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Chapter 1

Influence Lines for Beams

1.1. Introduction
Many structures are subjected to live loads, either moving or movable. The effects of such live loads on any structure
vary with the positions of the loads on the structure. It is the purpose of this chapter and subsequent chapters to determine
the positions of live loads which will make any desired function a maximum, and to show how a maximum value may be

1.2. Definition of influence line

An influence line is a diagram showing the variation of certain functions such as reaction, shear, moment, stress or
any, other direct function due to a load of unit value (1 N, 1kN, 1 lb, l kip) moving along a structure. The ordinate to the
influence line at any point is the value of certain functions due to a unit load acting at that point.

1.3. General method of construction of an influence line

An influence line is drawn by plotting under the point where the unit load is placed an ordinate whose height represents,
to a certain scale, the value of the function under consideration for this position of the unit load. This is done for all
successive positions of the unit load taking care to include all points where the slope of the influence line changes.

1.4. Applications of the influence line

There are two very important applications of influence lines. These are:
1. To determine the particular position of live loads which will produce the maximum value of the function for
which the influence line was constructed.
2. To determine the value of the function represented by the influence line for definite positions of any kind of load.

1.5. Influence diagram as a deflection diagram

Influence diagrams for reaction, shear, or bending moment maybe determined on the basis of the conception that
influence diagrams are deflection diagrams.
1. To obtain the influence diagram for a reaction, remove the support giving resistance for this reaction and introduce a
unit displacement in the direction of the reaction. The area enclosed between the original and the final positions of the
beam is the required influence diagram.

2. To obtain the influence diagram for shear at a section, cut the beam at the section and lift the cut end at the right a unit
displacement relative to the cut end at the left, without introducing relative rotation at the section.


3. To obtain the influence diagram for bending at a section, insert a hinge at the section so that there is no moment
resistance at the section and introduce a unit relative rotation at the section.

4. Note also the influence diagrams for beam with fixed support as illustrated in the figure below.

1.6. Properties of influence lines

1. Concentrated Moving Loads:
For concentrated moving loads, the following properties apply:


a. The value of a function due to a single concentrated
load equals the magnitude of the load multiplied by the
ordinate to the influence line for that particular
function, the ordinate being measured where the load is

b. The value of a function for several concentrated

moving loads is obtained by adding algebraically the
separate effects of each load as determined by property
(a) above. The value of the function for the loads in the
right figure is:

F  P1 y1  P2 y2  P3 (0)  P4 ( y4 )

c. The maximum value of a function due to a single

concentrated moving load is obtained by placing the
load at the point where the ordinate to the influence line
is a maximum.

2. Uniformly Distributed Moving Loads:

For uniformly distributed moving loads, the following properties are used:

a. The value of a function due to a uniformly distributed

load equals the load per unit length multiplied by the
area of the influence line under the load.


b. The maximum value of a function due to a uniformly
distributed moving load is obtained by placing the load
over all those portions of the structure where the
ordinates to the influence line have the same sign as the
function desired.

1.7. Single Moving Load

For a single moving load, the maximum moment occurs when the load is at the midspan and the maximum shear occurs
when the load is very near the support (usually assumed to lie over the support).

1.8. Two or more moving loads

In general, the bending moment under a particular load is a maximum when the center of the beam is midway between
that load and the resultant of all the loads then on the span. With this rule, we compute the maximum moment under
each load, and use the biggest of the moments for the design. Usually, the biggest of these moments occurs under the
biggest load.
The maximum shear occurs at the reaction where the resultant load is nearest. Usually, it happens if the biggest load is
over that support and as many a possible of the remaining loads are still on the span.
In determining the largest moment and shear, it is sometimes necessary to check the condition when the bigger loads
are on the span and the rest of the smaller loads are outside.

Problem Set 1:
1. For the simply-supported beam shown in Fig. 3, draw the influence lines for R A , RB , VC and M C . Determine the
maximum values of these functions for:
a. a moving concentrated load of 10 kN, and
b. a uniformly distributed moving load of 3 kN/m.

2. For the beam shown in the Fig. 4, draw the influence lines for reaction at A , shear just to the right of A , moment at
A , and moment at D . Calculate the maximum values of these functions due to:
a. A concentrated moving load of 6 kN, and
b. A uniform moving load of 3 kN/m.

3. For the beam shown in Fig. 6, draw the influence lines for reaction at A , shear at D , and moment at D . Determine
the maximum values of these functions due to:
a. A concentrated moving load of 10 kN, and
a. A uniform moving load of 400 N/m.


4. For the compound beam shown in Fig. 8, draw the influence lines for reaction at A , reaction at B , reaction at C,
shear at D , shear just to the left of B , shear just to the right of B , and , moment at D

5. A truck with axle loads of 40 kN and 60 kN on a wheel base of 5 m rolls across a 10-m span. Compute the maximum
bending moment and the maximum shearing force.
6. Three wheel loads roll as a unit across a 44-ft span. The loads are P1 = 4000 lb and P2 = 8000 lb separated by 9 ft, and
P3 = 6000 lb at 18 ft from P2. Determine the maximum moment and maximum shear in the simply supported span.
7. A truck and trailer combination crossing a 12-m span has axle loads of 10, 20, and 30 kN separated respectively by
distances of 3 and 5 m. Compute the maximum moment and maximum shear developed in the span.


