Bloch Electrons in Magnetic Field

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Bloch Electrons in Magnetic Field

- Semiclassical motion in magnetic field

- De-Hass van-Alphen effect and measurement of Fermi surfaces

Textbook: Ashcroft and Mermin- Chapters 12 &14

Additional reading: Kittel, Ibach and Luth

Formal Semi-Classical Description

For electrons (that remain) in the nth band, under semi-

classical conditions, the time dependence of r and k can be
obtained from

dr/dt = vn(k) = (1/ħ) ∂En/∂k (A)

ħ(dk/dt) = - e [E (r,t) + vn(k) x B (r,t)] (B)

where, En(k) are given functions and wave vector k is defined

only within the FBZ!

- Notice that (A) and (B) lead to the time dependence of k and r in the
presence external influences E and B
Semiclassical motion in uniform magnetic field
In the presence of a uniform magnetic field (B), the semi-classical equations are

dr/dt = v(k) = (1/ħ) ∂E/∂k ……… (1) ħdk/dt = - e(v x B) ………… (2)

→ the energy E(k) and the component of k along B (say, kz) are constants of motion!
and these conservation laws determine
the orbit of Bloch electrons in k-space

The electrons move in k-space along curves

given by the intersection of constant energy
surfaces with the plane perpendicular to the
magnetic field

The sense in which the electron moves in the

orbit can be obtained from the fact that ÑkE
is directed from lower to higher energies and
and E increases with k outwards in the picture
Open Orbits Ag - BCC

Simple cubic

Fig. 12.8
Real Space Orbit
From (2): ħdk/dt = - e(v x B)
Taking vector product with a unit vector b along B

b x ħdk/dt = - e [b x (dr/dt x B)]

= - e [ (b.B) dr/dt – (b.dr/dt) B]
= - eB [dr/dt – (b.dr/dt)b]
= - eB [dr/dt – (dr/dt)parallel ]
= - eB(dr/dt)perp

Integrating, rperp (t) - rperp(0) = (-ħ/eB) b x [k(t) – k(0)]

Or, Δrperp = (-ħ/eB) b x Δk (3)

Since the cross product of a unit vector with a perpendicular vector is simply the
second vector rotated by π/2 about the unit vector, so the projection of real space
orbit (Δrperp) in the plane perpendicular to B is simply the k-space orbit (Δk) rotated
by π/2 about B, and scaled by a factor (-ħ/eB)

The component of real space orbit parallel to B (say, z axis) is not so simply
described, since, z(t) = z(0) + ∫ vz dt (where, vz = (1/ħ) ∂E/∂kz ) need not be constant
(even though kz is), so the motion of electron along the field may not be uniform
Time period of the Bloch electron
For an orbit of energy E in a plane ┴r to B, the time ∆t, required to traverse from
k1 to k2 is k2
∆t = ∫k
dk/|dk/dt| = (ħ/eB) ∫k dk/|(dr/dt) perp| [from 3]

= (ħ2/eB) ∫k dk/ |(∂E/∂k) perp| (4) [from 1]


(∂E/∂k)perp is the component of gradient in the plane of the orbit (or vperp)
and causes k to change,
since, vparallel (being along B)
does not contribute to dk/dt
Interpretation of |(∂E/dk)perp|
Let ∆(k) be a vector in the plane
of the orbit and perpendicular
to it at k, which joins vector k
to a neighbouring orbit in the
same plane, but at a
different energy, E+∆E

For small ∆E:

∆E = (∂E/∂k).∆(k)
= (∂E/∂k)perp . ∆(k)
= |(∂E/∂k)perp| |∆(k)|

since, ∂E/∂k is perpendicular to the constant energy surfaces and hence,

perpendicular to the orbit (or dk), so the vector (∂E/∂k)perp is also perpendicular to dk,
hence parallel to ∆(k)
So, |(∂E/∂k)perp| = ∆E / |∆(k)| (5)
Time period (cont’d)
Substituting (5) in (4)
∆t = (ħ2/eB ∆E) ∫ |∆(k)| dk - the integral represents the area, ∆A1,2 (in the perp
k1 plane) between two neighbouring orbits from k1 to k2
In the limit, as ∆E → 0,

