Lesson Plantita Final Detailed

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Republic of the Philippines


Narciso Street, Surigao City


Teacher Certificate Curriculum
Final Demonstration

November 5, 2022
7:00 am - 8:00 am


At the end of the lesson, TCC students can:

a. identify the types of phrases;

b. appreciate the construction of phrase structure tree; and

c. Draw or construct a phrase structure tree.


Topic: Phrase Structure Tree

Lesson: English Syntax

Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, projector, laptop, bond paper/kartolina, and

markers/whiteboard markers.

Reference: The State University of New York at Albany retrieved from




A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drills
*Greetings: Good morning, class. It has -Good morning, Sir
always been so nice meeting you.

-As you already know, I am Harold G.

Concilles, together with my partner, Ma’am Vera
Crystal E. Labay, we will be your teachers for
today’s learning experience.
*Prayer: before we start seriously, Let’s have -Student A: Father God in heaven, this very
a prayer first. May I request, Student A to lead the moment right here and now, we celebrate your
prayer. love and wisdom. We thank you for the intellectual
blessing that you bestowed upon us, the SNSUans.
We thank you for the track that leads us to you.
You know that you are our strength and refuge at

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

all negativities that we encounter in this world. We

welcome your holy presence this afternoon as we
go through discussion. Touch the heart of
everyone present here. You know that with your
holy spirit, no negativities can extinguish the fire
that’s burning inside our hearts. Without you we
can do nothing. In the midst of division and
conflicts and to build peace with all people of
sincere hearts who believe in your love and
compassion. AMEN.

-Thank you so much, Student A, for leading -Student A: It’s a great pleasure, Sir.
the prayer.
-You may now take your seats -Everyone: Thank you, Sir.

2. Review
-In grade schools, we were able to know the
Part of Speech. Who among you here can -Student B: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
enumerate the parts of speech? adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection, and
-Do you still remember what a noun is? -Student C: Yes, Sir. Noun refers to the name
of something, like a name of person, place, thing,
or idea.
-Very Good! Thank you so much students B
and C. That was impressive!

3. Motivation
-Now, are you familiar with this game -Some: Yes, Sir.
“William harem he?” -Others: No, Sir.

-I see that you are in division with your

response, but it’s alright. In this game, you are just
going to guess the words in a phrase and
transform it into a formal phrase or sentence. For
“William harem he?” means “Will you
marry me?”
-Did you get now what you are going to do? -Everyone: Yes, Sir.

-Okay. If so, let’s do these:

“Aisle of chick in nag each!” -Student F: I love chicken nuggets
“Four nay shuns grater haist!” -Student D: For nation’s greater heights!”
“Hair old council yes” -Student E: Harold Concilles
“Aisle of I scream!” -Student G: I love ice cream!
“Cook a cool a bud e” -Student H: Coca cola body

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

“Hue our nut all loud!” -Student I: You are not allowed!
“bee cost my cone senses clerk” -Student J: because my conscience is clear.

B. Lesson Proper/Developmental Activities

1. Activity
Now, I will group you into four groups. Each
group will be given a bond paper, and there you
will have your answers written.
(Show the instructions of the activity)

Direction: Read the paragraph carefully. “Psychology is the scientific study of behavior
Collect five phrases that you see. Write your and mental processes. Educational psychology is
answers on the bond paper and choose one the branch of psychology that specializes in
presenter for the activity. understanding teaching and learning in
educational settings. Educational psychology is a
vast landscape that will take us an entire book to

Did you get the instruction, class? -Everyone: Yes, Sir.

Okay, I will give you three minutes to
complete the task.
Your timer starts now (The groups start working on the activity for
three minutes)

2. Analysis
Time is up. I guess everyone is ready to
present. May I request the presenter in group 1. (Group 1 representative presents their work.)
Please share to the class your 5 phrases.

Good job, group 1! You have chosen five

correct answer! Let’s give them “Saksi mo” Everyone: clap (1,2,3)
applause. ready go! Stamp (1,2,3)
Kaski Mo!!

Thank you. Now let’s give Group 2 the

chance to share their activity output. May I
request the representative of group 2. Please (Group 2 representative presents their work.)
share to the class your 5 phrases.

Job well done, Group 2! All the phrases are Everyone: clap (1,2,3)
correct. Let’s give them “videohe ko” applause Stamp (1,2,3)
Videohe Ko!!

Thank you so much. Now let’s have the

Group 3 representative to share their activity (Group 3 representative presents their work.)

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

Congratulations, group three. You’ve got five Everyone: clap (1,2,3)

correct phrases. Okay, everyone, let’s give them Stamp (1,2,3)
“galing galing” applause. Galing-galing-galing!!

Now let’s have the last group. May I request

the representative to present your output to the (Group 4 representative presents their work.)

Congratulations, group four. You’ve got five

correct phrases. Okay, everyone, let’s give them Everyone: clap (1,2,3)
“balitang ina” applause. Stamp (1,2,3)

3. Abstraction
Can anyone share to the class his idea of
what’s going to be the topic this morning? Student M: Our topic today has something to
do with phrases, Sir.

Exactly! Our topic today is all about phrases.

And these are the intended learning outcomes
that we are going to attain today.

At the end of the lesson, you can already:

a. identify the types of phrases;
b. appreciate the construction of phrase
structure tree; and
c. Draw or construct a phrase structure

Are you all excited? Everyone: Yes, Sir!

