Sintang Intrusive Delineation and Focus Area For Hydrocarbon Exploration in Melawi Basin, West Kalimantan

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Forty-Third Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2019



Dzul Fadli Badaruddin*

Ryandi Adlan*
Taufik Ramli*
Muhammad Nurhidayat**

ABSTRACT hydrocarbon exploration. Further, the focus area is

located in the Sanggau and Sekadau districts.
Melawi basin is one of the basins in Indonesia that
has hydrocarbon potential. This was evidenced by INTRODUCTION
the presence of oil seepages in the outcrops and gas
shows in the Kayan-1 and Kedukul-1 wells. Melawi basin is one of the basins in Indonesia that
However, the Sintang Intrusive is the biggest has hydrocarbon potential located in West
challenge for hydrocarbon exploration in Melawi Kalimantan Province (Figure 1). This was evidenced
basin. In fact, Sintang Intrusive was the cause of by the oil seepages and gas shows in the Kayan-1 and
drilling failure of Kayan-1 and Kedukul-1 wells. Kedukul-1 wells. However, the Sintang intrusive is
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to determine the biggest challenge for hydrocarbon exploration in
the delineation of Sintang Intrusive and provide Melawi basin. In fact, Sintang Intrusive was the
recommendation focus area for hydrocarbon cause of drilling failure of Kayan-1 and Kedukul-1
exploration in Melawi basin. wells (Badaruddin et. al., 2018). In the Kayan-1, the
Sintang Intrusive intruded the sandstone which
The research method to determine the delineation of caused the porosity of Dangkan Sandstone becomes
Sintang Intrusive are by combining the data of to be tight. Another fact, this intrusion can change the
geological map, surface geology mapping in 2017, maturity of the source rock became post-mature.
drilling wells, seismic lines, and gravity. The method Structural trap that was target when drilling Kayan-1
to determine the focus area for hydrocarbon and Kedukul-1 wells was formed due to the Sintang
exploration utilizes a map of Sintang Intrusive Intrusive.
combined with the petroleum system, migration
pathways, and traps as a result of the well and The effect of Sintang Intrusive as explained in the
seismic interpretation. previous paragraph becomes the main reason to
make the delineation. The limitations to determine
Result of the study indicates that bouguer anomaly the delineation of Sintang Intrusive are lack of
shows Melawi basin divided into two sub-basins, surface data and seismic lines. However, these have
they are eastern and western sub-basins. The gravity been taken care of by combining with gravity data to
value of Sintang Intrusive is 1.05 – 3.97 mgal. The increase the accuracy of this research.
gravity value more than 3.97 mgal with no validation
of surface data and seismic lines, can be categorized The previous publications about Sintang Intrusive
as part of intrusive. This value is used to make only focused on the formation and chemical
delineation of Sintang Intrusive showing the composition (Hartono and Suyono, 2006; Hartono,
presence of intrusive which is more dominant in the 2006; and Proteau et. al., 1996), but for the
eastern than western sub-basin. delineation of intrusive, there is no publication
explained the detail of it. Therefore, the purpose of
The conclusion of this paper is that the focus area for this paper is to determine the delineation of Sintang
hydrocarbon exploration in Melawi basin is located Intrusive and provide recommendation of focus area
in the western sub-basin of Melawi basin and is for hydrocarbon exploration in Melawi basin. The
identified in two locations (A and B) for further expectation from the study is to provide an overview
* Center of Geological Survey, Geological Agency
** PLN
of the location of intrusive, so that future Semitau High likely caused the formation of the Silat
hydrocarbon exploration can minimize exploration Fold Belt and ended deposition of the Silat Shale
failure caused by the influence of Sintang Intrusive. (Doutch, 1992). An unconformity later truncated the
folded rocks, then later capped by the Silat Shale, and
METHODS became the basin of the Payak Formation (Doutch,
1992). In this event, the Payak and Tebidah
The research method to determine the delineation of Formations were deposited, suggesting that the
Sintang Intrusive are by combining the data of compression was waning at this stage in the history
geological map (Sanggau, Pontianak/Nangataman, of Melawi Basin.
Nangapinoh, Tumbanghiram, Putussibau, dan
Sintang sheets), surface geology mapping in 2017 (2 During the Lower Oligocene – Lower Miocene,
locations), wells (Kayan-1 and Kedukul-1), seismic spreading of the South China Sea caused the
lines, and gravity. accelerated strike-slip movement and major uplift
(Madon, et. al., 2013 in Badaruddin et al., 2018). In
The method to determine the focus area for Melawi Basin, the Sekayam Sandstone was
hydrocarbon exploration is by combining the deposited. Supriatna et al., (1989) in Doutch
