . . . . CF/IE-P.2 WED �CD-P.46 TUE CA-10.4 WED Castiglioni, Luca . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.1 WED Chembo, Yanne K. . . . . . . . CD-10.4 TUE,
Bretenaker, Fabien . . . . . . . CA-10.6 WED Bugar, Ignac . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.21 WED Canalias, Carlota . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.2 SUN, Castillejo, Marta . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN CD-10.5 TUE
Breuer, Johannes . . . . . . . . . CK-P.20 MON Bugge, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.28 MON, CD-7.6 MON Castro-López, Marta . . . . . . . . IH-3.2 THU Chembo, Yanne Kouomou . CH-P.20 THU
Breuer, John . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-1.2 SUN CB-P.29 MON, CB-9.1 THU, Canat, Guillaume . . . . . . . . . �CJ-5.6 WED, Castro, Rigoberto . . . . . . . . . .CH-3.1 WED Chemnitz, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.2 WED
Breuer, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.2 TUE CB-9.2 THU CJ-8.1 WED Cataldo, Franco . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.5 THU Chen, Benjamin K. . . . . . . . . CL-3.1 MON
Breunig, Ingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.5 MON Bühler, Johannes . . . . . . .CF/IE-12.1 THU Cancellieri, Emiliano . . . . . . . IG-3.1 WED, Cataluna, Maria Ana . . . . . . . CC-P.4 SUN, Chen, Chun-Ting . . . . . . . . . CM-P.11 SUN
Brevier, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.6 TUE Buijs, Robin D. . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.1 THU IG-3.6 WED CF/IE-P.37 WED Chen, Chun-Wei . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.23 TUE
Briant, Tristan IA-7.4 THU, IA-P.26 THU Buil, Stéphanie . II-P.8 WED, IH-6.2 THU Cancio, Pablo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.6 MON Cavalleri, Andrea . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.1 SUN, Chen, Danni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.3 TUE,
Brida, Daniele . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.2 MON, Bukelskiene, Virginija . . . . . CM-P.15 SUN Cancio Pastor, Pablo . . . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN IG-3.4 WED CF/IE-P.35 WED
JSIV-2.4 MON, CJ-7.3 WED, Buller, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE, Candeo, Alessia . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.4 TUE Cazé, Alexandre . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN Chen, Deying . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.19 THU
CF/IE-10.5 THU, IH-P.21 THU, JSII-1.2 WED, CK-10.5 THU Candiani, Alessandro . . . . . . . �CL-P.1 SUN Cazzanelli, Massimo . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN Chen, Feng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.17 WED
CF/IE-12.1 THU, �CF/IE-13.2 THU, Burchardt, Daniel . . . . . . . . IB-P.12 MON, Cankaya, Huseyin . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.3 SUN, Çelik, Mehmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.3 WED Chen, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.3 WED
CF/IE-13.5 THU IB-3.2 TUE CA-7.4 TUE Centeno, Alba . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.4 THU Chen, Rui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.1 WED
Brignon, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.5 WED Burgermeister, Tobias . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN Canneson, Damien . . . . . . . . . �II-P.8 WED, Centeno Nieves, Eduardo . . . . CI-P.9 TUE Chen, Wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.2 TUE
Brinks, Daan . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.5 MON Burgess, Jacob . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU IH-6.2 THU Centini, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Chen, Wei Ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.2 THU
Brito-Silva, Antonio . . . . . . . CE-P.33 TUE Burgess, James . . . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.1 TUE Canteli, David . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.16 TUE Cerdán, Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-2.6 MON Chen, Xiaohan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN
Britz, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.4 TUE Burgess, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.9 WED Cantu, Horacio CI-P.8 TUE, CI-4.6 WED Cerè, Alessandro . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.3 WED Chen, Yu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.23 SUN
Brocklesby, William S. . . . . CG-P.10 THU, Burgos, Stanley P. . . . . . . . . . . II-2.3 WED Cao, Da . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN Čerkauskaite, Aušra . . . . . . . . CM-7.5 THU Chen, Zhigang CD-8.2 TUE, IG-P.1 THU
CH-P.11 THU Burgoyne, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.13 WED Cao, Hui . �CH-2.4 TUE, �JSIII-1.3 WED, Cernescu, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.6 SUN Cheng, Chih-Hao . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.4 THU
Broderick, Neil . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.14 MON, Burgstaller, Lukas . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.3 SUN �JSIII-1.5 WED, �PD-A.7 WED Cerullo, Giulio . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.1 SUN, Cheng, Lifeng . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.28 MON
CJ-P.6 WED, PD-A.2 WED, CJ-9.4 THU Burks, Sidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.2 WED Capelli, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.11 SUN, CD-4.3 SUN, CF/IE-5.2 MON, Cheng, Tonglei . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.3 TUE,
Broderick, Neil G. R. . . . . . JSIII-2.3 WED Burmeister, Frank . . . . . . . . . CM-6.6 THU CH-P.3 THU JSIV-P.1 MON, JSIV-2.4 MON, CD-P.4 TUE, �CJ-P.41 WED
Broemmel, Dirk . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN Burresi, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.2 MON, Capmany, José . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-1.5 MON CE-P.34 TUE, CD-9.4 TUE, Cheng, Wei . . . .II-2.5 WED, II-P.10 WED
Brøkner Christiansen, Mads .CK-7.5 THU �CK-P.35 MON Capmany, Juan . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.1 SUN, CG-4.6 THU, IH-4.2 THU, IH-P.21 THU, Cheng, Ying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.18 SUN
Bronner, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE, Burrows, Kathryn . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.4 TUE CD-P.17 TUE IH-5.3 THU, CF/IE-13.2 THU, Cheng, Yu-chieh . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.25 MON
JSII-P.2 WED Busacca, Alessandro . . . . . . . . CC-3.3 SUN Cappelli, Francesco . . . . . . . �CB-P.6 MON CF/IE-13.5 THU Cheng, Zhochen . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.24 WED
Brons, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN Busche, Hannes . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.15 MON Cárabe, Julio . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.23 SUN, Chaisakul, Papichaya . . . . . . . . CI-2.3 TUE Chenug, Chi Shing . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.5 WED
Broome, Matthew . . . . . . . . . IB-P.9 MON, Buse, Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.2 SUN CE-P.16 TUE Chaitanya Kumar, Suddapalli CD-9.3 TUE Cherif, Rim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-2.2 WED
IB-2.5 TUE, IB-6.1 THU Buse, Karsten . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.5 MON, Caradec, Frédéric . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED Chalus, Olivier . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-P.9 WED Chernikov, Alexej . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.1 SUN
Broquin, Jean-Emmanuel . . CJ-P.36 WED CD-P.35 TUE, CE-7.3 WED, Carbone, Luigi . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.6 WED Chamorovskiy, Yuriy . . . . . . CJ-P.33 WED Chia, Shih-Hsuan . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.6 THU
Brousse, Gilles . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED CE-8.6 WED Carbonnel, Jerome . . . . . . . CD-P.16 TUE, Chamorro-Posada, Pedro . . . . IF-2.3 SUN Chiappe, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED
Brown, Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON Bushuev, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CK-P.21 MON CD-10.1 TUE, CF/IE-P.25 WED Chan, Adrian K. H. . . . . . . . . . IB-6.4 THU Chibani, Haytham . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.2 WED
Brown, Christian . . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.3 WED Butement, Jonathan . . . . . . CM-P.25 SUN Cardenas, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.2 WED, Chan, K. H. Adrian . . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED Chichkov, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN,

Authors’ Index

II-2.5 WED, II-P.10 WED Clivati, Cecilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . �ID-3.5 MON CM-5.5 WED, CF/IE-P.26 WED Danilevičius, Rokas . . . . CF/IE-P.19 WED Decencière, Etienne . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN
Chichkov, Boris N. . . . . . . . . . CM-1.2 SUN Cocker, Tyler . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-12.5 THU Couderc, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.8 SUN, Danson, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Decker, Manuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-4.2 THU
Chiesa, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Coda, Virginie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.4 SUN CD-P.18 TUE, CD-12.4 WED Dantus, Marcos . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.42 TUE, Decurey, Jean-Pierre . . . . . . IB-P.13 MON
Chiodo, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.23 TUE Codemard, Christophe . . . . . . CJ-5.4 WED Coudreau, Thomas . . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON CF/IE-P.15 WED Degasperis, Antonio . . . . . . JSIII-2.1 WED
Chmielak, Bartos . . . . . . . . . . .CK-9.4 THU Coen, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.1 MON, Coulibaly, Saliya . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.8 THU Danzmann, Karsten . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU Degiorgio, Vittorio . . . . . . . . . CE-8.4 WED
Chng, Mei Yuen Brenda . . . . �IA-6.3 WED CD-12.5 WED, PD-B.7 WED, Coulombier, Quentin . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN, Daria, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IA-5.1 WED Dekorsy, Thomas . . . . . . . . . .CE-1.2 MON,
Choi, Duk-Yong . . . . . . . . . . . CD-10.2 TUE IG-4.1 THU CJ-11.3 THU Daria, Vincent Ricardo CF/IE-12.2 THU
Choi, Ju Won . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.2 WED Cogdell, Richard J. . . . . . . . JSIV-1.5 MON Courteille, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.3 SUN CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN Del Fatti, Natalia . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.15 THU
Choi, Sun Young . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE Cohadon, Pierre-François . . . IA-7.4 THU, Courvoisier, Francois . . . . . . . CL-P.6 SUN, Darmo, Juraj . CC-P.3 SUN, CC-4.1 SUN, del Hoyo, Jesús . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.4 THU
Choma, Michael . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.3 WED IA-P.26 THU �CM-5.5 WED CC-4.4 SUN del Valle, Elena . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.20 THU
Chong, Andy . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.11 WED Coillet, Aurélien . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.5 SUN, Crégut, Olivier . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.2 WED Darquié, Benoît . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-2.4 SUN, Delanty, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.5 TUE
Chong, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.1 WED �IG-4.6 THU Crespi, Andrea IA-2.5 MON, IB-2.2 TUE, ID-P.6 MON Delaporte, Philippe . . . . . . CK-P.26 MON,
Chotia, Amodsen . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE Cojocaru, Crina . . . . . . . . . .CK-P.13 MON, �CM-7.1 THU Dascalu, Traian . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-9.5 WED CM-4.2 WED
Chou, Shao-Wei . . . . . . . . . . �CG-3.2 WED CK-P.25 MON Crespo, Helder . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-1.1 SUN, Dashkevich, Vladimir . . . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN Delaye, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.3 SUN
Choudhary, Amol . . . . . . . . . �CE-7.1 WED, Colangelo, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . IA-3.4 MON, CF/IE-3.2 SUN, CF/IE-3.5 SUN, Datta, Animesh . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-5.4 WED, Deléglise, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.4 THU,
�CF/IE-8.3 WED, �CJ-12.2 THU IA-P.8 THU, IA-P.25 THU CF/IE-P.17 WED IA-P.27 THU �IA-P.26 THU
Chouli, Souad . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.24 TUE Cole, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.1 WED Cristescu, Simona . . . . . . . . . CH-1.1 MON, Datta, Prasanta . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.23 WED Délen, Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-1.3 SUN,
Chow, Weng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.1 TUE Colet, Pere CB-P.3 MON, CB-P.20 MON, CD-5.6 MON, CH-P.13 THU Dauliat, Romain . . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.2 WED �CF/IE-4.2 SUN, CA-4.4 SUN
Choževskis, Gediminas . . . . CM-P.12 SUN CD-P.25 TUE, �IB-4.3 TUE, Cristiani, Ilaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.1 SUN, D’Auria, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.2 THU Delezoide, Camille . . . . . . . . �CH-3.1 WED
Chrapkiewicz, Radoslaw . . . �IA-P.19 THU �CH-P.20 THU, IG-P.16 THU, CK-2.1 SUN, CD-P.10 TUE, Daussy, Christophe . . . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN, Delfanazari, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN
Chrastina, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.3 TUE IG-4.4 THU CL-6.5 TUE, CE-8.4 WED ID-P.6 MON Delfyett, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-3.5 MON
Chremmos, Ioannis D. . . . . . . CD-8.2 TUE Collier, John . CA-7.2 TUE, �CA-7.3 TUE Cristiani, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.6 MON Davenport, Michael . . . . . . . . CB-7.3 THU Del’Haye, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . .ID-2.4 MON,
Christen, Jürgen . . . . . . . . . . �CE-1.5 MON Collin, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN Crozatier, Vincent . . . . . . CF/IE-5.1 MON Davies, A. Giles . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON ID-2.5 MON, �PD-B.1 WED
Christian, James . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-2.3 SUN Collins, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . �IB-1.3 MON, Crump, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.28 MON, Davies, Alan Rive . . . . . . . . . CH-P.25 THU Della Giustina, Gioia . . . . CF/IE-5.5 MON
Christiansen, Silke . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.4 TUE �CE-3.2 MON �CB-9.1 THU Davis, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.5 THU Delle Side, Domenico . . . . . �CM-P.3 SUN,
Christodoulides, Demetrios . . IB-3.4 TUE, Colombelli, Raffaele . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON, Crut, Aurélien . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.15 THU Day, Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CM-8.6 THU CG-P.18 THU
IG-2.3 WED CB/CC-1.4 MON Crutchley, Benjamin . . . . . . �CE-P.32 TUE De Angelis, Annalisa . . . . . . CD-P.18 TUE DelRe, Eugenio . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.5 TUE
Christodoulides, Demetrios N. Coluccelli, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.1 SUN, Cruz, Jose L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.42 WED De Cola, Luisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.7 SUN Demircan, Ayhan . . . . . . �CF/IE-6.5 MON,
CK-4.5 SUN, CD-8.2 TUE, CI-2.5 TUE, �CJ-9.5 THU Cserteg, Andras . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.28 WED de Francisco, Isabel . . . . . . . CM-P.30 SUN �IG-5.1 THU, IG-5.2 THU
IG-2.2 WED, JSIII-1.4 WED, Comet, Maxime . . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON Csete, Mária . . . . . . . . . . . . . �JSV-1.2 TUE De Giorgi, Milena . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.1 WED, Demmler, Stefan . . . . . . . . . �CD-6.5 MON,
CK-8.3 THU Comte, Michel . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Csizmadia, Tamás . . . . . . . �CM-P.19 SUN IG-3.6 WED CG-4.5 THU, CG-6.2 THU
Christoffers, Jens . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU Conan, Rodolphe . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.9 THU Ctistis, Georgios . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.5 WED, de Groot, Peter A. J. . . . . . . . CC-2.4 SUN Dems, Maciej . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.34 MON,
Chrzanowski, Helen . . . . . . . . IB-P.3 MON, Conforti, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.4 SUN, CF/IE-11.1 THU de Hoogh, Anouk . . . . . . . . . . �II-P.3 WED, CB-P.40 MON
IB-6.6 THU JSIII-2.1 WED, CF/IE-9.3 WED, Cubeddu, Rinaldo . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.3 THU CF/IE-11.5 THU Demsar, Jure . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.3 THU
Chu, Sai T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.4 SUN �IG-5.4 THU Cubillas, Ana M. . . . . . . . . . . �CH-6.1 THU de la Figuera, Juan . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN Deng, Dinghuan . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.3 TUE,
Chua, Chern Fei . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.2 WED Cong, Zhenhua . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-P.5 SUN Cucinotta, Annamaria . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN, de la Fuente, Germán F. . �CM-P.30 SUN CD-P.4 TUE, CJ-P.41 WED
Chuchumishev, Danail . . . . . CA-P.9 SUN, Consoli, Antonio . . . . . . . . . CB-P.32 MON CM-P.7 SUN, CJ-P.2 WED de la Fuente Leis, Germán . CM-4.5 WED Deng, Lei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.1 TUE
�CD-5.2 MON, CD-6.6 MON Consolino, Luigi . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN, Cugat, Jaume . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN, de Liberato, Simone . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED Denis-Petit, David . . . . . . . . �JSI-1.3 MON
Churkin, Dmitry . . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.10 WED, CC-2.6 SUN CE-7.1 WED De Los Reyes, Glenda . . CF/IE-12.5 THU Denisov, Andrey . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.47 TUE
�CJ-P.12 WED, CJ-P.19 WED, Conti, Claudio . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.14 MON, Cui, Shuzhen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.4 WED De Martinis, Carlo . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Denker, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.1 THU
CJ-9.3 THU, IG-P.18 THU �JSIII-2.5 WED Curto, Alberto G. . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.2 THU de Micheli, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.4 WED Denz, Cornelia IF-P.15 SUN, CL-P.7 SUN,
Chyla, Michal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.6 TUE Conti, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-7.1 THU Cvetojevic, Nick . . . . . . . . . �CH-1.6 MON, de Nalda, Rebeca . . . . . . CF/IE-P.18 WED CM-P.6 SUN, �CL-3.4 MON,
Ciampolillo, Maria Vittoria CE-P.35 TUE, Coolen, Laurent . . . . . . . . . CK-P.22 MON, CH-P.15 THU De Natale, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN, CD-7.1 MON, JSIII-P.7 WED,
CE-8.4 WED CK-6.5 WED, IH-3.4 THU, IH-P.12 THU Czaplicki, Robert . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.14 THU CC-2.6 SUN, CB-P.6 MON, CH-2.1 TUE CD-11.4 WED, CM-7.3 THU
Ciappina, Marcelo . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.4 THU Cooper, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . CL-P.10 SUN Czyszanowski, Tomasz . . �CB-P.34 MON, de Naurois, Guy-Mael . . . . . CC-P.16 SUN, Depeursinge, Christian . . . . . . CL-5.2 TUE
Ciattoni, Alessandro . . . . . . . �II-P.17 WED Cooper, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-1.2 SUN CB-P.40 MON JSII-P.3 WED DePonte, Danial . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.12 SUN
Cibella, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED Coppola, Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE Czyzewski, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.6 THU De Nicola, Sergio . . . . . . . . . CE-P.26 TUE Deppe, Bastian . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-5.3 TUE
Cingolani, Roberto . . . . . . . . . IG-3.6 WED Coppola, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-5.4 MON, Dachraoui, Hatem . . . . . CF/IE-13.3 THU De Ninno, Giovanni . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED Deppe, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.4 TUE
Cinquanta, Eugenio . . . . CF/IE-10.5 THU CE-P.14 TUE, CE-P.26 TUE, Dagan, Micha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE de Oliveira, Rafael . . . . . . . . . IA-P.21 THU Dér, Andras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.8 SUN
Cioffi, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN CL-6.6 TUE Dagens, Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . �II-P.2 WED De Paz, Aurélie . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE D’Errico, Chiara . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.2 TUE
Cirelli, Claudio . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.1 TUE Coquelin, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . CA-1.3 SUN Daghestani, Nart Samir . . . �CC-P.4 SUN, de Ridder, René . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.1 TUE Derycke, Christophe . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED
Ciret, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�IF-3.4 SUN Coradin, Thibaud . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN �CF/IE-P.37 WED de Ridder, René M. . . . . . . . . CL-P.9 SUN, DeSantolo, Anthony . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED
Cirmi, Giovanni . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-4.6 THU Coreno, Marcello . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED Dai, Xianjin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.2 SUN CK-10.2 THU, CK-10.3 THU, Desbarats, Pascal . . . . . . . . . CC-P.13 SUN
Ciuti, Cristiano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED Corkum, Paul CG-1.5 TUE, �CG-2.1 TUE Dale, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.1 MON CK-10.6 THU Desbiens, Louis . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.4 THU
Cizmarova, Hana . . . . CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN Cormier, Eric CA-6.4 TUE, CJ-6.1 WED, D’Alessandro, Giampaolo . . . CH-P.1 THU de Riedmatten, Hugues . . . . . IB-1.6 MON Descamps, Dominique . . . . . . CA-6.4 TUE
Clady, Raphaël . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.5 SUN CJ-P.18 WED, CJ-8.2 WED Dalla Mora, Alberto . . . . . . . . CH-4.3 THU de Ronde, Bob . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.1 THU Descharmes, Nicolas . . . . . . . �IH-6.5 THU
Claeyssens, Frederik . . . . . . . CM-8.2 THU Coronado, Eduardo A. . . . . . CE-3.3 MON Daly, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.1 THU De, Syamsundar . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.6 WED Désévédavy, Frédéric . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN
Clark, Alex . . IB-1.3 MON, CE-3.2 MON, Corradini, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN D’Ambrosio, Vincenzo . . . . . �IB-P.4 MON de Valcárcel, Germán J. . . . . IA-3.3 MON, Desfarges-Berthelemot, Agnès
IA-P.16 THU, IB-8.2 THU Correia, Ricardo Rego Bordalo Damm, Signe . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.2 MON IG-P.6 THU CJ-4.2 MON, CJ-6.2 WED
Clarke, Edmund . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN CE-P.17 TUE Damzen, Michael . . . . . . . . . �CA-2.6 SUN, de Valcárcel, Germán José . IB-P.20 MON Deslandes, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.4 SUN
Clarkson, W. Andrew . . . . . . CA-9.1 WED, Coscelli, Enrico . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.2 WED CA-P.16 SUN, CA-9.6 WED De Vittorio, Massimo . . . . CB-P.13 MON, Desroches, Jérôme . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.6 TUE
CA-10.2 WED, CJ-7.5 WED, Cosi, Franco . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.10 MON Danckaert, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.25 TUE, CE-9.6 WED Desyatnikov, Anton . . . . . . . . . IG-5.6 THU
CJ-10.2 THU, CJ-10.3 THU Costache, Florenta . . . . . . . . . .CI-4.3 WED CB-5.4 TUE, CB-6.2 TUE, IG-P.7 THU de Vivie-Riedle, Regina . . CF/IE-1.1 SUN Detz, Hermann . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN,
Claudon, Julien . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.5 WED, Costanzo, Giovanni A. . . . . . . ID-3.5 MON Daniault, Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-4.4 MON De Wilde, Yannick . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN CB-2.3 SUN, CC-P.3 SUN,
CF/IE-11.1 THU Costela, Angel . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.6 MON Daniel, Jae M. O. . . . . . . . . CA-10.2 WED, Debernardi, Pierluigi . . . . . . CB-P.4 MON, CB/CC-1.3 MON, CB/CC-1.6 MON,
Clerici, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.3 SUN Cotter, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.6 WED CJ-7.5 WED, �CJ-10.2 THU �CB-8.3 THU IH-P.10 THU
Cline, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Couairon, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN, Danilevicius, Paulius . . . . . . . CM-8.2 THU Debort, Benoit . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.2 THU Deutsch, Christian . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.3 THU

Authors’ Index

Deutsch, Christoph . . . CB/CC-1.3 MON, Doblhoff-Dier, Katharina . . . CG-2.3 TUE, IH-3.4 THU, IH-P.12 THU, IH-6.2 THU Eidam, Tino �CJ-3.1 MON, CJ-4.3 MON, Eschner, Jürgen IB-P.6 MON, IB-3.1 TUE
CB/CC-1.6 MON CG-P.4 THU Duboisset, Julien . . . . . . . . . . .�IF-4.4 SUN, CJ-5.3 WED Esnal, Ixone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.6 MON
Devarapu, G. Chinna R. . �CK-P.24 MON Dobner, Sven . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-4.2 SUN CL-4.3 MON Eigenwillig, Christoph . . �CF/IE-8.1 WED Espeland, Brady . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.9 THU
Devetta, Michele . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.3 THU Dochow, Sebastian . . CL-2/ECBO.4 SUN Dubov, Mykhaylo . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.3 WED Eikema, Kjeld . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.2 MON, Esquivias, Ignacio . . . . . . . . CB-P.32 MON
Devi, Kavita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-9.3 TUE Doerr, Christopher R. . . . . . CK-10.2 THU Dubrasquet, Romain . . . . . . . . CA-6.4 TUE CF/IE-10.6 THU Esser, Dominik . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.5 SUN
Devizia, Mariadomenica . . . . ID-1.5 MON Doherty, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.5 MON Ducci, Sara . . . IA-2.4 MON, CK-7.3 THU Eikema, Kjeld S.E. . . . . . . CF/IE-7.3 MON Esslinger, Tilman . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.3 TUE
Dewa, Hideki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.9 THU Dolfi-Bouteyre, Agnes . . . . . . CJ-5.6 WED Duchoslav, Jiri . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.19 TUE Eikema, Kjeld Sijbrand Eduard Esteban, Ruben . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.3 WED
Dewenter, Lena . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.4 MON Dolfi, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.4 WED Ducloy, Martial . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-2.4 WED CA-8.3 WED Estepa, Luis Carlos . . . . . . . CM-P.30 SUN
Deyra, Loïc . .CA-1.3 SUN, �CA-1.5 SUN, Dolkemeyer, Jan . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-4.3 SUN Dudley, John CL-P.6 SUN, CM-5.5 WED, Eilanlou, AAmani . . . . . . CF/IE-10.1 THU Etzold, Bastian J. M. . . . . . . CH-6.1 THU
�CA-2.2 SUN Dombi, Péter . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-P.31 SUN, JSIII-P.1 WED Eilenberger, Falk . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-2.1 SUN, Euser, Tijmen G. . . . CL-2/ECBO.3 SUN,
Dhaka, Veer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.4 MON CG-4.1 THU, �IH-5.4 THU Dudley, John M. . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-1.4 SUN, �IF-P.2 SUN, CF/IE-P.41 WED CH-6.1 THU
Dhar, Anirban . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.1 WED Dominici, Lorenzo . . . . . . . . . �IG-3.1 WED IB-P.13 MON, JSIII-2.2 WED, Eineder, Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.10 THU Eustathopoulos, Paschalis . . CM-2.2 SUN
Dharanipathy, Ulagalandha Perumal Donati, Gaia . IA-5.4 WED, IA-P.27 THU CJ-9.6 THU, IG-5.5 THU Einkemmer, Lukas . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.9 THU, Even, Jacky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.5 SUN
IH-6.5 THU Donegan, John . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.9 MON, Dudovich, Nirit . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-1.3 TUE IH-P.10 THU Evlyukhin, Andrey . . . . . . . . . . II-2.5 WED,
Dherbecourt, Jean-Baptiste CB-P.10 MON, CB-P.35 MON Duffield, Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Eisele, Max . . . . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-5.1 MON II-P.10 WED
�CD-5.1 MON, CD-5.4 MON Dong, Chunhua . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.1 THU Duffy, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-1.4 SUN Eisermann, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON Fabre, Baptiste . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.3 THU
Dhirhe, Devnath . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.5 SUN Dong, Jun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.18 SUN Dulgergil, Ebru . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.43 WED Eitel, Felix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.16 THU Fabre, Claude ID-1.6 MON, ID-P.1 MON,
Dholakia, Kishan . . . . CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN Donner, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-1.3 TUE Dumeige, Yannick . . . . . . . . . . CK-8.2 THU El Amili, Abdelkrim . . . . . . �CA-10.6 WED IA-3.3 MON, IA-5.2 WED, IA-P.18 THU
Di Domenico, Gianni . . . . . . CC-P.15 SUN Döpke, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . CB-P.23 MON Dunaeva, Elizaveta . . . . . . . . . CE-P.6 TUE El Bassri, Farid . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.8 SUN, Fabrega, Josep M. . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.5 TUE
Di Franco, Carlo . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.20 MON Dorchies, Fabien . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.3 THU Dupont-Ferrier, Eva . . . . . . PD-B.4 WED, �CD-P.18 TUE Fabris, Davide . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.3 WED,
Di Giuseppe, Giovanni . . . . . . . IA-7.2 THU Dorenbos, Sander . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE, CH-7.2 THU El-Ganainy, Ramy . . . . . . . . . .CK-4.5 SUN, CG-5.4 THU, �CG-P.16 THU
Diamanti, Eleni . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.3 THU JSII-1.2 WED Dupont-Nivet, Matthieu . . . . . IC-P.6 TUE CI-2.5 TUE, IG-2.3 WED Faccio, Daniele CD-1.1 SUN, IF-P.4 SUN,
Dianov, Evgeny . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.1 THU Döring, Sven CM-6.1 THU, CM-6.6 THU Dupriez, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.1 WED, El Hamzaoui, Hicham . . . . . CJ-11.5 THU CC-3.3 SUN, CF/IE-6.3 MON
Diao, Zhaolu . . . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.5 MON, Dorofeenko, Alexander V. �CK-P.31 MON CJ-11.2 THU El-Taher, Atalla . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.20 WED, Fade, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.4 TUE
IH-6.5 THU Doroshenko, Maxim . . . . . . . CA-P.30 SUN Dupuis, Alexandre . . . . . . . . CJ-P.13 WED �CI-5.6 WED Fadeeva, Elena . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-1.2 SUN
Dias, Frédéric JSIII-2.2 WED, IG-5.5 THU Dorosz, Dominik . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.10 TUE Dupuy, Emmanuel . . . . . CF/IE-11.1 THU Elahi, Parviz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.43 WED Faez, Sanli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �PD-B.2 WED
Diaspro, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . . CH-7.1 THU Dorosz, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.10 TUE Duque-Gomez, Federico . . . . . IC-2.2 TUE Eldeniz, Burak . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.26 SUN Faist, Jerome .CB-1.1 SUN, CB-1.3 SUN,
Diaz Diaz, Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.2 SUN Dostal, Jakub . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.3 MON Durá, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-1.4 TUE Eldeniz, Yavuz Burak . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN CB-2.2 SUN, CB-2.6 SUN, CC-P.1 SUN,
Díaz, Francesc . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN, Dotsenko, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON Durán-Sampedro, Gonzalo . CE-2.6 MON Ellafi, Dalila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-8.2 THU CC-P.15 SUN, CH-1.2 MON,
CA-P.29 SUN, CA-3.5 SUN, Doualan, Jean Louis . . . . . . . CA-6.4 TUE, Durand, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.32 SUN, Ellis, David J. P. . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-6.4 THU CB/CC-1.2 MON, CB/CC-1.5 MON,
CE-7.1 WED CA-10.4 WED JSII-2.1 WED Elsaesser, Thomas . . . . . �CF/IE-13.1 THU II-1.2 WED, PD-A.9 WED
Dickson, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.3 MON, Douay, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.3 THU Durand, Magali . . . . . . . . . . CD-11.5 WED Elsäßer, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . CB-P.4 MON, Falco, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.4 THU
CE-5.4 TUE, IH-P.18 THU Dougakiuchi, Tatsuo . . . . . . . . CB-2.1 SUN Durkin, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.4 WED CB-4.2 TUE, CB-5.6 TUE, Falke, Sarah M. . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU
Diddams, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.5 MON, Douillard, Ludovic . . . . . . . . . CK-6.5 WED Dušek, Miloslav . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON CH-P.16 THU Falke, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.2 MON
PD-B.1 WED Dove, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.1 THU Dutkiewicz, Michal . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.8 SUN Elsmere, Stephen . . . . . . . . �CG-P.20 THU Fallnich, Carsten . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.5 SUN,
Diddams, Scott A. . . . . . . . . . ID-2.2 MON Drag, Cyril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.1 MON Duval, Eugène . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.34 TUE Emaury, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.1 TUE CD-4.2 SUN, CD-P.1 TUE, CD-P.2 TUE,
Diderjean, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.5 SUN, Drazdys, Ramutis . . . . . . . . CK-P.25 MON Dwir, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.5 THU Embrione, Valerio . . . . . . . . . CL-P.13 SUN CJ-8.3 WED
CA-2.2 SUN Dregely, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-2.4 WED, Dzibrou, Dzmitry . . . . . . . . . . �CK-9.1 THU Emery, Yves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.2 TUE Fan, Guangyu . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-4.6 SUN
Didierjean, Julien . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.3 SUN, �II-P.11 WED Eason, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.25 SUN, Emmenegger, Lukas . . . . . . PD-A.9 WED, Fan, Shanhui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-2.1 WED
CA-P.25 SUN, CA-P.26 SUN, Dreischuh, Alexander . . . . . . . CG-7.5 THU CM-P.28 SUN, CM-P.29 SUN, CH-P.14 THU Fang, Shaobo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.6 THU
CF/IE-4.2 SUN, CA-4.4 SUN Dreisow, Felix . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.5 MON, CM-8.1 THU Endo, Akira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.6 TUE Fang, Xiaohui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.4 MON
Diebel, Falko . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-P.7 WED, JSIII-P.5 WED Eason, Robert W . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.3 THU Eng, Lukas M. . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.9 MON Fang, Xiaole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-10.4 TUE
�CD-11.4 WED Dreizler, Andreas . . . . . . . . . CH-P.16 THU Ebrahim-Zadeh, Majid . . . . CD-P.12 TUE, Engel, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.3 SUN Farina, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-4.3 THU
Dienst, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.4 WED Drescher, Markus . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.2 TUE CD-9.1 TUE, CD-9.3 TUE, Engelbrecht, Martin . . . . . . . CJ-10.5 THU Farinello, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.4 TUE,
Dierolf, Volkmar . . . . . . . . . . CE-1.4 MON, Drevinskas, Rokas . . . . . . . . . CM-4.3 WED �SH-3.1 WED Enokidani, Jun . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.2 WED CG-4.6 THU, IH-5.3 THU
CK-P.8 MON, CD-P.35 TUE Drexler, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . .CL-6.1 TUE, Ecker, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.4 SUN Eppich, Bernd . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.11 MON Farr, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.1 TUE
Dietze, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-4.1 SUN �SH-2.1 WED Eckerskorn, Niko . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.12 SUN Epping, Jörn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-2.5 SUN Farrer, Ian CB-P.25 MON, PD-B.3 WED,
Dietzek, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.2 WED Driad, Rachid . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.2 WED, Eckl, Anna Caroline . . . . . . . . IA-4.2 WED Epstein, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.1 SUN IB-6.4 THU
Diewald, Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.20 TUE JSII-P.2 WED Eckold, Matthew . . . . . . . . . �CA-9.1 WED Erbert, Goetz . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.1 MON Farsari, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-P.13 WED,
Díez, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.22 TUE, Driben, Rodislav . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.4 SUN, Eckstein, Andreas . . . . . . . . . �IA-2.4 MON, Erbert, Götz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.15 SUN, CH-3.2 WED, �CM-8.2 THU,
�CJ-P.42 WED �IF-2.5 SUN, �IG-P.1 THU, �IG-P.2 THU �CK-7.3 THU CB-P.23 MON, CB-P.26 MON, CM-8.4 THU
DiGiovanni, David . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Driessen, Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . CK-10.3 THU Eckstein, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.4 WED CB-P.28 MON, CB-P.29 MON, Fatome, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN,
Dilhaire, Stefan . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.29 WED Driscoll, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . CD-12.1 WED Edamura, Tadataka . . . . . . . . CB-2.1 SUN CB-P.30 MON, CB-9.1 THU, CD-P.29 TUE, CI-3.1 WED,
Dilley, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.2 TUE Droques, Maxime . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.5 SUN, Efimov, Timofej . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.2 THU CB-9.2 THU CI-3.2 WED, JSIII-P.2 WED,
Dillner, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN CD-12.2 WED Efremidis, Nikolaos K. . . . . . �CD-8.2 TUE Ercolani, Daniele . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN CD-11.6 WED, PD-B.8 WED
DiMarcello, Frank . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Druon, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.5 TUE Egan, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Erdogan, Cihangir . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.3 WED Fattaccioli, Dominique . CF/IE-P.25 WED
Ding, Boyang . . . II-P.7 WED, II-3.3 THU Druon, Frédéric . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-4.2 SUN, Eggleton, Benjamin . . . . . . . . IB-1.3 MON, Erick, Brambrink . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.24 SUN Fattahi, Hanieh . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.3 WED
Ding, Liang . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.36 WED CJ-4.4 MON, �CA-5.2 TUE, CE-3.2 MON Eriksson, Göran . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.6 THU Fattakhova, Zukhra . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE,
Ding, Ming �CK-4.3 SUN, �CK-P.15 MON CE-P.9 TUE, CA-6.4 TUE, Eggleton, Benjamin J. . . . . . CD-10.2 TUE Erkintalo, Miro �IF-1.4 SUN, IF-2.2 SUN, CE-P.31 TUE
Dinu, Raluca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU CA-10.4 WED Eggleton, Benjamin John . . CD-P.46 TUE CD-2.2 SUN, �ID-2.1 MON, Faure, Basile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.4 MON
Dirmeier, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.5 MON Drzewietzki, Lukas . . . . . . . . �CB-4.2 TUE Egorov, Oleg A. . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.3 WED �CJ-P.6 WED, CD-12.5 WED, Faure, Benoît . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.32 SUN
Divall, Marta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.5 TUE, Du-Burck, Frédéric . . . . . . . . CD-P.23 TUE Ehrentraut, Lutz . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.5 SUN JSIII-2.3 WED, PD-A.2 WED, Fausti, Daniele . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.4 WED
CF/IE-P.21 WED Duan, Huigao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.11 WED Eibelhuber, Martin . . . . . . . . CB-10.4 THU PD-B.7 WED, CJ-9.4 THU, IG-4.1 THU Favero, Ivan . . IA-2.4 MON, CK-7.3 THU
Diveki, Zsolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.1 THU Duan, Zhongchao . . . . . . . . . CD-P.3 TUE, Eibl, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.8 WED Erkol, Hakan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN Fayed, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.31 WED
Diver, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-P.2 TUE CD-P.4 TUE, CJ-P.41 WED Eichelkraut, Toni . . . . . . . . . �CD-8.4 TUE, Ernsting, Ingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.7 SUN Fazio, Rosario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.2 TUE
Do, Mai Trang . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.30 MON, Duarte, Alex Soares . . . . . . . CE-P.17 TUE IA-P.24 THU, CH-7.5 THU Ertel, Klaus . . . CA-7.2 TUE, CA-7.3 TUE Fazzi, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU
�CE-9.5 WED Dubertret, Benoît . . . . . . . . . . II-P.8 WED, Eichhorn, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.3 SUN Escalante-Zarate, Luis . . . . .CJ-P.26 WED Fazzi, Daniele . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.5 THU,

