Ray Reading Manual Ebook

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Ray Reading

Experiencing the twelve rays and six Cosmic rays

Co-created by Anrita Melchizedek-Choun

Ray Reading
Experiencing the twelve rays and six Cosmic rays

A gift of Love from the Company of Heaven.

Please do not change any of the information

presented in the Ray Reading manual.

If you would like to use this information commercially,

such as hosting workshops, or giving consultations to
clients, please keep the abundance and prosperity
consciousness going by making a donation of 10% of
your net earnings to further the service work of The
Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network.

Please also ensure the integrity of this work. Give

credit where credit is due, and ensure that students
purchase their own copy of the Ray Reading manual
online from www.pleiadianlight.net

Copyright © Anrita Melchizedek-Choun. February 14, 2005.

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pleiadianlight.net

Table of Contents

Preface…………………………………………………………………. 4

Introduction……………………………………………………………… 5-8

First ray of Will and Power…………………………………………….. 9 - 11

Second ray of Love-Wisdom………………………………………….. 12 - 14

Third ray of Divine Intelligence……………………………………….. 15 - 17

Fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict……………………………... 18 - 20

Fifth ray of Concrete knowledge………………………………………. 21 - 23

Sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism……………………………………. 24 - 26

Seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic……………………………………… 27 - 29

Eighth ray of Transcendence…………………………………………… 30 - 32

Ninth ray of Highest Potentials………..………………………………… 33 - 36

Tenth ray of Divinity……………………………………………………… 37 - 39

Eleventh ray of Illumined Truth…………………………………………. 40 - 42

Twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness………………………………. 43 - 45

Thirteenth ray of Solar Service………………………………………….. 46 - 48

Fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service…………………………………… 49 - 51

Fifteenth ray of Galactic Service………………………………………… 52 - 54

Sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service…………………………………… 55 - 57

Seventeenth ray of Universal Service………………………………….. 58 - 60

Eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service……………………………… 61 – 63

The ray essence oils and physical dis-eases chart…………………… 64 - 65

Suggested Reading………………………………………………………. 66

About the Author………………………………………………………….. 67

Product information……………………………………………………….. 68 - 76

Visuals – Jacob’s Ladder I & II ………………………………………….. 77 - 78


Ray Reading – Experiencing the twelve rays and six Cosmic rays

The Ray Reading manual came about through The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program
(The MAT Program). The MAT Program, published in 2003, is essentially an accumulation of
Mystery School teachings that have previously been taught in ancient Egypt and Atlantis through
the Eye of Horus. Written in the form of guided visualizations, this program is based on an energy
system of initiations, rays, sacred geometry and the Qabalah. In addition to this, The MAT
Program takes these initiations to a new level, allowing for the possibility of a Cosmic ascension
journey into the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God through Jacob’s Ladder II and the
Cosmic rays. This program is experiential in nature, and includes a workbook, a series of
eighteen tapes or audio DVD’s and MP3’s, and eighteen ray essence oils.

One of the interesting things to come out of The MAT Program was the understanding of the rays
through Jacob’s Ladder, and a new energy system called Jacob’s Ladder II. These energy
systems clearly describe the understanding of the twelve rays, and the six Cosmic rays, and the
related initiations undertaken through these respective rays.

Based on this information, I started to offer variable ray readings in my personal consultations,
and also to make up combination ray oils based on these readings. It seemed to be that the
understanding of the rays could give incredible insight as to what is happening energetically and
Spiritually at any given Now moment. And so a deeper level to the rays developed based on
these personal consultations, and through this work, and The MAT Program, the Ray Reading
manual unfolded. It is my hope that you will find this information useful in integrating your Divine
and Precious Beingness through an in-depth understanding of the behavioral patterns and
archetypes that you may be experiencing as well as a deeper actualization of your Higher Light.

The information in The MAT Program was primarily brought into being through the Overlighting of
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, the Order of Melchizedek, and the parallel reality
energy of Nefertiti, to which the personality aspect of my Higher Light was to embody at a Soul
consciousness level of 56%. However, the co-creation of this program would be incomplete, if I
did not acknowledge the writings of various authors whose concepts and understandings have
found their way into The MAT Program, and would have indirectly influenced the Ray Reading
manual. As such, I give credit too at this time, the writings of Spiritual authors and facilitators such
as Dr. Stone, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Alice Bailey, Dion Fortune, Patricia Diana Cota-Robles, Dr.
J.J Hurtak, Barbara Hand Clow, Amorah Quan Yin and Tashira Tachi-ren, to name a few. I do
not assume that these authors necessarily support The MAT Program, or the Ray Reading
manual, simply that their teachings have been invaluable in the co-creation of these writings and
that I have wisely borrowed from these many wonderful teachings of Light.

From my Heart to your Heart to the Cosmic Heart of all Creation.

Blessings in Love

Anrita Melchizedek-Choun


What are the Rays?

The rays can be described as vibrational frequencies of Divine Unfolding Light emanating from
the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. They bring with them particular qualities, colors, and
sonic vibrations that are integrated within our various energy bodies, and allow us to be
conscious of ourselves as these magical Beings of Light. They further assist in the activation of
the dormant DNA, and the awakening to our multidimensional memories. As such, the influence
of the rays can take us into a deeper understanding of our Light work, as well as giving insight
into particular behavioral patterns we may still be integrating.

Alice Bailey, through her trance channelings with Djwhal Khul, brought through much information
on the first seven rays, and in recent years this has been expanded upon by authors and Spiritual
facilitators such as Dr. Stone, Brain Grattan, and Janet McClure, to name a few. Since August 7,
1972, there has been an additional five higher rays available to Humanity. The five rays, rays
eight to twelve, carry a higher vibration of Source Light. They do not have the level of dualities
that exist within the first seven rays, and are having an amazing influence on the anchoring and
activating of our own wonderful Higher Light and in the actualization of our true nature as Master
Beings of Love and Light.

These twelve great rays spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, Overlighted by
the Twelve Directors at a Multi-Universal level, and move through each preceding dimension until
they enter our Solar system. These rays bask the sacred and non-sacred Planets in our Solar
system, and then spiral onto Earth, considered a sacred Planet, and into the second ray
department of Love-Wisdom in Shamballa. They then spiral outward from the second ray
department of Love-Wisdom into all ray departments, with a focused stream of Light radiating
through the seventh ray department, and then into sacred vortices in and around the Earth.

During the first Harmonic Convergence, between August 15-17, 1987, and the unprecedented
Light activities experienced at this time, six Cosmic rays were partially anchored onto the Earth
through the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. At this time, a Galactic
portal through this quadrant of the Galaxy was reopened, which allowed the six Cosmic rays to
come pouring forth onto the Earth plane. The six Cosmic rays, which were withdrawn just prior to
the Fall of Atlantis, are Service rays; and were not completely anchored onto the Earth until April
23, 1994.

These Cosmic rays hold the highest quotient of Source Light, and are a combination of all twelve
rays through the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve, with an additional focus on one or
more of these rays, brought about through the appropriate Monadic modules at each dimensional
level. In other words, there is a collective Higher Light focus at each dimensional level on one or
more of the rays, which in this system of energy, is represented by the fourth to the ninth
dimensions. The first Cosmic ray, for example, is a combination of all twelve rays with a Monadic
focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom, which creates the thirteenth ray of Solar Service. The
second Cosmic ray, the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service, is a combination of all twelve rays
with a Monadic focus on the eighth ray of Transcendence, and so on. The six Cosmic rays, rays
thirteen to eighteen, are each represented by specific Chohans: Helios and Vesta, the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic
Beings of the Light, the Brotherhood of the Light, and Mother/Father God, and emanate from the
Sun, the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion and a Spiritual portal through Omega Orion

The Cosmic rays can best be understood as a bridge between the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy,
represented by the Ascended Masters, Overlighted by Lord Buddha and Sanat Kumara, the
Archangels and Mighty Elohim, and the Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy, represented in this instance
primarily by Christed ET’s, and the Order of Melchizedek, who have been involved in the forward
evolution of Humanity for eons of time. The Cosmic rays bring with it the ability to integrate
aspects of our multidimensional Selves, and further to this, allow us to step into the infinite and
eternal Now through the Immortal understanding of our true nature.

Through the Overlighting of the Mahatma, and the Order of Melchizedek, the understanding of
the twelve rays and six Cosmic rays was presented in The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training
Program (The MAT Program) through working with the rays, and their related levels of initiation.
The MAT Program is essentially about ancient Egyptian and Atlantean mystery school teachings,
taking one through progressive levels of initiation to become a High Priest to the Order of

Further to this, the information on the rays within The MAT Program was presented through
teachings from the Qabalah, specifically Jacob’s Ladder and a new energy system called Jacob’s
Ladder II. From this information, the Ray Reading manual has come into being. Initially created
as a bridge to The MAT Program, the Ray Reading manual stands on its own in the integration of
the rays, and their related qualities. From this manual comes the knowledge of how to work with
the eighteen rays and the ability to do variable ray readings, for ourselves and others, reflecting
aspects of our true nature at any given Now moment.

The Ray Reading manual has been presented in multi-levels of information, and particularly as
you read through and integrate the information presented on the five higher earthly rays, and the
six Cosmic rays, this lens becomes more multidimensional in nature.

Getting started

The ray reading will focus on the six aspects to our Selves: our Christed Overself of the Light, our
Higher Self of the Light, our personality aspect, mental body, emotional body, and
physical/etheric body. Further to this, we look at the predominant ray influence at this time.

If you have the ray cards, you will use these for the readings. Alternatively, get a piece of paper,
and cut it up into eighteen pieces. Now write the numbers one to eighteen on these pieces of
paper, and have an envelope close by to put all these numbers into, so you don’t lose any. Now,
take another sheet, and write on it these six aspects to yourself, as well as the predominant ray

Your Christed Overself of the Light, in this energy system, exists within the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God, and is the Highest Light you can possibly integrate on this dimension. Your
Christed Overself of the Light, also known as your Mighty I Am Presence, and Godself, Overlights
and directs all aspects of your Selves.

Your Higher Self of the Light exists or brings a focus through the Christ Consciousness
teachings from within the etheric of Sirius, and is the main architect, or Guardian Angel directing
and guiding you in your everyday life. When you follow your intuition and the Divine guidance
from the seemingly invisible Legions of Light, the Overlighting that occurs is primarily focused
through your Higher Self of the Light. Further to this, your Higher Self of the Light works closely
with Nature Intelligence, and the Deva of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, bringing you
more into alignment with the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.

Your personality ray has the most influence over your mental, emotional, and physical/etheric

Your mental body ray is directed through the influence of the mind.

Your emotional body ray influences your emotions and feelings.

Your physical/etheric body ray influences the physical body primarily at a cellular level.

And lastly, the predominant ray influence at this time, is generally what you are integrating or
working with at this Now moment.

Now choose one ray number at a time, putting each ray card or number back with the others, as it
is possible to choose the same ray again. Write down each ray next to the related aspect of your
Self, and when you are ready, page through the manual to the related rays, and see what you are
working with, and integrating at this time. Please remember that this is a variable ray reading,
and some of the rays will change each time you do a reading. As a rule of thumb, doing a ray
reading once or twice a month is very useful.

There are another couple of ways to work with the Ray Reading manual, perhaps simpler if you
are unfamiliar to the understanding of the rays. For the first, once you have chosen the seven or
less rays that you are working with at this time, and have related them to the six aspects of your
Self and the predominant ray influence, you can then ask specific questions and choose one of
these seven or less rays. You may ask any question, always starting with, “If it is for my Highest
Good, I would like to know ………………..” and then whatever the question may be. However,
you cannot ask questions of a personal nature that do not have a level of the utmost integrity.
Questions such as “If it is for my Highest Good, what can I do to make so-and-so like me better,
be more interested in me, want to go out with me etc. are inappropriate questions. It would be
more appropriate to ask: “If it is for my Highest Good, I would like to know why I need the
approval of _______”, stating the name of the person or “If it is for my Highest Good, I would like
to know why I feel such a connection to _______”, again stating the name of the person.
Through setting up the first layout to the ray cards, you will also be able to understand which
aspect of your Self this issue is most affecting you. Again, remember to put each card back you
have chosen it, as it is possible to choose the same ray for the next question.

Another way to work with the rays is to choose three cards. The first card to the left represents
your immediate past, the last three weeks. The second card, in the middle, represents your
present and the next three weeks and the third card to the right, represents the three weeks
following this. In this reading, you are looking primarily at the Overlighting of the related Chohans,
the Masters you are connected to, the primary quality, keyword, to each ray, the colors and the
chakra centers, to give you an idea of what you currently focused on and working with from a
multidimensional perspective.

The ray readings are simply amazing in being able to give us insight into our everyday realities,
and you can ask questions regarding relationships, jobs, health, Spiritual insights and
understandings, dreams, Life purpose and so on.

One of the nicest ways to work with the rays is by surrounding yourself in the color related to that
ray, call upon the Chohan to the ray and then ask your question. Following this, with your
question in mind, focus on the keyword and archetypes related to that ray. And to integrate the
ray, focus on the qualities, magical images, affirmations and invocation.

If you are planning on hosting workshops on the rays, and teaching this information, the easiest
way is to start with a reading using three cards. After an initial introduction to the rays, let each
student choose three cards to better understand the rays they are working with predominately at
this time, and then go around the group, and focus on one or more of the rays chosen by each
student. This way you will be able to share the information on the rays in an interesting and
participatory manner, and hopefully you will get a spectrum of different rays to work with. Again
surround yourself in the ray you are working with, connecting to the Chohan and Master of that
ray, and then go into more depth by reading the information on each ray. And if you have the ray
oils, working with them will enhance the readings.

Following this, if the students have specific questions, these can then be answered using the
same rays they choose for their initial reading.

Caroline Myss in her book on Sacred Contracts: Awakening your Divine Potential identifies four
main archetypes, which we all work with at some time. These are the victim, prostitute, saboteur
and wounded child. In working with the archetypes related to the rays, we generally do not work
with the negative archetypes as these are pretty much perfected, so to speak. So there is a focus
on more the positive archetypes as these would be the main frequencies of Light brought through
by the rays and the related Chohans, Masters to the rays. The exception to this is in the first
seven rays, which contain a duality not present in the five Higher rays, or six Cosmic rays, but are
of equal importance to integrating the qualities of that particular ray.

Further to this, the reader familiar with Caroline Myss’ teachings on the archetypes, will find that
the rays do not cover the full spectrum gallery of archetypes for the reason mentioned previously
as well as the fact that only certain archetypes are related to each ray.

The key is to integrate the rays you are working with, and to assist in this integration, we have
wonderful ray oils, which can be taken individually or combined together in a dosage bottle, and
used while working with the related rays. In fact, it is very useful to do another reading when the
combined ray oil is nearly finished, if using the ray oils.

Ray oils

The ray essence oils are oil based liquid solutions that carry the vibrational signature of the
appropriate Chohan of each ray, as well as the related Archangels and Mighty Elohim. They
contain a very fine vibration of Light, and impact the hologram, energy field, the sensory system
and central nervous system, correcting imbalances within the appropriate energy bodies.

The ray essence oils have been made from a mother tincture of organic olive oil preserved in
organic honey. Flower essences have been added to some of the ray essence oils, using the
crystal method, as well as gemstones and essential oils, which serve to enhance their vibration.
To further activate the ray essence oils, sacred geometry has been used. Different colors have
been used with this sacred geometry and the ray essence oils were then placed under a Metatron
activated communicator in order to fully anchor the frequencies of each ray. Finally, a DNA
activation wand was magically waved over the ray essence oils, which were then placed under a
copper pyramid. Each stock bottle carries these vibrations, in a base of almond oil, sweetened by
the appropriate essential oils.

The ray essence oils may be used singularly, or combined together. To make a combination ray
oil, based on a reading, place seven drops from each ray oil in a 10ml/20ml glass bottle, add your
favorite essential oils and top up with a base oil such as almond, jojoba, grapeseed, etc. If you
get two or more of the same rays in a ray reading, you would add an additional seven drops of
this ray oil to the dosage bottle each time this ray is chosen.

First Ray of Will and power

Ray Master: Chohan El Morya Overlighted by Archangels Michael and Faith, and Elohim
Hercules and Amazonia.

Key word: Empowerment

Qualities: Will-to-good, individuality, vitality, singleness of purpose and clear vision.

Color: Red

Chakra Center: Crown

Magical Images: Hermaphrodite. A mighty warrior on his chariot.

Archetypes: Addict, judge and warrior.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Splendor over Severity (Hod over Geburah).

God Names: Elohim ‘Tsebayoth, God of Hosts. Elohim Gabor, God of Battles, God Almighty and
God the Potent.

This first ray is primarily concerned with owning your personal power, and aligning your will with
the Divine Will of God. This first ray, along with the second ray of Love/Wisdom and the third ray
of Divine Intelligence, also called the threefold flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, imbues all the
rays with aspects of their Divine qualities, so you are all working with these ray qualities to some
degree. Many people still choosing the victim/persecutor consciousness are integrating the
qualities to this first ray, and the vibrant energy associated with this ray, which requires you to
detach yourself from control and domination issues, and become the empowered “warrior” of
Divine Will. In so doing, you will truly understand what it is to wield power, rather than submit to it.

The first magical image associated with this ray is one of a mighty warrior on his chariot, armed
and crowned, going forth to war, his strong right arm protecting his people and ensuring that
justice shall be served. The warrior knows when it is time to utilize positive anger; ensuring
respect and wisdom through the correct use of Will and power, Love and Wisdom. Although this
dynamic right action may occasionally appear as “confrontational”, there are times when “waiting
for things to happen”, are inappropriate methods of conflict resolution, and hence many socio-
political Souls operate primarily from within the emanations of the first ray department. The
second magical image associated with the first ray is that of a hermaphrodite. The energy
associated with this image is about bringing into balance the Divine masculine and feminine
energies, combining power with Love, and bringing a deeper level of integration and equilibrium.

There are three main archetypes associated with the first ray, the addict, the judge and the
warrior. While most of the archetypes experienced through the rays bring through the higher ray
qualities and are thus associated with positive archetypes, the first ray of Will and Power is one of
those rays primarily influencing the earth plane and as such, it is through experiencing the
dualities or lower qualities to this ray that you are able to step into empowerment, and align your
will with the Divine Will of Mother/Father God. The first archetype, the addict, then becomes
understandable in this context. For the duality to this first ray is not only about control and power
issues, but also in giving your power to your sub-conscious mind and negative ego, and thus,
when there is a feeling of disconnection to Spirit, addictions can be experienced, and these
lessons are carried out through the victim/persecutor consciousness.

The second archetype is that of the judge, and is associated with justice, and the third archetype,
the warrior, is also an important archetype is expressing your truth, and like we have previously
mentioned through the magical image of the mighty warrior on his chariot, it is knowing when to
express your truth and when to step back in Love-Wisdom.

The key to integrating the first ray is to trust and surrender. To truly allow your Higher Light to
guide you, with the Overlighting of Mother/Father God and the Company of Heaven. This takes
you out of survival into living in Love, as well as lifting the veils of illusion, and allowing you to
follow your Soul purpose or Sacred Contract, touching into the Higher Mind of God, and the
realms of Illumined Truth. To inspire others to seek their Truth, and utter their Spiritual reality,
requires coming into empowerment, as the benevolent energy of the warrior king. Taking others
into new frontiers through the breaking down of old structures and manifesting new forms based
on One Unity Consciousness. Many of the Souls traveling along the energy of the first ray will
generally have chosen a life filled with perceived obstacles, and challenges, in order to have the
courage to step into their power, and a deeper level of compassion, wisdom and Love. For the
gift you give to yourself and others in mastering this first ray is immeasurable in its magnificence.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading can be indicative of needing to step more into your power,
and/or having power and control issues with your family, partner, friends, colleagues and so on. It
may also be indicative of the “spiritual warrior” archetype that feels misunderstand or isolated on
his or her journey. Sometimes it is to understand that as a leader, and creating new frontiers can
be perceived as lonely, but the outcome to expressing your Truth and standing in your power far
outweighs any perceived sacrifices. It is also to be open to receiving, as many Spiritual warrior
archetypes have an energy field with a big “no entry” sign written all over their aura. The issues of
trust and surrender are quite clear here. The flip side to this is the person who still plays the victim
role, and does not have clear boundaries, attracting those that take advantage, consciously or
otherwise. Learn to say “No”. This is being selfless not selfish. Bring your energies in, and do
what works for you. You will never be able to please everyone anyway. The key here would be
discernment and standing in your power. Visualise the sword of Holy Truth, brought through by
Archangel Michael, deep within your heart center. When you need to express your Truth, and
stand in your power, visualize yourself holding the sword of Holy Truth with a strong right arm
across the front of your body, bringing a deeper level of discernment and empowerment. Then
surround yourself in the vibrant red flame of the first ray of Will and Power. The sword of Holy
Truth can also be used effectively in decording, cutting old ties energetically from within the
energy field of the person or people you wish to disconnect from or shift your current relationship.