Chapter 2
Introduction to Bridge Engineering

2.1. Historical Background

People have always needed to transport themselves and their goods from one place to another. In early times,
waterways were used wherever possible. Navigable waterways, however, do not always go in the direction desired or may
not be always available. Therefore, it has been necessary to develop land transportation methods and means of crossing
waterways and valleys. Roadway and railway development have therefore become an absolute necessity for economic
development. The rapid economic development in Europe, USA, and Japan could not take place until land transportation
was developed. Even today, one important factor that has caused many countries to lag behind in economic development is
the lack of good land transportation systems. An important element of land transportation systems is the bridge. A bridge is
a structure that carries a service (which may be highway or railway traffic, a footpath, public utilities, etc.) over an obstacle
(which may be another road or railway, a river, a valley, etc.), and then transfers the loads from the service to the foundations
at ground level.
The history of bridge engineering, which began with stone and wooden structures in the first century BC, can be
said to be the history of the evolution of civil engineering. It is not possible to date humanity’s conception and creation of
the first bridge. Perhaps people derived the first concept in bridge building from nature. The idea of a bridge might have
developed from a tree trunk that had fallen across a canal. Early bridges consisted of simple short spans of stone slabs or
tree trunks. For longer spans, strands of bamboo or vine were hung between two trees across a stream to make a suspension
bridge. The introduction of new materials – plain, reinforced, and pre-stressed concrete; cast iron; wrought iron; and steel –
evolved gradually within the last two centuries. According to known records, the first use of iron in bridges was a chain
bridge built in 1734 in Prussia. Concrete was first used in 1840 for a 12-m span bridge in France. Reinforced concrete was
not used in bridge construction until the beginning of the twentieth century. Pre-stressed concrete was introduced in 1927.
These developments, coupled with advances in structural engineering and construction technology, led to the introduction
of different forms of bridges having increasingly longer spans and more load carrying capacities.

2.2. Importance of a Bridge

Bridges are important to everyone. But they are not seen or understood in the same way by everyone, which is what
makes their study so fascinating. A single bridge over a small river will be viewed differently by different people.
 Civic leaders see the bridge as link between the neighbourhoods and a way to provide fire and police protection and
access to hospitals.
 In business community, the bridge is seen as opening up new markets and expanding commerce.

Everyone is looking at the same bridge, but it produces different emotions and visual images in each one of them.
Bridges affect people. People use them, and engineers design them and later build and maintain them. Bridges do not just
happen. They must be planned and engineered before they can be constructed. A bridge is the key element in a transportation
 It controls the capacity of the system.
 It is the highest cost per mile of the system.
 If the bridge fails, the system fails.

2.3. Role of bridge engineer:

A bridge engineer must have three points in mind while working on a bridge project.
• Creative and aesthetic,
• Analytical,
• Technical and practical,

2.4. Aesthetics in bridge design:


Aesthetics must be a part of the bridge design program from the beginning. It cannot be added on at the end to make
the bridge look nice. At that time, it is too late. From the beginning, the engineer must consider aesthetics in selection of
spans, depth of girders, piers abutments, and the relationship of one to another. It is a responsibility that cannot be delegated.
We must demand it of ourselves, because the public demands it of us.

2.5. Bridge Components

I. Superstructure.
- Comprises all the components of a bridge above the supports.
1. Bridge deck
- supports the direct loads due to traffic and all the other permanent loads to which the structure is
2. Wearing Surface
- that portion of the deck cross section which resists traffic wear. In some instances, this is a separate
layer made of bituminous material, while in some other cases it is an integral part of concrete deck.
3. Floor beams
- transmit loads from the bridge deck to the bridge main girders. They consist of longitudinal beams,
called stringers, and transversal beams, called cross girders.
4. Main girders
- transmit the bridge vertical loads to the supports.
5. Bracings
- transmit lateral loads to the supports and also provide lateral stability to compression members in the

II. Substructure.
- consists of all elements required to support the superstructure and overpass roadway.
1. Abutments
- are earth-retaining structures which support the superstructure and overpass roadway at the beginning
and end of a bridge. Like a retaining wall, the abutments resist the longitudinal forces of the earth
underneath the overpass roadway.

2. Piers
- are structures which support the superstructure at intermediate points between the end supports (abutments).
From an aesthetic standpoint, piers are one of the most visible components of a highway bridge and can
make the difference between a visually pleasing structure and an unattractive one.
3. Bearings
- are mechanical systems which transmit the vertical and horizontal loads of the superstructure to the
substructure, and accommodate movements between the superstructure and the substructure.
 expansion bearings
- bearings allowing both rotation and longitudinal translation.
 fixed bearings
- bearings which allow rotation only.
4. Pedestals
- is a short column on an abutment or pier under a bearing which directly supports a superstructure primary
5. Backwall
- sometimes called the stem, is the primary component of the abutment acting as a retaining structure at each
6. Wingwall
- is a side wall to the abutment backwall or stem designed to assist in confining earth behind the abutment.
7. Footing
- pier footings transfer loads from the substructure to the subsoil or piles.
 spread footing


- a footing supported by soil without piles
 pile cap
- A footing supported by piles
8. Piles
- It is used when the soil under a footing cannot provide adequate support for the substructure (in terms of
bearing capacity, overall stability, or settlement), support is obtained through the use of piles, which extend
down from the footing to a stronger soil layer or to bedrock.
9. Sheeting.
- the vertical planks which are driven into the ground to act as temporary retaining walls permitting
excavation are known as sheeting.