Authors’ Index

CF/IE-13.5 THU Fieberg, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . �CE-8.6 WED Fraczek, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . CA-10.5 WED Gadomska, Bozena . . . . CF/IE-P.44 WED Garraway, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.4 TUE
Fedeli, Jean-Marc . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.4 SUN, Fiebig, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.2 THU Frank, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON Gadonas, Roaldas . . . . . . . . . CM-P.15 SUN Garthoff, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.2 TUE
CD-2.1 SUN, CE-3.2 MON Fiebrandt, Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-1.4 SUN Frank, Felix CG-3.3 WED, CG-P.16 THU Gadret, Grégory . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN Gasecka, Paulina . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-4.4 SUN
Fedorov, Nikita . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Figueiredo, Jose CI-P.8 TUE, CI-4.6 WED Franke-Arnold, Sonja . . . . . . . IF-P.13 SUN Gaggero, Alessandro . . . . . . .PD-B.5 WED Gates, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.2 SUN,
Fedorova, Ksenia . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN, Figueroa, Eden . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON Franz, Dominik . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.3 WED Gagliardi, Gianluca . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE �CK-P.33 MON, IB-2.4 TUE,
�CD-6.3 MON, �CD-P.21 TUE Filatova, Serafima . . . . . . . . CJ-P.33 WED Frasinski, Leszek . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.2 THU Gailevicius, Darius . . . . . . . CK-P.13 MON, CI-P.16 TUE, CH-P.1 THU
Fedoruk, Mikhail . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.8 WED, Filip, Radim . . . IA-2.3 MON, IB-3.5 TUE Frassetto, Fabio . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.4 SUN, CK-P.19 MON Gates, James C. . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON,
CJ-P.10 WED Filippov, Valery . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.33 WED CF/IE-5.5 MON, CG-2.2 TUE, Gaižauskas, Eugenijus . . . �JSIV-P.2 MON CE-P.12 TUE
Fedosseev, Valentin . . . . . . . . CD-9.5 TUE Filloux, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON CF/IE-P.16 WED, CG-P.1 THU Galagan, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.1 THU Gatti, Davide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�ID-1.5 MON
Fedotov, Vassili . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.4 THU Fils, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.4 THU Frasunkiewicz, Leszek . . . .�CB-P.40 MON Galassi, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.2 THU Gatti, Giancarlo . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU
Fedotov, Vassili A. . . . . . . . . . CC-2.4 SUN, Fini, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Fratalocchi, Andrea . . . . . . CK-P.11 MON, Galina, Henryk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.8 SUN Gatto, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.9 TUE
CE-5.1 TUE, II-P.14 WED Finizio, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.4 MON, �CD-12.3 WED, IG-P.4 THU Gallardo-Gonzalez, Isabel Gatzemeier, Felix . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.4 SUN
Fedrizz, Alessandro . . . . . . . . . IB-P.9 MON JSII-1.4 WED Frazier, Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.4 TUE CF/IE-P.40 WED Gauthier, Daniel J. . . . . . . . . . . IG-1.3 TUE
Fedrizzi, Alessandro . . . . . . . . IB-2.5 TUE, Finley, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON Frede, Maik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU Gallet, Valentin . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-3.3 SUN Gauthier, David . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED
�IB-6.1 THU Finot, Christophe . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN, Frederich, Hugo . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.5 WED Galli, Iacopo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.6 MON Gauthier-Lafaye, Olivier . . . . CK-1.1 SUN,
Fedulova, Elena . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.3 WED IF-P.7 SUN, CD-P.15 TUE, Frederique, Louis . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.13 SUN Gallmann, Lukas . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.4 MON, CB-P.16 MON
Fehrenbacher, David . . . . . . . CJ-7.3 WED �CD-P.29 TUE, JSIII-P.2 WED, Freeman, Mark . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU �CG-1.1 TUE, PD-A.1 WED, Gavrilin, Nikolajus . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.5 TUE
Feinaeugle, Matthias . . . . . CM-P.25 SUN, �CD-11.6 WED Fremberg, Tino . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.16 MON CG-7.3 THU, CG-7.4 THU Gawlik, Wojciech . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.11 SUN,
�CM-P.28 SUN, �CM-P.29 SUN, Fiore, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED Freude, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Gallo, Katia . CK-P.2 MON, CD-7.3 MON IF-3.1 SUN
CM-8.1 THU Fiore, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.1 THU Frevert, Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.28 MON Galmes, Baptiste . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.13 MON Gaydardzhiev, Alexander . . �CA-P.9 SUN,
Feise, David . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.11 MON, Firth, William . . .IF-3.2 SUN, IG-1.2 TUE Frey, Jeremy G. . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.10 THU, Galopin, Elisabeth . . . . . . . . . IG-3.2 WED, CD-6.6 MON
�CB-P.17 MON Firth, William J . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.20 MON CH-P.11 THU CK-7.3 THU, IH-5.1 THU Gazzano, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.4 THU
Fejer, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.4 MON Fischer, Baruch . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-3.5 SUN, Freyer, Benjamin . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.1 THU Galstyan, Aleksandr . . . . . . . CM-P.18 SUN Gdula, Paweł . CI-2.2 TUE, CE-P.29 TUE
Fekete, Júlia �CA-P.31 SUN, IB-1.6 MON CF/IE-P.10 WED Freyria, Francesca . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Galvanauskas, Almantas . . . . CJ-1.6 SUN, Gebavi, Hrvoje . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE
Feldmann, Jochen . . . . . . . . . PD-A.6 WED Fischer, Ingo . CB-5.3 TUE, CB-5.5 TUE, Freysz, Eric . CJ-2.4 SUN, �CE-P.24 TUE CJ-6.4 WED Gebs, Raphael . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.1 SUN
Felinto, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.21 THU CD-10.3 TUE, CB-7.5 THU Frick, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-5.1 THU Galve, Fernando . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-4.3 TUE Geburt, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.6 TUE
Feng, Shengfei . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.5 SUN Fischer, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.3 TUE Fricke, Jörg . . CL-P.15 SUN, CB-9.2 THU Galzerano, Gianluca . . . . . . . �CA-3.1 SUN, Gecevičius, Mindaugas . . . �CM-P.24 SUN,
Feng, Xian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.2 THU Fischer, Joachim . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.1 THU Friebel, Florence . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.4 WED CJ-9.5 THU CM-4.3 WED, CM-5.3 WED
Feng, Yan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�CJ-8.4 WED Fischer, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.6 THU Frigerio, Jacopo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.3 TUE Gambetta, Alessio . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.1 SUN Geim, Andrè K. . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.2 THU
Fenk, Bernhard . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.4 THU Fischer, Yvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.4 THU Frimmer, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.1 THU Gan, Yi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.38 TUE Geiss, Reinhard . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.2 MON
Fermann, Martin . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN, Fitzau, Oliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.14 WED Frisk, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-7.6 MON Gandía, José Javier . . . . . . CM-P.23 SUN, Geith, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.6 SUN
ID-1.5 MON Fiurášek, Jaromír . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON Fritsch, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.4 TUE CE-P.16 TUE Gemmell, Nathan . . . . . . . . . �CL-6.2 TUE,
Fernandez, Alma . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-2.5 SUN, Flachenecker, Günter . . . . . �CM-P.16 SUN Fritsche, H. . . . . . . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.2 TUE Ganeev, Rashid . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.3 WED JSII-1.2 WED
CA-8.2 WED, CJ-6.4 WED, Fläschner, Nick . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE Froehly, Luc . CL-P.6 SUN, CM-5.5 WED Ganija, Miftar . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-7.1 TUE Gennari, Oriella . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.14 TUE,
CJ-P.21 WED Flayac, Hugo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.2 WED Fry, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Gao, Jing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.2 SUN CL-6.6 TUE
Fernandez, Joaquin . . . . . . . . CE-P.19 TUE Fleischer, Jason . . . . . . . . �JSIII-P.4 WED, Fuchs, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.2 WED, Gao, Qiang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.9 WED Genner, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.3 SUN
Fernández-Pradas, Juan Marcos �CH-4.5 THU �JSII-P.2 WED Gao, Weiqing CD-1.4 SUN, CD-P.3 TUE, Genov, Genko . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.10 THU
CM-1.3 SUN Fleischer, Maximilian . . . . . . . CH-2.5 TUE Fuchs, Silvio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-4.4 THU �CD-P.4 TUE, CE-P.5 TUE, Gentilini, Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.5 TUE
Fernández, Susana . . . . . . . . CE-P.16 TUE Fleischhaker, Robert . . . . �CF/IE-4.1 SUN Fuerbach, Alexander . . . . . . CM-6.7 THU, CJ-P.41 WED Genty, Goery . . . IF-1.4 SUN, IF-1.5 SUN,
Fernandez, Toney Teddy . . �CJ-12.4 THU Fleming, Lauren . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.4 SUN CM-7.2 THU, CJ-12.6 THU Gaponov, Dmitry . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.38 WED, CD-2.2 SUN, CD-P.43 TUE,
Fernando, H.N.J. . . . . . . . . �CK-P.18 MON Floery, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.2 WED Fuhrberg, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.4 SUN �CF/IE-8.2 WED JSIII-P.1 WED, JSIII-2.2 WED,
Fernando, Harendra . . . . . . . CH-1.6 MON Flöry, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.4 WED, Fuhrmann, Daniel A. . . . . . . . . IH-6.6 THU Garavelli, Marco . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.4 MON CJ-9.6 THU, IG-5.2 THU, IG-5.5 THU
Fernée, Mark John . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.1 THU �CJ-P.21 WED, CG-5.2 THU Fuhrmann, Simon . . . . . . CF/IE-12.4 THU Garbin, Bruno IG-P.11 THU, IG-5.3 THU Georges, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.3 SUN,
Ferrand, Patrick IF-P.1 SUN, IF-4.4 SUN, Föger, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.5 TUE Fuji, Takao . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.38 WED, García-Ballesteros, Juan José CA-1.5 SUN, CA-2.2 SUN,
CL-4.3 MON Folman, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.3 TUE �CF/IE-12.3 THU CM-P.23 SUN CA-P.25 SUN, CA-P.26 SUN,
Ferrari, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.39 WED Fonnum, Helge . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-3.2 SUN Fujikawa, Yuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.6 TUE García-Blanco, Sonia M. . . . CE-6.1 TUE, CF/IE-4.2 SUN, CA-4.2 SUN,
Ferrari, Andrea C. . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE, Forchel, Alfred CK-7.2 THU, IB-5.1 THU, Fujimoto, Yasushi . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.27 WED PD-A.4 WED CA-4.4 SUN, CJ-4.4 MON, CA-5.2 TUE,
CF/IE-13.2 THU IH-P.10 THU Fujita, Hisanori . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED Garcia, Dário . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.19 SUN CE-P.9 TUE, CA-6.4 TUE,
Ferraro, Pietro . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.13 SUN, Fordell, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . �ID-P.8 MON Fujita, Kazuue . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.1 SUN Garcia de Abajo, F. Javier . . . II-1.4 WED, CA-10.4 WED
CK-5.4 MON, CE-P.14 TUE, Foresiter, Benjamin . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN Fujiwara, Akio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.1 THU CF/IE-11.4 THU, IH-P.11 THU Georgiadi, Leoni . . . . . . . . . . . CM-8.2 THU
CE-P.26 TUE, CL-6.6 TUE, Forget, Nicolas . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-5.1 MON, Fujiwara, Takehisa . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.3 SUN Garcia de Abajo, Javier F. . . . IH-1.4 SUN Gerard, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.7 SUN,
JSII-1.4 WED CF/IE-P.21 WED Fujiwara, Yasufumi . . . . . . . . CE-1.4 MON García-Hernández, Mar . . . .CM-P.31 SUN �JSII-1.5 WED, JSII-P.3 WED
Ferrer, Andrés . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN, Formica, Nadia . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-2.3 MON Fulford, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . �CA-8.4 WED Garcia, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU Gérard, Jean-Michel . . . . CF/IE-P.5 WED,
CJ-12.4 THU Fornaini, Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.7 SUN Fülöp, József CC-4.6 SUN, CG-P.21 THU García-Moreno, Inmaculada CE-2.6 MON CF/IE-11.1 THU, IH-5.6 THU
Ferreyrol, Franck . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-6.5 THU Först, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.1 SUN Fulop, Jozsef A. . . . . . . . . . . . .CG-4.1 THU García, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.23 SUN Gerlich, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON
Ferrier, David . . . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN Förster, Eckhart . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.4 THU Furfaro, Luca CL-P.6 SUN, IB-P.13 MON, Garcia-Parajo, Maria . . . . . . . . IH-3.5 THU Gerome, Frederic . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.2 THU
Ferrier, Lydie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.2 WED Förster, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.1 THU CM-5.5 WED García-Ripoll, Juan José . . . IA-P.11 THU Gerrits, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON,
Ferrini, Giulia . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.8 MON Forstner, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.2 THU Fürst, Josef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.3 WED García-Sánchez, Daniel . . . . . IA-7.4 THU, JSV-1.1 TUE, IB-7.3 THU
Feugnet, Gilles . . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.6 WED Fortier, Tara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.2 MON Furukawa, Yusuke . . . . . �CF/IE-10.1 THU IA-P.26 THU Geskus, Dimitri . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.1 TUE
Feurer, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.12 SUN, Fotakis, Costas . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.2 SUN, Furusawa, Akira . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.1 MON, García-Tijero, José Manuel CB-P.32 MON Ghasemkhani, Mohammad . . CA-4.1 SUN
IB-P.14 MON, IA-P.9 THU, IB-8.5 THU CM-P.2 SUN IB-4.4 TUE, IA-P.6 THU Gardhouse, Rusty . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.9 THU Ghiringhelli, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.4 WED
Fevrier, Mickael . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.2 WED Foteinopoulou, Stavroula . CK-P.24 MON Fusco, Sabato . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.13 SUN Gardiner, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . .�ID-1.4 MON Gholipour, Behrad . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.1 WED
Février, Sébastien . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.1 SUN, Fotiadi, Andrei . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-7.1 WED Fusi, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.3 MON Garnach, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.5 WED Ghosh, Dhriti Sundar . . . . . . CE-2.3 MON
CJ-8.2 WED Fouckhardt, Henning . . . . . . . CE-1.3 MON Fuwa, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.4 TUE Garnache, Arnaud . . . . . . . CB-P.18 MON, Ghulinyan, Mher . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN
Feyereisen, Michael . . . . . . . . IG-P.11 THU Fox, A. Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU Gabris, Aurél . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE CB-10.3 THU Giacobino, Elisabeth . . . . . . IB-P.18 MON,
Fibrich, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.4 SUN Fox, Anna E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON Gacheva, Ekaterina . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN, Garnier, Josselin . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.6 SUN IA-6.2 WED, CE-9.6 WED, IG-3.1 WED,
Fickler, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.9 MON Frackowiak, Wojciech . . . . . . CH-4.2 THU CD-9.5 TUE Garnov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.6 WED IG-3.6 WED

Authors’ Index

Giacomuzzi, Daniela . . . . . . . CI-P.11 TUE Goñi, Alejandro R. . . . . . . . . . CE-3.3 MON Grelu, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.2 SUN, �CF/IE-P.32 WED Hand, Duncan P. . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.1 TUE
Giakoumaki, Argyro . . . . . . . �CM-8.4 THU González-Ausejo, Jennifer . CM-P.21 SUN JSIII-2.4 WED, IG-P.3 THU Guina, Mircea . . . . . . . . . . . . .CE-1.1 MON, Hanna, Marc . CA-1.3 SUN, CJ-4.4 MON,
Giammanco, Francesco . . . . . CH-7.1 THU González-Herráez, Miguel . . CE-P.22 TUE Gresch, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.15 SUN CB-4.3 TUE, CB-10.2 THU CA-10.4 WED
Gianfrani, Livio . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.5 MON González, José Pablo . . . . . . CE-P.16 TUE Griebner, Uwe . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.29 SUN, Gulati, Gurpreet Kaur . . . . . . . IA-6.3 WED Hannachi, Fazia . . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON
Giannetti, Ambra . . . . . . . . . CK-P.10 MON Gonzalez-Tudela, Alejandro IA-P.20 THU CA-3.5 SUN, CE-1.1 MON, CB-4.5 TUE, Gulevich, Alexey E. . . . . . . . . . CA-4.5 SUN Hänsch, Theodor . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.4 MON,
Giannetti, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN Gonzalo, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.4 MON, CE-6.1 TUE Gunn-Moore, Frank . . CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN CH-5.2 THU
Giannone, Domenico . . . . . . CJ-P.28 WED CE-P.19 TUE, �CM-6.5 THU Gries, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . .�TF-1/LIM.2 TUE Günter, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.12 SUN Hänsch, Theodor W. . . . . . . ID-P.2 MON,
Gibbon, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN Goodno, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-4.1 MON Griffin, Paul . . . IC-P.5 TUE, IA-4.6 WED Guo, Hairun . . �IF-P.9 SUN, CD-3.2 SUN, CH-5.3 THU
Giesberts, Martin . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.14 WED Goorden, Sebastianus A. . �CL-P.14 SUN, Grigaitis, Darius . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.4 WED �CE-7.2 WED, CJ-P.11 WED, Hansel, Thomas . . . . . . . �CF/IE-9.2 WED
Giesen, Adolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.28 SUN, IA-3.6 MON Grigis, Alain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.4 THU �CD-11.3 WED Hansen, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.7 SUN
�PL-1.1 MON Gopal, Amrutha . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-1.2 SUN Grigore, Oana . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.5 WED Guo, Jingkun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.3 TUE Hansen, Nils-O. . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.3 SUN
Giessen, Harald .II-2.1 WED, II-2.4 WED, Gorajek, Lukasz . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.14 SUN Grigoriev, Fedor . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE Guo, Wei-Hua . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.9 MON, Hansen, Nils-Owe . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.5 SUN
II-P.11 WED, CF/IE-9.3 WED, Gorbunov, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.10 WED Grillet, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.4 SUN, CB-P.10 MON, CB-P.35 MON Hansen, Ole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.1 WED
II-3.4 THU, IH-P.4 THU, IH-5.5 THU Gorceix, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-2.4 TUE �CK-2.6 SUN, CE-3.2 MON Gupta, Manisha . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU Hansinger, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.5 THU
Gigli, Giuseppe IG-3.1 WED, IG-3.6 WED Gori, Lorenzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.2 TUE Grilli, Simonetta . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.4 MON, Guryanov, Aleksei . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.2 WED Hansson, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-4.5 THU
Gilaberte, Marta . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.2 MON Görlitz, Axel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON CE-P.14 TUE, CE-P.26 TUE, Gusachenko, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.5 TUE Hanyecz, István . . . . . . . . . . .CM-P.19 SUN
Gilchrist, Alexei . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.5 TUE Gorman, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.4 WED �CL-6.6 TUE Gusev, Vitalyi . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU Happe, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.6 THU
Gill, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON Gorodetsky, Andrei . . . . . . . . CC-P.14 SUN Grillot, Frédéric . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.5 SUN Gust, Devens . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON Hara, Keiichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.40 WED
Gillespie, William Allan . . . . CM-6.4 THU Gorodetsky, Michael . . . . . . . ID-P.4 MON, Grimm, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.3 TUE, Gustavsson, Johan S. . . . . . . . CB-7.1 THU Hara, Kenjiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CE-6.4 TUE
Giner, Lambert . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.18 MON, ID-2.3 MON CF/IE-8.2 WED Gutiérrez, José Manuel . . . . . . IG-P.7 THU Hara, Toru . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON
IA-6.2 WED Gorza, Marie-Pascale . . . . . . . IH-2.4 WED Grinberg, Patricio . . . . . . . . . . CK-8.2 THU Guyon, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.15 THU Harada, Shin-ichi . . . . . . CF/IE-P.20 WED
Ginis, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�IH-6.4 THU Gosselin, Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON Grisard, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.7 SUN Guziewicz, Marek . . . . . . . . . CM-P.20 SUN Harder, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-1.5 MON
Ginolas, Arnim . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.15 SUN Gottschall, Thomas . . . . . . . . CJ-4.3 MON, Grivas, Christos . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.1 TUE, Haacke, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �JSIV-2.3 MON Hargart, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.21 MON
Ginzburg, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.2 THU �CJ-7.2 WED, CG-4.4 THU PD-A.4 WED Haacke, Stefan . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.2 WED Härkönen, Antti . . . . . . . . . . . CE-1.1 MON,
Gioannini, Mariangela . . . . . �CB-3.2 MON Götze, Sören . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE Groh, Korbinian . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.3 THU Haakestad, Magnus . . . . . . . . .CA-3.2 SUN �CB-4.3 TUE
Giordano, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Götzinger, Stephan . . . . . . . . PD-B.2 WED Grojo, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.5 SUN, Habel, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.2 WED Harlander, Maximilian . . . . . CA-P.27 SUN
Giorgi, Gianluca . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.3 TUE Goulam Houssen, Yannick . . . CL-5.5 TUE CK-P.26 MON, CM-4.2 WED Habert, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU Harmsma, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED
Giorgini, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . �CH-2.1 TUE Goular, Didier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.1 WED Gronloh, Bastian . . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.2 TUE Habert, Rémi . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.15 TUE Haroche, Serge . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON
Giovannetti, Vittorio . . . . . . . . IB-2.2 TUE Gouldieff, Céline . . . . . . . . . . �CE-9.2 WED Groß, Petra . . CD-4.2 SUN, �IH-5.3 THU Habib, Jamil . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Harper, Paul CI-P.3 TUE, CJ-P.20 WED,
Giove, Dario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Goulielmakis, Eleftherios . . . . CG-5.3 THU Gross, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.4 TUE Habruseva, Tatiana . . . . . . . . CB-3.4 MON CI-5.6 WED
Giovine, Ennio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED Gouveia, Marcelo . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.6 SUN, Gross, Rudolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.4 TUE Haddadi, Samir . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.32 MON Harren, Frans . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.1 MON,
Girling, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU CK-P.14 MON Gross, Simon . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.42 WED, Hadden, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON �CD-5.6 MON, CH-P.13 THU
Girones, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.8 SUN Grabielle, Stephanie . . . CF/IE-P.21 WED CM-6.7 THU, �CM-7.2 THU, Hader, Jorg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-9.3 THU Harris, Glen I. �ID-P.5 MON, IA-7.5 THU
Gisin, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.2 THU Graener, Heinrich . . . . . . . . . CD-P.39 TUE CJ-12.6 THU Hadfield, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE, Harth, Anne . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.1 WED,
Giudici, Massimo . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.1 THU, Graf, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.25 SUN, Grosse, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.2 MON JSII-1.2 WED, IA-6.6 WED CF/IE-9.4 WED
IG-P.11 THU, IG-5.3 THU CA-4.2 SUN, CA-4.4 SUN, CA-5.2 TUE, Grossmann, Martin . . . . �CF/IE-12.2 THU Hadfield, Robert H . . . . . . . . JSV-P.1 TUE Hartl, Ingmar . CD-1.3 SUN, ID-1.5 MON
Giuliani, Guido . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.11 SUN, CA-5.4 TUE, CA-5.5 TUE, Grossmann, Tobias . . . . . . . . . CL-6.3 TUE Hädrich, Steffen . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.5 MON, Härtling, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CK-P.9 MON
�CB-P.13 MON, CB-6.1 TUE, CA-9.2 WED, CA-9.3 WED Grote, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . CD-12.1 WED CJ-4.3 MON, �CG-4.5 THU, Hartmann, Alexander . . . . . . . CH-2.5 TUE
CB-6.4 TUE, CH-P.3 THU Gräfe, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.13 THU, Grüner-Nielsen, Lars . . . . . . . . CJ-2.5 SUN CG-6.2 THU Hartmann, Michael . . . . . . . . JSV-1.4 TUE
Giulietti, Danilo . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU �IA-P.24 THU Grunwald, Ruediger . . . �CF/IE-11.3 THU Haeggström, Edward . . . . . . CD-P.43 TUE Hartmann, Michael J. . . . . . . IA-6.5 WED,
Giusfredi, Giovanni . . . . . . . . CB-P.6 MON Gräfe, Maximilian . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.5 SUN Grupp, Michael . . . . . . . �TF-2/LIM.1 TUE Haendel, Sylvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.1 WED IA-P.20 THU
Giust, Remo . CL-P.6 SUN, CM-5.5 WED Gräfe, Stefanie CG-2.3 TUE, CG-P.4 THU Gschösser, Benjamin . . . . . . . . IA-2.2 MON Hage, Boris . . . . . . . . . CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN, Hartmann, Sébastien . . . . . . CB-P.4 MON,
Giustina, Marissa . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-7.3 THU Grahn, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-4.3 THU Gsell, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IH-P.6 THU IA-5.1 WED, IA-5.3 WED �CB-5.6 TUE
Gizzi, Leonida . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Gramm, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.6 SUN Gstalter, Marion . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.22 THU Hagen, Clemens . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.27 SUN Hartsuiker, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.6 THU
Glasser, Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.16 MON Granados, Eduardo . . . . . . . . . CA-7.4 TUE Gu, Mile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-6.6 THU Hagenmüller, David . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED Hartwig, Haldor . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.3 WED
Glastre, Wilfried . . . . . . CF/IE-P.43 WED, Grancini, Giulia . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.5 THU Gu, Min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-4.1 SUN Haggren, Tuomas . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.4 MON Harvey, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.14 THU
�CH-P.22 THU, �CH-7.4 THU Grande, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.1 SUN Gu, Xinhua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Haglund, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.1 THU Harvey, Ewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU
Glesk, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.15 TUE Grandjean, Nicolas . . . . . CF/IE-11.2 THU Gu, Xun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.3 THU Hahn, Carolin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON Hasan, Tawfique . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.39 WED
Gleyzes, Sébastien . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON Grange, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.2 MON Guarrera, Vera . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.2 WED Haïdar, Riad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.28 TUE Hasler, Karl-Heinz . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.1 THU
Glidle, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.10 SUN Granger, Geoffroy . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.38 WED Guasoni, Massimiliano . . . . . �CI-3.1 WED, Hajj, Bassam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.7 TUE Hassan, Mohammed . . . . . . . �CG-5.3 THU
Gloppe, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.4 WED, Grangier, Philippe . . . . . . . . . IA-1.4 MON, �PD-B.8 WED Halioua, Yacine . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON, Hastie, Jennifer E. . . . . . . . . CB-10.1 THU
�CH-7.2 THU IB-5.3 THU Guelachvili, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . CH-5.2 THU �CB/CC-1.4 MON Hatano, Hideki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-4.3 SUN
Glorieux, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.8 THU Grant-Jacob, James . . . . . . . .CM-8.1 THU Güell, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-3.3 MON Halir, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU Haub, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.3 THU
Gobert, Olivier . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.7 WED Grant, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.13 TUE, Guerin, William . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-3.3 SUN, Hall, Denis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.4 WED Hauer, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.3 WED
Gobet, Franck . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON �CE-P.15 TUE �JSIII-1.2 WED Hallaji, Matin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.2 TUE Hauke, Philipp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.1 THU
Godard, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.1 MON, Granzow, Nicolai . . . . . . . . . . �CD-1.3 SUN Guerlin, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.6 TUE Hamamoto, Mathew . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Haula, Elena CE-P.21 TUE, CE-P.31 TUE
CD-5.4 MON Gravanis, Achilleas . . . . . . . . . CM-2.2 SUN Guérout, Romain . . . . . . . . . . �IH-2.2 WED Hamel, Deny . . IA-3.1 MON, IB-8.3 THU Hauri, Christoph . . . . . . CF/IE-P.21 WED,
Godbout, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . IA-5.5 WED Gray, David II-P.13 WED, JSIII-P.3 WED Guichard, Florent . . . . . . . . . . CJ-4.4 MON, Hamid, Ramiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.3 WED, CG-6.5 THU
Godin, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . �JSIII-2.2 WED Grazioli, Cesare . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED CA-6.4 TUE CJ-P.37 WED Hauri, Christoph P. . . . . . . . . . CC-1.3 SUN
Gogol, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.2 WED Grebing, Christian . . . . . . . . . �ID-1.2 MON Guichard, Roland . . . . . . CF/IE-P.23 WED Hamilton, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE Hause, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-1.3 SUN
Golant, Konstantin . . . . . . . . . CJ-9.3 THU Greenberg, Joel A. . . . . . . . . . . IG-1.3 TUE Guillaumet, Delphine . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Hammani, Kamal . . . . . . . . . CD-P.15 TUE Hausmann, Katharina . . . . . . . CE-4.2 TUE
Golling, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE, Greenhalgh, Justin . . . . . . . . . CA-7.2 TUE, Guillermin, Régine . . . . . CF/IE-P.25 WED Hamsen, Christoph . . . . . . . . . IA-4.2 WED Haxsen, Frithjof . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-2.3 SUN
CA-5.1 TUE, CA-6.5 TUE CA-7.3 TUE Guillet de Chatellus, Hugues Han, Xie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-5.4 TUE Hayat, Alex . . . IC-2.2 TUE, IG-3.5 WED,
Gomes, Pedro . . .IF-3.2 SUN, IG-1.2 TUE Greenwood, Jason . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.4 SUN �CF/IE-P.43 WED, CH-P.22 THU, Han, XiuMei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.10 SUN IB-6.2 THU
Gomez Rivas, Jaime . . . . . . . . II-P.15 WED Greffet, Jean Jacques . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU CH-7.4 THU Hanaizumi, Osamu . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Haynes, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON
Gomila, Damia IG-4.2 THU, �IG-4.4 THU Greffin, Jean-Michel . . . . . . . . IH-P.1 THU Guillet, Jean-Paul . . . . . . . . . CC-P.13 SUN Hancu, Ion M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-3.2 THU Haynes, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.6 MON,
Goncharov, Andreï . . . . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN Greif, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.1 WED Guillet, Yannick . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.29 WED, Hand, Duncan . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.14 SUN CK-P.16 MON, CD-P.11 TUE

