CEng 135 - Structural Theory Syllabus-Edition 2

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Department of Civil Engineering

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

Telefax: (053) 565-0600 local 1020
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph


CEng 135
Structural Theory


1. Vision of the University

A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental


2. Mission of the University

Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific

knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

3. VSU Quality Policy Statement

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
4. Quality Goals of the College of Engineering and Technology

a) Produce globally competent engineering graduates by providing students with

excellent instruction through updated curriculum; functional and state-of-the art
facilities; and qualified, well-trained, and dedicated faculty and staff;
b) Generate new and advance knowledge and technology in engineering and allied
sciences through the conduct of relevant researches that can contribute towards
sustainable development, climate change mitigation, food security, and advance
knowledge in engineering sciences; and
c) Engage in need-based community/stakeholder-projects that can make the
Philippines and even the world a better place to live in.

5. Quality Objectives of the Department of Civil Engineering

a) Develop a strong and dynamic faculty and staff of the department

b) Offer excellent and relevant undergraduate and graduate programs;
c) Generate appropriate knowledge and technologies relevant to the conservation,
management, and utilization of available resources;
d) Establish and sustain dynamic linkages with private and public sectors for the
promotion of instruction, research, extension, and production programs of the
department; and
e) Provide geodetic engineering and technology expertise to relevant sectors in the
country and in other countries.


1. Name of the Program Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

2. CHED CMO Reference CHED CMO 92, S. 2017
3. BOR Approval BOR Resolution No. 73 s. 2018

4. Program Educational Objectives and Relationship to Institution Mission

Program Educational Objectives
a b c
1. Provide leadership in planning, implementing, and monitoring engineering ✓ ✓ ✓
projects and programs
2. Occupy supervisory positions in private and public organizations; locally ✓ ✓ ✓
and internationally
3. Own and manage engineering-related firms and corporations ✓ ✓ ✓
4. Pursue advanced studies in engineering and emerging fields ✓ ✓ ✓
5. Occupy responsible positions in engineering education. ✓ ✓ ✓
*a - development of a highly competitive human resource, b - cutting-edge scientific
knowledge, c - innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment


1. Course Code CEng 135

2. Course Title Structural Theory
3. Pre-requisite ESci 132 – Mechanics of Deformable Bodies/Strength of Materials
4. Co-requisite None
5. Credit 5 units
6. Semester Offered 1st Semester

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
7. Number of hours 3 Hours Lecture & 6 Hours Laboratory per week
8. Course Description A professional course common to all civil engineering students
designed to provide fundamental concepts, principles, and theories
in the theory of structures and structural analysis for internal actions
in a structure and its deformations under load.

9. Program Outcomes (POs) in relation to the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program Educational
Program Outcomes (POs) Objectives
1 2 3 4 5
Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve
a ✓ ✓
Civil Engineering problems
Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze
b ✓ ✓
and interpret data
Design a system, component, or process to meet
c desired needs within realistic constraints, in
accordance with standards
d Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams
Identify, formulate, and solve complex Civil
e ✓ ✓ ✓
Engineering problems
Understand and apply professional and ethical
f ✓
Communicate effectively complex Civil Engineering
g activities with the engineering community and with
society at large
Understand the impact of Civil engineering solutions in
h a global, economic, environmental, and societal
Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long
j Relate to contemporary issues
Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
necessary for Civil engineering practice
Understand and apply engineering and management
l principles as a member and leader of a team, and to
manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment
Recognize at least one specialized field of Civil
Engineering practice.

10. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Program Outcomes (POs)

After completing this course, Program Outcomes Code
the student must be able to
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
perform the following COs:
CO 1:
Identify and Classify various
types of planar and spatial E I E I
structural systems and the
manner by which these are
supported for stability;
CO 2:
Determine the state of static and

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
kinematic determinacy and
stability of structural
systems, externally and
CO 3:
Apply the methods of structural
analysis for external and
internal actions on various E I E I
types of structural systems
due to static and moving
CO 4:
Develop intuition on deflected E I E I
shapes of structures under
CO 5:
Demonstrate by numerical
calculations and other E I E I
methods the concepts,
principles and theories of
structural analysis
Legend: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative
Each letter indicates the expected level of competency that each CO should provide for each

11. Course Content and Plan

Teaching and
Learning Learning Activities
Week Topics ent Tasks
Outcomes Teaching Learning
Activities Activities
Class Orientation
OBE Course Syllabus Explain the Q & A for Presentation of Course
(including VSU Vision the Vision, Mission and clarification, Syllabus & Checking of
Mission, and Quality Policy Quality Policy Statement setting of Class Roster
Statement) of the University; expectations,
and getting- Getting organized for the
Class Policies Use the knowledge in the to-know-each semester
future concerns related other
Safety Guidelines and to the class policies; Getting Oriented to course
Emergency Response Class
during fire & earthquake interaction outcomes
Requirements Use the gained Sharing of
information in the future Ideas
Grading System and concerns related to
Activities requirements, grading Feedbacks
system and activities;
Learning Guide /
Instructional Workbook /
Laboratory Manual Access the VSUEE

Submission of requirements
CO 1: Identify and Classify various types of planar and spatial; structural systems and the
manner by which these are supported for stability
CO 2: Determine the state of static and kinematic determinacy and stability of structural
systems, externally and internally

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Module No. 1 Explain the basics of Lecture using Participation
Introduction structural engineering: PPT; in class Coursework
Discussion of discussion No. 1
Lesson No. 1.1 the analysis and design topics and
Introduction to Structural process, structural forms, example
Engineering; The Analysis nature of loads, building problems
and Design Process; materials
Structural Forms; Nature of
Loads and Building
1-2 Draw an idealized
Lesson 1.2 Coursework
Idealization of Structure Identify types of No. 2
Quiz No. 1
Compute support
Lesson 1.3 Discussion of Participation
Determinacy and Stability of topics and in class
Beams; Pin-Connected discussion
Structures and Frames example
Identify whether a beam,
pin-connected structure
or frame is stable or

Identify whether a beam,

pin-connected structure
or frame is determinate
or indeterminate.

Compute the degree of

indeterminacy of a beam,
3 pin-connected structure
or frame.

Lesson 1.4 Identify whether a truss

Determinacy and Stability of is stable or unstable.
Identify whether a truss No. 3
is determinate or

Compute the degree of

indeterminacy of truss.
Quiz No. 2

CO 3: Apply the methods of structural analysis for external and internal actions on various types
of structural systems due to static and moving loads

Page 5 of 14
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Module No. 2 Lecture using Participation Coursework
Analysis for External PPT; in class No. 4
Reactions and Internal Discussion of
Stress Resultants of discussion
topics and
Statically Determinate

Lesson No. 2.1 Use the assumptions in Topic

Assumptions for the the truss analysis consultation
Analysis of Trusses

Identify, by inspection,
Lesson 2.2 members of trusses that No. 5
Zero-Force Members in resist zero-force

Solve member forces of No. 6
a complex truss
Lesson 2.3
Analysis of Complex
No. 7

Quiz No. 3

Solve member forces of Long
a space truss Examination
Lesson 2.4 No. 1
Analysis of Space Trusses

No. 8

No. 9
Solve tension forces in
Lesson 2.5 cables subjected to
Cables: Part 1 Concentrated concentrated loads

Solve tension forces in

parabolic cables
Lesson 2.6
Cables: Part 2 Parabolic

Solve tension forces in

catenary cables
Lesson 2.7
Cables: Part 3 Catenary
CO 4: Develop intuition on deflected shapes of structures under loading
CO 5: Demonstrate by numerical calculations and other methods the concepts, principles and

