Co-Creation Code Deck - Rowena Pattee Kryder

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Co-Creation Code Deck


by Rowena Pattee Kryder

Golden Point Productions

Crestone, Colorado
The Co-Creation Code Deck is a way you can co-create with
many realms- including primal forces, angels, gods and god-
desses, elementals, plants, animals, galaxies, atoms and much
more. Your co-creative capacity is inherent in that your soul
knows a symbolic-archetypal-language that interconnects all
domains. Your soul uses this language in dreams as well as myths
art, and symbols. For health and wholeness on all levels, it is
beneficial to have cycling, flowing consciousness that opens both
visible and invisible worlds.
To use these cards and book is as easy as quieting down,
"tuning in," and finding the deepest question or issue within your
soul that you can. Then shuffle the cards and pick one or more
cards by intuitive sensing. Look up the reading for the card in
this book by simply finding the number given at the top of the
card. Read, reflect, and trust yourself.
This deck of cards and readings has nothing to do with for-
tune-telling. It is a way of self-awareness, awakening conscious-
ness and developing co-creative capacities. How do you co-cre-
ate? By your insight into your own psyche and allowing the
suggestions in the Readings to incubate within you until you
are ready to take clear action in your daily life, in the world.
We live in a time of critical change. Within the next ten
years the whole earth will being going through "Zero-Point," a
multidimensional shift that will enable us to heighten our con-
sciousness and realize our oneness with all of life.
The Co-Creation Code Deck is a preparation for the "Zero-
point" transformation. Whether you believe the earth will go
through a "Zero-point" is actually not essential. The main thing
is that in order to restore humanity to its rightful place in the
universe, you will benefit by opening yourself to both visible
and invisible forces that have a strong influence on you. This
deck includes the archetypal images and readings of some of
the most significant entities you can co-create with.

Introduction -7
asking questions-9
picking cards and using spreads-9-13
reading -13
144 subgroup readings for cards 52 through 64-13
interpreting -14
Harmonics and archetypes-15
Archetypal correlations with a twelvetone scale-19
Chart of the harmonic order of the Co-Creation Code Decl<-21
The numbers of the cards of the Co-Creation Code Deck-22
Readings of the Co-Creation Code Deck-23
Prime Source-24
Creatrix- 25
Initiator (Michael)-27
Light (Gabriel)-28
Vibration (Raphael)-29
Grids (Uriel)-30
Creative Force-31
Spiritual Thunder-32
Spiritual Fire-33
Spiritual Water-36
Spiritual Earth-37
Receptive Force-39


Elohim-40 Unicorn-64
Ophanim-41 Minotaur-6s
Dominions-42 Tree of l<nowledge-6s
B'nai Elohim-43 Nagas-67
Hyos Ha l<oidesh-44 Sphinx-68
Erelim-45 Fairies-69
Hashmalim-46 Pillar-70
Cherubim-47 Dragon-71
Seraphim-48 Centaur-72
Elim-49 Gnomes-73
Thrones-so Crystal Spirits-74
lshim-51 Terrifying Spirits-75
Creators-52 Cells-76
Builders-53 Planets-89
Culture Heros-54 Culture-102
Nurturing Goddess-ss Galaxies-115
God of Light-s6 Stars-128
Virgin Mother-57 Ecology-141
Justice-s8 Plants-154
Healers-59 Animals-167
Heros-6o Humans-180
Pan-61 Atomic-193
Weavers-62 Grids/Crystals- 206
Furies-63 Subatomic-219
We lived poised between the unconscious and conscious,
whole and part, conditioned and creative. To become more
whole is to practise being in rhythm and resonance with all ar-
chetypes/beings and to integrate their essences in ourselves. The
Co-Creation Code Deck uses archetypal qualities in 64 cards ar-
ranged in seven octaves-from Prime Source to subatomic par-
ticles. The archetypes that you tend to receive by picking cards
may signify qualities that you need to absorb to find balance
and flow in your life.
What are archetypes? They are "primary patterns" or "sig-
natures" in the language of nature and spirit that have correla-
tions on many levels. When picking cards, allow yourself tore-
act and respond to the colours, words and images on the cards
as well as the readings. Be open to possibilities and insights you
never had before. By daily use, or even weekly use, you will be-
gin recognizing that you are resonating to certain archetypes.
In the card deck, these archetypes can be known by their col-
our, their harmonic and the little forms that symmetrically frame
the card images in this book of readings.
You may wonder how "random" picking of cards can have
anything to do with your life andjor psyche. The fact is that
archetypes interpenetrate realms of body, psyche and spirit and
there is invisible intelligence and love at work in all of your daily
activities, thoughts and feelings. It is not that we, as human
beings, don't have free will, but that we don't tend to use it! 11
is the aim of the Co-Creation Code Decl<to help us exercise our
free-will and our creativity by means of awakening self-aware-
ness to our full potential.
To do this, we need to loosen the chains that bind us, to
become aware of our conditioning, to clear obscurations to our
natural inherent gifts. It is the intent of the Co-Creation Code
Deck to help perform these tasks and others that will enable
and empower humans to be the mediators of "Heaven and
Earth." Heaven is taken to be the primal, angelic and divine
realms, represented by the first forty cards in the deck. Earth is
taken to be the elemental and natural realms of the last twenty
four cards of the Co-Creation Code Deck.
Though we humans are physical beings, along with other
sentient beings like plants, animals, and even crystal and stars,
we are also "heavenly" beings in our consciousness. Actually,
most of the physical phenomena have subtle consciousness as
well. Humans are mediators of "Heaven" and "Earth," though
we may have forgotten this as our fundamental role. Ceasing to
activate this mediating and integrating function of humanity is
part of why there is unhappiness, suffering, and all its violent
consequences, in the world. Obviously our friends in the plant,
animal, mineral and other realms suffer from our ignorance as
well. They are not merely our "environment." Sentient beings
are also co-creators, as are elementals, angels and divine pow-
ers. It is a unique human capacity, among dimensions, to poten-
tially have free will and to be creative. To exercise these pow-
ers, we need to choose to be creative, which means transform-
ing blocks and divisions in ourselves.
A fundamental division that has become almost universally
conditioned in us is that mind and matter, subjective and objec-
tive are opposites, like images reflected in parallel pools. Fur-
ther, the idea is propagated by our status quo culture that mat-
ter is real and objectivity (empirical science) is the only way to
know what is real. After fifty years of searching within my ex-
perience, researching into myths, symbols, archetypes, science,
art, religion, meditating and standing on my head! I have real-
ized that the source is neither matter nor mind, neither objec-
tive nor subjective, but can be accessed through the Eternal Light
of our souls. Synchronicity is when the subjective and objective
become one in soul awareness. When you are "tuned in" to your
soul question or issue. and pick cards. it is synchronicity operat-
ing, not randomness.
How do you know if your picking of cards is synchronicity
or randomness? The difference is the degree that you bring your
whole self into the question. Synchronicity happens when you
are resonating to whole fields of harmonic archetypes and you
feel intrinsically vitally alive. Intensity of your auric field de-
pends on your intent as well as vitality.
Ask yourself these questions: "Do I really want to free my-
self of useless conditioning? Do I really want to empower my-
self to co-create a new life based on compassion, harmony, love
and fun? Do I really want to heal? Do I really want to fulfil my
soul purpose?" You need the intensity of love to penetrate bar-
riers that conceal the answers to these questions. When you
assimilate and integrate the archetypes of the cards in the Co-
Creation Code Deck you are wholehearted, which is how inten-
sity unfolds into wholeness and misery transforms into happi-
In the Readings, I use the term "Prime Source" occasion-
ally. As that card is number one, I want to say that "Prime Source"
refers to God, the Tao, Wakan Tanka, Allah, Jod He Vau He-
the One of many names that is inherent in all subsequent har-
monic archetypes. I called it the "Love-Light" in the Vibrational
Healing Cards. Using the Co-Creation Code Deck is very easy,
but I give steps here for those who like procedure.

Asking questions:
Questions stir up the "vibrations" of the deep conscious-
ness so that the oracular intelligence can mirror any given is-
sue. The process of "attunement" to your soul is one that re-
quires practise, unless you have continued to so "attune" since
childhood. There is no one way to do this, but a good method is
to allow yourself some quiet time and space and simply sit with
an attitude of sincere desire to know the truth about some is-
sue or experience you are having. What is your question? You
may ask many questions off the top of your head, but the ques-
tion the Co-Creation Code Deck will respond to is more likely
deep within your unconscious-centered much lower down than
the top of your head! Ask before you go to bed at night. Ask
your spirit guides or go deeply within your own soul to find what
the question is.
Picking cards and using spreads:
Shuffle, while tuning into the question. Don't look at the
faces of the cards during this process. You are to shuffle and
choose "blind." That way your subconscious and unconscious
participate more fully.
The 64 cards are a whole system and you are about to "cut"
the cards and make selections, either by spreading the cards out
and picking them, or by taking cards off the top of the deck,
after cutting three times. An "interference pattern" is set up, a
pattern that best mirrors your question. If your mind did not
actually ask the question your deep soul has, then the cards will
mirror the real question, not the question your mind made up.
When you pick the cards, you will recognize the question in the
From the point of view of cosmic intelligence, nothing is
by chance. Rather, everything is meaningful. Selecting cards "by
chance," as I said before, is a synchronistic event. Synchronistic
events co-join the unconscious and conscious, body and mind,
world and self when you are aligned with your soul. You might
ask "why use an oracle?" The answer is that without using a
method beyond your conscious control, you could not access
the hidden side that is most needed to see.
Now ask inwardly what spread would be most relevant to
your issue. You can make up spreads simply by designating the
function of each card you pick. Alternatively, you might con-
sider the following spreads of cards according to your particular
need. Pick separate cards for each of the numbers given under
whatever spread you choose below:
Two card spread: Choice
The two card spread may be polar opposites or comple-
ments. You identify what the two cards are.
1) your viewpoint
2) another viewpoint you need to be aware of
Three card spread: Time
In addition to past, present and future, the three card spread
may also be three different "places" you might move, three dif-
ferent choices etc.
1) past
2) present
3) future
Four card spread: Orientation
Orientation is how grounded you are concerning the issue

and how you can bring your awareness to the different func-
tions of your life.
1) source is the quality or archetype relevant to the cause of the
2) agent is the quality that influences, organizes and adminis-
ters to the cause of the issue
3) process is the method, the archetypal quality of how the
issue is moving
4) effect is the quality of the outcome
Five-card spread: Self Integration
1) potential is the archetypal quality present now in yourself
2) a friend or enemy is the quality of support or opposition
3) a reconciling factor is the archetypal quality needed to har-
monize the issue
4) activation is the quality you need to draw forth in yourself to
actively work in the situation
5) integration is the quality you can draw forth out of yourself
for this total process.
Six-card spread: Cosmic and sexual relationships
1) gift is what you have to offer the relationship and what
you need to actualize internally and then offer
2) feminine is your goddess qualities: fertility, intuition,
nurturing, feeling
3) receptive is the archetypal quality you need to be open,
listening and receptive to another
4) creative is the quality you need to be focused, expres-
sive and communicative with another
5) masculine is your god qualities: vitality, reason, energy
and inventive
6) ancestor is both positive and negative inheritances that
you bring to the relationship: talents, genetic traits, resources,
conditioning, habits, family

Six-card spread: Creativity

1) release indicates an archetypal quality that will help you re-
lease something you may have manifested before or something
holding you back.
2) receptivity is a quality needed to allow you to be more open
to the unknown
3) inspiration is a quality that is presently inspiring you, and
giving you ideas on how to proceed in your creativity.
4) imagination is a quality that will enable you to activate your
imagination and design your inspiration
5) action is an archetypal quality enabling you to act
6) manifestation is a quality you need to actually materialize
the issue.

Seven-card spread: Healing

1) body is your present physical condition
2) mind is the quality involved in your mental condition
3) soul is the quality of your deepest soul connection
4) blind spot is the quality you need to pay attention to that
you may be unconscious of
5) changing is the archetypal quality of change occurring now
6) method is the quality you need to actively apply to the issue
7) outcome is the archetypal quality likely to occur.

Eight-card lightning spread: Manifestation

1) deep intention is a quality holding your intent
2) intuition is a quality that will bring your awareness to the
subtle influences
3) discrimination is a quality that will help you discern truth
from falsehood
4) concentration is a quality that will bring you to focus
5) community is an archetypal quality that will help you be-
come more sharing
6) emotions/feelings is a quality that can help move the issue
7) form/manifestation is an archetypal quality needed to mate-
rialize the issue.

Nine-card spread: Death, dying and release

1) the present state is the quality of presence of the person let-
ting go
2) karmic condition is the archetypal quality still held onto
3) capacity to release is the quality enabling forgiveness and
4) outward circumstance is the quality of the environment and
people involved
5) openness to change is an archetypal quality that can change
karmic conditions
6) spiritual resource is a quality you have that accesses spirit
7) healing method is an archetypal quality needed to integrate
and fulfil the life process
8) will is a quality needed to pass on to others
9) death is a quality of surrendering and acceptance
After picking cards, look up the cards by looking at theta-
ble of contents or by flipping through this book (they are num-
bered in sequence). Allow the reading to be a succinct medita-
tion. Simply be open to the truth, and watch how your thoughts
and associations respond when you read. If you react, notice
what you react about and look into yourself for any adjustments
or clearing you may want to do.
144 subgroup readings for cards 52-64
With the twelve phenomena cards (numbers 53 through
64), there are other reading options. Each of these twelve cards
have twelve subgroup readings. When you pick one of the cards
from 52 to 64 you can receive more specific detail about your
You are to just close your eyes and allow a number be-
tween 1 and 12 pop into your head. Take the first number that
comes to you and look up the reading in the twelve pages, fol-
lowing the phenomena cards you chose. Alternatively, write the
numbers 1 through 12 on cards or pieces of paper and pick one
The 144 pages have a personal reading and then a reading
about some aspect of the phenomena you choose. Reflect on
how the unique aspect and function of an atom, galaxy, plant
or animal relates to your issue. Then look at the six-phase cycle
at the bottom of the page. Reflect on how the opposites on the
cycle rotate and how your issue can be better dealt with by re-
garding it as a cycle.
To expand your thinking and to practise right-brain ana-
logical intuitive awareness, you can reflect on the three func-
tions of creation, maintenance, and transformation combining
with the four states associated with four archetypal elements:
codes (fire), flows (water), connection (air) and substance
(earth). The correlations with keynotes, colours and forms to
these twelve functions are as follows:
C magenta or infrared create codes •
Db red maintain substance •
D orange transform connection y
Eb gold create flow @)
E yellow maintain codes
F lime green transform substance
create connection
maintain flow
cyan blue
deep blue
transform codes
create substance + 0

Bb purple maintain connection
B violet or UV transform flow
Realize, as you read the subgroup readings, how your in-
spiration and processes are archetypally one with, for example,
the seed, neutron, flower, nebula, black hole, blood, breath, rock,
element, quasar, vital force, atmosphere or electron spin that is
in your selected number. The Co-Creation Code Deck works by
your active participation through empathy and by your devel-
oping archetypal consciousness. This will happen naturally as
you proceed.
For yourself or for a client, methods of interpreting best
come out of a desire for the truth of the issue and then trusting
that the cards are giving indications of that truth. When get-
ting involved in the energetic field of the Co-Creation Code Deck,
the oracular intelligence is invited in, and you can co-create with
it. The archetypes of the cards of the Co-Creation Code Deck are
vitalized as actual entities that are one with you in conscious-
ness. After having the intent of truth, be open to possibilities
you never considered. Open your receptive, intuitive capacities.

Allow things come to mind that you never thought of before.
Relate the patterns of the image or reading to the real life situ-
ation at hand. What is common between the image, the read-
ing and the living issue?
Then use memory and association. Let go of old patterns,
and go into deep, generally unconscious memory, of how you
relate to stars, stones and bones-the depths of the universe,
visible and invisible. This deck can expand your field of con-
sciousness, little by little, and reveal your interrelation with
stones, fairies, unicorns, crystals, atoms, galaxies and angels, as
well as divine powers.

Harmonics and archetypes

If you want to understand the structure of the Co-Creation
Code Deck, it is basically harmonic as well as archetypal. If you
don't want to understand some of the structure there is no need
to read this section in order to use the deck.
Out of the first harmonic of 1 as Prime Source come a II the
other harmonics as "overtones." In theory, the unfoldment would
be an infinite series of successive numbers, the tones of which
get closer and closer together as the numbers get larger. But I
have seen that species, for example, may resemble each other
to some degree, but also that each is unique. There is a qualita-
tive difference between them. Also, angelic orders of the Elohim
or Seraphim, for example, have different "jobs" in the universe.
So, in the Co-Creation Code Deck there are twelve basic arche-
typal qualities, corresponding to keynotes as follows:
C Db D Eb E F
source building distribution generation radiation feedback

F# G Ab A Bb B
balance transmission regeneration manifestation space grid unpredictable

The words given are only approximate indications of quali-

tative different "jobs" of the archetypes.
I suspect that Prime Source designs from simplicity to com-
plexity, not the other way around. We see the diversity and com-
plexity as effects of combinations and permutations of simple
archetypes in nature. Just as a symphony is complex, but is made

of a very small and finite set of tones, so also is nature made up
of relatively few archetypes in dynamic interactions.
If we consider all of creation (or what we can imagine of
it) then if we start with unity- Prime Source-we need to ask,
what model can reveal how the Divine Word or vibration cre-
ates? My answer is harmonics. With harmonics we have a tone,
musicians call the fundamental, and it has overtones. If the fun-
damental is like Prime Source, the overtones are like archetypes,
which, through divine consciousness, become phenomena. So if
we take Cas the fundamental, the next overtone is an octave of
C, which I call the Creatrix, who is in harmonic oneness with
Prime Source. The next overtone is the Perfect Fifth or G. The
perfect fifth may be said to represent the wave-groups of Prime
Source's divine "Word" or vibration. I call this card 3- Logos, or
divine "word." Later, in creation, the Perfect Fifth interval as
archetype, becomes "water" and sexuality in all living systems.
For sexuality is one sensation and fulfilment of the polarities
expressed in all wave-phenomena.
The next overtone is again a higher octave of C as the
number 4· As the overtones of the fundamental introduce new
tones, the overtones are set within the context of the octave.
Octaves are always double the harmonic number. Prime Source-
Creatrix is inherent in all the "tones" or phenomena that pro-
ceed from itself. The octave from 4-7 has two new overtones:
the Major Third- E- and the minor Seventh- Bb.
C-Prime Source
2 3
C-Creatrix G-Logos
4 5 6 7
(-Initiator E-Light G-Vibration Bb-Space
E as an archetype, in the Co-Creation Code Deck, relates
to light. Bb, its opposite, as an archetype, relates to space, grids
and crystals (as manifestations of grid-lattices). In the discus-
sion below I give the "cosmic scheme" name and its function
first, then a few words on the form.

key of (-CELLS-create codes-In terms of energy-
• forms, I take C and magenta as source. Magenta fuses the
ultraviolet and infrared ends of the visible spectrum. Other
sources we know are seeds, DNA, the code of something to
be and I represent this archetype as a point.
key of G-ANIMALS-maintain flow-Cyan, G and the

I wave of polarity is undulating, attracting, repelling and trans-

mitting. This I represent with the wave form.
key of E-STARS-maintain codes-Yellow, E and light
~ are radiating, broadcasting, expansive, but coming from a
~ point like suns and stars. I use the radial form for this arche-
key of Bb-GRIDS/CRYSTALS-maintain connection-
Purple, Bb suggests a vast grid or net of geometrical pat-
~~ terns throughout space. Archetypally this implies an all-per-
vading presence, containing the angles and geometrical pat-
terns of space, represented by the grid or geometric form.
The next octave from numbers 8 to 15 reveal 9 tones
and five new overtones. What are the qualities of these new
tones as archetypes?
key of D-CULTURE-transform connection- This ar-
chetype is branching and orange. Branches distribute sap,
>-{J.< food, air, light-in other words, there are connections trans-
1 formed between different realms. This archetype is the dis-
tributer/communicator. Culture's purpose is to distribute in-
formation and goods so that the whole of society is nour-
key ofF-ECOLOGY-transform substance- The light
of theE archetype is returning toward its source as feedback
in lime green leaves. The light is received and given back in

* new form. I intuitively see this as a torus in three dimen-

sions or a loop in two dimensions. This archetype represents
feedback, reciprocity, the interchange of substance within a
key ofF#- PLANTS- create connection-correlates, in
this system, with green. It is archetypally an axis connecting

I above and below. This is the function of most plants. Green

is the "middle" colour of the visible spectrum and the col-
umn is the mediating balanced axis of support.

key of A-ATOMS-create substance-A in our colour Q
sequence would be deep blue. Archetypally it has a mani-
festing, creating and preservation gesture. The form is a
sphere or circle.
key of B-SUBATOMIC-transform flow-In this sys-
tem, the next new tone of B is ultraviolet or red-violet. Here,
in terms of colour, we move toward the invisible again, but
at the ultraviolet end of the spectrum rather than the infra-
red end of the spectrum. Shifting into higher frequency, there
is, at once, a dissolution and transmutation-an increase in
the flow of energy. This archetype may appear as chaos,
randomness, the unpredictable. But in terms of archetypal
function there is an unconscious change, a transmutation
which regulates on a whole new level.
As we return to C-16, the new oc-
tave from 16-31 opens to a whole new
octave of archetypes. There are three
new tones in the next octave and they
fill the twelve-tone scale in a symmetry
of Db and Eb around the axis of Ab:
key of Ab- HUMAN- transform codes- This tone is
closest to the PHI (golden mean) proportion in the frequency ~~.:
ratios. On the phenomenal level, it is represented by the ,.,
human as an integrator of all archetypes. Its color is cyan
blue, the color of the sky through the earth's atmosphere. In
Ab we have a recursive, nesting form of spirals inside spirals
or rhombuses.
key of Db- PLANET -maintain substance- This arche-
type is the step by step builder, representing patience, en- •
durance and qualities that maintain substance. Its form is
the step.
key of Eb-GALAXY-create flow- Here is the spiral-
ling generator, a creater of energy. Spirals and vortexes tend (§}
to generate flow of energy. The color is gold.
It is interesting to notice that the archetype that falls
between Db and Eb is D, correlated with culture, and culture
is opposite the human on the wheel of archetypes. See the
wheel on the next page to see how the archetypes relate to
their functions.
This "Wheel" shows the twelve archetypes of phenomena
(card numbers 52-64) with their functions and keynotes.

Archetypal Correlations with a Twelve-tone Scale

When we create a twelve-tone scale or behold the zodiac
of constellations-symbols in the sky-we are using our intui-
tive direct cognitive sense of archetypes. We are cutting off the
infinite series. We are beholding a system of symbols as a unit.
As a metamorphosis of colour and form, the overtone se-
ries goes on and on infinitely, but as a system of symbols, twelve
is a comprehensive limit, which is also a whole. To be compre-
hensive and yet not redundant is the sign of a workable system.
In archetypal healing, I use a twelvefold system which incorpo-
rates the yet simpler trinity and quaternity in all possible com-
binations. Yet it is important to keep in mind that these twelve-
fold cycles are all condensed out of the One and expand into
I use a series of ratios which reveal complementary rela-
tionships of tones before and after the tritone (F# in key of C):
C = 1/1 magenta inverse to: C = 2/1 magenta
Db= 16j15 red inverse to: B = 15/8 red-violet
D = 9/8 orange inverse to: Bb = 16/9 purple
Eb = 6/5 gold inverse to: A= 5/3 deep blue
E = 5/4 yellow inverse to: Ab = 8/5 cyan blue
F = 4/3 lime green inverse to: G = 3/2 turquoise
F# = 45/32 inverse to F# = 64/45 green

What do these harmonics mean archetypally? To answer

this question we need to use our intuitive, symbolic, analogical
hemisphere in concordance with our causal, linear, logical hemi-
sphere. We need to ask what are the necessary (and not redun-
dant) functions of a given system and what are the necessary
qualities that the functions act on?
The functions must have a sourcejorigin or nothing could
be. I call this the creation function. After some form is created,
it must sustain, endure and have continuity. I call this the main-
tenance function. But then if everything were maintained for-
ever and new forms were being created there would be no space
for new creation. Change, dissolution or destruction of forms
are also necessary. I call it the transformation function, which
in turn leads to the creative function. This trinity: creation, main-
tenance and transformation are known as the Hindu trinity of
Brahma (creator) Vishnu (maintainer) and Shiva (transformer).
This trinity is a universal pattern.
Seen as a cycle we have the permutations of creation, main-
tenance and transformation with the four qualities also related
to archetypal elements: 1) codes (fire), 2) flow (water), 3) con-
nections (air) and 4) substance (earth).
The Co-Creation Code Deck is something you can get very
creatively involved with. Start with the Procedure given at the
beginning of this introduction. By picking cards and reading,
you can prepare yourself for co-creative activity with the ar-
chetypal energies of the deck. Being a human being, you have
the opportunity of interacting with and integrating all the quali-
ties of all the cards. You don't believe it? Go for it and you will
C Db D Eb E F F# G Ab A Bb B

1/1 S/4 4/3 8/s s/3 16/9 15/8

·~~@)~*I /tOll~!
The Harmonic Order of the Co-Creation Code Deck
Vertically, in each row you will see octaves (numbers doubled); hori-
zontally a Pythagorean twelve-tone scale is given, with the key names above
and the ratios of frequencies below the main chart. The archetypal forms as-
sociated with the twelve tones are given below the ratios of frequencies.
At the bottom of each card, the harmonic of each particular archetype is
given. You will notice that certain tones are octaves of each other. As you pick
cards, you might actually play the given keynotes and feel how they resonate
together as chords, and also as melodies.
The Numbers of the Cards of the Co-Creation Code Deck
The arrangement of the cards is according to the harmonics given
on the previous page. However, the numbers here do not represent
harmonic numbers, but the numbers of the cards in the deck. You might
wish to see where the cards you pick are in the whole scheme. The
lower the number, the more inclusive. Prime Source as number 1, for
example, is inherent in all the other cards. All numbers, divided or
multiplied by 1, remain themselves!
The first octave (numbers 2-3) contains the Creatrix and the
Logos; the second octave (numbers 4-7) contains four archangels; the
third octave (numbers 8-16) contains nine primal forces, sometimes
called "The Council of Nine." The fourth octave (numbers 17-28) con-
tains twelve orders of angels; the fifth octave (numbers 29-40) is rep-
resented by gods and goddesses who assist in shaping energies; the
sixth octave (numbers 41-52) reveals imaginal and elemental beings
such as dragons and fairies; the seventh octave (numbers 53-64) rep-
resents the phenomenal world of nature, such as plants and stars.

of the Co-Creation Code Deck

1-PRIME SOURCE-God loves
You have the source of the One within you as a powerful
integrating force. Cease denying your own inner capacity to
transform all troubles into unconditional love. Realize that eve-
ryone you meet, every plant, animal and stone, is part of the
One. You are a hologram of the universe. The One is within your
every cell. Make an unconditional commitment to actualizing
your soul purpose on earth at this time. Don't hesitate to do
what appears to be impossible. God, the Tao, Allah, Jehovah,
Christ, Wakan Tanka-the One of many names-lives within
and through you. Your relationships will harmonize when you
forgive all past wounding, release all resentments and orient
yourself to being who you are: a Divine Being. Prime Source
gives grace. If you feel high psychic tensions at night or early in
the morning, receive it as a calling to union with Prime Source.

