LP - JHS - Agusan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas


Maayon, Capiz




A: Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the
Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of
informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech
forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect
tenses, and sentence connectors.

B: Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting
one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through
various formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported
speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:

Most Essential Learning Competency: Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s

unique identity and to better understand other people. EN7LT III-g-5

Unpacking of MELCs
a) Define parable
b) Discuss the elements present in “The Parable of the Rainbow Colors”
c) Present the key message of the text read through differentiated outputs
d) State the importance of unity and cooperation from the text read

II. CONTENT: The Parable of the Rainbow Colors by Juan M. Flavier

A. References: English Learners Material for Grade 7, p.462-469

B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, video, chart
C. Values Integration: Inclusivity and Acceptance of the LGBTQ+ Community

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
A. PRELIMINARIES (A learner will lead the prayer)
1. Prayer Our father…
Okay class, let us pray.
lead the prayer. Thank you, !
Good morning, ma’am!
Good morning, classmates! We are glad to see you.
2. Greetings

Good morning, class!

3. Classroom Management

Before you take your seat kindly pick up pieces of

trash under and bedside your chair.

Now, do you see me clearly?

Yes ma’am!

Is my voice loud and clear? Yes ma’am!

4. Checking of Attendance

Now, let us check the attendance. Class

monitor, do we have absentees today?
Ma’am, I’m glad to say that no one is absent today.
Very good! We have a perfect attendance.

5. Review of past lesson

Let us have first a short recap about our lesson

yesterday. Last meeting, we talked about
Yesterday, we discussed symbolism.

Now, what is symbolism?

Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas
Awesome! Generally, it is the use of images or
and qualities.
things to represent something.

Who can give me an example?

(Learners’ answers may vary) Ex:
Dove symbolizes peace. Heart
Excellent! I’m glad that you learned a lot symbolizes love.
from our last discussion. Ring symbolizes infinity.
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson)

Before we proceed to the lesson, let us first listen

to a song. Listen carefully, and if you know the
lyrics, I am encouraging everyone to sing with the
Yes, ma’am we will!
(The music video will play)

It is obvious that most of you are familiar with the

song, right? Yes, ma’am we are familiar with the song.

What is the title of the song? The title of the song is Rainbow.

That’s correct! Very good!

From our previous lessons in Arts specifically in Yes ma’am! The primary and secondary
your Arts 1, can you still remember the colors of the colors such as red, orange, yellow, green,
rainbow? blue, indigo and violet or famous in the
mnemonic ROYGBIV are the colors of the
Indicator 1. Apply knowledge of content within rainbow.
and across curriculum teaching areas. ( PPST

Very good! That was a great answer.

Now, do you still remember the last line of the Ma’am, the last line is “There is always a
song? rainbow after the rain”

Very good! So, for you class, what does it mean? (Learners’ answers may vary)

Amazing, that is true!

Basically, we usually see a rainbow after a heavy
rain. But it has a deeper meaning.
Who can give me his/her own interpretation? (Learners’ answers may vary)
Very good interpretations! Yes ma’am, sometimes we wonder where the
rainbow comes from.
Have you ever asked yourself “where does the
rainbow come from”?

Indicator 3
Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills


Today, we will discover how the rainbow was

created as we discuss the Parable of the Rainbow
Colors written by Juan M. Flavier.

But before we begin, let’s first define unfamiliar

words that will help us to understand the story better.

Unlocking Difficulties
Guess the word that is being defined in each item.
Match the morse code with the letters to form the The learners will raise their hands.
word. Use each word in a sentence.

Who wants to volunteer?

A- & E- ≠ J-^ O- ) T-% Y-}

B- / F- ; K-* P- = U- ! Z-∆
C- $ G-: L-£ Q-> V-@
D- ∞ H-+ M-] R- < W-€
E- ≠ I- ( N-[ S- “ X- {

1. ∞≠[(:<≠&%≠
Criticize unfairly; disparage. Haughty

2. +&!:+%}
Arrogantly superior and disdainful.

3. )!%£&[∞(“+
Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar.

4. =&%<()%(“]
Love for country

5. $)[%≠[%()!”
Causing or likely to cause an argument;

Indicator 5. Design, select, organize and use

diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum

Indicator 2. Used a range of teaching strategies

that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills. (PPST 1.4.2)

Good Job Class, all these words will help you

appreciate more the story.