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
theories of structural analysis
Module No. 3 Lecture using Participation
Classical Methods of PPT; in class
Structural Analysis for Discussion of
Translations (deflections) topics and
and Rotations of Statically example
Determinate Structures problems

Lesson 3.1 Topic

Double-Integration Method consultation
in Beams
Solve deflections and Coursework
rotations of beams using No. 10
double integration
Lesson 3.2 method
Area-Moment Method in Coursework
Beams and Frames No. 11
Solve deflections and
rotations of beams and
plane frames using area-
Lesson 3.3 moment method Coursework
Conjugate-Beam Method in No. 12
Solve deflections and
6-8 rotations of beams using
conjugate beam method
Quiz No. 4
Lesson 3.4
Castigliano’s First Theorem
in Beams and Plane Frames Solve deflections and
rotations of beams and Coursework
plane frames using No. 13
Castigliano’s first
Lesson 3.5
Unit-Load/ Virtual Work Quiz No. 5
Method in Beams, Plane
Frames and Plane Truss Solve deflections and
rotations of beams and
plane frames using unit-
load method/virtual work
Lesson 3.6
Partial Derivative Method in
Beams and Plane Frames Solve deflections and
rotations of beams and
plane frames using
partial derivative method
9 Midterm Examination

Page 7 of 14
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Module No. 4 Lecture using Participation
Classical Methods of PPT; in class
Structural Analysis for Discussion of
Statically Indeterminate topics and discussion
Structures example
Lesson 4.1
Double Integration Method Solve indeterminate Topic
for Indeterminate Beams consultation
beams using double No. 14
integration method

Lesson 4.2
Area-Moment Method for
Indeterminate Beams
Solve indeterminate
beams using area- Coursework
moment method No. 15

Lesson 4.3
Conjugate-Beam Method for
Indeterminate Beams Solve indeterminate Quiz No. 6
beams using conjugate
beam method
Lesson 4.4
Castigliano’s Second Coursework
Theorem for Indeterminate Solve indeterminate No. 16
Beams and Plane Frames beams and plane frame
using Castigliano’s
10-14 Lesson 4.5 second theorem
Unit Load/Virtual Work Coursework
Method for Indeterminate No. 17
Beams and Plane Frames
Solve indeterminate
beams and plane frame
using unit load method/
Lesson 4.6
virtual work method
Partial Derivative Method for
Indeterminate Beams and
Plane Frames

Lesson 4.7 Solve indeterminate

Moment Distribution Method beams and plane frame
for Indeterminate Beams using partial derivative
and Plane Frames Coursework
No. 18
Lesson 4.8
Three-Moment Equation
Method for Indeterminate
Beams and Plane Frames
Solve indeterminate
beams and plane frame
Lesson 4.9
using moment
Method of Consistent
distribution method
Deformation for
Indeterminate Beams and
Plane Frames Solve indeterminate
beams and plane frame
Lesson 4.10 using three-moment
Slope-Deflection Method for
Indeterminate Beams and equations
Plane Frames Coursework
No. 19
Lesson 4.11

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Matrix Analysis Solve indeterminate
beams and plane frame
using method of Long
consistent deformation/ Examination
superposition No. 2

Solve indeterminate
beams and plane frame
using slope-deflection

Solve indeterminate
beams and plane frame
using matrix analysis
CO 5: Demonstrate by numerical calculations and other methods the concepts, principles and
theories of structural analysis
Module No. 5 Lecture using Participation
Approximate Methods of PPT; in class
Structural Analysis for Discussion of
Statically Indeterminate topics and discussion
Plane Frames example
Lesson 5.1 Solve approximately
Portal Method indeterminate plane Topic
frames using portal consultation

15-16 Lesson 5.2 Solve approximately

Cantilever Method indeterminate plane
frames using cantilever

Lesson 5.3 Solve approximately

Factor Method indeterminate plane
frames using factor
No. 20

Module No. 6 Lecture using Participation

Influence Lines for PPT; in class
External Reactions and Discussion of
Internal Stress Resultants topics and
of Indeterminate example
Structures problems

