Bcom 314 - Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

Collin Flammer
Management Information
Systems || University of Arizona
In all aspects of life, it is important that one is able to take an
PeopleStyle Graph introspective look at themselves and answer who they are and how
they perceive themselves.

This executive summary is for me to take that introspection and

compare it to what my peers and previous coworkers and bosses
saw from my professional persona.

In order to do this, I myself took a survey which mapped my

PeopleStyle with a responsiveness and assertiveness score. I then
responded with adjectives that I would use to describe myself. This
same survey was then sent to peers, coworkers, and bosses to
compare what I see to what they see.
When I took my self-perception survey, By synthesizing this information into this summary, I hope that you
I was assigned the PeopleStyle of can gain insight into my professional persona.
Driver. The Driver PeopleStyle is
assertive with their opinions and ideas What is People Style?
and would rather focus on the task at The PeopleStyle survey measures how someone interacts with their
hand as opposed to having small talk constituents. This metric is a dual-axis spectrum which is divided into
and socializing. four main styles: Driver, Expressive, Analytical, and Amiable. The axes
of the spectrum represent assertiveness and responsiveness.
Composite Assertiveness
On the graph above you can see where From the survey that I
I plotted myself on the assertiveness had sent out, 62.5% of
scale and where my respondents Expressive respondents saw my
plotted me. Most respondents plotted 37.5% professional persona
me as more assertive. I am not shy to as a Driver and the
share my opinions to groups or to other 37.5% saw me
throw ideas out there to see what as an Expressive.
sticks. It is because of this that people Expressive, like
may see me as more assertive. Driver
drivers, are very direct
Composite Responsiveness when communicating
but utilize more
The graph also displays my emotional energy.
responsiveness. I plotted myself at -3,
meaning less responsive. My The Hidden Analytic
respondents put me anywhere While my survey and respondents would say that I am an assertive
between -3 and 3. Some of my person who has a wavering flexibility to be more or less responsive I
respondents saw me as less do have the ability to an Analytic. I am a very detail-oriented person
responsive and other saw me as more different roles require different approaches. One of my roles was that
responsive. This can be attributed to of an executive assistant at a nursery. As an executive assistant I was
the context in which the respondent in charge of filing purchase orders, bid prices, and tying up
has seen me. My teammates may see materials.This job did not require me to be assertive or outspoken. It
me as less responsive and more task required me to be focused on the task.
oriented, while my previous coworkers During my first season of coaching volleyball I was an assistant, this
have seen a more expressive and fun- position required a lot of flex within PeopleStyles. When at practice I
loving version of myself because the was outspoken Expressive. However, when coaching during a game I
context of the job allowed me to do was the Analytic, taking notes on player habits, and taking stats of all
that. the players metrics.
One thing that surprised me in my survey responses is that my
tentativeness to express my opinions was split 50-50. This was
surprising to me because I have never been afraid to share my
opinions. I do think that there is a forum for opinions to be shared.
When I have been in subordinate positions, I usually am more
tentative to express my opinions versus times where I am among
Another thing that I found interesting in my Survey results was the
subject matter of my conversations. The result was split 50-50
between having conversations that were task-oriented and
conversations that were people-oriented. I pride myself on being
able to read a room, and to that sometimes I understand that it may
be more important in the moment to align yourself with the party
that is present before starting what may need to be done.
What Does It Mean?
I think that Driver and Expressive is an apt description of my
professional persona. I have always been outspoken and goal
Adjectives My Respondents Would Use
oriented. I think that team members would see me as the Driver as I To Describe Me
like to maintain the leadership role in most group setting where
there isn’t a set hierarchy. My previous coworkers and bosses would
see me as the expressive. When I worked as a volleyball coach, I
Peer Reviews
think that it was important that I let myself be the Expressive
because it is important to have that emotion and be assertive with "Collin is patient, confident, has good
players in order to achieve a common goal. leadership skills, and articulates his ideas
to others"
Personal Growth
From my peer reviews it is apparent that I am often too opinionated
and too expressive with my ideas. I have been working a lot on
"You can improve by being more open to
allowing for others to take that leadership position and allow for
plans to be a give and take. other peoples ideas. You have great input
but it is always good to hear what other
Moving Forward people have to say as well"
After working with my group for the past couple months on
research projects and being in professional settings, they are the
authority on my external professional persona. I think what they "I feel that you have very great ideas that
have written has plenty of merit. It is because of them that I feel I contribute to the success of our team.
can start to be more interactive within the group. Allowing for our However, sometimes you need to listen
projects to be a melting pot of our best ideas. Moving forward into more to others opinions and take them
my professional career it is imperative that I am able to take others into more consideration"
ideas in stride.

Tying It All Together Eller Team Scores

In this executive summary I have explained People Styles, my
Analytic side, what my People Styles are, how I perceived my
feedback, and finally outlined what about this information will
change me and my professional persona. By taking this introspective
journey I have identified my strengths and my weaknesses. By doing
so I have not only set myself up to round out my professional
persona, but also allow my professional network to know who I am.

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