1. deck and overpass
2. stringers
3. bearing
4. pedestal
5. footing
6. piles
7. underpass
8. embankment
9. live loading

2.6. Types of bridges:

Bridges can be classified according to:
 Materials (concrete, steel or wood etc.),
 Usage (pedestrian, highway, or railroad),
 Span (short, medium, or long),
 Structural form (slabs, girder, truss, arch, suspension, or cable-stayed).
 According to the location of the main structural elements relative to the surface on which the user travels, that
is, whether the main structure is below, above, or coincides with the deck line.

a. Main structure below the deck line:

Arched and truss-arched bridges are included in this classification. With the main structure below the deck
line in the shape of an arch, gravity loads are transmitted to the supports primarily by axial compressive forces. At
the supports, both vertical and horizontal reactions must be resisted. The arch rib can be solid or it can be a truss of
various forms.


Salient features of arch type bridges are:
 The arch form is intended to reduce bending moments (and hence tensile stresses) in the superstructure and should
be economical in material compared with an equivalent straight, simply supported girder or truss.
 The efficiency is achieved by providing horizontal reactions to the arch rib. The most suitable site for this form of
structure is a valley, with the arch foundation located on dry rock slopes.
 The conventional curved arch rib may have high fabrication and erection costs, although these may be controlled
by skilled labor. The arch is predominantly a compression structure. For example, the open spandrel arch with the
rib below the deck consists of deck, spandrel columns, and arch rib. The last two are compression members. The
design must include accurate estimates of buckling behavior and should be detailed so as to avoid excessive
reductions in allowable stress. The classic arch form tends to favor concrete as a construction material.
 The arch rib is usually shaped to take dead load without bending moments. This load is then called the form load.
If the form load is large, the live load becomes essentially a small disturbance applied to a compressed member.
 The conventional arch has two moments resisting components-the deck and the arch rib. Undesirable and
unanticipated distributions of moment may occur, particularly in regions where the spandrel columns are short,
normally near the crown of the arch, which may be avoided by careful detailing; for example by using pin ended

b. Main structure above the deck line:

Suspension, cable stayed, and through-truss bridges are included in this category. Both suspension and
cable-stayed bridges are tension structures whose cables are supported by towers. Suspension bridges are
constructed with two main cables from which the deck, usually a stiffened truss is hung by secondary cables. Cable-
stayed bridges have multiple cables that support the deck directly from the tower.


Salient features of suspension bridges:
 The major element of a stiffened suspension bridge is a flexible cable, shaped and supported in such a way that it
can transfer the major loads to the towers and anchorages by direct tension.
 This cable is commonly constructed from high strength wires.
 The deck is hung from the cable by hangers constructed of high strength wire ropes in tension.
 This use of high strength steel in tension, primarily in the cables and secondarily in the hangers, leads to an
economical structure, particularly if the self-weight of the structure becomes significant, as in the case of long spans.
 The main cable is stiffened either by a pair of stiffening trusses or by a system of girders at deck level:
 This stiffening system serves to (a) control aerodynamic movements and (b) limit local angle changes in the deck.
It may be unnecessary in the cases where the load is great.
 It is the only alternative of spans over 600 m, and it is greatly regarded as competitive for spans down to 300 m.

Salient features of cable-stayed bridges:

 As compared with suspension bridges, the cables are straight rather than curved. As a result, the stiffness is greater.
 The cables are anchored to the deck and cause compressive forces in the deck.
 Compared with the stiffened suspension bridge, the cable-braced bridge tends to be less efficient in supporting dead
load, but more efficient in supporting live load. As a result is not likely to be economical in the longest spans.
 The cables may be arranged in a single plane, at the longitudinal centerline of the deck.
 Aerodynamics instability has not found to be a problem in such structures.

Salient features of through bridges

 A bridge truss has two main structural advantages: (1) the primary member forces are axial loads; (2) the open web
system permits the use of a greater overall depth than for an equivalent solid web girder. Both these factors lead to
economy in material and a reduced dead weight. The increased depth also leads to reduced deflection, that is, a
more rigid structure,
 Economical for medium spans,
 Aesthetically pleasing.

c. Main structure coinciding with the deck line:

Girder bridges of all types are included in this category. Examples are:
 Slab (solid and voided),


 T-beam,
 I-beam,
 Wide-flange beam,
 Concrete box girder,
 Steel box,
 Steel plate girder.


