Gainsharing Plan

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Gainsharing: Design And

Implementation Answers
Employee involvement is the key to the success ofagainsharing plan.

Michael H. Schuster

roductivity-sharing plans, more recently called the first plans were attempts to save companies from

P gainsharing, are organizational systems for shar-

ing the benefits of improved productivity, cost
reductions, and/or quality in the form of regular cash
financial collapse, by the 1950s, many gainsharing
plans reflected a different philosophy of management
and a different approach by unions, namely mutual
bonuses. Frequently, gainsharing plans also incorporate cooperation and greater utilization of human resources.
mechanisms for employee involvement (EO. 1 In fact, our During the 1960s, interest in productivity-sharing
research with a host of companies strongly suggests that waned, but in the face of declining productivity growth
EI is the key to the success of a gainsharing plan. and erosion of position in world markets, the focus on
Arecent example is an oil refinery where EI began productivity and the quality of work life led to a marked
some years before. The introduction of gainsharing increase in gainsharing plans during the 1970s and
spurred an increase in EI and it was essential to the suc- 1980s. Although gainsharing was originally considered
cess of the gainsharing plan. Gainsharing plans are dif- only applicable to manufacturing environments, it is
ferent from individual incentives, because they do not receiving increased consideration in the service and not-
entail the substantial administrative costs for standards for-profit sectors, including government agencies and
development and maintenance, nor the ongoing costs of health care organizations. Hospitals such as Southern .. .gainsharing
administration. Memorial in California have recently implemented
But individual incentives are at odds with these gainsharing plans, and others are studying the concept.
plans encourage
approaches. Unlike individual incentives, gainsharing One union leader suggests that employees would employee
plans encourage employee flexibility and cooperation, as respond favorably to gainsharing, and that this is a flexibility and
well as enhance standards of quality and workmanship. direction unions would support. 2 Gainsharing is also cooperation...
Gainsharing plans also differ from profit sharing widely used in non-union environments.
because they contain greater motivational leverage, do We conducted research at over 100 American and
not require disclosure of unduly sensitive information, British firms in union and non-union settings. 3 We
and within large companies, are more appropriate for looked at the benefits of gainsharing, but also knowledge
facility and business unit application. Companies such gained from a set of unsuccessful cases. Anegative side
as Herman Miller, Don Lemears, Dana, and Steelcase to gainsharing has largely gone unreported. The nega-
have had gainsharing for many years. tive findings are of particular importance, since from
Although many organizations have only recently most writings, executives may have been led to believe
begun to consider gainsharing an element in their that there is no down-side risk to gainsharing. This is
human resource strategy, the concept is not new. The not the case. We offer a process to managers considering
first use of gainsharing, the Scanlon Plan, has been on whether an organization is appropriate for gainsharing,
the American industrial scene since the late 1930s. and guidelines for implementation that will reduce the
Rucker Plans first appeared in the early 1940s. Although risks of failure.
june/july/August 1996
Gainsharing Implementation Process


Step 1 Step 3
Initial ---. Stop/Go Feasibility Study Review Feasibility
Seminar Is it appropriate? Study Findings
Is it feasible?
How should the could be more than just a short-term incentive and found
plan be designed? long-term application for gainsharing.
Some firms have utilized gainsharing as a vehicle
for organizational change and development. These firms
have found that financial rewards can be an effective
Step 6 Step 5 Step 4 inducement to change long-standing attitudes and
Evaluation 1"- Monitoring Implementation
behavior, thus revitalizing older and more mature facili-
ties. We will return to this subject in detail later on, and
Figure 1. Gainsharing requires preparation, design, assessment, and ongoing monitoring. will present a case study of change.
Source: Michael Schuster, "Gain Sharing: Do It Right the First Time, "Sloan Management Review,
Winter, 1987, pp. 17-25. Still other firms have found that gainsharing is an
excellent way to relate employee compensation to organi-
zational performance. In these firms, annual pay
The Strategic Basis For Instituting increases are more modest, but employees receive siz-
ASainsharing Plan able bonuses in years when business conditions are
There is little rationale for gainsharing unless one good, and little or no bonus in years when the business
or more important strategic business or human resource climate is unfavorable.