Authors’ Index

He, Chuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU �IG-2.4 WED Holly, Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.7 TUE CE-P.1 TUE, CA-6.3 TUE, CJ-P.3 WED, Imai, Hiroshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.1 THU
He, Jiakun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.3 MON Herrmann, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.3 THU Holmes, Barry M. . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.5 SUN CJ-P.32 WED, CJ-12.5 THU Imai, Ryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.6 SUN
He, Zhanbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN Herrmann, Harald . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.4 MON Holmes, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.33 MON, Huber, Robert . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.1 WED, Imasaka, Totaro . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.3 SUN,
Head, Christopher Robin . �CB-P.25 MON Herrmann, Jens . . . . . . . . . . �CG-7.3 THU, CI-P.16 TUE PD-A.8 WED �CF/IE-P.12 WED
Headley, Clifford . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED CG-7.4 THU Holmes, Christopher . . . . . . . CK-1.2 SUN, Huber, Rupert . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.1 MON, Imbrock, Joerg . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.15 SUN,
Healy, Noel CD-P.30 TUE, �CM-8.6 THU Herrmann, Joachim . . . �CF/IE-P.28 WED CE-P.12 TUE, �CH-P.1 THU IH-5.1 THU, CF/IE-13.3 THU CM-7.3 THU
Heath, Robert M . . . . . . . . . �JSV-P.1 TUE Herzer, Sven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN Hölscher, Hendrik . . . . . . . . . CE-P.20 TUE Huber, Tobias .IA-2.3 MON, �IB-3.5 TUE Imbrock, Jörg . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-7.1 MON
Hebling, János . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.6 SUN, Hesketh, Graham . . . . . . . . . . �CI-3.3 WED Holynski, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.1 TUE Hubka, Zbyněk . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.17 SUN Infante, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.1 MON,
�CG-P.21 THU Hessler, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.5 TUE Hölzer, Philipp . . . . . . . . .�CF/IE-6.6 MON Hübner, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . CL-3.1 MON �CE-2.2 MON
Heck, Martijn . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-7.3 THU Hettich, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-1.2 MON, Holzner, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-5.2 THU Huby, Nolwenn . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-4.6 TUE Inguscio, Massimo . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.2 TUE
Hedler, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.20 MON CF/IE-12.2 THU Holzwarth, Ronald . . . . . . . CM-P.26 SUN, Hudson, Darren . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN Inoue, Masahiro . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN,
Hegarty, Stephen P. . . . . . . . CB-3.4 MON, Heuer, Axel . CL-P.3 SUN, �IA-P.22 THU ID-1.3 MON, ID-P.2 MON, ID-2.4 MON, Hudson, Darren Duane . . . . CD-P.46 TUE CA-8.6 WED
CF/IE-P.27 WED Heugel, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.2 MON CJ-10.5 THU Huet, Landry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.6 TUE Iodice, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE
Hegenbarth, Robin . . . . . . CF/IE-9.3 WED Heuser, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.1 TUE Hommelhoff, Peter . . . . . . CF/IE-1.2 SUN, Hugger, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.2 WED, Ironside, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.8 TUE,
Hegmann, Frank . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU Hewak, Daniel W. . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.1 WED ID-P.2 MON, CG-7.1 THU JSII-P.2 WED IA-4.6 WED, CI-4.6 WED
Heideman, Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.4 TUE Hideur, Ammar . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-2.1 SUN Homola, Jiří . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE Hugi, Andreas CB-1.1 SUN, CB-1.3 SUN, Ironside, Charles N . . . . . . . . . CB-1.2 SUN,
Heidmann, Antoine . . . . . . . . . IA-7.4 THU, Hieta, Tuomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.8 MON Hong, Kyung-Han . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.4 TUE CH-1.2 MON �CB-1.5 SUN
IA-P.26 THU Higgins, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.4 THU Hong, Peilong . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.29 THU Hugon, Olivier . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.43 WED, Isabelle, Robert-Philip . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU
Heidt, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.4 THU Higuchi, Takuya . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.6 SUN, Hong, Phan Ngoc . . . . . . . . CK-P.22 MON CH-P.22 THU, CH-7.4 THU Isella, Giovanni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.3 TUE
Heidt, Alexander M. . . . . . . �CJ-10.6 THU �CC-4.2 SUN Honkanen, Seppo . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.4 MON Hugonnot, Emmanuel . . . . . CJ-11.3 THU Ishida, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN
Heiliö, Miika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.3 WED Hilbert, Vinzenz . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.4 THU Hönninger, Clemens . . . . . CF/IE-4.2 SUN, Huhtinen, Hannu . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.7 TUE Ishii, Nobuhisa . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-6.3 THU
Heilmann, René . . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.4 TUE, Hild, Konstanze . . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.6 THU CJ-4.4 MON, CA-5.2 TUE Huijser, Annemarie . . . . . CF/IE-10.4 THU Ishii, Yasuyuki . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON
�CI-P.10 TUE, IA-P.24 THU Hildner, Richard . . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.5 MON Honzátko, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.5 WED Huisman, Simon R. . . . . . . . . �IA-P.3 THU Ishikawa, Kaho . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.7 MON
Hein, Alexander . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.19 MON, Hilliard, Andrew J. . . . . . . . . . IA-1.4 MON Hoogland, Heinar . . . . . . . . CM-P.26 SUN, Huisman, Thomas J. . . . . . . . . IA-P.3 THU Ishikawa, Masahiro . . . . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED
CB-8.6 THU Hillier, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU �CJ-10.5 THU Hulst, Niek F. van . . . . . . . . . . . II-2.2 WED Ishikawa, Takuya . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.4 TUE
Hein, Joachim . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.4 THU Hinarejos, Margarida . . . . . . IB-P.20 MON Hooker, Simon . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-3.4 SUN, Humpert, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . �CL-3.2 MON Ishikawa, Tetsuya . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON
Heindel, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.1 THU Hinds, E.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �ID-3.1 MON CF/IE-7.4 MON Humphreys, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.4 TUE Ishizuki, Hideki . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.6 WED
Heinemann, S. . . . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.2 TUE Hinds, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.6 WED Hopfmann, Caspar . . . . . . . . . CK-7.2 THU Humphries, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON Isic, Goran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.3 THU
Heinrich, Arne . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.27 SUN Hingerl, Kurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.19 TUE Hopp, Béla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.19 SUN Hundt, Bastian . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IC-2.1 TUE Iskhakov, Timur . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.17 THU
Heinrich, Matthias . . . . . . . . . CK-4.5 SUN, Hinkov, Borislav . . . . . . . . . . �CB-1.3 SUN, Hopps, Nick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Huntemann, Nils . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.1 MON, Ismaeel, Rand . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-4.6 SUN,
�CI-2.5 TUE, JSIII-P.5 WED, CC-P.15 SUN Horak, Peter CM-P.29 SUN, CI-3.3 WED, ID-1.2 MON CK-P.14 MON
IA-P.24 THU Hipke, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-5.3 THU CI-4.2 WED, CG-P.10 THU Huser, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.1 MON, Ismail, Nur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-10.6 THU
Heinrich, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . CE-P.1 TUE Hirosawa, Kenichi . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.4 SUN, Hörl, Anton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.4 THU CL-3.2 MON Isobe, Keisuke . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-4.4 MON
Heinze, Jannes . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-2.1 TUE IA-P.28 THU Horn, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.6 SUN, Hussey, Dianne . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Itatani, Jiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.3 THU
Heinzmann, Ulrich . . . . . CF/IE-13.3 THU Hirose, Tetsuya . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.6 WED CD-7.1 MON, CM-7.3 THU Husu, Hannu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.14 THU Itin, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE
Hell, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.3 MON Ho, Chao-Ching . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.11 SUN Horoshko, Dmitri . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.15 THU Hutchings, David C. . . . . . . . . CB-1.5 SUN Ito, Akio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.1 SUN
Hell, Stefan W. . . . . . . . . . . . �PL-2.1 MON Ho, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.28 MON Horstkemper, Heiko . . . . . . CB-P.26 MON Hutchinson, Christopher . . . CG-3.3 WED Ito, Kazuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.4 WED
Heller, Iddo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.3 MON Ho, Melvyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.2 THU Horstmann, Marcel . . . . . . . . . IA-3.6 MON Hütten, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . .CK-P.5 MON Ivakin, Eugeni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.2 TUE
Hellwig, Tim CD-P.1 TUE, CD-P.2 TUE, Ho, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Horton, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . �CL-4.1 MON Huttunen, Mikko J . . . . . . . . �CL-P.8 SUN, Ivanenko, Alexey . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.8 WED
�CJ-8.3 WED Hoarty, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Hosako, Iwao . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.40 WED CL-4.5 MON, CE-7.6 WED, Ivanov, Misha . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.13 THU,
Hemmer, Michaël . . . . . . . . . . �IF-1.2 SUN, Hochlaf, Majdi . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-2.2 TUE Hosseini, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-P.3 MON �CK-6.2 WED CG-7.6 THU
CG-1.4 TUE, CF/IE-9.6 WED Hochreiner, Astrid . . . . . . . . CB-10.4 THU Houard, Aurélien . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN, Hutzler, Daniel . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.4 THU Ivanov, Misha Yu. . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE
Hemming, Alexander . . . . . . CJ-10.3 THU Hodgson, Norman . . . . �TF-2/LIM.3 TUE CC-4.5 SUN, �CD-P.16 TUE, Huwer, Jan . . . . IB-P.6 MON, IB-3.1 TUE Ivanov, Rosen . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED
Hempel, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.3 TUE Hoff, Ulrich B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-7.5 THU CD-10.1 TUE, CF/IE-P.25 WED, Huyet, Guillaume . . . . . . . . . CB-3.4 MON, Ivleva, Liudmila . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.6 TUE
Hengesbach, Stefan . . . . . . . . �CI-P.7 TUE Hoffmann, Andreas . . . . . . . . . CL-P.5 SUN CF/IE-P.26 WED, CD-11.5 WED CF/IE-P.27 WED, CF/IE-P.37 WED Iwai, Toshiaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.1 THU
Hengsberger, Matthias . . . . PD-A.1 WED Hoffmann, Claudia . . . . . . .�CD-P.40 TUE, Houdré, Romuald . . . . . CB/CC-1.5 MON, Iakovlev, Vladimir . . . . . . . CB-P.34 MON, Iwasaki, Atsushi . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON,
Henkel, Jost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.16 THU CF/IE-P.1 WED IG-3.6 WED, IH-6.5 THU CB-8.2 THU, CB-8.5 THU CG-P.4 THU
Hennrich, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.4 THU Hoffmann, Dieter . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.7 TUE Hourahine, Benjamin . . . . . �CK-P.1 MON, Ibrahim, Heide . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED Iwasaki, Masahiko . . . . . . . . .CD-P.13 TUE
Henriet, Rémi . . IF-P.5 SUN, IG-4.6 THU Hoffmann, Hans-Dieter . . . . . CJ-1.5 SUN, �CK-P.3 MON Ibsen, Morten . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.6 THU Jabczynski, Jan . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.14 SUN
Hentschel, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . II-2.1 WED CD-9.2 TUE, CJ-P.14 WED Hourd, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.9 SUN Ideguchi, Takuro . . . . . . . . . . �CH-5.2 THU Jacak, Jaroslaw . . . . . . . . . . . CM-4.6 WED
Henze, Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.1 THU Höflich, Katja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.4 TUE Hrelescu, Calin . II-P.7 WED, �II-3.3 THU Idris, Siti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.15 TUE Jacques, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.4 WED
Hepp, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON Höfling, Sven . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED, Hrnecek, Erich . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-P.1 WED Iefuji, Minako . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.1 THU Jacquin, Olivier . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.43 WED,
Herek, Jennifer . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.4 THU CK-7.2 THU, IB-5.1 THU, IH-P.10 THU Hsu, Jin-Chen . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.11 SUN Igarashi, Hironori . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.3 SUN CH-P.22 THU, CH-7.4 THU
Herman, Peter R . . . . . . . . . �CM-6.2 THU, Hofmann, Julian . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.12 MON, Hu, Chengyong . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.2 THU Igarashi, Kyushiro . . . . . CF/IE-P.33 WED Jacquot, Maxime . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.6 SUN,
CM-7.4 THU IB-3.2 TUE Hu, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.5 SUN Iglev, Hristo . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.4 THU CD-10.4 TUE, CD-10.5 TUE,
Hermier, Jean-Pierre . . . . . . . . II-P.8 WED, Hofmann, Martin . . . . . . . . . CB-P.26 MON Hu, Hui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.8 MON Ihantola, Sakari . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-P.1 WED CM-5.5 WED
IH-6.2 THU Hofmann, Martin R. . . . . . . CB-P.23 MON Hu, Jianbo . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.20 WED IJzerman, Wilbert L. . . . . . . . CE-9.4 WED Jaeck, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.28 TUE
Hernández-García, Emilio . . . . IB-4.3 TUE Hofmann, Werner . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.3 THU Hu, Jinmeng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.4 WED Ikeda, Kazuhiro . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.31 WED Jaffres, Anaël CA-5.2 TUE, �CE-P.9 TUE,
Hernandez-Gomez, Cristina . CA-7.2 TUE, Hofmeister, Paul-Gerke . . . . CJ-P.31 WED Hu, Jungao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.11 WED Ikeda, Naoki . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.23 MON �CE-6.2 TUE
CA-7.3 TUE Hofstetter, Daniel . . . . . . . . CC-P.15 SUN, Hu, Yi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.1 THU Ikonen, Elina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.5 MON Jaffres, Lionel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.8 SUN
Hernandez, Yves . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.28 WED PD-A.9 WED Hu, Zhixiong . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.10 SUN Ikyo, Barnabas A. . . . . . . . . . CB-10.6 THU Jagadish, Chennupati . . . . . . PD-B.9 WED
Herr, Tobias ID-P.3 MON, �ID-P.4 MON, Hohenester, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.4 THU Huang, Robin . . . . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.1 TUE Ilday, F. Omer . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.43 WED Jäger, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.4 SUN,
�ID-2.3 MON, ID-2.4 MON Holdynsk, Zbigniew . . . . . . . . CH-P.8 THU Huang, Wenqian . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.4 TUE Ilday, Fatih Omer . . . . . . . . �CL-P.16 SUN, �CH-1.4 MON, CE-4.3 TUE
Herranen, Olli . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.6 WED Holdynski, Zbyszek . . . . . . . . . CH-7.3 THU Huang, Ying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.19 MON CM-P.26 SUN, CJ-6.5 WED, Jágerská, Jana . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.14 THU
Herrera Sancho, Oscar Andrey Holleczek, Annemarie . . . . . . . �IB-4.2 TUE Huber, Guenter . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.1 TUE, CJ-P.37 WED, CJ-P.39 WED Jahanmirinejad, Saeedeh . . PD-B.5 WED
ID-3.3 MON Hollink, Anton J.F. . . . . . . . . . CL-P.9 SUN CA-8.5 WED Ilday, Omer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.3 WED Jain, Siddharth . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.3 THU
Herrero, Ramon . . . . . . . . . CB-P.38 MON, Holloway, Catherine . . . . . . . . IA-3.1 MON Huber, Günter CA-2.5 SUN, CA-P.3 SUN, Iliev, Hristo . CA-P.7 SUN, �CA-P.11 SUN Jakobsen, Christian . . . . . . . CD-P.45 TUE

Authors’ Index

Jalocha, Alain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.8 SUN Jian, Pu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �ID-1.6 MON Kaiman, Michael . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.1 TUE CG-5.3 THU Kelly, Brian . . CB-7.2 THU, CJ-10.6 THU
Jambunathan, Venkatesan . CA-P.29 SUN Jiang, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Kaiser, Robin . . IF-3.2 SUN, �IG-1.1 TUE, Karsch, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . .CG-3.2 WED Kemp, Alan . CA-1.2 SUN, CA-10.5 WED
Jamier, Raphael . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.38 WED, Jiang, Pisu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED IG-1.2 TUE, JSIII-1.2 WED Kartashov, Daniil . . . . . . . . . �CD-1.1 SUN, Kennard, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
CF/IE-8.2 WED Jiang, Weitao . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-P.1 TUE Kaivola, Matti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-4.3 THU CF/IE-6.2 MON, CF/IE-6.3 MON, Kennis, John . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.2 MON
Jammot, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU Jiang, Xin . . . . . . . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.3 SUN Kaji, Toshiyuki . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.6 THU CG-1.5 TUE, CG-2.3 TUE, CG-P.4 THU Kerdoncuff, Hugo . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.5 THU
Jang, Jae K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �PD-B.7 WED Jiao, Yuqing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.5 MON Kalashnikov, Mikhail . . . �CF/IE-4.5 SUN, Kartashov, Yaroslav . . . . . . . . . IF-P.6 SUN Kermène, Vincent . . . . . . . . . CJ-4.2 MON,
Jang, Jae Kyung . . . . . . . . �CD-12.5 WED, Jimenez Garcia, Jesus . . . . . . �IG-4.2 THU CG-4.1 THU Kärtner, Franz . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.3 MON CJ-6.2 WED
�IG-4.1 THU Jin, Ruibo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.10 MON Kalashnikov, Vladimir . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN, Kärtner, Franz X. . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.4 TUE, Kern, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.5 THU,
Janicot, Sylvie . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.2 SUN Jin, Xian-Min . IB-2.4 TUE, IA-5.4 WED, CJ-2.5 SUN, CF/IE-P.8 WED CG-4.6 THU �CG-7.5 THU
Janousek, Jiri . . . . . . . CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN, IA-P.27 THU Kalaycioglu, Hamit . . . . . . . CM-P.26 SUN Karuza, Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.2 THU Kerse, Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.26 SUN
�IB-P.3 MON, IA-5.1 WED, �IA-5.3 WED Jin, Yuwei . . CH-1.1 MON, CD-5.6 MON, Kalinowski, Ksawery . . . . . . . . . IF-4.2 SUN Karvonen, Lasse . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON, Kertulla, Juho . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.33 WED
Jansen, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-3.1 MON, �CH-P.13 THU Kalkandjiev, Todor K. . . . . CE-P.28 TUE, �CE-3.4 MON Keßler, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON
CJ-3.2 MON, �CJ-3.3 MON, Jirauschek, Christian . . . . CF/IE-8.1 WED CI-P.4 TUE Kaschke, Johannes . . . . . . . . . CK-7.1 THU Kessler, Christian . . . . . . . . .CB-P.21 MON
CJ-3.4 MON, CJ-10.1 THU Joao, Celso Paiva . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.4 THU Kallepalli, Lakshmi Narayana Deepak Kashiwagi, T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN Kettler, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON
Janz, Siegfried . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU Jocher, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-9.1 THU �CK-P.26 MON Kashyap, Raman . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.21 SUN Kevin, Makles . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�IA-7.3 THU
Japha, Yonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.3 TUE Joel, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.1 THU Kalli, Kyriacos . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.3 THU Kašík, Ivan . . . CJ-P.5 WED, CJ-P.7 WED Khanna, Suraj P. . . . . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON
Jarnac, Amélie . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.25 WED, Jofre, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.2 MON Kalt, Heinz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.3 TUE Kaskow, Mateusz . . . . . . . . . CA-P.14 SUN Kharenko, Denis . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.8 WED
�CD-11.5 WED Johansson, Andreas . . . . . . . . CE-7.6 WED Kamba, Yasuhiro . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-5.2 WED Kaspar, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . �CB-4.5 TUE, Khazanov, Efim . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN,
Jaroszewicz, Leszek . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE, Johansson, Göran . . . . . . . . . �JSV-1.3 TUE Kamiya, Tomihiro . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON JSII-2.2 WED, �CB-10.5 THU CA-7.5 TUE
CJ-P.44 WED, CH-P.8 THU, John, Wilfred . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.17 MON Kamp, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED, Kasparian, Jerome . . . . . . . . . CD-1.1 SUN Kherani, Nazir . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.2 THU
CH-7.3 THU Johnsen, Kelsey IA-3.1 MON, IB-8.3 THU CK-7.2 THU, IB-5.1 THU, IH-P.10 THU Kassamakov, Ivan . . . . . . . . . CD-P.43 TUE Khiar, Amir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-10.4 THU
Jarvis, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JSII-P.2 WED Johnson, Patrick M. . . . . . . . IH-P.20 THU Kampschulte, Tobias . . . . . . . IA-4.4 WED Kästner, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.2 THU Khoder, Mulham . . . . . . . . . . �CB-6.2 TUE
Jau, Hung-Chang . . . . . . . . . CE-P.23 TUE Joly, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.6 SUN Kamynin, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CJ-P.9 WED, Katayama, Takeo . . . . . . . . . . �CI-5.1 WED Khoo, Iam-Choon . . . . . . . . . CE-P.23 TUE
Jauregui, Cesar . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-3.1 MON, Joly, Nicolas Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.13 THU �CJ-7.6 WED, CJ-12.1 THU Katis, Ioannis . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.25 SUN Kianirad, Hoda . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.6 MON
�CJ-3.2 MON, CJ-3.3 MON, Jones, Casey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.3 WED Kanai, Teruto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.3 THU Kato, Kiyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.8 TUE Kibler, Bertrand . . . . . . . . . . �CD-1.4 SUN,
CJ-3.4 MON, CJ-5.3 WED, CJ-9.1 THU, Jones, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.15 MON Kanai, Tsuneto . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.7 THU, Katzschmann, Fabian . . . . . . . �IB-2.3 TUE IF-2.6 SUN, CD-P.29 TUE,
CJ-10.1 THU Jørgensen, Mette . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.2 WED CG-P.17 THU Kaur, Kamalpreet . . . . . . . . �CM-P.22 SUN CD-11.2 WED
Jauslin, Hans-Rudolf . . . . . . . . CI-3.1 WED Jørgensen, Mette M. . . . . . . . CJ-3.5 MON Kanda, Natsuki . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.2 SUN, Kauranen, Martti . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.8 SUN, Kicas, Simonas . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.25 MON
Javaloyes, Julien . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.7 MON, Jost, John . . . ID-P.3 MON, ID-P.4 MON, �CC-P.6 SUN, CC-P.7 SUN, CC-4.2 SUN CL-4.5 MON, CE-7.5 WED, Kieffer, Jean-Claude . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED
�CB-P.8 MON, CB-P.32 MON, ID-2.3 MON Kandyla, Maria . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.20 SUN, CE-7.6 WED, CK-6.2 WED, Kielpinski, David . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.1 WED
CB-P.36 MON, CI-4.6 WED, Jougla, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED �CM-P.27 SUN IH-P.14 THU Kienberger, Reinhard . . . CF/IE-12.4 THU
CB-7.4 THU, CB-8.1 THU Jouguet, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-5.3 THU Kane, Deb PD-B.9 WED, CH-P.12 THU, Kaushal, Jivesh . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.39 WED Kienel, Marco CJ-4.3 MON, �CJ-5.3 WED
Javaux, Clémentine . . . . . . . . . II-P.8 WED, Jouy, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.3 SUN CH-P.23 THU Kauten, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . �IA-2.2 MON, Kieu, Khahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.4 MON
IH-P.12 THU, IH-6.2 THU Jovanovic, Nemanja . . . . . . . CH-1.6 MON, Kane, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.39 MON IA-2.3 MON Kieu, Khanh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON
Javeaux, Clémentine . . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU �CF/IE-P.42 WED, CM-6.7 THU, Kanerva, Kristiina . . . . . . . . . CL-4.5 MON Kawaguchi, Hitoshi . . . CF/IE-P.31 WED, Kim, Hyochul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.6 THU
Jaworski, Piotr . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-4.1 TUE �CH-P.15 THU Kaneshima, Keisuke . . . . . . . . CG-6.3 THU CI-5.1 WED Kim, Hyunjoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CH-6.5 THU
Jayakumar, Harishankar . . . . . IA-2.3 MON Joyce, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.9 WED Kannan, Pradeesh . . . . . . . . . CE-7.1 WED, Kawai, Tsuyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.5 MON Kim, Kyungbum . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED
Jazayerifar, Mahmoud . . . . �CD-P.24 TUE Juan, Mathieu L. . . . . . . . . . . . CK-3.4 SUN CF/IE-8.3 WED, CJ-12.2 THU Kawanishi, Tetsuya . . . . . . . . CI-1.3 MON, Kim, Won Jin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.1 WED
Jazbinsek, Mojca . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.12 SUN Juarez, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.13 TUE Kannari, Fumihiko . . . . . . . . . CA-2.4 SUN, CI-1.4 MON, CI-2.1 TUE, CJ-P.40 WED, Kim, Wonjae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON
Jechow, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.3 SUN, Jukna, Vytautas . . . . . . . . . . . CM-5.5 WED IA-P.28 THU CI-5.4 WED Kim, Youngjae . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.13 WED
�IA-4.1 WED Jules, Jean-Charles . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN Kanno, Atsushi CI-2.1 TUE, �CI-5.4 WED Kawano, Hiroyuki . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.4 MON Kimble, H. Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-4.1 TUE
Jee, Hong Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.1 WED Jullien, Aurelie . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-2.1 SUN Kanseri, Bhaskar . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.17 THU Kawashima, Hiroyasu . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN, Kimura, Daisuke . . . . . . . . . .CA-P.15 SUN,
Jelic, Vedran . . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-12.5 THU Jung, Paweł . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.27 TUE Kantola, Emmi . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-10.2 THU CD-P.4 TUE �CA-8.6 WED
Jelinek, Michal . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.30 SUN, Junge, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.3 MON Kapfinger, Stephan S. . . . . . . �IH-6.6 THU Kawata, Yoshimasa . . . . . . . . CE-7.4 WED Kinet, Damien . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.1 WED
�CJ-P.7 WED Juodkazis, Saulius . . . . . . . . .CM-7.5 THU, Kaplan, Daniel . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.1 MON Kawato, Sakae . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN, King, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU
Jelínková, Helena . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.4 SUN, CM-8.3 THU Kaplas, Tommi . . . . . . . . . . . .PD-B.6 WED CA-8.6 WED Kinzel, Jörg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON
CA-P.17 SUN, �CA-P.30 SUN, Jurcevic, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.3 TUE Kapon, Eli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.12 MON, Kawauchi, Hikaru . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.28 THU Kip, Detlef . �CK-P.8 MON, CE-P.3 TUE,
CJ-P.7 WED Just, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-4.3 TUE CB-P.34 MON, CB-8.5 THU Kay, Alastair . IB-P.17 MON, IB-3.4 TUE �CJ-P.17 WED
Jenkins, Richard Michael . . CH-P.25 THU Jusza, Anna . CI-2.2 TUE, �CE-P.25 TUE Kapon, Elyahou . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.2 THU Kayanuma, Yosuke . . . . �CF/IE-P.24 WED Kipergil, Esra Aytaç . . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN
Jenkins, Stewart . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.22 THU Juvé, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.15 THU Kapsalis, Alexandros . . . . . . . CB-4.1 TUE, Kazanskii, Andrey . . . . . . . . CM-P.24 SUN Kippenberg, Tobias . . . . . . . . ID-P.3 MON,
Jennewein, Thomas . . . . . . . . IB-1.2 MON, Juwiler, Irit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.6 SUN CD-P.33 TUE Kazansky, Peter . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.24 SUN, ID-P.4 MON, ID-2.3 MON,
IA-3.1 MON, IA-P.14 THU, IB-8.3 THU Kääriäinen, Teemu . . . . . . . . JSII-1.3 WED Kaptan, Yücel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.3 THU CM-4.3 WED, CM-5.3 WED �ID-2.4 MON, CK-10.1 THU
Jensen, Lars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.2 WED Kabachnik, Nikolay . . . . . . . . . CG-1.2 TUE Kara, Oguzhan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.3 WED Kazin, Pavel CE-P.21 TUE, CE-P.31 TUE Kirchner, Silke R. . . . . . . . . . PD-A.6 WED
Jensen, Soeren . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.4 THU Kabakova, Irina Vladimirovna Karakuzu, Huseyin . . . . . . . . �CE-8.3 WED Keil, Robert IB-P.17 MON, CI-P.10 TUE, Kirian, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.12 SUN
Jeppesen, Claus . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.21 THU CD-P.46 TUE Karassouloff, Thibault . . . . . IA-P.26 THU �IB-3.4 TUE, �JSIII-P.5 WED, Kir’yanov, Alexander . . . . . . CJ-P.26 WED
Jepsen, Peter Uhd . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.1 WED Kablukov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.9 WED, Karbasi, Salman . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.4 TUE IA-P.13 THU, IA-P.24 THU Kiryu, Hiromu . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON
Jeroen Bolk, Jeroen . . . . . . . . CB-5.4 TUE CJ-P.10 WED, CJ-7.1 WED, Kardaś, Tomasz . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.44 WED Keilmann, Fritz CC-P.2 SUN, IH-1.6 SUN Kisel, Viktor E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.5 SUN
Jespersen, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.5 SUN CJ-7.4 WED Karinou, Fotini . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.1 TUE Kelleher, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . �CB-3.4 MON, Kitamura, Kenji . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-4.3 SUN
Jetschke, Sylvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.4 SUN Kabouraki, Elmina . . . . . . . . . CM-8.4 THU Karmakar, Anupam . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN �CF/IE-P.27 WED Kitamura, T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN
Jetter, Michael . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.21 MON, Kaczmarek, Malgosia . . . . . . . CE-5.1 TUE Karow, Malte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-1.6 SUN Keller, Arne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON Kitano, Kenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.3 THU
IA-3.5 MON, CB-4.4 TUE Kada, Wataru . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Karpavicius, Linas . . . . . . CF/IE-P.4 WED Keller, Jonas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN Kitzler, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.5 TUE,
Jeux, François . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-4.2 MON Kadowaki, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-3.4 SUN Karpf, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . �PD-A.8 WED Keller, Ursula CB-4.6 TUE, CA-5.1 TUE, �CG-2.3 TUE, �CG-P.4 THU
Jex, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE Kaenders, Wilhelm . . . . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON Karpierz, Miroslaw . . . . . . . . CD-P.44 TUE CA-6.5 TUE, CG-1.1 TUE, Kitzler, Ondrej . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.4 SUN,
Ježek, Miroslav . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON, Kaertner, Franz X. . . . . . . . . . CA-4.3 SUN Karpiński, Michal . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.6 THU PD-A.1 WED, CG-7.3 THU, �CD-P.37 TUE
IA-2.3 MON, IB-3.5 TUE Kafesaki, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.13 WED Karpinski, Pawel . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.1 SUN, CG-7.4 THU Kivshar, Yuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.5 THU
Ji Ping, Zou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.24 SUN Kahle, Hermann . . . . . . . . �CB-P.21 MON, IF-P.8 SUN, �CD-P.32 TUE Kellert, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.23 SUN Kivshar, Yuri S. II-4.2 THU, IA-P.13 THU
Jia, Yuechen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.17 WED CB-4.4 TUE Karpowicz, Nicholas . . . . CF/IE-P.3 WED, Kelly, Anthony . CI-P.8 TUE, CI-4.6 WED Kiyan, Roman . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN

Authors’ Index

Klar, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . �CM-4.6 WED, Kononenko, Vitali . . . . . CM-3/LIM.2 TUE Krebs, Manuel CG-4.5 THU, CG-6.2 THU Kuramochi, Eiichi . . . . . . . . . .CK-1.5 SUN, Laing, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.3 THU,
II-P.7 WED, II-3.3 THU Konov, Vitaly . . . . . . . . �CM-3/LIM.2 TUE Krebs, Nils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.2 MON IA-6.4 WED IA-P.12 THU
Klehr, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.23 MON, Konstantaki, Maria . . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN Krebs, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.4 THU Kurashina, Seiji . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.2 SUN Lalanne, Philippe . . . . . . . . . .PD-A.5 WED
CB-P.26 MON, �CB-P.29 MON, Konyashkin, Aleksey . . . . . �CE-P.18 TUE, Kremeyer, Kevin . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.4 MON Kurczveil, Geza . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.3 THU Laliberté, Mathieu . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON
�CB-P.30 MON �CE-8.5 WED Krenn, Joachim R . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.4 THU Kurkov, Alexander . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.1 THU Laliotis, Athanasios . . . . . . . . �IH-2.4 WED
Klein, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.1 WED, Konyushin, Alexander . . . . . . CM-P.8 SUN Krenner, Hubert . . . . . . . . . . �CE-3.5 MON Kurkov, Andrey . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.9 WED, Lallier, Eric . . . CB-2.7 SUN, CE-6.2 TUE,
PD-A.8 WED Koopmann, Philipp . . . . . . . . CA-3.4 SUN, Krenner, Hubert J. . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.6 THU CJ-P.33 WED, CJ-7.6 WED JSII-2.1 WED, JSII-2.5 WED
Kleinbauer, Jochen . . . . . . CF/IE-4.1 SUN CA-6.3 TUE Kress, Alla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.3 MON Kurselis, Kestutis . . . . . . . . . �CM-2.3 SUN Lam, Ping Koy . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.3 MON,
Klenke, Arno �CJ-4.3 MON, CJ-5.3 WED Koos, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Krestnikov, Igor . . . . . . . . . . .CD-6.3 MON, Kurtsiefer, Christian . . . . . . . .IA-4.5 WED, IB-P.7 MON, IA-5.3 WED, IA-6.2 WED,
Klenner, Alexander . . . . . . . . �CA-6.5 TUE Kopczynski, Krzysztof . . . . . CA-P.14 SUN CB-4.2 TUE, CD-P.21 TUE IA-6.3 WED IB-5.4 THU, IB-6.6 THU
Kley, Ernst-Bernhard . . . . . . CD-7.2 MON Kopniczky, Judit . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.19 SUN Krichel, Nils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.2 WED Kuruwita, Rajika . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.9 WED Lamas-Linares, Antia . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON
Klimczak, Mariusz . . . . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED Koppens, Frank . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.5 SUN, Kriesch, Arian . CK-4.2 SUN, �II-2.3 WED Kurz, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . .�IB-P.6 MON, Lambert, Guillaume . . . . . . . . CG-6.5 THU
Klimentov, Sergey . . . . CM-3/LIM.2 TUE CF/IE-13.4 THU Kriezis, Emmanouil . . . . . . . CD-P.14 TUE, IB-3.1 TUE Lambrecht, Astrid . . . . . . . . . . IH-2.2 WED
Kling, Matthias F. . . . . . . . . . .CD-9.2 TUE Korchak, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE, II-2.6 WED Kurz, Heinrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.1 SUN, Lamine, Brahim . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.6 MON
Kling, Rainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.2 THU CE-P.31 TUE Krijger, Thijs L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.4 SUN CE-P.11 TUE, CK-9.4 THU Lammers, Melanie . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.2 THU
Klinkhammer, Sönke . . . . . . . CB-6.5 TUE Korn, Dietmar . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-9.2 THU Krikunova, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.2 TUE Kurzke, Henning . . . . . . . . . . . .CL-P.3 SUN Lamothe, Elodie . . . . . . . . . .CB-P.34 MON
Kloz, Miroslav . . . . . . . . . . �JSIV-1.2 MON Korn, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-4.2 THU Kristensen, Anders . . . . . . . . . . II-P.5 WED, Kuttge, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.2 THU Lamponi, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU
Knabe, Bastian . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.35 TUE Korn, Julian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.3 THU CK-7.5 THU, CH-P.21 THU Kuwata-Gonokami, Makoto . CC-2.2 SUN, Lamrini, Samir . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.4 SUN
Knappe, Ralf . . . . . . . . . . TF-2/LIM.3 TUE Körner, Jörg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.4 THU Kroesen, Sebastian . . . . . . . . IF-P.15 SUN, CC-P.6 SUN, CC-P.7 SUN, CC-4.2 SUN, Lamy, Jean-Michel . . . . . CF/IE-11.2 THU
Knauer, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Koroknay, Elisabeth . . . . . . CB-P.21 MON �CM-P.6 SUN, CD-7.1 MON, CD-9.6 TUE, PD-B.6 WED Lan, Dao Hoang . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.5 WED
Knigge, Steffen . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.28 MON, Kosina, Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN �CM-7.3 THU Kuzin, Artur A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.8 THU Lancaster, David . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.6 THU
CB-9.1 THU Kosma, Kyriaki . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-4.4 SUN Krolikowski, Wieslaw . . . . . . . . IF-4.2 SUN Kuznetsov, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.5 TUE Lancis, Jesús . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.21 SUN,
Knight, Jonathan C. . . . . . . . . CE-4.1 TUE Kosolapov, Alexej . . . . . . . . CD-11.6 WED Kronjaeger, Jochen . . . . . . . . . .IC-P.1 TUE Kuzyk, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.1 THU CD-4.4 SUN, CD-P.34 TUE,
Knittel, Joachim . . . . CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN, Kotlicki, Omer . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.6 WED Krug, Michael IB-P.12 MON, IB-3.2 TUE Kwee, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CH-6.5 THU CF/IE-P.18 WED
CL-6.4 TUE, IA-5.1 WED Kotov, Leonid . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-8.2 WED Krüger, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.1 THU Kwek, Leong-Chuan . . . . . . . . . IB-3.4 TUE Lanco, Loïc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-4.4 THU
Knittel, Vanessa . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.5 MON Kottos, Tsampikos . . . . . . . JSIII-1.4 WED, Krune, Edgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.13 TUE Kwiatkowski, Jacek . . . . . . . CA-P.14 SUN Landais, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.3 MON
Ko, Do-Kyeong . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.2 WED CK-8.3 THU Krupa, Katarzyna . . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED Kwong, Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.15 TUE Landais, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.22 MON,
Kobelke, Jens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.1 SUN Koukharenko, Elena . . . . . . . CM-P.28 SUN Kruse, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.23 SUN Kymakis, Emmanuel . . . . . . . CM-P.2 SUN CI-3.6 WED
Koblmüller, Gregor . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON Koulouklidis, Anastasios . . �CC-P.14 SUN Krzempek, Karol . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.3 MON L. Sundheimer, Michael . . . . . IC-P.7 TUE Landfester, Katharina . . . . . . CK-6.4 WED
Kobtsev, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.8 WED Kovacev, Milutin . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.5 MON Kubat, Irnis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.9 TUE Labat, Damien . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.2 WED Landgraf, Björn . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.4 SUN
Koch, Juergen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.2 SUN Kovács, Attila . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.22 THU Kubecek, Vaclav . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.7 WED Labate, Luca . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Landig, Renate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.3 TUE
Koch, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.4 TUE Kovanis, Vassilios . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.5 SUN Kubota, Atsushi . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Labaye, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.5 WED Landsman, Alexandra . . . . . . . CG-1.1 TUE
Koch, Karl W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.2 MON Koyama, Mio . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-6.6 WED Kudlinski, Alexandre . . . . . . �CD-2.5 SUN, Labeye, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN, Lang, Tino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.40 TUE,
Koch, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-3.1 SUN Koynov, Kaloian . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.15 SUN �CD-P.15 TUE, JSIII-P.1 WED, CD-P.33 TUE CF/IE-P.1 WED, CF/IE-9.1 WED,
Koch, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.3 THU Kozlov, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.1 WED CD-11.2 WED, CD-12.2 WED, Labeyrie, Guillaume . . . . . . . . �IF-3.2 SUN, �CF/IE-9.4 WED
Koch, Stephan W. . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.1 SUN Kraack, Jan Philip . . . . . . . JSIV-1.1 MON IG-5.5 THU IG-1.2 TUE Lange, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.5 WED
Kochanowicz, Marcin . . . . . �CE-P.10 TUE Krachmalnicoff, Valentina . . .�IH-1.2 SUN Kudlinsli, Alexandre . . . . . . JSIII-2.2 WED Lablonde, Laurent . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Langford, Nathan . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.4 TUE
Kochetov, Igor . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON Kracht, Dietmar . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.2 SUN, Kuerbis, Christian . . . . . . . . . CB-P.1 MON Labruyère, Alexis . . . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED Lanin, Alexey . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-9.3 THU,
Koehler, Christian . . . . . CF/IE-P.28 WED CJ-1.6 SUN, CJ-2.3 SUN, CE-4.2 TUE, Kues, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.5 SUN Laburthe-Tolra, Bruno . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE �IG-P.18 THU
Koenderink, A. Femius . . . . . . IH-3.1 THU CJ-P.16 WED, CJ-8.5 WED Kühl, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.4 SUN Lacava, Cosimo . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-2.1 SUN, Lanyon, B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.3 TUE
Kofler, Johannes . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU Kraenkel, Christian . . . . . . . . CA-8.5 WED Kuhn, Aurélien IA-7.4 THU, CH-7.2 THU CK-2.1 SUN, CK-P.17 MON, Lanzani, Guglielmo . . . . . CF/IE-13.5 THU
Köhler, Christian . . . . . �CF/IE-P.23 WED Krafft, Christoph . . . �CL-2/ECBO.4 SUN Kuhn, Axel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.2 TUE �CD-P.10 TUE Laperle, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.4 THU
Köhler, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.5 THU Kragh, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.7 THU Kühnemann, Frank . . . . . . . . CE-7.3 WED, Lacot, eric . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.43 WED, Lapine, Mikhail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.5 THU
Köhler, Wolfgang . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.2 WED Krakowski, Michel . . . . . . . . . CB-4.1 TUE, CE-8.6 WED CH-P.22 THU, CH-7.4 THU Lapini, Andrea . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.44 WED
Kohno, Kenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.6 WED CB-4.2 TUE, �CB-9.5 THU Kuipers, Kobus CK-2.3 SUN, IH-1.1 SUN, Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise . . CM-5.5 WED, Laplace, Yannis . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.4 WED
Kohoutek, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN Krall, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.3 SUN, IH-1.4 SUN, II-P.3 WED, II-P.16 WED, IG-5.5 THU Lapointe, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU
Köhring, Michael . . . . . . . . . CM-P.16 SUN �CB/CC-1.6 MON CK-8.1 THU, CF/IE-11.5 THU Laegsgaard, Jesper . . . . . . . . CJ-3.5 MON, Laporta, Paolo CA-3.1 SUN, CJ-9.5 THU
Kojou, Junichiro . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.4 SUN Krämer, Ria G. . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-1.3 SUN, Kuittinen, Markku . . . . . . . . . IH-P.14 THU CF/IE-8.4 WED Laporte, Cédric . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.1 MON
Koka, Masashi . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON CM-7.6 THU, �CM-8.5 THU Kukarin, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.8 WED Lafargue, Clément . . . . . . . . �CK-7.4 THU, Laramée, Antoine . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED
Kolarczik, Mirco . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.3 THU Kränkel, Christian . . . . . . . . . CA-2.5 SUN, Kukura, Philipp . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.4 MON, IH-P.7 THU Larat, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.2 TUE,
Kolenda, Jonas . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.6 TUE CA-5.1 TUE, CA-5.3 TUE, CE-P.1 TUE, JSIV-2.5 MON Lafosse, Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.5 WED, �JSII-2.1 WED, JSII-2.5 WED
Kolenderski, Piotr . . . . . . . . . �IA-3.1 MON, CJ-P.3 WED, �CJ-P.32 WED Kulchin, Yuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.2 THU IH-3.4 THU Larger, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.5 SUN,
IA-P.14 THU, �IB-8.3 THU Krapick, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . �IB-1.4 MON Kulcsar, Gabor . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.23 SUN Lagae, Liesbet . . II-P.1 WED, II-P.4 WED IB-P.13 MON, CD-10.4 TUE,
Kolkowski, Radoslaw . . . . . . . . II-1.5 WED Krasavin, Alexey . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.18 THU Kuleshov, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN, Lagatsky, Alaxander . . . . . . . . CA-6.2 TUE CD-10.5 TUE, JSIII-2.2 WED,
Kolobov, Mikhail . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.15 THU Krasilnikov, Mikhail . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN CE-6.5 TUE, CA-10.5 WED Lagatsky, Alexander . . . . .CF/IE-8.3 WED CH-P.20 THU, IG-4.6 THU, IG-5.5 THU
Kolpakov, Stanislav . . . . . . . CJ-P.26 WED Krauch, Niels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.7 TUE Kuleshov, Nikolay V. . . . . . . . CA-4.5 SUN Lagatsky, Alexander A. . . . . �CA-6.3 TUE LaRochelle, Sophie . . . . . . . . CK-2.4 SUN,
Kolthammer, Steven . . . . . . . . .IB-2.4 TUE Krauß, Moritz . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-4.2 THU Kulmala, Tero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE Lagendijk, Ad . . . . . . .CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN, CB-6.3 TUE
Kolthammer, W. Steven . . . . IB-1.1 MON Krauser, Jasper S. . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE Kumagai, Akiko . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.4 MON CE-9.4 WED, IH-2.3 WED, IH-P.3 THU, Larrieu, Guilhem . . . . . . . . . . . .CE-5.4 TUE
Kompanets, Viktor . . . . . . . CK-P.21 MON Krauss, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . �SH-4.1 SUN, Kumar, Kitty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.2 THU IH-P.19 THU, �IH-P.20 THU Larsen, Casper . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.10 SUN,
Kompitsas, Michael . . . . . . CM-P.20 SUN, IB-1.3 MON, IG-P.4 THU Kumar, Vikas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-4.3 SUN Laghaout, Amine . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.7 THU CD-P.45 TUE, �CJ-P.14 WED,
CM-P.27 SUN Krauss, Thomas F. . . . . . . . . CK-2.3 SUN, Kumkar, Sören . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-7.3 WED Lahoz Espinosa, Ruth . . . . . CM-4.5 WED JSIII-P.6 WED
Konar, Arkaprabha . . . . �CF/IE-P.15 WED CK-8.1 THU Kundys, Dmytro . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.4 TUE Lahoz, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.30 SUN Larsson, Anders . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-7.1 THU
Kondratiev, Nikita . . . . . . . . . ID-P.4 MON Krausz, Ferenc . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN, Kunz-Jacques, Sebastien . . . . IB-5.3 THU Lai Chen, Tong . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.3 MON Laskowski, Wieslaw . . . . . . . . . IB-8.4 THU
Kondrtyuk, Nikolay V. . . . . . . CA-4.5 SUN CF/IE-5.6 MON, CF/IE-P.3 WED, Kunze, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.31 WED Lai, Ngoc Diep . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.10 SUN, Lassen, Mikael . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.5 THU,
König, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.3 THU CG-3.2 WED, CG-4.3 THU, Kuo, Chia-Lung . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.11 SUN CK-P.30 MON, CE-9.5 WED CH-P.19 THU
Konishi, Kuniaki . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.2 SUN, CG-5.3 THU, CG-P.11 THU Kupper, Jochen . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.12 SUN Laiho, Kaisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE Latkowski, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.3 MON
CC-P.6 SUN, CC-P.7 SUN, CC-4.2 SUN Krauth, Joachim . . . . . . . �CF/IE-9.3 WED Kupryanov, Dimitri . . . . . . . . . IA-6.2 WED Laing, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Latorre Vidal, Maria Jose . CB-P.13 MON

Authors’ Index

Latour, Gael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.5 TUE Leib, Martin . �JSV-1.4 TUE, IA-6.5 WED Li, Lei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Lita, Adriana E. . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON, Lorünser, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.6 THU
Laudyn, Urszula . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.27 TUE, Leich, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.4 SUN Li, Liahne . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.4 MON JSV-1.1 TUE Louchev, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-4.3 SUN
�CD-P.44 TUE Leierseder, Ursula . . . . . . CF/IE-13.3 THU Li, Lianhe . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON Little, Brent E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.4 SUN Lounis, Brahim . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.1 THU
Laukkanen, Janne . . . . . . . . . IH-P.14 THU Leijtens, X.J.M. . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.3 MON Li, Nanxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.35 WED Little, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . .�PD-B.9 WED, Lousteau, Joris . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.36 WED
Laurat, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.18 MON, Leijtens, Xaveer CI-2.2 TUE, CB-6.2 TUE Li, Ping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-P.5 SUN �CH-P.12 THU, �CH-P.23 THU Louvergneaux, Eric . . . . . . . . . IG-P.8 THU
IA-6.2 WED, IA-P.18 THU, IB-7.2 THU Lein, Manfred . . . . . . . . . . . . .CG-3.3 WED, Li, Qinggele . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.30 MON, Liu, Baochang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE Louyer, Yann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.1 THU
Laurberg, Asger Vig . . . . . . CH-P.21 THU CG-P.16 THU CE-9.5 WED Liu, Bin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.19 THU Lozano, Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . �II-P.15 WED
Laurell, Fredrik . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.2 SUN, Leinders, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Li, Wen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.36 WED Liu, Changxu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-P.4 THU Lozes-Dupuy, Françoise . . . . CK-1.1 SUN,
CD-5.2 MON, CD-7.6 MON Leinonen, Tomi . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.3 TUE, Li, Xudong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.13 SUN Liu, Hui Chun . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.2 MON CB-P.16 MON
Laurila, Marko . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-3.5 MON CB-10.2 THU Li, Yan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.6 TUE Liu, Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-7.4 MON Lozovoy, Vadim . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.15 WED
Laurila, Toni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.3 WED Leinse, Arne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.4 TUE Li, Zhihong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.6 THU Liu, Mao Tong . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.19 MON Lozovoy, Vadim V. . . . . . . . . CD-P.42 TUE
Laussy, Fabrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.1 WED Leisner, Madeleine . . . . . . . . PD-A.6 WED Lian, Zhenggang . . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.2 WED Liu, Mingkai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.5 THU Lu, Faming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.19 THU
Laussy, Fabrice P. . . . . . . . . . IA-P.20 THU Leitenstorfer, Alfred . . . . . . . .CC-P.9 SUN, Liang, Dawei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.19 SUN Liu, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.4 SUN Lu, Guo-Wei . �CI-1.3 MON, CI-1.4 MON
Lautru, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.1 WED CK-P.5 MON, CJ-7.3 WED, Liang, Haida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.5 WED Liu, Wei . CL-5.3 TUE, CF/IE-P.35 WED Lu, Qiaoyin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.9 MON,
Laux, Sébastien . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED CF/IE-12.1 THU Liang, Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.4 SUN Liu, Xiang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-1.1 MON �CB-P.10 MON, CB-P.35 MON
Lavdas, Spyros . . . . . . . . . . �CD-12.1 WED Lelarge, Francois . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.5 WED Liao, Meisong CD-P.3 TUE, CD-P.4 TUE, Liu, Xiaomin . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-8.4 WED Lu, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED
Laverdant, Julien . . . . . . . . . CK-6.5 WED, Lemaître, Aristide . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON, CJ-P.41 WED Liu, Xiaoping . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Lubeigt, Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.2 SUN
IH-P.12 THU IG-3.2 WED, CK-7.3 THU, IH-4.4 THU, Libster, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.5 MON Liu, Xin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-6.5 TUE Lucamarini, Marco . . . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED
Lavrinenko, Andrei . . . . . . . . . CC-4.3 SUN IH-5.1 THU Liebel, Matz . . . . . . . . . . . . �JSIV-2.5 MON Liu, Xing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-5.3 TUE, Lucas, Erwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.28 TUE
Ławniczuk, Katarzyna . . . . . . . CI-2.2 TUE Lemke, Nathan . . . . . . . . . . . . .ID-1.2 MON Liebowitz, Jay . . . . . . . . �TF-1/LIM.1 TUE CF/IE-P.13 WED, �CF/IE-P.35 WED Lucchini, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . CG-2.2 TUE,
Lawrence, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.6 MON, Lemmer, Uli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.5 TUE Liem, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.3 SUN Liu, Yi . . . . . . �CM-P.1 SUN, CC-4.5 SUN, PD-A.1 WED, �CG-7.4 THU
CF/IE-P.42 WED, CH-P.15 THU Lenhard, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . �IA-3.5 MON Lienau, Christoph . . . . . . . . . �IH-4.2 THU, �CF/IE-P.26 WED, CD-11.5 WED Lucile, Veissier . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-6.2 WED
Lawson, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.3 THU Lennikov, Vassili . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.30 SUN �IH-P.21 THU, IH-5.3 THU Liu, Zhaojun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Lucioni, Eleonora . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.2 TUE
Le Coq, Yann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON Lenormand, Eric . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.5 WED Liertzer, Matthias . . . . . CB/CC-1.3 MON Liverini, Valeria . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-2.6 SUN Lücking, Fabian . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN
le Feber, Boris . �IH-1.1 SUN, IH-1.4 SUN Lenzner, Matthias . . . . . �CF/IE-6.4 MON Liew, Seng-Fatt . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.7 WED Livshits, Daniil . . . . . . . . . . . .CD-6.3 MON, Lüdge, Kathy . CB-5.1 TUE, IH-6.3 THU
Le Gouët, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.6 WED Leo, Giuseppe IA-2.4 MON, CK-7.3 THU Lifante, Ginés . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN CB-4.2 TUE, CD-P.21 TUE Ludwig, André CG-1.1 TUE, CG-7.4 THU
Leahu, Grigore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Léonard, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.3 MON Likhachev, Mikhail . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.2 WED Llobera, Andreu . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.5 TUE Lukowski, Ariel . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.8 THU
Lebental, Mélanie . . . . . . . . . CK-7.4 THU, Leonetti, Marco . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.14 MON Lilach, Yigal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-7.5 MON Lloyd, David . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-3.4 SUN Luk’yanchuk, Boris . . . . . CF/IE-11.4 THU
IH-P.7 THU Leong, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-4.5 WED Liljestrand, Charlotte . . . . . . . CA-2.2 SUN Loas, Goulc’hen . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.6 WED Lumer, Yaakov . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-3.1 SUN
Lebreton, Armand . . . . . . . . . �CK-7.6 THU Leonhardt, Rainer . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.8 SUN Lilley, Govinda . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-5.5 TUE Locatelli, Massimiliano . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN, Lummer, Martina . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.2 MON
Lebrun, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED Leonhardt, Ulf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-4.1 THU Lim, Han Chuen . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.19 MON JSII-1.4 WED Lund Andersen, Ulrik . . . . . . . �IA-P.7 THU
Lebrun, Sylvie . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.22 TUE Leoni, Roberto II-1.2 WED, PD-B.5 WED Limpert, Jens CJ-3.1 MON, CJ-3.2 MON, Locher, Reto . . . . . . . . . . . . �PD-A.1 WED, Luo, Chih-Wei . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.38 WED,
Lebugle, Maxime . . . . . . . . . . �CM-1.5 SUN Lepage, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU CJ-3.3 MON, CJ-3.4 MON, CG-7.3 THU, CG-7.4 THU CF/IE-12.3 THU
Leburn, Christopher . . . . . CF/IE-2.3 SUN Leproux, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.3 SUN, CD-6.5 MON, CJ-4.3 MON, Loeber, Thomas H. . . . . . . . . CE-1.3 MON Luo, Jun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.6 WED
Lecaplain, Caroline . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.1 SUN, CD-12.4 WED CJ-5.3 WED, CA-9.4 WED, Loeffler, Klaus . . . . . . . . �TF-1/LIM.3 TUE Lureau, François . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.9 WED
�CJ-2.2 SUN, �JSIII-2.4 WED, Lerch, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.12 SUN CJ-7.2 WED, CJ-9.1 THU, CG-4.4 THU, Loeser, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.1 WED Luther-Davies, Barry . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN,
�IG-P.3 THU Lermer, Matthias . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED, CG-4.5 THU, CJ-10.1 THU, CG-6.2 THU Loh, Wei H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.2 WED CD-10.2 TUE
Lecomte, André . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.38 WED CK-7.2 THU, IB-5.1 THU Lin, Chih-Chung . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.23 TUE Löhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd . CH-2.2 TUE Lutz, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.14 THU
Lecomte, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU Lerondel, Gilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.2 WED Lin, Di . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-10.2 WED Lohmüller, Theobald . . . . . �PD-A.6 WED Luu, Trung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-5.3 THU
Lecourt, Jean-Bernard . . . . CJ-P.28 WED Letartre, Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.4 SUN Lin, Fan-Yi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.4 THU Loïc, Meignien . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.24 SUN Luvsandamdin, Erdenetsetseg
Lederer, Falk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.3 WED Lethiec, Clotilde . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.5 WED, Lin, Hua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.4 TUE Loiko, Pavel �CA-2.3 SUN, �CE-6.5 TUE, �CB-P.1 MON
Lederer, Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.23 SUN IH-P.12 THU Lin, Lyu-Chih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.4 THU CA-10.5 WED Luxmoore, Isaac J. . . . . . . . . .IA-P.12 THU
Lederer, Maximilian . . . . . . . . CA-4.3 SUN Lett, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.16 MON Lin, Tsung-Hsien . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.23 TUE Loiko, Yury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.4 TUE Lynch, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.33 MON
Ledoux-Rak, Isabelle . . . . . CM-P.10 SUN, Leuchs, Gerd IA-1.2 MON, �SH-6.1 MON, Lindfors, Klas II-2.4 WED, CK-6.2 WED, Loiseau, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.2 TUE, lyytikäinen, Jari . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.3 TUE
CK-P.30 MON, CE-9.5 WED, CE-P.4 TUE, CI-P.14 TUE, IA-P.17 THU �IH-P.4 THU CE-P.9 TUE, CE-6.2 TUE M. Gurevich, Svetlana . . . . . IG-P.12 THU
CH-3.1 WED, �IH-P.17 THU Leung, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.5 THU Lindstedt, Daniel Nilsson . . CH-P.21 THU Lombard, Laurent . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.6 WED, M. Liz-Marzan, Luis . . . . . . . IH-P.15 THU
Lee, Andrew . �CA-1.6 SUN, �CC-3.2 SUN Leuthold, Juerg . . . . . . . . . . .CE-P.20 TUE, Lindvall, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.8 MON �CJ-8.1 WED M. Yanchuk, Serhiy . . . . . . . . IG-P.12 THU
Lee, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.5 SUN CK-9.2 THU Linfield, Edmund H. . . . CB/CC-1.1 MON Lombardi, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.15 THU Ma, Guangjin . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.11 THU
Lee, Chun-Hong . . . . . . . . . . .CE-P.23 TUE Levashov, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.6 THU Linfield, Edmung . . . . . . CB/CC-1.4 MON Lombardo, Antonio . . . . CF/IE-13.2 THU Ma, Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN
Lee, Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.4 WED Levenius, Martin . . . . . . . . . . �CD-7.3 MON Lingnau, Benjamin . . . . . . . . �CB-5.1 TUE, Londrillo, Pasquale . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Ma, Xiaosong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-5.5 THU
Lee, Kenneth KC . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.2 THU Levenson, Ariel . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-8.2 THU, IH-6.3 THU Long, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-8.5 THU Ma, Yufei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.13 SUN
Lee, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN CK-8.5 THU Lintern, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.2 TUE, Loo, Vivien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.4 THU MacDonald, Kevin F. . . . . . . �IF-P.3 SUN,
Lee, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.6 SUN, Leverrier, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.3 THU CA-7.3 TUE Loock, Hans-Peter . . . . . . . . CH-P.17 THU �CE-5.2 TUE, �CI-4.1 WED,
�CK-P.14 MON Levi, Filippo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.5 MON Lipinska, Ludwika . . . . . . . . . CE-P.25 TUE Looser, Herbert . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.9 WED, IH-P.11 THU
Lee, Wangkuen . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Levitov, Leonid . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.4 THU Lipka, Timo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.17 TUE CH-P.14 THU MacGregor, Calum . . . . . . . . . CB-1.2 SUN
Lee, Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE Lewenstein, Maciej . . . . . . . . . IA-P.1 THU, Lippert, Espen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.2 SUN López-Arbeloa, Iñigo . . . . . . . CE-2.6 MON Machado, Giovana . . . . . . . . CE-P.33 TUE
Leen, Gabriel CH-3.5 WED, CH-6.4 THU CG-6.4 THU Lipphardt, Burghard . . . . . . . ID-1.1 MON, Lopez, Cefe . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.14 MON Machairas, Vaia . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN
Lefebvre, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.4 MON Lewis, Elfed . CH-3.5 WED, CH-6.4 THU ID-1.2 MON Lopez-Garcia, Martin . . . . �CK-P.28 MON Machinet, Guillaume . . . . . . . CA-6.4 TUE,
Lefèvre, Thierry . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.6 TUE Leyder, Stéphanie . . . . . . . . �CM-4.2 WED Lippitz, Markus II-2.1 WED, II-2.4 WED, Lopez, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.2 THU �CJ-5.1 WED, �CJ-11.2 THU
Légaré, François . . . . . . . . . . �CL-4.2 MON, Leykam, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-5.6 THU CK-6.2 WED, IH-P.4 THU, IH-5.5 THU Lopez-Martens, Rodrigo . CF/IE-2.1 SUN, Machluf, Shimon . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-2.3 TUE
CF/IE-9.5 WED Leyman, Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.5 SUN Lipsanen, Harri . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON, CG-3.5 WED, CG-4.1 THU Mackenzie, Jacob . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.2 THU
LeGarrec, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.2 THU Lhermite, Jérôme . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.1 WED, CE-3.4 MON López-Mercado, Cesar . . . . . . CJ-7.1 WED Mackenzie, Jacob I. . . . . . . . CA-9.1 WED,
Leger, James R. . . . . . . . . . . . �SH-5.1 THU CJ-P.18 WED, CJ-8.2 WED Lisdat, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.2 MON, Lopez, Olivier CB-2.4 SUN, ID-P.6 MON, CJ-12.3 THU
Legratiet, Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.5 WED L’Huillier, Anne . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.1 WED ID-1.3 MON ID-3.4 MON Maddalena, Pasquale . . . . . . CE-P.26 TUE
Lehneis, Reinhold . . . . . . . . . �CA-9.4 WED Li, H.B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.4 SUN Lisiecki, Isabelle . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.34 TUE Lorenc, Dusan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.5 SUN Madden, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN,
Lehoux, Anais . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.17 THU Li, Jiang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.3 TUE Lisyansky, Alexander A. . . . CK-P.31 MON Lorin, Emmanuel . . . . . . CF/IE-P.23 WED CD-10.2 TUE
Lehtolahti, Joonas . . . . . . . . . IH-P.14 THU Li, Jianzhao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.2 THU Lita, Adriana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU Loriot, Vincent . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.18 WED Maddock, Jonathan . . . . . . . . CI-4.1 WED

Authors’ Index

Mader, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.6 WED Manek-Hönninger, Inka . . . �CC-P.13 SUN Martinenghi, Romain . . . . �CD-10.4 TUE, CF/IE-12.1 THU Mennerat, Gabriel . . . . . . . . �CD-6.4 MON,
Madsen, Lars . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.19 THU Mangold, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE CD-10.5 TUE Mažule, Lina . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.12 SUN CF/IE-P.7 WED
Madsen, Lars S. . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.5 THU Mangold, Markus . . . . . . . . . �PD-A.9 WED Martínez-Cuenca, Raúl . . . . . CD-4.4 SUN Mazumder, Prantik . . . . . . . CE-2.1 MON, Menyuk, Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.2 WED
Maeda, Junya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.4 THU Manili, Gabriele . . . . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED Martinez, Natali . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.3 TUE CE-2.2 MON Menzel, Ralf . CL-P.3 SUN, IA-P.22 THU
Maeda, Yoshinobu . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.6 TUE Manninen, Albert . . . . . . . . �JSII-1.3 WED Martinez Vazquez, Rebeca . �CL-6.5 TUE Mazzotti, Davide . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.6 MON Menzel, Susanne . . . . . . . . . CB-P.19 MON
Maese-Novo, Alejandro . . . . . CK-9.3 THU Manquest, Christophe . . . . . . CK-7.3 THU Martl, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.3 SUN Mbodji, Ismael . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.13 MON Méot, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . �JSI-1.2 MON,
Maestre, Haroldo . . . . . . . . . �CA-2.1 SUN, Mans, Torsten . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.23 SUN, Márton, István . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.4 THU McArthur, Duncan . . . . . . . . CK-P.3 MON JSI-1.3 MON
CD-P.17 TUE �CF/IE-4.3 SUN Martorell, Jordi . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.16 THU McAuslan, David . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.5 MON Merano, Michele . . . . . . . . �CK-P.12 MON
Mafi, Arash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-4.4 TUE Mansourian, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.3 MON Martyanov, Mikhail . . . . . . . �CA-P.1 SUN, McCarthy, Aongus . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE, Mercadier, Nicolas . . . . . . . JSIII-1.2 WED
Magno, Giovanni . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.1 SUN Mansuryan, Tigran . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.2 WED �CD-9.5 TUE �JSII-1.2 WED, CK-10.5 THU Mereuta, Alexandru . . . . . . CB-P.12 MON,
Mahler, Benoît . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.8 WED Mantsyzov, Boris . . . . . . . . �CK-P.21 MON Martynkien, Tadeusz . . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED McConnell, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.26 TUE CB-8.2 THU, CB-8.5 THU
Mahler, Dylan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.2 THU Manz, Christian . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.2 WED, Maruko, Akiyuki . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN, McCoy, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.3 SUN Mergo, Pawel CH-2.3 TUE, CJ-P.44 WED
Mahnke, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . IG-5.1 THU CB-10.5 THU CA-8.6 WED McCracken, Richard . . . . �CF/IE-2.3 SUN, Meriggi, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-1.2 SUN,
Mai, Patrick . IA-2.2 MON, �IH-P.10 THU Manz, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.4 WED Marx, Achim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.4 TUE �CF/IE-P.30 WED �CB-6.1 TUE
Maier, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.4 THU Manzano, Gonzalo . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.3 TUE Marzahl, Daniel-T. . . . . . . . . �CA-P.3 SUN McCutcheon, Will . . . . . . . . . IA-P.16 THU Merigo, Elisabetta . . . . . . . . . CM-P.7 SUN
Maier, Hans Jürgen . . . . . . . . CH-4.2 THU Manzo, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.2 MON Marzahl, Daniel-Timo . . . . . . CA-2.5 SUN, McDonald, Graham . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.3 SUN Merimaa, Mikko . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.8 MON
Maier, Robert R.J. . . . . . . . . . CE-4.1 TUE Manzoni, Cristian . . . . . . �CF/IE-3.1 SUN, CJ-12.5 THU McIntyre, Craig . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.20 MON Merlen, Alexandre . . . . . . . . CK-P.26 MON
Maier, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.6 TUE CD-4.3 SUN, �CF/IE-5.2 MON, Mase, Nobuyuki . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.4 WED McKay, Aaron . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-1.4 SUN, Mero, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-5.1 THU
Maigyte, Lina . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.13 MON, JSIV-2.4 MON, �CD-9.4 TUE, Maslennikov, Gleb . . . . . . . . . IA-4.5 WED, CD-P.37 TUE Merola, Francesco . . . . . . . . CL-P.13 SUN,
�CK-P.19 MON CF/IE-10.5 THU, CG-4.6 THU, IA-6.3 WED McMillan, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.16 THU, CK-5.4 MON, �CE-P.26 TUE
Mailis, Sakellaris . . . . . . . . . �CE-8.1 WED, IH-4.2 THU, IH-5.3 THU, Masoller, Cristina . . . . . . . . . . . IG-5.3 THU IB-8.2 THU Merolla, Jean-Marc . . . . . . �IB-P.13 MON,
CM-8.6 THU CF/IE-13.2 THU Mason, Paul . �CA-7.2 TUE, CA-7.3 TUE McNerney, Gregory P. . . . . . . CL-3.1 MON JSIII-2.2 WED, IG-5.5 THU
Maioli, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.15 THU Mappes, Timo CL-6.3 TUE, CB-6.5 TUE Masor, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED McPhedran, Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.5 THU Merta, Idzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-7.3 THU
Mairesse, Yann . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE, Marangoni, Marco . . . . . . . . . CD-4.3 SUN, Massaouti, Maria . . . . . . . . . .CC-P.14 SUN McPolin, Cillian . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.18 THU Mesaritakis, Charis . . . . . . . . �CB-4.1 TUE,
CF/IE-10.3 THU ID-1.5 MON Massicotte, Mathieu . . . . . CF/IE-3.5 SUN Meany, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-2.5 TUE CB-4.2 TUE
Maisons, Grégory . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.5 WED, Marangos, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.3 WED, Massons, Jaume . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN Mech, Alexandra . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU Mesch, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-3.4 THU
JSII-P.3 WED CF/IE-10.2 THU, CG-5.4 THU, Masuda, Kensuke . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.4 SUN Mechau, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.5 TUE Meschede, Dieter . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.4 WED
Maissen, Curdin . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED CG-P.2 THU Mataloni, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.5 MON, Mechin, David . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Měsíček, Jakub . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.17 SUN
Maître, Agnès . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.22 MON, Marangos, Jonatan . . . . . . . CG-P.16 THU IB-2.2 TUE, CM-7.1 THU Mechler, Mátyás . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.21 THU Messaddeq, Younès . . . . . . . . CD-P.4 TUE
�CK-6.5 WED, �IH-3.4 THU, Marc, Pawel . . CH-2.3 TUE, CH-P.8 THU Matejec, Vlastimil . . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.7 WED Medeiros de Araújo, Renné . .IA-5.2 WED Metcalf, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . �IB-2.4 TUE
�IH-P.12 THU Marchese, Sergio . . . . . . . . . . .CH-P.6 THU Mateos, Xavier . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.17 SUN, Medrano, Carolina . . . . . . . . CC-P.12 SUN Metcalf, Benjamin J. . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON
Maiuri, Margherita . . . . . �JSIV-P.1 MON, Marchev, Georgi . . . . . . . . . . CD-5.2 MON, �CA-P.29 SUN, �CA-3.5 SUN Medvedkov, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.2 WED Metz, Philip W. . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.3 SUN
IH-4.2 THU, IH-P.21 THU, CD-6.1 MON Matheisen, Christopher . . . . . CC-2.1 SUN, Meek, Samuel A. . . . . . . . . . . �CH-5.3 THU Metz, Philip Werner . . . . . . .�CA-2.5 SUN,
�CF/IE-13.5 THU Marco, José Francisco . . . . CM-P.31 SUN �CK-9.4 THU Mégret, Patrice . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.22 WED, CJ-12.5 THU
Maiwald, Martin . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.15 SUN Marconi, Mathias . . . . . . . . . �CB-8.1 THU Mathey, Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE CJ-P.28 WED, CJ-7.1 WED Metzger, Bernd . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-2.1 WED
Majdani, Omid . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.2 SUN Marcus, Gilad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.3 THU Mathias, Sassermann . . . . . . IH-P.10 THU Megy, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.2 WED Meucci, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.4 WED
Major, Zsuzsanna . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.3 WED Maréchal, Etienne . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE Mathies, Richard A. . . . . . . JSIV-2.4 MON Mehlstäubler, Tanja . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN Meyer, Hans-Georg . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN
Makara, Mariusz . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE Marek, Marie Sophie . . . . . JSIV-1.1 MON Mathis, Amaury . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.6 SUN, Mehrany, Khashayar . . . . . . .CD-P.47 TUE Meyer, Nadine . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-P.1 TUE
Makida, Ayumu . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.3 SUN Marie, Rodolphe . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.5 WED CM-5.5 WED Mehravar, Soroush . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON, Meyer, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-7.2 WED
Mäkitalo, Jouni . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.2 WED, Marine, Wladimir . . . . . . . . . CM-4.2 WED Matías, Manuel A. . . . . . . . . IG-P.16 THU, CE-3.4 MON Mezzapesa, Francesco Paolo CM-1.1 SUN
IH-P.14 THU Marini, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.6 WED IG-4.4 THU Mehta, Karan . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-1.3 SUN Miah, Md. Jarez . . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.4 THU
Makris, Konstantinos . . . . . . �IG-2.3 WED, Marko, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.32 TUE Matrosov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . CE-6.5 TUE Meijer, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.6 THU Miccio, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.13 SUN,
�IG-P.14 THU Marko, Igor P. . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.6 THU Matsubara, Eiichi . . . . . . . . . �CC-1.4 SUN, Meinecke, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON CE-P.14 TUE, CL-6.6 TUE,
Maksimenka, Raman . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Marquardt, Christoph . . . . . . . IB-1.5 MON CC-P.10 SUN Mejri, Sinda . . CB-2.4 SUN, ID-P.6 MON JSII-1.4 WED
Malaguti, Stefania . . . . . . . �CD-11.1 WED Marquardt, Florian . . . . . . . . . �IG-1.4 TUE Matsubara, Shinichi . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN, Melentiev, Pavel N. . . . . . . . . . IH-P.8 THU Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Steffen
Malara, Pietro . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.1 TUE Marquier, François . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU �CF/IE-5.4 MON, CA-8.6 WED, Melgaard, Seth . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.1 SUN IH-3.4 THU
Maldonado-Basilio, Ramon CB-P.22 MON Marris-Morini, Delphine . . . . . CI-2.3 TUE CH-P.18 THU Melissinaki, Vasileia . . . . . . . �CH-3.2 WED Michailovas, Andrejus . . . . . . CD-P.6 TUE
Malevich, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-8.2 WED Marrucci, Lorenzo . . . . . . . . . IB-P.2 MON, Matsuda, Nobuyuki . . . . . . . �CK-1.5 SUN, Melkonian, Jean-Michel . . . CD-5.1 MON, Michalzik, Rainer . . . . . . . . . �CB-8.4 THU,
Malinauskas, Mangirdas . . CM-P.15 SUN, IB-P.4 MON �IA-6.4 WED CD-5.4 MON CB-8.6 THU
CK-P.13 MON, CK-P.19 MON, Marshall, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.4 WED Matsukawa, Takeshi . . . . . . CH-P.18 THU Melloni, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.1 SUN Michel, Claire IF-2.6 SUN, CD-11.2 WED
�CM-8.3 THU Marshall, G.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Matsukevich, Dzmitry . . . . . . IA-6.3 WED Mellos, Athanasios . . . . . . . . CM-P.27 SUN Michler, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.21 MON,
Malinowski, Andrew . . . . . . . �CJ-5.4 WED Marsili, Francesco . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.1 TUE Matsumoto, Shinnosuke . . . . CE-6.4 TUE Memmolo, Pasquale . . . . . . . CL-P.13 SUN IA-3.5 MON, CB-4.4 TUE
Malka, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.5 THU Martella, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Mattheakis, Marios . . . . . . . JSIII-P.3 WED Ménard, Jean-Michael . . CF/IE-13.3 THU Mičuda, Michal . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON
Malkov, Yury . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON, Martelli, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.9 TUE Matthews, J.C.F. . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Ménard, Jean-Michel . . . . . . . �IH-5.1 THU Midorikawa, Katsumi . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON,
�CG-P.6 THU Martial, Igor CA-1.5 SUN, CF/IE-4.2 SUN Mattioli, Francesco . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED Menchon-Enrich, Ricard . . . . �CE-4.5 TUE CL-4.4 MON, CF/IE-10.1 THU
Mallek-Zouari, Ikbel . . . . . . . . . II-P.8 WED Martin, Adolfo Esteban . . . �CD-5.3 MON, Mattsson, Kent . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Mende, Mathias . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.2 WED Mielke, Michael . . . . . . . . . . �PD-A.3 WED
Malomed, Boris IF-2.4 SUN, IF-2.5 SUN, CD-P.41 TUE Mattsson, Kent Erik . . . . . .�CJ-P.15 WED Mendoza, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Miguel, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.19 TUE
IG-P.1 THU, IG-P.2 THU Martin Ciurana, Ferran . . . . . IA-3.4 MON, Matyschok, Jan . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-9.1 WED Mendoza-Yero, Omel . . . . . CM-P.21 SUN, Mikami, Takuya . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.8 TUE
Malpuech, Guillaume . . . . . . . IG-3.2 WED IA-P.8 THU, IA-P.25 THU Maurer, Jochen . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.1 TUE CD-4.4 SUN, CD-P.34 TUE, Mikhailova, Julia . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.3 THU,
Malvache, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . CG-3.5 WED Martin, François . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON Maurice, Sylvestre . . . . . . . . .CA-P.32 SUN �CF/IE-P.18 WED, CF/IE-P.40 WED CG-P.11 THU
Mamiya, Jun-ichi . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.5 WED Martin-Lopez, E. . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Maurin, Isabelle . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-2.4 WED Menezes, Leonardo . . . . . . . �CE-P.33 TUE Miková, Martina . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.11 MON
Mammez, Dominique . . . . . . CC-P.16 SUN Martín-López, Enrique . . . . . . �IB-6.3 THU Maxein, Dominik . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.18 MON Menezo, Sylvie . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.2 MON Milana, Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE,
Manceau, Mathieu . . . . . . . . �CE-9.6 WED Martinache, Frantz . . . . . . . CH-P.15 THU Maxin, Jérémy . . . . . . . . . . . �JSII-2.4 WED Menicucci, Nicolas C. . . . . . . . IA-P.6 THU CF/IE-13.2 THU
Mandamparambil, Rajesh . CM-P.22 SUN Martinelli, Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.5 SUN Maxwell, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.15 MON Mennea, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.2 SUN, Milanese, Daniel . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.27 TUE,
Mandon, Julien . . . . . . . . . . �CH-1.1 MON, Martinelli, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.9 TUE, May, Torsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN CK-P.33 MON, CI-P.16 TUE, CJ-P.36 WED
CD-5.6 MON, CH-P.13 THU CI-P.11 TUE Maydykovskiy, Anton . . . . . CK-P.21 MON CH-P.1 THU Milani, Alberto . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.5 THU
Manecke, Christel . . . . . . . . . CE-P.11 TUE Martinenaite, Vilija . . . . . CF/IE-P.4 WED Mayer, Bernhard . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.9 SUN, Mennea, Paolo L. . . . . . . . . . . �IB-1.1 MON Milani, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.5 THU