delineation map of Sintang Intrusive with the (1992), believes that the coarse-grained lithology
petroleum system, migration pathways, and traps of the Sekayam Sandstone is indication of this
from interpretation of the wells and seismic lines. regional uplift. The uplift was probably associated
with emplacement and stabilizing of the Sintang
TECTONICS Intrusive Suites bodies during the Upper
Oligocene – Miocene. Further regional uplift led
Melawi Basin is an east-west-trending elongate to the un-roofing of the intrusives (Doutch, 1992).
basin, approximately 300 km long, and 100 km wide. The lines of intrusions commonly occur along the
The basin classification shows that Melawi basin is a structural highs. Williams and Heryanto (1986) in
retro-arc foreland basin (Badaruddin et al., 2018). Doutch (1992) believe that the Sintang Intrusives
The tectonic process of Melawi basin began in the were generated by crustal melting as a result of
Upper Cretaceous – Middle Eocene (modification sedimentary basin down-warping, combined with
from Madon et al., 2013 in Badaruddin et al., 2018). a rise in geothermal temperatures.
Rifting of the southern margin of South China Sea
coupled with subduction of proto-South China Sea STRATIGRAPHY
(Rajang Sea) produced an accretionary complex,
which was later uplifted onshore (Madon et al., The oldest sedimentary rock in Melawi basin is the
2013), and followed by the formation of the Boyan Selangkai Group (Figure 2) that composed
Melange, Lubok Anto Melange, and Piyabung dominantly of calcareous mudstone, graded
Volcanics. A major unconformity of Middle Eocene sandstone and rare limestone and conglomerate, with
age is observed in Sarawak (Madon et al., 2013). In a total thickness of more than 3000 m (Heryanto et
Melawi Basin, the contact between the Piyabung al., 1993). The sandstones contain sole-marks,
Formation and younger formations is unconformable parallel lamination and commonly ripple marks. The
(Badaruddin et al., 2018). Selangkai Group is considered to be deposited by
submarine gravity flows in a basin accumulating
During the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene, the pelagic and hemipelagic calcareous mud. The age of
collision of Luconia Block with Borneo dominated the Selangkai Group ranges from Early Cretaceous
the tectonics of the area, in addition to deep-marine (Valanginian) to Late Cretaceous (Turonian)
sedimentation. A foreland basin developed on the (Heryanto et al., 1993 in Badaruddin et al., 2018).
rifted lithosphere while undergoing subduction in the
Sarawak Basin. In this tectonic event, Melawi Basin The Piyabung Volcanics consist of interbedded lithic
underwent flexural loading followed by the tuff, vitric tuff and agglomerate. The thickness of the
deposition of the Haloq Sandstone and Ingar Piyabung Volcanics is about 500 m (Heryanto et al.,
Formation (Badaruddin et al., 2018). The Ingar 1993). Interbedded, well-bedded sedimentary rocks
Formation was modified by the uplift of the Semitau probably accumulated in shallow marine
High and down-warping to the south (Doutch, 1992). environments, as evidence by the presence of
This probably caused the unconformity, and was radiolaria. Based on the K-Ar analysis, the age of the
followed by the deposition of the Dangkan Piyabung Formation is 49.9 Ma + 1.0 (Middle
Sandstone and Silat Formations. Further uplift of the Eocene).
The Haloq Sandstone consists of quartz sandstones, The Payak Formation consists predominantly of
conglomerates and mudstone. Sedimentary tuffaceous quartz wacke, alternating with grey
structures include cross-bedding, pararel lamination, mudstone and siltstone which are rich of
and channel scouring. The thickness of the Haloq fossiliferous in places. The quartz wacke is dirty
Sandstone is more than 250 m, and was deposited in white to light grey, very fine- to fine-grained,
a fluvial environment (Heryanto et al., 1993 in rarely medium to very coarse grained (Sutjipto,
Badaruddin et al., 2018). The age of this formation is 1991). Sedimentary structures present include
assigned to Late Eocene. parallel lamination, cross bedding and ripple
marks. The total thickness of the Payak Formation
The Ingar Formation consists of grey calcareous is approximately 1750 m. It was deposited in a
mudstone and interbedded siltstone and fine-grained shallow marine setting, and is Upper Eocene –
sandstone. The interbedded sandstone is grey, very Lower Oligocene in age (Williams and Heryanto,
fine- to fine-grained and slightly to strongly 1986 in Badaruddin et al., 2018).
calcareous. The total thickness is at least 2000 m
(Williams and Heryanto, 1986), and it is reported to The Tebidah Formation consists of lithic arenite
have been deposited in an open marine shelf during interbedded with green and red mudstone in the
Late Eocene. upper part, and grey mudstone in the lower part. It
contains thin seams of coal. In the southwest, the
The Dangkan Sandstone consists of polymict basal lower part of the Tebidah Formation is dominated