(-harmonic of 1

2-CREATRIX-Love inflames
Allow the impassioned flames of your heart to come forth
in loving acts of kindness to those you meet. The Creatrix ap-
plies love to every situation. You are empowered by her living
within you. Open your heart wider until all hurts are healed.
This vulnerable process is a tender, quiet perfection of love in
action. The Creatrix within you is creative to the point of mov-
ing time and space through a consciousness born of pure en-
ergy. This effusion of love mirrors back to you. The epiphany of
the Creatrix is twofold: the hidden and the revealed. Call out in
prayer from within your hidden heart for the effusion of love to
reach those in the world who are in need. This universal, inex-
haustible love will then reveal itself within the most hidden re-
cesses of your being. Shadows dissolve where flames of love lick
in purity. Use your imagination for new scenarios of action in
your daily life. Exalt the creative fire. Old pain coming through
to be healed feels as pain, but becomes, instead, creative power.

C-harmonic of 2

3- LOGOS- Flow harmonizes

You have entered a cycle of fluid faith. Speak the truth in
every situation-especially if there is injustice played out. Yet
judge not. Truth makes the rigid flow when there is compassion
as well. The Logos is the source of the maintenance of the river
of vibrations that enliven all things. No falsehood or pain can
stand in this river that harmonizes all with the Logos, the crea-
tive vibrations of the "Word." You may be surprised that there
is always a third factor that reconciles opposing views. Whether
you oppose yourself or another is all the same. The "Divine Word"
of the Logos breaks up any contention with a realization that
any log jam is riding on the underlying Flow of Harmony. Visu-
alize and feel colours and sounds that you need in your energy
bodies just now. Behold how a cyan blue may change to an-
other colour. Your intent to harmonize difficult situations will
transfigure what others thought was fixed. Delve deep into the
unconscious mind and make friends with the hurt and stubborn
reactive child within. Cease fighting and needing to win. There
is no winning against yourself. The Logos awakens the appari-
tions of the past and charges them with vibrant assignments.
You can be eloquent now so speak your mind!

G-harmonic of 3
4-INITIATOR (Michael)- Flame creates
Being initiated into the field of fiery visions enables you to
come to terms with worldly forces binding you. Michael works
with soul essences of your being and cuts through nonsense with
a flaming sword of clarity. Stay in your heart of hearts and know
that divinity lives within you irrevocably. Trust spiritual love-
which means releasing all expectations. What do you expect?
Drop it and center in your heart of hearts-where everything is
mirrored and where you can attain anything. Meditate on the
double-edged sword that cuts away all redundant ifs and buts,
both within and without. Your own creative counsel is to sit
with your doubts, expectations, fears and confusions while be-
ing present. Your presence is potent, but it needs cultivation by
sitting in the center of all nagging difficulties to the point of
unflinching intent and determination. You can outwit your own
tricks by outwitting all antics with patience. Creativity is bring-
ing chaos to clarity. Initiation is experiencing shadows and cut-
ting through them and letting them dissolve.

(-harmonic of 4
s-LIGHT (Gabriei)-Ciarity illuminates
The invisible Light is eternal clarity of consciousness. Sad-
ness, confusion, hurt, anxiety and ugliness are all signs of re-
fusal to accept this clear Light. Breathe Eternal Light and the
fivefold presence of living love will brighten all hidden corners
of consciousness. You are a primordial empath, but this does
not mean that you take on all the world's burdens. Pray within
for the active energy to brighten and lighten all burdens. As a
divine lover you awaken the beloved within you. As a truth
sayer you clarify delusions. Living essential goodness you walk
amidst the corrupt and bring kindness where corruption was
sown. As wisdom keeper you distinguish the many courses of
action and know the way to God. As artist you essentialize the
beautiful and bring it forth in an ascending movement of grace.
Cease practising cloudy ways and let the revelation of Gabriel
sing in your soul.

E-harmonic of s

6-VIBRATION (Raphael)- Harmony unifies

Everything you feel, think, say or do reverberates through-
out the universe. Doubt not your own depths. Allow the Light
of eternity to reflect on the ethereal waters filling your auric
field. Play in the subtle waters of life like a child. Do what you
truly enjoy. Trust the invisible essence of your being and know
that the flow of life is in maintaining unwavering friendship with
uncertainty and unpredictability. This means that you know how
to move with the flow in each instant-each changing circum-
stance. Cease trying to figure anything out and allow your im-
agination to create waves of possibility. There comes a point
when you simply need to let go of the edge of the pool in order
to swim! Have the courage that who you are is enough, and
that there is no limit to the reverberation of your deepest feel-
ings. Let them be of the Light!

G-harmonic of 6

7-GRIDS (Uriel and Council of Nine)-Space orders

You may feel at sea or in a space of mystery and uncer-
tainty, but this is the very place from which you can find a new
order of being. Align your feelings, body and mind with your
soul and trust that you are connected with the very essence of
psychic space. Visualize how you want to live, and despair not
that society has its own agenda. Letting go of social recogni-
tion, needing to "fit in" somewhere-will enable you to create a
new way of life right in the midst of troubling conditions. Eve-
rything is reversible in space. Just be who and where you are
and trust yourself to master and guide a situation that will be
the matrix for new kinds of relationships. If you want intercon-
nection, realize how you and those you know are interconnected.
Be the seven-winged node of potential order. Hold your deep-
est, most "far out" primordial images, and discover connection
with others in yourself. Design, create, make order within your-
self, and then extend the same process to others, and see where
and how you meet.

Bb-harmonic of 7.,

• •

8-CREATIVE FORCE-Creativity renews

The codes of Iife are in he rent, and joy is the intrinsic re-
ward of activating them. The Creative force is beyond imagina-
tion, but allowing it to work within you is as simple and easy as
breathing. Impose nothing on anyone, least of all on yourself,
but allow the Creative Force to conceive the inconceivable within
your spiritual heart. Your productions are not yours alone, but
are the mirrors of the Creative Force above yet within all things.
Follow your joy, not your pleasure. For pleasure and pain are a
pendulum swing of sensations, whereas joy is a fountain of re-
newal where all possibilities shine as codes of life. The Divine
creates codes through you. Use your gifts innovatively to re-
new every situation of your life. Don't let old useless habits,
views, and ways of living conquer your creativity. Hold useless
ways at bay by compassionate witnessing while creating anew.
People may be surprised by your refusal to react, combat, de-
fend-so let surprise be a passageway to equanimous joy. As
the Creative Force is mirrored in your cells, you can create a
mutually intimate dialogue with eight aspects of yourself: joy,
creativity, imagination, intent, power, patience, fortitude and

C-harmonic of 8

9-SPIRITUAL THUNDER-Emanation thunders

Thunder is the shock of awakening within you. This awak-
ening can lift the veil of the senses, which project the outer
world. Go within first and open to spontaneous impulses that
reveal the wildness in your soul. Fear no danger, for now you
live in dangerous divinity that goes beyond hesitation. Play!
Laugh! Dance! Shift your point of view! Then a direction for
branching out will spontaneously come to you. Let your psyche
behold a new outer world from a profound inner change. Let go
of all resistance and directly experience the possibilities open-
ing before you. Thunder claps in our heart to reveal a greater
reality than you have ever seen before. Your free will is not born
of hesitation, but of irresistible awareness of truth. Go for it!
Cease any compromises and stand up for what you know to be
true. You can now ignite others by simply living your truth.
Choice is not born of looking this way and that, but is born of
compelling intrinsic truth that flowers from the soul. Here is
the transmutation of rhythms of life.

D-harmonic of 9
10-SPIRITUAL FIRE-Illumination warms
You are naturally spiritual-which may or may not have
anything to do with religion. The merging of your passion and
compassion ignites a light in your heart that can spread warmth
throughout your body. Get in touch with the heart that feels
tender love without reacting to every painful situation. This spir-
itual heart emanates loving warmth to every person you meet.
The center of prayer is this heart where Spiritual Fire rays out
like a beacon while embracing all beings. Start with kindness.
Respond to some needy situation every day you can. Response
is not reactive. Reactive is hurt becoming anger. Response is
sensitivity becoming compassion. l<now that your soul is one
with the very codes of life, and it is up to you as to when and
how you unitejalign with your soul. Ignorance is obscured Spir-
itual Fire. You can remove the obscurations with loving kind-
ness and creative expression. Visualize ten flames of golden light
emanating from your heart and mind. This illumination spreads
to those you know-whether "friend" or "foe."

E-harmonic of 10
* *
11-LAKE-Ref!ection is infinite
Everywhere you behold substance, yet it is merely a reflec-
tion of a reality beyond the "vei 1." The matter of your body is in
constant change, incessant transmutation. You can now embody
what for years you have dreamed. The Lake is a place where
you manifest what you can imagine. The elements within you
are the same elements as those in your back yard or in the city
streets. By reflecting this elemental identity you can go within
the form to an insubstantial essence where the imaginal lives.
This imaginal reality is a realm of archetypes that are reflected
in matter. Read everything as a "signature" of the One, a sym-
bol of a dream world-virtual reality. From this reflection you
can manifest a cloudless sky where consciousness moves mat-
ter. Find the infinite resources within you to wholeheartedly
embody your greatest soul desire. The desire is not a sense de-
sire, but your deepest dream. Imagine!

F-harmonic of 10.6666

12-MIND-Stillness reposes
Live within the stillpoint and align with your soul. All the
world may be going mad, racing about in confusion and flux,
but you are to stay centered, strong and stable like a Mountain.
Do not be led astray by the conventional thought that objects-
things and people-are apart from you. From the stillpoint of
the Mind you, the seer, are one with all colours and forms you
behold. You can now behold the universal in the particular. Do
you not see how your friend, your house, or a tree are fully who
and what they are because they symbolize, stand for, and ema-
nate from an archetype? Mind is an archetype of the grounded
power of stillness and presence. Your repose, peace and purpose
come forth from this archetype. From the vantage of the Mind
you can see all your relationships in perspective. Prioritize your
relationships according to the values of Mind: alignment with
soul purpose, and stillness that is a living pivot point of all op-
posites. How many people you know who apply balance in every
situation? Mind in yourself can begin dynamic peace in every
conflicted situation.

F#-harmonic of11.2s

13-SPIRITUAL WATER-Oneness opens

The watery force of sexuality is a pure reservoir emanating
from the high heavens within you. As you genuinely feel the
oneness of all life, as you open and flow freely from your soul,
spirituality and sexuality are known and felt to be one. Never
let sexuality be a lusty urge separate from authentic love, for
therein lies the source of much pain, suffering and despair. This
Water is a spiritual-sexual scintillating ecstasy that no lust can
ever fulfil. If you despair that you are not pure enough to drink
this Water, try again. Your essential soul is pure enough. Use
your desires to uplift you to this watery source. This spring heals
all wounds, inspires all art, and opens all doors to relationships
and careers. Think not of effects-of getting results-but at-
tune to this watery source where spiritual sexuality flows. This
hydrous power will yield innumerable results. Open your heart
and drink from this vital fluid spring that nurtures and fulfils all

G-harmonic of 12
0 0

14-SPIRITUAL EARTH-Sphere protects

Being one with Earth you are now able to appreciate your
own body, and with appreciation, comes protection. Earth is
creative, subtle as well as substantial, and through your own
consciousness you can create your body. How? By entering the
sphere of imagination where Earth is like a womb. This deep
dark womb nurtures your body as your soul imagines how it
wants its body to be. Enter into the center of the womb as Earth
and be yourself as you want to see. Do not underestimate a
strong intent coupled with imaginative power. Earth is a spir-
itual force that is plastic, malleable, open to change. Your own
soul is a creative power that can change apparent dead matter
into Earth-a living presence. If you feel you need protection
from something you fear, work within the Earth-womb using
images of peace and protection. As you transform fear into peace
you change matter and your physical body into a dream body.
From a dream body you can manifest a new physical body that
radiates an aura of invincible protection.

A-harmonic of 13.m3
15-WIND-Order interconnects
The Wings of Wind play the harp of the collective uncon-
scious, projected from space. Only the imagination can reach
this Wind -for it is subtle, intangible-within your conscious-
ness. Listen! You can hear its murmuring, its high frequency, its
soothing voice as well as its howling! Listen to the wind in trees
and grasses, the wind-lapped waves of lakes. Listen to hurri-
canes! What is the Wind saying to you? It will penetrate to the
matrix of your being and from this matrix you can weave the
Wind-merge threads of subconscious desires-into a fabric of
sublime beauty. Opposites weave into one another in this Wind
of essences. You can now integrate what appears to be irrecon-
cilable into variegated garments to embody your truth. If there
is a gap between the essences of Wind and the physical force of
wind, write a poem. Realize that interconnection, weaving, in-
tegration of soul happens by dream work, imaginal work, sym-
bolic ways. Fly free in the Wind and make it your friend. How is
the wind apart from space? You breathe wind, whereas space is
in the mind. Unite space and Wind in an infinitesimally small or
infinitely large awareness that your own soul matrix is one with
all sources. Relax in the breeze and speak from the Wind!

Bb-harmonic of 14.2
16-RECEPTIVE FORCE-shapeshifting absorbs
Be receptive to your own presence. Matter is animated by
Receptivity that allows all possible forms. Cease being attached
to one idea or another. You have entered a realm of shapeshifting
images and energies that is basically transmutative. You are in a
state of purification and emptiness that does well to detach from
the entire world of forms. Your work, relationships, place of resi-
dence-may all be shifting now. This uninterrupted flexibility is
beneficial for heightening your livelihood to a whole new oc-
tave- if you allow it. Resistance to transmutation is instanta-
neous pain. Allow change, and be receptive to new possibilities
of work, relationships and ways of life. It is well to meditate,
walk in nature, open yourself to the mystery of higher dimen-
sions by listening to music or by meditation. You don't need to
know anything in particular. Just let the Receptive be a state of
openness and absorption of the new. Be like a child. Allow the
potency of the possible become real. Appease your subconscious
with play and trust your own soul.

B-harmonic of 15
17-ELOHIM-Renewal templates
The Elohim are Creators who facilitate the calibration of
Divine Light through the point of God. You can invoke the
Elohim by calling their name and opening to a creative renewal
within yourself. They will assist you to align with your soul as
they assist your soul to match the Divine Image. The Elohim are
igniters, stimulators of humans becoming like Christ, Buddha-
the similitude of God. The Elohim conceive the Cosmic Human
and formulate the myriads of realms of creation to become the
cells of incarnate Christ. You are now being called to formulate
a new vision, a plan, a blueprint that will unfold from the inside
out. Break the spell of ages of conditioning -from your parents,
friends, and tradition. You are a free creative agent to call your
soul forth. Ask from the point of stillness within you. From this
still point your images will be more sharp, more focused. Listen
to the response of the Elohim and you will know what to do.
With the Elohim you have a common ground of presence. This
presence is your soul. Allow your soul to create a new aware-
ness in your life and from there you can plan whatever is most
clear to you.

C-harmonic of 16
• •
18-0PHAN 1M-Cycling discerns
The Iightbody of the Ophanim appears as stepped wheels
according to the frequency of consciousness attunement. Your
state of mind matters. Cease all defensiveness, for defences have
no enduring reality. Real protection comes from open practise
of discernment. The many orders of the Ophanim move at di-
verse frequencies of mind, but all use the Light of Metatron to
return souls to Light. This means that as you pray to the Ophanim
you will have less and less response to illusion. False beliefs can-
not endure in the presence of the Ophanim. Find out, by prayer
and inner witnessing, what you really believe. Separate what
your parents and society have led you to believe from what your
soul-your inmost presence-believes. This takes practise, at-
tention, step by step, work. Don't expect perfection to happen
at once. Compassionate witnessing brings forth patience, com-
plicity and conscience. Let the residue of false beliefs fade away
or you can shape their matter into new forms. Matter is neu-
tral, only beliefs make it appear evil or good. All of nature is
upheld by the Ophanim who rachet their wheels in multitudes
of wavelengths, according to the need of souls. As you release
outworn conditions, let the Ophanim be your teacher.

(#-harmonic of 17.o666
19-DOMINIONS-Thunder commands
The Dominions distribute the Light of God throughout all
dimensions by means of choice points or nodes in the universal
matrix. When you choose from your greatest integrity ('togeth-
erness'') these nodes light up and send Divine Lightto your soul.
Now is a time of releasing fragmentary desires, thoughts and
feelings. Trust yourself to transmute hidden agendas into vivid
visions of what is too be. You are now compelled to step forth
and erase past pains. To choose the "body of Christ" takes no
time; to not choose the "body of Christ" creates the illusion of
time. You can transcend time by invoking the Dominions to help
you release useless habits and conditioning. Their electric thun-
der is within the fabric of your own parasympathetic and sym-
pathetic nervous systems. The unconscious and involuntary can
be opened to you when you let go of seeking control by using
mental constructs. Your dominion is in choosing to be who you
are, beyond time-and yet employed by time. Being grounded
while transmuting the old, is a claim that you can command of
yourself. Love and trust who you are. The Dominions do.

D-harmonic of 18
20-B'NAI ELOHIM-Wings unfurl
The B'nai Elohim are the children of God who generate and
consolidate the Elohim's ideas of creation. You now can awaken
to their work within you as you create yourself out of the flow
of energy spewing forth in galaxies. Pray to the B'nai Elohim to
awaken you to yourfull potential as a Cosmic Human. They work
with incorporeal patterns of truth, creating from gene pools,
the dream bodies of human souls. Contemplate the power of
the spiral as an archetype-moving infinitely inward and out-
ward-and realize how all energy is generated from zero and
regenerated from infinity. Tap into this energy to nurture your-
self and create flow out of the infinite stream. Attune to the
"Milky Way"-our galaxy, and awaken to the fact that you are
one with this swirling flow. Creation and destruction are one
whole looking two ways. If you feel incomplete, dissatisfied in
any way, it is because you need more nurturance and more con-
fidence in your ability to create flow, and generate energy from
within yourself. All the higher dimensions are within you. That
is where you will find the B'nai Elohim.

Eb-harmonic of 19.2
2.1-HYOS HA KOIDESH-Warmth ensouls
The Hyos Ha l<oidesh break the barrier of your mind by
drawing your soul toward the One. When you invoke the Hyos
Ha l<oidesh you will gradually feel a great warmth, a nurturance
of penetrating subtle Light. Look not outwardly for this Light,
for it is an implosion on the subatomic level within your brain,
blood and breath. Let go of all opposition, release any need to
overcome, and what nurtures you will build slowly and stead-
ily. At some point in your process, if you stay with the warmth
and nurturance, the radically creative will happen spontaneously.
Force nothing, but allow the Hyos Ha l<oidesh within you to
illuminate your soul. It is for you-the personality (feelings,
thoughts, body)-to align with your soul. This alchemy is an art
of balance between allowance and will, divine angelic radiance
and human receptivity. The Hyos Ha l<oidesh open your soul to
Christ consciousness, uniting the three "bodies" of the Buddha
in a golden radiance. These triple "bodies" are your absolute spirit,
your imaginal soul and your physical manifestation. When all
three become one radiance, you will know you are illumined by
the Hyos Ha l<oidesh.

E-harmonic of 2.0
* *
2.2.-ERELIM-Infinity embraces
The Erelim give feedback between the Thrones of God and
evolving creation. They can materialize and dematerialize to
assist multidimensional beings like you to incarnate. By invok-
ing the Erelim, you will likely receive adjustments of conscious-
ness, so that, through interaction and feedback of your life ex-
perience, you can ascend little by little. The Erelim constantly
adjust your energies to accord more and more with your soul
purpose. They feel all the interactions of the universe and thus
can detect beings whose technology and mental powers do not
accord with soul development. Spiritual identity must be found
before technology can be effectively used. You have great ca-
pacity to invent and use technology, but you need to cultivate
soul purpose. Infinite possibilities are opening to you now. Re-
alize that powers of manifestation and skills in manipulating
are secondary to motive and soul purpose. Compassion needs
to be present before truth can be received.

F-harmonic of 21.m3
23- HASHMALIM- Repose justifies
The Hashmalim are judges that synchronize terrestrial and
celestial law. Discern the difference between human-made laws
and natural laws, and take measures to align human laws with
natural laws. How can you know what is natural law? That which
balances opposites is natural. Opposites always seek to over-
come each other-which creates revolutions of expended en-
ergy, eventually running down into dissipation. Balance and jus-
tice occur, not by seeking to overcome, but by seeing the com-
mon advantage to opposing viewpoints-to reconcile differ-
ences. Exhaustion and dissipation is not balance. The Hashmalim
balance all polarities by creating a common axis. It is in this axis-
from which all things rotate-that you can find natural law. If
there appears to be injustice in your life, find the central axis
from which you can experience repose, then communicate that
repose to others involved. This is not done by taking a self-right-
eous stance, but by embracing other points of view as well as
your own. Do not give your power away to anyone, but encour-
age the empowerment of others also. Gradually, self-confidence
on all sides will balance polarities. You can then celebrate a com-
mon axis, like a celebration of dancing around a May pole.