Visualization: I call forth the energies of Master El Morya, Archangels Michael and Faith, and
Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, to bring through a beautiful red flame, and to surround my
energy field in this dynamic red flame. I now request that Master El Morya anchor and activate
the first ray qualities of will-to-good, individuality, vitality, singleness of purpose and clear vision
through my crown chakra.

Invocation to the first ray of Will and Power

I call upon the Chohan El Morya

To actualize the first ray of Will and Power,
And to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light
To the Ascension Seat in Shamballa.
To align my will to the Divine Will of God
And to guide me in my Sacred Contract.

I call upon the Chohan El Morya
To assist me with clear vision
And to imbue my energy field
With vitality and singleness of purpose.

As I surrender to the Divine,

As I trust in my Self and others,
As I open to receiving with clear boundaries,
As I take on the mantle of leadership through dynamic right action.

I Am a Master Being of Light

I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I am an empowered Being. I take back the power I have given to others and my
sub-conscious mind, as I step into my own power, bringing with it self-worth, self-respect, dignity,
honor, and the understanding of the Divine Equality of all Life. I call forth my Christed Overself of
the Light to strengthen my will, and to give me courage as I step into a deeper level of trust,
surrender, and union with the Divine. (Repeat three times).

The First Ray Essence Oil – This first ray essence oil holds the vibration of the first ray qualities,
Overlighted by El Morya, Archangels Michael and Faith, and Elohim Hercules and Amazonia as
well as the vibration of pink campion, clear quartz and diamond, rose and frankincense essential
oils, the sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Second Ray of Love-Wisdom

Ray Master: Chohan Kuthumi, Overlighted by Archangels Jophiel and Constance, and Elohim
Apollo and Lumina.

Keyword: Love

Qualities: Strength, patience and endurance, intuition, clear intelligence, radiance and

Color: Blue

Chakra Center: Heart

Magical Images: Beautiful naked woman. Mighty crowned and throned king.

Archetypes: Beggar, magical/innocent child.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Victory over Mercy (Netzach over Chesed).

God Names: Jehovah ‘Tsebayoth, Lord of Hosts. El, God the Mighty One.

The second ray of Love-Wisdom is primarily focused on experiencing unconditional Love,

compassion, detachment, integrity and wisdom, and like the first and third rays, imbues all rays
with aspects of its Divine qualities. The experience of unconditional Love is only possible through
union with the Divine: by allowing the essence of your Self to experience the Cosmic Flame of
Love through your connection to Mother/Father God, the Company of Heaven, and your Higher
Light. It is the practice of a Spiritual discipline, which recognizes that the most important
relationship you have, is your relationship to God. Through this connection to the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God, you come to experience Self Love, being in essence unconditional Love, also
known as your Godself. As your Godself, your Christed Overself of the Light and Mighty I Am
Presence, you recognize the magnificence and Divinity of your Self, and through this reflection,
allow others to see their Light, and their Love.

Poets, songwriters and artists through the ages have written about the deep feelings experienced
through romantic Love. However, this aspect of Love can also cause jealousy, betrayal,
heartache and so on, when this feeling of Love is not met in equal measure, and is bound by
projections and expectations, or is experienced only through another.

Many Spiritual teachers, authors, educators, mystics, and creative people operate under the
emanations of this second ray, and the key to experiencing this second ray is to develop a deeper
personal relationship to God, to experience your creative nature, and to work with your own false
beliefs and judgments. It is about integrating both the shadow and Light aspects to your nature,
and truly understanding that you are a Master Being of Love and Light.

The first magical image associated with the second ray is that of a beautiful naked woman, whose
expression of Life is to be found in the joys of individualized creativity, expressed through feelings
of Love, dance, music, writing, teaching and so on. The energy of the god/goddess further allows
you to focus on Service in Love. To realize that the entire experience of creation from beginning
to end is the experience of Service in Love, and to experience your Service work through joy,
Love and an appreciation of Life.

The second magical image is that of a mighty crowned and throned king, holding a scepter and
orb, and ruling and guiding his people through the Divine unfolding Light of Illumined Truth. The
orb, representing Earth, is held in the left hand, completing the image of a compassionate king
guiding his people with justice, Love and peace. This energy is seen as that of a loving father, a
protector of Life. It is possible for you to become the wise and gentle Master, and this expansive
energy of Love-Wisdom requires simply for you to acknowledge your birthright as a loving,
magical Being of Light.

The archetypes related to the second ray of Love-Wisdom are that of the beggar and the
magical/innocent child. The beggar archetype, in this instance, is representative of the desire of
many people to be loved and nurtured and appreciated, and the energy of this archetype teaches
you that Love comes from within, and when you are seated in Love, through your connection to
God and your Higher Light, the beggar archetype becomes integrated at a personality level. The
second archetype associated with this ray, that of the magical/innocent child, is simply to become
this child again, to follow the Soul on its adventure of Life through Love and magic, joy and

Choosing this ray in a ray reading is very much about embracing the Divine Feminine aspect to
your nature, and focusing on Self-nurturing and Self-Love. It is to find this Love from within, and
not necessarily through a relationship of Love often bound by projections and expectations. For
Light Workers, it is often about finding the balance between Love and Power, and taking your
Service work to a new level. To express your Love energetically to others, visualize a beautiful
golden infinity symbol extending from your heart to the heart of the person you are connecting
with, and wanting to share your Truth and Love. Then surround yourself and this person in the
blue flame of Love and compassion. This energy technique is also very useful when you do not
feel strong enough to stand in your power, with integrity and Love, or you are feeling angry and
unloving in a situation of confrontation.

Visualization: I call forth the energies of Lord Kuthumi, Archangels Jophiel and Constance, and
Elohim Apollo and Lumina, to surround me in a beautiful blue flame. I now request that Lord
Kuthumi bring through the second ray qualities of strength, patience and endurance, intuition,
clear intelligence, radiance and faithfulness, and anchor these qualities through my heart center.

Invocation to the second ray of Love-Wisdom

I call upon the Chohan Kuthumi

To actualize the second ray of Love-Wisdom.
To take me in my Spiritual Body of Light
To Lord Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber
Ascension Seat in the middle Earth,
And to activate the key codes of Ascension and Resurrection.

To allow me the experience of wholeness,

through Love, creativity, strength and intuition.
To experience the magic of Life
through the Flame of unconditional Love.
To become the magnificent precious Being of Love that I Am.

I open my Heart to my Self and others,
I surrender my Self to Love.
I Am unconditional Love
I Am Wisdom
I Am Light
I Am the magnificence of Creation through Service in Love.

Affirmation: I am a magical and loving Being of Light. I embrace myself and all Life through the
Divine Flame of Love. I am compassionate, wise and creative. I am inspired by Life, and the Love
for my Self and others. (Repeat three times).

The Second Ray Essence Oil – This second ray essence oil holds the vibration of these ray
qualities Overlighted by Kuthumi, Archangels Jophiel and Constance, and Elohim Apollo and
Lumina, as well as the vibration of wild geranium, sodalite, rose and orange essential oils, the
sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Third ray of Divine Intelligence

Ray Master: Chohan Serapis Bey Overlighted by Archangels Chamuel and Charity, and Elohim
Heros and Amora.

Keyword: Wisdom through Knowledge.

Qualities: Mental illumination, capacity for concentration on philosophical studies, clear-

mindedness, sincerity of purpose, and patience.

Color: Yellow

Chakra Center: Throat

Magical Images: A beautiful naked man, very strong. A child. A sacrificed god. A majestic king.

Archetype: Advocate

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Foundation over Beauty (Yesod over Tiphareth).

God Names: Saddai El Chai, the Almighty Living One God. Aloah wa Daath, God the Strong.

The third ray of Divine Intelligence is primarily associated with creative wisdom through the Mind
of God, and manifesting this wisdom through the minds of men. In connecting to the Mind of God,
we receive the gift of “knowingness”, and the ability to bring this knowledge into form through the
Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God. This ray, in its purest form, connects you to the
energy of your Higher Self of the Light, and Christed Overself of the Light, and allows you to
manifest your Soul purpose through wisdom, experience and knowledge. The understanding of
manifestation is two fold: connecting into the wisdom of the Universal Mind, and secondly,
honoring the Devic realm, the Angelic aspect of Nature Intelligence working with the blueprints of
Humanity. It is an interconnectiveness experienced through the honoring of Nature Intelligence,
the Overlighting Deva of Healing, the Deva of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and your
Higher Self of the Light, all working together from an involutionary and evolutionary perspective to
bring about your Sacred Contract. At the moment, many people are operating from two
blueprints, for through the free will experience on this Earth plane, you have often chosen
experiences involving the negative ego, and the accumulation of false beliefs and judgments,
which are then seated at a cellular level. It is only when you choose to align your will with the
Divine Will of God that you step into your original Divine blueprint. And the integration of such
wisdom can only be experienced through the merger with your Higher Self of the Light and
Christed Overself of the Light, and the embodiment of unconditional Love. The reflection of the
first and second rays become clear in this third ray, and with the first and second rays, this ray
imbues all rays with aspects of its Divine qualities. The third ray further Overlights rays four to
seven, which emanate from the third ray department.

In the understanding of creating and manifesting, the third ray holds a focus in the building of
form, and governs financial and economic structures, a quality also seen in the seventh ray of
ceremonial magic. As such, many Souls creating new structures and forms of active intelligence,
as well as focusing on philosophical studies will operate from within this ray department, under
the directorship of Serapis Bey. The negative side to this ray is seen within the controlling
economic and financial institutions around the world, poverty consciousness and a “lesser than
and better than” attitude.

The key to integrating this ray is to recognize the Divine Equality of all Life, regardless of race,
religion, ideologies or material status. In this honoring and interconnectiveness of all Life, you
come to experience Unity Consciousness, and step into the Wisdom of the Higher Mind with the
focus on “Devotion to Great Work”.

There are several magical images associated with this ray. The first image is that of a beautiful
naked man, very strong, and shows the mental energy and vitality of clear-mindedness, mental
illumination and the focus of will. Furthermore, this image represents the archetype of a person
who has nothing to hide, no secret agendas, and stands in his Truth. The next three magical
images represented all come from the sphere of Beauty (Tiphareth) in the Qabalah, and
represents your Higher Self of the Light, and the teachings of Light from the Great White Lodge in
the etheric of Sirius. These images are of a child, a sacrificed god and majestic king. To
experience yourself as your Higher Self of the Light is like seeing through the eyes of a child, with
innocence and wisdom. Most children before the age of seven are completely connected to
Source, and have access to their multidimensional memories, allowing them to operate from
within the realms of Illumined Truth. They are further loving and forgiving, connected to nature
and see the Divine Equality of all Life. The next image presented is that of a sacrificed god. The
concept of sacrifice, in this instance, is portrayed metaphorically by Jesus the Christ “sacrificing”
himself for Humanity; and is further implied through the Spiritual experience in the Qabalah
through “vision of the harmony of things”, and “mysteries of the crucifixion”. Much of Humanity
associates sacrifice with pain, and suffering, and eventually death, whilst the true understanding
of the derivative of this word, “sacer”, meaning to make holy, has completely different
implications! The last image of a majestic king, is taking your rightful place in wisdom and Love
through your Life’s experiences and challenges, which have brought you into a deeper level of
humility, Love and Divine Intelligence.

The archetype associated with the third ray of Divine Intelligence is that of the advocate. One
might associate this archetype with the first ray in terms of a pioneering spirit, one who
champions a cause for social justice, primarily within the public arena. However, due to the lesser
than and better than consciousness often associated with the lower qualities to the third ray, the
advocate, as the defender of justice through Service in Love, does so with an understanding of
the Divine Equality of all Life, which is attributed to the third ray of Divine Intelligence. The
advocate recognizes all people are created equal, and it is simply the Cosmic Consciousness
awareness that differs, and fulfills his/her purpose through the illuminations of the Higher Mind.

Choosing this ray is often indicative that you are ready to start on a more focused Spiritual
direction, joining a study group, meditation group and so on, taking yourself on a journey to Self
often through Higher Mind teachings. If you are at this stage, many of your teachings would be on
the inner planes, and you may find yourself as a student within the Great White Lodge in the
etheric of Sirius or other similar Ashrams, such as Shamballa, the Spiritual headquarters to Earth.
The influence of this ray may also find you starting a new direction in your Life, possibly within the
public arena, or taking on more responsibility within your current position. As many people on
this third ray are mentally gifted, the key to integrating this ray is to find the way to your heart, and
further to this, recognize and embrace the Divine Equality of all Life. You may read thousands of
books, but it is the experience of these teachings that will take you into the Higher Mind of
Mother/Father God. Learn to walk your talk!

Visualization: I call forth the energies of Chohan Serapis Bey, Archangels Chamuel and Charity,
and Elohim Heros and Amora, to bring through a beautiful yellow ascension flame, and to
surround my energy field in this beautiful yellow flame. I now request that Master Kuthumi anchor
and activate the third ray qualities of mental illumination, capacity for concentration on
philosophical studies, clear-mindedness, sincerity of purpose, and patience, through my throat

Invocation to the third ray of Divine Intelligence

I call forth Ascended Master Serapis Bey

To actualize the third ray of Divine Intelligence
And to surround me in his Ascension Acceleration Flame,
Clearing remnants of my negative ego,
And allowing me to experience the Wisdom of Mother/Father God.

I call forth Ascended Master Serapis Bey

To take me in my Spiritual Body of Light
To his Ascension Retreat in Luxor, Egypt
To the Temple of the Ascension Flame,
So I may integrate my Highest Light
In the I Am Presence That I Am,
So I may become Wisdom, and Truth
And connect to the Higher Mind teachings through the realms of Illumined Truth.

In All That I Am
I Am Wisdom
I Am Truth
I Am a Divine Expression of God in embodiment.

Affirmation: I am a Light Beholden unto God. I am wisdom and Love, clear intelligence and
creativity in action. I recognize the Divine Equality of all Life. I choose the Path of Service and
Love. (Repeat three times).

The Third Ray Essence Oil – The third essence oil holds the vibration of these ray qualities, as
well as the vibrant Overlighting of Serapis Bey, Archangels Chamuel and Charity, and Elohim
Heros and Amora, the vibration of daffodil, emerald, rose and cedarwood essential oils, the
sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict

Ray Master: Chohan Paul the Venetian Overlighted by Archangels Gabriel and Hope and Elohim
Purity and Astrea.

Keyword: Creativity

Qualities: Physical courage, quickness of intellect and perception, purity, beauty, generosity,
strong affections and devotion.

Color: Emerald green

Chakra Center: Base chakra

Magical Image: Beautiful naked women.

Archetypes: Lover and artist.

Corresponding Sphere in Jacob’s Ladder: Victory (Netzach).

God Names: Jehovah ‘Tsebayoth. Lord of Hosts.

The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict brings about a deep appreciation of Life through
peace, harmony and Love, and the creative expression of your Self through Divine Art as a
reflection of God. The inspiring, creative unfoldings of your Higher Light expressed through your
music, art, dancing, writing, singing and so on, are direct manifestations of the fourth ray of
Harmony through Conflict. As the magical image associated with this ray is that of a beautiful
naked woman, whose expression of Life is to be found in the joys of individualized creativity, an
image found within the second ray of Love-Wisdom, it is not surprising to note that the fourth ray
is an expansion of the second ray.

As the energy of this ray implies, it is often through conflict and resistance that you learn to trust
and surrender, allowing the magnitude of your magnificence and Higher Light to shine from
within, and to guide and direct you. Creativity is received as inspiration from Mother/Father God,
through being “In-Spirit”, and following your heart’s calling, allowing you access to the wild
man/wild woman energy within yourself. This creative expression of Self comes through from the
sacral center, the chakra also connected to your sexual energy and Self worth. In many
instances, highly creative people connected to Spirit utilize this creative energy through their
work, and a vertical alignment of sexual energy, not necessarily feeling the need or desire for an
intimate relationship. However, the energy of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, and the
magical image of a beautiful naked woman, is focused too on the use of your sexual energy.
Generally speaking, those people resonating to this ray are highly sexual and creative, having a
fine appreciation for all forms of art! The key is balance and integration, and moving into the
intuitive energy and direction of your Higher Light. It is to realize that you can choose your
lessons in Love and Grace or through strife and struggle, creating and moulding your reality, as
you perceive it, through your individual lens. And certainly to understand too, that many of the
creative images experienced within yourself come from the imaginings of an active mind, rather
than the realms of Illumined Truth. Unless you are truly clear and deeply connected to your
Higher Light, projected thought forms of human miscreations are indeed very common, and found
within the negative attributes to this ray.

This is a powerful ray, and very important in transmuting the dualities of Humanity. This ray
governs sociology, race and cultural co-operation and the arts.

The archetypes associated with this ray are that of the lover and artist. The lover archetype is
warm and spontaneous and comfortable with his or her sexuality, knowing that the right use of
sexual energy, and the trust and Love found within a relationship of Love in particular, is one of
the highest experiences of union with God. The lover archetype focuses on understanding your
sacred sexual nature through a vertical alignment of sexual energy, which requires you to have
worked with any false beliefs, and judgments you may have around your sexuality, hurts and
betrayals as well as issues of separation between men and women.

The artist archetype epitomizes a deep-seated creative energy through its connection to
Mother/Father God, and embracing these gifts of creativity, without comparison to another. The
artist archetype further enhances your inspirations and ideas, allowing you to gain deeper insight
and understanding as to your creative gifts.

Choosing this ray is primarily about understanding the perceived conflict in your Life that you may
still be choosing. It is also about letting go of old relationships and people that are no longer
suited to you energetically. In many instances, it shows a person who is stagnating with their
creative energies. You have aspects of seeing your creative gifts, and being the wild woman/wild
man energy, but can’t maintain this in your reality.

The key is to work on your judgments and false beliefs, to trust in yourself and also to look at your
issues of self worth and self-esteem. It is also possible that you may experience problems in
relationships of Love in particular, or use your sexual energy in an inappropriate manner. The
positive side to this ray shows a person who is ready to utilize their creative energies, and take a
big leap of faith into the Abyss, and the jewels that are yours for the claiming. It is further about
appreciating your Self and others.

Visualization: I call forth the energies of Paul the Venetian, Archangels Gabriel and Hope and
Elohim Purity and Astrea to surround my energy field in a beautiful emerald green flame. I now
request that Paul the Venetian bring through the fourth ray qualities of physical courage,
quickness of intellect and perception, purity, beauty, generosity, strong affections and devotion,
and anchor and activate these qualities through my base chakra.

Invocation to the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict

I call upon Ascended Master Paul the Venetian

To actualize the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict.
To guide me with Grace, Love and an appreciation of all Life,
So I may be inspired from the Highest aspect of my Divine Nature,
So I may choose the creative unfolding of my Sacred Contract
Through my connection to God and my Higher Light.

I call upon Ascended Master Paul the Venetian,

To take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,
To the Ascension Seat in the King’s Chamber,
In the Great Pyramid of Giza,
So I may merge with my Higher Self of the Light,
So I may become my Higher Self of the Light,
So I may experience purity, beauty, generosity and devotion
So I may follow my Heart in Grace and Love and joy.

I Am my Higher Light
I Am Beauty
I Am Purity
I Am a creative inspired work of Divine Art
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I am beauty and purity manifest in a physical vessel of Light. I am inspired creatively
through my connection to my Higher Self of the Light. I follow my intuition and am led through Life
by the embrace and Overlighting of Mother/Father God and the Company of Heaven. I surrender
to my Divine expression manifest in form as appreciation and magnificence. (Repeat three times).

The Fourth Ray Essence Oil – The fourth ray essence oil is Overlighted by the Chohan Paul the
Venetian, Archangels Gabriel and Hope and Elohim Purity and Astrea, who imbue the ray oil with
the appropriate vibrational frequencies. This ray essence oil holds the energy of these Light
Beings, as well as the vibration of jasper, rose and caraway essential oils, the sacred geometry of
the Seed of Life and color.

Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge

Ray Master: Chohan Hilarion Overlighted by Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim
Cyclopeia and Virginia.

Keywords: Equilibrium through the balance of polarities.

Qualities: Keen intellect, attention to detail, independence, common sense and truth.

Color: Orange

Chakra Center: Third eye

Magical Image: Hermaphrodite

Archetypes: Alchemist and athlete.

Corresponding Sphere in Jacob’s Ladder: Splendor (Hod).

God Name: Elohim ‘Tsebayoth, God of Hosts.

The fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge is an expansion of the third ray of Divine Intelligence. It
focuses on using Divine Intelligence through science in understanding the wholeness of
Humanity. Unlike the third ray, where the Wisdom of the Higher Mind of God imposes itself upon
the minds of men in knowingness, or intuitive creative expression, such as in the fourth ray of
Harmony through Conflict, the fifth ray focuses more on concrete knowledge, experimentation
and study to achieve an understanding of the Godself. Like the third ray, this ray has the ability to
bring new forms into being, but from a more scientific and intellectual perspective. The sphere
from Jacob’s Ladder related to the fifth ray is Splendor (Hod), and is described as the sphere of
forms held together by the forces of Nature, and conversely, it is the sphere within which the
forces of Nature take on form. Like the third ray, we see the connection to Nature Intelligence,
guiding the blueprint of Humanity from an involutionary perspective, and the ability through this
ray to create new structures based on mental Illumination from an evolutionary perspective. The
key to working with this ray is to integrate Love/Wisdom and Higher Mind intelligence, and thus
we see that this fifth ray is an extension too of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Innovators and
inventors, scientists, mathematicians, astrologists, psychologists, alchemists, explorers and the
like would be predominately influenced by this ray, having the ability to take abstract concepts
and formulate these ideas into concrete knowledge and innovative experimentation.

