Reading Compehension Week1

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Reading Comprehension.

Week 1
Exercise 1. Read the following text carefully; read it at least two times. Then answer
the following questions. Use a digital dictionary if you are having trouble understanding

A Special Christmas Present

David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David's
father gives him $5.00 pocket money a week, and David saves $2.00 a week into his
bank account. After three months, David takes $20.00 out of his bank account and goes
to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for the perfect gift.
Suddenly, he sees a beautiful necklace in the shape of his favorite pet, a dog. He says to
himself, "My mother loves jewelry, and the necklace costs only $17.00." He buys it and
takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He
is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his
mother's face. But when his mother opens the present, she screams with fright because
she sees a spider.

1. - What does David want to buy for his Mother?

a) A special birthday present
b) A Christmas present
c) A spider ring

2. - Who does David get his money from?

a) His pet
b) His mother
c) His father
3. - How much money does David take to the mall?
a) $20.00
b) $5.00
c) $17.00

4. - What does David buy for his mother?

a) A necklace
b) A brooch
c) A spider

5. - What does David do with the present when he takes it home?

a) He gives it to his mother
b) He wraps it in Christmas paper
c) He is very excited

6. - Where does David put the present on Christmas Eve?

a) Under his pillow
b) Under a spider
c) Under the Christmas tree

Exercise 2. Read the following text carefully; read it at least two times. Then answer
the following questions. Use a digital dictionary if you are having trouble understanding

The Lovely Corner

Going to a restaurant can be a fantastic experience, especially if you go with your family and
friends. My family likes to visit a place in our neighborhood called “Sophie´s corner”; It is a
small restaurant whose owner is an adorable old woman called Sophie. The place is very lovely,
with beautiful furniture and big windows surrounding the round building. Sophie has an
amazing menu at her place. My favorite dish is the tomato soup. It is creamy, spicy, and
delicious. Sophie serves it with buttered toasts and some chunks of cheese. If I am in the mood
for something sweet, I can always order a good piece of apple pie. Sophie´s apple pie is the best
in town; it has big slices of apple and the crust is frankly amazing. My brother´s favorite is the
carrot cake. On Sundays it is almost impossible to get a table; people wait outside Sophie´s for
hours to enjoy the delicious food. We usually visit it during weekdays and Sophie in person will
come to our table and serve us our food. Definitely, I will think twice before moving far away
from Sophie´s Corner.

1. Sophie´s Corner is a big restaurant.

True False
2. The person telling the story is the mother of the family.
True False
3. Sophie is a young woman.
True False
4. The favorite dish of the person telling the story is apple pie.
True False
5. If Sophie has time, she will take your order and bring you your food.
True False
6. The building where Sophie´s Corner is, is a round place.
True False

Exercise 3. Read the following text carefully; read it at least two times. Then answer
the following questions. Use a digital dictionary if you are having trouble understanding

Marrying My Best Friend

Peter has been my friend since I was a very little girl. I was a lonely 6 year-old girl
living in a house full of big sisters when the moving truck came and started unloading
big pieces of furniture inside the old house next to ours. I ran downstairs to be part of
the excitement. There, standing on the street, was a blond little boy looking at the house
with eyes wide open.
We became inseparable since that day. We used to spend every afternoon together
playing all kinds of games, watching TV, or reading stories. We went to the same
school, so doing our schoolwork together only made sense. Years passed and soon we
were heading towards different directions as we chose a college. Although we used to
talk on the phone a lot during our first year apart, soon we stopped doing it as we were
both really busy with our new friends.
Our paths crossed again years after we graduated when the company I was working for
sent me to visit a client in the city where he was living and working in. We met in a
restaurant and instantly connected again. Two months later we got married. Our parents
are still next- door neighbors and are happy sharing their grandchildren. I think getting
married to my best friend was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Use the following adjectives to describe the situations listed below.

busy, big, happy, little, old.
1. She is very happy to be married to her best friend.
2. Her friend’s house was old.
3. Her friend was a litte, blond boy.
4. The pieces of furniture were big.
5. In college they were really busy with their friends.
Exercise 4. Read the following text carefully; read it at least two times. Then answer
the following questions. Use a digital dictionary if you are having trouble understanding
My grandfather´s store
My grandfather owns a grocery store located in a little town in the coast. He sells all kinds
of things, from loaves of bread to pounds of butter, cleaning products, fancy jams, cheese,
ham, and assorted candy, fruits like apples, bananas and watermelons. Very early in the
morning, he goes to the fish market to get really good fish at good prices to resale in his
store. My grandmother helps him in the store by preparing food that she sells in small
containers for lunch like sandwiches and salads.
My grandfather’s store is very popular; he knows all the customers that shop at his store all
the time. My grandfather knows what they like and makes sure he always has it in stock.
There is one lady in particular who comes to the store every afternoon at the same hour.
Their routine goes something like this:
-Hello Mrs. Johnson; good afternoon! - says my grandpa.
-Good afternoon Mr. Smith.
-What can I get you today? - asks my grandpa.
-I would like one pound of flour, two sticks of butter, ¼ gallon of milk, 3 eggs and a jar
of jam please.
-What are you preparing today Mrs. Johnson?
-I will bake a cake for my son; he likes it covered with jam.
-Very nice Mrs. Johnson; here you have everything you need.
-Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. How much do I owe you?
-That will be $23 please.
-I have a $50; here you go.
-Thank you Mrs. Johnson; here is your change: $27. Please come back soon.

1. Observe the underlined words; they are all NOUNS. Divide them into countable and
uncountable and write them in the chart. The first one is
Uncountable Countable
_________fish_____________ _apples_________________
_fine jams________________ _bananas_______________
_cheese_________________ _watermelons___________
_ham____________________ _salads__________________
_loaves of bread_________ _sandwiches_____________
_Punds of butter__________
_assorted sweets__________

2. What words can you find in the reading that help us turn uncountable nouns into
Cheese,ham,fune jams, assorted sweets,pounds of butter
3. Who was the customer?
Mrs. Johnson
4. Order the following words to form a sentence.
Is/ shop/the/ customer/ the/ of/Mrs. Johnson
Mrs. Johnson is the customer of the shop.

5. Where is the store located?

In a little town near the coast.

6. What does Mrs. Johnson's son like?

A cake covered in jam.
Exercise 5. Read the poster's information about two recently opened restaurants. Answer
the following questions. (Look up the meaning of the new words; this will help you
improve your vocabulary)
1. If you want to eat Italian food, you will go to:
2. If you want to get together with your friends, the best place would be…
3. How long do you have to wait for a table if you don’t arrive early?
4. If you want to eat a chicken dish you go to….
5. If you want to meet Tony you go to…

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