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Programming Syllabus

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Programming Syllabus

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Tacloban City
Control No. EVSU-ACA-F-005
Title of Form: Course Syllabus Revision No. 03
Date January 30, 2021

BSEcon Program
Institutional Graduate
VISION Institutional Outcomes (IO) Educational Program Outcomes (PO)
Attributes (IGA)
Objectives (PEO)
A Leading State Demonstrate personal and 1. Demonstrate knowledge of economic theory and
University in collective adherence to high 1. Excellent in one’s field 1. Possess technical diagnose economic problems using appropriate
Technological and standards and distinctive of specialization proficiency and exhibit theories and methodologies.
Professional Education achievement. thereby demonstrating life-long learning in the 2. Convey oral and written economic arguments and
a personal and field of Economics. research results.
MISSION Instill the value for lifelong collective adherence to 3. Influence, engage, and manage people to work in a
Develop a Strong learning among graduates high standards in all 2. Embed the nobility of collaborative manner with others towards a common
Technologically and who are guided with highest areas. character guided with goal.
Professionally practice of ethics, principles 2. Visionary leaders practice of ethics and 4. Understand other disciplines in order to determine
Competent Productive and moral standards. guided with the highest moral standards. socio-economic and political impact of issues present
Human Resource
Show commitment and practice of ethical and in them.
Imbued with Positive
motivation to exist with moral standards. 3. Demonstrate cultural 5. Practice professionalism and good citizenship that
Values Needed to
relevance and significance in 3. Serving individuals and social sensitiveness can be enhanced through the General Education
Propel Sustainable
providing assistance to towards a committed as well as public courses offered in the program.
clientele. citizenry, driven by service. 6. Demonstrate personal and intellectual autonomy and
relevant cause for the information literacy.
Create an environment common good. 7. Investigate and extract information from a complex
which respect each other’s 4. Unifying agent founded human system that will shed insight into different
worth, beliefs and talents on truth and respect of societal problems with the design and use of economic
towards a synergistic goal. human worth amidst models.
Provide platforms for diversity of beliefs and 8. Apply appropriate mathematical and statistical
technological competence talents. techniques in a scientific manner.
E – Excellence 9. Establish facts and reach new conclusions through
V – Value-Laden and skills development.
the production of articles and policy papers or
S – Service-Driven proposals.
U – Unity in Diversity 10. Acquire, select the appropriate, and use modern
technologies in the aid of reporting.
11. Present alternative solutions and advice judgments
based on available economic information for the
common good.
12.Appreciate Filipino historical and cultural heritage.
Course Information
Course Code Gen Ed 004 Course Description
Course Title Mathematics in the Modern World This course covers the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic
Credit Units 3 Units dimensions, as well as the application of mathematical tools in our daily life. The course begins with
Lec/Lab Hours 36 hrs (Lecture) / 54 hrs (Laboratory) an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in nature and
Class Schedule environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring these topics,
Prerequisite(s) None students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of
None formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example, and a rich language in itself
(and of science) governed by logic and reasoning. The course then proceeds to survey ways in
which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present-day
living, such as managing personal finances, making social choices, appreciating geometric designs,
Co-Requisite(s) understanding codes used in data transmission, and security, and dividing limited sources fairly.
These aspects will provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises
that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’
understanding and capacity.

