Team or Collaborative Researches Final

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Team/Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Researches

Ever since the University existed, its Research Chairs & Directors are always encouraging
faculty and students to conduct team/collaborative and interdisciplinary researches. This is always
reiterated in every research meeting/symposia. Similarly, the COEAS Graduate School faculty and
students were encouraged to conduct teams/collaborative and interdisciplinary researches. In response to
this encouragement, the Graduate School Master of Arts Major in English, Math and Filipino Programs
conceptualized, conducted, and presented team/collaborative and interdisciplinary researches but there
are some studies which are on – going because of pandemic.

To show that this claim is evident, the summary of the team/collaborative and interdisciplinary
researches is tabulated below.

They are the following:

Agenda/ Specific Specific Researcher/s Specialization Time- Research Funding
Thrusts Gov’t Research frame Cost Source
Agenda Projects/
Parallel Activities
to the
Education and CHED Course Cheryl Ann MA English, 2017 20000 Self-funded
behavioral research DOST Preference of F. Gicana, Mathematics, -
and other socio- Senior High & Science 2018
economic domains Student in the
Mae D.
Program 1. 1st District of Dumapig,
Reconnaissance/Profil Capiz; Input to Marien A.
e Studies course Laureto,
formulation Jocelyn M.
among HEIs
Judel V.
Jereline D.
De Pablo,
Jun Jun J.
Ogares, &
Andy Bon A.
Education and CHED Child Labor Mary Ann L. MA English, 2017 On 125000 Self-funded
behavioral research DOST Practices in the Decripito, Social Studies, – going
and other socio- Province of Edwin D. &
economic domains Capiz: Input to Daliva, & Judel Mathematics
Program 1. Local V. Protacio
Reconnaissance/Profil Government’s
e Studies Support System
and Policy
Education and CHED A School away Mary Ann L. MA Englis, 2019 On 54000 CapSU STF
behavioral research DOST from School: Decripito, Social Studies, – going Fund
and other socio- Pag-ulikid kg Edwin D. Filipinoh
economic domains Pagsakdag sa Daliva &
Program 5. Gender and mga Kabataan Sandra
Development kag Ginikanan Escabarte
Education and CHED Eco - Oling as Judel V. MA 2019 On 125000 Self-funded
behavioral research DOST Substitute to Protacio, Mathematics, – going
and other socio- Conventional Jereline D. De
economic domains Charcoal Pablo, &
Program 13. Cheryl Ann F.
Research and Gicana
development on
renewable energy
harnessing and
efficient utilization

Prepared by:

Research Coordinator
The COEAS Graduate School Faculty and Students team – up and collaborated with one another to
realize their action researches with a summary as follows:

A. Master of Arts Major in General Science

Agenda/ Specific Specific Researcher/ Specializatio Time Researc Fundin
Thrusts Gov’t Research Projects/ Adviser n - h g
Agenda Activities frame Cost Source
to the
Education and behavioral CHED Science Teachers Ronel Bonita / Gen Science 2017 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Teaching Non- Dr. Amel - Funded
economic domains Science Subjects: Magallanes
Program 8. Educational A Case Study
Innovations, Concerns,
and Issues
Education and behavioral CHED Development Kristine Joy Gen Science 2017 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST and Catalan /Dr. - Funded
economic domains Implementation Amel
Program 8. Educational of review Magallanes
Innovations, Concerns, Materials in
and Issues Science for
Grade 10
Education and behavioral CHED Science and Angelita Chiuco/ Gen Science 2017 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Health: Bridging Dr. Harold O. - Funded
economic domains Health Education Buenvenida
Program 8. Educational through
Innovations, Concerns, Community-
and Issues Based Science
Education and behavioral CHED Multiple Mary Rose Gen Science 2017 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Intelligences, Peral/Dr. Amel - Funded
economic domains Academic Magallanes
Program 1. Achievement
Reconnaissance/Profile And Career
Aspirations Of
Grade 10 Special
Science Class
Direction To
Career Path
Education and behavioral CHED Microbial Kirby Dadivas/ Gen Science 2018 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Analysis of - Funded
Fresh Water 2019
economic domains
Program 1. Mussels and
Reconnaissance/Profile Contextualized
Exemplar in
Education and behavioral CHED Curriculum, Jacqueline Gen Science 2018 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Practices, Fabros/ - Funded
Challenges, and 2019
economic domains
Program 1. Opportunities
Reconnaissance/Profile in the
Studies Utilization of
Education and behavioral CHED Integration of Athenal Japsay/ Gen Science 2018 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Environmental - Funded
Education in the 2019
economic domains
Program 8. Educational TEIs
Innovations, Concerns,
and Issues
B. MA in Social Studies
Agenda/ Specific Specific Researcher/ Specializatio Time Researc Funding
Thrusts Gov’t Research Projects/ Adviser n - h Source
Agenda Activities frame Cost
to the
Education and behavioral CHED Impact of Social Aldin D. Delfin, Social 2019 20,000 Self-
research and other socio- DOST Studies Jr./Dr. Edwin D. Studies - Funded
Curriculum on Daliva 2020
economic domains
Program 4. Program Students’
Assessment and Empowerment
Evaluation/Impact Studies

Prepared by:

Research Coordinator

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