Chemical Bonding

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Chemical bonding & Molecular Structure

(3) 2py and 2py (4) 1s and 2s

1. Lattice energy of which of the following compound is
10. HCN and HNC molecule have equal number of
(1) Lone pairs and  bond only
(1) MgO (2) AlN
(2)  bond and  bond only
(3) NaCl (4) CaO
(3)  bond and lone pair only
2. Arrange NaCl,MgCl2,AlCl3,SiCl4 in incresing solubility
(4) Lone pair,  bond and  bonds
in ether
11. The compound (NH3,BF3) can easily separated into
(1) NaCl < MgCl2 < AlCl3 < SiCl4
its individual components, because
(2) SiCl4 < AlCl3 < MgCl2 < NaCl
(1) BF3 is highly reactive
(3) SiCl2 = AlCl3 < MgCl2 < NaCl
(2) NH3 is highly reactive
(4) Can not be decided
(3) BF3 is lewis base
3. Most stable compound is
(4) BF3 and NH3 are joined by weak coordinate
(1) LiF (2) LiCl
(3) LiBr (4) LiI
12. Following types of overlapping can take place in the
4. Aqueous solution of a mixture contains
formation of bonds
LiCl,CuCl,NaCl and AlCl3. This is shaken with the
ether what is/are left in H2O
(1) LiCl,NaCl (2) NaCl,AlCl3 I. II.
(3) Only CuCl (4) Only NaCl
5. Out of the following ions, which pair will make the
compound most covalent ?
(1) Na+,F– (2) Mg2+,O2– III. IV.
(3) Al3+,N3– (4) Si4+,C4–
6. Which of the following has incomplete octet Strength of bonds formed by these types of
(1) NH3 (2) BCl3 overlapping is

(3) CCl4 (4) PCl3 (1) I < III < II < IV (2) IV < I < II < III

7. Expansion of octet can not take place in (3) IV < III < II < I (4) None
13. Which of the following is non polar ?
(1) N (2) S
(1) CHCl3 (2) PCl5
(3) Si (4) P
(3) CH2Cl2 (4) NH3
8. Which of the following is electron deficient
14. The species having pyramidal shape
(1) (CH3)2 (2) (SiH3)2
(1) SO2 (2) BrF3
(3) (BH3)2 (4) PH3
(3) XeO3 (4) SF2
9. Considering X-axis as the internuclear axis, which out
15. Two of the following species have same shape
of the following will not form  bond
(1) 1s and 1s (2) 1s and 2px (1) NI3 ,N3 (2) NI3 , SO 23


 SO 23 ,NO3 (4) I3 ,NO3 (3) III (4) IV

16. W hich of the following molecule/species has 25. Correct decreases order of dipole moment of
minimum number of lone pairs ?
(1) CH3F > CH3Cl > CH3Br
(1) IC 3 (2) BF4
(2) CH3F > CH3Br > CH3Cl
(3) SnCl2 (4) XeF4
(3) CH3Cl > CH3F > CH3Br
17. Which is correct order of bond angle ?
(4) CH3Cl > CH3Br > CH3F
(1) NH3 < NF3 (2) H2O > Cl2O
(3) PH3 < SbH3 (4) H2Te < H2O
26. Dipole moment of is 1.5 D. Thus
18. Which of the following set of molecule have same
shape but different hybridisation Cl
(1) H2O,H2S (2) XeO3,BrF3
dipolemoment of
(3) [Ni(CN)4]2,Ni(CO)4 (4) BeCl2 ,I3 Cl Cl
19. Based on VSEPR model AB4L, representation is for
(1) 0.00 D (2) 1.5 D
(1) SF4 (2) XeF4
(3) 2.0 D (4) 3.0 D
(3) SiF4 (4) BF4
27. Which of the following is non polar but contains polar
20. Stability of species Li2, Li2 and Li2 increases in bonds ?
order (1) HCl (2) CO2
(1) Li2  Li2  Li2 (2) Li2  Li2  Li2 (3) NH3 (4) NO2
(3) Li2  Li2  Li2 (4) Li2  Li2  Li2 28. PClxF5–x, shows non polar behaviour x is

