Cokriging For Optimal Mineral

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Cokriging for optimal mineral resource

estimates in mining operations

by R.C.A. Minnitt* and C.V. Deutsch†

z(uα), with mean m(uα), α=1,..., n evenly

distributed across a domain of interest for
Synopsis which grade and recoverable reserves are to be
Cokriging uses a sparsely sampled, but accurate and precise primary data- estimated. Over the same domain an often
set, together with a more abundant secondary data-set, for example grades more densely distributed, but poorer quality,
in a polymetallic orebody, containing both error and bias, to provide non-collocated secondary random function
improved results compared to estimation with the primary data alone, as {Y(u), u∈A} whose measurements y(uβ), with
well as filtering the error and mitigating the effects of conditional bias. The
mean m(uβ), β=1,…,r include sampling errors
method described here may also be applied in polymetallic orebodies and in
and bias, is also available for use in the
other cases where the primary and secondary data could be collocated, and
one of the data-sets need not be biased, unreliable, etc. An artificially
estimation procedure. Secondary data is often
created reference data-set of 512 lognormally distributed precious metal easier, quicker, or cheaper to collect than
grades sampled at 25×25 m intervals constitutes the primary data-set. A primary data, but its information content is
secondary data-set on a 10×10 m grid comprising 3200 samples drawn from suspect because of the concern that including
the reference data-set includes 30 per cent error and 1.5 multiplicative bias poorer quality data with sampling error and
on each measurement. The primary and secondary non-collocated data-sets bias would compromise the estimate.
are statistically described and compared to the reference data-set. Examples include open pit mining operations
Variograms based on the primary data-set are modelled and used in the where reverse circulation drilling is augmented
kriging of 10×10 m blocks using the 25×25 m and 50×50 m data grids for by blast-hole sampling data, projects where
comparison against the results of the cokriged estimation. A linear model
both RC and diamond drill-hole data are
of coregionalization (LMC) is established using the primary and secondary
available, tabular orebodies where regional
data-sets and cokriging using both data-sets is shown to be a significant
improvement over kriging with the primary data-set alone. The effects of exploration diamond drilling is supported by
the error and bias are filtered and removed during the cokriging estimation numerous face or chip samples in adjacent
procedure. Thus cokriging using the more abundant secondary data, even underground workings, or in exploration
though it contains error and bias, significantly improves the estimation of targets where a primary set of gold grades
recoverable reserves. from diamond drilling is augmented by an
abundance of secondary geochemical or
Cokriging, primary data-set, secondary data-set, linear model of coregion-
geophysical information such as ground
alization (LMC), ordinary kriging, optimal resource estimates. magnetic readings. Examples of cokriging two
highly correlated variables sampled at different
locations within a domain have been described
in various applications by Meyers (1982),
Wackernagel (2010), Goovaerts (1997), Chiles
Introduction and Delfiner (2012), and Isaaks and
Cokriging is a widely proclaimed, but Srivastava (1989).
infrequently applied estimation technique
using two or more sets of collocated or non- Cokriging
collocated data of quite different type and
Generally, data-sets will contain more than
support, over the same domain. The method is
one variable of interest, and these are usually
applicable in polymetallic orebodies where one
spatially cross-correlated as expressed in the
metal is well-sampled and the other less so,
cross-variogram. Cokriging is a method that
but may also be applied in orebodies where the
takes advantage of the information embedded
primary and secondary data could be
collocated, and one of the data-sets need not
be biased, unreliable, etc. The method
produces better estimates of recoverable
reserves than ordinary kriging of either of the
two data-sets individually. The application of * University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
cokriging demonstrated in this paper involves † University of Alberta, Canada
a primary random function {Z(u), u∈A} of © The Southern African Institute of Mining and
sparsely sampled, good quality measurements Metallurgy, 2014. ISSN 2225-6253.

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 MARCH 2014 189
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations
in the cross-correlation of a second variable in order to
minimize the variance of the estimation error (David, 1977;
Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). In this paper cokriging is
considered in the context of simulated gold grades that have
been sampled in two different campaigns, which are then
used to estimate the recoverable reserves. Cokriging is the
preferred method of estimation where there is an
undersampled primary data-set and a closely sampled
secondary data-set containing sampling error and bias. The
advantage of cokriging with equally sampled data is unclear,
but will be investigated in the future.
Isaaks and Srivastava (1989) indicate that in some
situations cokriging will not improve an ordinary kriging
estimate. Such situations arise when the primary and where the Lagrangian multipliers µα and µβ account for the two
secondary variables are collocated, meaning that there is not unbiasedness constraints. The covariances are classically
one variable that is undersampled with respect to another, obtained from variograms as follows:
and that the auto- and the cross-variograms are proportional
to the same basic model. In such cases the cokriging
estimates will be identical to the ordinary kriging estimates.
Isaaks and Srivastava conclude that, ‘Thus if all the
variogram models are “quite similar” in shape and the CZZ(0) and CYY(0) are the variances of the Z and Y
primary variable is not noticeably undersampled, cokriging variables, respectively. CZY(0) is the estimated cross-
will not improve things very much’ (p. 405). Cokriging covariance of collocated Z and Y data. The direct and cross-
therefore is meant specifically for different, but correlated, variograms are fitted with the well-known linear model of
non-collocated variables of different quality that are sampled coregionalization (LMC).
at different densities across a domain. Deutsch and Journel
(1998) note that variograms and cross-variograms can be
used in the cokriging systems only provided that the requisite
constraints on cokriging weights are met. Provided this is so,
sample cross-variograms can be transformed into a
corresponding cross-covariance CZY(h). The cross-covariance
can then be modelled with a linear model of coregionalization
to be used in the cokriging system. Where a single secondary
variable (Y) is considered, the ordinary cokriging (OCK) where nst is the number of structures and Γl(h), l = 0, ….; l is
estimator of a primary variable is: the l th nested structure defined by a shape, three angles, and
three ranges; and Cl is the contribution of the l th structure to
the variogram model, ZZ, ZY, or YY as appropriate.
[1] In order for the model to be positive definite the following
determinant must also be positive definite for all values of l
where λα represents weights applied to the n primary data (z), and the cross-product of these coefficients must be greater
λ’β represents weights applied to the r secondary data (y), and than zero.
the bold u identifies a vector.
Deutsch and Journel (1998) show that while kriging
requires a model for the Z covariance, cokriging requires a
joint model for the matrix of covariance functions including
the Z covariance CZ(h), the Y covariance CY(h), and the cross
Z-Y covariance CZY(h) = Cov{Z(u), Y(u+h)}. In traditional where the 0 identifies a scalar. Deutsch and Journel (1998)
ordinary kriging the sum of the weights applied to the suggest that cokriging has not been extensively used in
primary variable is unity, while the sum of weights applied to practice firstly because of the tedious joint modelling required
the secondary variable is zero. Provided these constraints are by K2 variograms when K variables are used, and secondly
met (Equation [2]) the estimator is unbiased: because of the screen effect of the better correlation among
z(uα) data compared with the weaker correlation between the
z(uα) and y(uβ) data. Furthermore, they describe two other
[2] cokriging techniques that are applied, namely simple
cokriging and standardized ordinary cokriging.
The second constraint is that the sum of the secondary Simple cokriging (SCK) with the prior assumption of a
weights must be zero, which implies that the secondary data known mean is mathematically the best estimation method in
makes no net contribution to the estimate, a severe constraint that there are no constraints on the weights, it minimizes the
on ordinary cokriging according to Deutsch and Journel estimation variance, and it produces estimates that are
(1998). The error variance is minimized under the unbiased. The simple cokriging estimator at location (u0) of a
constraints in Equation [1] as follows: primary variable z using a secondary variable y is:

190 MARCH 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

With these constraints in mind, the use of cokriging and

the necessity of a linear model of coregionalization (LMC) are
now examined.

where λα and λ’β are the weights attributed to the primary and Linear model of coregionalization (LMC)
secondary data, and mz and my are the primary and
secondary means in a stationary environment. The error The linear model of coregionalization (LMC) informs the
variance at (u0) is given by: cokriging process as to how much of the secondary data to
use. The cross-variogram carries the information content for
the calibration that filters the error from the secondary data.
The cross-variogram is constructed using the cross-
This is minimized by solving the following system of covariance since the cross-variogram requires collocated data,
linear equations:
but the cross-covariance does not; unequally sampled data is
used directly. For a cross-covariance that is flat at zero
distance it is possible to model an LMC, but all the secondary
data would be assigned a weight of zero during the cokriging
procedure. If the cross-covariance looks exactly like the direct
variogram, it is again possible to model the LMC, but the
primary and secondary data would be treated in exactly the
same way, i.e. they would be assigned equal weights during
the cokriging procedure.
The covariance matrix for jointly distributed primary and
secondary variables must be positive definite. A simple way
of constructing a valid cross-covariance is through the use of
an LMC. While each variable has its own direct variogram
and each pair of variables have their own cross-variogram,
the LMC uses the same variogram structures and the same
As with simple kriging, this version of cokriging employs ranges for the direct variograms of Z and Y (although the
the residuals from the data, or requires the standardization of contributions can vary), and for the cross-variograms of Z
the means such that they are zero. Although it is free of with Y (see Equation [3]). This ensures that the variance of
major constraints affecting other methods, the major concern any possible linear combination of these variables is always
in regard to application of this technique is the strong positive (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989).
assumption of stationarity across the domain. The model for each of the single variograms may consist
The standardized ordinary cokriging estimator (SOCK) of one or more components of the basic models, giving rise to
uses a secondary variable that has been standardized such so-called nested structures, which is acceptable since ‘any
that the means for the primary and secondary variables are linear combination of positive definite variogram models with
the same, and all the weights are constrained to add up to positive coefficients is also a positive definite model’ (Isaaks
one. In this case Equation [1] can be written: and Srivastava, 1989, p. 375). These matrices must be
positive definite, therefore the following relations must be

[5] [6]

where l refers to the number of structures (nst), the 0

where λα and λβ are cokriging weights obtained by solving the identifies a scalar, and Cl is the contribution of the l th
ordinary cokriging system of equations (Equation [3])
structure to the variogram model ZZ, ZY, or YY as
expressed in terms of correlograms (Goovaerts, 1998), with
the single condition that:
Isaaks and Srivastava (1989) state it is sufficient that all
the eigenvalues of the matrices of b coefficients are positive,
but generally the conditions shown in Equation [5] are more
widely applied. They also warn that these constraints make
where mz=E{Z(u)} and my=E{Y(u)} are the stationary means the modelling of coregionalization difficult and that one of
of Z and Y (Deutsch and Journel, 1998). the single or cross-variograms may not fit the sample
In this case both the SOCK and SCK weights are linearly variogram well. They suggest that each individual model can
related. Goovaerts (1998) has shown that estimation with be considered as being a small part of a total model and the
standardized or non-standardized data results in the same overall fit judged accordingly. They also provide the helpful
cokriging estimate. The non-standardized estimate is a suggestion that when compiling a model of coregionalization,
rearrangement of Equation [4]: a basic model in the single variogram does not necessarily