F#-harmonic of 22.s

24-CHERUBIM-Biiss surrenders
When you listen to and open to the Divine Plan, you will
receive energies from the fountain of Light overseen by the
Cherubim. Whenever you feel real bliss, ecstasy, unblemished
by any desire, you are attuning to the Cherubim. It is this true
bliss that enables you to surrender to the Divine Plan, though it
may appear contrary to the eyes of society. This surrender is
not a giving up, but coming into your true power, being a repre-
sentative of eternal Light. Though you may feel pain, accept
how your relationships are, and how they are changing even if
you personally desire it to be different than it is. The recursive
wave patterns that reverberate in your life-like being con-
fronted, unable to "succeed" according to your ambition, a fall-
ing away of relationships you desire-are part of your soul evo-
lution. How you respond, fighting or accepting, determines how
you flow through life. You can find the Cherubim in your un-
conscious as a river of souls, flashing in Divine Light, and deep
down, an instinctual knowing in the darkness. Through the
Cherubim, angels of great love and intelligence, you can realize
you are part of one phylogenetic heritage of a mystical body. In
this knowing you feel a bliss thattranscends understanding and
enables you to accept the unacceptable.
G-harmonic of 2.4
25-SERAPHIM-Consciousness awakens
The Seraphim assist in manifesting the government of
Light, making possible the awakening of illuminated souls. Your
consciousness is awakening now to a real government, which is
an expression of unseen unity, beyond the conscious mind. When
you truly awaken, you awaken the unconscious. The surprises
of your life emerge from hidden areas of your life-areas that
were traumatic. Now you are able to heal these old wounds,
enabling your soul's codes to be upgraded. This transmutation
process may be uncomfortable, but it will liberate you from the
polarity of your conscious and unconscious mind. You can speak
your feelings more truly now. You can attain, also, the freedom
of speaking in tongues. Babel is overcome by the fusion of all
disparate parts of yourself into a united, illuminated voice. This
may appear more like song than speech. The Seraphim live in an
illuminated fire that burns through hidden agendas. The Sera-
phim give the "baptism" of beholding the Holy Spirit, the femi-
nine presence of God. As the Holy Spirit embraces your con-
sciousness, you can embrace your unconsciousness. In this way
your light codes are brought into a whole new octave of life-

Ab-harmonic of 25.6
0 0

26- ELIM- Protection interiorizes

The Elim maintain the heavenly spheres, the sonic music
of ever interpenetrating circles of colour and sound. It is ben-
eficial for you to go within and experience the inner colours and
sounds that will heal and nurture you. Allow yourself some quiet
space and time to go within the spaceless and timeless. Find a
sphere within yourself where you have perfect peace and feel
completely protected. Sound and colour merge and synchronize
tone with tone and hue with hue. The Elim assist you to create
music and mandalas of beauty. When your soul moved into a
body it was a perfect sphere. Go into this sphere, nourished by
the music of the spheres of the Elim, and experience being con-
ceived in a new body. Nature within you nurtures you from
within as well as without. Your psychic interiority is furthered
through the Elim. You are at a turning point where you seek
not to protect yourself from without, but to be illumined from
within so that you can manifest a new life. This new life is born
of the substance of sound and colour. Developing music, video,
slide shows or DVDs would eventually come out of this inner

A-harmonic of 26.666
27- THRONES-Interconnection threads
The Thrones are the Eternal Matrix of all possible worlds,
surrounding Prime Source. Within you is a matrix, at one with
the matrix of the Thrones and which assures your soul that no
matter what happens, you are in the safety-net of God. It is ben-
eficial for you to sort through your life and list experiences that
hang together under headings Iike "relationships," "dark times,"
"peak experiences," "times of building," "dissolution" etc. Find
your own headings. Then see where certain experiences over-
lap. These are the warp and woof of the fabric of your life. Now
see how you would change anything. Create a new fabric. The
Thrones assist you through your matrix which resides in your
solar plexus. The Thrones live in a geometric multidimensional
system of invisible leylines in space. God's Throne is pure sacred
geometry. You might work with sacred geometry at this time,
especially fields of geometric patterns like Islamic designs. For
pure geometry enables you to see possibilities of how to re-
weave the threads of your own life.

Bb-harmonic of 28.4
28-ISHIM-Absorption mystifies
Your soul is seeking to return to God, and yet is simultane-
ously absorbed in the flow of creation. The lshim are guiding
your soul to the dimensions appropriate to its evolution. You
may feel mystified, even confused, by the unpredictable changes
happening now. It is best to trust God's angels-the lshim-to
open your conscious mind to the mysterious depth of what is
hidden to you now. "Open" is a key word for you now. Open to
new possibilities amidst the maelstrom of past involvements.
Sort through the past and find what is of value and be open to
surprises. The Ishim help transmute what is hidden in the shad-
ows. The lshim are never fooled by the ego's drama, but they
find the appropriate flow-sometimes chaos-for your soul's
revelation into the next dimension. Any self-alienation you may
have is hidden, not from your soul, but from your personality.
When you are overly involved, driven, feel separate, isolated,
there is something unexpected that is being transmuted. You
then will be better able to synchronize wish and deed. Mean-
while, accept mystification.

B-harmonic of 30
29-CREATORS-Template guides
The Creators of all pantheons-Mayan, Greek, Egyptian,
Chinese, Polynesia, Native American etc.-are not necessarily
Prime Source, but are agents of creation. They guide the tem-
plates conceived by Prime Source. You are now involved in an
enterprise that enables you to oversee and guide plans received
"on high." This takes great focus and consistency. You need to
be open to new vantages while simultaneously discerning what
plan is best for all concerned. An agent is a mediator between
the plan and its execution in time and space. You will benefit by
keeping a detached, witness stance in regard to results. Give
attention to the plan, the blueprints or template and the meth-
ods of manifestation. Allow the results to be what they may.
This is joining forces with the Creators. Plant seeds of the plan
in the minds of your associates and workers, and allow space
for them to sink into their heart-minds and sprout. Realize that
the seeds-the codes or plans-are whole and they will not mani-
fest if they do not retain their wholeness. Be a guide for the
wholeness that will most benefit your group-not only for them-
selves, but for future generations.

(-harmonic of 32.
• •
30-BUILDERS-Discernment orders
Builders are like the imagination, a creative power at work,
placing ideas, material, bricks, step by step, into an overall plan.
Both nature and your soul need development step by step. Trees
grow in incremental steps of cell division. Your soul evolves
through incremental intensity. You may be experiencing energy
shifts, hot andjor cold flashes, bursts of inspiration, clouds of
confusion. Ask yourself: who is it that is maintaining the sub-
stance of your body? Who is it that is evolving? Who is it doing
anything? The real builder is your soul. Your soul is behind the
plans, thoughts and all doing. Realize that whatever you are
building is also building your soul. So take care to discern the
effect of your doing on your being. As you build, look at your
motivation. Are you building to impress others or to allow an
order for your soul to develop from? A motive of impressing
others will drive you to wrack and ruin, separating body and
soul. Find the kind of activity that will enable your soul to evolve.
Then body and soul will fuse more and more while building.

Db-harmonic of 34·1333
31-CULTURE HERO-Command chooses
Culture Heroes are those great beings who teach human-
ity language and numbers, who bring tools and arts to people
able to create culture. You are now in a position of choice: 1) to
create a new way, a new organization in business, home or com-
munity or 2) to follow the old way. Culture Heroes like Hermes;
Thoth (Greek/Egyptian), Fu Hsi of China, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico
etc. work through consciousness behind the scenes. Open your-
self to the guidance of the Culture Heroes and choose conscien-
tiously. Think of your group as a whole. What is the best design
for all concerned? Meditate deeply and allow the love and wis-
dom of the Culture Hero to transmute old attachments that no
longer apply. Allow the irresistible command of creative culture
to make a choice. Ultimately there is no choice, only delay. You
can choose to create anew now or later. That which has become
manipulating-making victims of others-cannot endure. That
which consumes and is based on grasping-on greed-cannot
endure. That which forges a unity of communication between
inner planes Culture Heroes and humanity will endure. Choose
now and trust your choice.

D-harmonic of 36
32-NURTURING GODDESS-Unfurling nurtures
The Nurturing Goddess is she who spreads her Milky Way
from her multifarious breasts of nurturance. She is the nurtur-
ing power within you. Take the time and space to find what
nutrition-what foods-are best for you and cease any dissipa-
tion by going on "binges." Soak up the sun if you need it. Go for
walks in nature. Nature is the Nurturing Goddess' breasts. Na-
ture is also Dionysian, full of imagination, soul and healing in-
gredients. Herbs, essential oils, gem and flower essences, sun-
light and starlight are all the flow of the Nurturing Goddess.
The Taoists of China lived in her generative power. Artemis is
one of her names in the Greek West. Flowers, fruits and vegeta-
bles are her offerings. It is time for you to receive what you
need to support you. You may have been giving out too much,
creating an imbalance of the flow of energy. When you come
into a state of fullness and balance, when you feel nurtured,
you can nurture others.

Eb-harmonic of 38.4
33-GOD OF LIGHT -Soul sings
From whence comes light? Is it your eyes that create light
or vice versa? Perhaps this mutual appreciation of light can bring
you to a realization that Eternal Light is a function of the soul.
There is no play of illusion with the God of Light. He shines his
Light in such illuminating rays within your heart that you want
to sing. Apollo, Balder, Ra are some of the cultural names for
this radiant being within your soul. Your soul is irreducible to
any other reality. When you sing from your soul, Light as well
as sound is spread throughout all realms. Sing from the Light of
your soul. Sing for who you love. Sing for the sky, the sea, and
the mountains. Sing to the flowers and nature spirits. Then lis-
ten to the harp strings of the God of Light return a song to you.
The God of Light maintains the codes in all of life through the
vibrations of colour and sound. Listen to the rainbow. Look at
the wind. In the soul there are no senses, but there is a sense of
Eternal Love in the qualities of colour and sound.

E-harmonic of 40
* *
34-VIRGIN MOTHER-Embrace purifies
The Virgin Mother in you is she who continuously trans-
mutes substance. Her purity is what enables chemistry to work.
Matter is not something dense and apart from consciousness,
but is a scintillating, attracting and repelling power that is sub-
ject to imagination. The food you eat and the earth you walk
upon are of the Virgin Mother's pure substance. Now is a good
time for you to transmute substance in your own body. Pay at-
tention to what you can digest most easily. In meditation or in
a reveries between waking and sleeping-evening or morning-
massage your cells with your attentive consciousness. Embrace
and love your body. You may have pushed and forced it to do
things that were not from love. Ask forgiveness of any arthritic
part of you, any tumour-or weakened bone, organ or muscle.
Pledge your consistent, attentive love. When you do this every
day, toxins will pour out and be transmuted. The Virgin Mother
is an alchemist who works through your attitudes.

F-harmonic of 42.666
35-JUSTICE-Justice reconciles
Justice reveals to you what is in balance by what is out of
balance. Balance and beauty go together, for art continuously
visualizes the right proportion of things. Justice is a connection
and a rhythm-a relationship between two or more. You may
do injustice to your body, or your soul as much as to another
person. Justice has not been meted out to nature on planet Earth,
for Earth is crying out in pain for her bones being mined, her
oily lymph being pumped, her watery blood being poisoned. True
justice reconciles-not always by compromise, for when there
is an imbalance, meeting in the middle is not an answer. Justice
has to go back to principles of natural law. What are these prin-
ciples? 1) Look at your motive. Is it love-based or fear-based? 2)
Look at your means. Is it natural or artificial? 3) Are you being
inspired by sources or grasping for results? 4) Do you, as sub-
ject, feel apart from the object of your attention? When sub-
ject and object divide, we have the basis of that aspect of mod-
ern science which analyses without synthesizing, which frac-
tures and fragments without realizing there is meaning in every
object. Just look at what you have been given: life, support, and
opportunities to create. Now how can you give back? That is
F#-harmonic of 45

36-HEALERS-Aiignment vibrates
Your own healing depends on how you receive the flow of
life. Subtle energy is everywhere. If you have old unconscious
traumas, hidden from your consciousness, you need to pray for
Healers-invisible or visible-to come to you. If you feel blocked,
unbalanced, tired, confused, call upon the Healers from within
your soul. They maintain energy flow by reverberation of the
original "Word" of creation. Reverberation is like the ripples
when a stone is thrown in water. No matter how far away, when
you call, the Healers will come! Real healing comes when you
allow a dissolution of all that no longer is a living flow within
you. Detoxification-of body, emotions, and mind-is essential
in healing. Let go of old pains, habits, impairments, however
they may have served you in the past. Trust nature to find a
place for all energy. Nothing is lost. If waters do not flow, they
become filled with bacteria and eventually become poison. Open
yourself to the healing ingredients and relationships that come
your way.

G-harmonic of 48
37- Heroes-Awakening journeys
You are on a Hero's quest and journey. This journey is not
of outward battles so much as inner sojourns. Meeting the an-
tagonist within is a confrontation leading to the realization that
opposition, when used from a third, neutral perspective, can raise
one's consciousness to a new dimension. You are dwelling and
journeying amidst archetypes which are contained within your
psyche, and yet are playing out in the world. It is well to iden-
tify the Antagonist, the Lover, the Guide and Shadow within
you. Who is playing these role outwardly in your life? How could
a betrayal or abandonment happen in your life? Is it because
you are now ready to clear all possibility of betrayal or aban-
donment? The Hero's treasure is in finding him/herself. This
means facing your shadows, praying to descend into the under-
world of the unconscious, and clearing out the opposition that
has stolen the treasure. As long as parts of yourself are unknown
to you andjor are working in opposition to your conscious in-
tent, you cannot fully be who you are! Trust that your soul is
finding the treasure within. You may feel the journey will never
end, but know that when one level of your psyche is cleared,
there is another within-in a series of nested spiral stairways.
You will ascend after you descend.
Ab-harmonic of 51.~

0 0

38- PAN -Interiority plays

Pan is the god of nature. His name means All. This arche-
typal harmonic can help you attune to the Earth Mother-all of
nature. You are needing deep quiet space and also the freedom
of consciousness to play. Your inner child is wanting attention.
Go into nature and return to your childhood. Allow yourself to
be wild, sensitive, open and spontaneous. Talk to the stones and
leaves. Dance if you feel like it. Play a flute or use grass to make
a whistle. Enjoy the uniqueness of every mushroom, tree and
squirrel. This is a time to let go of detailed concerns and be in
the present aliveness of the moment. Let your soul soar into
the sky if it wants, or let it go deep within the earth. Build pyra-
mids with stones or sand. Dive into the sea or run on sandy
beaches. Go naked or wear seaweed! Swim in clear lakes and
bathe in the sun. Let everything go except the impulse of the
moment. Trust your inner nature and impose nothing on your-
self just now. Embrace all of nature for Pan will delight in your

A-harmonic of 53-m
39-WEAVERS-Threading weaves
The patterns of your relationships are becoming clearer.
Notice how certain patterns-dependencies, expectations, frus-
trations-repeat until you dissolve them. In your process of
weaving a new life, acknowledge the power of old habits and
let them go. Find the threads of love, self-empowerment and
beauty (or other qualities you value) and weave them through
your relationships. Find the great cosmic threads upon which
the universe functions: focus, building, communication, genera-
tion, radiance, feedback, balance, transmission, recursiveness,
protection, interconnection and flexibility. How is your own life
in rhythm with these qualities? Which threads are emphasized
or missing? How do you weave them together? When you are
in resonance with cosmic forces, your unique qualities can ride
the rhythms. For example, when you see how watering your
garden gives the feedback of growth, you can apply this
nurturance to your relationships. Love is the "water" needed. If
something is out of balance in the world (over-running nature
with poison for example) you can bring balance into your own
sphere of influence. No matter how little or slow, your own
balance will contribute to the larger world.

Bb-harmonic of 57.6

40-FURIES-Mystery confuses
There are times when you need to express fear and fury,
not in order to enhance it, but in order to release it. The Furious
Goddess is that blatant wellspring that brings up shadows-un-
wanted aspects of yourself. Don't attempt to understand the
wild mystery just now. Let it be. You may have neglected mother,
father or child within you. Death may reside somewhere in your
bones. Notice that behind the fear and fury there is a detached
witness. You may feel helpless rage, from some ancient trauma
of being a victim, so let rage be rage! Let the Furies dance! But
watch. Cease identifying with what you feel. Agonize if you need
to, feel it intensely; then let it go. Laugh at yourself! Behold
how you are neither this nor that. It is fun to be confused if you
don't take it too seriously. Cease attaching to the most intense
feelings, yet let them play themselves out in fury. Surprise your-
self! Intense rage can burn itself clear!

B-harmonic of 6o

• •

41-UNICORN-Guidance points
Unicorns manifest the most pure focus. If you can imagine
a Unicorn, you can initiate a new point of departure for your
life. You can die to the old and be reborn. Delight in the simple,
the focused, the essential. Poetry, stories, and myths are needed
for your soul to unravel a mystery of meaning. Basing your val-
ues on society's notion of success or failure creates artificial bar-
riers to awakening to your true potential. The Unicorn is a real
creature who lives in dimensions higher than three, but if you
still function in the three dimensional world you can benefit
from the Unicorn's guidance. You will find it in synchronistic
events, sudden joyful states, and spontaneous ideas. The Uni-
corn points by means of his horn, but in your world you will
know him by sudden magic, insight and aliveness within your-
self. Wind rustles as the Unicorn passes by. Believe in your own
imagination and trust your inner guidance, confirmed by aware-
ness of synchronistic events.

(-harmonic of 64
• •
42-MINOTAUR-Order builds
Any stubbornness you may have can be put to advantage
now as long as you maintain your wits about you. The Minotaur
is that determined aspect of yourself that can either kill you or
help you find the threads that weave in and out of the barrier
you built before. There is an order to the sequence of your life
unfoldment. Your stubbornness can be turned to steadfastness,
determination, persistence and patience to walk through all dif-
ficulties. Resistance, opposition, trials-are all walls you built at
some other time. Walk between the walls by following the
thread of your intuition. You are in a maze, but there is an order
to it. Your steadfastness combined with intuition will guide you
through. The order is known by your soul who lives in essences.
Your task now is to apply your soul's essences and divine order
to the day by day events of existence. If you run into a dead
end, you know there is another way open to you. The maze is
not a prison! Be patient with yourself and know that as you
recognize the order, it will also help others to move through.

Db-harmonic of 68.2666
43-TREE OF KNOWLEDGE-Choice distributes
The Tree of l<nowledge enables you to make choices. If you
have no ability to err, how could you receive feedback and learn?
There is no absolute good and evil; they are relative to each
other. Free will keeps humans mortal. If you want immortality
you must forge your own way of aligning with Divine Will. What
is Divine will? Your capacity to learn and to know. Relative good
is that which furthers evolution; relative evil is that which hin-
ders evolution. And what is evolution but a distribution of ener-
gies in a multitude of forms that express Divine Will? You, as a
unique soul, are immortal, but how you spend your mortality is
up to you. Choosing to express your uniqueness contributes to
creation. How do you choose without conflicting desires? Con-
flict is the node in the branch of the Tree of l<nowledge, a fork
in the road. Find the opposing desires in yourself and unite them
into one big desire. What is your one supreme desire? Choose

D-harmonic of 72.
44-NAGAS-Nurturing generates
You are entering a time of invincible spirit that manifests
through your heart. The Nagas are imaginal beings of spiritual
substance that dwell in subtle waters of generation. As you rec-
ognize what you really need to fulfil your soul purpose, you will
release all redundant thoughts, and all unnecessary desires. Then
you can create a flowing current that will wash obscurations
out of your systems and bring you into the flux of all possibili-
ties. Tune in to what your soul wants you to do and the Nagas
will help you. Dancing and swimming are good for you now.
Move freely until it becomes clear how you can generate flow
in other areas of your life also. This flow includes money as well
as health. As you truly nurture yourself you will come into great
abundance-which will benefit those around you as well as your-
self. Believe in yourself!

Eb-harmonic of76.s

45-SPHINX-Song ignites
The golden glow in your heart indicates that you are com-
ing into a full integration of body, heart and mind. Speak to the
Sphinx within as an enigma that knows all. Don't try to figure
anything out, but enter into dialogue with the Sphinx. Partici-
pate by giving yourself to her through a heartfelt love. Allow
speech and song to come from your heart, and you will know
what to say and sing. You have lived for aeons throughout the
ages. Sing now from your soul of the great four ages of the past
26,ooo years. What are the deepest lessons you have learned?
Who is the Bull, the Eagle, the Lion and the Human in the
Sphinx? The Sphinx has sealed lips until you open your own lips
and sing from a heart ignited with love. What are the values
you have affirmed in your many lives? As you speak and sing of
what is unconditional truth to you, the enigma of the Sphinx
will be erased and beauty revealed.

E-harmonic of So

* *
46- FAI Rl ES- Purity returns
At no time have you been left without scintillation purity.
The same entities that assist the plants to grow, assist your in-
ner child to rejoice. Even when you are sad, confused or in de-
spair, the Fairies are dancing around, helping to remove all hurt.
It is beneficial for you to attune deeply to nature-flowers, soil
and creatures-and appreciate how all is a part of you. Your
inner child knows this. Your inner child delights in water, clouds,
sand, worms, birds and on and on. Return to your inner child
now. Put all judgements aside and see what shejhe wants to say
and do. She or he has a purity about herjhim-for the Fairies
keep your inner child company. But shejhe hurts from your scold-
ing and self-judgement. You need to regain her confidence by
being open, loving, patient and non-judgemental. Be willing to
play! As shejhe begins to speak or play, just be receptive and
enjoy. The Fairies can bring you great joy!

F-harmonic of Ss.m
47- PILLAR- Reconci Iiation connects
You have maintained a constant whirlwind of action. Now
is time to be still. Stay in the center like a Pillar of balanced
strength and allow the world to rotate around you. Go back
into your experience through contemplation, and recall anyone
or anything you have ever hurt. Then ask forgiveness. Now re-
call anyone or anything that has hurt you. See that they were
acting out of what they knew at the time. Now is different. Now
if free, open, a clean slate. Forgive all past wounding. Why carry
it around? Let it go! Stand straight and be empowered in your-
self. Your truth does not depend on anyone, yet you can recon-
cile and interact with others now from a vantage of being who
you are. Reconnect with people you once knew, even if only in
memory, and allow a contrite heart to fill you with feelings and
words of love. Allow your strength-your Pillar-to emerge from
reconci Iiation.

F#-harmonic of 90

48-DRAGONS-Healing transforms
Your energy is intense and deep and yet you may feel hurt.
Allow this sensitive, vulnerable feeling as long as you can, for in
this state, your healing can take place. Dragons are transform-
ers of the deep-those who can penetrate into the smallest, most
hidden recesses of your being and change hurt into healing. Drag-
ons dwell in your unconscious, sometimes in very dark shad-
ows. It is in the shadows where the treasure lies hidden. Drag-
ons guard the treasures of regenerative power hidden in judge-
ments against yourself. Guilt, powerlessness, confusion, hatred
and misery are some of the states the Dragons guard until you
are ready to claim the energy that went into these judgements.
The energy itself is wonderful. Release the judgements and the
energy of transformation will be released to you! You hold the
key to the treasure of creative self-transformation. Cease hat-
ing yourself, cease feeling guilty, cease all projection against
others. The Dragons are ready to give you the treasure if you
are willing to receive it.

G-harmonic of 96

49-CENTAUR-Journey is guided
Your direction and purpose are coming to a focus. Follow
the Centaur to the center of the arrow of time. The ups and
downs of your journey through time have purpose after all. The
views and perspectives you attain from below and above have a
correspondence in the underworld of the unconscious, and in
the heavenly higher dimensional worlds. Your soul purpose, in
part, is to experience and report on these diverse vantages of
the universe as you experience them. The Centaur is your guard-
ian in the Hero's journey-for it can traverse the realms below
and above. The arrow in his bow is ready to fly from the ten-
sion of the string. Your intensity, your energy is of great value.
Watch how you use it. Use it with intent, focus, and clear direc-
tion. Where are you going? It is better to go nowhere than to
dissipate your energy until you are old and tired. Use time to
focus your soul purpose and go forth whether anyone under-
stands you or not. The Centaur will get you over slippery slopes
and rocky crevasses. Write down what you experience in a jour-
nal and eventually you will write great things.

Ab-harmonic of 102.4
0 0

so-GNOMES-Play manifests
It is time for you to forge your life into a tenacious unity in
order to manifest what you incarnated to do. The Gnomes will
help you transform matter and find the means to create the
building, business or bread you intend. A primary step is to cul-
tivate yourself-which means pruning back what you don't need,
and watering with love that which you want to grow. It may, in
fact, be a garden that you want to manifest now. Create some-
thing that will nurture you and help you to grow. Realize that
the realm ofthe Gnomes is earth. So getting in touch with soil,
including fungi, is beneficial for gardens. Rocks are earth's di-
verse manifestations. Learn the qualities of igneous, metamor-
phic and sedimentary rocks. Build walls, altars or little temples
with rocks. The Gnomes will guide you. Gnomes can also toler-
ate and use great heat within rocks. They can forge metals out
of rocks and create jewellery and other beautiful things. In your
own life, find what qualities in you are like granite, chalk, steel
or crystal. What qualities do you want to bring together for the
next phase of your Iife?

A-harmonic of 106.666

51-CRYSTAL SPIRITS-Weaving geometrizes

It is the crystals, the pure gems of life that now want to be
discovered and grow. The fourteen crystal lattices are one with
the invisible grids that maintain all connections of the universe.
The arcs, the angles of each lattice have an archetypal quality.
The Crystal Spirits can reveal to you what these qualities are
when you activate them in yourself. Getting involved with sa-
cred geometry will assist you in activating the archetypal quali-
ties inherent in angles. What are the major angles of the lat-
tices? How do they relate to the five Platonic forms of the tet-
rahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron?
Which gems crystallize into these forms? What are their arche-
typal qualities? You have before you an investigation that will
help you weave potent archetypal qualities into your own life.
Your capacity for integration into harmonic orders is much
greater than you have thus far achieved. Ask the Crystal Spirits
to reveal to you archetypes through geometry!

Bb-harmonic of 113.777
52- Terrifying Spirits-Confusion twists
You have the strength now to allow the Terrifying spirits
to eat away all that twists and turns in fear. If you feel confu-
sion, accept it as part of the process. Confusion, like a tornado,
can turn you towards the very shifting pivot points of fear.
Touching on pain, anger, guilt and anxiety, the Terrifying Spir-
its press in toward the very core of fear in your unconscious.
Cease trying to become fearless or to get away from, or defend
yourself from fear. It is time to enter into it, face it and stare it
down into dissolution. The Terrifying Spirits are not evil, but
are so compassionate that they put on a fearful disguise to help
you face what you have denied for aeons. Witness everything
you feel, look at it, stare at it-perhaps reacting, but also with
detachment. Easier said than done, but you now have the inner
strength and love and power to transform the very root of fear
in your psyche. Allow! Allow!