21. Assuming (2s–2p) mixing is not possible (1) 0,3,5 (2) 1

(3) 2,1,4 (4) 0,4,1
paramagnetic species among the following is
29. Which of the following would have permanent dipole
(1) Be2 (2) B2
(3) C2 (4) N2
(1) BF3 (2) SiF4
22. Which of the following diatomic molecule would be (3) SF4 (4) XeF4
stabilised by the removal of an electron 30. C–O bond length is maximum for
(1) CO (2) CO2
(1) C2 (2) CN
(3) CO23 (4) Same in all
(3) N2 (4) O2
31. Stability of C–Cl bond in chlorobenzene is similar to
23. If one of the electron in He2 is taken to the next C–Cl bond in
excited state then bond order in He2 (1) Benzyl chloride (2) Vinyl chloride
(3) Allyl chloride (4) All of these
(1) Increases by 1 unit
32. Which of the following compounds are soluble in
(2) Decreases by 1 unit
H2O ?
(3) Increases by 0.5 unit
(1) CH3CHO (2) CH3COCH3
(4) No change
(3) CH3CH2OH (4) All of these
24. Consider the following oxidation/reduction process 33. Which of the following has maximum boiling point
e e
i.  N2
N2  ii.  N2
N2  CH2–OH
(1) (2) CH3CH2CH2–OH
iii. 2e
O 2  O 22  iv. O 2 2e
 O 2 CH2–OH

Magnetic moment does not change in

(1) I (2) II


CH2–OH (3) HF  NH3  SO 2  H2 O

(3) CH3–OH (4) CH–OH (4) H2 O  NH3  SO 2  HF

43. Among the following, the pair in which the two
37. The H-bond strongest in
species are not iso structural is
(1) S–H....S (2) N–H....O
(3) F–H....F (4) F–H....O (1) IO3 and XeO3 (2) BH4 and NH4
35. Central atom O-atom in O3 is ______ hybridised
(3) PF6 and SF6 (4) SiF4 and SF4
(1) sp (2) sp2
(3) sp3 (4) dsp2 44. The length of C–Cl bond responsible for the polarity
36. In which of the following  exp t   theoretica l of chloromethane is 166 pm. The charge arises on
the carbon atom if the bond moment of C–Cl bond is
Cl F 1.8 D
(1) (2)
(1) 1.6 x 10 19 Coul (2) 3.2 x 10 19 Coul

CH3 (3) 3.2 x 10 20 Coul (4) 3.6 x 10 20 Coul

(3) (4) All of these 45. Which of the following represent the correct order of
increasing bond order ?

37. Formal charge of S in SO3 is (1) C 22  He 2  NO  O 2

(1) +2 (2) +1
(3) +3 (4) –2 (2) He 2  O 2  NO  C22
38. C–C bond order in benzene is
(3) O 2  NO  C 22  He 2
(1) 1.5 (2) 2.0
(3) 1.0 (4) 1.3 (4) NO  C22  O 2  He 2
39. Total number  bond and  bond in mesitylene
(1) 18,3 (2) 21,3 46. In the formation of N2 from N2 , the electron is lost
(3) 9,3 (4) None of these form
40. Which of the following is having H-bond
(1) 2p z orbital (2)  orbital
(1) KHF2 (2)
CHCl3+CH3–C–CH3 (3)  2s orbital (4) 
OH 47. The hybridisation and shape of N and B atoms in 1:1
(3) (4) All of these complex of BF3 and NH3 are respectively

N : sp3 & Tetrahedral

41. KF combines with HF to form KHF2 . The compound B : sp 3 & Tetrahedral
contains the species
N : sp 3 & Pyramidal
    
(1) K ,F and H (2) K ,F and HF (2)
B : sp 3 & Pyramidal
(3) K  and [HF2 ]  (4) [KHF ] and F 
N : sp 3 & Pyramidal
42. The correct order of decreasing polarity is (3)
B : sp 2 & Trigonal planar
(1) HF  SO 2  H2 O  NH3
N : sp3 & Pyramidal
(2) HF  H2O  SO 2  NH3 (4)
B : sp 3 & Tetrahedral