Authors’ Index

Milburn, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.6 THU CA-10.1 WED, CA-10.3 WED Moore, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON Mücke, Oliver D. . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.6 THU Nakamura, Kazutaka G. CF/IE-P.33 WED
Mildren, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.4 SUN, Miyamoto, Masahiro . . . . . . . CB-9.4 THU Moore, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON Mueller, Holger . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-2.5 TUE Nakano, Hitoshi . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.27 WED
CD-P.37 TUE Miyanaga, Noriaki . . . . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED Moormann, Christian . . . . . . CA-9.2 WED Mueller, Simon . . . . . . . . . . .�CK-10.1 THU Nakashima, Takuya . . . . . . . . CE-2.5 MON
Millot, Guy .CI-3.1 WED, JSIII-P.2 WED, Miyawaki, Atsushi . . . . . . . . . .CL-4.4 MON Morales, Felipe . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-5.6 THU, Muilwijk, Pim . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Nakwaski, Wlodzimierz . . . CB-P.40 MON
CD-11.2 WED Miyazaki, Kenzo . . . . . . . . . �CM-4.1 WED, CG-P.14 THU, CG-7.6 THU Mujumdar, Sushil . . . . . . . . CK-P.34 MON, Nam, Sae Woo . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON,
Mills, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.5 MON CM-4.4 WED Morales, Miguel . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.23 SUN CK-8.4 THU �JSV-1.1 TUE, IB-7.3 THU
Mills, Ben . CH-P.11 THU, �CM-8.1 THU Miyazaki, Koji . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.13 TUE Morandotti, Roberto . . . . . . . CD-2.4 SUN, Mukhin, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-7.5 TUE Napierała, Marek . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.44 WED,
Mills, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.25 SUN Mizeikis, Vygantas . . . . . . . . . CM-7.5 THU �CC-3.3 SUN, IG-P.1 THU Mulet, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.1 MON CH-P.8 THU
Milman, Pérola . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON Mizoguchi, Kohji . . . . . . CF/IE-P.24 WED Morante, Joan Ramon . . . . . CE-3.3 MON Muller, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.15 SUN Napolitano, Mario . . . . . . . . . IA-3.4 MON,
Milz, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.6 SUN Mizumoto, Yoshihiko . . CF/IE-P.24 WED Morea, Roberta . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.4 MON, Müller, Jörg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.17 TUE IA-P.8 THU, IA-P.25 THU
Minami, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN Mizuno, Akihiko . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.9 THU �CE-P.19 TUE Müller, Philipp . IB-P.6 MON, IB-3.1 TUE Nasiev, Diar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.18 THU
Minamide, Hiroaki . . . . . . . . CH-P.18 THU Mizuno, Daichi . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN, Morel, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JSI-1.3 MON Müller, Sebastan . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.5 SUN Nasilowski, Tomasz . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE,
Minardi, Stefano IF-2.1 SUN, IF-P.2 SUN, CA-8.6 WED Morenza, José Luis . . . . . . . . .CM-1.3 SUN Müller, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.3 WED, CJ-P.44 WED, CH-P.8 THU,
�CH-1.5 MON, CF/IE-P.41 WED Mizuno, Tomoya . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.7 THU, Morgenweg, Jonas . . . . . . . . �ID-3.2 MON, CJ-P.32 WED, CJ-12.5 THU CH-7.3 THU
Minassian, Ara . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.6 SUN �CG-P.17 THU �CF/IE-10.6 THU Munch, Jesper . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.1 TUE Nasir, Mazhar . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-5.3 MON
Mínguez-Vega, Gladys . . . . CM-P.21 SUN, Mizuta, Takahiro . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-4.4 TUE Morgner, Uwe CD-3.1 SUN, CJ-2.3 SUN, Munns, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Naskali, Liisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.8 SUN
CD-4.4 SUN, CD-P.34 TUE, Mocek, Tomáš . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.6 TUE CK-P.5 MON, CE-4.2 TUE, Munoz-Martin, David . . . . . CM-P.23 SUN Nassisi, Vincenzo . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.3 SUN,
CF/IE-P.18 WED, CF/IE-P.40 WED Modi, Kavan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.6 THU CD-P.40 TUE, CF/IE-P.1 WED, Munzke, Dorit . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.17 THU �CG-P.18 THU
Miniewicz, Andrzej . . . . . . . . . IF-P.1 SUN, Modotto, Daniele . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN, CF/IE-9.1 WED, CF/IE-9.4 WED Mura, Alberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ID-3.5 MON Natali, Riccardo . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.2 THU
�IF-P.8 SUN, CD-P.32 TUE �CD-12.4 WED, IG-4.5 THU Mori, Yuki . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.24 WED Mura, Emanuel . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.36 WED Natoli, Jean-Yves . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.2 WED
Minissale, Salvatore . . . CF/IE-P.32 WED Modugno, Giovanni . . . . . . . . . IC-1.2 TUE Morichetti, Francesco . . . . . . . CK-2.1 SUN Mura, Francesco . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Nauerth, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.1 THU
Minkov, Momchil . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.2 THU Moglia, Francesca . . . . . . . . . CA-2.5 SUN, Morin, Franck . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-4.4 MON Murakami, Kenta . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.4 WED Nava, Giovanni . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.35 TUE,
Minoni, Umberto . . . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED �CJ-P.3 WED Morin, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.18 THU, Murakami, Motoichiro . . . . CJ-P.27 WED CL-6.5 TUE, �CE-8.4 WED
Minot, Christophe . . . . . . . . . CK-8.5 THU, Mohammadi, Ahmad . . . . . . . .IH-P.5 THU �IB-7.2 THU Murawski, Michal . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE, Navarrete-Benlloch, Carlos . IA-3.3 MON,
IA-P.2 THU Mohan, Sabitha . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.39 TUE Morin, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.1 WED, �CH-P.8 THU �IA-P.11 THU, IG-P.6 THU
Minowa, Yosuke . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.10 SUN Mohtashami, Abbas . . . . . . . . �IH-3.1 THU CI-3.2 WED, PD-B.8 WED Murdoch, Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-2.2 SUN, Nawrocka, Marta . . . . . . . . . CB-P.9 MON,
Minzioni, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.1 SUN, Moison, Jean-Marie . . . . . . . . CK-8.5 THU Morita, Ryuji IF-P.14 SUN, CM-5.4 WED, �CD-2.2 SUN, CI-3.5 WED CB-P.10 MON, �CB-P.35 MON
CK-P.17 MON, CE-P.35 TUE, Moldaschl, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CE-5.5 TUE CF/IE-P.34 WED Murdoch, Stuart G. . . . . . . . . . IF-1.4 SUN, Nedeoglo, Dmitrii . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.7 TUE
CL-6.5 TUE, CE-8.4 WED Molesky, Sean . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU Morita, Takenori . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.4 THU CD-12.5 WED, PD-B.7 WED, Nedev, Spas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.6 WED
Miotti, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED Molina-Fernández, Íñigo . . . . CK-9.3 THU Morizur, Jean François . . . . . . IA-5.3 WED IG-4.1 THU Neely, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.8 THU
Miranda, Miguel . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.2 SUN, Molina, Mario I. . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.4 WED Morohashi, Isao . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.40 WED Murzanev, Aleksey . . . . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON Neergaard-Nielsen, Jonas . . . . IA-P.7 THU
CF/IE-3.5 SUN, CF/IE-P.17 WED Molina-Terriza, Gabriel . . . . . CK-3.4 SUN Morris, Oliver J. . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.25 MON Murzina, Tatiana . . . . . . . . . CK-P.21 MON Neethling, Pieter . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.49 TUE
Mirasso, Claudio R. . . . . . . . . CB-5.3 TUE, Molinari, Elisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU Mortensen, Asger . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.1 WED Musha, Mitsuru . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.6 WED Negro, Matteo . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.3 THU,
CD-10.3 TUE Molitor, Andreas . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.4 MON, Mortensen, Niels Asger . . . . CH-P.21 THU Muskens, Otto . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.6 MON CF/IE-10.5 THU
Miri, Mohammad-Ali . . . . . . �CK-4.5 SUN, CB-5.6 TUE Morvan, Loïc . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.4 WED Muskens, Otto L. . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.19 THU Neira, Andres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-5.2 THU
CI-2.5 TUE, IG-2.2 WED Möller, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.2 WED Mosayyebi, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.25 SUN Mussot, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.5 SUN, Nejezchleb, Karel . . . . . . . . . CA-P.17 SUN
Mirin, Richard P. . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON, Møller, Uffe IF-P.10 SUN, �CD-P.48 TUE, Moselund, Peter M. . . . . . . . IF-P.10 SUN, CD-P.15 TUE, JSIII-P.1 WED, Nekhoroshik, Anastasiya . . . . CE-P.6 TUE
JSV-1.1 TUE JSIII-P.6 WED, CF/IE-8.4 WED JSIII-P.6 WED �CD-12.2 WED, JSIII-2.2 WED, Nemec, Michal . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.30 SUN
Mironov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN Molmer, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-7.1 THU Moselund, Peter Morten . . . . CD-P.9 TUE CJ-11.3 THU, IG-5.5 THU Nemitz, Nils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.3 MON
Misawa, Kazuhiko . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.2 SUN Moloney, Jerome . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.2 MON, Moser, Christophe . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.2 TUE Mustonen, Anna . . . . . . . . . . �CK-8.6 THU Nemoto, Natsuki . . . . . . . . . . �CC-2.2 SUN
Miseikis, Paulius . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.4 WED CB-9.3 THU Moshammer, Robert . . . . . . . . CG-1.4 TUE Mwad Naife, Riyadh . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN Nemova, Galina . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.21 SUN
Mishina, Oxana . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.2 WED Moloney, Jerome V. . . . . . . . . CC-3.1 SUN Mosk, Allard . . . . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN, Myara, Mikaël . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.5 WED Neo, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-10.2 TUE
Missinne, Jeroen . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.22 SUN Molotokaite, Egle . . . . . . . . . . CD-4.3 SUN IH-P.3 THU Myara, Mikhael . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.18 MON, Neshev, Dragomir N. . . . . . . . . II-4.2 THU
Missous, Mohamed . . . . . . . . CC-P.4 SUN, Molpeceres, Carlos . . . . . . . CM-P.23 SUN, Mosk, Allard P. . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.14 SUN, CB-10.3 THU Netti, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.13 SUN
CF/IE-P.37 WED CE-P.16 TUE CL-3.5 MON, IA-3.6 MON, Myasnikov, Daniil . . . . . . . . .CE-P.18 TUE, Neubrech, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.11 WED
Mistura, Giampaolo . . . . . . CK-P.12 MON Mompart, Jordi CE-4.5 TUE, CI-P.4 TUE CF/IE-P.5 WED, �IG-2.1 WED, CE-8.5 WED Neuhaus, Leonhard . . . . . . . . . �IA-7.4 THU
Mitchell, Arnan . . . . . . . . . . . CK-10.4 THU Monat, Christelle . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.4 SUN, CE-9.4 WED, IH-2.3 WED, Myllyperkiö, Pasi . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.6 WED Neumann, Jörg CJ-1.2 SUN, CJ-1.6 SUN,
Mitchell, Brandon . . . . . . . . . �CE-1.4 MON CK-2.6 SUN, CE-3.2 MON CF/IE-11.1 THU, IA-P.3 THU, Mysliwiec, Jaroslaw . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.1 SUN CJ-2.3 SUN, CE-4.2 TUE,
Mitchell, Morgan . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.4 MON, Monberg, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED IH-P.19 THU Mysyrowicz, André . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN, CJ-P.16 WED, CJ-8.5 WED
IC-P.3 TUE, IA-P.1 THU, IA-P.8 THU, Monchocé, Sylvain . . . . . . . �CG-3.4 WED, Moskalenko, Valentina . . . �CB-P.36 MON CC-4.5 SUN, CD-P.16 TUE, Neumeier, Lukas . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.4 TUE
IA-P.25 THU CG-3.5 WED Moss, David . CK-2.6 SUN, CE-3.2 MON CD-10.1 TUE, CF/IE-P.25 WED, Neutens, Pieter �II-P.1 WED, �II-P.4 WED
Mitchell, Morgan W. . . . . . . . IB-1.2 MON, Moncorgé, Richard . . . . . . . . . CA-6.4 TUE, Moss, David J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.4 SUN CF/IE-P.26 WED, CD-11.5 WED Neuzner, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON
IA-5.5 WED CA-10.4 WED Mosser, Gervaise . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.4 SUN Nabekawa, Yasuo . . . . . . CF/IE-10.1 THU Nevou, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.6 SUN
Mitrofanov, Alexander . . . . . . CG-1.2 TUE Monemhaghdoust, Zahra . . . �CL-5.2 TUE Mossety-Leszczak, Beata . . . . IF-P.8 SUN Nadal, Laia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.5 TUE Newbury, Nathan . . . . . . . . . �CH-5.1 THU
Mitrykovskiy, Sergey . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN Mönkemöller, Viola . . . . . . . �CL-3.1 MON Mottay, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.2 SUN, Naeger, Jakob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-2.2 WED Ng, Mi Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-7.4 THU
Mitryukovskiy, Sergey . . . . . �CC-4.5 SUN, Monmayrant, Antoine . . . . . �CK-1.1 SUN, CJ-4.4 MON, CA-5.2 TUE, Naether, Uta . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.4 WED Ngueye, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.3 MON
CF/IE-P.26 WED �CB-P.16 MON CF/IE-P.29 WED, CA-10.4 WED Nagai, Masaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.4 SUN, Nguimdo, Romain Modeste CB-P.3 MON,
Mitsch, Rudolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.3 WED Monneret, Serge . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.1 TUE Mottl, Rafael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-1.3 TUE CC-P.10 SUN �CD-P.25 TUE, �CB-5.4 TUE,
Mitschke, Fedor IF-1.3 SUN, IG-5.1 THU Monroe, Tanja . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.6 THU Motzkus, Marcus . . . . . . . . . . CD-4.1 SUN, Nagakura, Takehito . . . . . . . �CB-9.4 THU CH-P.20 THU
Miura, Kenta . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.29 MON Montemezzani, Germano . . . . . IF-3.4 SUN JSIV-1.1 MON, CE-P.17 TUE Nagali, Eleonora . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.4 MON Nguimdo, Roman Modeste . . CB-6.2 TUE
Miura, Taisuke . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-5.6 TUE Montes, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.4 WED Mou, CHENGBO . . . . . . . . . . . IG-4.3 THU Nagel, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-2.1 SUN, Nguyen, Chi Thanh . . . . . . CM-P.10 SUN,
Mivelle, Mathieu . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.5 THU Monteville, Achille . . . . . . . . .CE-P.27 TUE Mouawad, Oussama . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN CK-9.4 THU CH-3.1 WED
Miyaji, Godai . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-4.1 WED, Montfort, Frédéric . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.2 TUE Moulet, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . . CG-5.3 THU Nagy, Tamas . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-3.1 SUN, Nguyen, Dang Minh . . . . . . . CE-9.1 WED
�CM-4.4 WED Monti, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN Moumdji, Souad . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.4 MON CF/IE-P.1 WED Nguyen, Thach G. . . . . . . . . CK-10.4 THU
Miyamoto, Isamu . . . . �CM-3/LIM.1 TUE Montmessin, Franck . . . . . . . CA-P.32 SUN Mounaix, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.13 SUN Nair, Rahul R. . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.2 THU Nguyen, Thi Thanh Ngan . . CE-9.5 WED
Miyamoto, Katsuhiko . . . . . . CJ-6.6 WED, Montrosset, Ivo . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.2 MON, Moya-Cessa, Hector . . . . . . . . . IB-3.4 TUE Nakagawa, Ken’ichi . . . . . . . . CJ-8.6 WED Nibbering, Erik T. J. . . . . . . . . IG-5.2 THU
CM-5.1 WED, CM-5.4 WED, CB-4.2 TUE Mücke, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON Nakamura, Kazutaka . �CF/IE-P.20 WED Nichkawde, Chetan . . . . . . . CB-P.39 MON

Authors’ Index

Nicholl, Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-P.1 WED Nowinowski-Kruszelnicki, Edward Onishchukov, Georgy . . . . . . CI-P.14 TUE, Ozaki, Nobuhiko . . . . . . . . . CK-P.23 MON Pasquazi, Alessia . . . . . . . . . . . CD-2.4 SUN
Nicholson, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED CD-P.44 TUE IG-2.2 WED Ozaki, Tsuneyuki . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.3 SUN, Passaseo, Adriana . . . . . . . . CB-P.13 MON
Nicolas, Adrien . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.18 MON, Nowosielski, Jedrzej . . . . . . CK-P.27 MON Oohata, Goro . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.24 WED CF/IE-9.5 WED Passerat de Silans, Thierry . . IH-2.4 WED
IA-6.2 WED Nshii, Chidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.6 WED Opheij, Aron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-2.3 SUN Ozawa, Yusuke . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Passlick, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.15 SUN
Nicoletti, Sergio . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN, Nussbaumer, Bernhard . . . . CA-P.27 SUN Oppermann, Malte . . . . . CF/IE-10.2 THU Paajaste, Jonna . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-1.1 MON Pastorelli, Francesco . . . . . . �IH-P.16 THU
CD-P.33 TUE, JSII-1.5 WED Nyga, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.14 WED Oppo, Gian-Luca . . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.2 SUN, Paboeuf, David . . . . . . . . . . �CB-10.1 THU Patchkovskii, Serguei . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE,
Nicolodi, Daniele . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON Nyström, Elisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-9.6 THU �CB-P.20 MON, IG-1.2 TUE, Padgett, Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.1 SUN, CG-5.6 THU, CG-7.6 THU
Nielsen, Bo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.19 THU O Duill, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.4 WED CD-P.26 TUE, IC-P.2 TUE, IC-P.8 TUE, �SH-7.1 WED Patel, Aabid . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-4.3 WED
Nielsen, Bo M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IA-7.5 THU Obidin, Aleksey . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.18 SUN IG-4.2 THU Paeder, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-4.4 SUN Patel, Kumar N. . . . . . . . . . �JSII-1.1 WED
Niendorf, Thoralf . . . . . . . . . CK-P.20 MON Obraztsov, Alexander . . . . . . PD-B.6 WED Orcutt, Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.3 SUN Pagliarulo, Vito . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.14 TUE Patel, Raj B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.4 THU
Nikodem, Michal . . . . . . . . . �CH-1.3 MON Obraztsov, Petr . . . . . . . . . . �PD-B.6 WED Ordonez-Miranda, Jose . . . .�IH-P.13 THU Pagnoux, Dominique . . . . . . . CA-P.8 SUN, Patel, Utkarsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-7.3 THU
Nillon, Julien . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.2 WED O’Brien, J.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-2.1 MON Oren, Gilad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.5 SUN, CD-P.18 TUE, CL-5.6 TUE Patera, Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . . �IA-3.3 MON,
Nilsson, Johan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-9.2 THU O’Brien, Jeremy . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.6 WED �CF/IE-P.10 WED Paiè, Petra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.5 TUE IG-P.6 THU
Nilsson, Jonas . . . . . . . . . . . . �PD-B.3 WED O’Brien, Jeremy L. . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.3 THU Oreshkov, Bozhidar . . . . . . . . CA-P.7 SUN, Painchaud, Yves . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.4 SUN Paterman, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . CM-8.2 THU
Nisbet-Jones, Peter B. R. . . . . IB-4.2 TUE O’Brien, Stephen . . . . . . . . . CB-P.33 MON CA-P.9 SUN Paipulas, Domas . . . . . . . . . CM-P.12 SUN, Patorski, Krzysztof . . . . . . . .CH-P.24 THU
Nishifuji, Masayuki . . . . . . . . . CA-1.1 SUN OCallaghan, James . . . . . . . CB-P.9 MON, Orieux, Adeline . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.4 MON, �CM-7.5 THU, CM-8.3 THU Patrascioiu, Adrian . . . . . . . . . CM-1.3 SUN
Nishimura, Jiro . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-3.3 WED CB-P.10 MON, CB-P.35 MON CK-7.3 THU Pal, Atasi . . �CJ-P.1 WED, CJ-P.25 WED Patrick, Audebert . . . . . . . . . CA-P.24 SUN
Nishio, Masatoshi . . . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN, O’Carroll, John . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.20 TUE, Orlandi, Piero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.1 SUN Pal, Mrinmay . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.25 WED Patterson, Michael . . . . . . . . . .CL-6.2 TUE
CA-8.6 WED �CB-7.2 THU Orlando, Pierangelo . . . . . . . . .CL-6.6 TUE Palacios, Silvana . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.3 TUE Paturi, Petriina . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.7 TUE
Nisoli, Mauro . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.4 SUN, Ochalski, Tomasz . . . . . . CF/IE-P.37 WED Orlovich, Valentin . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN Palashov, Oleg CA-P.6 SUN, CA-7.5 TUE Paturzo, Melania . . . . . . . . . .JSII-1.4 WED
CG-2.2 TUE, CG-P.1 THU O’Connor, Daniel . . . . . . . . . CK-5.3 MON, Orobtchouk, Règis . . . . . . . . . CK-1.4 SUN Palazzo, Claudio . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN Paulau, Pavel CB-P.20 MON, IG-4.2 THU
Niu, Hanben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.3 TUE, CE-5.4 TUE, IH-P.18 THU Oron, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.7 SUN Pal’chikov, Vitaly . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.7 MON Pauliat, Gilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.22 TUE
CF/IE-P.35 WED Oda, Hisaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.23 MON Orsila, Lasse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-1.5 SUN Palecek, David . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.3 MON Paulus, Gerhard . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN,
Noack, Monika . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.5 MON Oda, Naoki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.2 SUN Orta, Renato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.3 THU Pálfalvi, László . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-4.6 SUN CG-2.3 TUE
Noblet, Yoann . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.20 MON, Odent, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-P.8 THU Ortega, Beatriz . . . . . . . . . . . . .CI-1.5 MON Palmer, Guido . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-12.6 THU Paulus, Gerhard G. . . . . . . . . . CH-4.4 THU
CB-P.39 MON, IG-4.2 THU Ogawa, Kanade . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON, Ortega-Feliu, Inés . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.4 THU Palmer, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Pavel, Nicolaie . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.5 WED
Nock, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.2 THU CH-P.18 THU Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro . . �CK-9.3 THU Palpant, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.4 MON Pavesi, Lorenzo . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN
Nogami, Jun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.2 THU Ogawa, Keiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.5 WED Ortegel, Norbert . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.12 MON, Pan, Yubai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.3 TUE Pavlov, Ihor . CJ-6.5 WED, CJ-P.43 WED
Noginov, M. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-5.3 TUE O’Gorman, James . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.2 THU �IB-3.2 TUE Panajotov, Krassimir . . . . . CB-P.40 MON, Pavlyuk, Anatoly . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN,
Nogrette, Florence . . . . . . . . . .IA-1.4 MON Ogrisek, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.6 TUE Ortín, Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-P.7 THU CB-5.2 TUE, IG-P.12 THU, CA-10.5 WED
Noguès, Claude . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.1 WED Ohishi, Yasutake . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN, Ortiz, María José . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.6 MON IG-P.15 THU, IG-P.17 THU Pavlyuk, Anatoly A. . . . . . . . . CA-4.5 SUN
Noh, Heeso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.5 WED CD-P.3 TUE, CD-P.4 TUE, CE-P.5 TUE, Ortiz, Sandrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.6 SUN Panoiu, Nicolae . . . . . . . . . . CD-12.1 WED Pawlik, Katarzyna . . . . . . . . . CH-P.8 THU
Nölleke, Christian . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON CJ-P.41 WED Ortmaier, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.2 SUN Pantouvaki, Marianna . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Payne, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.5 WED
Nolte, Peter W. . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.36 TUE Ohkubo, Takeru . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Osadola, Tolulope . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.15 TUE Papadopoulos, Dimitris . . �CA-10.4 WED Pea, Maria Lilia . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN
Nolte, Stefan . . IF-2.1 SUN, CJ-1.3 SUN, Ohshima, Takashi . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON Osborne, Simon . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.33 MON Papasimakis, Nikitas . . . . . . . �II-1.4 WED, Peacock, Anna . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.30 TUE,
CH-1.5 MON, IB-P.17 MON, Ohtani, Keita . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.1 SUN Osellame, Roberto . . . . . . . . . IA-2.5 MON, CF/IE-11.4 THU CM-8.6 THU
CD-8.4 TUE, CI-2.5 TUE, CI-P.10 TUE, Oikawa, Masahiro . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.40 WED IB-2.2 TUE, CL-6.5 TUE, CM-7.1 THU Papazoglou, Demetris . . . . . . IG-P.14 THU Peaudecerf, Bruno . . . . . . . . . �IA-1.1 MON
IB-3.4 TUE, JSIII-P.5 WED, Oishi, Yu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.13 TUE Osgood, Richard . . . . . . . . . CD-12.1 WED Papoff, Francesco . . . . . . . . . CK-P.1 MON, Peccianti, Marco . . . . . . . . . . �CD-2.4 SUN,
JSIII-1.4 WED, CK-8.3 THU, Okamoto, Ryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.1 THU O’Shea, Danny . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.3 MON CK-P.3 MON CC-3.3 SUN
CM-6.1 THU, CM-6.6 THU, Okamoto, Takashi . . . . . . . �JSIII-1.1 WED O’Shuaghnessy, Ben . . . CF/IE-P.27 WED Papp, Scott �ID-2.5 MON, PD-B.1 WED Peckus, Martynas . . . . . . . . CK-P.13 MON,
IA-P.13 THU, IA-P.24 THU, Okamoto, Takuya . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.1 WED Osiko, Vyacheslav . . . . . . . . . CA-P.30 SUN Paquet-Mercier, François . . . CE-4.6 TUE CK-P.19 MON, CK-P.25 MON
CM-7.6 THU, CM-8.5 THU Okamura, Kotaro . . . . . . . . . CD-P.13 TUE Ossó, J.Oriol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.3 MON Paquot, Yvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-10.2 TUE Pediaditakis, Iosif . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.2 SUN
Nolvi, Anton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.43 TUE Okayasu, Yuichi . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON, Ostendorf, Ralf . . . . . . . . . . �JSII-2.2 WED, Paré, Claude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.4 THU Pedri, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE
Nomura, Yutaka . . . . . . CF/IE-P.38 WED, CH-P.18 THU JSII-P.2 WED Paredes-Barato, David . . . . �IB-P.15 MON Pedrosa, Francisco Javier . CM-P.31 SUN
CF/IE-12.3 THU O’Keeffe, Kevin . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.4 SUN, Osterwalder, Jürg . . . . . . . . . PD-A.1 WED Parigi, Valentina . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-1.4 MON Pe’er, Avi . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.6 WED,
Noom, Daniel W.E. . . . . . CF/IE-7.3 MON CF/IE-7.4 MON Ostrowski, Lukasz . . . . . . . . . .CH-P.8 THU Parillaud, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU �CF/IE-P.22 WED
Noom, Daniel Wilhelmus Emile Okell, William . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.3 WED, Osvay, Karoly . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-4.1 THU, Paris, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.19 THU Peik, Ekkehard . . . . . . . . . . . �ID-1.1 MON,
�CA-8.3 WED CG-P.16 THU CG-P.22 THU Parisi, Daniela . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-3.3 SUN ID-1.2 MON, �ID-3.3 MON
Nordlander, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.3 WED, Okhapkin, Maxim . . . . . . . . . ID-1.1 MON, Otake, Yuji . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON Park, Doojae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.3 THU Pelagotti, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.4 WED
�II-3.1 THU ID-3.3 MON Otani, Kazunori . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.6 WED Parker, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Pelegrina-Bonilla, Gabriel . . �CE-4.2 TUE
Norgia, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.11 SUN, Okhotnikov, Oleg . . . . . . . . CB-P.12 MON, Ottaway, David . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.1 TUE Parladori, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.11 TUE Pellé, Fabienne . . . . . . . . . . . . .CD-P.7 TUE
CH-P.3 THU CJ-P.33 WED Otto, Hans-Jürgen . . . . . . . . CJ-3.1 MON, Parra-Cetina, Josue . . . . . . . . �CI-3.6 WED Pellegrina, Alain . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.4 WED
Norimatsu, Katsura . . . �CF/IE-P.33 WED Okhotnikov, Oleg G. . . . . . . . CB-P.2 MON CJ-3.2 MON, CJ-3.3 MON, Parra-Rivas, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . IG-4.4 THU Pelli, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.10 MON
Norman, Michael . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Okino, Tomoya . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.1 THU �CJ-3.4 MON Parravicini, Jacopo . . . . . . . . �CD-8.5 TUE Pello, Josselin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.12 TUE
Norris, Barnaby . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.42 WED Oksenhendler, Thomas . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Ou, Jun-Yu . . CK-3.2 SUN, CE-5.1 TUE, Parsonage, Tina L . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.3 THU Pena, Guido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.13 WED
Norris, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.26 TUE Olaizola, Santiago M. . . . . . . CM-6.7 THU CE-5.2 TUE, II-3.2 THU, IH-P.11 THU Parsons, Aaron. D . . . . . . . �CH-P.11 THU Peng, Xiang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED
Norton, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.1 WED Oliver, Neus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-5.5 TUE Oujja, Mohamed . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.31 SUN Partner, Heather . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN Penna, Alessio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.1 SUN
Norwood, Robert . . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON, Olivero, Massimo . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.1 SUN Oulton, Rupert . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.6 TUE Parviainen, Tomi . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.3 WED Pépin, Henri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON
CE-3.4 MON Olivucci, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.3 MON Oulton, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.28 MON, Parvitte, Bertrand . . . . . . . . . CC-P.16 SUN Peräjärvi, Kari . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-P.1 WED
Notomi, Masaya . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.5 SUN, Omachi, Junko . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-9.6 TUE IA-P.12 THU Paschke, Katrin . . . . . . . . . CB-P.11 MON, Perchermeier, Julian . . . . . . �CA-P.22 SUN
IA-6.4 WED Omatsu, Takashige . . . . . . . . CA-1.6 SUN, Ourjoumtsev, Alexei . . . . . . . . IA-1.4 MON CB-P.17 MON, �CB-9.2 THU Perdrix, Michel . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED
Novák, Ondřej . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.6 TUE CJ-6.6 WED, CM-5.1 WED, Overman, Robert . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.1 TUE Paschotta, Rüdiger . . . . . . . . �SH-8.1 SUN Perea-Ortiz, Marisa . . . . . . . . . IC-P.1 TUE
Novikov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.10 WED CM-5.4 WED, CA-10.1 WED, Overmeyer, Ludger . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.2 SUN Pashkin, Alexej . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.9 SUN, Perevezentsev, Evgeny . . . . . . CA-7.5 TUE
Novikov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CK-P.21 MON CA-10.3 WED Ovsiannikov, Vitaly . . . . . . . . �ID-P.7 MON CF/IE-12.1 THU Pérez, Armando . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.20 MON
Novokov, Anton . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.2 TUE Omrani, Hengameh . . . . . . . CH-P.17 THU Owada, Sigeki . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON Pasiskevicius, Valdas . . . . . . CD-5.2 MON, Pérez-Galacho, Diego . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU
Novoselov, Konstantin S. O’Neale, Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.1 TUE Owschimikow, Nina . . . . . . . . �IH-6.3 THU CD-7.3 MON Pérez-Hernández, José Antonio
CF/IE-13.2 THU O’Neill, William . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-2.1 SUN Oyama, Satoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.1 THU Pask, Helen . . . CA-1.6 SUN, CC-3.2 SUN �CG-6.4 THU