objectives can be achieved. In some companies, particu- One firm that was studied had had gainsharing
larly Scanlon Plan firms, gainsharing is a philosophy of since 1968. In years when the business did well, bonuses
management. Gainsharing is utilized to increase exceeded 20-25 percent, while in poor years there were
employee identification, commitment, and loyalty to the few, if any, bonuses. This approach is receiving increased
organization through significant and meaningful attention and support from economists who argue that it
employee participation in decision-making and finan- would make labor costs more sensitive to economic
cial participation. Firms such as Dana Corporation and cycles, thus reducing inflation, and would reduce unem-
Donnelley Mirrors long ago accepted that each member ployment during recessionary periods by lowering the
of the organization could contribute to the success of the cost savings from layoffs. S
business and should share in its success. Anote of caution needs to be added, howeve~ to the
In fact, one study has found that employees believe contemporary situation. In the case of DuPont, the vari-
that the Scanlon Plan: able pay plan which provided for a six percent down-side,
• encouraged people to work harder with a 14 percent up-side lower potential, was removed
• helped the company's financial situation after 18 months of a 36-month experiment. In that par-
ticular year, employees were unlikely to receive bonuses
• was instrumental in assisting employees to do their job
and the impact on the culture was so negative that the
plan had to be removed.
• increased employee knowledge of the company
Yet another application occurred during the recent
• improved trust and confidence in the company.4 round of concession bargaining. Anumber of companies
Interestingly, the managers believed that the plan and unions agreed to institute gainsharing plans to offset
was more beneficial to the company's financial situation concessionary reductions of wages and benefits. Higher
than did supervisors and hourly employees. productivity, cost reductions, and improved quality were
Other firms have applied gainsharing for entirely used to generate bonuses to compensate employees for
different reasons. Gainsharing in some companies is used reduced wages. Companies that have attempted to utilize
merely as a management tool to increase productivity. In gainsharing as part of a concession package have strug-
these cases, the application of gainsharing is most likely gled to make the gainsharing successful. Aconsiderable
to be sh~rt-term. There is little concern whether the gain- decline in employee morale and the real health of the
sharing continues beyond an initial one-three year peri- business have made it difficult for gainsharing to be suc-
od. Many of these companies are typical, however. A cessful in these environments.
Midwest manufacturer did not fully realize the full poten- Additionally, firms electing to use gainsharing for
tial of gainsharing at the outset, but over time saw that it this purpose need to insure that there has been equity of
Target Volume 12, Number 3
sacrifice among all stakeholders in the organization for a Firms can find themselves with plans that do not
greater likelihood of success from the gainsharing. work. Aworse situation is in those firms that pay consid-
Asignificant number of firms utilize gainsharing erable bonuses to employees without verifiable increases
as a replacement for, or an alternative to, an .individual in performance. Managers should expect that it will
incentive system. These firms have found that their exist- require from 6-18 months to properly assess, design,
ing individual incentive systems were costly and produced approve, and implement a gainsharing plan. Many man-
many dysfunctional results. However, these firms do not agers will want to short-cycle the assessment and design
believe they can manage their employees without some process, belieVing that they can get the job done more .. .profit-sharing
form of economic incentive. They selected gainsharing in quickly. Our experience has been that this often leads to quickly becomes
the belief that the group bonus will be easier to adminis- unnecessary problems that are much more difficult and
ter and will encourage more positive employee work time-consuming to resolve. afringe benefit
behavior. Companies like Pitney Bowes qUickly conclude and is unlikely
Step One: Initial Seminar
that these are at odds with world-class approaches and Ideally, the process should begin with a seminar for to produce
have in recent years eliminated their piecework incentive senior managers to learn the history and structure of performance
plan. Gainsharing and pay-for-knowledge systems are the gainsharing, the benefits and risks, and problems of improvements.
likely replacements. 1\vo recent studies show what many designing and implementing a gainsharing plan.
companies with profit-sharing have known for some Although the gainsharing concept is not new, it repre-
time: that profit-sharing quickly becomes a fringe benefit sents a substantial change for many companies. As such,
and is unlikely to produce performance improvements. it is best if key decision-makers go into it fully informed.
From a strategic perspective, senior executives may Many companies make the mistake of sending one or two
be motivated to adopt gainsharing as anything from key people to public gainsharing seminars. It is far more
merely a method of compensation, to a base for a far- cost effective and educationally sound to conduct a
reaching organizational change program - or anything smaller in-company program where the full focus of the
in between. These distinctions are vital since they affect discussion can be on the particular organization. The
the successful design and implementation of the gain- outcome of the seminar and subsequent deliberations
sharing plan. Organizations that approach gainsharing should be to determine whether or not a full feasibility
from a strategic view and incorporate it as a manage- study is warranted.
ment philosophy are more likely to be successful.