48. In which of the following process Hybridisation is not 55. Which of the following has zero dipole moment
affected ?
(1) PCl 5  PCl 4  PCl 6

(1) (2)
(2) BeCl 2 g  BeCl 2 s 
(3) NH3  H2 O  NH4 OH
(3) PCl 3 (4) SiF4
(4) All of these
56. On the basis of lattice energy, which of the following
49. Assuming 2s - 2p mixing is not operative, the
has highest melting point ?
paramagnetic species among the following is
(1) NaCl (2) KCl
(1) Be 2 (2) C2
(3) MgO (4) BaO
(3) B2 (4) N2 57. ‘Which combination will give the strongest ionic bond
50. Assuming Hund’s rule is violated then which of the (1) Na+ and Cl– (2) Mg2+ and Cl–
following is incorrect according to M.O.T
(3) Na+ and O2– (4) Ca2+ and O2–
(1) B 2 is Diamagnetic and having bond order = 1 58. Which is not correct order of increasing co-valent
character ?
(2) C 2 is paramagnetic and having bond order = 2
(1) FeCl2 < FeCl3
(3) N2 is diamagnetic and having bond order = 3
(2) NaCl < MgCl2< AlCl3
(4) None of these
(3) NaCl < CuCl < RbCl
51. The % ionic character of A - B bond having dipole
(4) All are correct
moment 2.5 D and separated by distance of 180 pm
is 59. Correct order of bond dissociation energy of halogens
(1) 29% (2) 19% (1) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I2
(3) 42% (4) 92% (2) Cl2 < F2 < Br2 < I2
52. In which of the following process bond order decrease (3) Cl2 < Br2 < I2 < F2
and magnetic behaviour changes ?
(4) I2 < F2 < Br2 < Cl2
(1) N2  N2 (2) NO  NO 
60. The formal charge on the O – atoms in the ion

(3) O 2  O 2 (4) C 2  C 2 :O=N=O:

53. Among the following molecules, which of them are (1) –2 & –1 (2) –1 & +1
linear (3) +1 & –2 (4) Zero
A. BeCl 2 B. N3 61. In the Lewis formula of which of the following
species, the number of single, double and dative
C. N2 O D. O3 bonds are equal

E. SCl 2 F. ICl2 (1) N2O5 (2) HNO3

(1) Only A (2) A, B, C and F only (3) SO2 (4) SOCl2

(3) D and E (4) All of these 62. The types of bonds present in NH4Cl are
54. The ratio of  bond to  bond in CCN4 is (1) Electrovalent only

2 1 (2) Covalent only

(1) (2)
1 1 (3) Co-valent and co-ordinate only
4 1 (4) Electrovalent, co-valent and co-ordinate
(3) (4)
1 2
63. Which is zero overlapping ?

+ –
+ (B) H2C N N
+ –
(1) (2) –
(C) H2C +
– Py N N

(D) H C– +
2 N N
+ (1) A > B > D > C (2) A>C>B>D
(3) + – (4) All of these
– (3) A > B > C > D (4) C >A> D > B

64. Number p – p and P – d in SO3 are respectively 71. Which is not a permissible resonating form ?

(1) 1, 2 (2) 2, 1 + +
(3) 2, 2 (4) 1, 1 (1) (2)
+ –
65. Hybridisation of CH and CH are
3 3 + +
(1) sp and sp respectively (3) (4)
(2) sp2 and sp2 respectively
72. Which of the following has only one   bond , no
(3) sp2 and sp3 respectively
sigma bond
(4) sp3 and sp3 respectively
(1) Be2 (2) B2
66. H–CH2–CH2–C=CH–C C III H, the correct order of
I II (3) C2 (4) H2
C–H bond length is 73. In which set of molecules are all the species
(1)      (2)     
(1) B2, O2N2 (2) B2, O2, NO
(3)      (4)     
(3) B2, F2, O2 (4) B2, O2, Li2
67. Number of 1090 28 angle in CH4 is
74. Which is most soluble in water ?
(1) 4 (2) 6 (1) Mg SO4 (2) Ca SO4
(3) 5 (4) 2 (3) Rb SO4 (4) Ba SO4
68. Planar structure is shown by 75. Born-Haber cycle can be used to measure