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 MARCH 2014 191
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations
have to appear in the cross-variogram model. However, any account of sample redundancy and clustering, is summarized
basic model in the cross-variogram must be included in all by a mean and a variance. Understanding and extracting the
the single variogram models. underlying variogram is essential to testing the sensitivity of
the deposit to SMU size and volume-variance relationships,
Practical application of cokriging and in this case the kriging will require a variogram in
In the progressing of a mineral prospect to a going mining original units. One might use normal scores, median
concern it is common to accumulate primary data such as indicators, correlograms, relative variograms, or any other
metal grade, as well as other types of data from a variety of tools available to extract information about the underlying
studies. The latter may have different support and are termed spatial structures and to overcome the challenge of limited or
secondary data. Directly or indirectly, the goal of such studies skewed data.
would be related to efforts to derive the best estimate of In this particular exercise, the use of a simulated data-set
grades and their distribution across the orebody, the primary and regularly spaced data means that none of the issues
data source for such estimates being a limited number of described has to be considered. The primary data is therefore
carefully drilled diamond drill-holes. Although generally suitable for incorporation, can be considered to be stationary,
abundant, secondary data may be suspected of being in error with no outliers, and the distribution within a regular grid
or biased. Rather than applying ad-hoc calibration or obviates the issues that would normally have to be addressed
correction factors to improve the quality of the secondary in regard to declustering.
data, or simply rejecting secondary data as not usable,
cokriging is an attractive alternative that allows secondary Reference data-set
data to be used in a theoretically acceptable manner.
However, the challenges with respect to the practical A 400 m × 800 m Gaussian point data-set was simulated at a
implementation of cokriging can be formidable, and it is the 1×1 m resolution to give 320 000 points. A lognormal distri-
aim of this study to provide an understanding of and to bution of fictitious metal grades with a mean of 0.70 g/t and
document these challenges through a study of synthetic a standard deviation of 1.08 g/t was created by transforming
primary and secondary data-sets. the normal scores data. The simulated lognormal reference
In a real-life mining situation it is essential to assemble data-set was sampled such that three highly correlated, non-
the required modelling parameters for the primary data alone, collocated data-sets all having units of grams per ton (g/t)
considering issues such as stationarity, managing outliers, were created on regular square grids at 10×10 m, 25×25 m
declustering, and variography. Attention to such details and 50×50 m, hereafter referred to as 10 m, 25 m, and 50 m
ensures that the appropriate parameters are available for grids. The relative position of these three grids in the first
investigating volume-variance relationships and the kriging 100×100 m block is shown in Figure 1a
of the data. Considerations about stationarity would answer At a point scale (1×1×1 m), assuming a reef thickness of
questions such as whether the data belongs together, or does 1 m and a density of 3 t/m3, the project area contains
it need an adjustment to account for a trend. The way in 960 000 t at a grade of 0.70 g/t with a total metal content of
which outliers are dealt with is always a contentious point, 672 kg. True values for tons, grade, and contained metal
but where it is clear that outliers need attention, ‘following were averaged for panels at 10×10 m, 25×25 m, and 50×
local practice’ or conforming to the mining personnel 50 m grid size from the simulation reference data-set.
standard is a prudent position to take. When required, Recoverable reserves were calculated at a cut-off of 1 g/t. The
declustering would also be considered in order to produce an tons, average grade, and recoverable metal at point support,
appropriately weighted distribution that, having taken 10 m, 25 m, and 50 m panels are listed in Table I.

Figure 1—(a) Layout of the samples on 10×10 m (3200 data), 25×25 m (512 data), and 50×50 m (128 data) grids, ( b) location of non-collocated primary and
secondary data within a 10 m radius of one another

192 MARCH 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations
In proceeding from 1 m points to 50 m panels the grade compared with those of the sampled values listed in Table III.
of the recoverable reserves above 1 g/t decreases rapidly with Recoverable reserves of the sampled 10 m data are
a marginal increase in tons, due to the inclusion of increasing estimated to contain nearly 1.4 times more tonnage, and 1.85
amounts of waste dilution in the SMUs. As a consequence the times more contained metal, than the true block values. The
recoverable metal decreases from 418 kg to 324 kg as the reason for this is the sampled 10 m panels with introduced
size of the SMUs increases, the balance of the total metal in error and bias have 35 per cent higher grade, and 36 per cent
the deposit being lost in ore sent to waste and waste rock higher tonnage, than the true values. For the 25 m panels
itself. (Table III), the tonnage is lower, but the higher grade means
a 16 per cent higher metal content relative to the true values.
Sampling the reference data-set For 50 m panels the much lower sampled ton is compensated
by a much higher sampled grade to give equivalent amounts
Two primary data-sets (Z) sampled on 25×25 m and 50×50
of metal.
m square grid spacings represent the 512 and 128 good
quality drill intersections of a flat tabular orebody, carefully
drilled, logged, and assayed diamond borehole cores, respec- Statistics and suitability of the secondary data
tively. The more abundant secondary data (Y) was sampled Assessing the suitability of the secondary data relative to the
at much closer 10×10 m square grid spacing representing primary data for use in cokriging is essential. Cokriging
3200 measurements of more easily collected and probably depends heavily on two assumptions about the primary and
cheaper geochemical or geophysical data. A 30 per cent secondary data: firstly, that data within the domain is
random error and multiplicative bias of 1.5 were introduced stationary, and secondly, that it is sufficiently correlated for
to this secondary data during the sampling procedure. the data to be used together. Valid application of cokriging
Descriptive statistics for each data-set as well as experi- means there should also be a relationship between pairs of
mental, direct, and cross-variograms were calculated and the primary and nearby secondary data, as reflected in their
modelled (Table II). Data on the 25 m and 50 m grids are correlation coefficient. Where secondary data displays no
cokriged independently with data from the 10 m grid for
comparison with the true recoverable reserves.
The effect of introducing sampling errors and bias,
compared to the true grades for the10 m grid data is shown
in a scattergram in Figure 2. The material lying below the 1
g/t cut-off in the 3rd and 4th quadrants represents 10.9 per
cent dilution (waste sent to the mill) and 3.1 per cent lost ore
(ore sent to the waste dump), a total of 14.0 per cent.
The recoverable reserves in the true tons, grade, and
recoverable metal for different panel sizes listed in Table I are

Table I
True recoverable reserves above 1 g/t for points,
and for 10 m, 25 m, and 50 m panels averaged from
the point reference data-set

Scale Tons (t) Grade (Z, g/t) Metal (Q, kg)

Point (1×1 m) 189 000 2.22 418

10×10 m 206 000 1.88 388
25×25 m 219 000 1.69 371 Figure 2—Scatterplot of the true 10×10 m panel values versus the data
50×50 m 218 000 1.49 324 with the 30% error and 1.5 times bias introduced; the 1 g/t cut-off lines
define areas of waste, dilution, ore, and lost ore

Table II

The characteristics, grid spacing, and statistics of the three data-sets sampled from the simulation data-set
Data-set Secondary 10×10 m: Primary 25×25 m: Primary 50×50 m:
poorer quality, abundant data good quality, limited borehole data good quality, limited borehole data