The magical image presented in this ray is that of the hermaphrodite. The understanding of the
hermaphrodite is that it brings into balance the male and female energies. In working with the fifth
ray, if the energy of the Divine Feminine in particular is not integrated, we see a great intellectual
mind, often bordering on arrogance, over-precision and an intensity that is single-minded in focus.
The merger between the left and right brain in manifesting wisdom and Love is important in
working with the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge. Mental superiority has the tendency to shift into
the “lesser than and better than” consciousness, and of course takes you into the negative ego.
Balance and equilibrium is actualized within this ray through the Divine Mind and Will of God, and
thus we see a further connection to the emanations of the first ray of Will and Power. The energy
associated with the hermaphrodite is playfulness, reminding you not to take life so seriously, or to
compete with others.

The archetypes associated with this ray are the alchemist and athlete. These archetypes may
initially seem a little strange, but the sphere of Hod, Splendor, it is a sphere that works closely
with Nature Intelligence. And it is the understanding of Nature Intelligence as the involutionary
architects to the original Divine blueprint of Humanity, that allows the alchemist to direct and
guide these forces and at the same time, perhaps even more challenging, has the ability to
present many of these understandings in such a way that the intellectual mind of Humanity can
comprehend from a scientific and concrete perspective. And thus, we find a true artist that, as has
been previously mentioned, is able to take abstract concepts and formulate these ideas into
concrete knowledge and innovative experimentation. The athlete is also an interesting archetype
here, but is primarily related to the ability to find a balance between the physical, intellectual and
emotional bodies, and to harness the power of the mind in such a way as to bring about physical
well-being, such as a disciplined daily exercise routine, which can often be neglected if one
focuses to much on the intellect, and does not find a balance in all areas of one’s life. And again
we see how the magical image of the hermaphrodite is about finding the balance between the
masculine and feminine as well as the physical and Spiritual.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading shows the energy of a person who is gifted intellectually and
may need to focus on coming into the heart. Issues of self-esteem may also be prevalent if you
step into competition, and “lesser than and better than” consciousness. The positive side to this
ray shows a person who is integrated, and innovative, able to take scientific principles and
present the Spiritual understandings of Truth in a factual, inspiring and pioneering spirit through
the Wisdom of God. Be aware though that the intensity of the fifth ray often causes the belief that
your way is the only way, and steer clear of being over-enthusiastic in sharing your Truth. For
every person there is a path!

Visualization: I call forth the energies of Master Hilarion, Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary,
and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia to bring through a beautiful orange flame and to surround my
energy field in this magnificent orange flame. I now request that Master Hilarion bring through the
fifth ray qualities of keen intellect, attention to detail, independence, common sense and truth,
and anchor and activate these qualities through my third eye, my brow chakra.

Invocation to the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge

I call forth to Master Hilarion

To actualize the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge,
To take me in my Spiritual Body of Light
To the Ascension Seat in Table Mountain, Wyoming,
Specifically to the Atomic Accelerator.

I call forth to Master Hilarion

To assist me to clear earthly ego allurements,
And cosmic karmic patterns,
And to spin the molecules and sub-atomic particles in my body
At an increased Light vibration.

I am transmuting all that is not of the Light,

All that is not of the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God,
I step into the Intelligence of the Higher Mind
As I integrate and become All That I Am.

I Am Truth
I Am Intelligence
I Am Wisdom
I Am perfection
I Am the Higher Mind.

Affirmation: I integrate the Wisdom of God with the Love of the Cosmic Flame, as I experience
the Intelligence of the Higher Mind. (Repeat three times).

The Fifth Ray Essence Oil – The fifth ray essence oil is Overlighted by the Chohan Hilarion,
Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia who imbue the ray oil
with the appropriate vibrational frequencies. This ray essence oil holds the vibration of these Light
Beings, as well as the vibration of obsidian, rose and geranium essential oils, the sacred
geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism

Ray Master: Chohan Sananda (Jesus the Christ), Overlighted by Archangels Uriel and Aurora,
and Elohim Peace and Aloha.

Keyword: Devotion through Trust

Qualities: Devotion, idealism, reverence, tenderness, intuition and loyalty.

Color: Indigo

Chakra Center: Solar Plexus

Magical Images: A young woman, crowned and veiled. A beautiful naked man, very strong.

Archetypes: Avenger and guide.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Kingdom over Foundation (Malkuth over Yesod).

God Names: Adonai Malekh, Lord who is King and Lord made manifest in nature. Saddai El Chai,
the Almighty Living One God.

The sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism is an expansion of the second ray of Love-Wisdom and
the third ray of Divine Intelligence. It brings through the essence of devotion and the joy of
Service in Love in its purest form. As you use this ray wisely, you develop a deeper relationship of
Love to God and all Life. You see through the veils of illusion as you rejoin the Kingdom of
Heaven on Earth. You experience incredible Love, wisdom and emotional detachment as you
explore your true nature as a Master Being of Love and Light. Using Love and Divine Intelligence,
you explore the paths of Service most suited to the unfolding and fulfillment of your Sacred
Contract within the Divine Plan of All That Is. The distortions manifest in this ray are displayed
through the many religious teachings, which have killed and persecuted others supposedly in the
name of God. Taking the power from others and inspiring fear in the masses has been the
accepted behavioral patterns of Humanity. Giving your power to perceived gurus would also fall
under the sixth ray.

The first magical image associated with this ray is that of a young woman, crowned and veiled;
her face veiled to show that Spirituality is hidden within the body. The importance to this cannot
be underestimated. You are Spirit in action, and it is through your actions and devotion to God
that you inspire others and your Self to your Highest Potential. It is to understand that Spirituality
is integrated into your everyday life, and not something you experience occasionally, but is as
much a part of your life as breathing and sleeping. The image here also represents the Divine
Feminine Principle in its densest form, and is possibly one of the biggest challenges that you may
experience: the integration of Spirituality through Divine Love. Not surprising then, that the
initiation related to this ray is control over the emotional body.

The second magical image associated with the sixth ray is that of a beautiful naked man, very
strong. Here we find the balance between the Divine Mother and Divine Father archetype, again
in its densest form, and the ability to transmute dualities and step into Divine Love and Power. An
imbalance towards the male energy is the negative aspect to this ray, and with the intense energy
focused through the emotional body and astral plane, we can see the fiery one sided focus that is
predominant is many religious organizations. Without compassion, and the ability of detachment
to recognize all Paths, one may become blinded by “passion” to a cause, willing to become the

martyr or sacrificial lamb, to further this cause or belief. This ray governs religion, ideology and

There is a focus of purification hidden within this ray, and requires an emptying of the chakras; a
letting go of perceived fears stored within the emotional body, and a stepping into the Abyss. Only
then does the magnitude of God cloak the body in Its invisible garments of Light, and discernment
become the lens of your reality. For letting go of perceived fears requires trusting and
surrendering to the Divine. There is a further focus on manifestation through ceremonial magic
and ritual, aspects of the seventh ray, and you have seen the distortions to rituals through the
Piscean era and the Roman Catholic Church, and other mainstream religions. Manifestation
occurs through the honoring of all Life in One Unity Consciousness; honoring the connection to
Nature Intelligence and the elemental kingdom, as well as Mother/Father God and your Higher
Light. It is essentially a key to understanding and working within the realms of Nature Intelligence
and nature spirit intelligence of the Earth, Water, Air and Fire, represented by the gnomes or
brownies, nymphs or undines, sylphs and salamanders respectively. And you have seen how
Jesus the Christ, Ascended Master to this ray, and influenced primarily by this ray, was able to
manifest at will!

The first archetype associated with this ray is that of the avenger. The avenger archetype is also
associated with the savior archetype and to a lesser degree, the advocate archetype, although
the main focus of this archetype in relation to the sixth ray is on devotion to a particular cause or
belief and perceived justice for all. In its highest aspect, the avenger archetype is able to shift
perceived injustices from a deep-seated belief in God and the wisdom of the Higher Mind.
Although the avenger archetype may also be associated with destruction or distorted beliefs,
again, as with most of the rays, there is a focus on the positive aspects of the rays, and what is
possible to achieve through a deep understanding of the rays. The second archetype associated
with the sixth ray is that of the guide. The guide has the ability to lead and teach others, primarily
within the Spiritual arena, and does so through humility and trusting and surrendering to the
Divine. Unlike the priest archetype, one who is generally ordained into a particular faith or
religion, the guide is able to understand the many wonderful teachings of Light from On High
without a particular dogma or creed attached to these teachings.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading will generally show a person of deep devotion and ideals to
their chosen Spiritual path. The key here is discernment, and the realization that there is never
just one path, and having the flexibility to integrate further Spiritual concepts, and become One
with all Life. It may also show that you need to be clearer in your Spiritual journey, and set up a
daily Spiritual practice that enhances your Soul purpose or Sacred Contract. Further to this, there
may be an imbalance in the emotional body, requiring emotional detachment, and a stepping
back from an overzealous nature. You may also be a little bit obsessive in your Spiritual practice,
and need to relax and enjoy the company of those at different levels of Spiritual growth. The
integration of the sixth ray shows a person who is able to inspire others to their Service work, and
has a good balance between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine principles.

Visualization: I call forth the energies of Sananda, Archangels Uriel and Aurora, and Elohim
Peace and Aloha, to surround my energy field in a magnificent indigo flame. I now request that
Sananda bring through the sixth ray qualities of devotion, idealism, reverence, tenderness,
intuition and loyalty, and anchor and activate these ray qualities in my solar plexus chakra.

Invocation to the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism

I call forth to Sananda

To actualize the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism.
To take me in my Spiritual body of Light
To the Ascension Seat in Telos
And to assist me in the clearing of my emotional body.

I call forth to Sananda

To imbue me with the qualities of devotion and idealism,
Reverence, tenderness, intuition and loyalty,
So I may integrate the Divine Feminine and Masculine principles
So I may become Spirit in Action.

I Am a disciple of God
I manifest a creation of Oneness.
I inspire others and myself
As I step into my Service work.

I Am a Servant of the Divine

In All That I Am.

Affirmation: I am a physical vessel of Light in service to the Divine. I surrender to my Sacred

Contract in Love and devotion, inspiration, intuition and tenderness. I Am whole and integrated.
(Repeat three times).

The Sixth Ray Essence Oil – The sixth ray essence oil is Overlighted by Chohan Sananda,
Archangels Uriel and Aurora, and Elohim Peace and Aloha. This sixth ray essence oil holds the
vibration of these Light Beings, and the related ray qualities, as well as the vibration of yellow
poppy, garnet, rose and ginger essential oils, the sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic

Ray Master: Chohan St. Germain and Lady Portia, Overlighted by Archangels Zadkiel and
Amethyst, and Elohim Arcturus and Victoria.

Keywords: Abundance through Ceremonial Magic

Qualities: Ritual and magic, diplomacy, freedom, strength, courtesy and self-reliance.

Color: Violet

Chakra Center: Sacral

Magical Image: A young woman, crowned and veiled.

Archetypes: Alchemist and mediator.

Corresponding Sphere in Jacob’s Ladder: Kingdom (Malkuth).

God Names: Adonai Malekh, Lord who is King and Lord made manifest in nature.

The seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic assists in transmuting misqualified energies and human
miscreations through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. It is an equal combination of rays
one, two and three, and one of the most important rays in this Golden Age. As you combine
Power, Love and Wisdom, you transmute all that is not of the Light. One of the important aspects
to the seventh ray is the ability to assist you to be free of the negative ego, and come into Unity
Consciousness, which is further amplified in the eighth ray of Transcendence.

The magical image associated with the seventh ray is that of a young woman, crowned and
veiled, and as mentioned in the sixth ray, her face veiled to show that Spirituality is hidden within
the body. And thus through this ray we see a fusion of Spirit and matter, and the ability through
organization to create ceremony, ritual and magic, from a centering of the three-fold flame of
Power, Love and Wisdom. Within the seventh ray the ordering of structure and ritual are amplified
through the connection to Nature Intelligence and being able to operate as Spirit in Action through
the interconnectiveness of all Life. To create and manifest your Life Purpose or Sacred Contract
requires an infusion of the seventh ray energy, and thus many Spiritual Souls operate from within
the emanations of the seventh ray, and further commit to a discipleship of control over the lower
bodies, and the practice of a Spiritual discipline, enhancing the focus of their Service work
through this Master lens. Through this magical image, we are again presented with the creative,
sexual energies of the Divine Mother in her densest form, and the ability to utilize her creative and
sexual energy in ceremonial magic through dance, sound, music, art, writing, rituals, crystals,
sacred geometry, creative co-creations, an appreciation of beauty and the like. However, unlike
the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, where the focus may initially be primarily on Self, the
seventh ray Soul has the ability to create organizations and institutions of New Age
consciousness, working together with others for the betterment of Humanity. There is a focus on
Service in Love, and the desire to create new structures based on One Unity Consciousness.

This ray governs ordering of power through ceremony, structuring of society, protocol and ritual.
The dualities to this ray would be the manipulation of black magic, or the lack of Spirituality in
sacred ceremonies. On a physical level, the seventh ray deals with abuse and misuse of money,
and the greed, and lack of understanding surrounding the energy of money.

The first archetype associated with the seventh ray of Ceremonial magic is that of the alchemist.
In this instance, it is very much about magic and ceremony, unlike the fifth ray of concrete
knowledge, where the alchemist is perceived as having the ability to turn lead into gold, or deeper
understandings from a scientific perspective. While this perception may be created in this ray, it is
generally less about alchemy and more about magic and ceremony, as the energy of this ray
implies. Further to this, the alchemist not only sets up or participates in ceremonies as a physical
vessel of Light, but has the ability to work with Nature Intelligence, understanding the
involutionary and evolutionary balance to this earth plane. There is a further focus on
manifestation and abundance within this archetype, particular around money and the correct use
of this energy.

The second archetype associated with this ray is that of the mediator. The mediator has the gift of
diplomacy and the understanding of energies, personal and planetary. The mediator is able to
bridge the gap between the higher and lower mind, and communicate in such a way that is of
benefit to all parties involved. It is very much about looking through your master eyes, and
standing in integrity, without putting yourself first. Bring able to view perceived conflicts from a
detached and objective manner is an important aspect to the mediator archetype, as is the gift of

In choosing this ray in a ray reading, you are connecting more to your Higher Light, and the
Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God. You are working with your dualities, and realizing
that you are a Light Worker, in Service in Love to all Life. You may also need to create a more
focused Spiritual routine in your everyday Life, and step into a deeper level of trust and surrender
with the Divine. If you are a Light Worker setting up organizations, rituals, ceremonies and so on,
trust in the Divine Unfolding of this Plan, knowing that you will be provided for on all levels, and
be truly supported in your Light work, particularly around the issue of money. You will always
have enough. Once you have dedicated your Life to Service, you will always be Divinely provided
for. The key here is one of integrity, and letting go of the ego consciousness. Let go and let God!
For every step forward you take, your buddies of the Light take ten steps towards you!

A wonderful way to work with the seventh ray is to surround yourself in the violet flame of
transmutation, transmuting all that is not of the Light, and strengthening your connection to God
and the Company of Heaven. This creates a breaking down of old structures from the Piscean
era, and the negative beliefs and judgments stored within your body. For you are paving the way
to the Golden Age through new age structures of ritual and magic, philosophy, art, science,
empowerment and devotion to the Divine, truly being a leader, and taking your rightful place as a
co-creator to the Company of Heaven. This ray further assists in the healing of Cosmic wounds
that occurred in ancient Egypt and Atlantis, bringing through streams of consciousness from
these parallel realties to be transmuted and cleared in this Now.

Visualization: I call forth the energies of St. Germain and Lady Portia, Archangels Zadkiel and
Amethyst, and Elohim Arcturus and Victoria to bring through a beautiful violet flame and to
surround my energy field in this magnificent violet flame. I now request that St. Germain and Lady
Portia bring through the seventh ray qualities of ritual and magic, diplomacy, freedom, strength,
courtesy and self-reliance, and anchor and activate these qualities in my sacral center.

Invocation to the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic

I call forth to St. Germain and Lady Portia

To actualize the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic
And to surround me the violet flame of transmutation.

I call forth to St. Germain and Lady Portia

To take me in my Spiritual body of Light,
To the Ascension Seat of Mt. Shasta
Specifically to the Temple of Sacrifice and Temple Beautiful,
Where I may heal my deepest wounds from Atlantis and Egypt,
Where I may transmute misqualified energies and human miscreations,
Letting go of earthly ego allurements and Cosmic karmic patterns.

Please allow me to integrate my shadow side,

To see through my Master eyes,
To become a co-creator to the Company of Heaven,
To become an integrated Light Worker,
Through Service in Love
Through Spirit in Action.

I trust and surrender myself to the Divine,

In deep devotion, ritual and magic, freedom,
Strength, courtesy and self-reliance.

I Am Wisdom,
I Am a creative expression of organization and structure
through the New Golden Age.
I Am an Alchemist of Divine proportion,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I trust in the Divine Unfolding of my Service work and my Sacred Contract, as I
transmute my earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns. I am a disciple of God. I step
into my original Divine eight-cell blueprint as a Planetary Light worker in Service to the Divine.
(Repeat three times).

The Seventh Ray Essence Oil – The seventh ray essence oil is Overlighted by St. Germain and
Lady Portia, Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, who imbue the
ray oil with the appropriate seventh ray qualities. This essence oil further holds the vibration of
white ground ivy, amethyst crystal, rose and clary sage essential oils, the sacred geometry of the
Seed of Life and color.

Eighth Ray of Transcendence

Ray Master: Chohan Lady Nada Overlighted by Lord Chietal, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of

Keyword: Transmutation

Qualities: Courage, justice, integrity, wisdom, stability, equilibrium, unconditional Love,

understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness.

Color: Seafoam green and violet

Chakra Center: Solar plexus

Magical Images: A mighty warrior on his chariot, crowned and armed. A mature woman, a

Archetypes: Advocate, artist, healer, poet and warrior.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Geburah over Binah (Strength over Understanding).

God Names: Elohim Gabor, God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent. Jehovah Elohim,
God of Gods.

The eighth ray of Transcendence is primarily an extension of the seventh ray of Ceremonial
Magic, although it is influenced too by the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth ray
of Concrete Knowledge. Hence we see a ray that has the ability to take abstract concepts, as well
as scientific principles, and present them in an organized and structured format based on
equilibrium and a deeper sense of One Unity Consciousness. Primarily at this stage, there is a
level of emotionally maturity and focus within the Soul Consciousness of the person working
under the influence of the eighth ray, and they usually have a knowing of their Life purpose or are
already working in a Service role. The word “transcend” is described as extending beyond the
limits of all possible experience and knowledge, and this is a good word to describe the qualities
of the eighth ray of Transcendence. This ray will assist you as you move beyond the limitations
imposed by your negative ego aspects, your three lower bodies, and in particular your sub-
conscious mind. In so doing, you transcend your dualities through the “sacred flame of
transcendence” and; furthermore, come into a deeper experience of One Unity Consciousness.

When you make a consciousness decision to be Spirit in Action, often you have to let go of old
structures, beliefs and friends that no longer support you in the Light of Who You Are, and have
Forever Been. So, whilst this ray is primarily focused on integrating the Love and Intelligence
aspect of Mother/Father God, it does so, when necessary, through the warrior energy. And thus
we see the first magical image associated with this ray. The mighty warrior on this chariot, the
knight in shining armour, who has chosen the path of Service to Humanity and is not afraid to
step into his power. And through the influence of this ray, we see the warrior of the heart, able to
protect his people, fighting in dynamic right action with a deep passion for Divine Equality,
amplified through the attributes of courage, justice, integrity, and wisdom. The influence of the
fifth ray is also important here as we see the ability to embrace Divine Intelligence, and through
the form side of nature and the seventh ray, to align yourself with your Soul purpose.

The second magical image associated with this ray is that of a mature woman, a matron. We are
seeing a deeper level of integration within this eighth ray of Transcendence, a woman who is not
seeking her Life purpose, but has clarity and vision, equilibrium and understanding in carrying out
her Service work. The energy of the eighth ray is primarily about the breaking up of old, outdated
belief systems and structures, represented by the warrior of the heart, to create form through the
rebirth of new energies and beliefs, represented by the mature matron. She may at times be a
little overprotective through her fiery nature, but she is a person you want on your team! An
inspiration to others, she has the ability to take abstract concepts, creative expressions or
scientific understandings, and manifest them into form in a disciplined, loving and dynamic

Due to the creative expression of this ray, there is a further focus on the right use of your sexual
energy, an experience of creative sexual energy that has a vertical alignment of Light through the
release of false beliefs and judgments stored within the energy centers in the body. In fact, we
could say the seventh ray has done much of the transmuting of these old emotional and mental
patterns through the chakras and nadis and that new encodings of Light are activated through the
eighth ray of Transcendence. There is a further quality of cleansing, healing and unconditional
Love brought through by this ray.