Okay!! Our topic for today is phrase

structure tree. What enters your mind when you
hear the word “phrase?” Can anybody share his -Student A: a group of words, Sir.
prior knowledge?

That’s correct! Thank you so much, Student A.

Now, please look at the presentation. -Student B: In syntax and grammar, a phrase
Student B, can you read the texts for everyone? is a group of words that has meaning.

Yes, it’s a group of word that entails

meaning. It’s not just a group of words. It should

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

have meaning.

Now can we consider this “me because -Student C: No, Ma’am.

dress” a phrase?

Why do you think? -Student C: Because it does not entail


Yes, exactly! As we can see, it’s a group of

word, but it does not make any sense.
Now, do you already understand what a -Everyone: Yes, Sir.
phrase is?

. .

Okay, now let’s proceed to the types of

phrases. We have here noun phrase, verb phrase,
adjective phrase, and prepositional phrase.

Actually there’s more types of phrases, but

for the meantime, we will focus on the essential.
Student D, can you please read the 1st type of -Student D: A noun phrase is a group of two
phrase? or more words that is headed by a noun (a person,
place, or thing) and includes modifiers and

Thank you, Student D. A noun phrase is a

group of two or more words that is headed by a
noun (a person, place, or thing) and includes
modifiers and determiners.

Det. + adj. + noun

We can see here three highlighted words:
noun, modifiers and determiners. We already
know that a noun is a name of person, place,
things and ideas, but modifiers and determiners
may seem new in our ears, right? -Everyone: Yes, Sir.

When we say modifiers, these are adjectives

or describing words that stand before the head
noun. Again it stands before the headnoun.
Example, we have here two words “good friend”

Can anyone share to the class, which one is

the modifier or the adjective and which one is the

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

noun? -Student E: Good is the modifier and friend is

the noun.

Very Good! Now let’s have determiners.

Determiners are words that stand before the noun
or before the modifier. We have three article
determiners (a, an,the).

Now let us see how a noun phrase is

constructed in a tree.
For example, “a good friend” “the moon”
“an immediate response”

Now let’s proceed to the 2nd type of phrase.

Student F, can you please read the description on -Student F: In linguistics, a verb phrase is a
the 2nd type of phrase? syntactic unit composed of a helping verb or
auxiliary verbs and the main verb.

Yes, Thank you. The formula for verb

phrase is helping verbs plus the main verb. For
Will learn, must do, is asking and the likes.
(The teacher points which words are helping verbs
and main verbs.)

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

Now let’s proceed to the adjective phrase.

Can you read the description for everyone, -Student G: Yes, Ma’am… An adjective phrase
Student G? is a phrase whose head is an adjective.

Thank you so much. Okay, the formula for

adjective phrase is adverb plus adjective (Too high,
very well, extremely good, very good,). Can you
point out which of the given examples is the -Student H: This one is the adverb and this
adverb and which one is adjective? one is the adjective.

Now let’s have the prepositional phrase. It

says here that prepositional phrase is a group of
words consisting of a preposition and a noun. We
also have two formulas for prepositional phrase:
Prep. + noun (for you)
Prep. + noun phrase (for the young boy)

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

Do you have questions regarding the -Everyone: none, Ma’am.

Can we now proceed to sentence structure -Everyone: Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, since you don’t have questions, let’s

now proceed to sentence structure tree. It’s just
the same with the one we did earlier. So I believe
you can easily understand it.
It’s very important to know the essentials of
a sentence. Can someone share to the class what
are the two parts of a sentence? Again parts of a -Student I: There are two main parts of a
sentence, not types of a sentence. sentence: the subject part and the predicate part.

(explains the subject part and predicate part)

Now, Student J, please stand up. Please give

me one short sentence or simple sentence. -Student J: The little girl was singing.

Thank you. Now, Student K, please stand up.

Please identify the subject part and the predicate -Student K: “the little girl” is the subject part
part. and “was singing” is the predicate part.

That is correct! As we can see, the subject

part is actually a noun phrase and the predicate
part is a verb phrase. Did you get it? -Everyone: Yes, Ma’am

Now, this is how you are going to construct a

phrase structure tree.

Now do you understand already how a

sentence tree is constructed, or you still want -Everyone: Yes, Sir. Some more examples.
another examples?

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

Okay another example for the sentence “the

old man has passed away”

Now, do you already get phrase structure -Everyone: Yes, Sir
tree this time?

5. Application
Okay, since we are done discussing the
phrase structure tree, who would like to try
structuring this phrase “on the floor”? -Student B: May I try, Ma’am?

Yes, sure. Here’s the marker, Student B… (constructing on the board)

Very good! You got it right. How about these

“the blind mice”
“has done” (class, volunteering on the board)
“am being exhausted”
“wonders of the world”

Thank you so much, guys for doing your best.

I see that you are now ready for evaluation.


1.) Direction: Look around this classroom, and get a phrase (one phrase of preference). It can be a
noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, or a prepositional phrase. Then construct a phrase structure
tree using the phrase you have chosen. Select a presenter to share your work to the class.

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City

2.) Direction: Go to your Messenger app chatheads. Select two simple sentences and make a phrase
structure tree for each sentence. Select a presenter to share your work to the class.


Direction: Search for a current news headline, and pick all the phrases that you see. Make a
phrase structure tree for each phrase.

Prepared by:

TCC - 1B

Tel. Nos.: (086) 826-0135; Email: [email protected]

(086) 231-7798 URL: ssct.edu.ph

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