Tailoring the plans to the company's environment rather Step Two: Feasibility Study
than accepting an off-the-shelf approach also increases Assuming there is top management interest, a fea- Too many
Sibility study will help to determine whether gainsharing
the probability of success. The decision process for gain- organizations
sharing can be roughly separated into the Six-step process can contribute to the achievement of the firm's business
objectives and whether or not the organization is a good have made serious
described next.
candidate for gainsharing. mistakes by
The Process Of Instituting Gainsharing Afeasibility study should address three critical attempting to
Too many organizations have made serious mis-
takes by attempting to institute a gainsharing plan with-
issues: institute a gain-
out proper study and analysis. Agood example would be 1. Is gainsharing appropriate from a strategic business sharingplan with-
in a southern motor plant. The plant needed an addition- and human resources perspective? outproper study
2. Are the proper structural, human resource, manageri-
al rewards program as part of a pay freeze. It elected to and analysis.
copy the plan of a successful sister plant within the same al, and financial conditions present to install gain-
company. However, the original plan was designed for a sharing into the organization in question?
small product (primarily assembly) plant. The plant in If the answers to (1) and (2) are in the affirmative
question made a large and different type of motor, with a then;
different workforce and culture. Needless to say, the plan 3. What is the appropriate design for the gainsharing
failed and the company was forced to remove it after plan?
three difficult years in which bonuses were unpredictable
and uneven when they occurred. The initial education on gainsharing can be very
June/July/August 1996
important in helping companies sort out whether or not Step Six: Evaluation
... Start the development of this type of program would be viewed Many gainsharing plans die out in the first five
gainsharing at as a priority for the organization. In one company, I years. This is unnecessary. Companies should formally
asked whether gainsharing would make it to the list of evaluate their gainsharing plans at the end of the first
apoint during
the top 12 priorities for next year. When the management two or three years. Companies need to know whether they
the year when team responded that it probably would not, I recom- have realized any of their objectives through gainshar-
employees have a mended that gainsharing be deferred until it could be ing. Business conditions may have changed, new man-
reasonable chance given better attention and be seen as a more critical pri- agers have come on the scene, new objectives must be
to achieve a bonus. ority for them. Gainsharing takes a great deal of manage- incorporated into the gainsharing plan, or the bonus for-
ment time and if management is not in a position to mula may require substantial revision. Arevised plan was
commit that time, gainsharing should be deferred. instituted at one location following an evaluation in
Step Three: Review Feasibility Study which employees other than hourly workers were permit-
and Plan Design ted to participate and a new approach to measurement
Once the feasibility study is completed and a design was instituted. This plan is now more successful.
proposed, senior managers will have the opportunity to Determining The Feasibility And Design Of A
implement a gainsharing plan or to terminate further Gainsharlng Plan
investigation. The information derived from the feasibili- Here are the major factors a firm should take into
ty study should provide management with all of the data consideration when determining whether a productivity
it needs to make this decision. gainsharing plan can effectively be installed in their
Step Four: Implementation organization. With the exception of the measurement
Companies often expend considerable effort design- issue, no single issue should eliminate consideration of
ing their plans - particularly the bonus formula - but gainsharing.
neglect the implementation process. This is unfortunate,
Plant or Facility Size
since the key to the success of gainsharing is employee
The best wisdom on plant size is that facilities with
understanding and supervisory and management accep-
under 500 employees are ideally suited for gainsharing,
tance and leadership. Several companies have become
while those over 2000 are not. Gainsharing also can be
very innovative in their development of training and
very effective with 500-1000 employees. With more than
communications materials. The implementation process
1000 employees it becomes difficult, but not impossible,
should also include addressing the other human resource
to manage a gainsharing plan. Here the quality of the
issues discussed above.
management team and its commitment to the concept
Because the production cycle of many firms is
uneven during the year, it is best to start gainsharing at a are the most important factors. Any facility over 2000
point during the year when employees have a reasonable employees is a more risky candidate for gainsharing.
chance to achieve a bonus. This will establish the credi- Nonetheless there are examples of successful plans with
Plants with highly more than 3000 employees in multiple facilities. In sites
bility of the plan, build employee confidence and trust,
mixed types of with more than 1000 employees, management needs to
and generate high levels of interest.
production will be aware that greater resources will be needed to success-
Step Five: Monitoring
find it more fully implement the gainsharing plan, that progress may
In the first year, gainsharing plans require over- be slower, and that considerable effort may be needed to
difficult to sight on a monthly basis. This insures that all features of
introduce overc()me resistance to change.