Now, from the presentation that I have here,

let us read the story entitled the Parable of Rainbow



Author’s Background

The Parable of the Rainbow Colors by Juan M. (Learners’ answers may vary)

Are you familiar with the author?

Ma’am, a parable is story with a moral lesson.

Juan Flavier was a politician but also a writer.
Most of his works were parables such as parables of
the barrio and this parable of the rainbow that we
are going to tackle.

The story is an example of parable. Do you Yes ma’am! The elements of a story are characters,
have any idea what is parable? setting, plot, conclusion and lesson.
Very good!

PARABLE is a short and simple story that teaches

us a religious lesson.

In our previous lessons in English specifically in

grade 4, we have already tackled about the elements
of a story. Can you still remember these elements?
What are these elements?

Very good!
The elements of a story are the characters, setting,
plot, conclusion, and the lesson that we can get from
the story. (Learners’ answers may vary)
Indicator 1. Apply knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas. ( PPST
1.1.2) Yes ma’am!

As we go further to our discussion, we will

eventually know what lesson we can get from the The students will read the story.
parable of the rainbow colors.

Have you already read this story?

If not, we will read the story now. Listen

carefully so that you understand it more, are
we clear?

(The teacher will ask someone to read the story)

Indicator 2. Used a range of teaching strategies

that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills. (PPST 1.4.2)

Yes ma’am!

Now, let us try to answer the guide questions

about the story. Are you ready class? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet,
and Rain
Guide Questions:
It is about the argument of the colors on who is the
1. Who are the Characters of the parable? best one.

2. What is the story all about? (Learners’ answers may vary)

3.What do you feel when you see a (Learners’ answers may vary)

4. If you were one of the colors, what would (Learners’ answers may vary)
you be and why?

5. Based on the selection, what is the lesson

that we can get from it?

Good Job Class!

Indicator 3
Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills
(Finding practical application of concepts and Yes ma’am!
skills in daily living)
(Answers may vary)
Do you like the parable about the rainbow colors?

Did you understand the story?

Now, let’s put everything you’ve learned

into action.

You will now have different ways on presenting

the key message of the Parable of the Rainbow

I will group you based on your personal talents and


1. Drawing-Poster Making
2. Singing- Song Composition
3. Writing- Poem Writing (Learners will only choose one cloud/activity)
4. Acting- Role Playing
5. Speaking- Impromptu Speech

You only have five minutes to finish the task and

three minutes for the presentation.

You will be working with your groupmates in Yes ma’am!

order to discuss your task.
After that, choose a representative from your
group who will explain your work.

Are the instructions clear?

Yes ma’am!
You may now start collaborating with your group
mates and please, do not make unnecessary noise.
Am I clear class?

After 5 minutes… (Learners will present their work by group)

You may start presenting your work. Starting with

the first group followed by the next groups.

Good job everyone! You all deserve a barangay


Indicator 5. Design, select, organize and use

diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum

Ma’am, the title of the story is The Parable of

G. GENERALIZATION Rainbow Colors by Juan M. Flavier
(Making generalization and abstraction about The characters are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
the lesson) Blue, Indigo, Violet, Rain.

For me to know if you really understood our

lesson, can you share with me once again the title The moral we can get is all about unity and
and the author of the story? cooperation.

Amazing! Now who are the main characters

of the story?

Excellent! What is the moral of the Parable of the

Rainbow Colors?
LGBTQ+ Community.
Values Integration

In our time today class, what does the rainbow

symbolizes? (Learners’ possible answer)
That is right! The rainbow is also the color that Yes ma’am, that is why we need to accept them and
symbolizes LGBTQ+ Community. make them feel that they are loved, and I think that
is the true essence of life and unity.
Is this community a part of our society?

Amazing class! You did well today, and I am

confident that you really understood our lesson.

H. EVALUATION (Evaluating Learning)

Indicator 5. Design, select, organize and use diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.

Direction: On your notebook, determine the key message in the editorial cartooning through a
short paragraph with a minimum of 100 words. Your work will be assess based on the criteria
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1

I. ASSIGNMENT (Additional activities for application or remediation)

Identify the key message of the advertisement with the link provided. Write a short
paragraph in your notebook with a minimum of 100 words. Your work will be assess
based on the criteria that was provided in your evaluation test.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-TYsAHbb18

Prepared by:
Teacher 1 Applicant

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