conglomerate overlain by lithic arenite which is by sandstone with thin conglomerate and breccia
commonly cross-bedded. The basal conglomerate is beds lying directly on the granitic basement
white to brown and contains abundant quartzite (Sutjipto, 1991 in Badaruddin et. al., 2018). The
pebbles, in a ferruginous quartz-rich matrix. The lithic arenite is light grey to white and generally
pebbles are generally sub-rounded to rounded. Lithic medium grained. Clasts comprise quartz, lithic
arenite is the dominant rock type of the formation, it fragments, feldsfar and mica with a matrix of clay.
is dirty-white to brown, and ranges from medium- The sandstone is well-compacted and symmetrical
grained to pebbly sandstone. Sedimentological ripple marks are common. Mudstone is variously
structures commonly include planar cross-bedding, green, red or grey. The thickness of the Tebidah
parallel bedding, ripple marks, and basal scours are Formation is estimated at 1500 m, and was
also common. The thickness of Dangkan Sandstone deposited in lagoonal and brackish water settings.
is estimated at 600 m (Heryanto et al., 1993). Based The age of the Tebidah Formation is unknown, but
on the well report of Kayan-1 (Elf Aquitaine based on stratigraphic position above the Payak
Indonesie, 1986 in Badaruddin et al., 2018) and the Formation, the age of the Tebidah Formation is
observed sedimentary structures, the depositional assigned to Oligocene.
environment of the Dangkan Sandstone is regarded
as fluvial. The age of the formation is Late Eocene The Sekayam Sandstone consists of greenish grey
(Doutch, 1992 in Badaruddin et al., 2018). lithic arenite interbedded with green and grey
mudstone. The sandstone is green grey and
The Silat Shale is divided into two parts. The lower generally medium- to coarse-grained. Sedimentary
part consists dominantly of dark grey to blackish structures include cross bedding and parallel
mudstone with some intercalations of fine-grained bedding (Sutjipto, 1991 in Badaruddin et. al., 2018).
sandstone. The upper part consists of interbedded The thickness of the Sekayam Sandstone is
very fine to fine grained sandstone and siltstone. approximately 150 m, and was deposited in fluvial
Sedimentary structures such as ripple marks, environment. No fossils have been found in the
small-scale festoon cross-beds, planar cross-beds, Sekayam Sandstone, so its age is unknown. In
slumped lamination, tool marks, and load casts addition, it overlies the Tebidah Formation
typify the upper part of formation. The minimum unconformably.
thickness is estimated to be 2000 m (Heryanto et
al., 1993). Santy and Panggabean (2013) stated The Sintang Intrusives consist of microdiorite,
that depositional environment of the Silat Shale is microgranodiorite, dacite, andesite, granite,
marine, based on the kerogen type II and plotting diorite, rhyollite, basalt, dolerite, and gabro
of C27 – C29. The age of the formation is reported (Heryanto et. al., 1993). The age of the Sintang
as Late Eocene (Doutch, 1992 in Badaruddin et al, Intrusives is Upper Oligocene to Middle Miocene.
PETROLEUM SYSTEM The Sintang Intrusive observed in the seismic line is
determined by combining surface and subsurface
The source rock potential in Melawi basin (Figure 2) data. The seismic line crossing the Sintang Intrusive
are found in the Selangkai Group, Ingar Formation, outcrop is used as a basis for seismic interpretation
and Silat Formation (Badaruddin et. al., 2018). The without surface data. The seismic lines show the
Selangkai Group has TOC of 0.18 – 1.72 wt%, presence of chaotic feature of intrusive cutting layers
kerogen types III – IV, and maturity parameters of the sedimentary rocks, and change the shape of the
indicate that the rocks have been mature. The Ingar sediment layers to be anticline that later cut-off on
Formation has TOC of 0.4 – 2.6 wt%, kerogen types both sides of the intrusive.
II and III, with maturity parameters indicating that
the rocks have been mature. The Silat Formation has Gravity is a tool that can record the rocks based on
TOC of 0.37 – 2.1 wt%, kerogen types II and III, and density. Bouguer anomaly shows that Melawi basin
has also been mature. is separated by the height that divides this basin into
two sub-basins. They are the eastern and western
The reservoir rock potential has been found in the sub-basin (Figure 3). Seismic interpretation of
Haloq Sandstone with the porosity of 10 – 19 %, 85EM-13 line confirms the presence of height that
Dangkan Sandstone with porosity of 12.42 %, and divide Melawi basin into two sub-basins (Figure 4).
Payak Formation with porosity of 11.7 – 29.2 %.
Gravity modeling is used to determine the Sintang
The source rocks in Melawi Basin can also serve as Intrusive delineation in residual anomaly by
seal rocks on the underlying reservoir rocks. The determining the gravity value of the Sintang
potential seal rocks are therefore possibly present in Intrusive in 5 sections (Figure 5). The value of
the Ingar Formation, Silat Shale, and Tebidah intrusive is validated by the Sintang Intrusive in