the plan are developing as expected and that the formula
gainsharing. is being calculated accurately and fairly. During the ini- Type of Production
tial year, many managers and employees have substantial Plants with highly mixed types of production will
questions that must be answered in order for the organi- find it more difficult, but not impossible, to introduce
zational change process to take hold. Thereafter, absent gainsharing. Diverse product lines making measurement
unusual circumstances, gainsharing plans require less more intricate as output shifts from high labor content
frequent oversight. products to low labor con,tent products can create a
Target Volume 12, Number 3
bonus when no bonus should have been earned, and which to base gainsharing, then the organization
vice-versa. For a firm that seeks to reward employees for should not move ahead. Occasionally, some managers
.productivity increases this is a very important consider- try to force a gainsharing plan. This is unfortunate,
ation; it is less of a concern for companies that seek to since there are other alternatives. The bottom line is
reward employees when the performance of the business that if you can not measure it in a satisfactory way, you
warrants additional compensation. These somewhat should not attempt to install a gainsharing plan.
competing considerations can lead to vastly different Potential to Absorb Additional Output
approaches to the measurement of a gainsharing plan.
Most firms that introduce gainsharing experience Mostfirms that
Work Force Interdependence an initial increase in productivity of from 5-I5 percent. introduce gain-
Highly integrated work forces are good candidates (In one of our case studies, the initial increase in pro-
for large group gainsharing plans. In situations where ductivity was 40 percent). In order to avoid layoffs there
sharing experience
departments and/or shifts work independently, they can must be an ability to capture this productivity gain. an initial increase
be more difficult to install. In these instances, the Some companies have solid backlogs of orders, others in productivity of
potential exists for small group or combined group and use their attrition plan, and some will reduce scheduled, from 5-15 percent.
plant structures. but not as yet announced, overtime. One firm accurately
Work Force Composition forecasted that it could acqUire a higher volume of busi-
Many work forces either do not need, or may not be ness on the basis of expected cost reductions made pos-
motivated by, financial incentives. There is a famous sible through gainsharing.
study of secondary workers who did not respond to the However, where increased productivity leads direct-
monetary incentives and EI offered through ly to a layoff, gainsharing should be approached with
gainsharing. 6In another case, the work force average age great caution. In survival situations, this is much less of
was 53 years. They had very good pay and benefits, and a concern.
major financial commitments had been met (homes Potential for Employee Efforts
paid for, children through school, etc.); it was not When determining the feasibility of gainsharing, ... where increased
regarded as a good candidate for gainsharing. In these consider the degree to which employee efforts can con- productivity leads
instances, other human resource strategies may offer a tribute to the success of the business. In some highly directly to a layoff,
higher potential than gainsharing to motivate employees. automated plants, the ability of the employees to con- gainsharing
Performance and Financial Measures tribute through additional work efforts or ideas may be of
only a very limited nature and gainsharing may have
should be
For gainsharing to succeed, the company and its approached with
employees must believe that the gainsharing bonus for- minimal impact.
mula is reasonable, accurate, and equitable. Ideally, Even with considerable automation, gainsharing great caution.
this reqUires good financial and operating reporting may be valuable if employee effort can be expected to
systems with a history of validity and stability. It is result in improved eqUipment utilization. Managers
preferable to- have two measures. The first measures the believe that a substantial employee contribution can
bonus, and the second validates the bonus. as an accu- come from continuing to operate the capital equipment to
rate measure of company performance. In the politics the fullest extent. For example, in one case we encoun-
of organizations, there will always be someone who will tered employees who began to stagger normal and lunch
ask, "What are we getting for the bonus dollars we are time breaks to keep equipment operating. Thereafter these
paying out?" Hard data with which to provide answers same employees recommended higher machine speeds,
to such questions are essential. In one instance that I which meant more effort on their part. If management
evaluated, we used an output per hour measure as a had attempted to do these things in the absence of gain-
check on a gainsharing plan that used a labor-to-sales sharing, there would have been overwhelming resistance.
ratio to determine the bonus. Both measures correlated History of the Facility
nicely and it was concluded that bonuses were being Many plants have had a long history of unsuccess-
paid on the basis of real productivity gains. ful human resource programs and gainsharing may be
If there is not a reasonably good measure upon seen by employees as just another short-lived manage-
junel]uly/August 1996
ment effort to get more out of the work force. Other facili- measurement unreliable. Substantial new investments
ties have a history of problems and a lack of manage- should be made prior to the installation of gainsharing,
ment credibility. Installing gainsharing in these particularly if they involve work force reductions.
