Salute To Veterans (2022)
Salute To Veterans (2022)
Salute To Veterans (2022)
ATAVIA — Visiting the Hol- said a Purple Heart was donated
land Land Office Museum’s about four years ago and another
Military Wing means a one was donated earlier this year.
chance to see the Purple Hearts Seeing these artifacts provides
Genesee County veterans earned a more personal experience than
and uniforms they wore — or at you would get from reading about
least uniforms that are similar, a war in a book, he said.
There is the Purple Heart Ma- “I would say in general, that’s
rine Pvt. Gerald Tiede, a Batavia the beauty of having these real arti-
resident who lost his life March 6, facts. It’s an actual piece of history,
1945, in Iwo Jima, received. so it creates a stronger connection
On display nearby is the Purple than just reading about it,” Duffy
Heart given in honor of Walter said. “Especially when you can
Bond Jr., who was born in Oakfield attach a name to it. That makes it
in 1917 and graduated from the more powerful.
University of Rochester. Army Pvt. Asked what he would do if
1st Class Bond was killed in ac- MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS someone came in looking for
tion June 4, 1944, in an invasion of Purple Hearts and a Silver Star are seen on display at the Holland Land something the Military Wing
Rome, Italy. Office Museum, 131 West Main St., Batavia. didn’t have, Duffy said, “I usually
The Army uniform of 1st Lt. ... refer them to the county histo-
Donald Judd of Alexander may part, and the more important part, “It’s more so just regular visi-
rian’s office. I guess it depends on
be found there. The Purple Heart is that it makes a personal connec- tors or they have a connection to
what they’re looking for.”
recipient, 24, was killed in action in tion. It hits home a little harder. the individual, but their stuff was
The Museum’s collection also
Vietnam on June 22, 1967, 18 days Being able to have a local perspec- here,” he said. “We have had fam- includes memorabilia from noted
after arriving at the war zone. tive on that makes a big difference ily members come in specifically from local historical figures who
MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS “It’s just bringing awareness of It’s more of a micro view than a to see those items. More often, it’s served Union troops in the Civil
A U.S. Army Officer Uniform, circa 1918, is on local people who served,” Museum macro.” the realization once they get here” War.
display in the Military Wing of the Holland Land Executive Director Ryan Duffy said Who normally comes to see the that their relative’s items are there.
Office Museum in Batavia. of the items on display. “The other exhibits in the Miliary Wing? Most of the items on display See MUSEUMS T5
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From T1
They include:
n Emory Upton, the famed
military strategist, who is
perhaps the most well-known
military figures from Batavia.
Upton was well known for
writing books on military tac-
tics that remained in use until
after World War I. Upton was
a graduate from West Point,
and discharged the first piece
of artillery at Bull Run, Va. At
age of 24 he was promoted to
Brigadier General and later
became Major General. He
also wrote the book “Tactics
of the U.S. Army.” He is buried
in a military cemetery in Au-
The Silver Star awarded to Walter Eugene Bond Jr. is seen on display at the Holland Land Office
The monument at the bend
Museum in Batavia along with a biographical sketch of Walter and his service.
of Main and Ellicott streets is
known as the Upton Monu- “I stepped forward and said Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo. look at World War II from the
ment (though formally it is the I would be the first and my The Holland Land Office homefront perspective. Many
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monu- name was placed at the head Museum, 131 West Main St., uniforms are also on display.
ment). Upton fought in such of the list,” Rand said, accord- Batavia, is open 10 a.m. to 4 The museum is on its win-
major Civil War battles as the ing to county History Depart- p.m. Tuesdays through Satur- ter schedule, and is open 10 MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
First Bull Run, Cold Harbor ment documents. days. For information, go to a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays Donald Judd dress blue uniform as a West Point Cadet is among
and Antietam. Rand became the first to and Saturdays through April the collection of military uniforms on display in the Military Wing
The museum has many key volunteer in all of New York or call (585) 343-4727. 30. The last guided tours begin of the Holland Land Office Museum in Batavia.
artifacts from Upton’s life, state and his first action came at 2 p.m. The museum will
including his West Point uni- on July 18, 1861. Warplane Museum also be open for special hours on
form and his saddle. n Ely Samuel Parker, a Sen- shares story of homefront Veterans Day when it hosts
n A marker for Capt.
