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Introduction to PIC Microcontroller

PIC Microcontrollers PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller given by Microchip Technology to identify its single-chip microcontrollers. These devices have been very successful in 8-bit microcontrollers. The main reason is that Microchip Technology has continuously upgraded the device architecture and added needed peripherals to the microcontroller to suit customers' requirements. The development tools such as assembler and simulator are freely available on the internet at The architectures of various PIC microcontrollers can be divided as follows. Low - end PIC Architectures : Microchip PIC microcontrollers are available in various types. When PIC microcontroller MCU was first available from General Instruments in early 1980's, the microcontroller consisted of a simple processor executing 12-bit wide instructions with basic I/O functions. These devices are known as low-end architectures. They have limited program memory and are meant for applications requiring simple interface functions and small program & data memories. Some of the low-end device numbers are 12C5XX 16C5X 16C505 Mid range PIC Architectures Mid range PIC architectures are built by upgrading low-end architectures with more number of peripherals, more number of registers and more data/program memory. Some of the mid-range devices are 16C6X 16C7X 16F87X

Program memory type is indicated by an alphabet. C = EPROM

F = Flash RC = Mask ROM Popularity of the PIC microcontrollers is due to the following factors. 1. Speed: Harvard Architecture, RISC architecture, 1 instruction cycle = 4 clock cycles. 2. Instruction set simplicity: The instruction set consists of just 35 instructions (as opposed to 111 instructions for 8051). 3. Power-on-reset and brown-out reset. Brown-out-reset means when the power supply goes below a specified voltage (say 4V), it causes PIC to reset; hence malfunction is avoided. A watch dog timer (user programmable) resets the processor if the software/program ever malfunctions and deviates from its normal operation. 4. PIC microcontroller has four optional clock sources.
o o o o

Low power crystal Mid range crystal High range crystal RC oscillator (low cost).

5. Programmable timers and on-chip ADC. 6. Up to 12 independent interrupt sources. 7. Powerful output pin control (25 mA (max.) current sourcing capability per pin.) 8. EPROM/OTP/ROM/Flash memory option. 9. I/O port expansion capability. CPU Architecture: The CPU uses Harvard architecture with separate Program and Variable (data) memory interface. This facilitates instruction fetch and the operation on data/accessing of variables simultaneously.

Fig CPU Architecture of PIC microcontroller PIC Memory Organisation: PIC microcontroller has 13 bits of program memory address. Hence it can address up to 8k of program memory. The program counter is 13-bit. PIC 16C6X or 16C7X program memory is 2k or 4k. While addressing 2k of program memory, only 11- bits are required. Hence two most significant bits of the program counter are ignored. Similarly, while addressing 4k of memory, 12 bits are required. Hence the MSb of the program counter is ignored.

Fig Program Memory map The program memory map of PIC16C74A is shown in above Fig. On reset, the program counter is cleared and the program starts at 00H. Here a 'goto' instruction is required that takes the processor to the mainline program.

When a peripheral interrupt, that is enabled, is received, the processor goes to 004H. A suitable branching to the interrupt service routine (ISR) is written at 004H. Data memory (Register Files): Data Memory is also known as Register File. Register File consists of two components. 1. General purpose register file (same as RAM). 2. Special purpose register file (similar to SFR in 8051).

Fig. Data Memory map

The special purpose register file consists of input/output ports and control registers. Addressing from 00H to FFH requires 8 bits of address. However, the instructions that use direct addressing modes in PIC to address these register files use 7 bits of instruction only. Therefore the register bank select (RP0) bit in the STATUS register is used to select one of the register banks. In indirect addressing FSR register is used as a pointer to anywhere from 00H to FFH in the data memory.

Specifications of some popular PIC microcontrollers are as follows:

Device Program Memory (14bits) 16C74A

Data (bytes)

RAM I/O Pins





8/16 bits (PWM)

4K EPROM 192



x 2/1


8 channels 16F877 8K Flash 368 (RAM) 33 10 bits 8 channels x 2/1 2


256 (EEPROM)

Device Interrupt Sources 16C74A 16F877 12 15

Instruction Set

35 35

PIC Microcontroller Clock Most of the PIC microcontrollers can operate upto 20MHz. One instructions cycle (machine cycle) consists of four clock cycles.