Week Course/Learning Teaching-Learning Learning
Topics Resources & References Assessment
No. Outcomes Activities Evidence
1 At the end of 1st week, 1. Orientation EVSU University Code Lecture Discussion An oral recitation will be Class Agreement
students are expected to: 1.1. EVSU Vision and EVSU Student’s Course given to the students.
Mission Syllabi
 Be oriented with the 1.2. CAS Goals and
university’s VMGO Objectives PPT Slides
(Vision, Mission, Goals, 1.3. Course
and Objectives) Objectives and
 Be introduced to the 1.4. Grading Criteria
course description, 1.5. Class Policies
outline, requirements, and Rules
and grading system.
2-4 The students will be able Chapter 1: The Nature Books and Printed For Blended  Quizzes and Result of quizzes
to: of Mathematics References: (Teaching) recitation exercises. and recitation
 Patterns and  Lecture exercises.
 Identify mathematical Numbers in Nature Mathematics in the Modern  Manage individual  Essay on their
patterns from objects in and the World World, Rex Book Store, Inc. activities; and observations and The quality of
nature and other - Fibonacci 2018  Conduct quizzes and appreciations of the essay output on the
categories Sequence recitation different essay and activities
Mathematics in the Modern mathematical for this chapter.
 Perform operations on  Mathematical World, St. Andrew (Learning) patterns in nature.
mathematical Language and Publishing House, 2019  Attend Lecture Criteria(See Rubric 1)
expressions. Symbols
- Translating Online References:  Research and  The students will
 Recognize the mathematical Patterns and numbers in identify different make an infographic Infographic
importance of symbols to nature and the world objects that show that will showcase
mathematics in one’s verbal phrases Part 1: mathematical mathematical
life. and vice versa. http://youtube.com/watch?v= patterns. patterns in various
- Sets and J7An1mcFHBU  Write a mathematical categories, such as
Binary Part 2: expression for some nature, architecture,
operations https://www.youtube.com/wa real-life scenarios. arts, and the human
- Relations and tch?v=o68FAFj04Vg body.
Functions Part 3: For Modular: Criteria(See Rubric 2)
tch?v=ax8mLKp6ouU 1. Read
Fibonacci Module/learning pack
https://www.youtube.com/wa and answer Warm-up
tch?v=Jk_1d4mbVyQ and Graded
tch?v=hbUQlrLDAgw&t=39s 2. Submit answered
activity sheets in the
https://www.youtube.com/wa module.

