DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W1

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ALEONA A. ARANTE Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 4, 2022 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together to form organ systems
A. Content

The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-
B. Performance skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and nervous systems

C. Learning Explain how the organs of each organ system work together(S6LT-lIa-b-1)
Write the LC
code for each
Describe the structure and Describe the structure and Discuss proper care of the Describe the structure and Describe the structure and
function of the parts of the function of the parts of the muscular and skeletal functions of the parts of functions of the parts of
skeletal system muscular system system the digestive system. the respiratory system
Parts and functions of Parts and functions of Parts and functions of Parts and functions of Parts and functions of the
II. CONTENT Musculo-skeletal system musculo-skeletal system musculo-skeletal system digestive system respiratory system

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages The New Science Links, pp. The New Science The New Science Links pp. The New Science Links pp. The New Science Links pp.
104-113 Links,pp.114-121 119. 129-137 The Amazing 129-137 The Amazing
The Amazing World of World of Science 6 pp. 77- World of Science
Science 6 pp. 65-67 82.
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Science Worksheets, video Worksheets, crossword Charts and pictures Charts and pictures Charts and pictures
Resources clips puzzle



previous lesson observed how houses are 1. Review on Skeletal 1. Checking of 1. Checking of Assignment. 1. Checking of assignment
or presenting the built? What will the System: Crossword puzzle Assignments. / Review about 2. Review on how to take 2. Review on Digestive
new lesson construction worker do activity. the muscular system. care of the musculo- System process.
first? How will you compare 2. Touch your cheek, legs, 2. Have the pupils perform skeletal system. Try to inhale and exhale.
that to the human body? Is arms, palms, fingers, and their exercise routine. 3. Why do we eat food? If What organs are involved
there a framework that stomach. Can you feel the Then ask” How do you feel you are hungry how you do in breathing? Why do you
provides structure to the fleshy parts? How do they after the exercise? Why do feel? Have you ever breathe?
human body? What do you feel? Are they hard or soft? we need to exercise? What wondered what happened
call this framework? Activity Your bones are covered do you think will happen to to the food you have just
# 1 Let the pupils connect with muscles. Can you those people who do not eaten? What processes it
the cut out pictures of the imagine yourself without exercise? undergoes until it becomes
human skeletal system. the muscles that cover your the nutrients that will
bones and other internal nourish your body?

B. Establishing a 1.Skeleton dance Four Pics, One Word. Guess Why do we need to wear Fill in the missing letters of Jumbled Letters Activity:
purpose for the https://www.youtube.com/ the word by studying how helmet when riding a fruits and vegetables to Rearrange the letters to
lesson watch?v=e54m6XOpRgU the four pictures are motorcycle? reveal the magic word. form the correct words.
2. Label the parts:Group related to each other. Write (Show picture of the 1.ENOS-
Work the word in the box below. digestive system)Refer to 2.PXNHARY-
New Science Links 6 p. 129 3.LRYANX-
What are these words?

__ __ __ __ __

examples/instan asks to the students “What Activity Picture analysis: Work Work
ces of the new is the purpose of the human 1. Setting of Showing pictures of 1. Setting of 1. Setting of
lesson skeleton?” standards/Safety Tips Common injuries and standards/Safety Tips standards/Safety Tips
1.Setting of standard/Safety 2. Activity #1: Observing diseases of the musculo- 2. Activity “Investigating 2. Activity #1 “Investigating
tips Tendons of Muscles skeletal system. Digestion of Food in the How the Lungs Work”
2.Activity #1: Examining Problem: How are the Question: What have you Mouth” Problem: How do lungs
Bone Structure muscles connected to the seen/observe in the picture Problem: What processes work? Refer to New
Problem: How do skeleton bones? Refer to Science given? happen when the food is in science Links pp. 140-141
functions? Refer to The New Links page 150 the mouth? Refer to New
Science Links page 105 Science Links pp. 130-131

concepts the two division of the muscles connected to other musculoskeletal What are the parts and What are the main parts of
skeletal system? What are bones? What are the types system injuries and functions of Digestive the respiratory system?
the parts & functions of the of muscles? disorders? What are their System? Mix and Match Find your Match Activity.
axial skeleton? The Original File Submitted and symptoms? How are they activity. Parts & Functions (Using pictures of the parts
appendicular skeleton? Formatted by DepEd Club treated? How can they of the digestive system. of the respiratory system
What is the difference Member - visit prevented? Refer to New science Links and metacards for its
between compact bone & depedclub.com for more pp. 133 functions.
spongy bone? Why is bone
marrow important?
E. Continuation of Activity #2: Observing Activity #2: Observing Activity #2 Carousel Activity#2 Group work Activity #2 “Observing the
the discussion of Movements of Joints Movement of Muscles brainstorming. “Investigating Digestion of Effect of Strenuous Activity
new concepts Problem: What are the Problem: How do muscles Each group will take turns in Food in the Stomach” on Breathing”
(leads to different kinds of joints? work? Refer to New Science writing their ideas on how to Problem: What processes Problem: How does
Formative Refer to The New Science Links p.116 care the musculo-skeletal happen when the food is in exercise affect breathing?
Assessment 2) Links p. 109 ( Group Work) Safety Tips: Do not system. the stomach? Refer to New Safety Tips: Do not play
Safety Tips: 1. Be careful in overstretch your muscles. Science Links pp. 134 with or swallow the
moving your body parts, Safety Tips: Be careful in materials to be used.
especially your neck and handling liquids like Refer to New Science Links
backbone. hydrochloric acid. 6 pp. 144
2. Do not allow other Always wait for the
persons to pull or twist your teachers instruction before
arm. performing the activity

