Gujarat Technological University

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3170514 Date:27/12/2021
Subject Name:Mechanical Design of Process equipments
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) State different types of gasket used in chemical industries. 03

(b) Discuss the following: (i) internal design pressure (ii) external 04
design pressure (iii) design temperature (iv) Allowable stress
(c) Explain the function of the following parts for the shell and tube heat 07
exchanger. (i) Baffles (ii) Tie rods (iii) Spacers (iv) Expansion joint (v) Tube
side pass partition (vi) Tube sheet (vii) Support.
Q.2 (a) Give full form of TEMA, ASME and HTRI. 03
(b) Define weld joint efficiency factor. Explain radiography test. 04
(c) Discuss the different types of standard flanges with a neat sketch. 07
(c) Define the terms: Stress, Strain, Ductility, Rigidity, Elasticity, Creep, Resilience 07

Q.3 (a) Discuss about mechanical design of Hemispherical head. 03

(b) Describe various types of jackets and their selection criteria. 04
(c) Write a short note on Tray supports used for distillation column. 07
Q.3 (a) Explain Normal and Emergency venting for storage vessel. 03
(b) Discuss about design of Elliptical head. 04
(c) Discuss about different types of agitators and their selection criteria. 07

Q.4 (a) Discuss analytical method for thickness calculation of shell subject to external 03
(b) Derive the equation for longitudinal and circumferential stresses generated due 04
to operating pressure in cylindrical vessel.
(c) Discuss rafter selection, girder selection and column selection steps used for 07
design of column supported conical roof.
Q.4 (a) Write a short note on safety valves. 03
(b) Discuss significance of stiffening ring in pressure vessel design. 04
(c) Fixed conical roof storage tank is fabricated from structural steel plate (IS – 07
2062). Based on the given following data find out the thickness of conical roof
plate & size of roof curb angle. Storage tank can be classified as ‘Class A
Given Data:-
Tank diameter = 7m
Tank height = 5m

Slope of conical roof = 1 in 6 ( or 1/6)
Superimposed live load on roof = 125 kgf / m2
Modulus of elasticity of Plate material = 2x106 kgf /cm2
Density of Plate material = 7800 kg / m3
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Thickness of topmost shell course = 10 mm
CA =1.5
Q.5 (a) Discuss floating roof storage tank. 03
(b) Discuss the term: Poisson’s Ratio and Moment of Inertia. 04
(c) A cylindrical vessel 14 ft.ID and 0.3125 inch has ring stiffeners located at 40 in 07
spacing and it is subjected to an external pressure of 15 psi at a temperature of
700 ᵒF. The MOC is carbon steel with yield stress of 30,000-38,000 psi.
Modulus elasticity of carbon steel is 170 × 103 N/mm2.
i) Is ts = 0.3125 inch adequate for a design with factor of safety of 4?
ii) What is the allowable external pressure for a factor of safety of 3?
iii) What is the thickness for same ID vessel based on a factor of safety 3?
iv) Determine the stiffener ring requirements for the vessel in (C).
Q.5 Design a skirt support for distillation column based on following data. 14
Diameter of column = 2500 mm
Height of distillation column = 40 m
Maximum weight of vessel, its attachments and contents = 300,000 kg
Type of skirt support = straight cylindrical
Diameter of skirt = 2500 mm
Height of skirt = 5 m
Wind pressure at the top of column = 128.5 kgf/m2
Material used for skirt support = IS 800, Structural steel
Allowable tensile stress of material = 1400 kgf/cm2
Allowable compressive stress of material = 666 kgf/ cm2
Allowable bending stress of material = 1575 kgf/ cm2
Allowable compressive stress of concrete = 35 kgf/ cm2
Seismic coefficient = 0.08
Minimum weight of empty vessel = 250,000 kg
Allowable tensile stress of bolt material = 1020.7 kgf/ cm2
Bolt material = SA 193 Gr B 8 t
Weight of skirt = 10700 kg


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