The archetypes associated with this ray are the advocate, artist, healer, poet and warrior. The
advocate beautifully portrays a combination of the warrior on his chariot, going forth to war, as
well as the mature woman, the matron. The advocate is a defender of justice, and in its highest
form, is able to bring about change for the good of all humanity. The artist, another wonderful
archetype, allows the expression of creativity to spiral forth through a vertical alignment of Light
and a deep connection to Mother/Father God. We are all artists in our own magical way, and
when this energy is blocked, there is usually a lack of trust, and we need to look at surrendering
and flowing with the Divine Source of All That Is. The healer has the gift of healing, either working
in this arena, or simply through the energy they transmit to others. Often you may choose to
become a healer as you would have experienced your own challenges or health issues, and
through “healing yourself”, you are able to share your experiences with others from a place of
compassion and understanding. Empathy is another trait experienced by the healer archetype,
and many people who work as healers will have the gift of reading the energies of others.
However, this can often be overwhelming if you do not adequately protect your energies, and
cancel contracts following the energy session, in which you take responsibility for this person’s
healing. The poet is very much related to the artist archetype but is also related to the quality of
beauty and the ability to express beauty in a way that conjurers up these images and impressions
for others. The poet is also of course directly related to those that consider themselves poets, and
have the ability to write and express the magnificence of creation through prose and writings, and
the author archetype would be closely related to this archetype too. The warrior archetype has
been mentioned through the magical images, but in the eighth ray of Transcendence, there is a
level of maturity related to this archetype, and we see a person who not only stands in their
power, but has a knowing through the wisdom of the Higher Mind as to when to step forward as a
protector of Truth and when to step back in Love/Wisdom.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading is primarily about a deeper expression of your Service work,
and perhaps also letting go of old ties that no longer support you. Though this may initially feel
like your entire support structure is falling away, it is only so that new structures can be brought
into manifestation. It may also be a time when you take on the mantle of new creative projects,
discover new gifts or move into a new direction in your Service work. This ray further assists in
cleansing and clearing at a cellular level of old false beliefs and judgments and the removal of
stagnant energies and frustrations, particularly if you feel you have been at a crossroad in your

As this transmutation is occurring rapidly for most people at this time, surrounding yourself in the
magnificent luminescent seafoam green and violet “sacred flame of transcendence” will greatly
assist in recalibrating the energy bodies and bringing a renewed sense of balance and
equilibrium. This ray is also a powerful healing ray, and if you are experiencing an imbalance
energetically or physically, working with this ray and its magical color will assist in breaking down
false beliefs and judgments within the energy field and body and increase your energy levels.
Working with the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth, along with the eighth ray of Transcendence, will
further assist in energetically changing the shape of the DNA for renewed health and
regeneration at a cellular level. Further to this, working with the seventeenth ray of Universal
Service, the 12 strand DNA within the body is etherically reactivated, depending on what is
appropriate to each individual.

Visualization: I call upon Lady Nada, Overlighted by Lord Chietal and the Pleiadian Emissaries
of Light to surround me a beautiful seafoam green and violet “sacred flame of transcendence”. I
ask Lady Nada to please anchor and activate the qualities of courage, justice, integrity, wisdom,
stability, equilibrium, unconditional Love, understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness in my
solar plexus center.

Invocation to the eighth ray of Transcendence

I call upon Lady Nada

To actualize the eighth ray of Transcendence
Through the “sacred flame of transcendence”,
And to cleanse and clear my lower bodies and sub-consciousness mind.

I call upon Lady Nada,

To take me to the fifth dimensional level in the Halls of Amenti
In my Divine Body of Light
Through the Overlighting of Lord Chietal,
So I may embrace the role of being The Warden,
A Keeper of Justice to all Life.
So I may move beyond my limitations,
So I may activate my etheric electronic body of Light,
So I may become One with Mother/Father God.

I Am courage, justice, integrity, and wisdom,

I Am stability, equilibrium, and unconditional Love,
I Am understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I surround myself in the “sacred flame of transcendence” as I embrace my Service

role in Love, integrity, equilibrium and balance. I trust and surrender to the Divine. I Am a co-
creator to the Company of Heaven, and a Divine warden of Light, manifesting all that I need
through Service in Love. (Repeat three times).

The Eighth Ray Essence Oil - The eighth ray essence oil is imbued by the vibration of Lady
Nada, Overlighted by Lord Chietal and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, who actualize the
appropriate ray qualities within this oil. This ray essence oil is scented with rose, caraway,
geranium and clary sage essential oils.

Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials

Ray Master: Chohan Mother Mary, Overlighted by Lord Goyana, and the Sirian Archangelic
League of the Light.

Keyword: Purpose through Joy

Qualities: Unity, justice, peace, order, wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love,
splendor, compassion and Divine guidance.

Color: Blue-green

Chakra Center: Heart

Magical Images: A king seated on a throne with an orb and scepter. A bearded male figure, a
mature male.

Archetypes: Alchemist, magical/innocent child, shaman, mystic, and pioneer

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Mercy over Wisdom (Chesed over Chokmah).

God Names: El, God the Mighty One. Jehovah, The Lord.

The ninth ray of Highest Potentials is one of the more prominent rays connected to your Service
work, and has the most influence on your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and your etheric,
emotional and mental bodies. It is the ray that focuses most on the probability of achieving your
Highest Potential. Through potentiality, you have the ability to come into existence, and develop
or perfectly create your own reality with the One Reality of All That Is. The eighth ray of
Transcendence has seen a deeper level of courage, wisdom and integrity in your Service role,
but there may still be perceived conflict and resistance in bringing the form side into being, and
thus as we previously mentioned, the energy surrounded the eighth ray can be fiery when
necessary, to bring about Divine manifestation. Imbued by the eighth ray, you have passed
through strife, the breaking down of old systems through dynamic right action, and entered into
stability and justice. And now, we are seeing a ray that allows you to just be, in knowing and
wisdom, and where perceived conflict and dynamic right action can step into a natural flow
through the Grace of Mother/Father God. As the higher rays and the Cosmic rays increase in
Light quotient with each progressive ray, we have seen a deep clearing, cleansing and healing
through the eighth ray and the “sacred flame of transcendence”, in order to bring into alignment
the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom. This balance is more steadfast now, and
focused primarily through the tenth ray of Divinity; but what you are experiencing now is the ability
to work from the original Divine blueprint, the blueprint of your Sacred Contract, through the
increased Light within the cellular structure of the body, and the qualities of peace, creativity,
compassion and Divine guidance. Peace and harmony, wisdom and Love are your birthright, and
through the influence of the ninth ray, you step out of any power struggles, resistances and
stresses, into an alignment of Light amplified through your Higher Light. There is a further quality
of joy to this ray, and disillusionment and disheartenment are replaced by compassion and Love.
Not surprising then that this ray is related to the heart center, and a deeper level of Love for all

The first magical image presented is that of a king, seated on a throne, with an orb and scepter.
The orb, associated with Earth, is held in the left hand, and represents a compassionate king,
guiding his people with Love, justice and peace. This loving nature extends to creativity and
potentiality. Thus, this is a ray of creative ideals, with its ability to conceive with joy the Highest
Potential of all Life, and manifest this in the physical realms through order and organization.

The second magical image is of a bearded male figure, a mature male, and shows the energy of
a person, who has experienced the knowing and becoming of Wisdom and Light, and the
potential to bring about the splendor of One Unity Consciousness. It is the archetype of the Divine
Father, and is brought into manifestation in this ray through the energy of the compassionate
king, and the qualities of order, justice, peace and mercy. The focus of this ninth ray brings about
the physical manifestation of creative thought and a deeper understanding of ritual and magic
through the connection to Nature Intelligence. The Deva of your original Divine eight-cell
blueprint, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, and Pan, work closely with your Higher Self of the
Light through the focus of this ray, and align you to your original Divine blueprint following the
surrender of your will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.

The archetypes associated with this ray are that of the alchemist, magical/innocent child,
shaman, mystic, and pioneer. The alchemist relates again to the ability to work with Nature
Intelligence and to bring together these forces of Light working with the Company of Heaven,
primarily focused through ritual and magic. What is interesting though, is that through the ninth
ray of Highest Potentials, the alchemist has a deep understanding of his or her Divine birthright
as a Spiritual Being of Light, so there is a great deal of power that goes into any ritual, or
invocations working with Creationary Forces of Light. In other words, unless you are deeply
integrated in the knowing and believing of your Divine Heritage, it is not possible to truly be a co-
creator to the Company of Heaven. So, it is through your Life experiences, and Higher Mind
intuition and wisdom that potentialities and possibilities become realities of Light working with this

The magical/innocent child is also tied into this ray through the original Divine eight-cell blueprint.
This blueprint connects you to all aspects of your Higher Light and the knowing of your own Self
Mastery and Light as well as your Sacred Contract, and it is only through your free will, that you
end up operating from two blueprints. When you choose this duality, part of the energies inherent
to the Earth plane, often you lose the joy and innocence of the child. Life can sometimes be
perceived as a “struggle” or we may step into dis-illusionment, separation from Spirit, and it is to
find the magical/innocent child within who knows the way forward through the tunnel into the
Light. The magical/innocent child is further connected through the heart and Soul matrix to their
Higher Light and the Company of Heaven.

The shaman has the gift of being able to move lower astral entities and non-human parasitic
intelligence to where they next need to go, and working with this ray amplifies this gift, as well as
bringing through gifts such as clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. The mystic works
from within the realms of Illumined Truth in receiving information from On High that can be shared
with others to bring them to their Highest Potential, and the pioneer is closely aligned to the
alchemist in this ray, in the ability to being about the manifestation of creativity through order and
organization. Generally the pioneer will take on the strength and energy of the mature male, and
the balance here is through the energy of the heart.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading often shows a deeper integration of your Sacred Contract, your
Soul Purpose, and moving more into the illumination of the Higher Mind. The other side to this ray
may show that you need to focus more on the understanding of your Divine Heritage as this
incredible sacred Being of Light, feeling and experiencing a deeper Love for yourself and all Life,
and connecting more frequently to your Higher Light and the Company of Heaven. If you are
feeling in any way “dis-illusioned” with Life, working with this ray will assist you to find the joy and
purpose in your Life.

Generally though, it more often than not depicts the mental and emotional maturity of a person
who has passed through strife and struggle to obtain the Divine Wisdom of God. The increased
Light frequencies within the body are connecting you in mercy, justice and compassion to the
realms of Illumined Truth, and it is through your Life experiences, studies and creative endeavors
that you come into your Highest Potential. You have a Divine loving nature, and others trust you
through your gift in seeing their Light. You are generally in Service in some way or another, and
have the ability to guide others to their Highest Potential. It may also show a person who is
connecting more to their Highest Light to bring through structures and organizations based on
Unity Consciousness, or setting off on a new path of creative endeavors working with Creationary
Forces of Light.

Visualization: I call upon Mother Mary, Overlighted by Lord Goyana, and the Sirian Archangelic
League of the Light, to surround me in a splendid blue-green flame. I now request that Mother
Mary anchor and activate the ray qualities of unity, justice, peace, order, wisdom, creativity, joy,
mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion and Divine guidance within my heart and Soul

Invocation to the ninth ray of Highest Potentials

I call forth to Mother Mary

To actualize the ninth ray of Highest Potentials
Through the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron,
And my original Divine eight-cell blueprint
In a beautiful blue-green color,
And to increase the Light quotient within my body and energy field.

I call forth to Mother Mary

To take me to the sixth dimensional level in the Halls of Amenti
In my Divine Body of Light,
Through the Overlighting of Lord Goyana,
So I may embrace the role of being The Servant,
A Master and teacher, a student and adapt to all Life,
So I may serve in reverence, and humility,
justice, joy and compassion.

I call forth to Mother Mary

To assist me in my creative endeavors
In bringing about the Highest Potential of all Life
In Illumination, wisdom and Light,
And the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God.

I Am joy
I Am Wisdom
I Am splendor
I Am Divine Guidance
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I am the creative extension of the Higher Mind, and connect to the realms of
Illumined Truth in wisdom, joy, splendor and mercy. I experience my Highest Potential through
the merger and integration of my Higher Self of the Light and Christed Overself of the Light. I Am
Love and compassion in physical embodiment. I manifest creations of Light according to the
Divine Will of Mother/Father God. (Repeat three times).

The Ninth Ray Essence Oil - The ninth ray essence oil is Overlighted by Mother Mary, Lord
Goyana, and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, who imbue the ray oil with the
appropriate ninth ray qualities. This ray essence oil is scented with rose, frankincense, and
orange essential oils.

Tenth Ray of Divinity

Ray Master: Chohan Allah Gobi, Overlighted by Lord Huertal, and the Andromedan Intergalactic
Beings of the Light.

Keywords: Synergy through Divine Equality

Qualities: Balance and equilibrium, justice, Love, power, infinite wisdom, detachment, attainment,
responsibility, Mastery, and transcendence.

Color: Pearlescent

Chakra Center: Throat

Magical Images: Great Figure of God, seated on a throne. Ancient bearded king seen in profile.

Archetypes: Monk/nun and networker

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder: Daath over Kether (Hidden knowledge over Wisdom).

God Names: Ehyeh, I Am That I Am.

The tenth ray of Divinity is a combination of the first ray of Will and Power, the second ray of
Love-Wisdom and the third ray of Divine Intelligence, mixed with a Higher Quotient of Source
Light. Whereas the seventh, eighth and ninth rays have been assisting in the transmutation of
dualities, the tenth ray is where the experience of your perfect balance and equilibrium come
together. For through this ray, all Life is spiritualizing matter, and shifting into the state of being

Under the influence of this ray, you are potentially able to lift further veils of illusion, and
experience this Now; a synthesis of past, present and future possible realities through an
acceptance of Self, and the ability to access the hidden knowledge and immortal aspect of your
Self and all Life through a Cosmic Lens. For this tenth ray of Divinity unlocks the Akashic
Records, and allows the knowledge of Humanity’s Highest Potential through the Hall of Records
to be revealed. This sacred knowledge, which can be described as “vision across the Abyss” is
only given to a True Master; one who has transcended the limitations of this Earth plane,
removed the bands of forgetfulness, and one who remains in emotional detachment at all times.
For the Master knows that all paths and all realities lead to One Unity Consciousness and this
wisdom and reverence for all Life brings with it the qualities of balance, justice, accuracy and

The first magical image associated with this ray is that of a Great Figure of God seated on a
throne. Through a deeper actualization of your Godself, you come to experience a sense of
Cosmic Wisdom and Justice, which takes you into the multidimensional aspect to your Higher
Light. You are no longer contained within a limited separate perception of Self, but experience
integration into the Cosmic whole. The second magical image associated with this ray is an
ancient bearded king seen in profile. Hidden within this image is the Unmanifest, and the ability
to bring into manifestation that which was previously Unmanifest.

This ray is further about cellular expansion, which is amplified through the Spiritual Microtron, with
the focus at this level on physical ascension. The Spiritual Microtron can be described as
radiating from the Cosmic Heart and Eternal Divine Light of Mother/Father God; potentially able to
accelerate the frequency of Light in your body faster than the speed of common light through the

persuasion of micro sub-atomic particles due to the splitting of the atom. In other words, it is able
to increase the Light vibration of the sub-atomic particles within the body through the creation of
even smaller sub-atomic particles. Through the influence of this ray, the molecules within the
body are spinning at increased frequencies of Light, awakening any multidimensional memories
needing to be integrated at this time, and letting go of any limitations that you may still have, like
the illusion of death and dying, a three-dimensional limited belief, or the belief that you still exist
primarily in the planes of duality. It is the point where you choose to step into the Flame of Eternal
Divine Liquid Light and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God through Power, Love and
Wisdom, whilst continuing your Service to this Earth plane.

The archetypes related to this ray are the monk/nun and networker. The monk or nun is an
interesting archetype and has less to do with organized religion and more to do with a devotion to
Mother/Father God and a Spiritual practice that may take you into celibacy, often for years at a
time, until such a moment that it feels appropriate for you to again work with your sexual energy,
which at this stage, would generally be from a vertical alignment of Light and the correct use of
sexual energy. Choosing this path often allows for a deeper integration of your Higher Light, and
control over the lower bodies.

The networker takes on the cloak of wisdom, and has the ability to network with many different
groups of people, understanding their needs and talking their language. This is a wonderful gift to
have, and through the energy of the tenth ray, the networker generally has a deep sense of
Spiritual justice, and is able to find the balance between Power, Love and Wisdom. The
networker further shines their Light in areas of perceived darkness and has the gift of lifting the
consciousness of Humanity.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading shows a person who may be undergoing a deeper integration
of their Godself, their Higher Light, and an expansion of Light at a cellular level, awakening the
dormant DNA and appropriate multidimensional memories within the body and energy field. The
balance here is between Power, Love and Wisdom, and thus you may go through initiations at
this level related to the dualities of these qualities, so you may transcend any negative beliefs
needed to be cleared from within the body, and energy field, as well as truly come into
acceptance of Self. You have a sense of emotional detachment and Higher Mind Wisdom and
Knowingness, and the ability to touch others deeply through your Truth. You are able to take on
more responsibility in your Service role at this time. The tenth ray of Divinity may also show a
person who needs to experience and express their Truth, without compromising on their Spiritual
values. Further to this, you may have the gift of being a networker, bringing people together in
such a way that expresses potentiality and justice for all Life through lifting the veils of illusion.

Visualization: I call upon the Chohan Allah Gobi, Overlighted by Lord Huertal, and the
Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light to surround me in the pearlescent flame of Divinity.
I now request that Allah Gobi anchor and activate the ray qualities of balance and equilibrium,
justice, Love, power, infinite wisdom, detachment, attainment, responsibility, Mastery, and
transcendence through my throat center.

Invocation to the tenth ray of Divinity

I call upon the Chohan Allah Gobi

To actualize the tenth ray of Divinity
Through the threefold flame of Power, Love and Divinity,
The pearlescent Flame of Divinity,
And to integrate the I Am Presence through my body and energy field.

I call upon the Chohan Allah Gobi
To take me in my Divine Body of Light,
To the seventh dimensional level in the Halls of Amenti
Through the Overlighting of Lord Huertal,
So I may experience the role as The Lesser Priest,
So I may lift all remaining veils of illusion,
So I may reveal all past, present and
probable future realities of my Higher Light.

I experience the hidden knowledge of my Higher Light,

As the cells and molecules in my body are activated
in increased Light through the Spiritual Microtron.
I awaken and experience my multidimensional nature
As the Holy Light of Mother/Father God.

I Am balance and equilibrium,

I Am justice and Love,
I Am infinite wisdom and detachment,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I am the Divine embodiment of the sacred flame of Divinity. I Am Power, Love and
Wisdom, in balance and equilibrium. I Am infinite wisdom and detachment as I experience the
Higher Mind of Mother/Father God, through the integration of the I Am Presence, my Higher
Light. I now request that all bands of forgetfulness be lifted, so I my experience the Immortal
aspect to my nature. (Repeat three times).

The Tenth Ray Essence Oil - The tenth ray essence oil is Overlighted by Allah Gobi, Lord
Huertal, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, who imbue the ray oil with the
appropriate tenth ray qualities. This ray essence oil is scented with rose, frankincense, orange
and cedarwood essential oils.

Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth

Ray Master: Chohan Quan Yin Overlighted by Lord Semveta, and the Brotherhood of the Light.

Keyword: Compassion

Qualities: Understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance,

compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment.

Color: Pink-Orange

Chakra Center: Third eye

Magical Image: A mature woman, a matron.

Archetypes: Healer, mentor and mother.

Corresponding Sphere in Jacob’s Ladder: Understanding (Binah).

God Name: Jehovah Elohim, God of Gods.

The eleventh ray of Illumined Truth is a combination of the first ray, the second ray and the fifth
ray, with a Higher Quotient of Source Light, and vibrates to a pink-orange color. It assists in
connecting you to the realms of Illumined Truth through sincerity in action and the utterance of
one’s Spiritual reality, and its manifest expression is to be found in Jacob’s Ladder through the
sphere Understanding (Binah). What we are seeing here is the blending of earthly and Spiritual
experience, manifest as stability, and the immutability of Mother/Father God. Stability requires
that you are unchanging in the face of adversity and/or temptation. For the strength of this ray in
its primordial wisdom requires you to Love all Life: particularly those perceived as adversaries or
enemies. It further brings you into the experience of the Divine expression of Love/Wisdom and
Higher Truth, and is very useful at the moment in the anchoring of the Christed frequencies for
the Golden Age of Aquarius.

