NDE Literacy Assessment Rubric
NDE Literacy Assessment Rubric
NDE Literacy Assessment Rubric
**Assessment MUST meet construction validity & reliability criteria to be considered further.
Recommendations: Assessments should score a minimum of 20 to be considered “passing”. Indicators should ideally meet the following minimum bars:
• 1.2 Content & Equity – 4
• 2.1 Knowledge & Skills – 4
• 2.2 Progress Monitoring – 4
• 3.1 Standardization & Efficiency – 4
• 3.2 Usability – 2
• 4.1 Accommodations – 2
References: The following resources from other states were leveraged to create this tool:
• Colorado State Board of Education Interim Assessment Rubric
• Mississippi Department of Education K-3 Reading Screener Guidance
• Iowa Department of Education Literacy Assessments Meeting the Requirements of 279.68/ELI
• Texas Resource Review Foundational Literacy Grades K-2 Rubric
K-3 Reading Assessment Evaluative Rubric
Section 1. Validity and Reliability
Indicator 1.1 Assessment Construction: To what extent does the assessment provide accurate and consistent results?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Demonstrates to what degree the instrument measures
what it claims to measure NO
• Shows the extent to which inferences, conclusions, and Evidence indicates few
decisions are made based on test scores and that scores criteria are met; assessment
are appropriate and meaningful to show validity cannot be adopted.
• Uses criteria, or measures, to classify students (including
cut scores) that are valid and clearly described
• Reports results of reliability studies for each grade YES
assessment and provides evidence for adequate Evidence indicates all
reliability, including test-retest reliability and internal criteria are met; assessment
reliability can be evaluated further.
Indicator 1.2 Content & Equity: To what extent does the assessment appropriately measure reading ability for all learners?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Reading passages align to grade-level text complexity as
identified by quantitative and qualitative measures DOES NOT MEET (0)
Evidence indicates few or
• Demonstrates alignment to Nebraska’s 2021 College and
none of the criteria are met.
Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts
(foundations of reading, reading, and vocabulary strands)
• Content of test materials is culturally diverse and/or PARTIALLY MEETS (2)
results of bias studies indicate assessment is accessible to Evidence indicates some of
all learners the criteria are met.
• Studies that provide evidence for reliability include
representative samples and include important subgroups, MEETS OR EXCEEDS (4)
such as ELs, non-ELs, students with and without reading Evidence indicates most or
difficulties all of the criteria are met.
K-3 Reading Assessment Evaluative Rubric
Section 2. Literacy Constructs
Indicator 2.1 Knowledge & Skills: To what extent does the content assess critical foundational literacy skills?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Assesses proficiency in key areas of foundational literacy:
phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and
comprehension DOES NOT MEET (0)
• Requires students to read out loud to assess proficiency with Evidence indicates few or
oral reading fluency (all grades) none of the criteria are met.
• By the end of the year, provides data on the following
priorities for Kindergarten: phonological awareness,
including phoneme segmentation and blending; letter
naming fluency; letter-sound association; vocabulary
• By the end of the year, provides data on the following
priorities for 1st Grade: phoneme manipulation, PARTIALLY MEETS (2)
segmentation, and blending; letter naming fluency; letter- Evidence indicates some of
sound association; word recognition fluency; vocabulary the criteria are met.
• By the end of the year, provides data on the following
priorities for 2nd Grade: word identification, including real
and nonsense words; vocabulary; reading comprehension
• By the end of the year, provides data on the following
priorities for 3rd Grade: word identification; vocabulary;
reading comprehension MEETS OR EXCEEDS (4)
Evidence indicates most or
• (Desirable but not required) Screens or predicts students for
all of the criteria are met.
risk of dyslexia using appropriate indicators such as Rapid
Automatized Naming (RAN)
K-3 Reading Assessment Evaluative Rubric
Indicator 2.2 Progress Monitoring: To what extent does the assessment guide the response to data?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Provides clear guidance for teachers and students to monitor
progress between BOY, MOY, and EOY administrations that DOES NOT MEET (0)
is aligned to the initial assessment Evidence indicates few or
• Yields meaningful information to guide teachers’ planning none of the criteria are met.
for instruction and differentiation, such as recommended
groupings for small-group instruction
• Provides guidance and resources (desirable but not required)
on how to leverage different research-based strategies to PARTIALLY MEETS (2)
respond to student data Evidence indicates some of
• Instructional reports are sufficiently detailed to support the criteria are met.
teachers and administrators with more deeply
understanding the impact of foundational skills development
on reading comprehension
• (Desirable but not required) Provide guidance for
administrators to support teachers with analyzing and Evidence indicates most or
responding to data all of the criteria are met.
K-3 Reading Assessment Evaluative Rubric
Section 3. Administration and Scoring
Indicator 3.1 Standardization & Efficiency: To what extent are assessment logistics streamlined?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Administration guidance for benchmark and progress
monitoring assessments is clear and accessible (easy to DOES NOT MEET (0)
interpret and implement); may be fully scripted Evidence indicates few or
• Provides clear logistical guidance, including required none of the criteria are met.
technology and staff
• Vendor provides or makes available initial training to staff PARTIALLY MEETS (2)
and provides ongoing support
Evidence indicates some of
• Assessment can also be administered without technology; the criteria are met.
guidance for paper administration is provided
• Scoring procedures are clear and accessible
• Estimated time required for administration and scoring is MEETS OR EXCEEDS (4)
reasonable and balanced; administration time is Evidence indicates most or
developmentally appropriate all of the criteria are met.
Indicator 3.2 Usability: To what extent are the results useful and easy to interpret?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Assessment reports are easy to read and include a clear
description of how to interpret results DOES NOT MEET (0)
Evidence indicates few or
• Provides a variety of reports and data views, including
none of the criteria are met.
district-, school-, and classroom-level data, by student
groups/sub-pops, and parent/family-facing
• Data on each of the components of foundational literacy PARTIALLY MEETS (2)
(phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, Evidence indicates some of
comprehension) is presented in an actionable way the criteria are met.
• Results from screener/inventory are available immediately
• Data is presented in multiple forms (numerical as well as MEETS OR EXCEEDS (4)
visual – ex. charts/graphs) Evidence indicates most or
• (Desirable but not required) Provides access to raw data all of the criteria are met.
file(s) for internal use (ex. to add to data warehouse)
K-3 Reading Assessment Evaluative Rubric
Section 4. Diverse Populations
Indicator 4.1 Accommodations: To what extent does the assessment support all learners?
Criteria Rating Notes
• Provides research-based guidance for assessment
accommodations for students with disabilities, special needs, DOES NOT MEET (0)
and English Learners Evidence indicates few or
none of the criteria are met.
• Provides Spanish versions of assessments
• Post-assessment instructional guidance includes
recommended accommodations for students with PARTIALLY MEETS (2)
disabilities, special needs, and English Learners Evidence indicates some of
• Includes resources to engage families that are available in the criteria are met.
both English, Spanish, and other languages, such as letter
templates explaining the assessment & results and/or
activities caregivers can implement with students at home MEETS OR EXCEEDS (4)
Evidence indicates most or
all of the criteria are met.