Chapter 3
Loads on Bridges

3.1. Introduction
Bridge structures, like buildings, must be designed to resist various kinds of loads - gravity as well as lateral. Generally,
the major components of loads acting on highway bridges are dead and live loads, environmental loads (temperature,
wind, and earthquake), and other loads, such as those arising from braking of vehicles and collisions. Gravity loads
are caused by deadweight of the bridge itself, the superimposed dead load, and the live load, whereas the lateral loads are
caused by environmental phenomena such as wind and earthquakes.
Bridge structures serve a unique purpose of carrying traffic over a given span; to this end they are subjected to loads
that are not stationary (moving loads). Also, as a consequence, they are subjected to loads caused by the dynamics of moving
loads, such as longitudinal force and impact and centrifugal forces. In the case of bridges built over waterways, the bridge
substructures may be subjected to lateral loads such as earth pressure, water pressure, stream flow pressure, or ice pressure.

3.2. Two major components of bridge design process:

1. Design of the superstructure
2. Design of the substructure

With this perspective, the forces acting on bridges can generally be divided into two categories:
1. Those acting on the superstructure
2. Those acting on the substructure


3.3. Loads and Design Specifications (Extracted from the NSCP/AASHTO)
3.2.1 Structures shall be designed to carry the following loads and forces:
 Dead load
 Live load
 Impact or dynamic effect of the live load
 Wind loads
 Other forces, when they exist, as follows:
Longitudinal forces, centrifugal force, thermal forces, earth pressure, buoyancy, shrinkage stresses, rib shortening,
erection stresses, current pressure, and earthquake stresses. Provision shall be made for the transfer of forces
between the superstructure and substructure to reflect the effect of friction at expansion bearings or shear resistance
at elastomeric bearings.


3.3.1. The dead load shall consist of the weight of the entire structure, including the roadway, sidewalks, car
tracks, pipes, conduits, cables, and other public utility services.
3.3.2. If a separate wearing surface is to be placed when the bridge is constructed, or is expected to be placed
in the future, adequate allowance shall be made for its weight in the design dead load. Otherwise,
provision for a future wearing surface is not required.
3.3.4. The following weights are to be used in computing the dead load:

Steel or cast steel 77.0
Cast iron 70.7
Aluminum alloys 27.5
Timber (treated or untreated) 7.9
Concrete (plain or unreinforced) 23.5
Compacted sand, earth, gravel, or ballast 18.9
Loose sand, earth, and gravel 15.7
Macadam or gravel, rolled 22
Cinder filling 9.4


Pavement, other than wood block 23.5
Railway rails, guard rails, and fastenings (per linear meter of track) 31.4
Stone masonry 26.7
Asphalt plank, 25 mm thick 0.43 kPa


The live load shall consist of the weight of the applied moving load of vehicles, cars, and pedestrians.


3.6.1 The lane loading or standard truck shall be assumed to occupy a width of 3.0 m.
3.6.2 These loads shall be placed in 3.7-meter-wide design traffic lanes, spaced across the entire bridge
roadway width measured between curbs.
3.6.3 Fractional parts of design lanes shall not be used, but roadway widths from 6.0 to 7.4 m shall have two
design lanes each to one-half the roadway width.


3.7.1 Standard Truck and Lane Loads The highway live loadings on the roadways of bridges or incidental structures shall consist of
standard trucks or lane loads that are equivalent to truck trains. Two systems of loading are
provided, the M loadings and the MS loadings----the MS loadings being heavier than the
corresponding M loadings. Each lane load shall consist of a uniform load per linear meter of traffic lane combined with a single
concentrated load (or two concentrated loads in the case of continuous spans ---see Article 3.11.3),
so placed on the span as to produce maximum stress. The concentrated load and uniform load shall
be considered as uniformly distributed over a 3.0 m width on a line normal to the centerline of the
lane. For the computation of moments and shears, different concentrated loads shall be used as indicated
in Figure 3.7.5B. The lighter concentrated loads shall be used when the stresses are primarily bending
stresses, and the heavier concentrated loads shall be used when the stresses are primarily shearing
3.7.2. Classes of Loading
There are four standard classes of highway loading M 18, M 13.5, MS 18 and MS 13.5. Loading M 13.5 is
75 percent of loading M18. Loading MS 13.5 is 75 percent of Loading MS 18. If loadings other than those
designated are desired, they shall be obtained by proportionately changing the weights shown for both the
standard truck and the corresponding lane loads.
3.7.3. Designation of Loadings
The policy of affixing the year to loadings to identify them as instituted in the following manner:

H 15 Loading AASHTO Edition shall be designated M 13.5

H 20 Loading AASHTO 1994 Edition shall be designated M 18
H l5-S 12 Loading; AASHTO 1944 Edition shall be designated MS 13.5
H 20-S16 Loading; AASHTO l994 Edition shall be designated MS 18

3.7.4. Minimum Loading

Bridges supporting highways which carry, or which may carry, heavy truck traffic, shall be designated for
MS 18 Loading or an Alternate Military Loading of two axles 1.20 m apart with each axle weighing 108 kN,
whichever produces the greatest stress.
3.7.5. M Loading
The M loading consist of a two-axle truck or the corresponding lane loading as illustrated in Figures 3.7.5A
and 3.7.5B. The M loadings are designated M followed by a number indicating a tenth of gross weight in
kilonewtons of the standard truck.
3.7.6. MS Loading


The MS loadings consist of a tractor truck with semitrailer or the corresponding lane load as illustrated in
Figures 3.7.6A and 3.7.5B. The MS loadings are designated by the letters MS followed by a number indicating
a tenth of the gross weight in kilonewtons of the tractor truck. The variable axle spacing has been introduced
in order that the spacing of axles may approximate more closely the tractor trailers now in use. The variable
spacing also provides a more satisfactory loading for continuous spans, in that heavy axle loads may be so
placed on adjoining spans as to produce maximum negative moments.


