Sample Community Pharmacy Intern Training Plan

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Intern Professional Development Plan for the First Segment - Months 1 to 3

Objective: To ensure the competencies are achieved by each Intern Pharmacist with consistent experience gained by all.
Supervising Pharmacist: Intern Pharmacist:
Pharmacy: Date:
Week Commencing

__/__ 8.1.2, 8.1.2 Orientation and discussion of time allocation and prioritisation of tasks with preceptor
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan
8.2.1 Familiarise with cash register policies and credit facilities available to customers
7.1.1, 7.1.4, 7.2.2 Distinguish between required and other texts, their location and appropriate uses
5.1.1, 5.2.3 Familiarise with extemporaneous product preparation equipment and procedures
4.3.1 Review Dispensing Practice Guidelines APF and Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines for Dispensing of Medicines

__/__ 4.3.1, 4.3.2 Initiate near miss event reporting of preregistrant incidents in dispensary
3.1.2 Review Oral Contraceptives
4.3.3, 7.3.2 Review Guidelines for Pharmacists providing medicines information to patients APF
1.1.1 Review NHS/PBS explanatory notes
5.2.7 Review labelling of extemporaneous products
8.1.2, 8.2.1 Prepare daily, weekly and monthly task lists of your duties
1.1.1 Review Appendix K of the SUSMP
__/__ 4.1.1 Receive prescriptions from patients and check details for legality and completeness
3.1.2 Review Beta-Blockers and other antihypertensives such as praosin, clonidine and methyldopa
6.2.2 Review the medication and devices used to treat travel sickness
2.1, 8.2 Communicate simple customer requests to other staff
1.1.1 Review PBS/RPBS explanatory notes
4.2.1 Dispense cold chain item appropriately
5.1.2 Review Extemporaneous Dispensing Notes and General Formulary APF

__/__ 3.1.2, 4.1.1 Authenticate and interpret prescriptions and review patient history
3.1.2 Review Calcium Channel Blockers, ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Antagonists
6.2.2 Review antihistamines
2.1, 3.1, 4.1.2 Clarify simple prescription problems with the prescriber
8.2.1 Learn the pharmacy's procedure for the day-to-day ordering of ethicals, special orders and the rationale behind the use of various suppliers
7.1.4 Familiarise with drug information resources, such as Drug Information Centres, including their location and type of information available
8.6.2 Familiarise with the pharmacy's procedures in case of armed hold-up or burglary
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 2

Intern Signature:

Preceptor Signature:


Week Commencing
1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Accurately dispense prescriptions and establish checking procedures
1.2.2, 3.1.4 Review the Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines on Specialised Supply Arrangements
4.3.1, 8.2.1 Learn the pharmacy's procedure for providing dose administration aids to community patients
3.1.2 Review Antibiotics
6,2 Review Topical Nasal Decongestants including sprays, drops and inhalations
4.3.3 Hand out simple prescriptions and counsel patients on the safe and effective use of their prescribed medication
Review the Standards for the Provision of Pharmacy Only and Pharmacist Only Medicines in community pharmacy and The Professional
1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1 Role of Pharmacists in Assisting Self-medication by Consumers APF
8.2.1 Familiarise with the handling of customers and accounts for Health Insurance Funds
6.2.2, 6.2.4 Counsel on the correct use of nasal drops and sprays

__/__ 4.3.1 Consolidate a procedure for checking and handing out prescriptions
1.1.1, 1.1.2, 8.2.1 Review the regulations and pharmacy procedure for dosing Methadone & Subutex clients
3.1.2 Review the drugs used to treat respiratory problems such as asthma and emphysema
6.2.2 Review the use of laxatives in the treatment of constipation
3.1.4, 4.3.3 Counsel patients on the use of metered dose inhalers, turbuhalers, accuhalers and other asthma drug delivery devices
Review Pharmacist Only and S3R regulations, SUSMP Appendix H (advertising S3s) and Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines for
1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.2 Advertising of Regulated Health Services
8.2.1 Learn the pharmacy's daily cashing up and banking procedures Use CMI or other written information to assist medication counselling