Lesson 6.1 Draw influence lines for Topic

Influence lines for Reactions reactions, of consultation
of Indeterminate Structures indeterminate structures
Draw influence lines for
shear of indeterminate
Lesson 6.2 structures
Influence lines for Shear of
Indeterminate Structures

Lesson 6.3 Coursework

Influence lines for Moment No. 21
of Indeterminate Structures

Page 9 of 14
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Draw influence lines for
moments of
indeterminate structures

Distribution of Participation
Student Self-Assessment Survey in the
Survey Questionnaire Survey
18 Final Examination

12. Life-long Learning Opportunities

The knowledge of structural analysis and approximate analysis of structures will be learned
by the students at the end of the semester; this knowledge shall be added to their technical
know-how on structural analysis and design and shall be applied eventually when they
become practicing civil engineers.

13. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component

General Education: 0%
Basic Engineering: 50%
Professional Engineering: 50%

14. References and Other Learning Resources

A. Textbook(s)/ E-Books
Hibbeler RC. (2011). Structural Analysis. (9th Edition) United States of America: Pearson
Prentice Hall

Rajan, SD. (2001). Introduction to Structural Analysis and Design. (4th Edition) United
States of America: John Wiley & Sons

Utku, S; Norris, CH; Wilbur, JB. (1991). Elementary Structural Analysis. (4th Edition)
United States of America: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

B. Other Learning Resources

Lectures ni Sir Mars (youtube channel)
Open Educational Resources

15. Course Assessment and Evaluation

The performance of students will be assessed and evaluated based on the following:
Major Examinations + Long Examinations + Quizzes + Courseworks = Total
35% 30% 20% 15% 100%

Percentage No. of Times in the Individual Task

Item No. Assessment Tasks Contribution Semester % Contribution
(1) (2) (1/2)
1 Courseworks (CW) 15 21 0.72%/CW
2 Quizzes (Q) 20 6 3.33%/Q
3 Long Examinations (LE) 30 2 15.00%/LE
4 Major Examinations (ME) 35 1 35.00%/ME

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
100 30

Weight in Average for Target and
COs Assessment Tasks
Percent Satisfactory Standards
Coursework 1 0.72% 60%
Coursework 2 0.72% 60% At least 70% of the
Quiz 1 3.33% 60% students have at least
Coursework 3 0.72% 60% 60% score
Quiz 2 3.33% 60%
Coursework 4 0.72% 60%
Coursework 5 0.72% 60%
Coursework 6 0.72% 60%
At least 70% of the
Coursework 7 0.72% 60%
CO3 students have at least
Quiz 3 3.33% 60% 60% score
Long Examination 1 15.00% 60%
Coursework 8 0.72% 60%
Coursework 9 0.72% 60%
Coursework 10 0.72% 60%
Coursework 11 0.72% 60%
Coursework 12 0.72% 60%
Quiz 4 3.33% 60%
Coursework 13 0.72% 60%
Quiz 5 3.33% 60%
Midterm Examination 17.50% 60% At least 70% of the
Coursework 14 0.72% 60% students have at least
Coursework 15 0.72% 60% 60% score
Quiz 6 3.33% 60%
Coursework 16 0.72% 60%
Coursework 17 0.72% 60%
Coursework 18 0.72% 60%
Coursework 19 0.72% 60%
Long Examination 2 15.00% 60%
Coursework 20 0.72% 60% At least 70% of the
CO5 Coursework 21 0.62% 60% students have at least
Final Examination 17.50% 60% 60% score
TOTAL 100.00%
Passing Percentage 60%

Grading System (60% Passing)

Range Grade Range Grade
95.56-100.00 1.00 52.50-59.99 3.25
91.11-95.55 1.25 45.00-52.49 3.50
86.67-91.10 1.50 37.50-44.99 3.75
82.22-86.66 1.75 30.00-37.49 4.00

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
77.78-82.21 2.00 22.50-29.99 4.25
73.33-77.77 2.25 15.00-22.49 4.50
68.89-73.32 2.50 07.50-14.99 4.75
64.44-68.88 2.75 00.00-07.49 5.00
60.00-64.43 3.00

16. Course Policies

A. Conduct of Classes
1. The classes for this course are to be conducted during the schedule as reflected in
the official schedule or as agreed during the class.
2. Students may communicate with the Instructor through preferred communication
channels of the Instructor.

