Day 1 Introduction To WordPress

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Web Content Management

By the end of this 10-day workshop, participants will be able to:
• Understand the core concepts and principles of WordPress.
• Set up a WordPress website from scratch, including domain
registration and hosting.
• Navigate the WordPress Dashboard with confidence.
• Create and publish posts and pages with different content
• Customize website appearance using themes and templates.
• Enhance website functionality by installing and configuring
• Optimize websites for search engines (SEO) to improve visibility.
• Implement essential security measures to protect their
WordPress websites.
• Utilize best practices for content management and
Expected Output:
Upon successful completion of the Web Content Management
Using WordPress Training, participants should be able to:
• Create a functional WordPress website from scratch.
• Understand the key features and components of the
WordPress Dashboard.
• Publish and manage various types of content, such as posts
and pages.
• Customize website appearance using themes and templates.
• Extend website functionality through the installation and
configuration of plugins.
• Implement basic SEO practices to improve website visibility.
• Secure their WordPress websites against common threats
and vulnerabilities.
• Organize and manage content effectively.
• Building Website Through the Government Website
Training Outline:
Day 1: Introduction to WordPress
• Understanding WordPress: Overview and history
• Key terminology and concepts
• Domain registration and hosting setup

Day 2: Getting Started with the WordPress Dashboard

• Navigating the Dashboard
• User roles and permissions
• Managing settings and general configuration
Day 3: Creating Content
• Creating posts and pages
• Formatting content
• Adding media files (images, videos, etc.)

Day 4: Content Management

• Organizing content with categories and tags
• Creating and managing user accounts
• Comment moderation and interaction
Day 5: Website Customization with Themes
• Choosing and installing themes
• Customizing the website's appearance
• Creating custom menus and navigation

Day 6: Enhancing Functionality with Plugins

• Introduction to plugins
• Installing and configuring essential plugins
• Adding social media integration
Day 7: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• SEO basics and best practices
• Installing and configuring SEO plugins
• Optimizing content for search engines SECURITY
Day 8: WordPress Security
• Common security threats and vulnerabilities
• Implementing security measures
• Regular backups and updates
Day 9: Troubleshooting and Maintenance
• Introduction to Troubleshooting and Maintenance
• Common WordPress Issues
• Advanced Security Strategies
Day 10: WordPress Responsive Web Design
• Introduction to Responsive Web Design
• Implementing Responsive Design in WordPress Themes
• Responsive Navigation Menus
• Responsive Images and Media
Introduction to

What is WordPress?
• WordPress is a free and open-source Content Management
System (CMS) that powers a significant portion of websites
on the internet. It provides a user-friendly interface for
creating and managing websites.
• WordPress uses four languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
• Blog
• Business Websites
• E-Commerce
A Brief History of WordPress
• WordPress was created in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike
• It has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a versatile
• Frequent updates and contributions from a large community of
developers have made it what it is today.
• WordPress version 1.0 was released in 2004.
• The WordPress current version is 6.3. It was released on August
8, 2023. vs.
• is a hosted platform where users can create
and manage websites for free or through paid plans. It's a
user-friendly option for beginners, but it has limitations in
terms of customization.
• provides the self-hosted version of
WordPress. Users install it on their own web hosting servers,
offering complete control and flexibility over their websites.
However, it requires more technical expertise.
Why Choose WordPress for Website Creation?
• User-Friendly: WordPress is known for its ease of use. Even non-
technical users can create and manage websites effectively.
• Customization: It offers a wide range of themes and plugins for
• Community Support: A massive community of users, developers,
and resources make it easy to find solutions and support.
Key Features and Benefits of WordPress
• Content Management: Easy creation and management of
• Themes and Templates: Customize website appearance
• Plugins: Extend functionality with a vast array of plugins.
• SEO-Friendly: Built-in features and plugins for search engine
Key WordPress Terminology
Posts vs. Pages
In WordPress, "Posts" and "Pages" are two primary content
types. Posts are typically used for dynamic content, such as
blog posts, news articles, or updates. Pages are generally used
for static content like the homepage, about page, or contact
Themes and Templates
Themes control the overall design and layout of a WordPress
website. Templates are page-specific designs within a theme.
They determine how individual pages are displayed.
Plugins are add-ons that enhance the functionality of a
WordPress website. They can add features like contact
forms, social media integration, e-commerce, and more.

• Contact Form 7: A plugin to create and manage contact
• WooCommerce: A plugin for e-commerce functionality.
Widgets are small, modular elements that can be added to
sidebars, footers, or other widget-ready areas of a website. They
provide additional content or functionality.

• Recent Posts Widget: Displays a list of recent blog posts.
• Social Media Icons Widget: Shows social media links.
Menus are navigation systems that help users move around a
website. Users can create custom menus and organize them
using various menu items.

• Main Menu: A menu in the header with links to important
• Footer Menu: A menu in the footer for additional links.
Categories and Tags
Categories and tags are used to organize and classify content.
Categories are more structured and hierarchical, while tags are
more flexible and non-hierarchical.

• Categories: "Technology," "Travel," "Food."
• Tags: "Productivity," "Beach," "Italian Cuisine."
Comments are user-generated responses to content, primarily
used for engaging with the audience. They can be moderated by
website owners.

• Blog post comments where readers share their thoughts.
• Product reviews with user comments and ratings.
User Roles and Permissions
User roles define the capabilities and permissions of individuals
who have access to the WordPress site. WordPress has six pre-
defined roles: Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author,
Contributor and Subscriber. Each role is allowed to perform a set
of tasks called Capabilities.
Summary of Roles
• Super Admin – somebody with access to the site network
administration features and all other features.
• Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration
features within a single site.
• Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the
posts of other users.
• Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
• Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own
posts but cannot publish them.
• Subscriber – somebody who can only manage their profile.
Upon installing WordPress, an Administrator account is automatically
Domain Registration and Hosting
1. Domain Registration
A domain is the web address that users type into their
browsers to access a website. Domain registration involves
selecting and registering a unique domain name.

• Domain Name: "" is a domain name.
• Registrar: Popular domain registrars include GoDaddy,
Namecheap, and Google Domains.
2. Choosing a Domain Name
• A domain name should be relevant to the website's content
or purpose.
• It should be easy to spell and remember.
• Avoid copyright or trademark infringement.
• A bakery website might choose ""
• A personal blog could use the author's name, like
3. Selecting a Hosting Provider
Web hosting is a service that makes websites accessible on the
internet. Participants must select a hosting provider to store
their website files and data.

• Popular hosting providers include Bluehost, SiteGround, and
4. Setting Up Hosting and Installing WordPress
• Participants create an account with their chosen hosting
• They configure their domain name with the hosting
• They install WordPress through the hosting provider's
control panel (often using one-click installers).
• Creating a hosting account with Bluehost and installing
WordPress via their control panel.
Performance Objective:
By the end of this task, students will be able to:
• Register for a free domain and hosting service.
• Install WordPress on the provided hosting platform.
• Configure basic WordPress settings.
• Verify the installation by accessing the WordPress site online.
The detailed steps and procedures are outlined in the task sheet
available in our LMS. Please follow these instructions carefully.
• Participants will share their newly installed WordPress
• They will discuss any challenges faced and how they
overcame them.
Thank you!

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