B-harmonic of 120
• •

53-Cells- Point seeds

In the center of every one of your cells is a code harmo-
nized with your soul for this incarnation. Do not think for a
moment that you have no soul; and are merely a conglomerate
of cells! Yet every cell is an entity unto itself. Tune into your
cells when you meditate or lie down to sleep. Bring them love,
energy and appreciation for supporting you and participating in
the great organic expression of Prime Source. Your cells may
need purification. Find out about liver and bowel cleanses, go
to a mineral hot springs, soak and use a sauna or sweat regu-
larly. Visualize your cells and go into specific parts of your body
that hurt, ache, or have tumours. Send love to the cells of those
parts. Cells have the function of creating codes for the entire
body. Besides the DNA, they have eleven other major processes
that mirror the universal functions. Your soul's resonance with
your cells activates them in the twelve functions. Cells are the
most potent of the twelve phenomena, for they participate in
all organic living things, and the DNA code is a gift by Prime
Source to actualize your soul purpose. Close your eyes and pick
a number between 1 and 12. Look up the number on the pages
that follow and read it for specific guidance on your cellular func-
C-harmonic of 128

Work now with awareness of your small inner feelings and
voice. For these are tender real possibilities. Do not dismiss them
because they are small, but realize that all codes are precise in-
visible information. They are not material. They are a pattern.
Behold how your consciousness is a key for unlocking doors to
new creations in the outer world, but cease being attached to
what you manifest. Let manifestations happen, but focus on
the programs, the codes that are keys to new forms. You can
reorder your life by insight into how consciousness precedes
matter. Potential is the power to create by design.

key of (-Chromosomes in nucleus-create codes

Prime Source creates codes which are inherent in the chromosomes-
the carriers of genes. Cells are the prime code creators in the whole
of life, and DNA is the main nucleic acid in a cell's nucleus. It is the
code that gives instructions on how tissue and organs are to form.


You are beginning to learn about and maintain bounda-
ries. Cease allowing others to come into your space unless you
want them to. Otherwise you will open yourself to becoming a
dump! As you become clear in who and what you want in your
life, you will be nourished and feel stronger. Communicate to
anyone intruding that you will not tolerate intrusion. Sometimes
they are unconscious of doing it. You need to be conscious of
what, within you, allows it! As you choose consciously you will
attract those who truly respect and nourish you. Allow a give
and take. Then you will grow so strong in yourself that intru-
sion is impossible.

key of Db-Cell walls-maintain substance

The cell walls maintain the substance of a cell. The walls are
somewhat rigid envelops and also maintain cell shape. Without cell
walls there would be no protection for the cell's life.


As you respond to situations in need, you use energy for
the benefit of all concerned. If you burn yourself out it will be
of no benefit to anyone. You are learning about use of energy.
When used wisely, in a rhythm that activates and awakens you
in alternation with rest, surrender and openness, you will re-
store energy. As this rhythm continues, you will become more
and more consciously able to give service appropriately and
come into a higher arc of awareness for the benefit of all. Breathe
deeply and restore yourself to greater health.

key of D-Mitochondria & Perioxisomes-

transform connection
Mitochondria are respiratory enzymes and co-enzymes, made of
lipids and proteins. Perioxisomes contain enzymes for photo-
respiration and conversion of fats to sucrose. Mitochondria and
perioxisomes transform connection through the burning of fuels.


You are involved in so many interesting activities that you
need to be aware of the overall structure of your daily rhythms
or you may become overwhelmed. Prioritize your values, and
become clear in your intention to change schedules or methods
in accord with your priorities. When you see what the main axis
of your interests is, energize and activate! Then your life will
become much more free and flowing. There will be a sense of
ease and flow when activities are organized around your great-
est values. Don't hesitate to activate others if you feel guided
to do so.

key of Eb-Cytoskeleton, microtubules & actin filaments-

create flow
The cytoskeleton is a complex network of protein filaments that
extends throughout the cytosol. It is involved in cell division, growth,
differentiation and movement of organelles in a cell. Microtubules
and actin filaments also create flow by moving the chromosomes in
cell division and provide the internal structure of cilia and flagella.


You are opening a chapter in your life where you are able
to attune to your soul program and activate your own light
codes. When you resonate with your soul, you naturally feel a
joyous nourishment. Now you can learn how to convert soul
purpose to action and manifest a method, project or way that
will help you maintain your deepest intent. Letting go of dis-
tractions is a first step. As you "fix" your intent, you will be able
to develop a program for others as well as yourself. The word
"synthesis" is a key now. Analysis is good for examination, but
with synthesis you can act, be energized and illuminate who
you are. This is all a way of "drinking light" as plants do.

Key of E-Piastids and grana-maintain codes

Light is the source of information for a cell. The plastids and grana
maintain the flow of energy for the codes while transforming matter
through the chemistry of photosynthesis.


What a time of purification! You are alternating falling
apart with renewal and acceptance. You are in a process of chang-
ing the very substance of your body. Your cells are tingling with
either a need to expel toxins or vibrating in joy. Hot mineral
baths, long walks and light vegetarian food would be good for
you right now. Purification will bring you clarity, and in clarity
you can compose your life anew. Realize that the impressions,
food and nourishment of all kinds that you absorb, need to be
guided by your innate wisdom. Falling apart is useful when you
cease identifying with that which is falling away.

key of F-Lysomes and Golgi bodies-transform substance

Lysomes are membrane-bounded sacs containing high
concentrations of digestive enzymes, and Golgi bodies make cellular
secretion products. Digestion and secretion are processes that
transform substance.


Connecting with others of like mind is beneficial now, not
to remain forever, but to strengthen your sense of identity. True
confirmation can only happen when you know more of who
you are-for then you recognize yourself in others, and others
in yourself. Joining a group and creating a synergetic way of
working together would be helpful now. Exchange ideas, food,
impressions and then sort through what is of value and what is
not. Eventually you will have such a clear sense of soul purpose,
you won't need to join with others to know your identity. To
create together, each person must be strong in their unique-
ness. You are still forming your individuality.

Key of F#-Piasmodesmata and fibrils-create connection

Plasmodesmata are narrow strands of cytoplasm that interconnect
the protoplasts of neighbouring plant cells and are important
pathways in cell-to-cell communication-which is "creating
connection." Fibrils constitute the form in which cellulose occurs in
a cell wall.

To maintain your identity and light you need to practise
awareness of the qualities you want to send out into the world.
You may be involved in some worthy production right now. The
program for this production needs to be known literally and
exactly by your team, or the identity of your company andjor
team will be compromised. To maintain flow is to establish meth-
ods for replicating a pattern, an ethic or a formula that is unal-
tered-at least for a time. l<eep your experimental exploratory
work separate from duplicating what you know already works.

Key of G-Centrioles, flagella/cilia & mitosis-

maintain flow
Cell division (mitosis) maintains the flow of energy through cell
division by producing nuclei with chromosome complements,
identical to those of the original nucleus. Centrioles are structures
identical to the basal bodies of cilia and flagella which play a role in
cell division.

Perhaps never before have you felt such attraction to some-
one! Find out whether the attraction is because you have a ten-
dency toward co-dependency or if there is a real complemen-
tary synergy involved. The way to check this is to see if you
have strong expectations of the other person or people you are
involved with. Expectations indicate an emptiness of your own
that you want filled. Expectations will only create demands and
then frustration, hurt and anger. Instead, work on recognizing
your own motives and allow yourself to feel loved by God -the
universe-even if other people are not always loving. As you
feel love you will attract the right complement. You are trans-
forming your own program of life.

Key of Ab-Messenger RNA and Meiosis-transform codes

Messenger RNA is a language, a code, synthesized from the DNA
template. Meiosis produces genetic variability: nuclei different from
the original nucleus produced. In this way are codes transformed.


You are in a period of manifesting-making material and
in form-what you have designed and refined. Living in essence
has defined who you are as a soul, but now you need to bring it
into creative expression in the world. Fear not the many forms
it may take, for manifesting often goes along with branching
out and complexity. A guiding rule might be to let the form fol-
low function. What is the purpose of your manifestation? What
do you hope to fulfil? Or perhaps you are simply following your
intuitive sense of rightness. Apply the form to the need, and be
happy with your process!

Key of A-Ribosomes and protein synthesis-

create substance
Ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are linked to9ether to
form proteins and protein synthesis is how cells create form and



What are you doing -feeling disconnected from others?
Align with your soul, your essence and allow yourself to chan-
nel your own soul. Your soul knows how and where to connect
with others. Specific communication to unique individuals main-
tains the connection. Develop practises-meditation, methods
of communion-that stabilize you with your soul. Then your
whole network of soul and personality is in dynamic peace to-
gether. The anguish of isolation you may feel will vanish, for it
is an illusion. Communicate, not just with words or status quo
images, but from the communion of souls.

Key of Bb-Endoplasmic reticulum-

maintain connection
The endoplasmic reticulum functions as a communication system
within the cell and as a system for channelling materials-such as
proteins and lipids-to different parts of the cell. It is a matrix for
maintaining connection.

This is a time of free flow and exploration, but you may
find that boundaries are needed to make real transformations
in your life. Without some structure and limits you cannot ex-
plore the unlimited. Find or build the walls that will hold you
like a mother holding her child. You are entering into a vast
field of nourishing energy that supports the life force itself. Once
you feel securely held, let it stream forth. Circulate this nourish-
ing life force among others. Everyone who wants nourishment
will love it. Dance and sing in flowing rhythms! You may be
unpredictable, but be happy!

Key of B-Cytoplasm-transform flow

The cytoplasm is a flowing "soup" (called cytosol) in which the
nucleus and various bodies are suspended. Cyclosis or cytoplasmic
streaming is how energy is transformed.

• •
54-Planets-Building forms
It is time to be grounded and keep to a regular daily and
weekly rhythm so that you can pay your bills and maintain your
physical existence. Because planets stay in their orbits and keep
their physical characteristics, you are able to have a degree of
consistent life. Do your part of regularity of life style now. If
others depend on you, it is essential to "hold a steady job," as
the saying goes. There is merit in this, and it is not forever. Real-
ize that when you learn something thoroughly, even if you re-
sist learning, you will be delivered of it. For now you may want
to fly off, find excitement or have a vacation, but this is not the
appropriate time for this. Discipline is the most compassionate
thing you can do for yourself. Work everyday persistently and
ceaselessly, until you enjoy the daily cycles. Get in synchrony
with your work. Love it and work with it until it gives back what
you really need. Notice if you find excuses to not go to work.
You need to "train" your mind, emotions and body to be in align-
ment with a steady purpose. What if the planet went on a lark?
In addition to learning to love what you do, it would be benefi-
cial to build up your reserves. To do so requires a steady rhythm
of work. Now pick a number between 1 and 12 and read that
number in the next few pages.

The polarities of your nature are reflected in the archetypes
of all the planets in the solar system. Part of you may want con-
flict while the other part wants peace; part of you may want
complexity and expansion while another part wants simplicity
and limits. Learning happens through polarities, but wisdom
happens by being like the sun in the solar system. Stay centered
and let your light shine. Appreciate the diverse roles in yourself
and the myriads of roles played by others. Realize that roles are
not the essence. Go within to experience more love, and to love
more experience.

Key of (-Planetary archetypes-create codes

Different planets in a solar system have unique archetypal qualities.
Astrologv to some degree, goes into the planetary qualities. There
are polarities of love and war (Venus and Mars), concentration and
expansion (Mercury and Jupiter), feeling and structure (Moon and
Saturn), for example. Harmonizing with planetary archetypes is part
of the process of integration.


It is time to materialize your heart's desire. Intensify your
feelings until you know what you really want in this next phase
of your life. Go for it! Let the feelings accumulate until you are
ready for action. Then lay down you plans step by step. Build
slowly so that you can reflect on each enactment. Accumulate
resources, tools and funds. You may want to call on others to
help you execute your plans. Manifestation is a test of how ready
you are to express who you are in the world. Whether it is a
building, business or relationship you are building, it is up to
you to match your heart's desire with manifestation.

key of Db-Mass, gravity-maintain substance

Gravity is a force that operates with accumulated mass, so the mass
of a planet is the primary factor. The gravitational force holds
information concerning the potential energy of a planet, so that
the denser the planet the more potential energy. To maintain
substance is to build, accumulate and amass matter as information.


Never mind your ups and downs! Breathe deeply as you
experience the changes of life and trust that the essence of soul
is being distributed throughout your life as you alternately ab-
sorb and release experience. Your job is to turn the circulating
energy into an expression of soul. Your life changes are recorded
in an akashic matrix that you can draw upon for your integrat-
ing wisdom. Communicate your discoveries with others. Share
the essence of what you have learned and continue with change.

key of D-Atmosphere-transform connection

Variation in atmospheric temperature and pressure come from the
distribution of the sun's heat in three levels: 1) near the ground level,
infrared and visible light is absorbed, 2) the stratosphere where
ultraviolet is absorbed by the ozone, and 3) the thermosphere where
ultraviolet is absorbed in the process of photo-ionization, beginning
the ionosphere.


The aliveness of a planet is expressed in its rotation. You,
too, have cycles. Notice what ideas andjor feelings set you spin-
ning! You are rotating around a central axis within yourself.
What are the qua Iities within the axis? Truth? Desire? Love?
Beauty? Control? Domination? If you find yourself wobbling,
you will know that old past wounds are still causing reactions
in your emotional body. Allow pain to come out by gentle wit-
nessing while feeling the intensity. Have faith that, in essence,
you are clear and, in actuality, you will be true to your essence.
As you become calm and center, a great power will be expressed.
You are creative!

key of Eb-Pianetary rotation-create flow

A planet's rotation period is how fast it rotates on its own axis. Pluto:
6.3 days, Neptune: 15.8 hrs; Uranus: 24±3 hrs; Saturn: 10 hrs, 15 min;
Jupiter: 9hr so min 30s; Mars: 24.6229 hr; Earth: 23.9345 hr. The
rotation period creates a vortex and the faster the rotation, the more
energy generated.


Engaging in cycles of intense separation or wonderful un-
ion has a purpose. You are interacting with and integrating so-
lar energy through your solar plexus. You may feel heat or tin-
gling in your body. This is all part of the process of coming into
a greater assimilation of the light codes you have been carrying
for aeons! As you allow love to be in the center of your life, all
the changes will be experienced as contributions to the whole
of your soul purpose. As you "drink" more light, you will come
into higherfrequencies which you can integrate with your heart.

key of E-Solar and planetary interaction

On the solar side of the Earth the magnetosphere is compressed by
high energy particles of the solar wind which collide with the earth's
magnetic field. On the opposite side the magnetosphere streams far
out into space. Radiation from the Earth's sun ionizes atoms in the
upper regions of the atmosphere, creating an ionosphere. The ozone
layer is a product of solar ultraviolet radiation. All planets have light
and magnetic interactions with their suns.


The feedback of life reveals limits of desire. If you had eve-
rything you desire, you would be overwhelmed by the "stuff"
you accumulated. Accept conflict as part of a cycle that is ever
changing. Though you may have lost a friend or a place of resi-
dence, know that is because you have the strength to assimilate
the experience and move on. Even nature changes her face by
earthquakes, fire and flood. You are ready to bring about a
change in your life. Whether it is a change of diet, exercise, or
residence, let it be based on trust that, as you support, you are

key of F-Eiemental changes of terrain-

transform substance
Wind, floods, earthquakes, fires and volcanoes all diversify the terrain
of a planet. Folding mountain ranges likely form from moving plates
where piles of sedimentary rocks accumulate. The process of
accumulation, burial, uplift, deformation and erosion helps define a
planet's terrain. Sea floors spread, rains pour down and rivers form.
Pressures from gravity also contribute to elemental terrain


Your trajectory in life has seasons just as the earth does.
Realize that your inner life, which is energized through your
magnetic power, is at a slight tilt from your outer life. The com-
ing and going of finances, friends, opportunities and places, is
in alignment with the axis of rotation you have been function-
ing through. This axis mirrors, but is not an exact reflection of,
your mood swings and inner changes. Depending only on outer
circumstance will only bring you frustration. The more you al-
low your power to come from within outward, the happier you
will be.

key of F#-Magnetic alignment and axial inclination-

create connection
The inclination of a planet on its axis create seasons as it orbits around
its sun. Our earth has an axial inclination of 23.44 °. The Earth's
magnetic axis is slightly off from its rotational axis. Uranus' axis of
inclination is 97.85°. All other planets, besides Uranus, rotate nearly
perpendicular to their axes of rotation, but Uranus' axis of rotation
lies almost in the plane of its orbit. Planet's create connection with
their orientation in space by the tilt of their axis.

You are reaching out for a larger orbit and sphere of influ-
ence. This will happen on its own. For now it is best to appreci-
ate the regular rhythms in the orbit you are in. Observe the pat-
terns and feel the steadiness of predictability. This is how you
maintain energy. If you go off into another sphere of influence
without it being the right time, you will likely "wobble" and pos-
sibly even crash. You will know when it is time. The pull to a
new sphere of influence will be irresistible. For now, stay with
the regular "orbit" that you know, for it is by working within
limits that you will become free. Maintain your daily flow of
energy and you will naturally change "orbit" if it is time.

key of G-Pianetary orbit-maintain flow

Planets have specific orbits in which they circle their sun.
Consequently, each planet has its own rhythm for returning to a
given place in the orbit. It takes earth one year to orbit the sun;
whereas it takes Jupiter twelve such earth years to orbit the sun.
Uranus takes eighty-four years to orbit the sun, whereas Neptune's
and Pluto's orbit exceed most people's lifetime. The rhythms of
planetary orbits to each other creates angles in the plane of ecliptic.


You are awakening to the fact that the whole earth is alive
and conscious. Consciousness is in minerals, plants and animals
as well as in the mountains and valleys. This awakening will be
carried with you everywhere you go-whether in the three di-
mensional world or the multi-dimensional realms. As you allow
your offering to be received by others, it will free you of being
overly responsible. Offer up to Prime Source the way you have
used your life and consciousness. Realize that the gift of life is
sacred. Your consciousness makes it sacred. Flash forth into the
unknown and realize how your essence endures through sacri-

key of Ab- Planetary consciousness-transform codes

A planet's consciousness we can only imagine. Related to the
archetype of a planet, its consciousness is a subtle energy radiation
that we can receive only with our own consciousness. Everything in
existence has a way of returning its gifts to Prime Source, and
consciousness is a planet's way of doing this.

The ground you stand on is constantly shifting. Creation
involves many processes of eruptions, compactions and
sediments. You may be changing jobs or residences. If so, real-
ize that, if you are tired of living on sandy soil that is constantly
changing, you need to undergo a fiery process of melding your
personality to your soul purpose. Cease being diverted and dis-
tracted by everything that comes your way. You can choose a
direction, but not arbitrarily. Go within to your molten core and
find the va Iues you stand for. Then it wi II be easier to recognize
the right place for you. Place your feet on a ground of your

key of A-Geology-create substance

The "rocks" of the earth are created by three primary processes: 1)
metamorphic rocks come from volcanic erptions; 2) crystalline rocks
come from slow crystallizations under heat and pressure and 3)
sedimentary rocks are formed from a compaction of many different
kinds of rocks into one conglomerate. They all "create substance."


Be aware that the subtle energy fields that create a geom-
etry around and within the earth affect your consciousness as
well as your body. Staying grounded, while sensitizing yourself
to energy fields in the landscape, will open your memory oftimes
of greater oneness with the earth. This is a kind of synchronous
streaming of information, enabling you to be more whole and
more in a conscious attunement with the whole. Every angle of
geometric forms has an archetypal quality that you can use for
the betterment of the planet as a whole. Your bones resonate
to stones as the light of stars becomes one with your eyes. Never
forget the interconnection. You would benefit by going to mega-
lithic sites and walking ley lines.

key of Bb-Grids, faults and fissures-maintain connection

There are subtle energy grids around the Earth and all planets that
are part of the planet's connection with other planets. A particular
grid will resonate to similar grids. Also, earthquake faults and fissures
tend to open up energies from deep within the earth. The leylines of
the earth are also subtle energy grids that criss cross throughout a


This is not the first time you have taken a plunge into the
mysterious depths of existence. There is no need for orientation
now-for you can dive into the whirl and come up with the swirl!
Allow unpredictability, synchronicities and inexplicability to be
a reality. Your unconscious knows them well. Your unconscious
is more than half of your consciousness and your body responds
to the deep mysteries. What are they? It is for you to explore,
to dive deep and come up with a few pearls of wisdom. If you
don't take the plunge into the unknown you will never know.
This plunge will meld your unconscious and conscious minds
more fully. You have all the qualities needed to explore the un-
known. Fear nothing. There is excitement in opening new doors.

key of B-Seas and deep molten core-transform flow

The deeps of the earth are molten and highly transformative through
magnetism and heat. The iron core generates a magnetic field and
assists in transforming the inner flow of the planet. The seas have
"hot spots" where the molten core leaks through. The meeting of
fire and water is always transformative.

ss-Culture- Distribution fulfils
You are now a mediator of culture-either in your com-
munity, at school, or internationally. Culture's function is to in-
spire awareness of spiritual truths through the arts and to dis-
tribute resources and goods to places where they are most
needed. You have the capacity to see how different people have
unique functions, just as a specific culture does. You will find
great fulfilment in being of service in cultural ways. This may
involve the arts, nutrition, law, medicine, spirituality, counsel-
ling or other areas of culture. Meditate on the dynamics of rela-
tionships: see how opposites are complementary. See how spir-
ituality, art and creativity are a natural harmony, as are media,
law and education. What are your unique gifts that you can
contribute to your community? Culture is not an "extra" of a
civilization, but is the very fabric of how human relations work
in the context of nature and consciousness. Observe the rites
and daily patterns of indigenous people and how different cul-
tures relate to the environment. Cultures have different gov-
ernment systems, but if each person and group fulfils their role-
as in healing, crafts, agriculture, building-there is less need for
government. Pick a number between 1 and 12 and look it up in
the following pages.

Being in a highly creative state you can now believe in your
vision and create plans and designs for what your soul incar-
nated for. You can take action on your calling and contribute to
an emergent holistic culture that will regenerate abundance and
joy for all who participate. Observe which stage or stages of the
"Creativity Cycle" (shown in circle below) you are engaged in,
and see how to take the next step. There may be hesitation about
taking action, for example, because of how you will appear to
others. Or perhaps you have difficulty being receptive. Find your
weak area and bring strength to it. Your creative energies and
ideas also will be happily be shared.

Key of (-Creativity-create codes

Creativity is the core initiatory way that a culture renews itself. To
"create codes" is to be receptive to Prime Source within and to
conduct awareness into action so that the ever changing connections
between people and Prime Source can be turned into creative


It is time to really build what you have dreamed of. Con-
sult with others of like mind and allow plans to emerge. The
order will come to fruition through recognition of the values in
your ideas and the ideas of others. Co-create the building in a
steady, step by step unfoldment. Some will contribute materi-
als, others plans, yet others money or skills. Appreciate the value
of each and the building will be wonderful. Develop patience
and endurance, for without these qualities, nothing can be mani-
fested. After building, evaluate the pros and cons of the vision
and methods used so that, in another cycle of building, you can
make an even more wonderful building.

Key of Db-Building and architecture-

maintain substance
Building and Architecture are ways of maintaining substance within
culture so that the ever unfolding connections between people and
places can be maintained for greater refinement of living.


It is time to reach out, to communicate and find those who
need what you have produced. You have accumulated so many
products andjor abilities that the pressure is almost unbearable!
Connect with distributing companies, newspapers, radio andjor
television. Use the internet and create a web-site. You might
even create your own magazine or radio program. You need to
find an outlet for communicating what you believe in. You might
document some of the valuable contributions of others in schools
and communities. Go beyond the usual news and bring forth an
awareness of some of the goodness in the world.

Key of D-Media, distribution, marketing-

transform connection
Media is a way of refining a people's awareness of core beliefs of
people. Transforming connection means heightening consciousness
and communicating it to others so that cultural changes are
distributed worldwide.


Be the governor of your own life and take responsibility
for how you spend your energy and resources. Sometimes you
need to deliberate and at other times "go for it" and produce
what is your heart desire. Fear nothing, but move with the flow
of those aspects of life that you govern. Cease manipulation as
a strategy of controlling others and let your care and compas-
sion be the guide of what to produce, as well as what to buy and
sell. You have great power and can best use it by considering
the needs of others as well as yourself. Wealth can be gener-
ated by trusting the flow of resources for the common good.

Key of Eb-Government and wealth-create flow

Creative flow is at the heart of Government and Wealth. The
connection between people and resources needs to be governed by
wise compassion so that the contrast between rich and poor, and
the conflict between domination and victimization can cease.
Transforming connection is changing habits based on fear.


Wow! You are a code harmonizer. This means that as you
discern a need for adjusting some dissonant relationships or pat-
terns in your environment, you can call forth your inner harmo-
nizer and find the right tones, words, and ideas for the given
situation. It is your consistency of harmonization that is most
needed now. You are a mediator of conflict, not only in conflict
resolution legalities, but in finding the resonant colourfor a wall,
the resonant music for a gathering, or a range of solutions for
existing problems in your community or family. Your consist-
ency in upholding your values and maintaining integrity will
bring others to you.

