TOPIC 3 - Reading Techniques
TOPIC 3 - Reading Techniques
TOPIC 3 - Reading Techniques
Meaning and Importance of Reading
What is reading?
• Reading is not a straight forward process of lifting
the words off the page. It is a complex process of
problem solving in which the reader works to
make sense of a text not just from the words and
sentences on the page but also from the ideas,
memories, and knowledge evoked by those
words and sentences.
• Reading is in truth active, populated by a rich mix
of voices and views – those of the author, of the
reader, and of others the reader has heard, read
about, and otherwise encountered through life.
What is reading?
• Is an activity of someone to look and understand the
meaning of written or printed words or symbols.
Reasons for Reading
• Normally beginners are not accustomed to many types
of texts and reading assignments required at college.
• There are two basic reasons for reading:
• One reads because he enjoys reading and they feel like
reading e.g. story books, magazines.
• One also reads because he has to. That is for a specific
purpose e.g. to get a certain information or to be
Types of Reading
• 1. Reading for Pleasure
• Reading is one of the most pleasurable as well as most
awarding pursuits in life. One can engage in leisure reading
for sheer relaxation, e.g. lunch break, in the evening, during
the weekend.
• In this case it does not matter whether we understand
what we are reading or not. Some people do leisure
reading seriously to “improve themselves” i.e. they read for
entertainment with a more serious purpose of widening
knowledge or skills e.g. buying newspapers, magazines and
journals to keep themselves updated on topical issues.
• We tend to skim over the whole text because our
understanding will not be tested.
Types of Reading cont…
• 2. Reading for Study
• It is when we read because we have to read. In this
case whether we read individually or in groups we
know that our understanding will be tested.
• We therefore set aside time for it. We take trouble to
prepare ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally.
We create conducive environment for reading. We also
think of the purpose for reading. We should ask
ourselves, what exactly do we want out of what we are
reading. The answer then governs the reading strategy.
Reading Strategies