English Chapter 1

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Lesson 1:


Target Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Differentiate language used in academic texts from various disciplines
2. Use knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs.
3. Use various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
4. State the thesis statement of an academic text


I. Academic Text
 Is defined as critical, objective, specialized texts written by experts or professionals in each field using formal
language. This means that academic texts are based on facts with a solid basis.
 Academic writing, therefore, is generally quite formal, objective (impersonal), and technical. It is formal by
avoiding casual or conversational language, such as contractions or informal vocabulary.
 It is impersonal and objective by avoiding direct reference to people or feelings and instead emphasizing objects,
facts, and ideas.
 It is technical by using vocabulary specific to the discipline. To be an excellent academic writer, you need to learn
your discipline's specific styles and structures and each writing task. Some examples of academic writing are as
 Literary Analysis: A literary analysis essay examines, evaluates, and makes an argument about a
literary work. As its name suggests, a literary analysis essay goes beyond mere summarization. It
requires careful close reading of multiple texts and often focuses on a specific characteristic, theme, or
 Research Paper: A research paper uses outside information to support a thesis or make an argument.
Research papers are written in all disciplines and may be evaluative, analytical, or critical. Familiar
research sources include primary sources (e.g., historical records) and secondary sources (e.g., peer-
reviewed scholarly articles). Writing a research paper involves synthesizing this external information
with your ideas.
 Dissertation: A dissertation (or thesis) is a document submitted after a Ph.D. program. The dissertation
is a book-length summarization of the doctoral candidate's research. Academic papers may be done as a
part of a class, in a program of study, or for publication in an academic journal or scholarly book of
articles around a theme, by different authors.
 Structure: The structure is an essential feature of academic writing. A well-structured text enables the
reader to follow the argument and navigate the text. In academic writing, a clear structure and a logical
flow are imperative to a cohesive text. These are the two common structures of academic texts that you
need to learn, which depend on the type of assignment you are required: the three-part essay
structure and the IMRaD structure.

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