Key of E-Harmony: music and art-maintain codes

Art and Music, when truly coming from inspiration, maintain the
light codes inherent in every entity of the universe. Whether you
paint, decorate, compose or perform music, just know that you are
raising consciousness by "maintaining codes."


You will never find nourishment that fulfils you by grasp-
ing for results! Trust your own ability to cultivate what you
need, and take the time to slowly examine what nourishes your
body. Garden, study herbs and plants, feel one with the earth.
Receive the nurturing rays of the sun or bathe in hot springs.
You might find a good nutritionist or naturopath who can ana-
lyse what foods you really need, based on your blood sample.
Through nurturing yourself you will feel the support that will
enable you to help others to economize, simplify and feel truly
supported. Economics is not just accounting, but involves choices
about supply and demand in balance of needs.

Key ofF-Nutrition and economics-transform substance

Nutrition and Economics are connected through the recycling of
energy. By eating, and through monetary exchange, one "transmutes
substance"-the function of digestion and the use of resources. Here
is the support system for cultural processes.


Whatever grievance you may have is from past hurt. If you
want to avoid hurt in the present, release all grievances through
forgiveness. In readiness to speak and be heard in the future, it
is best to seek justice at the very moment that an act of injus-
tice arises. Then listen to your own inner dialogue. Cease all
judgement of others as well as yourself. Real law is natural law
based on principles of reciprocity and exchange. Justice seeks to
clarify how any imbalance arose and how it may be rectified for
any future possibilities of repetition. Don't allow yourself to be
a victim, and cease all feelings of insult or injury. To gain recom-
pense for injuries done is to admit you allowed yourself to be a
victim. Revenge only propagates more injury. Let Prime Source
punish. You stay in balance.

Key of F#-Justice and law-create connection

The creation of connection is here one of listening to the voice of
various points of view and of maintaining fairness to all concerned.


The flow of energy in your body is the same energy that
flows throughout the universe. Awareness of the cycle of acti-
vation and relaxation, for example, enables you to "go with the
flow" and enables the "flow to go" with you! Sexual energy has
its origin in the very first waves of creation, born of God's love
of the universe. Allow sexual energy to course through your
body as you allow your soul to love. Then deep healing will take
place. Your ability to heal others will come out of this constant
flow of subtle energy, modulated by your states of conscious-

Key of G-Medicine, healing and sexuality-

maintain flow
Medicine, Healin9 and Sexuality come about by maintainin9 the flow
between yourself and the ener9ies of the universe. The
transformation of the flow is by elevatin9 primal instinctual ener9y
into a refined, authentic spiritual/ave.


Adhere to your religion and beliefs, but the essence of your
spirituality is in your power to transmute suffering into com-
passion for both yourself and others. This transmutation comes
out of a communion with Prime Source whose matrix alone cre-
ates and activates codes. Notice how emotional reaction brings
imbalance, violence and suffering. Accept suffering as an op-
portunity to transmute pain into compassion, and you will be-
come more and more spiritually refined. Transmutation is also
changing the gross energies of the world into spiritual values.
Any event or circumstance can be turned to advantage through

Key of Ab-Spirituality and religion-transform codes

Codes are transmuted when human beings change suffering into
compassion for others. The transformation of connection is by a
refinement of life by loving others. Culture is made more fair and
refined when people use principles of transmutation.


Being very grounded enables you to produce foods, crafts,
inventions and goods of many kinds. The question is how aware
are you of the reciprocal relationship of design and substance,
idea and manifestation? This reciprocity is reflected in your own
consciousness and body. The crafts and foods you produce are
manifestations of your soul purpose and mind as much as they
are manifestations of the earth. Farming and technology are
reciprocals of each other when you farm without forcing crops
and animals with petrochemicals, steroids and poisons to the
environment. These occupations are as basic as life itself. You
have a wonderful aesthetic sense, and can write poetry in reso-
nance with the earth, as well as create practical goods.

Key of A-Farming, technology and crafts-

create substance
To create substance is to grow foods, make crafts and use
technologies in harmony with the environment. The cultural
connection is through the most grounded activities of human beings
that have existed for millions, if not billions, of years.


In order to "maintain connection" you need to see the in-
terrelationships of things. Aspects of your life may be fragmented
and complicated while other aspects are simple. Prioritize, elimi-
nate, simplify and then integrate what is really important to you.
Ask yourself: "What are my most meaningful relationships?"You
might create a matrix (based on a square, pentagon, hexagon--
whatever form is needed) to map your relationship to work, per-
sonal life, soul purpose, and community. What are opposites or
complements? What aspects in your life are out of balance, if
any? What is missing or redundant? You are in a highly integra-
tive phase of your life, and you might teach what you know.

Key of Bb-Mathematics & education-maintain connection

Mathematics includes systems, matrices, geometry as well as algebra:
all are ways of maintaining connection-relationship of parts to
wholes. Education is awareness of these connections, by use of
numbers as well as symbols and images.


You are involved in an intense transmutation of energy.
Sometimes you may feel wildly explosive, and at other times
repressed and unable to say or do anything. Realize that either
extreme is part of a cycle of deep self awareness. Allowing your-
self space and time for inner exploration is necessary now. A
retreat andjor counselling therapy might be helpful if you know
someone you can trust to guide you. Otherwise use your inner
guidance and be a compassionate witness to your deepest soul
process. You can trust your own soul as to how to transform
the flow of energy in different aspects of yourself. How to get
in touch with you soul? Allow reactive states to emerge and be
released and you will naturally come into greater resonance with
your soul.

Key of B-Depth psychology & psychiatry-transform flow

Depth Psychology and Psychiatry are ways of deep transformation-
within the soul and within culture. Actually, it is not the soul that is
transformed so much as the cellular and subatomic level of the body
that is directly linked to the soul as long as one is in incarnation.

56-Galaxy-generation spreads
You are in a phase of creating a new life cycle. This is a
state of powerful creativity. The energy running through you
needs expression-so paint, sing, dance or write poetry. You
might create a new program, design a garden or invent some-
thing. As you allow the Eternal Light to flow through you, there
will be abundance generated for all who are close to you as well.
Put no limits on summoning the greatest forces within you, for
you now can go forth and initiate a new plan. Being sensitive
makes you receptive to others. There is a necessary counterforce
to your whirling energy. Cease being thrown off your rotational
axis by other's ideas and actions. It is time for you to create your
own business, group or family so that your soul purpose has a
basis from the source within you. When you tap into your own
core and allow energy to build and then pour forth your love,
others will show up to assist and be part of the flow. Your new
life includes shedding envelops of the outworn just as a galaxy
sheds envelops in planetary nebula. Galaxies create flow for the
whole universe and continuously recycle their matter. Each new
round of generation creates stars with more heavy elements than
the preceding generation had. Now, think of a number between
1 and 12 and read the appropriate following page.

Realize that your brilliance is from Prime Source. You are
in very close communion with God, Allah, the Tao, the One of
many names. Yet you can move at high speed at this time, trust-
ing both your sponteneity and your inner stillness. The two po-
lar laws: "attraction moves" and "distance stills" will enable you
to be both involved-taking action- and detached. Be a wit-
ness to every situation you are involved in. As you elevate your
consciousness, and allow yourself the wholehearted intensity
that you have within, all relationships that are no longer rel-
evant will fall away of their own accord. Intensify your intent
and you find yourself creating new designs for any projects you
are involved in.

key of C-Quasars-create codes

Quasars are likely the early stages of active galaxies, which also means
early stages of the universe. When galaxies formed, they had greater
power and more nonstellar radiation. They were more active and
violent than galaxies born since. It is through such intense beginnings
that light codes are created and spread throughout the universe.


Notice how you change: At times in deep holding patterns;
at other times in explosive release. l<now that the integrity of
your auric sphere is dependent on your awareness of this rhythm
so that you cease identifying with one extreme or the other. Be
in the center of extremes and you can be a catalyst to many
people while being calm within. You also have the possibility of
both accumulating and distributing great wealth. It is time to
pass on to others the values you have found in your life. You
might write a book or memoirs, or make a transcription on
tape-audio or video. You are also capable of making money
now andjor manifesting what you need.

key of Db-Elliptical galaxies-maintain substance

Ellipticals are made up of old, red, low mass stars. Most ellipticals
contain little or no gas or dust and might be regarded as all halo.
They have little or no rotation and the "objects" within them move
in all directions like halos of spiral galaxies. Ellipticals maintain the
substance of their earlier life, but there is no generating qualities to


Getting in touch with your power means sometimes expe-
riencing an inner violence as an outrushing of energy. Cease
behaving violently, but feel it as a core source within you which
throws out beautiful jets of energy. Experience polarity as a
spreading of your own beauty that you share with others. En-
ergy is just energy. The feeling you have while experiencing en-
ergy is the quality that will be transmitted. As the divine Love
within you is received by others, you can realize your oneness
with Prime Source. Express yourself and don't be concerned
about contradictory feelings. You can reconcile opposites by ac-
knowledging polarities within you.

key of D-Lobe radio galaxies-transform connection

The Lobes of radio galaxies are roundish clouds of gas with huge
lobes, which emit no visible light. The nucleus ejects them out into
opposite directions. A black hole is a sign of higher dimensional
magnetic fields generated in the disc which are carried by jets out to
the radio lobes.



Spin as the Sufis spin. With arms outstretched, draw your
arms in, and realize the profound depths of your being. For a
while, just be. Allow your soul to fill your body. Then feel your
life begin to circulate and spin again. Reach your arms out to
others. Hold hands with two others and let them be part of your
spinning. Notice how one is moving ahead and another behind.
The double spiral that forms is your galactic powerhouse. Your
trinity can birth other trinities in both movement and stillness,
doing and being. You can now generate energy for multitudes
of projects. Apply what you know to your life with the energy

key of Eb-Spiral galaxies-create flow

The spiral arms of Spiral Galaxies are an extension of the galactic
disc where star formation takes place. Spiral galaxies are not
necessarily young, but are rich enough in interstellar gas to continue
forming new stars. Spiral galaxies create flow by their rotation. The
spiral arms appear bluish because of the presence of bright blue 0
and B stars.


Let go of all attachments about tradition, family, habits-
all that is of the past, for emptiness fills with the Living Light of
the NOW. Radiate your eternal love and explore-even ran-
domly. You will find that what is truly yours-your soul-will
always circle back to you and never abandon you. You are your
own maintainer of Light. Trust yourself. The Source of Light
within you is so old as to be eternal. You maintain your own
light codes by being true to yourself in every situation. Explore
the whole spectrum of life energy and light.

key of E-Galactic halos and electromagnetic spectrum of

light-maintain codes
Stars in the spiral galactic halo and bulge are not orderly as in the
galactic disc. They are old stars, containing very little or no dust or
gas, but they emit light. Each section of the electromagnetic
spectrum emits different levels of light: radio and sound are rotating
molecules; infrared is vibrating molecules; visible is electron
transitions in molecules; ultraviolet is high energy electron


Realize that you oscillate between being electric (more
masculine) and magnetic (more feminine). Don't be concerned
about your identity so much as your essence. Your essence is
the pivot between all polarities. See how the universe gives you
feedback-sometimes when you least expect it, or at an angle
you didn't believe existed. Enjoy the oscillation while being in
the center. You have the capacity to transform substance now
by learning from the feedback of your experience. Make adjust-
ments as quickly as possible.

key ofF-Galactic magnetism-transform substance

Magnetic fields permeate most interstellar douds. Magnetism exerts
control over ionized charged particles which follow perpendicular
to electric field lines. As field lines are compressed, the magnetic
field increases. There is a bending of space-time where magnetism
is powerful.


You are now in a pendulum swing between robust move-
ment and centered stillness. Allow yourself to align with your
inmost axis of essence. Then your actions will be from your soul
purpose rather than emotional reactivity. When emotional re-
actions come up, just witness them. Stop! Find your inner pres-
ence of being, and then move into outer life from a place of
centeredness. This may take practise, but it is worth all effort
and awareness you put into it. Realize that every quality that
you have, has an opposite quality. Cease identifying with the
opposites and connect with the light within the unity.

key of F#-Particle & anti-particle pairs-create connection

Two photons can produce a particle and anti-particle pair-for
example, an electron and positron-if the total energy exceeds the
mass energy of the particles produced. In the reverse process of
particle and anti-particle annihilation the electrons and positrons
destroy each other in a flash of gamma rays!


When you feel heavy, just know that it is time to slow
down, be still, and sink into your own depths. Commune with
your spirit. After a while you will notice how, from the depths,
you begin to stir, loosen what before was weighing you down.
Cease ignoring your feelings. Allow the levity of laughterto arise
within you. From this levity open yourself to inspiration for your
next actions. Whenever you feel tightness, go into communion
with your spirit and maintain the flow of life. Be aware that
there are waves of different qualities in life, and be grateful for
cosmic waves that challenge you.

key of G-Density waves-maintain flow

Spiral Density Waves are waves of gas compression that move
through the galactic disc, squeezing clouds of interstellar gas and
triggering the process of star formation as they go. The shock waves
produced by the formation and evolution of groups of stars provide
the trigger for new rounds of star formation.


You are now reaching the depths of your dark unconscious
where your soul and the center of the galaxies are one. Fear
not, but allow the deepest place in your soul to just be. In this
inner space you can know that Prime Source loves you uncondi-
tionally and infinitely. "His" love appears in the world as light
and from the state of unconditional love in the darkness, you
can be a beacon of Light. Your light codes are eternal. In the
deepest recesses of your being is the black void, which is actu-
ally a place of great regeneration.

key of Ab-Biack hole-transform codes

Similar domains of information cannot occupy the same time and
space; otherwise a "tear" creating instability occurs (which is a
supernova). Then information rushes back to the source and a great
transmutation of matter in space occurs. The surface area of the
horizon surrounding a black hole measures the black hole's entropy,
which is a measure of the total information contained in it.


Your highly energetic behaviour springs from intense feel-
ings of beginning something new. Allow yourself to plunge into
new projects and even play like a child! You need to explore
your own inner impulses. Then, as the feelings find expression,
see how you become calm and detached from all worldly con-
cerns. Allow gravity to support you until your intense feelings
build up again. You are supercharged right now and need to use
this energy in creative ways.

key of A- Seyfert and radio galaxies-create substance

Seyfert galaxies have highly ionized heavy elements, especially iron.
They are very far away, implying that they were created in early
stages of the universe. Seyferts emit visible radiation in the galactic
disc and spiral arms and they emit radio and infrared from the
nucleus. Seyfert galaxies' gases are rotating rapidly, for they are
creating substance.


At times you may wonder how you are connected to any-
thing. This is but a traumatized memory. You are connected to
everything and you can find your deepest relationships in the
stillness of space. Go within and feel your oneness with all of
life. Go for a walk in nature, observe the sky and see how even
emptiness is full of connection. The relationship of star to star
reverberates within your own soul. The connection with some-
one you may be wondering about, is truly present. Sometimes
silence is the best way to find out how interconnected you are!

key of Bb-Grids of space-maintain connection

The geometry of space is not how much energy or matter it is, but
how it is interconnected. Yet the curvature of space is determined
by the amount of matter within it. What is matter but interconnected
energy, spun up into balls of energy?


Your soul is a gate of both birth and death. Cease worrying
about the appearance and form of your personal life or your
project for now. Allow yourself to become "irregular," even un-
familiar and outrageous, while your life takes a new turn. Just
witness and allow. The quantum shift you are involved in is a
dying to forms you have outgrown and a birthing of forms that
are wonders of an emergent creation. Being unconventional
brings about the possibility of highly energetic transformations.

key of B-lrregular galaxies and intergalactic dust-

transform flow
Irregular galaxies tend to be rich in interstellar matter, for they are
places where matter is forming out of the quantum fluctuations.
Irregular galaxies tend to be smaller than spiral galaxies and larger
than dwarf ellipticals. The Megellanic Clouds have lots of gas, dust
and blue stars, indicating youthful activity in this irregular galaxy.

57-Star-ignition radiates
This is a time to broadcast your true values in whatever
way available to you. Whether in the woods, or in front of tel-
evision or radio, you need to express the Light of Prime Source
through your own vehicle. Your posture, face and voice are all
part of the expression. You need to maintain your "codes" as a
star does by continuous regenerative burning. You are to tap
into the Source by meditation or whatever method you know,
and then spread your light to others. You will naturally ignite
others as you remain true to yourself. Just as every atom and
cell has a nucleus, so does every star. When protons fuse into
helium nuclei in the core, a star is born. There is a contraction
from the gravitational force, but heat and rotation oppose grav-
ity. There are also counterforces to your radiance. You can use
them as resources for expressing your most profound values. In
a star, rotation generates magnetism, which also counters the
gravitational force. Time and eternity are needed by existence
and essence respectively. You can use existence to broadcast
essence. If you subject your soul purpose to the transient na-
ture of existence, you will defeat your purpose. Radiate the truth
that you know so that others are ignited by the eternal light of
your example. Pick a number between 1 and 12 and read a fol-
lowing page. E-160


You are in a seminal phase of your life journey, creating
seed-ideas which you can spread everywhere you go. Stay fo-
cused and concentrated or you will weaken the potency of your
insights. When you share what you know, do so with kindly
power and then move on. Now is a time to situate in one par-
ticular place. Cultivate the seed-ideas and make sure the codes
they contain will endure by being true to yourself. This also
means sharing with love by helping others concentrate on what
they need.

key of C-Nucleus of nebula-creates codes

Light is the love of God-the language of stars to create codes for
all subsequent unfoldings. As an interstellar cloud collapses, it focuses
codes of light from a central point. This nucleus in a nebula is the
conception of a star, inseminated by the Eternal Light.


You need to retain what you have, not by grasping, but by
sharing. You may find that, as you combine your energy with
others, there will be an intensified richness through relation-
ships which will enable each person to contribute more to the
whole. You might enter into a team effort to build a business or
help the environment. As you work together you will have
insights that enable you to increase your resources and build
something that will endure. This will help all concerned to main-
tain a steady life-style.

key of Db-Nuclear reactions-maintain substance

In the Hadron epoch protons and neutrons are in thermal balance
with radiation. Nuclei accumulate or else there is a continued capture
of helium, bringing about nuclear reactions that maintain the
substance of a star.


You may feel as if you are being torn apart or entering into
a dangerous union. This is natural at this time. Stabilize around
your soul purpose and let other aspects of your life do as they
will. Falling apart is often a regathering on a higher octave of
energy. Find what parts of you align with your soul and release
what served you in the past, but no longer serves your soul. Let
intrinsic joy in your heart be your guide. Your true service-
your offering in this life-is expressing who you are. If you have
to go through the fire to connect with your soul, do so and know
that all is well.

key of D-Particle-antiparticle pairs-transform connection

During the Lepton epoch, the "light" particles are in thermal balance
with radiation. Matter separated from anti-matter during this time,
transforming the connections in reality.


What a creative, flowing time you are having! You may be
feeling great intensity and heat at times, which indicates a flush-
ing out of old energies as you become more still and stable in
the core of your being. You are getting more in touch with your
soul which is the real generator of all the flow, fury and heat
your body may feel. It is possible that you feel disoriented and
spinning at times, for the spiral from Prime Source to your soul
is being activated now. Stay in the stillness with concentrated
attention and you will behold rapid changes of creativity within

key of Eb-Carbon-helium fusion of protostar-

create flow
During the nuclear epoch protons and neutrons began to fuse into
heavier nuclei. In stellar evolution this corresponds to a protostar
which creates a vortex within itself to generate the flow of energy.


In your depths there is an infinite resource of courage, bril-
liance and love. Though you may feel as if you are burning all
your reserves, you need to trust that there is more within you.
Tap into the inner resources that resonate with your soul pur-
pose and pray to Prime Source that you radiate who you are.
Allow the fire to burn out any unconscious blockages to bring-
ing forth your loving brilliance. You are light!

key of E-Nuclear burning and light radiation-

maintain codes
The codes born of the information modulated from gravity translate
into energy and temperature, enabling nuclear burning. Electrons
stripped of their nuclei resist the pressure of the force of gravity and
the star radiates codes of information out into the universe through


Open your heart to a life transformation that will enable
you to complete a whole cycle of manifestation. This means that
you find the core of why you exist. Melt all resistance to ex-
pressing your real feelings and knowledge. You are assimilating
experiences of old and letting them be fuel for the next phase of
your life. You are coming into a more solid core that is inde-
structible. Let the useless burn away, for you are about to shine
from a profound center, one with the absolute.

key ofF-Helium-carbon and carbon-carbon fusion-

transform substance
With massive stars there is greater resistance, more heat and more
rapid changes. The transformation of substance occurs through the
increase of mass. As helium fuses to carbon, a core of carbon ash
forms, which then fuses with carbon.


You are so magnetic now that you need to be aware of
what you say and do, for others will be strongly influenced. Align
all your actions and words with the most absolute essence of
yourself. It is this essence that is your stable core, not all the
outer appearances. Nevertheless, your actions and words will
have repercussions in the outer world! Give attention to puri-
fying your thoughts, letting go of all anger and resentment, and
what you say and do will naturally be beautiful and true.

key of F#-Magnetic field, bending of space-time-

create connection
When the inner core of a star chan9es to iron, the nuclear fusion
reactions cease. Iron is ma9netic and the iron nuclei are so compact
that there is no ener9y to transform them, so they resist 9ravitational
collapse by bendin9 space-time.


To have something, you sometimes need to detach and let
it go! You will never figure out the transformation you are in-
volved in! Let it happen. Neutralize any grasping tendency you
may have and allow relationships and projects that have reso-
nance with your soul purpose. If you don't know what your soul
purpose is, keep on transforming and detaching from transient
desires until you do. Then build on what is based on enduring
values. The flow is in aware allowance.

key of G-Siow neutron capture-create substance

Deep inside highly evolved stars neutron capture occurs because
neutrons have no charge. As neutrons join with the iron core, a star's
mass grows. Adding neutrons creates isotopes until whole new heavy
elements emerge-such as copper, silver, lead and gold.

Wow! You are truly returning your light to Prime Source!
This is sometimes a dizzying time of shifting into higher dimen-
sions and then bringing insights to your own community, friends
or business. Fear no truth, but keep embodying the light. Let all
that is not of the light, collapse and disintegrate. If you feel like
you are moving through a Black Hole, trust that your light is
rejoining the Light of the Source. Enjoy the speedy journey! In
this experience there is no time. Only eternity!

key of Ab-Supernova or black hole-transform codes

Neutrons in a shrinking star core create pressure opposing collapse,
but the core compresses, then stops and rebounds. A shock wave
sweeps through the star at high speed, blasting all heavy elements
in the overlaying layers into space. A supernova is born!


Your life is so intense now that you may feel like a charred
brick in the aftermath of an inextinguishable fire! Trust that
your inner resources will resurrect you in a way that goes be-
yond anything you've known before. Create yourself from the
ashes of the old. Create from the inside out. Prioritize your val-
ues, feel your soul, and know that Prime Source loves and sup-
ports you. Any apparent destruction is an opportunity for in-
spired creativity. You can manifest abundance with clarity now.

key of A-Neutron star and pulsar-create substance

After a supernova explosion there remains a small ball of neutrons-
very massive and high in rotation-creating strong magnetic fields.
The collapse squeezes the magnetic field lines together which contain
information on this side of a black hole.

You may feel that you are alone in your deepest purpose,
but you are guided by the most exquisite harmony. Go within
and behold the matrix of everything in higher dimensions. Look
in nature and see the geometry, the connections and orders of
beauty and process. There is no place where you cannot find
the inherent connections and relationships between things. Trust
also that your partner-your divine complement-is with you
in essence and may appear soon enough in your presence. Feel
the interconnection of all things.

key of Bb-Space-time continuum and higher dimensional

matrix-maintain connection
An electron "particle" is produced when the wave-groups of two
atoms cross each other. The standing wave of each atom is
maintained from within. The geometry of space-time is a resonance
between high dimensional grids and subatomic matrices.


What are you waiting for? There is no real substance to
the outer world. Go forth into the emptiness and bring all your
experiences to be dissolved before the Source of All. Allow the
flow of life to pour out and see what is left, what is really alive
and true within you. Go to the mountains, the sea, a basement
or closet and let everything go to zero. If you do not clear your
slate you will never know who you are in your soul. Let all the
memories and impressions fluctuate until they cease. Stare into
the darkness and behold how all is well despite all appearances.

key of B-Quantum fluctuations, zero-point energy-

transform flow
There is an empty field that permeates all of space and influences
the properties of what some call a vacuum. This emptiness is filled
with surprises and unexpected synchronicities that potentiates
everything that seems solid.