Authors’ Index

Perez-Leija, Armando . . . . . . . IB-3.4 TUE Piehler, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-4.4 SUN, Politko, Maxim . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.10 WED Pryde, Geoff J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.5 THU Ramsey, Andrew J. . . . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU
Perez, Luis A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.3 MON �CA-9.3 WED Polli, Dario �CD-4.3 SUN, JSIV-P.1 MON, Prylepa, Andrii . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.19 TUE Ramunno, Lora . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON
Pérez-Ojeda, Maria Eugenia CE-2.6 MON Piekarek, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON �JSIV-2.4 MON, �CE-P.34 TUE Prziwarka, Thomas . . . . . . . CB-P.29 MON Randle, Hamish . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.1 MON
Perez-Serrano, Antonio . . . �CB-P.7 MON, Pierangelo, Angelo . . . . . . . . . CD-8.5 TUE Pollnau, Markus . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.9 SUN, Psaltis, Demetri . . . . . . . . . . �CK-5.1 MON, Randoshkin, Ivan . . . . . . . . . CM-P.18 SUN
�CB-7.4 THU Pierrat, Romain . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.2 SUN �CL-6.1 TUE, �CE-6.1 TUE, IG-P.14 THU Ranella, Anthi . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.2 SUN
Pérez-Vizcaíno, Jorge . . . . . . CD-4.4 SUN, Pierre, Christophe . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.1 WED PD-A.4 WED, CK-10.2 THU, Pucker, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN Rangelov, Andon A. . . . . . . . . . IF-3.4 SUN
�CD-P.34 TUE, CF/IE-P.18 WED Pierre-François, Cohadon . . . . IA-7.3 THU CK-10.3 THU, CK-10.6 THU Pugachev, Leonid . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.6 THU Ranta, Sanna CB-4.3 TUE, CB-10.2 THU
Pergament, Mikhail . . . . . . . CA-P.23 SUN Pifferi, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.3 THU Polynkin, Pavel . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-6.2 MON Pugliese, Eugenio . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.4 WED Rantamäki, Antti . . . . . . . . . CB-P.2 MON,
Perinchery, Sandeep . . . . . . CM-P.22 SUN Pigeau, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . PD-B.4 WED, Polzik, Eugene Simon . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU Pugliesi, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . �JSIV-2.2 MON �CB-P.12 MON
Perrin, Mathias . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-2.4 SUN CH-7.2 THU Pomeranz, Leonard . . . . . . . JSII-2.3 WED Pugžlys, Audrius . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.1 SUN, Rapp, Philipp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.4 THU
Perrone, Guido CJ-1.1 SUN, CH-P.7 THU Piglosiewicz, Björn . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.3 THU Pomraenke, Robert . . . . . . . . . IH-4.2 THU CF/IE-4.6 SUN, CF/IE-6.2 MON, Rarity, J.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
Pertsch, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.1 SUN, Pileni, Marie-Paule . . . . . . . . CE-P.34 TUE Poncharal, Philippe . . . . . . . . CH-7.2 THU CF/IE-6.3 MON, CA-8.2 WED Rarity, John CK-P.28 MON, IA-6.6 WED,
IF-P.2 SUN, CH-1.5 MON, CD-7.2 MON Pillai, Smitha . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON Pooley, Matthew A. . . . . . . . . . IB-6.4 THU Pujol, Maria Cinta . . . . . . . . CA-P.29 SUN, �IB-5.2 THU, IA-P.16 THU, IB-8.2 THU
Peruch, Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-5.4 TUE Pillet, Grégoire . . . . . . . . . . . .JSII-2.4 WED Popa, Daniel CB-4.6 TUE, CJ-P.39 WED CA-3.5 SUN Rarity, John G. . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU
Peruzzo, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Pimenov, Aleksandr . . . . . . . . IG-P.12 THU Popescu, Alexandru . . . . . . CK-P.20 MON Pukhov, Alexander A. . . . . CK-P.31 MON Rasel, Ernst Maria . . . . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON
Pervak, Valdmir . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-5.3 THU Pimenov, Alexander . . . . . �CB-P.27 MON Popescu, Traian . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.5 WED Puncken, Oliver . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU Raspopin, Konstantin . . . . . . CJ-P.9 WED
Pervak, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN, Pinel, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.6 MON Poplawsky, Jonathan . . . . . . . CE-1.4 MON Punj, Deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.5 THU Rasskazov, Gennady . . . . . . CD-P.42 TUE
CF/IE-3.2 SUN, CF/IE-5.6 MON, Pinkse, Pepijn W.H. . . . . . . �IA-3.6 MON, Popmintchev, Tenio . . . . �CF/IE-7.1 MON Purlys, Vytautas . . . . . . . . . CK-P.13 MON, Rastelli, Armando . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.4 THU
CF/IE-P.3 WED, CG-4.3 THU IA-P.3 THU Popoff, Sebastien . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.4 TUE CK-P.19 MON Rathje, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-2.3 TUE
Peschel, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.5 MON Piotrowski, Marcin . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.1 SUN Popov, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.8 SUN Pusino, Vincenzo . . . . . . . . . �CB-3.1 MON, Ratner, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.6 SUN
Peschel, Ulf . . . CK-4.2 SUN, II-2.3 WED, Piramidowicz, Ryszard . . . . . . CI-2.2 TUE, Popov, Konstantin . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON CB-6.3 TUE Rattunde, Marcel . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE,
IG-2.2 WED, CK-6.4 WED CE-P.25 TUE, CE-P.29 TUE Popp, Juergen . . . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.4 SUN Pustelny, Szymon . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.11 SUN JSII-2.2 WED, CB-10.5 THU
Pesquera, Amaia . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.4 THU Pirandola, Stefano . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.5 MON Popp, Jürgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.2 WED Puzyrev, Dmitry . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.12 THU Rau, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-5.1 THU
Pesquera, Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.7 THU Piro, Oreste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.6 WED Poppe, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-5.6 THU Pyka, Karsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN Rausch, Stefan . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.1 WED,
Pestov, Dmitry . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.42 TUE Pirzio, Federico . . . . . . . . . . �CD-6.1 MON, Porer, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.1 THU, Pyragaite, Viktorija . . . . . . . CC-P.11 SUN CF/IE-9.1 WED
Peterka, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.5 WED �CE-6.3 TUE �CF/IE-13.3 THU Pysz, Dariusz . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED Rauschenberger, Jens . . . . CF/IE-3.2 SUN
Peterman, Erwin . . . . . . . . . . �CL-3.3 MON Pisanello, Ferruccio . . . . . . . . CE-9.6 WED Porras, Diego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.11 THU Qian, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.1 SUN Rauschenbeutel, Arno . . . . . . IA-1.3 MON,
Petermann, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . CI-1.2 MON, Písařík, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.5 WED Porte, Xavier CB-5.3 TUE, �CB-7.5 THU Qiang, X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON IA-4.3 WED
CD-P.24 TUE, CI-P.13 TUE, Piskarskas, Algis . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.6 TUE Portolan, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.9 THU Quélin, Xavier . II-P.8 WED, �IH-6.2 THU Rautiainen, Jussi . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.2 MON,
CA-8.5 WED Pissadakis, Stavros . . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN, Pösch, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.2 THU Quéré, Fabien . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.5 WED CB-P.12 MON
Petraviciute - Lötscher, Lauryna CK-4.4 SUN, CH-3.2 WED Poteomkin, Anatoly . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN Quiquempois, Yves . . . . . . . . CJ-6.2 WED, Ravagnan, Luca . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.5 THU
�CD-9.2 TUE Pitilakis, Alexandros . . . . . . . . �II-2.6 WED Potnis, Shreyas IC-2.2 TUE, IG-3.5 WED CJ-11.3 THU, CJ-11.5 THU Ravaine, Serge . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.32 WED
Petroff, Pierre M. . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.6 THU Pitois, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.1 WED, Potocek, Václav . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-2.3 TUE Quiring, Viktor . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.4 MON Ravaro, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . . .�CC-2.3 SUN
Petrov, Valentin . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.29 SUN, CI-3.2 WED, PD-B.8 WED Pottie, Paul-Eric . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.4 MON Raabe, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.22 THU Ravet, Gautier . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.22 WED
CA-3.5 SUN, CD-5.2 MON, Pitsios, Ioannis . . . . . . . . . . �JSIII-P.3 WED Poturaj, Krzysztof . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE Rachinskii, Dmitrii . . . . . . . CB-P.27 MON Raybaut, Myriam . . . . . . . . . CD-5.1 MON,
CD-6.1 MON, CE-P.8 TUE Pivovarov, Pavel . . . . . . CM-3/LIM.2 TUE Poulios, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Račiukaitis, Gediminas . . . . . .CD-P.5 TUE CD-5.4 MON
Petrozza, AnnaMaria . . . CF/IE-13.5 THU Piwnoski, Tomasz . . . . . CF/IE-P.37 WED Považay, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.1 TUE Racz, Ervin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.1 THU Razskazovskaya, Olga . . CF/IE-5.6 MON,
Petrucelli, Vincenzo . . . . . . . . CK-1.1 SUN Pizzocaro, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.5 MON Powell, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.5 THU Rácz, Péter . . CA-P.31 SUN, IH-5.4 THU CG-4.3 THU, CG-5.3 THU
Pettersson, Mika . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.6 WED Pizzocchero, Filippo . . . . . . . . CC-4.3 SUN Powell, Haydn . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.8 THU Radevici, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.7 TUE Reali, Giancarlo . . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.1 MON,
Peyghambarian, Nasser . . . . CE-2.4 MON, Planchat, Christophe . . . . . . . CJ-8.1 WED Pozo, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Radier, Christophe . . . . . . CF/IE-P.9 WED CE-6.3 TUE
CE-3.4 MON Plant, Genevieve . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.3 MON Pozza, Gianluca . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.35 TUE, Radke, André . . . . . . . . . CM-3/LIM.3 TUE Reardon, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.3 MON
Pézolet, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.6 TUE Pletzer, Tobias M. . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.1 SUN CE-8.4 WED Radzewicz, Czeslaw . . . . . . . . . IB-8.6 THU Reardon, Christopher . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN
Pezzagna, Sébastien . . . . . . . . IH-P.6 THU Ploss, Daniel . . �CK-4.2 SUN, II-2.3 WED Prade, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.5 SUN, Radziunas, Mindaugas . . �CB-P.37 MON, Rebollar, Esther . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN
Pfeffer, Christian P. . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON Plotnik, Yonatan . . . . . . . . . . . CK-3.1 SUN CD-P.16 TUE, CD-10.1 TUE, �CB-P.38 MON, IG-2.4 WED Rebolledo, Miguel A. . . . . . . CJ-12.4 THU
Pfeifer, Hannes CK-4.2 SUN, II-2.3 WED Plum, Eric . . . . . CK-3.2 SUN, II-3.2 THU CD-11.5 WED Rafailov, Edik . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN, Rebrova, Natalia . . . . . . . . . CB-P.27 MON
Pfeiffer, Loren N. . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.5 WED Pocholle, Jean-Paul . . . . . . . CA-10.6 WED Prasad, Paras N. . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.1 WED CD-6.3 MON, CB-4.2 TUE, Rechtsman, Mikael C. . . . . . . CK-3.1 SUN
Pfeiffer, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.4 THU Podivilov, Evgeny . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.8 WED Prasciolu, Mauro . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.2 MON CD-P.21 TUE Recur, Benoit . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.13 SUN
Pfeiffer, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.3 MON, Podoliak, Nina . . . . . . . . . . . . .�CI-4.2 WED Prater, Karin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.1 SUN Rafailov, Edik U. . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.28 TUE Redding, Brandon . . . . . . . . . CH-2.4 TUE,
ID-2.3 MON Podrazký, Ondřej . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.5 WED, Pratesi, Filippo . . . . . . . . . . �CK-5.2 MON, Rahim, Abdul . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-1.2 MON JSIII-1.3 WED, JSIII-1.5 WED,
Pfisterer, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.5 MON CJ-P.7 WED CK-P.35 MON Rahimi-Keshari, Saleh . . . . . �IB-P.9 MON, PD-A.7 WED
Pfullmann, Nils . . . . . . . . . . . .CK-P.5 MON Poeggel, Sven CH-3.5 WED, CH-6.4 THU Preciado, Miguel A. . . . . . . . . �CI-P.3 TUE IB-6.1 THU Redeker, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.12 MON
Phan Huy, Kien . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.13 MON, Poeld, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU Preda, Cristina Elena . . . . . �CJ-P.22 WED Rahlves, Maik . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-P.2 SUN Regelskis, Kestutis . . . . . . . . . CD-P.5 TUE,
IG-4.6 THU Poellmann, Christoph . . . . . . . IH-5.1 THU Preda, Elena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.1 WED Raimond, Jean-Michel . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON CF/IE-P.19 WED, CJ-P.21 WED
Phelan, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.2 THU, Poggi, Pasquale . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.4 WED Predojević, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-2.3 MON, Raineri, Fabrice . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-8.2 THU Regensburger, Alois . . . . . . . . �IG-2.2 WED
CJ-10.6 THU Pohl, Johannes . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.15 SUN, IB-3.5 TUE Ralph, Tim . . . IB-P.3 MON, IB-5.4 THU, Reggentin, Matthias . . . . . . CB-P.17 MON
Philippe, Severine . . . . . . . . CB-P.22 MON CB-P.17 MON Priebe, Gerd . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.5 SUN IB-6.6 THU Rehbinder, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . CD-4.1 SUN,
Phillipp, Fritz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.4 THU Point, Guillaume . . . . . . . . . CD-P.16 TUE, Prigent, Christophe . . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Ralph, Timothy IB-P.9 MON, IB-6.1 THU CE-P.17 TUE
Phillips, Christopher . . . . . . �CD-7.4 MON �CD-10.1 TUE Priimagi, Arri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.5 WED Ralph, Timothy C. . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.5 THU Reich, Oliver CH-2.2 TUE, CH-P.17 THU
Phillips, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . CA-7.2 TUE, Poitras, François . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED Prince, Kamau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.1 TUE Ram, Rajeev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.3 SUN Reichel, Jakob . IC-P.6 TUE, IH-4.3 THU
CA-7.3 TUE Pokorny, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.4 THU Prinz, Heino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.14 THU Ramdane, Abderrahim . . . . . . CI-3.5 WED Reichert, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . . CA-2.5 SUN,
Phua, Poh Boon . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.2 WED Pola, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Prior, Yehiam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.5 WED Ramelow, Sven IB-1.2 MON, IB-7.3 THU CA-P.3 SUN, �CJ-12.5 THU
Picca, Rosaria Anna . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN Poletto, Luca . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-1.4 SUN, Prochnow, Oliver . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.1 WED Ramon, Céline . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED Reid, Derryck . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.3 SUN,
Piccardi, Armando . . . . . . . . . �CD-8.1 TUE �CF/IE-5.5 MON, CG-2.2 TUE, Pronin, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-2.2 SUN Ramos, Ramon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IC-2.2 TUE CF/IE-P.30 WED
Picozzi, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.6 SUN, �CF/IE-P.16 WED, �CG-P.1 THU Pruneri, Valerio . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.2 MON, Rampnoux, Jean-Michel CF/IE-P.29 WED Reid, Derryck T. . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.4 MON
CI-3.1 WED, CD-11.2 WED Poli, Federica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.2 WED CE-2.1 MON, CE-2.2 MON, Ramponi, Roberta . . . . . . . . . IA-2.5 MON, Reilly, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.2 SUN
Picqué, Nathalie . . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.4 MON, Polini, Marco . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.2 THU CE-2.3 MON, CI-P.12 TUE IB-2.2 TUE, CL-6.5 TUE, CM-7.1 THU Reimann, René . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.4 WED
CH-5.2 THU, CH-5.3 THU Polis, Pawel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.25 TUE Pruvost, Laurence . . . . . . . . �IA-P.21 THU Rampp, Markus . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.19 MON Reimche, Wilfried . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.2 THU

Authors’ Index

Reinhard, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN Righini, Roberto . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.44 WED Romero, Carolina . . . . . . CF/IE-P.40 WED CJ-12.4 THU Salin, François .CA-1.3 SUN, CJ-2.4 SUN
Reinhardt, Carsten . . . . . . . . CM-2.3 SUN, Rigneault, Herve . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.1 SUN, Ronning, Carsten . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.6 TUE Ruiz, Myke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.2 TUE Salomon, Adi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.5 WED
�II-2.5 WED, II-P.10 WED IF-P.7 SUN, IF-4.4 SUN, �CD-4.5 SUN, Roos, C.F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-3.3 TUE Ruiz-Rivas, Joaquín . . . . . . . . �IG-P.6 THU Salter, Cameron L. . . . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED
Reininger, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN CL-4.3 MON, CL-5.1 TUE, �IH-3.5 THU Ropers, Claus . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-1.5 SUN Rumpel, Martin . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.25 SUN, Salzenstein, Patrice . . . . . . . . . IG-4.6 THU
Reiserer, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON Riikonen, Juha . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.4 MON Röpke, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.1 SUN �CA-9.2 WED Samanta, Goutam Kumar . . . CD-9.1 TUE
Reitböck, Cornelia . . . . . . . . CD-P.19 TUE Riis, Erling . . . IF-P.13 SUN, IC-P.5 TUE, Roppo, Vito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-4.2 SUN Runge, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.6 WED, Sames, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.2 WED
Reithmeier, Eduard . . . . . . . . CL-P.2 SUN, IA-4.6 WED Rorison, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.15 MON �JSIII-2.3 WED, PD-A.2 WED, Samuel, Deléglise . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU
CH-4.2 THU Rios Leite, Jose R. . . . . . . . . . . IG-5.3 THU Rosales, Ricardo . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.5 WED CJ-9.4 THU Samuelson, Lars . . . . . . . . . . �CE-3.1 MON
Reitz, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.3 WED Ristau, Detlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.2 WED Rösch, Markus . . . . . . . �CB/CC-1.2 MON Ruostekoski, Janne . . . . . . . . IH-P.22 THU San-Emeterio-Alvarez, Lara JSV-P.1 TUE
Reitzenstein, Stephan . . . . . �CK-7.2 THU, Ristow, Oliver . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-1.2 MON, Rose, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-P.7 WED, Rus, Bedrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.2 THU San Román, Julio . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.2 SUN,
IB-5.1 THU CF/IE-12.2 THU CD-11.4 WED Rußbüldt, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-9.2 TUE CF/IE-P.40 WED
Rekstyte, Sima . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.15 SUN Ritchie, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN Rosenbusch, Peter . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.6 TUE Russell, N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Sanatinia, Reza . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.2 TUE
Remita, Hynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.17 THU Ritchie, David A. . . . . . . . . CB-P.25 MON, Rosencher, Emmanuel . . . . . CD-P.28 TUE Russell, Philip CD-1.3 SUN, CD-3.6 SUN, Sánchez, Christian . . . . . . . . . �CI-1.5 MON
Rempe, Gerhard . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON, CB/CC-1.1 MON, PD-B.3 WED, Rosenfeld, Wenjamin . . . . . IB-P.12 MON, IH-1.5 SUN, CK-4.1 SUN, Sanchez-Curto, Julio . . . . . . . . IF-2.3 SUN
IA-4.2 WED IB-6.4 THU IB-3.2 TUE CF/IE-P.14 WED Sand, Johan . IF-1.5 SUN, �JSII-P.1 WED
Remy, Braive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU Ritter, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-1.5 MON Röser, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.1 WED Russell, Philip St.J. . . . . . . . . CD-3.5 SUN, Sandner, Wolfgang . . . . . . CF/IE-4.5 SUN
Ren, Guanghui . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-10.4 THU Rivard, Maxime . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.2 MON Roskos, Hartmut . . . . . . . . . . �CC-1.1 SUN CL-2/ECBO.3 SUN, CF/IE-6.6 MON, Sandoghdar, Vahid . . . . . . . . PD-B.2 WED
Ren, Ximing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.2 WED Rivas, Daniel CG-3.2 WED, CG-4.3 THU Roslund, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . ID-1.6 MON, IG-P.13 THU, CH-6.1 THU Sangar, Alexandre . . . . . . . . CK-P.26 MON
Ren, Yingying . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.18 SUN Rivera-Perez, Emmanuel . . CJ-P.42 WED �IA-5.2 WED Russo, Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.1 TUE Sangla, Damien CA-1.3 SUN, CJ-2.4 SUN
Renault, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.6 TUE Rivière, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.3 THU Roso, Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.4 THU Rusteika, Nerijus . . . . . . CF/IE-P.19 WED Sangouard, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . .IB-7.2 THU
Renner, Michael . . . . . . CM-3/LIM.3 TUE, Riziotis, Christos . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.10 THU Rossetti, Mattia . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.2 TUE Rüter, Christian E. . . . . . . . . CK-P.8 MON, Sankar, Siva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.6 TUE
II-4.2 THU Rizza, Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.17 WED Rossi, Jussi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-5.4 THU �CE-P.3 TUE, CJ-P.17 WED Sanner, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.5 SUN
Renninger, William . . . . . �CF/IE-8.5 WED Ro, Jung Hoon . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.2 WED Rost, Jan-Michael . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.3 THU Rutkowska, Katarzyna . . . . �CD-P.27 TUE Sansone, Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . CG-2.2 TUE
Renversez, Gilles Renversez . �IF-P.6 SUN Roach, William . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.2 MON Rotenberg, Nir CK-2.3 SUN, IH-1.1 SUN, Rutkunas, Vygandas . . . . . . CM-P.15 SUN Sansoni, Linda �IB-2.2 TUE, CM-7.1 THU
Renz, Günther . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.28 SUN Robb, Gordon . . IF-3.2 SUN, IG-1.2 TUE, �IH-1.4 SUN, II-P.3 WED, �II-P.16 WED, Ryabtsev, Anton . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.42 TUE Santagati, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
Resch, Kevin . . IA-3.1 MON, IB-8.3 THU IC-P.2 TUE CK-8.1 THU, CF/IE-11.5 THU Ryabushkin, Oleg . . . . . . . . . CE-P.18 TUE, Santamato, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
Ressel, Barbara . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED Robert-Philip, Isabelle . . . . . CK-7.6 THU, Rotermund, Fabian . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE, CE-8.5 WED Santamato, Enrico . . . . . . . . . IB-P.2 MON
Restoin, Christine . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.38 WED IA-P.2 THU �CA-6.1 TUE Rybak, Andrey . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-6.5 WED Santarelli, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON,
Reuter, Rainer . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.31 WED Robert, Yannick . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU Roth, Bernhard . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.2 SUN Rybarczyk, Théo . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.1 MON ID-3.4 MON
Rey, Isabella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.3 MON Robin, Thierry . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Roth, M.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON Ryczkowski, Piotr . . . . . . . �CD-P.43 TUE, Santos, José Domingo . . . . . CE-P.16 TUE
Rey, Isabella H. . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.3 SUN, Rode, Andrei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.12 SUN Roth, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.4 THU CJ-9.6 THU Santra, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-6.1 THU
CK-8.1 THU Rödel, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . .CH-4.4 THU Roth, Martin M. . . . . . . . . �CK-P.16 MON, Rytikov, Georgy . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.17 THU Sanvitto, Daniele . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.1 WED,
Reynaud, Serge . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-2.2 WED Röder, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.6 TUE CD-P.11 TUE Rytz, Daniel . .CA-4.2 SUN, CA-5.2 TUE, IG-3.6 WED
Rhodes, Charles K. . . . . . . . CG-P.15 THU Rodes, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.1 TUE Rothhardt, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.5 MON, CA-5.4 TUE Sanz, Mikel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.31 SUN
Rhodes, Michelle . . . . . . . . CF/IE-3.6 SUN Rodoni, Lucio . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.6 THU CJ-4.3 MON, CG-4.5 THU, Saalmann, Ulf . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.3 THU Saraceno, Clara . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.1 TUE
Riboli, Francesco . . . . . . . . . CK-P.35 MON Rodriguez, Brian Joseph . . . CK-P.2 MON �CG-6.2 THU Sabbar, Mazyar . . . . . . . . . . . CG-7.3 THU, Sarger, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . .CJ-6.1 WED,
Ricaud, Sandrine . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.2 TUE, Rodriguez-Cobos, Amparo . CJ-P.42 WED Rothhardt, Manfred . . . . . . . . CJ-1.4 SUN, CG-7.4 THU CJ-P.18 WED
CE-P.9 TUE, CA-10.4 WED Rodríguez-Lara, Blas . . . . . . . . IB-3.4 TUE CH-1.4 MON, CH-2.3 TUE, Saby, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.4 SUN Sarma, Raktim . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.5 WED,
Ricci, Aurelien . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.1 SUN, Rodriguez, Said RK . . . . . . . . II-P.15 WED CJ-9.1 THU, CJ-10.6 THU Sada, Cinzia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.35 TUE PD-A.7 WED
CG-3.5 WED Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Javier Rothhardt, Philipp . . . . . CF/IE-13.1 THU Sadovnikova, Yana . . . . . . . . CJ-7.6 WED, Sarzala, Robert P. . . . . . . . CB-P.34 MON,
Rice, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.2 MON CD-P.34 TUE, CF/IE-P.40 WED Rotter, Stefan . . . . . . . . . CB/CC-1.3 MON CJ-12.1 THU CB-P.40 MON
Richardson, Dave . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.4 THU Roedig, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.15 SUN Rottwitt, Karsten . . . . . . . . . CD-P.31 TUE Safaisini, Rashid . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.1 THU Sasagawa, Takao . . . . . . CF/IE-P.33 WED
Richardson, David J. . . . . . . . CI-5.3 WED, Roeloffzen, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.4 TUE Rougier, Sébastien . . . . . . . . CJ-P.38 WED Safiei, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.1 SUN Sasaki, Masahide . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.10 MON
CJ-10.6 THU Rogacheva, Alexandra V. . . . II-P.14 WED Rouifed, Mohamed-Said . . . . . CI-2.3 TUE Sagnes, Isabelle . . . . . . . . . .CB-P.18 MON, Sasaki, Tokuhito . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.2 SUN
Richardson, Martin . . . . . . . CD-11.5 WED Rogers, Helen CI-P.16 TUE, CH-P.1 THU Rousseau, Jean-Philippe . CF/IE-2.1 SUN IG-3.2 WED, PD-A.5 WED, Sasatani, Yoshinobu . . . . . . . CA-P.15 SUN
Richart, Daniel L. . . . . . . . . . . �IB-8.4 THU Rogers, Helen L. . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.12 TUE Roy Choudhury, Kaushik . . . . IA-6.1 WED CK-7.6 THU, CK-8.2 THU, IH-4.4 THU, Sasatani, Yoshinomu . . . . . . . CA-8.6 WED
Richter, Claus-Peter . . . . . . . CD-6.6 MON Rohde, Peter P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE Roy, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.3 SUN, CB-10.3 THU Sato, Manabu . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-10.1 WED
Richter, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.3 SUN, Rohr, Sven . �PD-B.4 WED, CH-7.2 THU CJ-P.38 WED, CF/IE-8.2 WED Saha, Maitreyee . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.1 WED, Sato, Massaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.2 SUN
�CM-7.6 THU Rohrlapper, Timo . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.1 SUN Roy, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-11.4 THU CJ-P.25 WED Sato, Takahiro . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON
Richter, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.5 THU Rohrmann, Philipp . . . . . . . . . . �IF-1.3 SUN Royon, Romain . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-6.1 WED, Sahin, Dondu . . . . . . . . . . . . �PD-B.5 WED Sato, Tatsuhiro . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.27 WED
Richter, Johannes . . . . . . . . . �CE-1.3 MON Rohwer, Erich . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.49 TUE �CJ-P.18 WED Sahin, Ramazan . . . . . . . . . . �CM-5.2 WED Sato, Yasuaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.4 WED
Richter, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-7.6 THU Roither, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.5 TUE, Rozema, Lee A. . . . . . . . . . . . .IG-3.5 WED, Sahm, Alexander . . . . . . . . . CB-P.1 MON, Satoh, Takahiro . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON
Richter, Sören . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.1 THU, CG-2.3 TUE, CG-P.4 THU �IB-6.2 THU CB-P.11 MON Sauer, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.2 MON
�CM-6.6 THU Rojo-Romeo, Pedro . . . . . . . . .CK-1.4 SUN Rozhin, Aleksey . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-4.3 THU Sahu, Jayanta . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.35 WED Saunders, John . . . . . . . . . . . CH-P.17 THU
Rico, Mauricio . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.10 SUN Roldán, Eugenio . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.20 MON, Rozzi, Carlo A. . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU Sahu, Jayantah . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-10.6 THU Savage, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU
Ridolfo, Alessandro . . . . . . . . �IA-6.5 WED IG-P.6 THU Rubino, Eleonora . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.3 SUN Saito, Norihito . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.13 TUE Savasta, Salvatore . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.5 WED
Riedi, Sabine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-1.1 SUN Rolland, Antoine . . . . . . . . . . �ID-2.2 MON Rubinszstein-Dunlop, Halina CH-6.2 THU Sakagawa, Tomokazu . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED Savatier, Julien . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.3 MON
Riedle, Eberhard . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.2 MON, Rolly, Brice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.1 THU Rubio, Angel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU Sakamoto, Takahide . . . . . . . CI-1.3 MON, Savelli, Inna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CD-1.4 SUN
JSIV-2.2 MON, CF/IE-12.4 THU Romanelli, Alejandro . . . . . . IB-P.20 MON Ruchert, Clemens . . . . . . . . . . .CC-1.3 SUN �CI-1.4 MON, CJ-P.40 WED Savelyev, Andrey . . . . . . . . . �JSI-1.4 MON
Riedrich-Möller, Janine . . . . . �IH-P.6 THU Romanelli, Marco . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.7 TUE, Rudawski, Piotr . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.1 WED Sakata, Hajime . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-4.4 WED Saviauk, Allar . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.5 MON
Rieger, Steffen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.3 WED IG-P.5 THU Rudé, Miquel . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.12 TUE Sakellari, Ioanna . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.13 WED Savinov, Vassili . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-2.4 SUN,
Rieländer, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . �IB-1.6 MON Romanov, Alexey . . . . . . . . �CE-P.21 TUE, Rudenkov, Alexander S. . . . . �CA-4.5 SUN Sakoda, Kazuaki . . . . . . . . . . �CK-3.5 SUN �II-P.14 WED
Rieznik, Andres A. . . . . . . . . CD-P.11 TUE CE-P.31 TUE Rudolph, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON Sala, Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.44 TUE Savitski, Vasili . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-1.2 SUN,
Rigail, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.29 WED Romanov, Sergei . . . . . . . . . . �CK-6.4 WED Ruf, Hartmut . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.3 THU Sala, Vera G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-3.2 WED �CA-10.5 WED
Rigas, Johannes . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.7 THU Romashko, Roman . . . . . . . . �CH-P.2 THU Ruiz, Blanca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.12 SUN Salamu, Gabriela . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.5 WED Savona, Vincenzo . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.2 THU
Rigaud, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-6.2 WED Romeira, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.8 TUE, Ruiz de la Cruz, Alexandro Saleh, Mohammed . . . . . . . . . �CD-3.4 SUN Savva, Kyriaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.2 SUN
Righini, Giancarlo C. . . . . . CK-P.10 MON �CI-4.6 WED �CM-P.17 SUN, �CM-4.5 WED, Salffner, Katharina . . . . . . . . �CH-2.2 TUE Sawai, Shota . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-P.28 THU

