Merritt Morning Market 3759 - Nov 14

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Part-time Pharmacy staff
positions available immediately.
E-mail [email protected]
Office Supplies (250)378-6882 for details
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC 2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155

ANNIV. OF THE ATMOSPHERIC RIVER — NOV. 14, 2022 #3759 Conayt Friendship
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]
Conayt FriendshipElders
Society Elder’s
Xmas Hamper Application forms are being accepted

On special this week Shirley Wong curls Pick up application at CFS front desk
Mon.-Thurs- 8am-4pm; Frid. 8am-3pm; closed for lunch 12-12:30

100% Canadian BEEF in Canadian Masters OPEN TO CONAYT FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY

$6.57/lbOforBeef rOasts
To curling fans and all interested: ELDER MEMBERS ONLY AGE 55 AND OVER
local Merrittonian Shirley Wong will Friday December 2nd @ 12:00PM
Come check us out! curl for BC in the 2022 Canadian Mas- For more information, and ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, contact:
Jackie Smithers, Conayt Elders Coordinator @ 778-661-1015
ters event in Winnipeg, all this week.
Check it out at
cdnmasters 2022/

Highway 8 reopened Arts Council annual general meeting
last Thursday, after The AGM is Nov 16 at 7pm in the
studio space at the arts center., corner of
one year of repairs Voght & Nicola. Join your arts communi-
ty & enjoy a slideshow of the past year's
Highway 8 between Merritt and Spen- events, followed by a small reception.
ces Bridge opened to all vehicle traffic,
last Thursday — less than a week from
Free lunch
The Merritt Seniors are serving a free
the 1 year anniversary of the atmospheric
lunch to all seniors on Friday, Novem-
river that engulfed the Coldwater River &
ber 18th at noon. You do not need to be
flooded the Coldwater & Nicola Valleys.
a member, so come and visit with your
November 2021’s heavy rains and
peers and enjoy good food.
flooding washed out more than 25 sec-
tions of the highway and rerouted some Home Based Business & craft fair
sections of the Nicola River, leading to Come and support your local home
the complete closure of the highway be- based businesses with their Holiday
tween Merritt and Spences Bridge. More craft fair, with over 36 vendors to show-
than 7 kilometres of Highway 8 was com- case their products to you. Sat, Nov 19,
pletely lost due to the event. 10am-3pm, auditorium of the Civic Ctre.
Many TNRD residences, as well as 'Thank Your Neighbour Day'
Nooaitch, Shackan and Cook’s Ferry Nov 19, 10am-4pm, the City of Merritt
First Nations communities, were isolat- will host an open house at the Civic Cen-
ed. Reopening Highway 8 reconnects tre, to honour the everyday heroes who
rural communities, allows residents to rose to action to provide support or lend a
return home and improves transporta- helping hand during the Nov 2021 flood.
tion access for various sectors, such as Check it out at:
forestry, mining and ranching. Merritt Dance Society fundraiser
Temporary repairs are complete, but Merritt Dance Society & Love To
SPACE FOR YOUR AD the highway remains an active construc- Dance Academy are bringing back the
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 tion zone. Crews continue to install road- Purdy’s Chocolates Christmas fund-
side barriers, place riprap to stabilize raiser. Funds raised help to keep dance
[email protected] embankments and process rock to un- affordable, so that everyone in the com-
dertake permanent repairs along the cor- munity can participate. Orders: fund-
ridor. Temporary repairs are estimated at Final
Merritt’s #1 more than $100 million for the 69-kilome- order Nov 28.
COSMETIC BOTOX & SKIN CLINIC tre Nicola Highway. Comm. Band looking for new members
Some sections of the highway have re- The NV Community Band is looking
duced speed limits and differing surface for new members.  If you have an instru-
materials, including sections of gravel ment and enjoyed high school band last
road, making the highway unsuitable for year or years ago, please join us. Weekly
motorcycles. Ongoing construction will practices are Tuesdays 7pm in the band
lead to delays and intermittent closures. room at MSS. FMI Nancy 250-315-9199.
Since Highway 8 is still a construction Elks Christmas Craft Sale
zone, it would not be a suitable detour This year, the craft sale will be held
option should the Trans-Canada High- Saturday December 3, 10am-2pm at the
way (Highway 1) or Coquihalla High- Elks Hall. Tables are $20 per table and
Paramedical Skin Specialist ND Dr Ruschkowski
Anastaszia Cash way (Highway 5) be closed. In either measure 8' by 2.5'. There will also be a
event, access to the highway would be bake sale, concession & door prize draws.
Cosmetic Botox • 3D IPL • Laser hair removal
Specializing in acne & scaring remedial treatments limited to residents.
Remediation of skin problems • Age & sun spots What's blue and not very heavy? Light blue
Worlds 1st non-surgical REAL facelift • Vein Removal
5 STAR RATING! What's a pessimists blood type? B negative • 250-936-9200 We all know about Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. But have you
All out of town guests receive complimentary accommodations heard of Cole's Law? It's thinly sliced cabbage.