* *
58-Ecology-feedback integrates
Your relationship to nature is primary now. Observe how
ecosystems regulate the flow of energy and substance originally
derived from sunlight. Your life processes need to be self-sus-
taining and in harmony with nature. You may be taking over
management of a track of land. This is an opportunity to ob-
serve the plant and animals, and if you do any cultivation, work
out harmonious relationships. Find natural ways to fertilize and
use natural predators for insect "pests" rather than poisons. This
is also a good time to explore different terrains-from rainfor-
ests to deserts and savannas. Notice how grasslands have dif-
ferent animals from temperate deciduous forests. Explore how
humans can interact without destroying plants and animals.
What returns to you-in crops, happiness or friends-is
dependent on how you are with the mutuality of various enti-
ties. Take care of the land for future generations. To become
more ecological is sourced from a love of nature, a feeling and
empathy for all sentient beings. Do you realize the earth is a
living being with a consciousness, and that she will not tolerate
her bones being mined forever? The fossil fuels taken from her
will make earthquakes more harsh. Pick a number between 1
and 12 and read a page following.


Appreciate how you are a part of a greater whole. Your
unique characteristics need to be expressed fully so that your
part in the symphony of life can be heard. Without your "voice"
there is a "hole" in the universe! Cease any imitation of others
and plunge into your own depths to see more of the greater
whole. You have limits, but your limits are wider than you may
think. Allow your intuition and higher senses of the invisible to
emerge and trust yourself. Prime Source seeded you, but you
create yourself.

key of (-Species -create codes

Species contain the archetypal qualities conceived by Prime Source
and coded in genetics. Each species-from carnivores and ungulates
to worms, ferns and fungi-has unique characteristics that are
continued, with minor variations, through generations. And each
species is in dynamic territorial and food interaction with other


Your environment is important, but not paramount. Find
a place that suits you for a time and then move on as your needs
change. Fear not if you are in a time of scarcity, for abundance
comes in turn. With little you can evaluate what you really need.
And if you are in a period of proliferating abundance, use the
time well to build outwardly what you will need in time of
greater scarcity. Enjoy nature in all her seasons and changes.
You are adaptable and can stretch and make do as well as accu-
mulate and use.

key of Db-Habitats-maintain substance

From deciduous forests to deserts, tundra and savannas-the terrains
of each habitat accommodate different species. The Taiga has few
plants and animals and very short evergreen trees; whereas the
tropical rainforest has animals who live in the tops of broad/eat
evergreens. Differences of precipitation, substrate, climate, altitude
and latitude create diverse habitats, but within a given habitat there
is a characteristic maintenance of substance.



You know perfectly well how your body chemistry com-
municates with everyone you meet. Your subconscious mind is
aware of qualities you never admit to yourself. Accept more of
your unconscious self and love your own body. You will then
begin stripping away any fear and guilt which have no founda-
tion. Behold the deep intention of your soul and speak out to
others in plain words, what you really need. Body language will
take care of itself as you integrate body acceptance. This is a
good time to express your inmost feelings.

key of D-Piant & animal communication-

transform connection
Plants and animals communicate with each other chemically,
through scent and taste, and also through sound. The cries and songs
of animals and birds affects plants, and the plant metabolites affect
insects and animals. The constant interaction of plants and animals
is a dynamic transformation of contact and disconnection.


The richness of your life is summoned from within. Your
vital force comes directly from Source as well as from the nutri-
tion and impressions you take in. Your vitality is an inherent
power that you can cultivate or not. For your soul to learn and
express why you incarnated, you need to activate vital force long
enough to endure any trials you may experience. Use your en-
ergy well. Cease any dissipation, addictions or distractions-for
dissipation takes you ever farther from what you truly want.
You have great resources within you now.

key of Eb-Vital Force-create flow

Vital force is a response of a living system to nurturance on all levels-
food, rest, air and impressions. Plants depend on light, water and
minerals, and animals depend on plants. The autonomous cycling of
chemical elements between organisms and environment is originally
derived from the sun.



Light is the universal "money" of the universe. Allow light
to energize you, but realize that rest, depth and darkness are
also needed. Open yourself to receive light and then curl up into
a ball like an embryo gestating and preparing forfurthergrowth
and emergence. As you assimilate more experience you will have
that much more to give. Your exchanges of information and
energy are really a kind of food for all. Broadcast your light and
know that it was born in the darkness. Through light you trans-
mit the codes of your soul.

key of E-Photosynthesis-maintain codes

Photosynthesis makes possible the use of light to convert simple
molecules-carbon dioxide and water-into complex organic
molecules. This "miracle," essential to all of life, uses chlorophyll in
plant leaves for the conversion. Light contains codes of information
in a language of frequency. These codes are maintained, and used
by the plant and the whole ecosystem, to create a reciprocal relation
between plants and animals through respiration.

It may seem like a "dog eat dog" world, but this is a conse-
quence of the fear of scarcity and lack. There is actually plenty
for all, but not for indulgence. You may not be able to have
everything you want, but if you want only what you really need,
then you will be supported. Nature is plentiful and abundant,
broadcasting in all directions without distinction or prejudice.
Cease fearing and judging others and you will have more en-
ergy for feelings of love. Even when you compete with some-
one, you know they are in the same situation as you are. Empa-
thize while being frugal and know that all is well as you com-

key ofF-Competition and food chain-transform substance

Plants compete for light and animals compete for food. Spruce
outcompete fir in sunny areas and fir outcompetes spruce in shaded
understories. Rabbits crop the grass and then flowers can grow. Some
organisms produce chemicals that inhibit the growth of others.
Tomatoes and alfalfa wilt when grown near black walnuts. Marine
algae are consumed by fires, sea urchins, and molluscs. All aspects
of the food chain are transforming substance through digestion.


Your life is coming to a climax of empowerment. This means
staying centered and grounded no matter what happens. Silent
contemplation in a place that energizes you on a subtle level
would be beneficial now. Open yourself to responding intuitively
to nature. Take long walks and allow your childlike sense of
wonder to connect you to the vital force within nature. Pen-
etrate into the hidden mysteries of existence. The more you are
receptive to the inexplicable, the more power you carry within
yourself. Being calm and grounded will enable you to experi-
ence ecstatic union with Source.

key of F#-Power Spots-create connection

Power centers on earth are places where subtle energy is generated,
often through vortices deep in the earth, or places where water lives.
There are many different kinds of power spots: stargates, sanctuaries,
anchor points and mountains. Places like Avebury or Glastonbury in
the United Kingdom, Abydos in Egypt or Mount Ida on the island of
Crete are examples. Such power spots create a connection between
"heaven" and "earth" (spiritual and material).

The relationship you are thinking of may seem testy or a
trial to you, but it holds a promise of great mutual benefit. True
complementarity works well for each partner, for the relation is
one that has inherent reciprocal qualities. The difference between
co-dependency and mutuality is important. Co-dependency is
based on lack (inner wounds) and expectations; whereas mutu-
ality has a natural "fit/' where one easily offers what the other
needs and vice versa. You will discover the delight and nurturance
of a mutual relationship now. Test if you need to, but you will
cease testing when you come into trust.

key of G-Mutuality and Symbiosis-maintain flow

Mutuality is where two or more species benefit by sharing. Lichens,
for example, benefit the legumes and the nitrogen-fixing bacteria
that live in nodules on their roots. Pollination of flowers by insects is
of mutual benefit. Mycorrhizae (fungus-root), and ant-acacia
interactions are other examples. Symbiosis and mutuality help
maintain the flow of energy and nutrients between species.


You are undergoing a vital change that may entail some
sacrifices for the benefit of the whole (family or group). Sacri-
fice, not in the sense of victimization, but of "making sacred" is
a vital part of the transformation of life. You might conduct a
ritual for the change you are involved in. Realize that letting go
is bringing you closer to Prime Source. Your productions are of-
ferings fort he benefit of those who succeed you. Let go of these
offerings and trust that those who follow will use them crea-
tively. Don't expect a museum to house your productions, for
what you offer is a stimulus to the living, not the dead!

key of Ab-Succession of Species-transform codes

Succession in ecology is a change in a community: a pasture gives
way to a forest or a meadow emerges from a pond. Such
transformations often result from natural changes of wind, floods,
fires, earthquakes and landslides. Gaps created by natural
disturbances are filled by blackberries and black cherries. Birds eat
and drop seeds in a new gap. Then trees with durable wood come,
growing slowly. Succession may end with a climax community which
is self-sustaining.


To create a substantial home is to realize the extent of your
needs. Is it to be a shelter and place to nurture and rest, or do
you see it as a place where people gather as well? How private
or public do you want to be? Who else do you want to be living
with, and what are the dynamics of interpersonal relations that
will be present? These questions, and others you may have, are
part of your preparation to create or change a home. The rela-
tionship of plants and pets are also part of your consideration.
Gardening or working with animals (large or small) would be
helpful for you now. Your relationship to the earth will help
you determine how to answer some of your questions and take

key of A-Nest or habitat "home"-create substance

The type of "home" an animal creates or finds, is suited to its needs
for rest feeding, mating and caring for the young. Plants find
"homes" in the soils, light and water conditions needed by a particular
species. Birds create nests; bear, carnivores and coyotes create or
find caves; and fishes live in certain strata of oceans, lakes and rivers.


Your ancestors are still with you-ancestors of blood, light
and stone. If you feel disconnected, remember the old ancient
lines that crisscross the earth, for your kinship with crystals,
water and sacred paths can be renewed to great benefit of your
soul and the earth. Plants and animals know the interconnec-
tion of stones, trees and energies naturally. When you release
habits of artificial environments, the crystal clarity you once
had will return. Follow the lines that nourish you with subtle
energy, not with gross thrills. To know the vitality of the earth
is to awaken your own aura and deep consciousness of ances-
tors who live in your blood.

key of Bb-Ley lines and ancestral grounds-

maintain connection
Ley lines are subtle energy connections, often between power spots
on the earth. They maintain the connections between vortices of
subtle energy andjor water reservoirs deep in the earth. Megalithic
sites and lines of stone are some of the indications of past contact
with these reservoirs of subtle energy.


You know that you can't keep on trashing the environment.
Practise what you know. Observe how nature recycles by de-
composition and decay, which becomes a natural fertilizer for
new growth. Instead of seeking "quick fixes" take a slow, easy,
more penetrating way of separating what you don't need in your
life from what is of value. What is your criteria for knowing
which is which? Might it be long or short range values? For you
alone or for the community at large? Recycling or the dump?
Decay and dissolution are as natural as growth and production.
How will you find a way of embracing death? You can experi-
ence a true balance in flowing change.

key of B-Decomposition and recycling-transform flow

The decomposers of an ecosystem are the bacteria and fungi that
live on the excretion products and dead bodies of all plants and
animals. The energy of an ecosystem flows in a circulating manner-
from growth to decay and back again. Soils and ocean support plants;
plant-eating animals live on plants; and carnivores consume
herbivores. All return to soil or ocean through the bacterial and fungi

59- Plants-connection grows
What a wonderful period of grounding and growth! You
are experiencing an unfoldment that unites the realm of light
with the realm of darkness. Stay closely connected to nature-
both earth and sky-and give thanks to the many beings that
have preceded you in their living growth. You can now become
more aware of the essences within your life experience and dis-
til them to greater and greater purity. The flowers of your soul
emerge from the strength of your values and the outreach of
your roots. Ancestors provide a foundation, but you provide the
upright shoot. As you nurture yourself and bask in the light,
your relationships and projects will bloom. Rest deeply, for at
night you are slowly regenerated by spirit. Trust the unknown
and you will be able to help transform the old culture into a
bright new way of life. When you drink and eat, give thanks to
the forces above and below. Reach down and up simultaneously
and know that you are a bridge-between different types of
people, between earth and sky, and between the Old Earth and
an earth soon to be born. Do not rush into anything, but remain
quietly growing and there will be many fruits flourishing from
your life experiences. Choose a number between 1 and 12 and
read from among the next twelve pages.


You are in a very tender embryonic stage of unfoldment
no matter what your age! It is best not to go anywhere or get
distracted now. Remain quiet and listen to the small inner voice.
Something wonderful is unfolding slowly. Be patient. Trust the
process. Be aware that your upper chakras (subtle energy
centers) are wanting more light and transcendent experiences,
and your lower chakras may resist such transcendence. Stay in
the middle-in your heart-and cease identifying with one pole
or the other. Just watch. There are growth pains sometimes,
but you can release obstructions as they come up. Stay grounded,
respond to the light and be one with Source through your heart.

key of C-Seeds-create codes

Seeds contain the genetic code within the nucleus of the cells and
thus are pure information or pattern for the unfoldment of plant
life. The blueprint or plan of each species is from Prime Source, but
is deposited through seeds and spores. The substance of the seed or
spore is not the template or pattern, but is a small container, like a
bottle with a message in it.


Trust that you are protected as long as you continue to be
vitally alive-sensitive to others while fulfilling your own pur-
pose. Your "fortress" is your inner strength, endurance and pa-
tience. Maintain your position, not by force, but by steady, step
by step growth. Allow your tender feelings to remain sensitive
while developing greater balance and equanimity. Then you
don't need to protect yourself. Protection occurs by continuing
to be sensitive and responsive to others-not by yielding to any
force they may exert, but by gentle, but firm, standing on your
own two feet.

key of Db-Cellulose and cell walls-maintain substance

Cell walls in plants maintain their shape, and thus maintain the form
of the whole plant. Cellulose, which has a crystalline aspect, is the
main component that makes up the plant cell walls. When cellulose
microfibrils wind together they form a kind of "cable" which has a
strength exceeding that of an equivalent thickness of steel!

When you branch out, be aware to not force anything, for
it is best if you take a slow smooth action. Don't be precipitous.
If you move suddenly you are likely to divide your attention.
Stay with an inner sweet feeling as long as possible and let it
divide of itself naturally. Breathe deeply, consciously and feel
renewed energy enter into all of your cells. You are in a state of
transformation, and branching out is part of it. You may even
change your job, residence or relationship. If you do so from a
feeling of sweetness rather than frustration, you will be able to
live and communicate in a much more inspiring way. Explore
from a centered inner space.

key of D-Respiration and glycolosis-transform connection

Once inside a plant cell, glucose in broken down in a step by step
fashion and much of the energy originally present in the food
molecules is converted to A TP-a more versatile form of energy.
After becoming a carbon product, the remnants of glucose are
reduced to carbon dioxide and water. The series of transformative
connections enable energy to be available to the plant.


You need a steady supply of resources to enable you to
take the next step in your development. Where will these re-
sources come from but within yourself? The regenerative cycle
is one where every source uses an agent and process to arrive at
an effect that has more and more source capacity. The source
depends on your intent. Are you wanting regenerative effects
for everyone concerned or only for yourself? If you are consid-
ering the whole, then ask others to help. Get people involved
for their own good. Create a synergy or synthesis together and
allow it to be an ongoing process that everyone benefits from.
For example, it might be a business, interpersonal growth proc-
ess, or method of gardening.

key of Eb-Piant metabolism-create flow

The break down of organic molecules-catabolism-yields energy;
whereas the build up of organic molecules-anabolism-requires
energy. Botanists call the metabolic hub for the breakdown and
synthesis of many different molecules, the "Krebs cycle." This cycle
is what creates flow or energy in a plant.

You can generate energy from within now. Walk and re-
ceive as much natural sunlight as you can each day. Your spir-
itual, psychic and physical systems need pure light. Take light in
with enjoyment and then rest for a while. You are recharging
your "batteries," so to speak. Allow yourself time and space to
drink in the light and then rest. You will begin to feel the flow
of energy circulating within you, and as you do so, you can be-
gin to extend energy to others. A project you envision needs
enough energy to sustain all the way through. Stretch out! Re-
ceive light, rest and then energy will be available.

key of E-Leaves and photosynthesis-maintain codes

Photosynthesis is perhaps the most important process for life on
earth, for plants and algae are able to use light to convert simple
molecules-carbon dioxide and water-into complex organic
molecules. Also, photosynthesis releases oxygen which animals
breathe. Light contains specific codes, according to the frequency,
and it is these codes that are used by the plant. Chlorophyll in the
plant leaves convert light into molecules.


There are many ways you can attract or repel other peo-
ple. Your own chemistry responds to your feelings. Be aware of
how you are refining yourself to an essence. Notice how you
are truly bubbling with high energy at other times. This oscilla-
tion and transformation is physical and chemical, but it is af-
fected by thoughts and feelings. Visualize what your soul wants
to fulfil, feel it and then embody it. You are undergoing a proc-
ess of refinement, even sublimation, on a physical level. It would
be beneficial to fast, go on a vision quest, and let the chemistry
work. In a sense, you are being "digested" by angels and higher
powers that see that you are ready for this change!

key ofF-Essential oils, scents and chemistry-

transform substance
Flowering plants produce alkaloids, quinones, terpenoids and
essential oils that are the refined essences of plant chemistry. Some
of these oils and compounds repel insects and others attract them.
The substance of the plant chemistry is transformed to become
poisons or attractive scents.


Sometimes it is best to sit quietly and nurture yourself.
When you feel loved and nurtured you will grow into the next
venture of your life. It may be a series of activities or relation-
ships. Connect with sources of creativity within you and then
reach up and out to the light. You will know the "light" by your
awareness of truth and beauty. Your own clarity is an indicator
of the direction of your growth. Stay flexible and create con-
nections with others through your love of the light. You are
beginning a beautiful pattern of interconnections that will re-
store you to dynamic peace.

key of F#-Stem, internodal elongation and phyllotaxy-

create connection
The stem of a plant is basically a passageway for water and nutrients
and it increases in length by internodal elongation. At each node,
one or more leaf traces divert from the stem and enter the leaves.
Stems are primarily creating a connection between light and gravity,
and like roots, may serve as water and food storage systems. The
patterns of leaf arrangement-phyllotaxy-are diverse and beautiful.

You are at a peak of unfoldment and know that your offer-
ings will benefit others! With the integrity of your unique gifts,
it is time to share and disseminate the best that you have devel-
oped in recent years. Your vitality is the root source of your
appearance, and if you feel called to wear certain colors on dif-
ferent occasions, do so. You will attract many people to you and
there is now no need to screen people out. You have abundant
beauty and resources. You may attract a sexual partner. Simply
maintain your integrity in all circumstances and bloom!

key of E-Fiowers and pollination-maintain flow

As a flower anther sheds its contents, the pollen grains are transferred
to the stigmas in various ways. Following hydration, pollen grains
germinate, forming a pollen tube. A germinated pollen grain has a
tube nucleus and two sperm. In most flowering plants the styles are
solid with one or more strands of transmitting tissue extending from
stigma to the ovules. This pollination process of flowers maintains
the flow of the life of the plant species through sexualitv generally
in cooperation with the insect kingdom.

Your time for unfoldment and ripening is now. This devel-
opment is not only of your doing, but of the cycles of seasons
and life that enable codes to be transformed. As you simply be,
you naturally transmute old useless patterns and are drawn into
the full color and vibrant life that helps everyone nearby trans-
form also. Allow yourself to bask in the sun and to be embraced
by angels of light, for all the values that you stand for are being
carried forth into a dawning culture. Don't think for a moment
that you live for yourself alone. Future generations benefit from
your life as long as you are true to your values.

key of Ab- Fruits-transform codes

Fruits are a level of fulfilment for a plant, for they contain a fleshy
part that nourishes the seed within. A fruit is a mature ovary, which
may include flower parts. Fruit, and therefore seed, dispersal is
generally carried out by animals that eat the fruit. The codes are
inherent in the seeds, and may be transformed by genetic mutations.

It is time to dig deep within your soul purpose and accept
being in incarnation! Appreciate your ancestors no matter how
outrageous they were. Free yourself of expectations and put
your roots down into a soil that attracts you. Don't live only by
what others say. Explore for yourself where you will reside and
how you will go about receiving nourishment from the earth.
Love the earth and you will notice how she has always loved
you. Your life has to be vital for you to actualize your soul pur-
pose. Create the substance of your life from the elemental in-
gredients around you. You can grow strong if you ground your-
self and absorb living elements around you.

key of A-Roots and Soil-create substance

Roots are often more extensive than the part of the plant above
ground. This underground nourisher makes possible the connection
of the plant to water and minerals. The taproot descends deep into
the earth; whereas the lateral roots reach horizontally. The "feeder
roots" are fine tubes actively engaged in absorbing water and
minerals, which create substance (food molecules) for the plant.

To maintain the structure of your life you need to both
nourish yourself and nourish others. To do this, arrange some
cooperative venture that is of mutual benefit on the ground
level of life. Then you can create a network of outreach for com-
municating your spiritual values. You might use the world wide
web or simply network in your own community. Get a feeling
for reciprocity and mutuality-how there is a plan that is wait-
ing for people to fill it. This plan benefits everyone who partici-
pates. The "win-win" situation is demonstrated by mycorrhiza
which extend a plant's root system and in turn receive vitamins
and minerals. Reach out in your network further with relaxed

key of Bb-Mycorrhiza and veination-maintain connection

Mycorrhiza are the complementary connections between fungi and
roots. The fungi capture water and essential elements. The plant
gives the fungi plant carbohydrates and vitamins needed for its
growth. Leaf veins exemplify a network structure assisting in the
plant's reception of light.

There are times to break down and fall apart so that what
you thought was important can be fertilizer and compost for
values that lie deep within you. Trust yourself. Your soul is in-
destructible though your body may grow old and decay! Trans-
mute and transform the old and allow new growth to flow forth
into your consciousness. Commune with the inexplicable sources
within you and listen. Be receptive to new impulses that can
rearrange your life into new directions. You have many gifts
and can go in many directions. Listen for the directions that
generate the most flow with the One.

key of B-Piant hormones, fermentation and decay-

transform flow
Hormones are small organic molecules that transform the flow of
chemicals between cells in very specific ways. They regulate growth
and development; whereas fermentation and decay involve bacteria
that assist in decomposing or transforming organic plant material.
When energy is extracted from organic compounds without using
oxygen it is called fermentation. Growth and decay are
transformations of one flow.

I \

6o-Animal-Transformation enlivens
The energy that you feel in your body is part of a flow that
runs through the whole stream of the animal kingdom. Your
flesh and blood, bone and breath are a culmination of billions of
years of evolution. Appreciate the value of life that comes from
light and plants and is consumed by animals. Behold the energy
of life as a river-a continuous flow that issues into your life.
This river you share with animals-especially those that breathe
oxygen. Even aspects of the plant kingdom share sexuality with
you. When you appreciate this energy flow in greater perspec-
tive you will activate a greater wellspring of vitality. The peak
of vitality is ecstasy and all humans need ecstasy to be sane. To
be in balance is to feel the flow between the earthly animal en-
ergy epitomized in sexuality, and the heavenly ecstatic energy,
epitomized in spirituality. Either extreme alone will throw you
off balance and bring frustration and misery. Sexuality without
spiritual love becomes possessive, then frustrated and angry.
Spiritual love without sexuality becomes unable to express,
ground or manifest. Become aware of the river from heaven
and the river from earth meeting in your expression of love.
Now choose a number between 1 and 12 to read a more specific
aspect relevant to your life in the next pages.

In the center of every cell of your body is a code that has
complete instructions for creating tissue and organs. Every ani-
mal also has a unique code. Appreciate the diversity and move-
ment of life, for within you is an empathic affinity with every
animal species. If you have pets, do not assume only a command-
ing role, but also one of friendship and love. Each creatures is a
demonstration of the flow of life and the same flow is within
you. Clear yourself of any domineering attitudes towards ani-
mals, for such attitudes likely stem from uncertainties and hurts
within yourself. Love yourself exactly as you are and love ani-
mals the same way.

key of (-Codes for unique species-create codes

A cell can use only specific proteins because of the genetic code within
the nucleus. DNA controls the specifics in protein synthesis and
because of this, a species remains a species. The uniqueness of animal
species enables a continuity generation after generation.



As you attune to your organs-all your body systems-
they feel your empathy and are nourished by it. Realize that
different species of animals represent diverse organs and divine
qualities that you contain in your body also. The same essential
nerve, blood, bone and digestive organs are in you as in ani-
mals. All are of the earth, but of different designs for specific
purposes. To maintain your body systems, take care of eating
good food-the more organic the better. Take longs walks or
runs and enjoy your physical body. When lying down to sleep
at night, scan your body with your consciousness and send love
to all your cells and organs. This practise is not fantasy, but a
real subtle energy healing and maintenance.

key of Db-Animal body systems-maintain substance

The multiple body systems of an animal-skeletal, nervous,
circulatory, immune etc.- are a harmonious grouping that work
together to empower the animal to be what it is. Each animal
phylum, class, order, family, genus and species has specific
characteristics that are maintained for identity.

You need to express your feelings more fully through your
voice. How you cry, speak, sing, or moan is part of the expres-
sion and release of the animal impulses within you. By animal is
not meant anything inferior or debased, but rather your natu-
ral instinctual nature. Whether in the shower, in the city malls,
or in the wilderness, you need to make actual sounds to get in
touch with your deep instinctual feelings that may have been
repressed by social "norms." For the time being, enjoy hooting
and howling or perhaps whistling and singing. Commune with
that animal part of yourself that wants liberation from any form
of repression.

key of D-Wild animal voice-transform connection

The cries, singing, howling and growling of animals is a direct way
of expressing a response to a situation. Birds generally sing at dawn,
and fighting animals may growl to terrorize their opponent. There
are mating calls, birthing cries, and dying groans. The connection, in
this case, is through sound and is transformed according to the
instinctual and emotional needs of the animal.