This ray is represented by the magical image of a mature woman or matron, representing a
maturity and loving kindness experienced through the integration of your Higher Light and Life
experiences, and brought into completion in the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. In the
traditional teachings of the Qabalah, Understanding is seen as the Divine Mother of all Life, the
nurturer and giver, who through the archetypal womb brings Life into manifestation. However,
where Life is implied, so is death. And although death is already implicit through birth, this ray
allows you the experience of your Immortal nature, the lifting of illusionary veils, the metaphoric
depiction of your rebirth, and is experienced initially through the tenth ray of Divinity. Furthermore,
for serious initiates, this ray allows to recognize that you no longer need to choose the experience
of death, which was necessary in the dimension of perceived duality. Under the influence of this
ray, you may be able to comprehend that your physical body, not only your Soul aspect, is
Immortal and eternal, and that you no longer need to grow old and die. As such a concept is
beyond the comprehensive of most “mortals”, perhaps just the idea that the veils of illusion may
be lifted through the illumination of this ray, will bring a level of discernment, wisdom and Divine
understanding to your Sacred Contract.

However, in “comprehending” the immortal aspect to your nature, it is not surprising then that this
ray has the ability to regenerate the body. Through the power of Love, and through focusing on
the qualities of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth, you have the potential to change the shape of
your DNA, bringing yourself into perfect health. It is a beautiful healing ray, focused through the
Divine Wisdom of Mother/Father God, and surrounding yourself in a magnificent pink-orange
flame of Illumined Truth is incredibly powerful in etherically reactivating the DNA, and bringing the
body to a new level of rejuvenation and/or regeneration.

There is a further focus through this ray on the teachings of the Higher Mind, and the ability to
manifest in form, to birth a Divine creative expression of Mother/Father God. Through the
Overlighting of the Brotherhood of the Light, many of you working with this ray may be drawn to
further teachings or studies from a healing perspective, a Divine Knowledge perspective or a
combination of both. The integration of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth is also the
understanding that old structures have been rebirthed into a wonderful Golden Age of Light, and
resistances, or stresses, have been brought to a point of stability. Abundance is your birthright,
and this ray allows you to experience abundance through goodwill and generosity.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the healer, mentor, and mother. The healer in many
ways is self-explanatory, and often those that become powerful healers have experienced a
personal healing journey, taking them into a place of compassion and strength. The healer has
many gifts and may choose to work with individuals or large groups, but there will always be a
nurturing and loving energy that flows through the healer. The mentor is related to the ability to
integrate the teachings from On High and connect them through the heart and throat in an
expression of Truth. The mentor usually has a level of integrity and stability that expresses a
deep sincerity, and one whom you feel you can trust implicitly. The mentor uses the gift of
communication in sharing unconditionally so as to pass on wisdom and knowledge, and does not
step into power or control issues, a trait often found in the “glamour” of the ego. Humility is a key
word here, and the knowing that for each person there is a path. The mother archetype is an
extension to the Sphere of Understanding (Binah), and the magical image of a mature woman, a
matron. The mother archetype represents the Divine Mother, and is further represented here
through Lady Quan Yin. The energy of the Divine Mother is one of unconditional Love,
compassion, insight and wisdom. The nurturing energy radiating from the archetype of the mother
is one who has nurtured and loved herself in order to share her Love with others in an unselfish
and loving manner. She represents Life herself and the ability to be powerful and loving at the
same time, protecting and guiding her children and all Life. The other side to the energy of the
mother archetype is the representation of Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, and connecting with this ray,
further allows you to feel the strength of Lady Gaia, and give back to her as she gives to you.
Mother Earth allows you to understand that you are a Peace Keeper and Ambassador of Light to
her domain, and asks that you take your rightful place in the nurturing of all Life through her

In choosing this ray in a ray reading, you may be experiencing increased levels of Spiritual
integration through stability and balance, and the lifting of further veils of illusion. Old stresses
have been released, and new structures are rebirthed through Higher Mind teachings and the
Love-Wisdom of Mother/Father God, represented in this ray through Quan Yin. Thus we see a
person, who has the ability to not only unveil but to integrate the secrets of hidden knowledge and
bring them into form through the Divine Mother archetype of the Golden Age of Light. You may
also have the gift of healing, and work within this arena or be a guardian and Peace Keeper to
Mother Earth in a gentle, powerful and loving manner. This ray may also show a person who
needs to release the stresses from within the body, and work with this beautiful pink-orange flame
for cellular regeneration and to rebirth the body to a new level of vitality and good health. If you
have good ideas but are unable to manifest them in form, this ray will assist in bringing increased
insight and organizational skills through the mentor archetype.

Visualization: I call upon the Chohan Quan Yin, Overlighted by Lord Semveta, and the
Brotherhood of the Light to surround me a magnificent pink-orange flame, and to assist in the
cellular regeneration of my body. I now ask Ascended Master Quan Yin to bring through the
eleventh ray qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity,
abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment, and to anchor
and activate these qualities through my third eye.

Invocation to the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth

I call forth to Quan Yin

To actualize the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth,
And to etherically reactivate the DNA
For the expression of my Immortal nature
And the cellular regeneration of my physical body.

I call forth to Quan Yin

To take me in my Divine Body of Light,
To the eighth dimensional level in the Halls of Amenti
Overlighted by Lord Semveta,
So I may experience myself as The Priest,
So I may bring Illumination and Truth to my Service work,
So I may step into stability, and balance,
Discernment and loving kindness.

I Am abundance
I Am Love
I Am compassion
I Am strength
I Am the Intelligence and Love of Mother/Father God,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I surround myself in the pink-orange flame of Illumined Truth, allowing me to

express my Spiritual reality in increased discernment and abundance. This flame of Illumination
heals my lower bodies and rejuvenates and regenerates my organs and body parts. I experience
rebirth through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. (Repeat three times).

The Eleventh Ray Essence Oil - The eleventh ray essence oil is Overlighted by Quan Yin, Lord
Semveta and the Brotherhood of the Light who imbue the ray oil with the appropriate eleventh ray
qualities. This ray essence oil is scented with rose, frankincense, orange and geranium essential

Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness

Ray Master: Chohan Pallas Athena, Overlighted by Lord Ardal, the Mahatma and Mother/Father

Keyword: One Unity Consciousness

Qualities: Wisdom, devotion, illuminating intelligence, Love, power, harmony, peace, equilibrium,
creativity, inspiration, magnetism, enlightenment and One Unity Consciousness.

Color: Gold

Chakra Center: Crown

Magical Image: A bearded male figure, a mature male.

Archetypes: Father and visionary.

Corresponding Sphere in Jacob’s Ladder: Wisdom (Chokmah).

God Name: Jehovah, The Lord.

The twelfth ray of Unity Consciousness or Christ Consciousness is the golden ray of the Age of
Aquarius, and holds the predominant focus of integrating and transcending the dualities of
Humanity for the experience of One Unity Consciousness in this new Golden Age. When we talk
about “Christ Consciousness” we are referring to the state of Divine Perfection, illuminating
intelligence, wisdom, Love, peace, empowerment, abundance, creativity and harmony that is
inherently the birthright of every Soul in Creation. Thus we see that each preceding ray, from the
first to the eleventh, have given you the gift of Immortality through the experience and integration
of your Sacred Contract and Life purpose in numerous incarnations. And now you are presented
with a ray that holds the highest vibration of Christed Light of all earthly rays, and is a
combination of all twelve rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light.

In Jacob’s Ladder, the sphere Wisdom (Chokmah) relates to the twelfth ray of One Unity
Consciousness. Wisdom is described as the “Great Stimulator of the Universe”, and ancient texts
speak of Wisdom as “Illuminating Intelligence” and the “Crown of Creation”. The twelfth ray is
represented by the magical image of a bearded male figure, a mature male. Seated in wisdom
and maturity, you are a Divine vessel of Light, having integrated the dualities inherent on this
Earth plane into One Unity Consciousness. And through this magical image, the Divine Father
aspect to your Immortal nature is revealed. In the tenth ray of Divinity, you have the experience of
initially removing the veils of illusion, which continues through the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth.
And now, the activating of your Immortal nature is complete through the removal of all bands of
forgetfulness for all time, space and dimensions. Further to this, the illumination and wisdom of
the twelfth ray presents you with the ability to experience a perfect physical form without the
experience of death, a gift given only to an enlightened Master through the actualization of the
twelfth ray. At this level, the advanced Ascended Master gifts are yours to access freely, and you
may find yourself suddenly teleporting, manifesting inanimate objects, regenerating the body,
shape shifting and so on.

This ray can be seen as an emanating seed of thought, a vesica piscis, creating Light, and
bringing about the Flower of Life, a hidden mystery to your Immortal nature, through the Divine
emanations of the twelve rays, and the dynamic influence of the Zodiac. The streams of thought
interweaving through these twelve rays merge in formlessness in the twelfth ray.

And yet, in contradiction, the form side is experienced in its highest Divine aspect through the
ability of the twelfth ray to give rise to any form. Thus, we see a ray that manifests in perfection
with the Divine, creative endeavors of Illuminating Intelligence and One Unity Consciousness.
This Divine inspiration magnetizes what it needs in form through the emanating seed of thought
of Father God, as the Giver of Life.

The twelfth ray further brings about the Divine experience of Tantra, meaning “union with God”
through its magnificent energy, and the right use of your sexual energy. Adding to this magical
influence, in the integration of the twelfth ray, you have the ability to activate the two etheric
immortal chromosomes within the body, and to create a reality as an Immortal Being of Light. And
it is the delight of the physical form, and the magnificence of your physicalness, which may allow
you to experience your Immortal nature through Tantra.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the father and visionary. The father archetype is
representative of the Divine Father and is not related to patriarchal control or domination issues.
The father archetype brings a deep wisdom and unity consciousness focus through lifetimes of
experiences, and this is expressed very much as the creator energy, or the ability to create and
manifest in perfect harmony to all Life. This archetype further shines through from the sphere of
Understanding (Binah) and a deep integration of polarities on both the Spiritual and physical
planes, bringing a perfect balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, further
amplified through the Overlighting of Pallas Athena, as Chohan to this ray. The visionary or seer
knows and expresses all possibilities of Light through the Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness
and has the gift of creating and manifesting programs of Light that will lead all people into the
Golden Flame. The visionary has the gift of knowing and seeing beyond the veils of illusion and
further to this, has the gift of being able to mould and co-create the very fabric of reality. Change
is the only constant in the swirlings of Light of infinite possibilities and this is further depicted
through the image of the vesica piscis.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading shows a deeply devoted person to the path of Illumined Truth,
and very often a mystery school initiate, who has integrated the highest levels of initiation in
parallel realities. This ray may also show a person who is bringing into their reality friends and
family from these parallel realities. This is a person who has the gift of manifesting and believes
deeply in the abundance of the Universe, and the ability to shape and create into form whatever
is needed in this Now. A magnetic personality, this ray reveals a person who is deeply aligned
with Universal Wisdom and the realms of Illumined Truth, able to bring order and harmony,
wisdom and inspiration. This ray may also show a person who is working with their dualities
through embracing their shadow side, and stepping more into their power. Further to this, this ray
will assist in bringing through the perfect balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine
archetypes as well as the magnetization of your Twin Flame through the aligning of these
polarities on the inner planes.

Visualization: I call upon Pallas Athena, Overlighted by Lord Ardal, the Mahatma and
Mother/Father God to surround me in a magnificent golden flame of Unity Consciousness. I now
ask Pallas Athena to bring through the twelfth ray qualities of wisdom, devotion, illuminating
intelligence, Love, power, harmony, peace, equilibrium, creativity, inspiration, magnetism,
enlightenment and One Unity Consciousness and to anchor and activate these qualities through
my crown chakra.

Invocation to the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness

I call forth to Pallas Athena

To actualize the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness
In a beautiful golden flame within and around my body
So I may experience union with the Divine.

I call forth to Pallas Athena

To take me in my Divine Body of Light
To the ninth dimensional level in the Halls of Amenti
Overlighted by Lord Ardal,
So I may enter into the cold flames
of the eternal Flower of Life,
So I may experience an activation of my Immortal chromosomes,
So I may be taken before the Lord of Death
So I may be free from the cycle of death.

I Am a Christ Conscious Being of Light,

I Am Wisdom, devotion, and illuminating intelligence,
I Am Love, power, harmony and peace,
I Am equilibrium, creativity and inspiration,
I Am magnetism and enlightenment,
I Am One with all Life
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I Am a Christ Conscious Being of Light, in Service to all Life. Hidden knowledge is
revealed to me, as I remove all bands of forgetfulness. I experience the sacred flame of eternal
Life through my Immortal nature and the Cosmic embrace of Mother/Father God. (Repeat three

The Twelfth Ray Essence Oil - The twelfth ray essence oil is Overlighted by Pallas Athena, Lord
Ardal, the Mahatma and Mother/Father God, who imbue the ray oil with the appropriate qualities.
This ray essence oil holds the appropriately combined dosage of the first twelve rays, and has a
fragrant vibration of all twelve rays.

Thirteenth Ray of Solar Service

Overlighted by: Helios and Vesta, and the Solar Council of Twelve.

Keyword: Manifestation

Qualities: Stability, perfection, power, equilibrium, manifestation, wisdom, Love, sacred sexuality,
purification, Solar Service, abundance, joy, the experience of group collective Solar Christ
Consciousness and the re-union with Helios and Vesta.

Color: Copper-gold

Portal: Fourth dimensional portal, 0.02 feet/6 cm above the crown chakra.

Star: Sun

Magical Images: A young woman, crowned and veiled. A beautiful, strong, naked man. A majestic
king, a child, and a sacrificed god.

Archetypes: Artist and pioneer.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder II: Kingdom over Foundation over Beauty (Malkuth
over Yesod over Tiphareth).

God Names: Adonai Malekh, The Lord who is King, the Lord Made Manifest in Nature. Shaddai
El Chai, the Almighty Living One God. Aloah wa Daath, God the Strong.

The thirteenth ray of Solar Service, or Solar Christ Consciousness, is a combination of all twelve
rays, with a Monadic focus, a Higher Light focus, on the second ray of Love-Wisdom and is
Overlighted and directed by Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi, and the Solar Council of Twelve.
This is the ray that all Life has the potential to experience from the year 2013, following the
completion of the Cosmic Ashrams on the Earth plane, and in this energy system, the fourth
dimensional Cosmic ray into which all Life, and Mother Earth, is ascending. For you are
collectively entering into the amplified frequency of Love-Wisdom and the Cosmic embrace of
Helios and Vesta, who embody each molecule within this Solar System in their Divine Body of
Light. The energy of this first Cosmic ray brings through a deeper level of purification and
perfection, manifestation, joy and abundance. The focus of this ray is further about networking
and teamwork, and you may find yourself working with new/old friends, and taking on more
responsibility in your Service work.

The first magical image represented here is that of a young woman, crowned and veiled; her face
veiled to show that Spirituality is hidden within the body. In Jacob’s Ladder II, this is related to the
sphere of the Kingdom (Malkuth). The second magical image of a beautiful, strong, naked man
comes from the sphere of Foundation (Yesod) and the last magical images represented are from
the sphere of Beauty (Tiphareth). These images are of a “majestic king, a child, and a sacrificed
god”. What is interesting to see here is the integration of your Higher Light through the body,
energy field and hologram to the maximum expansion possible. Physical ascension has taken
place, and now the focus is on physical immortality, also referred to as your Tantric Immortal
nature. The young women, becoming her Higher Light, now offers herself at a higher level of
Service. Through her connection to Nature Intelligence, the mastering of the four elements and
the emanating energies of the Planets in this Solar System, she rises to the sphere of
Foundation, becoming the “Machinery of the Universe”, the Spiritual experience of Foundation,
crucial in this relationship to bring the balance and equilibrium needed to take both these spheres

into Beauty. For Beauty represents the Divine expression of Tantric Immortality, and Sirian
Consciousness, and is the energy of your Higher Self of the Light in physicalness. Being able to
lift yourself to this level of Spiritual ascension is a magnificent sight to behold, and possible for
you to achieve in this lifetime. Essentially, the primary focus of this ray is on manifestation, being
able to manifest anything that you need for your Service work, and to magnetize and bring in the
assistance that you require.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the artist and pioneer. The artist is depictive of the
many gifts that come through from a fourth dimensional alignment of Light to your Primal Soul of
the Light and Solar Christ Consciousness, which has a focus on Love-Wisdom, and represents
writers, authors, musicians, poets, actors, craftsmen and so on, under this umbrella. This ray
assists in bringing in these gifts with Love through the power of manifestation, working from a
Service role. The pioneer, closely related to the entrepreneur, has the ability to bring into
manifestation new creative projects, primarily from an artistic perspective through this ray. Further
to this, the pioneer may feel a heart’s calling to particular areas or countries, in order to bring
Light into areas of darkness as well as chartering new territories.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading is usually indicative of taking on greater responsibilities in your
Service role. It shows the ability to bring people and projects together, and to manifest in form all
that you need to anchor the collective frequencies of Love-Wisdom and One Unity
Consciousness. As you are shifting from Planetary Christ Consciousness into Solar Christ
Consciousness, an expansion of Cosmic Light takes place within the physical body that activates
the dormant DNA relating to Solar Christ Consciousness and the Solar axiatonal lines. You have
a deeper understanding as to your multidimensional nature, as you open to the memories of your
fourth dimensional Selves and the many gifts from this dimension. This ray may also be indicative
of setting up a “community”, moving areas/countries, or heading out into unchartered territories. It
may also simply point out that a person needs more direct sunlight for a Spiritual expansion of

Visualization: I call upon Helios and Vesta and the Solar Council of Twelve to surround my body
in a beautiful copper-gold Solar Flame of Light, and to anchor and activate the qualities of
stability, perfection, power, equilibrium, manifestation, wisdom, Love, sacred sexuality,
purification, Solar Service, abundance, joy, and the experience of group collective Solar Christ
Consciousness within my fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet above my head.

Invocation to the thirteenth ray of Solar Service

I call forth to Helios and Vesta

To actualize the thirteenth ray of Solar Service,
And connect me to the Solar axiatonal lines
Through the spin points related to my fourth dimensional Solar body of Light,
So I may experience unification with all Life within this Solar system,
So I may be guided by the wisdom and Love of Helios and Vesta.

I call forth to Helios and Vesta

To take me to the Ascension Seat in the Solar Core,
So I may merge with my fourth dimensional Selves
So I may activate the dormant DNA related to these Selves.

I Am a vast, multidimensional Being of Light
In Service to this Earth and Solar system,
I manifest all that I need in perfect balance and equilibrium,
Abundance, joy, Love-Wisdom and stability.

I Am an Immortal Being of Light,

I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I Am in Service as a Solar Light Worker to all Life within this Solar system. I have
chosen to assist all Life to enter into the new Golden Age, and to assist in the creation and
manifestation of Love-Wisdom for all Life. I Am a Tantric Immortal Being of Light. (Repeat three

The Thirteenth Ray Essence Oil – The thirteenth ray essence oil is Overlighted by Helios and
Vesta and the Solar Council of Twelve. The ray essence oil is primarily scented with rose and
orange essential oils.

The fourteenth Ray of Interstellar Service

Overlighted by: The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and the Interstellar Council of Twelve.

Keyword: Illumination

Qualities: Realization, illumination, knowledge, power, Love, strength, equilibrium, abundance,

purification, sacred sexuality, harmony, insightfulness, Interstellar Service, justice, wisdom, and
the experience of group collective Interstellar Christ Consciousness.

Color: Silver

Portal: Fifth dimensional portal, 0.6 feet/18 cm above the crown chakra.

Star: Alcyone (Pleiades)

Magical Images: A beautiful, strong, naked man. A majestic king, a child, and a sacrificed god. A
great figure of god seated on a throne.

Archetypes: Angel, liberator and priest/priestess.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder II: Foundation over Beauty over Hidden Knowledge
(Yesod over Tiphareth over Daath).

God Names: Shaddai El Chai, the Almighty Living One God. Aloah wa Daath, God the Strong.

The fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service is a beautiful silver ray brought in by the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light and the Interstellar Council of Twelve, and represents all twelve rays with a
Monadic focus on the eighth ray of Transcendence.

The qualities of the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service are found within Jacob’s Ladder II, and
specifically the overlay of Foundation (Yesod) over Beauty (Tiphareth) over Hidden Knowledge
(Daath). You have in essence the illumination of the Soul and Monadic levels through the
Cosmic embrace of Mother/Father God, shifting you into the infinite and Eternal Now, and no
further veils of illusion to be endured. At this level of Cosmic Service, you would have reached a
point of infinite expansiveness, or awakened consciousness awareness to hearing and sensing
the Cosmic Light of Mother/Father God, and would be considered an Avatar, a Being of pure
Christed Light on the Earth plane. This stepped down energy is reflected through Hidden
Knowledge, which not only represents your Christed Overself of the Light, but also reflects the
lower aspect of Mother/Father God. In the Qabalistic teachings, Foundation, the sphere of astral
psychism is referred to as the Holy Ghost, Beauty, the sphere of mystical illumination is referred
to as the Child, and The Crown (Kether), your Mother/Father God for this Cosmic day, is referred
to as the Father. This overlay of One Unity Consciousness takes you beyond your Earth plane,
beyond your Solar System, and into Interstellar Christ Consciousness, through transcendence
and purification.

