Standard Normal Distribution and Normal Distribution Table

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Standard Normal

Distribution and Normal

Distribution Table
• Identify the regions under the normal curve corresponding to
the different standard normal values.
• Convert a normal random variable to standard normal values
and vice versa.
• Use the normal distribution table to get the area under the
normal curve for a given interval.
Normal Random Variable X
is in standardized form of its value is expressed
as the number of standard deviations (σ) that lies
to the left or to the right of the mean (μ).
Formula to convert raw scores to standard scores.

Z is the standard score
μ is the population mean
X is the raw score
σ is the population standard deviation
The area under the normal curve that lies
within one standard deviation Z = -1 and Z = 1 is
approximately 68.3%, while the area within Z = -2
and Z = 2 is approximately 95.4%, and within Z = -
3 and Z = 3, approximately 99.7%

In probability notation, these can be written as:

P (-1 < Z < 1) = 0.683
P (-2 < Z < 2) = 0.954
P (-3 < Z < 3) = 0.997
The standard normal distribution has the following
1. The total area under the standard normal curve is
equal to 1.
2. The standard normal distribution is symmetrical
about the mean (μ = 0)
3. The area to the right and to the left of the mean (μ
= 0) is 0.5
4. The 3 measures of central tendency, which are the
mean, the median and the mode, are equal and
are located at the axis of symmetry
5. The tails of a standard normal curve are
asymptotic relative to the horizontal line.
6. The standard normal curve area may be
divided into at least 3 standard scores each to the
left and to the right of the mean before the left
and the right tails appear to touch the horizontal
7. Along the horizontal line, the distance from
one integral standard score to the next integral
standard score is equal to 1.
8. The probability that the standard random
variable Z will fall into an interval a to b is equal
to the area shaded region under the standard
normal curve between two points a and b.
A bank located in a business center wants to
improve the process in serving the customer
during lunch break. They recorded the customers’
time spent (in minutes) from entering the line until
they finished their transaction. They found out
that the customers spent an average time of 15.8
minutes with a standard deviation of 1.25
minutes. If they time is normally distributed, what
is the probability that a customer chosen at
random will consume more than 15 minutes to
finish his transaction in the bank? Illustrate the
problem in a normal curve.
In a normal curve, identify the region being
describe by each of the following. Shade the
region and find the area.
1. P(0 < Z < 1.50)
2. P(-2.34 < Z < 1.50)
3. P(Z < 1.50)
4. P(Z < -2.34)
5. P(1.50 < Z < 2.34)
The random variable X is normally distributed
with a mean of 42 and standard deviation of 5.
Find the values of the random variable X and
random variable Z given the areas of the intervals
under the standardized normal curve.

1. Between 0 and Z is 0.3944

2. Between 0 and Z is 0.2967
3. To the right of Z is 0.0207
4. To the left of Z is 0.9861
Find the raw score of each problem when the mean
is provided like 56 and a standard deviation of 3.
Sketch it in a normal distribution curve.
1. Between 0 and Z is 0.2764
2. Between 0 and Z is 0.3888
3. To the right of 0.0021
4. To the right of 0.8159
5. To the left of 0.0495
Application of Normal distribution
A random variable has a normal distribution
with a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 4.
Find the probability that:
1. The value of x is between 60 and 70
2. The value of x is greater than 65
3. The value of x is less than 62.48

4. The value of x is between 53 and 60
5. The value of x is between 54 and 71

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