Anna Jorgensesn Personal Professional Persona

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I'M ANNA However, some responses said that with my goofy and fun
personality, it is sometimes hard to take me seriously. For
example, in our preceptor meetings I often make jokes rather

And this is my professional persona than focusing on completing the meeting in a timely manner.
As a leader, I want to be able to be taken seriously, but also
Over the course of my college career I have gained lots of have a fun side to me.
insight regarding my personal persona from multiple Of Survery Respondents Stated I...
aspects of my life: school, work, and social. From self- “You are a great leader and
perception activities, to peer reviews, to reputation surveys,
I believe I have a much more well-rounded view of who I am
perform well under pressure"
as a business professional than I once did.

"You contribute to a positive team

With this feedback, I wanted to dive deeper into who I am
as a leader, what qualities I have to build on, and where I enviornment but sometimes it is
can improve. In this document I discuss my
communication style, work style, personality hard to take you seriously"
characteristics, and common themes across all of these

Communicating as a leader Organized Work Style

Managing three group-based classes, as well as two
I have always condsidered myself a very outgoing and
individual classes takes a lot of organization. I always find
lighthearted person that works well with others. This
myself writing in my planner and sketching out time lines
expressive personality type has helped me excel as a
and due dates for my group. On our peer evaluations, many
leader throughout most of my life. I was pleased to find
of my group members complimented me on keeping our
out that many of my personal persona survey respondents
group informed on due dates and making sure everyone
agreed with these personality traits and viewed me as a
knows what their tasks are.
leader as well.

Keeping myself, and others, organized is a great skill to

Almost all of my survey repondents saw me as outgoing
have in life, not just in the workforce. However, this means
and trusting, and 100% saw me as hardworking. All of
confronting people when tasks or deadlines are not met.
these are great skills to have as a leader. I hope to use
Many of my professional persona respondents expressed
these skills in my future career to travel to different
how I am scared of confrontation. I had never really thought
countires and interact and lead all different types of
of this, but I quickly realized it is very true. This fear limits
people from different cultures and backgrounds.The below
me from sharing some of my thoughts and opinions which is
graph shows that almost all of my respondants agreed
not a great thing to do when people look up to you.
with my expressive personality.

“Don’t be afraid of conflict"

"Stand stronger and more decisive

with your ideas"

"You are good at keeping people

updated on their tasks"
what makes me me
As mentioned before, 100% of my respondents stated that I
was hard-working. I would also consider myself a hard-worker
but I never knew if this was aparent to those around me since
my energetic personality may make it seem like I am unabe to
hone down on specific tasks. I put in effort to make sure my
tasks are completed to the best of my ability and on-time. I
involve myself in lots of activies aside from school and work,
but still find a great balance. When I would receive feedback in the past I would
convince myself that they just didn't understand because
On the other hand, only 1 respondant said I was poised which they weren't me and I wouldn't listen to any of it. In the
surprised me. However, this does match some of the critiques end, what matters is how I'm percieved rather than how I
I received in other feedback forms. Because some people said intend it.
it was hard to take me seriously, I probably appear less poised
than I think. I am going to work on this as I think it would help Based on my feedback, I want to be able to be taken more
me build my professional credibility. seriously as a leader, but stil have a fun and outgoing
side. I think that I need to focus more on when the right
Although I did not classify myself as this, "well-rounded" came times are to be professional, and when the right times are
as a pleasant surprise. I think that this is a really good trait to to be more energetic and easy-going.
have for life in general, especially when attempting to lead
others. Having a wide variety of experiences and I believe that by doing this I will be able to be taken more
characteristics will greatly benefit me when I am traveling to seriously which translates to most of my other crtiques
different countries during future careers. I am excited to have such as poise and confrontation. By acting more
more experiences in life that will continue to shape me as a professional in necessary sitautions I will appear more
person. poised and by being able to crtitque people I will build
more professional credibility.
Overall, most of the traits I picked for myself aligned with
others. I believe this means I am relatively in touch with myself
and how I appear to others. Below are some descriptors I chose Moving Forward
for myself and descriptors my respondents chose for me. Throughout college and this semester especially, I have
learned just how much feedback can benefit me if I listen
Respondents Myself to it. I have seen so many improvements to my
Both professional persona and how I want to be percieved, but
Easy-Going Driven there is always room to grow.

Entertaining Hard- Adventurous Moving forward I plan to take the feedback I have
Working received and mold my persona to fit the way I want to be
seen professionally. I will contine to ask for feedback in
Well Rounded Outgoing Respects Authority order to make these changes as I grow older and wiser.
Values Education Trusting
And That's A Wrap!
Thank You!

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