3.8.1. Application
Highway Live Loads shall be increased for those structural elements in Group A, below, to allow for
dynamic, vibratory and impact effects. Impact effects shall not be applied to items in Group B. it is intended
that impact be included as part of the loads transferred from superstructure to substructure, but shall not be
included in loads transferred to footings nor to those parts of piles or columns that are below ground. Group A – Impact shall be included
1) Superstructure, including legs of rigid frames.
2) Piers, (with or without bearings regardless of type) excluding footing and those portions below
the ground line.
3) The portions above the ground line of concrete or steel piles that support the superstructure. Group B – Impact shall not be included
1) Abutments, retaining walls, piles except as specified in
2) Foundation pressures and footings
3) Timber structures
4) Sidewalk loads
5) Culverts and structures having 0.90 m or more cover.
3.8.2 Impact Formula The amount of the impact allowance or increment is expressed as a fraction of the live load
stress, and shall be determined by the formula:

15.24 where:
I I  Impact fraction (maximum 30 percent);
L  38 L  Length in meter of the portion of the span that is loaded to produce
the maximum stress in the member. For uniformity of application, in this formula, the loaded length L shall be as follows:
a) For roadway floors: the design span length.
b) For transverse members, such as floor beams: the span length of member center to center
of supports.
c) For computing truck load moments: the span length or for cantilever arms the length
from the moment center to the farthermost axle.
d) For shear due to truck loads: the length of the loaded portion of span from the point under
consideration to the far reaction; except for cantilever arms, use a 20 percent impact
e) For continuous spans: the length of span under consideration for positive moment, and
the average of two adjacent loaded spans for negative moment.


3.11.1. Traffic Lane Units
In computing stresses, each 3.0 m lane load or single standard truck shall be considered as a unit, and
fractions of load lane widths or trucks shall not be used.
3.11.2. Number and Position of Traffic Lane Units
The number and position of the lane load or truck loads shall be as specified in Article 3.7 and, whether
lane or truck loads, shall be such as to produce maximum stress, subject to the reduction specified in
Article 3.12.
3.11.3. Lane Loads on Continuous Spans
For the determination of maximum negative of moment in the design continuous spans, the lane load
shown in Figure 3.7.5B shall be modified by the addition of a second, equal weight concentrated load
placed in one other span in the series in such position, to produce the maximum effect. For maximum
positive moment, only one concentrated load shall be used per lane, combined with as many spans loaded
uniformly as are required to produce maximum moment.


3.11.4. Loading for Maximum Stress On both simple and continuous spans, the type of loading, whether lane load or truck load, to
be used shall be the loading which produces the maximum stress. The moment and shear tables
given in Appendix A show which type of loading controls for simple spans. For continuous spans, the lane loading shall be continuous or discontinuous; only one standard
M or MS truck per lane shall be considered on the structure.
3.12.1. Where maximum stresses are produced in any member by loading a member of traffic lanes
simultaneously, the following percentages of the live loads shall be used in view of the improbability of
coincident maximum loading:

One or two lanes 100
Three lanes 90
Four lanes or more 75


3.22.1. The following Groups represent various combinations of loads and forces to which a structure maybe
subjected. Each component of the structure, or the foundation on which it rests, shall be proportioned to
withstand safely all group combinations of these forces that are applicable to particular site or type. Group
loading combinations for Service Load Design and Load Factor Design are given by:

  D D   L  L  I   C CF   E E   B B   S SF  
Group ( N )    
 W W  WLWL   L LF   R  R  S  T    EQ EQ 

N  group number
  load factor, see Table 3.22.1.A
  coefficient, see Table 3.22.1.A
D  dead load
L  live load
I  impact load
E  earth pressure
B  buoyancy
W  wind load on structure
WL  wind load on live load (1.46 kN/m)
LF  longitudinal force from live load
CF  centrifugal force
R  rib shortening
S  shrinkage
T  temperature
EQ  earthquake
SF  stream flow
3.22.2. For service live load design, the percentage of the basic unit stress for various groups is given in Table
The loads and forces in each group shall be taken as appropriate from Articles 3.3 to 3.21. The maximum
section required shall be used.


3.22.3. For load factor design, the gamma and beta factors given in Table 3.22.1.A are only intended for designing
structural members by the load factor concept. The actual loads should not be increased by the factors
given in the table when designing foundations (soil pressure, pile loads, etc.). The load factors are also
not intended to be used when checking the foundation stability (safety factors against overturning, sliding,
etc.) of a structure.