δt = (ħ2/eB) ∂A1,2 /∂E

For a closed orbit, if the time period is T, then,

T(E,kz) = (ħ2/eB) ∂A(E,kz)/∂E (6)

- where, ∂A/∂E is the rate at which the orbits sweep the area in a given plane, as
the energy is increased!
Thus, the time period of Bloch electrons is determined by ∂A/∂E

Since the cyclotron frequency is expressed as , ωc = eB/mc* = 2π/T

where mc* is the cyclotron effective mass given by

mc* = (ħ2/2π) ∂A(E,kz)/∂E (7)
The de-Hass van-Alphen Effect

1930: Magnetization of bismuth

measured at 14.2 K as a function of
magnetic field oscillations in M/H or
magnetic succeptibility

Original dHvA data of Bismuth

Similar oscillations were seen in many other physical quantities of other metals, e.g.,
thermal conductivity, thermoelectric voltage, sound attenuation, measured in the
presence of a magnetic field
- Similar effects were seen in many other metals, like, silver, rhenium, etc.
Peltier effect in zinc
Typical dHvA

Attenuation of sound -
- Magnetoaccoustic effect

Thermoelectric voltage and

thermal conductivity of Bismuth
dHvA oscillations in



de-Hass van-Alphen Effect explained

1952 : Onsager pointed out that the

oscillations were periodic in 1/B or 1/H
and the period was related to the
extremal cross sectional areas of Fermi
surface in the plane normal to the
magnetic field

Its explanation is based on Landau’s

theory for free electrons in a magnetic

de-Hass van-Alphen effect represents.

a definite failure of the semi-classical
Notice the extremal sections
on the constant energy surface
Bloch electrons in magnetic field
- the failure of semi-classical description
- The failure arises whenever the semi-classical model predicts closed orbits for
electronic motion, projected on a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field, as under
this condition, the energies of motion perpendicular to B are quantized, as in the
case of free electrons

- We have seen that Bloch electrons under the influence of a magnetic field move on
continuous paths perpendicular to B – This is not inconsistent with the discrete set of
k-vectors in reciprocal space, but recall that the discrete allowed values of k and the
use of kx, ky and kz arise essentially from three dimensional translational invariance

- In a magnetic field, Schrodinger equation is no longer translationally invariant in the

direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and kx and ky are no longer good
quantum numbers and in a way, the band model collapses!

- To find the quantized energy levels, in principle, the SE must be solved for an
electron in a periodic potential in the presence of a magnetic field, which is a difficult
task, that has been accomplished for free electrons in a magnetic field
Free electrons in uniform magnetic field
- Landau’s theory
The orbital energy levels of an electron in a cubical box of sides L along x, y and z, in
the presence of a magnetic field B along z are given by 2 quantum numbers, kz and ν:

Eν (kz) = ħ2kz2/2m + (ν + ½) ħωc - where ωc = eB/m is the cyclotron frequency

ν runs through all positive integers and kz = 2πnz/L (as in the absence of B)

- Each level is highly degenerate and the number of levels with energy for a given ν
and kz is 2eBL2/h, which for a field of 1 kG and L = 1cm is ~ 1010
- The high degeneracy reflects the fact that a classical electron, with a given energy
spirals about a line parallel to z-axis and can have arbitrary x- and y- coordinates

- In the absence of a force in B direction, the motion along z is unaffected by the
field and continues to be governed by ħ2kz2/2m
- But the energy of motion perpendicular to the field is quantized in steps of ħωc ,
where, ωc is the frequency of classical motion – Orbit Quantization!
The set of all levels with a given ν (and arbitrary kz) is referred to collectively as the
νth Landau level

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