This week’s horoscope

I stopped smoking cold turkey. Now I only smoke cigarettes.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22
You don't need to pretend to You're wondering where a set This week, if it's not individuals Examining elements of your
be anything that you're not this of boundaries actually lies. laying down the law, it's factors life, you're wondering what use
week. There's a sense of unease This week, to find the answer, in your situation that are creat- they have. You're trying to repair
because you're digesting recent your best bet is to ask yourself. ing boundaries you dislike. Yet them, without knowingwhat they
experiences. But the resulting Then have faith in your own the good news is that these dif- could become. This week you'll
insight will be rewarding. reply. ficulties are coming to an end. see where they can take you.

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

Winter A July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct 23 -

rtis Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21

Show & San Buy local

This week, you could benefit
from someone else's misfortune.
Because of someone's indeci-
sion, you're in a state of uncer-
You need to find a greater spirit
of acceptance and optimism. If
This week, listen to a loved
one, and listen to your heart.
Buy handmade
Support your local
You'd only have to keep quiet.
But you're better than that, do
tainty. As inspiration dawns, you
can move on with your plan, and
there's anything you can bring
yourself to change this week,
Don't feel disheartened by any
factors that seem overwhelm-
30 AR artists, designers the right thing. The perfect result they make their mind up in a way change it. You'll set a positive ing. Trust your people... and
ARTISAN & crafts people will follow. that suits you perfectly. movement into action. yourself.

November 12, 2022 to mid-January 2023 Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces One-%me fee of $10.00.
Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 - One-%me fee of $10.00.
Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20 Children 12 and under are free.
Children 12 and under are free.
Sunday 12-4pm
This week, it's much easier to You've got a secret desire turn- Your normal, high-functioning It's not all unicorns & rainbows.
find fault with someone than to ing into an overwhelming urge. mind is being buffeted by an Don't expect a visit from your Games are at MSS, CMS and NVIT.
Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
find a reason to forgive them.
But that's not the right path for
Although you feel as if you
won't get satisfaction, as long
emotional force... making you
vulnerable & defensive. But if you
fairy godmother this week. But,
if you see the good in what
Games are at MSS, CMS and NVIT.
2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515 you to tread this week. Walk a as your intentions are good can even those things out, you'll you've got, you'll find a joy that
mile in their shoes. you'll get a lucky break. be a force to be reckoned with. makes you sparkle.

Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
ONE 205/60R15 General m&s tire, new SNGL bd box frame, wood, exc cond Specialists INC.

Your photos or art on a mug — great gift!

