MS 1093 201 09C V00.C (Method Statement For Painting of Internal Gypsum Board & Plaster Surface) 44224

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Contract No AUH.06.1 0.0401 DSNo DS/0401/2995

C0ntract Title Midfield Terminal Building - Main Contract Rev. 00

From TCA - Joint Venture Date 07/06/2014

Rem# Document No Description Rev Action Required
I MS-1093-201-09C Method Statement for Painting oflntemal Gypsum Board & 00 Approval
Plaster Surface
RaisecJ by Contra9~ors Authorized Signature
Contractor's Vcrific1,1tion stamp
TCA Joint Venture certifies that the submittal has been re~d, cornat~d and approved for compliance
with the contract documents. · ~ -
(W Contractors Project Director: Ali Haydar Ozak "'_,... · , -.tP---- Date: ~ "8
CMA/P &D Comments
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Cod~: I -NO EXCEPTION TAKEN: Ut~ work covered by the submillnltn:Jy proceed pro,ided it complies wiUt Ute Conlr:lct Qoc:untCJtiS. Final acceptance oflhe work will depend on that
C.o dc2- EXCEI'TIONS AS N~TED. REYISE AND RESUBMIT FOR ltECORD: ·ntc submiu~l is approved wiUt only minorcommcniS lhalllCcds to be incorpor.ilcd into Ute documcnl$ and
issu~: ft?r work to proceed in compliil,nc!! with the contract document
Code ;l· REVISE.ANO lt~:SUnM iT: do nol proceed with the work covcn:d by the submiu~l. Including purchase. f.1brication. delivery. or o)hcr activity for the product submiued. ltcvisc or
prepare o new submillnl nceording lo llic t::ngincc(s no~lions :md eom:ctions
C!Kfc 4 • REJE¢'n:o: do noi proceed with Ill!= woik CO\',!:rcd by Ihe submiunl. Prcpan: a new submillnl for a producl lhnl co'ntplii:s \Yilh the ContrnciDocumcniS
Code 5- ·REVIEW NOT RE'QUIIUm: it contaitiS infomtntion thnt doc.~ notncccss:uily require Engh:ds appro,•al
C~c 6 - ISSU!o:O fOR ·coNSTRUCTION: only final submiuals. wheN required in nccor<bncc with the Conlrncl. with an appropriate :icccptcd or consent sln1111> by t::nyinccr or his "
n:prcsi:ntalivc shall bi: used in conncclion WiUt conslnlclion

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TYPE OF SUBMITTAL: I Document Submittal SUBMITTAL NO.: IDS-0401-2995 Rev. 00 I TRANSMITTAL NO.:

!Method Statement for Painting of Internal

SUBJECT: Gypsum Board & Plaster Surface I

Apply paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and ambient air temperature are between 10
and 35 C.
Do not apply paints when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or to damp or wet surfaces, The moisture
content should be below 5%
For Gypsum Board Substrates do not begin paint application until finishing compound is dry and sanded
For Plaster Substrates do not until cured and
For the stucco in point 3 & 6 in (6.5.4 repairing damage paint) use stucco materials compatible with paint
system, under conditions of service and application as demonstrated by manufacturer, based on testing and
field QVnQroQ,ni"Q

Form I Template Doc. No: MRO-ACM-PJM-FRM- 01 017_00

Submittal Review Ref.: DS/0401/2564 Rev. 00 Page 1 of 1 Revision Date: 28-Aug-201 2
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Midfield Terminal Building

Abu Dhabi International Airport
Abu Dhabi Airports Company PJSC
Abu Dhabi- UAE

Method Statement for Painting Of Internal

Gypsum Board & Plaster Surfaces

olfi t 1\
Constructi on . f tarabtec

Midfield Terminal Joint Ventura


Doc. No. MS-1093-201-09C

With the signatures below, TCAJV certify that this submittal has been reviewed, checked, coordinated, and
approved for compliance with the Contract Documents.
I \ ~ '
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For ae_proval
A. Peter
Pre paPted By ''
.§.~; G. Skourtis
Reviewed By
1\. X 2.").._~
' R~ce
Approved By