Table of Coefficients  and 

Col. No.  FACTORS
1 2 3 3A 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
 D (L+I)n (L+I)p CF E B SF W WL LF R+S+T EQ %
I 1.3 D 1.67* 0 1 E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
IA 1.3 D 2.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

IB 1.3 D 0 1 1 E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

II 1.3 D 0 0 0 E 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
III 1.3 D 1 0 1 E 1 1 0.3 1 1 0 0
IV 1.3 D 1 0 1 E 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
V 1.25 D 0 0 0 E 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
VI 1.25 D 1 0 1 E 1 1 0.3 1 1 1 0
VII 1.3 D 0 0 0 E 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
VIII 1.3 D 1 0 1 E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
IX 1.2 D 0 0 0 E 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
X 1.3 1 1.67 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Culverts

(L+I)n – Live load plus impact for M and MS loading

(L+I)p – Live load plus impact consistent with the overload criteria of the operation agency.
* 1.25 may be used for design of outside roadway beam when combination of sidewalk live load as well as traffic live load plus impact governs

the design, but the capacity of the section should not be less than the required for highway traffic live load only using a beta factor of 1.67, 1.00 may
be used for design of deck slab with combination of loads as described in Article

For Load Factor Design

E = 1.3 for lateral earth pressure for retaining walls and rigid frames excluding rigid culverts.
E = 0.5 for lateral earth pressure when checking positive moments in rigid frames. This complies with Article 3.20.
E = 1.0 for vertical earth pressure.
D = 0.75 when checking member for minimum axial load and
maximum moment or maximum eccentricity for …………….. For
D = 1.0 when checking member for maximum axial ……………… Column
Load and minimum moment ………………………………….. Design
D = 1.0 for flexural and tension members
F = 1.0 for Rigid Culverts
E = 1.5 for Flexible Culverts

For Group X loading (culverts) the E factor shall be applied to vertical and horizontal loads.

For culvert loading specifications, see Article 6.2.

E = 1.0 and 5.0 for lateral loads on rigid frames (check both loadings to see which one governs), See Article 3.20.

3.22.4. When long span structures are being designed by load factor design, the gamma and beta factors specified
for Load Factor Design represent general conditions and should be increased if, in the Engineer’s
judgment, expected loads, service conditions, or materials of construction are different from those
anticipated by the specifications.



3.23.1. Position of Loads for Shear In calculating end shears and end reactions in transverse floor beams and longitudinal beams
and stringers, no longitudinal distribution of the wheel load shall be assumed for the wheel or
axle load adjacent to the end at which the stress is being determined.
3.23.2. Bending Moments in Stringers and Longitudinal Beams General
In calculating bending moments in longitudinal beams or stringers, no longitudinal distribution
of the wheel loads shall be assumed. The lateral distribution shall be determined as follows: Interior Stringers and Beams
The live load bending moment for each interior stringer shall be determined by applying to the
stringer the fraction of a wheel load (both front and rear) determined in Table 3.23.1 Outside Roadway Stringers and Beams Steel-Timber-Concrete T – Beams The dead load supported by the outside roadway stringer or beam shall
be that portion of the floor slab carried by the stringer or beam. Curbs,
railings, and wearing surface, if placed after the slab has cured, may be
distributed equally to all roadway stringers or beams. The live load bending moment for outside roadway stringers or beams
shall be determined by applying to the stringer or to beam the reaction
of the wheel load obtained by assuming the flooring to act as a simple
span between stringers or beams. When the outside roadway beam or stringer supports the sidewalk live
load as well as traffic live load and impact and the structure is to be
designed by the service load method, the allowable stress in the beam or
stringer maybe increased by 25 percent for the combination of dead load,
sidewalk live load, traffic live load,, and impact, providing the beam is
of no less carrying capacity than would be required if there were no
sidewalks. When the combination of sidewalk live load and traffic live
load plus impact governs the design and the structure is to be designed
by the load factor method, 1.25 maybe used as the beta factor in place
of 1.67. In no case shall an exterior stringer have less carrying capacity than an
interior stringer. In the case of a span with concrete floor supported by 4 or more steel
stringers, the fraction of the wheel load shall not be less than ,
where S = 1.80 m or less and is the distance in meter between outside and adjacent
interior stringers, and
1.22  0.25S
where S is more than 1.80 m and less than 4.20 m. When S is 4.20 m or more use,
use footnote f, Table 3.23.1.

Table 3.23.1: Distribution of Wheel Loads in Longitudinal Beams

Kind of Floor Bridge Designed for One Bridge Designed for Two or
Traffic Lane More Traffic Lanes
Timbera S/1.22 S/1.14
Nail Laminated c
100 mm thick or multiple layerd floors over 125 S/1.37 S/1.22
mm thick