Charles F. Rand is on the
grounds west of the Holland
eca, was born in Pembroke
near Indian Falls. He tried
to enlist in the war but was
In Livingston County, the
National Warplane Museum,
an open house in honor of all
military veterans.
From May 1 through Sep-
Bogan & Tuttle
Funeral Home
Land Office Museum. Inside, rejected because he was not 3489, Big Tree Lane, Geneseo, tember, the museum is open
his Congressional Medal of considered a citizen. He was houses vintage aircraft, armor daily.
Honor is on display. Rand, well educated and became and other pieces from around For more information, go
was a 22-year-old from friends with Ulysses S. Grant the world. The historical to nationalwarplanemuseum. On this Veterans Day, let us remember the
Batavia and along with a small when they worked together on aviation museum also moved org or call (585) 243-2100.
a C-130 that saw service in service of our veterans, and let us renew our
group of other men gathered a government project. Parker Those interested in more
at the Eagle Hotel in Batavia was finally commissioned as Vietnam from the Smithson- local history stories related to national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations
on April 15, 1861. Word had a captain and served with the ian Institution to the museum military service and encour- to our veterans and their families who have
just reached Batavia of the Seventh Division XVII Corps. where it is being developed age to contact their county, sacrificed so much so that we can live free.
bombardment of Fort Sumter. He was Grant’s military sec- into an exhibition. town or village historians. – Dan Lipinski
Major Henry Glowacki met retary and was present at the But the museum is more Libraries with local history
the group and asked a simple surrender at Appomattox. The than just a place to showcase collections may also have ad- Medina Lyndonville
question: Who would be the documents from Appomat- warbirds. The museum also ditional resources of interest 226 Pearl St. 112 N Main St.
first to volunteer for the Union tox were in his handwriting. has exhibitions that highlight to those researching local Tel: (585) 798-0896 Tel: (585) 765-2230
Army? Parker is buried in Forest the Tuskegee Airman and military service or history.
T6 Friday, November 11, 2022 SALUTE TO VETERANS 2022
Elwyn M. Barrett Kenneth E. Stroh Art Scheuneman Brendan R. McNall David Privatera Garrett Totten
Sergeant T-5 E-4 Tech Sergeant 2nd Lieutenant Lance Corporal
Army Army Navy Air Force Marines Marines
1935-1937 • 1944-1946 1945-1946 1969 - 1975 2011 - Present 2021 - Present 2021 - Present
Hometown - Attica, NY Hometown - Alexander, NY Hometown - Arcade, NY Hometown - Varysburg, NY Hometown - LeRoy, NY Hometown - Corfu, NY
James A. McNall, Jr. James McNall John Bonarigo Joseph Palumbo Kenneth Walker Sean M. McNall
Tech Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant
Air Force Air Force Army Air Force Army Marines
2009 - 2022 1967 - 1974 1942 - 1946 2002 - Present 1940 - 1945 2008 - 2017
Hometown - Varysburg, NY Hometown - Varysburg, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Darien Center, NY Hometown - Perry, NY Hometown - Varysburg, NY
Angelo A. DiLaura Joe DiLaura Jr. Richard Farnsworth Joe DiLaura Sr. Fred V. Pulvino E. Phillip Zerillo
Private First Class Petty Officer 3rd Class Sergeant Petty Officer 1st Class Seaman 2 1st Sgt. - NY National Guard
Army Navy Navy Navy 1994 - 2015
Air Force Sergeant - Marines
1950 - 1952 1965 - 1969 1967 - 1971 1940 - 1959 1945 - 1946 1984 - 1991
Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - LeRoy, NY
Robert D. Cesarano Cody Cesarano Gerald “Bud” Hoffmeister David J. Cutitta Richard T. Minuto Joe Ficarella
Corporal Private 1st Class Sergeant 2nd Class Petty Officer Seaman 1st Class/Staff Sgt. Lance Corp
Marines Army Army Navy Navy/Army National Guard Marine Corps
1983 - 1987 2018 - Present 1966 - 1968 1960 - 1964 1962 - 1966 / 1981-1988 1965 - 1968
Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Mumford, NY Hometown - Warsaw, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY
Gordon C. Betties Ronald P. Konieczny Jim Calkins Michael Minuto Donald F. Klein James DiLaura
A-1C Spec 4 Medic Sergeant Petty Officer 2nd Class Quartermaster 3rd Class Hosp. Apprenice 1st Class
Air Force Army Army “Big Red One” Navy Navy Navy
WWII & Korea 1969-1971 1965 - 1970 1962 - 1966 1945-1946 1943 - 1946
