MS 1093 201 09C V00.C (Method Statement For Painting of Internal Gypsum Board & Plaster Surface) 44224
MS 1093 201 09C V00.C (Method Statement For Painting of Internal Gypsum Board & Plaster Surface) 44224
MS 1093 201 09C V00.C (Method Statement For Painting of Internal Gypsum Board & Plaster Surface) 44224
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Contract No AUH.06.1 0.0401 DSNo DS/0401/2995
Rem# Document No Description Rev Action Required
I MS-1093-201-09C Method Statement for Painting oflntemal Gypsum Board & 00 Approval
Plaster Surface
RaisecJ by Contra9~ors Authorized Signature
Contractor's Vcrific1,1tion stamp
TCA Joint Venture certifies that the submittal has been re~d, cornat~d and approved for compliance
with the contract documents. · ~ -
(W Contractors Project Director: Ali Haydar Ozak "'_,... · , -.tP---- Date: ~ "8
CMA/P &D Comments
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Cod~: I -NO EXCEPTION TAKEN: Ut~ work covered by the submillnltn:Jy proceed pro,ided it complies wiUt Ute Conlr:lct Qoc:untCJtiS. Final acceptance oflhe work will depend on that
C.o dc2- EXCEI'TIONS AS N~TED. REYISE AND RESUBMIT FOR ltECORD: ·ntc submiu~l is approved wiUt only minorcommcniS lhalllCcds to be incorpor.ilcd into Ute documcnl$ and
issu~: ft?r work to proceed in compliil,nc!! with the contract document
Code ;l· REVISE.ANO lt~:SUnM iT: do nol proceed with the work covcn:d by the submiu~l. Including purchase. f.1brication. delivery. or o)hcr activity for the product submiued. ltcvisc or
prepare o new submillnl nceording lo llic t::ngincc(s no~lions :md eom:ctions
C!Kfc 4 • REJE¢'n:o: do noi proceed with Ill!= woik CO\',!:rcd by Ihe submiunl. Prcpan: a new submillnl for a producl lhnl co'ntplii:s \Yilh the ContrnciDocumcniS
Code 5- ·REVIEW NOT RE'QUIIUm: it contaitiS infomtntion thnt doc.~ notncccss:uily require Engh:ds appro,•al
C~c 6 - ISSU!o:O fOR ·coNSTRUCTION: only final submiuals. wheN required in nccor<bncc with the Conlrncl. with an appropriate :icccptcd or consent sln1111> by t::nyinccr or his "
n:prcsi:ntalivc shall bi: used in conncclion WiUt conslnlclion
Status Co$le 1 3 4 5· _6
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TCNV fonn No.: f M-1 093·002-001
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Apply paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and ambient air temperature are between 10
and 35 C.
Do not apply paints when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or to damp or wet surfaces, The moisture
content should be below 5%
For Gypsum Board Substrates do not begin paint application until finishing compound is dry and sanded
For Plaster Substrates do not until cured and
For the stucco in point 3 & 6 in (6.5.4 repairing damage paint) use stucco materials compatible with paint
system, under conditions of service and application as demonstrated by manufacturer, based on testing and
field QVnQroQ,ni"Q
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Constructi on . f tarabtec
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page 2 of 12
1. Scope of Work
2. Purpose
3. References
5. Responsibilities
6. Procedure
8. Attachments
The Scope of work for this method statement is to describe the painting methodology for
internal gypsum board and Plaster surfaces (walls, columns, False Ceiling) using National
The purpose of this method statement is to set out the procedures to be implemented by
TCAJV in painting gypsum board and plaster surfaces such as walls, columns and f alse
MATERIAL MS/0401/A/01 04
SUBMITTAL MS/040 11A/0 112
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
It is the responsibility of all personnel involved in the works to implement this Method
Statement and in accordance with the Risk Assessment (attached), ITP, Contractor ES&H
plan, and project safety rules and regulations.
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
PageS of 12
5.3 QC Manager
1. Supervise of Quality Control activities involving all materials; undertake the more
complex inspection and resolve technical and client issues on Quality Engineering.
2. Assign QC Engineers and their monitoring all Site Inspection activities.
3. Interpret codes, standards and project specifications to ensure contract requirements
are met.