Hidden Knowledge is associated with the Spiritual experience “vision across the Abyss”. The
virtues of Hidden Knowledge are detachment, perfection of Justice and confidence in the future.
Hidden Knowledge is depicted through the magical image of “a great figure of god seated on a
throne”. These associations present an image of a wise and enlightened king, and upon entering
Hidden Knowledge, which is an expansion of Cosmic Consciousness awareness so far beyond
the reach of most of Humanity at this time, you are taken into the formless, timeless experience of
being in everything; the point of truly coming into the Infinite Now through the synthesis of all

past, present and possible future representations of One Unity Consciousness on a Cosmic
scale, not a Planetary scale. For Hidden Knowledge represents the Sphere of Cosmic Justice, of
which the Earth is but a small part.

Beauty as previously explained, is the sphere of mystical experiences and in the integration of the
twelve earthly rays, you would experience yourself as your Higher Self of the Light, becoming the
king again, with the focus on “Devotion to Great Work”. Further to this, the emanations of this
sphere are depictive of Adam Kadmon, the perfect archetypal God-Man. Beauty is associated
with the realm of Nature Intelligence through the connection to the Overlighting Deva of Healing
and the Deva of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint at a sixth dimensional level. The magical
images associated with this sphere are that of a majestic king, a child, and a sacrificed god, and
have been mentioned several times. Suffice to say perceived sacrifices may have been made,
but the experience of your magnificence and Divinity far exceeds any perceived losses! The gift
of insightfulness, strength, abundance, joy and equilibrium, are strong qualities to this ray,
particularly in manifesting and bringing into form the Cosmic Illumination of Mother/Father God.

Foundation is a purifying sphere and takes the formless images presented by your Higher Light,
and through a lunar reflection, presents these concepts to the emotional body and sub-
consciousness mind. However, through the energy of this ray, and all the Cosmic rays, you no
longer respond to the emotional body; for in detachment you recognize that the response to the
emotional body is simply desire, or negative ego.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the angel, liberator, and priest/priestess. The angel
archetype is a wonderful representation of your connection to the Angelic realms and the ability to
share information, art, messages, magical images and so on from these precious Beings of Light
from On High. This archetype also represents the purity, illumination and magnificence of your
own Divinity and through the Overlighting of the fourteenth ray, your ability to become a physical
Angel. The angel archetype understands that Service work is done unconditionally and without
the expectation of what is being given back in kind, knowing that the universe will always bless
them with gifts of abundance. The angel archetype is very loving and holds a nurturing space for
others. The liberator archetype uses the gift of illumination, knowledge, strength and justice to
assist in shifting the mindset of the mass consciousness of Humanity. The liberator may work
within many different arenas, creating change on a political or socio-economic level, or working
with communities that may need to be uplifted and supported on different levels. The liberator
may also work with individuals or groups as a therapist of some kind. The priest/priestess
archetype is related specifically to working with teachings of Light, and sharing these teachings
through ritual, ceremony, meditation and so on, with an understanding of the “hidden knowledge”
that the teachings embody. The priest/priestess archetypes further lead by example, seated in
Love, and have mastered many of the teachings they share, and often has many other gifts within
their respective arenas and/or advanced ascended master skills.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading may simply be the experience of re-union with the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light, and the need to feel more Love and joy in your Life, or more insight from a
Spiritual perspective. It may also be that you are at the point of awakening to your fifth
dimensional Selves, which occurs through the activation of the dormant DNA related to this fifth
dimensional level, either etherically or physically. It is also possible that you may be working with
communities or groups from a socio-economic perspective, or choosing to move in this direction,
or focusing more on the many spiritual teachings of Light and undergoing deeper levels of
initiation. Surrounding yourself in this beautiful silver ray further allows for a deeper experience of
Self Love and Self-acceptance. There is a further focus on the right use of your sexual energy
through the Overlighting of the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service.

Visualization: I call forth to the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Interstellar Council of
Twelve to surround me in a beautiful silver flame. I ask the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light to
anchor and activate the qualities of realization, illumination, knowledge, power, Love, strength,
equilibrium, abundance, purification, sacred sexuality, harmony, insightfulness, Interstellar
Service, justice, wisdom, and the experience of group collective Interstellar Christ Consciousness
through my fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above my crown chakra.

Invocation to the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service

I call upon the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light

To actualize the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service
In a beautiful silver Cosmic ray of Light
through my fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above my head.

I call forth to the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light

To take me to the Ascension Seat in Alcyone,
So I can merge with my fifth dimensional Selves
And activate my DNA to this fifth dimensional level,
So I can experience the unified column of Light
of my fifth dimensional chakras,
So I can activate the Interstellar axiatonal lines,
So I may become my fifth dimensional Selves.

I Am abundance
I Am manifestation
I Am strength and courage,
I Am joy and Love,
I Am wisdom and illumination,
I Am realization and knowing,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I ask the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light to assist me as I activate the dormant DNA
related to my fifth dimensional Selves. I take on the memories of my fifth dimensional Selves, and
lift myself to this increased Cosmic Consciousness awareness. I request for a deeper activation
of my Immortal genes, and the activation of my fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above my head,
as the gateway into the fifth dimension. I Am a Divine embodiment of Love. (Repeat three times).

The Fourteenth Ray Essence Oil – This ray essence oil is Overlighted by the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light, and the Interstellar Council of Twelve, and is primarily scented with rose,
caraway, geranium and clary sage essential oils.

Fifteenth Ray of Galactic Service

Overlighted by: The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Galactic Council of Twelve.

Keyword: Sacred Sexuality

Qualities: Splendor, truthfulness, unity, power, discipline, unlimited potential, equilibrium, loving
kindness, compassion, courage, wisdom, sacred sexuality, direction, organization, Galactic
Service, and the re-union with the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

Color: Silver-gold

Portal: Sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet/72 cm above the crown chakra

Star: Sirius

Magical Images: Hermaphrodite. A mighty warrior on his chariot, armed and crowned. A mature
woman, a matron.

Archetypes: Goddess, magical/innocent child and inventor.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder II: Glory over Splendor over Understanding (Hod over
Geburah over Binah).

God Names: Elohim ‘Tsebayoth, God of Hosts. Elohim Gabor, God of Battles, God Almighty, God
the Potent. Jehovah Elohim. God of Gods.

The fifteenth ray of Galactic Service is depicted on Jacob’s ladder II through the triple overlay of
Glory (Hod) over Splendor (Geburah) over Understanding (Binah) and represents all twelve rays
with a Monadic focus on the ninth ray of Highest Potentials. This trinity takes you into a much
deeper actualization of your Tantric Immortal nature – and the conscious realization that you no
longer have to experience death and dying. This may initially seem in contradiction to the nature
of Understanding for as we have previously mentioned, Understanding as the Divine Feminine
Principle and the Giver of Life, is also depicted as the Giver of Death. However, through the
influence of this ray, you have lifted your Higher Mind aspect, depicted through Glory, and
representing the radiance of the realms of Illumined Truth reflected upon the minds of men, into
the sphere of Splendor, the sphere of Strength. Further to this, you have lifted both Glory and
Splendor, collectively amplifying the Higher Mind and Divine Will of God, into the Love/Wisdom
aspect of the Divine Mother. And through this Pattern of Perfection, we glimpse a reflection of the
fourth Cosmic ray, the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service mirrored in this triple overlay through
Cosmic Power, Cosmic Love and Cosmic Wisdom.

Glory, situated at the bottom of the Pillar of Severity, is represented by the magical image of a
Hermaphrodite. The first understanding of the Hermaphrodite is that it brings the male and
female energies into balance. Hence Hod is also described as the Primordial mean; meaning that
balance and equilibrium is brought about through the Divine Mind and Will of God within the
sphere of Glory. Furthermore, a balance is always to be found within the opposite sphere on the
Tree of Life, and this is seen in the respective counterpart to any sphere. Glory cannot be truly
understood as the sphere of the Glory of Mother/Father God without the reflected Light of its
Divine Counterpart, the sphere of Victory (Netzach). Victory is Overlighted by the Goddess of
Venus, the Goddess of Beauty and Love. For it is not possible to experience the sphere of Glory
without the emanations of Love to bring balance to the Wisdom of the Higher Mind, and in this

triple overlay, this knowledge takes you into the sphere of Splendor (Geburah), representing the
Divine Will of Mother/Father God.

Splendor, the sphere of Justice is associated with the magical image of a mighty warrior on his
chariot, armed and crowned, and is astrologically under the influence of Mars. The king on his
chariot is going forth to war; his strong right arm protects his people and ensures that justice shall
prevail. The king knows when it is time to utilize positive anger, and to ensure respect and
wisdom through the correct balance of Will/Power and Love/Wisdom. Although this dynamic right
action may occasionally appear as “confrontational”, there are times that “waiting for things to
happen” are inappropriate methods of conflict resolution, and hence many socio-political Spiritual
Souls operate under the emanations of the sphere of Splendor.

Understanding (Binah), is represented by the magical image of a mature woman or matron,

representing a maturity and loving kindness experienced through the integration of your Higher
Light and Life experiences, and brought into completion in the twelfth ray of One Unity
Consciousness. In the traditional teachings of the Qabalah, Understanding is seen as the Divine
Mother of all Life, the nurturer and giver, who through the archetypal womb brings Life into
manifestation. For where Life is implied, so is death. However, Understanding takes on new
meaning in this ray, and is no longer perceived as bringing into Life as the Giver of Death, but
rather, as the Giver of Immortality, which is further reflected through the emanations of Wisdom
(Chokmah). Under the influence of this ray, you may be able to truly start to create the changes in
the physical DNA and immortal chromosomes, with the knowledge that your physical body, not
only your Soul aspect, is Immortal and eternal, and that you no longer need to grow old and die.

The archetypes associated with this ray are that of the goddess, magical/innocent child and
inventor. The goddess knows her power to birth creations of Light. Under the influence of the
sixteenth ray, she is also very connected to her sensuality and sexuality, not only in the right use
of her sexual energy, but in the understanding of Tantra, Union with God, through her sexuality.
She has a wonderful balance of the male/female polarities and it a powerful, loving and wise
Being. She further has the ability to work with a deeper understanding and activation of the
immortal chromosomes. The magical/innocent child shows the alignment of Light to the original
Divine eight-cell blueprint, as well as the ability to step lightly in Life, from a creative and joyful
interconnectiveness to herself and to others. The inventor, under the influence of this ray, has
the ability to work with sacred geometry, color, sound, and Spiritual-scientific principles bringing
through old/new technologies through manifestation and/or materialization.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading usually shows a deeper connection to the Order of
Melchizedek, and often you would be working with Melchizedek High Priests and the Sirian
Archangelic League of the Light from the Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius. This ray
brings with it the opportunity to have a more conscious focus on the activities of Light that you
may be involved in from a Galactic level of Service on this Planet as well as other worlds and Star
systems. The nature of one’s Light work from this level, to the eighth dimensional level, in
particular, has a focus on Spiritual and scientific principles, working with Metatronic
Consciousness and the super-electron. Through the energy of this ray, Divine energy
transmissions powered through the electron pour into your physical energy body, bringing
integrated concepts that you may potentially manifest on your physical Earth plane. There is a
high level of manifestation and materialization possible through the influence of this ray, and a
great ray to work under from a mathematical and musical perspective. The harmonics of the body
and energy field expand to this ray frequency through the sound of high pitched noises occurring
through the ears, or visual representations of sacred geometry, as well as a deeper expansion of
the threefold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom through the heart center. As the Sirian
Archangelic League of the Light are Keepers of sacred geometry, a most wonderful ray to
experience, and a magical ray to connect to, to bring about manifestation through the unlimited

potential of Self. Usually at this stage, there would be a deeper activation of the kundalini and
tantric channels, and for high level initiates, a deeper degree of Tantric Immortality may be
experienced. Beyond the veils, the etheric immortal chromosomes within the body are being

Visualization: I call forth to the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and the Galactic Council
of Twelve to surround me in a vibrant silver-gold flame. I now request that the qualities of
splendor, truthfulness, unity, power, discipline, unlimited potential, equilibrium, loving kindness,
compassion, courage, wisdom, manifestation, sacred sexuality, direction, organization and
Galactic Service be anchored and activated through my sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet above
my crown chakra.

Invocation to the fifteenth ray of Galactic Service

I call forth to the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light

To actualize the fifteenth ray of Galactic Service,
In a beautiful silver-gold Cosmic ray of Light
through my sixth dimensional portal 2.4 feet above my head.

I call forth to the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light

To activate my Light Body to a sixth dimensional level
And to take me to the Ascension Seat in the etheric of Sirius,
So I may merge with my sixth dimensional Selves,
So I may activate my DNA,
So I may actualize the Galactic axiatonal lines.

I request to be placed in a Metatron Activated Chamber of Light,

I ask that this Chamber of Light
spin the electron-positron pairs within my body
at an increased frequency of Light.

I Am Splendor and truthfulness,

I Am unity, power and discipline,
I Am unlimited potential, equilibrium and loving kindness,
I Am compassion, courage, wisdom and manifestation,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I call upon the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light to bring through the fifteenth
ray of Galactic Service, and connect me to Metatronic Consciousness and these Spiritual-
Scientific teachings through the Great White Lodge. I ask that a link be established that allows me
to take my Service work to a deeper level on both the inner and outer planes. I activate the
Galactic axiatonal lines, and bring into manifestation the vastness of my Self through my sixth
dimensional blueprint. I Am unlimited in my potential. (Repeat three times).

The Fifteenth Ray Essence Oil - This ray essence oil is Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic
League of the Light, and the Galactic Council of Twelve, and is primarily scented with rose,
frankincense and orange essential oils.

Sixteenth Ray of Intergalactic Service

Overlighted by: The Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light and the Intergalactic Council of

Keyword: Expansiveness

Qualities: Beauty, magnetism, devotion, power, wisdom, illumination, sacred sexuality, valor,
peace, Love, Divinity, balance, harmony, inspiration, Intergalactic Service, justice, the experience
of group collective Intergalactic Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Andromedan
Intergalactic Beings of the Light.

Color: Golden

Portal: Seventh dimensional portal, 3 feet/90 cm above the crown chakra.

Star: Andromeda

Magical Images: A beautiful naked woman. A mighty crowned and throned king. A bearded male
figure, a mature male.

Archetypes: Sage, mediator and judge.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder II: Victory over Mercy over Wisdom (Netzach over
Chesed over Chokmah).

God Names: Jehovah ‘Tsebayoth, the Lord of Hosts. El, God the Mighty One. Jehovah, the Lord.

The fourth Cosmic ray, or sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service is under the directorship of the
Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. This refined golden color ray is a combination of all
twelve rays with the Monadic focus on the tenth ray of Divinity, and brings the perfect Cosmic
balance of Power, Love and Wisdom.

In Jacob’s Ladder II, these ray qualities are depicted through the triple overlay of Victory
(Netzach) over Mercy (Chesed) over Wisdom (Chokmah). You have raised the sphere of Victory,
depicting the lower aspects of the Higher Mind, imbued with the Love aspect of Venus, into
Mercy, depicting justice and empowerment. Further to this, you have raised both these spheres
into the Wisdom and Light of God, understood through the Spiritual experience of “the vision of
God face to face”.

Victory is seen through the magical image of a beautiful naked woman, whose expression of Life
is to be found in the joys of individualized creativity, expressed through feelings, dance, music,
color, sound, and so on. However, in this triple overlay, Victory becomes a sphere of Illumined
Truth, expressing a dynamic and vitalizing influence on your selfless Service Work through joy,
Love, and an appreciation of all Life. Further to this, the true understanding of your sacred sexual
nature becomes more apparent through the further actualization of your Tantric Immortal nature,
which is amplified through the Spiritual Microtron and the super-electron on the seventh

We have previously mentioned Mercy, as it is depicted by the magical image of a mighty crowned
and throned king, holding a scepter and orb, and ruling and guiding his people through the
unfolding Divine Light of Illumined Truth. The orb, representing Earth, is held in the left hand,
further completing the image of a compassionate King guiding his people with justice, Love and

peace. Mercy is seen as Wisdom on a lower arc, and brings forth the energy of a loving Father,
the protector of Life. Through the emanating Light of the earthly and Cosmic rays, you would
have mastered the sphere of Mercy, and become again the wise and gentle Master to all Life, not
only to this Earth plane but also to parallel Earth planes and sister dimensions; and to lower
worlds, which require these leadership qualities of power and illumination through the emanations
of Love.

Wisdom is represented by a bearded male figure; one that has experienced the creative, dynamic
energy of wisdom and Light. A wise and enlightened Divine Father aspect considered the Great
Stimulator of the Universe. On its own, Wisdom representing the twelfth ray of One Unity
Consciousness, astrologically influenced by the Zodiac. However, in this triple overlay, we have
a perfect balance of Cosmic power, Love and wisdom. This balance also allows the formless
nature of Wisdom to give rise to and assume any form and is represented by the magical image
of a bearded male figure, a mature male.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the sage, mediator and judge. The sage or wise
woman has the perfect balance of power, Love and wisdom and holds an expansiveness and
radiance of Light through her energy field and body that is able to create change simply through
her Beingness. Many of the new children are coming with this energy matrix, and are here simply
to hold and share the Light of all Creation through a deep sense of unity consciousness and
interconnectiveness to all Life. The sage is further connected to many of the Cosmic Beings from
On High, and it often a starseed who has shifted beyond many of the veils of illusion. The sage
further has many creative gifts, as well as the ability to take on whatever form or manifestation is
needed in the Now. The mediator is an extension to the sage archetype, although the mediator
often takes on the role of being the go-between of Spiritual justice, and brings with him a deep
compassion and understanding of Life as he assists in the balance of peace and harmony. The
judge is further an extension to the archetype of the mediator in this ray, and brings a deep sense
of Spiritual justice. He is able to see clearly through his master eyes in creating equilibrium
through valor and magnetism, power, Love and wisdom.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading holds an increased focus of Cosmic Consciousness awareness
in this Now moment, and for many Light Workers what may be experienced is the download of
Light packets of information, and the waking up or remembering of information previously
unknown. So many multi-realties present themselves, as this fourth Cosmic ray has a focus on
cellular expansion through the Overlighting of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light,
and the super-electron. Orbs of Light stream through from the related interdimensional portals,
prior to being activated as Cosmic rays, and the downloads through the seventh dimensional
portal and the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service, allows one to experience one of the most
powerful Light activations possible. These pockets of information are generally downloaded very
rapidly. This brings with it the experience of Self-Mastery, and the sense of merging into oneness.
At this point, there is complete surrender in all aspects of your Self, and you lose the sense of
individuation to experience simultaneity. This ray also shows a person who is deeply respected
within their respective fields and has the ability to communicate on all levels.

Visualization: I call upon the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light and the Intergalactic
Council of Twelve, to surround me in a Cosmic Golden Flame of Metatronic Consciousness. I
now ask the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light to anchor and activate the sixteenth
ray of Intergalactic Service through my seventh dimensional portal 3 feet above my head, through
the qualities of beauty, magnetism, devotion, power, wisdom, illumination, sacred sexuality, valor,
peace, Love, Divinity, balance, harmony, inspiration, Intergalactic Service, justice, and the
experience of group collective Intergalactic Christ Consciousness.

Invocation to the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service

I call forth to the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light,

To actualize the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service
In a beautiful golden Cosmic ray of Light
through my seventh dimensional portal 3 feet above my head.

I call forth to the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light,

To activate my Light Body to a seventh dimensional level,
And to take me to the Ascension Seat in Andromeda,
So I may merge with my seventh dimensional Selves,
So I may activate my DNA,
So I may actualize the Intergalactic axiatonal lines.

I ask to be placed in a Metatronic Science Chamber,

for an accelerated download of Light packets of information.
I request the full amplification of the super-electron
to the maximum Light Quotient possible.

I Am the perfect balance of Cosmic power, Love and wisdom.

I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I experience the Cosmic vastness of my Self through the amplifications of the super-
electron, and Metatronic Consciousness. I call upon the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic
Avatar of Synthesis, who brings through the Spiritual Microtron, Lord Metatron, and his Rod of
Light, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light, to take me to a new level of Intergalactic
Service work through the expansion of my Cosmic Light Quotient, and the download of Light
packets of information. (Repeat three times).

The Sixteenth Ray Essence Oil - This ray essence oil is Overlighted by the Andromedan
Intergalactic Beings of the Light, and the Intergalactic Council of Twelve, and is primarily scented
with rose, orange and cedarwood essential oils.

Seventeenth Ray of Universal Service

Overlighted by: The Brotherhood of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, and the Universal
Council of Twelve.

Keyword: Insightfulness

Qualities: Harmony, insightfulness, joy, balance, loving kindness, detachment, illumined truth,
Love, great wisdom, Universal Service, devotion to great work, and the manifestation of that
which was previously Unmanifest.