Hometown - Wales, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Wyoming, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY
Ashley Worden David Minuto Josephine Pulvino Ferge Rory E. Benkleman Donald Schultz Michael Cesarano
Staff Sergeant (Retired) Petty Officer 3rd Class PFC Nurse (E4) Sergeant - Air Force FN Specialist E-4
Army Navy Army NY Air National Guard Navy Army
2009-2022 1957 - 1961 WW II 1975 - 1981 1948-1954 1986 - 1989
Hometown - Piffard, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - North Java, NY Hometown - Buffalo/Darien, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY
Gordon R. Amidon Patsy Cesarano Jack M. Hayden Leanne Chen-Rawji Frank Minuto Lanny Minuto
PFC Corporal SP-4 Captain Private 1st Class Airman E-4
Marine Corps Army Army Airforce Army Air Force
1944 - 1946 1953 - 1955 1974 - 1978 2015 - Present WWII 1967 - 1971
Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - North Java, NY Hometown - Leicester, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY Hometown - Batavia, NY
T8 Friday, November 11, 2022 SALUTE TO VETERANS 2022
how much this was going to service.”
grow in one year.” The Wyoming County Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9-5,
The collaborative effort Board of Supervisors was Saturday 9-4, PARTS & ACCESSORIES
encourages counties, mu- expected to adopt a resolution Closed Sunday & Monday Full Service Department
nicipalities, businesses, and at its Nov. 8 meeting in sup- 4425 W. Saile Dr., Batavia, NY (585) 343-9598
individuals to illuminate port of Operation Green Light
their buildings, homes and and also encourage residents
businesses with green lights to put out a green light to let
as a visible sign of support for returning service members
veterans. know they are always wel-
As Veterans Day ap- comed in Wyoming County.
proached, each of the GLOW Terry said veterans were
county governments are happy to see the show of sup-
supporting Operation Green port offered by Operation
Light. Green Light.
The Livingston County “This allows veterans to see
Board of Supervisors declared that someone took an action
Livingston County a “Green on their behalf,” Terry said.
Light for Military Service “If they see a green light on a
County” from Oct. 12 through porch, at a business, a county
Nov. 13, 2022, and have been building then they know that
illuminating the county someone did something on
courthouse in green while their behalf rather that just
encouraging county residents saying thank you for your ser-
to show their support for ser- vice, so that is a touch on the
vice members by displaying a veterans stand point.”
green light bulb in their home In addition to showing sup-
or place of business through port for veterans, Operation
Nov. 13. Green Light also raises aware-
“Green is the color of hope, ness about local services
renewal and well-being,”
said Terry. “Displaying a
green light can bring about
meaningful conversations
regarding the immeasurable
sacrifices of our veterans and
how we, as a county, can assist
in making their move to civil-
ian life an easy one.”
Genesee County planned
to illuminate the Old Court-
house green from Nov. 6 to 12
as part of the effort.
“We want to make sure our
veterans and their families
know that their service mat-
tered, that we are grateful for
hen World War I broke out can divisions attacked Germany’s said our artillery did horrible execution cesspools, and, worst of all, the sickly-
in Europe in 1914, President army along a long front between the among their line troops and we know sweet smell of decaying dead horses
Woodrow Wilson pledged Marne River and the Argonne Forest. they were piled high in ‘no man’s’ and dead soldiers who, as long as a
to maintain American neutrality. In All of these events persuaded Germany land.’” position was under fire, were merely
the 1916 presidential election, Wilson to ask the Allies for an armistice. When n “The French say they never saw covered over with a foot or so of loose
campaigned with the slogan “He kept the Allies also agreed to it on November such wonderful work as done by our soil.”
us out of war” – while, at the same time, 11, 1918, the fighting was officially boys and the whole division got a cita- The American unit that spent the
America’s sympathies were with the over. tion from the French general in com- most time in the trenches was the Afri-
Allies. November 11 became a federal holi- mand of this section.” can American 369th Infantry.