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page 2 of 12


1. Scope of Work

2. Purpose

3. References

4. Abbreviations, Terms and Definitions

5. Responsibilities

6. Procedure

7. Environmental, Health and Safety

8. Attachments

P..!~!At.b~ Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport

Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page 3of 12


The Scope of work for this method statement is to describe the painting methodology for
internal gypsum board and Plaster surfaces (walls, columns, False Ceiling) using National


The purpose of this method statement is to set out the procedures to be implemented by
TCAJV in painting gypsum board and plaster surfaces such as walls, columns and f alse



ITP(s) y ITP 1093-201-09A

IS09001:2008- Quality Management Systems

PQAP-1093-001 - Project Quality Assurance Pla n
SPECIFICATIONS 0143 00- Quality Assurance
01 45 00- Quality Control and Testing
01 33 00- Submittal Procedure
099123 - interior painting

MATERIAL MS/0401/A/01 04
SUBMITTAL MS/040 11A/0 112





MS Method Statement
ITP Inspection and Test plan
RA Risk Assessment
IFC Issued for Construction

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C

It is the responsibility of all personnel involved in the works to implement this Method
Statement and in accordance with the Risk Assessment (attached), ITP, Contractor ES&H
plan, and project safety rules and regulations.

Position Name Company Contact Number

Construction Manager Ali Said TCAJV 0566898144
Mamoun Abu Jbarah 0506144674
Huseyin Misirlioglu 056 2791393
HSE Manager Barry Coster TCAJV 0555095929
Section Engineer Varies TCAJV TBA
QC Manager Georges Skourtis TCAJV 0504458176
Site Engineer Varies TCAJV TBA
QC Inspector Varies TCAJV TBA
Safety Officer Varies TCAJV TBA

5.1 The Construction Manager shall be responsible to:

1. Implement and maintain a successful completion of the work.
2. Communicate this Method Statement to his subordinates.
3. Provide his subordinates with the information they need to carry out their
4. Enforce the application of this document once it is approved.
5. Stop all unsafe work activities.
6. Ensure the Health and Safety of the personnel on the site.
7. Ensure that the requirements of the Project Specifications and relevant ITP is followed
and implemented during construction

5.2 HSE Manager

1. Ensure Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) is implemented and followed for each activity.
2. Monitor the implementation of this method statement.
3. Provide required training.
4. Regularly pay site visits to ensure that safety is being exercised at site as per
5. Advise the Construction Manager for any infraction for safety procedures.
6. Verify field activities are following the MS/RA and any new risks not previously
identified are addressed and reflected in a revised/new MS/RA.
7. Stop all unsafe work activities.

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
PageS of 12

5.3 QC Manager
1. Supervise of Quality Control activities involving all materials; undertake the more
complex inspection and resolve technical and client issues on Quality Engineering.
2. Assign QC Engineers and their monitoring all Site Inspection activities.
3. Interpret codes, standards and project specifications to ensure contract requirements
are met.
4. Liaise with internal and external concerned parties to co-ordinate presence at
5. Carry out more complex Quality function activities, such as Procedure Qualification
6. Complete relevant forms and prepare reports on inspection undertaken for inclusion
and maintenance of inspection records.
7. Review and make recommendations for the continuing development and improvement
of Inspection Test Plans and Quality Control Procedures I Method Statements
specifically in relation to workmanship activities.

