Item Card (Bottled Thunderstorm, Lord's Alliance Ring, Onyx Dog)

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Bottled Thunderstorm Bottled Thunderstorm

Amulet (attunement) Artifact (1/2) Amulet (attunement) Artifact (2/2)

This item has 8 charges and regains Storming Swiftness. As a reaction
1d4+3 charges at dawn. when you or an ally willingly moves,
Unleash Spark. Action|3 Charges One you can expend 1-2 charges to grant a
creature you see within 60ft. makes a bonus to that mov. action equal to 10
DEX save (DC15). On a fail, you deal ft. times the charges expended.
6d6 lightning dmg (½ on a success) Living Storm. Action| 6 charges You
and is paralysed until the start of your cast a 4th-level Storm Sphere (no
next turn. concentration), designating any
creature you can see as an enemy. For
1 minute, the sphere independently
attacks your enemies. You can dismiss
the sphere as a free action.

Ring of the Lord's Alliance Figurine of Power (Onyx Dog)

Ring. Common. Wondrous. Rare. (1/2)
As an action, sense the dominant If you use an action to speak the
emotion of creatures within 30 feet. command word and throw the figurine
Additionally, you can detect the most to within 60ft, of you, the figurine
worries creature in range. becomes a living creature. The
creature is friendly to you and your
companions. It understands
your languages
and obeys your
spoken commands.
If you issue none,
the creature
defends itself but
takes no other

Figurine of Power (Onyx Dog) Dragongleam

Wondrous. Rare. (2/2) Spear. Rare.
The statuette becomes a mastiff for up This spear is enchanted with 10
to 6 hours. The mastiff has an charges of a daylight spell for use in
Intelligence of 8 and can speak twilight or dark forest underbrush. The
Common. It also has darkvision (60ft.) command phrase is “Tiamat’s eyes
and can see invisible creatures and shine,” written in Draconic runes on
objects. Once used, it remains the spear’s crossguard.
innactive for 7 days.
It reverts to a figurine early if it drops
to 0 hit points or if you use an action
to speak the command word again
while touching it.
Orb of Dragon's Breath Animated Shield
Wonderous Item. Rare. Cold. Shield. (attun.) Very Rare
This item has 2 charges and regain all While holding this shield, you can
charges at dawn. As an action, you speak its command word as a bonus
expend 1 charge and make a ranged action to cause it to animate or
spell attack (+5) against one target disanimate. The shield leaps into the
within 90 ft. On a hit, you deal 5d8 air and hovers, leaving your hands
cold damage. free. The shield remains
animated for
1 minute, until you
are incapacitated
or die.

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