B. Student Conduct During Classes

1. Students are to attend all classes as agreed during the class orientation. Attendance
to classes shall be checked and recorded. Failure to attend must be duly informed to
the instructor.
2. Students are encouraged to participate during classes while upholding the attitude
expected of a professional including being respectful, attentive, punctual, honest, and
3. Students are expected to dress appropriately during the class.
4. Minimum health protocols shall be properly observed.
5. Students shall observe cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom at all times.

C. Course Activities
1. All course activities shall be performed by the students, either individually or by
group, as required, and shall be performed while following the instructions, rules, and
regulation of the activity.
2. Missed activities shall be communicated to the instructor, within a limited time frame,
for compliance purposes.
3. Students are expected to perform all activities in full honesty.

D. Final Provisions
1. Specific and details for the previously stated policies shall be provided by the
instructor during the Course Orientation.
2. All policies set forth, including addition and amendments during the Course Orientation,
shall be strictly implemented. Non-compliance to the policies shall have their
respective consequences depending on the degree of violation.
3. All policies set forth, including addition and amendments during the Course Orientation,
shall be applicable for the whole semester and are applicable to this course only.

17. Course Materials and Facilities Made Available

• Lecture Materials
• LCD/LED Projector and projector screen
● Zoom/ Google Meet/ Messenger Rooms/ Microsoft Teams/ Moodle/ Youtube

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Revision Date of
Date of implementation Highlights of Revision
number Revision
00 01 May 2020 1st Sem. AY 2020-2021 ISO and OBE Format
Update of course contents
01 04 Oct 2020 1st Sem. AY 2020-2021 and
OBTL Format
02 21 Aug 2021 1st Sem. AY 2021-2022 Instructor’s Information and
DIMRC Informations
12 September 2022
03 19 Aug 2022 ISO and OBE Format
1st Sem. AY 2022-2023 Engr. Marcelo T. Abrera, Jr.

19. Preparation
Name Signature Date Signed
Prepared by
Engr. Marcelo T. Abrera, Jr.


1. Name of Instructor/Professor Engr. Marcelo T. Abrera, Jr.
2. Office and Department Department of Civil Engineering/
Office of the Director for Planning and Infrastructure
Project Development and Monitoring/
Office of the Head for Infrastructure Project
Development and Monitoring/
Office of the Vice-President for Planning, Resource
Generation and Auxiliary Services
3. Telephone/Mobile Numbers +63 947 882 2345
4. Email Address [email protected]
5. Consultation Time Refer to Instructor’s Program

20. Department Instructional Materials Review Committee:

Committee Name Signature Date Signed

Member: Engr. Gladys G. Doydora

Member: Ar. Raffy Andrew G. Loreto

Chairperson: Prof. Epifania G. Loreto

Name Signature Date Signed

Verified by: Dr. Jannet C. Bencure
Dean, College of Engineering and
Validated by: Dr. Nancy D. Abunda

1) The number of POs will depend on each degree program offered
2) COs and Relationship to POs

Page 13 of 14
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
a. (I) - Introductory – an Introductory Course to an outcome
b. (E) - Enabling – an Enabling Course or a course that strengthens the
c. (D) - Demonstrated – a Demonstrative Course or a course demonstrating an

(3) Distribution of copies: OHIMD, Department, Faculty

Page 14 of 14
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge v1 11-19-2021
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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