The sinking of American ships by day to commemorate Armistice Day. n “The Germans call us barbarians; Of the two million American soldiers
German submarines, and the disclo- November 11 later became Veterans they don’t like the way we fight. When sent to Europe in 1917 and 1918, about
sure of Germany’s efforts to persuade Day in honor of all America’s military the boys go over the top or make raids 114,000 died from combat injuries
Mexico to side with Germany in veterans. The outcome of World War I they generally throw away their rifles or diseases. Two hundred American
the event America entered the war, was largely determined by the bravery and go to it with trench knives, sawed soldiers drowned when their ships
prompted Wilson’s decision to ask of the A.E.F., as evidenced by a letter off shot guns, bare fists and hand gre- were attacked by German submarines.
Congress on April 2, 1917 to declare American Ambulance Corps Driver nades, and the Bosch doesn’t like that Hundreds of thousands of American
war on Germany. Congress obliged George Ruckle wrote to his parents and kind of fighting.” U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO
soldiers returned home with severe
four days later. Wilson selected Gen- brothers who resided in Dumont, N.J. (The above referenced letter is one Capt. E.V. “Eddie” Rickenbacker combat-related medical or psychiatric
eral John J. Pershing to command Here are some excerpts: of tens of thousands of war letters col- wearing the Congressional Medal conditions.
the American Expeditionary Force n “I’ll never forget some of the sights lected and preserved by the Legacy of Honor. Rickenbacker downed 22 During my earlier years as a Canan-
(A.E.F.). While the A.E.F. had some I saw and how bravely our men and Project to honor Americans for their German planes, making him probably
daigua VA Medical Center social work-
combat experiences in October 1917 the French bore their wounds. Men military service. For further informa- the best-known World War I American
er, I had the honor of working with
in the Western Front, it wasn’t until the with arms and legs torn off would never tion about the Legacy Project, visit fighter pilot.
many World War I veterans and their
spring of 1918 that American troops utter a groan during the whole trip to families, and the opportunity to learn
were in combat on a large scale. the hospital. At one place some new World War I witnessed the intro- Eddie Rickenbacker, who downed 22 more about the military experiences of
The A.E.F. aided the British and batteries came up and their horses duction of the airplane as a military German planes, is probably the best- these veterans.
French to slow the German advances were picketed in a clump of trees. I saw weapon. Initially used by England, known World War I American fighter Although our World War I veterans
and then, at the second battle of the a shell land in the middle of them and France and Germany to observe en- pilot. are no longer with us, their heroism
Marne, 85,000 American soldiers the next minute there was a pile of 50 emy activities, the airplane was soon World War I included the horrors of and sacrifices should always be re-
played a major role in completely halt- or 60 dead horses. The roads too were used in combat when pilots from op- trench warfare and life in the trenches membered.
ing the German advances, followed by littered with dead horses and mules posing sides fired upon one another where, according to historian Joseph
Joel Freedman is a Canandaigua resident.
a successful counteroffensive. In Sep- and overturned kitchens and supply with rifles, pistols, and eventually, ma- R. Conlin, “The first thing that struck Now retired, Freedman taught U.S. history at
tember 1918, the A.E.F. participated in wagons. But as heavy as the German chine guns. The U.S. Air Service was a newcomer to the trenches was the Finger Lakes Community College for many
an offensive that included the capture barrage was our boys held firm and commanded by General Billy Mitchell. powerful stench. The body odor of years.
he 11th hour has be- death was recorded at 10:59 a.m. but dubious role in history as be- we honor on Veterans Day, but the Japanese surrendered, and cation of a lifetime.”