Grid size 10×10 m 25×25 m 50×50 m

Number of samples 3200 512 128
Error and bias 30% error and 1.5 times No error or bias No error or bias
multiplicative bias introduced
Mean 1.02 (1.46 times bias) 0.706 0.695
Variance 1.48 (26.6%error) 1.377 1.019
Standard deviation 1.321 1.175 1.009
Min. 0.01 0.011 0.102
Max. 21.91 11.867 9.643

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 MARCH 2014 193
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Table III

Recoverable reserves in the true and sampled primary (25 m and 50 m) and secondary (10 m) datasets

Tons (t) Grade (Z, g/t) Metal (Q, kg)

Scale True Sampled True Sampled True Sampled

Point (1×1 m) 189 000 2.22 418

10×10 m 206 000 281 000 1.88 2.55 388 716
25×25 m 219 000 184 000 1.69 2.34 371 430
50×50 m 218 000 143 000 1.49 2.27 324 324

Table IV

Descriptive statistics for the paired primary and

secondary data-sets

Statistic Primary data Secondary data

Grid spacing 25×25 m 10×10 m

Error (%) Nil 30
Bias (multiplicative) Nil 1.5
Mean 0.707 1.019
Variance 1.377 2.19
Std deviation 1.175 1.48

evidence of correlation with the primary data, it is unlikely to

contain suitable information and would have to be excluded
Figure 3—Scatterplot of paired primary and secondary data indicating a
from the analysis.
correlation coefficient of 0.689, significant at the 95% level of
Cokriging also depends on primary and secondary data confidence
being near to, but not collocated with, one another. Although
there are 3200 points on the 10 m grid with error and bias,
only 512 secondary paired data lying within a 10 m radius of
Ordinary kriging with the primary data (25 m and
the primary data were extracted as shown in Figure 1b. The
descriptive statistics for these two sets of data are shown in 50 m)
Table IV. Compiling an ordinary kriging model of the primary data-
The paired data were plotted in a scattergram (Figure 3) sets, i.e. the drill-hole data on the 25 m and the 50 m grids,
to determine the correlation coefficient, examining the effect is the best evaluation available to miners and mine planners
of the error and bias on the relationship between the data. if the benefits of cokriging are not applied. A model produced
The higher mean and variance of the secondary data relative from ordinary kriging of the primary 25 m and 50 m data to
to the primary data indicate a 30.6 per cent error in the mean, be compared with the results from the cokriging is the only
and 1.27 times bias in the variance. The scatterplot of the way in which the results of this exercise and purpose of this
primary and secondary data is shown in Figure 3 and paper can be demonstrated. The basis of this comparison is to
indicates a correlation coefficient of 0.689, which is confirm that cokriging using the secondary data results not
considered significant at the 95 per cent level of confidence only in a meaningful improvement in the estimation of
(we would reject the null hypothesis that there is no recoverable reserves, but also removes the bias and reduces
correlation between the primary and secondary data at r(P5%) the error in the final estimates. In a real-life analysis using
= 0.1449, since r = 0.689, and accept the alternative cokriging, the number of samples, n, would be reasonably
hypothesis: there is a correlation between the variables at 95 large, and should be subject to all stationarity considerations.
per cent significance). The variograms shown in Figure 4a and 4b for use in the
In this case the difference in the mean of the primary and ordinary kriging estimation were modelled on the experi-
secondary data will give the bias associated with the secondary mental variogram of the sampled 25 m and 50 m grid data
data, while the difference in variances provides an indication of respectively (see Figure 1a), the best option in a real-life
the error associated with the secondary data which is due to situation where the only data available is what has been
the sampling error. The significant correlation (0.7) suggests sampled. A nugget effect of 0.4 is used in both variograms
that the secondary data is indeed suitable for incorporation in following the C0 value of 0.4 in the point support simulation
the estimation of recoverable reserves as part of a cokriging model. The variogram for the true regularized 25 m data and
exercise. Permissible limits on the correlation coefficient are 50 m data does not provide any information at distances
unclear, except to say that at or above 0.7 the method shorter than 25 m and 50 m respectively, but this data must
suggested here works very well, below 0.2 it does not work at be used since it is the only information available for these
all, and between 0.2 and 0.7 the results may be questionable. data-sets.

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Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Figure 4—(a) Omnidirectional variogram with a model for the primary data at 25×25 m spacing, (b) omnidirectional variogram with a model for the primary
data at 50×50 m spacing

Figure 5—10 m recoverable reserves for (a) the true 10 m panels derived from the simulation data-set,( b) ordinary kriging of 25 m data using the 25 m
sample variogram (Figure 4a), and (c) ordinary kriging of the 50 m data using the 50 m sample variogram (Figure 4b)

The distribution of recoverable reserves shown in Figures against ordinary kriging using models of coregionalization at
5a and 5b is the complete kriged model for the project area different data spacing. The first LMC is for a combination of
using 25 m and 50 m data kriged into 10 m blocks, respec- 3200 secondary data on a 10 m grid with the 512 primary
tively. The grade, tons, and metal content of the true, sampled, data on the 25 m grid. The second LMC uses a combination
and kriged models are listed for comparison in Table V. of the 3200 secondary data on the 10 m grid with the 128
The recoverable reserves estimated by ordinary kriging in primary data on the 50 m grid, as shown in Table VI.
the 10 m panels shown in Figure 5b and 5c are only grades The variograms for the primary (25 m and 50 m) and
above 1 g/t cut-off. The recoverable reserves for the true 10 secondary (10 m) data are required. The variogram for the
m panels shown in Figure 5a are quite erratic, but there is a primary data is not very informative because there are only
reasonable correspondence in the location of highs and lows 512 data for the 25 m grid, and only 128 for the 50 m grid,
in the true and kriged recoverable reserves for the 25 m data. but especially because at short distances there are no pairs
The differences between the 10 m true and 50 m kriged data closer than 25 m or 50 m (Figures 8a and 9a). The
are quite marked (Figure 5a and c). variograms of the secondary data for the 25 m LMC and the
As the size of the panels increases from 10 m to 50 m the 50 m LMC are identical (Figures 8c and 9c), and have better
effect of smoothing due to the kriging procedure is more continuity because of the abundance of data at distances of
evident; the tonnage and grade estimates change predictably 10 m. Although the direct variograms do not appear very
given the cut-off grade and distribution. informative, we know that any structure in the cross-
variogram must also be present in the direct variograms. This
LMC for the case study means that the structure seen in the cross-variogram is also
The aim of this study is to compare the benefits of cokriging present in the direct variograms, but this was not revealed