__/__ 4.2.2, 7.2.2, 7.3.2 Discuss the appropriate action to take when a drug interaction is detected
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 Discuss how to deal with an unusual dose or strength of a drug as far as who to contact and how to articulate the problem
3.1.2 Review Hormone Replacement Therapy and the treatment of osteoporosis
6.2.2 Review basic Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
1.1.1 Review the regulations regarding telephone prescriptions, including checking the authenticity of the caller.
8.5.4 Familiarise with the different sources of supply of stock
7.2.2 Review the information provided by drug companies and phone one with a query
4.3.1 Review dispensary checking procedures including identification of items easily misinterpreted, eg: Luvox, Lovan, Lasix, Losec

__/__ 3.1.2 Review the drugs used to treat/prevent infection other than Antibiotics, such as Antiviral agents and Antimalarials
6.2.2 Review cough, cold and flu preparations
6.2.4 Advise patients on the use of nebulisers and vaporisers
1.1.1 Review the restrictions on the retail sale of Pharmacy Only and Pharmacist Only Medicines

Commence preparation for a major project culminating in a talk to a community group. You can prepare a detailed handout and any other
Unit 7 necessary materials. Choose a topic which you feel you could improve your knowledge in eg Vitamins, herbal products, baby care
3.1.2 Review prophylactic therapies against travel related illness
4.1.3 Review Guidelines for Pharmacists on PBS Brand Substitution APF
FA 2 Review General Practitioners' and Pharmacists' Interprofessional Communication APF
1.3.2 Review professional development provided by professional associations
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 3

Intern Signature:

Preceptor Signature:

Week Commencing
1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 1.1.1,4.3.2 Learn how to generate Drugs of Addiction and Owing Prescription Reports for review at the end of each month
3.1.2 Review Cardiac Glycosides, Antiarrhythmics and Anticoagulants
6.2.2 Review popular complementary medicines and homeopathy
2.1.1, 2.1.2, 4.1.2 Discuss how to communicate problems to a prescriber
Review the laws for keeping prescription, patient and Doctor's Bag Order records, including what information is required, under what
1.1.1, 4.3.2 legislation is it described and how long must the records be kept
3.1.1, 6.1.1 Develop guidelines for questioning patients

__/__ 1.1.1 Review the procedures for regulation 24 and dental prescriptions
3.1.2 Review topical eye, ear, nose and throat drugs
6.2.2 Review OTC eye, ear, nose and throat preparations
3.2.1, 3.2.2, 4.3.3 Practise counselling techniques for patients on multiple medications (polypharmacy)
1.1.1 Review emergency supply legislation & regulations regarding urgent supply of S4s and S8s
4.3.2, 8.5.4 Learn stock control systems, including point-of-sale systems
4.3.3 Review the instructions for the correct use and storage of eye/ear drops
6.1.3 Discuss when to refer for different conditions
3.2.2, 8.4.3, 8.6.4, 8.6.5 Use referral forms to refer patients to other health practitioners eg physiotherapist

__/__ 4.3.2 Prepare an NHS claim and process prescription forms for the claim
3.1.2 Review the drugs used to treat GI ulcers and reflux, including triple therapy regimens
6.2.2 Review OTC Antacids, H2-Antagonists and Proton Pump Inhibitors
8.5.5 Understand the principles of and participate in stock rotation

__/__ 4.3.2, 8.2.1 Learn the backup and update procedures for the computer
3.1.2 Review Diuretics
6.2.2 Review preparations used in the treatment of skin infections of bacterial, fungal and viral origin
2.1, 4.3.3 Form strategies for counselling patients with English as a second language
1.1.1, 1.2.2 Review the regulations and guidelines relating to Dosage Administration Containers, including labelling, recording etc
1.1.1, 8.2.1 Learn the pharmacy's procedures for paying wages and keeping records and review the relevant Pharmacy Award
3.1.2, 3.3.1, 7.1.4 Participate in adverse drug reaction reporting to ADRAC and retrieval of information from them

__/__ 5.2.1, 5.2.7 Review entering extemporaneous prescriptions into the computer and labelling requirements
6.2.2 Review treatment of topical fungal infections, atopic dermatitis, dry skin and eczema
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Make an intervention eg. Contact a doctor to discuss on out of stock item and suggest an alternative
8.5.4 Familiarise with seasonal ordering procedures
1.3.3, 7.1, 7.2.2, 7.3.3 Conduct staff training eg. on the treatment of heartburn, indigestion and reflux and the differential diagnosis of angina
4.3.1 Review near miss event reporting
1.3.1 Discuss the concept of life-long learning for pharmacists
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 4

Intern Signature:

Preceptor Signature:

