Weekly Statistics: The Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Stock Price Index and Equity Trading Value
Weekly Statistics: The Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Stock Price Index and Equity Trading Value
Weekly Statistics: The Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Stock Price Index and Equity Trading Value
Daily Equity Trading Volume Daily Equity Trading Value Daily Equity Trading Frequency
Mill. Shares Rp. Billion Thousand (Times)
30,000 16,000 1,500
15,000 8,000
5,000 300
- - -
10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14
Instruments Volume (Shares) Value (Rp) Freq. (x) Stock Market Highlights
Stocks 120,262,237,516 60,023,186,540,578 5,827,994 Stock Market Capitalization (Rp) 9,009,950,758,208,570
Rights - - - Total Listed Shares 9,026,206,301,878
Warrants 3,356,404,585 83,715,096,471 105,897 Number of Listed Companies 810 Active Stocks This Week 752
Structured Warrants 20,616,900 6,206,249,200 2,364 Number of Listed Stocks 813 Active Brokerage Houses This Week 94
ETFs 4,246,100 4,458,501,400 730 New Stock Listing Highlights
REITs 26,500 2,336,600 43 Number of New Stock Listings -
DINFRA - - - Number of Shares Offered -
Futures (Contracts) 131 6,830,320,000 93 Fund Raised (Rp) -
Options (Contracts) - - -
Total 4,272,600 4,460,838,000 773 Bonds, Sukuk, & ABS Issuers Issues Series Outstanding
Government Bonds & Sukuk IDR - - 168 5,102.04 Trillion
Foreign Transaction Volume (Shares) Value (Rp) Freq. (x) USD - - 4 411.08 Million
Buy 11,274,661,333 17,911,683,475,456 636,830 Corporate Bonds & Sukuk IDR 126 511 949 457.15 Trillion
Sell 10,927,926,446 19,131,826,819,606 842,601 USD 1 1 1 47.50 Million
Net 346,734,887 (1,220,143,344,150) Asset-backed Securities (ABS) IDR 5 10 11 3.16 Trillion
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Top 10 Gainers Stocks of The Week Top 10 Losers Stocks of The Week
No. Listed Stocks Last Week This Week Change No. Listed Stocks Last Week This Week Change
1. SICO Sigma Energy Compressindo Tbk. 182 256 40.66% 1. COAL Black Diamond Resources Tbk. 468 328 (29.91%)
2. VICO Victoria Investama Tbk. 208 288 38.46% 2. SINI Singaraja Putra Tbk. 520 368 (29.23%)
3. BACA Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk. 118 155 31.36% 3. AMMS Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk. 119 86 (27.73%)
4. SDMU Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk. 65 83 27.69% 4. BOSS Borneo Olah Sarana Sukses Tbk. 83 60 (27.71%)
5. ENAK Champ Resto Indonesia Tbk. 1,845 2,300 24.66% 5. WIRG WIR ASIA Tbk. 390 288 (26.15%)
6. CLEO Sariguna Primatirta Tbk. 590 705 19.49% 6. ARTO Bank Jago Tbk. 6,775 5,025 (25.83%)
7. BNBR Bakrie & Brothers Tbk 55 65 18.18% 7. OBMD OBM Drilchem Tbk. 408 304 (25.49%)
8. PNIN Paninvest Tbk. 1,375 1,615 17.45% 8. WOOD Integra Indocabinet Tbk. 555 416 (25.05%)
9. MARK Mark Dynamics Indonesia Tbk. 580 675 16.38% 9. LINK Link Net Tbk. 3,370 2,550 (24.33%)
10. OMRE Indonesia Prima Property Tbk 500 570 14.00% 10. MARI Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk. 145 111 (23.45%)
Top 10 Brokerage Firms of The Week by Total Trading Value Top 10 Brokerage Firms of The Week by Total Trading Frequency
No. Brokerage Firms Volume Value Freq. No. Brokerage Firms Volume Value Freq.
1. AK UBS Sekuritas Indonesia 6,593 8,958,741 494,829 1. YP Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia 25,897 8,779,666 2,097,368
2. YP Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia 25,897 8,779,666 2,097,368 2. PD Indo Premier Sekuritas 12,831 5,147,710 1,003,203
3. BK J.P. Morgan Sekuritas Indonesia 3,800 7,156,785 299,234 3. XC Ajaib Sekuritas Asia 4,600 1,286,780 760,997
4. ZP Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia 4,533 6,745,997 339,731 4. CC Mandiri Sekuritas 11,246 5,979,771 731,986
5. YU CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia 4,988 6,101,474 221,053 5. CP KB Valbury Sekuritas 12,058 2,788,546 659,943
6. CC Mandiri Sekuritas 11,246 5,979,771 731,986 6. AK UBS Sekuritas Indonesia 6,593 8,958,741 494,829
7. PD Indo Premier Sekuritas 12,831 5,147,710 1,003,203 7. MG Semesta Indovest Sekuritas 21,675 4,791,685 416,497
8. MG Semesta Indovest Sekuritas 21,675 4,791,685 416,497 8. ZP Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia 4,533 6,745,997 339,731
9. DH Sinarmas Sekuritas 1,895 3,802,465 101,047 9. XL Mahakarya Artha Sekuritas 2,319 652,927 329,783
10. AP Pacific Sekuritas Indonesia 12,485 3,177,347 7,073 10. BQ Korea Investment and Sekuritas Indonesia 4,659 2,002,009 328,919
Note: volume in million shares, value in million Rp, and Frequency in times.
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