Color: Platinum

Cosmic Chakra Center: Eighth dimensional portal, 5.4 feet/1.62 meters above the crown chakra.

Star: Orion

Magical Images: A child. A sacrificed god. A majestic king. An ancient bearded king seen in

Archetypes: Healer and mentor.

Corresponding Spheres in Jacob’s Ladder II: Beauty over Hidden Knowledge over the Crown
(Tiphareth over Daath over Kether).

God Names: Aloah wa Daath, God the Strong. Ehyeh, I Am That I Am, I Shall Be There.

The seventeenth ray of Universal Service is under the directorship of the Brotherhood of the Light
and the Universal Council of Twelve. This beautiful platinum ray, the fifth Cosmic ray, is a
combination of all twelve rays, with a Monadic focus on the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth.

In Jacob’s Ladder II, the seventeenth ray of Universal Service is depicted through the triple
overlay of Beauty (Tiphareth) over Hidden Knowledge (Daath) over the Crown (Kether). There is
no greater glory than the potential to enter into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as your
Higher Light, and to take your rightful place as a co-creator to the Company of Heaven, in
Heaven as it is on Earth! At this initiatory level, you are experiencing aspects of the fifth level of
Christ Consciousness, and the fringes of Melchizedek Consciousness, which takes you into the
Ashram of the Order of Melchizedek. In addition to this, through the influence of the seventeenth
ray of Universal Service you have the potential to step into the Eternal Now as you potentially
physically reactivate your full twelve strand DNA!

There can be much said about these spheres found along the Central Pillar of Mildness and
Equilibrium, but no greater level of Cosmic Christed Consciousness can occur than physically
taking your Soul levels across the Abyss into your Monadic level, and for all intensive purposes at
this stage, experiencing the Mind of God through the Order of Melchizedek, Overlighted by the
magnificence of the Trinity Lords of Light. Beauty, as has been previously established,
represents your Higher Self of the Light, and the Adam Kadmon blueprint through the six holy
spheres surrounding it; the Kingdom (Malkuth), Foundation (Yesod), Glory (Hod), Victory
(Netzach), Strength (Geburah), and Mercy (Chesed). This sphere brings to focus the purpose of
your Service Work with the virtue “Devotion to the Great Work”. Under the astrological influence
of the Sun, Beauty, the Child, shows you the Father through the reflection of the Sun behind the

As you actualized your Higher Light, as your Higher Self of the Light, so the reflection of
Mother/Father God was presented through your Christed Overself of the Light, your Godself, and
you in turn, became this Higher Light. And now, you have taken this sphere of Beauty into Hidden
Knowledge, the sphere of your Christed Overself of the Light, and lifted both these spheres into
the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, represented by the Crown. This Divine Dispensation
allows you the seed of thought as to the presently Unmanifest experience of physical Immortality,
which may be experienced through the eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Melchizedek
Consciousness. For the potential to actualize your twelve strand DNA creates the etheric fabric of
physical Immortality through the eternal, radiant Light of Mother/Father God. The Crown is the
third sphere is this triple overlay, and the first sphere in the Tree of Life. The Crown is
represented through the magical image of an ancient bearded King seen in profile. This suggests
that an aspect of the Crown, in this case the left side of the face, is hidden from Humanity, and
that they are unable to fully understand this sphere of Unrevealed Intelligence. The Crown is
generally considered to be a sphere without activity or attributes; however, you are creating
movement within the sphere of the Crown through lifting the spheres of Beauty and Hidden
Knowledge into the Crown, and through this, bringing into manifestation that which was
previously Unmanifest.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the healer and mentor. The healer archetype has
the gift of healing on many levels, and through the influence of this ray, may also work from a
Spiritual-scientific perspective with various healing modalities, as well as combining this with
more intuitive understandings. The mentor has the ability to share knowledge and wisdom from
years of study and experience, as well as through the ability to lift his mind into the Higher Mind of
Mother/Father God, represented by the sphere of the Crown, and expressed at its deepest level
through the eighteenth ray.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading is usually indicative of a level of inner plane service to the
Order of Melchizedek, and one who has achieved Self Mastery in different lifetimes. Through this
seventeenth ray of Universal Service, and the Overlighting of the Brotherhood of the Light, the 12
strand DNA within the body is etherically/physically reactivated, depending on what is appropriate
to each individual. What is generally experienced is a sense of your full multidimensional nature,
this Now moment, merging into Oneness with all Life. Further to this, a complete regeneration of
the body potentially occurs. For through the activating and actualization of the Universal Cosmic
axiatonal lines, physical regeneration is possible. As the appropriate Universal geometries of
color and sound are brought into the body, dis-eases such as cancer, arthritis, blindness and
many other illnesses may be cured. Surrounding yourself in this magnificent platinum ray is the
first step to revitalizing the physical/etheric body. This ray further brings the gift of manifesting that
which was previously Unmanifest, and thus, all potentialities become possibilities of physical

Visualization: I call forth to the Brotherhood of the Light and the Universal Council of Twelve to
surround me in a vibrant platinum flame. I now request that the qualities of harmony,
insightfulness, joy, balance, loving kindness, detachment, illumined truth, Love, great wisdom,
Universal Service, devotion to great work, and the manifestation of that which was previously
Unmanifest are anchored and activated through my eighth dimensional portal 5.4 feet above my
crown chakra.

Invocation to the seventeenth ray of Universal Service

I call forth to the Brotherhood of the Light

To actualize the seventeenth ray of Universal Service
In a beautiful platinum color
Through my eighth dimensional portal 5.4 feet above my head.

I call forth to the Brotherhood of the Light

To activate my Light Body to an eighth dimensional level,
And to take me to the Ascension Seat in Orion,
So I may merge with my eighth dimensional Selves
And experience the eternal Now.

I request to be placed in a Twelve Strand

DNA Activation Chamber of Light,
So I may take on a new radiant body of Light,
And rejuvenate the physical body
through the Universal axiatonal lines.

I manifest that which was previously Unmanifest

I create form from formlessness,
Light from dark
I Am a Master in All That I Am

Affirmation: I experience the eternal Now through my multidimensional Selves as I physically

activate my twelve strand DNA. I bring into manifestation that which was previously Unmanifest
through my actions and Service work. I Am a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. I ask for the
Overlighting and blessings of the trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, and Lord
Melchizedek in expressing my unlimited potential. (Repeat three times).

Seventeenth Ray Essence Oil: This ray essence oil is Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the
Light, and the Universal Council of Twelve, and is primarily scented with rose, frankincense,
orange and geranium essential oils.

Eighteenth Ray of Multi-Universal Service

Overlighted by: Mother/Father God and the Multi-Universal Council of Twelve.

Qualities: Transcendence, unlimited potentiality, illumined truth, divinity, pure Beingness,

Melchizedek Consciousness, the infinite Now, formlessness, timelessness, completion of great
work, unconditional Love, infinite expansiveness and great wisdom, Multi-Universal Service, and
the experience of becoming the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

Keyword: Transcendence

Color: Diamond

Portal: Ninth dimensional portal, 24 feet/7.2 meters above the crown chakra.

Star/location: A spiritual portal through Omega-Orion, connecting you to the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God.

Magical Image: An ancient bearded king seen in profile.

Archetypes: Artist, father, mother, visionary.

Corresponding Sphere in Jacob’s Ladder II: The Crown (Kether).

God Name: Ehyeh, I Am That I Am, I Shall Be There.

The eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service, under the directorship of Mother/Father God and
the Multi-Universal Council of Twelve is a magnificent diamond colored ray. It is a combination of
all twelve Cosmic rays, as they spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and
brings with it the amplification of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. This amplification
creates a resonance to the number 144, and is the sacred number of Cosmic Consciousness for
this Multi-universe, which takes you through the five levels of Christ Consciousness into
Melchizedek Consciousness, and thus this eighteenth ray is also known as the eighteenth ray of
Melchizedek Consciousness.

In Jacob’s Ladder II, this last Cosmic ray is presented through an understanding of the Crown
(Kether), and is experienced as entering into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. This ray
takes you into the formlessness and timelessness of the infinite and Eternal Now and brings with
it the possibility of physical Immortality and a physical body of Light perfect for use on the outer
and inner planes. It may be too that the physical Immortal body is a completely different body to
that which you are currently experiencing, for you may decide that for your current Service work,
you would be better suited to another physical body.

One of the gifts through the influence of the eighteenth ray is the ability to work with the axiatonal
lines on a physical level to assist in the Forward Evolution of all Life. Through the correct sonic
and ultrasonic vibrations of sound and color, the ability to heal any dis-ease or discomfort within
an organ or body part may be experienced. Thus this ray brings with it one of the most incredible
healing gifts, as well as the experience of pure Beingness, unlimited potential and completion to
great work.

The archetypes related to this ray are that of the artist, father, mother and visionary. The artist
archetype represents all the creative gifts that are your Divine Heritage and birthright, from
writing, poetry, dancing, sound, color, art, sacred geometry and so on, and further to this, the

ability to manifest and bring into form that which was previously Unmanifest. What is meant by
this, is that through the influence of the eighteenth ray, you are connecting to frequencies of such
incredible Divine unfolding Light through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and the ability
to bring into manifestation sounds and creations of Light that are “new” in frequency to the Earth
plane. These creations are Light unfold energetically through the sacred geometry of the Fruit of
Life, as it is related to the eighteenth ray, and starts with the swirlings of the vesica piscis,
described in the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. It is a time when you are consciously
aware that you are the co-creator to the Company of Heaven, and having accessed and
downloaded your complete multidimensional memories and the dormant DNA within the body,
you are now ready to take your Service work to another level, which moves into the archetype of
the visionary, and the ability to see and sense what is needed to be created in this Now. The
visionary further chooses to be here, and in many instances has transcended all limitations, and
is simply upon this Earth from a Service in Love perspective. The mother and father archetypes
are related to the Divine Mother and Divine Father archetypes and the perfect balance that is
attainable through the balancing of the polarities on both the inner and outer planes. Not
surprising then, this ray is also related to the energy of Twin Flames, and the bringing together of
Twin Flames in this lifetime, not unlike the energy of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness.
However, the eighteenth ray not only unites Twin Flames, but also does so without the need to
play out any karma connections. The connection is simply one of true Love, and through this, the
understanding of one’s Tantric Immortal Nature. The secret lies within this ray, as it does within
the vesica piscis or the Flower of Life.

Choosing this ray in a ray reading may be indicative of a person with exceptional healing powers,
and having an energy field that is soothing and gentle to others. This ray, although bringing into
manifestation that which was previously Unmanifest, does so primarily through energetic
vibrations, and thus sound and healing, and color therapies, as well as a host of wonderful
vibrational and healing tools would fall under the influence of this ray. Usually, this person is
vibrant and in good health, or alternatively may need the healing, protective and nurturing energy
of this expansive Cosmic ray to correct the molecular structure of the body and energy field.
Connecting to this ray is connecting to the Heart and Mind and Body of Mother/Father God, and
touched by the flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, your physical body turns into an energy
body of Light. It is the point of transcendence where you take on the next level of Cosmic
initiation, and choose your next Service role, on this Earth plane, or on another world or Star
system. On another level, if you have any doubt as to your Service work or Sacred Contract,
meditating on this great Cosmic ray will bring illumination and understanding as to the next stage
of your Forward Evolution. This ray further unites Twin Flames in wholeness and Love, without
any karmic connections, and a focus simply on Service in Love.

Visualization: I call forth to the Mahatma, Overlighted by Mother/Father God, to surround me in a

diamond Tantric Immortal Flame of unconditional Love. I request that the qualities of
transcendence, unlimited potentiality, illumined truth, divinity, pure Beingness, Melchizedek
Consciousness, the infinite Now, formlessness, timelessness, completion of great work,
unconditional Love, infinite expansiveness, great wisdom, and Multi-Universal Service are
anchored and activated through my ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above my crown chakra.

Invocation to the eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service

I call forth to Mother/Father God

To actualize the eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service
In a beautiful diamond color
Through my ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above my head.

I call forth to Mother/Father God
To activate my Light Body to a ninth dimensional level,
And to take me to the Ascension Seat of Mother/Father God
So I merge with my ninth dimensional Selves,
So I many experience my Immortal Tantric nature.

I request to be placed in a Tantric Immortal Chamber of Light

So I may actualize my two Immortal genes,
So I may actualize my Multi-Universal axiatonal lines
through the Cosmic Light of Mother/Father God.
So I may take on an Immortal physical form
perfect for my Service work.

I Am unlimited potentiality,
I Am illumined truth,
I Am pure Beingness,
I Am infinite expansiveness
I Am great wisdom,
I Am All That I Am.

Affirmation: I request the actualization of the Multi-Universal axiatonal lines, and a perfected
physical form through the appropriate noise-sound emissions. I request the actualization of my
two immortal genes. I Am the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. (Repeat three times).

Eighteenth Ray Essence Oil - The ray essence oil holds the vibration of all eighteen rays with
the highest quotient of Source Light, Overlighted by Mother/Father God, and has a fragrant
vibration of all eighteen rays. It is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life.

The ray essence oils and physical dis-eases chart

The ray oils can be used for physical dis-eases, and it is suggested that you put 12 drops of each
related ray oil in a 50ml bottle with a base oil such as almond, or grapeseed. Mix with your
favorite essential oils and rub over the body. It is also suggested that you work with the colors,
affirmations and Chohans of the rays related to the oil or oils you may choose. Working with
clients in this way is also a wonderful way to share the ray oils.

Addiction Withdrawal 3, 11, 14 Aging Diseases 5, 6, 14, 15

Aging Slowed 8,9, 11, 17 AIDS 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17

Allergies 2, 7, 16, 17 Alzheimer’s 11, 17

Anemia 4, 9, 15 Anorexia Nervosa 7, 11

Appendicitis 9 Arteriosclerosis 12

Arthritis 2 Asbestos Problems 1, 7, 9, 17

Asthma 11, 12 Athlete’s Foot 12

Bacterial Inflammation 8, 16 Blood Sugar 8, 14

Brain Imbalance 3, 6, 13 Bronchial Conditions 9, 10, 15

Cancer 1, 9, 11, 14 Candida 1, 5, 17

Cerebral Palsy 12, 17 Circulatory System 3, 9, 10

Common Cold 1, 3 Connective Tissue 11, 12, 18

Constipation 4, 11 Cranial Inflammation 1

Cyst, Female Organs 14 Diabetes 14, 15, 16

Digestive Imbalance 2, 14, 15 Diseases from Guilt 1, 2, 3, 12

Dysentery 4, 6, 15 Eczema 2, 12, 15

Epilepsy 1, 5, 15 Epstein-Barr 7, 13, 14

Esophagus Imbalances 8 Excessive Acidity 7, 9, 11

Excessive Acidity 7, 9, 11 Eye Problems 12

Fatigue 5, 12, 17 Female Problems 13, 14

Fevers 15 Gallbladder Stones 9, 13, 14

General Detox 9, 10, 18 Headaches 10, 13

Hearing Loss 11, 14, 18 Heart Disease 7, 12

Herpes 2, 13, 18 Hormone Imbalance 5, 11

Hypoglycaemia 8 Inflammations 10, 15

Inner ear Problems 9, 12, 15 Immune System Diseases 12

Impotency/Infertility 10, 11, 15, 17 Jaundice 11

Kidney Disease 7 Laryngitis 4, 11

Left-Right Brain Imbalance 10, 17 Liver Imbalance 1, 4, 7

Lymph’s Imbalanced 9, 12, 16 Malaria 2

Menopause 9, 15, 17 Menstruation 6

Migraine 2, 11, 12 Multiple Sclerosis 10, 12, 15

Muscular Diseases 6, 10, 12, 17 Obesity 9, 16

Pancreas Imbalance 2, 15 Parasites 11, 14

Periodontal Diseases 12 PMS 9, 11, 14

Pregnancy Helped 3, 9 Psychosomatic Illnesses 9, 14

Radiation Problems 3, 7 Scalp Problems 4, 14

Senility 11 Sickle Cell Anemia 6, 12

Sinus Congestion 10, 15 Skin Conditions 8, 16

Skin Ulcers 9, 14 Slipped Discs 2, 7, 15

Smoking 2, 7, 16 Solar Plexus Imbalance 6, 16

Spinal Inflammation 13, 15 Stroke 6, 14

Testosterone Imbalance 7 Throat Disease 2, 11

Sore Throats 11, 13 Tonsillitis 3, 10

Viral Inflammation 9, 12 Weight Control 4, 17

White Corpuscle Imbalance 7, 14, 16

Pronunciations of the Names of the Spheres on the Tree of Life

English Hebrew Phoenetic

Crown Kether Keh-ter

Wisdom Chokmah Hoak-ma
Hidden Knowledge Daath Da-aht
Understanding Binah Bee-na
Mercy Chesed Heh-said
Severity Geburah Geh-boor-ah
Beauty Tiphareth Tiff-are-et
Victory Netzach Net-zahk
Splendor Hod Ha-odd
Foundation Yesod Yes-odd
Kingdom Malkuth Mal-koo-t

The “th” sound is pronounced as “t”. The “h” is barely audible.

Taken from “Principles of the Qabalah” by Amber Jayanti. Copyright © Amber Jayanti. Published
by Thorsons. An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Suggested reading:

Fortune, Dion
The Mystical Qabalah – New Edition
SIL Trading Ltd, 1998, Society of Inner Light
38 Steeles Road, London, NW3 4RG, UK

Melchizedek, Anrita
The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program
© Dolphin Ray Productions
C/O Sacred Life Foundation
16 Glindon Road, Fish Hoek, 7975,
Cape Town, South Africa

Myss, Caroline
Sacred Contracts: Awakening your Divine Potential
Three Rivers Press
ISBN: 0609810111


I Am University www.iamuniversity.org (Website of the late Dr. Joshua David Stone)

The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net
Whole-Self attunement manual www.whole-self.net (Download of axiatonal alignment manual)
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean – (Free download)

About the Author

Anrita Melchizedek-Choun arrived on January 24, 1969 in Belfast, Northern Ireland at 2:40 PM
(Cancer rising, Aries Moon!). In 1972, her family immigrated to South Africa, where Anrita was to
live for 23 years. In August 1996, Anrita returned to the United Kingdom, where she remained for
six years, before returning to South Africa in October 2002. The six years that Anrita spent in the
United Kingdom were focused primarily on working with the Company of Heaven through the co-
creation of two programs as well as awakening to the Light of who she is, and the Light of all

As a child Anrita had an eclectic upbringing, and experienced teachings from Judaism and
Christianity, as well as attending an eastern school of Philosophy based on Hindu belief systems
for over ten years. She was to meditate and chant Sanskrit from an early age, and was also able
to communicate with the Angelic realms. She had two Angel friends, both little boys, one with a
dove on his shoulder, who were her constant companions for just over two years. She further
communicated with Nature Spirit Intelligence, seeing fairies, as well as communicating with
animals. Through this plane of dualities Anrita chose a multicolored weaving in preparation for her
Light Work. Anrita was ready to commence her healing journey from her mid-twenties,
communicating again with the Company of Heaven; first with the Angelic realms and Archangel
Michael, and later, with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of
the Light, and following this, a host of Ascended Masters, Christed E.T’s and the Order of

Anrita worked in advertising for five years as an Account Manager and Strategic Planner in both
Johannesburg and London, and holds a four-year related business and marketing qualification.
She left the mainstream business arena in 1997, and in 1998, co-created a workbook with the
Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Brotherhood of the Light called The Pleiadian Light Body
DNA Activation Program. Since May 1, 2001, Anrita has been Overlighted by the energy of the
Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, and this incredible Cosmic Being of Light provided
much of the information for The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT
Program) along with the Order of Melchizedek.

Anrita has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and
lectures that she facilitates primarily with her husband Chiang on a global level.

In March 2008, Anrita moved to Portugal after five years in Cape Town. She is married to Chiang
Choun and they have a son, Benjamin Arien Melchizedek-Choun, who arrived on July 6th, 2007.

Product Information

Return to Original Innocence

Return to Original Innocence is a series of twelve guided visualizations and related introductions,
bringing together the encodings of Light from your twelve Higher Selves through the energy of
different planets and stars, and tying them in with the twelve earthly rays and the six Cosmic
Rays, Overlighted by the appropriate Planetary and Spiritual Hierarchy. These teachings, working
with Celestial Beings from On High and your twelve Higher Selves of the Light, bring together a
deeper understanding of the rays, archetypes and magical images associated with the rays.
Further to this, as you merge with each one of your twelve Higher Selves of the Light, you take on
the appropriate key codes, and blueprint signatures of these magnificent Beings, and through
this, Return to Original Innocence through the merging with your Christed Overself of the Light.