Formation. Kedukul -1 well (section 1) and the surface data
(sections 2 – 5). Five sections show the range of
SINTANG INTRUSIVE DELINEATION gravity value of 1.05 – 3.97 mgal (Figures 5A – 5E).
The gravity value more than 3.97 mgal with no
validation on surface data, can be categorized as part
The Sintang Intrusive exposed widely in West
of the intrusive.
Kalimantan is also found in Melawi basin. The
intrusive is a shallow intrusive like stocks, plugs,
The gravity value of the Sintang Intrusive is 1.05 –
dykes, and sills, that consist of microdiorite,
3.97 mgal with validation to the surface data, and
microgranodiorite, granite/microgranite, quartz
seismic line for the location with high anomalies
diorite, dacite, and minor rhyolite and rhyodacite
without surface data. The Sintang Intrusive spreads
(dacite predominant) (Hartono, 2006). The previous
dominantly in the eastern sub-basin than western
publication stated that the Sintang intrusive was
sub-basin (Figure 6). Locations I, II, and III with the
adakite that probably originated from magma as a
high gravity anomaly but without surface data, the
result of melting of the subduction of the South
validation is carried out using seismic line (Figure 6).
China Sea oceanic crust beneath Borneo continent
Seismic interpretation of WM-106 line for location I
(Hartono, 2006).
does not indicate the presence of height as shown in
gravity (Figure 7). In the location II, there is no
The study of the Sintang Intrusive delineation was
height as shown with high anomaly, after validation
conducted by using a combination of surface data
with the seismic line WM-109B (Figure 8). In the
(geological maps and surface mapping) and
location III, the seismic line 85EM-13 shows the
subsurface data (well, seismic, and gravity). The
height that confirms the high gravity anomaly
geological maps show that the distribution of this
(Figure 4). Based on the seismic interpretation, in
intrusive is present in 118 points. Surface mapping in
location A and B the gravity data is not used, while
2017 adds 2 locations of the Sintang Intrusive
in location C the gravity data can be used.
distribution. In the Kayan-1 well, the Sintang
intruded the Dangkan and Ingar Formation layers
(Badaruddin et al., 2018). Seismic interpretation in
the deeper part of Kayan-1 shows the chaotic with
the intrusive feature. Drilling of Kedukul-1
The focus of exploration area is determined by using
penetrated the Sintang Intrusive in the deepest part of
two parameters which are spread of the Sintang
Intrusive, and low gravity that indicates thick
sedimentary rocks. Based on the parameters, there
are 4 locations (A, B, C, and D) with low anomalies Formations. The presence of source rocks (Selangkai
that need to be analyzed in detail (Figure 9). In the Group, Ingar and Silat Formations) and reservoir
western sub-basin, the high gravity anomalies are rocks (Dangkan Formation) in the surface, indicate
found in several locations. Geological map of that there are no cap rock, migration pathway, and
Sanggau, Pontianak / Nangataman, and Sintang trap in this location. There are some locations with
sheets show the high anomalies consisting of granite the presence of the Sintang Intrusives (Figure 9).
– granodiorite (Figure 9) which are Embuoi Complex Therefore, the location C is not recommended for
(Permian – Triassic), Mensibau Granodiorite further exploration.
(Cretaceous), Sepauk Tonalite (Cretaceous), and
Semitau Complex (Carboniferous – Triassic). Location D is an area of 2831 km2 with low gravity
then validated with geological maps of the
Location A is an area of 1925 km2 which has low Nangapinoh and Tumbanghiram sheets. The surface
gravity anomaly validated with geological map of consists of the Tebidah Formation and Alat
Sanggau sheet. It shows that the low anomaly is the Sandstone. Seismic line 85 EM-19 (Figure 13) shows
Payak Formation on the surface. Therefore, the older the presence of thick sediment deposits that have
rocks like the Silat, Dangkan, and Ingar Formations potential to be source rocks (Ingar Formation),
can be found. Seismic line WM-104A shows that reservoir rocks (Dangkan Formation) and seal rocks
there are thick sedimentary rocks in the north (Figure (Tebidah Formation). The Kayan-1 well that drilled
10) and can be source rocks (Ingar and Silat at this location penetrates the Tebidah, Dangkan, and
Formations) and reservoir rocks (Dangkan Ingar Formations with thickness of 1800 m, but some
Formation) for this location. The hydrocarbon Sintang Intrusive intruded the Dangkan and Ingar
migration starts from the thick sediment in the north Formations. The presence of the Sintang Intrusive is
to the trap in the south of location A. There is no dominant in this location. Therefore, this location is
Sintang Intrusive in this location. Therefore, this not recommended for further exploration.
location is recommended for further exploration,
which is administratively located in Sekadau district
(Figure 11).