Authors’ Index

Sawallich, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.1 SUN, Schnatz, Harald . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.2 MON �PD-A.5 WED Sheng, Yan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-4.2 SUN JSII-P.3 WED
CK-9.4 THU Schneeweiss, Philipp . . . . . . . �IA-4.3 WED Segura, Martha . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.5 SUN Shephard, Jonathan D. . . . . . CE-4.1 TUE Simpson, Robert . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.3 MON,
Sayinc, Hakan CJ-1.2 SUN, CE-4.2 TUE, Schneider, Christian . . . . . . . CK-7.2 THU, Seidel, Marcus . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.2 SUN Shepherd, David . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.1 WED, CI-P.12 TUE
CJ-8.5 WED IB-5.1 THU, IH-P.10 THU Seifert, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU CF/IE-8.3 WED, CJ-12.2 THU Simsek, Ergun . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-5.2 WED
Säynätjoki, Antti . . . . . . . . . �CE-2.4 MON, Schneider, Waldemar . . . . . . . CD-9.2 TUE Seifert, Gerhard . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.39 TUE Sheremet, Alexandra . . . . . .IB-P.18 MON, Sinclair, Alastair . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.6 WED
CE-3.4 MON Schnitzler, Claus . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.3 SUN Sekatski, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.2 THU IA-6.2 WED Singh, Anshuman . . . . . . . . . . . �II-2.2 WED
Sayrin, Clement . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.3 WED Schnürer, Matthias . . . . . . CF/IE-4.5 SUN Seki, Masatoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.3 TUE Sheridan, Eoin . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-6.2 THU Singh, Pushkar . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN
Sazio, Pier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-8.6 THU Schöffler, Markus . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.5 TUE, Sekikawa, Taro . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-1.3 SUN Shevchenko, Andriy . . . . . . . . . . II-4.3 THU Singh, Satyapratap . . . . . . . �CJ-P.23 WED
Scalari, Giacomo . . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.1 SUN, CG-2.3 TUE, CG-P.4 THU Sekimoto, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN Shi, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.2 TUE Sinigardi, Stefano . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU
CB/CC-1.2 MON, CB/CC-1.5 MON, Schöll, Eckehard . . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.1 TUE, Seletskiy, Denis . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.1 SUN Shi, Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-P.36 WED Sinito, Chiara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.1 THU
�II-1.2 WED IH-6.3 THU Seletskiy, Denis V. . . . . . . . . �CC-P.9 SUN, Shields, Andrew J. . . . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED, Sinkevicius, Vytautas . . . CF/IE-P.4 WED
Scarani, Valerio . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.5 WED Scholle, Karsten . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-3.4 SUN CF/IE-12.1 THU IB-6.4 THU Sinuco, German . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-P.4 TUE
Scarcella, Carmelo . . . . . . . . . IA-3.1 MON, Schönfeld, Rolf Simon . . . . . . IA-3.2 MON Sellahi, Mohamed . . . . . . . �CB-P.18 MON, Shigematsu, Kyouhei . . CF/IE-P.34 WED Siozos, Panayiotis . . . . . . . . �CM-P.13 SUN
IB-8.3 THU Schönnagel, Horst . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.5 SUN PD-A.5 WED, �CB-10.3 THU Shimizu, Kaoru CK-1.5 SUN, IA-6.4 WED Sipe, John E. . . IC-2.2 TUE, II-P.16 WED
Scarpignato, Gerardo Cristian Schramm, Heiko . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU Selleri, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.1 SUN, Shimizu, Ryosuke . . . . . . . . . IB-P.10 MON Sipos, Áron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.2 TUE
�CJ-P.36 WED Schramm, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.1 WED CM-P.7 SUN, CJ-P.2 WED Shimojo, Naoya . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.15 SUN, Sirbu, Alexei . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.12 MON,
Schacht, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.2 WED Schreck, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.6 THU Selvaraja, Shankar Kumar . . CK-9.2 THU CA-8.6 WED CB-8.2 THU, CB-8.5 THU
Schad, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.16 THU Schreiber, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE Semenov, Sergei . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-12.1 THU Shimomura, Akito . . . . . . . . . . CJ-6.6 WED Siria, Alessandro . . . . . . . . . . . CH-7.2 THU
Schade, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . CM-P.16 SUN Schreiber, Emil . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.16 WED Sen, Ranjan CJ-P.1 WED, �CJ-P.25 WED Shiraga, Hiroyuki . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.27 WED Sirkeli, Vadim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.7 TUE
Schaeffer, Christian . . . . . . . . . CI-1.2 MON Schreiber, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.3 SUN Şenel, Cagri . �CJ-6.3 WED, CJ-6.5 WED, Shishido, Atsushi . . . . . . . . . . CE-7.5 WED Sirutkaitis, Valdas . . . . . . . . CM-P.12 SUN,
Schanne-Klein, Marie-Claire �CL-P.4 SUN, Schrenk, Werner . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN, CJ-P.37 WED Shitamichi, Osamu . . . . CF/IE-P.12 WED CM-7.5 THU, CM-8.3 THU
�CL-5.5 TUE CB-2.3 SUN, CB/CC-1.3 MON, Senellart, Pascale . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.4 THU, Shmakov, Vyacheslav . . . . . CM-P.18 SUN Sitters, Gerrit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.3 MON
Schapiro, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.3 MON CB/CC-1.6 MON IH-4.4 THU Shoji, Ichiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-6.4 TUE Situ, Guohai JSIII-P.4 WED, CH-4.5 THU
Schättiger, Farina . . . . . . . . . �CE-1.2 MON Schriber, Cinia . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-5.1 TUE Senftleben, Arne . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.4 TUE Shomroni, Itay . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.2 WED Skiba-Szymanska, Joanna . PD-B.3 WED
Scheel, Patricia . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU Schrobenhauser, Robert . . . �CH-2.5 TUE Sengo, Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . CK-10.2 THU, Shore, Keith Alan . . . . . . . . CB-P.41 MON Škoda, Václav . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.17 SUN
Scheer, Elke . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU Schröder, Jochen . . . . . . . . . �CD-10.2 TUE CK-10.3 THU Shu, Xuewen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.3 TUE Skolnick, Maurice S. . . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU
Schell, Andreas W. . . . . . . . . �IH-1.3 SUN, Schubert, Martin . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU Sengstock, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.1 TUE Shulga, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-5.5 WED, Škorić, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.6 MON
�CK-7.1 THU Schubert, Olaf . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-5.1 MON Seniutinas, Gediminas . . . . . . CM-8.3 THU �CJ-P.29 WED Skorupski, Krzysztof . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE
Scheller, Maik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.1 SUN Schug, Michael IB-P.6 MON, �IB-3.1 TUE Sennato, Simona . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Shum, Perry Ping . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.2 WED Skorynin, Alexander . . . . . . CK-P.21 MON
Schellhorn, Martin . . . . . . . . . �CA-3.3 SUN Schülein, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON Sentis, Marc CM-1.5 SUN, CM-4.2 WED Shynkar, Vasyl . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.7 TUE Skryabin, Dmitry IF-2.4 SUN, IF-2.5 SUN
Scherman, Michael . . . . . . . . . IA-6.2 WED Schultze, Marcel . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.4 WED Serbinenko, Valeria . . . . . . . . �CG-7.2 THU Sibbett, Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.2 TUE Skupin, Stefan . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.23 WED,
Scheuer, Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.6 WED Schulz, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.5 SUN Serbinenko, Valeriya . . . . . . . . CG-5.6 THU Sibbett, Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.3 TUE, CF/IE-P.28 WED, IG-5.2 THU
Schiavi, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-5.4 THU Schulz, Wolfgang-Michael . . IA-3.5 MON Seres, Enikoe . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.4 SUN, CF/IE-8.3 WED Slavík, Radan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.3 WED
Schilke, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.3 SUN Schumacher, Thorsten . . . . . . II-2.1 WED, �CF/IE-7.2 MON Sibilia, Concita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.9 WED Slepneva, Svetlana . . . . CF/IE-P.27 WED
Schiller, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . �CB-2.7 SUN, �IH-5.5 THU Seres, Jozsef . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-2.4 SUN, Sibillano, Teresa . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN Slight, Thomas J. . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.5 SUN
�ID-1.3 MON Schunemann, Peter . . . . . . �JSII-2.3 WED CF/IE-7.2 MON Sibson, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Slipchenko, Sergey . . . . . . �CB-P.24 MON
Schilling, Christian . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE, Schunemann, Peter G. . . . . . CD-6.1 MON Sergeev, Yury . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON Siddique, Radwanul Hasan �CE-P.20 TUE Sloyan, Katherine A . . . . . . . CJ-12.3 THU
JSII-2.2 WED, JSII-P.2 WED Schuster, Kay . IF-2.1 SUN, CK-4.4 SUN, Sergeyev, Anton . . . . . . . . . . �CD-7.2 MON Sidiropoulos, Themistoklis . �CB-6.6 TUE Slussarenko, Sergei . . . . . . . . . IB-P.4 MON
Schilling, Joerg . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.36 TUE CE-4.3 TUE, CF/IE-8.2 WED Sergeyev, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.18 THU, Siebold, Mathias . . . . . . . . . . �CA-8.1 WED Smektala, Frédéric . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN
Schilt, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.15 SUN Schwartz, Alon . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.10 WED �IG-4.3 THU Siegel, Jan . . CM-4.5 WED, CM-6.5 THU Smilgevičius, Valerijus . . . . . CC-P.11 SUN
Schindler, Philipp C. . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Schwartz, Sylvain . . . . . . . . . . �IC-P.6 TUE, Serra, Pere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-1.3 SUN Siemering, Robert . . . . . . �CF/IE-1.1 SUN Smirnov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.8 WED,
Schliesser, Albert . . . . . . . . . . ID-2.4 MON, CA-10.6 WED Serrat, Carles . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.3 THU Sierakowski, Marek . . . . . . . .CD-P.44 TUE CJ-P.10 WED, CJ-P.12 WED
CH-6.3 THU Schwarz, Benedikt . . . . . . . . . �CB-1.4 SUN Sessarego, Jean-Pierre . CF/IE-P.25 WED Siikanen, Roope . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.14 THU Smirnova, Olga . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE,
Schlosser, Peter J. . . . . . . . . CB-10.1 THU Schwarz, Muriel . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.1 WED Setzler, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-2.3 WED Silberhorn, Christine . . . . . . . IB-1.4 MON, CF/IE-P.39 WED, CG-5.6 THU,
Schmauss, Bernhard . . . . . . . CI-P.14 TUE Schwarz, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-1.2 MON Severová, Patricie . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.6 TUE IB-1.5 MON, IB-2.3 TUE, IA-P.23 THU CG-P.13 THU, CG-P.14 THU,
Schmeissner, Roman . . . . . . . ID-1.6 MON, Schwarz, Ulrich T. . . . . . CF/IE-11.2 THU Sévillano, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-6.4 TUE Silva, Fernando . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.20 MON CG-7.2 THU, CG-7.6 THU
�ID-P.1 MON Schwarzbäck, Thomas . . . CB-P.21 MON, Sewell, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-3.4 MON, Silva, Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-1.1 SUN, Smit, M.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.3 MON
Schmid, Jens H. . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU �CB-4.4 TUE �IA-P.1 THU, IA-P.8 THU, IA-P.25 THU CF/IE-3.2 SUN, �CF/IE-3.5 SUN, Smit, Meint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.5 MON,
Schmid, Silvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU Schwarzer, Clemens . . . . . . . . �CB-2.3 SUN Shabbir, Saroosh . . . . . . . . . . . .IA-P.5 THU �CF/IE-P.17 WED CB-P.36 MON, CI-2.2 TUE, CK-9.1 THU
Schmidberger, Michael J. . �IG-P.13 THU Schwarzl, Thomas . . . . . . . . CB-10.4 THU Shadbolt, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Silverstone, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Smith, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.4 TUE
Schmidt, Albrecht . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN Schwefel, Harald G.L. . . . . . . CE-9.3 WED Shadrivov, Ilya �II-P.12 WED, �II-3.5 THU Silverstone, Joshua . . . . . . . . �IA-6.6 WED Smith, Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-P.5 WED
Schmidt, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE Schwob, Catherine . . . . . . �CK-P.22 MON, Shafir, Dror . . . CG-1.3 TUE, CG-1.5 TUE Sima, Chaotan . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.2 SUN, Smith, Cameron L. C. . . . . . . CK-7.5 THU
Schmidt, Bernhard . . . . . . . . . ID-P.2 MON CK-6.5 WED, IH-3.4 THU, IH-P.12 THU Shahnia, Shayan . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.3 MON, CK-P.33 MON, �CI-P.16 TUE, Smith, Graham N . . . . . . . . . �CM-6.3 THU
Schmidt, Bruno . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-9.5 WED Sciamanna, Marc . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.2 TUE, CE-3.2 MON CH-P.1 THU Smith, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.2 SUN,
Schmidt, Christian . . . . . . . . . CC-P.9 SUN, IG-P.15 THU Shakfa, Mohammad Khaled . CC-3.1 SUN Simakov, Nikita . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-10.3 THU CK-P.33 MON, IB-2.4 TUE,
�CF/IE-12.1 THU Sciarrino, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-P.2 MON, Shalaby, Badr M.I. . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED Simard, Alexandre D. . . . . . �CK-2.4 SUN, CI-P.16 TUE, CH-P.1 THU
Schmidt, Jochen . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.31 WED IB-P.4 MON, IA-2.5 MON, �IB-2.1 TUE, Shalm, Krister . IA-3.1 MON, IB-8.3 THU �CB-6.3 TUE Smith, Peter G. R. . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON,
Schmidt, Markus . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN, IB-2.2 TUE, CM-7.1 THU Shams, Haymen . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-5.5 WED Simitzi, Chara . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-2.2 SUN CE-P.12 TUE
IH-1.5 SUN Scotognella, Francesco . CF/IE-10.5 THU Shan, Liye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.22 TUE Simon-Boisson, Christophe Smits, Edsger . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.22 SUN
Schmidt, Matthias . . . . . . . . . CH-6.1 THU Scott, Greame . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.8 THU Shapira, Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-2.6 SUN, CF/IE-P.9 WED Smrž, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-5.6 TUE
Schmidt, Oliver A. . . �CL-2/ECBO.3 SUN Sears, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.3 THU �CD-7.5 MON Simon, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.1 SUN Snellenburg, Joris . . . . . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON
Schmidt, Oliver G. . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.4 THU Sedlák, Michal . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON Shardlow, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.6 WED Simonetta, Marcello . . . . . . . . CB-6.1 TUE Snetkov, Ilya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.6 SUN
Schmidt, Slawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.3 THU Sedlmeir, Florian . . . . . . . . . . �CE-9.3 WED Shardlow, Peter C. . . . . . . . . CJ-10.6 THU Simonsen, Anders . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU Snoke, David W. . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.5 WED
Schmitt-Sody, Andreas . . CF/IE-6.2 MON See, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.6 WED Sharma, Arijit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE Simos, Christos . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.1 TUE Snowdon, O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
Schmittberger, Bonnie L. . . . �IG-1.3 TUE Seefeldt, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.3 SUN Sharma, Divya . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-10.4 THU Simos, Hercules . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.1 TUE, So, Jin-Kyu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.11 THU
Schmogrow, René . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Segev, Mordechai . . . . . . . . . . CK-3.1 SUN Shaw, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.1 TUE CB-4.2 TUE So, JinKyu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.2 THU
Schnack, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.2 TUE Seghilani, Mohamed Seghir Sheik-Bahae, Mansoor . . . . . �CA-4.1 SUN Simozrag, Bouzid . . . . . . . . JSII-1.5 WED, Sobolewski, S. . . . . . . . . .TF-2/LIM.2 TUE

Authors’ Index

Sobon, Grzegorz . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED Springholz, Gunther . . . . . . . CB-10.4 THU Strasser, Gottfried . . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN, Suzuki, Takayuki . . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.2 SUN Takizawa, Shun . . . . . . . . . . �CM-5.4 WED
Soci, Cesare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.2 WED Srivathsan, Bharath . . . . . . . . IA-6.3 WED CB-2.3 SUN, CC-P.3 SUN, Suzuki, Takenobu . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.4 SUN, Talà, Adelfia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.3 SUN
Soergel, Elisabeth . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.1 WED Stabrawa, Artur . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.1 SUN CB/CC-1.3 MON, CB/CC-1.6 MON, CD-P.3 TUE, CD-P.4 TUE, CE-P.5 TUE, Talneau, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-8.5 THU
Sohler, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.8 MON Stace, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.5 MON IH-P.10 THU CJ-P.41 WED Tamarat, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . �IH-6.1 THU
Soifer, Hadas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.3 TUE Staedter, David . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.3 THU Strassner, Johannes . . . . . . . . CE-1.3 MON Suzuki, Tetsuya . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.1 SUN Tame, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.2 THU
Sokolova, Tatiana . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.8 SUN Stafast, Herbert . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.49 TUE Stratakis, Emmanuel . . . . . .�CM-2.2 SUN, Svaluto Moreolo, Michela . . . . CI-P.5 TUE Tamm, Christian . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.1 MON,
Sokolovskii, Grigorii . . . . . . . CD-6.3 MON, Stagira, Salvatore . . . . . . CF/IE-5.5 MON, �CM-P.2 SUN Svane, Ask Sebastian . . . . . �CD-P.31 TUE ID-1.2 MON, ID-3.3 MON
CD-P.21 TUE CG-1.3 TUE, CF/IE-P.16 WED, Strauß, Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.2 MON Sverchkov, Sergei . . . . . . . . . .CJ-12.1 THU Tan, Lihao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.2 WED
Sokolovskii, Grigorii S. . . . . �CE-P.28 TUE �CF/IE-10.3 THU, CF/IE-10.5 THU Streed, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.1 WED Svirko, Yuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.6 WED Tanabe, Takasumi . . . . . . . . CK-P.7 MON,
Sola, Íñigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-3.2 SUN, Staliunas, Kestutis . . . . . . . CK-P.13 MON, Streicher, O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON Svyakhovskiy, Sergey . . . . . CK-P.21 MON CH-3.3 WED
CF/IE-P.40 WED CK-P.19 MON, CK-P.25 MON, Strekalov, Dmitry V. . . . . . . . CE-9.3 WED Swaim, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-6.4 TUE Tanaka, Hitoshi . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON
Soldo, Marco CB-P.13 MON, CB-6.1 TUE CB-P.38 MON, IG-2.4 WED, Strudley, Thomas . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.6 MON Sweeney, Stephen . . . . . . . . . CE-P.32 TUE Tanaka, Takashi . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON
Solé, Rosa . . CM-P.17 SUN, CE-7.1 WED �IG-P.10 THU Strudley, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.19 THU Sweeney, Stephen S. . . . . . . CB-10.6 THU Tang, Guang . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.9 SUN
Solís Céspedes, Javier . . . . . CM-4.5 WED Stanislauskas, Tomas . . �CF/IE-P.4 WED, Strzoda, Rainer . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.5 TUE Swihart, Mark T. . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.1 WED Tani, Francesco . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.6 SUN,
Solís, Javier CM-P.17 SUN, CJ-12.4 THU CG-5.2 THU Stützer, Simon CD-8.4 TUE, CI-2.5 TUE, Swillo, Marcin �CE-P.2 TUE, IA-P.5 THU �CF/IE-P.14 WED
Solntsev, Alexander S. . . . . . IA-P.13 THU Stankevičiute, Karolina . . . . CM-P.12 SUN �JSIII-1.4 WED, �CK-8.3 THU Syafiq, Azmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.6 TUE Taniuchi, Tsutomu . . . . . . . . . CG-P.9 THU
Solnyshkov, Dmitry D. . . . . . . IG-3.2 WED Stanojevic, Jovica . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.4 MON Stutzki, Fabian . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-3.1 MON, Sycz, Krystian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.1 SUN Tanner, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE,
Solomon, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-3.5 TUE Staude, Isabelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-4.2 THU CJ-3.2 MON, CJ-3.3 MON, Syed, Assad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.6 THU JSII-1.2 WED
Solomon, Glenn S. . . . . . . . . . IA-2.3 MON, Staudte, André . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.5 TUE CJ-3.4 MON, �CJ-10.1 THU Sylvestre, Thibault . . . . . . . . . . IG-5.5 THU Tanner, Michael G . . . . . . . . JSV-P.1 TUE
IA-6.1 WED Steel, Michael . IB-1.3 MON, IB-2.5 TUE Stylianakis, Minas M. . . . . . . CM-P.2 SUN Sylvestre, Thibaut . . . . . . . . . ID-2.1 MON, Tantillo, Giuseppina . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN
Sondermann, Markus . . . . . . . IA-1.2 MON Steen, Gerwin . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.4 THU Su, Liangbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.11 SUN �CI-3.2 WED, JSIII-2.2 WED Tanzi, Luca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IC-1.2 TUE
Sones, Collin . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.25 SUN, Steenberge, Geert . . . . . . . . CM-P.22 SUN Suarez, Noslen . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.3 THU Symul, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-P.3 MON, Tarin, Cristina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.4 THU
CM-P.28 SUN, CM-P.29 SUN Steer, Matthew J . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.2 SUN Subramaniam, Vinod . . . . . . . CL-P.9 SUN, �IB-P.7 MON, �IB-5.4 THU, �IB-6.6 THU Tarisien, Medhi . . . . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON
Song, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.4 THU Štefaňák, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.3 TUE IH-2.3 WED Syresin, Evgeny . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN Taroni, Paola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.3 THU
Sorba, Lucia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN Stefani, Alessio . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-5.5 THU Suche, Hubertus . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.4 MON Sysoliatin, Alexej . . . . . . . . . CD-11.6 WED Taschin, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN
Sorel, Marc . . CB-1.2 SUN, CK-2.1 SUN, Stefani, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-3.4 MON Suda, Akira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.4 MON Syvridis, Dimitris . . . . . . . . CB-P.31 MON, Tasco, Vittorianna . . . . . . . . CB-P.13 MON
CK-P.17 MON, CB-3.1 MON, Stefanov, André . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.12 SUN, Sudau, Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.5 TUE CB-4.1 TUE, CB-4.2 TUE, Tassin, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.4 THU
CD-P.10 TUE, CB-6.1 TUE, IB-P.14 MON, IA-P.9 THU, �IB-8.5 THU Suddapalli, Chaitanya Kumar CD-P.33 TUE, CI-4.5 WED Tavast, Miki CB-P.2 MON, CB-10.2 THU
CB-6.3 TUE, CB-6.4 TUE Steger, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.5 WED �CD-P.12 TUE, �CD-9.1 TUE Szameit, Alexander . . . . . . . . CK-3.1 SUN, Tavernarakis, Alexandros . . . IA-P.26 THU
Sørensen, Anders . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU Steiger, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . .CH-P.6 THU Südmeyer, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CA-5.1 TUE IB-P.17 MON, CD-8.4 TUE, CI-2.5 TUE, Taverne, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . .CK-P.28 MON
Sørensen, Simon Toft . . . . . �IF-P.10 SUN, Steinberg, Aephraim M. . . . . . IC-2.2 TUE, Sudyka, Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.11 SUN CI-P.10 TUE, IB-3.4 TUE, Tayeb Naimi, Sepideh . . . . . . �CI-3.4 WED
�CD-P.45 TUE, �JSIII-P.6 WED IG-3.5 WED, IB-6.2 THU Suganuma, Akiko . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.2 TUE, JSIII-P.5 WED, JSIII-1.4 WED, Tayebati, Parviz . . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.1 TUE
Sorger, Volker . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-3.3 SUN Steinke, Michael . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.16 WED CE-P.9 TUE CK-8.3 THU, IA-P.13 THU, Taylor, Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU
Soriano, Miguel C. . . . . . . . �CB-P.3 MON, Steinke, Sven . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.5 SUN Sugden, Kate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.3 TUE IA-P.24 THU, CH-7.5 THU Taylor, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-5.1 WED
�CB-5.3 TUE, CB-5.5 TUE, Steinlechner, Fabian O. . . . . �IB-1.2 MON Sugimoto, Yoshimasa . . . . . CK-P.23 MON Szczepański, Paweł . . . . . . . . . CI-2.2 TUE, Taylor, Michael A. . . . CL-1/ECBO.2 SUN
CD-10.3 TUE, CB-7.5 THU Steinmann, Andy . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.3 WED Sugita, Atsushi . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-7.4 WED CE-P.29 TUE Teddy-Fernandez, Toney . . . CE-P.19 TUE
Sornphiphatphong, Chanond . IA-P.6 THU Steinmetz, Alexander . . . . . . CA-9.4 WED Sugiyama, Sei-ichi . . . . . . . . CJ-P.27 WED Szedlak, Rolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.3 SUN Tei, Kazuyoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.2 WED
Sorokin, Evgeni . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-1.2 SUN, Steinmeyer, Günter . . . . . . . . . IF-1.5 SUN, Sugny, Dominique . . . . . . . . . . CI-3.1 WED Szekeres, Gábor . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.2 TUE Teichmann, Stephan . . . . . CF/IE-3.5 SUN
CF/IE-4.4 SUN �CF/IE-3.6 SUN, CE-1.1 MON, Sukhorukov, Andrey A. . . . . IA-P.13 THU Szela, Jakub . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-12.3 THU Teissier, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.26 THU
Sorokina, Irina . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.4 SUN CF/IE-6.5 MON, CG-5.1 THU, Sukow, David W. . . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.5 TUE Sznitko, Lech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.1 SUN Tejedor, Carlos . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.20 THU
Sorokina, Irina T. . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.2 SUN CG-5.2 THU, IG-5.1 THU, IG-5.2 THU Šulc, Jan . . �CA-P.17 SUN, CA-P.30 SUN Szriftgiser, Pascal . . . . . . . . CD-12.2 WED Tenderenda, Tadeusz . . . . . .�CH-2.3 TUE,
Sorvajärvi, Tapio . . . . . . . . . . . CH-5.4 THU Stepanov, Andrey . . . . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON, Sulimov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE, Szukalski, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . .IF-P.1 SUN CH-P.8 THU
Soto-Crespo, José-Maria . . JSIII-2.4 WED CG-P.6 THU CE-P.31 TUE Szwer, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.15 MON Tenner, Vasco T. . . . . . . . CF/IE-7.3 MON
Soto, Marcelo . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.47 TUE Stephan, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-P.1 SUN Sulmoni, Luca . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.2 THU Szymanski, Michal . . . . . . . . . CH-2.3 TUE, Teppitaksak, Achaya . . . . . . �CA-P.16 SUN
Sotor, Jaroslaw . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED Stepien, Ryszard . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED Sumida, Shin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-5.2 WED CH-P.8 THU Terzaki, Konstantina . . . . . . . II-P.13 WED
Souhaité, Grégoire . . . . . . . . . CD-5.4 MON Stepniewski, Grzegorz . . . . . CJ-P.30 WED Sumpf, Bernd . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.15 SUN, Ta, Van Duong . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-9.1 WED Tesio, Enrico . . . IF-3.2 SUN, �IG-1.2 TUE
Soukoulis, Costas . . . . . . . . . . II-P.13 WED Steponkevičius, Kestutis . . �CC-P.11 SUN CB-P.17 MON, CB-P.30 MON Tabak, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Thai, Alexandre IF-1.2 SUN, CG-1.4 TUE,
Soukoulis, Costas M. . . . . . . . . IH-6.4 THU Stern, Jeffery A. . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.1 TUE Sun, Deyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CM-P.10 SUN Tabosa, José . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.21 THU �CF/IE-9.6 WED, CJ-10.5 THU
Sow, Papa Lat Tabara . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN, Sterr, Uwe . . . . ID-1.2 MON, ID-1.3 MON Sun, Haixuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.2 SUN Taccardi, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.1 THU Thalhammer, Christof . . . �CK-P.20 MON
ID-P.6 MON Stevenson, R. Mark . . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED Sun, Handong . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.1 WED Taccheo, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.27 TUE Tharanga, S.H.N. . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON
Sozzi, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.7 SUN Stewart, Paul . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.42 WED Sun, Jian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.38 TUE Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso . . . . . CI-P.1 TUE Thau, Natalie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.4 WED
Spagnolo, Nicolò . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.2 MON, Stifter, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.19 TUE Sun, Jinghua . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-2.3 SUN Taghizadeh, Mohammad . CK-P.27 MON, Thayne, Iain G . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-1.2 SUN
�IA-2.5 MON Stiller, Birgit . �CI-P.14 TUE, CI-3.2 WED Sun, Wenfeng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.5 SUN CK-10.5 THU Theeg, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-1.2 SUN,
Spallanzani, Nicola . . . . . . . . IH-P.21 THU Stingl, Johannes . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.1 THU Sun, Xiao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.15 MON Tahvili, M.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-3.3 MON CJ-8.5 WED
Sparkes, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.2 WED Stock, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.2 THU Sun, Yue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.5 THU Taillon, Yves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.4 THU Thévenaz, Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.47 TUE
Spasenovic, Marko . . . . . . . . . . IH-1.4 SUN Stöhlker, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . CG-4.4 THU Sun, Zhipei . CB-4.6 TUE, CJ-P.39 WED Taira, Takunori . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.1 SUN, Thevenet, Maxence . . . . . . JSIII-P.3 WED
Speiser, Jochen . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.28 SUN Stoll, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON Sundaram, Ravi S. . . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE CF/IE-9.6 WED Thévenin, Jérémie . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.7 TUE
Spezzani, Carlo . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.16 WED Stone, Greg CK-P.8 MON, CD-P.35 TUE Suntsov, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.3 TUE Takahashi, Eiji . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-2.5 SUN, Thiel, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.16 SUN
Spielmann, Christian . . . . CF/IE-2.4 SUN, Stopiński, Stanisław . . . . . . . . �CI-2.2 TUE Suomalainen, Soile . . . . . . . . . CE-1.1 MON CF/IE-5.4 MON, CF/IE-10.1 THU Thiel, Michael . . . . . . . . CM-3/LIM.3 TUE
CL-P.5 SUN, CF/IE-7.2 MON, Storz, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.3 WED Süptitz, W. . . . . . . . . . . . TF-1/LIM.2 TUE Takahashi, Fuyuto . . . . . . . . .CM-5.4 WED Thiel, Valerian . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.1 MON
CG-P.5 THU, CG-7.5 THU Stout, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.1 THU Surmenko, Elena . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.8 SUN Takano, Katsuyoshi . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Thiem, Hendrick . . . . . . . . . CB-P.17 MON
Spillane, Katelyn M. . . . . . JSIV-2.4 MON Strain, Michael J. . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.3 TUE Suruceanu, Grigore . . . . . . . . CB-8.2 THU, Takauji, Motoki . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.4 THU Thienpont, Hugo . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.2 TUE,
Spirin, Vasily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.1 WED Strain, Michael John . . . . . . �CK-2.1 SUN, CB-8.5 THU Takeda, Shuntaro . . . . . . . . . . �IB-4.4 TUE CJ-P.44 WED, IG-P.17 THU
Spittel, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.3 TUE �CK-P.17 MON, CB-3.1 MON, Sushkevich, Konstantin . . . . . CE-P.7 TUE Takesue, Hiroki CK-1.5 SUN, IA-6.4 WED Thijs, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.5 MON
Sportelli, Maria Chiara . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN CD-P.10 TUE, CB-6.1 TUE, Sutter, Dirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.1 SUN Takeuchi, Shigeki . . . . . . . . . . �IB-8.1 THU Thijssen, Arthur C.T. . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU
Spring, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-2.4 TUE �CB-6.4 TUE Suzuki, Masato . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-P.14 SUN Takeuchi, Yu-ichi . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-8.6 WED Thilsted, Anil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.5 WED
Spring, Justin B. . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON Straka, Ivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON Suzuki, Shigenari . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.6 THU Taki, Majid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.8 THU Thire, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-9.5 WED

Authors’ Index

Thomas, Antoni . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU Tomlin, Nathan A. . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON Tropper, Anne C. . . . . . . . . CB-P.25 MON CF/IE-2.2 SUN van Mechelen, Jacobus . . . . . CH-P.6 THU
Thomas, Gabrielle . . . . . . . . . CA-2.6 SUN, Tondusson, Marc . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.24 TUE Trubetskov, Michael . . . �CF/IE-5.6 MON, Uebel, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-1.5 SUN van Putten, Elbert . . . CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN
CA-P.16 SUN Tonelli, Mauro CA-3.3 SUN, CE-6.3 TUE CF/IE-P.3 WED Uechi, Shinya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.5 TUE van Stokkum, Ivo . . . . . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON
Thomas, Jens U. . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.3 SUN, Tonello, Alessandro . . . . . . . CD-12.4 WED Trügler, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.4 THU Ueda, Ken-ichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.6 WED Van Thourhout, Dries . . . . �SH-11.1 TUE
CM-7.6 THU Tong, Limin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.22 TUE Trull, Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.13 MON Ueda, Tsutomu . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-8.6 WED Van Zanten, Thomas . . . . . . . IH-3.5 THU
Thomas, John Tharayil . . . . . CE-6.3 TUE Tonin, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.5 THU Trull, Josep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.25 MON Uehara, Masanori . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.6 WED Vandecasteele, Björn . . . . . . CM-P.22 SUN
Thomas-Peter, Nicholas . . . . . IB-2.4 TUE Toomey, Joshua . . . . . . . . . �CB-P.39 MON Trusiak, Maciej . . . . . . . . . . �CH-P.24 THU Uhlendorf, Kristina . . . . . . . . . CH-P.9 THU Vanderbruggen, Thomas . . . . �IC-P.3 TUE
Thomas, Sebastian . . . . . . . . �CG-7.1 THU Töpper, Tino . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.5 THU Trusov, Lev . CE-P.21 TUE, CE-P.31 TUE Ukai, Ryuji . . . . IB-P.1 MON, IA-P.6 THU Vangeleyn, Matthieu . . . . . . . . IA-4.6 WED
Thommes, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.2 SUN Torii, Kousuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.4 THU Tsai, Din Ping . II-P.14 WED, II-3.2 THU Ullrich, Joachim . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.4 TUE Vanhotsker, Moshe . . . . . . . CJ-P.29 WED
Thompson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.6 WED, Torlina, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.13 THU Tsakiris, George . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.11 THU Ulysse, Christian . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.4 THU, Vannahme, Christoph . . . . . . CB-6.5 TUE,
PD-B.5 WED Tormen, Massimo . . . . . . . . . CK-5.2 MON Tsarev, Maxim . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.1 MON IH-P.7 THU II-P.5 WED, �CK-7.5 THU
Thompson, Mark G. . . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU Torre, Renato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN Tsekrekos, Christos . . . . . . . . �CI-4.5 WED Umbriaco, Gabriele . . . . . . . CK-P.12 MON Varanavicius, Arunas . . . . . . CD-P.6 TUE,
Thomsen, Carsten L. . . . . . . IF-P.10 SUN, Torregrosa, Adrián J. . . . . . . CA-2.1 SUN, Tsiatmas, Anagnostis . . . CF/IE-11.4 THU Umezawa, Toshimasa . . . . . . . �CI-2.1 TUE CF/IE-P.4 WED, CG-5.2 THU
CD-P.45 TUE, JSIII-P.6 WED �CD-P.17 TUE Tsilipakos, Odysseas . . . . . . �CD-P.14 TUE Unger, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.19 MON Varoli, Vincenzo . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU
Thomson, M.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Torres, Ignacio . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.16 TUE Tsironis, Giorgos P . . . . . . . JSIII-P.3 WED Unger, Sonja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.3 TUE Varshney, Shailendra . . . . . . CJ-P.23 WED
Thomson, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.1 SUN Torres, Juan P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.2 MON Tsui, Ying . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU Unlu, Mehmet Burcin . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN Vasa, Parinda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IH-4.2 THU
Thon, Susanna M. . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.6 THU Torres-Mapa, Maria Leilani Tsuji, Norihiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-1.1 SUN Unsleber, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . IB-5.1 THU Vasilantonakis, Nikos . . . . . . . II-P.13 WED
Thongrattanasiri, Sukosin . . . . II-1.4 WED �CL-2/ECBO.2 SUN Tsujimoto, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN Unterkofler, Sarah . . . . . . . . . .CH-6.1 THU Vasilyev, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-2.7 SUN
Thumbs, J. . . . . . . . . . . . TF-2/LIM.2 TUE Torres-Peiró, Salvador . . . . �CM-P.21 SUN Tsukamoto, Koji . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED Unterrainer, Karl . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.3 SUN, Vatnik, Ilya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.19 WED
Thyrrestrup, Henri . . . . . . . . . �IH-5.6 THU Torres, Tomas . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-10.4 THU Tsukamoto, Masahiro . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED CC-4.1 SUN, CC-4.4 SUN, Vatnik, Sergei . CA-2.3 SUN, CA-3.5 SUN
Tian, Lili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-2.2 MON Tosi, Alberto . IA-3.1 MON, CH-4.3 THU, Tsvetkov, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE, CB/CC-1.3 MON, CB/CC-1.6 MON, Vayshenker, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.1 TUE
Tibai, Zoltán . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.21 THU IB-8.3 THU CE-P.31 TUE, CJ-P.33 WED, CE-5.5 TUE Vázquez-Córdova, Sergio A. . CE-6.1 TUE
Tiberi, Marco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-7.1 THU Tosi, Daniele . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-3.5 WED, CJ-7.6 WED Uozumi, Shin-ichi . . . . . CF/IE-P.33 WED Veber, Alexander . . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE,
Tielrooij, Klaas-Jan . . . �CF/IE-13.4 THU �CH-P.7 THU, �CH-6.4 THU Tu, Haohua . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.4 WED Uphoff, Manuel . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-1.5 MON �CE-P.31 TUE
Tieß, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.4 MON Tóth, György CC-4.6 SUN, CG-P.21 THU Tualle-Brouri, Rosa . . . . . . . . . IA-1.4 MON Uppu, Ravitej . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-8.4 THU Veber, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.2 SUN
Tilma, Bauke . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.5 MON Tóth, László D. . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.11 MON Tudorovskaya, Maria . . . . . . . CG-3.3 WED Urbach, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Vedadi, Armand . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.47 TUE
Tino, Guglielmo Maria . . . . . . ID-1.3 MON Toupin, Perrine . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN Tukker, Teus W. . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.4 WED Ursin, Rupert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU Vedin, Ivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.5 SUN
Tipsmark, Anders . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.7 THU Tourte, Christian . . . . . . . . . CB-P.16 MON Tulli, Domenico . . . . . . . . . . �CE-2.1 MON, Usami, Koji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU Vedral, Vlatko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.6 THU
Tisa, Simone IA-3.1 MON, CK-10.5 THU, Toyoda, Kohei . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-5.4 WED CE-2.2 MON Usovich, Olga . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE, Veiga-Gutiérrez, Manoel . . . . CL-P.7 SUN
IB-8.3 THU Trabattoni, Andrea . . . . . CF/IE-1.4 SUN, Tünnermann, Andreas . . . . . . IF-2.1 SUN, CE-P.31 TUE Veissier, Lucile . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.18 MON
Tisch, John �SH-9.1 MON, CG-3.3 WED, CG-2.2 TUE, CG-P.1 THU CJ-1.3 SUN, CJ-3.1 MON, CJ-3.2 MON, Utéza, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.5 SUN, Veisz, Laszlo CG-3.2 WED, �CG-4.3 THU,
CG-5.4 THU, CG-P.2 THU, Traenkle, Guenther . . . . . . . . CB-P.1 MON CJ-3.3 MON, CJ-3.4 MON, CK-P.26 MON, CM-4.2 WED CG-P.11 THU
CG-P.16 THU Tran, Truong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-P.9 THU CD-6.5 MON, CJ-4.3 MON, Vadimova, Olga . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.5 TUE Veitch, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-7.1 TUE
Titova, Lyubov . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.5 THU Tran, Viet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-5.5 TUE CJ-5.3 WED, CA-9.4 WED, Vaičaitis, Virgilijus . . . . . . . . CC-P.11 SUN Velardi, Luciano . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.3 SUN,
Tiwari, Anjani Kumar . . . . �CK-P.34 MON Tranchant, Laurent . . . . . . . . IH-P.13 THU JSIII-P.5 WED, JSIII-1.4 WED, Valente, Joao . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-3.2 SUN CG-P.18 THU
Tlidi, Mustapha . . . . . . . . . . �IG-P.12 THU, Tränkle, Günther . . . . . . . . . CL-P.15 SUN, CJ-7.2 WED, CG-4.5 THU, Valentin, Constance . . . . . . . CJ-11.3 THU Velazquez, Matias . . . . . . . . . . CA-4.2 SUN
IG-P.17 THU CB-P.23 MON, CB-P.30 MON CJ-10.1 THU, CK-8.3 THU, Valkunas, Leonas . . . . . . . . JSIV-1.4 MON Velmiskin, Vladimir . . . . . . . . CJ-12.1 THU
Toda, Yasunori . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.14 SUN, Trapani, Adriana . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.1 SUN CM-6.1 THU, CM-6.6 THU, Valla, Matthieu . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.1 WED Venkitesh, Deepa . . . . . . . . . CD-P.20 TUE
CF/IE-P.34 WED Trapani, Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . .CM-1.1 SUN IA-P.13 THU, CM-7.6 THU, Vallée, Fabrice . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.15 THU Vercshuuren, Marc A . . . . . . . II-P.15 WED
Todaro, Maria Teresa . . . . . CB-P.13 MON Traub, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CI-P.7 TUE CG-6.2 THU, CM-8.5 THU Vallés, Juan A. . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-12.4 THU Veretennicoff, Irina . . . . . . . . . .IH-6.4 THU
Todor, Sebastian . . . . . . . CF/IE-8.1 WED Travers, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.6 SUN, Tünnermann, Henrik . . . . . . . CE-4.2 TUE, Vallet, Marc . . �CH-2.7 TUE, IG-P.5 THU Verheyen, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU
Todorov, Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.5 WED CF/IE-P.14 WED �CJ-8.5 WED Vallon, Raphaël . . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.16 SUN Verhoef, Aart CJ-2.5 SUN, �CG-1.2 TUE,
Togashi, Tadashi . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON, Travers, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.5 SUN, Tünnermann1, Andreas . . . . . CJ-9.1 THU Valmorra, Federico . . . . . . . . . . II-1.2 WED CA-8.2 WED, �CJ-6.4 WED
CH-P.18 THU CF/IE-6.6 MON Turchetti, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . CG-P.18 THU Vamvakaki, Maria . . . . . . . . . II-P.13 WED, Verhoef, Aart Jan . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.21 WED
Togawa, Kazuaki . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON Travis, Christopher . . . . . . . �CD-P.26 TUE Turchinovich, Dmitry . . . CF/IE-8.4 WED CH-3.2 WED, CM-8.4 THU Verlot, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.4 WED,
Toivonen, Harri . . . . . . . . . . . JSII-P.1 WED Treadwell, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Turconi, Margherita . . . . . . . IG-P.11 THU Van Campenhout, Joris . . . . .CK-9.2 THU IA-P.26 THU, CH-7.2 THU
Toivonen, Juha . . . . . . . . . . JSII-P.1 WED, Trebino, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-3.6 SUN Turitsyn, Sergei . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.10 WED, van Dalfsen, Koop . . . . . . . . . CE-6.1 TUE, Verma, Varun B. . . . . . . . . . . JSV-1.1 TUE
�CH-5.4 THU Tredicce, Jorge R. . . . . . . . . . . IG-5.3 THU CJ-P.20 WED, CI-5.6 WED, IG-4.3 THU �PD-A.4 WED Vernac, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.4 TUE
Tokar, Valentyna . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.1 WED Tredici, Salvatore Maurizio . CM-P.3 SUN Turitsyn, Sergey . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-9.3 THU, van den Dool, Teun . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Vernaleken, Andreas . . . . . . . �ID-P.2 MON
Tokarev, Vladimir . . . . . . . . �CM-P.18 SUN Tredicucci, Alessandro . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN, IG-P.18 THU van der Beek, Timmo . . . . . . IH-P.20 THU Vernhet, Dominique . . . . CF/IE-P.7 WED
Tokizane, Yu . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.1 WED, CC-2.6 SUN Turnbull, Andrew P. . . . . . . CB-P.25 MON Van der Sande, Guy . . . . . . . CB-5.4 TUE, Veronesi, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . CA-3.3 SUN,
CA-10.3 WED Treffer, Alexander . . . . . . CF/IE-11.3 THU Turner, Peter S . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.2 THU IG-P.7 THU CE-6.3 TUE
Tokunaga, Sean K. . . . . . . . . CB-2.4 SUN, Treps, Nicolas ID-1.6 MON, ID-P.1 MON, Turpin, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.4 TUE van der Slot, Peter . . . . . . . . . CK-2.5 SUN Verschaffelt, Guy . . . . . . . . . . CB-5.4 TUE,
ID-P.6 MON IA-5.2 WED Türschmann, Pierre . . . . . . . PD-B.2 WED van der Tol, Jos . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.12 TUE, CB-6.2 TUE
Tokura, Yasuhiro . . . . . . . . . . CK-1.5 SUN, Trifonov, Anton . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.7 SUN, Tussiwand, Giuseppe . . . . . . CH-P.10 THU CK-9.1 THU Vershinin, Oleg . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.18 TUE
IA-6.4 WED CA-P.9 SUN Tuthill, Peter . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.42 WED van der Werf, Kees O. . . . . . . CL-P.9 SUN Versteegen, Maud . . . . . . . . . JSI-1.3 MON
Tokurakawa, Masaki . . . . . . . �CJ-7.5 WED Trikshev, Anton . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.33 WED Tuthill, Peter G. . . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.7 THU van Dijk, Paulus . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.4 TUE Vescovi, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.7 SUN
Tolstik, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.2 SUN, Trillo, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.4 SUN, Tuzson, Bela . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.9 WED, van Dongen, Koen . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Vespini, Veronica . . . . . . . . . CK-5.4 MON,
�CF/IE-4.4 SUN CD-11.1 WED, IG-5.4 THU CH-P.14 THU Van Dorpe, Pol . II-P.1 WED, II-P.4 WED CE-P.14 TUE, CE-P.26 TUE,
Tomadin, Andrea . . . . . . CF/IE-13.2 THU Trinité, Virginie . . . . . . . . . . JSII-1.5 WED, Tyazhev, Aleksey . . . . . . . . . . CD-6.1 MON van Driel, Henry M. . . . . . . . . IG-3.5 WED CL-6.6 TUE
Tombelli, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.10 MON JSII-P.3 WED Tyler, N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON van Grondelle, Rienk . . . . JSIV-P.1 MON, Vest, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.28 TUE
Tombesi, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.5 MON, Trisorio, Alexandre . . . �CF/IE-P.21 WED, Tyrk, Mateusz Amadeusz . . �CM-6.4 THU JSIV-1.2 MON Vest, Gwenaelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.1 THU
IA-7.2 THU, IA-7.6 THU CG-6.5 THU Tyrtyshnyy, Valentin . . . . . . . CE-8.5 WED Van Hulst, Niek . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.5 THU Vetter, Christian . . . . . . . . . . CM-6.1 THU,
Tombez, Lionel . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-P.15 SUN Tristan, Briant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-7.3 THU Tzortzakis, Stelios . . . . . . . . CC-P.14 SUN, van Hulst, Niek F. . . . . . . �JSIV-1.5 MON, �CH-7.5 THU
Tomita, Yasuo . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-2.5 MON Troles, Johann . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN IG-P.14 THU IH-3.2 THU Vezzoli, Stefano . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.6 WED
Tomizawa, Hiromitsu . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON, Trono, Cosimo . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.10 MON Tzotzakis, Stelios . . . . . . . . JSIII-P.3 WED van Loock, Peter . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.1 MON, Viana, Bruno . CA-5.2 TUE, CE-P.9 TUE,
�CG-P.9 THU, �CH-P.18 THU Trophème, Benoît . . . . . . . . . CD-6.4 MON Udem, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . �SH-10.1 SUN, IB-4.4 TUE CE-6.2 TUE