5.4 Section Engineer shall be responsible to:

1. Ensure that this M ethod Statement is being implemented correctly at site.
2. Ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to enable full compliance with this
3. Ensure that all construction works are being carried out as per project specs. ITPs and
approved drawings.
4. Ensure the quality of work is as per approved standards, ITPs and QCPs.
5. Ensure that the required Work Inspection Requests are issued to QC Department and
coordinate with them for the necessary inspection to be carried out by the Engineer.
6. Monitor t he work and be in charge of the overall construction of site activities.
7. Monit or the progress and induce corrective and remedial provisions whenever
8. Ensure the proper implementation of contractor I subcontractor quality systems at site.
9. Recommend stop work order if required.
10. Ensure a safe practice of subcontractors at all time.
11. Identify new risks and ensure they are controlled and a revised MSIRA is issued to
document the risks and control measures.
12. Stop all unsafe work activities.

5.5 Site Engineer shall be responsible to:

1. Assist the section engineer in carrying out his responsibilities .
2. Coordinate the work with the G. Foreman.
3. Direct ly monitor the construction activities at site.

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page 6 of 12

4. Implement the relevant ITP

5. Ensure that the quality of the works meets the requirements of the Project
Specifications, ITPs and QCPs
6. Ensure that working areas are properly covered with work permits.
7. Report on the spot any non-conformance to the section engineer.
8. Provide all necessary tools, equipment, and material required at site.
9. Ensure that safety awareness at site is continuously maintained through JSTI and tool
boxes talks.
10. Make sure that site personnel are adequately trained to do the job.
11. Stop all unsafe work activities.

5.6 QC Inspector shall be responsible to:

1. Maintain all quality records properly documented.
2. Conduct inspections and monitor the required tests.
3. Determining and reporting any non-conformance to the TCAJV QC Manager.
4. Checking compatibility between production processes, test procedures and the
applicable documentation through review and circulation of the technical and
administration document related to the various activities.
5. Ensuring that all personnel are fully aware with all the quality requirement s and
applications for all quality documents as relevant to their discipline.
6. Ensuring appropriate supervision for all work activities enabling quality related
operations to be effectively covered.
7. Coordinate with the Independent Laboratory representative so that all tests are carried
out as required by the specifications and records as per the Contractors Quality Control
8. Stop all unsafe and substandard work activities.

5.7 Safety Officer shall be responsible to:

1. Ensure that toolbox talks are conducted as per SSSP plan.
2. Monitor the implementation of this Method Statement.
3. Provide the required training for the site personnel involved.
4. Monitor and advice to site supervisors all requirement for tools to maintain a safe
working environment.
5. Monitor the compliance with procedures with respect to equipment's and related
certification and permits.
6. Stop all unsafe work activities.

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page7 of12

5.8 Site Supervisor shall be responsible to:

1. Directly supervise and monitor all construction activities at site.
2. Directly coordinate with Section Engineer.
3. Ensure availability of all required tools to maintain a safe working environment.
4. Ensure compliance with procedures with respect to equipment's and related
certification and permits
5. Ensure that the workers under his command fully understand the hazards and risks
involved in the job and are responsible to ensure they work in a safe environment.
6. Make sure that the manpower under his supervision are adequately trained and are
qualified to carry out the work.
7. Insure a safe working environment for the work force.
8. Provide the site workers with the required PPE for the job.
9. Provide the necessary the material, equipment, and machinery for the job.
10. Site supervisor shall be responsible for conducting the JSTI Card.
11. Ensure the work area is safe for the activities being performed.


6.1 Plant and Equipment

1. HlAB truck
2. Scaffolding
3. Cherry Picker and Scissor Lift
4. Protective Clothing:

• PVCGioves
• Goggles and face mask
5. Preparation Equipment:

• Stiff wire brush

• rubbing stone

• sand paper

• soft wire brush

6. Application Equipment:

• Roller
• Scrapper

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page8of12 ·

6.2 Materials
The following Materials will be required :
1- PVA primer
2- National Matt Emulsion
3- National Eggshell Emulsion Matt For PNT-15 & National Eggshell Emulsion Silk For
6.3 Site Planning & Preparation
6.3.1 Traffic Control
1- The Site supervisor shall coordinate the transportation of the permanent and
temporary works materials by means of HIAB truck and the trailer through the site
from the stores area to the location of the works following the speed limits,
directions and notice boards displayed at the project site.
2- HIAB trucks shall be loaded with the construction materials at the stores area
following direction from the Project Engineer.
3- The instruction to proceed for any heavy vehicle shall be established once the road
coordination between the vehicle operator and the construction supervisor has been
finalized. No heavy vehicle movement shall commence within the site area without
the proper communication between the involved parties has been established.
4- The maximum speed at the working area shall be restricted to 15Km/h.