“White Light is the doorway to the Original Innocence of all Souls

It connects you through twelve prisms or streams of Light to the energy of your Christed Overself
of the Light, the Highest Light of Who You Are, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
These twelve prisms of Light are your twelve Higher Selves of the Light. In choosing to
experience the Universe in individuation, these twelve Higher Selves form twelve starry streams
of Light, connecting you to particular planets, stars and constellations. This journey connects your
twelve Higher Selves of the Light, as prisms of Light to Lyra - Venus - Andromeda - Arcturus -
Sirius - Orion - Chiron - Alcyone - Meldek - Antares - Alpha Centauri and the Pleiades

Each one of your twelve Higher Selves of the Light then goes through levels of evolution relating
to the vibration of the particular planet or star it chooses to embody. These planets, stars and
constellations also hold the energy signature of one or more of the rays, and in your journey back
to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, you have the ability to merge with, and integrate the
respective energies of each one of your Higher Selves of the Light, and come again into White
Light ~The Return of Original Innocence ~ through merging with your Christed Overself of the

Available as a 93 page eBook and MP3. The MP3 has 25 tracks; an introduction to the program,
an introduction to each visualization and then the related visualization. The MP3 can be played
on most DVD players, many of the latest CD players, on the computer and an MP3/IPod player. A
Portuguese MP3 version of Return to Original Innocence produced by Chiang Choun is also
available, as well as twelve individual CD’s.

Music by Thaddeus. For further details on this celestial music, please view the Orin and Daben
website at www.orindaben.com

Ray essence oils

The ray essence oils are oil based liquid solutions that carry the vibrational signature of the
appropriate Master of each ray, as well as the related Archangels and mighty Elohim.

The ray essence oils have been made from a mother tincture of organic olive oil preserved in
organic honey. Flower essences have been added to some of the ray essence oils, using the
crystal method, as well as gemstones and essential oils, which serve to enhance their vibration.
To further activate the ray essence oils, sacred geometry has been used. Different colors have
been used with this sacred geometry and the ray essence oils were then placed under a Metatron
activated communicator in order to fully anchor the frequencies of each ray. Finally, a DNA
activation wand was magically waved over the ray essence oils, which were then placed under a
copper pyramid. Each stock bottle carries these vibrations, in a base of almond oil, sweetened by
the appropriate essential oils.

The ray essence oils may be used singularly, or combined together. Add a couple of drops to the
wrists, pulse points, to the bath, hand and body lotions, massage oils, burners and so on. In
addition to their Spiritual properties, the ray essence oils make incredible natural scented
perfumed oils.

First Ray of Will and power - Ray Master: Chohan El Morya Overlighted by Archangel Michael
and Faith, and Elohim Hercules and Amazonia. Key word: Empowerment. Color: Red. Chakra
Center: Crown. This first ray essence oil holds the vibration of these Light Beings, as well as the
vibration of pink campion, clear quartz and diamond, rose and frankincense essential oils, the
sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Second Ray of Love-Wisdom - Ray Master: Chohan Kuthumi, Overlighted by Archangel Jophiel
and Constance, and Elohim Apollo and Lumina. Keyword: Love. Color: Blue. Chakra Center:
Heart. This second ray essence oil holds the vibration of these Light Beings, as well as the
vibration of wild geranium, sodalite, rose and orange essential oils, the sacred geometry of the
Seed of Life and color.

Third ray of Divine Intelligence - Ray Master: Chohan Serapis Bey Overlighted by Archangel
Chamuel and Charity, and Elohim Heros and Amora. Keyword: Wisdom through Knowledge.
Color: Yellow. Chakra Center: Throat. This essence oil holds the vibration of these Light Beings,
as well as the vibration of daffodil, emerald, rose and cedarwood essential oils, the sacred
geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict - Ray Master: Chohan Paul the Venetian Overlighted by
Archangel Gabriel and Hope and Elohim Purity and Astrea. Keyword: Creativity. Color: Emerald
green. Chakra Center: Base chakra. This ray essence oil holds the vibration of these Light
Beings, as well as the vibration of jasper, rose and caraway essential oils, the sacred geometry of
the Seed of Life and color.

Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge - Ray Master: Chohan Hilarion Overlighted by Archangel
Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia. Keyword: Equilibrium through the
balance of polarities. Color: Orange. Chakra Center: Third eye. This ray essence oil holds the
vibration of these Light Beings, as well as the vibration of obsidian, rose and geranium essential
oils, the sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism - Ray Master: Chohan Sananda (Jesus the Christ),
Overlighted by Archangel Uriel and Aurora, and Elohim Peace and Aloha. Keyword: Devotion
through Trust. Color: Indigo. Chakra Center: Solar Plexus. This sixth ray essence oil holds the
vibration of these Light Beings, as well as the vibration of yellow poppy, garnet, rose and ginger
essential oils, the sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic - Ray Master: Chohan St. Germain and Lady Portia,
Overlighted by Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, and Elohim Arcturus and Victoria. Keywords:
Abundance through Ceremonial Magic. Color: Violet. Chakra Center: Sacral. This essence oil
holds the vibration of these Light Beings, as well as the vibration of white ground ivy, amethyst
crystal, rose and clary sage essential oils, the sacred geometry of the Seed of Life and color.

Eighth Ray of Transcendence - Ray Master: Chohan Lady Nada Overlighted by Lord Chietal, and
the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. Keyword: Transmutation. Color: Seafoam green and violet.
Chakra Center: Solar plexus. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the
Flower of Life. This ray essence oil is scented with rose, caraway, geranium and clary sage
essential oils.

Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials - Ray Master: Chohan Mother Mary, Overlighted by Lord Goyana,
and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. Keyword: Purpose through joy. Color: Blue-green.
Chakra Center: Heart. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron. This ray
essence oil is scented with rose, frankincense, and orange essential oils.

Tenth Ray of Divinity - Ray Master: Chohan Allah Gobi, Overlighted by Lord Huertal, and the
Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. Keywords: Synergy through Divine Equality. Color:
Pearlescent. Chakra Center: Throat. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the
icosahedron and the Flower of Life. It is scented with rose, frankincense, orange and cedarwood
essential oils.

Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth - Ray Master: Chohan Quan Yin Overlighted by Lord Semveta,
and the Brotherhood of the Light. Keyword: Compassion. Color: Pink-Orange. Chakra Center:
Third eye. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron and the Flower of Life.
It is lightly scented with rose, frankincense, orange and geranium essential oils.

Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness - Ray Master: Chohan Pallas Athena, Overlighted by
Lord Ardal, the Mahatma and Mother/Father God. Keyword: One Unity Consciousness. Color:
Gold. Chakra Center: Crown. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life. It
holds the appropriately combined dosage of the first twelve rays, and has a fragrant vibration of
all twelve rays.

Thirteenth Ray of Solar Service - Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and the Solar Council of
Twelve. Keyword: Manifestation. Color: Copper-gold. Portal: Fourth dimensional portal just above
the crown chakra. Star: Sun. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. The
ray essence oil is primarily scented with rose and orange essential oils.

The fourteenth Ray of Interstellar Service - Overlighted by: The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and
the Interstellar Council of Twelve. Keyword: Illumination. Color: Silver. Portal: Fifth dimensional
portal, 18 cm above crown chakra. Star: Alcyone (Pleiades). This ray is related to the sacred
geometry of the Fruit of Life. The ray essence oil is primarily scented with rose, caraway,
geranium and clary sage essential oils.

Fifteenth Ray of Galactic Service - Overlighted by: The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
and the Galactic Council of Twelve. Keyword: Sacred Sexuality. Color: Silver-gold. Portal: Sixth
dimensional portal, 72 cm above the crown chakra. Star: Sirius. This ray is related to the sacred
geometry of the Fruit of Life. It is primarily scented with rose, frankincense, and orange essential

Sixteenth Ray of Intergalactic Service - Overlighted by: The Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of
the Light and the Intergalactic Council of Twelve. Keyword: Expansiveness. Color: Golden. Portal:
Seventh dimensional portal, 90 cm above the crown chakra. Star: Andromeda. This ray is related
to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. It is primarily scented with rose, orange and
cedarwood essential oils.

Seventeenth Ray of Intergalactic Service - Overlighted by: The Brotherhood of the Light, the
Order of Melchizedek, and the Universal Council of Twelve. Keyword: Insightfulness. Color:
Platinum. Portal: Eighth dimensional portal, 162 cm above the crown chakra. Star: Orion. This ray
is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. It is primarily scented with rose,
frankincense, orange and geranium essential oils.

Eighteenth Ray of Multi-Universal Service -Overlighted by: Mother/Father God and the Multi-
Universal Council of Twelve. Keyword: Transcendence. Color: Diamond. Portal: Ninth
dimensional portal, 7.2 meters above the crown chakra. Star/location: A spiritual portal through
Omega-Orion, connecting you to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. This ray is further
experienced through the union of Mother/Father God, and is related to the sacred geometry of the
Fruit of Life. It holds the vibration of all eighteen rays with the highest Quotient of Source Light
and has a fragrant vibration of all eighteen rays.

Ray Healing manual

The Ray Healing manual represents another way to work with the rays from a healing perspective
using the colors, primary qualities, chakra centers and affirmations, Overlighted by the
appropriate Masters.

The Ray Healing manual is the perfect tool for both the beginner and the student wishing to
experience these frequencies of Light from a healing perspective. As the rays assist through their
vibrational frequencies on all levels, they can be used for healing on a physical/etheric, emotional,
mental or Spiritual level, depending on what is needed at that moment.

You do not need any special healing skills to work with the rays, only intent and a basic
understanding of the rays, which is provided in the manual. The Ray Healing manual allows you
to do healings on yourself or others, working from a cellular, quantum level as well as a
holographic level.

A wonderful way to work with the rays, from an experiential manner in an easy, non-complicated
way. The Ray Healing manual further allows you to better understand the energy of the rays
through the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven so you may truly experience your
multidimensional, multifaceted nature as a magical Being of Light.

Ray Cards

There are eighteen full color laminated ray cards available with the Ray Reading manual. The full
color visuals have been taken from The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program workbook,
and make a wonderful companion to the manuals and ray oils. Size per card: 50mm x 50mm.

The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) Workbook

The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) is a Cosmic ascension
journey through Service in Love, which gives you the opportunity to experience your Cosmic
Heritage as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. Through your unique relationship to the
Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy, The MAT Program unveils the Mystery School
teachings undertaken in Atlantis and ancient Egypt through the Eye of Horus. Based on an
energy system of initiations, rays and the Kabbalah, and focused through nine dimensional levels,
The MAT Program presents you with experiential techniques that may allow you to surpass any
previous conscious understanding of your Highest Potential through the completion of your
training as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. In addition to this, The MAT Program allows
you to commence your Cosmic ascension journey into the Divine Unfolding Light of
Mother/Father God through Jacob’s ladder II and the Cosmic rays. Through this Cosmic Map,
your journey into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God can now be undertaken whilst in
physical embodiment on this Earth plane. To this end, you focus on the possibility of
interdimensional travel beyond the common light barrier through the potential activation of your
Light Body from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, the actualization of the six Cosmic
rays, and the physical/etheric activation of your twelve strand DNA.

There are three audio DVD’s or MP3’s, each with 12 guided visualizations.

DVD/MP3 - MAT Visualizations 1-12

Visualizations 1-12 cover an overview of your Cosmic Heritage through an understanding of the
activities of Light that have occurred in Atlantis and ancient Egypt. Working within a coning, a
vortex of Light brought in by specific Ascension Coning Members, you undergo your first three
initiations and the etheric reactivation of your first three strand DNA. These Ascension Coning
members are the Christed One, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League
of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of Light,
the Brotherhood of the Light, Mahatma, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, and your own
wonderful Higher Light. Overlighted by the Ascension Coning Members as well as the
appropriate Chohans, Archangels and Mighty Elohim, you choose the initiations of control over
the physical/etheric body, the death and sacrifice of desire, and the Soul merge with your Primal
Soul of the Light as you exist within the Solar Core, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta. For these
initiations, you focus primarily on the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic under St. Germain and
Lady Portia, the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism under Sananda and Lady Nada and the fifth
ray of Concrete Knowledge under Hilarion. You further work with the qualities of the first seven
of the eighteen rays that now grace your Earth plane, as well as the sacred geometry of the star
tetrahedron. The star tetrahedron is the shape you will use to activate your Light Body and the
Light Body of Mother Earth to enter into the Golden Age of Aquarius, which is set to occur on
December 21, 2012.

DVD/MP3 – MAT Visualizations 13-24

Visualizations 13-24 of The MAT Program focuses on being a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light
through Service in Love and Divine Equality. As you start to create World Peace and Universal
Abundance, you undertake initiations four, five, six, and seven. For the fourth initiation,
undertaken through the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, you initially re-experience
working with the Bermuda Triangle in which you corrected the artificial space time warp created
through the Martian Experiment. Through this Divine activity of Light, the Mystery School
teachings from the Halls of Amenti are again being experienced on this Earth plane. At this time
too, you re-experience the fourth initiation through the Ascension Seat in the Great Pyramid of
Giza. Overlighted by Paul the Venetian, you merge with your Higher Self of the Light as you exist
within the etheric of Sirius, as well as unveil the Etheric records of Atlantis, which were sealed in
the One Unity Consciousness portal in Egypt. For the fifth initiation, you come into empowerment
and the Divine Will of God through the first ray of Will and Power, Overlighted by El Morya. You
are further invited to Shamballa where you experience, not only the first seven earthly rays, but
also the qualities of the additional five earthly rays. The sixth initiation is Overlighted by Serapis
Bey, the Chohan of the third ray of Divine Intelligence. As you travel to Serapis Bey’s Ascension
Seat in Luxor, Egypt, you merge with your Christed Overself of the Light, as you exist within the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and become this integrated Higher Light as an Ascended
Master to this Earth plane. The seventh initiation is undertaken through the second ray of Love-
Wisdom, and is an initiation into the Order of Melchizedek, Overlighted by Kuthumi, the Planetary
Hierarchy, and Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos. You further merge with your Twin Flame,
as well as activate your Light Body to the speed of light. You then commence your Priesthood
training, specifically the building of your Planetary, Solar and Interstellar bodies of Light, as you
Soul travel to the Halls of Amenti, focusing on the Kabbalah, and climbing Jacob’s ladder, as it
relates to the twelve rays. Plus, at this level, you work with all the platonic solids and etherically
reactivate your fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth strand DNA.
DVD/MP3 – MAT Visualizations 25-36

Visualizations 25-36 continue with your Priesthood training, as well as the potential experience of
your Cosmic initiations, initiations eight to fourteen. For your Priesthood training, you Soul travel
to the Halls of Amenti as you focus on the Kabbalah, and specifically climbing Jacob’s ladder as
it relates to the twelve rays.

Following your Priesthood training, and the etheric reactivation of all twelve strands of DNA as a
High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, there are an additional seven Cosmic initiations, which
may potentially be experienced through climbing Jacob’s ladder II. For these seven Cosmic
Initiations, you have the potential to travel in your activated Light Body from the third to the ninth
dimensions respectively. You have the ability to commence your Spiritual ascension as you
potentially take your physical body with you to these higher dimensions, Overlighted by the
respective Planetary and Spiritual Hierarchy. For your eighth initiation, you travel to Shamballa,
Overlighted by Lord Buddha; for your ninth initiation, you travel to the Solar Core, Overlighted by
Helios and Vesta; for your tenth initiation, you travel to the Pleiades, Overlighted by the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light; for your eleventh initiation, you travel to Sirius, Overlighted by the Sirian
Archangelic League of the Light; for your twelfth initiation, you travel to Andromeda, Overlighted
by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light; for your thirteenth initiation, you travel to
Orion, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light.

The last Cosmic initiation, initiation fourteen, occurs as you travel through a Spiritual Portal in
Omega Orion to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Following this, you have the potential
to experience aspects of the Seven Paths to Higher Evolution through your Spiritual ascension
and Light Body activations.

All guided visualizations have a running time of approximately 50 minutes.

Produced by Anrita Melchizedek. Music by Michael Hammer.

Michael Hammer music. Luminescence, Sacred Heart, Merging with Bliss, Dolphin Light, Gifts of
the Archangels, Radiance Spiritual Shimmer, Souls Light, Precious Moment, Doorway to the
Pleiades. © Council of Light. P.O. Box 730, Mt. Shasta, California, 96067, U.S.A. Tel: +1 530
9384816. Fax: +1 530 8781521.
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.michaelhammer.com

The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program

A Planetary Ascension Journey into the Fourth Dimension

The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program is a planetary ascension journey into the fourth
dimension. This ascension program, which has been co-created with the Pleiadian Emissaries of
the Light and the Brotherhood of the Light, is experientially based and seeks to assist in the
awakening process of Light workers and star seeded ones through all dimensions and realities as
the Earth, and every atom and molecule on this plane move into their next evolutionary stage.
The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light have brought messages of Love, hope, inspiration,
compassion, wisdom and humor to Humanity through their many Spiritual teachings. In this
program, we are offered an opportunity to work directly with the Spiritual Hierarchy in order to
reclaim our birthright as Master Beings of Love and Light and assist in the planetary ascension of
Mother Earth as we move through the Photon Band into the wonderful Golden Age of

This program is further offered as three audio DVD’s or MP3’s, each with 12 guided visualizations
and 36 CD’s, boxed in sets of six.

Light Body DNA Activation Program Guided Visualizations 1-12

In these guided visualizations by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light you begin to understand your
true nature as a Master Being of Love and Light. You meet with the Pleiadian Light Body DNA
Activation Coning Members and work within a multidimensional coning of Love and Light to
create healthy boundaries, understand your physicality and clear distorted perceptions and false
belief systems related to relationship issues, power issues and issues of a sexual nature. You are
given psycho-energetic techniques to cancel contracts, clear distorted patterns and decord
yourself from unhealthy and foreign energies.

You go on a Soul Retrieval Journey, meet your Pleiadian and Sirian Master Guides and journey
with your Master Guides to meet your sub-personalities. You meet with Nature Intelligence, with
the Overlighting Deva of Healing and your Guardian Angel. You explore your inner child as well
as bring your inner feminine and masculine nature into a better balance.

Light Body DNA Activation Program Guided Visualizations 13-24

The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light invite you to explore your full sacred sexual nature through the
Love frequency and the activation of your tantric channels. You open up your heart center and
allow your Higher Light to embody within your three-fold flame, your Soul Matrix. You experience

Self-Love Chambers and remember your true nature as a Master Being of Love and Light. You
have the ability to channel your Master Guides and Guardian Angel and reclaim your many gifts
as a healer, teacher, writer, poet and all other gifts that are yours to access freely.

You are invited to travel to the Akashic Records and go on past life journeys. You clear at cellular
and Soul levels all karmic and past life issues and all genetically inherited belief systems and
judgments, so you may operate more closely to your original eight-cell blueprint, as this
magnificent, glorious Master Being of Love and Light.

You start to remember your Light Body as you move in higher frequencies of Light and Love, as
your cells spin faster and you become more permanently your Higher Light on this Earth plane.
You merge with your Twin Flame and you magnetize to yourself a perfect Soul Mate.

Light Body DNA Activation Program Guided Visualizations 25-36

In these guided visualizations from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, you travel in an external
Merkaba Vehicle of Light from the fourth to the ninth dimension. You travel to the realm of the
Ascended Masters. You travel to the Pleiades, to Sirius, to Andromeda and Orion and finally
through Omega Orion to the ninth dimension and into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

You meet Soul family, friends and Soul Mates on these different dimensions as you reclaim back
your full multidimensional and multifaceted nature through merging with your Higher Self of the
Light on the sixth dimension and your Christed Overself of the Light on the ninth dimension. You
work with the Brotherhood of the Light as an honorary member to the Galactic Federation of
Light. You become a planetary Light worker in full service to Mother Earth and her many people
as you prepare to fulfill your Life Task within the Divine Plan of All That is.

To assist in this Divine Plan, you merge with Mother/Father God, and activate your Light Body to
the speed of common light. You further activate the Light Body of Mother Earth and assist in the
planetary ascension of Mother Earth and her many people through the Photon Band and into the
Golden Age of Aquarius.

The length of each guided visualization is approximately one hour each side. Music by Asha and
Andrew Forrest.

The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program is also available as three eBooks, with part 1,
2 and 3 corresponding to the related DVD’s/MP3’s and CD’s.

Mother Earth Father Sky Spiritual Uplifter Essence Spray

This is a beautiful uplifting spray containing the vibrational Light energies of the Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light, Archangel Michael, the Christed One, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of Healing,
St. Germain and fairy energy.

Also contains the essence of bluebell, using the crystal method, and organic essential oils of
rosemary, clary sage and lavender. Choice of lightly scented with geranium essential oil or

This delightful spray is one of our best sellers due to its ability to clear the negative energies of
people and places. Wonderful for therapists and office workers alike, great for travel, and keeping
your space clear of the energy of others.

All orders can be made online at our secure server at www.pleiadianlight.net

Contact us:

Anrita Melchizedek-Choun and Chiang Choun. Apartado No 8, Laranjeiro, 2811-601, Almada,

Portugal. Tel/Fax: +351-212-546-041 Mobile Anrita +351-918-117-549.
Mobile Chiang +351-918-117-547 or +351-969-852-803.
Websites: Anrita www.pleiadianlight.net Email: [email protected]
Chiang: www.goldenstarseed.com Email: [email protected]


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