come synonymous with In every conflict, inevitably ing the last to give the full mea- more importantly we should when the last flights departed Let this Veterans Day be a new
Veterans Day, originally a final service member pays the sure of devotion. Each year on take inspiration from that sacri- Kabul and Saigon – these were beginning. Go forth and find
called Armistice day, in recog- ultimate sacrifice. In World War the 11th day of the 11th month fice. Our country, despite all our not simply endings – they were a way to serve, our nation, our
nition of the document signed II, Private Charlie Havlat, the son as a nation we pause, not only self-imposed differences, needs new beginnings. We honor those communities, and each other –
at the 11th hour, or the 11th of Czech immigrants, in the clos- to honor those that have given to look to our veterans and see who serve by recommitting our- we owe it to our veterans.
day, of the 11th month. In re- ing days of the war, found him- their lives but for all those who that there are no divisions in a selves to making the sacrifices
ality, the Armistice ending the self liberating his parents’ former believed so deeply in Ameri- foxhole – there are only those Joseph Reagan is director of military
necessary to preserve our way of and veterans outreach for Wreaths
war to end all wars was signed homeland – word of the cease- can exceptionalism that they who stand in defense of democ-
around 5 a.m. on Nov. 11. Over fire reached his position minutes life. Across America and an Afghanistan
were willing to give their lives to racy and those who stand against As Adlai Stevenson once veteran with the 10th Mountain Divi-
the course of the next 6 hours, after he was killed. Officially, the defend it. For most Americans it.
nearly 3,000 men would lose U.S. has never declared a final stated, “Patriotism is not short, sion.
talking about war is conceptual, While we may only celebrate
their lives in the final hours of casualty in the Korean War; since something learned through his- Veterans Day with a few mo-
a war that had already claimed the armistice was signed, nearly tory books, news reports, and ments of silence each year, we
the lives of 20 million military 100 U.S. soldiers have been killed movies – those that have served have an opportunity to use those
personnel. The final death of in combat on the Korean penin- do not have that luxury. Not only moments to find our own way
World War I came at 10:59 a.m. sula. On April 29, 1975, Charles should we remember that the to serve as part of our commit-
– one minute before the guns of McMahon and Darwin Judge democratic principles we hold ment to living up to the legacy
war would fall silent. were two of a small number of
Private Henry Gunther was Marines tasked with safeguard-
a German-American drafted ing the U.S. Embassy in Saigon.
in the fall of 1917; most ac- They had been deployed for only
counts state that his final ac- 11 days when they were killed by
tions were motivated by Gun- a rocket attack. The U.S. would
ther’s need to demonstrate complete the process of with-
that he was “courageous and drawing from Saigon the fol-
all-American.” A chaplain from lowing day. Staff Sergeant Ryan Honoring all Veterans for their service and sacrifice
Gunther’s unit recounted, “As Knauss was the last of the 2,461
11 a.m. approached, Gunther service members who died in Af-
suddenly rose with his rifle and ghanistan; he along with 12 of his
ran through thick fog. His men comrades was killed in a suicide
shouted for him to stop. So did attack during the withdrawal
the Germans. But Gunther kept from Kabul.
T12 Friday, November 11, 2022 SALUTE TO VETERANS 2022
EST. 1905 | Family Owned | Bedding | Carpeting | FURNITURE
president and administrator Veterans Services Officer, Livingston County
nesses, including the Amazon 400 Jackson St. | BATAVIA | 585.343.6280
for Clinton County, said in a Spheres in King County,
news release. Wash.; Amazons HQ2 in Day (Nov. 6-12), participants
The National Association of Arlington County, Va.; the are encouraged to continue
Counties adopted the Opera- Cleveland Terminal Tower in shining the light year-round.
tion Green Light campaign Lake County, Ohio; the Mary- –––
this year and promoted it land Governor’s Mansion; the For more information and links
to other states and counties North Carolina Department to resources available to veterans,
across the nation. of Veterans Affairs; the Grand visit
“Operation Green Light is Park Fountain in Los Angeles
a simple way to express our County, Calif.; and New York Includes reporting by Livingston
collective appreciation for City Hall. County News staff writer Brendan
the public service of our vet- While this event is focused McDonough and Daily News staff
erans,” said Denise Winfrey, around the week of Veterans writer Brian Quinn.
president of the National
Association of Counties. “We
encourage everyone to join 7149 W. Main Road
us in displaying a green light Le Roy
for our veterans and to also
reflect on how we, as a nation
and at the county level, assist
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