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Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Table V

Recoverable reserves in the true, sampled, and ordinary kriged (OK) (25 m and 50 m) data-sets
Tons (t) Grade (Z, g/t) Metal (Q, kg)
Scale True Sampled OK True Sampled OK True Sampled OK

10×10 m 206 000 281 000 1.88 2.55 388 716

25×25 m 219 000 184 000 195 000 1.69 2.34 1.61 371 430 315
50×50 m 218 000 143 000 155 000 1.49 2.27 1.64 324 324 255

Figure 6—Compilation of LMC for 25×x25 m data. (a) Extrapolation of the covariance back to the y-axis (1.25) gives the axis of rotation for the variogram,
and (b) the method used in Excel to invert the covariance

Table VI of 1.25 (25 m grid) and 0.93 (50 m grid) so that the nugget
effect for the cross-variogram becomes zero as shown in
Combinations of primary and secondary data for Figures 6b and 7b. The nugget effect on the cross-variogram
two separate models of coregionalization is not needed since there are no collocated Z-Y values.
It is necessary to fit an LMC which provides the quanti-
Models of First model Second model
tative calibration of the primary to the secondary data and
permits the filtering of the error during the cokriging. Fitting
Primary data 512 on 25×25 m grid 128 on 50×50 m grid of the LMC is done manually, although it is possible to fit the
Secondary data 3200 on 10×10 m grid 3200 on 10×10 m grid LMC automatically using the appropriate software, but this is
usually done only if the LMC is fitted to more than two
variables. The first step is to fit the cross-variogram as simply
as possible in all directions. The sill is equal to the constant
before the cross-variogram was compiled; thus, the secondary used to invert the covariance, and the nugget effect is zero.
data improves estimation of the variograms as well as local By applying the structure used in the cross-variogram it is
estimates. now necessary to fit the direct primary and direct secondary
Plotting the direct variograms for the primary and variograms. There may be nested structures or completely
secondary data and the covariance for the combined primary- different models in each of the direct primary and direct
secondary data provides a route to the LMCs. The cross- secondary variograms that do not appear in the cross-
covariance between the primary and secondary variables is variogram. However, the constraint for the method is that
plotted as red dots in Figure 6a and 7a. At short lag distances any structures that appear in the cross-variogram must also
the cross-covariance is positive and decreases to zero with appear in the direct primary and secondary variograms. This
increasing lag distance. Once this structure is inverted is the reason for starting with the cross-variogram, followed
(flipped over) using an Excel® spreadsheet to manipulate the by the direct variograms.
data, it takes on the form of a variogram. The nugget effect Examples of this procedure for compiling the LMCs for the
on the cross-covariance does not appear because there is no 25 m and the 50 m data are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. In
collocated data. The intersection point on the y-axis acts as these figures the experimental points of the covariance are
the pivotal horizontal axis around which the covariance is extrapolated back to intersect the y-axis at 1.25 for the 25 m
inverted. However, there is no way that the value of the data, and 0.93 for the 50 m data, when the distance is zero.
intersection point on the y-axis can be calculated; it can be These then become the points about which the rest of the
obtained only by extrapolating the trend of the covariance covariances are rotated to give lines that look like variograms
back to the y-axis. It is then necessary to subtract the values (Figures 8 and 9).

196 MARCH 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Figure 7—Compilation of LMC for 50×50 m data. (a) Extrapolation of the covariance back to the y-axis (0.93) gives the axis of rotation for the variogram,
and (b) the method used in Excel® to invert the covariance

Figure 8—Non-standardized direct variograms for 25 m grids of (a) the primary data 25 m, (b) the cross-variogram of the primary and secondary
variograms, and (c) the secondary data (10×10 m)

First LMC: The first model, using the 25 m primary data corresponding direct variograms as well, which implies that
and the 10 m secondary data, requires the variograms for the there is correlation between the two variables. On the
primary and secondary data, and the covariance for the diagonal of the kriging matrix the nugget of the primary and
primary-secondary combination. The model variogram is the nugget of the secondary are used, but the nugget effect of
used to identify the nugget effect and the sill for the direct the cross-variogram is never used. The cross-variogram is
primary and secondary data, as well as for the cross- also positive definite because there could be nugget effects on
variogram between primary and secondary data. both direct variograms, but there is no nugget effect on the
The equations for the variogram models shown in Figure cross-variogram; only the structured portion of the
8 are as follows: covariance has a nugget effect. The positive definiteness
condition for the first LMC is satisfied as:

For a valid LMC it is also essential that the matrix be

positive definite, meaning that the difference between the The important implication here is that the cross-
products of the primary and secondary direct variograms and variogram will usually lie between the two direct variograms,
cross-variogram (Equation [6]) must be positive (Goulard, so that in actually fitting the variograms it is convenient to fit
1989). This implies that all the direct variograms must be the cross-variogram first so that the cross-variogram
positive. Also, if there is some spatial structure in the cross- structures are defined, and then fit the direct variograms,
variogram between two variables it must be evident in the because evidence of spatial structure in the cross-variograms