Mathematical Language
Part 1
Part 2:
Relations and Functions
5-7 The students will be able Chapter 2: Problem Books and Printed For Blended
to: Solving and Reasoning References: (Teaching) Quiz and recitation Quiz results and
 Lecture exercise. students’
engagement during
 Apply different types of  Inductive and Mathematics in the Modern  Manage individual discussion/recitatio
reasoning to Deductive World, Rex Book Store, Inc. activities; and n.
understand statements Reasoning 2018  Conduct quizzes and Gather different
and arguments made  Problem Solving Mathematics in the Modern recitation statements in social Compilation of
about mathematics and with Patterns World, St. Andrew media and identify statements
mathematical concepts.  Polya’s 4-steps in Publishing House, 2019 (Learning) whether inductive or (inductive and
 Solve problems problem-solving Nocon, R. & Nocon, E.,  Attend Lecture deductive reasoning. deductive
involving patterns and strategy Essential Mathematics for  Use inductive and reasoning) with
sequence. the Modern World, 2016 deductive reasoning The students will make written report.
 Create a logical and in problem solving a role-playing video
step-by-step solution to Online References:  Solve patterns and revolving around Video Presentation.
a given problem. Inductive and Deductive sequence problems. problem-solving.
Reasoning  Apply Polya’s Criteria(See Rubric 3)
https://www.youtube.com/wa Problem Solving
tch?v=GcmNSwez5AI Strategy
For Modular:
Problem Solving with 1. Read
Patterns Module/learning pack
https://www.youtube.com/wa and answer Warm-up
tch?v=QErRuYVCPjg and Graded
Polya’s Problem Solving 2. Submit answered
Startegies activity sheets in the
https://www.youtube.com/wa module.
8-11 The students will be able Chapter 3: Books and Printed For Blended
to: Mathematics as a Tool References: (Teaching) Activities and quizzes.
 Calculate different  Introduction to Mathematics in the Modern  Lecture Collect data using Quiz outputs and
descriptive statistical Statistics World, Rex Book Store, Inc.  Manage individual questionnaire provided students’
measurements such as  Measures of Central 2018 activities; and by the instructor. engagement during
measures of center, Tendency  Conduct quizzes and (Formative discussion/recitatio
relative position, and  Measures of Mathematics in the Modern recitation Assessment) n.
dispersion based on a Dispersion World, St. Andrew
given data set.  Measures of Publishing House, 2019 (Learning) A collaborative activity
 State the difference Relative Position Joseph-Mangaran, A.,  Attend Lecture which involves the Output
between the covered Garcia, C., De Paz, D.,  Calculate the mean, calculation and Presentation
statistical Galos, T., & Lacaba, S., median, mode, interpretation of data
measurements as to range, variance, collected.
their unique uses and Elementary Statistics., St. standard deviation,
application; and Andrew Publishing House, quartile, decile and
 Articulate the 2013 percentile of a given
significance of these data set.
statistical Online References:
measurements in one’s Basic Concepts in Statistics  Differentiate the
life. three descriptive
https://www.youtube.com/wa statistical
tch?v=NtfWQILgJyY&ab_ch measurements and
annel=WOWMATH state its importance.
Measures of Central
Tendency for Ungrouped For Modular:
Data 1. Read
https://www.youtube.com/wa Module/learning pack
tch?v=PApJlOrPDFg&ab_ch and answer Warm-up
annel=WOWMATH and Graded Activities.
Measures of Central 2. Submit answered
Tendency for Grouped Data activity sheets in the
https://www.youtube.com/wa module.
12-14 The students will be able Chapter 4: Books and Printed For Blended Quizzes and recitation Quiz and seatwork
to: Mathematics of References: (Teaching) outputs
 Discuss simple interest, Finance Mathematics in the Modern  Lecture Students’
simple discount and  Simple Interest and World, St. Andrew  Manage individual engagement during
compound interest. Discount Publishing House, 2019 activities; and discussion/recitatio
 Solve problems  Compound Interest Cervillion, C.C. et al,  Conduct quizzes and Collect information n.
involving simple recitation about savings and
interest and compound Mathematics of Investment, investments from five
interest. Made Simple, Rex Book (Learning) (5) competitive banks in Written Report
 Display perseverance Store, Inc. 2009  Attend Lecture Philippines.
and patience in dealing  Calculate the
with problems Online References: interest or discount
associated with Simple Interest Formula for a given scenario, Decision Dilemma
mathematics of finance. https://www.youtube.com/wa with application of
tch?v=3LUoOCeyDG4&ab_c time, money,
hannel=JessarCedeno materials, energy
Time Between Dates and other resources.
https://www.youtube.com/wa  Solve compound
tch?v=Io8qmBMq59s&t=2s& interest using the
ab_channel=JessarCedeno given formula.

Accumulating and For Modular:

1. Read Module/
learning pack and
tch?v=gxzDmM0kPvk&ab_c answer Warm-up and
hannel=JessarCedeno Graded Activities.
The Simple Discount
tch?v=f3g9RgVkgcc&ab_cha 2. Submit answered
nnel=JessarCedeno activity sheets in the
The Compound Interest module.
Continuous Compounding
Varying Interest Rates
Finding the Time
Determining the Interest

15-18 The students will be able to Chapter 5: Logic Books and Printed For Blended
solve logic problems using  Logic Statements References: Activities and Quizzes Practice Exercises
the various rules and and Quantifiers Mathematics in the Modern (Teaching) Outputs
techniques in logic.  Truth Tables, World, Rex Book Store, Inc.  Lecture
Equivalent 2018  Manage individual
Statements and activities; and
Tautologies Johnsonbaugh, Richard.,  Conduct quizzes and
 The Conditional Discrete recitation
and Biconditional Mathematics.,Prentice-Hall,
 The Conditional 2009 (Learning)
and Related  Attend Lecture
Statements Online References:  Fill-up a truth table
 Symbolic Part 1: Propositions with the appropriate
Arguments and https://www.youtube.co truth values.
Euler Diagrams m/watch?v=Rn_phvHUkE  Write the inverse,
Y converse, and
Part 2: Logical Operators contrapositive of a
https://www.youtube.co given conditional
m/watch?v=VhlALpztBH8 statement.
Part 3: Truth Tables for  Evaluate if a given
Conjunction, Disjunction and argument is logical or
Negation not using symbolic
arguments and
Euler’s diagrams.
m/watch?v=9PUdrIKq-  Develop analytical
Qw and mathematical
Part 4: Truth Table for problem-solving skills.
Conditional and For Modular:
https://www.youtube.co 1. Read
m/watch?v=JyLulFdhhCY Module/learning pack
Part 5: Tautology, and answer Warm-up
Contradiction and Logical and Graded Activities.
https://www.youtube.co 2. Submit answered
m/watch?v=aZ8PzeaV0O activity sheets in the
s module.