4. Liaise with internal and external concerned parties to co-ordinate presence at
5. Carry out more complex Quality function activities, such as Procedure Qualification
6. Complete relevant forms and prepare reports on inspection undertaken for inclusion
and maintenance of inspection records.
7. Review and make recommendations for the continuing development and improvement
of Inspection Test Plans and Quality Control Procedures I Method Statements
specifically in relation to workmanship activities.
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page 6 of 12
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page7 of12
• PVCGioves
• Goggles and face mask
5. Preparation Equipment:
• rubbing stone
• sand paper
6. Application Equipment:
• Roller
• Scrapper
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Page8of12 ·
6.2 Materials
The following Materials will be required :
1- PVA primer
2- National Matt Emulsion
3- National Eggshell Emulsion Matt For PNT-15 & National Eggshell Emulsion Silk For
6.3 Site Planning & Preparation
6.3.1 Traffic Control
1- The Site supervisor shall coordinate the transportation of the permanent and
temporary works materials by means of HIAB truck and the trailer through the site
from the stores area to the location of the works following the speed limits,
directions and notice boards displayed at the project site.
2- HIAB trucks shall be loaded with the construction materials at the stores area
following direction from the Project Engineer.
3- The instruction to proceed for any heavy vehicle shall be established once the road
coordination between the vehicle operator and the construction supervisor has been
finalized. No heavy vehicle movement shall commence within the site area without
the proper communication between the involved parties has been established.
4- The maximum speed at the working area shall be restricted to 15Km/h.
2- Paint conta iners should be kept sealed any away from any source of extreme
t emperature or ignition.
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
4- All used and empty containers will be cleared from the work area and disposed
off properly in approved waste collection points.
4 apply final coat of National Eggshell Allow to dry for 24 hours at 30°C
Construction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09(
1- After surface preparation, apply one full coat of PVA Primer by using a brush
/roller to achieve a continuous and uniform surface appearance, at a coverage
rate of 12-10.Sm2/liter, minimum dry thickness is 30 micron/coat and maximum
dry thickness of 35 micron/coat which is equivalent to minimum wet thickness of
80 micron/coat and a maximum wet thickness of 95 micron/coat.
2- Allow the primer to dry for an average of 4-6 hours at 30oC before recoating. The
competent supervisor should check the coated surface to make sure the surface
is dry and free from any contamination prior to application of the next coat.
6.5.3 Application
1- After the PVA primer is completely dry, National Matt Emulsion shall be
applied using roller or brush at a spreading rate of 9-11m 2/liter, minimum dry
thickness is 40 micron/coat and maximum dry thickness of 45 micron/coat
which is equivalent to minimum wet thickness of 90 micron/coat and a
maximum wet thickness of 115 micron/coat.
2- Allow the first top coat of National Matt Emulsion to dry for an average of 2-
4 hours at 30°C before recoating. The competent supervisor should check the
coated surface to make sure the surface is dry and free from any
contamination prior to application of the next coat.
3- After the first top coat National Matt Emulsion is dry to recoat apply the
second top coat Eggshell Emulsion Matt for pnt-15 or Eggshell Emulsion Silk
for pnt-16 shall be applied using roller or brush at a spreading rate of 9-
11m2/liter, minimum dry thickness is 40 micron/coat and maximum dry
thickness of 45 micron/coat which is equivalent to minimum wet thickness of
90 micron/coat and a maximum wet thickness of 115 micron/coat.
olfDA I\
Co nstruction arabtec
Midfield Terminal Building- Abu Dhabi International Airport
Method Statement for Painting Of Internal Gypsum Board &
Plaster Surfaces
Doc No: MS-1093-201-09C
Pagell of12
1- Sand the surface properly. Remove all loose particles from the damaged area.
3- After PVA primer is dry, stucco shall be applied to level the dent or cut.
4- Sand down to receive a smooth surface and remove the chalk dust.
5- Apply first coat of National Matt Emulsion by roller and allow the coat to dry
for 4 hours.
7- Apply final coat of Eggshell Emulsion Matt for pnt-15 or Eggshell Emulsion
Silk for pnt-16.
7.0 - Housekeeping:
1- Areas to be painted will be clean, neat and free from obstacles that can be a
hazard for scaffolding movement or painting progress.
3- Empty materials will be collected in the hazard skip in central waste area