situations can be a source of friction and considerable Facility Management
credibility building may be needed before a gainsharing It takes a good management team to make gain-
plan is considered. sharing successful. Well managed operations usually are
Present Organizational Climate prepared for EI and have taken many of the management
Gainsharing can be used to improve the climate initiatives needed to make steady productiVity improve-
and culture of an organization. However, some minimal- ments. If site management is haVing difficulty managing
ly acceptable level of trust must be present at the outset. the business, adding gainsharing is not likely to make the
Employees develop positive attitudes toward gainsharing situation any better. It requires at least one key effective
plans when there is organizational trust, group attitudes manager on site to act as the gainsharing catalyst.
supportive of the concept, and superviSOry acceptance.? A Higher Management Support
lack of trust suggests that gainsharing should be post- Managers who introduce gainsharing take a risk,
poned until the trust level is improved. In one unsuccess- particularly when there is continuous turnover of higher
ful case, management found that it was unable to management personnel. Organizational support for the
properly communicate the goals and objectives of the concept is needed to make it work most effectively.
plan, because its communication lacked credibility and Continuity of management or at least management phi-
was distrusted. The plan never got off the ground. losophy is a basic requirement.
Union-Management Relations Acareful analysis of the factors cited above will
It is easier to install gainsharing in a non-union allow a company to determine if gainsharing offers suffi-
environment. In most installations of gainsharing in cient potential to move to the design stage. It is not neces-
union environments, the union has been an active part- sary for the organization to qualify on all factors. With the
ner in the installation of the program. In difficult union exception of the measurement factor, none of the others
enVironments, it might be advisable to pursue other should be considered knock-out factors. However, if sever-
strategies to improve union-management relations prior al fail to support gainsharing or if the measurement fac-
to consideration of gainsharing. However, where there is a tor can not be met, gainsharing should not be attempted.
reasonable relationship between the company and the Designing The Galnsharlng Plan
union, union involvement in gainsharing gives the pro- Gainsharing plans have very different philosophies,
gram greater credibility. structure, and productivity measurement systems.
The presence of a union is not the key factor, but Managers should avoid standard applications of these
the attitude of management and union leaders toward programs and instead, adopt plans tailored to their own
cooperative efforts is a critical factor. The general situation. In this way, they can utilize the best features of
parameters of the plan are excellent topics for problem- each program. Considering the follOWing issues will help
solving negotiations and there are many issues in which managers to adapt gainsharing to their organization.
union input can be very useful. However, the gainshar- Among gainsharing plans, three major distinctions
ing formula is best arrived at through the use of third- involving philosophy, measurement of productivity, and
party experts. provisions for EI can be found. Managers need to take
Capital Investment Plans into account these differences when evaluating the appli-
It is not advisable to install gainsharing in an envi- cability of gainsharing to their own business and the spe-
ronment where unusually large capital investments are cific design of the gainsharing plan. Some of the key
planned. Most gainsharing formulas are capable of cap- issues are:
turing incremental capital improvements. They become 1. Which groups of employees should participate in the
part of the historical relationships upon which most gainsharing plan?
gainsharing plans are based. Unusually high investments 2. How much EI should there be and under what ground
change the capital labor ratio and make gainsharing rules? How should the EI best be structured?
Target Volume 12, Number 3
3. How should the bonus be measured? Employee Involvement
4. How often should the gainsharing be measured? EI also differs in many gainsharing plans. Some
5. What other human resource strategies should be plans contain no provision for E1. Others contain provi-
employed to effectively complement the gainsharing sions for departmental level committees as well as a high
and maximize its effectiveness? level employee-management steering committee. Those
6. When should the gainsharing plans begin? firms with active E1 teams or quality circles that have
added gainsharing would certainly fall into the category
Employee Participants of considerable E1. Although there are some distinctions,
Among those managers willing to share productivi- those firms with active and meaningful quality circles
ty improvements, many become concerned when the programs that add gainsharing look very much like firms
gainsharing includes personnel outside the factory, for with the Scanlon Plan.
example, clerical and professional employees. This is a Although much has been written about the
philosophical question. One view is that gainsharing Scanlon Plan, its uniqueness lies in the fact that it repre-
should be applied only to factory employees with a mea- sents a highly developed philosophy of management.
sure of productivity reflective of factory efforts only. Many of the Scanlon Plans that are unsuccessful fail
Another view suggests that the efforts by all employees are because management does not recognize that the plan is
required to make a business unit successful and there- something more than a committee structure and a
fore, a measurement system must be designed to reflect bonus-sharing plan. Firms with successful Scanlon
the performance of the larger group. Athird view is that Plans share a common philosophy and set of values.