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Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Figure 9—Non-standardized direct variograms for 50 m grids of (a) the primary data 50 m, (b) the cross-variogram of the primary (50 m) and secondary
(10 m) variograms, and (c) the secondary data (10×10 m)

constrains the direct variograms and it must also be evident cokriging is not used as often as it might be. Apart from
in the direct variograms (Goulard and Vlotz, 1992). The additional implementation details, the cokriging and kriging
fitting process is iterative but it is important to keep the range algorithms are the same, and all the parameters for the
of the individual structures constant for all variograms. cokriging routine are virtually identical to the kriging
Second LMC: The second model, using the 25×25 m parameters. Usually the abundance of secondary over
primary data and the 10 m secondary data, also requires the primary data in the cokriging routine means that a decision
variograms for the primary and secondary data, and the must be made about how much of the secondary data to use
covariance for the primary-secondary combination. The without overwhelming the process and disadvantaging the
model variogram is used in the same way as the first LMC to primary data. The main reason for limiting the amount of
identify the nugget effect and the sill for the direct primary secondary data used is to avoid smoothing. If the model is
and secondary data, as well as for the cross-variogram being developed for a long-term resource estimate, over-
between primary and secondary data. smoothing may mean that the recoverable reserves will be
The models for the direct variograms for primary and estimated too low. A second reason to limit secondary data is
secondary data, and the cross-variogram for the combined that secondary data may be closer to the point being
primary and secondary data shown in Figure 9, are very estimated than primary data, but the latter is more relevant
acceptable fits of the equally acceptable experimental than the secondary data. For this reason the cokriging
variograms. The equations for the variogram models shown software allows one to specify how many of each data type,
in Figure 9 are as follows: usually a maximum of 12 each, will be used in the cokriging
The following analysis of the recoverable reserves above
1 g/t gold, derived from the kriging and cokriging of the 25 m
and 50 m data-sets into 10 m panels, is compared against the
The positive definiteness condition for the second model known true data within the project area. The tonnage, grade,
is also satisfied as: and recoverable metal are compared against the true data for
the 10 m panels, in order to demonstrate that cokriging
improves local and global estimation, that the bias has not
been transferred, and that the error has been filtered out of
the final result. Generally, ordinary kriging with the primary
data will be unbiased, but the different varieties of cokriging
with the primary and secondary data are also going to be
unbiased. The caveat is that the mean of the primary, and
particularly the secondary, data must be known, which is
Having established that the cross-variograms are positive easy enough through the data.
definite, it is now possible to perform the cokriging. The bias is dealt with through the means for the primary
and secondary data, whereas the error is managed by
Comparing cokriging and ordinary kriging essentially depressing the covariance between the primary
and secondary variables CZY(h).
The final step in the procedure is to create a block model that
correctly accounts for all of the available data and at the same
time demonstrates improvements in local and global
estimates, by filtering the error and without transferring a
bias. Firstly a single data file containing the primary and The secondary variable has error content, and for this
secondary data for use in the cokriging software routine is reason we would not want the variogram of the secondary
compiled. The compilation of the final data file is generally data to have too much weight (Figure 10). The control of the
software-dependent, and many packages simply omit the weight attributed to the secondary variable is by reducing the
cokriging capability because of the difficulties associated with sill. The amount of error decreases as the sill moves upwards
the user interface to calculate the LMC; a further reason that and increases as the sill moves downwards. At the two

198 MARCH 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Figure 10—The adjustments made to the variogram during the calibration of the LMC account for the way in which the error is removed

Figure 11—Recoverable reserves above 1 g/t cut-off in 10 m panels for (a) known true ore, (b) the ordinary kriged 25 m data, and (c) the cokriged 25 m data

extremes, i.e. when CZY(h) equals the variance of the primary and compared with the known true distribution of 10 m
variable, there is no error at all, and when CZY(h) is flat at blocks (Figures 12a) in the project area.
zero lag there is only error and the data is not weighted at all. Again, it is evident that the co-kriging output is visually
In effect this is a continuum that must be calibrated. The more similar to the known true distribution than the ordinary
difference of the mean grades, (indicating bias), and the kriging outcome, shown in Figure 12.
difference between variances, (indicating error), for the
cokriging results using data on the 25 m and 50 m grid are Summary
closer to the true values than the ordinary kriged results.
A summary of the cokriging and ordinary kriging estimates
Again, these outcomes indicate that the cokriging procedure
using the data-sets on 25 m and 50 m grids to give tons,
is highly efficient at removing the bias and filtering the error
grade, and recoverable metal in the 25 m and 50 m panels is
that were shown to be embedded in the secondary data.
presented in Table VII. The reference data-set for the points
and the 10 m, 25 m, and 50 m panels is the true recoverable
Kriging and cokriging data on 25 m grid
reserves above 1 g/t in the deposit and represents the base
Sample data on the 25 m grid has been kriged (OK) and case against which the sampled, ordinary kriged, and
cokriged into 10 m blocks (Figures 11b and 11c), and is cokriged data is compared. The sampled data-set for the 10 m
visually compared with the known true values of 10 m blocks grid size is the poorer quality secondary data, while that for
(Figures 11a). the 25 m, and 50 m grid sizes represents the higher quality
The tons, grade, and recoverable metal for the 25 m primary data for use in cokriging.
kriged and cokriged panels are summarized in Table V. Differences between the reference and the sampled data-
sets at 10 m, 25 m, and at 50 m are a reflection of random
Kriging and cokriging data on 50 m grid selection at that grid spacing. It is noteworthy at each grid
Sampled data on a 50 m grid has been kriged (OK) and co- size that the sampled data-set marginally overstates the
kriged into 10 m blocks (Figures 12b and 12c, respectively), grade and contained metal.

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Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Figure 12_Recoverable reserves above 1 g/t cut-off in 10 m panels for (a) known true ore, (b) the ordinary kriged 50 m data, and (c) the cokriged 50 m data

Table VII

Recoverable reserves above 1 g/t in the true, sampled, ordinary kriged, and cokriged (25 and 50 m) datasets

Tons Grade Metal

1 m points Reference data-set 188 500 2.22 418

10 m grid Reference data-set 206 000 1.88 388
Sampled data-set 281 000 2.55 716
25 m grid Reference data-set 219 000 1.69 371
Sampled data-set 184 000 2.34 430
OK predicted 195 000 1.61 315
SOCK predicted 221 400 1.92 425
5 0m grid Reference data-set 218 000 1.49 324
Sampled dat-aset 143 000 2.27 324
OK predicted 155 000 1.64 255
SOCK predicted 198 300 1.66 329

