402 Uploading CMS-Content Management System (WordPress) On The Server

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Introducing WordPress

Uploading CMS-Content
Management System
(WordPress) on the server
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
What is CMS?
• A content management system (CMS) allows publishing,
editing, and modifying content as well as site maintenance
from a central page.
• It provides a collection of procedures used to manage
work flow in a collaborative environment.
• These procedures can be manual or computer-based.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Features of CMS
• Allow for a large number of people to share and contribute to
stored data
• Control access to data based on user role (i.e., define information
users or user groups can view, edit, publish, etc.);
• Facilitate storage and retrieval of data
• Control data validity and compliance
• Reduce duplicate inputs
• Simplify report writing
• CMS makes content organization and publishing very simple. With
CMS you can easily schedule when your content will be published
online, set permissions for file in order to control access, and allow
you edit web-pages using text editor even if you don’t have any
knowledge of HTML.

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Features of CMS
• Plugins and addons are another great feature of content
management systems. These programs interact with the
content management software to create another level of
interactivity on a site.
• SEO Friendly URLs
• Modular and extensible
• Full template support, for unlimited looks without changing a
line of content
• Easy wizard based install and upgrade procedures
• Admin panel with multiple language support
• Content hierarchy with unlimited depth and size
• Integrated audit log
• It defines as nearly anything documents, movies, texts, pictures,
phone numbers etc.

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• A WYSIWYG editor or program is one that allows a developer to see what
the end result will look like while the interface or document is being
• WYSIWYG is an acronym for "what you see is what you get".
• A WYSIWYG editor can be contrasted with more traditional editors that
require the developer to enter descriptive codes (or markup ) and do not
permit an immediate way to see the results of the markup.
• An HTML WYSIWYG editor conceals the markup and allows the Web page
developer to think entirely in terms of how the content should appear.
• One of the trade-offs, however, is that an HTML WYSIWYG editor
sometimes inserts the markup code it thinks is needed all on its own.
• Then, the developer has to know enough about the markup language to
go back into the source code and clean it up.
• No expertise is needed in HTML or CSS to use the Content Management
Systems developed with which you will be able to Add, Delete or Modify
contents on your website.
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
• WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a
content-management system based on PHP and MySQL, which
runs on a web hosting service.
• WordPress is one of the most popular open source content
management systems available, with global and vibrant user,
developer, and support communities
• Features include a plug-in architecture and a template system.
WordPress is used by more than 18.9% of the top 10 million
• WordPress is the most popular blogging system in use on
the Web at more than 60 million websites.
• WordPress is a popular open source webpage publishing tool
that can also be used to for basic website creation.
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
• It comes in two forms - a downloadable and hostable
version from WordPress.org, and a hosted version from
• WordPress is one of many PHP/MySQL content
management systems that allow content editors to use a
web interface to maintain their sites instead of editing and
uploading HTML files to a server.
• WordPress began as a blogging tool, but early on the
developers added pages as a separate content type.
• Win the Overall Best Open Source CMS Award at the 2009
Open Source CMS Awards.

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Features of WordPress
• Simplicity & Flexibility:
—With WordPress, any type of website can be created like a personal
blog or website, a photoblog, a business website, a professional
portfolio, a government website, a magazine or news website, an
online community, even a network of websites.
—Website can be made with beautiful with themes, and can be
extended with plugins.
• Community:
—As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has
a vibrant and supportive community.
—Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a
volunteer, attend a WordCamp or Meetup to learn more about
WordPress, read blogs posts and tutorials about WordPress.
—Community is at the heart of WordPress, making it what it is today.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Features of WordPress
• Publish with Ease:
—After developing the website/web application, the next step is to
publish it. Publishing Tools of the WordPress makes it easy to
—If offers the facility to create Posts and Pages, format them easily,
insert media, Create drafts, schedule publication, and look at your
post revisions, Make content public or private, and secure posts
and pages with a password.
• User Management
—There can be different users of the website and not everyone
requires the same access to website.
—For example, Administrators manage the site, editors work with
content, authors and contributors write that content, and
subscribers have a profile that they can manage.
—WordPress offers a user management module to manage the users
and their access privileges.
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
Features of WordPress
• Media Management
—WordPress offers a quick and easy way to mange the media
in website.
—Media can be drag and drop into the uploader to add it to
—It makes easy to add alt text, captions, and titles, and insert
images and galleries into website content.
• Full Standards Compliance
—Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full
compliance with the standards set by the W3C.
—This means that the website will work in today's browser,
while maintaining forward compatibility with the next
generation of browser. Your website is a beautiful thing, now
and in the future.
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
Features of WordPress
• Easy Theme System:
—WordPress comes with a theme directory with thousands of
themes are available to create a beautiful website.
—It is also possible to upload own created theme with the click
of a button
• Extend with Plugins:
—WordPress comes with a plugin directory with thousands of
—For example, it is possible to add complex galleries, social
networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection,
calendars, fine-tune controls for search engine optimization,
and forms.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Features of WordPress
• Built-in Comments:
—Blogging website generally requires a facility to post a
comment from friends and followers to engage with your
—WordPress's comment tools provides a facility to be a forum
for discussion and to moderate that discussion.
• Search Engine Optimized:
—WordPress offers fine-grained SEO control and SEO plugins to
provide SEO for website.
• Multilingual:
—WordPress is available in more than 70 languages. So, if
required, a website can be developed in language other than
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
Features of WordPress
• Easy Installation and Upgrades:
—WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade.
—It can be done via FTP or other WordPress installers
• Open Source:
—WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was created to
protect freedoms.
—One can free to use WordPress by: install it, use it, modify it,
and distribute it.
—Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress is built