Intern Professional Development Plan for the Second Segment - Months 4 to 6

Supervising Pharmacist: Intern Pharmacist:
Pharmacy: Date:


Week Commencing
1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 3.1.2, 6.2.2 Review treatment of allergies, psoriasis, acne

6.2.2 Review treatment of bites and common rashes, acne/pimples, seborrhoea, dandruff
4.3.3 Review counselling for isotretinoin, etretinate
Review forensic and NHS requirements for isotretinoin, etretinate; labelling requirements for various topical preparations; restrictions on
1.1.1 prescribing
8.5.4 Participate in control of suppliers' accounts (colation of invoices with statements, credits, forward charging, settlement discounts, etc)
7.1.4 Research computer-based drug information systems
1.2.2, 6.1.2 Discuss chemicals requested for hobby and home use

__/__ 8.5.5 Perform a dispensary check for dated stock and deal with out-of-date stock appropriately
3.1.2 Review narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics
6.2.2 Review sunscreens
1.1.1, 4.3.2 Perform a drug of addiction stock check and review S8 regulations, including destruction of unwanted S8s and storage requirements
8.5.5 Familiarise with the concept of yearly stock turn
7.1.4 Review resources available for information on complementary medicines

__/__ 1.1.1 Review dispensing of NHS authority prescriptions

3.1.2 Review drugs used to treat angina and ischaemic heart disease
6.2.2, 6.2.6 Review topical analgesics and treatment of burns
3.1.4, 4.3.3 Review guidelines for counselling carers/agents and information on support groups
1.1.1 Review the regulations relating to the registration of pharmacies
8.2.1 Review cash control guidelines
3.1.2 Review Normal Physiological Values APF

__/__ 1.1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Review the processing, recording and retention of records requirements for Doctor's Bag Orders
3.1.2 Review lipid lowering agents
3.1.2, 6.2.2 Review treatments for vaginal thrush and cystitis
4.3.3 Review counselling on contraception and sexually transmitted diseases
Review the Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines on Practice-specific Issues
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 5

Intern Signature:
Preceptor Signature:

Week Commencing
1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 3.1.2, 6.2.2 Review NSAIDs

6.2.6 Review wound care principles and the use of various bandages/dressings
1.1.1, 1.2.2 Review the Pharmacy Board of Australia Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners.
8.2.1 Review pricing systems and policies
7.2.2 Review other internet based information sources including discussion groups
3.1.2, 4.2.2 Review Clinically Important Medicine Interactions APF

__/__ 4.3.1 Review dispensing checking procedure

6.2.2 Review treatments for haemorrhoids and counsel on the correct use of suppositories
6.2.4 Explain and demonstrate the use and care of crutches and other walking aids
1.1.1 Review the SUSMP
8.2.1 Review guidelines for hiring medical aids and appliances
4.3.3 Prepare a daily activities chart for an insulin dependant diabetic including timing of doses, blood glucose monitoring, food and exercise

__/__ 4.3.1 Review the procedure for handing out and storage of dispensed medicines
3.1.2 Review Diabetes and its treatments including insulin and oral hypoglycaemics
3.1.4, 6.2.4 Counsel on the use of diabetic monitoring devices
1.2.2 Review the Code of Ethics and its application, the Code of Professional Conduct, the Privacy Act and APF
8.2.1, 8.6.2 Review security guidelines for the pharmacy

__/__ 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 Review prioritising procedures in the dispensary

3.1.2 Review drug treatments for Parkinson's Disease and Epilepsy
Familiarise with diabetic support groups and Diabetes Australia and review their services
1.1.1 Review any prescribing and sales restrictions on certain drugs, eg: clomiphene
8.2.1, 8.5.5, 8.6.2 Familiarise with the principles of shop layout, customer flow, efficient space management and occupational health and safety
4.3.3, 7.3.2 Review anti-epileptic drugs which pass into breast milk and consider the overall use of anti-epileptic medication in pregnancy

__/__ 1.1.1 Review the dispensing of Controlled Drugs

3.1.2 Review antidepressants
6.2.2 Review oral hygiene practice and products
1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 6.1.3 Review guidelines for Methadone and Subutex counselling
1.1.1 Review the legal requirements related to the supply of Methadone and supply of needles and syringes
8.5.5 Familiarise with the principles of stock placement
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 6

Intern Signature:
Preceptor Signature:


Week Commencing

1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 1.2.2, 6.1.2 Discuss the action that would be taken in a situation of potential or actual misuse of prescribed medication
1.2.2, FA 2, 6.1.2 Review how to deal with a suspected case of medication misuse
3.1.2 Review the drugs used to treat thyroid and other endocrine disorders
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1 Make a clinical intervention - contact a doctor to discuss optimal use of medicines in a patient
1.1.1 Review Controlled Drugs in relation to procuring, prossessing and prescribing by dentists
6.2.6 Review how to deal with inquiries regarding poisoning
3.1.2, 4.2.3 Review Guidelines for Pharmacists for Concordance Assessments APF

__/__ 1.1.1, 8.2.1 Review the calculation of PRF totals and the issuing of safety net cards and paperwork
3.1.2 Review oral and parenteral corticosteroids
6.2.2, 7.2.2 Review veterinary products and references
1.1.1 Review S4 regulations in relation to veterinary prescribing
8.6.1 Define good customer service
4.3.3, 7.3.2 Prepare an information chart for a patient taking oral corticosteroids where the dose is decreasing over a three week period
3.1.2, 4.2.2 Review Dosing in Renal Impairment APF

__/__ 1.1.1, 4.3.3 Review the use of C&A labels and typed extra information according to the APF
3.1.2 Review miscellaneous hormones, anabolic steroids etc
6.2.2 Review baby formulae and baby products
Contact a local branch of the Nursing Mothers' Association and inquire about their services and support
1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 Review the Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines for Mandatory Notifications
Unit 2, 8.6.1 Review guidelines for handling and minimising complaints
3.1.2 Prepare a chart of commonly used paediatric preparations including dose and indications
7.1.3 Participate in research eg NPS audit

__/__ Unit 2, 4.3.1 Review the guidelines/action in situations of potential or actual patient mismanagement
3.1.2 Review anxiolytics and hypnotics
6.2.2 Review anthelmintics
3.2.2 Prepare a chart outlining the exclusion times for common infectious diseases of childhood
8,3 Take role in supervising and controlling staff eg. Instruct a junior staff member or pharmacy student how to handle prescriptions
1.3.3 Plan and conduct a staff training session eg. On a new product, or how to handle S2/S3 requests
1.1.1, 8.2.3 Review the system for maintenance of owing prescriptions. Describe/implement improvements.
4.3.1 Review near miss event reports
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 7

Intern Signature:
Preceptor Signature:

Intern Professional Development Plan for the Third Segment - Months 7 to 9

Supervising Pharmacist: Intern Pharmacist:
Pharmacy: Date:


Week Commencing
1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 8.4.2 Review the role of dispensary assistants and the limits of their responsibility
3.1.2 Review commonly prescribed paediatric antibiotics
6.2.2 Review the treatments for nappy rash
8.5.2 Familiarise with the concept of estimating staff requirements
3.1.4 Review medications which may or may not be crushed prior to administration
8.6.1 Perform a quality audit of the pharmacy and follow up as necessary

__/__ 1.1.1, 8.4.2 Review the role of unqualified staff in the handing out of dispensed medications
3.1.2 Review other prescribed medications for infants and children
6.2.2 Review oral infant medications
Familiarise with local community support groups
8.6.5 Familiarise with marketing methods as they relate to pharmacy
3.1.5 Review the recommended immunisation schedule for children under 5 years of age

__/__ 1.1.1, 4.3.2 Review the pharmacist's legal responsibilities for dispensing records and signatures
3.1.2 Review antipsychotics
6.2.2 Review baby products including teething gels, nappy products etc
4.2.2, 4.3.3 Review drugs in pregnancy and discuss the categorisation of drugs.
1.1.1 Review PBS explanatory notes
8.5.1 Familiarise with the process of staff recruitment including interviewing, selecting, appointing, orientation and training
6.2.1, 6.2.2 Review treatments for coughs and colds in pregnancy and prepare a chart of OTC products which can or cannot be used

__/__ 8.5.5 Review procedures for drug recalls

4.3.1 Review procedure for handling dispensing erros
3.1.2 Review anaesthetics and antiemetics
6.2.4, 6.3.2 Review foot care including diabetics and geriatrics
1.1.1 Review the Privacy Act including confidentiality of patient records, PRF information etc
8.5.5, 8.6.5 Familiarise with the principles of budgets and budgeting control
Provide a clinical testing service in the pharmacy eg. Blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose measurement. This could be done on one
2.1.1, 3.1.5, 3.2.2, 6.3 day a month or as a one-off 'event'
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 8