$65. Joe 378-5100 $30 378-7251
LOOKING FOR experienced seam-
stress to alter coat sleeves 378-2832
4 DODGE 17 inch 8 hole rims $150 text FREE TABLE: round pedestal table one ICBC Claims
(778)255-2747 leaf and six chairs  378-6787
SAMARITAN'S PURSE's winter hrs
are Mon\ 1-4pm; Tues & Thurs 10am-
TIRE Chains – SCC Shur Grip for WOODEN rocking chair, as new. Medi- •Commercial •Residential
psnger car, set of 2, brnd nw $70 378- um oak color. $80 378-8835
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
4pm; Fri by request. Your recovery
specialists Meghan Blackmore 250-574-
9899 COUCH $10. Matching loveseat $10 •Automotive •Industrial
DUNLOP AT20 Grnd Treck tires P245/ 315-1447
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808 4574 & Sherry Peterson 250-574-4885.
75R16 m&s, used on Toyota Tacoma, FREE SHELVING UNIT - 29.5" W ×
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC WTD: beginners' violin lessons. Suzanne
exc cond., lots of tread $300 378-3721
4 - 17" X 7 1/2"  Rims - 5 Bolt pattern
60" H 280-0779 378-4531
LOST @ WALMART: men's gold brace- 2 SOLID wood diningrm chairs $10ea.
from Jeep Cherokee $150obo 280-4331 Coff. tbl $10. in exc.cond. Jim 280-4688
let, inside or outside 315-7119
FOUR Goodyear M/S tires new, FREE: End table 280-0779
FOUND: Pr. magnetic clip-on glasses 265/60R18 tires $600obo 250-378-2837
from Costco at Lions Park. Don 315-5430 TABLE & CHAIRS. 36 " round wooden
4 RIMS & tires for Subaru Forester $100 table & 4 chairs. $20. 378-9694
FOR RENT, hall with kitchen and patio 280-0543
area. max cap 40. Gary 280-0105 IKEA single wood bedframe $20
4 - FIRESTONE, lk nw Mud & Snow 280-0779
WTD: HANDIMAN for couple hours tires mounted on whls w/ bolt patt. OFFICE chair $25. Rattan patio furni-
SPACE FOR YOUR AD work 378-3755
SKILLED LABOURER avail. $15/hr
5 holes x 4 1/2 P205-75R14 $500
ture with cushions $50 280-0779
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 days. In city limits. Arthur 315-1618
AA MEETINGS are held each Monday
4 - 17" X 7 1/2"  Rims - 5 Bolt pattern 
BEAUTIFUL wood kitchn table, 4
chairs & bench $200. 378-3496
$150. 280-4331 SOLID WD queen bd w/ match. end tbls
[email protected] at 12 noon at the United Church, 1899 4 15" alum. mags, 5-bolt Ford,w/ nuts &
Quilchena Ave. $500 for the set 236-889-4188
Micheline tires $150 280-0543 NEW patio swing $225. 778-661-0905
services HARDTOP for Jeep YJ 315-2017 CHILD'S BED, solid wood head and
XMAS LIGHTS tightened or strung up ALUM. pck-up tool box, fits over rails, foot boards with mattress. Like new $225
on house.$25.00/hr. 378-2085 top 69", bott. 62" 378-4572 Merritt cell 250-572-3329
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- CHEV DUALLY whl $75 w/ 750/16LT HIGH TABLE with two chairs in great
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, Bridgestone Radial, Load Range D, 8ply condition $75. Two round banquet tables
Winter A
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. Rating 378-7105 $20ea. Office desk 1 year old bought ANN 7TH
315-6689 or [email protected] HAKKAPELITTA 10 SUV Studded from city furniture $50. 525-0392
Show & San
tire. 235/60 r 18 $800/4 tires. call/text

Winter Art
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you. for sale - electronics/software
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- 250-302-2987