(1) CO32– (2) BCl3 A. Lattice energy

(3) N(SiH3)3 (4) All of these B. H f (Enthalpy of formation of salt)

69. Which has dipole moment more than expected value? C. Bond energy

CH3 F D.  gH (electron gain enthalpy)

(1) (2) (1) Only A
(2) Only B

Cl Cl (3) A, B, D
Cl (4) All A, B, C, D
(3) (4)
Cl 76. Which is correct order of solubility in water ?
(1) Na2O < MgO < Al2O3
70. The correct order of stability of following resonating
structures (2) NaCl < MgCl2 < AlCl3

+ – (3) Na2CO3 < K2CO3 < Rb2CO3

(A) H C N N
(4) All are incorrect


MM : 720 CHEMISTRY Time : 3 Hrs.


Chemical bonding & Molecular Structure

Ct_9_13.12.20 48 3 59. (2) (68) 4 152 4

1 2 49 2 60. (2) (69) 2 153 4
(70) 3
2 1 50 2 61. (2) 154 1
(71) 3
3 1 51 1 62. (3) (72) 2
155 1
4 4 52 4 63. (1) (73) 4 156 1
5 4 53 2 64. (4) (74) 1 157 1
6 2 54 2 65. (1) (75) 4 158 4
7 1 55 4 (76) 3 159 3
66. (2)
8 3 56 3 (77) 2 160 3
67. (4) (78) 4
9 3 57 4 68. (1) (79) 4
161 3
10 4 58 3 69. (4) (80) 3 162 4
11 4 59 4 (81) 2 163 3
70. (3)
12 2 60 4 (82) 2 164 1
71. (2) (83) 4
13 2 61 1 165 2
72. (1) (84) 4
14 3 62 4 166 1
73. (4) (85) 3
15 2 63 4 167 3
16 4 64 1 74. (3) 168 2
75. (4) 121 4
17 4 65 3 169 2
76. (1) 122 1
18 4 66 3 170 1
77. (3) 123 1
19 1 67 2 171 1
78. (3) 124 3
20 2 68 4 172 1
79. (3) 125 2
21 3 69 2 173 1
80. (3) 126 3
22 4 70 2 174 4
127 3
23 1 71 3 175 1
128 4
24 4 72 2 81. (4) 176 3
129 2
25 3 73 2 82. (3) 177 4
130 2
26 2 74 1 83. (1) 178 3
131 2
27 2 75 4 84. (3) 179 4
132 4
28 1 76 3 85. (2) 180 3
133 3
29 3 77 3 (46) 2 181 4
134 4
30 3 78 1 (47) 3 182 1
(48) 3 135 3
31 2 79 1 183 3
(49) 3 136 3
32 3 80 2 184 3
(50) 4 137 4
33 4 46. (3) 185 3
(51) 3 138 3
34 3 47. (2) (52) 4 186 1
139 4
35 2 48. (2) (53) 4 187 3
140 3
36 4 49. (1) (54) 4 188 4
(55) 4
141 1
37 1 50. (3) 189 3
(56) 4 142 2
38 1 51. (3) 190 2
(57) 1 143 4
39 2 52. (3) 191 2
(58) 4 144 3
40 4 53. (2) (59) 4
192 3
145 2
41 3 (60) 2 193 1
54. (4) 146 3
42 2 (61) 3 194 4
55. (4) 147 3
43 4 (62) 2 195 1
RT3_17.12. (63) 4 148 2
44 4 196 3
56. (2) (64) 2 149 3
45 2 197 3
57. (2) (65) 3 150 2
46 1 (66) 2
198 2
58. (3) 151 2
47 1 (67) 3 199 2
~ 17 ~ 200 4

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