Fig . Relation between instruction cycles and clock cycles for PIC microcontrollers

Instructions that do not require modification of program counter content get executed in one instruction cycle.

Although the architectures of various midrange 8 - bit PIC microcontroller are not the same, the variation is mostly interns of addition of memory and peripherals. We will discuss here the architecture of a standard mid-range PIC microcontroller, 16C74A. Unless mentioned otherwise, the information given here is for a PIC 16C74A microcontroller Chip. Architecture of PIC16C74A

Fig .Basic Architecture of PIC 16C74A

The basic architecture of PIC16C74A is shown in fig 17.2. The architecture consists of Program memory, file registers and RAM, ALU and CPU registers. It should be noted that the program Counter is 13 - bit and the program memory is organised as 14 - bit word. Hence the program Memory capacity is 8k x 14 bit. Each instruction of PIC 16C74A is 14 - bit long. The various CPU registers are discussed here. CPU registers (registers commonly used by the CPU) W, the working register, is used by many instructions as the source of an operand. This is similar to accumulator in 8051. It may also serve as the destination for the result of the instruction execution. It is an 8 - bit register.

Fig 17.3 W register STATUS Register The STATUS register is a 8-bit register that stores the status of the processor. This also stores carry, zero and digit carry bits. STATUS - address 03H, 83H

Fig 17.4 STATUS register C = Carry bit DC = Digit carry (same as auxiliary carry) Z = Zero bit NOT_TO and NOT_PD - Used in conjunction with PIC's sleep mode RP0- Register bank select bit used in conjunction with direct addressing mode. FSR Register (File Selection Register, address = 04H, 84H) FSR is an 8-bit register used as data memory address pointer. This is used in indirect addressing mode. INDF Register (INDirect through FSR, address = 00H, 80H) INDF is not a physical register. Accessing INDF access is the location pointed to by FSR in indirect addressing mode. PCL Register (Program Counter Low Byte, address = 02H, 82H) PCL is actually the lower 8-bits of the 13-bit program counter. This is a both readable and writable register. PCLATH Register (Program Counter Latch, address = 0AH, 8AH) PCLATH is a 8-bit register which can be used to decide the upper 5bits of the program counter.

PCLATH is not the upper 5bits of the program counter. PCLATH can be read from or written to without affecting the program counter. The upper 3bits of PCLATH remain zero and they serve no purpose. When PCL is written to, the lower 5bits of PCLATH are automatically loaded to the upper 5bits of the program counter, as shown in the figure.

Fig . Schematic of how PCL is loaded from PCLATH

Program Counter Stack An independent 8-level stack is used for the program counter. As the program counter is 13bit, the stack is organized as 8x13bit registers. When an interrupt occurs, the program counter is pushed onto the stack. When the interrupt is being serviced, other interrupts remain disabled. Hence, other 7 registers of the stack can be used for subroutine calls within an interrupt service routine or within the mainline program.

Register File Map

Fig . Register File Map

It can be noted that some of the special purpose registers are available both in Bank-0 and Bank1. These registers have the same value in both banks. Changing the register content in one bank automatically changes its content in the other bank. PIC 18F4550 USB IO (Input / Output) Board with Analog USB Interface Board Using PIC18F4550

About PIC18F4550 Input /Output Board

USB Input / Output Board is a quick little development board which replace parallel port . USB IO Board is compatible with Windows computers on HID class which means direct plug like USB mouse or keyboard . When attached to Windows IO board will show up as Found new hardware "Microembeded USB IO" and get installed automatically. You can control 16 individual microcontroller I/O pins by click of a button or entering the hex value of the two 8 bit ports. USB Input / Output Board is self-powered by USB port and can provide up to 500mA for electronic projects. USB IO Board is breadboard compatible. Simply solder included 8-PIN headers on PCB and the board can be plugged into a breadboard for quick prototyping.

These are potential use of USB IO Board USB Relay Controller (turn ON/OFF lights or appliances in the house) Control LEDs, toys, electronic gadgets, wireless control, etc USB LCD Controller USB Volt / Ampere / Wattage Meter USB CNC Controller USB Temperature Meter USB Humidity Meter USB Stepper Motor Controller USB RC Servo Controller


USB IO Board Schematic



Pin out

PC Software:-


PIC hardware Board:-



Installing :-

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