less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or 03 HYUNDAI Elantra GT, 2 sets of tires RCA 50" FLAT SCREEN TV works Buy local
the [email protected] Fast service, & r ims $1300obo. TJ 315-3496
good $75 378-2832
ae Buy handmade
& Sae
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight NEW TIRES, never mounted (1) M&S STEREO hk-up for car, Clarion
List your garage sale &/or loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn-
ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182
BF Goodrich Lt 235/60R17 T/A Tour
$140    (2) M&S Michelin 225/45R17
DPX2250 250w, $300 new, sell $150
Lewis 778-661-0986
30 AR
Support your local
artists, designers
get our listing mail-out WOODY'S tree service & more: land- Sport A/S3 $140  (3) Winter Deep groove STEREO EQUIPT, gd cond: Sanyo ARTISAN & crafts people
scaping, fencing, handyman work, etc. snowflake Goodyear 225/50R17 Nordic receiver, Kenwood cd player, 2 Technics
Email: [email protected] 315-8087 $150 378-8802 12-disc player, JVC dbl cass. player, 2 November 12, 2022 to mid-January 2023
LAWN CUTTING, reas. rates 280-7492 1928 WHITE cab & chassis truck, not vcrs, offers. Dan 378-2136 C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
ONE WOMAN AND A BRUSH. Paint- running, BC registration $8000obo. Don 49"/PO (1080P)  TOSHIBA  TV  $400
er, available, only diff. is the price. 15 378-6421 firm, Leading Innovation 280-4331 HOURS: 2051 VOGHT ST.,
years experience. Ann 378-5377 97 FORD F150 ext cab pck-up, nw prts/ 25" SAMSUNG comp. monitor $50obo. Sunday 12-4pm
JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping - brnd nw strtr, gd tires/rims 525-8447 25" Toshiba flatscrn tv, grt for kids room
lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening. 1946 WHITE logging truck w/ jackknife $40obo. HP Photosmart all-in-one print-
Lic'd, equipped. On Facebook. 280-7077 trailer loaded, BC resist’d $3500 Don er/scannr/copier, incl paper $45obo. 46"
378-6421 Vizio flatscrn HD tv $75obo. Joanne Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. 778-389-9365
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 for sale - pets / livestock 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
2X2 SLIDE projector, gd cond. Debbie
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi- DOG HOUSE, 36"x40" $40 315-1447
GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup. Last pup 9" LAMINATOR for home office, NIB,
dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431 $25 378-2410
EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck left.  Male. Parents beautiful and smaller.
Purebred.  No papers, no shots. 10 weeks 25" SAMSUNG computer monitor
& trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries, Syncmaster vw 2253 $50. 25" Toshiba
plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares old $1000.  Cecilia  315-0022
MUSCOVY DUCKS $20ea. 1 lrg wht flatscreen tv $45. HP Photosmart C4480
Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, all-in-one printer/scanner/copier $50
courteous service Tom turkey $70 315-2898
FEMALE rabbit & lrg cage, free 378-2136 778-389-9365
employment opportunity
3 MALE tabbies & 2 females, free to gd for sale - recreational
AVAIL. Experience roofer with one or TREADMILL, elliptical mach. 525-0240
FREE: kitten, 10 wks old, very cute fe- EVINRUDE Lightning outboard motor
two people.  Merritt area. 778-639-0323 male 378-2275
Kruse n Style is looking for an experi- 4 SHEEP ewes $325ea, approx 8 mos 6 FT  Air Powered Hockey Table. Excel-
enced hairdresser. Apply within 1990 old. Call/text 315-9789 lent condition, 2 paddles + assortment of
Quilchena Ave. HUSKY/BORDER collie. price pucks. Manual counters, Duraglide sur-
FAMILY PLACE is seeking a qualified dropped  $700 one male left, white and face, levelling table legs. 72"L x 38"W x
E.C.E to join our team! For more infor- black. 315-2203. Seriour inq. only please 31"H.  $400.  378-7105
mation please call Joell 250-378-4878 AWESOME CKC Black Lab for stud 5TH-WHL hitch $100 378-7412