some form of financial participation by all employees Scanlon Plans recognize the value and contribution of
would make organizations more effective. each member of the organization, encourage decentral-
There is no correct answer to this question, but ized decision-making, and seek to get each employee to
senior executives must be comfortable with one of these identify with the company's goals and objectives. To fos-
approaches. One company whose bonus program was ter the concept that employees should take more respon-
designed to include all hourly and salaried employees in sibility, Scanlon committees are authorized to spend
order to promote a philosophy of organizational cohesion limited amounts of money to implement each project
abruptly changed its philosophy and took all white collar they work on.
employees out of the formula. Thereafter, no bonuses This strategy seems to payoff. At least for the
were earned and the factory employees, belieVing man- Scanlon Plan, the amount of employee participation is
agement had manipulated the bonus formula, gave higher in firms that retain the plan than those that do
notice through the union to the company to terminate not. 8 Managers in more traditional environments may
the plan. Aresidue of ill will continues. find that other forms of gainsharing with less emphasis
Those firms seeking to achieve major cultural on E1 are philosophically better suited to their situations.
change will include all employees since the message from Retention of the Scanlon Plan also seems to be related to ... it is a mistake to
that strategy is that all employees must work together to managers' confidence in the capabilities of their employ- excludefirst level
achieve the organization's goals and objectives and there-
fore all participate in the gainsharing. At a minimum,
ees and their general attitudes towa,rd participation.9 supervision.. ..
Managers in firms that had dropped the Scanlon Plan
when designing a plan for factory employees only, I perceived rank-and-file employees as demonstrating less
believe it is a mistake to exclude first level superviSion, dependability, initiative, long-range perspective, and will-
since this "divides the team" and creates an issue of ingness to change, as well as possessing less judgment,
whether it is in the interests of the supervisor to support responsibility, pride in performance, and alertness.
the gainsharing. Gainsharing plans can be effective in either con-
With the exception of the Scanlon Plan, most other text. However, it is important to install a plan that is con-
plans are used almost exclUSively with hourly employees. sistent with the facility's dominant management
The Scanlon Plan generally includes all employees, philosophy, or the philosophical direction senior man-
except for those who already participate in some other agers would like to move to. If managers expect to
corporate bonus opportunity. achieve substantial organizational change, they are
june/july/August 1996
going to have to design plans with substantial EI. Great care must be taken in the design of the mea-
Because the amount of EI differs, so does the role that surement for the bonus. If you find you cannot satisfac-
managers and supervisors play in gainsharing plans. In torily measure it, do not do it. Here's why. One very large
situations where there is a considerable structure for El, company installed four separate gainsharing plans in
supervisors playa key leadership role. Managers are four operating divisions, all located on the same site.
expected to be supportive of the process, and also provide The plans were poorly designed. The company found
their expertise when requested. I have found that the itself paying small bonuses to some employees, while
implementation of gainsharing requires considerable others averaged 20-30 percent per week. In evaluating
management training and development. Those firms that the gainsharing programs, I could find no measurable
lack confidence in their supervisors, or with managers improvement in productivity in spite of the bonus pay-
unwilling or unable to become active in this process, ments. The program was costly to the employer, did not
should consider gainsharing plans with less EI. provide the intended results, and also caused difficulties
Although many other standard forms of gainshar- among employees.
ing generally contain few or no opportunities for EI, The most common financial measures of produc-
such involvement is not precluded. In some organiza- tivity are the relationship between sales value of produc-
tions where they are installed, there were existing oppor- tion and labor costs (Scanlon Plan) and production
tunities for EI such as labor-management committees, value (sales value - cost of goods sold) and labor costs
... money can be quality circles, or ad-hoc employee participation teams. (Rucker Plan). These measures can be adapted and mod-
a very powerful Sometimes, these are added later on. The important ified. Hence one firm using a labor to sales ratio, also
motivator thing is to remember that money can be a very powerful used a cost of quality/sales and operating supplies/sales
motivator (positively and negatively), and that the gain- ratio. Gainsharing was thus measured as productivity ±
(positively and sharing and EI should complement each other. quality ± operating supplies.