Location B is an area of 8143 km2 with low gravity The conclusion of this paper is that Melawi basin is
anomaly that has been validated with geological divided into two sub-basins; they are eastern sub-
maps of Sintang, Pontianak / Nangataman, Sanggau, basin and western sub-basin. In the eastern sub-
and Nangapinoh sheets. The surface consists of the basin, the Sintang Intrusive presence is more
Payak, Tebidah, Sekayam Formations, and quarter dominant than the western sub-basin. Focus area for
rocks. Seismic line WM-105 indicates that the hydrocarbon exploration in Melawi basin is located
deposition of the Ingar, Dangkan, Silat, Payak, and in the western sub-basin of Melawi basin. The study
Tebidah Formations, and the sedimentary rocks in has identified two locations (A and B) for further
the north, is thicker than the south (Figure 12). The hydrocarbon exploration. The focus area is located in
thickness of sediments is 2600 m in Kedukul-1 well. the Sanggau and Sekadau districts.
The sources rocks in location B are the Selangkai
Group, Ingar Formation, and Silat Formation. The ANKNOWLEDGEMENTS
reservoir rocks are the Dangkan and Payak
Formations. The hydrocarbon migration pathway We especially thank to the Center of Geological
starts at the foredeep in the north to the forebulge in Survey, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy
the south. The presence of the Sintang Intrusive has and Mineral Resources of Indonesia who have
been found only in 2 locations. Based on the Sintang given permission to publish this research.
Intrusive and petroleum system parameters, the
location B is recommended for further hydrocarbon
exploration, which is administratively located in REFERENCES
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Figure 1 - Location of Melawi Basin in West Kalimantan Province (Geological Agency, 2009).