DIXIE LEE/SUPERIOR PIZZA look- 378-5038 CENTURY Kid Kick Wavemaster free-
ing for f-t waitress. Drop resume off at WTD: adopt or buy 2 min. donkeys. Bur- standing punching "bag", adjustable
2052 Quilchena mese mtn dog/Austr. shepherd x. Have height, Kidkick blocker, Kidkick square
LABOURERS WANTED- Nicola Post own acreage. 378-7435 shield target, 2 pairs gloves, headgear.
& Rail.  Positions available -full time ECOFLEX Columbia Bunny Hutch, up- All included for $250. 378-2410
(mon - fri),  part time, evening shifts, per (den) level & lower (grass). Cd use 83 HONDA XR200R dirtike $2000obo.
weekend shifts, and seasonal.  Wage $22 for broody hen/chicks. $350. 378-2410 Exercise bike $100 378-6915
per hour. Please apply if you are willing PET TRANSPORT CARRIERS:
to work in an outside environment and 99 FOUR WINDS LITE travel trlr, 24ft,
Large 33Lx21Wx26H $70. Medium 29 L  $12,000obo 315-0097
have strong work ethic. No mill experi- x20Wx23H $50. Small  16Lx10Wx10H
ence necessary. Call Tony 250-319-9891 2015 ADVENTURE 80 RB. exc cond.
$20. 378-6787 Bath, outdoor shower, AC, backdoor aw-
required for bldg. repairs and ground- for sale - miscellaneous ning, remote jacks, queen bed, and more.
work for multiple buildings. Call Robert JANOME sewing machine for sale, just $21,000. 378-5513
936-8243 had a maintenance service done on it. FREE: 6" auger for ice fishing 525-0107
CARPENTRY FINISHER/ General $250 378-7950 EXERCISE bike $150 315-8256
labour. Contact Cory 250-319-4497 or 94 WINNEBAGO, 55,000K, $10,900
for better health Noel 236-597-4000. Exper. preferred
WOODBURNING craft tool, cords,ex-
tra blades and books. $199 315-1626 Denis 315-5424
for sale - appliances DRIED HYDRANGEA flower bou- 94 VANGUARD Truck camper, nice
DISHWASHER 525-0240 quets. Long stems with huge flowers $2 cond $2500 315-7820
Tabitha Nichols SAMSUNG top load washer, newly ser- per stem 315-1626 BOAT seat $30 315-9536
Brand Ambassador viced, water saver, $300 378-8802 9 BOXES luxury vinyl tile flooring, 19 HOT TUB w/ all access. 315-8511
ELECT. dryer, wrks well $150 315-1447 sq. ft/box $300obo 936-8834 PURATHLETICS multi chin-up bar,
# 901522779 BRADFORD Exchange collector plates, NIB, $25. 378-2410
GAS range 378-9453
some in boxes, offers. 778-661-0986 FLOTATION DEVICE, personal, hard-
HIGH POINT microwave 19inches
778-639-0092 wide x11.5"x15"deep $60 378-2410 STREPTOCARPUS indoor plants for ly been used. 1 x Outbound adult L/XL
sale. 3 inch pots $10. Larger 4 inch pot- $25 1 X Fluid adult M $25 250-434-8378
tabitha_ann_nichols@ PORT. air conditioner $200. Old com- ted plants available. Make great gifts.
mercial meat slicer $200 378-3496 HOT TUB, 6-person, you take away. has
Local hobby grower in Merritt 315-1626 leak. 378-5928
MELITTA coffee maker, 8 cups $20. 11 ANTIQUE railway lights $1400obo 315-6603 8 BOXES of 6.5 Creedmoor Hornady
Joe 378-5100 Precision Hunter ELD-X 143gr ($55 per
PORTABLE Broil King bbq 378-2737
smoker. BNIB. $275. Text/call 315-5128
JARS $8/doz 280-0543
FREE  2 six foot Christmas trees, brand
box FIRM) Steve 315-5909
12 FT alum. boat w/ 5hp Mariner out- Check out
new still in boxes 936-8717 board $1500 Ted 315-9597
for sale - automotive GARLIC, Russian red garlic, 2509 Ab-
erdeen Rd. Ken 280-1251
for sale - tools/equipment our feature
4 ALL-TERR. winter tires 235/70R16,
Thomas Finnie 80% tread, on F150 rims, gd shape $400
FLOOD victims, ceiling lights avail
2 WOOD stoves 525-0240
DEWALT 20 in scroll saw on stand with photo -
locking wheels,  xtra blades, manual and
Thomas Finnie 2 YOKOHAMA tires 225/65R16 & 3
sutdded 205/55R16 m&s 378-2832
JET 3ULTRA power wheelchair, in
craft books incl. $500 obo. 315-1626
storage last 7 years, estate sale $1200obo every issue
TIRES, TIRES, TIRES. Set of 4: Mi- NEATFREAK Premium closet organi- IDE alarm. 3  Kidde alarms with batter-
chelin 215/60/R16 M&S mounted zation 5-pc system, NIB $75 378- ies. expire 2028. $60 315-1626
on Chev Cruze rims $400. Set of 4: Toyo 12-PC placesetting "Old Country Ros- YARDMASTER 30 inch wide snow