negatively), 1\\'0 examples illustrate this. One organization Another firm that included a large number of engi-
... gainsharing installed gainsharing in a quality circles environment. neers and designers in its plan added savings on warranty
and EI should While gainsharing can stimulate EI, the design of the costs to its added value measure. The financial measures
complement gainsharing plan must complement rather than com- of productivity have great educational value in spurring
pete with the quality circles. This gainsharing plan did employee understanding of business fundamentals, but
each other. the opposite, penalizing the group for time used by require firms to disclose information which might be
quality circles meetings, with no immediate or apparent considered proprietary and therefore confidentiaL
benefits. Within six months, the quality circles program Non-financial measures of productivity include
had ceased to function, which was unfortunate since it output per hour (units/hours of labor), output per hour
had been an uphill battle to get it accepted. plus or minus a measure of quality (called Productivity
Another firm installed gainsharing and structured and Waste Bonus Plans), and engineered time stan-
it with potentially high levels of employee participation. dards, absorption of indirect hours, and actual hours
Unfortunately, most decisions in the organization were worked (Improshare Plans). In Productivity and Waste
made in a highly autocratic manner. In this environ- Bonus Plans, improvements in productivity can be
ment, the shop floor level committees were paralyzed enhanced or reduced by improvements or deterioration
because supervisors were unable and unwilling to make in quality.
decisions. The employees soon became very disenchanted Another approach combines group/plant concepts.
with the process. Productivity is measured on a departmental/shift basis.
Measurement Issues Gains are shared in a formula in which a portion is allo-
Gainsharing plans use financial and non-financial cated to the group, with the remainder to a plant bonus
measures of productivity. These are most often developed pooL The Department of the Army has developed a gain-
following an analysis of historical data going back over a sharing plan to motivate and reward civilian employees.
period of two-five years. Some firms develop historical In this plan, performance standards are used to deter-
data on several potential measures to assess the one that mine "earned hours" of production which is compared to
will operate the best. direct labor hours.
Target Volume 12, Number 3
Firms need to find the measure of productivity that resource policies such as individual suggestion programs
best conceptualizes their own situation and the goals and and attendance reward programs. Attendance is rewarded
objectives they are seeking to achieve through gainshar- in gainsharing because the size of an individual employ-
ing. One firm that did not do this instituted gainsharing ee's bonus is a function of the number of hours worked.
in two plants that were undergoing substantial price Yet another firm used the occasion of their gainsharing
competition at the same time that inflation was causing start-up to terminate a flex-time program that had been
materials, supplies, and regular labor costs to increase. the subject of considerable abuse.
Although there was a substantial productivity increase, Another example is a group of senior managers
very few bonuses were paid to employees because of these who wanted to change the style of management and rela-
factors. As a result, employees felt aggrieved and both tions with the union. Other companies have used the
plants later on experienced 16-week strikes. occasion to expand skills-based training and to reexam-
Time Frame for Measurement ine the design of jobs and manning levels.
The most commonly used measurement period for The point is that for some firms gainsharing
gainsharing is a monthly measure. Many firms have becomes the centerpiece of their overall approach to
recently moved to quarterly measurement because this human resource management. They must therefore place
tends to create more stability in the measurement process the gainsharing into a context (effective human resource
and avoids severe month-to-month fluctuations. Asmall programs) that will make it effective. Less ambitious
number of firms have used six-month measurement peri- firms will still find that there may be a need for some
ods, but the longer period will tend to reduce the motiva- compensatory human resource activity to simply meet
tional impact (although the actual bonus payments the minimum conditions to establish a gainsharing plan.
increase with longer period). Gainsharing Start Date
There are many firms that measure weekly, often It is best to begin gainsharing at a point in the
using a rolling average, relating back to the manner in firm's calendar when activity is normally higher. This
which individual incentives are calculated and paid. I do provides employees with an opportunity to achieve good
not recommend this approach. First, these firms pay the results. During slower portions of the year, firms often
bonus as part of regular pay. It is best to pay the bonus by maintain additional employees for those periods when
separate checks to differentiate performance from regular activity returns to normal levels. Many firms that begin
earnings. Second, the rolling average lessens variability their plans in the middle of their financial year have
in earnings and therefore is less effective from a motiva- found it useful to operate the first year of a plan as a
tional perspective. Third, many employees do not under- short year, so that in subsequent years the gainsharing
stand the rolling average concept. can operate in concert with their financial year.
Other Human Resource Strategies ACase Study Of Gainsharing Used
Firms taking a broader view of gainsharing oppor- To Turn Around AFacility
tunities will use the installation of gainsharing to effec- Gainsharing became a critical component of a
tuate substantial changes in human resource programs, labor relations and organizational change strategy at a
policies, and initiatives. Most gainsharing plans require a 300-employee machining facility located in the
considerable training and communications effort direct- Midwest. The location formerly had 3000 employees
ed to the installation of the plan. However, some firms go working in seven plants. By 1988, follOWing the
beyond this to capture additional opportunities. announcement to close three others, only one facility
One firm used the introduction of gainsharing as remained. This facility manufactured two dozen major
the occasion to put all operating management through parts for the appliance industry. Total production of
an assessment center for diagnostic purposes. The end units numbered 50 million in 1990. The plant was rep-
result was individualized training and development pro- resented by two unions. The location had a long history
grams to upgrade the quality of management, a feature of bitter labor strife. In 1988, relations between the
that is essential to successful installation of gainsharing. company and the unions were adversarial and the rela-
Other firms have used the occasion to end human tionship had a high level of mistrust. In 1988, 300

June/July/August 1996
employees wrote approximately 550 grievances. gainsharing into their business. If gainsharing is appro-
The workforce was older and highly skilled. priate, a plan must be structured that is congruent with
Employee pay was frozen at about $11 per hour. Five the organization's dominant values and characteristics.