F. Developing Mix and match activity: Picture analysis: Group Create an exercise to: Chain of Events: Think of Trace the path of air from
mastery (leads to Parts and functions of work. The teacher show  Improve flexibility one food item that you the nose to the lungs.
Formative Skeletal System (group pictures of the different  Improve physical enjoy eating. Using the Write your illustration in
Assessment 3) work) types of muscles maybe: endurance diagram below and
your manila paper.
Each group will be provided a. smooth muscles describe the chain of
 Improve muscular
with parts(green) and b. cardiac muscles events that happens during
function(yellow) written in c. skeletal muscles strength the digestion of your
metacards. Guide Questions: favorite food. Indicate all
1. What can you the structures that are
see/observe in the pictures involved. Refer to New
given? Science Links p. 82
2. How do these muscles
move or work?
3. Compare and contrast
the three kinds of muscles:

G. Finding practical ELABORATION: Why should ELABORATION: 1. Why ELABORATION: Why is it ELABORATION: Why is ELABORATION: Is it
applications of bones be strong? Why is it don’t we overstretch our that some schools, hospitals, breakfast considered as the important to maintain a
concepts and important to prevent falls muscles? If we do, what will and department stores have most important meal of the clean environment to have
skills in daily and other accidents that happen? 2. Why designed ramps for disabled day? a healthy respiratory
living could injure the bones? handicapped person should persons? system? Why? In what way
(reflective approach) Why is it dangerous to move be treated with kindness TRIVIA: Borborygmus do you think the amount of
a person with spinal and respect? Borborygmus is the carbon dioxide affect the
fracture? TRIVIA: Don’t you know rumbling sound in the speed or intensity of
How will you take care of that your face has 50 stomach. When you hear breathing? Why do
your bones? muscles? You use 17 your stomach rumbling, it adolescent like you should
muscles to smile but more is the signal from your not try smoking even
TRIVIA: Bones are alive. than 46 muscles to frown. brain that the stomach has though you see others
They are made of living cells So from now on what will begun the digestion. doing it?
capable of growing and you do? TRIVIA: A yawn is a signal
repairing themselves. of oxygen shortage I the
body. When we are drowsy
or sleepy, the lungs do not
take enough oxygen from
the air. This causes a
shortage of oxygen and
sends a message that
causes you to take a deep
long breath called yawn.
H. Making What are the ideas did you 1. Explain how the bones Why do we need to take What are the parts of the What are the parts and
generalizations learn in the lesson? and muscles work care of our musculo-skeletal digestive system? How functions of the respiratory
and abstractions What are the parts and together? system? does the digestive system system?
about the lesson functions of the skeletal 2. How will you know that a work?
system? muscle is contracting?
Describe the potential 3. Why do muscles need
consequences if all bone rest?
tissues in humans were
made of spongy bones & no
compact bones.
learning type: Match the parts of the Type. Make a chart showing Arranging Sequence of Multiple Choice: Read each
skeletal system in column A Supply the missing words. healthful habits that Events: Arrange The New item carefully.Circle the
with the functions in column Choose your answers in the promote the proper Science Links pp. 129-137 letter of the correct
B. box below. functioning of the musculo- The Amazing World of answer.
Column A The ______system consist skeletal system.(Use rubrics Science the following 1. Tiny hairs lined inside
Column B of all muscles in the body. in assessing their work) statements according to the nose prepare air for the
1. Skull a. Muscles have three Healthful Habits the process of digestion lungs by ______.
the inner layer of the bone kinds:______,______ and and absorption in the body. a. cleaning it
that skeletal. Muscles always Number each of the steps b. drying it
2. Spinal column work in _____.If one muscle according to the sequence c. moistening it
contains yellowish contracts the opposite it occurs. d. warming it
substance relaxes. _______help the ____ Water is absorbed. 2. How does the body use
3. Bones body move and do work. ____Food is broken into the energy released in its
which manufactures blood Good food, exercise, rest, small pieces cells?
cells and good posture are ____Nutrients pass a. to rest the body
4. Hinge joint necessary to make muscles through the blood stream b. to lower body
in the body. strong and healthy. ____Waste are removed temperature.
5. Ball and socket b. Muscles Smooth from the body. c. for making oxygen
protects the spinal cord Muscular ____Food is liquefied and d. for muscles to move
c. a Cardiac Pairs digested into forms that 3. When you exhale, the
rigid case that protects the cell can use. diaphragm helps air leave
the body by _____
brain a. expanding the lungs
d. b. making the chest larger
allows movement in all c. pushing air in the lungs
d. making the chest smaller
directions 4. The body’s cells use
e. oxygen to break sugar into
allows movement in one _____.
a. oxygen and water
direction only b. carbohydrates and water
c. protein and water
d. carbon dioxide and
5. What happens when you
breathe in air?
a. The diaphragm expands
and the ribcage contracts.
b. the diaphragm contracts
and the ribcage expands.
c. the diaphragm expands
and the rib cage collapses.
d. The diaphragm contracts
and the ribcage remain the

J. Additional How will you take care of Assignment: Write SM if the Assignment: Write a short Assignment:
activities for your bones? statement pertains to paragraph about the need The digestive system
application or smooth muscles, CA if for calcium for the musculo- provides nourishment for
remediation cardiac muscles and SK if skeletal system to function all the cells of our body.
skeletal muscles. well. What are good habits that
_____1. These are muscles will keep our digestive
found only in heart. system healthy?
--------2. They are striated
and involuntary.
--------3. They are striated
and voluntary.
--------4. They are muscles
of internal organs.
--------5. The muscle cell of
this type contains only one

V. REMARKS Re-teaching Transfer

Lack of Time lesson
to the

following day
No class


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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