Nail laminatedc 150 mm or more thick S/1.50 S/1.30
If S exceeds 1.52 m use If S exceeds 2.0 m use footnote f
footnote f
Glued Laminatede
Panels on Glued Laminated Stringers
100 mm thick S/1.37 S/1.22
150 mm or more thick S/1.80 S/1.50
If S exceeds 1.80 m use If S exceeds 2.3 m use footnote f
footnote f
On Steel Stringers
100 mm thick S/1.37 S/1.22
150 mm thick S/1.60 S/1.37
If S exceeds 1.70 m use If S exceeds 2.10 m use footnote f
footnote f
On Steel I-Beam Stringersg and Prestressed S/2.13 S/1.68
Concrete Girders If S exceeds 3 m use footnote If S exceeds 4.30 m use footnote f
On Concrete T-Beams S/1.98 S/1.83
If S exceeds 1.80 m use If S exceeds 3.0 m use footnote f
footnote f
On Timber Stringers S/1.83 S/1.52
If S exceeds 1.80 m use If S exceeds 3.0 m use footnote f
footnote f
Concrete Box Girdersh S/2.44 S/2.13
If S exceeds 3.60 m use If S exceeds 4.90 m use footnote f
footnote f
On Steel Box Girders
See Article 10.39.2
On Prestressed Concrete
Spread Box Beams See Article 3.28
Steel Grid
Less than 100 mm thick S/1.37 S/1.22
100 mm or more S/1.83 S/1.52
If S exceeds 1.80 m use If S exceeds 3.20 m use footnote f
footnote f
Steel Bridge
Corrugated Planki 50 mm min. depth S/1.68 S/1.37
S = average stringer spacing in meters.
Timber dimensions shown are for nominal thickness.
Plank floors consists of pieces of lumber laid edge to edge with the faces bearing on the supports.
Nail laminated floors consist of pieces of lumber laid face to face with the narrow edges bearing on the supports, each piece being
nailed to the preceding piece.
Multiple layer floors consist of two layers of planks, each layer being laid at an angle to the other.
Glued laminated panel floors consist of vertically glued laminated members with the narrow edges of the laminations bearing on the
In this case the load on each stringer shall the reaction of the wheel loads, assuming the flooring between the stringers to act as a simple
“Design of I-Beam Bridges” by N.M. Newmark-Proceedings, ASCE, March 1948.
The sidewalk live load shall be omitted for interior and exterior box girders designed in accordance with the wheel load distribution
indicated herein.
Distribution factors for Steel Bridge Corrugated Plank set forth above are based substantially on the following reference:
Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 67 Nov. 2, 1977 “Wheel Load Distribution of Steel Bridge Plank,” by Conrad P.
Heins, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland.


These distribution factors were developed based on studies using 150 mm x 50mm steel corrugated plank. The factors should yield safe
results for other corrugation configurations provided primary bending stiffness is the same as or greater than the 150 mm x 50 mm
corrugated plank used in the studies.

3.23.3. Bending Moments in Floor Beams (Transverse) In calculating bending moments in floor beams, no transverse distribution of steel loads shall
be assumed. If longitudinal stringers are omitted and the floor is supported directly on floor beams, the beams
shall be designed for loads determined in accordance with table

Table Distribution of Wheel Loads in Transverse Beams

Kind of Floor Fraction of Wheel Load to Each Floor Beam
Plank S/1.22
Nail laminatedc or glued laminatede, S/1.37
100 mm in thickness, or multiple layerd
Floors more than 125 mm thick
Nail laminatedc or glued laminatede, S/1.525f
150 mm or more in thickness
Concrete S/1.83f
Steel grid (less than 100 mm thick) S/1.37
Steel grid (100 mm or more) S/1.83f
Steel bridge corrugated plank S/1.68
(50 mm minimum depth)
S = spacing of floor beams in meters.
For footnotes a through e, see table 3.23.1.
If S exceeds denominator, the load on the beam shall be the reaction of the wheel loads assuming the flooring between
beams to act as a simple beam.


3.24.1. Span Lengths (see Article 8.8) For simple spans the span length shall be the distance center to center of supports but need not
exceed clear span plus thickness of slab. The following effective span lengths shall be used in calculating the distribution of loads and
bending moments for slabs continuous over more than two supports:
a) Slabs monolithic with beams or slabs monolithic with walls without haunches and rigid top
flange width to minimum thickness ratio less than 4.0, “S” shall the distance between edges
of top flange plus one-half of stringer top flange width.
b) Slabs supported on timber stringers; S shall be the clear span plus one-half thickness of
3.24.2. Edge Distance of Wheel Loads In designing slabs, the centerline of the wheel load shall be 0.3 m from the face of the curb. If
curbs or sidewalk are not used, the wheel load shall be 0.3 m from the face of the rail.
3.24.3. Bending Moment
The bending moment per meter width of slab shall be calculated according to methods given under Cases
A and B, unless more exact methods are used considering tire contact area. The tire contact area needed
for exact methods is given in Article 3.30.

In cases A and B:
S  Effective span length, in meter as defined under “Span Lengths” Article 3.24.1 and
E  Width of slab in meter over which a wheel load is distributed;


P  Load on one rear wheel of truck ( P13.5 or P18 )
P13.5  54 kN for M 13.5 loading
P18  72 kN for M 18 loading Case A ---- Main Reinforcement Perpendicular to Traffic (Spans 0.61 m to 7.32 m inclusive)
The live load moment for simple spans shall be determined by the following formulas (impact
not included)

MS 18 Loading:

P18  moment in kN-m/m width of slab

MS 13.5 Loading:

P13.5  moment in kN-m/m width of slab

In slab continuous over three or more supports, a continuity factor of 0.8 shall be applied to the
above formulas for both positive and negative moments. Case B ---- Main Reinforcement Parallel to Traffic

For wheel loads, the distribution width E shall be 1.219  0.06S  but shall not exceed 2.10
m. Lane loads are distributed over a width of 2E. Longitudinally reinforced slabs shall be
designed for the appropriate MS loading.
For simple spans, the maximum live load moment per meter width of slab, without impact, is
closely approximated by the following formulas:

MS 18 Loading:
Spans up to including 15 m: LLM = 13.l4S kN-m/m
Spans 15 m to 30 m: LLM: 14.6 (1.35-6.1) kN-m/m

MS 13.5 Loading:
Use 3/4 of the values obtained from the formulas for MS 18 loading

3.24.8. Longitudinal Edge Beams Edge beams shall be provided for all slabs having main reinforcement parallel to traffic. The
beam may consist of a slab section additionally reinforced, a beam integral with and deeper
than the slab, or an integral reinforced section of slab and curb. The edge beam of a simple span shall be designed to resist a live load moment of 0.10PS ,

P  Wheel load in kN ( P13.5 or P18 )
S  Span length in meter For continuous spans, the moment may be reduced by 20 percent unless a greater reduction
results from a more exact analysis.
3.24.10. Distribution Reinforcement

PREPARED BY: M. ESGUERRA BRIDG ENGINEERING 24 The amount of distribution reinforcement shall be the percentage of the main reinforcement
steel required for positive moment as given by the following formulas:

For main reinforcement parallel to traffic.

percentage  maximum 50%

For main reinforcement perpendicular to traffic.

percentage  maximum 67%
Where S  the effective span length in meter For main reinforcement perpendicular to traffic the specified amount of distribution
reinforcement shall be used in the middle half of the slab span, and not less than 50 percent
of the specified amount shall be used in the outer quarters of the slab span
8.8.1. The span length of members that are not built integrally with their supports shall be considered the clear span
plus the depth of the member but need not exceed the distance between centers of supports. The effective span length of slabs shall be as specified in Article 3.24.1.
8.9.2. Superstructure Depth Limitations
The minimum depths stipulated in Table 8.9.2 are recommended unless computation of deflection indicates
that lesser depths may be used without adverse effects.

Table 8.9.2. Recommended Minimum Depths for Constant Depth Members

Superstructure Type Minimum Depth in Continuous
meters* Spans
Simple Spans
Bridge slabs with main 1.2(S+3)/30 (S+3)/30 ≥
reinforcement parallel to 0.165
T-Girders 0.070S 0.065S
Box Girders 0.060S 0.055S
Pedestrian Structure 0.033S 0.033S
When variable depth members are used, values may be adjusted to account for change in relative stiffness of positive
and negative moment sections.
S = span length as defined in Article 8.8 in meters.

8.15.2. Allowable Stresses Concrete
Stresses in concrete shall not exceed the following: Flexure
Extreme fiber stress in compression, f c = 0.40 f c'
Extreme liber stress in tension for plain concrete, ft = 0.21 f r
Modulus of rupture, f r from tests, or if data are not available:
Normal weight concrete = 0.70 fc'


“Sand-lightweight” concrete = 0.50 fc'
“All lightweight” concrete = 0.45 fc' Reinforcement
The tensile stress in the reinforcement, f s shall not exceed the
Grade 275 reinforcement……………….140 MPa
Grade 415 reinforcement………………168 MPa
In straight reinforcement, the range between the maximum tensile stress and the
minimum stress caused by live load plus impact shall not exceed, the value given
in Article Bends in primary reinforcement shall be avoided in regions of high
stress range.
8.15.5. Shear Shear in Beams and One-way Slabs and Footings
For members subject to shear and flexure only, the allowable shear stress carried by
the concrete, vc may be taken 0.80 fc' . A more detailed calculation of the allowable
shear stress can be made using:
 Vd 
vc  0.075 f c'  7.6  w    0.133 f c

M 
a. M is the design moment occurring simultaneously with V at the section being considered.
b. The quantity shall not be taken greater than 1.0.
M When shear reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of the member is used:

Av 
V  vc  bw s

8.16.8. Serviceability Requirements Fatigue Stress Limits
The range between a maximum tensile stress and minimum stress in straight
reinforcement caused by live load plus impact at service load shall not exceed:
f f  145  0.33 f min  55  
f f  stress range in MPa.
f min  algebraic minimum stress level, tension positive, compression negative in MPa;
 ratio of base radius to height of rolled-on transverse deformations; when the actual
value is not known, use 0.3.


8.17.1. Minimum Reinforcement At any section of a flexural member where tension reinforcement is required by analysis, the
reinforcement provided shall be adequate to develop a moment at least 1.2 times the cracking


moment calculated on the basis of the modulus of rupture for normal weight concrete specified
in Article 8.1

 M n  1.2M cr


8.20.1. Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses shall be provided near exposed surfaces of walls
and slabs not otherwise reinforced. The total area of reinforcement provided shall be at least 264 mm m
in each direction.

3.4. Strength Design Method (Load Factor Deign Method)

In spite of similarities in the application of strength design principles to buildings and bridges, different load factors
are used in the two cases because of differences in the variability of loads involved. For example, for reinforced concrete
buildings, the load factors for the dead and the live load are 1.2 and 1.6, respectively whereas those for a bridge are to be
taken as 1.3 for the dead load and 6.5/3 (1.3 x 5/3) for live load plus impact.
For Buildings:   i Qi  1.2 D  1.6 L
 5 
For Bridges:   iQi  1.3  D  3  L  I 


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