The results of the kriging and cokriging into 10 m panels panels (255 kg) is 21.3 per cent less than that for the true
using sample data on the 25 m grid indicate that the tons panels (324 kg), while for the cokriged panels (329 kg) it is
predicted from ordinary kriging (195 000 t) are 11.0 per cent 1.5 per cent more. The mean grade for the ordinary kriged
less than the known true tonnage (219 000 t) while cokriging estimates (1.64 g/t) is 10.1 per cent higher than the true
predicts (221400 t), 1.1 per cent more than the known known grade (1.49 g/t) of 10 m panels, while for the
tonnage. The metal predicted in the ordinary kriged panels cokriged estimates (1.69 g/t) the difference between the
(315 kg) is 15.1 per cent lower than the true metal content means is 11.4 per cent higher.
(371 kg), while that for the cokriged panels (425 kg) is 14.6 In tons and recoverable metal the cokriging estimates are
per cent higher. The difference between the true known grade closer, if only marginally in the case of recoverable metal, to
(1.69 g/t) and the ordinary kriged grade (1.61 g/t) is 4.7 per the known true values than the ordinary kriged estimates.
cent, but for the cokriged grade (1.92 g/t) it is 13.6 per cent The much better estimate of tonnage using cokriging relative
higher. Cokriging provides tonnages and grade that are to ordinary kriging is offset by the higher value for cokriged
increased relative to the true values, representing an increase grade, but there is an overall marginal improvement in
over the true metal content of 371 kg, but this is 0.5 per cent estimation of contained metal. These benefits due to
closer to the real content than the result obtained from cokriging have been further resolved by comparing the tons,
ordinary kriging. grade, and recoverable metal for designations referred to as
The predicted tons and metal for ordinary kriging and lost ore, dilution, ore, and waste estimated by ordinary and
cokriging into 10 m panels using data sampled on the 50 m cokriging, and are given in Table VIII for the 25 m grid
grid indicates that the tonnage from ordinary kriging samples and 50 m grid samples. These figures, while useful
(155 000 t) is 28.9 per cent lower than the true known in their own right, are better displayed as percentages in the
tonnage (218000 t), while for the cokriging (198 300 t) it is relevant areas of Figure 13. The benefits of cokriging over
only 9.0 per cent less than the true tonnage. On the 50 m grid ordinary kriging, provided the underlying assumptions are
size the amount of recoverable metal for the ordinary kriged valid, are illustrated in the way that mine production will be

200 MARCH 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations

Table VIII

Tons, grade, and contained metal for kriged and cokriged 25 m and 50 m data in terms of lost ore, dilution, and
correctly classified ore and waste

Lost ore Dilution Ore Waste

Predicted Tons Grade Metal Tons Grade Metal Tons Grade Metal Tons Grade Metal

25 m grid OK 67 500 0.71 47.8 63 300 1.43 90.2 138 600 2.04 282.2 690 600 0.43 296.9
SOCK 29 400 0.79 23.3 44 700 1.28 57.3 176 700 2.08 368.1 709 200 0.32 228.0
50 m grid OK 130 500 1.77 230.8 74 400 1.46 108.7 75 600 1.90 143.9 679 500 0.46 311.3
SOCK 47 100 1.29 61.2 37 500 1.23 46.0 159 000 1.75 277.7 716 400 0.45 319.8

Figure 13—Comparison of the percentage improvements in estimation of cokriging over ordinary kriging for the categories lost ore, dilution, ore, and
waste, (a) for the 25 m grid sample data, and (b) for the 50m grid sample data

allocated as lost ore, dilution, ore, and waste rock in a cross- tons (3.1 per cent and 4.9 per cent) and less recoverable
plot of the kriged and cokriged estimates against the known metal (3.4 per cent and 8.7 per cent) compared to ordinary
true grade of materials in the designated areas shown in kriging (7.0 per cent and 13.6 per cent) for tons (6.7 per cent
Figure 13. and 29.0 per cent) and for metal in the 25 m and 50 m
By inspection of Figure 13 it is evident that for each sampling grids (Figure 13). Lost ore is estimated to be below
classification category (lost ore, dilution, ore, and waste), the cut-off grade, but it is truly economic in that it could
standardized cokriging (SOCK) improves the estimation make a positive contribution to the mining operation.
outcomes over ordinary kriging (OK). There are considerably However the company does incur a lost opportunity cost. This
fewer tons of lost ore for both the 25 m (29 400 t as against ore will never be accounted for in the balance sheet, nor will
67 500 t) and 50 m (47 100 t as against 130 500 t) sampled it add any value to the mine, except perhaps towards the end
data, as well as fewer lost kilograms of metal (23.3 kg versus of the mine life when plant superintendents attempt to feed
47.8 kg) in the 25 m grid and in the 50 m grid (61.2 kg the plant from the low-grade stockpile.
versus 230.8 kg).The same is true for dilution, in that there Cokriging also yields less dilution in terms of tons (4.7
is 18 600 t and 36 900 t less dilution, and 32.9 kg and per cent versus 6.6 per cent ) and recoverable metal (8.5 per
62.7 kg improved metal recovery in the 25 m and 50 m cent versus 12.6 per cent ) compared to ordinary kriging for
sampled grids respectively, due to cokriging. In the case of the 25 m grid. The same is true for the 50 m grid, where
ore, cokriging yields more tons, better grade, and more metal tons (3.9 per cent versus 7.8 per cent ) and recovered metal
compared to ordinary kriging at the 25 m and 50 m sampling (6.5 per cent versus 13.7 per cent ) are improved by
size. For the 25 m grid size there are more tons, lower grade, cokriging (Figure 12). Dilution is mine production that is
and less metal sent to waste, and the same is true for the estimated to be above the cut-off, but is truly uneconomic
50 m grid size except that 8 kg of metal are lost to waste. The in that its contribution is far outweighed by the costs
improvements due to cokriging over ordinary in the four incurred during milling and processing. Such material does
categories lost ore, dilution, ore, and waste are shown as show up in the balance sheet in that it raises milling and
percentages in Figure 13. processing costs, and constitutes an opportunity cost in that
The benefits of cokriging are particularly noticeable in the it occupies milling capacity that could be better utilized by
area representing lost ore, where cokriging gives fewer lost truly high-grade ore.