M&S 235/55/R19 $400. 2 only: blower  $800 936-8717
es", lots of extras, 4 s&p shakers, teapots,
Champiro Ice Pro 215/60/R17 snowflake creamers, gravy boats & china cabinet 2 PROP. heaters: one w/ 30lb tnk, dbl
header $150. Round heater, no tank
Court Times & Dates
$150. Set of 4: 215/60/R17 some tread $1000 firm. By appt only 778-661-0922
$20/ea. To view call 378-4564 105 LITRE hot water tank $35. Toilet $100 Lewis. 778-661-0986
USED construction  heaters, 220 volt/
call Gary 250-280-0105
2014 DODGE Grand Caravan, eng. & with seat $25 280-0779
transmission been replaced, 133k on eng, SHOP RIDER deluxe trail blazer 20 amp w/ built in thermostat. $65 each
250k on body $9900 $6900 936-8104 378-8802
or Ayton 250-378-5691
scooter heavy duty. Lightly used like
67 CHRYSLER 300 2-dr hardtop, ex- new!!  $3500. 315-9311 2 POWERSAWS, 18" bars, nw chains,
ceptional nice orig. cond., loaded, 1 own- 11-PC fondu set, new $10. Elvis statue gas, work well $95ea. 2 sump pumps,
er. 04 Merc. Grnd Marquis, 1 owner. Joe still in box/nw, offers. Brand new toiletlong-neck $85ea. Lewis 778-661-0986
378-5100 support rail, still in box $20 315-6603 BLK & DCKR DR601 hammer drill, wanted/wanted to buy for sale house/property
98 FORD F-250 4x4 in good condition.  VELUX SKYLIGHT, standard size corded, lk nw, w/instr. $65 378-9899
Extended cab  automatic, gas v8, 6ft-6 2 feet x 4 feet $50. Compare to at least HAUSSMAN electric leaf blower/ BLASTING table, call/text 604- MANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1
box $5500 315-1008 $200 new. 315-1669 vacumm w/ bag $50. 378-2410 302-6232 bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111,
MICHELIN 235/65R17 snow tire, used 400 SQ FEET of good quality used ALUM. irrigation pipe on pipe trailer RECORDS, hunting knives, sports 315-1000 buyandsellmobilehomes.
1 seas. 378-7995 flooring. Blonde color. $25 obo. Call or $150 378-6915 cards, deer antlers, Johnny Cash com
03 GMC Yukon XL Denali, 4wd text 378-7471 CHAIN LINK gate 10’8”wide x 46”high stuff. Tom 778-288-4095 for rent
SUV, 300k, Bose sound, nw wntr tires UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for $200. firm. Chain link gate 13’6”wide x USED banjo & mandolin. Call/text
$4500obo. Call/text 315-9789 46”high $200 firm 378-4191
8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 315-9789 1-BDRM furnished apt, country set-
SET OF 4 5-bolt whls & tires to fit 5-bolt for 1 cup. 378-4947 WOOD splitter, used 1 season $250 OLDER trvl trlr, approx. 16', call/txt ting, 11km west of Merritt 378-4476
Ford car, 15"-17", prefer old-school hub GRANNY’S House Quilting & Retreat 378-2832 604-302-6232 BACH. STE, 1502 Nicola Ave, im-
w/ mags 280-0543 has sewing notions from Pat's Patches NW DC-to-AC invertor 1500w $120. APPROX 10 cu. ft chest freezer.  in med. 936-8474
98-02 FORESTER parts, front & rear 378-3734 DC-to-AC invertor 300w $65 378-6488 good shape & wrking. 250-898-3426 SPACIOUS 2-BD, 1-bth bsnt ste,
doors, complete w/ power windows and for sale - furniture NVR USED home gas furnace, energy Oct 1. Wlkng dist. to dwntwn. fully
inside panel , Maroon color ,perfect con- efficient $500 firm 525-0447 2 TIRES for SUV, P215-55R18 94H
936-9029 furn'd,. util. incl. $1800 315-0238
dition, $175 ea.  378-8802 QU bdrm suite, dinette set, sofa, odds & JOBMATE compound mitre saw $50.
ends 525-0240 OLD WEATHERED / BARN WTD: working roomate $700 refs
TOYOTA rims & tires, 2 Arctic Claw Mastercraft chainsaw $50. Pro-Pulse an-
winter tires on rims, m&s rated 205/55/ QUEEN SIZE memory foam mattress. gle grinder $30 280-0779 wood. 1" x 6" x 10ft. Needing 400 sq req'd, no pets 236-889-4188
R16 $260 378-0032 good condition $200 378-2832  TIDY tnk fuel tnk w/ pmp $550 feet for a project. Paul 604-926-6412 1-BDRM bsmt ste. 3-bdrm house
14 SUBARU Forester XTL (touring tur- LZ-BOY HIDE A BED SOFA, dark 315-8511 SML RV van, suit. for 1 person, low upstairs 525-0240
bo , white, summer & winter tires, 154k, brown great condition $100obo. You pick 10" COMPOUND sliding miter saw mil., gd cond 280-3297 COMMERC. space: small area
dependable. $16,500. 315-5424 up. 280-0569 $200. 10" table saw $100. Antique floor 8' CAMPER, oldr style, clean semi-private room in Kruse n Style
FREE: canopy fits 02 F150 378-3496 COUCH free 315-8511 safe, offers 378-3496 378-8156 180 sq. ft, rent neg. 378-6664

POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]


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