Intern Signature:
Preceptor Signature:


Week Commencing
1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 8.5.4, 8.6.2 Review the guidelines for the disposal of unwanted medicines

3.1.2 Review immunology, vaccines etc
2.1.3, 3.1.4, 4.3.3 Practise counselling patients with disabilities, Alzheimer's Disease, elderly etc
Familiarise with economic parameters and business ratios that contribute to profitable business operations. Review key performance
8.6.5 indicators and their use in the pharmacy eg. Average sale, prescription numbers
3.1.4 Prepare information to give to a carer of a patient with Alzheimer's Disease

__/__ 5.2.6 Describe sterile and aseptic techniques employed in the preparation of pharmaceutical products and the equipment used
3.1.2 Review gout
6.2.2 Review contact lens products
6.3.1 Discuss health promotion programs and initiatives

__/__ 8.5.5 Review the storage of pharmaceuticals

6.2.2 Review tonics, food supplements, enzymes
6.2.2 Review OTC medicines and products used by the elderly including antacids, laxatives, dressings, etc
1.2.2, 8.6.1 Review the Guidelines for Pharmacy Services to Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities
6.2.6 List the dressings used in the treatment of leg ulcers in the elderly including their name, dressing type and mode of action

__/__ 3.1.2 Review osteo and rheumatoid arthritis and DMARDs

6.2.2 Review the treatment and prevention of scabies and lice
6.2.4, 6.2.6 Review the use of IR lamps, specialist dressings and thermometers
1.1.1, 1.2.2 Review Controlled Drugs/restricted substances in institutions including ordering and storage. Review specified drugs
7.1.4 Review professional pharmacy organisations and resources available

__/__ 3.1.2 Review the drugs used to suppress appetite and treat obesity
4.1.1 Discuss action to be follow to deal with a forged prescription
6.2.2 Review OTC products used to suppress appetite and treat obesity
3.1.4, 3.1.5 Discuss diet/counselling for obese patients
1.1.1, 1.2.1 Review the scheduling and legal uses of amphetamines, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.
1.2.3, 1.3.2 Develop monthly Professional Plan for month 9

Intern Signature:
Preceptor Signature:


1.3.2 Attend continuing education lectures as applicable
FA5 Prepare extemporaneous preparations as necessary

__/__ 3.1.2 Review drugs acting on the GIT excluding ulcer medication
6.2.2 Review menstrual problems and iron replacement
1.2.2 Review professional ethics
8.3.6 Discuss the principles of how to motivate staff
3.1.2 Review anti-Parkinsonian agents

Describe the preparation of sterile cytotoxic pharmaceuticals including a description of equipment used and action to be taken in case of a
__/__ 5.3, 8.6.2 spill
3.1.2 Review anti-cancer drugs and cytotoxics

3.1.2 Review contraceptives and family planning
4.3.3 Prepare a list of actions to be taken in the case of a missed OC pill
8.3.3, 8.6.2 Review the legislation on Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare and Equal Opportunity
1.1.1, 8.6.2 Conduct an Occupational Health and Safety audit of the Pharmacy
1.3.2 Review the Pharmacy Board of Australia Continuing Professional Development Standard and Guidelines

__/__ 3.1.2 Review immunosuppressant drugs

3.2.2 Discuss the pharmacist's involvement in therapeutic drug monitoring
1.1.1, 8.5.5 Review stocktaking procedures including the use of POS systems and insurances
3.2.2 Discuss how the results of TDM can be used clinically

__/__ 3.1.2 Review the drugs used to treat alcoholism, smoking cessation, heroin addiction and overdose
6.2.2 Review sports supplements including vitamins
1.1.1 Review the Therapeutic Goods Act
8.5.5 Review the POS system including what it offers in terms of stock management, stock control, data, reports, etc
8.2.1 Prepare a checklist for when seeking employment as a locum
6.3.1, 6.3.2 Plan and conduct a public health display in the pharmacy eg diabetes awareness (include photos as evidence)
8.5.2 Discuss principles of staff rostering and prepare a roster (could be theoretical)
4.3.1 Review near miss event reports
QUM11 Review resources for dealing with enquiries relating to the use of drugs in sport
6.3.1, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Present a talk to a community group (eg: Seniors group)
Most! Run and manage the dispensary as if it were your own. Bring together all the principles that you have learned over the year.

Intern Signature:
Preceptor Signature:










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