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Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations
The work flow in practice Variography
Practical application of cokriging in mining operations would Establishing the experimental variogram for the primary
broadly follow a four-stage work flow involving the making data: this is usually not as easy to achieve as might be
of assumptions, exploratory data analysis, variography, and expected. Generally the primary data will have been drilled on
estimation by cokriging. In addition, the underlying a widely spaced grid, which means that the first point on the
assumptions that must be established before cokriging is variogram occurs at a long lag. In addition there is very little
applied are summarized here. to inform the short-range variability of the data and in
particular the nugget effect is hard to estimate; in reality it is
Assumptions usually less than might be expected from an inspection of the
experimental variogram.
Some of the assumptions would preclude the use of this
technique, but where there are opportunities to apply it the Establishing the experimental variogram for the secondary
benefits over ordinary kriging are substantial. The chief data: this is generally easier than for the primary data,
weakness of the cokriging method is non-stationarity, for simply because there is more data and consequently the
example if the bias changes across the domain. The Z experimental variogram for the secondary data is better-
variable may be accompanied by another variable, Y, that is behaved than that for the primary data.
biased high and not perfectly correlated, but the method
Establishing the experimental variogram for the cross-
works well here because the data is strongly correlated, and
variogram: this is done by firstly calculating the covariance
in particular the bias is stationary. The bias may be as much
for the primary and secondary data. This is a decreasing
as 30 per cent but provided it has the same average
function with increasing lag, but its importance lies in the
(uniform) across the whole domain the method is still
smooth extrapolation through points on the covariance curve
applicable. A difficult case occurs if the data is biased in a
to their point of intersection on the y-axis. This is used to
non-stationary way. It is possible that data in the domain
invert the covariance in order to produce the cross-variogram.
may on average have a bias that is close to zero, but if the
bias is non-stationary application of this method will be Fiting the linear model of coregionalization: the main
flawed. The main assumption therefore is that of stationarity requirement of the LMC is that it be positive definite. This can
across the domain under consideration. be achieved by following the advice presented above.

Exploratory data analysis Kriging estimation

Evaluation of the primary data: this would involve a detailed Ordinary kriging: the only reason that ordinary kriging is
evaluation of the primary data in terms of understanding the performed is to provide a basis for comparison with the
distribution of the variables using diagrammatic represen- cokriging results. It might even be necessary to cross-validate
tations of the data in histograms, cumulative and probability the output to confirm that the ordinary kriging produces
distribution functions (cdf and pdf), as well as compiling the acceptable results.
basic descriptive statistics, mean, variance, and coefficient of Standardized cokriging: the means for the primary and
variation. The data location and spacing will indicate the secondary data must be used in the cokriging procedure. In
necessity of declustering of the data to ensure that represen- addition it is important that the primary and secondary data
tative statistics are obtained. Plotting the declustered mean be combined in a specific way (depending on the software)
against the cell size will give an indication of the optimal cell during the cokriging process. An important step in the
size to be used in the analysis. Alternatively, the cell size can analysis of the output is a comparison between the
be estimated from the drill-hole spacing in sparsely sampled efficiencies of ordinary and cokriging. This is probably best
areas. done by comparing the improvements in a scatterplot of the
Evaluation of the secondary data: secondary data is subject four categories of production materials: lost ore, dilution, ore,
to the same analysis as primary data except that there should and waste.
be an evaluation of the bias and error content of the
secondary data. Conclusions
Confirmation of the stationarity of the populations: The This paper demonstrates a little-used geostatistical technique
strongest and most important assumption underlying the use that combines different sets of data, from different sources,
of cokriging is that of stationarity within the domain. Where with different qualities, in a cokriging procedure. The data
there is a trend it would need to be modelled. Another needs only to be weakly correlated and not necessarily be
assumption concerns the nature of the data in that there collocated either. Cokriging provides better estimates of
recoverable resources at local and global scales, compared to
should be two sets of non-collocated data. This method will
ordinary kriging of the best available data, and is marked by
work where the data is collocated. The primary data-set
the highly significant benefit that errors and bias due to poor
generally consists of few, high quality data while the
sampling in the secondary set of data are not transferred to
secondary data-set comprises abundant, but poorer quality
the resulting estimates.
data that may contain sampling errors and sampling bias.
The method also assumes that there is sufficient primary data
to give a meaningful variogram, and usually where there is Acknowledgements
abundant secondary data there is no restriction on obtaining This paper arose from the Citation Course in Geostatistics
a stable variogram. presented by the second author in Johannesburg, South

202 MARCH 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cokriging for optimal mineral resource estimates in mining operations
Africa in August 2011. The comments, discussion, and GOOVAERTS, P. 1998. Ordinary cokriging revisited. Mathematical Geology, vol.
30, no. 1. pp. 21–42.
inputs arising from the other 15 attendees, some of which are
incorporated here, are acknowledged. The authors would like GOULARD, M. 1989. Inference in a coregionalisation model. Geostatistics, vol. 1.
to acknowledge Dr Chris Prins for editing various drafts of Armstrong, M. (ed.). Kluwer, Dordrecht. pp. 397–408.
this paper. GOULARD, M. and VLOTZ, M. 1992. Linear coregionalisation model: tools for
estimation and choice of cross-variogram matrix. Mathematical Geology,
References vol. 24, no. 3. pp. 269–286.

CHILES, J. and DELFINER, P. 2012. Geostatistics: Modelling Spatial Uncertainty, ISAAKS, E.H. and SRIVASTAVA, R.M. 1989. An Introduction to Applied
2nd edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 576 pp. Geostatistics. Oxford University Press, New York. 561 pp.

DAVID, M. 1977. Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation. Elsevier, Amsterdam. JOURNEL, A.G. and HUIJBREGTS, J. C. 1978, Mining Geostatistics. Academic Press,
364 pp. New York. 600 pp.

DEUTSCH, C.V. and JOURNEL, A. 1998. GSLIB: Geostatistical Software Library and MEYERS, D.E. 1982.Matrix formulation of co-kriging. Mathematical Geology, vol
User’s Guide, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, New York. 369 pp. 13, no. 3. pp. 249–257.

GOOVAERTS, P. 1997. Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation. Oxford WACKERNAGEL, H. 2010. Multivariate Statistics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
University Press. 483 pp. 387 pp. ◆

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 MARCH 2014 203

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