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Advantages of
• Easy to use:
—WordPress does not require PHP nor HTML knowledge unlike
Drupal, Joomla or Typo3.
—A preinstalled plugin and template function allows them to
be installed very easily.
—All you need to do is to choose a plugin or a template and
click on it to install. It's good choice for beginners.
• Community:
—To have a useful support, there must be a large community
of users, who will be a part of e.g. a discussion board.
• Easy to Set Up
—WordPress is famous for its five minutes installation
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
Advantages of
• Easy to Extend
—WordPress offers a robust template system as well as an
extensive API.
—Anyone with experience in PHP can change a site’s
appearance or even modify WordPress’s behavior
—Advanced users can even extend the basic types of content in
• Plugins:
—The script has over dozen thousand of plugins available on its
—They are the reason WordPress is considered a CMS, not only
a blogging script.
—Strong majority of the plugins is available for free.
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
Advantages of
• Templates:
—Thousands of graphics templates are available that can used
to change website's look.
—Both, free and paid templates are available.
• Menu management:
—WordPress menu management has extended functionalities,
that can be modified to include categories, pages, etc.
• Non-standard fields:
—Fields can be easily added to forms by self or using plugins.
—It will allow a blog or subpages to have additional labels,
categories or descriptions.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Disadvantages of
• Modification requires knowledge of PHP
—Operations like removing a date field requires some understanding of
PHP language.
—It is the case for most of such modifications. Graphics modification
requires knowledge of CSS and HTML.
—Although there are plenty templates available on the homepage, most
of them are very alike.
—To create a unique look, one need to know CSS and HTML.
• PHP security
—The script is not protected as well as other applications. It all depends
on how sensitive is the additional content of your page.
• Tables and graphics formatting
—Modifying tables or graphics format can be more complicated than in
other applications like Joomla.
• SQL queries
—Queries can be complex since all additional non-standard fields that
make WordPress a CMS, require additional syntax.
MBA-740 Web Design and Development
Disadvantages of
• Plugins and efficiency:
—To compete with Joomla! or Drupal, WordPress needs plenty of
plugins to be installed.
—Unfortunately these plugins influence the script's efficiency and
not in a good way.
—Another problem arises when a need is raised to choose a plugin
for a specific functionality.
—Among all the thousands of plugins, most of them have their
—It means, that any given functionality can be added by several
different plugins created by different authors.
—Sometimes choosing the right one may take quite some time.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Sites built with
• Following are just a few examples of sites that can build
through WordPress
—Personal Blogs
—Blog Networks
—Social Networks
—Colleges and Universities
—Small Businesses

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Working with
• In WordPress a Dashboard is the main administration
screen for a site (a weblog), or for a network of sites.
• It summarizes information about the site or network, and
also external information, in one or more widgets that the
Dashboard user can enable, disable, and move around.
• To access the WordPress dashboard, it is needed to
first log in to WordPress site.
• The WordPress Dashboard allows to control all of the
behind-the-scene details of managing the site.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Working with
• The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the
WordPress administration screens, with submenu items
displayed on hover.
• One can minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by
clicking on the Collapse Menu arrow at the bottom.
• Links in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your
dashboard and the front end of the site, and provide
access to the profile and helpful WordPress information.

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Working with

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Working with
• The Dashboard Screen presents information in blocks
called modules.
• By default, WordPress delivers five modules on this page:
—At a Glance,
—Quick Draft,
—WordPress News, and

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Default Dashboard
• At a Glance
—The At a Glance module provides a summary of the number
of Posts, Pages, and Comments on site.
—Each of these content types are displayed in the form of a
link and, when clicked upon, direct to the specific area to
manage that content.
—A statement at the bottom of this module tells about what
WordPress Version running on and the current theme
activated on site.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Default Dashboard
• Activity
—Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published
posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and
allows you to moderate them.
—A list of the most Recent Comments on your blog is detailed
in this module.
—Each comments that is listed has a link to the related post
title and clicking that link allows to edit the post.
—Hovering the mouse over each comment activates a menu of
choices to Approve (or Unappove)the comment, Edit the
comment, Reply to the comment author, Spam--mark the
commas spam, or Delete the comment.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

Default Dashboard
• QuickDraft
—The QuickDraft module allows to quickly and easily write a
new draft.
—Enter a post title, upload/insert media, enter the post
content, add tags, and click the Publish button or click the
Save Draft button

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Default Dashboard
• WordPress News
—This Dashboard module lists "the latest news from the
official WordPress blog".
—It shows what the WordPress developers have been up to
recently and keep up with the latest WordPress related news.
—In addition to software developments, such as version
announcements and security notices, news about the
WordPress community in general is periodically posted.
• Welcome
—The Welcome module shows links for some of the most
common tasks when setting up a new site.

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The admin tool bar:

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Front end tool bar
• Very similar to admin tool bar, most items are the same.

• Only shows if you are logged in.

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Screen Options
• The Screen Options allow to choose which modules are
displayed or not displayed.
• Click the Screen Options tab again to close the Screen

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Screen Options

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Help tab
Beside the screen options tab there is a “help” tab on every page –
again it is context sensitive.

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

The help tab
The drop down help tab has:
• On the left side:
• General WordPress help.
• May have added help from plugins and/or themes.
• On the right side:
• links to the official WordPress documentation and
support areas

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

• D. Barker (2016), “Web Content Management” (1st Edition),
Boston, United States, O’ Reilly Media, CHAPTER 1.
• L. Sabin-Wilson (2017), “WordPress For Dummies” (8th
Edition), New Jersey, United States, John Willey & Sons,
• L. Sabin-Wilson (2017), “WordPress For Dummies” (8th
Edition), New Jersey, United States, John Willey & Sons,

MBA-740 Web Design and Development

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