Becoming more instinctual enables you to know what to
do in your present situation. If you feel tired, helpless or re-
pressed it is because you have allowed your thinking to domi-
nate your feeling and instinctual nature. Let go of all "shoulds"
and clear yourself by going to the beach, the mountains, or any
place that returns you to the wild. Walk, run, sing or dance until
you feel clear enough to see what to do. Then take swift and
complete action. You know within you whether joining or sepa-
rating from a person, job or situation is exactly what is needed.
Your i nsti nets wi II protect you and your vita Iity wi II then return
with greater force.

key of Eb-lnstinct and emotion-create flow

Flow is the energy and vitality of life which is inherent in the animal.
Instinct is this innate ability of an animal to sense danger, or be
attracted to a mate, for example. Emotions such as happiness, love,
anger, and desire are clearly exemplified by the higher vertebrates.
Emotions create or block energy flow.


Notice whether you awake at night or want to rest in the
day, and how your rhythms match the rhythms of light and dark-
ness. Let go of conditioned responses taught by parents andjor
society with regards to sleeping or waking. Allow your innate
needs to be fulfilled. Do you stay up late at night simply to ex-
haust yourself to the point of sleep? Does your body really need
rest sooner? Notice if there is anxiety, confusion or sorrow. Do
certain state of consciousness keep you awake or make you want
to sleep-to avoid trouble? What are you tracking, searching
or hunting for? What is at the root of anything you deny, hide
or conceal from others? How can you arrange your life to ac-
cord with the rhythms of the day and night? You have this know-
ing within you.

key of E-Sieeping and waking rhythms-maintain codes

The thalamus and hypothalamus in the brain control many
involuntary activities, including waking and sleeping. The
relationship of animals to light and dark rhythms is part of periodic
synchronies between the nervous system and the rotation and orbit
of the planet around the sun.



Perhaps you have fought since childhood and constantly
have a nagging need to dominate-because you were once domi-
nated. Recognize the truth of your motives. If you feel violent
conflict within you now, it may be because of some hidden hurt
that has never been resolved. Fighting is fine to test your abili-
ties and strength in engaging others, but if there are hidden
motives-even a secret desire to kill-it is from an unresolved
wound. Go deep within yourself and forgive yourself for being a
victim and for being one who victimized others. Everyone is hurt
some time or another. If you uncontrollably fight with your part-
ner-friend or enemy- it is likely some part of yourself you have
not forgiven. Animals and aboriginal peoples hunt out of neces-
sity-for survival. To hunt for sport is not the same.

key ofF-Predation and fighting-transform substance

Competition- whether in mating or for food- is a basic test for most
animals. If the more healthy animal wins, it is best for the species as
a whole. The transformation of substance is the "mystery" of a
predator eating its victim and taking on its power by digestion;



It is time to realize that the senses of sight, hearing, taste,
touch and smell are doorways to an exterior world that limits
your perception to three dimensions only. Some animals-in-
cluding cats-sense other dimensions, and you have the poten-
tial to do so. Meanwhile, use your senses to objectify the world,
but interpret what you assimilate, as a language-a symbol of
that which is beyond three dimensions. Different species of ani-
mals excel in diverse senses. Some eyes see beyond the violet
into the ultraviolet and some see below red into the infrared.
Maintain a balance between perception and expression. If you
express more than you perceive, you will be "heard" but not
listened to.

key of F#-Senses and perception-create connection

The specialization of the skin becoming senses of sight, hearing,
tasting, smelling-all come out of the basic sense offeelingjtouching.
Each species has specific capabilities of perception, which is a way of
creating connection between itself and its environment.


Your attraction to someone sexually would best be played
out as a ritual dance or enjoyment of music together. Notice
what colors you want to wear as an expression of how you feel.
Sustain courtship as long as possible before sexual consumma-
tion, for the joy and ecstasy become richer with sustained im-
agination and creative display. Perhaps you will want to swim
together or run through the fields or forest. You may even have
fights as the resistance to consummation mounts. Allow the en-
actment of many feelings so that you know one another more
fully. If one or another is a "show off" this is good, humorous
display. When you come together in lovemaking, let it be sensi-
tive to one another. Enjoy the ecstasy that comes of love.

key of G-Courtship dances and sexuality-maintain flow

Sexuality is the way nature has of maintaining the flow of energy
for specific species. The sexual act itself is a flowing, energetic form
of play that heightens the sensitivity of an animal. The specific
gestures and rites that animals use to attract a mate are part of this
lovemaking dance that maintains the flow of the species.


You are face to face with your soul when you intuitively
know someone or something. When you doubt, it is because
you are momentarily out of touch with soul. Time belongs to
experience and mind, but eternity belongs to soul. The issue you
are concerned with needs no testing, but needs direct knowing.
Your soul knows while your mind tries to figure things out. Cease
trying altogether and go directly to the certitude of how things
are. Let go of what you want to happen or what you fear might
happen. Desires and fears interfere with the soul's intuition
needed now. Just be, breathe and open your awareness to the
point of remembering who you are. Then your soul will emerge
with knowing.

key of Ab-Animal soul and deep memory-transform codes

Memory is one way nature has of transforming codes through the
experience and then the recollection of the experience. The animal
soul is a group soul of the species which remembers the collective
experiences of innumerable members of its group. The codes or
information is transformed in transmission and memory.

There is an animal part of you that wants a nest or cave as
a home where you can forget about the world and find your
center. This is a time when you need to go deeply into yourself
and allow your recent experiences to settle and be assimilated.
You may be entering a new room or place of residence so that
this deep process of nesting and centering can happen. From a
sense of rested peace you will be able to create anew and mani-
fest a more permanent home. If you are tired of going from
place to place, it is because the restless questing side of you has
dominated the deep inner self that truly wants peace. There is a
time for the vagabond and a time for the householder!

key of A-Animal abodes-create substance

The nests, caves, holes, and hideaways of animals provide a place to
rest and recuperate from predation, play or feeding. These animal
"abodes" enable the assimilation of foods digested, and enable the
body as a whole to "create substance." Often an animal will return
to the place of its birth to give birth to its own, and thus the cycle
has a fixed place of orientation and identity.


Certain species tread specific pathways on, in and over the
earth. Migrations of birds, whales and dolphins are part of a
planetary rhythm of sky and sea. There are caves and holes be-
neath the earth where rodents, worms and burrowing creatures
move. The paths on the earth are sometimes ley lines, guiding
the animal with subtle energy. Your sensitivity to these subtle
energy pathways can be enhanced by dowsing. Do not dowse
casually, but from a clear intent to learn what you can about
the subtle energy and waterways of the land. Trust your sub-
conscious mind to know what your conscious mind does not
know. Use your hands, your skin and your inner sense to dis-
cover pathways that can open you to refreshing subtle energy.

key of Bb-Migrations, pathways, ley lines-

maintain connection
The sun causes diurnal migrations of most planktonic organisms.
Larger animals feeding on the plankton migrate up and down in the
sea correspondingly. Seasonal migrations of birds and whales serve
to maintain a connection with fixed breeding and feeding grounds.



To let go of someone is also to honor them and acknowl-
edge their presence and essence. Being together physically and
energetically enables a bond of association that makes existence
itself poignant. When existence and essence are one there is a
joy of life. When existence and essence are severed, you best
create some rite of both grief of separation and honoring of es-
sence. Some animals have rituals of burial and honoring ances-
tral bones. It is as if their souls know the link of essence that
transcends existence. When the flow of energy is gone from a
body, the consciousness is overwhelmed by emotion. This dis-
solution and disorientation can assist you to detach from the
appearances of the physical world and to trust the greater flow
of spiritual essences.

key of B-Death rites-transform flow

Many higher vertebrates, such as elephants, mourn the death of their
family members, just as humans do. In any case, the transformation
of flow is through the dying process where the soul of the animal is
separated from the body, and the physical body decays.

61-Human-Guidance fulfills
Your potential is enormous and you are on your way to
fulfilling your soul purpose. Realize that as you get closer to
self-realization, the trials seem harder. Your sensitivity is en-
hanced, and pulling old traumas out by the roots is an in-depth
operation. Trust that there are thresholds of death and rebirth
on a psychic level that are moved through when you have more
compassion for yourself. Trust also that your guides are present
to assist you in fulfilling your soul purpose. They will not en-
courage you to fulfil useless desires, whims or frustrated tirades!
It would be good if you prayed and asked for assistance in ac-
cordance with soul purpose. Gradually, the subtle energy of your
"wings" will expand and unfurl. You are an angel in incarnation
to help with the shift into a Golden Age. To reveal your bril-
liance, the shadows that you have hidden for aeons need to come
to light so that they can be transformed. The energy that shad-
ows use is to be available for your soul purpose. What is your
soul purpose? Use direct experience, self observation, analogi-
cal thinking and spiritual practises to answer this question. Be-
ing in a human body gives you the great freedom to choose
ecstatic union with Prime Source. Now think of a number be-
tween 1 and 12 and read in a following page.

The inception of your life is held in deep embrace by your
etheric double. You are cared for and "kept in shape" by this tem-
plate that seamlessly holds the pattern of your soul in your physi-
cal body. Your spiritual quest has a wonderful pattern and des-
tiny. Feel the quality of your soul in your experience of rebirth.
Truth can only be proven by your life unfoldment. There is no
insurance except trust in the source of your soul. You have the
codes and keys that can unlock the beautiful shape of your des-
tiny. It is up to you to be aware of and manifest the codes that
your soul reveals.

key of C-Etheric double-create codes

The etheric double of the human holds the template for all the organs
and body systems. This code is transcribed by the intelligence of the
body into cells and tissues that, in tum, transmit the code. The code
is an interface between genetic transcription and neural translation,
and the creator of the codes is Prime Source.


Be grateful for your physical body, for through it you are
one with the pulsing life of all sentient beings. As you nourish
your body, your cells will accrete a harmonious conglomerate
of tissues, creating new beneficial structure. Your body is not
fixed, but is recycling and evolving continuously. Through your
body you can feel one with many species of animals. The carni-
vores resonate with your heart, birds with your respiratory sys-
tem and the annelids and molluscs resonate with your digestive
track. This may be unconscious and even repulsive, but if you
love your body, you will love animals also. Appreciate your sexu-
ality, shared with almost all sentient beings, for this system vi-
talizes and maintains the substance in your whole physical body.

key of Db-Physical body-maintain substance

Your physical body maintains substance through protein synthesis
creating specific types of cells for specific organs. The organic and
neural systems such as the circulatory, respiratory, skeletal,
reproductive, and muscular are a harmonious whole that is regulated
by hormones and DNA. The body systems themselves are a display
of the innate program.

It is time for you to break through limited conceptual think-
ing to an open field of consciousness where paradox is delight!
Take a deep breath, feel one with all beings, cease thinking and
allow pure mind to break the shackles that bind your thoughts
in old grooves. Breath and receptivity can open the doors to
enormous resources within consciousness. Expand, transfigure,
stretch your mind, and you will realize that old habits of thought,
including addictions, will vanish. Write poetry or just allow a
stream of consciousness to flow through, and you will transcend
thought with pure spiritual mind.

key of D-Expanded consciousness-transform connection

Consciousness is an indefinable process that must be experienced to
be known. To expand consciousness beyond its normal habits and
boundaries is a complete transformation of connection between
one's brain, one's mind and one's soul. Cosmic consciousness is a
transcendence of the instinctual and status quo habitual mind to a
state of being in resonance with soul and Prime Source.

Your feelings can be a treadmill if you don't witness their
pattern. Frustration, hurt, anger and consequent violence are a
cycle of reactivity that will rob you of vitality if you don't work
on stilling them. How? Feel these emotions intensely, while
witnessing your feelings with compassion. When you feel at
peace and full of love, you are flowing from an inexhaustible
source. Stay sensitively attuned to this source and you will feel
consistent power from unconditional love. Get in touch with
any fear you have of being hurt, controlled-a victim in any
way. While feeling any fear, detach, witness and let it go. The
more you live with the creative love flow, the more all emo-
tional reactivity will cease. Reactivity binds whereas love frees.

key of Eb- Emotions-create flow

Emotions are qualities in human experience that create the flow of
energy. Although they may range from extreme love to intense anger
and violence, they have a common source in the flow of energy.
When reactive, emotions create restrictions to flow and consequent
pain; and when responsive, emotions create a sense of infinite ease.

The adjustment toward peace is sometimes tumultuous!
Continue to be wholehearted while witnessing all your feelings
and insights. Yourwholeheartedness is unconditional. When you
feel one with your heart-soul you have to be unconditional. Any
holding back wi II sever your persona Iity from your sou I and you
will feel pain, frustration or impatience again. Your heart-soul
may be unconscious, but you are now bringing it into conscious-
ness through a penetrating commitment to aligning with spir-
itual soul. Your soul doesn't need to be "saved." Your soul is al-
ready pure and clear. You would benefit by feeling your one-
ness with it. Unite with your heart-soul by dissolving all shad-
ows with an unconditional state of wholehearted love.

key of E-Heart-Soul-maintain codes

The heart-soul of the human is/inked with love-win which is a central
code of the spiritual soul. When the heart-soul seeks only self-win
there is restriction, contraction and disconnection with spiritual soul.
When love-will is lived, the codes of the spiritual soul are maintained
through the life of the person.


The intense process you are in is transforming your physi-
cal body into a spiritual body. If you feel your cells scintillating,
it is because they are being cleared of old traumatic memory or
patterns you may cling to. This transformation is happening now
because you are ready for it, whether your conscious mind
knows it or not. There are angelic beings and guides assisting in
this process, and your part is to remain open, willing and
prayerful. Allow yourthoughts and feelings to move, and let go
of habits that are no longer serving you. Your body is beautiful
and is being returned to its essence. Rest deeply and exercise
with a flowing energy from your heart. Open up to your body
being lighter and more in harmony with your soul and spirit.

key ofF-Spiritual body and decay-transform substance

The physical body contracts and loses its vibrancy when it grows
old, and it decays upon death,· whereas the spiritual body has the
possibility of transforming the physical substance of the body into a
spiritual substance. This process of ceasing decay depends on the
cooperation of all the other aspects of the human, especially the
spiritual soul.


Your contact with the three dimensional world through
your senses can be a delight or a prison. Your eyes have a direct
link with your brain, enabling the appearance of an objective
world. The separation of subject and object activates thinking
of cause and effect. Causal thinking is useful for practical activi-
ties, but is Ii m iti ng for a rea Iization of the unity of the inner and
outer domains. For this unity, become more aware of your sense
of smell. Scent interpenetrates dimensions and is closer to the
chemistry of your body as a whole sense organ. Be aware of
what thoughts in your life effected certain results. Change your
mind and you change the results!

key of F#-Senses and cause-effect mind-create connection

The senses, as part of the nervous system, 9ive reports of the
environment, which are coordinated with the memory and
interpreter of sensory experience. By this conditionin9, the cause
and effect mind creates connections between initial sense data and
consequent sense data. These connections enable the human to
function in the world of events and behaviours, based on the senses.

Spirit is a wellspring of sexuality. Enjoy love as a union of
complements on a spiritual level as well as physical level. For
the physical is necessarily temporary! Nevertheless, in each
sexual act, spirit is potentially present as well. Love permeates
all realms-all dimensions-and it maintains the ceaseless flow
of life through sex. The union of sperm and egg is not only a
symbol of sexual love, but results as a child! The consequences
of sexual love maintain the pulse of life through generations.
The ecstasy of sexual love reaches through and beyond the heart
and is necessary for human balance. Emotions are purified in
the wellspring of love.

key of G-Sexuallove-maintain flow

Sexual love flows down from the higher dimensions of the cards in
this deck, called the "Logos,// the "Vibrations// and the "Waters.// The
Cherubim, Healers and Dragons are also part of the ecstatic flow.
Through the vibratory flow of energy sourced in these higher
dimensions, spirituality and sexuality become co-joined in one
experience. As spirit activates, bodies merge.


Sometimes you may feel a warmth and peace that is be-
yond understanding. This is surrendering to a vast reality far
beyond individual control. To live, speak and take action from a
spiritual soul level means surrendering to the will of God- Prime
Source. This doesn't mean you don't do anything, but that you
do out of pure being rather than self-will. Your soul's beauty
exceeds anything you can imagine. Let it speak to you, nurture
you and guide you. It is fine to develop will, but then let it go
and ask of God, "What is thy will?" Letting go of control is al-
lowing soul to lead you to self-mastery. Self-mastery implies
staying one with your spiritual soul. When in deep peace allow
it to work within you infinitely.

key of Ab-Spiritual soul-transform codes

The spiritual soul is the original soul created by Prime Source, which
is pure and has direct access to Prime Source. When one's other
aspects are in resonance and harmony with the spiritual soul, one
can transform the codes and programs of one's life, but not the codes
of the spiritual soul itself. There is no real manipulation for the
spiritual soul; only surrender to God.

Don't forget that you are one with all sentience through
your embryonic recapitulation of animal species in different
stages of organic development. Without this natural ground,
your physical body couldn't have evolved. Your body is created
from elements born of stars and supernovas, and creatures born
of the earth. The potency of your embryonic life is still with you
like a ball of different qualities of threads, unfurling-bringing
your activities out into space. Stay in touch with feeling your
body. If there are numb places or areas of your body in pain, go
into those places and nurture them with love. Ask the cells in
those areas for forgiveness. Did you react or turn them off by
putting them in isolation? Persist in sending them love.

key of A-Embryonic development-create substance

Embryonic unfoldment is a program that recapitulates various stages
of evolution and links humans to the earthly aspect of nature. One
of the main functions of being human is to mediate "heaven and
earth." This early embryonic development assists in creating a
substantial/ink to the earthly/physical realm.


You are in a profound state of being which enables you to
see correlations between people and events in your life that
appear to have no cause and effect relation. Become aware of
patterns-qualities-that cross over diverse realms. See how
certain patterns are analogous to each other. See the similari-
ties and differences. Allow "irrational" connections to occur.
Review any "problem" areas of your life. What are the patterns
involved? Do you see those patterns or qualities anywhere else
in life? How do they resolve themselves? Imagine how you want
to resolve any challenges in your life and watch for
synchronicities. Be open to surprise correlations. Write down
sentences that have parallel meanings.

key of Bb-Analogical thinking-maintain connection

A higher function of the mind/ analogical thinking nevertheless can
become merely associative. Many cultures depend on analogical
thinking for their symbols/ rites and mythologies. Analogical thinking
has the capacity to be a real interpreter of data through patterns-
a language of "signatures" where correlations are found that
transcends magnitude and causal thinking.


This very fragile time is one where great transmutation of
old wounds can occur. If you are feeling vulnerable, it is well,
for it is only in this open, sensitive, receptive state that you can
get in touch with the obscurations that block the continued
destiny of your soul. You needn't know what the obscurations
are. Call them shadows or"demons." Don't be attached to them.
They are simply old wounds being reopened for healing. Fear
nothing, for all is well in this operation. Your guides of the Light
know that your deepest soul longing is for spiritual love. What-
ever pain you feel enables you to be more compassionate to-
ward others as well as yourself.

key of B-Shadows-transform flow

Shadows are but repressed reactive emotions that one seeks to deny.
Nevertheless, shadows demand a lot of energy to maintain them in
denial, so they become a treasure-trove for those willing to transform
them into pure, flowing energy. This process requires the utmost
honesty and willingness to undergo the pain of the very experiences
one originally wanted to deny.

0 0

62-Atomic-matter cycles
Atomic elements are made up of frequencies that manifest
in three dimensions at specific angles. Your body is made up of
such elements, and you are at a point of recreating your body.
This can be accomplished naturally as you change your diet and
exercise in ways appropriate to your age and physical build.
Generally speaking, it is beneficial at this time of planetary tran-
sition, to eat more lightly and eat organic foods if possible. Gar-
dening might even be a part of your physical recreation. In at-
oms, each bundle of energy carries an amount of energy that is
a multiple of its frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher
the energy. To revitalize your physical body, you need to shift
up to a higher frequency, not in terms of speed with which you
accomplish things, but in terms of how your metabolism re-
sponds to food, water, impressions and exercise. Your conscious-
ness is really the source of how matter cycles within your body.
If you react with stress you cannot digest so easily and your
sleep may be disturbed. Allow your thoughts to come and go,
but don't attach to them. Witness them, then direct your
thoughts and feelings to a specific goal and practise methods to
attain it. Now, think of a number between 1 and 12 and read the
appropriate next page.

You may be in hesitation or a pendulum swing on whether
to join a group or not. Realize that combining energies with oth-
ers makes a stronger force for a given purpose. When this pur-
pose is complete, you will benefit by withdrawing again, but
only for a given time. When you go into reclusion you build up
energy so that you naturally want to transmit your insights to
others. Then you will be drawn into joining a group again. Your
true identity of soul allows your personality to seemingly vacil-
late, but this rhythm of separation and combination is a neces-
sity like breathing.

key of C-Atomic numbers-create codes

Atomic numbers indicate the number of protons in the nucleus of
an atom, which in turn indicates the number of electrons in the
"shells" of an atom. The codes of an atom are actually all the
characteristics of the atom, including the orbitals, but the atomic
number is a key code that also indicates its combining capacity.


Don't expect to have security forever, but for now you have
a secure position and stable rhythm of life. Being in the "norm"
has advantages for now. Enjoy the benefits! As you become more
sensitive you may wish to change your position. Remember, you
are not your position. You are a soul stabilizing in a body and
your body is an expression of your soul, not an object to be
manipulated by benefits and insurance. Feel and embody what
you know and then find the qualities you can actually manifest.
Becoming more and more stable now will enable you to branch
out more later.

key of Db-Ordered compounds-maintain substance

Ordered forms are more stable among crystals. For example, gold
and silver atoms have similar atomic radius and similar chemical
properties so they are very stable in combination. The maintenance
of substance depends on stable, ordered compounds.


Everything is moving-inside and out! Go with the trans-
formation you are involved in now. Old relationships may break
up and new ones form. You may feel your family connections
getting more fragile or perhaps more firm in a deeper way. Con-
tact people you think of, but haven't seen in a while. There is a
reason why you think of them. Changes are likely to happen at
work as well. The most tender and delicate relationships have
the most profound connections, for they are alive and
transformative. Delicate bonds are strongest inwardly, but tend
to detach and recombine outwardly.

key of D-Organic bonds-transform connection

Vander Waals bonds play a role in the delicate bonding of organic
compounds where there are momentary shifts of electrons.
Connections are easily transformed, but sensitive change is needed
for organic life to sustain itself in matter.

You are in a dance that never ends, for life is created from
this source of vitality you are feeling now. If you feel a polar-
ity-counterforces within you, or between you and your part-
ner-it is because you are so united that you cannot avoid be-
ing in relationship. Feel the source of everything working
through you as a spinning dance that carries the true power of
creation. Your own creativity springs from this source, and be-
ing in love drives the dance! It would be enjoyable to actually
dance with a partner or friend just now.

key of Eb-Eiectron spin and counterspin-create flow

Every electron orbital carries a spin and potential counterspin, that
generates flow of energy in an atom. Molecular substances are made
up of such flowing partnership in atoms. If there is only one electron
in an orbital, it seeks a partner. Existence is created by electrons


You may be feeling the magnetic attraction of someone or
something that you have distanced yourself from. See what you
value, regardless of personal benefits, for to hold to your values
will enable you to recharge your potential and radiate these
values to a much greater audience. As you broadcast your mes-
sage, those who resonate to the same values will be magnet-
ized. The group that forms will radiate more Light to the world.
Even those you distanced before will eventually grow and come
forth. Realize that true values reach everyone, near and far. It
just may take a while for consciousness to dawn.

key of E- Photons and the electromagnetic spectrum-

maintain codes
Photons or light is the currency of the universe, by which codes, as
information is maintained. The various wavelengths of the
electromagnetic spectrum are codes giving specific information
about atoms in stars, for example. Light maintains the codes of the

Your inner motility is so potent that you need to be careful
what form you bring to the next phase of your life. The form is
what people around you will recognize, not the inner charge.
Become stable in your true values and the form will take shape.
Then you can allow electricity to flow through you. Your steady
glow in the form you have chosen will be seen, recognized and
accepted. This will transform the substance of a group now form-
ing. Based on such powerful energy, the group will then acti-
vate and transform others.

key of F-Eiectrical conductivity in atoms-transform flow

Electrical conductivity depends on free moving electrons in a
crystalline conductor, usually metal. When ions move past each
other, new bonds readily form with the nearest neighbours. Ions are
moved row by row as a current that is free to be used. The
transformation of flow depends on how current is used.


In areas of your life where you feel rich, you may share
with others and receive from them qualities you may lack. Just
know that these connections are for the time it takes for you to
develop within yourself what attracts you to others. Co-depend-
ency has value for a limited time only. Empower yourself to
embody qualities you may have feared before, or felt undeserv-
ing. You are deserving of the fullness of life. Connect with quali-
ties of light, endurance, transparency and love, and you will be
like a diamond! Then share your riches with others, for your
friends create a strength that is beyond the sum contribution of

key of F#-Covalent bonds-create connection

The bonding abilities of atoms rely on the degree that the outer
electron shells are completed. The strength of a covalent bond
depends on the amount of overlap: greater sharing has greater
bonding strength. Covalent connection depends on mutual benefit.