hundred employees had recall rights. The management Ameasurement system that accurately and equitably
style was traditional. Anew division vice president with a conceptualizes operations must be formulated. Finally,
human resource background had recently arrived. executives need to get behind gainsharing and identify a
There was much corporate skepticism that the member of their staff who can provide the leadership to
remaining facility could not only survive, but meet the make gainsharing a success.
company's twin business goals of being the "best cost,"
"highest quality" supplier. Since the plant supported a 1. Bullock, RJ. and Edward E. Lawler, "Gainsharing: AFew Questions,
much larger assembly plant, on-time delivery was essen- and Fewer Answers." Human Resource Management, 1984, pp.
tial. At the time of the study, quality was measured at 2. Majerus, R. E., "Workers Have a Right to a Share of Profits."
1300 ppm rejected. Harvard Business Review, September-October, 1984, pp. 42-50.
3. Schuster, M., "The Impact of Union-Management Cooperation on
The gainsharing plan rewarded improvements in ProductiVity and Employment." Industrial and Labor Relations
productiVity, scrap and rework, and savings in manufac- Review, 1983, pp. 415-430.
turing expenses and tooling. An innovative approach Schuster, M., "Union-Management Cooperation: Structure, Process
and Impact." Kalamazoo, MI: W. E. Upjohn Institute for
divided the gainsharing bonus improvements between Employment Research, 1984.
employees and the company on the basis of the quality of 4. Goodman, P. S., J. H. Wakely, and R. H. Ruh, "What Employees
the product as determined by the plant's customer. Think of the Scanlon Plan." Personnel, 1972, pp. 22-29.
5. Mitchell, D. J. B., "Gain-sharing: An Anti-Inflation Reform."
Gainsharing, as well as improved labor-management Challenge,]uly/August, 1982, pp. 18-25.
relations, introduction of teams, and management devel- 6. Gilson, T. and M. Lefcowitz, "A Plant Wide Productivity Bonus in a
opment, led to the survival of the faCility. An early long- Small Factory: Study of an Unsuccessful Case." Industrial and
Labor Relations Review, 1957, pp. 284- 296.
term contract was negotiated using win-win techniques. 7. Goodman, P. S. and B. E. Moore, "Factors Affecting Acquisition of
Beliefs about a New Reward System." Human Relations, 1976, pp.
Conclusions 571-588.
Favorable publicity in the popular press reflects the 8. White, J. K., "The Scanlon Plan: Causes and Correlates of Success."
fact that firms that utilize gainsharing plans can achieve Academy ofManagementJournal, 1979, pp. 292-312.
9. Ruh, R. A., R. L. Wallace, and C. F. Frost, "Management Attitudes
sizable performance and employee relations benefits. and the Scanlon Plan." Industrial Relations, 1973, pp. 282-288.
Nonetheless, there are pitfalls, and executives considering
gainsharing should move carefully. Michael H. Schuster, Ph.D., is a professor of management and
Many plans do not survive beyond the first several human resources, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
years or they cause serious problems for organizations.
Often these difficulties could be avoided. It is important
for firms considering gainsharing to examine their phi-
losophy, goals, and business objectives. Thereafter, a
gainsharing plan incorporating a structure and measure-
ment system can be designed that fits the business unit.
Firms should avoid utilizing a "canned" program, and
instead design one specifically geared to their situation.
Too many firms introduce gainsharing as a sepa-
rate program rather than as part of an overall strategy of
human resource management. Others fail to consider the © 1996AME®
long-term implications of gainsharing. For information on reprints, contact:
Companies should determine whether gainsharing Association for Manufactnring Excellence
380 West Palatine Road
would contribute to realization of their intermediate Wheeling, Illinois 60090-5863
(three-five year) business objectives. Next, through a fea- 847/520-3282
Sibility study, firms need to determine whether to install ~

Target Volume 12, Number 3

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