Figure 2 - Stratigraphy and petroleum system of Melawi Basin (modified from Doutch, 1992 in Badaruddin
et al., 2018).
Figure 3 - Bouguer anomaly showing Melawi basin is divided into 2 sub-basins which are eastern and western

Figure 4 – Seismic line 85EM-13 showing the height that separate the eastern and western sub-basins of
Melawi Basin (Refer to Figure 3 for the location).
Figure 5 – Residual anomaly of Melawi basin with 5 sections to determine the gravity anomaly of the Sintang

Figure 5A – Section 1 shows the gravity anomaly of the Sintang Intrusive of 1.55 mgal (A).

Figure 5B - Section 2 shows the gravity anomaly of the Sintang Intrusive of 2.12 mgal (A).
Figure 5C - Section 3 shows the gravity anomaly of the Sintang Intrusive of 3.97 mgal (A) and 2.18 mgal

Figure 5D - Section 4 shows the gravity anomaly of the Sintang Intrusive of 1.05 mgal (A).

Figure 5E - Section 5 shows the gravity anomaly of the Sintang Intrusive of 1.47 mgal (A) and 1.85 mgal (B).
Figure 6 – The locations of I, II, and III to validate the high value of gravity using seismic lines.

Figure 7 – Seismic interpretation of WM-106 line in location I does not indicate the presence of height as
shown in gravity (Refer to Figure 6 for the location).
Figure 8 – Seismic interpretation of WM-109B line in location II does not indicate the presence of height as
shown in gravity (Refer to Figure 6 for the location).

Figure 9 – The Sintang Intrusive delineation map and focus area for hydrocarbon exploration in A and B
Figure 10 – Seismic line in location A (WM 104A) showing the thick sediments and trap in the south location
(Refer to Figure 9 for the location).

Figure 11 – The focus areas for hydrocarbon exploration (A and B) in Sekadau and Sanggau districts
(modified from Bakosurtanal, 2004).
Figure 12 – Interpretation of seismic line WM-105 showing the sedimentary rocks thicker in the north than
the south (Badaruddin et. al., 2018). The hydrocarbon migration starts from the fore-deep to the
fore-bulge in the south (Refer to Figure 9 for the location).

Figure 13 – Interpretation of seismic line 85 EM-19 that shows the presence of thick sedimentary rocks.
(Badaruddin et al., 2018) (Refer to Figure 9 for the location).

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