GEPC Midterm Exam2

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General Education Purposive Communication

Midterm Examination
October 17-22, 2022

Instructions: Answer the following questions. Answer TRUE if the statement is correct and
answer FALSE if the statement is wrong. Explain in one sentence why the answer is false.

____TRUE______ 1. Understanding the importance of communication can bring you great

benefits in terms of your personal, academic, professional, and civic life. Increasing our
knowledge about communication can result in satisfying our needs.
___FALSE_______ 2. Communication is not considered a basic human need. Therefore, there
isn’t a need to connect with other people.
____TRUE______ 3. According to Dr. El Feki, Fulla, The 99, 4Shbab, etc., are the representation
of the Arab culture showing Islamic cross-cultural hybridization.
____FALSE______ 4. In 1964, the term “international village” was coined by a media and
communication theorist Marshall McLuhan to describe a world where people instantly and
easily share culture through tools of technology.
___TRUE_______ 5. Culture is the system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and
artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and
that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.
____FALSE______ 6. According to the video, written and spoken language differ in many ways.
Written language tends to be full of repetitions, incomplete sentences, corrections and
interruptions, while, spoken language tends to be more complex and intricate with longer
sentences and many subordinate clauses.
___TRUE_______ 7. Register refers to the perceived attitude and level of formality associated
with a variety of language. The relationship between the writer’s attitude and the variety
chosen is very important in the study of written language.
___TRUE_______ 8. The language varieties, or lects, that people speak often serve as the basis
for judgment, and even exclusion, from certain social groups, professions, and business
___TRUE______ 9. Verbal communication can be defined as the exchange of ideas that occurs
through words. They can be both written and oral.
___TRUE_______ 10. Communication is unrepeatable because the same words and actions
have different meanings when used or expressed at different times and on diverse occasions.
___FALSE_______ 11. Both verbal and nonverbal communications are part of the complete
interaction process, and in practice they can be separated.
___TRUE_______ 12. The invention of the alphabets created a new history in the era of
communication. It made easier for people to communicate in a written way.
___TRUE_______ 13. Visual communication is a good combination of words, pictures,
photography, symbols, and signs. These are more expressive and can be used both in the
personal and professional levels.
__TRUE________ 14. The history of visual communication can be traced back to a time when
the writing was not invented.
__TRUE________ 15. Analogue telephone and couriers are examples of traditional media.
___TRUE_______ 16. Technology directly affects how we socialize and communicate on a daily
basis. It even impacts our face-to-face communications, as technology is usually ever-present in
a multitude of forms in our daily lives.
____TRUE______ 17. Chat room/group messaging and discussion forum are examples of new
___TRUE_______ 18. Visual texts are images or pictures that don’t move. They may or may not
have words that add to the meaning.
____TRUE______ 19. Communication strategies are plans for communicating information
related to specific issue, event, situation, or audience. They serve as blueprints for
communicating with the public, stakeholders, or even colleagues.
____TRUE______ 20. Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled
integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images, animation and audio where
every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed.
____FALSE______ 21. Formal register is where the use of language is fixed and relatively static.
__TRUE________ 22. Spoken language is usually transient, unless recorded, and speakers can
correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along.
____TRUE______ 23. Jargon refers to the specialized language of a professional or occupational
_____TRUE____ 24. Intercultural communication is the exchange of information between
individuals who are “unalike culturally.”
__TRUE________ 25. With global communication, encoding and decoding the message can be
more complicated than when you are communicating with someone in your own country due
to differences in language and culture.

Prepared by:

Asso. Prof. MarivicCuizon, Ph.D.

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