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Introduction to WordPress

Dr. Mufassra Naz

What is CMS?

• A content management system (CMS) allows

publishing, editing, and modifying content as well as
site maintenance from a central page.
• It provides a collection of procedures used to
manage work flow in a collaborative environment.
• These procedures can be manual or computer-based.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Features of CMS

• Allow for a large number of people to share and

contribute to stored data
• Control access to data based on user role (i.e., define
information users or user groups can view, edit,
publish, etc.);
• Facilitate storage and retrieval of data
• Control data validity and compliance
• Reduce duplicate inputs
• Simplify report writing

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Features of CMS

• CMS makes content organization and publishing

very simple.
• With CMS you can easily schedule when your
content will be published online, set permissions for
file in order to control access, and allow you edit
web-pages using text editor even if you don’t have
any knowledge of HTML.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Modular and extensible

• Plugins and addons are another great feature of

content management systems.
• These programs interact with the content
management software to create another level of
interactivity on a site.
• SEO Friendly URLs
• Modular and extensible
• Full template support, for unlimited looks without
changing a line of content

Dr. Mufassra Naz

Modular and extensible

• Easy wizard based install and upgrade procedures

• Admin panel with multiple language support
• Content hierarchy with unlimited depth and size
• Integrated audit log
• It defines as nearly anything documents, movies,
texts, pictures, phone numbers etc.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz


• A WYSIWYG editor or program is one that allows a

developer to see what the end result will look like
while the interface or document is being created.
• WYSIWYG is an acronym for "what you see is
what you get".
• A WYSIWYG editor can be contrasted with more
traditional editors that require the developer to enter
descriptive codes (or markup ) and do not permit an
immediate way to see the results of the markup.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz


• An HTML WYSIWYG editor conceals the markup

and allows the Web page developer to think entirely
in terms of how the content should appear.
• One of the trade-offs, however, is that an HTML
WYSIWYG editor sometimes inserts the markup
code it thinks is needed all on its own.
• Then, the developer has to know enough about the
markup language to go back into the source code
and clean it up.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz


• No expertise is needed in HTML or CSS to use the

Content Management Systems developed with
which you will be able to Add, Delete or Modify
contents on your website.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz


• WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool

and a content-management system based on PHP
and MySQL, which runs on a web hosting service.
• WordPress is one of the most popular open source
content management systems available, with global
and vibrant user, developer, and support
• Features include a plug-in architecture and a
template system. WordPress is used by more than
18.9% of the top 10 million websites.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz


• WordPress is the most popular blogging system in

use on the Web at more than 60 million websites.
• WordPress is a popular open source webpage
publishing tool that can also be used to for basic
website creation.
• It comes in two forms - a downloadable and hostable
version from WordPress.org, and a hosted version
from WordPress.com.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz


• WordPress is one of many PHP/MySQL content

management systems that allow content editors to
use a web interface to maintain their sites instead of
editing and uploading HTML files to a server.
• WordPress began as a blogging tool, but early on the
developers added pages as a separate content type.
• Win the Overall Best Open Source CMS Award
at the 2009 Open Source CMS Awards.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

History of WordPress

• b2/cafelog, more commonly known as

simply b2 or cafelog, was the precursor to
• WordPress first appeared in 2003 as a joint effort
between Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little to create
a fork of b2.
• By October 2009, the 2009 Open Source content
management system Market Share Report reached
the conclusion that WordPress enjoyed the greatest
brand strength of any open-source content-
management systems.
21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz
Features of the WordPress

• Simplicity & Flexibility:

• With WordPress, any type of website can be created
like a personal blog or website, a photoblog, a
business website, a professional portfolio, a
government website, a magazine or news website,
an online community, even a network of websites.
• Website can be made with beautiful with themes,
and can be extended with plugins.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Publish with Ease:

• After developing the website/web application, the

next step is to publish it.
• Publishing Tools of the WordPress makes it easy to
• If offers the facility to create Posts and Pages,
format them easily, insert media, Create drafts,
schedule publication, and look at your post
revisions, Make content public or private, and secure
posts and pages with a password.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

User Management

• There can be different users of the website and not

everyone requires the same access to website.
• For example, Administrators manage the site, editors
work with content, authors and contributors write
that content, and subscribers have a profile that they
can manage.
• WordPress offers a user management module to
manage the users and their access privileges.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Media Management

• WordPress offers a quick and easy way to mange the

media in website.
• Media can be drag and drop into the uploader to add
it to website.
• It makes easy to add alt text, captions, and titles, and
insert images and galleries into website content.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Full Standards Compliance

• Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full

compliance with the standards set by the W3C.
• This means that the website will work in today's
browser, while maintaining forward compatibility
with the next generation of browser.
• Your website is a beautiful thing, now and in the

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Easy Theme System:

• WordPress comes with a theme directory with

thousands of themes are available to create a
beautiful website.
• It is also possible to upload own created theme with
the click of a button

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Extend with Plugins:

• WordPress comes with a plugin directory with

thousands of plugins.
• For example, it is possible to add complex galleries,
social networking, forums, social media widgets,
spam protection, calendars, fine-tune controls for
search engine optimization, and forms.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Built-in Comments:

• Blogging website generally requires a facility to post

a comment from friends and followers to engage
with your content.
• WordPress's comment tools provides a facility to be
a forum for discussion and to moderate that

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Search Engine Optimized:

• WordPress offers fine-grained SEO control and SEO

plugins to provide SEO for website.
• Multilingual:WordPress is available in more than 70
• So, if required, a website can be developed in
language other than English.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Easy Installation and Upgrades:

• WordPress has always been easy to install and

• It can be done via FTP or other WordPress installers

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

Open Source:

• WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was

created to protect freedoms.
• One can free to use WordPress by: install it, use it,
modify it, and distribute it.
• Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress
is built on.

21.04.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz

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