Professional Persona Executive Summary

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The best way for me to grow in the business world

is to understanding my professional persona. My
A Driven Expressive
personal persona is how I view myself, how I want
others to view me, and how others actually view
me. In order to understand my professional
persona, I did a self-assessment, sent out surveys
to my professional network, and evaluated
feedback from my peers. This document Amiable Expressive
summarizes the takeaways from those findings

My Attributes Analytical Driver

The graph shows my self-assessment and my networks'

assessment of me. The red dot shows my self-assessment, the
blue dots is my peers' assessment of me, and the green dot is
the average. The two factors taken into account are
assertiveness and responsiveness.

In my self-assessment, I assessed myself as an expressive, but

I do believe that I have some qualities of a driver. Most of my
These adjectives were based on survey results from my professional peers assessed me in a similar manner. Expressives tend to be
network and my own self-assessment. The adjectives with bigger fonts are more opinionated and animated. Due to having these
adjectives that appeared more frequently. There is a lot of commonality qualities, expressives are generally known to be more social.
between the adjectives that I chose to describe myself and the ones that
my professional network chose to describe me. While most of my peers also view me as an expressive, there
were some disparities. Two people view me as a driver, and
The three adjectives that appear the most are hard-working, growth- one person views me as an amiable. I do believe I have certain
oriented, and competitive. Those are three adjectives that relate to the qualities of a driver, so that makes sense to me. While I am
way I would like to be perceived in a professional setting. Being perceived surprised that someone views me as an amiable, it is not
in that manner is crucial because members of an organization who
shocking because amiables are dependent and supportive,
display these qualities are able to work in a team setting and are crucial to
and those were two qualities that my peers view me as having.
organizational success.

A great way to truly know what your professional persona is

These adjectives give a glimpse of my professional persona, but my people
styles will better showcase my personality. by looking at feedback from your professional network and
your peers
Networks' Feedback Analyzing the Feedback
Receiving feedback from your network is crucial to
"Natural born leader understanding your professional persona. These quotes
with infectious were taken from the surveys and the 360 evaluations. This
personality." is because you will learn what your strengths and
weaknesses are, and those shape your professional
"Thrives in team- persona.
environments." The written feedback I received built on the adjectives and
my people styles. Leadership and poise were two of the
"Mustafa's positivity has adjectives that my peers chose to describe me, and those
helped the team keep
composure and making adjectives are present in the feedback. Also, my people
everyone laugh at times has styles is evident with feedback such as, "infectious
helped the team succeed."

personality" and "making everyone laugh at times."
"You're doing a great
job, but I would love to
While those were positive feedbacks, I also received
see you put out more of
feedback on areas of growth. The two areas of growth that I
your ideas."
need to work on based on the feedback are putting out my
ideas more and being more active in team meetings. While I
do believe that I am actively participating, it is clear that I
"The student is putting in the need to do a better job of showing that to my peers.
effort, but maybe be a little
bit more active in team

Biggest Takeaways from the Findings

The surveys and the feedback from my peers have helped me realize that for the most part, my network views my
professional persona the way I want them to. It was interesting to see the correlation between the adjectives and my
people styles. They correlated more than I thought they would. My biggest strengths are being hard-working and being
social, which correlate with my self-proclamation of being a driven expressive. I not only learned what my strengths are,
but I also learned the areas I need to improve in, which were being more opinionated and more active in team settings.

This document highlighted my professional persona, and it did that by reeling in feedback from surveys and feedback
from 360 evaluations conducted by my peers. The feedback allowed me to understand my strengths and weaknesses.
Understanding these will help me truly achieve the professional persona I want the public to see. If you have any
questions about the document or any of the findings, I can be reached at [email protected].

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