6.3.2 Further Provisions

1- loading and unloading of all material shall be done in the presence of the site
supervisor, and Banks man.
2- All lifting, loading/offloading to be carried out using tested/certified lifting
accessories and approved lift plans.
3- Communication on site will be effected through GSM lines.
4- All necessary permits and certificates shall be prepared and submitted when
required . No work will be carried out until the permits are approved.

6.3.3 Storage and handling:

1- Paint should be stored in proper storage conditions in approved areas where
paint containers must be kept dry, cool and well ventilated. Paint materials
should not be stored in the MTB Building.

2- Paint conta iners should be kept sealed any away from any source of extreme
t emperature or ignition.

Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C

3- Stir paint containers well before use.

4- All used and empty containers will be cleared from the work area and disposed
off properly in approved waste collection points.

6.4 Sequence of Works

Sequence Activity/Stage Max/Min Time Interval

1 Surface preparation
2 PVA primer average of 4-6 hours at 30°C
3 Apply first top coat (National Matt average of 2-4 hours at 30°C

4 apply final coat of National Eggshell Allow to dry for 24 hours at 30°C

6.S Work Methodology

6.5.1 PREPARATION {Surface Preparation for Coating):

1- All necessary/required repairs to exposed concrete surfaces are to be
completed well in advance of the paint to ensure repairs/curing agents have
completely dried out.
2- Clean all contamination such as oil, grease, signs, laitance, curing compounds,
mold release agents etc. from the surface by sand papers, stiff wire Brush or
rubbing stones.
3- Clean all dirt, powder, Laitance, loose particles and other contaminations using
soft wire Brush.
4- Before commencement of the work a mockup will be prepared to apply the
above mentioned system on site for engineer's approval.
5- Check list shall be prepared prior to commencement of work to ensure surface is
well prepared and cured .


Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09(

1- After surface preparation, apply one full coat of PVA Primer by using a brush
/roller to achieve a continuous and uniform surface appearance, at a coverage
rate of 12-10.Sm2/liter, minimum dry thickness is 30 micron/coat and maximum
dry thickness of 35 micron/coat which is equivalent to minimum wet thickness of
80 micron/coat and a maximum wet thickness of 95 micron/coat.

2- Allow the primer to dry for an average of 4-6 hours at 30oC before recoating. The
competent supervisor should check the coated surface to make sure the surface
is dry and free from any contamination prior to application of the next coat.

6.5.3 Application

1- After the PVA primer is completely dry, National Matt Emulsion shall be
applied using roller or brush at a spreading rate of 9-11m 2/liter, minimum dry
thickness is 40 micron/coat and maximum dry thickness of 45 micron/coat
which is equivalent to minimum wet thickness of 90 micron/coat and a
maximum wet thickness of 115 micron/coat.

2- Allow the first top coat of National Matt Emulsion to dry for an average of 2-
4 hours at 30°C before recoating. The competent supervisor should check the
coated surface to make sure the surface is dry and free from any
contamination prior to application of the next coat.

3- After the first top coat National Matt Emulsion is dry to recoat apply the
second top coat Eggshell Emulsion Matt for pnt-15 or Eggshell Emulsion Silk
for pnt-16 shall be applied using roller or brush at a spreading rate of 9-
11m2/liter, minimum dry thickness is 40 micron/coat and maximum dry
thickness of 45 micron/coat which is equivalent to minimum wet thickness of
90 micron/coat and a maximum wet thickness of 115 micron/coat.