Culminating Activity

The students will make a research paper following a specific format which will be given by their instructor before midterms. This activity would measure the students
understanding on the topics that has been discussed. This will also be helpful in their thesis writing.

1. This is a group task that students can accomplish inside/outside classroom.
2. Each group will formulate/choose a topic that is related to their field.
3. Topics must be submitted to their instructors for approval.
4. Once approved, students will immediately begin conducting research using the format supplied by the instructor.
5. Presentation of outputs will be done a week before the end of the semester.

Grading System Class Policies

1. Courtesy must be observed at all times. Communicate with your teacher and
The students will be rated based on the following: classmates politely. Use of foul language is strictly prohibited.
2. Personal responsibility is encouraged among students. Each student is expected to
Grade Component Percentage perform the required activities/tasks.
Written Works (Quizzes, Seat Works, Assignments) 20%
Performance Tasks (Group Activities, Boardwork) 20% 3. Punctuality in the submission of required papers/outputs is necessary. Failure to
Major Exams 30% comply with the specified schedule could result to disqualification to proceed to the
Culminating Activities 30% next level.
Total 100% 4. If possible, all students must be members of the class Facebook Group. For
purposes of transparency and proper identification, students must register using their
real names and profile pictures. The use of fake names/photos in the student’s
INC if there is missing any of the course requirements listed. Given 1 Facebook account is strongly discouraged.
year to comply the INC. 5. In compliance with Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as the “Anti-bullying Act
of 2013, students are enjoined to constantly refrain from making annoying, cruel,
and discriminating remarks on anyone while engaging in any class activity.
6. Likewise, selling, marketing or promotion of goods
or services in any form is not welcome in this class.

Effectivity and Revision Information

Effectivity Date: Revision Date: Revision Number: Notes on Revision:
August 2021 June 4, 2021 2 Integrated blended learning modality.

Prepared by:



Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

Head, General Education Department Dean, College of Arts and Sciences OIC-Vice President for Academic Affairs
Rubric 1

Organization (40%)
Pts Observation
3 The essay has an excellent structure and is well organized.
2 Has structure and organization though lacks unity of ideas.
1 The structure is greatly lacking and hard to follow.
Content/Development (50%)
Pts Observation
3 The essay was able to discuss all the crucial points.
2 The essay missed out on one crucial point.
1 The essay missed out on two or more crucial points.
Grammar, Punctuation, andRubricSpelling3 (10%)
Pts Observation
3 There were only minor or no errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
2 There were easily noticeable errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Cinematography (50%)
1 The essay was full of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Pts Observation
3 Video is aesthetically pleasing to watch.
2 Video was pleasing to watch but there were issues with the sound and/or picture.
1 Video was haphazardly made.
Content/Development (50%)
Rubric 2 Pts Observation
Design/layout (30%) 3 Video was able to discuss all the crucial points.
Pts Observation 2 Video missed out on one crucial point.
3 The design/layout is neat, clear, and visually appealing. 1 Video missed out on two or more crucial points.
2 Is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.
1 Layout is messy and unattractive.
Content/Development (50%)
Pts Observation
3 Able to discuss all the crucial points.
2 Missed out on one crucial point.
1 Missed out on two or more crucial points.
Grammar (20%)
Pts Observation
3 Only minor or no errors in grammar.
2 There were easily noticeable errors in grammar.
1 Full of grammar errors.

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