Sometimes it is beneficial to limit yourself so that you can
find the full potential of a given situation. Self-discipline (as regu-
lar routine and daily rhythm), applied in ways you choose, would
help you find greater degrees of freedom. As you find your "or-
bit" you will realize that the flow of life you are involved in, is
one with all beings in specific ways. You can have more by con-
fining yourself to one station at a time. You are set free by
boundaries! Paradox? Think about it. Could you play better on
an infinite keyboard or infinite palette of colors? It is doubtful!
Use the finite to actualize the infinite capacity within yourself.

key of G-Shells and subshells of electrons-maintain flow

Shells and subshells of electrons that make up an atom, affect the
flow of energy in the atom. Nature has rules, and one called Pauli's
exclusion principle, says that no two "particles" can have the same
quantum numbers at the same time. In other words, everything has
limits to where and how its energy can flow.


You are operating under a new rule: change all rules. When
you feel so charged as to be irrepressible, go ahead and transmit
your transformative message. There are now no limits to what
you can do-though you may find yourself temporarily out of a
job, a home or a relationship! You wanted freedom, so now en-
joy the limitless possibilities of being a lightning bolt! Be open,
flexible and communicate spontaneously to people you meet
along the way, and you will feel not so much a refugee as a
happy traveller! Conduct the charge you feel to others and see
what happens.

key of Ab-Superconductivity-transform codes

In a superconducting metal, magnetic transparency is switched off.
This means that at the critical temperature at which a metal becomes
a superconductor, the magnetic field cannot enter. But when the
magnetic field gets stronger, it can tunnel right through the
superconductor. Metals contain free electrons which conduct
electricity and the lower the temperature, the more conductive.
Superconductors have infinite conductivity.


Your capacity for integrating your personality with the core
or essence of your soul is intensified now. Don't be concerned
with who or what you attract now, for your nuclear force is an
irresistible power that will attract many. As you hold to your
own integrity, this alone will separate the "sheep from the goats/'
so to speak. People and situations that are not of equal integ-
rity will be repelled. You can now maintain your position from
deep within. Nothing can separate you from your integrity. Take
action from a deep inner knowing and you will manifest what is
best for all concerned.

key of A-Strong nuclear force-create substance

The strong nuclear force operates at close range. As nuclei
accumulate, isotopes of a given element form. Protons and neutrons
are freed by parent nuclei and absorbed by others. "Giuons" operate
between three "quarks" in a proton or neutron or a "quark" and "anti-
quark" in mesons. Such forces create substance as the result of
matter-forming processes.


Regular forms for maintaining relationships like marriage,
family or positions at work, are valuable for efficiency and for
keeping order. Notice, though, how tensions between people
are forms of attraction, and that bonds are often based on op-
posites or complements. You may envy someone. You cannot
occupy the same place as another except when there is a va-
cancy. Continue with the deep bonds you have, for they have a
basis that mirrors real qualities within you. You will attract all
you need by being true to yourself. Complementary relation-
ships are most enduring.

key of Bb-lonic bonds-maintain connection

Ionic bonds depend on the electrical attraction between positive and
negative ions. The way ions pack in ionic crystals is a function of
their size and shape. Each ion tends to surround itself with as many
oppositely charged neighbours as possible. Ionic bonds maintain
connection by complementarity of charge and size.


You are now living in a paradoxical state of consciousness
where inner and outer are one, though they appear to be two.
Be open to change on the inmost level of essences. This is not
an alteration of soul, but a purification of it. Remove dead weight
in your relationships or any clutter of your home or office. Then
behold what order wants to arrange itself. The more you allow
purification on the inner, the more fluid you will become. Sur-
prise those around you. It will be refreshing! Create a field of all
possibilities and others will flow with the field and be trans-

key of B-Radioactive decay and weak nuclear force-

transform flow
In radioactive decay the weak interaction is mediated by a charged
boson (a messenger particle like a photon, but has a short range of
interaction). The flow of energy is transformed when, for example,
a neutron emits a W boson and is converted to a proton and the W
boson decays to an electron and an anti-neutrino. This series of
transformations demonstrates radioactive decay.

63-Crystal-geometry crystallizes
Your level of abstract thinking is a profound order behind
all phenomena. Delve into sacred geometry. Find harmonic pro-
portions. Discover what so-called "irrational" numbers mean in
the cosmos. Your role in the universe and in your culture may
be to chart the geometric relations of stars, planets, the
phyllotaxy of plants, and the proportions of vertebrate bones.
Form is a language inherent in all phenomena and is also a sym-
bol of a higher dimensional level of realization. The atomic
weights of metals and harmonic numbers of light spectra are
significant indicators of our universe. Attuning to these harmonic
orders accentuates the beauty of the universe through con-
sciousness. Allow your mind to stretch and find the correlations
on many levels. When you can recognize patterns, you will be
able to manifest the geometry you visualize. The distance be-
tween visualization, conception and manifestation is very short
when you are in resonant harmony with the purpose ofthe uni-
verse. The grids are maintained by high intelligences who will
not allow irregularities unless there is a major transformation
taking place. During such transition times, visualize the harmonic
geometry of the most regenerative potential. Pick a number be-
tween 1 and 12 and read a page that follows.


You are living in such an abstract level that you can pen-
etrate into the universal code-numbers that modulate the ap-
pearance of things. You are now at an inception stage of a project
or relationship. Realize that your thoughts now will influence
the whole unfoldment of the project or relationship. Who and
how many are involved? How can you program or design so
that there is wholeness? Consider the qualities of triangles,
squares and pentagons and feel what they mean as keys for cre-
ating combinations of patterns. Your conceptions now will bear
fruit later.

key of (-Harmonic numbers-create codes

Codes are created as numbers. The harmonic numbers used in crystals
and grids tend to be 3, 4 and 5, relating to the triangle, square and
pentagon. But there area/so the harmonics of1,3, 5, and 70f subshells
of atomic orbitals that have a bearing of the shapes of crystals, as do
the coordination numbers of cations often found in crystals: 3, 4, 6,
8, and 12.


Although you are in a manifesting phase, it would be ben-
eficial to experience lightness and laughter. Explode if you need
to! Then circle around your project. Circumscribe the whole
thing and then see what attracts you on the deepest level.
Ground and center in what your soul loves. Then your manifes-
tation will be more intense and enduring. You are in a process
of manifesting qualities you never experienced before. These
qualities come from a deep alchemical process. You may find
your body undergoing radical changes. This is good, for you are
being broken down to be stepped up in the ascension process.

key of Db-Transition elements-maintain substance

The transition elements are those between calcium, strontium,
barium and radium on one side and gallium, indium and thallium on
the other. Each segment of the transition elements has its own
properties, but familiar names for some are iron, copper, nickel, gold,
silver and mercury. They are metals, and all that are heavier than
bismuth were produced in supernova explosions.


Your capacity to transmit energy from the very essences
of life is immense right now. Connect with those who can re-
ceive the highly charged energy of the Divine through you, and
let them manifest your ideas. When an idea consumes itself, it
releases light into the atmosphere of all concerned. Disconnect
then and let God take over. This will build up reserves (energy,
ideas and resources) of potential that will bind you more and
more to Source and yet allow you to be a transformer. You need
to be malleable, flexible and yet firm in order to catalyse this

key of D-Metals-transform connection

The beryllium and magnesium family are active metals, which are
excellent conductors of heat and electricity. Beryllium is lighter than
aluminium but resembles it in many ways. These alkaline earth
elements have a valence of +2. Magnesium plays an important role
in chlorophyll, enabling photosynthesis. Metals transform
connection when becoming alloys.


You are highly reactive now, but this is the very time that
you can find a flow of life within yourself. Withdraw from oth-
ers for the time it takes to see with whom and how you want to
create a new life. You may spin and spin while longing for a
partner, and in this turning you will generate a flow that may
enable you to ride the currents with others. Allow your reactiv-
ity to be a sign of sociability that needs internal equanimity to
be able to "go with the flow." In this highly reactive state you
bring fire and water together, igniting others while polarizing
them. See the polarity as a generating principle of something
yet to come.

key of Eb-Ciockwise or counterclockwise spin-

create flow
Spin creates flow or energy and the direction of spin has an effect
on any other atoms or molecules that are spinning. Rotating energy
is highly energizing and every vertex and crossing of lines in grids
have spin. Also, there are spiralling coils of energy flowing around
and perpendicular to grid lines.


The musical and geometric harmony inherent within you
is beautiful, and beauty has its own purpose. You are a carrier
of beauty! Appreciate just being who you are. If you feel moti-
vated to actualize music or sacred geometry in sound and form,
this is a good time to do this. If not, know that the incredible
beauty of ratios in color, sound, movement and form are living
within the light codes of your aura. Architecture can embody
much of what you are valuing now, and if you love to design,
do it! Working with crystals and color in healing would be ben-
eficial now.

key of E-Space lattices-maintain codes

Space lattices are ordered structures that fill space. The six crystal
systems-isometric, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal,
monoclinic and triclinic-are abstract mathematical codes for how
crystals manifest, but the codes are not the manifestations. The codes
are pure information like a program that guides manifestation.


You can play many roles and use different masks, but there
is an underlying essence that is the audience and witness of the
drama. Enjoy the metamorphosis-the change of disguise and
camouflage. Also, be aware that you will be a more competent
shape-shifter when you know that you are the witness as well
as the actor. You are now like clay that you can shape any way
you want for a new role. You may be mother, father, enemy,
friend, child or teacher for a time, but the essence of you is the
moulder, the transformer. Enjoy shape-shifting! Metamorpho-
sis enables you to realize how the form is not the substance of a
thing and yet is a play of creativity.

key ofF-Crystal Polymorphism-transform substance

Polymorphism is the capacity of an atom to assume more than one
atomic structure. Carbon, for example, can become both graphite
and diamond. Potassium feldspars (orthoclase, adularia) have
polymorphic transformation. Magnetism is also a shaper.


You are in such a highly active state you may feel like you
are burning! You need to connect with others while being aware
of what values your soul holds. If you connect with others out
of reactive emotional need, you forfeit your soul purpose. Grasp-
ing for results is not the answer. Get in touch with sources, soul
purpose and deep intent, or you may indeed consume yourself
by creating connection with people and forces that will use you
and mercilessly eat you up. Be true to your soul while making
relationships. Create connections while holding your center.

key of F#-Vertices-create connection

The number of vertices that connect is one determinant of the form
a polygon takes. A vertex is one-dimensional through various two
dimensional edges converging upon it. By itself; a vertex creates a
monopole, but monopoles always welcome other monopoles with
which they can create a connection.


Your capacity to nourish and release the energy of others
should not distract you from maintaining your own flow. When
you feel abundant in resources, products, and friends, it will ben-
efit all concerned if you share with others your riches. Richness
may be of ideas and values as much as money or products. As
you share, it will open up exchanges of many kinds that will
bring abundance to all. What you give is not yours alone, but is
rooted in a deep underground stream of trust. Maintain trust
and many shapes of possible exchanges will form.

key of G-Shapes of fields-maintain flow

The triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon are common shapes in
geometric forms. All the Platonic and Archimedian "solids" use one
or more of these four shapes in their "faces." The shape of a face
determines how easy it is for energy to flow within it. A hexagon,
for example, is nearly circular and energy flows easily; whereas in a
square, energy must stop and move at right angles-which is more
challenging. Each unique shape maintains specific flow of energy.


You are in a period of profound transformation on the deep-
est level of your being. Don't expect others to recognize the
level of awareness you experience now. Trust your insights to
be universal codes that can take you directly to Prime Source.
From a place of universal reality, re-pattern your life. Find the
order that suits your most profound values. You may redesign
the programs of work, relationships, home and inventions to
harmonize with your new awareness. Let your intention be
transformation according to your deepest sense of what is real
and true.

key of Ab-Dimensional codes-transform codes

One dimension has a very low degree of freedom. It is an essential
anchor point. Two dimensions have a little more, moving as a
sequence in time or line in space. Three dimensions is actually a field
in space or cycle in time, and four dimensions has an x, y and z axis.
As dimensions go up there are increasing degrees of freedom which
indicates increasing ability to transform codes. To experience the
highest dimension is to be one with Prime Source in total freedom.


Seek nothing that is not inherent within you. You have the
strength and vibrancy necessary to manifest whatever you de-
sire. Grasping for outer trappings-clothes, cars, "things"-will
not satisfy if they are not expressions of who you are within.
They will never substitute for developing inherent capabilities.
Embody the powers you have within you and you will also mani-
fest abundance outwardly. This is a time of revealing values out-
wardly when you embody the qualities that represent you. Ex-
press yourself through colors of clothes, art, writing, building
or any other creative mode you love.

key of A-Crystal characteristics-create substance

Grids create substance by crystallization. The physical qualities of
crystals are their specific gravity, color, lustre, hardness, cleavage,
streak and tenacity. Each crystal has unique properties that define
it because each crystal is an expression of archetypal qualities,
creating substance.


You are certainly in a diverse set of relations and circum-
stances! Allow that you are now a hub for others to connect to.
Some may even want to have enduring relationships with you.
You are able to remain strong amidst changing situations now.
With some people you may form a strong bond and conduct
wonderful meetings andjor projects. With others you may ap-
pear amorphous, and the relationships might be ephemeral. You
can even "tunnel" under hidden agendas and choose whether
your connection is soft or hard. This is an influential time.

key of Bb-Edges of grid lines-maintain connection

Edges are lengths of harmonic numbers. Various regular forms can
connect their edges in diverse ways. Geometrically, edges of similar
length or lengths in whole number multiples, resonate to each other
and fit into each other spatially. Once harmonic edges are integrated,
it is almost impossible to separate them. In this way, the grids of the
planets, space and phenomena hold their form. Otherwise the
universe would fall apart!


It is time for you to return to Source. To do this you need
to gather together all aspects of yourself and allow them to be
polished, ground up and burned through! This may be tempo-
rarily painful, but it will enable you to sublimate all coarse or
separate desires and bring them into a unified field of unspeak-
able refinement. As you become more sensitive, you will natu-
rally feel more, so you need to get in touch with the deep val-
ues of love, truth and beauty. This will enable you to go through
the transformation required for you to activate others to find
their values.

key of B-lrregular girds-transform flow

Irregular grids are the background patterns of "irrational" numbers
that do not harmonize well together. This lack of"fit" or order, makes
possible a transformation of energy through various dimensions.
Because there is little stability in any one dimension, the amount of
exchange and transformation is vast and unpredictable.

64-Subatomic-Creation dances
Being in an experience of total streaming is very disorient-
ing, isn't it? Allow the dance of creation to be an unpredictable
mystery. Disconnect your mind from expectations. Strive for
nothing. Let everything be as it will. The infinitesimal now rules
the infinite, for the deep flow of subtle energy runs through all
dimensions to and from Prime Source. The end is the beginning.
Wherever there seems to be a closed door, there is an opening!
Become one with the flow of life. Even a passage from life to
death and back again is possible. The space between two suba-
tomic "particles" is where reality lies. Any identity or mission
you thought you had (or have) is a temporary illusion. Drop all
appearances, all "shoulds," ideas, and let the spontaneous fluid
force that is emptiness show you the way. The dark emptiness is
more full than a brimming cup. There is nothing behind the
emptiness, but the empty fullness is behind everything. Seek no
stance nor accomplishment but allow Prime Source to shine
through you as a transparent vessel. Let your mind rest. Hold
nothing. Release all worries and concerns. Plunge into the fluc-
tuations that create, transform and transmute all things. Be
grateful and let tears or laughter come. What number between
1 and 12 do you choose to read in the next 12 pages?

Your intensity is at a high pitch now. What will you do
with this intensity? Radiating it in creativity is a way that will
have enduring consequences, but so will an expression through
relationships. The main thing is to be in love with the process.
Violence will only scatter your energy. Allow any emotional re-
action to be reabsorbed back into your mind, your feelings and
your body, and then be released. Love the light within you and
it will become Eternal Light. With Eternal Light there is no limit
to your ability to radiate love. Just being is enough now.

key of (-Planck's Quanta-create codes

Planck's constant means there is a natura/limit to the accuracy with
which conjugate quantities can be measured. Emission and
absorption of light takes place in quanta. For the light of a definate
color (wavelength) the amount of energy taken in or given out by
an atom is proportional to the frequency. Codes are created from
the light frequencies.


You are stabilizing a situation that has been increasing and
decreasing in incremental steps for a long time. Amassing pos-
sessions, real estate and money is important, but not as an end
in itself. It is a way of manifesting your values. Now it is time to
seek balance and sustainability in whatever level of manifesta-
tion you have achieved. The aim now is not having more (or
less), but in maintaining your position and letting matter be a
statement of values. Fewer objects actually makes it simpler
for you to maintain. Your integrity is vitally important now.
Being true to yourself, embody your values.

key of Db-Protons and neutrons-maintain connection

Seconds after the birth of the universe, the number of "quarks" was
equal to the number of photons, and there was an imbalance of
symmetry between matter and antimatter. The matter and anti-
matter asymmetry continued until "quarks" coalesced into protons
and neutrons-which maintain connection to this day!


When you meet with friends and relatives you may feel
both an attraction and repulsion. Let this polarity be, without
identifying with one side or the other. If separating from some-
one-or feeling a split in yourself-becomes so strong as to be
irresistible, you will know that certain qualities, habits, and ten-
dencies are falling away. Don't attempt to resume patterns or
relationships that are breaking up. But if aspects of yourself, or
people you separate from, come back in a new way that is more
harmonious, allow it. On the other hand, some relationships are
simply finished. Allow everything to come and go as it will.

key of D-Splitting of particles and anti-particles-

transform connection
Without initial asymmetrv the universe would consist entirely of
radiation! Protons decay to positrons, pions and a flash of light. Then
pions convert to gamma rays. The gamma rays convert to electron-
positron pairs. On this level of things, connections are quickly


You are at the beginning of a project that has great poten-
tial. Notice how you orient yourself. Are your feelings and
thoughts oriented in the same direction as your values? Once
you feel integral in form and feelings, you can move out and
begin circulating your energies. Generate flow in all areas of your
life-money, friends and spiritual awareness-and you will build
a momentum that nothing can stop. Creating flow depends on
your vitality and your vitality depends on nurturance, rest and
creativity. You can now magnetize all you need for the next phase
of your life.

key of Eb-Angular momentum and spin-create flow

Spin gives rise to magnetic properties. Electrons spin in probability
areas around the nucleus. All non-gravitational carriers-photons,
weak gauge bosons, and gluons-have intrinsic spinning qualities
that are twice that of matter and anti-matter particles (like
electrons). All such "particles" create flow on a subtatomic level.


You are seeing a whole new spectrum of possibilities, but
may feel overwhelmed. From deep in your heart, feel what spe-
cific part of the spectrum speaks to you. Give it priority if your
intuition and thinking mind are in accord, and then go deeper.
Feel the issue with your entire body and let it go from your
conscious mind. Allow your unconscious to absorb it, and from
this profound absorption, allow the spectrum of possibilities to
emerge again into consciousness. See now what specific aspect
mirrors the whole best. Let it be a hologram or plan that your
values already maintain. Bring all your light into activating this
one project or issue.

key of E-Photon emission and light spectra-maintain codes

The electromagnetic field, unlike the nuclear force, is carried by
massless photons and therefore has infinite range. Light consists of
oscillating electromagnetic fields. The oscillation of these fields are
just as much affected by zero-point energy as atoms are, and
therefore can never quite vanish. Codes are inherent in light quanta.


You have so much going on that you are about to burst!
Give attention to what you are learning from your relationships
and projects. Separate what is of value and what is not, and put
your energy into recycling accumulated old objects, relation-
ships and thoughts. Clear your mind. Release old habits. Take
chosen useless objects to the Good Will or to the dump! Allow
yourself to follow your intuition. As you resonate to your soul
and circulate energy within, others will be magnetized to your
soul. Though your process may be invisible for a time, it is this
inner evaluation and recycling that will energize and enlighten

key ofF-Magnetic fields-transform substance

Magnetic monopoles are point-like magnetic charges, analogous to
electric monopoles. Strings of string theory can be in closed loops,
in which case the monopoles no longer exist. Since loops have no
free ends on which to carry quantum numbers they appear identical
with the vacuum of space. The more dense the lines are in a given
region of space, the stronger the magnetic field. Substance is
transformed by tiny magnetic fields.


The tension you feel is a way of unifying opposites in your-
self. Tension is not necessarily stress. Relax into the tension and
allow it to be a healing force of something you severed long
ago. Let the fusion of opposites happen within you. Create a
connection with types of people who formerly repelled you. As
you learn to not react-to accept things as they are-the unity
of the compression will extinguish the outworn. Then notice
how you begin vibrating with renewed energy. Those parts of
yourself you formerly may have rejected are now vibrating
within you! Let this vibration contribute to the tension of op-
posites until you are totally integral and feel at peace.

key of F#-Mesons: joining of quark & anti-quark pairs-

create connection
Mesons are quark and anti-quark pairs joined by three strings.
Mesons restrict the strong nuclear force to around the dimensions
of a nucleus. Strings are one dimensional filaments vibrating and
vibrations connect through resonance.


Cease attempting to force your way into any position now.
Allow the energies to build until the barriers are felt by all.
Boundaries are demarcation points where breakthroughs hap-
pen. To enter into a new level of awareness-and a new stance
or position-takes a lot of energy and clarity. Let everyone in-
volved feel the restraints-the predicament-and keep energiz-
ing your intent. The barrier will vanish spontaneously when you
hold a detached awareness. You will likely find yourself in a
breakthrough, not only of status, but of greater enlightenment.

key of G-Frequencies-maintain flow

The different vibrational patterns of fundamental strings give rise
to different masses and force charges. The mass of an elementary
particle is determined by the energy of the vibrational pattern of its
internal string. The faster the vibration, the higher the energy and
greater energy creates greater mass. In this way, frequencies
maintain the flow of energy in the universe.


You see clearly the holographic nature of the universe,
mirrored in your own life. The smallest detail of aberration in
your relationships or feelings is now exaggerated. This is so be-
cause you have an opportunity to shift from the three dimen-
sional perspective of physical existence to a higher perspective
where you can see what will happen before it happens. Pay at-
tention to the signs in your daily life as signals of what to do
and what not to do. Be present, living in the now, and you will
behold multiple views and possibilities simultaneously. Allow
your life to follow your awareness and allow your awareness to
go beyond anything you have experienced before. You know
and can foresee more than you acknowledge.

key of Ab-Twister fields-transform codes

The theory oftwistors reveals them to be holographic. Twisters are
massless and one dimensional/ike rays of light. They are nul/lines
for they have no length, no scale and no mass, but they have linear
momentum and angular momentum. Twistors transform codes of
light and return them to source.


Profound inner states enable you to create relationships
with those you are truly committed to. Don't think of separa-
tion or divorce now, but receive the love you feel and pass it on
in energy exchanges with others. At the core of matter is love.
Cease being caught in the illusion of your perception of the physi-
cal world as a real source. It is a real effect, and the source is
love, revealed as pure white light, enabling the polarities of color
to play out in trinities. The polarities are+ and-, white and black,
yes and no. The trinities are qualities like love, truth and beauty
that maintain the qualities in all material forms. Stay with the
source and let the effects play out as they will. This is a phe-
nomenal way to manifest what you need.

key of A-Giuons and quarks-create substance

Free "quarks" are rare because of the large energetic process needed
to separate magnetically neutral matter into monopoles of opposite
charge. A quark changes its "color" by emitting or by absorbing zero
mass particles called "gluons," and gluons hold substance (matter)


It is vital that you detach from mundane involvements for
a time and enter into a formless state of being. From this state
of pure being where you identify with nothing, you can orient
yourself anew. Realize that the external world is not what it
seems. It is a playground where you can play many roles. Re-
flect on roles you played in the past and realize your constancy
is in love, not appearance. Orientation does not attach to exter-
nal forms. Nevertheless, involvement with form, geometry and
design can be very valuable for you now. Traditional symbols
are a language that you can use to express the deepest dimen-
sions of consciousness.

key of Bb- Timespace curvature of dimensions-

maintain connection
Geometry governs the notion of matter and matter determines the
geometry of timespace. The basic order within twistor space is the
gauge field in spacetime. Gauge fields are related to the structure of
spacetime itself. They are an essential part of the whole principle of
symmetry that maintains apparent connections between all


You may feel totally disoriented-for orientation is not
needed now. Allow the erasure, the undoing of all that is famil-
iar although it may have worked for you before. Accept uncer-
tainty and unpredictability as a clean slate-a state of mind that
allows infinite possibilities. Be empty and yet at peace. Experi-
ence the stillness in every person, object and landscape you see.
Let emptiness pervade your sleep, and rest in profound relaxa-
tion. Let go of all distress or need to get or achieve anything.
Just be in the presence of the flow of life. This is transmuting all
past karma, all traumas and hurts, and allowing the peace that
passes all understanding.

key of B-Vacuum & weak force-transform flow

Every fluctuation in the vacuum carries its own zero-point energy.
In a small volume, the energy of each electromagnetic fluctuation is
very small, but because there is an infinite number of possible waves,
the total of all their zero-point energies is infinite. The transformative
energy of the universe is infinite fluctuations of divine peace.


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