4- Allow the surface to dry for 24 hours at 30°C.

5- During painting, surrounding finishes, steel, wood, stones, etc. to be

adequately protected with covering and any missing paint areas to be
finished to final lines.

6- Repair painting areas to be highlighted to the engineer before undertaking

repair works.

olfDA I\
Co nstruction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Pagell of12

7- All painting works to be inspected and tested by a qualified inspection and

testing agency (TCAJV QC) employed by the client as per painting
specification 099123 sec 3.4 Field Quality Control.

6.5.4 Repairing damaged paint:

1- Sand the surface properly. Remove all loose particles from the damaged area.

2- Apply one coat of PVA primer by roller or brush.

3- After PVA primer is dry, stucco shall be applied to level the dent or cut.

4- Sand down to receive a smooth surface and remove the chalk dust.

5- Apply first coat of National Matt Emulsion by roller and allow the coat to dry
for 4 hours.

6- Rectify the imperfections further by touch up with stucco, sand, touch up

with Eggshell Emulsion Matt for pnt-15 or Eggshell Emulsion Silk for pnt-16.

7- Apply final coat of Eggshell Emulsion Matt for pnt-15 or Eggshell Emulsion
Silk for pnt-16.

7.0 - Housekeeping:

1- Areas to be painted will be clean, neat and free from obstacles that can be a
hazard for scaffolding movement or painting progress.

2- Previously painted areas, MEP equipment, firefighting pipes, ducts doors,

steel structure, etc... Shall be temporarily covered with plastic sheets while
painting adjacent areas.

3- Empty materials will be collected in the hazard skip in central waste area


8.1 Activity Risk Assessment

A risk assessment analyzing potential risks and their mitigation measures is attached to this
method statement in Appendix 8.1.

P-.!!f.~Alb~ Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport

Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C

8.2 HSE General Precautions & General Mitigation Measures/Controls

8.2.1 Activity to be adequately supervised by competent staff (both
Construction & HSE)
8.2.2 All Personnel/Workforce involved in the activity to be inducted, and
received the required training/competencies BEFORE commencing the
8.2.3 Engineer/Supervisor/Foremen In-Charge to prepare and the JSTI (Job
Safety Task Instructions) form, and discuss it with the workforce BEFORE
commencing the activity (form and discussion to be in the language
understood by the workforce)
8.2.4 Required Permits/NOes (including Permits To Work, as applicable) to be
obtained ahead of time (BEFORE commencing the activity)
8.2.5 All Plants/Machines/Vehicles/Equipment used in the activity to be pre-
inspected and approved by the competent authorized personnel
8.2.6 HSE Procedures relevant/applicable to the activity to be reviewed by the
Engineer/Supervisor In-Charge, and specific precautions to be conveyed to
the Foreman/Charge-Hand and Workforce through JSTI and other forms of
8.2.7 All Personnel/Workforce involved in the activity to fully comply with PPE
requirement (Personal Protective Equipment)
8.2.8 Use adequate and visible HSE signage, posters and board to promote
8.2.9 Ensure adequate rest areas (welfare facilities) are accessible
8.2.10 Engineer/Supervisor/Foreman/Charge-Hand to be familiarized with
Emergency Response Plan & Contact Numbers. Emergency contact
numbers to be posted on site.
8.2.11 Supply toilets and cool drinking water at the immediate area of the
activities prior to commencement of works.


9.1 Risk Assessment

9.2 PVA primer material safety data sheet
9.3 National Matt Emulsion material safety data sheet
9.4 National Eggshell Emulsion Silk material safety data sheet
9.5 National Eggshell Emulsion Matt material safety data sheet
9.6 PVA primer technical data sheet
9.7 National Matt Emulsion technical data sheet
9.8 National Eggshell Emulsion Silk technical data sheet
9.9 National Eggshell Emulsion Matt technical data sheet

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