Authors’ Index

Vicario, Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-1.3 SUN Vozzi, Caterina . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.5 MON, Wang, Hongjie . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.1 SUN Wentsch, Katrin Sarah . . . . . CA-5.4 TUE, Witzan, Michael . . . . . . . . . . CB-10.4 THU
Vicencio, Rodrigo A. . . . . . JSIII-1.4 WED CG-1.3 TUE, CF/IE-10.3 THU, Wang, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IA-2.1 MON �CA-5.5 TUE Wixforth, Achim . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON,
Vidal, Xavier CK-3.4 SUN, �CK-6.1 WED �CF/IE-10.5 THU Wang, Ke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.1 MON Wenzel, Hans . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.28 MON, IH-6.6 THU
Vié, Véronique . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-4.6 TUE Vrakking, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-2.2 TUE Wang, Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN CB-P.29 MON, CB-P.30 MON, Woerdemann, Mike . . . . . . . . CL-P.7 SUN,
Vienne, Guillaume . . . . . . . . CD-P.22 TUE Vtyurina, Daria . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.21 TUE Wang, Lifeng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-2.2 TUE CB-9.1 THU, CB-9.2 THU CL-3.4 MON
Viktorov, Evgeny A. . . . . . . . CB-3.4 MON Vu, Nghiem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.30 MON Wang, Lihong V. . . . �CL-1/ECBO.1 SUN Werhahn, Jasper C . . . . �CF/IE-12.4 THU Woerner, Michael . . . . . . CF/IE-13.1 THU
Vila-Planas, Jordi . . . . . . . . . . .CE-4.5 TUE Vynck, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.2 MON, Wang, Lihua . . CH-2.7 TUE, IG-P.5 THU Werner, Albrecht . . . . . . . . . . �IG-3.3 WED Woggon, Ulrike . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-6.3 THU
Vilaseca, Ramon . . . . . . . . . CK-P.25 MON CK-P.35 MON Wang, Pu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.24 WED Werner, Christoph . . . . . . . . �CD-5.5 MON Wojciechowski, Adam . . . . . . . �IF-3.1 SUN
Vilchez, F. Javier . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.5 TUE Waasem, Niklas . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-7.3 WED Wang, Qingpu . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Werner, Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-1.5 SUN Wolf, Jean-Piere . . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.1 SUN
Vilera, Marifé . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.32 MON Wabnitz, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN, Wang, Shaofei . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-3.2 SUN, Weßels, Peter . CJ-1.6 SUN, CE-4.2 TUE, Wolf, Johanna M. . . . . . . . . . �CB-2.2 SUN
Villanueva, Luis Guillermo . . CH-6.3 THU CI-3.1 WED, CD-11.6 WED, �CJ-P.11 WED CJ-P.16 WED, CJ-8.5 WED Wolf, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.1 SUN
Villares, Gustavo . . . . . . . . . .�CH-1.2 MON CD-12.4 WED, JSIII-2.1 WED, Wang, Wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.2 THU Wesemann, Volker . . . . . . . . . .CA-5.4 TUE Wolfgramm, Florian . . . . . . . �IA-5.5 WED
Villeneuve, Alain . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.13 WED IG-P.3 THU, IG-4.5 THU Wang, Weitao . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Wessels, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU Wollenhaupt, Matthias . . .CF/IE-1.1 SUN
Vincent, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-7.2 THU Wabnitz, Stefano . . . . . . . . �JSIII-P.2 WED Wang, Wenhan . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.19 MON West, Kenneth W. . . . . . . . . . . IG-3.5 WED Wollhofen, Richard . . . . . . . . CM-4.6 WED
Vincenti, Henri . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.5 WED Wackerow, Stefan . . . . . . . . �CM-P.5 SUN, Wang, Xiao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.3 MON Westbergh, Petter . . . . . . . . . .CB-7.1 THU Wolterink, Tom A.W. . . . . . . . IA-P.3 THU
Vinet, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-9.5 THU �CE-P.30 TUE Wang, Xiaoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.4 MON Westbrook, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . .IC-P.6 TUE Wolters, Janik . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-3.2 MON,
Vinogradov, Alexey P. . . . . CK-P.31 MON Wada, Satoshi IF-4.3 SUN, CD-P.13 TUE Wang, Xinke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.5 SUN Westbrook, Paul . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED CK-7.1 THU
Viraphong, Oudomsack . . . . . CA-4.2 SUN Waddie, Andrew . . . . . . . . . CK-P.27 MON, Wang, Yimin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-4.5 WED Westerberg, Niclas . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.4 SUN Wolters, Ulrike . . . . . . . . . . . .�CA-8.5 WED
Virkki, Matti CL-P.8 SUN, �CE-7.5 WED �CK-10.5 THU Wang, Yu-Ting . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.38 WED, Westerveld, Wouter . . . . . . . �CH-3.4 WED Wondraczek, Lothar . . . . . . . . CD-1.3 SUN
Virte, Martin �CB-5.2 TUE, �IG-P.15 THU Wadsworth, William . . . . . . . IA-P.16 THU, CF/IE-12.3 THU Wetzel, Benjamin . . . . . . . . JSIII-2.2 WED, Wong, Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.1 SUN
Viskontas, Karolis . . . . . CF/IE-P.19 WED IB-8.2 THU Wang, Ziyao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-6.5 TUE �IG-5.5 THU Wörhoff, Kerstin . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.9 SUN,
Vitali, David . IB-P.5 MON, �IA-7.2 THU, Wadsworth, William J. . . . . . . CE-4.1 TUE Wangüemert-Pérez, J. Gonzalo Wheeler, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . CG-3.5 WED CL-6.1 TUE, CK-10.2 THU,
�IA-7.6 THU Waeselmann, Sven-Henning �CE-P.1 TUE CK-9.3 THU White, Andrew IB-P.9 MON, IB-2.5 TUE, CK-10.3 THU, CK-10.6 THU
Vitanov, Nikolay . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.10 THU Wagner, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-4.4 THU Warburton, Richard J . . . . . .JSV-P.1 TUE IB-6.1 THU Wouters, Johan . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU
Vitelli, Chiara IB-P.2 MON, IA-2.5 MON, Wagner, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-9.2 WED Ward, Martin B. . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.3 WED Whittaker, S.R. . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Wozniak, Pawel . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.4 TUE
IA-5.5 WED Wagner, Joachim . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE, Warm, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.24 TUE Wichmann, Matthias . . . . . . . CC-3.1 SUN Wu, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-5.3 WED
Viti, Leonardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN JSII-2.2 WED, JSII-P.2 WED, Wasiak, Michal . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.34 MON, Wicht, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.1 MON Wu, Kan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-5.2 WED
Vitiello, Miriam S . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.3 SUN CB-10.5 THU CB-P.40 MON Wiedmann, Jörg . . . . . . . . . CB-P.17 MON Wu, Sida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.24 WED
Vitiello, Miriam Serena . . . . . CC-2.6 SUN Wagner, Steven . . . . . . . . . . .CH-P.16 THU Wasilewski, Wojciech . . . . . . IA-P.19 THU Wiegele, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-6.3 TUE Wu, Tian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.16 THU
Vivien, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-2.3 TUE Wahl, Dietmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-8.4 THU Wasley, Nicholas A. . . . . . . . . IA-P.12 THU Wienhold, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.3 TUE Wu, Xiao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-P.10 SUN
Vizet, Jérémy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CL-5.6 TUE Wahlbrink, Thorsten . . . . . . CE-P.11 TUE, Wasserscheid, Peter . . . . . . . . CH-6.1 THU Wiersma, Diederick . . . . . . . . CK-5.2 MON Wu, Xiaodong . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.2 SUN
Vladimirov, Andrei . . . . . . . CB-P.27 MON, CK-9.4 THU Watabe, Mizuki . . . . . . . . . . �CM-5.1 WED Wiersma, Diederik S. . . . . CK-P.35 MON, Wu, Xuejian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CH-2.6 TUE
IG-P.12 THU, IG-P.17 THU Waitz, Reimar . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-12.2 THU Watanabe, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-3.4 SUN IH-P.20 THU Wu, Zhenguo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN
Vladimirov, Andrei G. . . CF/IE-P.27 WED Wakamiya, Kouji . . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.4 WED Watanabe, Shuntaro . . . . . . . CG-6.3 THU Wieser, Wolfgang . . . . . . CF/IE-8.1 WED, Wubs, Martijn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IH-2.3 WED
Vo, Trung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IB-1.3 MON Waks, Edo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-6.1 WED Watanabe, Takahiro . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON PD-A.8 WED Wuite, Gijs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.3 MON
Vodopyanov, Konstantin CF/IE-5.6 MON Wakui, Kentaro . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.10 MON Watarai, Toshiharu . . . . . . . . �CH-4.1 THU Wilcox, Keith G. . . . . . . . . . CB-P.25 MON Wulf, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-P.3 WED,
Vodungbo, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.5 THU Walasik, Wiktor . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.6 SUN Watts, Regan . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.20 TUE, Wildermuth, Stephan . . . . . . �CH-P.6 THU �CK-8.1 THU, �CF/IE-11.5 THU
Vogelsang, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-5.3 THU Walbaum, Till . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.1 TUE, �CI-3.5 WED Wilk, Tatjana . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-4.2 WED Wünsche, Martin . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.4 THU
Vogl, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.16 MON �CD-P.2 TUE, CJ-8.3 WED Webb, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.2 SUN Wilkes, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON Wurnam, Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.3 WED
Voicu, Flavius . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-9.5 WED Walborn, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.4 MON Weber, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.12 MON Wilkes, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-P.8 TUE Wurtz, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.3 MON
Voigt, Karsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-1.2 MON Waldow, Michael . . . . . . . . . CE-P.11 TUE, Weber, Sébastien . . . . . �CF/IE-10.2 THU, Williams, Robert J. . . . . . . . . CM-8.5 THU Wurtz, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-5.4 TUE,
Voigtländer, Christian . . . . . . CJ-1.3 SUN, CK-9.4 THU �CG-P.2 THU Willke, Benno . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CH-6.5 THU IH-P.18 THU, IH-5.2 THU
CM-7.6 THU Wale, M.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-3.3 MON Wegener, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . CK-7.1 THU Wilson, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE Wyatt, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-5.4 THU
Voisin, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-4.4 THU Wale, Mike J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-9.5 THU Weger, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.1 TUE, Windeler, Robert . . . . . . . . . . PD-A.3 WED Wysocki, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . CH-1.3 MON
Volet, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.34 MON, Walk, Nathan . IB-P.3 MON, IB-5.4 THU CG-7.3 THU Winkelmann, Lutz . . . . . . . . . CH-6.5 THU Xaveer Leijtens, Xaveer . . . . . CB-5.4 TUE
CB-8.5 THU Walker, Graeme . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.13 SUN Wei, Haoyun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.6 TUE Winkler, Karol . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.10 THU Xi, Xiaoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.1 SUN
Volz, Juergen . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-1.3 MON Waller, Erik . . . . . . . . . . CM-3/LIM.3 TUE, Wei, Wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Winter, David . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.20 THU Xia, Yuanqin . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.19 THU
Volz, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-P.13 THU II-4.2 THU Weichelt, Birgit . . . . . . . . . . . .CA-5.2 TUE, Wipfler, Alexander . . . . . . . . . �CD-4.1 SUN Xiao, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-1.4 SUN
von den Hoff, Philipp . . . . CF/IE-1.1 SUN Waller, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.5 THU �CA-5.4 TUE, CA-5.5 TUE, CA-9.3 WED Wise, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . �SH-12.1 TUE, Xiao, Limin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-P.30 TUE
von Freymann, Georg �CM-3/LIM.3 TUE, Wallrabe, Ulrike . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.3 THU Weig, Thomas . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.2 THU CF/IE-P.11 WED, CF/IE-8.5 WED Xiao, Sanshui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.1 WED
II-4.2 THU Walmsley, Ian . IB-2.4 TUE, IA-5.4 WED, Weigand, Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-1.1 SUN Withford, Michael . . . . . . . . CH-1.6 MON, Xie, Xinhua . �CG-1.5 TUE, CG-2.3 TUE,
von Pechmann, Maximilian CG-5.4 THU, IA-P.27 THU Weihs, Gregor IA-2.2 MON, IA-2.3 MON, IB-2.5 TUE, CF/IE-P.42 WED, CG-P.4 THU
CF/IE-5.6 MON Walmsley, Ian A. . . . . . . . . . . . IB-1.1 MON IB-3.5 TUE, IH-P.9 THU, IH-P.10 THU CJ-12.6 THU Xin, Ming . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-5.3 MON
Vorholt, Christian . . . . . . . . �CA-P.20 SUN Walschaers, Mattia . . . . . . .JSIV-2.1 MON Weimann, Steffen . . . . . . . . �IB-P.17 MON Withford, Michael J . . . . . . . CM-6.3 THU, Xiong, Chunle IB-1.3 MON, CE-3.2 MON
Voronin, Alexander . . . . . CF/IE-6.3 MON Walser, Andreas M. . . . . . . . . CD-3.5 SUN Weinfurter, Harald . . . . . . . . IB-P.12 MON, CM-6.7 THU, CM-7.2 THU, Xu, Chang-Qing . . . . . . . . . .�CD-P.38 TUE
Voronina, Irina . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.6 TUE Waltermann, Christian . . . . . CK-P.5 MON IB-3.2 TUE, IB-5.1 THU, IB-8.4 THU CM-8.5 THU Xu, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.1 MON
Vörös, Zoltán . IA-2.2 MON, IH-P.9 THU, Walters, Zachary . . . . . . . . . CG-P.13 THU Weingart, Oliver . . . . . . . . . JSIV-2.4 MON Witte, Stefan . . . . . . . . . �CF/IE-7.3 MON, Xu, Danxia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU
IH-P.10 THU Wandt, Dieter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-2.3 SUN Weis, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-10.1 THU CA-8.3 WED Xu, Gang . . �IF-2.6 SUN, �CD-11.2 WED
Vos, Willem . . . . . . . . CL-2/ECBO.1 SUN, Wang, Cheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CB-2.5 SUN, Weiss, Clemens . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.4 WED Witting, Tobias . . . . . . . . . . �CG-3.3 WED, Xu, Gangyi . . . . . . . . . . �CB/CC-1.1 MON,
IH-P.3 THU CA-P.13 SUN Weiss, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . CE-3.5 MON CG-5.4 THU, CG-P.2 THU, CB/CC-1.4 MON
Vos, Willem L. . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.14 SUN, Wang, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.4 MON, Weiss, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-4.1 SUN CG-P.16 THU Xu, Huailiang CG-2.3 TUE, CG-P.4 THU
CL-3.5 MON, CF/IE-P.5 WED, ID-2.3 MON, ID-2.4 MON Welikow, Katrin . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-2.2 TUE, Wittmann, Bernhard . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU Xu, Jiancai . . CG-3.2 WED, CG-4.3 THU
�CE-9.4 WED, IH-2.3 WED, Wang, Chun-Chin . . . . . . . . . . CL-4.1 MON �CE-P.29 TUE Wittmann, Tibor . . . . . . . . . . CG-3.2 WED, Xu, Jun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.11 SUN
CF/IE-11.1 THU, IH-P.19 THU, Wang, Chun-Ta . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.23 TUE Wellens, Thomas . . . . . . . . .JSIV-2.1 MON CG-4.3 THU Xu, Tianhong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.2 TUE
IH-5.6 THU Wang, Cong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Wen, Fangfang . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-6.5 WED Wittrock, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.20 SUN, Xu, Yiqing . . . . . IF-1.4 SUN, IF-2.2 SUN,
Voss, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.4 TUE, Wang, Di . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.36 WED Wenger, Jérôme . . . . . . . . . . . . IH-3.5 THU CA-P.22 SUN CD-2.2 SUN
CA-9.2 WED, CA-9.3 WED Wang, Hailin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�IA-7.1 THU Wentsch, Katrin . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-5.2 TUE Wittwer, Valentin J. . . . . . . . . CB-4.6 TUE Xue, Xiaojie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-P.5 TUE

Authors’ Index

Yabashi, Makina . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON �CL-3.5 MON Zambrana-Puyalto, Xavier . �CK-3.4 SUN Zhang, Chunjie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3.4 THU Zhou, Shengqiang . . . . . . . . CJ-P.17 WED
Yabushita, Atsushi . . . . CF/IE-P.38 WED, Yin, Huabing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.10 SUN Zambrini, Roberta . . . . . . . . . . .IB-4.3 TUE Zhang, Guoquan . . . . . . . . . . . IA-P.29 THU Zhou, X-Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA-2.1 MON
CF/IE-12.3 THU Ying, Yongjun . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.1 WED Zamora-Munt, Jordi . . . . . . �IG-P.16 THU, Zhang, Huaijin . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Zhou, Xiao-Qi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-6.3 THU
Yacomotti, Alejandro . . . . CK-P.32 MON, Yokota, Nobuhide . . . . .�CF/IE-P.31 WED �IG-5.3 THU Zhang, Jianfa . IF-P.3 SUN, CE-5.2 TUE, Zhou, Zili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD-B.5 WED
CK-8.2 THU Yokoyama, Akihito . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Zamponi, Flavio . . . . . . . CF/IE-13.1 THU CI-4.1 WED Zhu, Cheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-1.6 SUN
Yagi, Hideki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.2 TUE Yokoyama, Shota . . . . . . . . . �IB-P.1 MON, Zanchetta, Erika . . . . . . . . CF/IE-5.5 MON Zhang, Jinggui . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-5.5 WED Zhu, Lingxiao CJ-2.5 SUN, CJ-6.4 WED,
Yahiatene, Idir . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-3.2 MON �IA-P.6 THU Zanola, Marco CB-6.1 TUE, CB-6.4 TUE Zhang, Jingyu . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-5.3 WED CJ-P.21 WED
Yamada, Masaki . . . . . . . . . . CA-10.3 WED Yoo, Seongwoo . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.35 WED Zaouter, Yoann . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-4.2 SUN, Zhang, Jitao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-2.6 TUE Zhu, Xiaolong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �II-1.1 WED
Yamagami, Ryu-ichi . . . . . . . CE-2.5 MON Yoon, Seokchan . . . . . . . . . . . �IA-4.4 WED �CJ-4.4 MON Zhang, Lei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.4 WED Zhuang, Chao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC-2.2 TUE
Yamagata, Koichi . . . . . . . . . . . IB-8.1 THU Yoshida, Harumasa . . . . . . . . . CB-9.4 THU Zapata, Luis E. . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-7.4 TUE Zhang, Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-1.5 TUE Zhuang, Leimeng . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-2.4 TUE
Yamaguchi, Shigeru . . . . . . . . CJ-5.2 WED Yoshida, Hidetsugu . . . . . . . CJ-P.34 WED Zappa, Franco . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.3 THU Zhang, Lijian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IG-3.4 WED Zia, Rashid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-3.3 THU
Yamahata, Kosuke . . . . . . . . . . CI-4.4 WED Yoshikawa, Jun-ichi . . . . . . . . IB-P.1 MON, Zaske, Sebastian . . . . . . . . . . . IA-3.5 MON Zhang, Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.2 SUN Ziegler, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . CB-P.19 MON
Yamakawa, Koichi . . . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON IA-P.6 THU Zastrau, Ulf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-4.4 THU Zhang, Sheng . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.19 THU Ziegler, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . CC-1.2 SUN
Yamamoto, Syuhei . . . . CF/IE-P.33 WED Yoshiki, Wataru . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.7 MON Zaugg, Christian A. . . . . . . . . �CB-4.6 TUE Zhang, Wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-P.6 MON Zielbauer, Bernhard . . . . . . . . CG-P.8 THU
Yamamura, Takeshi . . . . . . �CJ-P.34 WED Yoshimura, Tetsuzo . . . . . . . .�CD-8.3 TUE Zaukevicius, Audrius . . . . . . . CD-P.6 TUE Zhang, Xingyu . . . . . . . . . . . . �CA-P.5 SUN Zigmantas, Donatas . . . . . �JSIV-1.3 MON
Yamanaka, Akio . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.23 MON Yoshioka, Kosuke . . . . . . . . . . CC-4.2 SUN, Zavargo-Peche, Luis . . . . . . . . CK-9.3 THU Zhang, Yan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CC-2.5 SUN Zijlstra, Niels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IH-2.3 WED
Yamane, Keisaku . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.14 SUN, CD-9.6 TUE Zawadzki, Mateusz . . . . . . . . . . IC-P.5 TUE Zhang, Yuangeng . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.5 SUN Ziman, Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-P.11 MON
�CF/IE-P.34 WED Yoshitome, Ryosuke . . . . . . JSIII-1.1 WED Zawilski, Kevin T. . . . . . . . . . CD-6.1 MON Zhang, Zhaowei . . . . . . . . . . . . ID-1.4 MON Zimmermann, Claus . . . . . . . . . IF-3.3 SUN
Yamanouchi, Kaoru . . . . CF/IE-5.4 MON, Young, Andrew B. . . . . . . . . . . IB-5.2 THU, Zayats, Anatoly . . . . . . . . . . . CK-5.3 MON, Zhang, Zuxing . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-P.37 WED, Zimmermann, Felix . . . . . . . �CM-6.1 THU,
CF/IE-10.1 THU, CG-P.4 THU �IA-P.12 THU CE-5.4 TUE, IH-P.18 THU, IH-5.2 THU �CJ-P.39 WED CM-6.6 THU
Yamauchi, Taiki . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-6.4 TUE Yousefi, Mirvais . . . . . . . . . . . CH-3.4 WED Zederbauer, Tobias . . . . . . . . CB-1.4 SUN, Zhao, Jialin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-P.2 TUE Zimmermann, L. . . . . . . . . . CK-P.18 MON
Yamazaki, Akiyoshi . . . . . . . CK-P.29 MON Yu, Fei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CE-4.1 TUE CB-2.3 SUN, CB/CC-1.6 MON Zhao, Jian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI-5.5 WED Zinoviev, Andrey . . . . . . . . . . . CA-6.2 TUE
Yamilov, Alexey . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-1.5 WED Yu, Hui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-9.2 THU Zeh, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-P.9 MON Zhao, Juanying . . . . . . . . . . . . CD-8.2 TUE Zisis, Grigoris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-8.1 WED
Yan, Cong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.34 TUE Yu, Junhua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.13 SUN Zehender, Tilman . . . . . . . . . CK-P.6 MON, Zhao, Yang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.19 THU Zito, Gianluigi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CK-4.4 SUN
Yan, Renpeng . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.13 SUN Yu, Linwei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CM-P.1 SUN IH-P.19 THU Zheltikov, Aleksei . . . . . . . . . . CD-1.1 SUN, Zlobina, Ekaterina . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.1 WED,
Yan, Wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1.1 WED Yu, Nan Ei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CE-8.2 WED Zeilinger, Anton . . . . . . . . . . . . IB-7.3 THU CJ-P.21 WED �CJ-7.4 WED
Yang, G.W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CM-1.4 SUN Yu, Xia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-P.35 WED Zeitoun, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . .CG-6.5 THU Zheltikov, Alexei . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.3 MON Zmojda, Jacek . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.10 TUE
Yang, Quan-Hong . . . . . . . . .CJ-P.24 WED Yu, Xin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.13 SUN Zelenogorsky, Victor . . . . . . . . CA-P.1 SUN Zheludev, Nikolay . . . . . . . . . . CK-3.2 SUN, Zografopoulos, Dimitrios . . CD-P.14 TUE
Yang, Quankui . . . . . . . . . . . .JSII-P.2 WED Yu, Yonglin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CI-P.2 TUE Želudevičius, Julijanas . . . . �CD-P.5 TUE, II-1.4 WED, II-3.2 THU, Zolotovskii, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-7.1 WED
Yang, Zhili . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.34 WED Yüce, Emre . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.5 WED, �CF/IE-P.19 WED CF/IE-11.4 THU Zucconi Galli Fonseca, Piergiacomo
Yao, Tianfu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �CJ-9.2 THU �CF/IE-11.1 THU Zendzian, Waldemar . . . . . . CA-P.14 SUN Zheludev, Nikolay I. . . . . . . . . CC-2.4 SUN, IA-7.2 THU
Yashkov, Mikhail . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-8.2 WED Yulin, Alexei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-2.5 SUN Zeng, He . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CF/IE-P.36 WED IF-P.3 SUN, CE-5.1 TUE, CE-5.2 TUE, Zukauskas, Albertas . . . . . . . CM-8.3 THU
Yashunin, Dmitry . . . . . . . . . . CG-P.6 THU Yulin, Alexey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �IF-2.4 SUN Zeng, Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-11.2 THU CI-4.1 WED, II-P.14 WED, CI-5.2 WED, Zukauskas, Andrius . . . . . . . . CD-7.6 MON
Yasukevich, Anatoly . . . . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN Yumashev, Konstantin . . . . . CA-2.3 SUN, Zeng, Xianglong . . . . . . . . . . . . IF-P.9 SUN, IH-P.11 THU Zürch, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . �CG-P.5 THU,
Yasukevich, Anatoly S. . . . . . CA-4.5 SUN CE-6.5 TUE, CA-10.5 WED �CD-3.2 SUN, CE-7.2 WED, Zheng, Huimin . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ-11.4 THU CG-7.5 THU
Yavas, Seydi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.16 SUN Yusufu, Taximaiti . . . . . . . . �CA-10.3 WED CJ-P.11 WED, CD-11.3 WED Zheng, Lihe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA-P.11 SUN Zurutuza Elorza, Amaia CF/IE-13.4 THU
Ye, Jiasheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC-2.5 SUN Zachorowski, Jerzy . . . . . . . . . . IF-3.1 SUN Zéninari, Virginie . . . . . . . . . . CC-P.16 SUN Zheng, Xu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK-P.28 MON Zverev, Petr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE-P.6 TUE
Yeak, Jeremy . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-6.4 MON Zadeh, Majid Ebrahim . . . . CD-5.3 MON, Zerkani, Salim IA-7.4 THU, IA-P.26 THU Zheng, Zhu . . CC-P.6 SUN, �CC-P.7 SUN Zwiller, Val . . JSII-1.2 WED, IA-6.6 WED
Yefet, Shai . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.6 WED, CD-P.41 TUE Zervas, Michalis . . . . . . . . . . . CK-4.3 SUN, Zhou, Binbin . . IF-P.9 SUN, CL-5.3 TUE, Zwiller, Valery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-6.2 TUE
CF/IE-P.22 WED Zaïr, Amelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG-6.4 THU CK-P.15 MON, CI-P.16 TUE CE-7.2 WED, �CF/IE-P.11 WED, Zyablovsky, Alexander A. . CK-P.31 MON
Yeganegi, Elahe . . . . . . . . . . . . �IH-P.3 THU Zaitsu, Shin-ichi . . . . . . . . . . . �CD-2.3 SUN Zeuner, Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-P.5 WED CF/IE-P.13 WED, CF/IE-P.35 WED, Zyss, Joseph . CD-P.7 TUE, �II-1.5 WED,
Yeom, Dong-Il . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-4.5 TUE Zajnulina, Marina . . . . . . . . . CD-P.11 TUE Zeuner, Julia M. . . . . . . . . . . . �CK-3.1 SUN CD-11.3 WED CH-3.1 WED, CK-7.4 THU,
Yeremyan, Arsham . . . . . . . . . CK-2.2 SUN Zaltron, Annamaria . . . . . . . CE-P.35 TUE, Zeuthen, Emil . . . . . . . . . . . . . CH-6.3 THU Zhou, Hui . . . . . . . . . . . . . CF/IE-P.36 WED IH-P.7 THU, IH-P.17 THU
Yilmaz, Hasan . . . . . . . . . . . . CL-P.14 SUN, CE-8.4 WED Zghal, Mourad . . . . . . . . . . . JSIII-2.2 WED Zhou, Rui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB-7.2 THU Zywietz, Urs . . II-2.5 WED, �II-P.10 WED



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